#lesbo's + 1 bisexual
allie-ggggay · 2 months
Heathers hc's
I have kinda a lot so i'm deciding to drop a bunch on tumblr cuz why not the heathers are like very clingy, mainly in the movie + duke and mcnamara in the musical, they're always interlocking arms, holding arms/hands, being right next to each other etc, pretty GAY if u ask me /HJ the heathers prob have sleepovers most or every weekend, one of them will be like "guys we're having a sleepover, come over" (mostly chandler) and the others will be like "ok" then boom, sleepover (they all cuddle together when its time to sleep cuz i said so) uh i thinkk chandler is hypersexual lesbian, duke is trans(female) asexual lesbian, mcnamara is lesbian + autistic and veronica is enby bisexual, i see roni as a masc enby thatt uses she/they/he, the whole ass skittle squad maybe maybe heather C's parents worked a lot and so she gets the attention she didnt really receive by being on top chandler has freckles but she hides them with makeup you cant convince me otherwise BLOCKS EARS MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB LITTLE LAMB- /REF chandler started getting a crush on roni but roni FOCKING KILLED HER mcnamara did have sorta brown hair but she dyes it blonde duke and mac have been friend since kindergarten and chan became their friend like 2-4 years after they're all poly and in love
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empress-of-dark2005 · 7 months
1, 8, 9, 12, 25. for the put numbers in my inbox thingy :]
1. it's from the terraria boss empress of light and my birthyear
8. i don't watch movies that much so i don't really have a favourite movie
9. black
12. cats
25. @carawith17as @archaicfirehydrants @always-tired-musician @drakonyx121 @118sexen @the-lumpfish-king @nonamehorse @tolbre @acekoral @bobthecoolrock @opathes @isotopegirl @catatonic-chaos-climax @cosmic-muses @decoysender @eri-lessthan3 @gibdabobo @hewsos-from-lesbos @homosexualasstransbian @john-liberal @puppygirl-hornyposting2 @tsintzask @resetium @emo-56 @nick-nonya @lezbadeez @weiwei-uplink @unhinged-popsocket @cannibalistic-cucumber @quackgoesthemouse @thegneurshk @tsintzask @madeline-the-bisexual-samurai @transasfuck30 @zealiketea @witzmaennchen @worldsendvalent1ne @chromaticpotato @fae-elegie
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writing-rat · 9 months
Concert Freak Part 2
Pairings: CC Walker x Katie Torres, Katie Torres and Alisson Torres
Content: Fluff, outing, use of a potential slur (lesbo)
Summary: Katie gets outed, and CC decides to go see her.
WC: 1324
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It was the Monday after the concert, and Katie was grounded but she didn’t mind. She was able to get her phone back in the morning (apparently the coach caught it) and she was happy. In fact she messaged her parents. ‘Hey mom, dad. I got my phone back. I know you will take it already, just thought I would say’ she texted. She got praise for being honest at least as she shut off her phone and refused to use it. 
What she didn’t expect however was to be outed at lunchtime. She was sitting down at a table by herself when Layla stood up on the table. “Everyone!” she called out. Katie looked over confused as well, raising her eyebrow. She was wondering what she would do, not thinking about the other night. “I have some news. Katie and I aren’t friends as you know? Why? Well… it’s because she’s a lesbo and has a crush on CC Walker,” she announced smugly. Meanwhile, Katie walked out, knowing what was going to happen. She felt the tears brimming in her eyes.
She was unaware CC was going to talk to her as she just went to the office. “Can you let my parents pick me up please…?” she practically begged through tears. The receptionist felt bad but knew she just couldn’t. She knew that upset students wouldn’t be able to learn though. She nodded and called her parents. 
“Sit down over there, I’ll tell you when they arrive,” she comforted. Katie nodded and obeyed. “Hello, is this Allison? Yes, Katie is ok. She just seems upset and wants to go home. No. I don’t know anything. Ok, I’ll tell her,” she spoke then hung up. “Your mom is coming,” she announced. Katie nodded, curling her legs up and just cried into them. She felt ruined, and embarrassed as well. 
She was unaware of how much time passed before she was being sat down next to. “Oh honey,” she heard her mother say. 
“Mom,” she whimpered out and held onto her tightly.
“Don’t worry, I got you. We can go home and you can do whatever until you want to talk,” she reassured, rubbing her hair as she was walking her out, nodding a goodbye to the receptionist before she was setting Katie in the car.  
“Layla outed me and my crush… she isn’t my friend and she called me a lesbo,” she admitted, tears still running down hard. “Oh, Katie. We all love you as you are. Thank you for trusting me with that info. It’s ok if you are,” she comforted. Katie nodded, feeling the car start up. “Did anything else happen sweetheart?” she asked, mad about everything that had happened and she would confront the high school about it if they did nothing.
“She outed my crush on CC Walker… and for the record I’m bisexual…” Katie spoke, slowly calming down as she was picking at her nails, thinking to herself. 
“Ok, baby. I’ll make sure Layla’s parents hear about the treatment she gave you and give them hell. Do you need anything to calm down? Any dinner plans?” she asked her. 
“I just want to watch TV. Can we also have your special burritos?” she asked, looking at her. Allison nodded.
“Of course. I can do that,” she spoke. Katie nodded, slipping her headphones on and putting on some music from her phone. Alisson decided to not punish her by taking her phone away, knowing music would help her, especially at school for the time being. She was sure Katie learnt her lesson about responsibility anyway.
Eventually, they were home and Katie just sat on the couch, not speaking as she was just watching TV, emotional as she was just holding herself and even had her hood up to show how sad she was and to not talk to her. Allison meanwhile finished cleaning the house, before she looked for all the ingredients for the burritos to see if they needed anything. They did though, but only the rice. “Katie, I’m going to get the rice, ok? Call me if you need anything,” Allison informed. Katie looked over and nodded before she looked at the TV. She was watching her favourite film, Lilo and Stitch as she was a family girl after all. 
It had been a few days and her parents didn’t force her to go to school, knowing Katie didn’t have the mental capacity to be able to go. She was slowly getting better however and she was going to go to school the next morning. It was evening time, and Carlos and Evan were having a boy's night out, doing bowling while the girls were just watching films the boys wouldn’t and do nails if wanted. 
There was soon a knock on the door however so Katie got up. “I’ll get it, you and Ellie have had your nails done after all,” she chuckled. They both thanked her before she went to the door and opened it. “Oh. Hey,” Katie spoke in shock, seeing CC at her door. “Hi. I was… wondering if you were ok. You’ve missed a lot too, but most of the rumours are going now. You should be fine in school now,” she informed with a gentle smile. Katie was nodding. “Uhhh… do you wanna come in?” she asked. “I’ll put on some more clothes,” Katie added. CC nodded, walking in. 
“Yeah. I didn’t think you would stay in just shorts and a sports bra around me just yet,” CC joked, causing Katie to grow red and scramble upstairs. That’s when she wandered around the house and saw some of Katie’s family. 
“Oh. Hi. CC Walker,” she introduced herself to the girls. “Hey CC! How are you?” Allison asked, pausing the film. “I’m doing good, thank you, ma’am,” she responded, being respectful.
“No need to call me ma’am. Just call me Allison. Katie getting dressed more respectfully?” Allison joked out. CC chuckled and nodded before she looked at the photos. 
“Yeah, she is. I just want to talk to her about Monday, that it’s safe to come back and I want to get to know her more,” she explained. Allison nodded and smiled. “Thank you for coming over. You can talk in her room if you need to,” she spoke. CC nodded as a thanks before she went up, looking at the photos. She chuckled at a baby one and took a photo of it.
Eventually, she found Katie’s room and waited outside with a smirk. When the door opened, she abruptly spoke (causing Katie to spook), “You looked cute as a baby.”
“Jesus Christ!” Katie screamed quietly, covering her heart before she took a breath, inviting CC into her room which was luckily clean. 
“I’m not Jesus Christ. I’m CC,” CC commented, looking around and whistling at certain times. “Nice room Torres,” she added.
“Thank you. I… I’ve been doing better. So… what’s up? Why are you here?” Katie asked, sitting down and biting her lip nervously.
“Hitting me with questions already, hm?” CC asked. “Well, I’m sorry about Monday. I wouldn’t want to be outed too so I’m sorry you were. Nothing much has been going on but a few rumours have occurred that are making people forget about your outing at least. And… I’m here to get to know you. I would like to see if we would work,” CC answered. Katie just widened her eyes. “You’re not straight?” Katie asked. CC shook her head. “Nope. In fact… ever since the science class where you sat in front of me, I’ve always been intrigued by you but I didn’t want to approach you out of nervousness and also because I thought you wouldn’t want to get to know me,” CC admitted. Katie smiled. 
“We can get to know each other… but are you ok being seen with me?” Katie asked. CC nodded.
“100%,” she spoke. Katie couldn’t help but smile.
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The other day I said something and I guess I just wanted your thoughts on it. What I said was that the term "asexual spectrum" really bothered me for the following reasons:
It implies that allosexuals are inherently crazy nonstop sex machines (which is already a stigma bisexuals face) and it can create confusion among people struggling with their identity (which genuinely happened to me, a so-called allosexual with what was at the time an extremely low libido due to various mental health struggles)
There are near infinite ways to experience an emotion (ie attraction), but there's only one way to not experience said emotion
I just wanted to run it by you since you pop up a lot in my feed, seem to have a good head on your shoulders, and are actually asexual and can provide insight that I wouldn't have as an 'allosexual' (God I hate that word, it feels bad in my mouth lol)
Just a quick note: I am not asexual. I thought I was for 7 years (those last two years I used the split attraction model and believed I was asexual AND a lesbian). But after more of my own journey I realized I was just a straight trans man (the lack of attraction stemming from dysphoria in my case). And while I may not be asexual I 1. Was very much involved in the community for a long time, and 2. Firmly believe that everyone has a right to their opinion and are allowed to voice it even if you aren't in that group (with there being respectful ways to discuss things).
Also you can just say non asexual lol. Or just what ever your sexuality is. It's all good.
That said, I 100% agree with you. Your two points are some major ones. My FAQ has links to a ton of posts where I explain more issues with the split attraction model. But a quick summary based on my memory:
-like you said. There's only one way to experience a lack of something.
-boundaries (ie. What you want out of a relationship) are not a sexuality.
-it allows so much overlap between other sexualities that it starts to invalidate and take meaning away from them.
-the model is so broad that anyone can fit into it. It can be used to define anyone, asexual or not. And that leads to lots of confusion and makes the asexuality lose meaning.
-defining every single part of yourself and how you experience attraction is harmful. How you experience/express attraction can change with time. Who you are attracted to (used broadly) cannot. By defining things based on something that can change you head down the slope that sexuality is a choice rather than just who you are. This fuels homophobia and will fuel aphobia. I have met actual people who claim to be asexual and claim sexuality is a choice without any understanding of how homo/lesbo/bi/aphobic that is to say.
-asexuality at this point means something different for everyone. This means I know nothing if you tell me you're asexual. You could be dating everyone on the block or have no interest at all and saying you're asexual. I can't tell. What's the point of using a word to describe yourself if the word doesn't have any concrete meaning?? If someone says their gay or bi I know what that means. I can't say the same for asexuality and I feel bad for actual asexuals who's identity has been taken away like that.
-I have legitimately seen it used to justify being with someone you aren't attracted too. One of my links in my FAQ has stories from asexuals who have had the split attraction model used to coerce them into dating or having sex and how much that messed up their mental health. The justification being "I can have sex to make my partner happy even tho I don't actually find them attractive." When no partner should be asking you to do that. Ever. Every single one of those stories explained how the person thought they were fine until they realized how fucked up it made them.
Check out the FAQ for more. Hope that helps.
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lisanees · 1 year
to this day i dont understand any coherent definition of what a "bi lesbian" even is. and i mean this as an insult to ppl who want to legitimate it as a meaningful useful identity that isnt just there to be lesbo/bi/transphobic. like wtf DOES it mean??? how are you meant to define this term in a way that describes experiences that arent just.... disliking lesbians? disliking bi women? disliking trans ppl? excluding all of them from the spaces that weve built for ourselves in the lbt part of the lgbt community. like real ass genuine challenge define bisexual lesbianism without denigrating all your neighbours and sisters here. IMPOSSIBLE difficulty
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demonicintegrity · 9 months
answering in good faith, some lgbt people have serious trauma with the word queer and are fine with others reclaiming it for themselves but don't want people to use it on them. some places in the south gay and fag are used as general insults but "queer" is used when someone is going to try to beat you to death, so it's really about being empathetic to our more vulnerable members of the community. it's more of an issue of corporations and average cishets using it to refer to every lgbt person without any regard for them. people using reclaiming it for themselves is a personal choice that is to be respected but it should be a choice
I just woke up so I’m not gonna be articulate so this post is gonna word things much better than I will.
So 1) I’ve never been called queer when someone is trying to harass or threaten me. Fag has always been the worse thing someone says in regards to being queer. So that’s a difference of experiences, and that’s fine. But I’m also living in the south so don’t give me “b-b-b-but the south is scary and worse!” nonsense.
(Fag as a general insult is so fuckin funny to me. It was always the more visceral one. Gay was always the general insult that -gasp- made it hard for people to identify as gay. Queer was just an old school term.)
2) “…to refer to every lgbt person without regard to them.” I hate to break it to you buddy but you’re never gonna to appeal to everyone. Case in point: I don’t like the acronym. There’s too many variations of the acronym so it’s annoying to tag and it’s a mouthful to say. And I think it puts too much emphasis on how we’re different from each other instead of focusing on how we’re all the same to the cishet audiences. We’re the queer outsider.
If you wanna be empathetic to your community, consider the fact that the individual label doesn’t matter when facing bigots. Hell bisexual has shifting meanings over the years. People used to and still identify as transsexual, as a sissy, and fags and dykes and lesbos. And you will never be any different from them to a not-queer person.
There’s so many organizations with the name “Queer Alliance” starting from the 1960s. With queer theory being around since at least the 90s. And I promise they’re more helpful to the community than someone hashing out the queer slur discourse that largely originated in 2010 by TERFs needing a reason to keep trans people separated from the community in order to eventually push them out.
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fictofaggot · 2 years
i want to see you make a gender ( /maybe sexuality's ) post about the homestucks' sprites like that cool deathbycatgirl did. do it do it do it
i actually made a list for myself right after i saw @deathbycatgirl's original post (haii!) but o didnr make it an image because im soso tireds here you go^_^:
john is a trans girl but wont figure it out until shes like 40 despite being surrounded by transsexuals all the time. also extremely aroacespec to me
rose is cis but like in a really really butch boy way so like cis but not cis she's a trans girl but still a cis girl but literally not cis at all tbh she's like cistrans. also lesboy
jade is a trans girl who can never feel attached to any prns so she just goes with she/it/paw. shes very genderful but even more gender fuckery ensues after grimbark. aroacespec aplatonicspec fuck you
dave is cisgender. trans girl dave has a special place in my heart though. ace
roxy is a trans catgirl + lovess neoprns + dyke as fuck
jake is 100% aroace and i don't care enough about him to think about his gender sorry
jane my wonderful gal mwaaah mwah mwah she's got that trans girl swagalicious swag i hate cis jane sorry not sorry. mspec lesbian realness
karkat is . . . karkat is certainly something? he's an utter mystery to me i won't lie he's like if emo was a cisgender
aradia is beyond my comprehension in terms of gender. unfortunate type gal. transhet + straightbian + dykefag
tavros TRANS GIRL FUCK YOUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EXPLOSION SOUND EFFECTS AND KILLING also i definitely think she wants to use neos but is so so afraids
sollux is transfem bigender. but like infinin because he's every boy gender but also every girl gender so hes infinite genders but not like every gender. ljterally just the definition of infinin. bisexual het lesbo fag KABLOOM
nepeta is a crazy transfem cat girl thing fucking beast fucking ravenous animal of a gal. not an ounce of boyness in her except when its funny and/or convenient. uses it/its and every neopronoun paw can get mews claws on and like she/her for a bit of girly fun on the side but not Primarily she/her? he/him too when it's funny. ummm. unlabeled for sexuality only cause i think it'd change so often that labeling would be entirely impossible
kanaya is my wonderful romantic goth vampire trans girl (but like only in terms of gender not actually presentation wise do you understand. her normal outfits are just Too). i think she'd use like 1 set of neos vamp/vamps maybe? and she's a pan lesbian because fuck every thang
terezi is a freak of a girl. every girlfreak girlbeast type gender in existence she can be infinin too for funsies. ummm any prns + a futch dyke who loves boys also
vriska is the most trans girl in the whole entire world. i hate transmasc vriska. also shes too busy being kind of miserable to think about he4 gender but i think if she really sat down and considered she'd be not as binary as she thinks. bi lesbo.
equius trans girl SHUR HTE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!DIE DIE DIE KILLING YOU WITH MY FISTS.shes femme too because i said so. girlfag also. aroacespec as fuck. aplatonic
gamzee non binery any pronounse ok? ok. unlabeled because specifics are too much but mspec queer for sures. aro
eridan trans girl with a bit of nonbinary freakism thrown in for spice and silliness. like vriska in the sense that she thinks she's more binary than she actually is but eridan would figure it out sooner. also a girlfag but likw a boydyke too ok. aroacespec
i understand feferi in a way no one else can anr the only wau i can describe it is genderqueer cis girl but its so much more than that. i could write an essay on it. i think she'd be unlabeled or like heteroflex but im not sure in which direction the hetero occurs
kankri is cis but his fminine and twinkish demeanor confuses the masses constantly much to his chagrin and rage. also he's mistaken for being trans constantly because of his vast knowledge on every discourse ever. canonically aroacespec
damara TRANS GIRL FUCK YOI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK OFF FUCK EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also ummm lesbo or bi or both i think but like in a loveless aroace caused by trauma way
rufioh is cis but also girlish to me i really don't know what to tells you . aroace. also no Pronouns this is the one thing im sure of with any of the dancestors
mituna is entirely unlabeled i couldn't explain it to you if i tried
meulin is an aroacespec trans gay man but in a distinctly and extremely girlfag type of way. . . do u understand . . . do you get me . . .
porrim is so transsexual and such an aroacespec bi dyke i wish j could elaborate on the dancestors more but they're So
latula is a trans girl but like in a way that is so latula core. do you get it. yeah
aranea is really interesting to me in the way that she's cis but also definitely a trans girl but also i don't care at all and it's a mystery to me. she's just so beforus
horuss TRANS TRANS GIRL GO CRAZY GO RAGGGAGHHAHHHHH GAHHHHHHHHHHHsysfluid and horsegender and aroace aplatonic fag with 5000000 neopronouns that no one ever uses including her
i honestly do not care about kurloz at all ummm. bigender boygirl girlboy in a type of way
meenah sucks and i don't like her. ummm cis
also for some other guys i like:
midnight crew and felt are mostly unlabeled and/or cis by nature of their societu and also they just don't feel particularly gender special to me
die is really special to me tho he's my malewife girlhusband but like you wouldnt get it hes only gender in very very specific situations
the exiles are ALL nonbinary fuck you
all the sprites are bigender (i don't care about davepeta at all sorry) (arquius and fefeta are like if bigender was two of the same gender so like gender²)
hal is nothing. like out of sillyness they just refuse
cherubs are both trans in opposite directions but i won't clarify who's which way or why. they're both homo in opposite directions also
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menalez · 2 years
1) When I said "the side that puts lesbians over bi women" I meant radfems who center their feminism around lesbians (which is not wrong at all before you jump at my throat accusing me of lesbophobia again)
2) And all of my rant was directed at the entire side of radblr that displays such behavior. I am not putting words in your mouth. I am talking about a legitimate issue on here. All the things I ranted about are not all accusations aimed at you personally but radblr in general.
But I remember approaching you before about the one woman who sparked up controversy on here about lesbians and you did tell me "it's just one lesbian...."
3) You don't take any lesbophobic shit but you sure as hell tolerate prejudice against bisexuals and also police on their experience as bisexuals (that bi male called you out on that and you weren't even able to come back with a response).
4) You also did say "it's not my job to police on how people express their anger at homophobia" as a defense for desisapphic. Do you realize how much you sound like racist white women who don't care about how they speak about moc when talking about misogyny faced by woc?
5) "I love how you implied that I could not a be CSA victim"
Where did I imply that? Literally where? Me pointing out rape culture perpetuated by a radfem is implying that you couldn't be a victim? Ok ma'am.
6) "Biphobia is an individual prejudice" yeah well I don't use the word "biphobia" yet because I haven't yet found any argument that biphobia is actually "bi"phobia and not homophobia and misogyny. But it's not an "individual" prejudice. A huge chunk of the community deals with the prejudice. That's what I am trying to say. It's something a lot of people deny. And again this isn't a personal accusation thrown at you.
7) And again the same person reblogged from you saying that her not believing the csa victim is not "as bad" and that he's actually lying. Why? All because he posts about bisexual experience?or because he's male? Man I know rape against men is rare but csa against boys is much more common. And csa in general is much overlooked by society. This is the 2nd time this has happened and I hope you're not ignoring that on purpose.
And this is doe the radfem who did accuse the csa victim of lying- fuck yourself if you think csa is not as damaging and severe as homophobia and you can be excused from it. I don't trust feminists like you at all because as much as you claim to fight for women it's only a matter of time till you throw us under the bus as well just for calling out on your bs. You would rather let a victim suffer instead of shutting the fuck up about people's trauma.
8) "All I said was that behavior is something that can be shown by any group and not just lesbians"
Yeah which is why I included straight women in my rant too. The problem isn't that bi women are overwhelmingly blaming lesbians for their problems. Straight people are homophobic obviously and nobody expects much better from them. But bi women do expect more empathy from lgb community. And the problem is that all issues that bisexual women come up with about their ipv or SA or anything else (without even mentioning the sexuality of the perpetrators) they are immediately accused of lying and faking.
Similarly I pointed out the hypocrisy of the same people who say bi women target lesbians but deny that lesbians (or gay men) aren't doing the same against the bisexuals (the "faking their sexuality" point is what I am referring to).
This is not just an issue of prejudice against bisexuals but homophobia and especially misogyny. Amazing how there are radfems who stand up sm for Amber Heard and simultaneously fail to see her trauma as one of the results of the unique prejudice faced by bi women.
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you mean this? me saying someone whos not a radfem is not a radfem and saying a lesbian saying misogynistic stuff will immediately be criticised n result in lesbophobic generalisations whereas bi & het women being lesbophobic is generally ignored?
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or this one? bc neither of these posts are me saying "only one lesbian ever has ever used this sort of terminology" and its p obvious to me that thats not what i was saying either.
anyways "lesbians that put lesbians over bi women / radfems who center their feminism around lesbians" and then point 2 is u saying ur ranting at lesbians prioritising ourselves even tho its "not wrong at all" to prioritise lesbians. which is it? and if its not about me why did u rant at me in accusatory manners lmao?
weird about the bi man bc once again the entirety of what i said was "hmm good point" to one post and me saying "yeah the lesbian masterdoc contributed to this" ....so again, where did i dictate anything about bisexual experiences? the bi man yall are happily tokenizing came to my dms not long after to apologise to me and said that he shouldn't have been placing the blame of what others are saying on me. we came to an understanding and left it at that. so im gonna ask again, what experiences did i dictate? bc i myself said absolutely nothing and was even arguing my perspective in the notes of the same post. what prejudice against bisexuals did i tolerate btw? bc last time u and others were hassling me for taking issue w someone calling women dicksuckers but apparently not enough bc i wasnt hating on lesbians while doing so.
"Do you realize how much you sound like racist white women who don't care about how they speak about moc when talking about misogyny faced by woc?"
wow amazing, youre equating a lesbian of colour venting about bi women being homophobic to her to racist white women being racist to moc?? please tell me what privilege do lesbians have over bi women?
i dont think you know what an interpersonal prejudice is or what i meant by that. it doesnt mean its just one person. you seem to have comprehension issues.
im not bothering with the rest of your bullshit rant. im once again asking why youre directing your complaints with some lesbophobia sprinkled in at me instead of the people you actually take issue with. "this OTHER PERSON said something and im offended ur not offended by it! so heres a whole essay from me about it!" is the stupidest fucking shit you people keep directing at me. i have a life and id rather not sit there dealing with you complaining at me for not complaining at other people. go deal with them yourself since you take issue with them but maybe you guys should stop viewing me as your personal attack dog, im not ur pet that u can call onto to attack the people u cant converse with urself. im not your personal customer service employee for u to direct ur rants at and demand refunds from. and i dont take kindly to being intentionally and repetitively misconstrued by some righteous ass that wants to rant at me for not going around fighting lesbians and justifying lesbophobia on their behalf. don't message me again or i might IP block u bc this shit is annoying and pointless.
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caruliaa · 1 year
list of gay people i thought of in the third day of my three and a half day art exam working on my final piece were i spent a lot of time cutting flowers out of paper with a scalpel:
worlds most sexist gay man (act 1 marvin falsettos)
girl platonic soulmates that have had gay sex before (eleanor and tahani) (also people sometimes say platonic sarcastically when talking abt sapphic ships im not doing that here i mean it)
girl romantic soulmates like actually insanely romantically coded like they are a couple like i talk about it a lot but the way that they interact and their dynamic and typically romantic tropes and the romantic coding with which their interactions are executed the subtext is basically text at this point theyre in gay fucking love its insane (carmen and julia) (u knew i was talking abt them already)
bi4bi gay peoplee divorced then get back togetherr and their fucking character arcs and development and relationship and how theyre linked and she fucking gifted him a weapon are you kidding mee (puss and kitty) (again u knew i was talking about them already)
the last great american queerbait (destial<3)
worlds most boring bisexual man + his gf mean starbucks barista (paul and emma tgwdlm)
has a gay little hat and a gay little coat and is wanted by the law (carmen but just as an individual this time)
has a gay little hat and gay little boots and is wanted by the law (puss but just as an individual this time)
the most gender the transmasc transfemme non binary lgbt what all at once and u play as them in the video games including one that i get to play tomorrow that is so cool and iwant to play it so much (LINK) (TEARS OF THE KINGDOM. DIES)
aro lesbos with silly little genders whos hands are soso cramped from cutting out so many fucking flowers (meself<3)
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theclo4ked1 · 1 year
I was sorting through my dirty laundry today and needed some music. Suddenly, memories of my SECOND time on Instagram (yes there was a first but thats not pertinent at the moment) came flooding back to me. Instead of sorting my dirty clothes, I got distracted listening to the past that is the email chain I have with myself. That time on Instagram was during the period in my life when I was just getting into music composition. I used to change my name A LOT too and the one I stuck with, that time, was a persona by the name of Charlotte Tricks (stylized as ch4rl0tt3.tr1ck5), possibly due to a Game Night of Light Fingers with my uncle, sister, and brother. Anyways, since I didn't quite have the footing and style I have today with Deflemask, then, I was using resources (a website in this case) like beepbox.co to make chiptune music, hence why it sounds so basic in comparison to what I've made in 2022 (since I haven't made much since then. too many things burning my creativity i want to leave). For reference, please check out my SoundCloud playlist, PROJECT NINA (c. 2019), songs 7-15. Below are the only three I made when I used the website.
I think I made them specifically to put on my page for Pride Month 2019. beepbox stores user's musical data through a url that's entirely unique for every project because all characters after the hash (#) is raw data that's processed by the website and becomes output place onto the DAW. or something something tehcno-babble i dunno. I'm just surprised the website still stands after four years.
gaypride, made June 1, is just plain, nothing too remarkable about it. Please note my current stances on these old tunes I've created are not reflective of my thoughts on the Gays, Lesbo, and Bicycles, respectively. I feel obligated to make this as clear as I can since some people can misconstrue things and/or get offended easily, and can jump to conclusions that the someone, me in this case, is bigoted.
lesboprideday, made June 2, is where things get more interesting, on a technical level, because the melody is made from a repetitious C major scale arpeggio. But then at the end of the track, part of Nina's theme song (not quite a leitmotif here) is played during the last two measures. Why here? I can't remember, but the reason I would say makes more sense for the next song.
bipride, made June 3, is a song I remember someone positively commenting on the buildup. It's also one I, undeniably, have a bias for, solely for the fact it was just another one of the many versions of Nina's theme song, one with a few names either incorporating "Nina" or "Neko" into it. This one specifically is just that because in her infancy, I initially wrote Nina as a bisexual character, who had a crush on my friend's OC, Cat Woods (please check out their art, it's real good shit btw). Later down the lane, years later, I was like
yknow what, lets make her PANsexual she could love everybody just because she could!
Mind you, I didn't exactly know the full extent of sexuality at the time. It's not just love, it's also wanting to fuck that person, so Nina being panromantic (if that's a thing) would make a lot more sense... interjectory edit 10/7/23: I'm not sure if I can believe if "panromantic" even is a real thing. From what I've read, it's just...basic-ass love (whatever that is) and compassion for your fellow man; man, used in an all-inclusive sense--I shouldn't have to say that. I hope you understood that I didn't just mean literal men, i.e. those with a penis and can create testosterone and semen yada-yada, and I hope you don't believe I'm like "woohoo patriarchy less goooo". Just...please understand that I meant EVERYONE. ...however, Nina's sexuality being anything but straight makes no sense nowadays, so that one story I wrote that's meant to be noncanonical is totally fucked. It also touched on how puberty would work for her (she turns into a giant spider monster with neurotoxic-zombification venom and would return to her former state by midnight unless otherwise events i cannot remember). That story is very much not for kids. Please don't think I'm exclusive of non-white-LGBTQA+-plus-sized-etc. characters because I made Nina straight (also she's not even white wtf). I'm only doing what makes the most sense for the story and, more importantly, her character. Also because I'm older than I was during her conception, I are more smarterer now, okay? I just don't want things to feel forced. There exists no kind of concept of sexuality in the land she lives in, in fact, there ARE no other humans but her, so what's there to love/sex? The Koi fish? The trees? Well, there is that one part in Shattering Jugs...
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(Each .GIF and the above image were made on the Piskel website)
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lis-likes-fics · 1 year
Something you dislike about being LGBT+?
Do you align with any gay subcategories? (Butch/femme, bear/twink, etc.)
Favourite LGBT+ canon character?
Favorite LGBT+ celebrity or historical figure?
Is your family supportive?
Favorite things about being LGBT+?
Do you like your flag(s)?
1. i have more options. i didn't need more options. if i was straight, i'd just have to trap a guy to be with me and be content with that. but i'm not straight and i'm super indecisive, so it's like going to an ice cream store and only being allowed to choose one flavor when there are at least five that i'm looking at, and a few of them are just to try. my only reprieve is being poly and even that doesn't help sometimes. 😤
2. i've been described as butch before but that's because for a while, i would wear nothing but flannels and the like and i have short hair. also, apparently, i look a lil androgynous sometimes so. but, no, i don't think so.
3. umm probably robin buckley (my lovely lesbo girl from stranger things). i love her. she's my babygirl.
4. as far as celebrities and historical figures go, i couldn't really tell you. i love a lot of artists and actors and things but pointing out one who i like the best isn't really easy. i'll give you a small list of actors from shows i love and go from there. billy porter, emma d'arcy, kristen stewart, elton john, kate mckinnon. (that's just a few who i recognize and can name rn)
5. that's kinda complicated. some ppl (like my grandfather) are supportive. my dad is neutral about everything and doesn't really care much, he's very much "as long as you're happy." my mother tells me she doesn't care but hates when i make jokes about it or remind her that i'm not straight. so, yeah, complicated.
6. quoting. i love quoting gay things. "move, i'm gay" is one of my favorites. but, more seriously, the community is great bc everyone is either super supportive and/or batshit crazy and i enjoy it.
7. i do like my flags (though it doesn't get confusing which ones are mine when my sexuality keep adjusting as much as it does). i'm taking my main one as the bisexual for now and figure out the rest later. 😅
thanks so much for the asks! 💕
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measuringbliss · 2 years
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I wrote a video script on Edelgard (specifically why I find her fascinating but also why as bisexual representation, she doesn't escape the usual "queer=evil" trope inherited from the Hays Code, which feels weird to talk about for a Japanese game but the American soft power probably shaped at least slightly some cultural expectations around the world and also, people didn't wait for the Hays Code to demonize sexy people)
Anyway I think I'm too lazy to actually turn it into a video? I'm not in the most rationally bestest of places to edit a video right now. I'll see what I do with it.
I didn't want to rant about that though
I want to ramble about Glee but I actually have no idea what to say because the fandom as it currently is feels... very weak.
Weak in multiple ways:
- lack of content. I guess it was more popular on LiveJournal, but I just can't find much stuff on Tumblr. That's what I miss from the Harry Potter fandom, you had multiple repositories for meta, you had multiple places for discussion, even your local language community was probably pretty well developed. Was some of the meta reaching? Absolutely! But it was fun, and there was A LOT. Fanfic wise, there was so much choice, and there still is! Obviously, there's still a lot, but it doesn't feel the same with the author just insisting on being a pain. I was invested in that fandom, and there was *always* new stuff coming out. Even your rarepair had GOOD content. It's something that is thoroughly lacking with the Glee fandom, even though it had a huge presence. Nowadays, only two ships have any visibility on Tumblr and that is Klaine and Brittana. Which, great! Gay canon couples, we stan, whatever. But as soon as you step outside of this, it is THE VOID. Good luck finding one (1) satisfying fic for your ship. I had to resort to using ffnet for the first time in years to find interesting stuff! *FFNET!!!* And I do realize that both source materials are completely different and HP lent itself much more to analysis and mysteries and stuff. Whatever you think about She Who Must Not Be Named, HP inspired a lot of us to just... write! I have a novel-length HP fanfic that I just kept wanting to write for, and even though I eventually gave up and wrote a summary of the last few chapters, it inspired me in spite of my ADHD. Nowadays I'm not inspired except for horny stuff, because I'm a horny gremlin. There hasn't been any other fandom like it, and a lot of works deserve much more than what they get. Even awful movies deserve people writing meta and stuff. But fandom on Tumblr is chaotic af and HP motivated a lot of people to create communities around it, specifically for HP. It's something that we'll probably never get again and it's sad.
- so yeah the Glee fandom feels weak firstly because there's practically no content. The second thing and I touched on it a little bit, is that the content isn't varied at all. Only two ships are considered, and the activity is almost exclusively gifs sharing. I've seen the show, I know what they look like!!!! I guess Tumblr was key in making gifs a major component of fannish activities but I'm pretty much not sensible to that. There's a few metas out there but even then it's only for those couples. And I know that the Glee community used to be huge and DIVERSE, because the show itself mentions several times SHIP NAMES and in particular, Faberry is joked about in later seasons even though it's not canonical (notably with Kitty saying something like "If you're going to go all lesbo, get it on with Quinn, I heard that the whole world is cheering for you") . Like, "Furt" (Finn/Kurt) is mentioned in S2. Season 2!!!! There was a big fandom and it got so loud that the show kept referencing it (and fanservicing it, hello to the Quinntana hookup, a surprise to be sure but a welcome one). But this content is nowhere to be seen. Ffnet is the main hint that there was something, but Tumblr is empty. I guess they were all on LiveJournal? I know there were heavy ship wars (Brittany literally mentions IN THE SHOW that she can't get with Sam or Artie–I don't remember whom– because there's hords of fangirls who ship her with Santana and they'd make his life hell) and I understand how these conflicts could sour people on the show (hello Hannibal Twitter fandom from 2020 or 2021) but it's still so weird to expect to be able to interact with resources and reflections and even just reviews... and you don't find anything. It's weird! I had the same issue with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but
1. Actual books have been written about Buffy and its fandom and there's a term for that kind of stuff, Buffystudies I think.
2. Buffy aired as the modern conception of Internet started setting in, so fandoms didn't have such centralized spaces and I understand it can be difficult to find them today. It was still very lovely to stumble upon that Spike/Xander fanfic archive.
Also, Buffy had naturally more interesting stuff to think about because it was, from the start, shrouded in prophecies, metaphors, and the likes.
Glee fanfics are all about their Starbucks AU. I'm exaggerating, but also kind of not? Not judging on these AUs, but it's not something I seek out.
So lack of content, and lack of varied content. I have nowhere to go to talk about Furt, Seblaine (well Seblaine does have its fans here) and so on. The Glee fandom also seems to be VERY homogenous. Everyone hates Will Schuester because he's a creep. Everyone hates Finn because he outed Santana. Everyone hates Finchel because they're Finchel. Everyone loves Furt, "but only as friendship". "The S4 newbies suck." "Shooting Star is an awful episode." "Sue should be in jail." and so on and you just see THE SAME. DAMN. OPINIONS. EVERYWHERE.
(Doesn't help that the show itself never knows if it's honest or satire, and YOU CAN'T EXPECT THE SAME THINGS FROM BOTH. Yes, Sue never goes to jail. YES, WILL IS INAPPROPRIATE. THAT'S THE POINT. DO YOU KNOW MANY TEACHERS WHO STASHED DRUGS IN A STUDENT'S LOCKER JUST SO THAT THE STUDENT WOULD PARTICIPATE IN THE GLEE CLUB?! OF COURSE NOT. OH MY GOD. People always talk about realism with this show and you motherfuckers, HANNIBAL IS A MORE REALISTIC SHOW THAN GLEE. Outside of being homogenous, Glee discourse is so asinine. The writing is so inconsistent that wildly different interpretations of the characters are completely possible. I–Ugh! Fiction discourse is already bad most of the time, but if you don't get how the source material prevents you from applying real-life values to it, your media literacy is pretty damn low. I will concede and repeat that the show's writing didn't do it any favor. Even the first episode never knows if it's a parody or a heartfelt drama. Goddamnit.
The show is still entertaining by the way.)
I feel like it's the kind of fandom where different opinions were shushed or something because EVERYWHERE, I see the same exact comments. Oddly enough, the Glee subreddit seems to be the current healthiest place for the fandom? Which is weird because you know. It's Reddit.
Like I don't know, with the Hannibal fandom you could (before The Event) totally say that Hannibal (the character) sucks, that Hannibal is great, that S3 is totally the worst, or the best, that Will/Brian is more compelling that Hannigram, etc. There was some kind of lightness where people didn't care too much and there was a lot of weird (and lovely, because weird is good) stuff and VARIETY.
The Buffy fandom has more defined mindsets (you're either Team Bangel or Team Spuffy, either you love S6 or you hate it, but everyone agrees that S7 sucked to some degree) partly due to its age, but there's still a variety of content. Hell, there was a lot of stuff that was discussed and envisioned that would get you harassed for years if you so much as talked about it today.
I don't know, I feel like fandom sucks nowadays.
Well seems like I had a lot of things to say, in the end.
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On Lesbianism
I’ll state it at the top here, because many have not understood my stance. The purpose of this essay is not to say that Lesbian cannot mean “Female homosexual.” Rather, my objective is to show that Lesbian means more than that single definition suggests. Female Homosexuals are lesbians, unless they personally do not want to use that label. Now, on with the show: Lesbianism is not about gatekeeping, and I don’t want to have to keep convincing people that the movement popularized by someone who wrote a book full of lies and hate speech then immediately worked with Ronald Reagan is a bad movement. In the early ’70s, groups of what would now be called “gender critical” feminists threatened violence against many trans women who dared exist in women’s and lesbian spaces. For example, trans woman Beth Elliott, who was at the 1973 West Coast Lesbian Feminist Conference to perform with her lesbian band, was ridiculed onstage and had her existence protested. In 1979, radical feminist Janice Raymond, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, wrote the defining work of the TERF movement, “Transsexual Empire: The Making of the Shemale,” in which she argued that “transsexualism” should be “morally mandating it out of existence”—mainly by restricting access to transition care (a political position shared by the Trump administration). Soon after she wrote another paper, published for the government-funded, National Center for Healthcare Technology — and the Reagan administration cut off Medicare and private health insurance coverage for transition-related care.
Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminism is a fundamentally unsustainable ideology. Lesbianism is a fundamentally sustainable existence.
There used to be a lesbian bar or queer bar or gay bar in practically every small town — sometimes one of each. After surviving constant police raids, these queer spaces began closing even Before the AIDS epidemic. Because TERFs would take them over, kick out transfems and their friends. Suddenly, there weren’t enough local patrons to keep the bars open, because the majority had been kicked out. With America’s lack of public transportation, not enough people were coming from out of town either.
TERFs, even beyond that, were a fundamental part of the state apparatus that let AIDS kill millions.
For those who don’t know, Lesbian, from the time of Sappho of Lesbos to the about 1970′s, referred to someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy. It was not only a sexuality, but almost akin to a gender spectrum.
That changed in the 1970′s when TERFs co-opted 2nd Wave feminism, working with Ronald fucking Reagan to ban insurance for trans healthcare.
TERFs took over the narrative, the bars, the movement, and changed Lesbian from the most revolutionary and integral queer communal identity of 2 fucking THOUSAND years, from “Someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy” to “A woman with a vagina who’s sexually attracted to other women with vaginas”
How does this fit into the bi lesbian debate? As I said, Lesbian is more of a Gender Spectrum than anything else, it was used much in the same way that we use queer or genderqueer today.
And it’s intersectional too.
See, if you were to try to ascribe a rigid, biological, or localized model of an identity across multiple cultures, it will fail. It will exclude people who should not be excluded. ESPECIALLY Intersex people. That’s why “Two Spirit” isn’t something rigid- it is an umbrella term for the identities within over a dozen different cultures. In the next two sections, I have excerpts on Two-Spirit and Butch identity, to give a better idea of the linguistics of queer culture: This section on Two-Spirit comes from wikipedia, as it has the most links to further sources, I have linked all sources directly, though you can also access them from the Wikipedia page’s bibliography: Two-Spirit is a pan-Indian, umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people who fulfill a traditional ceremonial and social role that does not correlate to the western binary. [1] [2] [3] Created at the 1990 Indigenous lesbian and gay international gathering in Winnipeg, it was "specifically chosen to distinguish and distance Native American/First Nations people from non-Native peoples." [4] Criticism of Two-Spirit arises from 2 major points, 1. That it can exasperate the erasure of the traditional terms and identities of specific cultures.           a. Notice how this parallels criticisms of Gay being used as the umbrella           term for queer culture in general. 2. That it implies adherence to the Western binary; that Natives believe these individuals are "both male and female" [4]          a. Again, you’ll notice that this parallels my criticisms of the TERF definition of Lesbian, that tying LGBT+ identities to a rigid western gender binary does a disservice to LGBT+ people,—especially across cultures. “Two Spirit" wasn’t intended to be interchangeable with "LGBT Native American" or "Gay Indian"; [2] nor was it meant to replace traditional terms in Indigenous languages.  Rather, it was created to serve as a pan-Indian unifier. [1] [2] [4] —The term and identity of two-spirit "does not make sense" unless it is contextualized within a Native American or First Nations framework and traditional cultural understanding. [3] [10] [11] The ceremonial roles intended to be under the modern umbrella of two-spirit can vary widely, even among the Indigenous people who accept the English-language term. No one Native American/First Nations' culture's gender or sexuality categories apply to all, or even a majority of, these cultures. [4] [8] Butch: At the turn of the 20th century, the word “butch” meant “tough kid” or referred to a men’s haircut. It surfaced as a term used among women who identified as lesbians in the 1940s, but historians and scholars have struggled to identify exactly how or when it entered the queer lexicon. However it happened, "Butch” has come to mean a “lesbian of masculine appearance or behavior.” (I have heard that, though the words originate from French, Femme & Butch came into Lesbian culture from Latina lesbian culture, and if I find a good source for that I will share. If I had to guess, there may be some wonderful history to find of it in New Orleans—or somewhere similar.) Before “butch” became a term used by lesbians, there were other terms in the 1920s that described masculinity among queer women. According to the historian Lillian Faderman,“bull dagger” and “bull dyke” came out of the Black lesbian subculture of Harlem, where there were “mama” and “papa” relationships that looked like butch-femme partnerships. Performer Gladys Bentley epitomized this style with her men’s hats, ties and jackets. Women in same-sex relationships at this time didn’t yet use the word “lesbian” to describe themselves. Prison slang introduced the terms “daddy,” “husband,” and “top sargeant” into the working class lesbian subculture of the 1930s.  This lesbian history happened alongside Trans history, and often intersected, just as the Harlem renaissance had music at the forefront of black and lesbian (and trans!) culture, so too can trans musicians, actresses, and more be found all across history, and all across the US. Some of the earliest known trans musicians are Billy Tipton and Willmer “Little Ax” Broadnax—Both transmasculine musicians who hold an important place in not just queer history, but music history.
Lesbian isn’t rigid & biological, it’s social and personal, built up of community and self-determination.
And it has been for millennia.
So when people say that nonbinary lesbians aren’t lesbian, or asexual lesboromantics aren’t lesbian, or bisexual lesbians aren’t lesbian, it’s not if those things are technically true within the framework — It’s that those statements are working off a fundamentally claustrophobic, regressive, reductionist, Incorrect definition You’ll notice that whilst I have been able to give citations for TERFs, for Butch, and especially for Two-Spirit, there is little to say for Lesbianism. The chief reason for this is that lesbian history has been quite effectively erased-but it is not forgotten, and the anthropological work to recover what was lost is still ongoing. One of the primary issues is that so many who know or remember the history have so much trauma connected to "Lesbian” that they feel unable to reclaim it. Despite this trauma, just like the anthropological work, reclamation is ongoing.
Since Sappho, lesbian was someone who rejects the patriarchal hierarchy. For centuries, esbian wasn’t just a sexuality, it was intersectional community, kin to a gender spectrum, like today’s “queer”. When TERFs co-opted 2nd Wave feminism, they redefined Lesbian to “woman w/ a vag attracted to other women w/ vags”. So when you say “bi lesbians aren’t lesbian” it’s not whether that’s true within the framework, it’s that you’re working off a claustrophobic, regressive, and reductionist definition.
I want Feminism, Queerness, Lesbianism, to be fucking sustainable.
I wanna see happy trans and lesbian and queer kids in a green and blue fucking world some day.
I want them to be able to grow old in a world we made good.
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bichelangelo · 2 years
i’m curious abt ur own tmnt lgbt headcanons if u don’t mind sharing
oh boy oh boy oh boy!
Hi :) I have different headcanons for every iteration, feel free to ask abt a specific one but I'll just list rise, 2012 & idw, since my lgbt hcs for those 3 stay somewhat consistent, while others shift a lot. oh & i’ll try to keep it down to the main group.
ah het hem...
i think Raph is a bi trans guy! (He/him)
Leo’s nonbinary (prefers just the Trans label) & bisexual (They/them)
Donnie is a trans demiboy, & he’s bi bi bi. (He/they)
I think Mikey‘s a queer kid but he’s just not all that interested in labels! He is who he is (He/him)
April’s a trans lesbian!! (She/her)
Sunita is a nonbinary trans girl & bi/pan (She/her)
I think Cassandra is a lesbo w/ a fucked up gender <3 (She/he/they)
& I think Splinter is so bisexual it’s not even fucking funny (He/him)
Leonardo is nonbinary & genderfluid. gender indifferent most of the time, with a lil side of simultaneous boy / girl :) & they're bisexual, with a much stronger leaning towards girls. (They/them)
Raphael is agender & bi. Her not giving a single fuck about gender is so special 2 me. Especially when she meets Casey. (She/him)
Donnie is a demiboy & bi as well! (he probs refers to himself as heteroflexible or some shit) (He/him)
Mikey is genderfluid & gay(likes dudes) Having a fun & fucked up gender is a game & he's winning (She/he/they or any pronouns really)
I think Casey's genderfluid & pan! I think Casey validates & expands on like every single gender related thought & feeling of Raphael's & it most definitely aided Raph's transing of gender (He/she/they)
& April is a bi trans girl tbh! (She/her)
I think Leo is an aromanticflux bisexual & a nonbinary guy! (They/them)
Raph is a bi/pan trans guy w/ a preference for girls (He/they)
Donnie is a genderqueer bi guy! (She/he)
Mikey is bi & nonbinary (He/her)
April's a straight trans woman. (She/her)
I think Casey's a trans guy & bisexual. (He/him)
& Jennika is a nonbinary bisexual woman! (She/her)
OH FUK I forgot my girl Al... anyways Alopex is a bi trans demigirl (she/they/he)
soooo yeah :) I feel so silly typing it all out 😭 like fr first two rules of consuming fictional media. 1. Everybody bisexual. 2. Everybody transgender. I do not make these rules 🤷‍♀️ thanks 4 asking tho it's fun to talk abt these things
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ferrouskyra · 4 years
It’s time for Wild Speculation Time with your host, ME Kyra! Ok, so we’ve all seen a variant of this at some point, right?
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& even though I chose this one purely because it’s the only thing that came up when I searched, it does ask the question: “Does that mean lesbians in atla are called kyosbians?” & that is what I want want to answer today.
What is the A:tLA equivalent of “sapphic” & “lesbian.”
Let’s start with what we know. Kya said that the Air Nomads were more of a ‘love who you love’ sort of society (my words). She said the Water Tribes had more of a ‘none of our business, but don’t you dare tell anyone” sort of thing going on. The Earth Kingdom is flat-out homophobic at least in terms of law. & the Fire Nation is a little more complicated, because according to Kya, it was pretty accepting before Sozin. So what can we glean from this? Well, for the most part, it seems like something akin to “homosexual” (& slurs) would most likely be used in the Tribes & Earth Kingdom, because it’s a ‘don’t talk about it’ scenario. The Air Nomads probably didn’t bother with labels, so if they had a term, it’d most likely be borrowed from another culture. Which leaves the Fire Nation. Now, it’s quite possible that they would have more specific terms for LGBT folks, but it would most likely be in decline from the war. So, our options are: 1. The Fire Nation has terminology that’s become predominantly in-knowledge 2. United Republic citizens would be the first to coin these more specific words 3. Kyoshi’s bisexuality was well enough known that they did actually name some form of homosexuality after her Now personally, I think that last one is the most fun, but let’s exhaust our options for the second one. (& ignore the 1st because it's not as fun for me.) Who would it be named after? 1. Kyoshi 2. Korra 3. Someone other than an openly LGBT Avatar 4. An openly LGBT Avatar preceding Kyoshi I think the most likely scenario would be Kyoshi, seeing as she’s a historical symbol, but recent enough to still be relevant. It’d be weird to call someone ‘korran’ or whatever if Korra’s still hanging around. But why are we naming it after a person in the first place? Short answer: that’s what English did.
From Online Etymology Dictionary: Sapphic (adj.) c. 1500, "of or pertaining to Sappho," from French saphique, from Latin Sapphicus, from Greek Sapphikos "of Sappho," in reference to Sappho, poetess of the isle of Lesbos c. 600 B.C.E. Especially in reference to her characteristic meter; sense of "pertaining to sexual relations between women" is from 1890s. lesbian (adj.) 1590s, "pertaining to the island of Lesbos," from Latin Lesbius, from Greek lesbios "of Lesbos," Greek island in northeastern Aegean Sea (the name originally may have meant "wooded"), home of Sappho, great lyric poet whose erotic and romantic verse embraced women as well as men, hence meaning "relating to homosexual relations between women, characterized by erotic interest in other women" (in continuous use from 1890; the noun lesbianism from this sense is attested from 1870) and the noun, which is first recorded 1925. Sappho's particular association with erotic love between women (with or without concurrent relations with men) dates to at least 1732 in writing in English, though the continuous use of lesbian and the modern words formed from it are from late 19c. The use of lesbian as a noun and an adjective in this sense seems to follow the same pattern.
But this begs the question: If A:tLA had a Sappho & she’s Kyoshi, what would Lesbos be? Kyoshi’s home obviously, which is named Kyoshi Island. Right? Well, not always. Its name before she separated it from the mainland was Yokoya Port. Since we make a distinction between sapphic & lesbian, I’d say Yokoya wins out. & as I said before, it’s less weird if it’s historical. Someone from Lesbos is still a Lesbian, but someone from Kyoshi Island is not Yokoyan. So lesbian=yokoyan; does that mean sapphic=”kyosbian?” Well sapphic comes from the Greek “Sapphikos” so we’d probably do the same thing & put ‘Kyoshi’ into the genitive case. Her name on the mural shown in “Avatar Day” is written as “虛子.”
From Wiktionary: の • (no)  1. genitive case marker
Note: I have never studied Japanese in any way; I got this by looking it up on Wikipedia. Please correct me if I’m wrong. So, if I’m not mistaken, “of Kyoshi” would be “きょしの” IPA [kʲo̞], [ɕi], [no̞]. Assuming they wouldn’t mutate too much, that could be anglicized as “Kyoshino.” So lesbian=yokoyan & sapphic=kyoshino (or some derivation of it.)
But wait, that’s modern Japanese; we don’t get ‘sapphic’ from modern Greek.
Note: tumblr’s shit & won’t let me use the good editor, so everything’s gonna be the default font from now on.
From Wiktionary:
Etymology 2
⟨no2⟩ → */nə/ → /no/
From Old Japanese の (no2),[1][2] from Proto-Japonic *nə....
In Old Japanese, there are three particles used productively to mark one noun modifying another:
つ (tsu), as in 沖つ島守 (oki tsu shimamori, “the caretaker or watchman of an island of the offing [offshore]”) or 黄泉つ国 (yomo tsu kuni, “the country of the underworld”).
が (ga), as in 関ヶ原 (Sekigahara, a placename, parseable as seki “checkpoint, barrier” + ga [possessive] + hara “field, plain”)
の (no), as in 山処能一本薄 (Yamato no hitomoto susuki, “the sawtooth sedge of Yamato”, a line from one of the songs in the Kojiki)
つ • (tsu)
(archaic, obsolete) genitive case marker
[end quote]
So, would it still be “きょしの” or would it be “きょし つ?”
From Wiktionary:
Usage notes
A few terms in modern Japanese have been derived from the case-marker tsu:
目(ま) (ma, “eye”, combining form) + つ (tsu) 毛(け) (ke, “hair”) → 睫(まつげ) (matsuge, “eyelashes”)
身(み) (mi, “body”) + つ (tsu) + 柄(から) (kara, “design → by itself”) → 自(みずか)ら (mizukara, “personally, oneself”)
[end quote]
Short answer: I wouldn’t know. Long answer: It seems to have only stuck around in compound words where it’s functionally an interfix. So, since it would be a suffix, I’m (blindly) guessing it would still be の.
There you have it. In Avatar, we can speculate that their equivalent of lesbian is “yokoyan” & sapphic would be something like “kyoshino.”
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yukisohmasmokesweed · 4 years
Fruits Basket characters sexual orientation headcanons please?
giving you EVERYONE because i have a hc for. everyone! except for the kids because they’re like 12 so it’s hard to say
tohru - bisexual. straight girls simply do not have the thoughts about women that she does (tohru voice after meeting every sohma woman) oh my god she’s so cute so pretty so beautiful im so overwhelmed!!! tohru is an equal opportunity employer surrounded by very hot people and it is a lot for her little heart
kyo - straight but in slightly different ways depending on the canon lol? reboot kyo is aggressively straight, manga kyo is like maybe a 1 on the kinsey scale in that he COULD be “incidentally homosexual” or whatever, but 01 kyo is more like a 2 (which i guess would make him bi question mark?) because like him and yuki are clearly dating
yuki - homophobic homosexual this boy is gay 100% i dont believe he’s attracted to women at all, only men
shigure - a bisexual king look at what his type of woman is, plus has canonically slept with ayame
akito - a homophobic heterosexual. yes i think akito is straight
ayame - bisexual! i consider this canon even if takaya doesn’t 
hatori - straight. just look at him
momiji - bisexual but i think it takes him a while to come to that conclusion. like, he thinks he’s straight at first as we all do and has that weird crush on tohru, then is like wait look at me i’m clearly gay, but eventually realizes that he’s just attracted to everyone 
haru - canon bisexual king
rin - matching bisexual queen
kagura - the pinnacle of an insane straight girl. so painfully het, just the embodiment of a straight girl
ritsu - lesbian!! she loves wamen
kureno - straight hahahahaha
uo - humongous enormous big fat DYKE she is such a lesbian. her vibes her voice her je na sais quoi she is a lesbo
hana - lesbian! everything about her screams lesbian, she’s not even interested in men in canon unless its in order to make kyo uncomfortable which is valiant 
kakeru - bisexual but i think it takes him a while to figure it out. he was in a relationship with a girl as his sexuality was developing so he was able to sort of brush it off, combined with the fact that i also think he’s one of those people (i think tohru is like this too) who thinks that everyone is attracted to the same sex in a vague way. and then at some point he’s talking to kimi about it and she’s like no. thats not normal. ur bi king
machi - lesbian :) i mean if we’re talking about yuchi parallels.....
kimi - straight LOL so very very straight, really and truly loves boys
nao - lol gay, its the hatecrush on yuki and misplaced comphet crush on motoko for me. we’ve all been there
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