flames-tstuff · 1 year
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One of my absolute favorite ships/pairings from bnha <3 This was a request from my event (many months ago lol) but I also have been wanting to draw them for ages now anyway.
I wanted to try subverting the ler!mirio / lee!tamaki alignment since that's the easiest way to go about it (but don't get me wrong—I still love ler!mirio / lee!tamaki :) the sunshine boy needs some love too, ya know?
Thank you all for the support and I hope you enjoy! <3
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burningablaze · 4 months
Amajiki x Reader - A Little Request
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A/N: I don’t even care if it’s a little bad, I’m just glad I got a fic done after MONTHS of not writing. Holy crap 😮‍💨
Summary: You get a surprise visit from Amajiki in your dorm room but he asks you for a little… thing
Lee: Amajiki
Ler: Reader
Words: 857
It was a cloudy and chilly afternoon on UA Campus. Everyone was in their dorms, doing their own thing. You were in your dorm room, cleaning and organizing your room to the best possible. As you were in your room, you heard a knock on your door. You decided to approach the door cautiously, wondering who could be visiting you during such an ordinary afternoon. Upon opening the door, you were surprised to see one of your friends, Amajiki. Amajiki stood at the doorway with a small but hesitant smile on his face.
You smiled. “Hey, Tama, what’s up?” you asked and decided to let him in your dorm. Amajiki entered, looking a bit nervous as he took a seat on your bed. You could sense that he had something on his mind. You sat down on your bed next to him. “Is everything okay?”
“I… I wanted to talk to you about something,” he said softly, avoiding eye contact and blushing. “Yeah, sure, anything,” you said gently.
Amajiki hesitated for a moment before speaking up. “I was wondering if you could… do that thing?” he asked, lowering his head to hide his blushing face. You tilted your head to the side slightly.
“What thing, Amajiki?” you asked. “That… thing…” he said as he blushed more. It took a moment for you to figure out what he was ACTUALLY been asking for and you smirked slightly. “Oh, THAT thing.”
Hearing you say that made Amajiki blush more and he hid his face behind his hands. You chuckled and patted your lap. “Lay your head right here,” you said.
Amajiki whined softly as he positioned himself and rested his head on your lap. “So how do you want me to tickle you?” you asked as you ran your fingers through his hair.
He blushed more and slowly moved his shirt up to expose his belly without saying a word. You smiled and took one of his hands into your own, intertwining each other’s fingers. “Belly it is, do you want me to be gentle as usual?” you asked as you placed your hand on his belly and rubbed your thumb against his skin. He nodded with a flustered smile.
As gently as you can go, you glided your fingertips all across his belly. You can see his belly twitching and wiggling from your light touches.
Amajiki let out soft giggles and squirmed a bit but not trying to get away. You smiled as you traced tiny circles on the middle of his belly. “Aww, look at you go, Tama, smiling and giggling like that. This spot gets all the cutest squeals, doesn’t it?” you teased.
He blushed a deep shade of red and he giggled louder. “Ahahahahahahaha, Y/N, it tickles!” “Really? Wow, this must really suck for you then,” you smirked slightly and wiggled your fingers faster.
Amajiki covered his face with his hands as he wiggled side to side as you continued your playful assault on his sensitive belly. “Ahahaha, s-stop, please! I can't take it!” he cried out, his voice pitched higher with each passing second.
You grinned mischievously, relishing the sight of him completely unraveled by your tickling. "What's the matter, Tama? Can't handle a little tickle torture?" you teased, switching to using both hands to thoroughly explore his ticklish spots.
"Ehehehehehehe, Y/N, y-you're so mean!" he managed to squeak out between fits of laughter as he attempted to shield himself from your nimble fingers.
Delighted by his adorable reactions, you continued your playful onslaught, determined to coax out even more endearing giggles and squeals from the flustered young man. The sound of his infectious laughter filled the air, and you couldn't help but smile at how carefree and joyful he seemed at this moment.
After a little while longer, you finally stopped, leaving Amajiki a grinning, snickering mess. “Aww, did I wear you out, Tama?” you teased affectionately, gently brushing a few stray strands of hair from his flushed face. He looked up at you with a shy but content expression, his breathing still a little ragged from the tickling.
“That was a little mean with the teasing, Y/N,” he said. “Haha, I guess I did go a little overboard, didn't I?” you said with a smile. Amajiki’s cheeks flushed deeply as he nodded shyly, still trying to catch his breath.
“But… I did like it,” he admitted, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. Seeing him so flustered and adorable only made you want to tease him more, but you decided to take pity on him for now.
Reaching out, you gently ruffled his purple hair, eliciting a soft hum of contentment from him. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it,” you said warmly. “Though maybe next time I’ll go a little easier on you, hmm?”
Amajiki nodded in agreement, his eyes sparkling with a newfound sense of comfort and trust. The two of you sat there for a moment, simply basking in each other’s company and the lingering joy of your playful encounter. It was in moments like these that you truly cherished the bond you shared.
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lovelymessybubbly · 2 years
If you have time- could you maYbE do Lee!Tamaki and Ler! Mirio from My hero academia? It’s alright if you don’t wanna!!! You’re free to pick!
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wahhh i am finally getting back to old requests ( ̄□ ̄」) i am so sorry for the long wait and i hope you still get to see this ! these two bring me so much happiness when i see them, they are like sun and moon. so cute ! and amajiki is just so lovable, so he was delightful to dote on (⌒▽⌒)♡
please enjoy tamadachi !
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mythica0 · 2 years
A/N: second fic! Please send me ideas for any of the fandoms on my fandom list!
Fandom; MHA (my hero academia)
Lee!Tamaki, Ler! Mirio
Summary: Tamaki is worried about final exams, Mirio helps.
Don’t worry, be happy
Tamaki was worried. This was nothing new, he struggled with his anxiety on the regular. But today it was so much worse. The class had a big practical test coming up and Tamaki was beating himself up, thinking he was gonna do horribly .
“I’m gonna do so bad at this” He muttered. Little did he know, Mirio happened to be passing Tamaki’s room at the time, and heard him. The former burst into the ladders room and said “No. nope. Nuh uh. Not happening .”
“No beating yourself up on my watch!” Mirio exclaimed and he came over and pulled Amajiki into a hug. “You’re gonna do *amazing* and don’t you forget it.” He said as he started scribbling against Tamaki’s sides .
“Heheeheee! Mihihirihoho!”
“What? I know that this helps you! I’m just trying to make you happy!” He said as he started poking against his sides, making Tamaki smile and huff out laughter .
And although Tamaki would never admit it, Mirio had a point. Being tickled always helped to cheer him up, it was nice to be able to laugh despite was his mind tells him. It was like a big ‘F You!’ To his anxiety. So , instead of arguing , he just laughed cheerfully .
“C’mon, say something nice about yourself! You know how this goes!”
“I cahahahahahahant!” As Tamaki said those words , he felt the poking speed up to light squeezing and ticklish sensation shot through his whole torso.
“That’s okay! Then I’ll just keep tickling , and tickling, and tickling until your a giggly mess that can’t think bad of himself! “
He blushed at the teasing and giggled harder . His smile was so big and his sides were starting to hurt from laughing so long, but he didn’t mind. He always felt the most at ease like this.
“Aww, you look so happy!”
“Dohohohon’t tehehease mehe!” He whined out.
“You know you love it” Tamaki blushed even further at his best friends words .
The soft, gentle tickling was making him lightly giggle in his best freinds arms . He felt truly relaxed and happy there. A beautiful contrast to his depressed thoughts from earlier.
“Look at you! All smiley and giggly!”
This went on for a while, The suneater softly giggling with Mirio and relaxing until he finally said “ohohokaahy. I thihihink Ihihim dohohone nohow “
“Alrighty then!”Mirio said, as his hands came to a standstill.
“Thahank yohou. “ Tamaki shyly said. He had needed this. After that point, Tamaki couldn’t stop smiling , and it felt great to be truly happy. He was gonna do amazing on that practical.
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intheticklecloset · 2 years
3k Followers Raffle WINNERS!
And with that, my raffle is officially CLOSED!! I've listed the winners below, but as I only got 15 entries total I'll still write the three that didn't make it into the 12 Days of Ficmas at some point soon! Thank you for playing! I can't wait to get started on these fics for you!! <3
Also note: These fics are listed in the order I received them, NOT in the order they'll be release during the 12 Days. That's still to be determined!
The 12 Days of Ficmas will be December 13-24! ^^
Winners below:
Haikyuu!! - Lee Kageyama, Lers Bokuto and Akaashi
MHA - Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou (@strawbbfluff)
Junjou Romantica - Lee Misaki, Ler Usagi (@otomiya-tickles)
Big Windup! - Lee Mihashi, Ler Tajima
MHA - Lee Bakugou (TodoBaku OR ShinBaku, TBD; @bugzz21)
MHA - Lee Deku, Ler Shinsou (an anonymous entry separate from the one above)
Bungo Stray Dogs - Shin Soukoku, lee Akutagawa (@limondimo)
Bungo Stray Dogs - Lee Dazai (@ticklygiggles)
Dr. Stone - Lee Ukyo; Lers Senku, Gen, and Chrome
MHA - Lee Mirio, Ler Amajiki (@flames-tstuff)
Yuri on Ice - Lee Yuuri, Ler Phichit
Big Windup! - Lee Tajima, Ler Hanai OR Lee Mihashi, Ler Abe (TBD)
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clowntiggles · 3 years
Y’know what really grinds my gears? That there’s so little Fatgum-related tword stuff out there AND what little there is is all ler!Fatgum! Which is fine and I get it but where is my lee!Fatgum! I have to do everything myself I stg
If I have to be the agent of change here then so be it.
Anyway Fatgum is another one who’s form affects his level of sensitivity. Like All Might, except this time there’s an actual reason for it beyond “I thought it would be funny”. His fat interferes with his ticklishness because of it’s quirk properties (we see him absorb entire kicking and thrashing people into his stomach and all). At the very least, rougher techniques don’t work as well because your hands just. Sink in. Overall it’s pretty disappointing.
HOWEVER. All hope is not lost.
He’s very feather sensitive! V sensitive to light tickles in general.
His worst spots are his neck and the backs of his knees. If someone gets his neck he does his best seal impression trying to absorb his head into his body and making the weirdest giggles.
Getting his knees sends him toppling to the ground. Kirishima and Amajiki learned that the hard way.
Honorable mentions: ears, feet/ankles. In general, he tends to be more ticklish in areas where less fat collects, which definitely corresponds with the theory that our most ticklish areas are our most physically vulnerable ones. Something something instinctual panic response. You know how it is.
In that same vein, his low fat form is much more sensitive. At least, it’s sensitive in more areas that were protected before, mainly his torso.
He isn’t exactly not sensitive on his torso in his fat form, just much less so for reasons already mentioned.
Torso is the first place anyone tries though, so it usually gives him an advantage. While his opponent blunders he can easily scoop them up and turn the tables.
He sometimes uses such blunders as leverage to say he isn’t ticklish at all. Make the opponent lose all will to fight and all that.
He did not, however, account for his interns being as determined as they were. Well, Kirishima kind of carries in the determination department. Amajiki was perfectly content to believe Fatgum and not rist getting himself caught until Kiri accidentally hit a good spot. Then he was interested.
When Amajiki musters the nerve he’s far more dangerous than Kirishima is. So many feathers..
RIP that Toyomitsu ayy
Soft tickling isn’t Kirishima’s strong suit but he can be a good restraint and encouragement device while Amajiki does his thing.
When Fatgum’s in his low fat form though? That’s Kirishima’s time to shine.
Regardless of how much his sensitivity actually increases in any given area, he’s way jumpier in general due to the sudden loss of defense he’s so accustomed to.
Anyone who’s ever tickled Toshinori is getting major deja vu.
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fanfic-chan · 3 years
Ooh how about;
“Kid, stop being so hard on yourself, you did great out there!”
With Ler Fatgum and Lee Tamaki? 🥺💕
Ahhh! I loved this prompt so much! I'm really sorry it took so long to finish, but this one gave me the perfect opportunity to bring up the importance of setting boundaries as well as talk about the struggle of insecurities, which I relate to a lot sometimes, and I wanted to make it as perfect as possible. Anyways, I really hope you like it!^^
Cheer Up Suneater!
Ler: Dadgum
Lee: Amajiki
"Kid, stop being so hard on yourself, you did great out there!"
Taishiro sighed in fond exasperation when the teen just shrugged in response, shoulders hunched and face hidden beneath the hood of his costume.
The two of them had just made their way back to the agency after patrol after he and his shy intern had stopped a small group of villains from robbing a local convenience store. Tamaki had managed to capture two of the thugs all by himself while Fatgum had been busy with the leader, but one of them had managed to escape him, and the boy had been beating himself up over it ever since, even though the criminal had been recaptured again only fifteen minutes later anyway. He'd been trying to cheer the kid up ever since with little luck so far.
"Come on kiddo, I'm serious! It could have happened to anyone, and no one got hurt, so it's fine alright? You did your best and in the end that's all that matters. You still caught one of them, so give yourself some credit, okay?" He insisted, poking him in the side for emphasis when he didn't get a response.
"Eheheep! O-Okay!" The boy squeeked out, jolting a little. The BMI hero paused for a moment before grinning mischievously, an idea suddenly popping into his mind of how he could convince the kid to listen to him and get him to cheer up at the same time. "Tamaki? What was that?" He asked, almost casually, but with a slight undertone of playfulness that he knew the kid would pick up on.
Tamaki froze at his mentor's change in tone, hood slipping down to his shoulders as he whipped his head around to face him. Oh no. He knew that tone. "Uh, um, n-nohohothing?" He tried, taking a cautious step backwards, a wobbly nervous grin already beginning to take form on his face.
"Are you suuure~?" The pro continued his act, tapping his chin as if in deep thought, "Because it certainly didn't sound like nothing. In fact, I think that might have been a laugh, so tell me Suneater, what's so funny?" He asked, feigning ignorance even as he slowly brought his hands up to form two claws. Tamaki took this as his signal to run, and immediately booked it in the opposite direction of the hallway, his mentor in hot pursuit.
See, every so often, whenever he got into one of his 'moods' as Fatgum liked to call them, sometimes they would end up playing some sort of game together to help him out of his funk. One of these games was a slightly altered version of tag that Fatgum had come up with when they were discussing ways to help him with his anxiety. At the time, Tamaki had bashfully admitted that tickling was one the things he found to be affective, and that Mirio had started the technique back when they were little kids, so, after a long talk about boundaries and setting up safewords, tickle tag was born. It was pretty much just normal tag really, the only real difference being that instead of being made the dreaded 'It' when Fat eventually caught him, instead he would-
"AIEEEEHEHE! W-Wait! Fat! Nohoho!" He cried out in surprise when he was suddenly scooped up around his middle and held against the man's chest, already giggling in anticipation of what he knew to be the inevitable.
"Gotcha kiddo!" Taishiro stated triumphantly, unable to suppress a few of his own chuckles at the kid's frankly adorable attempts to curl into a ball. "Now, you still haven't answered my question, so tell me. What's. So. Funny?" With each word, he poked the kid lightly in the stomach, delighted in the joyful squeal that his usually quiet intern let out when he did so, and the young hero immediately started scrambling for an answer, stuttering perfusely and clearly flustered.
"You're gonna tic- t-tic-"
Now, Tamaki would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy this. He did. After all, being tickled was one of the few things that worked when it came to overriding his often crippling self depreciation spells. He knew that, Fat knew that, and he knew that Fat knew that. He also knew that he trusted his mentor to respect his boundaries, he wouldn't have told him about the technique in the first place if he didn't.
Even so, it didn't make it any less embarrassing when he was giggling like a little kid in his mentor's arms from something so childish, which is why he was currently struggling so much to spit it out already. But Fat was patient with him, as always, and eventually he did manage to answer, albeit very quietly.
"You're gonna… t-tickle me.."
"Hmm? What was that last part now? Speak up please Tamaki! I'm gonna what?"
Oh for the love of-
"Oh! You want me to tickle you? Well ok then! If that's what you want!"
"What?! No wait! Fat! T-that's not what I- pfftahahaha! Eeep! Oh nohohohohoho!" Tamaki immediately burst into frantic giggles when the hero finally stopped teasing him and started to tickle him for real, skittering his fingertips up and down his sides lightly but effectively, while simultaneously keeping him in place by encompassing him in a firm yet gentle hug. The technique seemed to be working pretty well, and it didn't take long at all for the young hero to break.
"AHAhahahahah! Plehehease! STAHAHA- Stohohop it!" He begged frantically despite knowing it was pointless. He knew what he had to do to make him stop. The deal was that instead of using a codeword like 'red' or something similar to signal that he was really done, instead he had to say something nice about himself. Every. Single. Time. He hated it, but that was the agreement they'd come up with, and he had to admit it was pretty affective for the most part. He always came out of these little cheer up sessions feeling just a bit more positive about himself than before. He didn't admit this though, obviously.
"OKAY! OKAHAHAY! I- Ihihi dihihid a goohood johohob!! I dihihihid! YOUHOU'RE RIGHT! I WAS WROHOHONG! NOW PLEHEHEASE!!" He relented after a few more minutes, gulping in mouthfuls of sweet, sweet oxygen as it all came to a stop, just like that.
"You good kiddo?" He heard Fatgum ask from behind him, arms still wrapped around his waist while he calmed down just to make sure he wouldn't collapse to the floor while he recovered. Tamaki nodded through his excess giggles, feeling much better now even though his face hurt from laughing and the embarrassing realization that he was no doubt blushing bright red. He pulled his hood back over his head at the thought, and his mentor chuckled as he carefully set him back on his feet.
"Alright alright! Let's go get something to eat and drink now yeah? I'm sure you're probably hungry after all that. And no more saying mean things to yourself, or else. Sound good?"
"Hehe, y-yeah. Sounds good."
His mentor really was the best.
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rose-milkteaa · 2 years
Cheer Up Sunshine
Request from YourLocalBoneBreaker on Wattpad, hope you enjoy.
Summary: Tamaki is anxious. Mirio can help with a small weakness that would always work when they were younger.
Lee: Tamaki Amajiki
Ler: Mirio Togata
Words: 855
The ravenette squeaked as Mirio came into view. He was currently in his dorm, sitting on his bed, curled up in a ball.
The blonde went over to his friend, sitting next to him. "You okay, buddy?" He asked, his hand on his back.
Amajiki nodded, Mirio saw right through him. "Tamaki." Tamaki squeaked, "Okay, okay! I'm just anxious about something..." Amajiki said, scratching the back of his neck
Mirio raised an eyebrow, "About what?" He asked as he saw that Tamaki tensed up. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Togata reassured him.
Tamaki sighed in relief, he really didn't want to talk about it. "O-okay, thanks."
Mirio smiled, "No problem, bud. Anything i can do to help though? I don't like seeing you like this." He said, placing both his hands on his own lap.
Tamaki only shook his head in response. "I-i don't t-think so..."
Mirio hummed in agreement until an idea popped into his head.
Flashback to when they were still in middle school: At Tamaki's House ✨
"M-mirio! Nohohohoho!" Tamaki squeaked as fingers were scribbling all over his sides.
Mirio smirked at his pinned friend. "Oh? Why not? Do you not like me tickling you?" Mirio spoke, seeing that Tamaki was blushing. "Aww! Your even blushing!"
Tamaki blushed a bright red, kicking his legs to distract him from the sensation. "S-shuhuhut uhuhp! Nahahahaha!"
Mirio gasped dramatically. "How dare you! Now you asked for it!" He said as he dug his fingers into his stomach.
Tamaki squealed, pushing at the hands. "NAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"
End Of Flashback ✨
As the flashback ended, Mirio smirked at his friend. Tamaki looked confused to why he was smirking. "Why are you smirking?" He asked suspiciously.
Mirio chuckled, teasy and darkly. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out."
Tamaki didn't like the sound of that. "The only reason he would be smirking like that is when he woul- oh no." Tamaki thought as he quickly moved away. "M-Mirio! I know what your thinking, don't do it!" He squeaked as Mirio moved closer to him.
"I-i'm wahaharning you, Mihirio!" Tamaki giggled.
Mirio chuckled. "I didn't even touch you yet! It's like you want this!"
Tamaki squeaked, covering his face as a red blush came onto his cheeks. "Nohohohoho!"
Mirio only chuckled as he grabbed Tamaki's sides causing him to squeak and giggle nervously. "C-cohohome on, Mirio! A-ahanything but thihihis!"
Mirio smirked as his fingers came to life, scribbling up and down his sides.
Tamaki giggled hysterically, "N-nohohohoho!" He giggled as he kicked his legs.
"Aww! Your so cute! We should do this more often." Mirio said, shoving his hands into his exposed armpits.
Tamaki squealed, laughing as Mirio attacked one of his worst spots. "M-MIHIHIRIO!" Tamaki laughed, kicking his legs in hope to distract him from the sensations.
"Yeah, Tamaki? Need something?" Mirio chuckled in response. Honestly having fun with his friend.
"QUIHIHIT IHIT!" Tamaki squeaked.
Mirio hummed in thought before looking back at the ravenette, smirking. "Nah, don't think i will until your cheered up."
Tamaki groaned which was unheard with his laughter. Amajiki quickly turned to his side and getting up to crawl away, until Mirio grabbed him by his stomach causing him to squeal.
"NOHOHOHO! MIRIO, PLEHEHEASE!" Tamaki shrieked as Mirio started tickling his stomach.
The blonde quickly got onto the ravenette's thighs to keep him from moving. Mirio giggled at his friend. "Aww, tickle tickle Amajiki!" Mirio teased seeing that a red blush was spreading to the boy's ears.
"STAHAHAP IT! NAHAHAT MY TUHUHUMMY!" Tamaki said as tears started to slowly form in the boy's eyes.
Mirio only laughed in response. "Okay, okay! I'll leave your poor tummy alone." As promised, Mirio stopped the tickling completely and got off of his thighs.
Tamaki took in deep giggly breaths as he looked at Mirio. "Y-yohohour so mehean."
Mirio scoffed as he ran a hand in Tamaki's hair. "Oh i'm mean because i was only helping my friend. Poor Tamaki." He said sarcastically as he chuckled.
"Yes poor me. I deserve cuddles now." Tamaki said as he spread his arms out for Mirio to cuddle him. Mirio rolled his eyes playfully as he pulled in Tamaki, cuddling him. "Satisfied your highness?"
Tamaki shoved his face into Mirio's shirt as a muffled answer came from him. "Yes, very."
Tamaki looked at Mirio a light blush on his cheeks. "T-thank you for that b-by the way..."
Mirio smirked. "Thank you for what, Amajiki?" He said, laughing as Tamaki lightly hit his arm.
"Stohop being so mehean!" He said, giggling.
"Okay, okay! Your welcome."
Before you knew it, Tamaki was fast asleep in Mirio's arms.
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italeean · 3 years
Btw this is not a fic request! Just a fun questions! What're your favorite lees and favorite lers from each fandoms? hihi
Okayyy here we go!!
(I'm sure I'll forget someone lol)
Attack on Titan 
Lers: Eren, Reiner, Levi, Jean, Hange, Erwin
Lees: Armin, Levi, Eren, Bertholdt
Boku no Hero Academia
Lers: Aizawa (obviously NOT romantically shipped with his students), Todoroki, Mirio, Shinsou, Bakugou, Kirishima, Hawks, Dabi
Lees: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, Dabi, Kota, Amajiki
Bungo Stray Dogs  
Lers: Dazai, Atsushi, Yosano, Dostoevskij, Chuuya
Lees: Akutagawa, Ranpo, Chuuya, Dazai, Atsushi, Kenji
Free Iwatobi Swim Club  
Lers: Sosuke, Rin, Nagisa, Makoto, Natsuya
Lees: Haru, Rin, Nitori, Nagisa, Ikuya
Genshin Impact 
Lers: Kaeya, Diluc, Lisa, Childe, Zhongli, Yae, Itto, Chongyun, Ayato
Lees: Aether, Kaeya, Diluc, Barbara, Childe, Thoma, Razor, Xingqiu
Lers: Akihiko, Mafuyu, Yuki
Lees: Haruki, Mafuyu, Uenoyama
Lers: Daichi, Suga, Hinata, Noya, Yamaguchi, Tsukki, Kuroo, Bokuto, Kita, Tendou, Semi
Lees: Suga, Asahi, Noya, Hinata, Kageyama, Tsukki, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Yaku, Akaashi, Kita, Atsumu, Osamu, Shirabu
Lers: Kuro, Mahiru, Lily, Licht, Sakuya, Tsubaki
Lees: Kuro, Mahiru, Misono, Lawless, Licht
The Promised Neverland 
Lers: Ray, Norman, Emma, Don
Lees: Ray, Norman, Emma, Gilda, Phil
Toilet-bound Hanako-kun
Lers: Hanako, Tsukasa, Mitsuba
Lees: Kou, Yashiro
Yuuri on Ice
Lers: Victor, Otabek
Lees: Yuuri, Yuri
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giggly-squiggily · 3 years
Can I request some lee!Tamaki (Amajiki) and ler!Mirio from BNHA?
Sorry friend, free requests are closed! However, commissions are open on my coffee shop! X3
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quills-and-giggles · 4 years
Tamaki Amajiki || BNHA Tickle Headcanons
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I swear, this boy is the embodiment of a flustered lee.
Secretly enjoys being tickled.
Cannot admit it to save his own life.
Oh, you want him to say the t-word? Nope!
Will attempt to make a break for it.
He doesn’t like being tickled in a public setting.
Constantly gets wrecked by Mirio.
Has the sweetest giggles on the planet.
Just lays there and lets you wreck him.
Usually too tired and flustered to seek revenge.
His worst spots are his ears, neck, and armpits.
Only takes on the ler role on very rare occasions.
Will only tickle those he is close to.
Doesn’t tickle people in public.
Usually lets his lee squirm freely.
Will use his powers to pin them if need be.
He tickles Mirio the most.
Occasionally decides to go after Nejire.
His tickles are usually very light and spidery.
Can be rougher for lees like Mirio.
Stops the minute his lee asks him to do so.
Runs for the hills the minute his victim has recovered.
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rosileeduckie · 4 years
What about our precious Tamaki for the ask?? Thank you😘
Let’s do it!
1.       on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
8.5 or 9, the poor thing!
2.       where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
Stomach, ears, palms, back of the thighs, and under the toes are pretty killer.
3.       which spots are they not ticklish?
You won’t find many spots that aren’t ticklish. I genuinely think he could giggle from anywhere he’s touched, especially if he’s flustered.
4.       what is their laugh like?
His laugh is so shy and giggly; he hides it behind his hands on instinct, so a lot of people don’t know what it sounds like. He’ll duck his head and his shoulders will shake, but he needs to be very comfortable with who he’s around to actually let the giggles loose. If a few bad spots are targeted, his laughter will get louder, but it stays pretty soft overall, open-mouthed grinning and a little wheezy rather than loud ‘ha ha ha’ laughter.
5.       do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or romantic thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
He loves it; it’s very relaxing and comforting to have someone close like that. The attention is lovely, and laughing and not having to think is nice with how timid and anxious he usually is. He loves the few times he has the mood to tickle Togata and Nejire, loves seeing them smiling.
6.       are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
Lee all the way.
7.       who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
He rarely tickles other people, but, when he does, it’s Togata and Nejire.
8.       who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
Again, Togata and Nejire. Big Three tickle fights
9.       does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
Yup yup yup! He can’t say the t-word to safe his life.
10.   are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
If someone asks, he’ll go pink and quiet. If Togata teases or pokes him in public (which he doesn’t often, knowing Amajiki might die of embarrassment at the affection), Amajiki will hold back any reaction. And then even sometimes while he’s being tickled, he’ll deny it even though it’s a hilarious lie.
11.   would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
Gentle, for sure. But several people being gentle can be fun and coincidentally intense.
12.   is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
Probably his ears or the back of his neck. He likes any tickles combined with being hugged or snuggled, so Togata will hug him from behind and nuzzle his neck. 💕
13.   is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
Not really.
14.   would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
He wouldn’t bug anyone for tickles; he’d be infinitely more shy and blushy, jumping if his ler touches or maybe even looks at him.
15.   does teasing affect them?
So so so much. That’s half the fun. Visual or verbal, either will making him a happy mess.
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burningablaze · 2 years
Mirio x Reader - It Helps to Let it Out
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A/N: I had to post this fic again because at one point, I changed my name and posted it so when changed my name back, I wouldn’t be able to click on the link in my masterlist because it was under a different name
Summary: When something was wrong with Mirio, your always there to determine what happened and comfort him for as long as he needs it
Warnings: Mentions of death and heavy crying
Lee: Mirio
Ler: Reader
Words: 2,380
"Has anyone seen Togata?" You asked, looking around the living room only to see Kaminari playing a video game, Midoriya writing in his notes, and Todoroki next to Midoriya reading a manga series.
"Nah, we haven't seen him in ages,”" Kaminari said as he button-mashed his controller. Midoriya looked over the couch to make eye contact with you. "I know! It would help if you talked to Hado and Amajiki." You nodded. "Right, thanks."
You checked your phone to see if Mirio had gotten your text, but you frowned when you saw he didn't read your text. You kept wondering why Mirio didn't answer yet, but you hoped it wasn't too serious.
You went outside and walked around the school campus, hoping you would run into the rest of the Big Three. It was very convenient to see Nejire and Tamaki sitting together under a tree's shade, playing war.
"Hey, guys." You said, making yourself known as you got closer. Nejire was the first to look up, and her eyes widened with excitement. "Hey, Y/N!" She said and waved her arm. Amajiki shyly looked up as well. "Oh, hi, Y/N."
"I wanted to ask if either of you has seen Mirio. I texted him earlier, but he didn't answer me, and I'm a little worried, is all." You confessed. Nejire pointed her finger to her chin. "Well, I haven't seen him all day either," She turned to her shy friend. "Have you seen Togata at all, Amajiki?" She asked. "Nothing really," Amajiki answered softly.
"Maybe you should check his room? He should be there. That's where I saw him last time, and I'm sure it's nothing! He's probably working on something and doesn't want to be disturbed, so he'll turn his phone off." Nejire said. "But he would've said something before." You left them to let them continue their game. "Thanks anyway."
"Happy to help! Hey, don't look at my cards!"
You remembered where Mirio's dorm was since it was a while ago the first time you met up with him. You took in a soft breath and knocked on his door. "Mirio? It's me, Y/N. I just want to know if you're okay. Is the door locked? Can I come in?" You knocked again, but this time the door slowly moved.
"Mirio?" You pushed the door more and saw nothing but complete darkness. "Why is it so dark in here?" You asked in a whisper. You took out my phone and turned on the flash. "Mirio? Are you in here?" You called out.
"Hmm, oh, hey, Y/N! I didn't hear you come in!" You heard Mirio's voice, but you didn't know where it was coming from. "Why is your room so dark?" You asked.
You seemed surprised to find Mirio's room so dark. Usually, he lets natural light shine in his room unless he is taking a nap, but he never allows his room to be completely opaque.
"Oh, right. Here, let me just-" Slowly, the sunlight peeked through the curtains until Mirio pulled the curtains all the way. You turned off the flash on your phone. "What were you doing?" You asked.
Mirio rubbed the back of his neck nervously. What does he have to be nervous about? "Oh, uh, I was, uh, just thinking. It helps me think about stuff."
You couldn't help but feel something was wrong with him, and you were right about the first thing you saw. "What, why are your eyes red?" You asked and leaned forward to get a closer look at his face. His eyes and nose were red, and his skin was pale. You also saw faint tear stains on his cheeks.
"Oh no! I was just having, uh, allergies!" He forced a smile, thinking you would buy his lie. "You never told me you had allergies." You said. "I didn't?" Mirio said.
"You've been crying, haven't you?" You asked. Mirio went quiet for a short moment before nodding softly. "Yeah,"
"Why did you lie?" You asked. Mirio ran his fingers through his hair to sweep it back with a frustrated but soft sigh. "I don't know. I'm just... upset, is all." He sat on his bed with his head down low a little. "You didn't need to lie to me, Mirio."
You sat down next to him. "I know, and I'm sorry." "Do you want to talk about it?" You asked gently. "I guess so," Mirio muttered sadly, but you heard him perfectly.
"What's going on, Mirio? You know I'm here if you want to talk about anything." Mirio gave you a gentle warm smile. "I know, and I appreciate it, but I thought I would handle this on my own."
You rested your hand on his back and comfortably ran up and down his spine. "Sometimes, it's not always good to handle stuff like this by yourself. It's just not healthy. It can make you feel overwhelmed sometimes, and it can feel like the world is crashing on you. I get you want to be brave and try to fight through this, but it'll be those times that it's too much to handle. Those kinds of feelings can come out of nowhere and bring you down. I would be more than happy to help you when you need it."
Mirio snorted softly. "Wow. Your starting to sound like me." You smiled. "I learned from the best." You nudged his arm gently. "Heh, thanks. The thing is... I don't usually let things get to me, but something like this really scared me." Mirio frowned. "Was it bad?" You asked.
"Worse than that. Earlier today, I felt a little tired, so I took a nap. All of a sudden, I had this horrible dream. It felt so much worse than a nightmare. I was watching Midoriya and... Sir Nighteye was fighting Overhaul, and Eri was behind me, but I couldn't move."
Mirio gulped when he had to mention his recent mentor, Nighteye. Losing Nighteye was the worst thing that ever happened to him, but he wanted to keep a happy face. He wanted to let everyone know that he was alright, even if he had to lie.
"I was so helpless, and that's... when it happened. Sir got severely injured, and it was like on a loop. It was replaying Sir getting hurt over and over again! All I could do was scream, but it was silent! Nothing but silence! I couldn't do anything!"
Mirio forced himself not to get ahead of himself as he hid his face behind his hands. You continued to rub his back, then pulled him slowly towards you, and he immediately wrapped his arms around you tightly.
"Oh no, honey. It's alright. Try to relax, okay?" You said, trying to comfort him in any way you thought of. He buried his face in your shirt, getting your shoulder wet with his tears, but you didn't care.
Mirio sniffled in your shirt. "Oh god. I just miss him so much." He whimpered and squeezed you a little tighter. "I know, sweetheart, I know." You said, rubbing his back more.
"I wish he was here right now. If only I could've done something, he would still be here."
"Mirio," You pushed Mirio away to cup his cheeks in your hands. His blue eyes shined from his tears. The redness around his eyes grew worse. "You have to understand that his death wasn't your fault. It suddenly happened, and we couldn't predict it."
Mirio moved his face away from you and mumbled, “But I was-" "No, none of that,” You brought his face towards you. "You couldn't have known about that, and he will always be with you, but not all the time cause he'll make be like a creeper." You joked.
As you expected, Mirio chuckled softly. You were glad that you got Mirio to laugh. "See?" You wiped the rest of his tears away. "And he wants you to smile. Just like how you want to make Eri smile; otherwise, he'll put you in that tickle machine."
Mirio snickered. "Oh yeah. That was the worst." He said, rubbing his neck.
After a moment of settling down, you and Mirio had been quiet. You hadn't left his side ever since; you wanted to be sure he was okay. "Feeling any better?" You asked.
"I guess a little. Thank you. I think I needed something like that." "I'm glad I got to help. The next this happens, I'm always a phone call away, and I'll come running to your door with a bunch of snacks!"
Mirio snorted. "I'll remember that." "Do you want to do anything?"
Mirio hummed and quickly looked at you with a slight smile. "A movie would be good right now."
"That sounds good, but I'm picking." "Fine by me." You didn't expect Mirio to give this sort of answer. You thought he was going to talk back.
"I was only joking." "I'm serious. It's a little something to return the favor after you helped me." Mirio smiled widely. "Alright, if you say so."
So you decided to watch The Jungle Book on Mirio's laptop. Mirio nestled himself comfortably between your legs and used your stomach as a pillow. You twirled his soft blonde locks around your fingers. You smiled as you thought to yourself that moment would never last.
"I thought you were talking about the new one," Mirio said, glancing up at you. "No, I meant the original." You said. Mirio shrugged his shoulders.
A little later, you smirked at a familiar scene and looked down at Mirio; thankfully, he hadn't noticed yet.
The scene Mowgli was tickling Baloo gave you an idea. You slowly snaked your arm down towards Mirio's side, very carefully lifting his shirt a bit, and used your nail to scrap lightly on his soft skin. You felt his body twitched away from your finger, and you decided to keep going.
"Hehehehehey, what're you dohohohoing?" Mirio giggled and pushed your hand away, but your other hand went around and squeezed his other side. "I don't know. Why don't you tell me what I'm doing, huh?" You teased.
“Ehehehehehehehe!" Mirio squirmed side to side and tried to block your tickle attack.
"Hey, Mirio, can you keep your voice down? I can't hear the movie."
"Buhuhuhuhut your tihihickling mehehehehe!"
"Oh, is that what I'm doing? Then I guess I'm doing it wrong because THIS would be tickling you!" You dove your hands and wiggled your fingers straight into Mirio's belly, which happens to be one of his biggest tickle spots.
"NOHOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Mirio brought his knees to his chest and kicked his feet. You giggled at Mirio for how much he was making an adorable scene.
"Mirio, if you keep laughing, I'll miss the entire movie." You said and kept tickling his belly. "BUT YOHOHOHOHOHOU'VE SEHEHEHEHEN IT BEFORE!" "But I love that movie! And you know I don't miss any part!"
Mirio continued to wiggle around and push your hands away or pin them to his sides with his arms. "STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP IT TIHIHIHIHICKLES!"
"Pfft, please, you know that I know that you love being tickled. I mean, how can you not? Your so ticklish!" You stated, making his face turn redder.
You hummed as you thought up an idea. "Let's get these arms out of the way." You said and used all your strength to get his arms above his head and sat on top of them.
"Wait, wait, what're you doing?!" "Trying something new, duh!"
Starting from his elbows, you very lightly wiggled your fingertips down his biceps, getting close to his partly exposed underarms. Mirio squirmed and twitched a lot more than he did before and shrieked.
"No, no nohohohoho! Ah, quihihit ihit! It's so much wohohorse!" He tried to move his arms away from your fingers, fighting off the itchy but very ticklish feeling from his arms.
Once you got very close to Mirio's underarms, you skittered your fingers back up to his elbows and left him laughing silly. "NO, NO, PLEHEHEASE! Please, not my armpits! It's so bahahahad!" "You mean when I do this?" You did the same thing again, slowly spidering your fingers closer to his underarms and then pulling away.
"Yes, thahahahahat! Dohohohohon't!" "Do it?" "NOHOHO!" "No?" "NOHOHOHO!" "Then yes?" "NO!" "You are very confusing. Which one is it, yes or no?" "NOHOHOHO! STOP DOHOHOHOING THAHAT!" "Yes, do it? Okay!"
That kind of teasing you pulled made Mirio's squirming a lot worse, and his laughter erupted more. You tickled his soft biceps a little faster but still slowly going down. "Oh, Mirio, I'm gonna getcha getcha getcha! I'm gonna tickle tickle tickle you!"
Mirio arched his back and moved himself down, hoping it would set him free. up "Nohohohohoho! Dohohohon't!" He twisted to the side, so he was partially lying on his stomach. "You can't escape the tickles, Mirio!"
Mirio turned back onto lying on his back and squirmed like crazy. You scratched, poked, and wiggled into his underarms in any way.
Finally, it was time to let him go. You got off his arms, and he immediately cradled himself in a ball, breathing heavily and snickered. "Jeez, you don't hold back, do you?” Mirio asked, with tears in his eyes. You raised an eyebrow. "Oh? You think that wasn't holding back?"
Mirio widened his eyes and gulped. "In that case, allow me to not hold back and tickle you for real this time." You turned your hand into a claw and wiggled menacingly, making Mirio giggle and push your hand back. "Dohohohon't! I've had enough tickles for one day!" "Alright, alright."
You pulled your hand back and held Mirio's head in your lap. "Thank you, Y/N. I wouldn't know how to feel better after that mess." "I promise to be with you when everything falls apart around you." Both of you smiled, and you looked at Mirio's laptop. After all that tickling, the movie was really far.
"Great, now I have to go to where we were!" Mirio laughed, but not for long. "If I remember correctly, we were at that tickle scene. Right, Mirio?" You said and scribbled Mirio's neck. "Hehehehey!"
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kanene-yaaay · 3 years
oh my goodness🥺🥺i already know whatever fic you have in mind to use the gentle ler concept for is gonna be a masterpiece🥺🥺 mind if i ask what the ship is gonna be for said fic?👉👈 -lazy (shh im still not really active bc mental health😔😔 but i just wanted to tell you that i get very excited and soft about your writing uwu)
Heya heya Lazy! Good to see you here! >w< Please continue to take care of yourself, okie? <333
And for the concepts I am kind of in a Bnha Mood lately so was thinking in using it on Miritama (Mirio Togata x Tamaki Amajiki) because I think they are a really cute and soft beans together!
However that concept also have some Analogical vibes so if I end up having a good idea for plot I might end up making both acwycwjvhvejve.
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ticklishfanart · 4 years
we dont see enough of them but ticklish mirio & amajiki,,mirio can only wake up on the weekends when amajiki nibbles on his neck,,and amajiki being prone to raspberries whenever he stretches out on the couch,,, and FUCK bc amajiki and kirishima are close friends they gush abt their bfs & once amajiki mentions how much of a tickle monster mirio is and kirishima knows EXACTLY how that feels with bakugou and both turn blushy over being switches & somewhere mirio and bakugou get confident ler moods
AWWWWW BRO amajiki is just a cat bro :(( mirio gives him little kitty scratches on his tummy when hes all stretched out and he squirms SO much,,, huuuu
and amajiki and kirishima gushing about their ler boyfriends,,,, GODDDD this is good shit thank you anon
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
omg i hope i get this in before you close requests!! how about “is someone feeling a little playful?” with ler mirio and lee tamaki? love your writing so much!! you’re amazing at what you do :D 💖💖
Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me! ^^
“Is someone feeling a little playful~?”
“Nehehehehehehe! Mihihihihihirio, stahahahahahahap!” Tamaki pleaded, giggling hysterically, squirming on the ground as his friend kneaded gently into his sides and belly. He tried pushing the blonde away, but his hands went right through his shoulders, only succeeding in bringing him closer to the fingers drawing his laughter from him.
“Aww, I think you do want to play!”
“Nahahahahahahahaha!” Tamaki shot his arms to his sides when Mirio scratched his underarms, trapping him there as he kicked and squealed helplessly, blushing bright pink. “Mihihihihihirio!”
“Stop me if you can, Suneater,” Mirio giggled along with him, beaming at his friend’s desperate attempts to grab at his wrists, only for his hands to go right through thanks to his quirk. “You’ll have to do better than that!”
“Plehehehehehehease! This isn’t fahahahahahahair!” Tamaki whined, squirming and bucking and giggling himself silly. He rolled onto his side to try and get away, but that only afforded Mirio access to his back as well, and he scribbled along both tummy and spine mercilessly while the shy boy cackled helplessly into the grass, giving up the fight and submitting to the fun sensations.
“There you go~ Looks like you’re finally letting yourself enjoy it, Tamaki~” Mirio teased encouragingly, continuing to squeeze and poke different ticklish spots along his friend’s body.
Amajiki succumbed to his laughter and lay at his friend’s mercy on the ground, letting all of his stress and tension and anxiety leak out through his unstoppable giggles, twitching only when the blonde got close to a particularly ticklish spot.
Finally, after a few minutes of this, Mirio gradually let up and brushed his friend’s hair aside, smiling at his loopy, beaming face. “You good, Tamaki?”
“Y-Yeah,” the quiet boy replied, daring a peek up at his tickler and friend. “Thanks, Mirio.”
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