#lepa radic
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Bosnian Serb in the resistant movement was aged 17 when she was killed by the Nazis during World War II
Lepa Radićwas a Bosnian Serb who lived in the village of Gasnica, Gradiska (Yugoslavia). At school she was a hard worker, enjoyed reading and was described as ‘serious’. She became interested in politics due her uncle being involved in the Labor movement and joined the Communist Party of Yugoslavia in 1941, when she was aged 15.
During World War II, in 1941 Yugoslavia and Greece were invaded by Nazi Germany, Italy and ally Hungary. Adolf Hitler intended to overthrow the government of Yugoslavia. The Yugoslav army used out-dated equipment and it wasn’t long before they caved in. There were resistance groups to Germany’s take over, those from the Yugoslav army as well as Communist supporters. There was an uprising in July 1941 by the Communists against German occupation.
In November 1941, Radic and her family were arrested by the Ustase, the Ustase was an organization active between 1929-1945 whose members killed King Alexander I of Yugoslavia in 1934, and killed thousands of Serbs, Jews, and Muslims. With the help of associates, Radic and her sister Dara escaped on 23 December 1941. In February 1943, she helped transport the wounded to a shelter in Grmec.
During a fight she shot at German officers who then captured her. She was tortured for several days, in an attempt to get information and names from her. She was sentenced to death by hanging.
On 8 February 1943, they placed a noose around her neck and she cried out ‘Long live the Communist Party, and partisans! Fight, people, for your freedom! Do not surrender to the evildoers! I will be killed, but there are those who will avenge me!’
In the last minutes of her life, the Germans told her they would let her live if she gave them names of her leaders and comrades. She refused and said, ‘I am not a traitor of my people. Those whom you are asking about will reveal themselves when they have succeeded in wiping out all you evildoers, to the last man.’
Radic was publicly executed, a large group of German men stood around and watched. Her death was photographed by the Germans (the images still survive and are on Google).
#leparadic #yugoslavia #worldwarII
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Lepa Radić impiccata dai nazisti a 17 anni

Lepa Radić è stata una partigiana e antifascista jugoslava di etnia serbo-bosniaca, che ha fatto parte dell’Esercito Popolare di Liberazione della Jugoslavia durante la seconda guerra mondiale.
È stata la persona più giovane insignita, postuma, dell’Ordine dell’Eroe Popolare il 20 dicembre 1951, per il suo ruolo nel movimento di resistenza contro le potenze dell’Asse.
Nacque il 19 dicembre 1925 in un piccolo villaggio vicino a Bosanska Gradiška, attualmente in Bosnia e Erzegovina.
Iniziò, giovanissima, il suo impegno politico seguendo lo zio, coinvolto nel movimento operaio. Dopo aver fatto parte della Lega della Gioventù Comunista di Jugoslavia (SKOJ), a 15 anni si era unita al Partito Comunista di Jugoslavia.
Il 10 aprile 1941, con l’invasione della Jugoslavia, le potenze dell’Asse instaurano uno Stato fantoccio chiamato Stato Indipendente di Croazia, che si estendeva nei dintorni di Bosanska Gradiška. Dopo una serie di rastrellamenti, nel novembre dello stesso anno, Lepa Radić e la famiglia vennero arrestati dall’organizzazione fascista croata Ustascia. Grazie all’aiuto di alcuni partigiani sotto copertura, riuscì a fuggire dal carcere insieme a sua sorella Dara e decise di arruolarsi nella Settima compagnia, Secondo Distacco Krajiski.
Nella grande battaglia della Neretva fu catturata e, dopo giorni di torture per estorcerle informazioni, condannata a morte in quanto bandita antifascista.
L’8 febbraio 1943 venne impiccata dai nazisti, aveva 17 anni.
Mentre aveva cappio legato al collo, i suoi aguzzini nazisti le offrirono di avere salva la vita se avesse tradito e confessato i nomi dei suoi compagni.
Lei rispose che non era una traditrice, e che i suoi compagni si sarebbero rivelati quando sarebbero venuti a vendicare la sua morte.
Le sue ultime parole furono:
Lunga vita al Partito Comunista e ai partigiani! Combattete, gente, per la vostra libertà! Non arrendetevi ai malfattori! Sarò uccisa, ma c’è chi mi vendicherà!
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'On 8 February 1943, Lepa Svetozara Radic, a 17-year-old anti-Nazi partisan from Bosnia-Herzegovina was captured by the Germans. As the noose was tied around her neck her captors offered her her life if she gave up the names of her comrades, but she responded that she was not a traitor and her comrades would reveal themselves when they avenged her death. On 11 February German soldiers reported the execution had taken place and that the "bandit" had "shown unprecedented defiance". This is our archive of World War II resistance movements'
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safety is so important, but rebelling is so freeing
#vent#was already used to the rules of 'dont go out at night' and 'stay on busy and well lit paths'#on one hand i want to be stealth#on the other defiance is empowering#the story of lepa radic is one that inspires me to keep fighting#it's terrifying right now#and you have to do what you need to to stay safe#but i don't want to hide#i just want things to be okay and for people to truly be free#i've gotten those kinds of looks for my bag with a flag on it
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Lepa Radic, a 17 year old Serbian girl about to be hanged. She was asked by the Nazis where her accomplices were, to which she replied, “You'll know them when they come to avenge me.” 1943
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How are you helping the women's liberation movement? Such a access to abortion clinics and so on... I rarely see you post anything that has to do with women unless it's about trans women and other non-binary afabs...
Hey there Anon, we are an anti-fascist social media collective consisting of ten people in eight countries. We've been doing our thing since 2014. In that time we have: -been documenting and tracking hate-motivated violence targeting women. -provided legal defence funding to 100 feminists arrested in Germany for stopping a fascist march against abortion access (via The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund) -provided additional support (via the Defence Fund) to this teacher, this other teacher, this woman, this community college staffer, this PNW woman, this waitress, Louise Thundercloud, two moms in SC, this victim of the 2017 Charlottesville terror attack, this BLM defender, Lina, Alissa Azar, Kita and Xvedia, Tabitha, and this Filipina activist, among others. -profiled anti-fascists like Marina Abiol, Hedy Epstein, Jane Elliot, Leah Feldman, Giovanina Berneri, Zora Neale Hurston, Ida B. Wells, Yuri Kochiyam, Natalie Tran, Elizabeth Mironova, Lyudmila Pavlichenko, Magda, Arundhati Roy, Anastasia Baburova, Zinaida Portnova, Marina Ginestà, Heather McGhee, Akilah Green, Fanya Schoonheyt, Sophie Scholl, Tina Anselmi, Faye Schulman, Hanna Bohman, Viola Liuzzo, Joan Trumpauer Mulholland, Maria Kislyak, Maria Dimadi, Georgette Kokoczinski, Irma Bandiera, Franceska Mann, Rebecca West, Lepa Radic, Giovannina Caleffi, and Audrey Hepburn, among others. Still, we could be posting more, of course! Why don't you tag us on posts from your tumblr you think we should reblog/signal boost? (finally, we get a whiff of "all lives matter/TERFishness from your objections about us not posting enough about "women" except for "trans women" - we hope that's not how you intended your msg!
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Il y a 99 ans, la camarade Lepa Svetozara Radic, une résistante communiste antinazie, est née en Bosnie-Herzégovine le 19 décembre 1925. Elle a été capturée en 1943 et s'est vu offrir de dénoncer les noms de ses camarades en échange de sa vie, mais elle a refusé et a été exécutée.
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Lepa Radić adalah seorang pejuang kemerdekaan berusia 17 tahun yang dieksekusi oleh Jerman pada tahun 1943. Pada usia 15 tahun, ia menyaksikan invasi Jerman ke Yugoslavia pada tahun 1941. Meskipun berada di bawah cengkeraman Nazi, rakyat Yugoslavia melakukan perlawanan sengit. Setelah penangkapan dan pemenjaraannya oleh pemerintah boneka Yugoslavia, Lepa Radić dibebaskan oleh pejuang Partisan. Dia bergabung dengan perjuangan mereka, berpartisipasi aktif dalam operasi garis depan gerakan perlawanan, yang berupaya menggulingkan pasukan pendudukan dan mendirikan pemerintahan sosialis. Tragisnya, keterlibatannya dalam gerakan perlawanan pada akhirnya menyebabkan kematiannya. Radic mengambil bagian dalam misi menyelamatkan 150 wanita dan anak-anak, terlibat dalam pertempuran melawan pasukan musuh. Namun, dia ditangkap dan dijatuhi hukuman mati dengan cara digantung. Selama tiga hari sebelum eksekusinya, dia mengalami penyiksaan dalam upayanya mendapatkan informasi tentang rekan-rekan pendukungnya. Meski disiksa, dia tetap teguh dan menolak memberikan jawaban apa pun. Tepat sebelum dia digantung, dia diberi kesempatan terakhir untuk mengungkapkan identitas rekan-rekannya, dan dia dengan menantang menjawab, "Saya bukan pengkhianat terhadap rakyat saya. Mereka yang Anda tanyakan akan mengungkapkan diri mereka sendiri setelah mereka membasmi semuanya. dari kalian para pelaku kejahatan.”
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The courageous 17-year-old rebel who valiantly fought for freedom and was executed by the Germans, 1943. Lepa Radié, at the age of 15, witnessed the German invasion of Yugoslavia in 1941. Due to the country's strategic position during the war, it swiftly succumbed to the invasion. Yet, despite falling under the sinister grip of fascism, the people of Yugoslavia fiercely defended their honor and pride, even to the point of sacrificing their lives.
Following her arrest and imprisonment by the puppet government of Yugoslavia, Lepa Radic was liberated by Partisan fighters. She joined their cause, actively participating in the resistance movement's frontline operations, which sought to overthrow the occupying forces and establish a socialist government. Her role involved transporting wounded fighters to medical facilities for treatment.
Tragically, her involvement in the resistance movement ultimately led to her demise. Radic took part in a mission to rescue 150 women and children, engaging in combat against enemy troops. However, she was captured and condemned to death by hanging. During the three days preceding her execution, she endured torture in an attempt to extract information about her fellow partisans. Despite the torment, she remained steadfast and refused to provide any answers.
Just before her hanging, she was given a final opportunity to disclose the identities of her comrades, to which she defiantly replied, "I am not a traitor to my people. Those whom you inquire about will reveal themselves once they have eradicated every single one of you evildoers." With those unwavering words, the support beneath her feet was abruptly taken away, and she was hanged. Lepa Radic was posthumously honored as a national hero in 1951. She stands as an enduring symbol of freedom, resistance against oppression, and unwavering loyalty.
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17-year-old Lepa Radic before her execution in 1943. When offered her life in exchange for information about her partisan unit, Radic responded with "my comrades will reveal themselves when they avenge my death".
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Lepa Radic Yugoslav Partisan, Order of the People’s Hero
Lepa Radic Yugoslav Partisan, Order of the People’s Hero
Radic was born to a Bosnian Serb family on 29 December 1925. In February 1943 she was captured during a firefight against the 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prince Eugen and was tortured for several days but refused to provide the names of other partisans and was sentence to death by hanging. After the noose was placed around her neck a German officer said he would spare her life for the…

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#Alan Malcher Historian#Alan Malcher Military Historian#Alan Malcher WW2 Resistance#Lepa Radic#Resistance WW2#Yugoslav Resistance#Yugslav Partisan
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The bravest person alive during Ww2
I’m not sure if people have heard of the Yugoslav partisans.But I do know that one of their members was a very brave 17 year old girl. Her name was Lepa Radic she despite her age took up arms against the axis powers. Unfortunately she was killed by the axis powers for treason however her memory in Bosnia and Herzegovina is still alive there is said that a memorial is there in her honor.
In fact my character Barely the gargoyle from friend or foe who is to know is based off of her. Though he is 14 years old I decided to base his bravery off of her.
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Il y a 99 ans, la camarade Lepa Svetozara Radic, une résistante communiste antinazie, est née en Bosnie-Herzégovine le 19 décembre 1925. Elle a été capturée en 1943 et s'est vu offrir de dénoncer les noms de ses camarades en échange de sa vie, mais elle a refusé et a été exécutée.
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Lepa Radić
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