flames-tstuff · 1 month
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Winry could've been so mean...
Some earlier/alternate versions below the cut :>
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helleboretks · 1 year
So Loud!?
Hi! This is my first Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood ticklefic! This fic includes Lee!Edward and Lers!Alphonse and Winry! If this isn’t your forte, no need to read!
Summary: Winry’s glad the brothers are back, really. But they could be so loud sometimes...She doesn’t mind this time, though.
Now, don’t get her wrong when she says she’s glad to have the Elrics back.
Really, she was!
But God, those boys…
Ever since they had gotten their bodies back, the amount of yelling and shouting that Winry has had to endure increased tenfold. She hears them at almost all hours of the day, and even at odd hours of the night.
Excited rambling about alchemy, Alphonse yelling just to feel the vibrations in his vocal chords, Edward trying to out-yell him just for fun, it was so much she thought her eardrums might burst!
However, all those screams and yells sounded so happy, so unashamedly filled with content and relief, like the heaviest weight had been lifted off their shoulders as they try to regain all the lost years of their childhood. So she never complained too much about it.
Except maybe today.
Because it sounds like somebody is getting killed upstairs and now she’s curious.
That crazy noise had been going on for a solid twenty minutes, if she had to guess. It was a miracle whoever was screaming like that hadn’t lost his voice yet. However, there was only one man in this house that Winry knew could pull off such a feat.
“EDWARD!!” She shouted over the rambunctious screams. “The hell are you screaming about up there!?” She climbed the stairs, sweat dropping as the screaming started to fluctuate in pitch.
Actually, now that she listened more intently…
It wasn’t just screaming.
He was laughing.
Winry stopped in her tracks as the shrieky laughter finally became more clear to her. It sounded so foreign, she hadn’t heard that kind of screaming-laughter from him in years. Maybe that’s why she hadn’t noticed it right away, why she hadn’t clued in on why that shrieking sounded different compared to the other times.
And the only time he ever laughed so hysterically, so loudly and so desperately that it mimicked the cries of a man running from the Reaper itself was…was…no way.
Winry hurriedly follows the laughter to its source, grabbing the doorknob and twisting it, prying the door wide open. The volume seemed to double without the muffling of the door.
And right there, was exactly what she expected.
Alphonse’ giggling was completely drowned out by the way his older brother squirmed and thrashed and laughed maniacally, trapped underneath him. Tears pooled in his eyes with the hottest blush to date sporting his entire face, even down past his neck and up to his ears. Alphonse’ hands were pinned under his arms, right at the junction of his ribs and underarm if she had to guess.
Quite a sweet spot for the other, really. She would know.
“Oh! Winry, hi!” She has to walk closer just to be able to hear Alphonse over his brother’s wordless pleas for mercy, mercy that he does not seem willing to give. “Been a while, huh? I just couldn’t help myself, sorry!”
She rolled her eyes as Edward yelped when Alphonse wiggled a hand out to start clawing at his tummy, immediately causing the former-military boy to burst into fits of screaming and giggling like a schoolgirl, his own vocals unable to decide on which to stick with.
And, well, if that wasn’t the most adorable thing she’s seen from him in so long…
“How did you even manage this in the first place?” Winry asks over the sound of Edward’s dire hyena-like cries, and Alphonse playfully sticks his tongue out. “He trusts me too much, is all!”
Okay, very fair point. Who wouldn’t trust Alphonse?
She watched in amusement, and a slight dash of concern, as Alphonse wiggled his fingers down to Edward’s hips, hoping for that other spot to tickle just as much. And, by the way Edward’s metal leg shot up like a knee-jerking response, she could safely say that was precisely the case.
“WIHIHIHIHINRY!!!” Winry raised a single eyebrow at Edward as he called for her in desperation, trying and miserably failing to claw Alphonse’s hands off of him. “HEHEHEHELP ME, PLEHEHEHEASE!!”
It was hard to resist the urge to smile, so she didn’t try to hide it this time, laughing softly to herself at the way Edward vigorously shook his head, as if that would actually do something in his situation.
“You know, I remember when we were little kids and he’d be so blunt in just asking me to tickle him until he couldn't think anymore.” Alphonse reminisced happily, turning his quick skittering into deep, methodical massaging against Edward’s hip dips, causing the older brother to let out a loud gasp at the starchly different sensation, letting out loud, hearty laughter, yet thankfully not as loud as before, lest he want to break some eardrums with the sheer height of his voice.
Winry smiled with Alphonse, rolling her eyes slightly as she sat on the edge of the bed, unable to help herself as she poked around Edward’s ribs, causing the boy to jolt and squirm. “Yeah, I remember that, too. I think it was about how he wanted to ‘turn off his brain’ or something like that.”
“SHAHAHAHAT UHUHUP!!!” It was funny how flustered Edward could get, especially as they talked about him like he wasn’t even there, despite Alphonse tickling him to literal pieces, and Winry seconds away from joining the fray.
“Oh come on, Brother! You really enjoyed it back then, what changed?” Alphonse asked, even if he knew that nothing at all actually changed. If anything, Edward just grew to be more embarrassed about it, over the years.
Edward had long since given up trying to catch Alphonse’s hands, instead trying his hardest to curl away from the other and hide his face in his arms, clearly flustered out of his mind.
And you know what? Winry just had to join in.
Edward let out an honest to god squeal when Winry skittered her nails up his back with rapid speed, arching harshly as he flailed his arms back. But she’d like to make sure he doesn’t get away just yet.
“THIHIHIHIS ISN’T FAAHAHAHAIR!!! GUHUHUYS-PLEEEEAHAHAHASE!!!” Edward cried, twisting this way and that and yet failing miserably to get away from either of them. With Winry’s quick fingers scuttling all across his upper body working in tandem with Alphonse’s deep ministrations lower down, they drove Edward up the wall far too quickly.
All the poor blonde could do was laugh his heart out, babbling nonsense and, as he usually would be, completely incomprehensible to anyone but himself. He thrashed so violently that Alphonse actually struggled to stay right where he was, laughing at the way he’d get jostled and tossed about, just barely staying in place.
“NAHAHAHAHAHAO, AL-AL, ALPHOHOHONSE!!! WIHIHINRY, NAHAHAHA-” Edward cackled and shrieked bloody murder, letting out an abrupt snort when Winry massaged both thumbs into his belly button.
That was just about what had killed him.
The scream he let out was brutal, almost all of Resembool must have heard him, even. Alphonse winced, scrunching his shoulders to cover his ears as Winry withdrew her own hands to protect her drums.
Alphonse replaced her thumbs with his own, eager to get to that state of mind he knew Edward still had in him, even with all this absolutely devilish screaming he did. Edward wriggled and bounced and practically convulsed, snorting between laughs, banging his head against the bed repeatedly with his yelling and cackling.
His smile was so wobbly, yet so bright and full of life, like the sun shining upon everything around them…
But for the love of God, Winry was this close to digging her own ears out!
It was definitely hilarious though.
Alphonse laughed as he finally got jostled off of Edward and knelt to the floor beside the bed, yet he was stuck to his brother like glue, tickling anywhere on his stomach he could reach, sending Edward into a tornado of disorientation, squirming this way and that as Alphonse dragged him closer to the edge of the bed.
“COME ON!!” Alphonse cheered, a little too enthusiastic about this that Winry just had to laugh. “YOU’RE ALMOST THERE, I BELIEVE IN YOU BROTHER!!!” She downright wheezed, leaning forward as she herself laughed at the sheer hilarity of the situation.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAHA-NAHAHA-EHEHEHEAHAHAHA-” Edward couldn’t even make up words anymore. If this were a cartoon, his ears would be blowing steam and his eyes would be dizzy spirals, with how out of it he looked.
“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND-we’re done!” The moment Alphonse removed his hands, Edward completely fell off of the bed with a loud thud, gasping so dramatically that Winry thought for one worrying second that it would be the last breath he’d ever take.
She leaned over the side to look at the brothers, Alphonse sitting there giggling his ass off as Edward lay next to him, looking as if he just transcended to a whole other astral plane of existence. He was so limp he almost looked like liquid, hardly able to move a muscle.
“Brother-brother are you okay?” Alphonse muffled his laughter behind his hand as Edward couldn’t respond for minutes, just gulping down all the air that he could. Yeah, no, he doesn’t even look like he can speak for at least the next hour.
“He’s down for the count, Alphonse.” Winry hummed with a teasing little smile of her own as Alphonse sat up straighter. He chuckled, seeming victorious in his grin as he carefully scooped up his brother, setting him back down onto the bed.
Winry graciously took it upon herself to grab one of the pillows to place under his head, his body pulled onto the bed like a ragdoll.
She can't help getting a good look at him as he finally settles down, his face lit up like fire, his smile wobbly and exhausted. Eyes filled with tears both shed and unshed, cheeks tinted in those mirthful tear marks. His hair was a mess of liquid gold spread out on the pillow, and he looked truly astonishing in this moment.
"I missed this." Alphonse quietly admitted, comfortably laying his head against Edward's side. The older Elric brother physically relaxed at the weight, and she couldn't help thinking how cute they both looked together.
"Well then," Winry began with a smile. "We'll just have to do this more often."
And if she didn't hear a single complaint from Edward?
She blames it on his disorientation.
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lovelymessybubbly · 1 year
I binge read fullmetal alchemist about 2 weeks ago, and I absolutely fell in love with the story and all the characters.
I headcanon that Winry would be the best ler, like she could wreck the hell out of eldric brothers, but she's also the sweetest.
She helps remind Al that he's still human and comforts him when he has nightmares about being stuck in old metal body or feels like he's not making enough progress in alchemy.
She's constantly tickling Ed when he thinks that he's not useful anymore without alchemy. Not to mention, I'd imagine those areas where scars would be from losing his arm and leg would be pretty sensitive.
My favorite character is hands down Greed/Lin. Like he would be a great ler but also a fantastic lee bc man's spend so much time thinking he wants everything, but he just wants friends, so there's no better bonding technique. In short, he needs to get wrecked but also wreck the hell out of someone bc they said they loved to laugh, so he wants to keep them laughing, right? The switchiest of switches.
I have so many thoughts, okay
ahhh i am so excited you loved it, it is so so good, right ??? (੭ु˶˭̵̴⃙⃚⃘᷄ᗢ˭̴̵⃙⃚⃘᷅˶)੭ु⁾⁾~ the wide variety of unique characters was one of the main charm points to me, as well.
all your thoughts are spot on hehe; winry always struck me the same way, since she is so compassionate and kindhearted, yet has that bit of feistiness and stubbornness. tickling seems like it would be a sort of “tough love” tactic to her lol. like, digging into ed’s armpits every time he catches an attitude, or pinning al to the ground and scribbling all over his tummy after he expresses doubt in himself. just a very “hey !! listen up !! you are wonderful !!” sort of ordeal lol.
and i totally agree about greed uwehh, he does have a super switch personality just based on his desire to have EVERYTHING lol. and his time spent in ling’s body must have only heightened those instincts; before, he surely would have been a total ler, the devious bastard, but after being stuck in the body of such a young, impressible, and hyperactive individual, he was definitely subjected to things he would not have allowed in any case before, such as tickling (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖ i mean, normally, that sort of touch does not get to him right away, it would take more than that to bring down a homunculus. but, somehow, now the tickling is way more unbearable, and it’s all because this kid he is stuck with is so damned ticklish !! so greed gets caught by a tickling attack, and all of a sudden laughter is bubbling up in his throat wayy faster than usual, and he feels much more hysterical than he would have expected. meanwhile, cut to ling’s internal monologue, and he is laughing his precious head off, writhing around, hiccuping out “that tickles !! that tickles !!” not even trying to fight it haha. so, that does not leave greed with a lot of options. sorry, greed !! so i bet he became accustomed to that nonsense real quick.
but, as we know, ling ended up rubbing off on greed a bit, so perhaps he learns to embrace it after a while…
thank you so much for sharing these with us !! i am so happy you loved it kyaaaah, it really is just an amazing series °₊·ˈ∗(( ॣ>̶᷇ᗢ<̶᷆ ॣ))∗ˈ‧
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skribblz · 3 years
Skribbles Masterlist
fandoms in alphabetical order, newest drawings at the top
* = inspired by/paired with writing
all sfw :D
Ace Attorney
lee edgeworth, ler phoenix
Assassination Classroom
throwing snowball at karma
lee karma, ler nagisa
Astra Lost in Space
lee ulgar, ler luca
Attack on Titan
lee levi, ler erwin
lee erwin, ler levi
lee levi, lers eren and hange
lee eren, lers mikasa and armin
lee armin, ler mikasa
lee levi, ler erwin
lee zuko, ler toph
toph!!! (sleeping with momo)
Banana Fish
lee eiji, lers ash and shorter
switches ash and eiji
lee ash, ler eiji
Be More Chill
lee michael, lee jeremy
Big Windup
switches mihashi and abe*
lee mihashi, ler tajima
mihashi cat ears
idk a bunch of stuff, mostly abe and mihashi tho* (tried writing a small fanfic)
lee mihashi, ler abe*
lee tajima, ler abe*
lee abe, lers tajima and mihashi
abe and mihashi hug
abe and mihashi tickles
Black Clover
lee noelle, ler zora
Bungou Stray Dogs
lee akutagawa, ler atsushi
lee atsushi, ler akutagawa
Collar x Malice
lee hoshino, ler takeru*
Cookie Run
lee choco, ler cacao (art trade thing)
Demon Slayer
lee tanjiro, ler muichiro
lee tanjiro, ler giyuu
lee giyuu, lers rengoku and tengen
lee zenitsu, ler inosuke
rengoku and giyuu in snow
zenitsu hit with snowball
douma with cat ears
rengoku and giyuu with cat ears
lee tanjiro, ler sabito*
ler zenitsu (and again)
Don’t Toy with Me Miss Nagatoro
lee naoto, ler nagatoro
lee hyakkimaru, ler dororo*
lee dororo, ler hyakkimaru
lee theo, lers shinei and raiden
lee rin, ler natsuya
throwing a snowball at rin
Fruits Basket
lee yuki and lee kyo
lee noctis, ler ignis
Fullmetal Alchemist
lee ed, ler roy
lee ed, ler al
lee ling, ler edward
lee edward, ler ling
roy with cat eats
lee roy, ler riza (and again)
riza and roy in butler/maid costumes
lee edward and ler roy
lee alphonse, lers ed and winry
lee childe, ler teucer
lee mafuyu, ler uenoyama
Grand Chase
lee jin, ler asin
Heart Stopper
lee nick, ler charlie*
nick and charlie*
lee y/n, ler hiccup
lee hiccup, ler astrid
Jujutsu Kaisen
lee itadori, ler gojo
megumi, itadori, nobara in maid/butler outfits
lee megumi, lers itadori and nobara
inumaki cat nuzzles
the first year trio
Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi
switches ranmaru and ginji
Kamisama Kiss
lee tomoe, ler nanami
Kill La Kill
ryumako date
lee ryuko, ler mako
lee porsche, ler kinn
Legend of Zelda
lee link, ler midna
lee luca, switch alberto, ler giulia
Mob Psycho 100
switches mob and teruki
Moriarty the Patriot
lee albert, lers william and louis
kakashi and naruto clones
hinata tickled by naruto clones
lee jay, ler cole
Obey Me
lee satan, ler lucifer
lee belphie, ler beel
lee levi, ler beel
throwing snowball at lucifer
throwing snowball at mammon
One Piece
lee law, ler luffy
lee luffy, ler robin
lee zoro, ler luffy
luffy hit with snowball
nami and buggy in maid/butler outfits
lee luffy, ler zoro
Owari No Seraph
lee mika, lers yoichi and yuu
lee emmet, ler ingo
Project Sekai
lee akito, ler touya
lee lio, ler galo
galolio tickle fight
lio’s forehead idk
Run with the Wind
kakehai redraw
old kakeru chibi
kakehai (first post I think :0 sadly the fic is gone :((()*
lee kuro, ler mahiru
Sk8 the Infinity
lee miya, ler joe
renga belly raspberries (fully colored)
reki, langa, miya tickle fight
killua + miya skating buddies
renga tickles*
Snow White with White Hair
lee raji, ler sasaki
lee ryuu, ler obi + switches obi and zen
Spy x Family
lee loid, ler franky*
loiyor collab
lee loid, lers anya and yor
Stars Align
lee maki, ler arashi
The Promised Neverland
lee ray, ler norman
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun
hanako with cat ears
Tokyo Revengers
lee mikey, ler mitsuya
throwing a snowball at mitsuya
throwing a snowball at Takemichi
Vinland Saga
lee thorfinn, ler askeladd
Your Lie in April
lee arima, ler kaori*
Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun!
lee shax, ler iruma
lee iruma, ler shax
World Trigger
lee yuma, ler chika
yuma sketches
konami and bill cipher fusion
lee izumi, ler tachikawa
lee miwa, ler yoneya
yuma with a playful aipom
lee kikuchihara, ler shiori
yumaaa and a jinnn
haha yuma eating raw meat headcanon*
yuma with a flower crown
anya and itadori
senku, maki, and shirogane
killua + miya skating buddies
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helleboretks · 1 year
Cute/funny art idea:
Fisseha tickling Winry.
she totally tickles winry out of all nighters when she can-
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
@flames-tstuff​ i am so sorry, in the midst of filling out requests i accidently deleted your ask from my box ! ლ(¯ロ¯"ლ) hopefully you will still recieve this alright.
you sent in a request for lee!al and ler!ed from fma, which i was so so pleased about ! ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・ fma is seriously my favorite manga/anime of all time ! not to mention edward was one of my first fictional crushes (。・//ε//・。) so thank you for requesting !
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i have not drawn tword art for fma in a WHILE so this made me happy (⌒▽⌒)☆ did anyone else dwell on the fact that al saying “that tickles!” in response to den greeting him was winry’s first indicator that he had gotten his body back ? i imagine he could be nothing but pleased about feeling ticklish after so long without physical contact. so i tried to create an endearing scene in that sense. ( ╥ω╥ ) even now, i still get emotional thinking about them...
i do hope you enjoy ! sorry for misplacing your request ! (〃>_<;〃)
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skribblz · 3 years
Request: lee!alphonse, lers!winry and ed
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thank you for the first FMA requests!! <3
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flames-tstuff · 3 years
Drawing Masterlist
Updated: Sept 13, 2024
* = non-t-related (but still fluffy)
Avatar the Last Airbender
*Mending (posted on main account) - made from a (tickly) story featuring Ler Iroh and Lee Zuko
Not so fast!! - Ler Sokka, Lee Aang
Big Hero 6
Cheer-Up Pokes - Ler Baymax, Lee Hiro
We Don't Talk About Bruno - Ler Bruno, Lee Madrigal kids (not shown)
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Elric Brothers event request - Ler Edward, Lee Alphonse
Young Ed x Winry - Ler Winry, Lee Edward
Hazbin Hotel
It runs in the family - Ler Lucifer, Lee (baby) Charlie / Ler (present-day) Charlie, Lee Lucifer
Ganged up on - Lers Luca and Giulia, Lee Alberto
Silenzio Bruno! - Ler Alberto, Lee Luca
My Hero Academia
Give up, Kacchan! - Ler Deku, Lee Bakugo
KiriMina - Ler Mina, Lee Kirishima
*Momo & All Might getting their hair done by Uraraka & Mina
Bad Position - Ler Todoroki, Lee Bakugou
*Scars - ShinDeku
*Dadmight & Deku (posted on main account)
Sore Loser (colored commission) - Ler Bakugou, Lee Midoriya
A Coin For A Coin - Ler Kirishima, Lee Bakugo
TodoDeku event request - Ler Todoroki, Lee Midoriya
MiriTama event request - Ler Tamaki, Lee Mirio
TsuChako event request - Ler Tsu, Lee Ochako
(Percy Jackson & the Olympians; Heroes of Olympus; Kane Chronicles; Magnus Chase)
Revenge - Ler Piper, Lee Leo
Quit brooding - Ler Nico, Lee Will
Percabeth (posted on main account) - Ler Percy, Lee Annabeth
Blitzstone event request - Ler Hearth, Lee Blitz
Sanders Sides
Fierrochase - Ler Alex, Lee Magnus
Cold Hands - Ler Roman, Lee Virgil
An Alternate Ending - Ler Prowler Miles, Lee Miles
Comic between Miles and The Spot - Ler Spot (kinda?), Lee Miles
Steven Universe
Lars & the Off Colors - Ler Rutile Twins, Lee Lars
Rupphire event request - Ler Sapphire, Lee Ruby
*Flame icon
Flame persona intro/reference sheet
*Felix (sona) - birthday gift for @/fluffymary
You can also go to my main blog, @ultrafangirlishness, to see a lot more art!
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