chosenbythecrystal · 2 years
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@leorugiet​ continued from here.
The boy looked just about ready to burst into tears. Another person he loved who was too busy to spend time with him. He was used to it, but it still hurt. He didn’t have many friends – Ignis was his only one – so he often got lonely when the other boy was busy studying. Cor doesn’t send him away though. He picks him up and Noctis nestles close, enjoying the way the hand brushed through his hair.
“Okay.” Noctis chirps, one hand lightly clutching at the man’s jacket. He can wait a moment or two if it means Cor will play with him. He loved spending time with Cor. After his dad, Cor was his favourite. He loved Clarus too, but Clarus had his own kids. Cor didn’t, meaning Noctis could have all his attention.
“Uh-huh! I’ll tell him that.” Noctis isn’t sure why Cor wants him to tell him that, but he will. Next time he sees Clarus, he’ll make sure to tell him. If he had picked up on the bitterness in the man’s voice, he doesn’t show it. “Um...a Ronin! ‘cause they use a sword like you do!”
Noctis accepts the wooden sword with a grin and squirms to signal he wants to be put down.
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“You’re the bestest ever Uncle Cor!”
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strictomiles · 1 year
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@leorugiet​ sent: 58.  DEFEND :  for one muse to save the other from one or multiple assailants.
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One more campfire down, now all there was, was to head back to Lestaullum and rejoin the group. One more day’s travel before he and the Marshall broke off from each other since Gladio had taken on the trials of Gilgamesh and left with a souvenir to tell the tale. He was sticky, still not at his peak from the licking he’d taken. He’d given just as good as he’d gotten and he was damn proud of it, though trying not to strut around like some proud rooster. He took slower steps, a few paces behind Cor, letting the older man lead the way out as he’d been there before and likely remembered the path to a T whereas, Gladio was looking around, inspecting the woods around them. 
Broken tree branches lay in places he didn’t quite remember, the grass freshly pulled to one side or the other. With that pull from the armiger at just the right moment, he carves straight into a cockatrice, heaving and pushing it away from where it had begun to stalk the Marshall.
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“Eyes up, old man!” He shouts, getting ready for another assault from angry talons. Where there was one, there was always a whole flock. “Don’t start slackin’ on me now that we’ve gotten this far.”
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cookignis · 2 years
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What’s this? Are his glaive killing senses tingling? 
@leorugiet​ @aegisregalis​
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ravusnightblossom · 2 years
are you the soldier, poet, or king? ( QUIZ )  
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The King
"There will come a ruler  Whose brow is laid in thorn  Smeared with oil like David's boy.”
Duty. Strength. Resignation. You were told to do things and you did them. The world is something that was put into your hands and that you must deal with - so you will.   You have a rigid back and steady hands, either metaphorically or physically. Is it nature or nurture? You don't know.   You are tired of being steady. You dream of feeling alive. Not that you aren't, but, sometimes, it's hard to remember that there is a heart between your ribs.   Your love is where you breathe. Come on, breathe. In. Out. It starts now.
Tagged by:  @dragcnlxrd (Thank you, boo ♥) Tagging: Hmmm, let’s see... @infideliis @sgarrigh @inimiicus @thewardenqueen @dcllsent @felthubris @leorugiet @call-2-arms (whomever you like!) @strictomiles​ @sylleblosscm​ @matteredloyalty @xfkingsglaive and anyone else who wants to do it, consider this me tagging you!
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painedprince · 1 year
(( @leorugiet SIR??? lol))
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stonecoldmeme · 4 years
[From here, because.  Reasons I guess.]
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“Why would I be? Because of a mark on your arm?” He offered his hand up, although he doubted Prompto would take it, let alone give him the wrist that carried his brand. “Even if I felt fear over something like that… I wouldn’t show it.” He admits it sounds like a brag, but it is true. He wouldn’t show his fear – but he is not afraid. 
Staring at the hand offered, something in him wanted to reach.  To take it.  He’d always trusted Cor, more because Noctis vouched for him than anything, but suddenly doubts were tumbling down on him.  “How am I–  How am I supposed to know you aren’t just waiting for me to show signs that I’m just like them so you can end me?”
That wasn’t fair.  Neither was the way he moved to reach for that hand before drawing his own back, unsure.  “Not that I think you would, and I’m not accusing you.  But I–  That’s the thing, you know?  Not knowing.”
It was probably anxiety.  Probably the fact that he was making it worse all on his own by overthinking, and if he kept doing that then he’d only be a liability.  As if he weren’t always already.  He felt more like curling into himself than reaching out, multiple tiny aborted attempts made to reach before he did nearly accuse, “Bet you’re not afraid of anything anyway.”
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aegisregalis · 4 years
@leorugiet​ liked your photoset:kn0pa: Ignis outfit for Gladio
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“I see you approving of my fashion Marshal.”
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bestchocobro · 5 years
"I hate to spoil it for you, but Wiz does this every year. I just figured you'd like to see it."
…. oh. Well... Cor’s not wrong. And hey, he still took him all the way out here. And it’s still awesome. He feels a little sheepish, but his smile doesn’t fade, even as he rubs at his neck and moves closer to pet the nearest bird behind a wing.
“Thank you. I, uh... you wanna go for a sleigh ride with me?”
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sxrtis · 5 years
{ @leorugiet​ | from here. }
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The name did something strange to her, twisted her stomach in a strange sense of melancholy and guilt almost... As if speaking her mother’s name reminded her of her duty that she was not yet completing -- that she was not even worthy to be mistaken for her.
Luna stared at him in utter confusion, not even flinching when he pulled her close and examined her (a little rough in his annoyance).  The potion stung as it poured over the scrapes on her hands, and yet even that was not enough to draw her from her reverie.
❝You called me Sylva.❞ It was a statement of fact, ignoring his questions, needing to deal with this now.
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hartofbalamb · 5 years
( @leorugiet​ continued from x )
  Squall’s muscles recoiled despite standing firmly in place, the flutter of eyes denoting his surprise at the other’s firm denial. He shouldn’t have been surprised, honestly. It was not as if Cor hadn’t scolded him before. It was not as if the older man had ever taken help easily. 
  “I can look after myself just fine,” came the response, low and a touch defiant for anyone else that hadn’t known him his entire life. A tone he would never have taken in mixed company, outside the Marshal’s office. 
  “I just thought...-” 
  I just thought that after all these years you’d learn that you could rely on me. I can take delegation. You can relax for once in your life...
  Squall’s lips sealed with a measured exhale through his nose and a faint shake of his head, diverting his gaze to the ground with a squaring of his shoulders.  Let it go.
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  “Permission to return to my post, sir.” 
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starsset-dawnrose · 5 years
{ @leorugiet From [x] }
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“Sit down.” He commands Noctis, and produces a set of bandages stuffed in his pocket, holding his hand out. “Give me your leg. It’s bleeding still.” It seemed potions wouldn’t solve much right now. He knelt down, looking up at the other before rolling the cuff of his pants up to his knee and cleaning the blood he could get off.
“… You need to be careful.” He reprimanded. “This is your first time out here in the wild on your own and… the circumstances can’t afford you to slip up.” Cor hesitated over his words. “Perhaps I should stay with you a bit longer.”
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Noctis did as Cor bid with little complaint, not that he could much, letting out a soft hiss of pain at the jostling of his wound. “I was trying to be,” he bit out, perhaps a little harsher than he meant and Noctis’ expression dropped immediately. Cor was just trying to help, and quite frankly he was speaking the truth, he didn’t deserve to be spat at for that.
He knew he was a pampered city-born-and-raised prince, he didn’t even have the experience of camping out in the wilds like Gladiolus and Iris did, the last time he’d been outside of the wall before it fell.... yeah, that had been a disaster.
His lips quirked faintly though, at the suggestion- or was it an offer? “Scared I’ll end up impaling myself on my own sword?” Noctis attempted to joke, but it fell flat. If he was being honest with himself, he was terrified of doing just that, or much worse happening.
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chosenbythecrystal · 5 years
He had gifted Lux a new dog bed, although by now she had multiple, and for Noctis he gifted him something he did not expect to receive. "I've been given permission to let you visit your friends." He tells Noctis quietly. "But behind a glass wall, and through a phone." As if they needed to remind him anymore that he was a prisoner. "It seems a couple of them willingly flew in for you."
Lux seemed grateful for her present all the same and was currently curled up on her new bed, snoring away while Noctis sat nearby at the kitchen table, drinking a mug of coffee. When Cor spoke, Noctis set the mug down, not quite believing what he was hearing. There was a clear look of longing on his face. He hadn’t seen them since Insomnia had fallen to Niflheim and his only contact with them was through letters. Seeing them face to face though…even in a prison sort of environment…it was the best gift he could have asked for.
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“Seriously? That’s…wow.” His voice actually wavered at that and he found himself at a loss for words. “Do you…do you know who’s coming?”
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floweringeclipse · 5 years
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UH,, DMC5 AU bc @leorugiet and i have managed to drag one another deep into dmc hell since 5 released as;eofij. i really just wanted to draw again and this potential AU was too good (esp bc Daemon-Slayer Iris is A Thing). 
check Cor’s verse out here! im rly just a sucker for the Genji Blade’s design so i had to draw it. as for my verse for Iris, here’s the link. she’s out there kickin’ demon ass with her fists (and hoping to run into that Goldstein lady so she can get some sweet demon-slaying prosthesis)
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glhdshero · 5 years
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“Fucking Astrals that was close,” He had been scouting for the Kingsglaive, looking into what was going on with the Nif encampments when he was nearly riddled with gun fire. He’d not expected to have his ass saved by the Marshall. They’d gotten a fair distance away before they stopped for a rest. Drautos was going to kick ream him for getting in the Marshall’s way. 
“Thanks for that,”
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khresme · 6 years
@leorugiet​ -- ;
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Dread exhaustion and a new chapter of grief crystallizing in her psyche weighed her like lead as she walked from the city, having been allotted a few hours at a way station maintained by crown loyalists just before she passed through the check point, the acrid scent of smoke and burning following in her wake. She could still hear them. The screaming. The innocent people who never asked to be in the way of a destructive prophecy, to be butchered by their misguided king. She was Oracle. She was supposed to preserve life, not take it away. It could have been averted. Lunafreya could’ve told Noctis when he was sixteen just as she’d been told, but kept putting it off until it was too late. Now, Regis’ death was on her, too. 
Lunafreya walked like a wraith. A dead thing that was sustained only on the deaths of people she couldn’t save, or had started the slaughter of. Everything she could’ve done, could’ve defied--and now, it was too late. All that was left now was her slow march to her grave. 
Lifting weary eyes, with a glassy gaze and distant expression did she regard the man foretold to wait here. “You’re Marshal Leonis, aren’t you, sir?”
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swcrdlillies · 6 years
@leorugiet  liked for a starter!
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“--- I’m fine. I got it.” He grunted as he attempted to stand up but his knees gave out. He was exhausted, he hadn’t slept, barely ate--- he was pushing himself to the brink and he knew that. But he had to be better. He couldn’t. . . Gladio couldn’t be weak. Not now, not ever. “Seriously, I’m-- I’m fine.” He managed to get to his feet, although a bit shaky. “One more time.” He summoned his greatsword. “C’mon!”
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