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spacespheal · 9 months ago
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Grim and the Prefect are also sleeping in
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kamapon · 11 months ago
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Study time with senpai 🍩🦁
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pixiestickie · 4 months ago
now monthly azujami doodle that i make everytime they happen to appear in twst + a leorugi gift for someone
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cardsweetheart · 17 days ago
Celebration Dinner
S: Leona treats his dorm well when they deserve it. In a dorm full of animals, sometimes that means feeding their instincts as much as their stomachs. When you insist on sitting in on one of these feasts, just be careful you're not mistaken for part of the meal.
Raw meat night sounds worse than it is. The initial thought that comes to mind is dishes coming out in waves. A dorm full of beastmen ripping into rare steaks, claws and all. No cutlery to be seen. Plastic laid down for easier clean up of the mess made of the boys and tables. Uproaring and laughter from the crowd of students. Their reward for passing exams well earned.
Okay, maybe it was a bit worse than you'd think.
Instead it's surprisingly quiet. At least to start. The anticipation a buzz throughout the Savanaclaw dining room. It's sitting at the head table and feeling the tension rising in the air. Snarls and growls of frustration slowly making themselves known as the seconds tick by.
Leona stood next to you, watching over as the masses grow restless. He'd warned you that it would get brutal. That the small bits of kindness that was found in the cracks of the dorm would be lost. He'd do all he could to make sure there was no real danger and that he wouldn't drift too far from you just in case, but he also liked to partake to the fullest. You'd promised you can look after yourself and he shrugged.
Soon the sound starts to become more apparent. It's moved to anger. Restrained frustration. An audience ready to riot at their leader if the hunger is denied any longer. For a moment you realize how out of place you were. How easily you could have just made yourself a sacrifice to some demented magical event you didn't understand.
Once he's decided they've reached the edge, Leona gives the signal. The large doors to the hall open and you hear it. The sound of countless paws, hooves, claws all rushing in at once. The room is overrun by a stampede of wild animals you haven't seen since you've arrived to the campus. Antelope panic to find solid footing. Rabbits dart around the room at an alarming speed. A variety of birds swoop through the air.
You catch the eye of a large buck that led the pack of prey. In a second, you see Leona appear out of nowhere, taking the animal's antlers in his hands and lifting it to it's hind feet. Teeth sink into its neck, and you watch it go limp. A moment shared before the pure chaos breaks.
It's first blood. The king has his kill. The rest of the pack can finally eat.
The first noise you pick up on is the crack of bone. Muscle tearing. Tendons snapping. The final cries falling on deaf ears as starving men dig into their catches. The beginnings of territorial fights solved by a passing fox or hog. Scampering as students you'd been in class with only hours before, chase their dinners like its a game. The wet sound of blood doesn't get the chance to echo in all of the mayhem. As the minutes passed, all you can see is red. The stench of viscera hits your nose and you shift in your seat.
It's dangerous. To feel the way you do in this environment. A hall filled with carnivores in their pure instinctual states. When you look across the table, you spot a familiar hyena. The usual charmer you remember is missing. Ruggie is hunched over a chunk of what you can barely identify as Leona's deer. He truly was a scavenger at heart.
Blood coats his hands. Spreading up his arms. It drenches his clothes. Following the lines of his body, you see the soaked face shredding flesh from its mass. The hints of bone peeking out from between ligaments and marbled fat. Fangs properly on display as they rip through the tender meat. A hunt well worth reveling in. He indulges like his typical starving self, but with a newfound desperation. Scarfing down every morsel he can find like it's going to be ripped away the second he hesitates. A low growl ever present at the base of his throat.
The smallest noise you make drags his eyes to you and you can see how they've dialated. Terrified you've angered him, you begin to slip down into your seat. Hoping if you make yourself as non threatening as possible, he will ignore you and go back to the more appealing meal in front of him.
This does not work.
Even as the overwhelming environment does it's best to distract for you, clearly it's not enough to cover for you. Your hands go to the hem of your skirt, as if pulling it down will disguise the smell of your arousal. You know how disgusting it makes you. How abhorrent it is that all this is such a thing for you. If you'd known it would be such a display, you would've never agreed to attend. Never would've put yourself in a situation surrounded by hunting predators when you're attracted to danger, fear, teeth, blood, violence. The concept of being prey yourself being one of the fantasies that has done nothing but reluctantly bloom in the presence of Leona and Ruggie.
So making eye contact with the equivalent of a wild animal a few feet away as you feel the stain on your panties growing, is not the most ideal situation for you. Especially as he drops the slab onto the table with a sopping thud. Alarms scream in your head when it seems forgotten in favor of your attention. A hand presses against the flooded table and he rises from his chair. A slow lean forward and you wish for nothing but to disappear. Visions of broken necks and torn limbs cross your mind. Ruggie's dripping face breaks your comfort zone. Your chest rises and falls as your heartbeat quickens. You wonder if it's loud enough for everyone to hear or if the pounding just in your own ears. If the pulsing between your legs was as obvious as it felt.
"Hey." His old smile was back, but his voice was not his own. It was low and almost distorted.
Throat dry, you struggle to speak at all, let alone clearly, "Y-yeah?"
His eyes look you up and down. The smallest bit of slack goes to his shoulders, almost like he was intoxicated. A chuckle mixes with intention, "You smell good."
A disgracefully loud yelp comes out of you. Surprising even yourself. The minute that passes is painfully long as you both ponder what the next move is. The room feels quieter. Leona's laugh cuts through it all and you whip your head to face him.
"Shut up!" You shout at him. "I need to go!"
You stand, wobbly and weak on your feet. Praying that you can make it out of the dining hall unscathed. With a single shred of dignity left in the morning. That the entirety of the dorm will simply forget that you were even present this evening. Trying not to slip on pools of discarded elk or boar as you do your best to storm out.
The final mistake you make is looking back over your shoulder. Seeing that your boyfriend's gaze has followed your movement through the room. Eyes glowing and obvious against the newly satiated pack. His hunger remained. You witness his head turn for a moment to look to Leona. Wordlessly they share an exchange. A simple smirk and head tilt from your partner and Ruggie is climbing onto the table. Every nerve in your body screams to run.
You know it will do nothing but urge the pair of them on further, but maybe this was to everyone's benefit. A confession without admission. A discovery made without needing a lengthy and embarrassing conversation. Easier to be thrown in the deep end.
Or in this case, chased through the halls of Savanaclaw as the new prey of choice.
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glidiaxoxo · 9 months ago
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crxmium · 1 year ago
TWST Incorrect Chats #3
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riddle-rosethorns · 1 year ago
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twisted wonderland as textposts 3/?
continuing this series from my main (@data-dork) since i actually have a twst blog now
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(credit to @/alchemivich for the sprite assets!)
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vinbass · 4 months ago
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A few chapters later:
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medyachan · 5 months ago
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kiss kiss kiss 💋
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soup-du-silence · 2 months ago
I've been meaning to do a rec list for a while as part of an initiative to be more proactive about the kind of slow depreciation of fic culture in fandom, as well as being better about leaving comments and second kudos, so here are a few of the TWST fics I've enjoyed this past year
Overthrown | T | JamiKali | 1.5k words (complete)
By @thatgirlonstage
Silk City has become discontent with the Asims. Despite everything, Jamil has never wanted Kalim dead.
This is my favorite JmKl fic. Yeah its 1.5k words. Yeah it’s barely shippy. But it’s such a perfect, condensed encapsulation of who they are, the elevator pitch for the ship, imo. It boils it all down to its essence: Kalim’s unwavering optimism, Jamil’s betrayal, their enduring loyalty.
Jamil’s Expressions, As he Dances | T | JamiKali | 1k words (complete)
By thatsrightdollface
“Kalim watches recordings of the gift performance.”
Short, soft and very sweet. Kalim watches recordings of the GloMas performance to see Jamil, has Kalim-typical thoughts about him.
Borrowed Time | E | JamiKali | 44k words (complete)
By Lalaen
Crowley announces a fun new event he’s already put into motion - Parents’ Tour! Jamil needs to host the Al-Asim at Scarabia dorm, and hide what happened during his overblot, and pretend he isn’t sleeping with Kalim. Not to mention keeping Kalim - no, their entire dorm from letting anything slip.
While I don’t agree with his characterisation of the Asim family, I’m in this one for how horrible and ugly Jamil is. He’s just simmering with disgust and loathing and its very delicious imo. This one played a big part in my own “Oh Kalim likes the brainwashing, obviously” headcanons. Also Rook and Vil are there helping Jamil find his footing! We love the Scarabia/Pomefiore friendship in this house.
I Need You To Be Okay | M | JamiKali | 6k words (complete)
By Lalaen
It’s just Jamil’s luck that the one time someone tries to poison Kalim at school, he ends up getting hit with the full dose. Stabilizing Kalim is something Jamil is used to. Unfortunately, Kalim isn’t good enough at alchemy - or controlling his own trauma response - to return the favour.
Sickfic basically, featuring Jamil being stubborn, Kalim regretting, and RookVil assisting.
Honestly I think all of Lalaen’s stuff is worth checking out so be sure to click through to his profile.
Scales of Contrition | T | JamiKali, LeoKali | 52K words (ongoing)
By Pareidolia
“Jamil returns to the Scalding Sands after a decade. Time doesn't stand still.”
This fic has everything I would normally filter out of my searches: Jamil or Kalim shipped with literally anyone else, those ships with biological babies…but it works and it’s good. Lots of really good world building, political stuff, angst and pining and drama. Missed opportunities and the consequences thereof. The Asim legacy and what it means for Kalim now that he’s a father. Jamil trying to figure out where he belongs. Leona being Leona. (there’s also a second ongoing fic that documents Leona’s POV, be sure to check it out)
The Hungry Heart, The Roving Eye | T | LeoRuggie | 5k words (complete)
By @thatgirlonstage
Five things Ruggie stole from Leona and one thing he gave back.
What it says on the tin! I feel like there’s not a ton of LeoRuggie fic that’s like……sweet? Because Leona is the way he is. I imagine he makes it difficult. But this one is really cute and I like it a lot.
How to Ruin Yourself | T | LeoRuggie | 190K words (ongoing–abandoned?)
By apple_fairy
Your name is Ruggie Bucchi. You are a no-good, lowdown hyena from the slums of the Sunset Savannah. You are quick-witted, prideful, a terror, and a young boy just trying to survive the world. You bend your morals where you see fit, break the world to ensure your survival. You do not suffer from guilt, but only the idea that the world owes you overdue payment, and that you had a right to live just as anyone else does. You laugh where you can. You don't show anyone your tears. His name is Leona Kingscholar. In the beginning all he had been was a prince from the royal family, a name whispered in the markets, a faceless thing for you to hate during your hungry nights. It all begins when you finally meet him at Night Raven College. This is how you ruin yourself.
I grabbed this one off of Hilling’s rec-list and jumped into it without looking at the stats and the first chapter knocked me on my ass and then I quickly realized it was 190K words multichap and hadn’t been updated in 2.5 years, so. Oops. I looooove the prose, great world building and Ruggie characterization, and its second-person(!!!!) and I think it's got a lot of really really great stuff in it! (also it 100% needs an M rating) But I ran out of steam on it somewhere around chapter 16 and I think there are few ways to tackle this fic:
Read chapter one for how they meet, how they connect, as a sort of character study, and stop
2. Read a few more chapters to see how they become a couple, and stop.
3. Read up through Leona’s overblot, see how that affects their relationship, and stop.
4. Continue reading as it was meant to be read, up through the current updates. (I haven’t done this. I lost interest. I very much like the concept that they have a brief, intense fling, become obsessed with power, and it all collapses. It could have ended there and been great, imo, but it’s clear the author wanted to follow them through the rest of the game)
Night Sculptor | E | LeoRuggie | 7k words (complete)
By shoeburn
This room, door locked, lights dim, belongs to the two of them alone. This is where Ruggie belongs. He wants Leona to belong here too.
Doomed LeoRuggie smut. Just fucking SAD, man. But good.
Unexpected Proximity! | T | FloRid | 15K words (complete)
By elo_quentalias
On an otherwise routine trip through the Hall of Mirrors, an unseen student pushes Riddle into a coffin — along with Floyd Leech. Riddle is about to discover just how far his work-in-progress patience can possibly take him.
“Two characters trapped in a tight space.” This is one of those ships that when they interact in canon Im like “hell yeah i get it” but they dont take up too much space in my mind otherwise and I havent found much good fic that helps solidify it as something possible, they always kind of show up in the background of other fics as a love/hate jokey thing. This is a good one though, Riddle has to test his patience and so does Floyd, and it forces them to meet in the middle.
Such A Funny Way to Fall | E | TreyCater | 6k words (complete)
By undeuxtreycater
Trey walks in on Cater having sex. Cater makes sure he does it again.
I do not give two farts about this ship but this is good smut to me. And everything else they’ve written is also good smut about ships I don’t care about. And it’s all they have. And I’m like 95% sure this is a side account just for someone’s TWST porn and Im really fucking mad about that because they have NO bookmarks and an empty bio and how am I supposed to see what else they’ve written?? Why would you do this to your readers? It’s just mean. Anyway Cater’s a whore check it out.
Lavendar haze | T | LilIdia | 3k words (complete)
By la_nuit_porte_couseil
“How is it possible that you have been alive for untold decades yet you’ve never been high?” aka Idia encourages Lilia to try smoking weed. It gets gay.
I don't think the characterization on this one really hits (in op’s defense it's two years old and we had significantly less Lilia then) BUT it's like a really elaborate shit-post with some turns of phrase that live rent free in my brain, worth reading for that alone. I might take “I finished all my panic attacks” with me to my grave.
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punkbunboy · 7 months ago
thinking about Leona going to Vil about feelings and talking to him about all the shit that happened during his overblot (because i hc them as lowk besties, like Leona acts like he hates Vil as much as everyone else but hes secretly pretty close and opens up to him) and him breaking down over the fact that he nearly killed Ruggie. Like Leona getting super fucked up about it all and just getting so upset that he actually hurt the one person that can constantly tolerate him and enjoys his presence, not to mention that he enjoys having Ruggie around too. I just like them okay, they make sick to my stomach /pos
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spacespheal · 26 days ago
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What did you expect?
From this
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kamapon · 7 months ago
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LMAO this time is not my cat, but my local comic store. Whoever put Ruggie on Leona's knees *knew* what they were doing.
~Photo kindly provided by @ivlisu on twitter✨~
Comes from this
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crepus · 5 months ago
the age gap discourse abt Leoruggie is so tiring cuz it's like a 3 year gap at most calm down, but if u say that some will hit you with the "it's not abt that it's about the maturity levels"..... I'm sorry... what
one of the characters in that ship had a breakdown bc he honestly thinks if he doesn't get the big shinny crown he might as well not do anything, and throws temper tantrums when things don't go his way, and is jealous of a TODDLER
and it's not the one that is 17
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stxrgazingattheclouds · 4 months ago
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Starting on tumblr after being of twt, follow me if you like leoruggie
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octahyde · 1 year ago
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i finally got through my backlog of memes i wanted to make hi
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