#les wright
doydoune · 10 months
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it's the year of our lord 2023 and I'm only now learning about Phoenix's and Maya's baker era
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pov: you're living your best life making bread and a Lego figurine bursts into your bakery and now you have to prevent a girl from being burned alive as a witch
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virgothozul · 1 year
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My new pants won’t fit. my calves are.. too big ?? Idk. it’s weird. and very disappointing. Phoenix will be pantless today too.
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doctorsiren · 7 months
Does Phoenix still go on a sabbatical after being defeated in court and does he also announce it using an extremely dramatic note?
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Oh, most definitely. He is the MOST dramatic, so of course he does hehe
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lepetitdragonvert · 2 years
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Grimm’s Fairy Tales edited by Sara E. Wiltse
Artist : Blanche Fisher Laite
“The Prince Frog”
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pedroam-bang · 6 months
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Opening Titles - Casino Royale (2006)
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unepersonnelouche · 7 months
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Holidays somewhere in France with the family ✨ (Or : Miles Edgeworth cannot say no to his girls and they know it)
(Drawing in a comics format is harder than I thought it would be, hence why this is so short)
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itriedsohard · 2 months
one of my favorite tropes is when Character A is logical and critical and Character B is emotional and artistic, they disagree on almost everything, bicker all the time, but they’re still so perfect for each other and so in love
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🌹🐦🦋 Push Up Competition! 🌹🐦🦋
A fun-art I made of @revnah1406 's Sparrow, @welldonekhushi 's Scarlet, and my very own Jade inspired by Khushi's ask to Revnah! Saw this post and I thought it would be interesting to draw! + drawing muscle mommies are 👌
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Who won? We'll never know... 😏
Hope you love it! (❁´◡`❁)
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islandtarochips · 3 months
The “L” Word
*Sparrow, Damien, Jade, Scarlet and Tiala were TRYING to find the hideout that Price told them to go while Aly is on the coms with them*
Tiala, was looking at the map before she looks at Sparrow and Damien: Begins with an “L”……you know, the “L” word?
*Sparrow and Damien looked at each other confusingly before looking back at Tiala*
Sparrow/Damien: Lesbians?
Aly, was on the coms: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!😂
Jade: *snickered*
Tiala: 🤦🏽‍♀️ “LOST” guys! We’re “LOST”!
Sparrow: Oooooooh! Hehehe. Sorry.😅
Damien: Yeeeaaah…sorry…
Tiala: *mumbling angrily in Samoan while still looking through map*
Arthur’s Note: Yeah…Shark is not satisfied with this mission.😓
Character (Left -> Right)
Alyssa Martinez (Later Alyssa Price) -> @alypink
Samantha “Scarlet” Wright -> @welldonekhushi
Hannah “Sparrow” Clayton -> @revnah1406
Damien “Damo” Whitlock -> @kaitaiga
Charlotte “Jade” Le Jardin -> @sleepyconfusedpotato
Tiala “Shark” Toa -> Me
Inspo Vid:
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welldonekhushi · 6 months
The Aftermath of Scarlet
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Warnings: Character death? So it's all angst, be prepared, haha
Summary: Scarlet's life after Soap's untimely death.
Pairing: John "Soap" MacTavish x Samantha "Scarlet" Wright (OC)
Many years after Soap's death, Scarlet couldn't even think of moving on, and refused to marry. No matter how many times they've said to start a new life and marry someone another.. she always kept saying one thing.
"I was always married to Johnny. By heart and by soul. And no one can take it away from me."
How can she still remain loyal to her lover even after his death? What became so special inside of her that she had the urge to protect the love they made together all this time? They were surprised by the soldier's words. They were helpless, yet they couldn't do anything about it to change Scarlet's mind. They were worried too.. would she spend the rest of her life, being alone?
But she kept saying those same lines again. "Soap and I were already married.. he knows that and so do I. Even after his death, I'll still be his wife, and protect the love we made together."
Scarlet would often visit Soap's grave every year on his birthday, and on his death anniversary, with the bouquet of flowers she brought from Jade's floral shop. She would sit in front of the grave, talking to him like he was still alive, and thriving. She laughed, and chuckled, despite knowing the pain of her not seeing Soap ever again. She even brought the blanket which they used to cuddle with each other since they were kids, and wrapped it around his grave, hugging it as if she was embracing Soap.
She kept doing this.. every year, hoping there could be a miracle. That she'll see Soap again. She'll see her husband again. And reunited like how John moved into her town, when they two saw each other in the SAS after a long time.. and now, she wanted to see him again.
Scarlet was now old. Retired. She now couldn't properly walk as she would now require a cane for support. She even had a sickness that would make her grow weaker. Even if the doctor said she cannot go to visit Soap's grave due to her condition, Scarlet protested that her old age cannot stop her from visiting her lover's grave. This absolutely worried everybody, as her stubbornness would have almost put her life in danger, but Scarlet was somehow expecting like this.
She visited Soap's grave again on his death anniversary, struggling to walk and even standing straight in his honor, but she didn't let that affect her at all. She gripped the bouquet of flowers and placed them on the grass, smiling. Soap still looked ever so young in her eyes, and she grew old and weak. She always did the same, wrapping a blanket around his grave and herself, and hugging the stone, even rubbing her hands on it as if she was rubbing his chest, feeling and sharing the warmth and love as Soap embraces her back.
She stayed there for a few hours, everything seemed fine. But unfortunately, the grip Scarlet had on the gravestone loosened, as she kept laying on it as a support. It became evening, it became night.. she still remained there, in that same position.
The next day, a few people who worked in the cemetery arrived and saw a woman who had herself laid over the gravestone. They were curious to know if she maybe fell asleep on it, but when they tried to wake her up, she instead fell over the ground, much to their surprise. She passed away.
Even after her death, she held that smile on her face. She died the same day when Soap died. They died together.
Meanwhile, Scarlet opens her eyes, finding herself in a dream-like space.. she was confused about where she really was, but she felt peaceful, calm, and belonged. When she looked more closely, she saw Soap in a tuxedo, waiting for her in the distance. He smiled, and Scarlet's eyes widened, as they sting in tears.
"Johnny?" She said in a croaked voice, as Soap was so happy to see her. She shed tears and loudly grinned, as she dropped her cane, and started to walk towards him. Step by step, her movements began to improve, and miraculously she ran as life restored back. Her body began to change, into the same, young Scarlet and her clothes transformed into a bridal dress.
Jumping over Soap, she hugged him tighter like never before, they two finally saw each other in Heaven, sharing a heartfelt reunion. Scarlet cried onto Soap's chest, not wanting to let him go, never. But, John pulled her back, and wiped off her tears.
"Now it's okay, lass. We're not going to leave each other now."
With that promise, they two held each other's hand, and walked into the light. Back on Earth, they had to put her to rest. Her friends joined the funeral, including her squadmates, which she joined missions with. Jade, who was likely more distraught from Scarlet's death, went to bid her farewell, with the bouquet of lilies.
Aly who was also shattered at the loss of her friend, including many others.. but they well know Scarlet wouldn't have to live in sorrow anymore.
As now, she was forever back with her Johnny.
• OC MENTIONS (though likely all my mutuals' OCs are here in the story, but for special mentions!)
Charlotte "Jade" Le Jardin — @sleepyconfusedpotato
Alyssa "Aly" Martinez — @alypink
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nrnjcstsnyms · 7 months
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QSMP x Ace Attorney pt. 2
What is she thinkin about??
Pt. 1 here!
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callimara · 1 year
The Characters
Main Cast
▶ Height Chart
Kirana Putri Anggraini
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A full-time registered nurse and the holder of the Snake Aegis. She is 25 years old and has lived in Bougainville for the past 5 years to work at Bougainville General. Kirana is of Indonesian (half-Javanese, half-Balinese) descent: born and raised in Jogjakarta before undertaking her bachelor's degree in Paris. She has since gained permanent residence in France. Kirana is a sweet, kind, and motherly individual. She is empathetic and cares deeply for others: she will always extend a helping hand to those in need. Her family means more to her than anything in the world and she does her best to do right by them; even if it means pushing herself far too much. Though it can be challenging to live and work in a town where everyone perceives you as... Different, she tries her best to not let it affect her. Even when it does, deep down... She is very humble, though whether it's genuine humility or a genuine fear of standing out remains to be seen. But one thing everyone knows about her is her large appetite and love of food! She perceives food as an important part of culture and forming connections (which is a very fortunate common thread to have). So if she invites you for a coffee or lunch, be sure to say yes!
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Learn more about Ulara!
Clara De Vries
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A struggling artist who performs at cafes and bars - and occasionally sidewalks – all over town. She is the holder of the Songbird Aegis; 24 years old and a new face in town. Originally from Amsterdam, she arrived in Bougainville with nothing but the clothes on her back (quite literally). She is desperate to put her past behind her and move on to greener pastures. Clara wears her heart on her sleeve and is quick to give it away (which is often the cause of her troubles.) She craves affection and connection; but past experiences have given her a more pessimistic view on her chances of finding it. Yet still, she readily accepts it from anyone who offers: desperately. She is deeply troubled; though what it is that troubles her or why, she will never say. Perhaps it is her money trouble, or trouble finding a safe place to sleep, or any combination of the two: she is often lost in her own thoughts; slightly scatterbrained and distracted. But she truly comes to life when she is singing and playing music. Recently she learned of a full-ride music scholarship from Bougainvillea University. Perhaps it will finally help her turn her life around...
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Learn more about Nightingale!
Natasha "Amber" Vasilieva
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A park ranger and holder of the Tiger Aegis. She is 28 years old and is a military veteran of the Russian armed forces. She was discharged after being diagnosed with PTSD and Broca's Aphasia from a traumatic head injury while on active duty. To aid in her recovery, she had moved to the quiet, peaceful town of Bougainville for a job at the Emilie Francoise Nature Reserve: away from large crowds and loud noises. It has been several years since then. She was not as angry as she used to be; but living with her new disabilities still vexes her from to time to time. Amber is determined to get through her recovery as fast as she possibly can, but her progress is slow; a part of her fears that... She might never be the same person she was before. Despite this, she remains stoic and unshaken on the outside. Amber is severe and intimidating, even when she doesn't mean to be. If she can just learn to talk again... Maybe she wouldn't be stuck twiddling her thumbs in the middle of nowhere.
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Learn more about Amura!
Colette Le Gautier
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A student at Bougainvillea University? Who knows. Colette is very evasive about what she does. 26 years old and the holder of the Cat Aegis, she has an eclectic set of skills in her resume; one of which being a top gymnast for the Bougainvillea University's gymnastics team. Clever, quick-witted, and calculating; Colette uses her words carefully and purposefully. A social butterfly that fits into any social circle, but a recluse when it comes to her personal life. No one never really knows Colette. There is something unnerving about her: a certain pressure that could put anyone on edge. Is it her striking beauty? Her demand for perfection? Her uncanny ability to make someone want to please her regardless? Or something else? But one thing is certain: she looks out for no one but herself. So what is it does she hope to find in a small, quaint town like Bougainville?
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Learn more about Felle Noire!
Supporting Cast
Carter Bishop
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Carter is one of the library assistants at the Bougainville University Library, and has quickly become a popular fixture there; despite having only started in the last couple of months. He appears to be in his late twenties, and speaks with an extremely upper class British accent. He speaks fluent French with little difficulty, and is diligent and dedicated in his work. He tends to keep to himself most of the time, but he is pleasant to interact with: personable and friendly, albeit with a typical British dry wit. He is quick to help anybody who needs it, and his aid has already saved more than a few last-minute studiers with their coursework!
Elias Wright
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Elias is the foul-tempered, acerbic chef in the local bistro, having already made a name for himself thanks to his explosive temper and overwhelming presence. The only thing that exceeds his apparently endless reserves of rage is his skill for cooking; the food in the bistro has taken a notable turn for the better, though whether that's from his skill, his leadership or simply the fact that the other cooks are terrified of angering him with sub-par products remains to be seen. He appears to be of American descent, and speaks with a difficult to place southern-states accent, but does not seem keen on sharing details. In dealings with people out and about town, he is prickly, standoffish and suspicious, preferring his own company to that of others. If he isn't shouting, then he's at least wearing a heavy scowl most of the time.
Markus Reiland
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Markus is the suave, charming, popular bartender at the Bougainville watering hole, and is known probably intimately by most women - and half of the men - in town. His easygoing, charming demeanour, easy smile and dulcet tones have charmed more than their fair share of customers in any number of ways, and it seems like he always has his finger on the pulse of recent happenings in town. To be expected from the bartender who can wink and smile a secret out of anybody! He is eminently flirtatious and effortlessly charming, always ready with a wink, a smile and a flirtatious joke to anybody who crosses his path. He's a skilled cocktail mixer, and his party trick is making a custom cocktail for his customer based solely on his impressions of them as a person; he rarely misses, which just goes to show how easily he can read people. Unusually for rural France, he speaks with a thick hybrid accent, using many Louisianan cadences mixed with what appears to be an Iberian Spanish accent.
Casey Price
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Casey is the bubbly and friendly waiter at the local vegan cafe, almost always being found on the morning and lunch shift. He's a friendly and talkative fellow who often chatters his customer's ear off with an earnest and sincere personability that makes it difficult to resist the urge to fall into conversation with him. He's a passionate animal-lover, extolling the virtues of vegetarianism to anybody who asks, but he is not one to judge or evangelise if the subject has not come up naturally. His accent seems to be from the American continent, though whether north-States or southern-Canadian is a little hard to tell at times. He's a little dorky, often tripping over his words in his excitement to say them, and often talks about his dreams of one day becoming a vet, or working in conservation...if he can find the time and money to go to school for the qualifications, that is!
▶ Wildward Master Post
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virgothozul · 1 year
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souvenons-nous de ce post ! J’avais parlé de mon futal trop serré. Comme prévu, je me suis cousu un caleçon pour aller avec la veste de costume. Je peux maintenant porter Phoenix et avoir l’air parfaitement professionnel.
Let’s remember this post. Where I talked about my suit’s pants being way too tight. So, according to plan, I ‘ve made trunks to throw on with the blazer. I can now wear Phoenix and look perfectly competent.
this is my cosplay ig btw : https://www.instagram.com/virgotools/
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doctorsiren · 9 months
New animatic! (un)happy DL-6 day!
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ifwebefriends · 9 months
Phoenix Wright watching Les Mis: wow this Javert guy kinda reminds me of Edgeworth…
Meanwhile in a parallel universe…
Modern AU! Javert playing Ace Attorney: wow this Phoenix fellow reminds me of…Jean Valjean…
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pedroam-bang · 4 months
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Casino Royale (2006)
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