comfortablecomfort · 1 year
Fishing Trip
(Have an Ellsworld fic, I know we haven't seen Tori yet, but this is my little personality headcanon... and please don't bring up that dumb fan movie, I hate it)
Ler(s): Ell and Tori
Lee(s): Ell and Tori
"Ell! Look how big this one is!" Tori reeled in a massive fish from her rod, Ell smiled at Tori's catch.
It's been a while since Tori moved out, Ell and Matilda missed her, Tamara on the other hand... not really.
Tori was living her life to the fullest, but she did send the girls postcards every now and then.
After some more fish catching, Ell and Tori layed on the green grass, stargazing at the lovely little lights above.
"So, how are things back at home?" Tori asked, kicking her legs a little.
"Pretty good. We still go on adventures sometimes." Ell gazed over at her norsk friend
"Nice. Tell me everything." Tori was curious, she needed to catch up.
"Well, this one time. We went to the magic store, and Tamara bought this box with an evil genie who tried to kill us, and Matilda bought this magical mirror that leads to... a familiar dimension.." Ell explained
"What did you buy?" Tori asked
"A sword. I used it to kill him and it worked.." Ell said
"Pfft, really? A sword?" Tori snickered
"What? Swords are cool!" Ell felt a little offended on how Tori thought her weapon was lame.
"If I were there, I could've shot him down!" Tori snarked
"Guns can't kill Ghosts.." Ell sighed
"And swords can?" Tori asked in disbelief on how a sword is suddenly more powerful than a gun
"Apparently so." Ell said
"Unbelievable." Tori sat on the grass and stretched her arms a little.
Ell looked over at how her hips were being a little revealed at the moment. She smiled playfully.
"Hey... Tori? I've been wanting to ask..." Ell tried not to show her teasy smirk
"Yeah?" Tori was about to lower her arms when...
"Are you still ticklish after you left?" Ell smirked while asking
Tori froze, why Ell would ask about that?!
"W-What does that have to do with-" Tori got cut off when Ell tackled her to the ground.
"Ell! Let goho!" Tori giggled before Ell even touched her.
Ell scribbled her fingers up and down Tori's hips.
The norsk shrieked and kicked when Ell touched her worst spot.
"You are still ticklish!" Ell gaped in awe
"YOU IDIHIOT! KNOHOHOCK IT OHOHOFF!" Tori attempted to push her friends hands away, but this made Ell tickle her even more.
"Wait till Tamara and Matilda here about this!" Ell teased, targeting Tori's sides.
"EHEHELLL D-DON'T TELL THEHEHEM!" Tori begged a little.
"Hehe... Coochie Coochie Coo! Big strong Tori hates tickles?" Ell cooed
Tori felt embarrassed. She was getting tickled mercilessly by her best friend, curse her for having such a weakness!
Ell finally let up and Tori collected herself.
"Did I go too far?" Ell asked, concerned for her tired friend
"N-No, I'm fine..." Tori sighed
"Good to hear."
Tori grinned, noticing how vulnerable Ell was.
"In fact, I'm about to feel even better." Tori tackled Ell to the ground and it caught her off guard.
Tori slowly lifted Ell's shirt up, Ell bit her lip as she knew what was about to happen.
"Oh, you looked so confident when you did it to me Ell, what happened?" (Inspired by some Turning Red art I found on tumblr)
Ell laughed and broke into snorts when Tori targeted her belly
"GAHAHAHA *snort* TOHOHORI WAHAHAIT!" Ell broke down, She regretted what she started
"Yes?" Tori cooed at Ell's giggly state
"STAHAHAP IHIHIT! *snort* I'M SOHORRY! PLEHEHEASE!" Ell begged, now it was her turn.
"But Ell, you didn't really act all fair to me.. So I should return the favor." Tori spidered all the way up Ell's Torso, tickling her neck and underarms, as squeals and snorts poured out of the ponytails mouth.
"How about your knees? They may not be your worst spot, but I never had the chance to tickle them.." Tori spidered all the way down to said spot, Ell was on her breaking point.
"TOHOHORI I *snort* KNOHOHOW I'M MORE TIHIHIHCKLISH! *snort* JUST LEHEHET ME GOHOHO!" Ell pleaded and begged even more.
Tori decided to let up, she didn't want to kill her friend after all.
"Did I go too far?" Tori teased with a concerned ask
"I had fun. Thanks Tori." Ell smiled
"For what?" Tori asked, confused on why Ell would thank her for after all this.
"For spending time with me again, it's been a really long time... I missed this." Ell enthusiastically admitted
"I did too. Maybe I shouldn't have left-" Tori looked down, a little upset at herself.
"Don't be... leaving is your choice, as long as you remember you have me, and Tamara and Matilda of course." Ell chuckled
"Yep, now let's go before it gets dark."
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ellebarnes90 · 3 months
elle minha diva eu PRECISO ler alguma coisa do enzo vindo a primeira vez no Brasil conhecer a família da namorada e ficando bebinho de caipirinha será q vc pode me presentar c essa hein hein
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Enzo sorria fingindo entender o que seus familiares falavam, dando um gole atrás do outro na caipirinha que seu pai havia feito para ele. Já era o terceiro copo e como não havia comido nada ainda — pelo fato do churrasco não estar pronto — o efeito do álcool batia mais rápido. Se antes não entendia bulhufas do que você e seus familiares falavam, agora mesmo que não conseguiria entender.
No avião você tinha ensinado a ele algumas coisas para ele poder se comunicar com a sua família, demorou um tempão para ele conseguir falar perfeitamente.
"Obrigada por vir, Enzo"
"Obrigado você por me invitar...no, cálmate, eeh...convit, convidar!"
Sua família era um pouco grande tendo como membros; seu pai, sua mãe, seu irmão mais velho (quase da idade de Enzo), sua tia e dois gatinhos e um cachorro, que você também considerava seus familiares. A família de Enzo era muito maior, então não foi um choque para ele, mas se sentiu intimidado ao ver seu pai e seu irmão falando algo com o nome dele no meio, em sussurros.
Ficou com medo de estarem falando mal dele, de não terem gostado dele e logo foi no seu ouvido pedir a tradução. Ficando aliviado ao você dizer que estavam apenas dizendo que seu novo namorado era bonitão de verdade, diferente dos antigos. O ego dele aumentou com isso? Com toda certeza.
Agora, com seu pai passando a tábua com as carnes e linguiça cortadas Enzo sentiu seu estômago roncar, pegando alguns pedaços de carne e linguiça pelo garfo, assoprando e saboreando a carne.
— Mucho obrigado — agradeceu ao seu pai, com um pouco de dificuldade
Você riu, dando um beijo na bochecha dele achando as tentativas dele de se comunicar com a sua família em português a coisa mais fofa do mundo. O tempo passou e Enzo já estava sobre o efeito do álcool, falando em espanhol com a sua tia em um canto enquanto a mesma não entendia nada, mas concordava com tudo.
O uruguaio já tinha dançado forró com a sua mãe, pegado intimidade com seu pai e seu irmão, aprendido alguns palavrões — os repetindo da forma mais desengonçada que podia — e enchido a barriga de churrasco. Agora, quase onze da noite, Enzo estava sentado em uma das cadeiras vermelhas da Brahma que seu pai tinha, junto com o próprio e seu irmão.
Enzo falava com eles em espanhol e seu pai e seu irmão — completamente alterados assim como o moreno — apenas o respondiam como se tivessem entendido tudo.
Se sentiu feliz em ver Enzo se dar tão bem com a sua família, sendo elogiado por todos e até mesmo por seu irmão que era super protetor, ficou feliz quando estavam juntos no quarto, de conchinha após um banho, e ele revelou a você que se sentiu parte da família depois de certo momento, ficou contente em vê-lo abraçar sua nacionalidade e se interessar em conhecer mais lugares do Brasil, jurando de pé junto que voltariam para o seu país pelo menos duas vezes no ano.
Seu coração ficava quentinho ao notar que havia encontrado a pessoa certa, se permitindo dormir nos braços fortes dele ansiosa para o dia seguinte.
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dornasentrelinhas · 4 months
Caro leitor ou escritor
Segunda-feira, 11:40
No início apenas sentimos receio do que as pessoas iram pensar, existe a insegurança e medo, mas existe a coragem e a esperança de dar certo, nos respiramos fundo, fechamos olhos e deixamos apenas os nossos pensamentos nos guiar e quando percebemos estamos escrevendo sobre nossas dores, traumas, lembranças e algo que não queremos mexer mais sabemos que existe e a nossa maior preocupação é ‘’ será que as pessoas vão ler o que estou escrevendo? Vou ajudar alguém com a minha escrita? Será se serei reconhecido (a)?’’ a insegurança bate na porta e na primeira oportunidade queremos desistir de dar continuidade em passar as nossas emoções para o papel ou para a internet. É difícil dizer se vão gostar ou não do nosso trabalho, vivemos me uma ‘’geração’’ que infelizmente existe o preconceito na temática do texto, desvalorização da literatura, escritor não é reconhecido e principalmente pessoas que não tem interesse de conhecer as nossas dores e tem preguiça de ler. Sabe o quanto é difícil termos que se sentar na cadeira e pensar ‘’ o que vou escrever hoje? Como posso ajudar alguém? Será que esse texto está bom? Será que vão reblogar e repassar para outras pessoas’’ É frustrante quando a nossa cabeça resolve se silenciar e não saí absolutamente nada e a sensação que temos é que o dia se perdeu, não ajudamos ninguém e muito menos colocamos nossas dores para fora ou melhor para o texto, mas de uma coisa é certa, não se cobre por achar que o seu trabalho não está sendo reconhecido e que você escreveu algo que não está muito bom e que você não é um bom escritor (a), leve consigo que você é um excelente escritor só pelo fato de você está passando as suas experiencias para as pessoas sobre a sua dor ou algo que alguém já viveu e você decidiu fazer um relato ou uma história, algumas pessoas dizem que nascemos com um ‘’DOM’’ e não acreditamos a princípio porque nunca imaginávamos que escrever algo seria um ‘’DOM’’ até o momento em que você começa a sentir, imaginar, pensar e começa a  passar para o papel ou Word. Não tenha medo de tentar, infelizmente terá dias que você não escreverá e não quer dizer que você não é bom no que faz, quer dizer que você está cansado e precisa respirar um pouco e iniciar um novo ciclo de escrita, passe sua dor, alegria, felicidade, frustração, medo, receio, desejo e vontade do jeito que for, suas palavras iram chegar em algum lugar e pode ter certeza que tem muitas pessoas esperando elas chegarem e tenha ciência que a sua escrita ela muda a vida das pessoas e inclusive ajuda a curar uma dor que pensamos que não pode ser curada e existem aquelas pessoas que estavam apenas precisando ler o que você escreveu para se sentir encorajado e feliz. Escritor e Leitor, você faz a diferença em nossas vidas e nos motiva a dar continuidade na escrita criativa, obrigado por serem as nossas inspirações e por nos ajudar a levar mais das nossas experiencias para mundo da literatura, quero que você se sinta abraçado e acolhido, momentos difíceis existem, mas não são pra sempre, tenha coragem de compartilhar a sua própria história.
Elle Alber
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sunshyni · 5 months
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“PENN U” surgiu do meu amor pela série de livros chamada “Amores improváveis” ou “Off Campus” da Elle Kennedy, e consiste em contos com os neos (incluindo todas as units, 127, DREAM, WAYV e futuramente WISH) que possuem uma ordem de publicação, mas que não necessariamente você precisa seguir para ler, é opcional. Ah! E como os livros que eu me inspirei possuem essa temática de jogadores de hóquei no gelo, todos os neos vão ser atletas, seja de hóquei ou de outro esporte.
Contém: linguagem imprópria, conteúdo sexual (com isso eu quero dizer uma frase com conotação sexual aqui e alí, mas nenhum smut) e muito provavelmente os neos sendo idiotas por mulheres.
PENN U – Abertura
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Defensor
Cursando: Administração (mas sonha em se tornar um jogador profissional da NHL*)
Equivalente a: John Logan (do livro “O erro”)
PENN U - Johnny
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante de centro
Cursando: Ciência da computação
Equivalente a: Colin Fitzgerald (do livro spin-off de “Amores improváveis” chamado “The chase”)
PENN U - Mark pt.1; pt.2 (final)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante ala (wing)
Cursando: Ciências da saúde
Equivalente a: Dean Di Laurentis (do livro “O jogo”) e a Hunter Davenport (do livro spin-off de “Amores improváveis” chamado “The play”)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Goleiro
Cursando: Hotelaria
Equivalente a: John Tucker (do livro “A conquista”)
PENN U - Jaehyun
TEN (eu me recuso a escrever o nome completo do meu amor, my bad)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Defensor
Cursando: Belas Artes
(jogadores que não fazem parte da universidade da Pensilvânia, no entanto são comentados em alguns contos e consequentemente ganham as suas próprias histórias)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante
Cursando: Tecnologia da informação (meu parceiro aí de carreira)
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Defensor
Cursando: Direito
Equivalente a: Garrett Graham (do livro “O acordo”)
PENN U – Haechan
Jogador de hóquei no gelo
Posição na equipe: Atacante
Cursando: Ciência da computação (buscando por um mestrado em “engenharia de jogos”)
Equivalente a: Conor Edwards (do livro spin-off de “Amores improváveis” chamado “The dare”)
Em breve...
PENN U: Abreviação para universidade da Pensilvânia;
NHL: Abreviação para Liga Nacional de Hóquei (em inglês, “National Hockey League”).
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heartstopper-tword · 11 months
Prompt #33 for N & C ler/lee please
A/N: hi anon! ty for the prompt :) hope you enjoy!
if you want to send me prompts to my inbox you can find the list here!
Prompt #33: "Oh? You want me to tickle you that badly?"
Missing You Making Me Laugh
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Two weeks away from each other was enough.
Charlie had known Nick was going on holiday with his family well in advance. Nick had told him about his family's tradition of traveling to Menorca every year to get together with the rest of his extended family, and how one day he wanted to take Charlie with him. Even a few hours apart from one another at school was agonizing for the both of them in general, so two weeks in different countries was absolute hell.
Luckily, Nick had kept his promise of calling Charlie every night to talk to him, checking in on his mental health back home and updating him about his cousins' antics around the vacation house. He'd send him pictures of the dogs together, him and other relatives, and so on, but Charlie still felt lonely without the older boy next to him.
He wasn't afraid to let his boyfriend know how he felt when he'd call, and every time Nick would answer with, "I know, I miss you too. It's only a few more days and I'll be back." Then he'd give him that classic, charming Nick Nelson smile that always stole Charlie's heart.
It wasn't just Nick's company Charlie was missing. It was something else. Something that made Charlie blush whenever he thought about it, giddiness and nerves overtaking him on the inside.
Charlie was known by his friends to be extremely ticklish. He, Tao, Elle, and Isaac had had their fair share of tickle fights and ambushes, and for as long as he could remember, Charlie very nearly was always being ganged up on. He couldn't help it, of course. He'd always been a walking tickle spot since he was little, Tori taking advantage of it as her duty of being the older sibling. It was something he'd tried and obviously had failed at hiding from Nick once they began dating, more out of embarrassment than anything.
When Nick had figured out Charlie's ticklishness, he'd gushed about how adorable he found it and that it just added to one of the things he loved best about him.
Charlie had been extremely embarrassed at first, but slowly became comfortable with the fact that Nick wasn't weirded out by him. In fact, Nick tickled him at almost every chance he got, almost anywhere they were. It made Charlie feel overjoyed by the fact that someone wasn't afraid to be physically affectionate with him, even if it meant being at the receiving end of it all.
But now, Charlie almost felt starved by this absence. He didn't have Nick whispering teases into his ear as he held him close against his chest. He didn't have him chasing him around his house and cornering him before tickling him into hysterics. He missed Nick's goofy self whenever he got into his moods, and he wanted it more than anything. And he needed that now.
He was currently sitting at his desk in his bedroom, on one of his daily calls with his boyfriend. The sun was setting through the window, and Charlie knew he didn't have much time until he needed to get ready to head off to bed. He could hear Nick talking about his afternoon, helping to babysit the younger of his cousins, but he wasn't truly listening. His thoughts kept going to that one specific thing he had on his mind all day.
"Charlie?" On the screen, Nick's face was filled with concern, his head tilted slightly. "What's wrong? You look all flushed."
Charlie cleared his throat, "I-I'm fine." Then as an afterthought, "Sorry."
"No," Nick shook his head, his eyes narrowing. "No S-words from you, sir. I thought we banned that word for good."
Charlie bit his lip, his heart racing in his chest. "Oh yeah, I forgot. Sorry."
Nick wasn't oblivious. He could see the beginning of that cheeky smirk even through the screen of his phone.
"Charles Francis Spring," He said slowly, causing Charlie to shiver in his chair, "Are you purposely trying to rile me up right now?"
Charlie felt like his whole being was on fire from how hard he was blushing. Even through the phone screen he couldn't look Nick in the eye.
"Talk to me. What are you thinking in that pretty little head of yours?"
"I-I-" the younger swallowed, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He knew Nick had caught on to what he wanted. Of course he had. Nick could read Charlie like an open book. It felt like he was right there in his bedroom with him.
"Is there something you want from me?" Nick couldn't help his own smirk from appearing on his face, raising an eyebrow at his boyfriend teasingly.
"Stooop," Charlie whined, covering his face with his hands, a nervous giggle escaping his lips.
"I'm just asking a question!" Nick laughed, and Charlie shook his head, still hiding his face. After a moment of silence, Nick leaned in a little. "Charlieee..."
"Do I have to say it?" Charlie asked, finally peaking through his fingers at his boyfriend and trying not to combust.
"I'd love to hear it."
They kept their eyes locked with one another, both of them grinning like idiots. Finally, Charlie let out a long sigh, looking down at his hands.
"I- I want you to..." His voice was barely audible, and Nick chuckled as he trailed off. "What? I'm sorry, you want me to...?"
"You know what." Charlie said playfully exasperated, and Nick crossed his arms over his chest, remaining silent.
Charlie's leg was bouncing under his desk, and he let out another sigh, squirming in his seat. "Iwantyoutotickleme."
He rolled his eyes. "I want you to... tickle me."
"And it finally comes out." Nick leaned back again in his chair, looking at his boyfriend smugly.
"Shut up."
"Oh? You want me to tickle you that badly? You miss me teasing you and playing with you? You miss me making you laugh so hard you can barely breathe? You miss me making you all flustered to the point you can't speak in complete sentences?"
"Shut up!" Charlie squealed, closing his eyes as nervous giggles began pouring out of his mouth. He could almost feel the sensation of Nick poking at him playfully, and it was driving him nuts.
"Oh Char, just you wait until I get back. Because I miss it too. I've nearly gone insane without hearing your adorable laughter. I miss seeing you squirm underneath me. So as soon as I get home, you better be ready. We'll have to make sure my mum isn't home. She'll think I'm murdering you."
"Nicholas, I will hang up on you." Charlie threatened, though by the tone of his voice, Nick knew he wasn't serious. However, he decided to egg him on once more. "Go ahead. That'll just seal your fate even more."
"Ugh, stop!" Charlie grabbed his phone, both boys laughing at this point. "You're impossible!"
"Okay, okay." Nick raised his hands, finally relenting. "You're just too cute to not tease you."
Charlie scoffed, moving to his bed and falling onto his back, his phone raised above him. "You're a menace, you know that?"
"Oh, I know." Nick winked, and Charlie felt his heart flutter in his chest. "Anyways, I have to get going. My family's going to be eating dinner soon. I'll talk to you tomorrow."
"Okay." Charlie felt slightly disappointed. He always hated hanging up with Nick at the end of a call.
Nick must've sensed his change of moods, and his expression softened. "Only a few more days, mon amour." He whispered, and Charlie nodded.
"Only a few more days."
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L'homme à droite est Raffaele Esposito
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Il a révolutionné un plat de pauvre en un plat célèbre dans le monde entier il est l'inventeur de la pizza Magherita. Autrefois la pizza était un plat populaire dans les quartiers pauvres de la ville de Naples, on trouvait seulement la pizza Marinara elle était préparée avec de la sauce tomate, de l'ail et de l'origan, et sans fromage. En 1889, lors de la visite du roi Umberto ler et de la reine Margherita di Savoia à Naples, Raffaele voulait surprendre la reine en préparant une pizza aux couleurs du drapeau italien, avec le rouge de la sauce tomate, le blanc du fromage mozzarella et vert du basilic et Naples est devenue célèbre grâce à la pizza Margherita et au "pizzaiuolo" Raffaele
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xflippinfrogx · 2 years
11. “How can someone not be ticklish??”
i imagine Nick and Charlie like hanging out or something and like Charlie telling stories of his friends tickling him or something and Nick is just like "I'm not ticklish" or something like that!
I’m not ticklish!!
FANDOM: Heartstopper Lee: Nick
Ler: Charlie. <><><><><><><><><><> 🛑THIS IS A TICKLE FIC IF YOU DONT LIKE PLEASE SCROLL ON🛑
It was an afternoon like any other. The two boys sat on the floor talking about anything and nothing. They were supposed to be doing their homework but were currently caught up in a story Charlie was telling.
“So that’s when I threw the pillow at Tao buhut it hit Elle!!” Charlie giggled at the look of surprise on his boyfriends face.
“I’m guessing she wasn’t too pleased with that wahas she?” He snickered.
“No.. they both were, uh, not ‘pleased’ with that haha. They tickled the shit out of me afterwards though so we were even.”
Nick stopped laughing and looked at Charlie curiously.
“They tickled you?” He said raising his eyebrows. “I didn’t know you were ticklish?”
“Well I’m not that ticklish. Only like, a little bit.. I mean- Nick dOnt you dare!!”
Suddenly, Nick was up off of his comfortable spot on the floor and was leaning over his now very, embarrassed boyfriend.
“I can’t believe you never told me you were ticklish!!”
“You never ahasked” Charlie replied, his face getting redder and redder.
“Guess I’ll just have to make up for lost time then right?” And immediately he began exploring every spot he could think of.
He squeezed his hips, spidered over his sides and gently traced his ribs.
Charlie threw his head back in laughter, unable to fight of the much stronger boy.
Though he also didn’t reallyyy want to fight him off anyway.
He was enjoying this a lot more than he thought he would.. And Nick had noticed as well.
Slowly, Nick stopped his tickle attack on the brunette.
“Charlie that was absolutely adorable!!” He cooed as the other hid his face in his hands.
“Yohoure the wohorst, I hahate you!!” He giggled looking at Nick.
“Aw c’mere, you love me really.” He replied pulling Charlie into his lap. ~•~•~•~1 hour later~•~•~•~
After all the excitement the two settled on watching a movie, Charlie laying with his head on Nick’s chest.
Charlie had been thinking about the events of earlier and one particular question stuck in his mind.
“Hey Nick.. are you ticklish?” He asked gazing up at his boyfriend, a smirk finding it’s way across his face.
“Of course not, I’m not ticklish!!” He replied. Though with that defensive tone Charlie knew he was lying.
“I think you’re lying~” Charlie said watching his boyfriend slowly become more flustered by the second.
“How can someone not be ticklish?”
“I promise I’m not!!” The blush now reaching his ears. “So you won’t mind if I do, this?” He teased, dragging his fingers up and down the others sides.
“Chaharlieee gehehet off!!” Cackles began to pour from his mouth.
“Oh Nick, we’ve got a lot of lost time to make up for now don’t we?”
Nick was in for a rough night..
Thanks for the request!! Feel free to send in more anytime!!
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italeean · 2 years
Hi, Elle! I saw you’ve written for BSD before and wanted to know if you had any tk headcanons for Ranpo? 🥺 If you’ve made any before, I’d love to be linked them to read!
Helloooo how are you? I wanted to start with something soft before diving back into my requests, and your hcs arrived just at the right timing!! I wanted to thank the amazing tumblr user @jettorii for helping me with these amazing ideas, and here I'll leave you the link to his own ranpo hcs, and trust me, they're A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. Buona lettura 💚🩶❤ (Have a nice reading)
Ranpo Hcs
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Level of sensitivity: 9/10
His worst spots are his tummy and his ears
He totally has squeaky giggles, like a kid, and his laughter is contagious
He's a squirmer, and he kicks with his legs
He cannot handle people blowing in his ears, and Dazai always has some secret to whisper in his ear...
Sometimes he tries to ambush people, but it utterly backfires... especially with Yosano
Sometimes Fukuzawa uses tickling as a punishment (see the episode of bsd wan where Rampo ate Fukuzawa's cake, but I think that this scene has potential)
No matter how bad he gets tickled, he'll keep being sassy, witty and a little know-it-all
Sometimes the members of the Agency tickle him to tire him out when he eats too many snacks and goes on a sugar high... which is very often
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Two words: LITTLE. SHIT.
He's the type to laugh along with his lee, and make a fake low-pitched evil laugh... which makes the whole situation even more flustering
He's a playful ler in general, while Dazai and Yosano are more sadistic and evil
He uses his super deduction to find every single spot on his lee, paying attention to every spot he reaches and taking mental notes of every reaction
He's the only one who had the nerve to tickle Fukuzawa... and luckily for him, the President just laughed it off for once
When Atsushi joined the Agency, Ranpo picked on him all the time, making the poor weretiger screech under his pokes on a daily basis
He even wrecked Yosano once, when she tried to steal his snacks. Now people don't even ask him to share... they don't wanna be wrecked that badly
He's more likely to give squeezes and pokes, instead of light traces and scribbles (that's more Poe's style)... and he gives raspberries as often as he can
He loved tickling two lees at once as if he was playing piano
He wouldn't be that good at chasing people, because he has zero orientation skills. He he'll locate them in 2 seconds, but then he'll send someone else to get them for him
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epiceneandroid · 14 days
PRESENTING: a masterlist of colonel.exe themed names and pronouns (genders coming soon!) for all you gamers out there
-Irune: Pronounced "ee-ROO-neh", this Basque girl's name means "trinity".
-Hirune: Pronounced "hee-ROO-neh", this Basque girl's name means "trinity". Variation of Irune.
-Milo: Pronounced "MY-low", this Latin and Old German unisex name means "soldier" or "merciful".
-Mylo: Pronounced "MY-low", this Latin and Old German boy's name means "soldier" or "merciful".
-Ava: Pronounced "AY-va", this Hebrew, Latin, and Germanic girl's name means "life", "bird", or "water island".
-Falke: Pronounced "FALK", this unisex German word name means "falcon".
-Adler: Pronounced "ADD-ler", this unisex German name means "eagle".
-Aderyn: Pronounced "ah-DEH-rin", this Cornish girl's name means "bird".
-Florian: Pronounced "FLOW-ree-an" or "FLAW-ree-an", this Latin unisex name means "flowering" for a boy and "flourishing, prosperous" for a girl.
-Emrys: Pronounced "EMM-riss", this Welsh unisex name means "immortal".
-Olin: Pronounced "OH-lin" or "AW-lin", this Swedish, Norwegian, and English boy's name with unisex potential means "ancestor, to inherit, legacy" in Swedish and Norwegian and "from the low-lying land" in English.
-Mael: Pronounced "mah-ELLE", this is a rare Breton boy's name with unisex potential meaning "prince" or "chieftain".
-Gwenael: Pronounced "gweh-nah-ELLE", this is a rare Breton boy's name with unisex potential meaning "generous and blessed".
He/him/his/himself, Hi/hir/hirs/hirself, Ze/hir/hirs/hirself, Xe/xem/xyrs/xemself, Sie/hir/hirs/hirself, Heir/heir/heirs/heirself, Ki/kin/kins/kinself, Li/ege/li/egeself, Cro/crow/crows/crowself, Bi/bit/bits/bitself, Gli/glit/glitch/glitchself, Div/vine/divs/vineself, Co/co/cos/coself, Co/cor/cors/coreself, Di/div/divs/divself, Thon/thon/thons/thonself, Thou/thou/thous/thouself, E/eth/eirs/ethself, Ei/en/eirs/eirself, Hy/hymn/hymns/hymnself, Per/per/pers/perself, Hu/hum/hus/hus/huself
GENDERS (now comes the fun part!):
-Epicene: A gender that has characteristics of both binary genders, but is neither binary gender at the same time.
-Ambonec: A gender that is both male, female, and neither at the same time.
-Neuangi: An androgynous gender that is entirely neutral.
-Xenxari: Someone who is xiaspec/xingender, niaspec/ningender, and androgynous in alignment (liaspec) or in nature (lingender).
-Elvengender: A xenogender connected to elves in some way. It can be described as a majestic yet serious gender; beautiful and stern.
-Chimeragender: A xenogender that encompasses the feeling of being a hybrid, or not human, or feeling like a monster but not truly, that is under the umbrella of monstergenders.
-Metaphorgender: When one feels one's gender is a metaphor for something else. It feels not fully real and it may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different identities.
-Orupin: An orderly gender with a sense of stability and reason for who and what they are, and feel that there is a logical reason for their gender.
-Anler: A strong-willed gender that is determined and certain about who and what they are. They will be angry if others insist their gender does not exist, and feel very grounded and supported in their gender.
-Neutrois: A nonbinary gender identity that is associated with having a neutral gender that is either strongly neither male nor female, weakly gendered, a balance of any and all genders within their experience, or genderless depending on the person.
-Genderlight: When all accessible genders within one's life and culture combines with their antigenders, and in turn becomes nullified and mixed, resulting in a "light" feeling.
-Nonvirmina: Someone who is not male or female in any way, shape, or form, but is connected to both masculinity and femininity within their gender.
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sleepy--anon · 1 year
Sleepy's Writing List
I will also write ler!reader, (there is a severe lack)
Dream XD
Sapnap 4K
George HD
Captain Puffy
Awesamdude (Sam)
JJ Olatunji
Simon Minter
Harry Lewis
Ethan Payne
Josh Bradley
Tobi Brown
Vik Barn
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring
Darcy Olsson
Tara Jones
Elle Argent
Tao Xu
Issac Henderson
Imogen Heaney
Sahar Zahid
Tori Spring
Otis Smith
Sai Verma
Christian McBride
Hen Wilson
Karen Wilson
Denny Wilson
Mara (Driscoll) Wilson
Maddie Buckley-Han
Chimney (Howie) Han
Athena Grant-Nash
Bobby Nash
May Grant
Harry Grant
Eddie Diaz
Christopher Diaz
Evan (Buck) Buckley
Tk Strand
Carlos Reyes
Ravi Pannikar
Tommy Kinard
Red, White, and Royal Blue
Alex Clermont-Diaz
Henry Hanover-Stuart-Fox
Beatrice (Bea) Hanover-Stuart-Fox
Nora Holleran
Percy (Pez) Okonjo
Anthony Padilla
Ian Hecox
Shayne Topp
Damien Haas
Courtney Miller
Olivia Sui
Keith Leak Jr.
Tommy Bowe
Spencer Agnew
Amanda Lehan-Canto
Angela Giarratana
Trevor Evarts
Chance McCrary
Arasha Lalani
The Walking Dead
Rick Grimes
Michonne Grimes
Carl Grimes
Judith Grimes
RJ Grimes
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Rhee
Daryl Dixon
Carol Peletier
Rosita Espinosa
Paul (Jesus) Rovia
King Ezekiel
Juanita (Princess) Sanchez
Michael Mercer
Gabriel Stokes
Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
Daphne (Bridgerton) Bassett
Eloise Bridgerton
Francesca (Bridgerton) Sterling
Gregory Bridgerton
Hyacinth Bridgerton
Penelope (Featherington) Bridgerton
Kate (Sharma) Bridgerton
Simon Bassett
House of the Dragon
Rhaenyra Targaryen
Aegon Targaryen
Daenerys Targaryen
Daemon Targaryen
Helena Targaryen
Jacearys Velaryon
Lucearys Velaryon
Alicent Hightower
Baela Targaryen
Aemond Targaryen
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lunarisntlee · 2 years
Charlie and Nick Lee Headcanons ♡
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SHY boi when it comes to being around Nick!
He's a babie lee (be gentle >:(( )
He's literally such a sensitive babie when being tickled
Probably gets tickled by Nick a lot! And gang tickled by Tao, Elle, and Isaac.
His tumtum would probably be a bad good spot to tickle.
Instead of trying to squirm away, he'll just cuddle closer to the ler. 🥺
Oh and he can't say tickle.
Not at all.
He can't say it to save his life.
LOVES cuddles tickles!
Generally a tiny and soft lee!
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A little bit more confident when it comes to tickling! (He IS on the rugby team)
He's usually tickling Charlie, but when the tables are turned, oh boy…
He's JUST as ticklish as Charlie is and gets super shy when someone mentions it 🥺
Does kick though, so anyone tickling him better be careful!
He doesn't like being held down.
His back is a BAD spot for him which he actually loves and is just too shy to say it
His favorite person to be tickled by is obviously Charlie!
Raspberries = loss of sanity
No seriously, he'll be CACKLING if you blow raspberries!
He's more on the boisterous and bubbly side of lee overall!
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lopsicle · 2 years
So we’re really putting a lot of new fandoms on the blog and today I wanted to use Heartstopper! There’s a lot of content for Nick and Charlie in the tk community, so I thought I’d write for the second best couple, Tara and Darcy!
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Day 2: Drawn on
Warnings: Tickle fic, implied homophobia, references to feet tickles (only at the end).
Character: Lee Tara, ler Darcy
If there’s one thing Darcy loved about the relationships, it would be the intimacy. Even if they had to hide it, even if it was something small as a small kiss to the chin as a goodbye, or a hand resting on her thigh underneath the crowded lunch room tables, Darcy craved the intimacy. And the moments her and Tara didn’t have to hide it were the absolute best, mainly because she was a horrific liar and wouldn’t be able to make an excuse for why they were so close to the other girls.
That’s how Tara was in the situation she was in now, her arm laying in Darcy’s lap as the girl absentmindedly fidgeted and danced her fingers around it. The couple were hiding in one of the school closets, it was a Thursday, a stressful day due to a horrific time table, and they needed each other during their break. Tara was noticeably tense, her arm was rigid and hard to touch, her back was pressed straight upwards and she had a tired look plastered in her dark eyes.
‘Hey, Jonesy,’ Tara couldn’t help but let a small genuine smile appear on her face for a few seconds, she loved the nickname ‘I-I,’ Darcy fumbled slightly, trying to put her thoughts into words, as her girlfriend patiently put her hand on hers, turning her head to look Darcy in the eyes. ‘You look stressed, you feel stressed, and I don’t want you to have to head to another long class, with ignorant, bland, rude girls while in this mood, so can I cheer you up, please?’ She added at the end quietly, most of her thoughts she blurted out quickly while returning Tara’s eye contact.
The girl was clearly right, and Tara let out a deep breath, scooting her body close to Darcy, the side of her torso pressed against her right arm. ‘So, what’d you have in mind?’ She mumbled quietly, letting her body slightly relaxed, but was still visible tense.
‘Well, arts one of our favourite subjects, so I figured maybe just some nice drawings to remind you of me in that class, just something else to put your attention onto,’ Darcy smiled slightly, letting her legs lay flat on the ground so Tara’s arm could rest easily on it. She quickly, almost excitedly pulled a pen from her hoodie pocket, using her thumb to push off the lid and let it fall to the ground.
She carefully pressed the tip of the pen against Tara’s arm, looking up at her for just a second, and found that she was looking on with an interest with her almost glassy like eyes. Truth be told, Tara also needed something like this. Even if it was just for a minute, she needed to be with her girlfriend, she was the only one who ever made sense in this school, other then Elle of course. Darcy was like a life line to Tara, a life line she so desperately needed and that she wanted to cling onto.
As the pen glided and twirled at Tara’s wrists, Darcy was showing more and more creativity with each stroke. Random blodges of ink to remind Tara of her hoodie, to the simple, more direct messages, like the hearts and stars. The tool began slowly sliding up to Tara’s hands and it quickly twirled around her arm so it was pressed against the tip of her palm. Darcy fiddled with the pen, wiggling it around on the spot and circling it into Tara’s soft hands, causing the girl to bite at her lip to hold in her giggles.
‘Now what to draw here? There’s not that much space after all, maybe two little sticks figures, or is that too corny? What do you think, Jonesy?’ Tara internally wondered if Darcy knew what she was doing and if she was just drawing it out to see if she would break. And she was pretty Damm close, she’d give Darcy that. Tara was ever so close to break down into giggles, or twitching her body away, but she couldn’t bring herself to. Darcy was totally oblivious to this, she spent most of this time wondering what to draw, until she settled for a happier memory. She started by plotting hollow circles all over the edge of her girlfriend’s hands, letting a few go upwards and slip between her fingers. Each small little circle sent the tiniest of ticklish shocks through Tara’s whole arm, but it was still driving her absolutely crazy.
‘D-dahahrcy!’ She whined, curling her knees to her chest and rapidly kicking her feet back and forth in the air. She brought her right arm to her mouth, gripping onto her chin while half heartedly trying to muffle her laughter. ‘Cahahahalm dahahawn!’ Darcy simply tilted her head and blinked slowly at Tara, taking a few seconds to process her odd reactions, but a sly grin, that would send shivers down Tara’s spine, soon spread across her face. ‘But Jonesy, dear, I’ve barely just started my drawing!’ She cooed, tracing her right hand from Tara’s shoulder to her wrist, before taking a firm grasp at it to keep her hand still. ‘I still have so many things to add!’
Tara’s heart was beating out of her chest at this point, it had been quite possibly years since she’d ever been tickled, and now it was with her girlfriend? It was practically a dream come true for the student, but she didn’t want to show it to Darcy. Truth be told, she was always a bit ashamed of this interest, and though she’d knew Darcy would accept her, the girl never had a chance to bring it up, or if she tried she simply found herself losing her voice. The blonde girl’s pen found itself delicately swiping a line down from the edge of the inside of her ring and middle finger.
‘Ahahahah my gahahahd!’ Tara squealed out loudly, twisting her torso from side to side, her back wiggling and arching desperately but she didn’t dare try and move her hand away. She wasn’t even making any attempt to move away, and went as far as to keep her body pressed against Darcy’s arm. The pen began sliding in a circle in the dead centre of her palm, digging in to the soft skin. ‘W-waihahahahahaht eeek!’ Tara squeaked out quickly, her body jumping at the more intense feeling.
‘Hey, it’s okay, we’re all done!’ Darcy smiled, before poking her with the pen one last time with a smirk, watching the girl squeal and practically jump away. Tara sat back down, her legs curled as she faced Darcy, who was laying on her side, using her arm to support herself. The girl brought her hand closer to her, examining the drawings, there’s were circles dotted all over her hand, with a large ball in the centre and two people underneath it.
‘It’s the disco when we kissed!’ Darcy exclaimed happily, fiddling with the pen between her fingers. Tara stared at her hand, then Darcy, the. Her hand once more as she let out a sigh from her nose. Her body finally relaxing as happiness was evident in her eyes. ‘Thanks for…all that, Darcy,’ Tara smiled at her girlfriend, sliding a bit closer to her.
Darcy raised an eye brow. ‘All of that?’ Tara nodded in response, and confirmed ‘All of it.’
Darcy’s smile only grew wider as she let the pen rest between her fingers. ‘Well that’s a relief to here!’ She giggled, moving closer to Tara herself.
‘Maybe I can give your feet some drawings then, Jonesy~?’ She giggled in a teasy tone, as Tara tucked her legs closer to her. ‘You wouldn’t dare!’ Tara replied back, trying to sound serious but the playfulness was evident in her voice. ‘Oh, I would!’ Her girlfriend responded fiercely, plunging towards her ankles.
There it goes, my first heartstopper Fic! It’s been a while since I’ve watched so I apologise if they were out of character, but I hoped you enjoyed regardless!
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moose-muffin · 1 year
Thank you so so much for writing legally blonde headcanons! I can find like no content for the show and it’s one of my favorites. Some of my favorite characters are Elle, Emmett, Warner, Vivienne, Margot, Serena, or really any of the delta by girls! I feel like they would definitely get in lots of tickle fights 🙈
Elle: OMIGOD SHE IS SO SO SO TICKLISH ITS ACTUALLY NOT EVEN FUNNY. She is the epitome of precious silly girl and I just know she has the sweetest giggles ever <3 hearing her get tickle actually adds 10 years to your lifespan and brightens your day. Don’t let her fool you though, she is a ler and a half. She can be evil if she wants to but usually she prefers to just have fun with her lee. Tease em a bit but keep it lighthearted. She loves their laughter and it makes her happy by proxy
Emmett: yes he’s ticklish even tho he will tell you he’s not. Except he won’t ever bring it up and tickling him will be awk until he’s comfy enough around you. The one day that you catch him off guard and he’s comfy!? Giggles pour out. He is so ticklish it’s not even funny, but he can like turn it off to try and out off people tickling him. Inevitably hun and Elle get into a tickle fight and she just so happened to catch him off guard and the rest is history. I wouldn’t say he’s one of us, but he grows to love tickle fights
Vivienne: ok these will be meek idk much abt her but she is def also ticklish. I’d say she’s more the lee but can ler when she feels like it. Can be ruthless but usually it’s just for info or smth like that so it’s quick but she doesn’t hold back. Has very sweetie giggles tho so just tickle her back <3
Warner: it’s giving he’s ploopy, but we will do his anyway bc he is silly. Reminds me of Ken from the Barbie movie so honestly that’s the vibe of lee/ler I get for him. He’s such a. Himbo so like yeah very ticklish with goofy giggles. But also he’d make a killer ler, sorry I don’t make the rules
The Delta Nu girl always get into tickle fights and give out cheer up tickles to Elle. Its absolutely adorable!!!!
I don’t reallyhave any more specific ones as of right now, but if you think of anything else lmk and I’ll see what I can do! Thank you for the request and again sorry these are a bit short, but I hope you enjoy!!
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dornasentrelinhas · 3 months
É tão triste quando a carência nos deixa cegos e materializamos um sentimento onde não tem. Passamos um tempo descansando de amores fingidos e por falta de reciprocidade que quando chega algo novo em nossa vidas abraçamos como algo milagroso. Amamos onde não existe amor, gostamos onde não há o que se gostar é uma simples amizade entre duas pessoas e criamos um amor tão intenso que quando tudo acaba reconhecemos que nunca existiu o sentimento que imaginávamos que existisse. Quantas vezes já quebramos a cara por acharmos que conhecemos alguém e no final ela é tudo o que as outras pessoas disseram? Quantas vezes nos esforçamos para fazer os nossos planos darem certo e percebemos tarde demais que não tinha plano nenhum e criado pela nossa cabeça? Foi algo passageiro e momentâneo? A carência é uma filha da mãe sem alma e coração que nos manipula e faz com que aceitamos qualquer migalha que alguém tem para nos oferecer, mil promessas, amores, sonhos e planos, mil expectativas, esperanças e saudades, mas na verdade nunca existiu nada além de duas pessoas que achavam que estavam amando mais na verdade estavam buscando consolo um no outro. Entre decepções e arrependimentos sempre que chega uma pessoa nova em nossas vidas idealizamos alguém que queríamos passar o resto de nossas vidas juntos, um amor puro, ingênuo, reciproco e avassalador, criamos uma rotina de troca de mensagens, ligações, áudios para matar um pouco a saudade e experiências como dois casais apaixonados, mas na verdade são duas pessoas perdidas e que escrevem apenas aquilo que querem ler e isso é triste, criar um amor um onde não existe e uma convivência que é fadado ao fracasso e um termino doído por algo que se criou com o passar dos dias. Não houve amor, paixão e atração, o que houve nesse pouco espaço de tempo era uma esperança, expectativa e um sonho de se construir uma vida a dois. A Carência deixa-nos surdo, mudo e cego. O coração se torna um dependente, fiel e manipulador de sentimentos. No início tudo é tão gostoso, intenso, belo e sonhador, nos encoraja a dar continuidade e permanecer em algo confortável, mas quando chega ao fim só restam duas pessoas decepcionadas e com raiva do destino ser tão sacana com dois corações ingênuos e a saga de procurar algo que não seja criado por nossas cabeça continua e entre uma queda e outra não podemos parar de acreditar que o amor ele existe, chega no tempo certo e é algo silencioso, intenso, não precisa ser inventado ou algo forçado através de mensagens reconfortantes e um elogio simples, não precisa ter engano e falsas promessas, não precisamos da carência para conseguirmos encontrar um lar em forma de pessoa para nos sentirmos em casa, só precisamos de algo puro, genuíno e principalmente real.  
Elle Alber
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cantsaythetword · 2 years
Tao & Charlie for the Br(OTP) ask meme ^^
I'm sorry this took so long thanks for asking me to do itttttttt!!! You're amazing and I hope you're having a super chill weekend! Who’s more ticklish? Honestly I think it depends on the spot! Charlie is more ticklish in the typical areas but if you get your hands in Tao's armpits that boy is sCREWED! He is more ticklish there than anyone else on the planet.
What kind of tickles are they sensitive to? Charlie gets giggly and snorts sometimes when he's tickled softly, and Tao is a sucker for the rougher type of tickles.
Which role (lee/ler) does each of them hold? Charlie is a lee unless it's with Nick (cause he loves making that labrador in human clothing laugh), and Tao is definitely a Ler-Leaning switch (and was Charlie's main ler before Nick came along).
How did they discover each others’ ticklishness? Both were actually because of Elle. Tao found out about Charlie first when he saw Elle tickling him and became addicted to teasing the poor kid any chance he got. Charlie found out about Tao some time later at one of their famous movie nights. Tao was tickling Charlie relentlessly as usual, and Elle nonchalantly mentioned that he could just tickle Tao back. This was both to tease Tao about being ticklish, and also to sliiiightly make fun of how much it seemed like Charlie liked getting tickled by Tao (I have a huge headcanon that Charlie is a massive lee).
Who’s more likely to instigate a tickle fight? From the outside it looks like Tao just attacks Charlie any chance he gets. But it's always Charlie that does something to subtly hint at Tao that he's in the mood for some tickles.
How often do they tickle each other? All. The. Damn. Time. It is constant with these two - mostly Tao tickling Charlie
Who’s the least likely to ask for tickles? Charlie will NEVER ask, but he will hint frequently. Tao doesn't want tickles nearly as frequently but when he does he gets just as shy and embarrassed (but is slightly better at asking for them).
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heartstopper-tword · 1 year
Heartstopper Headcanons
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Nick Nelson
85% Ler, 15% Lee
Contrary to a lot of people’s beliefs, I feel like he isn’t as ticklish as people think he is
Of course, he has maybe a few spots that may catch him off guard
And you have to be real lucky to be able to get those spots
And even then they’re not super ticklish
They will mainly only get him giggling if you manage to catch him off guard
Most of the time he’s a very gentle ler
But he can be ruthless when he wants to be
His most common victim is Charlie, of course
But tbh no one is safe when he gets into his ler moods
And he gets into ler moods A LOT
Charlie has learned to watch out for that mischievous glint that appears in his eyes and that smirk that comes with it
If he sees that expression come across his face, he bolts immediately
Nick can easily pin his victims once he catches them
This boy is strong af
He’s very smug yet casual when tickling the living shit out of someone
He could be just trying to have a normal sounding conversation with whoever’s beneath him yet at the same time completely wrecking their worst spots
He will show mercy when he feels like his victims need it though
He always makes sure they’re okay afterwords and is very cuddly too
So all in all, as sweet as he normally is, he can be evil when he wants to be
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Charlie Spring
30% Ler, 70% Lee
Oh this sweet boy
The amount of times he’s been ganged up on is UNREAL
He’s the type of person that when you even look at one of his ticklish spots he starts giggling
He can hardly hold out at all
I think his worst spots would have to be under his arms, his neck, and his knees
Though really anywhere can get him laughing
He’s a runner
He will try to escape before anyone can tickle him whenever he can
And we all know how fast Charlie is, so he can actually keep a good distance away from the ler for a while
But once he gets caught, he’s a lost cause
He has the sweetest sounding laugh anyone’s ever heard
Like literally, mixed with his dimples it melts your heart
There’s no way in hell you can NOT smile around a giggly Charlie
Gets tickled by Nick almost daily
Before those two were together, Tao, Elle, and Isaac frequently ganged up on him a lot too
They still do
Charlie actually has his ler moments as well
Very rare, however
He acts confident, though it’s all fake
He’s very sneaky and isn’t afraid to immediately exploit someone’s worst spots
Again, he’s very fast, so he’s very good at catching a victim in a chase rather quickly
He’s very gentle however and will always make sure everyone’s having a good time
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