#ler Raphael
savemeafruitjuice · 8 months
OKAY THIS RIGHT HERE! 🗣️‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Lee! Donatello
Ler! Raph, Mikey, Leo
TW! None!
It was a normal day for the turtles, Donnie and Raph playing video games as Mikey watched from the couch, cheering no one on in particular as he stared intently at the screen as his brothers battled. Leo was out doing whatever Leo does in his spare time, probably finding a place to eat for later or something of the sort.
Raphael had won twice in a row so far, and the brainiac was starting to get a little frustrated. They were playing another Lou Jitsu fighting game, and Raph always took the strongest character, the bulky turtle barely giving his brother an opening for attack whenever they played.
The match had just started, and Donnie's health was already half way drained! It was impossible! He had already planned out the best moves for attack, and knew his brother a little too well for his moves to be surprising, so how was he winning? Surely since he knew all of the best combos he would have an assured victory, right?
Not only was he losing, but his older brother had been teasing him about it too, along with Mikey! Things like, "Hey, it's not my fault that you're so caught up in your science that you don't play as well as me!" and "C'mon Dee, don't be such a grump and just admit your losing!" echoed throughout his brain.
He was trying with every fiber of his being to win, he really was! The purple-themed turtle clenched his teeth as he fought for control. How was his brother beating him? Unless...
"Raph, you're totally cheating!" the smug grin on his brother's face never faltered as they mashed their controllers. "Hah! That's not cheating, this is cheating!" Raphael's grin widened as he reached over to Donnie, still focused on the video game.
Donnie realized what was about to happen, panicking slightly. He froze, eyes scrunched shut as he waited for the inevitable. While he wasn't all that comfortable with being touchy-feely, he supposed he could make an exception just this once. Plus, he was getting rather agitated over the game, and laughing a little couldn't hurt.
A smile crept over his features. He couldn't bare to watch as his brothers hand crept closer and closer, inching forward until-
"Eeheek! GyaHA!"
Laughter poured through his lips as his armpit was attacked, wiggling fingers drilling mercilessly beneath his clamped arm. Within seconds, his controller buzzed in his other hand as a pop-up appeared on the screen. Once more, big bold words appeared on both of their sides of the tv, the all too familiar "You Lose" echoing through the lair as the turtle squealed in mirth.
"Y-YohohU WOHOHON! Quihihit ihit alreHEADY!" the controller fell from his hands as he wiggled about, Raphael cheering as Mikey clapped, giggling as his older brother didn't stop tickling the other. The artist crawled over to the two, hitting the ground with an "Oomf!" as he slid off the couch.
Raphael turned fully to Donatello now, his controller tossed to the side while he latched onto his brother's ribcage with his left hand, the right still wiggling under the poor turtle's arm. The genius was full on cackling now, squirming about until eventually he lost his balance.
He toppled backwards, being caught by Mikey. 'When did he get there?' "MIHIHIKEY! HEhelp meheheeee!" his brothers laughed with him, Raph switching from squeezing at his ribs and armpit to wriggling all six digits along his waist. Little relief came from that action though; the purple themed turtle threw his head back and screeched as his little brother snatched up his arms, holding back his biceps with his forearms.
His face flushed a light shade of pink, squirming increasing ten-fold. "Ihihi meheheahant heHELP ME GET AHAWAAHAY! AHAAHNGELOO!" his older brother straddled his calves, now only allowing him to thrash around his torso and as much of his knees as this new position would allow. "Nice gohoing Mihikey!" the other two couldn't help but chuckle along, Donnie desperately reaching for Raph's hands as they moved down ever so slightly, now spidering along his thighs, but given how Mikey held his arms, he couldn't reach his tormentors.
"Awww, Dee! Your smile is so sweet!" Mikey now had begun teasing, each word sending shivers down the other's spine as his tone darkened slightly. "Ihihit's noHOHOHOT! L-EHEHEEE!" Donnie had almost called out for his twin, but quickly decided against it, because let's be real- he wouldn't help in the slightest.
Almost as if reading his thoughts, the portal user rushed into the lair, arms flying over his head. "GUYS, GUYS, GUYS! Oooooh~ watcha doinn'?" his excited smile quickly turned to a mischievous grin as he paused, taking in what was happening.
Don's cheeks were rosy, his eyes squeezed shut as his hips wiggled about, trying to avoid Raphael's fingers as they scuttled along his thighs. Mikey was putting quite a lot of effort into keeping his arms up, and looking from behind them he could see the youngest nuzzling his brother's neck, causing him to shrink away.
Leo giggled. He hadn't seen Donnie genuinely laugh in weeks. The oldest of them was lightheartedly making fun of his brother, noting how he wasn't telling them to stop. Leo swore he could see the pink of his face tinge the back of his neck.
"What did you wanna tell us?" Raph had looked up to Leo from the floor, tilting his head slightly in question. 'Maybe it's not THAT important..'
"Oh, it's nothing. We can deal with it later." his grin turned to a smirk as he crept up behind his brothers. Sensing his brother's presence, and knowing how ruthless he was when tickling, Donatello made a frantic plea for his release. "PLEHEHEASE! Leheo hE-AAAHAHA!"
The younger twin had already made up his mind, squeezing his brother's sides, making him laugh a little louder before going to sit to the left of him. He plopped down on his knees, looking at his brother's face. He didn't seem too frantic, but he did look happy. When Leo had stopped squeezing his sides, his laughter died down to high-pitched giggles, eyes opening to see Leonardo's wiggling fingers making their way to his hips.
A gasp pushed its way out of his mouth, his waist contorting to avoid the offending fingers. Donnie knew he couldn't escape. He knew it was pointless, so in one of the only options of being stubborn he had left, he used his hand to shield his face from them all. Jerking his head to the left, he used his right hand to swat at Mikey's face as it opened him up for more nuzzles on that side, using his other hand to block his own from his other brothers' view.
"Hiding, are we? I think I can fix that~" the blue themed turtle began rapidly squeezing Don's hips, causing a loud squeal to echo through the lair. The younger twin made little noises at the tormented, furthering his descent into madness. "Tktktktktk~ Does that tiiiickle? Is poor wittle DonTon tiiickwish?"
Donatello gave up on hiding his face, arms flailing about as his back arched up, only sending his evil twin's fingers further into his hips. The oldest of them had reached back and started scribbling along his feet, leaving the teen to breathlessly chortle and plead with his brothers.
"LEHEHEOOO! Dohohon't Doho thahaaat! Ihihit TIHIHICKLEEHEES! HAH!" Donnie's head began to go limp, chin pressed into his chest, before shooting back up and cackling once more as Mikey blew a raspberry on the back of his neck. "WAHAHAHIHIHIHIIIIT!" the scientist wailed, his hands flapping furiously.
Leo took note of this, and knowing his twin better than anyone in the room, put an end to his torture. "Awww! Okay guys, he's happy stimming! We should prolly stop before we kill him or something." all of their fingers slowed, Raphael pushing himself off of his legs, Leo switching to gently rubbing his sides, and Mikey releasing his arms, which he now crossed over his chest, hand flapping slowing until he slid to the floor, remaining giggles flowing out every once in a while.
The three looked down at their brother to make sure he was okay before Mikey ran to go get him some water. When he got back, Donnie took a sip, muttering a "thanks" before Raph picked him up from the ground, carrying him bridal style to the couch. He laid down himself, setting Donnie on top of him, Leo and Mikey soon throwing themselves on the pair as well.
The purple-themed turtle sighed, all of them enjoying this rare moment of affection in between their chaotic lives. They didn't have a lot, but one thing was for certain: they'd always have each other.
This turned out to be kind of a monster fic, and honestly, I'm okay with that. I love these guys waaaay too much, so I hope you enjoy!! Remember to drink water and eat, and have a wonderful day or night! 💕💕💕
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tickle-page · 2 years
“Being smart is a curse” ( THE RISE OF THE TMNT)!!
A/N: This is a tickle fic based off my fav turtle from ‘The Rise of The TMNT”, Donnie!! Haven’t finished yet, so no spoilers😭. It may seem like I made Donnie this really annoying nerd, but I can assure u, he’s my fav, and I’m joking😭.
Lee: Donnie
Ler(s): Leo, Mikey, Raph, brief April
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With Mikey:
“And that’s how I built Sheldon,” Donnie finished talking about his dumb robot thing to Mikey who literally didn’t ask.
“Uh, huh, cool,” Mikey was on his phone during Donnie’s whole “lecture”. Replying with words that’ll make it seem like he was listening.
“And… You don’t care.” Donnie slouched in his standing position.
“Nope, but it was rlly cool talking to ya, D!” The orange turtle waved him off as he continued looking at his phone, exiting the room.
With Raph:
Donnie examined Raph’s fighting style on the side lines, cringing at his techniques. “Ya know, Raph, you gotta do it like this, or that way won’t be as effective while fighting the villains.” Donnie showed him a “good technique”.
Raph was kinda getting annoyed that Donatello kept telling him different ways to fight every step of the way, “I understand that, Donnie, but I like doing this better than that.”
“Hmmm,” Donnie pondered, “I still don’t see it.”
Raph sighed and face palmed, then he walked back inside from the rooftop.
With Leo:
Leo was casually skating doing some tricks like he always does, while Donnie was on the side watching him. Leo couldn’t focus like this, so he stopped, and asked the purple turtle why he kept staring at him.
“Only bc I feel like I can do way better at skateboarding than you.” Donnie laughed almost mocking Leonardo.
The blue ninja turtle scoffed, “As if.”
“Nah, frfr, Wanna bet?” Donnie grinned, leaning on the wall. Which keep in mind, he just wanted to be cocky bc he had no skateboarding talent whatsoever.
Mikey, Raph, and Leo all came together to complain abt Donnie’s cockiness within the last week.
“We need to put an end to him being a smartass.” Raph said.
“Uh huh, tottally. We need to think of something he absolutely HATES, that’ll knock him down a peg.” Leo agreed w/ Raphael.
They all thought of one thing he couldn’t stand, and that was… tickling.
“We could tickle him to make him understand.” Mikey jumped up, excited to be the first one to come up w/ an answer.
“Oh yh, remember that one time when April tickled the living crap out of Donnie, making him cry?” The blue ninja turtle drew a figment imagination in the other two turtle’s heads. Like a flashback.
“Mhm Mhm, we had to console him for hours.” Raph.
“Then we should do just that.” Leo ended the “family meeting”.
They all walked into their third youngest brother’s lair. “Hey, D!” Michelangelo nonchalantly walked to the right side of a very concentrated purple turtle.
“What’s going, Angelo?” Donnie didn’t look up to meet the orange turtle’s gaze, still focus on his witchery.
“Oh nun~”
Donatello kinda got a little nervous at Mikey’s tone, but shrugged it off.
Raph and Leo was still standing by the door way as to not get Donnie any idea abt what they were planning because, all of them standing by one smart soft shell turtle is looking for trouble.
“U still highly sensitive?~” Mikey poked Donnie’s side in a teasy tone, earning a squeak and a protest from the older turtle.
“Mikey…. Don’t touch me.” Donatello warned.
The youngest turtle motioned to his other two older brother’s, and they both took an arm and pinned the scared brother on the back of his soft shell. “AGH!! Guys!!! Get off of me, PLEASE!!”
“Not until u laugh~” Mikey poked repeatedly on Donnie’s twitching stomach.
“Ahahhahahaha, Mikey! Stop!” Donatello withered in place.
“Wow, u rlly are extremely ticklish, huh?” Leo joined in on the teasing.
“Ohhahahahah, please! We all know, youhuhuhuhuhu three will start gihihihigling too, if u wehehehehre tickled like thihihihihis, STOP!!”
“Awww he’s already begging, how cute.”
“Shut up, RAPH!!! Ahahhahahahahaah!!!”
“Hey! Be nice!” Mikey scratched his stomach harder now.
“MIKEY!!! StahAhaaoP!”
“Say ur Sry,” Mikey continued to tease his older brother.
“I’M SRY!!”
“Ur forgiven, but we’re not gonna stop yet.”
“Lucky for you, April told us where ur weak points are.” Leo cooed right by the soft shell turtles’ ear.
Donnie scrunched up his shoulder to get rid of the phantom tickles that vibrated against his ear w/ the help of his older brother. “Please, stahahaha-Stop!”
“No can do, D. We gotta teach u a lesson for always being so cocky, and out besting us.” Raph scratched the purple turtle’s exposed neck.
“Guhuhuhuhys, please! Just stohohohop it alr, I’m serious!”
“Yh, kinda hard to take u serious, Mr. Giggles.” Leonardo his collarbone, by gently tracing his finger around the sensitive bone.
“Please! Ihihihihit hurts.” Donnie lied through his teeth, trying to make it seem like it did so they would stop, but Mikey had other plans up his sleeve.
“Dw, Donatello, Mr. Delicate Touch, will make it to where it won’t hurt.” The youngest turtle pinned one of his arms above his head, and lightly traced up and down from his top ribcage to the center of his armpit. Tracing around inside, giving the center a few scratches as he teases. “Does it tickle when I ever so slightly scratch my way, starting from ur sides, all the way to ur armpits? Bet it’ll tickle so much more when I use a soft paint brush on ur delicate skin. We’ll see if ur still begging me to stop afterwards.” Ofc, Mikey didn’t have a paint brush, but just the thought of it twirling around on his exposed armpits, with Micheal’s continuous teases, made him shiver.
Donnie’s drawn on eyebrows furrowed in fear, wandering if he’ll ever get out of this soon bc he’s nearly abt to pass out from all this non stop tickle torture. Then he realized one person he could call on for help, or so to say, robot. “SEHEHEHHEEHLDON!!!!”
“Wsu, D?” Sheldon asked, almost blind as to what’s infront of him rn.
Sheldon acted like he was thinking of what to say. Should he help him? Or not? He finally made up his mind, “No way, man. You’re on ur own.” And as if his name was Usain Bolt, he flew right out of the room.
“CURSE U, SHELDON!!” Donatello laughed, from Mikey’s continuous tickling to his armpits, Leo’s non-stop torment to his neck and ears, and Raph’s tormenting fingers on his stomach. Donnie was losing his mind.
He couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t protest or talk, it felt like he had a migraine, and he was losing his vision. The three turtles were obviously oblivious to there ticklish brother’s agonizing pain, so they decided to tickle one last place, that’ll get him to scream… They flipped him over on his stomach, exposing his most vulnerable area, and his most sensitive.
“Ok, listen Donnie, u gotta make sure u don’t move too much or you won’t like the outcome,” Dr. Delicate Touch warned as he took off Donnie’s battle shell.
The 3rd oldest brother felt a hit of cold wind on his back, that signaled him to stop them while he still has the chance. “G-guys… Please don’t touch me there. I can-can’t stand it at all, and I’m being serious rn… Please…”
Mikey, Leo, and Raph couldn’t believe what they’re hearing. Was Donnie crying? They’re whole 15 years of living together, not once did they hear their stoic, always serious, never cutting corners, brother cry. They all realized that it was time to stop, so Leo put back on his battle shell, while they gave him space. Bc they just felt like he need time for himself since he needed to cool down after the torture they put him through.
“Ummm… D? Doctor Feelings is always here if u need someone to talk to, k?” And as Mikey finished his sentence, more so question, the three ending lers left the room. Donnie composed himself w/in 5 minutes after they left, but he stayed in there a little longer, figuring out the perfect revenge he can do to get back at them, individually.
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stup1d-lee · 25 days
you guys gotta hear me out here….lee raph..
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⚠️tcest dni!!⚠️
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ashaleeleedagurl · 9 months
Cheering up a genius
Fandom: ROTTMNT (Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)
Lee: Donnie
Ler: Leo
Other characters: Raph, Mikey (mentioned), Splinter (mentioned)
Raphael was walking in the lair, walking to his room when he heard some sobs coming from his younger brother, Donatello, and decided to tell Leonardo.
"Let me handle it, He's been my twin for a while now, and I'm the one who's going to cheer him up bc, Mikey isn't really gentle with Doctor Delicate Touch on D, and I know when he gets into one of his "moods"" Leo said to the snapping turtle.
He walked to Donnie's room and knocked on the door, "D? You in he-" he cut off short when he found his purple twin under the blanket, sobbing.
He walked over to him and softly spoke to him, "Are you ok, hermano?"
"No! Leave me alone!" Donnie choked up as his sobs got louder, his face completely red as tears ran down his face.
Leo grabbed his side and lightly grabbed his shell to pull his twin in for a hug until he saw Donnie giggle softly. He smirked, cause, of course he did! It's Leo!! "D, why you gigglin'?" He mischievously asked as he skittered his hand up and down Donnie's shell.
Donnie started laughing, and, oh mi gosh! It was the purest thing Leo has ever heard from his grumpy twin!
"Nahahardohoho! Stohohop ihihit!" Donnie weakly said as he tried to cover his mouth.
"Don't hide that smile of yours, dear twin-o-mine!" Leo smirkingly said, uncovering Donnie's mouth and continued tickling his shell.
"Ohohokay, ok, I'm stopping."
Leo knew how to respect boundaries more than any other turtle there, including Splinter, so he stopped.
The soft shell pulled the red-eared slider into a hug and smiled widely.
Grumpy turtle + tickles = Happy turtle
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someone1348 · 1 year
Okay! Because it is the special 400! We are starting my surprise series me and @dallyhall came up with based on the episode "Down With the Sickness"
So pretty much the premise is: you know the captain cuddle cakes or stage 3? We changed that up! Stage 3 becomes the ler stage! When they get sick and enter stage three everything ler wise is amplified (They all fear Mikey)
This is the Stage 3 Series!!! I'm so excited to write this!
We're starting off with Leo! I hope you enjoy!
The people in this: Ler!Leo, Lee!Donnie, Lee!Mikey, Lee!Raph
Tw: some intense tickles sort of! And a Mention of being panicked, That's about it other than that it's adorable!
Thank you all for 400! This is for you guys! I love you all so much! :] /p /gen /pos
-K :]
Stage Three: Leo!
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"ACHOO!" Time seemed to stop right then and there. All three turtles slowly turned to look at their brother in blue.
"Leooo? You okay buddyy?" Raph asked him calmly. Being sick wasn't new to them, and none of them, minus Donnie, were worried about catching anything, but things have changed. Recently, because they have grown, the stage three of being sick for all of the turtles has changed from captain cuddle cakes to the ultimate tickle monster.
Everything was enhanced, it was like having a ler mood times 3000. That's why everyone was shaking in their metaphorical boots right now. It has been too long since one of them got sick, they could not afford this right now.
"Guys, I'm fineee! Don't worry! It's allergy season!" Leo dismissed their worries but the more time went on the more he started to not feel right, did he eat another poison puff?, no no, hmm, uh oh-
"Is it hot in here?"
Their eyes widened as they all looked at him again,
"Stage One!" They shouted in unison, really starting to panic now. Leo sighed and looked at them, trying to calm everyone down.
"Guys really I'm f-fi- achoo!" He sniffed "I'm fine!"
"Quarantine him!"
"No! Guys! Raph! Put me down!" Leo complained before they gently threw him in a room putting up the special sick divider they have for occasions like this.
"This is stupid I'm not sick"
"He's in denial" Donnie said in his normal monotoned voice
"He's moving to stage two!" Mikey said dramatically as he slid down the length of Donnies arm onto the floor.
"Relax! He's in there, when he gets to stage three we'll be safe!" Raph said confidently as Donnie gently and soothingly rubbed the top of Mikeys head.
The three of them went to do their own thing. Mikey cautiously came back with soup which Leo thanked him for, things seemed to be normal. Either he wasn't in stage three yet or stage three went back to captain cuddle cakes but that's impossible...right?
Mikey rushed to get the others "guys! Leo seems normal, were we wrong about him being sick? Has stage three changed back? I don't know what's going on!" Mikey babbled before Donnie shook his head 'no'
"No no, he's definitely sick, maybe he's playing mind games, to try and lure you in for stage 3"
Mikey whimpered in fear before giggling a little in anticipation.
"Shhh Mikey! We can't wake up stage three!" Donnie whisper yelled as the three of them peaked around the corner to check on him.
Eyes widened as they saw that they were staring at nothing.
"Uhhh guys...he's gone" Raph spoke as he looked down "Mikey?!"
"HE'S GOT MIKEY!" They shouted together as they looked around
"He was right here! Great Galileo! we are doomed!" Raph placed his hands on his younger brothers shoulders
"Breathe Donnie, We have the advantage, prepare yourself and let him have Mikey! You know he's the most ticklish anyway! Maybe he'll only go for him"
"You're right! I wish you the best of luck, big brother" he wiped a fake tear as Raph nodded
"It's been an honor, little brother!" Raph saluted him as they went their sepreate ways.
Mikey, on the other hand, had been taken away and put in his room "m-my room? But why?" He was so confused, this was so different than other stage threes before.
He heard a distant giggling, and then a million different portals illuminated the room covering almost every inch of the space but the floor. Mikeys eyes widened as he turned and tried to follow the giggling but it sounded like it was coming from every direction.
"Leoooo" Mikey whined cautiously, aware of the giggles that threatened to spill out from Mikeys lips as they bubbled up in his chest. He felt a poke to his side but when he turned there wasn’t a hand in sight.
Another poke
And another
"Leheheo! Quit poking mehe" Mikey quickly covered his mouth. The youngest knew he was doomed as the low chuckle that once echoed all over the room made itself present again.
Mikey spun around and was now face to face with the man himself "Boo!" Leo said as he pulled Mikey into a portal that took them to the soundproof garage,
"Now I can get those precious giggles of yours all to myself~" Leo smirked as he held Mikeys hands up above his head with one hand.
Mikey couldn't contain the giggles, Stage Three: The tickle monster stage.
"Leheheo plehease!"
"I haven't even touched you yet giggles~" he wiggled his fingers teasingly at him, Leo's classic smirk grew tenfold as he scanned his little brother for the first spot he would go to
"I'm saving those precious knees for last, for right now~ these ticklish sides of yours are calling my name!" He thought out loud before gently squeezing and scribbling alll over Mikeys sides, letting go of pinning him down so he can use both hands.
Mikey squeaked before he lightly tried to push at Leo's hands. "LEHeheHeO! NOhoHoHo!" He giggled like a little kid, which made Leo smile.
"You're too adorable little brother! I knew picking you first was the right choice, Once I heard those giggles it was quite an easy decision~" he booped his nose as Mikeys face dusted a light pink.
"IHihit's a blehehessing and a cursEE HEHE LEHeHeO!" He squealed before the tickle monster in him decided it was time for his littlest brothers stomach to get some raspberries
Mikey lightly pushed at his head as he tried to get away "IHhIT TIhHicKles!"
Leo giggled "I would hope so, hmmm I'm not satisfied yet, let's say we move down, does that sound good gigglebug?~"
Mikeys eyes widened and he chirped as Leo dragged his fingers down his thighs to his knees gently tapping the tops of them
"LEHEHEEO! DohoHon't! Thahat's my tihihickle spot!" He giggled with anticipation and spoke so innocently as if he hadn't been tickled many many times before by his big brothers, especially Leo!
"Oh? Right heree you say?~" Leo giggled as he gently squeezed his knee caps and listened to Mikey snort.
Leo scribbled all over his knees from the tops of them to underneath them leaving no spot untickled.
"Yehehes~" Leo giggled along with him as he gently flipped his youngest brother over and blew raspberries behind his knees.
Mikey chirped and snorted again "LEHEHEO PLEAHAHAHASE IHIHIT TIHIHICKLES!"
"Oh does this tickle too?~" he asked with a smirk as he gently nibbled behind his knees
"EEE! YEHEHES-" He snorted again as his fists gently hit the floor "ALOHOHOT!"
"We're almost done cutie pie" he teased him like any big brother would as he gently dragged his teeth from the back of his knees to the back of his thighs.
Mikeys laugh went silent before he snorted and let out his genuine laughter "LEHEHE LEHEHE!"
Leo giggled and stopped as he rubbed away the ghost tickles before gently rubbing Mikeys head "Time to find the others, adios Hermano~" he winked portaling Mikey back to his room and them himself to the living room to start looking for the others.
Leo giggled as he wandered the house, "Raphieeeee come out come out wherever you areee~"
Raphs eyes widened as he covered his mouth. He didn't even hear Mikey get caught how is this possible?! He was hiding behind the biggest arcade machine they have. The sound of the machines rattled with Leo's teasy voice getting closer and closer with every passing second. He had no time to think about it, this was game time if he's caught it's over.
"Raphieeee I'm gonna getchaa!~" He smirked as he popped his head into the arcade "now this looks like the kind of place my big brother would be~"
Raph put another hand to his mouth trying to hold back any threatening giggles that lingered in his throat.
Leo tapped every machine until he got to the one Raph was hiding behind. With a smirk he teased "Oh where could he be!" He giggled a little, peeking his head over the side of it. "I found you my little Raphadoodlee~"
Raph squeaked as he tried to get away before Leo gently pounced onto him wasting no time scribbling all over his spikes
"Leo! Wait!- NOHOHO HAHA!-" Raph snorted mid-sentence as Leo's smirk grew and he continued "Dawww what's the matter? Is Raphiee Ticklwishh?~" He spoke in his baby voice as he switched between Raphs ribs and his spikes
"LEHeheOOHO! KNohoHocK IHit OHoFf!" He tried to squirm without hurting him but his face started to get redder than his bandana
"Look at your face!" Leo giggled before blowing raspberries to his spikes "Does it tickleeeee?~"
"Coochie Coochie Coo wittle Laughy Raphhiee~" He smirked, watching his older brother crumble gently to the floor in order to try and hide his face
"Okahay okahay!" Leo gently rubbed away the ghost tickles before walking out of the arcade. "Be good for me now giggles i've got a scientist to find~"
"Oh DONNIEEEE~" he wandered out of the arcade towards Donnies room/lab.
The purple clad turtles eyes were already wide upon hearing Raphs laughter from his lab, he thought for sure Leo would have been done after both of them but-
"Oh my banana pancakes I am doomed" he spoke quietly before his lab doors were busted open
"Deee Deee~ my favorite twinnn come give your brother some giggles~" Donnie squeaked as Leo was already tackling him gently down to the floor faster than he could blink! Mikey had the strength but Leo for sure had the speed.
Leo smirked and scribbled all over the top of his thighs "Tickle Tickle tickleee~ wittle DonLEE~"
"LEHeheO! COhohoMe OHohon! NOhot Fahair! LehEhet MeHe GohoHo!" Donnies pleads went in one ear and out the other as Leo gently flipped him over and lightly pinched all over the back of his thighs
"Tickletickletickletickle! You know you have the most precious laugh in the whole world Dee Dee~ I could listen to it for hourss!" Leo smiled as he blew raspberries all over the back of his thighs.
"NohOHOHO! NOHOT TRUHUE! LEHeheO sTAhaP IhIHIT!-" He snorted after his sentence making Leo giggle some more before gently bitting all over the back of his thighs
"We're almost done gigglebug~" he gently dragged his teeth down from the top of the back of his thighs to his knees
"LEHEHE LEHEHE!" Donnies face turned crimson as he stimmed happily
"Okahay okay" Leo giggled gently rubbing away his ghost tickles before getting off of him.
"ACHOO!-" Leo sneezed again before he gently fell asleep. Donnie took him back to quarantine before gathering the others.
"It's official stage three is over!" Donnie spoke with great pleasure as he looked at them all, red faced and some still giggling.
"I haven't laughed like that in so long" Mikey said as they all agreed,
"Let's try and keep our distance until it clears and hope none of us gets sick" Raph spoke as they nodded
A few moments later
"ACHOO!-" uh ohhhh...
I hope you all enjoyed this special! I can't wait to write the rest of this series but I'm gonna have everyone vote for who's next!
Also credits to @aninabanina6969 for the Laughy Raphie nickname! That was all her, not me! Credit where credit is due!
Thank you all for 400! You all mean so much to me and I'm so happy for this incredible community, for all of you, for the wonderful people I've met here and more! You are loved, you are appreciated, you are important and valid and I'm so proud of you! Never forget that!
Have an amazing day everyone <3
-K :]
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squiggly-mctwig · 2 years
Beware of the teenage mutant ninja blanket!!
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 9 months
lee mikey: Mikey is decorating Christmas cookies and he's doing it somewhat differently when someone (you can pick who) says something rude and hurts Mikeys feelings. The other over hear it and are NOT letting their baby brother be sad.
Day 24. The Giggly cookie
Summary: Mikey has a small cookie-sell out, but when someone comments on his cookies he gets sad... next thing he knows he is getting cheered up by his brothers.
A/n: SO this is the last day of this christmas series, ofcourse I'm still open to request but it won't be a Daily comic, cause of 2 things, 1 i have a busy life, 2 MOST of these were rushed and for them to not be rushed i need time for that, so yh, I'm still open to request, just they won't get here easily. Merry Christmas and HAPPY new year! T-CESTERS AND PRO-SHIPPERS NOT ALLOWED. Enjoy!!
Lee: Mikey
Ler: Leo, Donnie and Raph.
Extra: the purple dragons.
Warrnings: Making someone sad, mentions of nuking, Tickling. Comfort.
Mikey had a sell out with his Christmas cooking! He thought some sweets would be perfect for the christmas-spirit! He was selling soo many Christmas treats as the snowflakes fell on the cookie boxes he hand made. Suddenly he saw 3 teenagers in purple satin jackets walk his way. He was suspicious, okay he didn't know these 3 people but...those jackets seemed familiar... The 3 teenagers made their way to the cookie stand as Mikey said.
🧡:Hello! How can i help you?-
💜Ke: OH I have an idea how you can help us... by running away with these horrible cookies of yours- I mean- who whould buy...these cookies?
Mikeys smile slowley faded away, a bit of iritation and hurt showing in his eyes as his smile turned to a frown. Kendras words did hit a bit...
💜Je: Yeah like dude what are these supposed to be?? Who are you waiting for?? A dog??? A rat??? Those look like traps that even the dumbest animal won't fall for!!
Jeremy snickered eith Kendra giving each other a high five as Jason added.
💜Ja: those don't even look good dude. You should get a beter skill.
Kendra and Jeremy stopped laughing glaring at Jason.
💜Ke: oh shut up Jason. That wasn't either funny or creative. *groan* come on guys. Let's go. We don't have time for some plain papper sweets.
The Purple dragons walked away laughing leaving the turtle hurt, he whanted to yell at them, he whanted to prove to them he's actually good, but for some reason he thought...were they right?
Mikey gathered all his cookies and stand and quickly went back into the lair. Trying to swallow his tears.
When he came back he sat in the kitchen, now in a bad mood, laying his head onto his arms as his eyes glossed up with a small pout on his face. Meanwhile his older brothers came back with the pizza, Leo and Donnie were arguing about something meanwhile Raph just listened with an annoyed face, when they saw Mikey they all went greet their brother.
💙:Hi Bud! Wassup?
When they all hear Mikeys voice their joy faded replacing with worry and concern.
❤️:Hey Mikey uh how did the sell out go!-
Before he could finish Mikey interrupted with a groan as he hid his face in his arms showing all of them that something did indeed happend.
Mikey then explained what hapoend making the 3 older turtles mad before trying and comforting their brother.
💜:Ah brother, don't litsen to those idiots that call themselves geniuses, they are just stuck up brats.
💙:Yea! Mikey, your baking and decorating is *chef kiss* those idiots should go suck a drain.
🧡:Maybe...but what if it's true...?
Raph was rubbing the younger shoulder slowley getting an idea as he slowley started tickling his sides while Leo and Donnie tried comforting Mikey, when Mikey felt the tickles he hid his face into the table making Donnie and Leo think he's crying before they heard.
🧡:RhahahaphHh SthOHOpp-
The faint and muffled giggles of the youngest turtle giving the other ideas. Leo started slowley tickling Mikeys armpits meanwhile Donnie started tickling Mikeys neck and shell.
Mikey bursted into giggles and laughter as he tried to kick them off but with no amount of effort he put in, he coudnt. Slowley the tickling increased making the boy laugh hysterically before the others let him breathe and stopped. Smiling at their youngest brother before Leo mumbled to Donnie.
💙:You nuked the purple idiots base right?
Before they started tickling Mikey agian to make sure he is infact in a great mood.
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
Day 6
lee!Michaelangelo ler!Raphael (2003)
"Why ya running lil bro, I'm just coming for a big hug" Raph said in a menacing tone.
"I'm not that stupid bro, I know exactly your intention" said Mikey.
" Oh come on, is it so out of charatet for me to wanna give my brother some love" said Raphael.
Mikey didnt respond and made it to Leonardo's door."LEO! HELP MEE!" begged the orange clad turtle.
Ever so unsubtly, Mikey heard Leo's door lock.
"NOOOO" Mikey yelled
Donnie, Splinter, April and Casey were off doing errands so he was stuck alone with Raph. It's as if the universe was saying to him...
"You're screwed, are you ready to give up?" said Raph currently catching up to him.
Mikey screamed and tried to run but was tackled by Raph.
"Ready bro?" asked Raph.
"Nohoho" giggled Mikey.
Raph dug his fingers into Mikey's armpits.
"*snort* rahahahhaph" Mikey threw his head back and thrashed beneath Raph.
"That's my name, don't wear it out" responded Raph.
Raph movrd his hands to Mikey' ribs and vibrated his hand in he which received more giggles.
"Whahahay, juhust whahahy" asked Mikey through his laughter.
"Because I wanna" responded Raph who immediatly after blew a raspberry on Michael's plastron where his stomach would which prompted shrieks and high pitched laughing.
Mikey was in stitches and Raph was having the time of his life, that was until Splinter came out of nowhere and tackled Raph.
Mikey pulled himself off the floor and ran off.
"Heya Pops, funny running into you here" said Raph in a nervous tone.
"Tsk tsk my son, didn't you learn the last timw you attempted to tickle your brother to death." Splinter said with a smirk.
Raph gulped in fear, currently awaiting his judgement.
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bimobuddy · 6 months
I'm back :]
SFW Hazbin tk fic
Lee!Lucifer, lers: basically everyone else
CW: God is a character in this, however I'll try not to refer to him by name, in case that makes anyone uncomfortable. Also Swearing.
The God I have in mind is similar to (but not exactly) that fan-design with the four floating eyes, look it up, it's great. I am making my own design of him though that I might post if y'all want me to. He's a total dad in this btw, I wanted something fluffy and comforting.
Summary: it's just various moments throughout Lucifer's life when he's had his wings tickled
"Lucifer, darling- Hold still! .. Shi- Darn."
He sighed, watching his youngest son half-fly-half-scramble away. Sure he was -The- Father, but he was still -A- father. And right now he was trying to catch one of his most difficult children to preen his wings. Luckily, Lucifer couldn't get very far with his wings still being small and mostly soft downy feathers. And being a very predictable child, his father knew exactly where he was going.
The deity left the palace and headed out toward the garden. It was still a work in progress, not quite ready for earth yet, so while he worked on it, he kept it in Heaven for his children to play in. Lucifer loved it, especially for a certain animal he had recently been allowed to create.
And sure enough, the youngest angel was by the pond, laying on his tummy, gleefully watching the ducks. His father shook his head in amusement. "Lucifer-" He started, but before he could finish, the child squeaked and jumped up, trying to run again. However his father was quicker, easily approaching him in just two steps and scooping him up.
"I believe we were in the middle of something, son?" He said, shifting his hold on Lucifer to carry him in one arm. The young angel pouted. "No thank you." He said, earning a laugh from his father. "I know it tickles, but it needs to be done. You're growing out of your baby-feathers, and soon you'll have big-kid feathers growing in, and you want them growing in neatly right?"
Lucifer frowned, as if really thinking about it. Finally he nodded. "Yes." His father nodded in return, "Good. Let's get started then." He took a moment to sit down in the grass, knowing his son would just run off again when they were done.
As he started to gently run his fingers through his son's wings, he winced a little when a shrill squeal rang out. How can something so small and sweet make such an aggressively loud noise? He couldn't help but chuckle as Lucifer frantically flapped all six of his little wings, trying to get away, giggling his heart out.
Soon enough, they were done. The second the deity pulled his hands up and released his son, Lucifer was off, running back to the pond, where a couple of his brothers were. The father thought it was sweet until Lucifer tackled one of them for getting to close to 'his' ducks.
He sighed and went to separate them. "Kids will be kids, I suppose."
- - -
Lucifer flew through the clouds as if his life depended on it. "Come back here, Luci-Loo!" Came the voice of his older brother, Michael.
The teenager took a sudden, sharp dive toward the lake, hoping to lose his brothers. Yet again, it was preening season. Their father had since given up on Lucifer the moment he really learned how to fly, and left that job to his older brothers, who were better at keeping up with him.
As he approached the ground, he angled his wings to pull up at the last second. By the sound of a loud splash, followed by the voice of Uriel yelling after him, he knew his trick had worked, even if just on one brother. He glanced behind him to see both Michael and Gabriel still hot on his trail.
What he was not expecting, however, was to almost crash into his eldest brother, Raphael. He flapped his right wings to turn, but due to his speed, he just narrowly avoided his brother and crashed into the ground.
Raphael sighed, "Seriously, Lucifer? You're 116 and still running from preening? Honestly, you're acting like a fledgling, just sit still for it."
Lucifer was about to argue, only to be very violently tackled at high speed by his immediate older brother, Gabriel, so hard it left a dent in the grass from where they skidded. Michael landed next to them. "Nice going, Gabe, now his wings are even dirtier." He said, though his face clearly showed amusement.
The two youngest brothers wrestled on the ground for a bit, Lucifer desperately trying to get away while grinning in anticipation, and Gabriel trying to pin him face-down so his wings were accessible.
Raphael crossed his arms, though a slight hint of amusement played on his own face. "Lucifer, is it really that bad?" "YES! MICHAEL'S MEAN ABOUT IT!" The eldest turned to Michael, grinning a little. "Are you mean about it?" "Maybe just a little. I learned from Azrael after all." He said, elbowing Raphael before sitting on the back of Lucifer's legs.
Gabriel had Lucifer face-down, sitting in front of him while he held his arms down, knowing the youngest was a fighter. Producing a comb, Michael got started, using his left hand to hold a single wing down while his right ran the comb through Lucifer's feathers.
Immediately, his other five wings started to flap rapidly, a couple even hitting Michael square in the face by accident. The poor angel was squeaking in a poor effort to not laugh.
Raphael rolled his eyes and decided to help. He sat down and pushed all sets of wings down, holding them in place. "Alright, Michael, hurry up, you know the longer this goes on, the harder he's going to come after us, when this is over."
Knowing this was true, Michael got started, running the comb through his feathers once again. Lucifer snorted and practically exploded with loud, bubbly laughter. "NAHAHAHA! NOHOHO! FFF-" "Don't curse," Raphael warned. "I WAHASN'T GOHOING TO!"
"Liar." Gabriel grinned, holding his wrists down with one hand, using the other to gently scritch at his ribs, causing Lucifer to screech and bury his face into the ground. Raphael gave his brother a look. "Don't overwhelm him, Gabriel, his wings are bad enough already. You know he's had trouble breathing in the past with you two taking it too far."
Gabriel stopped, looking back at Michael. "I would have stayed in my room if I knew Raph was going to take us on a guilt-trip." He grumbled, earning a laugh from Michael.
Once they had gotten his wings fully preened and combed out, all three sat back and let him up. Lucifer lay there panting, still giggling occasionally. Raphael reached out to pat him on the head, as he usually did with his brothers after a preening, only to be stopped when Lucifer suddenly sat up.
"You all have five minutes to run and hide."
Alarmed, all three took off.
- - -
Lucifer lay there, in the arms of his wife, solemnly looking up at the pentagram sky that separated him from all he had ever known. Lilith could only imagine how hard it was for him to be cast out and separated from his family and childhood home. She hadn't had a family or a childhood to miss. But as far as she was concerned, Lucifer was her family now, and she hated seeing him in so much emotional pain.
She ran a comforting hand down his back, between his wings, only to be startled as he sharply inhaled and flinched. She pulled her hand away quickly, "I'm sorry, are you hurt?" She asked, easily lifting him under the arms to look at him (which really flustered the short angel.)
"No, no, darling, I'm not hurt, it just.. it tickled." He said. As Lilith set him back down in her lap, he blushed and looked down. "You can...." He looked back up at her, "You can keep going... If you want to, that is.. My brothers used to do it.. I guess it's comforting in a way."
Lilith smiled softly, running her hand through his hair, loving the way he leaned into it. "Alright, my love." She whispered, gentle hands returning to his wings. Lucifer laid back down in her lap, arms around her waist, as his wings twitched and lightly fluttered, giggles flowing from him like music.
Maybe eternity like this wouldn't be so bad after all.
- - -
That morning in the Hotel had been complete chaos. It started with Charlie chasing Vaggie around, having discovered her wings were ticklish. The girls continued to play for nearly an hour before Charlie finally got her girlfriend tapping out.
The princess easily scooped up her angel and kissed her cheek, while said angel was practically pouting. "It's not fair, I'm a soldier, I'm not supposed to have such a weakness. Imagine if someone outside the hotel found out-" Vaggie didn't get very far before Charlie set her down. "Oh come on, it's okay that you have tickwy wittle wings~" She teased, causing her girlfriend to blush.
"Besides, the Devil himself is way worse, watch." She grinned, looking over at a very startled Lucifer who had apparently overheard everything. As Charlie ran at him, he spread his wings and flew upward to jump over her. The more his daughter chased after him, the more he turned it into a game, because of course he would.
Everytime Charlie got close, Lucifer would laugh and leap out of the way, even jumping off the walls to keep out of reach. "You're gonna have to try harder than thAAT!?" He yelped, feeling something wrap around his ankle and yank him to the floor. When he got a good look at it, he saw it was one of Alastor's shadows.
"Oh come on, you fucking-" "Oh, I do apologize, your highness, but I can't have you getting your disgusting shoe prints on my walls." Alastor grinned, clearly enjoying the scene before him.
Lucifer was about to snap back, but was cut off by Charlie sitting on top of him, immediately burying her fingers into his wings, causing the devil to shriek, a couple of his wings beating the floor. He had forgotten how ruthless his daughter was.
"See, Vaggie, even the king of Hell has ticklish wings, it's completely fine that you do too." Charlie said casually, as if she weren't absolutely wrecking said king.
Lucifer's laughter shot up an octive as he felt those damned shadow tendrils burying themselves under his feathers under all six wings. He started kicking his feet against the floor and trying to push Charlie's evil hands away.
"FAHAHAHAHACK! FUHUCK OFF, BAMB- NOHOHOHO WAITWAITWAHAIT!" Lucifer squealed like a child as he felt another shadow emerge underneath him, swiping at his spine. right between his shoulder blades. All six wings furiously beat at the floor in an attempt to get those tendrils away from him, but it didn't work.
Charlie grinned, gently scritching right into the 'wing pits' of his middle set of wings, having been told by her mother that it kills him. And sure enough, the king practically screamed. His legs stopped kicking and his wings stopped beating as he could only lay there and take it, laughing loudly.
It wasn't until his face got red that she stopped. And it wasn't until Charlie stopped that Alastor did as well. He personally would have kept going, but he figured Charlie would have his head if he pushed her father any further.
Lucifer panted heavily, unable to stop himself from giggling, a little loopy from it all. He looked up at Charlie. "G-Grohounded." Charlie grinned, "You can't ground me, I'm an adult." Lucifer shook his head, "Nuh-uh."
She got off of him and helped him up. Alastor came over and 'innocently' placed a hand on Lucifer's back as a 'friendly gesture,' resulting in the angel snapping his wings shut and de-summoning them.
And being one for revenge, Lucifer lunged at the radio demon, starting the cat-and-mouse game all over again.
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savemeafruitjuice · 8 months
Lee Mikey 2012? Maybe he’s being annoying and the others get revenge
Sure thing! I'm getting a load of requests right now, but I'll try to write one every day or two!
Anyways I hope you enjoy!
Lee! Michelangelo
Ler! Raphael, Donatello, Leonardo
TW! Implied swearing
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(this gif is so silly 👆🗣️‼️‼️)
It was another casual day, the turtle teens going about their lives. Leo was meditating, trying his best to figure out another one of Master Splinter's mysterious inquiries; Donnie was examining yet another Kraang machine and Raph was training, beating the crap out of a punching bag.
Everyone was doing something productive- except for Mikey. He hadn't been able to focus all day. Once one thing caught his interest it lost its spark after a couple minutes. Needless to say, he was bored.
The freckled turtle began humming yet another song, but ended up forgetting the rhythm, instead opting to just lay on the ground.
That is, until he got an idea.
Tiptoeing to his brother's room, Mikey snuck through the hallway in an attempt to distract himself. He made it into the room and immediately found what he was looking for: Spike. Raphael had always been protective of his pet tortoise, but because he wasn't in his room, he was free to play with him! Right?
Apparently not, because as soon as he had the reptile cradled in his arms, the fiery turtle bursted into the space, startling the orange-clad. "Mikey, do you mind telling me whaT THE F-" "Raphael. We do not use that language in this household."
An unexpected voice sounded right in Raph's ear. He jumped a little, although he immediately knew from the quiet tone that it was Leonardo. He let out a sigh, before remembering why he was mad in the first place. "Mikey came into my room without my permission! And even worse, he's messing with Spike! What if he hurts him?!"
While saying this, Leo sighed and gently took the said creature from Mikey, earning a little groan of annoyance as he was returned to Raphael. "Whatever. I'm boooored!" "Then just stop being bored." Raph deadpanned, a smug grin creeping up his face as his brothers rolled their eyes.
"Do you think if I scream really really loud, that pizza will start falling from the sky?" Leo and Raph looked in utter confusion and disbelief at who they were almost ashamed to call their brother. Almost. "What? What does that even mean?" both teens chimed in unison. "I dunno. I'm bored."
"Bored, huh?" a new voice approached, Donatello making his way towards the others with something that appeared complicated in hand. "Allow me to enlighten you on this new tech I'm working on. It's actually completely made of m-"
Donnie was cut off, Mikey jumping in the air with newfound energy. "Completely made out of burgers? Milkshakes? PIZZA?" "What? No, you numbskull. Never mind, you're not of the proper intelligence to understand anyways." the purple-masked turtle scoffed, though it didn't deter Mikey from being a pest for the time being.
"Your nerd stuff is boring anyways. I want something fun to do! Surely you could think of something, poindexter?" "Hey! That's rude!" conflict was building between the two, and Leo, unable to deal with yet another headache, had a plan that benefited all of them. Well, except for their ears.
"Alright, alright! That's enough!" the katana user pushed the brothers apart, directing their attention to him instead. "Mikey, if you want something fun to do, I'll give you something fun to do." and with that, Leonardo tackled his brother to the ground, seating himself upon his waist and pinning his flailing arms beneath his knees.
"Hey, not cool bro! What gives?" Mikey strained, attempting to free his arms, but to no avail. "Uh... Leo? What are you doing?" Raphael questioned, crossing his arms in confusion as he stared at the two. "Yeah, you're not gonna hurt him, are you?" the purple chimed in, slightly concerned as the leader of the group didn't usually participate in the whole 'Bullying Mikey shenanigans'.
"No, of course not." Leo waved them off, dismissing the turtles apparent concern. Mikey let out a sigh of relief. "I'm just going to... alleviate his boredom." he wiggled his fingers at Mikey's plastron, causing the youngest to let out a little "Eep!" while the others made the connection. Anticipatory giggles immediately came out of his mouth, evil smirks overcoming Raph and Donnie's faces.
"Youhu can't doho this! Lehet me gohoho!" Raphael stepped forward, cracking his knuckles. "No dice, man. You messed with Spike- now I'm gonna mess with you." and with that, fingers were digging into the trapped turtles rib-area, causing a loud shriek to bounce off the walls. Donatello flinched a little at the noise, but made his way over too as he recovered, setting his machinery down.
Leo smiled, glad that his brothers were agreeing on something- even if it was at Mikey's expense. The nunchuck-user was giggling his head off, laughter only intensifying as Donnie came forth and began poking various places on his plastron, taking note of the different reactions he caused.
Leo spidered along his brother's neck, startling slightly when he screeched. "You've been a pest all week. You had this coming." Raphael and Leonardo agreed, easily following the smallest's movements as he wiggled about.
"PleHEHEAse! Ihihi'm sOHORRY!" Mikey continued to evade his brother's hands, though it didn't do much. Legs kicked out as the turtle shut his eyes. When Leo switched to squeezing instead of spidering, his laughter increased tenfold, trying to tilt his head to one side to block the attack, only for the sensation to switch to the other side, the cycle continuing.
Donnie had moved down, experimentally squeezing the freckled-turtle's knee, carefully dodging a kick aimed at his head. Now Mikey was writhing. His knees were a definite bad spot for him, and he could only take so much before he started begging.
"DOHONIHIHIEE! STOHOHOHOP! IHI- I CAHAHAAN'T!" after glancing at his face, Raphael shrugged and dug into his armpits as Donnie let out a "Woop!" in celebration at his discovery. Leo, however didn't want to overdo it, and called them off.
"Okay guys, I don't think he can take much more. We'd better stop." their fingers slowed as Michelangelo gasped for air. The blue-themed turtle climbed off of him, patting his head. Donnie crawled forward to inspect his brother's face to make sure he was okay. Mikey curled in on himself, giggled slipping out every once in a while, but overall seemed okay. "You alright?"
"Yeah. Ihi'm fine. Thahanks Don." and with that, he let out a yawn, rolling onto his side. "Just don't try any funny business in my room again." Raph chimed in, all of the brothers watching as Mikey fell asleep.
"At least we tired him out for a while, huh?"
There we go! Didn't expect that one to be so long but whatevs! I hope you enjoyed more of my obsession-induced turtle chaos. 🤭
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ticklishprincey · 4 months
What lees do you typically write for
I'm open to suggestions, but here's a list of all I can think of currently: (Lees first, lers listed after) ✎Helluva Boss ✰Blitzo - Moxxie, Stolas, & Fizzarolli ✰Moxxie - Millie & Blitzo ✰Fizzarolli - Asmodeus & Blitzo ✰Thinking about a lee!Stolas fic but idk ✎Hazbin Hotel ✰Alastor - Rosie, Husk & Lucifer ✰Lucifer - Alastor ✰Husk - Angel Dust & Alastor ✰Angel Dust - Husk ✎TMNT/ROTTMNT ✰Donatello - Raphael, Mikey & Leo ✎Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus/Trials of Apollo ✰Nico Di Angelo - Will, Hazel, Reyna, Percy, Jason & Leo ✰Hazel Levesque - Nico, Frank & Leo ✰Will Solace - Nico & Apollo ✰Leo Valdez - Nico, Hazel & Jason ✎Encanto ✰Camilo Madrigal - Literally anyone but Dolores is my top choice ✎Dear Evan Hansen ✰Evan Hansen - Connor & Jared ✰Connor - Evan, Jared & Zoey ✎Black Butler ✰Ciel Phantomhive - Sebastian (help I have no idea how to spell his last name) ✎Gravity Falls ✰Dipper Pines - Ford, Mabel & Stan ✎FNAF (mainly security breach tbh) ✰Reader - Sundrop, Moondrop, Glamrock Freddy & Monty ✰Sundrop - Moondrop ✰Moondrop - Sundrop ✰Gregory - Glamrock Freddy, Sundrop & Moondrop ✎MHA/BNHA ✰Todoroki - Izuku & Bakugou ✰Izuku - Todoroki, Bakugou & All Might ✰Shinsou - Aizawa & Denki (keep in mind I am a stupid American boy with now idea how to write these names) ✎Twisted Wonderland ✰Jade Leech - Floyd ✰Floyd Leech - Jade ✎Voltron ✰Keith Kogane - Lance & Shiro ✎Sanders Sides ✰Virgil Sanders - Logan, Patton, Janus & Remus ✎Avengers ✰ Peter Parker - Tony & Loki ✰ Thinking about a lee!Loki fic but idk ✎Trolls (the third movie) ✰Branch - Floyd, Clay, Bruce & John Dory ✰Maybe Floyd idk
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memoria-99 · 3 months
So I'm quite surprised to see pronounciation differs after seeing this post
Here's how I pronounce...
Elias Goldstein: Eh-li-as Gold-stahin(like, style without l sound + sign without s. Like Einstein and Frankenstein)
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Yukiya Reizen: Yoo-kee-yah Rai(like rice goes)-zehn
Klaus Goldstein: (Santa) Claus
Randy March: Ran-dee March(3rd month of the year)
Serge Durandal: Surge(like surgery) Dew-ran-dal
Azusa Kuze: Ah-zoo-sah Koo-zeh
Joel Crawford: Joe-l Craw-ford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leh-on
Cerim Leiado: Seh-rim Lay-ado
Guy Brighton: Guy Bright-un
Glenn Qing: Glen Ching (this kind of alphabet is mostly the one from hanyu pinyin, Chinese prounciation. There q equals ch sound.)
Leslie Roseblade: Lehs-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Si(from sick)-guard Cur(from curve)-tis
Mel Glover: Mel(melon) Glove-r
Zeus Brundle: Zoos Broon-dle
Hiro Tachibana: Hero Ta-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fons
Caesar Raphael: Kai-sar(like car) Rafa-el
Lucious Duller: Lucy-us Dool-ler
Hugo Peers: Hew-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: Hee-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-reh
Willem V Rembrandt: Will-lem V Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nox No-er
Rex Blanc: Rex Blahn(g) (Blanc is French so French style)
Gray: Gray
Ted: Ted(dy bear)
Lars Lagrene: Lars(Mars but with m sound) La-gren-eh
Clive Lagrene: Clive (Cliff but with v sound)
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-dehn(like Denmark)
Albert Auburne: Al-burt Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Fell-lix
Vain: Vain (like rain)
Viggo: Vigo(rously)
Randolph: Ran-dolf
Conrad Schuyler: Con-rad Sky-ler
Loran Merculova: Lo-ran Mercul(like mercury)-lova
Carbuncle: Car-bunkle
Taffy: Taff E
Ronny: Ron E
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mee-sha
Chocolate Cake: Chocolate cake
Hachi: Ha-chi
Nidhogg: Nid-hog(like fog)
Shu: Shoo
Amelia: Uh-meel-lee-ah
Eress: Eh-ress (Empress without the mp)
Brunhild: Broon-hild
Saella: Say-la
Aulelia: Au-leh-lee-ah
Claudia: Cloud-ia
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thelcser · 4 months
A cabeça de Calloway ainda doía como um inferno desde que acordou, ainda mais zonza. Esfregava constantemente a testa, tanto para aliviar a dor quanto para procurar alguma coisa, que nem mesmo ela sabia o que era. — Ai... Acho que preciso de um tylenol.— Resmungou baixo, piscando algumas vezes enquanto encarava os arredores. — É isso chat, acho que não foi uma boa ter jogado 24hrs de VR. Já nem sei qual jogo eu tô mais, mas os gráficos são ultra realistas. Se a live travar, favor, contatar um dos mods, porque eu realmente nem sei mais onde tô ou o que tô fazendo. Que ódio, como é que eu vou ler os bitz pra vocês? — Perguntou literalmente para o nada, recebendo olhares estranhos. — Agora é sério, de quem foi a ideia BOSTA de fazer um rpg de faculdade? Porra, não tinha mais criatividade, não? Primeiro aquele jogo do mercado falidasso, e agora isso? O que é o próximo? Um murder mystery? Nossa, acho que não valeu o que quer que eu tenha gastado nisso. — A voz de Malina era um tanto estressada, com alguns décimos à ponto de gritar. Odiava jogar no VR, e odiava ainda mais jogos daquele estilo, só tinha aceitado o desafio do Raphael e, sinceramente, já estava se arrependendo dele. Estava ainda mais irritada em NÃO CONSEGUIR TIRAR OS ÓCULOS DE REALIDADE VIRTUAL. — Você, você. — Chamou muse, apontando irritada para elu. — Você é um npc ou jogador? Que ódio, você sabe como eu faço pra sair dessa merda? Pelo amor de Deus, não quero ficar presa nisso, só assisti os cinco primeiros episódios de Sword Art Online e achei uma chatice.
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someone1348 · 2 years
forgive me if I'm doing this wrong lol but could I request the rottmnt brothers tickling the reader after they realize the reader has been dropping hints that they want to be tickled?? love you fam 💜💜💜
HIII! I'm so sorry this is so late but I hope you enjoy regardless my friend!
I think im running out of gifs so if we get repeats I apologize lol!
The people in this: Lee!Reader, Ler!Turtles (Sepreate! And Established relationship!)
G/N (gender neutral) reader as always! :]
(N/n)= Nickname
Tw: wearing a crop top, other than that none but this is a tickle fic so if you don't like it, don't read it! :] /pos
With all of that being said Enjoyy!
-K :]
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It started with some light poking. When he didn't budge to that, you stepped it up a bit to little scribbles and when THAT didn't work you decided to lay across him and see what happens.
"Clingy day, huh? Well, lucky for you! Leon's a huge cuddle monster!" He wrapped you up into a beautiful hug, which if you weren't in this situation would have felt like heaven, but it really made it worse. His hands were so close to your tickle spots, but so far!
You let out a sigh as he tilted his head when looking at you in question
"What's up baby?"
It finally clicked, after all of that time! How did he not see it before! That confused face turned into a smirk quickly as he started to lightly trace your sides "Lee mood?"
"I've got you giggles~" he began to skitter his tickly fingers all over your tickle spots, satisfying what you've hinted at all day!
"Im gonna getcha'!~" He giggled along with you as he moved to your worst spot
"Hehey! You asked for this!" He smirked blowing a quick raspberry to your tickle spot, continuing until he's seen you've had enough, rubbing the ghost tickles away "How are you feeling now giggles?~"
"I'm always happy to help" he smiled and pulled you in for another Leo hug.
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All you've wanted all day was to get wrecked. You woke up, and it started, that all to well known feeling spread across your body as you sighed. 'What to do?' You thought to yourself as you weighed your options.
You choose your loving boyfriend as your target. He was easy to crack, just mess with his stuff and bam! Tickle city here you come!
You smiled walking into his lab to pay him a nice vist "Heyy D!"
"Afternoon Dove, what a treat, you stopping by" he smiled putting his goggles back on and went back to work "Unfortunately I am busy though dove if you don't mind waiting I will be with you in a moment"
You nodded before smirking 'no way! It's go time!' You quietly waddled over to your boyfriend starting with easy pokes
"Dove" he warned you as you continued moving on to gentle scribbles
"Ihi am very busy dove! What has gotten into yo-" it clicked as he smirked, what gave it away was you picking up a peice of tech off of his desk
"If you wanted tickles dove, you could've just asked" His smirk grew as he used the two robot hands to place you onto his lap as he began to scribble all over your tickle spots
"You're lucky im such a nice boyfriend, I could've made you ask but I didn't~" he continued moving to your worst spot "Tickletickletickletickle~"
"Excellent" he smiled rubbing the ghost tickles away "Now if you would patiently wait over there giggles I will be with you in just a moment"
"Wihill doho!"
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This lee mood was extreme. And desperate times calls for desperate measures! You threw on a cool looking, loose crop top and went over to your boyfriends house.
It was a beautiful day in New York so if anyone else asks about the crop top it was the perfect excuse. Having some of your tickle spots exposed though did not help the situation.
You announced your presence as you entered, and your teddy bear of a boyfriend came running!
"(Y/N)!!- wOahh!" He looked at what you were wearing, and his smile got even bigger "YOU LOOK INCREDIBLE!" He pulled you into a spinning bear hug before putting you down gently
"Thank you Raph!" You gave him a gentle poke to his side but nothing worked. He just giggled and asked if you wanted to watch a movie.
Halfway through the movie you ended up letting out a sigh. He caught it fast and paused the movie. "Are you okay (n/n)?"
You nodded as a blush spread to your face it finally clicked "Oohhhhh!" He smirked as he looked at you again "I should've known from the minute you walked in here!" He giggled before scribbling all over your tickle spots
"Tickletickletickletickle Dawwww the tickle monsters got you now giggles!" He smiled moving to your worst spot
He giggled along with you "You're too cute (y/n)" he stopped once he saw you've had enough. Rubbing the ghost tickles away he held you close,
"Ihim sorry I didn't see it sooner"
"Yohou're all good Honey, I'll try to ask next time, key word, Try!"
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'Video games! It was the perfect plan!' You thought to yourself as you challenged Mikey to a Mario kart race.
You had woken up in a lee mood, and it only got worse by the minute! You set everything up perfectly, poking him to throw him off, several rounds and nothing worked even when he lost he was so supportive.
Eventually, you sighed, giving up the sharade. He caught on fast, his confusion turning into a smirk "Does someone want ticklesss?"
His comment did not help, your face got red as you giggled out his name "Mihikey!"
"Come here giggles!-" He wasted no time wrapping you up in a tickle hug, scribbling all over your tickle spots on the now shared bean bag chair "Tickletickletickletickle"
Mikey giggled "You're so cute! Ah! You make my heart soar (n/n)!" He was being genuine before moving to your worst spot
"Dawww my little giggle bug!" He continued until he saw you've had enough "Okahay okay, feeling any better cutie?" He rubbed away the ghost tickles and held you close
"Yehes, thahank you Mihikey"
"Anytime my muse Anytime!" He turned the game off and cuddled you the rest of the night until you had to unfortunately go home.
I absolutely loved writing this! I hope you all enjoyed it too!
You are loved, you are valued, you are important and you will always be more than good enough! Have a great day everyone you truly deserve it! /p /gen /pos
-K :]
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ind1exo · 3 months
[ How I Pronounce WH Characters' Names ]
Elias Goldstein: (2017) El-li-yahs Gold-steen; (Now) El-li-yis Gold-steen
Yukiya Reizen: (2017) Yu-kai-yah Rey-zin; (Now) Yu-key-ya Rey-zin
Luca Orlem: Lu-ka Or-lem
Klaus Goldstein: Claus Gold-steen
Randy March: Ran-dee March
Azusa Kuze: Uh-zu-sa Ku-zay
Joel Crawford: (2017) Johl Crawford; (Now) Jo-el Crawford
Vincent Knight: Vincent Night
Leon: Leon
Cerim Leiado: Ser-im Lay-ah-do
Guy Brighton: Guy Brai-tin
Glenn Qing: Glenn King
Leslie Roseblade: Les-lee Rose-blade
Sigurd Curtis: Sih-gurd Kur-tis
Mel Glover: Mehl Glow-ver
Zeus Brundle: Zeus Brun-dul
Hiro Tachibana: He-ro Tah-chi-ba-na
Alfonse Goldstein: Al-fonse Gold-steen
Caesar Raphael: See-zar Ra-fai-el
Lucious Duller: (2018) Luh-cious Dul-ler; (Months ago) Lu-see-is Dul-ler; (Now) Lu-cious Dul-ler I've taken years of vacations off the game twice so that's why the timeline is drastic
Hugo Peers: Hue-go Peers
Hisoka Hagakure: He-so-ka Ha-ga-ku-rae
Willem V. Rembrandt: Will-em V. Rem-brant
Nox Noir: Nohx No-ar
Rex Blanc: Rehx Blahnk
Gray: Gray
Ted: Tehd
Lars Lagrene: Lars Lah-gren
Clive Lagrene: Clive Lah-gren
Florin Arden: Floor-in Ar-den
Albert Auburne: Ahl-bert Au-burn
Light Fildora: Light Fill-dora
Felix: Feel-lix
Viggo: Vih-go
Vain: Vain
Zett: Zeht
Augustus Cole: Au-gist-us Kole
Scarlett Quinn: Skar-let Quin
Randolph: Randolph
Conrad Schuyler: Cohn-rad Sk-huy-ler (It's hard to tell how his last name is actually pronounced...)
Loran Merkulova: Low-ran Mer-ku-lova
Thanatos: Than-na-tohs
Lacan: Lah-kan
Carbuncle: Car-bun-kle
Eress: Air-ess
Ronnie: Rah-nee
Chica: Chi-ka
Mischa: Mees-cha (Surprisingly, since my accent is supposed to make me say Mihs-cha like mischievous)
Chocolate Cake (Coco): I just call him Coco because saying the whole name is a pain. Luca reference
Nidhogg: Nihd-hog
Shu: Shoo
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blahhhhhhhohmigosh · 6 months
A/n: HII YALL!! I'm back from the dead (like karai) so I'll prolly die later anyways I'm making a headcanoon chart with the turtles tickling their SIBLING! Or atleast this will be like if the SIBLING is gonna tickle them and if the turtles would tickle the sibling, and basically just an excuse to make headcanoons bout a sibling they found and how would they react if the sibling tickled them or they tickled the sibling (a.k.a you). So basically rottmnt turtles and reader!sibling tickles and headcanons!
Warrnings: just a backstory (it might be kinda sad since it's the sibling getting used to their new life), headcanons and obviously TICKLES!! if that's not your jammy jam go find a more fitting jammy jam that fits you! No worries!
Reader nicknames: Sibling, Y/n, N/n.
Love: Plantonic and sibling love. T-cest and pro-ships out the door now.
Im sorry I got lazy at the end and besides jts like night in my country, soon midnight 😭
Well this was new. A month ago you were a simple human, sure you didn't have many friends, ppl found you weird, you didnt have a goal on life and you had some issues. One of them was being lonely.
But atleast then you knew what you were! You knew how to walk without losing balance, you knew how to write even if your hand writing might of not been the best and you basically knew what you were.
But now? You find out your parents were witches, found you in a vent of weird goo coming out of a palace and they decided to keep you using cover up magic to disguise you as a human?
This was. Weird.
You found out later that they told you cause your brothers wanted to meet their "lost found sibling". You felt like one of those "The Neglected child becomes a princess!" Gacha music videos.
Your parents decided for you to live there and use Leo's ōdachi to teleport you back home if you wanted to visit your parents.
You were sad ofcourse. But after a week or two you stopped being anxious. Though you were now a hamato.
You went from walking in the halls of the school with crowded people to walking in abounded empty train rails with your new brothers and April, someone you though as a sister to go and just hang out. You went from being alone and slacking around to huffing when training with real weapons and ninjas! Though this did have some bad sides.
You had now only 3 fingers on each of your hand and you had 2 toes on each of your foot. To add the fact you had now a shell was quite uncomfortable and hard to work with. You coudnt walk properly for a week til you finally got used to it! You coudnt write, play or draw cause of the new 3 fingers, and it was uncomfortable laying down. Besides... YOUR HAIR WAS NOW GONE. though sometimes your parents did give you the potion that could turn you into the human you were before but only if needed.
It took sometime to get along with the turtles, since no one has ever been this friendly, Loud and mischievous. In many ways. Pranks, Jokes, Roasts, but what got you the most was the tickling.
Sure Pranks where fun although you didn't really participate in them since they were quite... well- exploding. Jokes? Leo made that many that if you said one everyone will say "we know" and Leo would just giggle. Roasts? Well too lazy/ tired sometimes to be original. But tickles? Gosh.
Thats where the fun begins.
In the first week you started finally gaining your balance Leo came up behind you and gave you a hug that just squeezed a bit too much to make you giggle. That gave them an idea that you're ticklish. And that's where the turtles started plotting.
Raph is the biggest. So it's obvious he will scoop you up and just hug you like a doll while secretly tickling and squeezing your sides while pretending like you're not giggling to death.
And gosh, another reason added that you had sensitive skin in turtle form. This just made the tickles worse. And Raph knew it.
Ya know the "clothes don't make the turtle" episode? Well he'd tickle you like that just to win something. Wether it's a card or a video game.
If you'd be lazy he'd just start poking you till you admit defeat, but he will carry you to the training hall.
If you're getting carries by sitting on his shoulder then he will defenetly hold you down with one arm and just tickle and poke your feet as he speaks to the rest.
He'd scratch his claws and tease you by scratching your tickle spots making you burst into giggles.
If you won't do smth like throw out the trash then he'd tickle you as a "lesson" when inreality he just wanted to be petty and tickle you.
He teases.
Yes he does. You know the baby voice he does sometimes?
"Oh nooo~ did my baby sibling 'forgot' to wash dishes?~ well I gotta teach you a lesson!"
"Aww why didn't you mention that your dead spot is here?~ I could of wrecked you a long time agooo!"
And after he'd be like-
"Yeah that's what you get!" And then he'd chuckle and just help you stand up rubbing your bald head.
Though if the others were ganging up on you and you obviously coudnt fight back he'd step into the game and give a pizza slice of the pizza they all ordered as he'd help you get justice- YOUR BIGGEST OLDEST AND COOLEST BROTHER IS THERE FOR YOU 🏋‍♀️🏋‍♀️🏋‍♀️💪💪💪
He has a nice after care, cuddles and a pizza slice while just talking. He likes hugs. And if he could he'd read you a story but in the end you'd be the one reading since he can't read.
Defenetly the one that tickles you THE MOST.
Like he'd come up, annoy you and then start just pocking you, and excuse that as "sibling behavior" (he's totally lying)
He'd jump out of a closet and then start wrecking you into bits, for like, no reason.
Feeling annoyed? Tickles. Feeling bad? Tickles. Feeling lazy? Tickles. Feeling sad? Tickles. Feeling happy? Tickles. HED TICKLE YOU IN WHATEVER MOOD YOU'RE IN.
Since I think he and Donnie are the medics of the group I think he'd "pretend" that he's checking up your body since you were in a disguise for "so long" when in reality he wants to hear your giggles and squeaks.
If you'd stay up late he'd tickle you so you get tired. Put you into bed. Tuck you in. A (PLANTONIC / SIBLING LOVE) kiss on the forehead and go back to do is insomniac things.
Though he probably does know where to stop and when.
Like he'd immidietly know. No matter what!
His teases belong to the mood.
Like if you're sad he will be nice and just complement you. But when he's wrecking you while you're in a "Grumpy mood" and that you need to "cheer up".
"Ooooo You like this? You like this?"
"Im not stopping!"
"Why r you giggling?"
"Your laughter sounds like a mouse (he'd say this not to offend you but to embarras you before he'd blow a raspberry)
I think his favorite thing in tickles are blowing raspberries.
Unlike Raph that would scratch you to make out giggles Leo would wreck you while blowing raspberries.
Your laughter would be SOOOO Loud.
Sometimes if you're in your human form and he has a mood to be petty he'd tickle you just cause you aren't bald rn.
He'd use his portal sword to cheat in it to.
Like let's pretend you stole his comic and you are reading it when suddenly you see a portal open up infront of you and start tickling your plastron meanwhile next to you is standing Leo smacking the comic out of your head while you're apologizing in giggles.
Though if you 2 team up I'd be mostly to maybe annoy other or cause the others ganged up on you and now you're taking Mikey while he is taking Donnie and Raph for justice!!
After care would be a pat on the shoulder, some ice water, and a jupiter Jim movie til you recover. (The other turtles and April would defenetly join, and Maybe Casey but I think he'd be confused of the movie)
He's an evil scientist that loves theater and justice. Do I need to explain more?
I think that at first he woudnt tickle you, he'd show his inventions to you, like every. Single. One.
But the thing is he was the first one to know that you're ticklish. How? Well he was the one that made the first health control to check on your turtle body and see if years of disguise affected it.
He'd squeeze you here and there, scratch some places making you laugh or giggle which gave him the idea you're ticklish.
He defenetly dramaticly gasped or sorry- he'd defenetly say that he dranaticly gasped before chuckling and giving a slight tease.
"Oh? I think I touched a nerve- litteraly"
He'd note that down and use it agianst you another time.
YOU ATE HIS LAST SLICE OF PIZZA? Tickle prison it is!
You could be just sitting doing smth and he'd come up to you and it would go like:
"Did you eat MY last slice of pizza?"
"Uh- no....?"
Maybe Donnie isn't good at lying but he knows when someone lies. The second you respond he'd start tickling you.
And like his twin he'd love wrecking you.
His teases would be something like:
"From my last invention I found out you're ticklish! I gotta test that theory out!"
Yh. i said. Crazyyyy
Like his twin he is gonna tickle you under health control but secretly.
He'd pretend he dosent notice it but he'd have a big smirk he's hiding.
If you wear purple sometimes at first he'd mind a bit but with time you would assure him that he's as important as others and he isn't replecable, with time he got used to you wearing purple, but he'd still use that as an excuse to tickle you.
I think his favorite tickling thing is maybe iteams.
I fell like he'd experiment diffrent things to tickle you with and then see which one gives the most laughter and which the least.
if you roast him or insult him (playfully ofcourse) he'd get pouty and frowny and he'd argue with you til he says
Pick you up and start tickling you mercilessly.
I feel like if you 2 teamed up he'd tell you everyone's tickle spots.
Maybe not death spots (unless the others know your death spot) but he'd give you good exempels.
Mikeys knees, Leo's armpits, Raphs spikes...
His after care? He'd put a blanket on you and start info dumping and you'd respond with a smile wondering what the heck he is talking about, or maybe you'd join in on the blabbering.
He's the most affectionate??? Ofcourse he'd love tickle you AND hug you!
I feel like he'd be your first person to go to when you have a Lee mood.
Like, I feel like he woudnt comment, hug you, and tickle you.
He'd also be rhe most gentle one.
Like he'd tickle you either for justice or to cheer you up!
Or just cause he wanted to hear you giggle.
I bet that since he's now a older brother he gotta take care of you yaknow?
Yea he maybe is the smallest, but hes defenetly the most elastic one.
you 2 would be painting something and then he'd start painting on you shell making you giggle and laugh while he's painting a master piece on your shell.
you defenetly weren't tickled more when He took a sponge and started rubbing it to try and wash away the paint
I feel like he'd give out the sweetest teases ever.
"Your laugh is so cute Y/n!"
"N/n your face is red! Awwww!"
"You squeak like a mouse it's adorable!"
He'd defenetly won't become a tease monster if his doctor delicate touch side came out
He'd later say "Love ya sibling!" (PLANTONIC) Either in a teasing tone or a happy tone.
I think his favorite tickle method would maybe be tickle affection.
Hugs, kisses, nibbles ETC. (PLANTONIC, they are siblings.)
He'd nibble sometimes on your worst spots while hugging you and tickling you at the same time while grinning.
Alright maybe he is small, but if the rest ganged up on her? His doctor delicate touch side is back on.
Like I feel if you 2 would team up He'd tell you the best ways to tickle them. And how to wreck them properly to make them stop tickling you everytime you got your justice.
He's good At aftercare too!
I feel like everytime if yall would tickle each other yall would calm down, hug, and probably talk bout life or just sit in silence while Mikey was talking bout a new cooking book that meat sweats made.
Siblings 😭
Either of them is tickling you? The rest are either joining the tickle fight or just pretending You don't exist as you laugh your shell up.
They WILL gang up on you, no matter what.
You're their little baby sibling! You gotta get tickled a BIT 😒
While training you they'd tickle you or poke you and pretend like that is "preparing for you to focus"
If you'd win a game they would make plans to tickle you. Yea. I feel like they would.
But at the same time I think in the end a turtle pile will relax every one of you as after care while watching jupiter Jim movies.
Ticklishness? Probably 7/10.
It's hard to get him cause he's such a big boy!!! But there are ways to geth to him...dw...
Worst spots are probably his spikes and/or neck, his melting spots are palms and maybe feet.
He's kinda squirmy so watch out for spikes!
His laugh can be either squeaky and sweet or hysterically and kinda loud. There's no in between.
"N/N. N/N- *cackle* PLEASEEE-"
"Y/n NOT thehehehehreeeee!!! Eeep!"
*girly shriek*
He'd slapp his hand onto the floor if he has enough.
After that older brother needs an nap! Nighty night!
9/10. This mother truckers ticklish.
A poke can send him into giggles.
His laugh is hysterically and dramatic and I know It I feel it.
Hes tickle spots are his plastron neck and shell (probably) oh and let's not forget armpits! His melt spots are probably feet and knees.
This idiot would say smth about you that you woudnt dare tickle him and 20 seconds later get wrecked by you.
Squirmy butt. Be careful he might kick ya-
When you'd stop he'd pretend like nothing happend before getting justice-
Ticklishness? Same as his twin 9/10.
Though he's beter at hiding it even if he's not good of a liar.
He can hold in his laughter very well, well, unless you wreck him.
He'd lose it.
Bad spits are probably sides, armpits and shell' edges but BE CAREFULL WITH THE SHELL. His melting spots are though his neck and his arms.
He'd try to lie but he woudnt he able to.
His laughter is a bit squeaky and he snorts much!
He'd curl up into a ball trying to protect himself of his squirming didn't work and he needs to try and protect his "edgy emo" persona.
He'd be embarrased after and just pretend like it didn't happen.
He's either 8/10 or 10/10.
His laughter is giggly squeaky and bubbly.
His worst spots are his shell, knees and feet while his melt spots are his face and probably shoulders.
He isn't afraid of tickles, he'd laugh along with you.
He shrieks.
I feel like he'd just hug you in the end.
Thats all. Probably will edit this in the morning cause of the ending. I'm sorry this became this short at the end. Nighty night and of you want more just request idm!
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