thelaughtercafe · 9 months
Lightened Darkness
Tea Type: Subtly Sweet Tea (Fluff with a bit of Hurt & Comfort)
Potential Triggers: Brief mentions of being scared of the dark in this fic, magic used for tickling
Pairing: Alucard x F!Reader
Length: 2k+
Summary: You've learned how to cope with your fear alone, but your new Vampiric friend won't let you suffer alone any longer.
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Alucard couldn’t help his fondness whenever he heard you laugh. It warmed his heart to hear it despite the darkness your traveling together entailed. There were rarely moments of light allowed in given the job you all took on, but he supposed if any ought to make him feel it, it seemed fitting it would be the girl given the Dreamer moniker in the legend.
There was a naivete to you, that was both endearing and oftentimes frustrating, but he saw passion too. The spats you’d get into with Belmont were proof of that; so insistent were you on the fact that Dracula could be stopped without lethality.
He had, for the first and likely last time, sided with Trevor on the matter verbally, but your eyes pierced him knowingly and he knew you were aware he wanted you to be right.
But where had words gotten him last time? That along with your true title, one considerably less kind than your current made him frown.
He forced such thoughts from his mind and changed his direction.
It was still incredibly early in your journey; and yet he found peace here of all places, within the Belmont library. A place that spoke to the hatred held to Vampires. It was easier when he wasn’t looking at the badges of death displayed like trophies in that damnable glass case.
At least he was warm, thanks to the candles and his large trench coat.
He noticed you from the corner of his gaze as he thumbed through a book, and could sense the blood rushing to your cheeks. You were shivering.
He didn’t turn as he called to you.
“Cold? Belm-mmngh!”
He found himself cut off as you rushed over to cover his mouth making him look down at you, but you were looking behind you conspiratorially.
“Shh! Over here!”
You whispered and then he allowed himself to be dragged to the back of the large library. As you realized you still had a hold on him you went red and released him, making a smirk quirk at the edges of his lips.
“I take it Belmont’s sleeping then?”
You shook your head.
“Actually…he’s wide awake. But he and Sepha were ah…you can’t tell them I told you but they were cuddling. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
You were whispering again and Alucard laughed openly at your conspiratory tone, eyes twinkling.
“Oh, is that all? I had a feeling they were growing closer but I never expected them to move quite so fast.”
You trembled again and he abruptly strode forward, tugging you easily into his grip and sinking to the ground, holding you against him. Your blood rose to your ears as you squealed and he snickered again.
Ah, you really were so easily flustered.
“You are cold. If Belmont and Sepha are sleeping; you should as well.”
“It’s not coldness, actually.”
Your voice had risen a little, but it was still quiet, this time out of vulnerability. He could gather as much from your tone.
“Oh? Then why do you shake so?”
“I’m…scared. Of the dark.”
His eyes widened and his heart clenched as you turned your head and looked up at him, smiling weakly.
“You learn quickly in this world. Darkness means death. Fear. Pain. Every time I close my eyes, the darkness there frightens me most of all. ”
His eyes turned determined and as you went to look away and rise to your feet, his hand tightened around your waist and his eyes glowed in the dimly lit corner.
“Not me. I thrive in this darkness. It is my home just as the light is for you. I shall keep you safe. None know it better than I. I will ensure it is no different than the day for you, no matter how long it takes. You have my word.”
A sinister-looking smirk spread across his lips then and you quickly found him pinning your arms over your head with one hand before it was stuck there with shadow.
“Darkness can be used for amusements, I’ll have you know. Perhaps ‘tis better if I show you.”
He looked…downright ethereal. Shadows danced around his hands and fingertips like an eager pet and you squirmed, no fear just…anticipation and shyness under his domineering gaze.
“What are you going to-ahh!”
You jerked as with a flick of his index and middle finger, the shadows darted underneath your shirt. You weren’t sure what you expected them to feel like; but this certainly wasn’t it.
They tickled.
Like feathers against your skin, but worse as they tingled with magic, ensuring the sensation lasted even after the magic moved.
You snorted as the Dhampir growled low in his throat and leaned down to nuzzle into your neck, nibbling playfully with his fangs.
Most would surely be terrified at the thought of a Vampire having fangs near their neck, half or no but you were more concerned with keeping yourself quiet.
“You’re asking for it now. My name is Alucard. No need to act up to make me be mean; I’m more than happy to oblige.”
You bit your lip hard as you tried to deny him your laughter but he didn’t like that, allowing his fingers to join the fray as he scribbled at your ribs.
“Alucard plhehehehease! This truly isn’t necessary! I’m not scared anymore I swehehehear!”
He smiled in amusement, cooing as his fingers traced idle shapes into your exposed midsection, the shadows along your skin easily having risen the fabric. They slowed too, now skating around your neck like a cat and playing between your fingers as they had Alucard. Even that tickled enough to make you giggle but it was quieter.
“Are you sure? Your heart beating a mile a minute and all the blood in your face and ears tells me otherwise~I hope you didn’t lie to me, my dear. I’d have to punish you and I can be quite…ruthless when I wish it.”
His voice was teasing but you were speaking before you could think better of it.
“No please!! I just like it that’s ahahahall!”
No sooner had the words left your lips did, even more, blood rush to your head and you hid it as best you could in your upraised arm, absolutely mortified.
Though you couldn’t see it, Alucard looked confused at your embarrassment before a fond if mocking smile came to his lips, calling his shadows back a moment as he grew serious. They circled around him, but he was unaffected at their touch.
“Love, look at me a moment, won’t you?”
You resolutely shook your head, too ashamed to even think of such a thing and heard him sigh dramatically.
“Very well then.”
You jumped in place as his fingers danced along your neck, squealing as you quickly turned your head, accidentally trapping his hand.
When you didn’t release it, he smirked a bit.
“Better. May I have my hand back?”
“Y-You’re just gonna…d-do that again.”
You grumbled in embarrassment and his smirk widened a little.
“Mm. Like this you mean?”
His tone was innocent but you gasped as his fingers moved slightly against your neck, rushing to release him as you giggled.
“Good girl.”
Your heart leapt at the nickname and he couldn’t help the quiet laugh of his own as he heard it. He gently made you look at him, fingers holding you still so you’d maintain eye contact.
“Darling, you’ve nothing to be ashamed of. It’s adorable that such an innocent pastime brings you pleasure and joy. Your submissive nature, I confess, brings out more dominant parts of me as well.”
He saw the hesitant confusion in your eyes and knew what had you bewildered. He leaned down to hum into your ear, paying no mind as you squeaked and giggled again from the feeling of his breath and lips tickling you.
“Vampires can smell arousal. I am no different. Yours is particularly sweet to me and I confess I crave its scent more often than I care to admit.”
“Alucard. If you make me blush any darker I think I’m gonna spontaneously combust.”
Your whine made the dhampir throw his head back in open mirth and you couldn’t resist raising your head to witness the one-of-a-kind sight, warmth filling your heart just as much as your cheeks.
He was most beautiful this way you decided. Not conventionally; hair in his eyes, holding his sides as if to hold himself together, but it was a life he deserved. Something was taken from him just as much as the other Human victims in the wake of Dracula’s revenge and Lisa’s death.
“Come now, we are both adults! I find it endearing, I promise. Your secret is safe with me, I won’t let Trevor or Sepha-”
“Little late for that, I’m afraid.”
You groaned in embarrassment as you peeked behind Alucard to see Trevor smirking in amusement.
Alucard hissed, a protective glint in his eyes.
“Watch yourself, Belmont.”
The hunter sighed, rolling his eyes as he shook the hand holding the flask in his hands.
“I just needed to refill my flask, alright? With water, before you get any ideas.”
His eyes softened as he shifted his gaze to you, where you hesitantly tried to maintain eye contact.
“He is right, you know. Nothing to be ashamed of. And as for the darkness-”
“Just how long were you listening?!”
You gaped at him, eyes wide and he snickered.
“I heard the beginning and the end, little else. I tried to take my time to let you have your little…moment. In any case; Alucard may be able to provide protection in the dark, but I shall offer it in the light. I know firsthand the fear the darkness brings which comes from one’s own mind and memories. If you have need of someone to talk to, I shall at the very least, listen. I’ve been told… I’m not the best at comforting words, but I can at least do that, and make you feel safer than you would if left in solitude.”
You nodded, a bit dumbstruck at his kindness. He’d always intimidated you a little with his bluntness and sharp tongue but this was sweet. It seems the night softened all of you.
“Thank you, Trevor. I’ll keep that in mind. Perhaps you’re better at comforting than you think.”
He smirked at that and turned to return to Sepha, pausing as Alucard spoke up.
“In return for your kindness, I’ll keep your moment of gentleness a secret as well, Belmont. Can’t have the whole town we’re going to know you’re going soft, yes?”
The quip was softer than usual as Trevor snickered.
“And I’ll do the same for you. The famed Sleeping Soldier, comforting the Dreamer in the dark. Heh. Sleep well, we leave early tomorrow.”
You sighed in relief as his footsteps faded, groaning as you pouted at Alucard.
“I cannot believe he heard me. He was being kind but he definitely overheard my laughter. Ugh. Next time you’ll have to gag me.”
“Oh? Next time hm?”
You rolled your eyes fondly as the shadows around your hands receded to Alucard, nuzzling against him affectionately before they faded entirely.
You brought your wrists down and giggled nervously as you shoved hair behind your ear.
“I mean only if you wanted to of course but if you don’t-”
A smirk tugged at your lips.
"-I mean maybe I could go to Trevor since he knows now.“
Alucard’s eyes darkened possessively at that as he hissed.
"You’re not humorous. Only I have earned such a privilege. Besides, he’s probably not half as skilled as I am.”
The pride in his voice made you smile as you pulled him to lean against the books with you and promptly snuggled into him. He adjusted after a moment of freezing, moving you away only to raise his large trench coat to cover you.
“I’m sure you’re right. Well, lucky for you I’m attracted to one Dhampir and one only.”
You yawned and felt him chuckle as he ran his fingers through your hair.
“Good thing I’m only attracted to one silly Human. Rest now. I’ll be here.”
He would never allow you to be made into a Martyr. Not while he and the shadow itself still breathed.
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mah-t-wordblog · 2 months
hi! maybe a fluffy lukadrien tickle fight?
There it is, I hope u like it 💛
Keep playing
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Switches: Luka Couffaine and Adrien Agreste
Ships: Lukadrien (just if u want)
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Luka was sitting in a chair preparing for the rehearsal of the band he and his friends formed.
His guitar was on his lap, he was playing a little melody
No other friends had arrived yet
Luka liked to be alone and play his songs
But then he lost his tune and got scared
Someone had squeezed his sides, he jumped
When he looked back, he saw that Adrien had arrived
“Hey! Don’t scare me like that!” Luka said laughing
“I’m sorry, you were so focused that I couldn’t resist.”
Adrien reached out his hands and shook Luka again.
“Ehehei! Stohohohop!” The boy said getting up
“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m sorry”
The two sat on the bed, Luka picked up his guitar again
“Do you want to hear the new song I’m writing?”
“Of course” Adrien smiled
Luka started playing
Adrien stood a little behind the boy and smiled, with a plan in mind.
He attacked Luka with his hands, which made the boy go out of tune and play the wrong notes.
“Keep playing Luka, it won’t bother you”
Luka tried to close his arms at his sides but that didn't stop the tickling.
The blue haired boy kept playing his guitar
His laugh was low and he didn't complain much, but Adrien wanted more
He attacked a point that would probably be more sensitive, the upper ribs.
Indeed, Luka let out an exclamation and put his guitar to the side, so he could free his hands and try to defend himself.
“Your laugh is low, isn’t it?” Adrien said when he saw that Luka started laughing more and turned to him
“I’m nohohot thahahat ticklihihihihish”
Adrien laughed “really?”
He decided to move on to a better point, how about the armpits?
When he played there, Luka started laughing, Adrien was surprised to hear him laughing so loud.
“Not very sensitive, right?”
Luka covered his face and Adrien stopped
“Let’s go quickly, the others will arrive soon”
The blonde said getting up
“Absolutely not, you won’t run away from me.”
Luka pulled Adrien into his bed again
The guitarist squeezed the other's sides while scratching his belly
“You wanted to disturb me, now you will suffer”
Luka smiled, unlike him, Adrien's laugh was very loud and he let out some screams
“Let me think… maybe I’ll forgive you” he placed both hands on the blonde’s stomach, which made him scream “will I forgive you?”
Luka raised his hands “alright” he smiled
They both heard footsteps on the ceiling, the others had arrived
Luka grabbed his guitar and ran ahead, Adrien followed.
During the rehearsal, Adrien certainly poked Luka several times while he was playing, to irritate him.
And Luka could only think about getting revenge for that later
Thanks for reading 💛💛
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just-cutie-avocado · 2 years
For the miraculous and fully charged crossover I can see Aki getting homesick after being stuck in the miraculous world and Adrien giving him some big brother-like tickles to cheer him up.
Very interesting and cute! :D
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mysteriouslee · 1 year
Can you please do ler Marinette and lee Adrien from Miraculous
Finally working on my inbox stuff
Lee!Adrien Ler!Marinette.
Marinette, Alya,Nino and Adrien were relaxing over at Alya's house. They watched movies and played games. Marinette was designing a model in her sketch book while Alya braided her hair as they were all playing truth or dare.
"All right dudes and dudettes, my turn" said Nino as he looked to choose his victim.
"Adrien, bro, truth or dare" said Nino eager for his answer.
Adrien hesitated for a moment before opting for the truth.
"You ticklish?" Nino asked.
Adrien's eyes showed a slight panic but he answered with a shy "No..".
That's when the others began chasing Adrien. Adrien tried to get away but was soon tackled by Marinette.
"Mari pleahehese"begged Adrien
"He's already giggling, that's so precious" said Nino
"Get him" said Alya
Marinette was so caught up in the sillyness and competetive aura of the situation that thankfully she didnt have a freak out.Marinette squeezed his ribs and Adrien's giggles spewed out like a fountain. He tried to squirm away but Marinette had a surprisingly strong grip. She them moved to his sides which Adrien didnt have much of a reaction to.
"Hmm, now where is your weak spot golden boy" said Marinette who moved to his tummy.His giggles became more frantic and high pitched.
"Hehehehe Mahahrhihinehehtete" giggled Adrien.
"That's my name" responded Marinette.
Marinette shifted her psostion and went for his knees.
"*SNORT* AHANOHOHO" shrieked Adrien.
One thing most people didn't know was that Adrien's legs were a walking death spot.
"Score"said Nino, recording the whole ordeal.
Adrien's words started to mesh together with his laughter. Marinette went to attack his thighs, Adrien bucked and threw back his head. His hair was messsy and tears pricked his eyes. Marinette froze at the sight of the smiley and giggly Adrien.
"Girl, you're staring" stated a smirking Alya.
"Uh.." said Marinette before she was tackled by Adrien.
Before Adrien could do anything, Marinette rolled over and blew raspberries on his neck.
"EEE! MARINEHEHETTE" shrieked Adrien.
"Nice try Agreste" said Marinette as she continued her assault.
After a while Adrien was let up and he eventually took his revenge, the evening went on full of silly shenanigans and laughter.
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tumblasha · 1 year
barbie girl (english vs portuguese)
a comparison between the two songs and why i think it's important for the brazilian version to Also have a remix. below is the chorus of each song
I'm a Barbie girl, in the Barbie world Life in plastic, it's fantastic You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere Imagination, life is your creation
Sou a Barbie Girl Se você quer ser meu namorado Fica ligado Presta atenção na minha condição É diferente, sou muito exigente
the main thesis is that the brazilian version is simply more For The Girls. let's analyze this through three lenses
the chorus
as you can see above, the american version really emphasizes the point that barbie is a doll you can play around with. it lists off everything that you can do To her.
the brazilian version is all about barbie being the center of attention and having ken (plus all of the men in the world?) fight for her attention. she KNOWS that she's the It Girl and she'll make you fight for her attention
the ken
both of these songs happen as barbie is preparing for a party. ken is already ready, and he's patiently waiting for barbie to be done too. he constantly urges barbie to get ready, "come on, barbie! let's go party!" / "anda barbie! vamos barbie!"
what interests me here is two things:
ken's wording across the two languages: in english, he emphasizes the party. in portuguese, he wants to make sure he can spend time with barbie (it just happens to be a barbie).
barbie's response: in english she just makes cheering noises "ooh woa, ooh woa!" while in portuguese she yells out "já vou! já vou!", just as excited to spend time with ken as ken himself. at some point, barbie also says "você pode me esperar, um pouco Ken?" and ken responds simply "claro, por você eu faço tudo!". a simp!!! as he should be!!!
the end
ken: well barbie, we're just gettin' started barbie: oh, i love you ken!
in the english version, we have ken once again talk about the party and how much the event will be. barbie, once she's ready, thanks ken for waiting by telling him she loves him
ken: claro, por você eu faço tudo! barbie: ah, melhor assim!
in the portuguese version, ken Knows His Place and says he'd wait for barbie as long she needed / wanted. barbie isn't even done getting ready, and they're both okay with it <3
i really think that the brazilian version of the song is more fun and girly! it establishes barbie as adam and ken as the eve born from her ribs. expanding on a girl-friendly song does more for me than reclaiming a misogynistic song lol
e tudo isso é só pra dizer ANDA BARBIE VAMOS BARBIE, eu preciso um remix com ludmilla e / ou pabllo vittar
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strawbbfluff · 1 year
Could you pls do another drabble with ler Chat Noir and lee Marinette or Ladybug?
a/n: i live to serve~ some marichat coming right up!
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marinette stood on her balcony, a slight pout on her lips as she sighed into the nighttime air. she had a lot on her mind, and all of her thoughts were currently directed towards her new boyfriend; adrien agreste.
she really had no reason to be feeling this way. she had gotten what she wanted. the boy of her dreams! her longtime crush. he was nothing short of perfect. and yet…
how is it that she still can’t say she loves him?
“this is so frustrating, tikki!” marinette huffed, glancing towards her tiny, red companion. “i do love him, i do! and i want to tell him… but the words just won’t come out.”
“you’re overthinking it, marinette,” tikki explained, flying up to sit on the bluenette’s shoulders. “it should be a natural process; don’t rush it! you know adrien is the most patient boy in the world.”
marinette smiled a little. “you’re right, tikki,” she agreed, before looking out into the brisk nighttime air, only to see… chat noir??
“hide, tikki!” marinette gasped, shooing away the little ladybug. just in time, too, because chat noir had already perched himself on her balcony.
“hi, marinette.”
“c-chat noir? what are you doing here?”
“meh, i got bored, so i decided to just explore around paris tonight. hope you don’t mind that i ended up here,” the blonde explained, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. nah, it was just an excuse to visit the girl he loved. but she didn’t know his identity behind the mask, and it had to stay that way.
“oh! um, that’s fine, i guess. are you hungry? i think i have some spare macaroons from today in my bag,” marinette replied, fumbling around in her backpack for a moment before pulling out two pink macaroons. chat noir’s eyes lit up.
“well, sure~ don’t mind if i do!” he exclaimed, excitedly taking one of them out of her hands as he munched on it. marinette giggled.
“hey, what are you laughing at?” chat noir questioned with a mouthful of food.
“i dunno, maybe just your distinct lack of manners,” the bluenette shrugged, poking at the green-eyed hero’s stomach playfully. he flinched.
“anyway…” he swallowed. “you also looked kind of down. what’s bugging you?”
“ah… it’s nothing. i wouldn’t want to bother you with my silly drama,” marinette responded sheepishly, fidgeting with her thumbs. chat noir huffed.
“it’s not bothering me if i asked! now cmon. a girl as pretty as you doesn’t deserve to be frowning like that,” adrien chat noir insisted, hopping off the balcony to stand in front of her instead. she sighed.
“alright, alright, fine. it’s not like you’re gonna tell anyone, anyway,” she took a deep breath. “it’s just… my boyfriend. we both are in love with each other, and i’ve been crushing on him for so long. i should be over the moon… and i am! but… it’s so hard for me to express it. i can’t even tell him i love him.”
chat noir could feel his heart break into a million little pieces as he watched marinette’s head hang low in shame. he had no idea she felt that way.
“well, do you love him?”
“of course i do!”
“then that’s more than enough. don’t feel pressured into saying it if you’re not ready yet. as long as he knows you feel the same way about him, i see no reason to push yourself to do something you feel so scared about. just let it come naturally,” chat noir reassured marinette, touching her shoulder gently as she looked up at him with wide eyes.
“i… thank you.”
“it’s no problem, princess.”
“…who knew chat noir could be such a sap?” marinette teased, gaining some confidence back now that she felt a lot better. she couldn’t help but grin at his taken aback face.
“wow, and after i just gave you such heartfelt advice? now you’re just being a jerk,” he teased back, suddenly grabbing her around the waist and hugging her close to him. he liked the way her ears turned bright red.
“hey- lemme go, furball!” she exclaimed, suddenly bursting into laughter when clawed fingertips started scribbling against her belly.
“now you’re really just asking for it,” chat noir chuckled, keeping one hand on her quivering tummy while the other started creeping up her side. “i wonder how your boyfriend would react if he knew you were this ticklish, hm?”
“a-ahahadrien would nehehehever! he’s wahahahahay nihihihicer thahahahan you!” the blue-eyed teen squealed, desperately pushing at his hands. grrrr, she bet tikki was just really enjoying this!
“heh. yeah, i’m sure he is,” the cat hero responded smoothly, both hands digging into her sides now as marinette squirmed in his hold. maybe adrien would have to try this out, too.
“a-ahaha! i’m sohohohohorry! chahahahat, stohohohop!” marinette shrieked, bringing both her arms down to wrap around her ticklish sides. “plehehehease!”
“hmm, okay. i will. after you admit i’m not a sap, not a furball, and the most attractive person in all of paris,” he giggled, bringing both hands up to drill his fingers into her underarms. if marinette wasn’t a mess before, she was now.
“pft. good enough,” chat noir rolled his eyes, finally stopping his wiggling fingers and just wrapping her in a hug instead. he smiled at her as she caught her breath.
“and hey, don’t doubt yourself, okay? adrien is very lucky to have you and i’m sure he’s willing to wait for you. have a good night, marinette,” he whispered, squeezing her shoulders for a moment before letting her go and hopping back into the night. marinette couldn’t help but smile as well, rubbing the tickly sensations off of her as she watched the kitty’s figure get smaller and smaller.
no, she was the lucky one.
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nekoma-not-lee · 1 month
hello! im not sure if headcannons for miraculous ladybug are open, but can you do ler marinette headcannons? totally fine if not
For sure! Headcannons for all my interests are always open! :D
Ler Marinette Headcannons
- So starting off, I’d say Marinette is a full switch
- She’s also a really sweet ler and always checks if her lee is okay with being tickled
- Her main targets are Alya, Adrien, and Chat Noir (as Ladybug most of the time), though she tickles Tikki from time to time
- Her favorite spot to target is someone’s tummy, she loves doing the claw motion on the tummy
- She typically laughs along with her lee and her teases are mostly baby talk and compliments on her lee’s laughter
- At the beginning of her friendship with Adrien, she was very shy with touch around him, though nowadays she’s more confident when tickling him
- She rarely wins a tickle fight with Alya, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t try to tickle Alya often
Alright that’s all I can think of right now! Hope you enjoyed these ler Marinnette headcannons!
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chiefatticcreator · 2 years
What about Sabrina, Chloe's friend/bitch/servant? Does she get treated better with you or have a kink about being submissive and such Adrien?
"She's got a kink for beign submissive and serving me, but i make sure she's havign fun too." the blonde boy smiles. "Sometimes i even just ler have fun without worrying about me."
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(warning: 160+ f/o’s)
Cage Lackmann – The Graves of Whitechapel
Calvin Evans – Lessons in Chemistry ( book + TV series )
Dr. Henry Jekyll – Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ( book + musical )
Fred Weasley – Harry Potter saga ( books + films )
Jacopo Ortis (poly) – Ultime Lettere di Jacopo Ortis
💌films/series/tv shows
Agent Stepdaughter + Gretel + Hansel (poly, with agent stepdaughter & Gretel) – Secret Magic Control Agency
Alva + Jesper Johansen + Mogens (poly, with Alva & Jesper) – Klaus
Anglaigus – Astérix: le Domaine des Dieux ( film + comic )
Aziraphale + Crowley (poly) – Good Omens
B.E.N. – Treasure Planet
Ballister Blackheart (poly) – Nimona
Benjamin Dunn – Mission: Impossible saga
Betterfly – Miraculous World: Paris, les Aventures de Toxinelle et Griffe Noire
Bruno Madrigal – Encanto
Burn-E – Burn-E
Camilo + Carlos Madrigal – Encanto
Chuck – Angry Birds duology
Cinderella – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Clopin Trouillefou – Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Cloudy – 7 Zwerge trilogy, 💍24.01.2021
Diaval – Maleficent duology
Dr. Herbert Cockroach – Monsters vs. Aliens
Ebenezer Scrooge – Scrooge: a Christmas Carol
Eugene + Rapunzel Fitzherbert (poly) – Disney’s Tangled
Félix Fathom – Miraculous: les Aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir
Fix-it Felix Jr. – Wreck It Ralph
Gabo + Safi + Simon – Wish
Grand duke Rainier (nnic) – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Griffin – Hotel Transylvania saga
Grinch – Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch (2018)
Harrison Knott – Press Play
Héctor Rivera – Coco
Hermes – Disney’s Hercules
Hickory – Trolls: World Tour
Jack + Kio + Noki + Pino – Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarves
Jaq – Disney’s Cinderella trilogy
Joe Bradley – Roman Holiday
John Watson (poly) – BBC’s Sherlock Holmes
Lieutenant Columbo – Columbo
Lumiére – The Beauty and the Beast ( films )
Major Major Major – Catch-22
Megamind – Megamind
Miles Miller – Bad Times at the El Royale
Mr. Tumnus - The Chronicles of Narnia
Mugman – The Cuphead Show!
Ned McDodd – Dr. Seuss’ Horton Hears a Who!
Once-ler – Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, 💍24.07.2022
Pasunmotdeplus – Astérix aux Jeux Olympiques
Peter Graham – Hereditary
Rhett Abbott – Outer Range
Rigolin – Pil
Robert Floyd – Top Gun: Maverick
Snake – The Bad Guys
Stanley Uris – IT (2017-2019)
Stephen Meeks – Dead Poets Society
Tadashi Hamada – Big Hero 6
Tatsuhiko Shibusawa – Bungō Stray Dogs: Dead Apple ( manga + film )
Thranduil – The Hobbit trilogy
Timon – The Lion King trilogy
Tin man – Legends of Oz / Fantastic Journey to Oz (separately)
Tristain – Pil
Tulio (poly) – The Road to El Dorado
V – V for Vendetta
Victor Van Dort – Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride
Vincenzo Santorini – Atlantis: the Lost Empire
Aesop Carl – Identity V
Alexandre + Brandon + Frank + Ji-Yeong + Lee + Soul – Subway Surfers
Akihiko Satou – Ikemen Vampire
Anatoli – Alchemy Stars
Azul Ashengrotto, 💍06.04.2024 + Jade Leech – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Barbatos + Beelzebub + Lucifer – Obey Me! duology
Barton – Alchemy Stars
Charon – Alchemy Stars
Daniel Schwartz – Alchemy Stars
Dire Crowley + Rook Hunt – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Faust – Alchemy Stars
Florine – Alchemy Stars
Gertzurde – Alchemy Stars
Jane – Alchemy Stars
Johann Georg Faust – Ikemen Vampire
Jola – Alchemy Stars
Jomu – Alchemy Stars
Julian Devorak + Lucio Morgasson – The Arcana
Leo – Alchemy Stars
Leyn + Matthieu – Alchemy Stars
Luke – Alchemy Stars
Moon + Sun – Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach
Narrator – The Stanley Parable
Novio – Alchemy Stars
Roy – Alchemy Stars
Sariel Noir – Ikemen Prince
Steel – Speedy Ninja
Sucre + Zacharie – OFF
Trey Clover – Twisted Wonderland ( videogame + manga )
Winston – Royal Match
💌other type of source
Adam – Hellaverse
Adrien Agreste – Miraculous universe
Alastor + Vox – Hellaverse
Asmodeus + Fizzarolli (poly) – Hellaverse
ATEEZ/Black Pirates/HALATEEZ – ATEEZ ( band )
Bane – DC universe
Beetlejuice – Beetlejuice ( musical )
Caine + Jax + Kinger – The Amazing Digital Circus
Doppo Kunikida – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Edward Nashton – DC universe
Ethan Green – Hatchetfield universe
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald – Bungō Stray Dogs universe, 💍09.06.2022
Gabriel Adrian (nnic) – Hatchetfield universe
Hank Miller – OC
Henry Hidgens – Hatchetfield universe
Howard Phillips Lovecraft + Nathaniel Hawthorne – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Johnathon Ohnn / the Spot – Marvel universe
Joker – DC universe
Grell Sutcliff – Kuroshitsuji universe, 💍03.09.2022
Knuckles – Sonic universe
Lucifer – Hellaverse
Luigi – Nintendo universe
Luka Couffaine – Miraculous universe
Marc Anciel + Nathaniel Kurtzberg (poly) – Miraculous universe
Marcus Cubitus – Astérix universe
Mark Connor (nnic) – The Simple Plot of... ( music videos )
Millie + Moxxie Knolastname (poly) – Hellaverse
Motojirō Kajii + Ryūrō Hirotsu – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Mountain ghoul + Swiss Army ghoul – Ghost ( band )
Nathalie Sancœur – Miraculous universe
Night Owl – Miraculous universe
Ōgai Mori, 💍01.11.2022 + Yukichi Fukuzawa (poly) – Bungō Stray Dogs universe
Patrick Waff + Peter Roghlow (poly) – @scimmy’s OCs
Sparrow – Miraculous universe
Spiderman Noir – Marvel universe
Stolas – Hellaverse
Ted Spankoffski – Hatchetfield universe
Zestial – Hellaverse
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mah-t-wordblog · 3 months
hi!! first of all your work is AMAZING im like inlove with it, if u take this request im so grateful tysm 🩷🩷 is it too much to ask for a adrienette marinette lee adrien ler? also sorry if this is too much but can u like maybe make it the scene where its them playing video games at marinettes room? if u remember that one scene 😭
Thanksss, I hope you like it 💛
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Lee: Marinette Dupan-cheng
Ler: Adrien Agreste
Ships: Adrienette (Adrien x Marinette)
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, if you don’t like it, just scroll down
This fanfic is originally in Portuguese, my English is translated using an automatic translator, if there are any big errors you can tell me so I can fix them
Marinette and Adrien had been playing video games in her room all afternoon.
The boy's ability to lose was impressive.
“You just lose, huh?” Marinette laughed
“You’re better than me at everything!”
Game over, Marinette won again
"Oh no"
"Oh yes!" She celebrated with a strange dance “another victory!”
“If it depends on the two of us, you will win the video game competition alone”
“If it’s up to you, we’ll both lose.”
Adrien stuck his tongue out at her and she laughed.
“I just want one more rematch” Adrien asked
"Of course"
The game started again and as always Marinette played with Ladybug's robot and Adrien with Cat Noir's.
Adrien really played very badly, so it was easy to beat him, even so Marinette played very well
The game already started with her winning, and the tables were never reversed.
Marinette laughed a little
“I think you’re going to lose again”
“I won’t!”
Adrien decided to steal, knowing the girl he knew her weaknesses
He dropped the controller and simply started tickling her, making her let go of the controller and the game stopped.
With one hand Adrien pressed her belly and with the other he moved the controller so he could make movements with his character.
“ADRIEHEHEHEHEHEN” she exclaimed, trying to free herself from the boy's quick hands, to no avail.
“I said I would win no matter what!”
Adrien's character managed to win and the game was finally announced, Cat Noir's victory
“Ah-ha! I won! Did you saw it? Did you doubt that I could win?” He told her, without stopping the tickling and now putting the hand that was busy playing along
Marinette jumped out of her chair and managed to free herself from the attack.
"You cheated!" She exclaimed
"Me?! How dare you make a statement like that without proof, come back here!”
Adrien threatened to come back with the tickles, which made Marinette run around the room in circles with the boy following until they both fell to the floor.
Adrien pressed her belly again (mainly because he knew it was the worst spot) and used another hand to tickle her feet a little too.
Adrien thought her smile was very, very beautiful.
"Why? I like to see you laugh” he moved a little closer, making Marinette blush more
He laughed “okay, okay” and released his hands
Marinette took a breath and breathed again, she patted his arm “you don’t know how to lose”
“It’s because I always lose!”
They both laughed
“You’re just really bad”
Adrien helped her get up
“Blé” he stuck his tongue out at her
Marinette laughed
“Your smile is beautiful” he said to her smiling
Marinette blushed “thank you, Adrien”
“One more round?”
“Surely, prepared to lose?”
“If I lose I’ll have to use my tickle gun again~”
"Is not fair! I’m the one who’s going to tickle you!”
The two laughed and played a few more games, the laughter filled the room and made everything more lively, they had a beautiful relationship
Thanks 💛💛
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august-anon · 4 years
Tickletober Day 17 - Revenge
Alright I rushed through this and didn't edit so pls be kind lol. Also, it's still technically the 17th where I am SO, this is not late!!
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug
Ship(s): Gen/vaguely Marinette/Adrien
Characters (lee/ler): Switch!Marinette/Switch!Adrien
Word Count: 799 words
Summary: In Marinette's humble opinion, this was one of the most ridiculous scenarios she could imagine them finding out each other's identities.
[ao3 link]
Ladybug didn’t know who had started it, but she certainly knew who was going to be finishing it.
She and Chat Noir tussled along the scaffolding of the Eiffel Tower, laughs echoing through the quiet fall air. Normally she’d worry someone would hear them and accuse them of being irresponsible, but all her attention was currently being taken up by her partner. Her partner, who was currently digging his claws into her incredibly ticklish sides.
It felt kind of good to just hang out and relax like a teen, for once.
But then Chat’s hands creeped up her sides and Ladybug feared for her sanity. She tried to pin her arms tightly to her ribs, but Chat just laughed and wriggled his hands up into her defenses, eventually landing in her armpits.
“What’s wrong, cat got your tongue?” Chat teased as her laughter went silent.
But Ladybug refused to go down without a fight. Not even being able to open her eyes to aim her hands, she shot them out and started tickling wherever they landed. Apparently it was enough, since Chat was far more ticklish than she was, and she was able to shove him off to the side and lean over him instead.
Ladybug hunted down Chat’s worst spot as efficiently as she could, wanting to return the favor. It didn’t take her long to find it, fingers skittering over his stomach, sides, and eventually his ribs. Just like her, he squealed loudly before tossing his head back in silent laughter. Not long after, he began slapping at the metal beneath him, and Ladybug immediately backed off. She couldn’t really fault him for giving in so soon, after all, they had been tussling and tickling for a while before Chat even got her armpits.
“You win again, M’lady.”
Ladybug smirked. “Maybe by now you should’ve learned not to start fights you can’t win. I’m starting to think you like to lose.”
Chat gave her a grin. “Only for you, Bugaboo.”
Ladybug scoffed and shoved him away, but she couldn’t wipe the smile from her face. She smiled all the way home, even after she dropped through her trapdoor safe and sound.
 This time, Marinette did know who started it. Alya thought she was sly, and so did Nino for that matter, but as oblivious as Marinette could sometimes be, she wasn’t stupid. The whole tickle fight was just a ploy to try and get her and Adrien up close and personal, it was obvious with the way the two of them kept getting shoved together into the middle of the pile.
And frankly, Marinette honestly didn’t mean to tickle Adrien. She wasn’t nearly brave enough for that, just being this close to his smile and laugh was enough to send her into a tizzy. No, she had been reaching over Adrien to try and grab at Nino when Alya had tazed Adrien’s sides, sending him perfectly into Marinette’s wiggling fingers.
But the thing was, Adrien’s squeal was extremely familiar. Truthfully, his laughter in general had been sparking an odd sense of deja vu, but Marinette had tried not to look too much into it. She knew she had a tendency to overanalyze things, especially when it came to Adrien, but this was different. This squeal was one she’d heard only a handful of nights ago, wrestling on the scaffolding of the Eiffel Tower without a care in the world.
Marinette looked down at where her hands were tickling. They had latched onto Adrien’s ribs, in almost the exact same spot she’d been getting Chat Noir the other night. After a few moments of even her half-hearted tickling, Adrien’s laugh went silent.
Marinette couldn’t believe it. This had to be a coincidence. It was impossible. Adrien couldn’t be Chat Noir, could he?
Marinette hadn’t even realized that her fingers stopped moving with her realization. Unfortunately, Adrien took the brief break as his chance to attack. Barely missing a beat to gather his bearings, he quickly tackled Marinette backwards, so that she was the one lying on the floor instead. She was so startled that she forgot to protect her weak points, and Adrien was able to quickly tickle his way up her sides and ribs and into her armpits.
Just like the other night, Marinette squealed, cackled, and went silent. Before her eyes squeezed shut from the force of her laughter, she caught sight of the same recognition shining in Adrien’s eyes. She felt Adrien lean down close and her heart nearly stopped.
“This is revenge for the other night, Bugaboo,” he whispered in her ear, quiet enough that the others wouldn’t hear.
As competitive as she was, Marinette couldn’t find it in herself to mind that she lost. It was no matter. She’d beat him next time.
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duckymcdoorknob · 3 years
Daily Speedwrite Pairings: Day 9
“Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?” -LadyNoir
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“Didn’t I tell you to leave me alone?” Adrien sighed, looking out to the stars.
“Oh please, Kitty. If I asked you to leave me alone, you would pester me with jokes.” Marinette responded hastily.
Another classic case of hopeless pining, poor Chat. All he can do is hope and dream that he could get the lady of his dreams.
“That’s fair...”
Wait a minute.
That’s not like him.
No snappy remark?
No joke?
What’s going on?
“Chat... are you okay?” Marinette sat next to her partner, resting a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah... just a little heartbroken.” He replied quickly, giving his partner a gentle grin.
“Well, my dad always had a great way for me to feel better when I was sad. Would you like to try?” she squeezed the hero’s shoulder fondly.
“Um...sure?” He didn’t know what was in store for him. But if it made his love feel better, certainly it would help him... right?
“I’m going to touch you okay?” She said gently, placing a hand on Chat Noir’s side.
“G-go ahead.”
Marinette gently squeezed her partner’s side, paying close attention to his reactions to know when she’s overstepping.
Snickers leaked from Chat Noir’s lips, which were overturned into a thankful grin.
“Is this okay?”
Ladybug added another hand, but placed it over the hero’s stomach, squeezing gently,
“Ah! Hehehehey! Tihihihihicklehehes.” Adrien whined.
“That’s the point, Kitty.” Marinette cooed, increasing the speed of her squeezes.
“Thahahahank yohohohou.” Adrien replied while a blush spread across his features, “fohohohor thihihihihis.”
“Of course. It’s you and me against the world, remember? How could we battle with you all down in the dumps?” Marinette moved her hands to scribble along her partner’s ribs, the costume doing nothing to defend him.
“We’ve established that, Chat.” she chuckled with him.
“Are you all better now?” Marinette inquired, moving quickly to scribble underneath the hero’s arms.
Marinette chuckled and retreated her hands, “you okay there, Kitty?”
Adrien nodded, his lips still overturned into a pleased smile.
“Now then, I need you to crack a joke like now. This isn’t like you at all.” Marinette admitted sheepishly.
“Not in the joking mood.” Adrien replied with a sigh.
“But I just made you feel better!” Marinette yelped in response.
“And I can lose a good mood that fast!”
“Stop being so dramatic!”
“I’m serious, M’lady. I’m just...” he sighed, burying his head in his hands, “Have you ever been so in love that no one else could ever match-“
“The person you’re pining over... yes.” She finished for the clearly sorrowed boy leaning on the rooftop of her school.
“So you do get it...” Adrien said with a gentle grin, “Sucks doesn’t it?”
“Sucks doesn’t begin to describe it.” Marinette replied in exasperation, letting herself lean on her partner.
“Lonely hearts club?” Adrien held his hand out for a fist bump.
“Lonely hearts club.” Marinette replied, gently pushing her fist onto Chat’s.
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brwolf1995 · 3 years
Horrific Realization Over a Year Late
You all remember how last year, Adrichat became so widespread that Miraculous Ladybug was number 1 on trending on here?
That little incident gave Chat Noir a bigger claim to be the next Onceler than most Tumblr Sexymen.
That is all.
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sidsinning · 4 years
THIS IS ONCESCEST ALL OVER AGAIN. I learned about Oncelor being shipped with himself recently but this is a close second.
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I don't need the reminder
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sleepysheepytea · 2 years
Hey sleepy remember the art you mad a whiiiile ago (by that i mean months ago) where it was like lee adrien and ler plagg? Now I'm just wondering if you got any inspiration from this or not jzxydgh
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Also feel free to ignore this this is kinda just one of those random thoughts at 2 am lol
Also also I'm sorry if I came off as mean I didn't intend to G0IPUFFY0
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strawbbfluff · 3 years
8 for a transformed marinette and a ler of ur choosing, it can literally be a crossover if you please, pick whatever you want WSKLFLTL
8- “you’re way more ticklish than me!”
the bug is ticklish! // switch!ladybug; switch!adrien
-> hello ladrien is underrated and y’all suck for that okay bye
“ahahahahahahack- ladybug stohohohohop!” adrien squealed, pushing at the superheroine’s merciless fingers.
the pair had decided to hang out this saturday night, chilling in the park on the grass as they had watched the stars. it was a moment of peace in both of their lives that they needed for different reasons. well — it was peaceful until ladybug had jabbed adrien in the ribs due to a playful comment; thus, a tickle fight ensued.
“alright alright! fine, you’re lucky i like you,” the spotted superhero replied, although quickly going as red as her costume once she had realized what she just said to her longtime crush. adrien couldn’t help but burst into giggles.
the emerald-eyed boy smiled devilishly at ladybug, his cat noir purrsona (ha see what i did there) quickly taking over. she barely had time to react before adrien had pounced on her and pinned her arms down to her sides. if ladybug could be any more flustered, she would have been.
“oh yeah? i think you’re lucky i don’t tickle you to pieces for what you just did to me,” he whispered into her ear, grinning as she brought her shoulder up to it.
“n-now adrien lets n-not do anything rash- eheheheheheheheheep hehehehehehehey! y-you sahahahahahaid you weren’t going tohohohohoho!”
“nah, i had a change of heart~” he purred, his smile only widening as she tugged at her arms helplessly.
“a-ahahahahahahahadrien!” ladybug shrieked, flailing as he leaned back to squeeze her kneecaps.
“you’re way more ticklish than me!” the teen laughed, suddenly coming up to squeeze her hips. she lost it.
“okahahahahay okahahahahay i gihihihihihive!” the girl exclaimed, taking a relieved breath when her beloved finally let up. she managed a small glare.
“aw cmon m’lady, you know you had fun~”
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