tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 months
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as21-7 · 2 years
helter skelter pokerface
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color palette by @color-palettes​
image description: two women face each other over a bar, maybe antagonistic, maybe impressed with each other and trying to impress each other. they are rendered in shades of red and grey. one swirls a drink in her hands. both smile.
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skyekitsuneart · 1 year
Okay for the maybe 3 people interested here is a brief overview of the Lesbian Hidekane Tokyo Ghoul AU
Okay so there are 2 main changes in this AU that effects the timeline of events/other little changes:
Hide and Kaneki are women
Kaneki was turned into a ghoul as a child
How I decided this would go is that Kaneki (age 10) would be walking to the store one night to buy herself dinner (as her cannonically neglectful aunt refused to feed her) and she gets kidnapped by a ghoul from Aogiri and then successfully experimented on by Dr.Kanou.
Aogiri wanting to, you know, increase their numbers and have another one-eyed ghoul in their ranks begin to ‘train’ Kaneki into believing in their ideals and to become a lethal fighter. (I don’t think it needs to be said Aogiri doesn’t care she’s a child when it comes to their methods of doing this)
Kaneki is there for 2 years, and for the most part has the willpower to not completely fall to their side. At the end of these 2 years Kaneki goes to a fit of mental instability and rage. This causes the kaguja that Aogiri was trying to make her to be to break lose and she destroys the hideout she is being kept in as it is at it’s weakest.
Then as you would expect she is found by Antieku and begins her mental recovery, although for a very long time she is selectively mute and adverse to touch.
Through Antieku, Kaneki meets Hide, whose dads start becoming regular customers a few months into Kanekis stay. Kaneki was weary at first but because of Hides persistent interest in her and her willingness to meet Kaneki halfway in ways others never did, they quickly form a deep connection.
Kaneki starts going to school eventually when she starts speaking in small bits again and her and Hide become nearly inseparable.
Hide figures Kaneki is a ghoul a feed months after they start being friends but Hides (overly) intense bind with Kaneki at that point makes her not care. She tells kaneki she knows when they are 14. It is a messy tear filled night for Kaneki.
Surprisingly, Kaneki is the one the confess her romantic feelings to Hide when they are 17. Kaneki can barely finish her confession before Hide is all over her, basically in tears over the fact that they both feel the same.
And the rest is a bit the same as cannon. They both go to Kamii, except they share a cute little apartment together, and Kaneki still works at Antieku and Hide is a mole of sorts inside the CCG as a intern.
That’s the main gist, but here are some other things in this AU I can think of rn:
Rize is a member of Aogiri and is Kanekis ‘caretaker’ (using that term extremely loosely)
Kaneki and Ryoko have a mother daughter relationship
Ryoko still dies tho, but it’s when Kaneki is 17
Ayato at least starts out living at Antieku with Touka, I might have a big conflict arc between them were he temp goes to Aogiri
Hide does eventually tell Antieku she knows they are all ghouls
Hide and Kimi are besties u can’t convince me otherwise
Oh and Nishki is apart of Antieku a lot younger
Hide in general is like the 20th wards Iocal Okay Human tm amongst the ghouls
Hides biological parents were ghoul investigators and were killed in action, but she has 2 dads she lives very much and they are like Kanekis second family
After Kaneki and Hide enter college the plot is just kinda ma whatever I feel like at the moment?? Like there are multiple plots that could happen but I’m bad at writing so like I can’t settle on one so it’s just like whatever I want it to be atm.
N e ways I would DIE for them 💕💕💕
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ghoulsbian · 6 months
Do you have any Rize headcanons? :>
certainly i do!!
• she has nightmares about the washuus finding her, even to this day. back when she was young and living with shachi, she would frequently awake screaming from these nightmares. she'd shake and sob, and shachi would hold onto her until she cried herself into an exhaustive state and fell back asleep. i think he would frequently have to sit with her as a child as she fell asleep, holding her hand, just to assure her everything was okay. the nightmares have become less like night terrors but they still have her waking up drenched in sweat.
• she loves scented candles, and prefers to light those instead of having the lights in her apartment on. rize only gets floral scents, of course. any food scented ones would be entirely too nauseating. her favorite scent is jasmine. she wears a specific jasmine perfume everyday too. she's been using the same kind for years now, jasmine is her signature scent.
• i see rize as a cis woman, who typically uses she/her pronouns but wouldn't be offended by any usage of they/them. she's also a femme lesbian to me. it's never been any question to her that she was a lesbian, i think that she's literally never felt any semblance of true attraction to men. she loves leading them on to psychologically hurt them though, when she's not doing so to kill and eat them. it's like a game for her- how pathetic she can make a man act to try and impress her, knowing she'll never ever reciprocate.
• i've had this headcanon for a long time, but i really don't think she kills women. now, she's no human sympathizer, but there's something about killing or hurting women that just is distasteful to her. rize would NEVER admit to this but i think that she avoids killing women because she understands what it's like to be a woman who is being hunted, and it's just not something she'd be willing to inflict on another woman, human or ghoul. though, i think she has fought with fellow ghoul women before, as she knows they're more durable, but she's never killed them.
• there was a period of her life in which she kept her fingernails very long and very sharp. this was because she found it pleasurable to reach out and suddenly slash men's throats when they least expected it. i think that she ditched this style of nail though because she got tired of having to clean out the dried up blood underneath them! rize misses them at times but wouldn't ever try to get them back.
• she is a very popular book reviewer online! i think she has this whole anonymous blog dedicated to it lol. it's grown quite a fanbase over the course of a few years. everyone eagerly awaits her next review, and gives her suggestions for new books to read and review too. it's something that keeps her sane. she does Q&As on her blog too! her fans are always more than happy to participate.
• rize has a very well-loved stuffed rabbit that shachi gave to her as a girl. she's had to replace the bow around its neck since she got it, but it's still in good shape. it sits on a special shelf in her bedroom, along with a semi-weathered picture of her and shachi and a dried rose. the rabbit is white and named yuki. the ribbon around its neck is baby pink with white lace on the ends.
• rize a very good dancer in my eyes. it's like she has a really natural sense of rhythm. her moves are so lithe. her hips sway smoothly, as smooth as water in a stream. it's utterly entrancing to watch her dance, i believe. she's just so good at it. mayu in particular could watch her for hours.
• it is a rare occasion in which you will see rize in pants. the flowiness of a skirt or a dress is just what makes her most comfortable. i don't even think she really owns pants, minus a pair of sweatpants or two. you'll only see her in these sweatpants if she's feeling under the weather and having a sick day at home. otherwise, to lounge around, she prefers to wear a silk nightgown or a big t-shirt and a pair of panties.
• she's very crafty with the ways in which she styles her hair sometimes. i think she taught herself all sorts of braiding techniques, and she loves to do her hair in different updos and braids. most of the time it's just down, but she likes to spice it up with an updo/braid at times! at least three or four times a month.
hope these will suffice <3 i love my girl rize so much
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tg-pilled · 9 months
Tokyo Ghoul Headcanons
These are my own opinions drawn from interactions in the show and manga! Please be kind!
Hi hi!! For sillies I wanted to share my TG headcanons! I am a genderfluid aroace lesbian so I'm kind of biased towards the women bc I'm in love w them all tbh but I'll probably make more if I feel like it. For now have some main ones :)
Hide (he/him cis) - Bisexual! He's heavily bi coded in the manga and in the anime too! The way he interacts with Kaneki especially is very...
Saiko (she/they trans) - She's a character I project onto a lot. She doesn't seem to care much for romance or really socializing in general which is so real tbh. Her lack of caring I don't think translates to her platonic relationships later in the series (as we see) but I think her romantic interest is slim to none.
Urie (he/him cis (?) I can see him as trans tbh) - He is a bitter gay man. Prove me wrong. He's the black cat to Ginshi's golden retriever.
Ginshi - Bisexual! To me he seems unconcerned w labeling himself but still views everyone as attractive and isn't sure why.
Tooru (he/him trans) - MY FAVOURITE CANON TRANS MAN ILY 🙏🙏 He's gay imo but I am open to other interpretations as well.
Juuzou (he/they agender) - Demisexual but even then hasn't ever been romantically involved w anyone bc of his trauma.
Rize (she/her demigirl) - I have no clue why but she gives off a lesbian demigirl vibe idk?? I'm in love w her and want her to be a lesbian but besides that. I have nothing.
Ayato (he/him trans) - I think he's a trans man and aroace. I don't imagine him falling in love like. At all.
Touka (they/she nonbinary I just forgot the flag) - LESBIANISM ‼️‼️ Touka belongs on the island w me and the other lesbians. I view her and Kaneki's relationship as more platonic in the first series. In :re it's a Lot harder to ignore but I choose to ignore canon a lot anyways in favour of my happiness so idk. Plus she's in love w her human best friend so idk what to tell y'all besides the Touka is a lesbian truth.
Kaneki / Haise Sasaki (he/they demiboy) - I normally view these two as different people BUT I can honestly see Kaneki impacting Sasaki's identity and vice versa. Kaneki just whispering in his ear "you WILL be gay. You have no choice."
Anyways if you made it this far in my ramble thank you so much!! I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making it :)
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marathehomosexual · 5 months
Writing a Fic centered around Rize is hard because on one hand she is such a complex woman with a very unique vision of the world and i wanna her monologue for hours
On the other hand, I am a huge lesbian who is very easily distracted by her boobs so i can't get much work done
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sentakatsukiofficial · 2 months
5, 12 and 15 for rize? :3
hii fern :3
5: What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think of them? Hmm, for rize I’d say probably either Mary by the happy fits or Angel of Small Death and the Codeine Scene by Hozier (as I have a Hozier song for every character of my special interests)
12: What’s a headcanon you have for this character? I don’t actually have many for her apart from some very general ones but in my mind she has always been lesbian
15: What’s your favourite ship for this character?(canon or not) Even though they’ve never actually interacted I think Rize x Mayu would be a pretty interesting dynamic
ty for the ask this was fun to do:)
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rizemayu for the ask game you reblogged bc i have to spread my Agenda™️
Oh hell yeah propaganda time with The Ultimate Lesbians™️
When I started shipping it:when you proposed it!
My thoughts:I really like them! I quite like how they are similar in the sense that they are both femme fatales who are entirely set on their goals. I do like the contrast between them as though. Whilst Mayu is driven by money and more worldly desires. Rize is more detached from those and lives a more nomadic lifestyle. I feel like their similar backgrounds yet different personalities could create quite an interesting dynamic. Almost like a dying and tan scenario.
What makes me happy about them: The amount of really sweet hcs I could wrote about them!!! I probably will do that at some point as well. I like how they seem to complete each other. Mayu feels dumb a lot of the time and Rize is willing to teach her. Rize can be power hungry and cold and Mayu is emotionally intelligent and understanding. God there's so much potential here.
What makes me sad about them: The fact that they can only over exist in fanfiction :((((((((( Istg Ishida knew they would be too powerful together and was a coward.
Things done in fanfic that annoy me: The lack of it. I'm going insane there isn't anything please god
Things I look for in fanfic: A fanfic would be nice please and thank you 🙏🙏
Who I'd be comfortable with them ending up with if not each other: I have been partial to RizeKane occasionally in the past but other than that I've never really had any Rize ships. This is probably the only Mayu ship I've been proposed so I really am not sure. Maybe it's all a sign they're meant to be together 🤷‍♀️
My happily ever after: being able to continue with Rize's nomadic lifestyle whilst also being able to find room for Mayu's search for money. Rize spoils her essentially lol.
Who is the big spoon/little spoon: I'd say they probably switch it up depending on who feels they need the most comfort that day. But more often than not Rize's the big spoon.
What is their favourite non-sexual activity: probably just hanging around together. Whether it be at a local cafe or a simple walk in the park, you can usually find them together. Rize also enjoys explaining the book she's currently reading to Mayu and patiently going over any details she feels insecure about not understanding.
I really enjoyed doing this one. I love being able to revisit characters when I do these and my God do I wish we got something. Definition of wrong place wrong time, huh? Please feel free to send me asks I love doing these
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ipsen · 5 months
Could you ramble about a Crackship to us?
i want you to know i stared at this for like five minutes and came up with nothing; crackships are not my forte
so i will shamelessly promote poisoned lotus and rize/hairu
"Lesbians make everything better" as Sun Tzu once said "because they can commit more effective war crimes"
One of Hairu's core traits in canon is the desire to be needed by one person, which she frames as wanting "praise" from that person.
Rize can provide that praise because she knows people and is very good at reading them when it comes to socializing
"But Rize leaves everyone she meets because she never wants to be tied down! She can't date Hairu!!!" have you considered she doesn't see Hairu as a person? Toxicity!
uhhh boobs in my mouth k thx
thanks for the ask <3
Read Poisoned Lotus on AO3 today!
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allegoriesinwords · 2 months
Lesbian fanfic blog for x readers
Only men allowed are anime twinks ✌️
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Character list
Arcane: Sevika, Ambessa, Grayson, Cassandra
The 100: Charmaine, Clarke, Echo, Octavia,
Dark souls: Melania, Marika, Ranni
Attack on titan: Hanji, Yelena, Mikasa, Annie, Erwin
Demon slayer: Shinobu, Rengoku
The Last of us: Elli, Abby
Tokyo ghoul: Rize, Jason
Jujutsu kaisen: Nanami, Mahito, Geto, Maki, Mei
My hero academia: Aizawa, Dabi, Star and stripe, Shigiraki, Miruko
Baldur’s gate 3: Karlach, Laezel, Minthara, Astarion
Horizon forbidden west: Aloy, regalla, beta
Apex legends: Maggie, Valkyrie, Alter, Loba
Black butler: Grell, Angela, Hannah, Claude, Undertaker
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nailamoonsi · 6 months
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BLUE RIZE MAIN GIRLS' AND NBYS' RELATIONSHIP CHART for all the people who Respect Women (and yuri)...!! 💖💖💖 💛❤️💙 💖💖💖
This one notes more friendships (technically). If they're related I'll just say it! Otherwise they're typical friends.
Note that despite Layla's two hearts toward Khalida saying "close friend," hearts involve crushing and is not about close friendship.
It was interesting to show "would" (get with) despite the blue friendship line with Hazan and Layla.
HOWEVER... Though a majority of the girls featured on this chart have romantic and platonic relationship [problems and solutions] in Book 1, some of these relationships will be more obvious in later books--the main relationship focuses in Book 1 are OUTSIDE Hazan, Hazal and Eliza's sphere, so any arrows involving those 3 girls is just extra details prior to later books.
Alt text beneath the cut since it's troublesome to read:
smiley means admiration/very fond of as a comrade. heart means current crush levels. question mark means a mystery--can be friendly or romo. broken heart means heartbreak, usually due to breakup or rejections (or occasionally assumptions). blue lines and lettering means platonic (although relationships can start off this way, brothers + sisters + siblings by blood are canonically familial. including cousins.)
Hazan is a lesbian who has a huge crush on Eliza who has question marks at Hazan; Hazan finds Layla "weird but curious" and then "also kinda cute (would). Hazal and Hazan are sisters (twins though it's unspecified there). Hazal is bi and has a smiley with two hearts toward Khalida. Khalida has a blue line toward her that says "friend." Eliza has a smiley and question marks toward Khalida and Khalida has question marks toward Eliza. Khalida is bi and has question marks toward Alia that says "very close" and Alia has question marks toward Khalida that says "important. Khalida has question marks over Layla and Layla has a smiley and two hearts toward Khalida that says "close friend" (however, 2 hearts do not mean "close friend"). In blue, Khalida worries over Konna and Konna stresses over Khalida. Layla is a lesbian and has a storm as well as question marks and exclamation points as well as censored yellow curses in a conflux atop hidden hearts toward Alia, who returns that. It says by Alia that her sexuality is unknown but not hetero. Despite the hearts it says they are "possibly friends." Layla thinks Hazan is "sharp but acts particularly lackadaisical" and "wouldn't" (aka get with) unlike Hazan who "would" (aka get with). Layla has question marks toward Konna that says "interesting" and Konna has two hearts toward her that says "curious." Konna is a lesbian and has 3 hearts toward a rainbow-TV-static-ing figure that says quote "HER (lesbian)" end quote. That "HER" has question marks toward Konna. That "HER" has a blue-lined feud with Layla (blood-related). Konna has a blue line toward Alia that says "cool but thinks Layla finds Alia hotter than her [cry kaomoji that's like T_T;]" and Alia has a blue line toward Konna that says "curious + cautious" on top of stormy gray loops with thunder that hides a loud "WITCH" underneath. Konna has a blue line toward Jasmin that says "freak." Jasmin has an opaque :) smile (not the admiration smiley) at Alia and Alia has a scarier-looking :) smile (not the admiration one) at Jasmin. Jasmin has the same opaque :) smile toward Layla who has a :/ (dispassionate face) toward Jasmin. These are in pink, however, like many of the closer relationships. Jasmin has a ^_^ brightly smiling kaomoji in red toward Maria, who has a storm with lightning and rain absolutely obscuring a singular visible heart toward Jasmin, but on top of the stormy rain she says "cool rockstar!!!" cheerfully. Toward Maria in blue, Layla's arrow says "cautious," Alia's says "curious (strange)," Konna's says "aware of her power" and Khalida's says "aware of her power."
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Yay my favorite sassy side characters in my rps! Lmao
For a little context on who they are cause agin there my favorite sassys
She is a trans (mtf) bisexual who is half demon (half incubus/half watcher demon to be exact) and half human, she’s currently in college for acting or something (Idk I just know she wants to be an actor lmao) she has a boyfriend named Vergil (who’s a vampire) Angels favorite colors are greens, reds, and pinks in no specific order. She really likes strawberries, and lastly she has 3 parents, Ace birth giver/parental unit (who use they/them and I really need to find a better thing for Angel to call them cause I can’t take her seriously when she call them that) their the human lol, Oreo/Orios her mom (though he use he/him but angel finds it funny to call him that) he’s part watcher demon and part incubus though they work as a I think we called it possessor which a bit part of this job is that there names make it to where people can control them via there name (which is why most people call him Oreo) and then Azaze her dad (who uses he/him) and is a incubus
Jaz is nonbinary and I’ve yet to decide their sexuality I think I may end up going with lesbian but idk,
Their Colombian, their favorite color is all shades of blue, their going to college for some music degree, they play drums and gutair, and their in a band. They have an older sister older brother and adopted younger sister, they don’t do there own makeup typically have either Angel or their older sister do it cause they suck at makeup (same lmao).
Oh and their mute and typically use ASL due to where they live but they also use LSM (“Lengua de señas Mexicana) (sorry if this is incorrect I’m using google lol)
There roommates and at first didn’t really like each other typically getting into heated arguments where Angel later complains to Vergil and Jaz complains to there older sblings.
The main thing that Angel would call Jaz is “ rizless mother fucker” due to Jaz having never successfully asked some out or had sex with anyone Jaz alway hitting back with “Atleast I haven’t hadn’t sex with half the country!” Due to Angel having slept with multiple people
They at some point become besties and they do still call each other that some times but more as a joke then insult, Angel even tries to help Jaz become better at rizing people
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ghoulsbian · 7 months
Do you have some general Mayu hcs? Our girl doesn't get the rep she deserves :3
yesss!! i sure do!!
• mayu is a collector of oddities (bones, preserved animals, etc.)... i think she goes to a specifically ghoul-owned oddity shop that sells human-centered oddities... like preserved organs/body parts and human bones and whatnot. they decorate her apartment.
• i personally headcanon her to be a transfem enby who uses she/it pronouns. she's also a lesbian and has known she's a lesbian for a long time. she takes particular pleasure in men's suffering bc she hates them lmaooo.
• she has a very unique sense of style. it's certainly alternative but i feel like it's a big mixture of all sorts of alternative subcultures. her favorite kind of clothing items are shoes and she has a sizable shoe collection. the majority are heeled or platformed. she does have a few pairs of flat sneakers i think, though.
• we know most of her victims are her dominatrix clients... i think she steals their watches, wedding rings and whatever's valuable off of them when she's done with them. she makes pretty decent money nowadays but it's a habit she picked up from when she first started out to make more money buy pawning them off. i think nowadays she keeps them more as trophies though, or she keeps them around in case she ends up poor again and needs to pawn them off to get some money to remain housed and whatnot lol. definitely steals their wallets and money still too.
• her nails are always neatly manicured and painted but she never gets acrylics for.... lesbian purposes.
• i think she is afraid of dogs because i feel like it's pretty implied that she was impoverished and/or homeless as a child, and i headcanon she had a nasty run in with dogs chasing her as a child that really traumatized her.
• she really enjoys metal, hardcore and punk music. she's a frequenter of local shows at her favorite venues. aside from when harvesting men's testicles, in the mosh pit is one of the times she feels the most alive.
• i think she is very artistic. art is her favorite way to express her emotions. i feel like painting is her preferred medium, but she also really likes collaging. she collects old magazines a lot to cut things out of them for her collages.
• she got rid all photos from her childhood. she hates that part of her life and wants any evidence of it ever happening destroyed. never opens up to anyone about it... until getting close with rize.
• her kagune bloomed pretty late!! i can't remember what age it's typical for ghouls' kagunes to present but hers happened after than typical time.
hope these will be good :3
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tg-pilled · 5 months
favorite tg ships? any unpopular ship opinions?
Favourite Ships
HIDE/KANEKI - They are the reason I wake up every fucking day of the week oh my god. I just. The death kiss, the pining, the unrequited love for a Hot minute. I mghsjfsbnsskn. Them <3
TOUKA/YORIKO - OUGH they are the lesbians of all time! They kind of have a similar dynamic to Hide/Kaneki to me BUT I think their dynamic is much healthier. Since Touka isn't grappling with living in two worlds Miley Cyrus style, she definitely has more insight on the ghoul world. So rather than hating herself for having two different worlds to be a part of, she can just hate herself for being a ghoul! 😻 I think Yoriko helps her overcome this line of thinking a Lot and inspires Touka to start eating around her. I think Yoriko would also find Touka's ukaku to be beautiful. Yoriko 100% decorates their apartment with those colours and wears those colours proudly.
UTA/RENJI - I love when a grumpy man has an edge lord bf what can I say.
AKIRA/TAKIZAWA/AMON - Why do they look at each other like that bruh 💀 Need I say more?? Akira and Amon both are down horrific for Takizawa like.
Unpopular Ship Opinions
Idek if this is unpopular but I dislike Hinami/Ayato DEEPLY. I am their number one hater on fucking god. I don't like Hinami or Ayato shipped with anyone At All.
Anyone x Rize is a no go for me. I think she's better as a stand alone character, no shipping involved. I feel like shipping her with other characters kind of takes away from her whole Vibe. I can't explain it really it's just. A vibe.
A ship I like that I think not many ppl do (?) is Kaneki/Amon in :re. In the original series NO I DO NOT SHIP THEM but in :re I can see the vision. They're not my favs but I don't mind them either.
Kaneki/Arima is a Huge red flag for me. I despise that ship SO MUCH. I appreciate them for their parallels and the storytelling they have but it is HEAVILY implied Kaneki sees him as a father AND it's a weird dynamic too :/ Idk it just is gross to me
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as21-7 · 3 years
late night with a lady
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tokyoghoulaspecs · 4 years
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[ID: An official line sticker of Rize Kamishiro from Tokyo Ghoul edited onto pride flags. She’s smiling and winking with her head turned to look over her shoulder, and there’s two red floating hearts beside her. The flags used are: aro lesbian, aro, alloaro, split aro and sappho lesbian, and split alloaro and sappho lesbian. The final edit is against the sappho lesbian flag and has the red hearts edited to be aromantic hearts. END ID]
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