#ler! viney
lopsicle · 1 year
Did you know Viney and Emira are the best side characters in The Owl House?
Healing Tickles
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TickleTober Day 4: Weak spot
Fandom: The Owl House
Pairing: Emira X Viney (Romantic)
Summary: Emira gets injured while trying to ride Puddles, and discovers some of the side effects of healing magic once Viney uses it on her.
Warnings: Injury, Feet Tickles
Even though the magic in the Boiling Isles was exciting and enchanting to use, their was always a subtle danger that laid with it. A spell not being aimed properly, wrong ingredients in a potion that would cause you to turn into a pile of frogs or some other twisted joke that magic liked to play on people. The creatures were also no exception, whether it was the largest Slitherbeast or the tiniest fairy, the weakest demon to the most powerful Titan, everything had a way of hurting you.
Though in our case, it wasn’t intentional. It was more of an accident, practically brought on by Emira tempting fate. She had gone on a ride on her girlfriend’s griffin, Puddles, to spend more time with her and since flying was a lot less lonely with Viney. But after a couple times of riding on the back of a beast, you tend to grow more confident in your abilities to not get flung off it at every sharp turn; despite Emira practically clinging onto Puddles the first time she ever rode on her.
In contrast, the green haired witch was now standing up on Puddles back, her hands rested near her waistline in an oddly relaxed way for someone souring swiftly through the air. Viney didn’t look so impressed with her, sticking to sitting down just under Puddles’ neck while flying, not wanting to get too cocky.
‘You ever heard the saying pride comes before the fall?’ Viney asked her, getting a rather blissfully ignorant ‘Nope!’ in response. She just sighed, gently gripping onto Puddles’ feathers.
‘You should sit down, really, I don’t wanna have to scrape you up off the ground,’ Viney said, dead serious as her eyes narrowed slightly, not taking her eyes off the sky in front of her since she was still steering Puddles. Emira just shrugged her off, before saying,
‘You don’t have to worry so much, I’ll be fi-ah!’ As the girl attempted to take a small step back on Puddles, she ended up losing her footing and and sliding right off the back of the griffin, leading all three of them to fly into a mad panic. They weren’t massively high up on the air, not enough to break a bone or seriously hurt yourself from the fall but just enough to make it hurt and bruise. Because of this, by the time Viney had tilted Puddles around to try and catch Emira, the girl had already landed on the floor, surprisingly managing to stay upright.
‘Emira!’ Viney cried, souring down and landing her pet right next to her, hopping off and running over to her. ‘Are you alright?!’ She asked, looking over the girl to see if she had any marks or cuts, but she seemed to be injure free. Key word, seemed. Emira still just smiled at her, not wanting Viney to worry as she responded,
‘Oh yeah, I’m fine, it was only a little fall!’
Viney looked at her with a slightly unimpressed look before crossing her arms over her chest, not taking her stern yet worried eyes off the girl for a second. ‘Alright then, could you walk over here, please?’
Viney asked her, causing Emira’s lips to curl in worry for just a second before she went back to smiling,
‘Yeah, o-of course I can, I really am fine!’
Though, right as she finished taking her first step, the girl already winced in pain but tried to keep it hidden. Emira looked up to see Viney sighing and stopped right in her tracks, like a child being caught redoing something they’re not allowed.
‘I’m, uh, sorry about standing on Puddles,’ she said, staring at the floor as her girlfriend walked over to her, before gently scooping up Emira in her arms.
‘It’s fine, Emi, just don’t do that, I don’t want you getting hurt, okay?’ The healing track member smiled softly down at her girlfriend, booping her nose to alleviate the tension. ‘Now, let’s get you fixed up, can you tell me where it hurts?’ She asked Emira, sitting her down against Puddles’ side, who had began resting on the grass. Emira blushed a little, holding her arms to her sides as she muttered,
‘My feet,’ her body seemed to tense up a little as she said that, not going unnoticed but Viney decided not to comment on it for now. The brunette just nodded, carefully taking off her girlfriend’s boots. Luckily they’d landed just on the outskirts of the forest, meaning Emira wasn’t too embarrassed about being without her shoes in public.
‘Okay, just try and sit still for me, healing magic can sting a little,’ Viney told her, though Emira barely seemed to be paying attention. Ever since Viney’s focus had been in her feet, the girl seemed a little more tense, clenching her palms into her fists, locking her eyes on her girlfriend’s fingers and godwhydidherfingerslooksoteasytoher?!
Before she could bounce away, a pleasant blue glow had enveloped Viney’s hand with a gentle whoosh sound. She then pointed her hand an Emira’s socked feet, nearly making the girl squeal from the sheer anticipation building up in her. It wasn’t until Emira’s soles had the same soft blue glow on them did the girl finally erupt in goggles and start twisting about.
‘Oh, I get it now, your ticklish, that’s why you’ve been so jittery! Super ticklish by the looks of things, or are your feet just a little weak spot of yours?’
Viney smirked over at her girlfriend, her playful personality immediately resurfacing once she realised she had found one of Emira’s adorable weaknesses. That and maybe being flustered and tickled would distract her from any of her lingering pain, that was definitely the main reason she was doing this.
‘I-ihaahaahahaha’m nahahahahaha-eeeep-ahahaht thahahahat ti-tihihihcklish..!’ Emira squealed though her laughter quickly trailed off as Viney finished her healing spell, leaving her feet good as new. Emira just looked over at her girlfriend, flustered and trying to timidly pull her feet back while thanking Viney.
But, her ankles were quickly snatched up by Viney, dragging the girl a little closer as she did so. The brunette got her arm wrapped around the green haired girl’s ankles, making all those little kicks and squirming useless.
‘Hey! I-I thought you were done healing me, what are you doing?!’ Emira asked, curling her toes as a smile of anticipation crawled its way onto her face, no matter how much she tried to remove it.
‘Well, Smiles, you have been difficult today, standing on Puddles, getting all jittery when I was trying to heal you, and you just leave one of your most ticklish spots literally on my lap?! Of course I’m gonna tickle the Hell out of you after that!’
Emira just blushed more and more as Viney spoke, opening her mouth to try and pout or argue back, but she seemed even too flustered to get her words out properly. It wouldn’t have mattered much anyway, Viney’s nails were already scratching and skittering all over Emira’s sock clad soles and arches, her fingers making sure to dig right in and slide over every part of her newly discovered sweet spot.
‘E-eeek!! V-vihihhiHIHIHneehehEHEHEHEY!!’
Emira clutched the sides of her face with her hands, with an expression that wasn’t quite discernible between horror and enjoyment. The girl bounced around like a mad witch, flinging her face from side to side while her legs tended up and twitched about, not sitting still for a minutes.
‘Oh, we’ve got ourselves a squirmer here, don’t we? Your really are suuuper ticklish, Emi, you should be lucky we’re still technically in public otherwise these socks would be coming clean off!’
‘Please what? Please tickle you more? Finish your sentences, Emi!’
She playfully threatened her, though Emira’s face was going entirely red. It wasn’t like Emira was new to being tickled or teased, but there was a certain level of flustering to it when it was her girlfriend teasing her. It felt warm and safe rather then embarrassing, like she was actually enjoying tickling Emira.
Viney’s nails soon began to claw and scrape at Emira‘a socked heels, making the witch begin to go hysterical from all the tickling she’d received. Tears even began to prick in her eyes, which Viney almost immediately noticed.
‘Alright, I think you’ve had enough tickles for one day, cutie!’ Viney smiled teasingly at her, causing the already flustered girl to absolutely crumble and curl up in on herself. Viney just chuckled lightly as she carefully put Emira’s boots back onto her.
‘Now, are you ever going to ride recklessly on Puddles again?’
Emira looked up, still blushing up a storm before shaking her head.
‘Great, because I will not hesitate to go for that sweet spot of yours if you step even a toe out of line while on that griffin!’ Viney said, her tone serious in a jokey way, but Emira could tell that she meant it.
And by Titan she was looking forward to it.
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veryblushyswitch · 2 years
The Owl House (tickle hcs)
💚 Emerald Entrails 💚
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Hunter (Caleb Jasper Bloodwilliams)
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*The second most ticklish player on the team. More on who’s the most ticklish later.
*Very new to tickling because of how he was raised. He’s gotten tickled by Darius a couple times over the years but nothing that regarded friends his own age or actual playful tickle fights.
*Willow was the first to find out. She used a vine to get his attention, the vine poking his side multiple times while Hunter giggled and swatted at the plant.
*Since then she’s never let him live it down.
*He gets ganged up on a lot. It’s all in good fun and he enjoys the playful teasing, even if it makes him blush.
*Hunter struggled with smiling and laughing without covering his mouth for a long time. He eventually stopped because everyone on the team commented on how cute it is. He’s still a little insecure about it, but then he gets poked in the side and reminded how adorable and unique it is.
*He’s most ticklish on his ears, stomach, hips, and has a sweet spot on his lower ribs that only Willow knows about.
*He also has really ticklish knees. Especially if you do the exploding spider. Something his teammates do to him a lot when they get the chance.
*Has never tickled anyone before joining the team. Unless you count tickling Flapjack a little.
*Wasn’t the best at it at first. Skara and Gus were the main two who showed him how to tickle others.
*Willow helped him too. Mostly by tickling him and saying stuff like, “Now if you do this riiiight here, it’ll make anyone laugh.”
*This leaves Hunter laughing his heart out as Willow “teaches him” her ler skills.
*With the help of the team, he’s gotten Willow back.
*He fell in love with her laugh. Hunter honestly couldn’t get enough of it.
*Became kind of obsessed with laughter after learning how to tickle his friends and hearing Willow laugh.
*It makes him so happy when he can make his friends/teammates genuinely laugh as they’ve done with him.
Willow Park
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*Ler for days.
*Likes to tickle her bee palisman because it makes little buzzing noises. 😭💖
*Will make vines to sneak pokes and tickles to her teammates. Especially Gus and Hunter.
*Starts most of the gang tickle Hunter tickle fights.
“Don’t worry he loves it. Right, Caleb?” *wink*
*Cue Hunter blushing and the rest of the team cooing at how cute he is.
*Such a cute and adorable lee.
*Let’s out precious laughter and giggles that everyone on the team says is heavenly.
*She’s most ticklish on her palms, hips, thighs, and sides.
*The team will tickle her to make her feel better when she’s questioning her position as coach.
*Reassuring tickles and compliments!! ✨
*Gus likes making her yelp by coming up behind her and squeezing her sides.
*She goes red and uses her plants to tickle him in return.
*Gus told Hunter to go for it once and he immediately regretted his decision. Gus tried walking away casually until Willow made him “join the fun since it was his idea.”
Gus Porter
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*He’s the most ticklish on the team. Just look at him-
*His underarms, knees, and tummy are really bad. He also has a really sensitive back especially along his spine.
*Is very quick on his feet so he’s both a hard lee to catch and a great ler when it comes to chases.
*When he is caught though, he’s putty in their hands.
*So giggly and squeaky before the tickling even starts.
*Uses air tickles as a ler but is embarrassed at how good they work on him.
*Uses his illusions to help tickle his teammates.
*He’s able to make enough illusions to tickle everyone at once.
*Gus gets tickled afterwards of course.
*Hunter and Gus have tickle battles to see who will laugh first or who will give up first.
*Most of the time Gus loses because he’s just too ticklish for his own good. But if Gus tickles Hunter on a really bad spot he can claim victory.
*And if he uses his illusions to help Hunter is definitely losing.
*Tickles Willow a lot too. Always makes sure his best friend/captain is in high spirits.
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*Says she’s no ticklish. She’s wrong
*She’s good at hiding her ticklishness because she’s only ticklish in a couple places.
*Those palaces being her hips/thighs and neck.
*She has a really ticklish spot under her chin. The only reason everyone on the team found out about it was because one of her mythical creatures rubbed against her there and she couldn’t stop giggling.
*Will punch and kick when tickled so whoever’s tickling her has to watch out.
*She is one for getting revenge and tenfold at that.
*So even if Skara or Gus lightly poke her side, they’re getting tickled till they’re tearing up from laughter.
*She never goes past limits though. Always making sure whoever she’s tickling is okay with it.
*She’s trained some of her mythical creatures to tickle the other teammates.
*Puddles, the griffin from this episode, warms up to Hunter with Viney’s help. Hunter gets a lot of Puddle nuzzles now because of it.
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*First off- the height difference is adorable.
*She’s a skilled and quick tickler.
*Actually enjoys tickle fights and will outright talk about how much fun they are.
*She was one of the reasons everyone on the team got so comfortable when it came to tickling.
*Connected with Hunter pretty quickly after Willow and showed him there’s no need to be embarrassed about physical affection.
*She was also one of the main teammates to help with his confidence about his tooth gap.
*She herself is pretty ticklish. Her main spots being her sides, feet, and lower back.
*The Queen of teasing. 👑
*Baby talk, compliments, repeating tickle, you name it. I like to think she’s part of the community so she knows lots of ways to tease.
*She knows exactly what to say too and seems to know what teases work best on who.
*Speaking of her being in the community, Willow is the only one on the team who knows. Everyone knows she enjoys tickling as a fun activity, but Willow is the only one that knows about her love for it.
*Her boyfriend knows about it too and gladly gives her all the tickles she wants. And will happily be on the receiving end because he enjoys it too when it’s with her.
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fluffomatic · 2 years
Your Laughter is like Music to Me
Fandom: The Owl House by Dana Terrace
Characters: Hunter|The Golden Guard, Darius Demonne, Flapjack|Cardinal Palismin (Lee Hunter, Ler Darius, Minor Ler Flapjack), Willow (mentioned), Gus (mentioned), Viney (mentioned), Skara (mentioned)
Relationships: Hunter and Darius (Platonic), Hunter and Flapjack, Darius and Flapjack (Mention of Huntlow though it's very brief)
Words: 1669
Summary: SPOILERS FOR THE SEASON 2 ENDING!! After a rough day at school Hunter storms into his and Darius' shared home without a single word. Darius knows something is wrong but is unsure how to fix it. Luckily Flapjack is there to snap Darius out of it to help their boy. THIS IS A TICKLE FIC!! IF YOU DONT LIKE THAT KEEP SCROLLING!!
To say Darius was worried would be an understatement. The man likes to pride himself on being totally in control of his emotions, but right now? How could he not be on edge? Hunter had lived with him after returning from the Human Realm and taking down the Collector. Life had slowly started returning to normal, and despite a rocky start, Darius and Hunter grew closer. Hunter shared everything with his new guardian. After Hexside reopened, Darius was quick to enroll Hunter so he could spend time with his new friends. Hunter loved to come home and gush about everything he learned, the time he spent with his classmates, and his flyer derby practices. He also notes the way Hunter's face flushes when he talks about his captain.
So it took him by surprise when Hunter flew into the house and stormed past Darius without even saying hello. Darius went to call after him, but his voice died in his throat when he heard the kid's door slam shut. Darius was left speechless. Sure, Hunter sometimes had problems talking to Darius, but it never got like this. His mind was flooded with what could've possibly happened to his kid that would make him this upset. He really wanted to rush upstairs and make Hunter talk to him, but he didn't want to force him to talk if he didn't want to. Plus, what if he needed to be alone? Darius was pacing back and force trying to figure out what to do. Titan he wasn't good at this! He spent probably too much time stuck in his own head before he heard a quiet chirp behind him. He flung his head around to see the small red bird perched on the counter. He stared up at Darius and chirped again. "What should I do?" He asked him, "I just want him to be okay, but I don't want to make things worse." Darius sighed into his hands. Flapjack made an annoyed chirp. He flew over to Darius and pulled on his cape. "Hey hey careful! This was expensive!" He glared at the bird, but his eyes softened when he realized what he was trying to tell him. He was pulling Darius towards the steps, towards Hunter. Flapjack chirped again and for a moment, Darius understood.
"𝘏𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶"
Darius rushed up the stairs towards Hunter's room, Flapjack close behind. When he made it to his door, he took a deep breath to calm his nerves, then gently knocked on the door. "Hunter? Hey kid, you in there?" He got a low grumble as a response. "Is it alright if I come in?" Darius tried his best to keep his voice even, but it was hard to conceal his worried tone. A moment passes until he hears a quiet, "... sure" He opens the door gently and steps in to find Hunter on his bed, back facing the door and clutching a pillow tightly in his arms. He makes his way over to the bed and sits down close behind Hunter. He places his hand on his shoulder, trying not to focus on the way the boy flinched at the touch. Hunter's shoulder untense and Darius rubs small circles on his back. "Rough day?" He asks. And that's all it took. Hunter's breath hitches and quiet sobs escape his mouth. Darius doesn't waste another moment. He pulls Hunter up, wrapping his arms around him. Hunter latches onto Darius like a lifeline as tears stream down his face. Darius rocks him back and forth, doing his best to calm him down. It seems to work as Hunter's frantic breathing evens out and his tears run dry. He holds him for a few moments more before pulling away. With his hands on his shoulders, he looks Hunter in the eyes. "What happened? Did someone hurt you?" Who do I have to kill?
"I-It was nothing, really. It wasn't even that bad. I don't know w-why I'm so upset..." Darius just shakes his head. "No. If it's got you like this, then it's not nothing. Hunter, I will not force you to tell me, but know that I'm here for you. You can talk to me." Hunter wipes his eyes to stop the second wave of tears that threaten to spill and nods. "O-Okay... um. I don't know I was with my team. W-We were just hanging out after practice, ya know? Skara and Viney were messing around and it was really funny. All of us were laughing a-and having a good time. Than.... well sh-she came by." Hunter took a second to catch his breath. Darius stayed silent, waiting until Hunter was ready to continue. "Um, I think her name is Bosha? It w-was her and a couple of other kids. They um... started laughing too. At first, I thought they were laughing with us until she started pointing at me. She said my laugh was....it was um....u-ugly and annoying....h-hard to listen to...the others yelled at them until they left. Gus and Willow, they... they tried their best to help me, but I... I don't know, maybe she was right." Hunter sighed and hid his face. "I really am annoying." He mumbled.
If it was legal to murder a teenager, Darius would've rushed over to that girl's house right then and there. Unfortunately, it was very illegal. But luckily he was close with Principal Bump, so he'd be having a word with him tomorrow. But for now, his kid needed him. Darius pulled Hunter close again, carding his fingers through the boy's hair. "She was wrong. And she's an idiot. You're not annoying Hunter, and your laughter is the best thing I've ever heard." He could feel Hunter's cheeks heating up. "Y-You're just saying that...." He grumbled against his chest. Darius smiled, hands placed perfectly on Hunter's sides. "No, I mean it. And I can prove it." He began skittering his fingers across Hunter's sides. The boy squeaked, hands unwrapping around Darius to cover his face. Surprisingly, he didn't immediately break. "N-No! Darius!" He squirmed around in his guardian's hold, hands pressed tightly over his mouth. "How rude if you. I want to hear that amazing laughter!" He moved his hands up to Hunter's ribs, scratching in-between the bones. That got him. Hunter screeched, reached down to bat at Darius' evil hands. "Aaahahaha!! N-Noohahahaaa! Wait thahahat's not faahahahaaair!" Hunter flops down, back hitting the mattress. Darius was quick to follow, hands immediately pouncing on the kid's now exposed stomach. "There it is~ Ah sounds like music to me~!" Darius hummed. Hunter grabbed at his wrists weakly, unable (and unwilling) to pry them away. "Eeeehehehahahhaaa!! *snort* Nohohoho Darius oh Titan! That tihihihickles!" Darius can help but chuckle. "Well duh, I AM tickling you." Hunter's blush deepens as his legs kick wildly. Darius peeks down at his crazy limbs and wondered if they were ticklish too. It was a theory he had to test! He quickly shot his hands down and began squeezing the kid's thighs and knees, jumping between the two. Hunter shot up, latching onto Darius. "AAHAHAHAHAAAA AAHAHAHAHA OH SHIIHIHIHIT!!! AHAHAHAHA NOHAHAHAA NO THAT'S SO BAAHAHAHAHAAAD!!!" His laugh was loud, mixed with hiccups and snorts. It was utterly ridiculous. And Darius absolutely loved it. He loved hearing it cause that meant his boy was happy. He was safe. His laughter is the best thing in Darius' life and if he had to tickle the boy silly to make him see that? Then so be it.
He slipped his hands underneath Hunter's knees to scribble there. His laughter died down a bit, but he could tell that it still tickled like crazy. Darius was all too familiar with that spot. "Eehehhahaha! D-Darius pleeehhehehease! Ahahaha w-why are yohohohou doing thiihihihis!? *hic* I-I sohohohound so duuhuhuhuumb!" Darius just sighs, moving his hands back to Hunter's tummy, causing the boy to flop back over, giving Darius more access. He tried his best not to gush over how cute it was that Hunter was enjoying himself. "Hunter, you don't sound dumb. I adore your laugh, kid. It's not ugly. It's not annoying. It's happy, it's pure and light and sure, maybe a little funny, but that's what makes it special! And if I have to tickle you silly until you agree, then I guess I will!" He reaches up and scratches Hunter's underarms, throwing the boy into hysterical laughter. He screeches and squirms against his bed. Flapjack suddenly joins in, jumping around on his belly and pecking randomly. Hunter slams his fists against the mattress. "AAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAAAAAA!! AHAHHAA YOU BOTH SUUUHUHUHUHUUUCK!! AHHH NOT THEEHEHEHERE SHIT THAT'S SO BAAAAAHAHAHAHHAD!! OKAY OKAAHAHAHAY OKAY YOU WIIIHIHIHIHIN!! *snort*" Darius just smirks. "Say it. Say your laugh isn't annoying. Unless you want us to keep going~" Flapjack chirps in agreement, pecking the boy's tummy as a warning. "OH FOR TITANS SAAAHAHAHAHAAKE FIIHIHIHINE! M-MY LAUGH ISN'T *hic* ANNOYING AHAHAHAHAAAA!! NO MORE NO MOOHOHOHORE!! AHAHAHAHAA PLEASE *snort* IT TICKLES SO MUUUHUHUCH!!!" His laughter goes silent as Darius finally lets up.
Hunter lays motionless as he tries to get his breathing under control. He rubs his tummy as giggles continue to spill out of his mouth. Darius can't help but giggle at him. "Huhuhunter, I stopped tickling you! Why so giggly still~?" Hunter just groans. "St-Stihihill tickles you jeeheheherk!" Flapjack lands on Darius' shoulder and chirps happily. "Thank you, thank you!" is what Darius thinks he says. He looks down at his kid. His eyes shining with tears of mirth, a wide grin on his face, giggles slowly spilling out and a deep blush across his face and up to his ears. His heart melts at the sight. Hunter is happy, and that makes Darius the happiest person in the Boiling Isles. Hunter eventually sits up and smiles shyly. He fidgets with his hands and mumbles a soft, "Thank you." He meets Darius' eyes. "F-For making me laugh. Maybe you're right. Maybe my laugh isn't that bad." Darius smiles brightly and chuckles. "Not a problem, son. Anytime."
Notes: Didn't think I'd end up writing this so fast but as soon as the beginning entered my head I knew I had to write it as soon as possible before it slipped away. So hope yall enjoy!
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I made a tickle "monster" character!
His name is Sprout and he's an absolute sweetheart.
He's a plant guy! He has no organs or anything like that, just a ageless, sentient plant that can modify their body (more on that part later) and feeds on both sunlight and laughter. He uses both he/him and they/them pronouns, but classifies himself as a male.
He's a shy ler! But they're super ticklish themselves and doesn't mind people taking revenge on him!
They're very kind, yet can be crazy brutal. He understands and respects limits of his lees but also wants to tickle the crap outta them! He caters to preferences people have, whether you'd like it gently or intense, They'll do it happily.
When it comes to teases he's a bit shy, but that makes their comments on how cute you and your smile/laugh are all the more embarrassing, because he's being totally honest about it.
You can usually find him (or more likely he will find YOU ;) ) in a forrest, soaking in the sun and or taking a nap.
So back to the body modification, they can basically stretch, transform, and control their entire body, including his viney hair which they like to use as an extra pair(s) of hands or restraints if that is something you're comfortable with.
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ticklishbeans4 · 2 years
okay so if there was anywhere in the toh universe a tk monster would come from, it's the beastkeeping coven! and the two people in the show who handle beastkeeping magic is eber, who is very much a enough of a little shit to 'accidentally' bring one home, and viney, who would be very adamant about making sure it's healthy
so what i can see happening is that during the first few weeks of hunter's stay in the deamonne household, eber is concerned for hunter's mental health. they and darius aren't home all that often during the day (due to them helping run the isles after its political system collapsed), and while hunter hangs out with his friends pretty often, there are large stretches of time where he's just alone
so, eberwolf goes and finds him a tk monster pet thing. but because darius was 'unavailable' and eber was 'going to be late' (blatant excuses), they just leave the egg thing in front of hunter's bedroom door and leave
hunter panics and immediately phones viney, who reassures him that it's completely safe, and explains what it is.
dunno what's better: hunter already knowing what tking is and how ticklish he is and hurriedly and sheepishly cutting the call so that viney won't be able to watch him get his shit wrecked (she already can guess from his furious blushing. she plans to bring it up after the next ee meeting)
or him having absolutely no idea, and her having the time of her life trying to explain what the monster's trying to do, all while hunter whines that he's being attacked and she's just sitting there >:[, and no, he's not pouting (he's enjoying himself, and while he probably wouldn't admit verbally, he feels comfortable enough to not hide it :])
when darius gets home he tries to stand his ground against letting it stay in the house ('what if it sheds!!'), but that softie can't stand a chance between the combined strength of the monster's, hunter's, and eber's puppy dog eyes. he concedes because it makes eber and hunter happy, but as viney starts to end the call, she slyly mentions that the monster loves a good hunt, finding people who either deny their tkish-ness or how much they enjoy it
darius, resident switch in denial, had already left the room, and the house was filled with laughter that day <3
(also its name is pancake. this is very important information)
Oh. My. God. YES!!!!!
I love the idea of a tickle monster pet!! And fully agree that Hunter deserves one!! And Darius denying his ticklishness feels so in character for him lmao!
Though I see him as a ler leaning switch. He much prefers giving tickles to getting them, but he still likes it sometimes if it's someone he trusts!
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lopsicle · 1 year
Writing is hard when your so full of tired sleepy
I got creative with the prompt and I’m not sure if this qualifies as a chase but oh well, I really like this one anyway
Flyer Derby
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Tickletober Day 6: Chase
Fandom: The Owl House
Characters: Lee! Hunter, Ler! Emerald Entrails
Summary: Willow makes a bet with Hunter to see if he could beat the rest of his team. Shenanigans and hijinks ensue. (I love those words :3)
Warnings: Tickle Fic, light restraints at the end, not proofread.
It was becoming increasingly rare that the Emerald Entrails would have the chance to ever practice or play together, which was surprising. Their teammate, Hunter was literally living in the school now but most of them seemed nervous, like they were in the calm before the storm. The Day of Unity hung over them all, their worries about it only becoming worse as Hunter revealed it’s true nature to the rest of Hexside.
That was exactly why it was so important for them to just let loose even if it was just for a little while. Just one evening where everything would be okay, so they could actually experience the calm they’d been so desperate to receive.
This game would be a little different then all their other causal matches of Flyer Derby however. Willow had made a bet with Hunter, the reason unknown to him, maybe she just wanted to see how good of a player he was or just wanted to see him get tickled silly. The idea was Hunter would play against all four of his teammates, the catch being they were only allowed to touch him by tickling him so it was a little more fair, or unfair depending on how you view it.
Hunter, terribly flustered by the idea since he knew his own sensitivity, still accepted for whatever reason. Maybe he wanted to get tickled by Willow, or maybe he just wanted to show up his team in anyway he could. He was probably just too flustered to reject the idea entirely, barely able to word his agreement to her.
And now here he was, standing on the opposite side of the lengthy, trap filled pitch to all his friends, seeming pretty eager to wreck the poor blonde. Anticipation was threatening to plunge deep into his heart as he readied himself, not able to shake that light nervous feeling that buzzed in his mind. The Grimwalker had a tight grip on his staff, his cardinal Palisman sat motionless at the end. It was a bit reassuring to know at least one of his friends was on his side for this game.
‘Don’t you lot have a plan for this?’ Viney asked, leaning back on Puddles as she stroked the Griffin’s neck. ‘That guy is..well was the Golden Guard, do you really think we can just swoop it and steal a victory from him?’ She fretted, but wasn’t met with much worry.
‘Well, maybe we wouldn’t win against any other Golden Guard, but our one happens to be real ticklish, there’s no way he’ll be able to resist this!’ Willow smiled at Viney, placing a hand on her shoulder casually.
‘Oh, and go for his ribs, that’s a killer spot!’ Gus said loudly, making sure Hunter heard, making his cheeks already to a dark shade of red. He squeaked a little under his breath, already thrown off guard and just anticipated would what happen next. Flyer Derby was nerve wracking enough but mixing it with something as silly as tickling…he was just glad he didn’t have an audience, something he’d been fairly insistent on since he wasn’t fond of being tickled out in the open.
Gus then cast an illusion of himself, to act as a makeshift announcer to the centre of the field as the two teams stepped forward closer to the centre of the pitch.
‘The rules for this one are a little switched up to how we usually do it, folks,’ Gus’ illusion smiled widely, keeping his hands behind his back. ‘Hunter will be trying to steal our teams flags, and if he manages that, he wins the bet! Our team, the better team, can only interact with him by tickling him until he surrenders, which is when Willow will win the bet.’
‘If,’ Hunter said, ‘If Willow wins!’ He smirked, trying to alleviate some of his tension by getting competitive.
‘Good luck with that, blondie!’ Skara shouted from across the field, not wanting the opposing team to get the last word in. Hunter just made a ‘hmp’ sound, readying his staff to his side, while his eyes narrowed on the prizes in front of him. Four flags dangling on his friend’s staffs, all he had to do was grab them quickly and he’d be spared from the merciless tickling he was sure to be forced through in this game. I mean, he could handle that, right?
‘Three,’ Hunter hopped on his staff.
‘Two,’ He watched the other side do the same.
‘One!’ In a split second, all four of his friends had managed to split up in other directions, with Gus summoning a cloud of smoke just to make it even harder for him to keep track on who was who. Hunter gritted his teeth a little, feeling a little better now that the game had actually started, but still had the ever looming threat of tickling hanging over him.
The boy quickly took up in the air, his eyes were first set on Skara who seemed like the easiest to take out. Hunter quickly found himself following behind d the bard student, gaining on her at high speed. The girl squeaked as she realised she was a target, sourly regretting trying to get in the last word now.
Hunter waited until just the right moment, keeping all his focus on the flag in front of him, before blipping through the air with the help of his Palisman, grabbing Skara’s flag before she could even process what happened. Once she did though, she immediately plunged towards Hunter, not to regain her stolen item, no, she decided to be petty and tickle him for the Hell of it.
Skara’s nails scratched down from the back of Hunter’s knees down to his calves, making the poor blonde squeal as he kept his legs as still as possible, not wanting to let go of his staff. He sped up, just causing her nails to trail further down his leg, ending up at the top of his left boot which she managed to pry out, letting it fall to the ground.
Hunter huffed as he managed to get away, looking a little flustered now that he was more exposed but at least he was far away enough from Skara now. All he had to do was find the others and-
‘Gotcha!’ Viney yelled triumphantly, wrapping one arm around Hunter’s waist securely. The boy fell back on his staff a bit, having to lean against Viney’s side for support; a parasitic way of pinning someone.
‘Viney, no fair!’ Hunter whined, still trying to wriggle about in her grip but he was quickly shut up by a couple fingers scribbling against his tummy.
‘Oh hush, Hunter, we both know your loving this, you wouldn’t of agreed otherwise!’ The brunette smirked, snaking her hand around his back to squeeze at his sides, forcing him to crash into her even more.
‘N-nahahahaah, I dihihihhidn’t!!’ Hunter tried to protest but it was hard to take him seriously through all his cackling and the fact that his face was just getting redder and redder. Getting teased really threw Hunter off his game, it was like he couldn’t fit clearly when being tickled.
‘Coochie coochie coo, gigglebug!’
Unluckily for him, Viney caught onto this pretty quickly. The babyish teasing was almost too much for Hunter to bear as he felt his ears start to heaten from all the teasing. He curled his arms to his sides and wriggled about in her grip as much as he could but he just couldn’t get away from her.
Gasping, Hunter reached out to his Palisman, Flapjack, and let him return to his normal form, causing his staff to disintegrate right from under him. Hunter swiftly grabbed Viney’s flag as he began free falling, sticking his tongue out at her as Flapjack flew right back down to him, turning back into a staff as Hunter caught him.
‘Ha! I had no idea that would work!’ He smiled, repositioning himself on his staff as he quickly got back into flying around, not wanting Skara or Viney to catch up to him.
Now came the part he was dreading the most. Willow and Gus. Gus’ illusions could cause a real problem for him, he had to be checking just to make sure the flags he had caught so far were real and he was sure the boy was planning something. And Willow…was Willow. The boy had a crush on her for crying out loud, he’d shut down if she even got the chance to tickle him.
Luckily he wouldn’t have to find her, as Willow would find him first.
‘Oh, Hunter! Behind you!’ The girl sang, causing Hunter’s blush to immediately return as he shot around, though he saw Willow just standing there. Standing on her staff.
‘You should be more careful with your illusions, Gus.’ Hunter pointed out casually, immediately darting for ‘Willow’, feeling more confident now that he knew it was just a disguise. But, as he drew near, he failed to realise how well his friend’s mirages has developed as he had not only created an illusion of Willow to throw Hunter off but was concealed just a couple feet to the left of it. And when Hunter drew near, he pounced on him.
The boy jumped from his own staff to Hunter’s, letting his chameleon Palisman nestle up on his shoulders. With a crash landing, he immediately clung onto Hunter, a little scared he would fall.
‘Oh, come on, you totally stole my- mahahahahave!’ Hunter barked with laughter as his friend began squeezing his hips, making him yelp and jump all about. He did consider doing his staff disappearing trick that he used with Viney, but he didn’t want to hurt Gus, probably something the boy planned by jumping onto his staff. The only thing Hunter could really do was sit there and take it.
‘Come on man, just give in, you know you can’t beat me and Willow!’ Gus cooed from behind him, finally beginning to prod at those sensitive ribs of his, making Hunter Damm near shriek and madly thrash about on his staff.
‘EEEK!! WAIHAHAAHT, NAHAHAHA GUHAHAHAHAAHS!!’ Hunter nearly screamed in laughter, barely able to keep a hold of his staff. Gus gripped onto him a little tighter, not wanting either of them to get tipped off. Gus would keep at it, scribbling and scraping at Hunter’s ribs with no mercy and just when the blonde thought things couldn’t get worse, it did.
‘Your really doing a number on him, aren’t you, Gus?’ Willow giggled, flying down next to the sight of the two boys. She casually reached over and took back Hunter’s stolen flags.
‘NAHAHAHA FAIHAHAHAR!!’ Hunter bellowed with laughter, leaning hunched over on his staff to try and get his ribs away from his friend. In return, Willow wriggled her nails against the back of his neck, making him arch right back upwards.
‘Poor boy, I almost forgot you were THIS ticklish,’ Willow chuckled, prodding along one set of his ribs while Gus scratched at the other. Hunter, who had just lost all his progress and was now having his worst spot tagged team by two skilled lers, caved in almost immediately.
With that, Gus hopped back on his own staff while Willow gently helped Hunter back down to the ground, it being a bit hard for the tickled out boy to fly.
‘You know, you handled all that really well! I mean, you managed to best two of our team members and looked good doing it! I’m proud of what you did today, Hunter!’
She smiled at him as the boy blushed more, his smile practically beaming.
‘T-thsnk you, Captain, that, uh, means a lot!’ Hunter cooed as he hopped off his staff, Willow next to him as the rest of the Emerald Entrails stood around them.
Though almost immediately as Hunter stood on the ground, two vines wrapped around his wrists and pulled them behind his back, beneath his shoulder blades. A couple more gently pulled him down onto his knees, all while Willow smirked at his confusion.
‘Don’t tell me you forgot our bet? I’m pretty sure we agreed that if you lost, I get to tickle you for ten minutes!’
Hunter’s whole face went beet red as Willow kneeled down across from him, his eyes wide with anticipation.
I am so shleepy
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