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Lepra | Devil's Blood in Her Tongue
August 2023
#lepra#devil's blood in her tongue#black metal#us black metal#rabm#antifascist black metal#folk#doom metal#album art
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I never get to choose you. 💔
Some Manacled sketches❤️🩹 @senlinyu
#artwork#manacled#fanfic#draco fanfiction#dramione#draco malfoy#draco x reader#art#draco#hermione granger#draco x hermione#senlinyu#lepra
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Mes 25 albums préférés de 2023 classés selon leurs pochettes (1 sur 2)
Qu'est-ce qui influence le plus votre appréciation lors de l'écoute d'un album? Est-ce la musique, les paroles, la vibe, sa signification, l'originalité de sa proposition? 🤔 Biensûr que non, c'est évidemment la pochette! 🙂 C'est pourquoi, une fois de plus, je vous propose une liste de mes albums et EPs préférés de l'année classés selon mon opinion de leur cover. Bonne lecture!
25. Guhn Twei - Glencorruption
(hardcore, environnementaliste, queb)
La musique, les paroles, le message, le nom de band: Guhn Twei ont presque tout pour plaire! Ce goupe de hardcore sort un excellent premier album et celui-ci est entièrement dédié à critiquer et mettre en lumière les actions dégueulasses faites par Glencore, une entreprise dévouée à empoisonner le peuple de Rouyn Noranda et à détruire l'environnement. Le chanteur a tellement l'air en tabarnak sur cet album, c'est vraiment contagieux et je salue leur combat!
fuck votre criss de multinationale de bandits à cravate fuck votre câlice d'usine gang d'osties de pourris sales
Toutefois, pour accompagner leur musique on ne peut plus punk, le band a choisit la pochette la moins punk possible soit: une faites par AI. Exceptionnellement, cette entrée dans la liste sera très longue et je m'en excuse, je ne vous en voudrai pas de passer au numéro 24 si vous ne souhaitez pas lire de longs paragraphes fâchés ou je me vide le cœur. 😅 Bon, tout d'abord, mettons de côté la qualité affreuse et homogène de ''l'art'' AI. L'incroyable difficulté qu'ont ces outils à créer une œuvre esthétiquement belle et complète est un point que l'ont peut aisément critiquer. Quiconque utilise de ''l'art'' faite par intelligence artificielle pour vendre un produit témoigne d'un profond manque de respect envers son auditoire en leur offrant une œuvre horriblement laide, luisante, visqueuse et dénudé de toute once d'originalité. Toutefois, l'aspect technique de ''l'art'' par AI va certainement s'améliorer avec le temps. C'est pourquoi je passe immédiatement à mon prochain point: ''L'art'' par AI est un procédé ultra-capitaliste et n'aura jamais rien d'artistique. Déjà, nous sommes enseveli.es par les déchets AI, essayez de chercher quoique ce soit sur google images sans ajouter ''-ai'' ou ''before:2022'' à votre recherche, et vous allez avoir peine à trouver de véritables références tangibles et réels. Ça me désole d'entrer dans cette ère irréversible dans laquelle l'accessibilité aux échanges sincères et à la création humaine sera extrêmement ardue. Bien que cette réalité me fende le cœur, je ne peux pas dire qu'elle me surprenne. Je ne m'attends à rien de moins des grandes compagnies qui ne cherchent qu'à maximiser leur profits, et je ne m'attends également pas à ce que les citoyen.es moyen.es sachent faire l'effort de différencier l'art réel de la bouilli d'AI. Par contre, je suis abasourdi, triste et en colère quand cette imitation d'art capitaliste est utilisée par d'autres artistes, comme par exemple, des artistes musicaux. En faisant appel à cet outil grotesque, vous manquez profondément de respect aux artistes visuels et vous faites preuve d'un terrible manque de vision. Quand la musique, les paroles, les arrangements et les beats seront également faits en masse par AI, que la spontanéité, l'originalité, et l'émotion humaine sera chose du passée dans VOTRE forme d'art, vous allez peut-être regretter de vous être positionné.es du côté de ''l'art'' instantané. Je comprends que s'opposer au progrès technologique peut sembler idiot, et j'en convient, totalement inconséquent. Toutefois, ce dit ''progrès'' a été pensé pour être bénéfique, non pas aux artistes, mais bien à la classe dominante du sytème capitaliste. Nous nous enfonçons, qu'on le veuille ou non, dans une ère catastrophique pour l'art et j'encourage donc tous.tes les artistes à faire preuve d'un peu de compassion et à cracher sur cet outil. Je vous garantie que n’importe quel pièce d'art, de n’importe quelle qualité, de n'importe quel médium, est infiniment plus intéressante que quoique ce soit qu'un de ces générateurs par AI puissent produire.
Comme disent eux-même Guhn Twei:
parce que ne pas s'opposer c'est se positionner
Bien qu'elles soient collées dans la liste, il existe un gap infini entre cette 25e position et la suivante, qui elle, a la décence d'avoir achevé sa vision en un produit finit.
24. Ragana - Desolation's Flower
(black metal, doom, antifacist)
Super sick album. Il parle de combats importants, sur l'identité queer et la lutte anti-capitalisme et Ragana arrive à les traiter avec une intimité palpable. Autant dans sa rage que dans sa désolation, le duo californien se vide le cœur et propose un projet qui pourrait plaire à n'importe quel.le fan de musique aussi lourde que sensible.
Toutefois, ce cover de type ''faces dédoublées en rond formant une genre de couronne en noir et blanc'' est loin d'être à la hauteur. Pourquoi pas un décor intéressant à la place? Ou un cadrage différent? Honnêtement n'importe quoi d'autre plutôt que ce rond faciale complètement absurde.
23. Cross Check - Demo 2023
(hardcore, queb)
Du gros hardcore montréalais qui navigue habilement les vagues brutales sur des riffs accrocheurs.
Deux joueurs de hockey qui se câlissent des poings sa yeule: ça fait en masse la job. Mais ça reste pas grand chose. Je pense que ça aurait pu être plus impactant de prendre plutôt une photo vintage de la même scène, ça feelerait plus raw.
22. Ashnikko - Weedkiller
(pop, hip-hop, trap, nu metal)
J'ai adoré cet album 🙂 Banger après banger après banger, Ashnikko nous offre un projet très rythmé, agressif et surtout très l'fun! Une odyssée fantastique avec des beats clownesques (WEEDKILLER), metal (You Make Me Sick!) et désertiques (World Eater, Cheerleader). Je recommande chaudement!
Ce cover est fade par exemple, trop muddy. On dirait une scène d'action d'un film de Marvel moyen où le décor consiste d'un skybox laid avec 3-4 vieux morceaux de béton en CGI. Pourtant, il y a moyen de rendre le style post-apocalyptique très beau tout en restant gritty. Je pense entre autre à Mad Max Fury Road qui utilise majoritairement des décors et des pièces physiques pour peindre son univers!
(trap metal, experimental hip-hop, witch House)
Fidèle à ses habitudes, SEMATARY propose ici un album très abrasif. La douce chanson où il chante une sérénade aux policiers est restée en rotation dans ma playlist toute l'année!
Burn a cop car Burn a cop car Throw a molotov Burn that fucking pig alive
Toutefois, le projet manque un peu d'originalité. Il y plusieurs tracks qui ont une influence western, j'aurais bien aimé voir cet aspect exploité davantage.
Le cover est, lui aussi, assez sage et convenu pour un projet du rappeur. Il présente une certaine qualité crasse, mais il semble quasiment faire une pastiche d'autres covers de SEMATARY, sans pour autant accéder à leur niveau.
20. Lepra - Devil's Blood in Her Tongue
(black metal, gothic rock, post-punk)
Très heureux d'avoir découvert ce groupe unique cette année! Lepra propose du rock gothique super sympathique. Mêlant la voix théâtrale de la claviériste avec les screams de la bassiste, le band arrive étonnamment à créer un son cohésif en passant des bouts plus heavy et spooky aux airs post-punk dansants.
La pochette, bien que loin d'être laide, est un peu ennuyante. Je n'ai pas de problème à ce que son format soit adapté pour les cassettes, mais l'illustration manque d'impact en étant réduite à cette taille. Aussi, c'est quand la dernière fois qu'une pochette blanche a été belle?🤐
19. Quadeca - SCRAPYARD I-II-III
(experimental hip-hop)
Parlant de pochette blanche. Quadeca a fait paraître une série de trois EPs nommés ''SCRAPYARD'' et pour en parler j'ai choisi la pochette du II car c'était mon projet favoris du lot. Le grand vide et la qualité aqueuse de l’illustration collent bien au projet, je crois. C'est correct chill mais au final c'est pas grand chose.
Par contre les EPs étaient très cools, la production est champs gauche et elle privilégie une approche sensible à fleur de peau. J'aime particulièrement la track DUSTCUTTER. Les bouttes où Quadeca est comme à bouts de souffle, c'est nice.
18. FUUDGE - …qu'un cauchemar devienne si vrai
(grunge, psychédélique, stoner, rock)
FUUDGE nous a habitué à des projets de très haute qualité et, comme à chaque fois, ils ont répondu aux attentes. Du gros rock sale intelligent et un peu quirky, qui s'assume et qui est lourd que le criss.
Visiblement ce style visuel là, d'illustrations en tons de beige et de bruns, est affectionné par le band. J'avoue que ça me parle pas particulièrement, mais bon ça va. Rendu là faut au moins reconnaître que le groupe s'est créé une identité propre à eux facilement reconnaissable.
17. Dawn Ray'd - To Know the Light
(black metal, doom folk, antifacist)
Dawn Ray'd s'est malheureusement dissout plus tôt cette année, mais tout juste avant, ils ont fait paraître cet album franchement magnifique. J'ai découvert ce groupe avec ce projet, et le moment où ça cliqué pour moi fût à ma première écoute de la toune Freedom in Retrograde. Avec ses airs d'hymne traditionnelle chantées sur un fond folk, les paroles étaient plus évidentes à comprendre que sur les tounes où elles sont geulées . Des appels francs et directs à la lutte contre le facisme et des slogans rassembleurs pour nous accompagner dans ce combat. 😤🔥
Though I have this creeping feeling That the dark is closing in, I still will fight for freedom for every living thing. If you still sing, then I'll still sing If you still sing, then I'll still sing
J'adore la photo sur cette pochette. Si celle-ci avait été utilisée seule, ou presque, je crois que ce cover aurait été beaucoup plus beau: une photo en couleur, poignante, toute en contraste, baignée dans la chaleur et le réconfort d'un feu anti-faciste. Toutefois, le format rectangle bizarre utilisé, le cadre et le texte peu attrayants ne lui rendent pas justice.
16. Maxime Gervais - Torse Nu
(post-punk, rock, lo-fi)
Continuant dans la même lignée que pour ses derniers albums, Maxime Gervais offre un album garage punk-ish, catchy, avec des paroles sympathiques, absurdes et sensibles. Mention spéciale à la chanson Déjà vou qui évoque, je trouve, les meilleurs scènes d'un coming of age movie qui n'existe pas.
La pochette est chill, mais ce petit bleu pâle ne me revient pas. Je pense vraiment qu'avec un autre choix de couleur ce cover aurait pu être plus attrayant. C'est tu juste moi?
15. Banshee - BIRTH OF VENUS
(club, witch house, trap metal, féministe)
Après Fairy Metal et Fairy Phonk Banshee livre ici un projet aux sonorités plus house, sans biensûr délaisser son côté plus agressif. On passe facilement d'une grosse toune trap metal (YES ALL MEN) à un banger house (take me to the oceanside), puis à un heureux mélange des deux (BIRTH OF VENUS). Pourquoi choisir entre danser et rager quand on peut faire les deux!
L'art de la pochette est en parfaite concordance avec l'artiste. Une légende vengeresse face à laquelle on ne peut qu'être admirateur.trices.
14. Frost Children - SPEED RUN
Frost Children s'est bâti un son assez similaire à des artistes de pop maximaliste tels que 100 gecs. Le duo livre de solides bangers, mais il a de la difficulté à créer un album complet qui soit efficace, la deuxième moitié de SPEED RUN en est la preuve.
Je vous le cacherai pas, on est pas mal dans la partie plate de la liste: Le milieu. Ici reposent les covers qui ne sont ni horribles, ni géniaux. Celui-ci, par exemple, est cute et il fit bien avec la vibe désorientante de l'album, mais il a été monté bizarrement.. l’amas d'éléments en haut est un peu random.
13. Yameii Online - CANDY
(digicore, hip-hop, rap, vocaloid)
Yameii Online est une rappeuse virtuelle programmée par Deko (artiste que nous allons d'ailleurs revoir un peu plus tard). Cet album est super l'fun, il donne le goût de gamer et de faire le party!
Le cover est exactement à l'image du projet: super cute, coloré et remplit de personnalité avec tous ses petits personnages. Il feel toutefois un peu unidimensionnel, dans le sens qu'il n'apporte absolument aucune subversion par rapport au genre de musique qu'il représente, c'est exactement à quoi on s'attend.
Partie 2 de la liste (#1 à 12) 😎👉👉
#Bandcamp#Youtube#palmarès musical#pochettes#cover art#montreal#guhn twei#ragana#cross check#ashnikko#sematary#lepra#quadeca#fuudge#dawn ray'd#maxime gervais#banshee#frost children#yameii online#acab#anti capitalism#feminism#antiracism#anti facist#fuck ai art#goubzette
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✨ Art by Lepra for ff ‘Prometheus’ by Dashimba ✨
A second later, he feels a weightless touch: Granger brushing his outgrown fringes off his forehead.
"I'm glad you're here. Next to me."
On a January morning, Hermione wakes up not in her bed, but on a lonely island in the middle of the ocean. In this place, terrifying creatures are just one of the mystical mysteries she has to solve. Surrounded by best friends and longtime enemies, Granger tries to get off the island and find the answer to the question: how did they end up here?
This story is about love, choice and death.
And about whether the sacrifice of one wizard is worth the well-being of millions of people.
I finally managed to go on with the translation. You can check the first three chapter on the site.
#dramione art#dramionefanfiction#draco art#dramione#dramioneart#dramionfic#hermione granger#draco malfoy#Prometheus#lepra_art
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Taggable authors: @aneiria-writes, @senlinyu, @anastraa, @provocative-envy, @thatblondebitvh
Part 1/3
Artist: @lepra-art
#fanfic#hp#hermione granger#ao3 fanfic#harry potter#dramione#draco malfoy#draco malfoy x hermione granger#dramione fanfic#dramione fanart#fanart#harry potter fanfiction#hp fanfic
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Was scrolling today and found some beautiful art done of my Fanfiction by @lepra-art
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“Deberíamos tratar de ser los padres de nuestro futuro, no los descendientes de nuestro pasado”
Miguel de Unamuno
Fue un escritor y filósofo español, nacido en Bilbao en septiembre de 1864, en su obra, cultivó una gran variedad de géneros literarios como novela, ensayo, poesía y teatro.
Fue el tercer hijo y primogénito del matrimonio de un comerciante y su sobrina carnal diecisiete años más joven.
Estudio filosofía y letras en la Universidad de Madrid y concluyó sus estudios en 1883 a la edad de 19 años. Un año más tarde, obtiene su doctorado mediante una tesis sobre la lengua vasca, titulada “Critica del problema sobre el origen y prehistoria de la raza vasca”. Trabaja como profesor de Latín y psicología en un colegio de Madrid.
La filosofía de Unamuno no fue sistemática, sino una negación de cualquier sistema y una afirmación de la fe en sí misma. Se formó intelectualmente bajo el racionalismo y el positivismo, y durante su juventud, escribió artículos que mostraban claramente su empatía con el socialismo.
Su pensamiento religioso se ha inscrito dentro del existencialismo cristiano, cuya escuela de pensamiento se remonta al filosofo danés Soren Kierkegaard. No obstante, para él la muerte era algo definitivo, siempre estuvo en gran conflicto con la fe y la racionalidad, entre la necesidad de la fe y la razón que niega tal fe.
Para Unamuno, el sentimiento y la razón eran como el agua y el aceite, es decir, no se podían mezclar “Piensa el sentimiento y siente el pensamiento” decía.
En la poesía, se le considera un gran poeta del post romanticismo, el arte para el eran una forma de expresar las inquietudes del espíritu, en donde en la novela y en sus ensayos refleja su angustia espiritual y el dolor que provoca el silencio de Dios, el tiempo y la muerte.
Fue un gran epistológrafo, solía escribir tres o cuatro cartas diarias, y solamente en la actual casa museo de Unamuno, hay veinte mil cartas recibidas. Durante la época franquista, muchas de sus cartas fueron desechadas por miedo.
Los últimos días de su vida, los pasó bajo arresto domiciliario en su casa, en una de sus últimas declaraciones dijo “España está tan asustada de sí misma, horrorizada. Ha brotado la lepra católica y anticatólica, … Y aquí está mi pobre España, se esta desangrando, arruinando y entonteciendo…”
Murió repentinamente en diciembre de 1938 en su domicilio. Su epitafio reza; “Méteme, Padre Eterno, en tu pecho, misterioso hogar, dormiré allí, pues vengo deshecho del duro bregar”.
Fuentes Wikipedia y Philosophica.org
#españa#bilbao#miguel de unamuno#citas de reflexion#frases de reflexion#notasfilosoficas#citas de escritores#escritores#filosofos#notas de vida#poetas#poetas contemporáneos#citas de poetas#citas de la vida
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"You know what I loved most about your mother? She could always help me find light in the darkness."
fanarts: blvnk, avendell, adra-art, lepra-art, UptheHill, cherrydore, mandymma, nawazzart, steee.v
#astoria greengrass#astoria malfoy#drastoria#harry potter#harry potter and the cursed child#hp#cursed child#hpcc#draco x astoria#draco malfoy#edit
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So You Got a Boyfriend?
So, You Got a Boyfriend? https://ift.tt/izp1tLN by sarahsempra “So, you got a boyfriend?” More laughter fell from her lips at the same time that a light sensation of fairy wings fluttering erupted deep in the core of her stomach. “Why? You want to ask me out on a date?” The question barely left Hermione before the man on the phone answered. “Maybe. Do you have a boyfriend?” Another smirk tugged on the corner of her lips. Bringing her hand up, she twirled a strand of her dark chocolate curls around her finger as she spoke. “No.” Words: 4030, Chapters: 3/3, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/M Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Additional Tags: Consensual Non-Consent, primal play, Knife Play, ghostface mask, Blood, degradation kink, slight praise kink, Roleplay, mask kink, Mudblood as Part of Degradation Kink, Plot What Plot, Text Messages, Inspired by Lepra's Art, halloween fic, The Group Chat is Done with Dramione's Digital Exhibitionism via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/ejGLUcf October 20, 2024 at 09:23PM
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tomando mate y… pensando…
#ossos de lepra#my posts#my art#yeh sorry i forgot his gay little earring in the first one#lepra (banda)
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🌟 Artist Spotlight 🌟
We are excited to announce our next artist @lepra-art!
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Baldwin IV of Jerusalem: "The Leper King"
Baldwin IV, more commonly known as the "Leper King", was King of Jerusalem from 1174 until his untimely death in 1185. He was admired for his willpower and dedication to the Latin Kingdom, even while suffering from the damaging effects of leprosy, which would eventually leave him blind and unable to use either his hands or feet.
Baldwin would develop the first symptoms of leprosy - an infection caused by slow-growing bacteria called Mycobacterium leprae - but a diagnosis was avoided at the time due to the stigma of the disease. He would eventually be diagnosed after his accession to the throne on the death of his father, King Amalric.
Count Raymond III of Tripoli would rule the kingdom in Baldwin's name until he reached the age of majority in 1176. Soon after he became King, Baldwin planned an invasion of Egypt, which would quite quickly fall through due to the uncooperativeness of his vassals. Saladin would in turn attack Baldwin's kingdom in 1177, but would be repelled by the king and the nobleman Raynald of Châtillon at Montgisard, earning Baldwin much fame.
The young king would master horse riding despite gradually losing sensation in his extremities and was able to fight in battles until his later years.
Leprosy excluded Baldwin from ever marrying. He hoped to abdicate (renounce one's throne) when his sister, Sibylla, married William of Montferrat in 1176, but William would die not long after.
In 1180, to prevent a coup (seizure of power from a government) by Count Raymond III of Tripoli and Prince Bohemond III of Antioch, Baldwin married Sibylla to Guy of Lusignan. Guy was disliked by much of the nobility, and would impair his relationship with Baldwin. The internal discord that would follow forced Baldwin to remain king, as only he was able to quiet the arguing among the nobility.
Baldwin would again repel Saladin in 1182, but by then leprosy had taken his ability to see, walk, or use his hands in 1183. He disinherited Guy and had Sibylla's son, Baldwin V, crowned co-king before having himself taken to lift Saladin's siege of Kerak. Baldwin failed to have Sibylla's marriage to Guy annulled and Guy's fief of Ascalon confiscated.
In early 1185, he arranged for Raymond to rule as regent for Sibylla's son and died before May 16.
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Author's Note: If you have any questions regarding the content in this post, please feel free to reach out to me through the comments section of PMs!
Art Credit: Hellkrusher on Deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/hellkrusher
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I posted 2,753 times in 2022
86 posts created (3%)
2,667 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,600 of my posts in 2022
Only 6% of my posts had no tags
#dramione - 2,387 posts
#ppl! reblog fanarts! - 1,517 posts
#fanart - 1,345 posts
#text - 629 posts
#edit - 237 posts
#draco malfoy - 50 posts
#hermione granger - 49 posts
#gif - 41 posts
#enim enim - 39 posts
#harry potter - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 80 characters
#this blog has been slowly morphing into my complaining about everything dramione
My Top Posts in 2022:
After Gerhard Freidl, I’ve found another Draco fancast I don’t see often enough in manips and aesthetics.
See the full post
238 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
Best Dramione Fics You’ve Read in 2022
It’s that time of the year again!
What are the best Dramione fics you’ve read in 2022?
I’d love to compile a list of your recs and put it in one post. I’d be super grateful if you could leave your suggestions in the comments down below and provide links to your fav fics as well as their titles and authors. ❤️❤️💚💚
2021 list
2020 list
2019 list
251 notes - Posted December 2, 2022
After Gerhard Freidl and Clark Bockelman, it’s time for one of the most popular Draco fancasts: Jeremy Dufour. He’s bloody gorgeous, one of the most beautiful men I’ve seen in my life (I look at his face and see nothing that could be improved), so definitely no canon Draco material, but who cares? A girl can dream, right? Let her have her fantasies.
See the full post
279 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
Do you ever get into plotting your non-existent fic or novel so much you can’t fall asleep? Thinking about my (probably) never-to-be-written stories before sleep is my daily routine, and more often than not, I get so invested into replaying my favourite scenes in my head and adding new details (angsty details, I must add) to my ideas that I just lie awake for hours even though I have to get up early in the morning.
344 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Best Draco/Hermione Fics Dramione Shippers Read in 2021
A few weeks ago, I asked you what were the best Dramione fics you’d read in 2021. Here’s the long list of your excellent, marvellous, fantastic recs (in alphabetical order):
A House in the Country by BoredRavenvlaw620: “That’s it, just no. I’ve done my duty to the Wizarding world. I gave up my childhood, I gave up my dreams, and for what… a tiny cubicle in which I put the Ministry stamp on endless permits. No more. I quit. Effective immediately. I think you’ll find I have ample vacation saved up. I’ll owl human resources on where they can send my check.”She spent her childhood fighting a war she didn't start. Now life is passing her by. What will she find when she makes choices not based off expectation? T, 12 Chapters, 25,871 Words
A Week to Atone (a Hogwarts-era series) by real_jane: Hermione gives Draco a week to atone for all the hurt he caused her for the last seven years. Atonement only scratches the surface of what he does for her. 7 Works, 28,040 Words
A Well-Behaved Woman by femme_ecrivain: Astoria Greengrass can’t remember a time when she didn’t know she would one day be a Malfoy. Her entire life has been focused on one thing only: becoming the perfect wife to the scion of Wizarding society’s most prominent Pureblood family. Not even a war can get in the way of that goal—but her fiancé’s feelings for Hermione Granger just might. On the evening of her engagement ball Astoria’s world is rocked to its foundations and she finds herself facing some difficult decisions. But if there’s one thing she’s learned from Hermione (and Draco) it’s that well-behaved women rarely make history. And sometimes the drastic choice is the only one to make. T, 3 Chapters, 12,229 Words
A Woman of Independent Means by PacificRimbaud: In London, 1851, Draco Malfoy, Earl of Wiltshire, has been tasked with gifting the British Museum with a bequest from his grandfather's estate. Simple enough, but for the mysterious contents of the gift, and the museum staff assigned to receive it. M, 1 Chapter, 5,023 Words
Adrift by In_Dreams: Life is closing in on all sides and Draco Malfoy is drowning in expectations. Something has to give. A chance encounter with Hermione Granger infuses his life with something new―but she doesn’t even remember her own name. E, 45 Chapters, 177,855 Words
An Apparition Condition by ChaosAndCrumpets: Every time Hermione Granger is in close proximity to Draco Malfoy, she is seized by a sudden urge to flee his presence. What on earth could be the reason for that? E, 4 Chapters, 9,538 Words
Anchors In A Storm by inadaze22: Draco’s current mistake—well, it wasn’t simply one, but three—was a chain of seemingly unconnected events that, when spliced together just so, made one hell of a shit storm. E, 9 Chapters, 30,442 Words
And She Was Golden by another_lonely_writer: Their eyes meet just for a fraction of a moment and that's all it takes. All his boxes and walls come crashing down. He’s always been weak in the face of her reality- no matter how furiously he would deny it. Breathe in. Draco Malfoy unravels. Breathe out. E, WIP
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach: It’s not until she’s brought a basil and strawberry sponge cake to Neville Longbottom and his new girlfriend, Hannah Abbott, a dozen rhubarb hand-pies to Luna and Xenophilius Lovegood, and another basket of ganache-covered muffins to Dean and Seamus, that Hermione admits to herself what she’s actually doing: she’s making a thing of this. It’s a veritable PTSD tour. With pastries. And hand-skimmed clotted cream. And she has no idea why she’s doing it, but it’s becoming very apparent that she is.Sometimes you're sad. Sometimes you need dessert. And sometimes, it's a little of both. M, 29 Chapters, 76,720 Words
Be My Baby by OneEqualTemper: Draco’s first marriage ended almost exactly a year after it started. His second lasted only six months. When he comes to the aid of Hermione, a girl 20 years his junior, he thinks he’s finally found a girl who wants the same things as him: Comfort, safety and a Daddy to cuddle at the end of the day. E, WIP
Beginning and End by mightbewriting: Years. Broken into months into weeks into days—into hours, minutes, seconds—into moments. Simple at one end, complex at the other. In Draco’s experience, moments, even when simple, had a habit of becoming irretrievable. Moments grew, stretched, multiplied into ages and eras that defined whole stretches of measurable time. Draco regretted several moments in his life, some within his control, some without: all of them irretrievable in nature. At a certain point, wedged between ‘what-ifs’ of his own devising, he’d stopped trying to keep track of those regrettable moments: now and then, pushing and pulling, coming and going, beginning and end. Moments were only moments for just as long. After that, he had no control. A Draco POV prequel to Wait and Hope. E, 48 Chapters, 241,981 Words
Bells on a Hill by HeyJude19: Left by his fiancée a month before the ceremony, Draco never got his dream wedding, so agreeing to assist Granger with her own wedding planning to distract himself from his broken engagement seems like a great idea—though Draco probably shouldn’t fall in love with the bride-to-be. Based very (very) loosely on The Wedding Singer. T, 7 Chapters, 32,228 Words
Bending Light by scullymurphy: Draco Malfoy was in exile, though they called it protection. It was the summer after sixth year and he'd taken Dumbledore's offer, defected to the other side and been sent away to a small town in Italy for his troubles. No magic, few rules, and not a lot to do -- until Hermione Granger arrived. What do you do when you're thrown into exile with the last person you wanted? You live like there's no tomorrow... M, 29 Chapters, 146,899 Words
Between Certifiable and Bliss by HeyJude19: Strange things, dreams. How much credence should we give to where our subconscious takes us?There were many things Draco did not need in his Sixth Year. He did not need Theodore Nott implanting strange dreams in his head, for one.In the ensuing years, he did not need to constantly remember that blissful, impossible dream. He further did not need Potter bursting into his mostly turned-around life to embroil him in a conspiracy at Azkaban. And he definitely did not need to embark on a clandestine investigation into prisoner mistreatment with Hermione Granger. E, 19 Chapters, 97,712 Words
Bits of Rock and Dust by PurpleSugarQuills: Draco Malfoy doesn’t even like Hermione Granger. Her winning him over had nothing to do with dinners by candlelight, gifts of priceless heirloom jewelry, or whispered affections. She just kept barreling into his office again and again. If he thought about it—which he had, often—there wasn’t ever a chance he’d fall for anyone else. T, 1 Chapter, 4,484 Words
black lines and little white lies by godgavemelou: Draco’s large hand drifts by his collar, long fingers fiddling with the hem as he continues to look back at her. Her eyes shift to look where his hand sits, mesmerized by the size of his hands, the color of his skin, the silver ring that sits on his fourth finger. She’s pretty sure she isn’t even breathing. The entire bar moves around them as they stand frozen in time, completely enraptured in the moment. OR Draco has a new tattoo and Hermione has made it her mission to find out what it is E, 1 Chapter, 6,812 Words
Bring Him to His Knees by Musyc: Draco is on the case of a murderer, but to investigate, he needs a fake relationship - and a kink club play partner. When Hermione volunteers to take the role, both do their best to maintain the lie without letting each other know the truth: neither of them are acting. E, 31 Chapters, 246,196 Words
call it what you want by HawthorneWhisperer: “I need you to have sex with me.” Draco stared at her, sure he had misheard. “Pardon?” Hermione looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. “I have it on good— I have heard— oh bloody hell,” she muttered. “I’m bad in bed. I need practice.” His lungs had entirely stopped working. “Practice,” he repeated dully. “Yes, practice.” “At sex.” “At sex.” “And you came to me why?” “Because what else are we going to do here this month?” M, 14 Chapters, 35,965 Words
Cambridge Blue by CharliPetidei: Hermione Granger's love of stories through the years has led her to an English degree at the University of Cambridge, where a love story of her own awaits between its ornate spires and cobbled streets. Winner of Admin's Choice, and Runner-Up for Fan Favourite, Best Romance, and Best Use of Prompt in Dramione Fanfiction Forum's Sounds Like Dramione comp 2021. E, 8 Chapters, 18,622 Words
Carpathian by niffizzle: The sprawling mountains of the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary offered a perfect chance for renewed self-discovery. Lush landscapes. Majestic beasts. It was intended to be Hermione’s escape. Except, she hadn’t been alone in that plan.Four years had passed since she last saw him, and to her knowledge, no one else in Britain had either. Rumours had sprouted like plants under a Herbivicus Charm after he failed to return for the second half of their final year at Hogwarts. Even Hermione hadn’t been able to resist the question in nearly every student’s mind: Where had Draco Malfoy gone?Apparently, she now had the answer. E, WIP
Choice and Chance by ChaosAndCrumpets: An accident in the Department of Mysteries leaves Hermione Granger stranded in a world not quite her own, her only companion the unknowable Draco Malfoy. Together, they learn who they truly are by virtue of who they could have been. M, 30 Chapters, 116,968 Words
Come Let Us Adore Him by ikindaneedahero: Hermione Granger scoured the subreddits, perused the checklists, and read virtually everything possible on how to be an all star Congressional intern and staffer. She had her job responsibilities well in hand, but instructions on how to handle the attention of an upstart Congressman Draco Malfoy were nowhere to be found. US politics AU: Congressional staffer Hermione, Congressman Draco WIP
Coming Down by nikitajobson, raven_maiden: He knows her, now, in ways no one ever has. He knows the things she’ll say, the things she’ll hide. The things only her body will tell him in a quiet room, when she drowns her sorrows in the feel of him. * Of all the things Hermione thought she'd learn at Hogwarts her eighth year, Draco Malfoy is by far the most unexpected. An art-fic collab with Nikita Jobson. E, 1 Chapter, 4,429 Words
Commonalities of the Coldest Kind by ChaosAndCrumpets: When Draco Malfoy is infected with a terrible Muggle plague*, the only person brave enough to risk death to care for him is his colleague Hermione Granger.*DISCLAIMER: Draco has a cold. M, 5 Chapters, 12,087 Words
Compassion for the Condemned by Ghastly_lemons: The Ministry holding cells were, Draco supposed, like the Cloudhopper training broom he’d had as a child to the Nimbus 2001 of the Azkaban cells. They were clammy and cold, but not glacial. Dingy, but not filthy. Stifling, but not suffocating. Meagre, but not barren. Callous, but not cruel. Depressing, but not nightmarish. - Draco Malfoy has resigned himself to his inevitable fate in the wake of the war; a cell in Azkaban, likely for the remainder of his life. He sees no point in fighting it, but an unlikely someone has decided for fight for him. M, WIP
Contradictions by ambpersand: When Hermione Granger is presented with a problem, she turns to research. Information, hypotheses, and experiments... These are all things she knows and loves, so it should come as no surprise that when she finds herself with a problem in the bedroom, she knows exactly how to find a solution. And it just so happens that the solution is in the arms of a strong and confident stranger, with hands and lips that know just how to drive her body wild. The only problem? They belong to Draco Malfoy, the one person she should never trust. E, WIP
Damn Your Love, Damn Your Lies by AdAsttra: Draco's a Veela, Hermione is his mate. The only problem is that he hates her. E, WIP
Different People by nevertoosweets: Draco had gotten it wrong. He’d thought that they had been working towards something new. He’d hoped, for a brief moment, that there’d be something worth coming back to England for, but they weren’t different people, after all, no matter how changed he felt.Some things aren’t able to be glossed over or set aside. Scars, for example. Hadn’t scars been the thing that started it all? And now it’s ended with two different scars on opposite arms of two very different people and he didn’t know why he'd thought that’d be something either of them could ever ignore.Both scars had only ever caused her pain. M, WIP
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2,240 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
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My Top Posts in 2022:
140 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
Mermaid Hermione 🧜♀️
142 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
Draco and Ron are drunk arguing in the 8th year common room…
Quick short comic based on a scene from HIMYM
160 notes - Posted April 19, 2022
225 notes - Posted April 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
At the library, after hours. 📚 💚
227 notes - Posted April 4, 2022
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Love this art from the talented Lepra
he was her darkness✨
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Lepra zerstört mehr als nur Körper ➡️ https://www.die-tagespost.de/leben/aus-aller-welt/lepra-zerstoert-mehr-als-nur-koerper-art-247272
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