humss4group4 · 3 years
The Value of being a Media
and Information literature Individual
"The measure of intelligence is the ability to adapt to changes" is a famous quote from Albert Einstein. Being in a generation where technology is arising, we must adapt to changes. A media and literate individual is a good way to survive at this age. Gathering information on media platforms should also be given credits for filtering it out and factual checking. Being a media and information moderate means you need to possess first the character and attitude of being one. It is a combination of being skillful, having critical thinking, knows how to evaluate data, analyzing and imply information most legally and effectively, and sharing any fake news, as well as the behavior that one is acting through online. To relate it in real life, an example is us being a student. It is very significant and essential to be literate and well-known in this category because at this modern-day we access information on the internet a lot, uses it as our basis for study or to support our claim.
As a student, it benefits us to improve our cohesive learning such as referring to libraries, newspaper, and other ways to literate. However, having this as free comes with a price - responsibility. The true value of having the freedom to express by the use of these media as means to gather or share information is our responsibility. Be responsible for what you hear, what you read, and what you spread. It will not only inform us but also influence us. Therefore, guidelines and proper knowledge should be imposed on how to become more woke, vigilant, and sensitive as the norm or netiquette - online etiquette. As adapting to changes also means being open to learning and be corrected. "Once a new technology rolls over you if you're not part of the steamroller, you're part of the road." - by Stewart Brand.
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group7humss4 · 3 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
In this digital era, the media platforms became the main sources of information where people are able to access varied topics of information related to culture, trends, politics, and social issues. However, millions of media users are actively engaging in digital society by sharing their own personal views, beliefs, and ideologies in which some have underlying intent to manipulate the information to spread misinformation and enforcing one-sided perspectives on a certain matter. This is where being media and information literate takes the crucial role to prevent these from getting worse. Being a media and information literate individual allows us to have critical thinking, assess the scope of required details, critically analyze information and its sources, imbibe facts into one’s knowledge and proper usage of information that we could find in any media platforms. The ability to distinguish right or wrong information is fundamental and essential in which a media and information literate individual already had. The value of being a media literate individual help people to evaluate, analyze and produce communication using various media platforms that would enable us to be an active participant on the social era.
 As an individual who has few knowledge and learnings obtained by learning new things from media and information literacy, it implies value as time progress and the individual's capabilities to learn more increases. The values learned more than what are basics in these literacies in which there will always be more than what meets the eye, and there will always be ways that the value which pushes through an individual to learn more about a specific literacy will always be possible because the goal is already applied with the value carried to become a literate person in a particular literacy. Along with the knowledge a person has obtain from learning in media and information literacy, is the application of the values learned, using it in every situation involving media and information literacy will always come in handy whenever and wherever it can be used.
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group5humss2 · 3 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
“Media literacy is not just important, it’s absolutely critical. It’s going to make the difference between whether kids are a tool of the mass media or whether the mass media is a tool for kids to use.” — Linda Ellerbee
Information and Media Literacy is defined as the knowledge, attitudes, and set of abilities required to recognize when and what information is required, where and how to receive it, how to critically assess and organize it once obtained, and how to use it ethically. In an increasingly digitized, interdependent, and global world, media and information literacy is a core human right that fosters greater social inclusion. It has the ability to bridge the gap between those who have access to a lot of information and those who don't. Being a media and information-literate individual is very important in today's digital age. Being able to effectively utilize various media and information tools and techniques will allow you to interact with a variety of digital platforms and systems. Being a media illiterate is difficult for us to overcome in the 21st century. Due to how information is presented and manipulated by the media, it is common for people to get tricked into thinking that something is not true. In reality, this is how information is brainwashed by the media. Technology keeps evolving and is rapidly increasing its influence in people.  As a result many teenagers or students are involve in media.
Nowadays, people use media as a medium of communication. The digital age has made it easier for us to create our own media. Although media is an efficient and convenient tool in communicating, one must think critically in what information is credible. Being a Media and Information Literate individual not only helps us distinguish credible information but it also teaches us properly on how to identify, locate and access information. One of the values in being a media literate is being able to demonstrate and make educated decisions as users of information and media, as well as becoming skilled developers and producers of their own provider of information and communications messages. Knowledge and information have existed in various forms for a long time, and numerous national and international standards and concepts have been developed. Information literacy has now become an incredibly significant form of international promoting economic growth, not just in literacy strategies and programs, but also in multilateral policies to promote social progress. The significance of media in the digital age requires us to become a media and information literate.
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group1humss2 · 3 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
Have you ever read false information or fake news in the media,  and in your mind you have your own thoughts and criticism about it? Did you once felt insecure or felt envy for those people who know the media very well, and are good at creating relevant information? These individuals are known for being a media and information literate. In today’s generation where the anarchy of technologies are of help to peoples safety and development, it is critical to be media and information literate. Being literate in media and information will provide us an advantage in today's society, particularly in terms of delivering and getting information, as we will be able to identify the majority of false and correct information in various types of media, particularly in the media. Especially youngsters and students who're still growing and flourishing their skills and ability, this will help them have many advantages and bring themselves to the highest. This will be critical for student success, and understanding. Being a media and information literate also means you could recognize the constructed view of reality given by the media. And, someone who reads a diverse number of publications and entertains many different points of view. Media and information have some kind of ties that connect them to form or serve one purpose for people. According to Winston Churchill (Former Prime Minister of the UK.), “True genius resides in the capacity for evaluation  of uncertain, hazardous, and conflicting information.” They have the cognitive ability to change things and have things for the better, an active thinker and have critical thinking. A country with citizens who are media and information literate will have an advantage over other countries that continue to rely on conventional forms of literacy such as reading and writing. People who are media and information literate can help build a better society and better citizens for their community. As said by Kofi  Annan, “Acquiring literacy is an empowering process, enabling millions to enjoy access to knowledge and information which broadens horizons, increases opportunities and creates alternatives for building a better life.”
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group2humss2 · 3 years
"The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual."
As an individual, media and information literature has been a helping hand for us to gain particular information and it can also help us academically. The media and information literature helps us to think critically. Especially in this 21st century, this generation revolves around technologies such as cellphones or cellular phones, computers, television, and other tools that are related to technology. By knowing MIL it can help us to sleuth things that are difficult to comprehend, thus, it’s advantageous for the modern world. Abstruse words, information, and articles are one of the reasons why we need media and information literature. It can justify the falsified news and can differentiate what’s accurate. A state that has improved their media and information literacy has more advantages compared to the other state. Learners are bound to acquire skills in media and information literature because it'll help us to enhance our knowledge in terms of education.
We are all living in this generation where media is a must have tool because it is much more efficient to use. Media and Information literature or MIL utilizes much information we want to be aware of. Inside in media and information literature is communication which is basically one of the fundamental ways to convey messages to one another, without communication—it'll be hard for us to keep in touch with our closed ones. Basically, MIL gives us a privilege to indicate our thoughts or perspective, experience, and value within us. Media and information literature grant us freedom to express things that we always want to express. The article 19 of the universal declaration of human rights states, “Everyone has the right to freedom and opinion and expression; this includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and Ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
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group5stem3 · 3 years
The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual
Media and knowledge Literacy, is to own the flexibility to speak whoever you wish. Because you have got the knowledge on delivering messages to a particular person. Media could be a medium to assist us understand and to be updated on what's happening round the globe. I think one of the prime values of being a Media and Information Literature is that we would be able to become Humanities best source of resources when it comes to translating current info media or somehow possesses sharp understanding of the info in the media. It would also help a lot of people to be informed of all the things that are happening to the world and to their surroundings. The value of being a media and information literate individual is that each of us can have a freedom of information and expression but it doesn’t mean that all of our thoughts are right.
 Being a media and information literate requires respect and self-control. That is why as a media user we must be careful on what information we are posting in the different platforms of media. We need to be responsible in every act that we do in being a media and information literate.we have the privilege to share to post on social media on what we like what news we like to share and update our socials on what we are doing right now and people will notice your news feeds or tweets or your gram and what people will know what  you are posting.  Nowadays a lot of false information are spreading especially in social media. As a Licean, we need to be a literate person about the media and information, in that way we can help to gather and spread the correct information to the people. Also, being a literate person we should have the knowledge and ability to evaluate and access information, we need to be more critical about it. With that , one becomes a source and a translator of the information to the media or able to understand it and can work independently or with others.
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group3stem4 · 3 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
Being literate in media and information is just as important in being literate in the real world. Come to think of it, when you are literate in the real world you can read, write, and understand simple things. That is expected for you when you are in a community, at least. Media and information can be taken and access from anywhere from newspapers to online articles and the most popular one, social media. Being able to access these things can be of great help when you know how to use it. Nowadays, people are likely to access information in online platforms or medium. Particularly, social media. When you are not or cannot be able to comprehend the very concept of it, you are considered as an illiterate person in the media and information world. And because of this, you may not be able to catch up with others who are experienced in this field and that could be a disadvantage and being in a disadvantage is never a good thing. If you can imagine how hard of a situation that a person would have if he is illiterate in the real world, then think of the situation that you might be in if you cannot cope up the pacing of media and information in the different media that takes place in it.
Furthermore, the value of being an individual media and information literate is that it helps us to provide such information and important content as well as solve problems. It also focuses on freedom of expression and information because it allows individuals to comprehend the activities of media and other information providers. It makes it easier for us to think critically and express our thoughts of knowledge on what is happening in our world and we also be able to use it to communicate especially now that so many people use social media.
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group2stem4 · 3 years
The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual
Media and Information Literacy (MIL), refers to the ability to access, interpret, influence, and is necessary for citizens to assert their rights to information and expression. Commonly understood, information and technology literacy means that you are knowledgeable with and educated on how to handle various media, particularly technological media such as computers to access and use social media and the internet. It is significant to be a media and information literate individual in this digital age because media and data proficiency is fundamental for everybody—because being a media and technology-educated individual means that we get to take part in a computerized society where one should have the option to comprehend, ask, and think fundamentally. Being media and data educated can impact and alter others' viewpoints about a specific theme or issue through posting your musings and feelings via social media. By that alone, we can say that in being literate in the aspect of media and information, and even beyond, we can be influential by producing and disseminating true information. But how?
To become media literate, you must learn to identify the appropriate questions about what you are seeing, reading, or listening to. To be information literate, you must be able to recognize when information is needed and have the competence to seek, analyze, and use that information. Respect and self-control are necessary to become media and information literate. We must be cautious as to what we say and publish on social media. We must take full responsibility for every action we take. Many media and social media users are illiterate and irresponsible. We tend to overlook the appropriate behavior and basic etiquette that we must practice as individuals because of our independence and liberty. Most of the time, we are misusing the freedom that we have, and we are unaware of it. Lastly, the value is in your audience. This position, we believe, is important as culture evolves away from traditional sources and toward technology as a source. Most importantly, it does not ignore the human factor. Being a media and information literate individual has significant importance, in our opinion, if one becomes a resource and translator of current knowledge into media or possesses a good understanding of the information in the media and can work with others in using and/or sharing information.
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