#leopard print shirt
sassclassnass · 11 months
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pocketknifehandsaw · 8 months
Everything I own is in leopard print now. This is the part of autism they don’t warn you about I guess
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desert-dayze · 2 months
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geeneelee · 1 year
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Although these jeans look worn, the wearer must have had an ass given to them by the mighty Lord himself. That beautiful peach-shaped man-ass has imprinted itself so deep in the fabric you can't but wonder if wearing them would start molding your own vague rearside into a more shapely form as well.
I did the research! The "Pour L'Homme Labourer" pants work as advertised! Compare with the Flare-Cut Trousers on the left.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
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literally burst out into elated laughter to find this is what this outfit has got going on under the coat (the details the costume designers put into this tho!!! the fucking -- rainbow lining that could very well never have been shown off on screen??? hello for god's sake hello who made you go this hard????)
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inktho · 29 days
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karashi doodle
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strayingtogether · 2 months
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240715 © CHROMEANGEL (1, 2)
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xamaxenta · 3 months
New MAS meetcute
Marco attending a very extended family members wedding that, goes to shit as one of the cheapest and tackiest weddings hes ever attended in his life but he showed up according to dress code which is to say he looks fine as hell
But the brides father (the family marrying into theirs) ended up getting blackout drunk and started a fist fight with one of the bartenders, the other family members ended up squabbling about petty shit that also ended up in a physical altercation, someone gets a concussion and someone pulls a knife — its the brides cousin and Marco cant really be a bystander and out of the goodness of his heart intervenes because hes nice like that
He gets socked in the jaw and wakes up in the arms of an angel, hes got dark sun kissed skin and freckles and a million watt smile hes like hey there champ you got got pretty bad huh? How are you feeling? — runs down the entire list of checks name age where am i blahblah
Oh someone called emergency services and Marco couldn’t be more grateful honestly, realises belatedly that the man cradling him is actually a firefighter he thought he smelt something burning before he got knocked out
The actual paramedics show and its supremely unfair that this one is also obnoxiously goodlooking because hes tall blonde broad shouldered and Marcos never been one to fixate on hands but nobodys hands should be that pretty scars or no scars
Marco mumbles something that makes him realise he is so goddamn thirsty, its hot as balls out summer wedding in full black dinner tie jacket bs and too much alcohol does that to a guy, unglues his tongue like what have i done to warrant access into heaven im not even that religious mind you—
The dark haired fire chief laughs, jostles Marco in his big strong arms god, Marco will actively die in a hot second— The blonde Paramedic leans in to smooth a hand over his forehead and declares heatstroke and with the same snide tone criticises the venue as a whole and who even has a peak summer wedding without adequate cooling amenities and god even his voice is sexy the crisp undertone and its like yeah yeah definitely he’s absolutely addled by the sunbeams toogay Um today
Marco gets patched up and gets a nice IV for all his troubles, Fire Chief Portgas and Chief medic (chief paramed?) Portgas sit with him the entire time occasionally rotating out to check on the rest of the dumpsterfire of a wedding and tend to the other injured guests in the meantime, Marco realises hes utterly fucked when one the blonde slips a number in his suit jacket pocket but moments later the dark haired one scribbles his own on the back of his hand
Truly a goner when he witnesses them squabbling behind the back of the open wings of the firetruck over who had managed to give Marco their number first
The thing is the number is exactly the same, it takes Marco the trip home to realise that they werent just close working partners, not roommates or even brothers, but spouses theyd given him each the home number to their shared residence (as spouses)
Ofc he calls them, its Fire chief portgas who answers a little suspiciously at first but when Marco speaks up he can practically hear the fist pump from over the receiver
“So dinners on us.” Ace says warmly and Marco feels his heart catch on the melted insides of his ribcage, its been a while since hes had time to focus on himself and not his career—
How shall he dress for the occasion?
However you like, its tall blonde gorgeous whos taken over the call, but he does have a small request, the trousers he had worn at that now since annulled wedding, had made his behind look particularly attractive so perhaps those paired with some nice shoes?
So a fellow gentleman, Marco can dress to impress certainly, Ace will pick him up at 7 and Sabo will meet them at the venue
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plantwriting · 6 months
Literally like all I’d need for a kian stone cosplay would be a cool red shirt (cant go shirtless because boobs) and to dye my hair blonde. And yet. I cannot find a single cool red shirt. God is cruel.
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beyond-the-kitchen · 9 months
season’s greetings from miles in stripy shirts pt. 3
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pt. 1/pt. 2 for you enjoyment
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cokedupblonde · 2 months
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pt 1/4: little changes (gun park x reader)
...except the main character is goo and reader only plays a role in little dialogue. hear me out.
details: fluffy oneshot, gender neutral reader written in 2nd pov, general canon au, you and gun have been dating for a while in secret
summary: goo starts to notice little changes in gun, influenced by you. the thing is, gun is keeping his relationship on the low, so here are goo's antics of being annoying and trying to find out who you are.
a/n: i wrote this quite a while back before i joined the fandom with this public account but still like it so i wanted to share it :]
"You don't usually wear colorful clothes, do you?"
"Not really. Why're you asking?"
"Oh. Well, I was thinking about how nice this shirt would look on you--"
"I'll get it."
"Wait, you don't have to--"
. . .
"Why do you have so many collared shirts?"
"They're the only shirts I wear," replied Gun, quickly adding, "And stop looking through my closet."
"No, I'm bored. And I won't stop until you hurry the hell up."
Gun sifted through the folders he had scattered about on the table he was standing by. "I can't afford to make a mistake so shut up and be patient."
Goo hummed over him, ignoring and not even hearing the last part of his sentence. "Ooh, more brightly colored clothes! I didn't know you had more. You always wear bland colors." A certain shirt caught Goo's eyes and he picked it out. "Whaaat? What is this? Did you really buy a tacky shirt like this?"
He held up the white shirt--light blue stripes and colorful flowers decorating it--just as Gun glanced over his shoulder to see. He turned away just as fast though, and Goo didn't get to see his expression.
All he got was Gun saying, "As if your clothes aren't tacky?" and then muttering, "Besides, it's a nice shirt."
"My fashion is better than yours." Goo rolled his eyes and went back to staring at the shirt in disbelief. "Also, this is kind of cute, but it's so gross to see in your closet. Why'd you buy a shirt like this? How expensive--" He gasped, seeing the tag on the back inside of the shirt's collar. "This isn't even from a rich brand! Did you buy this at... a normal mall or something?!"
"You sound utterly ridiculous right now. Stop spouting nonsense."
Goo hung the shirt back up, yelling back, "I'm serious! Do you secretly have a strange fashion taste or something?"
Gun sighed heavily. "Why does that even matter? Just go back to being quiet, I still need to focus."
"Alright, alright, just so we can get out of your boring ass house quicker." Goo continued to look through Gun's closet, being more shocked at other articles of clothing he found. Really, just anything that was brightly colored or had some kind of pattern on it.
"What a weirdo... what other secrets is this guy hiding from me aside from his weird fashion taste?"
"You look good like that."
"Not beat up, I mean your hair. Whoever you got in a fight with that messed up your hair, they sure did it stylishly."
. . .
Goo raised a brow, watching Gun mess up his hair he always meticulously slicked back again. It was always by giving himself bangs over his right eye but leaving the rest of his hair mostly slicked back. Almost like he was purposefully styling it that way...? It must've been for someone else and not himself though, because he always complained about the inconvenience having bangs. When the hell did Gun ever do anything for someone else, though?
The blonde shrugged it off and turned back to look at himself in the bathroom mirror, fixing his own hair that got a little messy from a fight they both just finished. Once satisfied, he nodded to himself and smiled before looking over at Gun again.
He had just popped a piece of gum into his mouth and then looked up when he noticed Goo staring.
"What," he said dryly.
Well, since he was asking, Goo wasn't going to shrug it off this time. He was never the type to beat around the bush anyway. "What's up with you, lately? As far as I know, you hate having your hair in your face because it's annoying, especially in a fight, but lately after the end of the day, you always mess it up. Why?"
"Changed my mind," was the only short response he could get.
"Why?" Goo continued to press.
"I don't need to look professional or think about getting into fights when my job for the day is done, correct?"
"Hm." Suspicious, but Goo would take it as an answer for now. Plus, Gun most likely would be too stubborn to answer truthfully no matter how much Goo chose to be annoying.
Instead, he brought his attention to the gum pack Gun was holding in his hand. "How about the gum? What's up with that?"
Gun held it up, seemingly playing dumb like he was asking sarcastically, "Oh, this?" He tucked it into his pocket shortly after, questioning, "Is it illegal to chew gum in South Korea all of a sudden?"
Goo clicked his tongue. "You never chew gum. You hate sweets and chewy things."
At that, Gun went quiet and Goo immediately became even more suspicious about him. Still, he replied after a moment with, "Guess I changed my mind about that, too."
"Sure you did." Goo rolled his eyes and then held out a hand. "Give me a piece, by the way."
"Fuck off." Gun walked past him and Goo quickly slapped his back with the hand he had out. 
He followed after Gun as they exited the bathroom, exclaiming, "Hey! Be grateful I don't feel like pressuring you for answers to your weird habits lately. I at least deserve a piece of gum for that."
"I don't owe you anything."
Goo grabbed Gun's collar for that, threats about to spill out of his sharp tongue until he saw a fear-ridden employee in the distance, clutching on the mop in their hands for dear life.
"Oops, forgot we were in a McDonalds." Goo made a girlish giggle and then waved casually at the employee as Gun continued to deadpan, just chewing on his gum. "Hi! Don't mind us, we won't cause any trouble here." Goo started dragging Gun out by his collar. "Have a good day, random civilian!"
The employee just watched them leave with wide eyes.
"Wow, no cigarettes today?"
"You said the smoke bothered you."
"Ah, right. Thanks for being considerate!"
"Of course."
. . .
"Gum again?" asked Goo, returning from the convenience store.
Gun ignored him.
"Come on, let me have a piece this t--" Goo was answered with a small sting in the face, a piece of gum thrown at him with lightning speed. He frowned, hand swiping to catch the gum before it fell to the ground. "You piece of shit."
"You got what you wanted."
Goo shook his head, beginning to unwrap it. "What flavor is this?"
"Orange!" repeated Goo gleefully, happily placing the gum in his mouth as he balled up the wrapper. He walked closer to Gun and leaned back on the wall with him before lazily flicking the balled wrapper at his partner's head, who made zero reaction. "Didn't think you liked fruity flavors. I thought you would pick mint or something."
"Either flavor is fine."
"Hmph." Goo pouted. "Fruity flavors are too sweet and don't fit a guy like you at all." He paused for a moment. "But I guess it's fine since you're fruity!" Goo laughed at his own joke as Gun rolled his eyes, hands tucking into his pockets.
"Did you buy what you needed?"
"Yeah, we heading back already?"
"It's been a long day." Gun let out a deep sigh. "Let's go."
He was already walking off before Goo could reply. "Jeez, you've been so eager to return home these days." He pushed himself off the wall with a, "Hup!" and tailed Gun, peeking over his shoulder. "What, you got a sweetheart waiting for you at home or something?"
Gun ignored him. Again.
Goo decided to change the topic since what he suggested probably wasn't true anyway. Gun, falling in love? Someone else feeling mutual love for a pervert like him? What a joke!
"Hey, hey, I've noticed you stopped smoking, too."
"I thought you liked smoking."
"Not particularly."
"Huh? Why even smoke then?"
"It relieves stress."
"Okay, sooo..." Goo whistled. "You stopped smoking because now you don't feel stress anymore?"
"Stop asking questions."
Gun's harsher-than-usual tone (because he almost always sounded harsh) irritated Goo to no end, so he quipped, "Sounds like SOMEONE'S stressed."
"Really got the crowd laughing with that one."
"This fucking guy..."
Goo shoved his hands in his pockets before they could start swinging. "Are you replacing smoking with chewing gum or something as a stress reliever? Like a recovering smoke-a-holic or whatever?"
Ignored by Gun for the third time in under five minutes.
Goo decided to let it go. Just for tonight.
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grimini · 3 months
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sigridhawke · 2 years
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Doodling some outfits for upcoming chapter and conceptual one for Yugi am very fond of ✨✨
[A Piece of You: Chapter One] [Tumblr post] [More art and stuff]
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diableasura · 1 year
Obsessed with the shoes the guys wear in one piece cause law and zoro constantly walk around in heels and just as they should mind you
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Fashion icon zoro so true
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larrythefloridaman · 2 years
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been working on the ol design hitlist again! had a GOOD time with these
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