#leon kennedy ficlet
courtofparrots · 3 months
Serennedy Pride Week Day 1: First Kiss
A little ficlet of Leon and Luis recovering in the hospital post-Spain
When Luis got hurt- when it looked like he had died- Leon didn’t think he’d be able to bear it this time. 
Don’t get attached he’d repeated to himself, but he hadn’t been able to help it. Not with Luis, anyway. Not with that loud personality, that charming smile, that- everything about him, really.
But Luis hadn’t died as he’d just come to find out. For once, Leon didn’t have to bear another loss, and now he didn’t know how to act.
He stood motionless in the doorway to Luis’s hospital room in some BSAA-owned facility in some corner of Europe that they had been dumped at for medical attention after the chopper had picked up him and Ashley. He’d overheard talk of another man being pulled out of Valdelobos and brought here, allegedly the only other survivor found that night. He was positive it wouldn’t be Luis. With Leon’s luck it was probably Krauser, or worse. He was so sure that when he walked into the room and saw Luis there, covered in tubes and tape and the slow but steady beep beep beep of a heart monitor indicating life, Leon had simply frozen.  
A pair of gray eyes drifted open, and Leon thought he might have stopped breathing then. A sleepy smile pulled up the corners of Luis’s mouth as he caught sight of Leon, “not dead, eh?” he croaked, snapping Leon out of his stupor. He skulked over to the bedside of the beat up Spaniard, pulling up a chair and sitting down at a reasonable distance.
“Who? You or me?” Leon asked, as nonchalantly as he could, twitching his hand in the direction of Luis’s where it was pressed against his side with an IV needle poking out of it, covered in tape that would be sure to yank all of the thin black hairs out when it was removed. He thought better of it before he could actually touch him, and let his hand drop back to his side awkwardly. Luis tracked the motion with his eyes.
“Me.” Luis said, scooting his hand to the edge of the bed and weakly raising his fingers, moving them shakily toward Leon’s dropped hand. Leon did actually reach out this time, if only because he didn’t like the way Luis was straining. He slid his hand underneath the Spaniard’s and began to rub back and forth across tan fingers with his thumb in a stilted motion, attempting and probably failing to be soothing. It was nice. The weight and warmth of Luis’s hand in his own, a simple yet invaluable reminder that Luis really had made it, even in this subpar condition.
“I wasn’t sure I was going to make it for a moment there,” Luis chuckled, “although maybe I should have been worried about you, too. You look like shit, Sancho.”
Leon couldn’t help the smirk that tugged his lips at that, “I promise you look worse.” 
They settled into companionable conversation for a moment, Leon still holding Luis’s hand- the same one he’d held when he thought Luis was experiencing his final moments, he realized. Luis told him about the extent of his injuries, a collapsed lung and lots of lost blood, and Leon filled Luis in on what happened after he left the mines. How he’d saved Ashley, and killed Saddler, how they managed to cure their plagas with Luis’s equipment.
“By the way,” Leon said after a lull, curiosity thumping in his chest, “you said we were almost something. Before Krauser stabbed you. Almost what?”
Luis looked sheepish for a second, before finally replying, “Friends. I was… I was going to say we’re almost friends.”
“Friends? It feels like a little more than that,” Leon said, flicking his gaze down to their joined hands, “doesn’t it?” 
He felt his face heat up as soon as the words were out of his mouth. Luis’s eyes were wide when he looked back up, searching his face for something. 
Maybe the hospital wasn’t the right place for a confession. Maybe thirty-six hours together and several near-death experiences didn’t qualify a bond like the one Leon felt spark in his chest every time he looked at Luis. 
Leon had tried not to get attached but he hadn’t been able to help himself. There was something there with Luis, that he hadn’t felt in… maybe ever. Leon wasn’t going to just let it go without saying anything, not when he had Luis back and safe. He’d blame it on the pain meds the doctors had given him, or temporary insanity, or something if Luis didn’t feel the same way.
The beep beep beep of Luis’s heart monitor sped up slightly. 
“What?” He asked, in barely a whisper, “more?”
“I mean, if you wanted,” Leon said, clearing his throat, “I wouldn’t mind trying. To be more, I mean.”
Luis seemed to surge forward suddenly, before wincing and falling back onto his pillow with a pained groan like he had momentarily forgotten he was badly injured. Leon took his cue.
“Easy there, Don Quixote.” He murmured, rising out of his chair and leaning into Luis’s space, one forearm braced on the pillow beside Luis’s head, a palm placed gently on his warm cheek. Leon let his eyes drop down to Luis’s lips and then back up, letting the question show in his eyes.
“Leon,” Luis rasped, “if you don’t kiss me right now, I am going to hurt you, and probably myself in the process.” 
Leon smiled into the kiss when he finally pressed their lips together, joy and relief settling behind his ribs. Luis was alive, he was okay, and he wanted to try being more. He wanted to try with Leon. 
He broke the kiss when the heart monitor turned shrill, a constant beepbeepbeep that made Leon worry he’d disconnected one of the many tubes from Luis’s body on accident, or that he was hurting him somehow.
Luis simply glared at the heart monitor as he let his head drop back onto the pillow. “Pain in my ass,” he muttered at it, “spilling all my secrets.”
Leon actually laughed; the whole situation suddenly made him feel so light. “Feeling a little excited?” He teased, and Luis blushed. It was insanely cute. 
He probably should have given Luis and his poor heart a break then, but he was too happy. Instead, he nudged Luis over and climbed into the bed with him, wrapping an arm over the Spaniard’s shoulder so that they could both be comfortable and drawing Luis’s head onto his shoulder. Luis sighed and melted into him, muscles relaxing and eyes fluttering shut. It wasn’t long before he was fast asleep against Leon’s chest.
Leon took in the deep breaths coming from Luis, the way his lips were slightly parted, the contrast of his dark lashes fanned across tan cheeks. He followed quickly into a deep sleep of his own, one of the best he’d had in years.
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desired-misery · 2 months
Leon has a near-phobia level fear of dark colored dogs. After everything that has happened, (RE2, RE4, the dogs in Vendetta chasing him on the bike), a large black dog approaching him is enough to trigger fight or flight every time.
If it is dark or stormy, any dog he hears or sees can trigger that reaction, but he has an easier time recovering if it is not a large or dark colored. He is really chill with dogs otherwise, so it's a big surprise to others who have seen him around dogs before that don't fit the criteria that takes him back to every time a dog has tried to kill him.
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
RE Headcanon: The Things They Left in Raccoon.
Chris left Raccoon City with the sole intention of gathering evidence against Umbrella. He’d packed discreet clothing that wouldn’t draw attention to him rather than his custom embroidered leather jacket or the vests and t-shirts he favored because they showed off his muscular arms. He’d packed practical items and left behind anything cumbersome, like family photo albums or his favorite guitar. He hadn’t thought much about what he was leaving behind because he’d expected to return home after a few weeks or so. He’d expected said belongs -along with his vinyl collection, expensive entertainment system, stuffed bookshelf, well-loved Jeep, and the afghan & potholders his grandmother had crocheted- to be waiting for him when he did. Instead, his entire apartment was destroyed along with the rest of Raccoon.
He’d had renter’s insurance and auto insurance, but it had been quite a hassle to get them to pay out…especially considering the <i>entire city</i> had been <i>wiped off the map</i>. Even then, some things couldn’t simply be replaced. Claire had a single album full of copies of some of their old family photos, but she’d lived in a small dorm-room. Most of what they had left of their parents and grandparents had been stored at Chris’ place. They’d lost it all along with Raccoon.
Jill made it out of Raccoon City with a few trusty guns, a brand new friend, and the clothes on her back. They weren’t even her good clothes or favorite clothes. Between coping with everything that had happened at Spencer Manor, being suspended, trying to subtly investigate their corrupted police chief, and then surviving the <i>goddamn citywide t-virus outbreak</i>, laundry hadn’t exactly been a priority. By the time she found herself fleeing from Nemesis, Jill was down to the mini-skirt and strapless top combo she wore out dancing, the designer little black dress her mother had given her as a graduation gift from the academy, or the bridesmaid dress she’d worn at her brother’s wedding. Had she known her apartment was going to be blown to vapor, she would’ve gone with the black dress.
As it was, she’d lost everything. She could probably get back most of the family photos from her family, at least, and things like her favorite DVDs and CDs could be replaced. However, some items had sentimental value that couldn’t be replaced. The souvenirs her parents has brought her from various vacations. Trinkets she’d gathered during her own travels. Photos of friends she’d lost touch with after moving to Raccoon City. Everything to remind her of that entire chapter of her life was just gone.
Leon’s family had been killed when he was young and the social worker assigned to grab some of his belongings while he was in the hospital hadn’t known him. She’d been considerate enough to grab the folding frame containing two family photos off his parents’ dresser, along with the book and stuffed dog that had been on his bed, to go with about a week’s worth of clothes. He’d been lucky enough to make it though foster care in one piece, his meager belongings had not. He hadn’t accumulated much afterwards, mostly practical items. He’d rented out an apartment in Raccoon City and dropped off his old, worn mattress and desk when he’d picked up his uniform and signed some final paperwork at the precinct. He later packed up everything else he owned in a couple boxes, stuck them in the back of his Jeep, and he drove to his new home.
He’d ended up abandoning his Jeep after his first ever BOW encounter, and both the Jeep and his mostly empty apartment had been destroyed along with Raccoon City. He’d only had liability insurance on the Jeep and no insurance whatsoever on the apartment. It sucked, but he’d had to start his life over with nothing before. He’d do it again.
Claire didn’t live in Raccoon, and the city had been barricaded off for a couple days before she arrived to check on Chris. Trying to convince her auto insurance agency that her motorcycle had been in the city when it was destroyed took <i>forever</i>. Especially since she hadn’t reported it until a couple months after the fact. Eventually, Leon -as a former RCPD officer with an official contract/schedule and a rental agreement to prove he’d been in the city- had to fill out some forms declaring he’d seen her and her bike in the city shortly before it was destroyed and that they’d fled the doomed city without it. Chris had offered to get her a new bike with his own insurance money, but she’d been determined to get her insurance to pay for it on principle by that point. Plus, he was technically jobless and homeless. He’d need the money more than she did.
Barry had gotten his family out of Raccoon with the belief that they wouldn’t be returning. They’d thought their house would still be there, but they’d still grabbed the essentials and then some. He’d gotten all their insurance forms and medical records. His wife had grabbed all the family photos and the little box of the girls’ artwork they’d kept over the years. His daughters had grabbed their favorite toys, books, and videos. They all packed their toiletries and enough clothes to last them a while.
It wasn’t everything, and he knew it would be a long while before the insurance paid out, but he didn’t care. He had his family. He had Chris and Jill. That was more than enough.
Rebecca had decided to go back to school and study virology after the Spencer Manor affair. She’d already left Raccoon City more than a month before it was destroyed. She’d moved back in with her parents temporarily. She had everything she owned. Everything she needed. Everything except for all the people she’d never see again.
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kit-o-nine-tales · 2 years
If you change your mind, I’m here
Fandom: Resident Evil
Pairing: GN!Reader/Leon Scott Kennedy
Summary: Reader muses on the last time they saw Leon - the day they broke up with him.
Read on AO3
  I always think of you when it rains. Are you keeping warm, whereever you are? Do the old breaks still ache?
Stupid question, of course they do. But I wish, for your sake, that they didn't.
"How many times can a body be broken to pieces and put together again?"
I'd asked you that once, and you just laughed.
"I don't know, but I'm on track to find out," you replied.
You said it so easily, too. Like you weren't scared. Like you didn't have nightmares every night about all the things you'd seen.
Maybe it's not raining where you are. Maybe you're not in our state today. Maybe not even our country. Maybe you're out in Spain, or Russia, or China. Out fighting the newest horror to spring up from Umbrella's legacy.
I hope not, for your sake.
"I'm getting too old for this," you used to joke, years ago, back when you were just getting started. Back when the government wasn't giving you a choice.
Do you have a choice now, I wonder? She's old enough to fend for herself now, isn't she? And you are getting older. How much longer do they mean to puppet your strings? Will they use you until there's nothing left? Until you're too broken to put back together again?
Stupid question. When have the people in power ever let someone retire while they still have life in them?
We parted on a day like this. Rainy, with a cloying humidity that made every touch feel tacky and unpleasantly sticky.
We met for coffee. One of your rare days off that lined up with one of mine. I knew, going in, how our conversation would end. The answer you would give the question I planned to ask. But even so, I asked anyway. Even so, I held on to hope, as small a hope as it was.
If you sensed something was off, you gave no sign of it. You met me with a tired but true smile, my favorite already in your hand, sitting at our usual table. It almost made me change my mind. How could I even consider —
But then I noticed the mostly-faded bruises on your wrists, and the way you winced as you shifted a little too far to the left, and my resolve revived.
I gave you a smile, or at least, I tried to. Your return expression made me wonder how successful I was. Not very, I would guess. I took the drink you held out to me, and stared down at it as I took that first sip. Did my hands shake? Did you see it if they did?
Stupid question. Of course you did. You always had a way for noticing things like that.
"Some rain," you said. Your long bangs (impractical, but so endearing) were practically pasted to your forehead.
It managed to get a chuckle out of me. "Bit of an understatement," I replied. I dug through my backpack, and handed you a dry towel.
You smiled fondly at me as you took it. "Over-prepared as always."
"One of us should be," I replied teasingly.
A familiar exchange. One I miss more than I thought I would. It was a bit of a joke. In most cases, you were far more prepared for disaster than I was. But in the small things, I had you beat.
I watched as you patted your hair dry, leaving it messier than it started, sticking up at odd angles, melting my heart. You looked younger like that. Less jaded by the world.
When you were done, you looked at the towel for a moment, as if unsure whether to hand it back or hold on to it. You met my eyes, and then, nodding to yourself, handed it back.
"Say it," you said. Your face was neutral, but your eyes were sad. You knew. We both did. But neither of us could change a thing.
I swallowed. "I.... Would you quit? Retire?" I'd had a speech. Arguments and evidence, all eloquently arranged. But looking at you, I lost it all. You always did have a way of making me speechless.
You exhaled slowly, closing your eyes.
We'd talked around this before. I'd worried about you. The injuries, the close-calls. Spain had been a bad one. Almost an argument. You'd nearly lost yourself to the monsters you fought. But I always let the subject drop. Because I knew that what you were doing was important. That no one else could do it. That it needed to be done. But... it had been years. There were others now. Others who hadn't been so hurt. Others who didn't wake in cold sweat every night, who didn't drink themselves to sleep in the first place.
It didn't have to be you anymore. You could pass the torch, surely. Take time to heal, to rest.
But I knew, even before I asked, what your answer would be. Your heart, despite everything, was too good.
Sometimes I think maybe it's more than that. Sometimes I think —  maybe —  you just don't know any other way to live any more. That if you tried to settle into one place, to drift into the average everyday of groceries and appointments and tv... you wouldn't know what to do with yourself. Whatever hobbies you'd once had, whatever aspirations, wishes, or daydreams —  had all been lost. Eroded by years of fight-run-survive that left no room for such things. All you knew were monsters, terror, and blood.
And me.
At least, so I'd flattered myself sometimes, back then. I'd hoped that maybe I could be enough. That I could be there for you through it, if you would just lay your burdens down. If you would just let me.
But even still, I knew. And so did you.
You opened your eyes, sad, steely blue. And you shook your head.
I bit my lower lip, and stared back down the straw of my drink. I wasn't going to cry. Not because of pride. But because I didn't want to hurt you any more than I had to. I took another sip, swallowed, and then a deep breath.
"I love you," I said firmly. "But I can't watch this destroy you any more."
You winced again, your brows drawn together in pain. And slowly, you nodded.
"I understand," you said. You took a deep pull of your own drink.
I wondered if you had spiked it before I arrived. I felt certain you had.You never shared your drinks with me. You'd joke that it was because you might be contagious, but I knew. It was the alcohol.
"I'm sorry," I said. My heart clenched in my chest at the thought of never seeing you again. But I had to. Stars help me, I had to.
Maybe it would change things. maybe you'd change your mind with time, and someday I'd find you, standing at my doorstep, sober and free.
It hasn't happened yet.
"Don't be," you said, your voice thick. "I understand," you repeated.
"If... If you ever..." I tried. My own voice swimming with the tears I wouldn't shed. At least, not in front of you.
"Yeah," you murmured. "I know." You met my eyes again, then, and forced a smile. "If you ever need me... you know my number."
I laughed. A wet, sad thing. "I know." I said.
If the zombies ever found their way to my door, or stars know what else, you were the one to call. If I survived long enough to make the call. I didn't rate my chances very high. You'd always believed that I'd surprise myself, if the time came. Said that I had all the right instincts.
I rose from my chair, and walked over to you. I pressed a kiss to your cheek. "Stay safe. Please."
Stars,I miss the warmth of you. I can still remember the texture of your cheek beneath my lips, though time does its level best to steal that from me.
You swallowed. "I'll do my best," you replied.
"You always do," I said. It just wasn't enough.
"Take care of yourself," you told me.
I sniffed. The tears would come as soon as I left the shop. "I'll try," I said. I was never very good at that. Over prepared backpack aside.
We were both disasters in our own ways. But the gaps in me had lined up well with the gaps in you, and together we'd managed to muddle into something solid. But not solid enough to withstand the way you were coming apart at the seams.
I left the shop.
I haven't seen you since. Haven't heard your voice. Not even on the phone. I’ve heard about you a few times. Though not as much as I'd like. Claire doesn't hear from you often either, even if she does hear more than I do.
But I think of you all the time. On rainy days like today. On days when the clouds make the world feel like an impermanent dream. And I wonder: how much more can a person withstand? How long until the news I hear sends me to my knees in grief? Or will I never even hear about it? Maybe you'll meet your end in some far-off continent, alone, and in secret. Would they tell me? Would they tell Claire, or her brother, or any of the other people you know? The people who care for you? Stars, I hope they tell us. But most of all, I hope you won't meet your end alone like that.
I hope, despite everything, that one day I'll find you outside my door. Older and worn, with new aches and scars, but alive and wiser. Alive and free.
I would open my door for you, no matter how long it takes. And I would raise my eyes to yours, and there you would find all the adoration that had ever been there, as though not a day had gone by since we parted.
That, at least, I can promise.  
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kennedysharper · 2 years
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thanks @themysterioust for putting it into words!!!!!!!!!!
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fonulyn · 2 years
Humming a little to himself Leon leaned against the car door, tilting his head back as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the wind on his face. It was a bright, sunny day, so hot that his thin shirt was practically glued to his skin. He wasn’t the only one, not by any stretch, with four people crammed into Chris’s Ford Escort that he staunchly refused to trade in for anything newer. Claire always called the car Chris’ girlfriend, but Chris just shrugged it off and didn’t even argue.
Not that Leon minded. He and Chris might not have been dating for more than a few months but he knew better than to feel threatened by a car, at least. Although the next time they were heading out for a road trip, he was going to suggest that they rent something with properly functioning AC and more leg room for the passengers.
- Or the one wherein Chris, Leon, Claire and Jill go on a roadtrip.
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megaphonegirlk · 2 years
❄ ada and leon
It's a quiet night, deep in the depths of December. The twinkling of holiday lights line the Virginian streets, and a thin blanket of snow has begun to gather as it falls from the sky. Christmas is only a few days away, and Leon Kennedy finds himself trudging through the 2-inches of snow and towards the apartment his government handlers 'oh so graciously' supplied for him during his rare moments home and away from the clandestine life of a government agent. Ashley was busy, to nobody's surprise. The life of the president's daughter was always hectic, especially during the lead up to the new year. Claire was off somewhere in Europe, working with a new group called Terrasave, and Sherry hadn't answered his letters in weeks. Leaving Leon alone for the holidays. Everyone either too busy or too difficult to reach in time for a little company. So here he was, trudging through the snow with a paper bag of liquor bottles shoved under his arm, and boots that were starting to feel more like ice blocks than leather by the second. But when he reached the door...he notices the window. A normally reinforced and multi-locked window that now hung ajar. A look of concern crosses his face, and his hand goes to the concealed gun under his jacket as he nudges the door open, and heads inside. Quickly, he ascends the stairs and unlocks his door, easing it open with his shoulder as his fingers tense upon his gun... Only to be met with the scent of gingerbread, and the flicker of candlelight from his bedroom. With a nudge of his shoulder , the bedroom door opens to reveal something he never could have expected... Ada Wong, lounging on his bed in a slinky red dress stitched with the image of leaves of holly, a coy smile on her face as she waves her fingers towards him in a little wave. A plate of slightly malformed gingerbread men sits on a table next to a bottle of wine, and a small candlestick sputters desperately in the draft from the window beside her. "Hello, Leon." Ada purrs, "I was just in the area and thought I would...drop in." Leon's gun lowers, his eyes tracing over her and the tableau she'd made of his bedroom. "I'm a little unclear which of us in on the naughty list here," He says, glancing at the scene. Ada beckons him with her finger, candlelight playing over her sharpened smile "I can make certain it's the both of us, Agent Kennedy"
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cobracowpoke · 1 year
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faust-the-enjoyer · 10 months
Started: 17/11/2023
Last updated: 18/4/2024
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Detroit: Become Human:
♡ Hank Anderson x reader:
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Bioshock Infinite:
♡ Booker DeWitt x reader:
Helping Fix Up His Wounds
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♡ Booker DeWitt x reader:
Loving Touch
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Silent Hill/ Dead by Daylight:
♡ Pyramid Head x reader:
Pyramid Head NSFW headcanons!
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Elden Ring:
♡ White-faced/White-mask Varre:
His Gentle Hands
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♡ White-faced/White-mask Varre:
Unblinking Eyes
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Call of Duty:
♡ König x reader:
♡ Keegan P. Russ x reader:
Move Date Night!
A Sweet Home
T-shirt (Dbf!Keegan)
Safe Haven
Sleeping in your arms
Black and Pink
♡ Simon "Ghost" Riley x reader:
Short ficlet
Sex Repulsed!Simon x Ace!reader
Blooming Love
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♡ Keegan P. Russ:
Nail polish
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♡ König x reader:
Big Hands
♡ Keegan P. Russ:
Gentle Touch
Kisses (part 1)
Kisses (part 2)
Drunk dbf!Keegan
Double Smash
Pink Heart
Sweet Sounds
♡ Simon "Ghost" Riley:
♡ Keegan P. Russ x Logan walker x reader:
The best mentor
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Resident Evil 4 remake:
♡ Leon S. Kennedy:
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♡ Keegan P. Russ x reader:
A Moment of Joy (no order in the series):
Part 1
Part 2
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Ibtisam "Sam" Joud
-(heart divider by cafekitsune, other divider by saradika-graphics)!
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guiltiestlove · 22 days
please no tgaac or aai1/2 spoilers! 🖤
it’s been a while since i’ve had an nsfw/selfship blog so im a bit rusty! but hi!!
my name is sierra!
im 28 and i would prefer interactions from people 21+ but as long as you’re 18+ it’s fine! (absolutely NO minors!)
i like to write but chronic pain/illnesses are a bitch so more often than not (if i can make anything at all) im just writing Very short drabbles/ficlets!
this is a sideblog, my main is neverquothraven
im a big self shipper and a lot of this blog will be dedicated to that! right now my faves are simon blackquill, klavier gavin and leon kennedy :)
currently all my various writings (drabbles, ficlets, headcanons etc) are tagged #my writing
masterlist of writings:
simon blackquill x gn reader (convict simon, first time, fingering)
simon blackquill x gn reader (established relationship, blowjob, facefucking)
simon blackquill x fem!reader (established relationship, facesitting)
simon blackquill x masc!reader (established relationship, y/n is a defense attorney, public-ish handjob)
i also will take short requests if anyone is interested for the following (sfw or nsfw)!! or any selfshippy things in general!
ace attorney
simon blackquill x reader
simon blackquill x klavier gavin
klavier gavin x reader
klavier gavin x apollo justice
klavier gavin x ema skye
godot x reader
miles edgeworth x reader
miles edgeworth x phoenix wright
resident evil
leon kennedy x reader
leon kennedy x ada wong
dungeon meshi
laios touden x reader
the bolded ones are my favorites and the ones i feel like i can characterize the best :) if theres anyone else you’re interested in, feel free to ask! i have not played tgaac, aai1/2, re5, or re6 yet though! and i’m only on episode 15 of dun meshi
anon list! claim an emoji or name if you’d like!
🥩 anon
🫚 anon
finally! some common(ish) kinks/ships i dont/wont write:
incest/step sibling
doctor-patient rp
kristoph x phoenix
maya x phoenix
blackquill x athena
blackquill x phantom
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lil-requestcorner · 2 years
Carrie White x Azul Ashengrotto!Reader hcs
Kougyoku Ren first date hcs
Wanda x child!Reader fluff hcs
Sadie Miller x Reader on a date
Luke Alvez x 15yo!Reader
Ruruka Ando x Nutty 2.0!Reader
Roxanne Wolf x Reader, spoiling
Chet Clancy x 16yo camper!Reader
Yandere!Daniel (dbh) x child!Reader.
Leon Kennedy x minor!Reader, fluff
Yui Komori + Luke Valentine 2.0!Reader
Grell x Madam Red x Reader
owp: Eva Tsunaka + trust
Hannah England x Reader
JD x sibling Heather!Reader ficlet
Micheal Myers x sibling!Reader
Adrian Ivashkov x Guardian dhampir 17yo!Reader
Daki x organ harvester!Reader
Poppy (pokemon scarlet) x Reader hcs
Salvatore Moreau friends to lovers hcs
2013!Carrie White x Reader x Chris Hargensen love triangle hcs
Yoon Gwi-nam x Reader who loves annoying others
Heather Chandler x flirty!Reader
Heather Chandler general dating hcs
John Doe x Scarlet Witch/Jennifer Check/Homelander!Reader
Chris Hargensen x Reader who helps her deal with her insecurities
Ally Burgess x origami maker!Reader
Natsuki x Reader who likes to crochet
Aquamarine x sculptor!Reader
Jace x sibling!Reader
DDLC x true crime fan!Reader
Pony Tsunotori x sand manipulator!Reader
Byeong-Gi x bookworm!Reader
Billy Loomis x Lotte Jansson 2.0!Reader
Mario and Luigi x younger sibling!Reader with a special interest in mushrooms
Brooke Maddox x Leona Kingscholar!Reader
Welcome Home x plural!Reader
Luz x htf fan!Reader x Amity
Atropos x bitey!Reader
Max Mayfield x rigger!Reader
Rui x jorogumo!Reader
soft!Elias x archivist!Reader
Uf!Sans x minor!Reader hcs
yandere!Mike Schmidt x sibling!Reader
Felix Richter x 16yo child!Reader fluff
Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) x Courtney(TD)!Reader
Eric Newlon (Thanksgiving 2023) x teen!Reader fluff
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whatamonsterfudger · 1 year
gonna to write a whole bio soon, just using this as a placeholder for now, and will edit it later. 
- love love love some characters, obsessions or not. my usual fixations are ghostface (more often danny johnson), thomas hewitt, brahms heelshire, vincent sinclair, bubba sawyer (a lot of that family actually ASDFGHJKL but mostly him); recently fixated on simon "ghost" riley and könig (ghost is my stink!! brainrot too real). other cod characters debatable ASDFGHJKL,,,, as far as non-slashers go yk? also leon s. kennedy, chris redfield, and some more i'll list later.
- i am a chronic michael myers hater, tho sometimes i'll reblog fanart involving him. i'm on the fence about rz!michael, that's a whole other conversation.
- i'm absolutely a monsterfucker and will rb ficlets and fanart. beware LOL
- any posts i make will be labeled with #mf speaks; any stories, drabbles, headcanons, etc. will be tagged #leon lilts; any art i draw (will be reblogged from my main) will be #mf does art
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cloakedsparrow · 1 year
Resident Evil Headcanon: Music
Chris likes classic rock. His favorite is Led Zeppelin but he listens to a lot of bands in this genre. Due to this, he will partially accept the blame for Claire’s Queen obsession. Considering he paid for them to get matching custom jackets, he should probably accept more of it. He prefers vinyl and has an impressive collection. His friends usually buy him records for his birthday, or any time they see a rare one for a good price.
Leon likes 90s-2000s rock. Chris and Claire refer to his tastes as ‘sad rock to kick ass to’ and he can’t really say they’re wrong. He still buys CDs (and has a couple each that Claire, Chris, Ashley, Sherry, Jill, Rebecca, and Sasha like even though he doesn’t share their tastes) but doesn’t have all that many, just his favorites. He also has a well-kept but old stereo system in his apartment that he frequently uses for both news and to listen to music.
Jill likes pop. She used to try to keep her tastes a secret, thinking it didn’t fit with a STARS officer, but then she killed the Tyrant at Spencer Manor and later, Nemesis in Raccoon City. Now, she sings Celine Dion off-key while prepping for an op and blasts Britney or Cher from her headphones while working out at the BSAA gym, confident that she is the biggest BAMF in any room she graces with her presence no matter what she’s listening to. She went full digital early on.
Barry’s musical tastes are all over the place; rock, rockabilly, country, big band, blues... However, his daughters all agree it’s ‘old man music’. He’s fine with this assessment and has liked every track and playlist they send him.
Rebecca either listens to the cheeriest of bubblegum pop or gangsta rap. There is no in-between.
Claire likes 80s rock and old-school glam rock. Queen is her favorite, of course, but she also likes artists like Prince and Bowie.
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randomfandomimagine · 6 years
That Flirt In The Red Dress (Leon x Reader)
Characters: Leon Kennedy, Ada Wong
Fandom: Resident Evil 2 Remake
Tags: Reader Insert, Female Reader, Jealousy
Warnings: None
Requested by anon: Since you're open to take request :D Please can I request one for Leon Kennedy, where the s/o gets really jealous of Leon and Ada's relationship. She could be really sarcastic or snarky whenever Leon asks what's wrong. Thank you so much ❤ And I hope you have a lovely day.
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You held tightly to Leon’s hand as you both ran, escaping the crazed zombies that threatened your life. Your heart thumped against your chest, your hand was getting sweaty against Leon’s palm, your breath came in rapid gasps and the adrenaline seemed to be making your pulse throb in your temples.
“Dammit!” Leon shouted when he came to a halt. You ran into a dead end.
“Crap!” You exclaimed too, taking out your gun to at least die fighting.
“Y/N, behind me!” Your boyfriend ordered, taking out his gun too.
You reluctantly obeyed, knowing it was no time for arguments, and began firing at the zombies that were closing in. The loud sound of the bullets broke the silence only interrupted by their horrible grunting, and the violent brightness of the fire illuminated the dark area.
Cursing under your breath when you ran out of bullets, you held on to Leon’s shoulder and watched the zombies that were now mere meters from you. Your boyfriend glanced at you with the corner of his eye, but focused his attention on eliminating the threat.
“Do you have any more ammo?” You asked him, realizing there were too many and your weapons weren’t too effective.
“No” He quickly replied, just as his gun clicked, forcing him to save it and pick up a knife instead. “Son of a bitch”
You couldn’t deny that you were scared, that it looked like the end. You were trapped and surrounded by zombies, left with no ammo and no way to defend yourself. Your mind worked quickly, trying to think of an escape plan. Maybe you could run through them and make it out alive, although wounded.
“What do we do?” You asked Leon, not really wanting to let him know how scared you were, even if your shaky voice betrayed you.
“I don’t know” With his free hand, he held yours. “We fight, I guess”
You took a deep breath, trying to prepare yourself. That was it, the moment of truth. At least you were with Leon. Still, you felt the need to tell him a few last things. Remind him you loved him, even if he had heard it a thousand times and he knew already.
“Leon, I…” To your surprise, he had turned to you too, hanging his mouth open as he was about to speak.
Before any of you could say anything, however, a loud blast interrupted you. The dark room was suddenly enveloped in a very bright oranguish light that accompanied by deafening noise and the sound of the agonizing zombies.
Leon moved on an instinct and wrapped his arms around you, shielding you with his body. You yelped against his ear when the explosion went off, clutching to him and shielding yourself in his embrace.
When the silence came, you paused for a moment as if to make sure you were safe. Leon was breathing heavily as he slowly let go of you and looked over his shoulder to analyze the situation. You grew tense when he sharply moved around, facing his back to you and wielding his gun. It was empty, but whoever was there didn’t know that.
“Calm down, Leon” Came a female voice. “It’s just me”
“Ada?” He sighed in relief and immediately lowered his weapon. “Was that you?”
“Of course” The woman approached, wearing a red dress which was a little revealing.
“Thanks” He muttered, and you almost felt like he had suddenly forgotten you were there with him.
You cleared your throat to make yourself present in their conversation and to remind your boyfriend of your existence. He looked to you in surprise, almost like he didn’t know why you were suddenly so grumpy.
“Um…” You stepped forward, placing yourself between Ada and Leon. You had definitely heard of her, but didn’t tell her that. “Thanks for saving us and all that, but who the hell are you?”
“Ada Wong” She coolly replied, holding a hand out for you to shake. You didn’t.
“I’m Y/N” You analyzed her expression, wondering if he had told her about you. Her expression was unreadable.
“You’re welcome” Was all she said in response.
You stared at each other for a moment, even if her dark eyes drifted to Leon behind you for a moment. Then she calmly shifted her weight from one foot to another and shrugged casually.
“Anyway, I gotta go” Ada walked past you and closer to Leon. “See you soon”
Maybe she didn’t know you were together, or maybe she did but didn’t care. Anyhow, she kissed Leon in the cheek, although dangerously close to his lips, and held his chin after that and to give it a flirtatious squeeze. It could have been an innocent and fond gesture, but coming from her was somehow flirtatious and slightly sensual.
You noticed how Leon’s blue eyes followed her as she swaggered away. It was almost like she was provoking him, and he was definitely falling for it.
“Hey, boyfriend” You nudged him, bringing his attention back to you. “So that was the famous Ada?”
“Yeah” You shone the flashlight in his eyes, causing him to look away for a moment not to get blinded by it. His cheeks were a faint tone of pink. “I told you about her”
“You did, kinda” Without waiting for him, you began walking away. His footsteps immediately followed. “Wasn’t how I imagined her to be, though”
“Where are you going?”
“I dunno”
“Then what are you doing?”
“Getting away from here”
“Y/N” Leon sweetly took your hand in his, stopping you from walking any further. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing” You huffed in outrage, hating to feel like that yet being unable to stop it. “What do you mean?”
“C’mon” He remained calm as he gently turned you around to face him. “I know something’s up”
“And you don’t know what?” You dedicated him a sarcastic grin.
“N-No…” You wondered if he really was that oblivious or if he was playing dumb.
“Then why don’t you ask that flirt in the red dress?” You rolled your eyes at him, trying to keep on walking.
“Ada?” Even the way he said her name bothered you. “Y/N, wait…”
“What?” He tugged at your hand, keeping you in place.
“Are you… jealous?” Leon sounded astonished and maybe even a little bit amused, which only angered you more.
“Me? No” You sarcastically said, rolling your eyes again. “Just because you didn’t tell me how gorgeous she is or the fact that she goes kissing you as she pleases, even in front of me”
“Y/N…” There was a small smile on his lips, which made your blood boil. You wouldn’t have expected that from him.
“Oh, also, I’m not sure if you told her we’re together or not, but either way she’s awful”
“Okay” His hand firmly fell on your hip, bringing you closer to him until your fronts touched. “I’ll admit, Ada is a bit forward but…”
“Not that you tried to stop her” You averted your gaze, feeling tears of sadness and frustration.
“Y/N…” His voice was soft as velvet as he gingerly curled up his finger under your chin, making you look at him. “She’s not you”
You frowned, watching him closely and waiting for him to say something else. Luckily he did, because you didn’t want to speak yourself and let him know of the shakiness in your voice.
“It’s complicated, with me and Ada” He sighed, even if his eyes were locked with yours in a way that made you want to melt. “But she’s not you, that kiss didn’t mean anything to me”
“You promise?” You hated to think that there was something between them.
“I promise” Leon paused to kiss your forehead, so lovingly that it forced a dreamy sigh out of you. “I have eyes only for you”
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kennedysharper · 1 year
leon scott kennedy is actually a hopeless romantic loving and very physically affectionate when not in public or around close friends send tweet
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fonulyn · 2 years
Sure Chris had always known that Leon was flexible. Sure he had seen him even do these weird-ass yoga poses more than once. There was nothing new to it, nothing he hadn’t known to expect, and yet… apparently he would never learn to pretend like he wasn’t absolutely mesmerized by every single movement the other man made, not even if his life depended on it.
It had gotten so bad that when Leon twisted himself into some kind of a fucking pretzel, a leg bent behind his neck and back bowed, Chris couldn’t control what spilled out of his mouth. “You look so good on your knees like that.”
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