#leona “i miss my wife” kingscholar
lemonrin-i · 7 months
I headcanon that Leona skips royal family/business meetings by going 'Sorry, my wife will get sad if I miss our date tonight. She's really clingy' When in reality he's the clingy one in the relationship and he's too lazy to attend meetings in general
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sunthyme · 7 months
Okay, now is technically the last one before my prefect design lol. OOPS I FORGOR fuck well here they finally are lol...
😭Other Side Characters😭
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I drew so many cutie patooties in this batch omg they're adorable. But first we'll kick off with the Royal Blade characters!
Because I'm not spelling out his whole damn name 💀
(he/she/they/it/ whatever pronouns you can think of lol) Genderqueer - Pansexual
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Teehee I forgot to colour in the damn hair clips... I'm gonna kms /j
- Genderqueer cat. Any character based on the Cheshire Cat is genderqueer to me istg. Chenya is no exception.
- I kept most of her design the same but added in some heterochromia for funsies and used those colours for the hair clips and earrings. Xe is also Hispanic, idk it just felt right.
- Totally has ADHD. The impulsive thoughts are obvious with this one and I think that Neige serves as its impulse control. They made like, a pact of sorts (after their Headmage yelled at Chenya for doing something) that Chenya tells Neige whatever the impulsive thought is and Neige either tell Chenya 'No, you can't do that' or 'We can do this instead'.
- Broke asf. I dunno but I feel like Chenya has like the worst habit of impulse buying you've ever seen so they never carry money on they to try and avoid it at Trey and Riddle's recommendation. It's mostly worked as Neige buys anything Chenya needs when they go out anyways.
Speaking so much of Neige,
🐦Neige LeBlanche🐦
(he/him) Transmasc - Biromantic Asexual
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God I love how Neige came out, look at him!!! He's such a cutie patootie omgomg I love him sm
- Anyways, I was fighting my demons to not make him black and I lost. I dunno, we don't have enough sweet, cute black boys in media and that is a crime.
- I gave him some hairclips with cute lil charms on them and some of those silly little acne patches. Idk if he actually has acne, he totally could, but I think he'd wear them either way to like normalise not be ashamed of it, y'know?
- I gave him some cute little apple earrings which were a gift that Rook gave him after a concert with one of his letters lol. He wears most of the jewelry gifted to him at one point or another but he really likes the apple earrings.
- Has a crush on Vil. Idk how popular of a headcanon that is but as soon as they interacted, I felt like it made sense. I love the one-sided rivalry lmao with Vil hating his ass and he's just like, 'Omg, she's so pretty and cool and smart. Wow, I'm so glad we get to work together so much!' It's really funny ngl.k
- Loves to crochet, knit, and sew. All are kinda skills he picked up while caring for the dwarves but they're his favourite to do. He's made Chenya a few sets of mittens (because for some super mysterious reason, they always go missing) and a quilt at some point.
- Likes anything with apples in it, pies, drinks, you name it. Fall is his favourite season because of apple cider alone (otherwise it'd be spring).
Onto the Kingscholars!
🦁Cheka Kingscholar🦁
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He's so cute!!! I love him omg I'd actually love to babysit him look at those eyes
- I kept his design also pretty on model, darken his skin a smidge and textured his hair to match Leona's. Smacked some dimples and birthmarks on as if he wasn't cute enough already.
- The gold eyeliner is like a royal thing, maybe be specific to the crown line or maybe Leona's just too fcking lazy, probably the later.
- He's actually really good at chess. He's played many games with Leona, even though he didn't get it at first, but now he can beat most people who play him (still not Leona lest he really screws up something). Most of his birthdays, he gets a new pretty chess set and he has a little display of them in his room.
Now for his dad! The only character here without a canon design (as far as I know... which I'm upset about).
👑Farena Kingscholar👑
(he/him) - Heterosexual
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I woulda also made a design for his wife but I don' think she even has a name?? So maybe in the future.
- I based him more on Leona, trying to make sure that Cheka didn't just get his trait lmao. I think that he got his piercing actually after Leona got his because the palace staff were criticising him for it so Farena went and got one.
- I dunno, he's giving bi wife energy. It helps that the women of Sunset Savannah are buff and cool and I'm so mad we never saw them 😭😭😭 I wanna see Leona's sister-in-law so bad ;^;.
- He's not as much into the intellectual side of things like Leona is, would rather defeat people with strength which is why the two really don't get along super well. Though I think it's only perceived on Leona's side, I don't think Farena realises how much hurt Leona's had throughout his life.
- Angst aside, he doesn't get much in the way of free time what with all his royal duties and such. His favourite activities are spoiling his family and getting used as a weight for his wife's daily exercise!
We got even more other family characters incoming...
🐍Najima Viper🐍
(she/her) - Bicurious
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Fair warning, I haven't encountered any of the last three characters lol.
- I didn't change much here either, just added some red streaks to her hair and matched her palette to Jamil's.
- I don't know if her age is ever implied but I think she'd be younger than him by like a year. She went to a different school with Kalim's cousin (who they're like besties).
- I feel like Najima didn't get the same set of exceptions set on her growing up and so her relationship with the Al-Asims, while still not necessarily healthy, was nowhere near as damaging. I think that while Jamil definitely envies that, he'd rather die than make her go through the same thing as him.
Up next,
🧢Mama Spade🧢
(she/her) - Bisexual
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Never met her either 😭😭😭
- I based her off my Deuce design and really just added some more piercings. I actually toned down the blonde streaks but I think they'd both have just a few.
- I believe she has a small business??? Or something? I didn't read the wiki but her hat had a delivery service me thinks but I stan her having a small business.
- She loves her son very much and was super excited when she saw his new piercings. Also, super accepting when he came out, obvi and thinks that while Ace is a bit of a rascal, they do click together.
I don't have a ton for her but I want that event to come back pleaseeee 🙏🙏🙏
🐉Meleanor Draconia🐉
(she/they) Agender - Aromantic Pansexual
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- I had so much fun with her horns. I made them more branchy and I think a full grown dragon (well, like an old one) would basically have a web of antlers. I added some purple to the tips for the 🌸aesthetic🌸.
- Also added some wave to her hair. Malleus looked in her spitting image so I figured I'd give Levan's genes a chance lmao. They're also super tall, probably even taller than Mal herself and especially with the horns.
- I think she'd have left some things that Malleus ended up growing up with not realising they were from her, like a hair clasp, some assorted jewelry, a couple toys and items that Lilia gave him when he was old enough. Pieces of her for him to grow up with, y'know?
Anyways, I'm so sorry for this posting without anything lmao I was real tired last night! Prefect is next on the chopping block!
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Vil: I see... So we wouldn't see Leona become a young dad.
Epel: ...
Epel: Why would you want him to become like that?
Vil: Isn't it obvious? Just imagine seeing Leona carrying his baby when he dislikes children so much.
Rook: Um, Roi du Poison? I think that's not something to say when the wife is here.
MC: *smiles* It's okay. I'm aware.
Vil: Oh? And you still chose him?
MC: Yes. Leona might dislike children but he knows how to take care of them.
MC: That's the reason why Cheka likes him.
Rook: Aww~.
Epel: By the way, Your Majesty?
MC: Yes?
Epel: Since we're talking about children. How many children do you want to have with Leona?
Rook: Such a bold question, Epel.
MC: It depends. It could be one or more.
Epel: One or...more?
Vil and Rook: ...
Vil: You're not thinking of a number, do you?
MC: *smiles* No. Number of children is not something I would be able to guess.
Vil: Fair enough.
Epel: ...
Epel: No, it's not? There's family planning!
Rook: Family planning only applies for those who have no resources.
Epel: ...
Epel: You all rich bastards.
Vil: *stern* Epel.
Epel: S-Sorry.
Lilia: Looks like the end of the world is nearing.
Leona: *has visited Malleus in his dorm* Shut up.
Malleus: What brings you here, Kingscholar?
Leona: My wife wouldn't be in our dorm for this whole week. And my brother said something stupid that's why I'm here.
Malleus: And what is that?
Leona: It's nothing.
Lilia: Come on. We're curious.
Leona: ...
Leona: He said I was not attractive enough.
Lilia and Malleus: ...
Lilia: *bursts out laughing*
Malleus: *who doesn't get it*
Lilia: *slapping his shoulder while laughing his ass off*
Leona: *frowning*
Lilia: Whoo! That's a good one. Anyway, your brother did you dirty.
Leona: I know. Everyone knows I'm more attractive than him. He's just a goof.
Malleus: Then why are you worried about what he said?
Leona: ...
Leona: You see, my wife is two years older than me.
Lilia: So somehow, you think your brother has a point?
Leona: Tch.
Malleus: Why? Is age important?
Leona: Besides our long hair, maturity is a factor as well.
Malleus: I see. I think I understand now.
Malleus: You're a spoiled brat.
Leona: ...
Lilia: You didn't need to go there, Malleus.
Leona: You're dead.
*One week has passed*
MC and Leona: *embracing each other in bed*
Leona: Next mating season, could we just leave the school for a while?
MC: On your senior year, we could do so.
Leona: Good.
Leona: ...
MC: ...
MC: Is there anything else you want to say to me, honey?
Leona: ...
Leona: When you've chosen me as your husband, is it because you think I'm attractive or is it something else?
MC: *nuzzles* Attractiveness and all other things I could think of.
Leona: ...
Leona: Honey?
MC: Yes— Hmp!
Leona: *has kissed her* For the mating season we had to miss.
MC: ...
Leona: ...
Leona and MC: *both blushes in embarrassment*
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Nibbles N Noms
A/N: Leona brainrot that I had to write about. 
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist  
“Leona Kingscholar, now is not the time for your prolonged naps!! The banquet is tonight, and you are REQUIRED to attend!!” 
Although your proclamation was followed by the loud slam of you opening the bedroom door, all you got in response was…
You knew he was well aware of your presence, so much that he didn't twitch from his spot laying on his stomach in bed. 
Well, in your defense it was worth a shot, but you honestly didn't think that would work. 
You walked over to his side of the bed and shook his shoulder. 
This time your voice was soothing and calm, intended to coach a lion out of hiding, “Come on Leona. Your brother requires your presence at this function. We usually skip a lot, but it's imperative you attend this one. Please…” 
He gave a well punctuated snore at the end. 
You hopped onto his back to straddle him before leaning on him with your arms, “You really plan to be stubborn about this, I see.” 
Inside, Leona was laughing.  He had been playing this game long before he married you. Did you think as his new little wife that he would yield one inch on the matter? 
How laughable!!
“Very well. I shall inform your brother on the matter.” 
He felt you move off of him, making him instantly miss your warmth but refuse to wake up. Ah, well, perhaps another time he would….
His eyes shot open. 
Were you really… 
…..nibbling on his ear? 
As quick as it came, it was over, and he couldn't help but to turn his head to peer up at you from his folded arms. 
An extended silence… 
The longer it went on, the more you began to worry. Was it wrong to do that? Both of you were newlyweds, still testing the boundaries and limits. Did you go too far? You had actually read in a magazine that beastfolk had liked their spouse nibbling on their ear. It was a sign of affection and intimacy. 
But now you were being flooded with doubts. 
You gave a nervous laugh looking away from him, “Ahh I'm sorry. T-t-too much? My apologies. Uh, w-we need to g-get ready for uh…uh….” You couldn't seem to stop your voice from stuttering as you went to crawl out of your shared bed. 
But then quicker than you realized, Leona had you pined beneath him, a cocky smirk on his face. You blinked up at him. 
“So, this little mouse must want to play?”  
You adverted your eyes, twiddling your thumbs together, “Ah, s-sorry….”  
Leona chuckled, “For what?”  
Your eyes turned back to him in surprise as he propped himself on the side, looking down at you. His other arm draped over your stomach, pulling you close. His green eyes became half-lidded as he drawled, “Now, where ever did you learn such a move?”  
You didn’t miss how his voice pitched lower, becoming husky, “Uh, a magazine.”  
Leona raised an eyebrow, “Oooooh?”  He raised his hand to hold your chin, making your breath catch as he leaned down. His lips hovering over yours as he almost whispered,  “I'm not sure if you're aware of what exactly you have unleashed.” 
Wasn’t there something you needed to be doing? Why exactly were you in this position? Leona teased you, his lips lightly running over yours.
Just the barest touch. 
You unconsciously rose up, to meet his lips fully, but he pulled back at the last moment, a chuckle escaping him. 
“Most eager, are we?” 
You managed to peel your eyes open with great effort. (Hold on, when did you close them?) 
Wait, you remembered now! 
As he leaned back down, you fought to break the spell, “Leona, the banquet…..”  
You could tell he was annoyed with the verbal reminder as he frowned, “They can do without us. I think I've found something much more entertaining.” 
He dove for your lips then, but someone had to have some restraint, so you pushed at his chest and turned your head, making him release your chin, “How about....you tell me after the banquet? It'll be your reward for showing up.”  
Leona sighed before scowling, “You think I'd wait that long? Remember, you are the one that started this. Shouldn't you see it through?”  
You quickly turned back and pressed your lips to his. He smirked into the kiss and deepened it. You could feel his tail wrapping around your leg in response. You giggled as you heard a low whine when you pulled back. He followed you, a silent plea for more. 
“Patience, my King. Think of how much sweeter the fruit if you wait?” 
That did give Leona some pause as he weighed his options. However, were you seriously not aware of how you looked beneath him, a siren luring him in to your depths?
But then suddenly, the image was broken, and you looked anxious as you glanced at the door,  “Besides….”  
Oh, snap! 
Leona rolled off of you just as Cheka knock and then entered, without waiting for a response. 
You sat up, smiling at your nephew in law. He grinned before running and jumping into bed. Leona flopped onto his back as Cheka crawled on top of him. You giggled. Cheka was cute as jack. 
“Oi brat. What I tell you about knocking and entering? You wait to be addressed!” snapped Leona, carding his hand through his hair.  
Cheka rocked from side to side, “I know, but Father gave super special permission to knock and enter at the same time as long as I announced my presence super loud before doing so. Unca, Auntie you are coming tonight, aren't you? Father says it's a family affair. This is gonna be soooo much fun! I want to hang out with Auntie and Unca!
Your lips twitched as you looked sideways, down at Leona. He stared at Cheka’s wide grin before his eyes shifted to yours. Then he gave a resigned sigh as he shut them, “Yeah, yeah we’ll be there. Now bounce. Me and your auntie need to get ready.” 
You winced in sympathy as Cheka fairly bounced on him. Before the second time, Leona sat up, picked Cheka up but the armpits and deposited him on his feet on the floor besides the bed. You marveled at how smoothly he did this. 
Cheka giggled, “I'll be waiting!! Kiss-kiss Auntie!!” Then he dove over the bed and Leona towards you instead of coming around, to the other side. You saw Leona’s right eye twitch as you humored Cheka with a forehead kiss, making him cheer and finish bouncing his way off the bed. 
“I'll be waiting!”, He cried, running out of your bedroom, the door slamming behind him.
You giggled and gave a fond shake of your head before turning to Leona who was now sitting on the edge of the bed looking over his shoulder at you balefully, “Y'all heathens planned this didn't you?”
You laughed then, “Well, in my defense. Falena did say he was sending Cheka 15 minutes after if I didn't show any signs of progress. I just didn't plan for….. that kind of progress.” 
Leona gave a wolfish grin, “Ah yes. As a herbivore, you have no way of understanding exactly what that entailed. Although…” 
You went hot under his sweeping smoldering gaze down your body, “I'm sure I can find other ways to mimic such a response. Shall we test it out?”  
You jumped up from the bed, making Leona throw back his head and laugh. 
“Just like a skittish gazelle, I see.”  Then he crooked a finger at you, “Come here.” 
“Leona focus!! We can do that later!!” You cried. 
Still, he smirked and continued to crook a finger at you. You pouted before slowly scooting around the bed towards him. When you were in reach, his arms shot out and pulled you to stand in his legs. His arms wrapped around you as he laid his head on your stomach, nuzzling his face, a content sigh leaving his lips. 
You gave a gentle smile as you carded your fingers through his hair, “Ya, my little cub….” pause,”....do you really want Cheka to come back in here?” 
You held back a laugh as Leona growled as he pulled back, “Fine! But tonight I better get my reward for good behavior as you promised.” 
“What are you five?” you really did laugh this time. 
Leona gazed up at you, and your breath caught once more in your throat. He really needed to stop doing this. Wordlessly, he interlocked your fingers and brought them up to gently rub his ears. You watched his green eyes turn smoky as he instructed you. You consciously parted your lips, mimicking him. You were dimly aware of his tail beginning to rub up and down your leg. 
It’s not as if you hadn’t touched his ears before, as you ran your hand through his hair. But this was the first time you were actively touching them. Did it really feel that good to him? 
“Leona…please….” You all really needed to get a grip. 
After a moment, Leona had stood fluidly, his arm coming to wrap around your waist. 
He leaned down and nuzzle his face into your cheek, before pulling back,“Very well, we shall continue this tonight.” 
‘Restraint, girl, restraint!!’ you screamed in your head. 
Leona smirked, “Though, I am okay with….” 
This lion knew exactly what he was doing. 
You huffed and pulled away from him. You turned around, so he would not be in your line of sight, i.e. a temptation. You waved your hand as you willed your voice to be strong, “You will not get out of it that easily! Now, focus, let’s get ready!” 
Leona yawned, “Sure, sure. The faster we do this, the faster I get my prize.” He leaned over your shoulder and suddenly licked your cheek, “And you get rewarded!” 
Leona laughed at how fast his new little wife ran off. 
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Could I get the dorm leader’s reactions to a fem!S/O who punched a student because he was being creepy towards her?
Dorm Leaders + MC Punching Someone
Credits to my precious wife The Miss; I have never punched someone and my wife teaches and does self defense and martial arts, so she helped me out greatly. Work is cut for length purposes.
Warnings: creepy behaviour from NPC students, protective behaviour dorm leaders
Malleus Draconia
Malleus knew it was moments after your last class finished, so why were you late?
Sebek quickly noticed his master, and said that the teacher called for you
He wasted no time rushing to the teacher's room, only for it to be empty…
"I have nothing to do with you!"
He heard your voice, rushing to the source. You were in the gardens with another annoying student…
Unknowingly, he gathered his magic at his fingertips, ready to attack
Your lover witnessed you sucker punch that student right in the nose
What was this? That child of man was deadlier than he thought… and the thought thrilled him
The student scurried away, with a bleeding nose and that was when Malleus revealed himself
He watched as his YN shifted to her timid self once more. Maybe she was embarrassed?
"I witnessed all of it," He said. "My little treasure… you're quite the silent fierce type aren't you?"
You accepted Malleus taking you in his arms. You snuggled into his shoulders, knowing no one was there. "Only to people who annoy me. I'd never do that to you."
He pressed a soft kiss to your forehead, enjoying this moment with you. "As much as I witnessed how capable you were YN, if those punches ever graze your skin, I might not hesitate to skin them…"
You smacked Malleus playfully. "I swear, I can be safe."
Malleus overall was thrilled every time you showed any display of your strength, although you were quite docile with him so he'd have to sneak around to see you pummel some worthless students
Riddle Rosehearts
He was severely upset that your absence caused his unbirthday party to be delayed
He asked for Ace and Deuce to search for you, but he himself found you near the school labs
Oh, how his blood boiled seeing that it was a Heartsyabul student approaching you…
He was about to approach the student and call him off for his rude remarks, but he didn't expect what was coming next
You punched the much taller student in the stomach, and the student hurled over in pain
"You… You-!"
"I dare you to continue that sentence…" Riddle said, stepping out and standing next to you
He shamelessly brought your knuckles to his lips, "Did you bruise your knuckles my Queen?"
The student tried to run away, but Riddle was quicker to respond
"Off With Your Head."
He would certainly have fun punishing the ignorant student later, but for now he had to tend to you
"I never knew you could do that," He admitted, escorting you back to the location of the unbirthday party. "I'm quite surprised."
You shook your head, feeling a bit shy that Riddle of all people was praising you so. "It's self defense. I'm not one to go around punching people…"
Riddle after having knowledge of your skills wouldn't be afraid to leave you alone, and he'd have his little fantasy of you teaching him some physical defense… With you two being close… He can dream can't he?
Kalim Al-Asim
Kalim had you seated next to him during one of Scarabia's parties, enjoying the festivities
Jamil had come over, asking you to excuse your boyfriend as other guests had arrived and were awaiting the host of the events
Kalim greeted the guests, although his voice was slightly strained since all he could think about was getting back to you
As he let the guests roam around, he took one glance at where you were supposed to be…
And saw the view of someone chatting you up…
Well, as the charismatic host he is, he has to put this student in his place-
The student fell onto a small table of snacks after you punched that student from getting too close
"I said," You poured the remaining of your drink on his head. "I don't want to be bothered."
Kalim's jaw dropped at the entire scene, and in his heart he might've been a little afraid of you
As he turned to Jamil, Jamil shook his head. "I didn't teach her that."
After the other servants cleaned the mess up, Kalim approach you cautiously. Giving you a hug from behind
He was relieved feeling your shoulders relax, but he had to make sure…
"YN… Would you punch me if I ever upset you?"
You quickly faced Kalim, holding his face in your hands, shaking your head. "No I won't. That guy was just being annoying…" You gave him a cheeky peck on his jaw. "And how could I ruin this adorable face?"
Kalim didn't mind you punching whoever annoyed you, but he was very impressed that it had gotten to the point where if someone bothered you, Kalim would be on the sidelines cheering at you
Azul Ashengrotto
As the dorm leader who runs the Mostro Lounge, Azul and the Leech twins would be typically busy with the constant rush of customers
In this instance he was grateful that you were willing to help out with the rush hours
He had you and the twins busy taking orders as he organised his contracts
There shouldn't be any troublesome patrons, or that's what he thought…
"Hey! Pretty waitress, why don't you sit with us? I'll buy you a drink!" Some sleazy customer hollered at you
You tried to ignore the students, continuing your duties. Floyd and Jade were too busy to kick them out, but you thought that they could be dealt with later…
From his view, Azul could only watch in disgust as the student dared to pull you to him
Before the student could put his hands on you, you swiped a clean punch across his face
The moment that happened, Azul couldn't help but laugh
The clique of the knocked out student scrambled out, intimidated by the creepy auras the twins emitted, and the way the Lounge owner's eyes pierced their core
You held your wrist in your hand, shaking off the slight pain. Jade and Floyd quickly escorted you to Azul's office area, and Jade even gave you a pat on the head for a job well done
Azul couldn't help himself from hugging you tight, showering you in praises and kissing your hand even though you insisted you weren't seriously injured
"My Angelfish… I should hire you for the Lounge's security instead," He joked, sitting next to you. "Actually… Do as you like! I get quite entertained with that fiery look in your eyes when you do get a hit or two!"
Long story short, you instead worked closely with Azul as a pseudo-bodyguard
Idia Shroud
Idia enjoyed his quiet time, especially quiet time with you, Ortho and video games
He didn't usually go outside, but he would always walk with you after class since you always calmed his nerves
Sometimes, if he was bold enough, he'd ask to walk hand in hand with you after a school day
At times, you could hear the gossip of some students, particularly about Idia…
On one day, Idia had to meet up with Azul due to club work. You decided to meet up with Ortho while waiting for Idia, since Idia wanted to continue his game's story mode with you
Idia quickly finished his business, but as he exited the room, he couldn't help but eavesdrop an interesting conversation…
"Why don't you hang out with us instead of that shut-in of a dorm leader?"
His attention was on the group of boys talking to you, closing in on you
He was caught off guard as you punched the leader square in the nose
"That's for insulting my boyfriend."
Idia had to admit that he got excited over you being so cool! It's like you're the protagonist that rescues the archmage-
Wait… That means that he's the archmage…
After scaring away the group away, Idia ran up to you, hugging you. His jacket covered you both, as you looked up at Idia…
"YN… Thank you…"
Leona Kingscholar
Leona always invites you to laze around, so when you were late, he got irritated
He was competent enough to memorise your schedule, so he knew where you would most likely be
He made his presence known, although he didn't care about the other students in his way
His ears perked up hearing your voice. Why were you in the labs?
He peaked inside to see some boys corner you. Ah… Some students that don't know their place…
"C'mon! Just one date and then you can go to that lion boy toy of yours!"
Oh… Now he was ticked off…
Before he could make a grand entrance, he heard a thud
The student hurled over in pain, clutching his lower half and gasping for air…
Oh… so the little herbivore punched him there…
He couldn't help but laugh, kicking the door open. You immediately went to his side, huffing away from those rude students
As Leona escorted you to his room, he mischievously called you out on it, "I didn't take you for one to go for the crown jewels… You gotta sanitise your hands before touching my sheets though."
You poked Leona's cheek, stopping him from teasing you, "And you, Leona, I might kick yours instead if you don't stop teasing me!"
You yelped, being carried by him. "No can do YN~"
Vil Schoenheit
Vil wondered why you didn't come find him after classes. You'd usually have some afternoon tea with him
He didn't think you'd skip out on purpose, so he commanded Rook to search for you
He also walked around, asking the students in your year whether they saw you or not
He grew anxious, quickening his pace until he heard your voice-
"I don't have anything to do with you, so stop it!"
He turned the corner, seeing you and your arms crossed and a group of students confronting you
One reached out their hand to you, which you retaliated by punching him square in the jaw
The student fell on his other friends, and Vil decided that this was enough
"Ah… I don't think it was wise to mess with my sweet potato…"
The remaining students scrambled to their feet, fearing the dorm leader's magic
"Scram, won't you?"
Vil didn't need to say it twice. The students disappeared, leaving you with Vil
Vil hugged you, patting your head. "My YN… I'm glad that you can defend yourself, but if you continue to do this, your knuckles will be bruised and I refuse to allow that."
You stood on your toes, pecking him on the cheek. "I appreciate the thought Vil."
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tsunonotarou · 3 years
— Leona Kingscholar —
— Malleus Draconia —
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notes — Inspired by @tri3tri ’s amazing Draconia Family Series! When I first found it I gave up sleep just to binge read all of them 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
— This is actually a Leona centered fic but it was inspired by Malleus fics so I’m putting him there (´∀`*)
— I didn’t write what exactly happened so you guys are free to interpret it however you guys want to!
— I deleted the 4k+ words draft that I worked on back and forth in exchange for this I hope it’s the right choice (´・_・`)
: female reader
wc: 1216
*Malleus is a yandere in this piece.
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Your eyes searched for one among the crowd. One man. Hoping to meet summer green eyes and chocolate brown hair. Does he still have his braids on? Is his hair still long? Does he have a spouse now? Like you? Is he even here?
You doubt it. This isn’t something Leona would attend—willingly, anyway—but he said he invited the Kingscholars. Your husband had said so, which explains why you weren’t allowed to go anywhere alone in this party. You were glued to the king’s side, his hold on your waist was secure, tight enough to give you a constant reminder but not enough to raise suspicions as to how rough and possessive Malleus Draconia was of his queen.
For an instant, you thought you saw someone familiar drift through the crowded area, heading towards one of the doors, the doors that led to the outdoor garden. You would’ve convinced yourself that it was your eyes playing tricks on you but that person’s destination tells you otherwise.
Of course, he wouldn’t be the only one to want to go to a garden—out of this suffocating place—but you were too impatient to care. You wanted to see him.
Besides, who else would give up a chance to meet and talk to the king of the Valley of Thorns? Only he would. People were surrounding the two of you and it was uncomfortable, hearing loud chatters and high pitched laughs.
The king is in need of urgent businesses, you heard one of the guards muttered, and your heartbeat quickened at this information. Secretly hoping for his arm to drop and leave your side.
It did, and you immediately took off to find that person after making sure Malleus was out of the room. Lilia was busy with guests, too. You have no eyes on you currently, it was a relief.
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You hadn’t known how exhausted and out of breath you were until your footsteps halted, standing on healthy green grass instead of marble floors and having the evening breeze caress your skin. Your heart was hammering in its cage and you could feel how fast it was beating, how frantic it was. How your hands shook no matter how you try to calm them by clenching and unclench.
There was no one.
You were ready to head back but just a little more, just a little more of searching after all these years. After all that’s happened. You don’t need a conversation, you don’t need to reminisce, just one look, one look and you’ll be satisfied to know how he’s doing—
A surprised sound left you—it was ugly and embarrassing—as you instinctively stepped back, you could still feel the softness of— whatever it was that you stepped on just now.
What has gotten into you? You weren’t this clumsy before but you have been a mess ever since this day came.
“Tsk...getting forced to come to this stupid party and then having my tail stepped...what is wrong with today?”
Clammy hands clenched the front of your dress, gaze slowly cast down, seeing a swishing tail and you followed them, seeing familiar Afterglow Savannah robes.
“Oi, woman. You’ve got some nerves stepping on my tail and not apologize.”
Isn’t this a little familiar?
You sucked in a deep breath, not realizing you were holding them in. Leona took it upon himself to step back a little after he stood to his full height, you’re a little close and you don’t look like you want to get away any time soon.
Weird. Leona thought. Have I met her?
Nonetheless, he was still annoyed at your behavior. Standing there doing nothing but gaping at him like he’s some—
There was something about the way you called his name. Something that made him pause in his place, feeling something but never getting enough information on just what it is.
Your lips trembled and your head quickly bowed, refusing to stare any longer, couldn’t bear to stare any longer. Leona thinks you’re gripping the fabric of your dress a little too tight. Are you alright?
“I’m sorry for stepping on your tail.” The words were out quick but Leona never misses the shakiness in one’s voice, his hearing is exceptionally good, after all.
This doesn’t look normal. This whole situation doesn’t. Leona feels like he’s missing something but he doesn’t know what, and this feeling frustrates him to no end.
He scoffed. “You know me?” He was surprised that someone even knows his name. “Of course I know you.” You said it matter-of-factly, a little too quick.
Leona hummed, shifting his weight to one side as he rested his hand on hip, raising a brow at the lady before him, your eyes hesitantly came up to observe.
He was still the same. You wanted to smile but you probably shouldn’t. You kept them in and for a moment you two enjoyed the silence shared. Leona doesn’t know why he haven’t walked away.
He wants to ask something. Should he? It would be weird, wouldn’t it? No, who cares? He wants answers so he’ll get them.
“Have we—”
“My love.”
Leona growled at the interruption, by him, moreover. His eyes followed Malleus’ arm that snakes around your waist, pulling you close and sending a smile your way.
Malleus turn to face him and Leona could feel his eye twitch in annoyance, he wanted to not meet him, despite being in his territory, he just wants everything to get over with.
Suddenly he doesn’t feel the urge to ask you anything anymore.
“And what business do you have with my wife, Kingscholar?” Malleus emphasized the word, as if fearing his intimate actions towards you weren’t enough to show signs. Leona rolled his eyes.
“Nothing of your concern.” He retorted. Leona had to conceal his surprise at the news. As far as he knows, the Valley of Thorns doesn’t seem to fancy talking about their queen a lot—unlike Afterglow Savannah where both are mentioned and deeply respected.
He also heard rumors that the queen was once a magic-less human being forced turned fae, hence receiving disapproval. How absurd.
“I’m leaving. You’re ruining my mood.” Leona directed the words to his former schoolmate before casting one last glance at you. He walked away, you were silently pleading him not to.
The coast was clear. No one to bother, no one to eavesdrop, no one to interrupt.
“What do you think you’re doing?” Malleus questioned coldly, staring down onto your trembling form on the ground as tears flowed uncontrollably. It’s been a while since he’s seen you being this emotional. It ticked him off, knowing that another man was able to make you feel this much. “Get up, we still have guests to entertain.”
You didn’t move, so Malleus kneeled on one knee beside you, leaning close to your ear before whispering: “I hope you hadn’t forgotten what happened three years ago, and what I am capable of.”
That seems to do the trick, as you have stopped your childish tantrums and finally took his hand to stand back up. Malleus wiped the tears from your cheeks tenderly, his touch ever so cold to you.
“I will discipline you regarding your behavior later. Now, come. Do not make me use force.”
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jasmariswonderland · 2 years
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And now, to conclude Taima’s birthday celebrations, here is her interview! ✨
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Yuulan: Happy Birthday!
Taima: Thanks, Yuu-chan! I hope you have a fun time today!
Y: How are you feeling today?
T: It’s awesome having everyone wish me well and celebrating with me. Though, I felt a little homesick when I woke up. I got a video card from my mom and her friends in the guard and another from my sis. I guess I’m missing them a little more than I thought but don’t worry, I’m in a much better mood now! 
Y: Could you tell us more about your family?
T: Well, before coming to NRC, I lived in a big house with my parents, siblings, grandfather, great grandmother, aunts and cousins. There’s my dad is a famous herbalist and healer and my mom is in the royal guard, in charge of protecting the Kingscholar family. And there’s my other mom, she’s a martial arts teacher and taught me and my siblings all we know about fighting!
Y: Wait, so you have two mothers?
T: You sound surprised, but where I’m from, it’s not odd for some people to have multiple spouses. Men can have more than one wife and women can have multiple husbands, or any combination of that as long as everyone involved is cool with it! I have two natural parents but I love my other mother equally and my siblings love my natural mother too. 
Y: That actually sounds pretty nice in a way, and families come in all shapes and sizes. But since your natural mother works for the Kingscholar family, did you know Leona already before coming to NRC?
T: Only in passing, sometimes my mom would bring me and my siblings to the palace but more often than not he wasn’t around. More likely, we’d run into his little nephew Prince Cheka, he’s a sweet kid, very energetic but I guess that’s how kids should be!
Y: What do you like doing outside of school? Hobbies, interests, etc. 
T: I like most sports and physical activities, swimming, running, martial arts and spelldrive. Both  my moms and my grandpa are very active so I’ve always been involved in some kind of sport. At my old school I was on the track and field club and I joined the same club when I came to NRC. When I’m not hanging with Dani, you’ll usually find me training with Deuce and Jack. Sometimes I join Jack on his morning runs too. It’s nice because he’s always pushing me to be stronger and faster and does’t get mad when I sometimes outrun him. 
Y: Do you outrun your club mates a lot?
T: Every now and then, sometimes they get upset because I’m the only girl on the team and supposedly that means I shouldn’t be as fast. But Jack and Deuce always defend me. And hey, it’s not my fault, I would think they’d want me to be as fast as I can, that’s the only way we can win against other schools! 
Y: Sounds like the track and field club has a good runner on their hands!
T: Thanks, soon NRC will be hosting a track meet with RSA. They may have a seven year winning streak but wait till I step onto the field. It will be glorious! 
Y: Is running something you think you’d like to do professionally? Like maybe being an Olympic athlete?
T: Maybe, there are actually a few things I’d like to in the future but I haven’t decided on one specific path just yet. In addition to being an athlete, I’m also considering joining Sunset Savanna’s royal guard, or maybe even being a professional dancer. 
Y: Oh? Like Dani? Is that how you two became friends?
T: You’re half right, we met about seven years ago. Her family was visiting my country and we met at a concert we were both at. We were both dancing to the same song and ended up bumping into each other, but it was all in good fun! It’s funny, she and I are very different in many ways but dancing is one thing we’ll always have in common. Even if she’s a classically trained ballerina and I’m more of a modern pop and lock type girl! 
Y: Let’s hear your thoughts on Scarabia and your dorm mates. 
T: Whaaa? You want me to answer truthfully? Haha, well my thoughts aren’t that bad, really! I guess the most important thing is my dorm leaders. Kalim-san is awesome and very fun to be around. I often forget he’s an upperclassman because he’s so easygoing and helpful when he can be. I also often forget that his social status is waayyyyy above mine, until Iman reminds me. But even then, it doesn’t seem like Kalim pays that much mind. That’s what I like about him. 
Y: And Jamil?
T: Jamil-san is cool too, he’s a little more reserved and slightly less approachable but not in a bad way. He just seems very focused and I admire that. I once heard Iman mention that he’s a really good dancer, I’d love to see that but whenever we have dorm parties, he’s usually in the kitchen overseeing everything. Maybe one day though. 
Y: What’s your favorite thing about Scarabia? 
T: Kalim’s magic carpet! Being able to us it is way more fun than flight class! Especially when it’s taking me up in the sky and I give it a little boost with my unique magic! Kalim and Jamil hate when I do that but I don’t think the carpet minds, and life’s no fund without a few risks! Within reason! 
Y: I guess so. Thank you for sharing all of that and once again, happy birthday! 
(A/N: Groovy image is an eventual WIP and would be of Taima soaring in the skies on the carpet, summoning gales with Kalim and Jamil looking slightly terrified)
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astralbulldragon13 · 3 years
Son of the Dragon Chapter 1: Tír na nÓg
It had been four years since that one fateful night by the pond, Houmi and Malleus grew closer, and since Crowley couldn’t find a way for her to go home, once she graduated from Night Raven College, she didn’t want to go back. Malleus brought her to his home, telling his grandmother of his intent to marry her. It made Houmi nervous, meeting the powerful Fae woman since she was just a human. Lillia insisted that she would love her. Still, it terrified Houmi because she heard that the great Witch of Thorns was not fond of humans. But to her surprise, the Great Fae smiled at Houmi, despite the little human’s trembling. On the other hand, the Royal Court did not like the idea of their powerful prince marrying a human, and a seemingly magicless one at that. And to hear the boy would sully himself with marrying a human wench, it was unspeakable. 
At the advisor’s insistence, she was roomed in a tower that overlooked the garden, and while it was away from Malleus, it was in much better state than the Ramshackle Dorm. Also, thankfully, her friends came to the kingdom to visit, and was able to connect to the internet with the help of Deuce Spade, so that she could talk with her friends from Night Raven College, as well as taking some classes online, Grim acting as her lap-cat and familiar, after all, the two of them were the Ramshackle student. And now, in the Valley of Thorns, she gained more of a family. Lillia supported her like a father, while Silver watched over her like an older brother, and Sebek, well, he was himself, a strict, brotherly figure that, while still loyal to Malleus, he still looked after Houmi when she was walking the gardens. Many of the members of the Fae court are courteous to her, though it was probably just because of Malleus and his intimidating aura. It seems even in his own kingdom Malleus makes people afraid to approach him. Malleus would speak with Lillia for hours at a time about a wedding. The two of them agree that it would be a small ceremony, with only their friends from Night Raven College. 
The ancient fae enjoyed these conversations, as he was more of a father to the young prince than anyone ever was. There were questions on who the officiant would be, obviously Headmaster Crowley, giving away the bride? They had decided that it would be Leona Kingscholar, who was very protective of the girl, like a younger sister. His groomsmen would be Silver and Sebeck, while Ace and Deuce decided to be Houmi’s Men of Honor, much to the laughter of the whole group. There was a small glen outside of the capital city. The forest clearing was decorated by small fairies, with direction from Lillia and a visiting Vil Schoenheit, little fairy-lights and flowers were draped over tree limbs. The model and actor was adamant about choosing the right flowers. The hangings were braided with edelweiss and borage.Tied around the trees with blue ribbons were cascading bundles of red chrysanthemums, aster and heliotrope. Lillia and his fellow members of the Light Music Club were enchanting instruments for the march. Even Idia Shroud came out of his cave to see one of his dearest friends be married. 
As these friends prepared for the wedding, Houmi tried to get to know Malleus’ family. His mother and Maleficent were very fond of her. Maleficent would call her ‘Little Beastie’, and showed her special ways to spin thread, and the two of them bonded over sewing, teaching Houmi how to make clothes and other textiles. With the help of Vil and Ruggie, Houmi made the outfits for the wedding. Lillia showed her images from old books involving Fae weddings. Malleus’ mother was very inquisitive, asking Houmi about her past that she couldn’t remember very well. The older Fae made certain that her future daughter-in-law was well fed, and that Maurin and the other members of the court did not give her too much grief. There were a few ladies who spoke cordially with Houmi, questioning her about her odd friendships with princes, celebrities, and some of the most prestigious noble families. They also gave Grimm a flood of attention, giggling when he purred and let them put him in stylish bows with a myriad of different fabrics. They would even refer to him as Ser Grimm, protector of the future Queen. The flaming feline loved the attention, and took his newly assigned duty very seriously, especially with the private wedding ceremony. 
On the first full moon of autumn, it was time. Vil and Rook were helping Houmi get prepared. The gown that she had finished was made of lace and tulle, with an off-shoulder neckline that was made from crème-colored tulle, accentuating the collar-bone. The bodice was covered in a fine, alencon lace over crepe fabric, the skirt was made of layers of tulle that fell to the ground. It was truly a wonderful piece, and the finishing touch was a crown of ivy braided with red salvia. A bouquet of red camellias and yellow tulips tied with emerald ribbon was clasped in her hands as she walked into the forest, a small gathering of small pixies were flitting around her face, adding the last bits of make-up and arranging her hair to be perfect to their standards.
Leona stood at the mouth of the glen, dressed in white clothes like what he wore to the Fairy Gala, only the sleeves were made of tulle. He offered his arm to Houmi, a gentle smile on his face. “You ready, Herbivore?” She chuckled, waving away the small sprites weaving her shoulder length, dark brown hair into her ivy crown. “Of course, Leona.” They made their way through the woods to the altar, the creatures of the forest bowed to their princess as she  took as Leona brought her to Malleus, standing under an arch of arbutus, white heather, and blue violets. Behind him was Crowley, his mask and cane missing as he held a small black book that looked like some kind of grimoire. 
Leona sighed as he offered her to Malleus, locking his emerald eyes with the horned prince’s acid green ones. “Keep her safe, Lizard. If you do anything to make her sad, or do her harm, I will personally turn your hide into a rug.”  Malleus smirked, and he held his soon-to-be wife in his arms. “I’ll take a sword through my heart before I let anything, or anyone hurt her.” That seemed to satisfy the lion prince, as he moved to join the others assembled, as Crowley opened his book to the marked page. 
The ceremony was short and sweet, an exchange of vows, and rings of black metal and green stones, placed on their fingers. The kiss was something that sent a spark throughout the glen, a strong wind and glowing lights filled the air, showing the love that Malleus and Houmi had for one another. What they felt, and how their hearts were joined by the strings of fate. They walked back down their makeshift aisle, Grim, Rook, and the Leech Twins threw rice in the air. 
As the moon rose over the treeline, wine was opened, food was served, and music was played. The happy couple danced over the glen, lights glinting over the leaves matching their fluttering heartbeats. Lilia sang in a forgein tongue, everyone clapping in rhythm as Malleus led her in a fast paced, almost-jig. The wedding party went long into the night, the wee hours of the morning chasing the revelers to caravans that they had set up, and the new, royal couple wandering away to the castle. Instead of going to Malleus’ chambers, Malleus walked them to Houmi’s solitary tower. ‘More private,” the young prince said, gripping her hand tightly. Once they were at the stairs at the bottom of the tower Malleus’ scooped up his bride and began carrying her up to her chambers. It was time for them to finish their marriage, and consummate their love. 
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the-crows-typist · 4 years
hi! since your askbox is open may I request a ficlet of leona and fem!mc with the word "crown" please? thank you💖
The Possibilities are Endless
Hello there, dear. I hope you’ll like this one. A little piece where you are the heir to a fallen kingdom and married to the prince to save it.
This piece has an AU where in you, the reader, is the heiress to the fallen kingdom of bird people and is arranged to marry Leona in order to save it. you can say this AU has two concepts in one!
“Another game of chess, eh? Tell me, will you win this one?”
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Your marriage to Leona Kingscholar was purely out of political gain. You, the daughter of the fallen king of the Avian Kingdom and him, the third in line throne of the Kingdom of Beasts. The ceremony was short and the vows were recycled from an old piece love story remembered through the ages, neither of you shared a glance at each other nor neither did you speak during the reception. You didn’t really think that someone like Leona could love you nor did you ever think that someone like you could even love Leona. The two of you were pieces of a puzzle that never matched.
That is, until the both of you decided to play a game of chess.
“Is this a pastime for you, your majesty?” You asked, moving your pawn in the way of his queen as a last ditch effort to protect your king. He moved his queen piece, eating the pawn without hesitation and leaving the king alone and unprotected. “You can call it that. When Farena and I were kids, we would play chess to pass the time.”
Your hand drew back and you gave it a thought, Leona’s pieces greatly outnumbered yours. Your king would be put on checkmate if you don’t do something quickly. “You and King Farena…Interesting. I did not think that he would be into these kinds of activities…As I see him out and about all the time.”
You pulled your king back and Leona retaliated by eating the nearby rook piece. You were slowly losing control of the board. “He likes board games as much as the next person. He’s just not very good at it. His words, not mine.” A small laugh left your lips and you raised your hands. “And this is where I raise my hands in defeat.”
“But you still have your queen to use.”
“True.” You say, tipping the king to fall on its side before looking to the queen piece staying in its position. “But I don’t think a king would want to see his queen suffer just for his protection.” Taking the queen, she placed it near the fallen king.
Leona huffed, taking the fallen king from the board to get a good look at it, scrutinizing the detail of the polished hardwood. “Using your heart in these kinds of situations will guarantee a bitter loss.” He said, you took the queen in your hands as he continued to speak. “Isn’t that what happened to your kingdom, princess? Why you had to marry.”
The grip on the queen tightened and his words bit in and pulled out the memories you so wanted to keep hidden. Your kingdom was falling apart with siege after siege and the straw the broke the camel’s back was when the trusted advisor of your father was assassinated. Your mother, bless her soul, was your father’s last source of comfort and he couldn’t bear to lose her.
So he surrendered, leaving your kingdom in the hands of the enemy. In overwhelming guilt, your father disappeared and soon did your mother follow; leaving you to be the sole heir to the kingdom.
“I don’t expect you to love me.” You put the piece down. “Neither do I expect myself to love you.”
“But I’m going to right the wrongs my father has down and help my kingdom with this marriage.”
Your eyes shined as your stared into his bright green ones. Somehow, it reminded you of emeralds polished to perfection its brilliant gleam contrasting the dull appearance of the second born prince.
Days passed as the both of you bonded over chess, whether it be teaching each other how strategies to gain control over the board, discussing philosophies, or just telling each other funny memories from childhood.
“No, wait, you mean your scar wasn’t from this big epic battle like the stories say?” You asked through your fits of giggles as Leona sighed in embarrassment. Somehow, telling you his personal stories were both a pleasure and an annoyance. “It wasn’t. I actually…I got it by running into a wall.”
“Oh my stars, Leona!” You burst out laughing, holding your stomach as your voice echoed through the halls. “That’s precious.”
Leona grumbled, his lips barely keeping in a smile. “To be fair, I ate too much sugary treats. I couldn’t help it.” You rubbed your eyes of the tears that settled on your lashes, your cheeks darken from the sheer joy you got from your laughter.
“Hey, at least mine wasn’t as bad as the time you got stuck on the tree because you thought it was a good idea to start flight training.” He retorted again.
“I was 5.”
“So was I.”
The chess games then became nights where you would meet him by the balcony to stare at the stars and talk. Your hands in each other’s grasps. “When you’re up in the sky, the world below looks like a river of stars.” You began. “It’s just so different up there. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Leona blinked, looking over to you. “Then why don’t you try to fly up now if it makes you happy.”
You pushed yourself off the ground and bringing your knees to your chest. “If I did…I don’t know how long until I come down. If my parents didn’t then...”
His hand went to yours, caressing the soft skin of your hand.
“I can’t do it. Not now.”
“You don’t wear any crowns, Leona?” His brother, Farena with his wife and son made a public appearance for some time. Little Cheka was sick for a few days and the family decided to walk around the market place so that the little prince could get some fresh air and some sun.
“The royal jewels are only used by the reigning monarch.” On Farena’s head rested the family’s prized crown. The ruby stone shined greatly on the crown of Farena’s head, an emerald on his wife’s, and a tiny diamond on Cheka’s. You hummed out in reply as you walked with him.
“You came here without one. Don’t you wear a crown in your kingdom?”
“I’m not one for certain jewelry. I like bracelets and necklaces, even rings…But never crowns.”
The both of you held hands as you walked through the market, easily losing the royal guard in the crowd. Your wings tucked to your back, making sure it doesn’t bump into anybody and alerting others of your presence.
“Do you like wearing crowns, Leona?”
“I’m fine with it as long as it’s not heavy.”
Both of your hoods went up, hiding his ears and your hair just as the scream of the guards resonated through the crowd.
“Where is his highness and his wife?!”
“I tried wearing Farena’s crown back then. It was really heavy; I’m surprised he doesn’t have stiff neck from wearing it all the time.”
“Search the perimeter. They shouldn’t have gone far!”
The both of you stopped by a flower shop, its products floating in tubs of water. Something catches your eye.
Flower crowns.
“How much for this, madam?” You ask the lady looking after the stall. She was a small thing, quite old but kind looking. “That will be 75 madols for one, miss.” Your eyes widened at the offer then moved to take some notes and coins out of your pocket, handing it over to the nice old lady.
“So, you don’t like crowns that are too heavy…” You fish out a crown of purples, blues, and pristine white. “Then these will be perfect for you, Leona.” You nudged him, your elbow to his. “Come on, you know you like the crown. I can see it in your tail.” You say with a giggle.
“I hate it when you’re perceptive.” Your husband says, his tail swaying in excitement and glee. He removes his hood from his head and bows it. “To think I would have a public coronation.” The stall owner chuckles as you put the crown on him. “I dub thee—“
“Prince Leona, your highness! There you are.”
Leona let out a growl as he straightened himself to look over at the guards running your way. “Why did you stray away from the group?” They asked. “Please, let us go back. Your brother is worried sick.” The both of you exchanged glances and Leona turned around to get another flower crown form the tub. “Alright, alright. Tell my brother to calm down. It’s like neither of us were trained.” He growls, taking your hand and walking back into the crowd.
On his head was the flower crown you gave him.
Your fingers intertwined with his as you walked back to the safety of the royal family’s convoy. “Leona?”
“Let’s play chess later.”
He gave you a smile, one that was not laced with his usual haughty nature. The hold on your hide tightened comfortably. “Sure.”
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alice-angel12x · 4 years
Cherry Blossom wedding PT.2
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"So Darx took over the school to force Y/n into marriage with him," Riddle summarized. 
"What?!" Everyone gasped.
"What so scary about Darx?" Jack asked.
"Darx is currently the most powerful wizard, and he didn't get that title though fair or clean means," Vil explained.
"And as of late he's been looking for a suitable bride," Lilia added suddenly, " I'm familiar with him cause at first he's been taking many fae brides, some I've known personally. Then they disappear suddenly, and Darx simply moves on to the next."
"S-so were dealing with a possible murder," Kalim stuttered in fear.
"Well nobody has ever shown up, and there is no evidence that he killed them. So all those sad souls are still considered missing," Azul clarified.
"We have to rescue her!" Inir and Ortho shouted.
"Ummm," Everyone backed away.
"What?" Inir gasped.
"Why? Please help us!" Ortho begged.
"Look we all like Y/n and we don't want anything bad to happen to her, but we also don't want to be the ones who die pissing off Darx,"  Ace said.
"while Idia always avoids me yet he only asks for me when he's troubled, that's too easy," Vil added.
" It's your "brother"'s problem. Solve it on your own," Leona sighed.
Inir began to tear up and cry out loud.
"Don't worry Inir, If they won't help then I'll do something," Ortho said to his crying friend.
"Hey, hey. You can't do anything just by yourself," Kalim gasped.
"Stimulating patterns to take back Idia Shroud and Y/n Ebonywood. Requirements: Least time of operation...the simulation has been completed successfully. We will now operate the plan. Charging magic energy. Aiming for Night Raven College's main school grounds," Ortho said as he readied his attack, "Magic beam firing in 5... 4... 3... 2..."
" PLEASE STOOOOOP!" Crowley shouted, "Do you want to make our legendary school turn into ruins!? Magic beams are prohibited!
"Since everybody won't help us, I had to do it," Ortho glared.
" ...everyone. Is it okay to decline that easily? If you abandon Shroud and Y/n just like this..," Crowley scolded.
"What should I say? It'll be pointless even if we fought back..," Ace sighed.
"Ah! There they are! Night Raven College's students!" Crowley said pretending to be a news reporter.
" Wh-what is it so suddenly," Ace gasped.
 "I'm a reporter from TBC News! You're a student from Night Raven College, right!?" Crowley continued.
" Eh? Y-Yeah, I am but... wait, close, too close! Headmaster, you're too close!" Ace stuttered
 "Is it true that it's possessed by ghosts? Please answer the question! It'll be featured by tomorrow morning, so let me take some pictures too. Click-click!" Crowley acted.
"Ugh, the flash is too bright!" Ace groaned.
 "I heard a student was abducted? And you abandoned her?"
"I-I have different dorms from the kidnapped person! I don't know anything!" Ace tried to argue.
  "You left him because you weren't close to him? I can't believe you! I need to compile a special feature... Shocking! The dark side of the prestigious school!"
" Whoa, I said stop it! Don't point the camera here!" Ace shouted.
 "Click click click! Click-click! Click!"
"STOP IT! Ace shouted again.
"And so if Y/n doesn't come back, you'll be pressed by the mass and be interviewed no matter morning or noon. I don't want to see my students getting tired like that, or Shroud getting even more stress on top of his possible trauma. Since I'm kind," Crowley warned.
" If you don't cooperate, I'll hack the news channel and put it on the news. I'll write in big marks "The Student Who Abandoned Their Friend" and air it!" Ortho threatened.
"I think the one who would be troubled the most if there's a scandal on the school is you, the school's responsible person, the headmaster," Riddle stated.
"But, it would trouble me. My mother would cry if she saw that news," Deuce sighed.
" Gossips will affect my image as an entertainer. I don't want it," Vil stated.
" It seems that we have to help then," Lilia smiled, " I can't have things like...Malleus, the next king of the Valley of Thorns couldn't save a human to be spread around, and he does hold Y/n in a special place in his heart."
" Yes. As you said, Lilia-sama!!" Sebek shouted.
"Then, everyone! Let's save Shroud and Y/n  from Darx together!" Crowley cheered, "Ah〜〜〜〜 I'm happy that I only have nice students〜〜〜."
" Let's think of a way to save my brother and Y/n together!" Ortho cheered.
"First of all, why don't we talk to Darx," Kalim suggested.
" What a magnificent thought, you are Golden. Though I don't think he would let go of a beautiful maiden like Y/n so easily. If I were in his shoes I certainly wouldn't," Rook smiled.
" In the end, we just have to get him back by force, don't you think?" Leona stated.
 "We all ended up here because we can't do that. Did you forget?" Vil said.
"Yes. We can't "defeat" the ghosts in a face to face battle. They're troublesome as an opponent. Let's avoid a battle with them." Crowley said.
"You know from what I've heard Darx is a narcissistic wizard and happily excepts challenges from anyone," Riddle stated.
"True, a Fae friend of mine challenged Darx to save his lover, but he disappeared along with her," Lilia added.
"Maybe Sam has something useful in his shop," Inir suggested.
So it was off to the school shop and Mr.Sam. Who surprisingly had had something that could maybe help with Darx. A pure white crystal that can undo any spell of a specific caster.
"That was something I did have, but those darn ghosts came by and raided my shop and getting away with lots of my stuff," Sam sighed.
"What they took the crystal too?!" Crowley gasped.
"Yep, but I'll give you advice instead. Darx specializes in summoning and capture Magic," Sam explained, " That is probably why Y/n and Shroud hasn't come back to us yet."
"So I guess the only option is to beat him at a match in hopes to win both student's freedom," Crowley sighed, " Alright those I call, step forward, you will be the first to challenge group to challenge Darx," 
" Trey Clover, Jack Howl, Jade Leech, Floyd Leech, Kingscholar, Schoenheit, and Zigvolt," Crowley called.
"I was so troubled getting chased by ghosts, so this is where you all evacuated," Trey smiled.
" I'm glad we could gather," Jade greeted.
"Headmaster. What are you going to do with we seven?" Vil asked.
"You are all strong with your unique magic, so maybe you can outfox Darx, or maybe you could all challenge him together," Crowley suggested.
"W-what why can't I go? I feel like I'm abandoning my duties as a dorm leader if I let Trey, the vice dorm leader to challenge this mission," Riddle asked.
"What sad you can't be Y/n's knight in shining warmer," Ace teased.
"N-No that not it at all," Riddle denied.
"We don't know what Darx is capable of, and Riddle you heavily rely on your unique magic and we cannot afford to lose you so soon," Crowley explained.
"I'll have the CCTV's footage be connected so we can watch you from the sidelines," Ortho smiled.
"Vil will surely win not only is he beautiful, but he is also strong too. Don't you think so, Epel-Kun?" Rook smiled.
"Eh! I-I guess," Epel stuttered.
(Cafetaria — Wedding Ceremony)
"*chuckle* What a beautiful day today, and not so powerful without this pendant protecting you," Darx smiled as he grabbed Y/n's chin.
"Keep this out of her reach," Drax ordered a troll servent.
Y/n simply glared at the man, he had placed a magic seal on to keep her in place and to prevent her from using her magic.  Y/n dressed to the nines in a beautiful wedding dress that Drax's troll servants put her in.
As Y/n stood in her frozen spot she noticed that all the short troll servants looked at her with sorrow and pity as they stood next to her. Drax had seven troll servants and an army of ghosts. Drax was still ordering his ghost and monster servants around trying to get the ceremony ready. Y/n sighed as she looked over at the front row seating area to see Idia struggling at his bindings that tied him to his seat. A similar seal was cast on him too.
"SOMEONE SAVE US—-!!!" Idia cried out.
" I suddenly got surrounded by ghosts, got roped and tied up... and now I have to watch a friend get forced into marrying some brute?" Idia said in fear, " A brute that might kill her soon."
"Not fish, how about beef served at the wedding?" Drax said as a troll servant stepped up with her tray of food.
Drax chuckled as he took a fork full of beef all the while the strolls stood nervously and uncomfortable in front of him. Drax growled in disappointment that the food tasted cheap and knocked the plated out of the hands of the troll and dropping food onto his servant.
"Soon I'll have a new wife, and hopefully you won't disappoint me," Drax said simply as he looked over to Y/n, who only glared at him.
Idia wanted to hurl at that sentence as side glared at his kidnapper. Suddenly a ghost rushed over to Darx with some urgent news. Apparently, some NRC students came to challenge him for "His bride's hand". Drax laughed as he ordered the ghosts to let them in.
"You hear that Y/n, Were going to be saved," Idia smiled in relief at his friend.
Soon the seven students quickly barged through the door demanding to challenge Darx in magical combat.
"So you all think you can take what is soon to be mine," Darx laughed.
"The marriage hasn't happened yet, so Y/n doesn't belong to anyone," Leona growled.
"And a rude brute like you doesn't deserve a lady like Y/n," Jack added.
"Plus forcing women into marriage is a disgusting trait," Vil glared.
"So you're her friends I'm assuming," Darx said simply in a bored tone, " Look dear all your friends have come to watch our marriage.
The boys looked up the alter to see a beautifully dressed Y/n staring at them with a relieved smile on her face at the sight of them. The boys could feel their hearts flutter in their chests at the sight of here. Oh, and there was Idia in the front row.
"Darx we challenge you to a Magic duel, If we win You will set our friends free," Trey said in a serious tone.
"hahaha, I can't wait to squeeze the lights out of him," Floyd laughed.
"Challenge excepted,"  Darx smirked.
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mobagehelllocal · 4 years
While reading leona's part in “wendy?” “hello peter pan” i thought for a split second that mc's green eyed daughter was Leona's child and thus that mc didn't know she was pregnant when she left the mirror ! 😯
Oooh! Honestly, I hadn’t really intended it to seem that way.
To really explain this, I have to go into my image of Leona, and why I chose to portray him as is. This will contain spoilers for those who haven’t read “wendy?” “hello peter pan”, so please avert your gaze if you have yet to read it!
This is also lengthy, so if you want, I put a TLDR at the very bottom. HAHAH.
PS: to make something clear, Twisted Wonderland is a work of fiction. Therefore everything—from story to character is truly up to interpretation. I’m just giving a reasoning behind why I chose to write Leona the way I do. At the end of the day, I will not begrudge you for portraying Leona differently from me. I just really want to share the way I understand him. Perhaps this could help, perhaps it won’t—either way it was fun to think about this. ^^
I knew from the start that I wanted the daughter to be the image of what Leona could’ve had.
Here’s something you probably wouldn’t figure out from my writings: I originally disliked Leona.
Now! Before you go clicking off, let me explain.
Savannaclaw’s story is sandwiched between Heartslabyul and Octavinelle--both of which are very emotionally driven narratives. I’ll try not to spend too long on these two houses, but look at it this way.
We can empathize with Riddle because he suffered a lot in the process of upholding his mother’s teachings. He put up with it because it had to be the truth--as if they were false this whole time, then he was suffering for nothing. So when you come in, and prove exactly that--it makes sense for Riddle to lash out the way he does.
Let’s not get started on Azul. We empathize with Azul because we all have that one bully, one person we want to either get even with--or become better than. Azul was bullied extensively in his childhood, and just snapped. He, with nothing in his hands, decided he would take everything away from his bullies. In the process of taking away from his bullies, he would build himself into someone infallible. He distanced himself from his past because he was ashamed of that part of him. So when all that hard work is snatched away by someone more fortunate than him? When even the indestructible version he had built himself to be is beaten? It meant to Azul that he hadn’t changed at all, that he was still that bullied octopus. He snapped. It might’ve been a big middle finger to Azul because it essentially invalidated all the hard work he put into being someone who could.
Then what about Leona?
The emotional drive behind Leona’s Overblot is exhaustion at being seen as the inferior second prince to his brother. In fact, it’s generally his inability to become number one. In Afterglow Savanna, he has to go up against his well-loved and preferred brother. In Night Raven College, he has to go up against Malleus Draconia, the strongest student.
Here’s the thing though, and this is my personal gripe about Leona--which tbh, I would still call him out for.
He doesn’t try.
Or if he did try, we don’t see him do it.
We see him laze about, doing nothing. Yeah sure he comes up with an underhanded strategy that could help them win against Diasomnia--but he actually barely does anything. And the moment it doesn’t work, he just concedes. It pisses him off, but he gives up. Just like that.
It’s also why him turning into the Overblot feels... (personally) so lacking to me. Like, I felt he had no place to get angry, when others (especially like Ruggie) were relying on him to pull it together at the end. Like, we all knew Leona would get the Overblot because he’s the Scar themed character. But narratively speaking? A stronger story would’ve been Ruggie being the Overblot, and Leona reacting to it. (Like do you know, how amazing that would be for Leona’s character to? I want to see it so bad!)
At the end of the day, we got an angry Leona. To me, at that time, his anger felt so entitled. Like, Leona’s always been seen as incredibly smart, skilled PLUS he’s also really wealthy. So to me, I just thought, “how could you be so angry when you’re so lucky to have all of this? In fact, why can’t you use that anger and turn it into a determination to make yourself better? You’re smart, you’re skilled, you have the resources--if you exerted more effort, I think you could get farther.”
I still think the Savannaclaw chapter could’ve been better, but I’ve also realized that it’s because Leona is the way he is, that makes it impossible to resolve his problems the same way Riddle or Azul is able to.
‘Ai, when will you stop bullying Leona?’
Hang on, I’m actually done, and I’ll finally get into why Leona’s story in “wendy?” “hello peter pan” turned out the way it did.
There are two people, aside from me, who actually gets to read these pieces before I post it on tumblr. They  don’t know each other, they’ve never spoken to one another--the most they know about each other is probably from whatever I say to them about the other. And here’s the thing, they both told me this: “Leona is the best one you wrote from “wendy?” “hello peter pan.””  
Of course, I’m instantly confused. I didn’t like Leona when I first wrote anything for Twisted Wonderland, by the time I was writing his piece from the series (he and Riddle were written days ahead of the rest actually) I was 50/50 on him. I was okay with him, but I certainly didn’t like him. So I did a lot of internal introspection about this.
I realized that at the end of the day, I understood what Leona was angry about.
It wasn’t anger about being stuck at second place.
It was anger about never being acknowledged in the first place.
He was never seen as Leona Kingscholar, he was simply The Second Prince of Afterglow Savanna, or Prince Farena’s Younger Brother. He never was acknowledged as his own person.
And here lies another problem. I believe Leona is someone who represses. I think he’s someone who prefers to shut his eyes and sleep, over acknowledging the problem. He decided to sleep instead of confronting Jack’s bullies in that short manga strip, he doesn’t confront Jack’s bullies in the SSR Card Dorm uniform either until he really needs to. He’ll put it off as long as he can, and if it solves itself, then that’s better for him. This ties in with the idea the fact that he’s seen as someone inferior to Farena, how he’s never acknowledged beyond that, and how it’s an opinion he can’t control. So he just decides to let it be, and keeps all his feelings to himself. Because acknowledging ugly feelings are always so exhausting, crying, getting angry--these things are exhausting, and he must’ve felt or had pent up all these emotions so much so that he’s decided the easiest way is to just leave them be. Not acknowledge them, and don’t think too deeply about it.
I had, ironically, written Leona’s piece, while unconsciously knowing this.
Leona’s piece in “wendy?” “hello peter pan” is a result of his own inaction. We all know that Leona’s cool and calm demeanor is what makes him so popular and attractive. That’s why him not expressing his true feelings is something we all, just know he does. Because that’s his character trope. However, it’s because he choses not to share his feelings that the MC leaves, and moves on with her life.
Remember, I said that Leona will “put it off for as long as he can, and if it solves itself, then that’s better for him.” Leona, at the beginning of the piece finally decides to take action. The MC being missing has probably put a toll on his otherwise impeccable control of his emotions. He wants to drag her back, claim her, make her his wife, have children with her--all of it. He realized that he wanted that, and that’s what sends him into action. However, he’s late. Very late.
The third portion of his piece, when he looks at Leona II, and realized what he could have had--the way he visualized that possible future--he lets himself have that because he realized that it’s because he didn’t try harder to hold onto her, that this future was no longer possible.
Making Leona II have features that could’ve looked like him was so intentional on my part. I wanted to confront Leona’s character with this: “this is what you could’ve had if you had been more proactive” because I personally thought, that this was what we were missing from Leona. It’s what we didn’t get in Savannaclaw--a Leona who became more proactive about the things he wanted.
Everyone else had that arc after all. Riddle, a stickler for the rules set up by his mother realized that some rules can be broken for the sake of empathy. Azul, who had denied his past self, learned to accept his past self and mistakes, and moves to become someone even greater.
We don’t get that from Leona, and I think that’s why my piece ended up the way it did.
THIS... became way too long, and I’m really sorry for that. I hope you don’t mind that I really... just... expressed what I thought about Leona and the type of mindspace I go into when I write pieces for him.
If anyone is interested in adding to this discourse, I definitely encourage you--be it if you agree or disagree with me.
TLDR: Yeah, I would’ve never given that moment of “she’s actually your daughter” to Leona because he needed to confront his lack of proactiveness.
Thank you so much for this ask!
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