#leon dompteur fanfic
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ikemenlibrary · 1 year ago
Fingerprints (Ikémen Prince)
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Pairing: Leon Dompteur x MC (can be read as Belle or pre-Belle, or post-Belle with considerable canon diversion) Summary: In the quiet of the night, with foreheads pressed together, they admit to each other what they've always wanted
Word count: 2.6k
Warnings: Spoilers for Leon's route if you squint, pining, mentions of bruising (nothing negative)
A note from the author: First piece for my untitled playlist series, based off of the song 'fingerprints' by Lilli Furfaro, written for @kokorokai
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There was something so peaceful about the quiet of late night, when everyone and everything else besides the sky was asleep. She was able to use the time to admire Leon. their breathing intermingling at every breath; when she inhales, he exhales, and vice versa. She felt his shoulder brush her own with every rise and fall of his chest, and the panging in her heart reminded her that he was just being kind, she may never be allowed to lay with the prince like this once more. Yet, it also reminded her just how much her body craved his. 
He had fallen asleep on his stomach; one arm under the pillow, the other under his head. She suspected he hadn’t meant to fall asleep. He was in the middle of a sentence, telling her about the first time he ever snuck out of the palace as a kid. He had just gotten to the part where he made it to town when his words tapered off, and his breathing evened out. She hoped that he’d remember the rest of the story once he woke up.
They had spent the day together in town, ending in a tavern for a late dinner and a drink. She could still hear his laugh clear as day, and picture the way his eyes crinkled along with his charming smile as she admitted to him she may be far more drunk than she had originally thought possible. He had carried her on his back to the little inn off of town, where he would stay with her when they had spent a long day together. 
Normally, they’d book a room with two beds, or sometimes two rooms, depending on availability. Leon didn’t like to go back to the palace without having breakfast with her, and he knew if he went back for the evening, Sariel would put him under lock and key and it’d be a bit of time before he could sneak back to see her once again. This time, however, the owner of the inn smiled full of regret as he relayed the information to Leon: that due to the time of the year, he was extra booked, and wouldn’t be able to provide them with two rooms or beds; a queen size bed was all he could give. 
Leon was a gentleman, and kind enough that he’d refuse to let a woman relax without something more comfortable to wear, and so he stripped down to his under clothes, unbuttoning his white long sleeve and handing it to her, turning around and refusing to look again until he heard her flop back down on the bed. He had approached the bed, sliding onto his stomach as he tried to make her laugh, and succeeding, and then had kept talking to her late until the night as he grew more and more weary with every word. 
She was sober now, and still awake. She could still smell the sweet honey mead on his breath, temporarily unable to move away from the intimacy of their position. Days like this, she wanted to savor every moment. She never got much sleep during her time with Leon, and yet no matter how sleep deprived she ended up, she always couldn’t wait for more. She’d count down the days until he showed up at the doorstep of her bookshop with a smile on her face, ready to whisk her away like one of the princes in the fairytales she spent countless lonely nights reading. 
Even in the dim moonlight, she noticed the light scars littered on his skin, and the freckle that was on his back - right near his spine. She wanted so badly to reach out and touch the bare skin, tracing every line to memory, so that when she closed her eyes on the lonely nights, it was like he was still next to her, even when he wasn’t.
They were just friends, although all the time they spent together brought a pit of nervousness to her stomach, the kind of feeling that you read about in books when the main character meets the person they’re supposed to end up with in the end. She’d never admit this feeling to Leon though; he relied on her for a sense of normalcy. She was the one person who knew his secret, and although she found out on accident, he still appreciated her knowing and keeping it safe, yet giving him a chance to live out what could have been. 
The close proximity to his warm body was almost suffocating, the feeling of his shoulder rubbing against hers with each breath was almost enough to drive her mad. She couldn’t stand being this close, and yet not being as close as she wanted to be. Not in the late of the night, and not when heavy rain was pouring down, reminding her of when he told her of his past. It made her yearn to touch him, and smooth back the hair that had fallen into his eyes as he dropped all of his facades while he slept. Here, he could just be Leon. The Leon that she loved and adored with all of her heart. The Leon that would be left in this little room once morning came, and not to be seen again until they made it back here, maybe weeks from now - or maybe months from now.
Pushing the quilt off of her, she slipped out of bed and crossed the small room, perching on the chair set by the window. She was grateful Leon had fallen asleep before he could move himself to the chair; she knew if he got what he wanted, he would’ve slept sitting up, his arms crossed over his chest with his neck cranked awkwardly one way or another. She also knew that he wouldn’t even complain the next morning about the uncomfortableness, even though she knew that every time he turned his head, a shooting pain would creep up his neck. He’d hide his grimace with a smile and ruffle her hair to try and dissuade her worries; she could read him like an open book, that alone wouldn’t be enough to keep her from fretting. The best case scenario was that he slept in the bed all through the night, and she kept watch by the window.  
She pushed the curtain aside, watching the rain pour down for a few moments, her fingers tracing the water down the glass. She pressed her hand against the cold glass, watching as it fogged up around her warm hand. Her gaze fell on Leon’s sleeping form, the rise and fall of his back bringing her a sense of peace and longing. How she wished she could press her fingertips to his bare skin, not hard enough to leave a mark, but enough to leave a piece of her on his skin for the days they were apart. Every time Leon hugged her goodbye and his hands would gently grip her waist, she felt it for days afterwards, when she closed her eyes at night in her bedroom all alone, if she thought hard enough about it, it almost felt like he was holding her, and that alone was enough to warm her bed on cold rainy nights, much like tonight. 
She loved him. She loved Leon, the prince side, the commoner side, and everything in between. Even from across the room, her heart didn’t feel like it could take much more of the love that she held for him. She knew soon, it would burst. She would end up telling him one way or another, and she would probably never see him again after that. She knew she needed to keep it to herself if she wanted to keep Leon close. She couldn’t lose him, and she wouldn’t let him lose the side of himself only she was allowed to see. She liked the vulnerable and emotional Leon; she didn’t want that side of him to disappear once he realized that she had fallen in love with him. He was her friend; she couldn’t take advantage of his kindness for anything more than that. Not when they both had everything to lose by her feelings becoming less than private.
“Hey,” Leon’s voice came out low and groggy. He had rolled over and pushed himself up, his muscles in his arm tensing from his weight. “What’s wrong?”
He knew her too well. She knows she doesn’t hide her emotions well, everything was written on her face. She didn’t think he’d wake up, and even if he did, she had hoped the room was dark enough he wouldn’t be able to see her features clearly. And yet, even in the dark night, Leon could tell that her brain was working a mile a minute, especially when the creases in her forehead were highlighted by the moonlight creeping in the window where she had pushed the curtain aside.
“Nothing,” she smiled, suddenly feeling small in the arm chair. “It’s okay.”
Leon rubbed his eyes, and she took that moment to admire him, the saliva in her mouth going dry as she tried to memorize the smooth planes of skin. He was like porcelain; beautiful to look at, but fragile to the touch. She knew commoners shouldn’t even dream about touching a prince in this sort of setting, yet that was all she could imagine at that moment.
“If you’re sure,” Leon acquiesced, scooting over on the bed to leave his warm space open for her. “Why don’t you come get some rest?”
She wanted to say no, to keep the distance between them. She knew that being as close to him as she was before would only force the ache in her heart to throb harder. And yet, when he opened one of his arms as an invitation, she found herself standing, his shirt that she was wearing dropping to her knees, and she was aware that she was more bare in front of him than she had ever been in front of a man before. She crossed the room, their eyes never leaving sight of the other, and as she lifted the covers to slide in, Leon’s arm wrapped around her, pulling her into his chest.
He was cold, she felt the goosebumps against her cheek as her head fell into the center of his chest, his arm never leaving her, only slipping down to her waist, and as he accidentally grazed his fingers against her bare thigh, she stopped breathing for a moment. Skin on skin; he left his fingerprints on not only her heart, but her body now, in a place that no man had ever touched before. In a place that she dreamed no other man besides him would ever leave fingerprints on.
Hesitantly, she brought her hand up near her head, using her fingernail to trace patterns on his chest. Leon’s breathing faltered, and for a second, in that one brief hitch in his breath, she had hopes that he felt the same way for her as she did for him. Much like she did to the glass, she pressed her fingers onto his skin, this time on his chest, right where his heart lay. Leon used his free hand to tilt her chin up, and when her eyes met his, she found the intense look in his gaze hypnotizing. Everything about him made her dizzy. 
His touch was gentle as his thumb rubbed circles on her waist. He was careful where he touched her - always the gentleman - and yet the heat in his gaze was enough to make her feel like she was on fire. She was hyper-aware of every movement, and she was afraid that once she took her hand away from his heart, the spell would be broken. But even so, she used that hand to trace up his collarbones, to his neck, to cup his cheek, thumb gently caressing his cheekbone.
Leon closed his eyes, leaned into her touch, and she felt her heart throb more intensely than before. He was beautiful like this, completely open and relaxed. She loved him like this. She loved him any time, but especially like this. Wordlessly, his hand slipped under the shirt she had borrowed, and his fingers resumed their place on her hip, like there were divots in her skin for them to lay; it felt like he belonged here.
“Leon,” she whispered, and he wordlessly turned his head, pressing a kiss into her palm. “I–”
“I know,” He responded, his fingers pressing a little more into her skin. She knew she’d feel him on her for months. This, right here, was enough to live off of if she never had to see him again. And yet, she wanted more. Maybe it was selfish but even if it was, she’d do it one hundred times over again; she moved her head to kiss his shoulder, her lips ghosting over his soft skin, and she felt a tremble wrack through his body. “I do too.”
She was going to tell him she loves him, that he was the reason that she loved romance stories so much, and she always pictured him as the prince in the stories she read in her bed alone at night. She was going to tell him she wanted to hold him like this for many more nights. She didn’t know what he thought she was going to say, but the throbbing in the pit of her stomach told her that he knew what she wanted, and he wanted it too. Maybe it was the darkness that gave her that confidence, or maybe it was the way their bodies melded into one another as he held her close, his fingers on her skin so sure of himself. Either way, right here, and right now, she knew that Leon wanted to hold onto her the way she always dreamed he would. 
He opened his eyes now, their gold still dazzling in the darkness, studying her face. She gazed back, her thumb resuming the soothing strokes on his cheek as he lowered his head, pressing his forehead against her own. He came closer, his nose nudging her own, the sweetness of his breath fanning over her lips. This was the closest Leon had ever been, and yet she was selfish once more, moving her hand from his cheek to cup the back of his neck just to pull him slightly closer, her fingers pressing there as well. If he was allowing her to touch him like this, she would leave as many fingerprints on him as he could, so maybe, he too, would feel her touch when he went to bed on his own the next night.
“I wanted to say it first,” Leon whispered, his lips almost brushing her own.
Her full heart burst, and without responding, she weaved her fingers in his hair and closed the tiny space between their lips. His grip on her hip tightened even more as he met her lips just as eagerly, and she hoped his fingers would leave small bruises on her hip, just so that she could convince herself that after tonight was over, that it actually happened. Physical concrete proof that Leon Dompteur adored her in this moment, in the tiny inn, during the middle of the night in a rainstorm.
“I love you,” Leon breathed into her mouth, his lips never once leaving hers as he continued to repeat it over and over, like a mantra. “I love you, I love you.” And she met his chants with her own, a repeat of his confession sliding off of her tongue and onto his.
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violettduchess · 1 year ago
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A/N: This year, as I deal with a far more limited amount of free time, I want to focus on writing things that really spark something for me. These headcanons, which I started almost 6 months ago, recently came roaring back into my imagination and I decided to go for it.
This is imagining how these suitors would react to their small child entering their bedroom in the middle of the night.
Leon, Sariel, Jin, Keith and Gilbert
WC: 2.2 k
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The child's white bedroom door, painted with a silvery moon and twinkling stars, opens slowly, a whisper in the still of the night. A small head pokes out, knuckling sleepily at eyes still heavy with the remnants of dreaming. A look left, then right.
The hall is empty.
Tiny bare feet tiptoe across plush carpeting.
One hand clutches a stuffed animal, the other reaches for the curved handle of your bedroom door and which, on a quiet exhale, opens.
He is awake the moment the door opens. A light sleeper, he never fails to hear when his daughter enters your bedroom, no matter how quietly she tries to. Even now, he pushes himself up, running a hand through his cacophony of dark hair, watching his offspring step as quietly as possible as she makes her way towards the bed. She’s so concentrated on not making noise that she doesn’t notice he’s already up and watching her until she arrives at the foot of the bed.
“Papa!” Her gasp is half surprise, half disappointment when she realizes he has, as always, heard her. Leon laughs softly, the sound still rough with sleep as he motions for her to come over to his side of the bed. 
“I was trying to be extra, extra quiet.” He offers her his hand and she takes it, climbing into the bed and then into the circle of his arms where he cuddles her close. “You were, peanut. You were very quiet but your father has very, very good ears. Especially at night.” 
Perhaps someday she’ll learn why. How good hearing and light sleeping could mean the difference between life and death in the slave pens. But not tonight. Tonight she snuggles into his embrace, clutching her brown bear with his black and red cape to her chest. 
“Shall I bring you back to your bed?” He brushes several dark locks of hair that have escaped her braid away from her plump cheek, his golden eyes warm with affection. His daughter stifles a yawn. “Can I stay here tonight, with you and Mama?” 
How can he say no? “Of course.” He shifts her, tucking her in close against his side where she curls up like a kitten, warm and content. Leon sighs, his heart fuller than he ever imagined it could be, before closing his eyes and drifting back to sleep.
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He looks up from the paperwork on his lap when the bedroom door slowly opens. One glance at the clock on his nightstand and he knows exactly who dares enter his room, unannounced, in the middle of the night.
His son, hair dark as onyx, eyes as bright as violets, peeks around the door to see his father sitting up in bed, reading by the soft light of an oil lamp. 
“I see you, little one.” The child gives up stealth and hurries into his parents’ room, climbing up the foot of the bed and crawling his way across the velvety covers up to Sariel, careful not to jostle you while you are sleeping. He settles in next to his father, peering at the sheaf of papers still in his hands. “Why are you still up, Papa? It’s so late.”
Sariel glances down at his son, his lips curved in a soft shadow of a smile. “You know what? You are correct. It is very late.” He carefully removes his glasses, placing them in a safe spot on his nightstand and then sets the missives and letters and parchments beside them. He extends his arms and his son happily accepts the silent invitation, burrowing into his father’s embrace, clutching his soft, stuffed snake with the onyx eyes close to his little chest. “We’ll go to sleep together, ok Papa?”
Sariel reaches out, extinguishing the warm light and then shifts, dipping his head to press a kiss to his son’s midnight hair. “A sound plan, son.” He closes his eyes, contentment flowing through him like the soft waves of the ocean. “A very sound plan.”
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He freezes, lifting his head from your neck, his large hand going still on the sensitive skin of your hip. As involved as he may be with you, he has excellent hearing and the opening of the door is as loud in its whisper as a gust of howling wind. He feels the soft huff of air against his cheek as you reign in your galloping heart. Things were just getting good.... With a groan, a mixture of disappointment and the dying embers of desire, he sits up as you adjust your nightgown and tilts his head at the small outline in the doorway.
“Yes, Princess? What is it?”
“I heard a noise. In my wardrobe. I think there’s a monster in there.” Her voice is small, almost tentative as it floats through the darkened bedroom. Jin pushes back his covers, swinging his long legs over the side of the bed. He reaches back, squeezing your hand, a gesture that says I’ve got this, before getting up and walking toward his daughter. "Alright little lady, let's go investigate." She slips her small hand in his, clutching her stuffed baby eagle close as they make their way back to her bedroom.
Stepping inside, she pulls her hand away from his and points to the white and lavender closet. “In there, Papa.” Her garnet-colored eyes are wide as Jin clears his throat, fixing a scowl on his face as he faces the wooden doors.
“Listen up. This is Prince Jin speaking and any and all monsters hiding in this wardrobe better leave RIGHT now or else you’ll have to answer to me!”
“Yeah!”, she adds helpfully, eyes narrowing as she glares at the wardrobe, a mirror image of her father.
Jin reaches forward and flings open one door, then the other. Inside are all her dresses and coats. Her shoes all lined up neatly along the bottom. A few stockings peek out of small drawers and her wooden training sword and shield with Jin's crest lean against the side, askew. Jin searches through the clothing, stands on his toes to check the top shelves. He makes a show of it, incredibly thorough and yet serious. Then he turns around to face his daughter. “Looks like any monsters are long gone. And they won’t be coming back.”
A smile like the dawn breaks over her face and she rushes towards him. He leans down and catches her in his arms, holding her tightly against his broad chest. “Thank you, Papa. No monster would ever be stupid enough to come back now!” 
Jin carries her back to her white four-poster bed, grinning as he lays her down amongst her fluffy pillows and pulls the soft covers up to her chest. “Nope, not when they know they have to deal with me.” He glances over his shoulder at the wardrobe. “But how about tomorrow, we go to the knights training grounds and you bring your sword and shield. We can work on your swordsmanship so any monster knows to be just as afraid of you too.”
She grins, nodding eagerly. “Good idea!”
Her enthusiasm has him returning her grin and he leans down, running a large hand over the soft chestnut of her hair. “Alright then. Get some sleep so you’re ready for tomorrow.” She snuggles down into the warmth of her blankets, stifling a yawn even as she rolls over. “I love you, Papa.” He swallows for a moment at the lump of emotion that suddenly swells his throat. “I love you too. Princess. So much.”
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Little feet whisper across dark green carpeting, continuing their journey to his side of the bed. “Papa,” she whispers, tugging on his covers, her stuffed deer dangling from her grip on its antlers. Keith inhales, his handsome face frowning in his sleep as her voice cuts through the fog of dreaming. But he doesn’t wake up yet. However, his daughter is nothing but insistent. She pats his upper arm, clearing her throat and speaking again, this time louder. “Papa. Wake up.”
His golden eyes open slowly and he blinks as he returns to the here and now. The sight of her, with her ashen blond hair and your intelligent eyes, has him sitting up in bed, the last misty tendrils of dreaming vanishing like fog in the sunlight.
“Yes, darling? What’s wrong? Is everything ok?” 
She glances to your empty side of the bed. “I miss Mama.” Those words send his heart spinning, leaving a trail of ache inside his chest as he nods slowly. “I do too. But you remember how she had to go back to Rhodolite. I promise, she’ll be home again soon. Just a few more days.” He reaches for her hand, his thumb running soothingly over her knuckles, marveling at the tininess of her fingers, the softness of her skin. She speaks again, her voice compressed by sadness. “I still miss her.”
He sighs as she hangs her small head, curls covering her face. Then he has an idea. Slowly he gets out of bed and leads her by the hand across the room to the heavy glass doors of the balcony off of the bedroom, his favorite place in the palace to stargaze. Keeping a secure hold of her hand, he slides open one heavy glass door and then walks with her to the large brass telescope. “Take a look in there,” he murmurs, kneeling as he adjusts the eyepiece for her. He wraps one arm around her middle, holding her close. “Can you see it?”
She leans forward slightly. “It’s blurry.” Carefully he adjusts the focuser until he hears her breath catch. “Oh it’s so pretty!” She stares through the telescope in wonder at the bright star, brilliant in its silvery-blue light. 
“That,” he says softly, almost dreamlike, “is your mother’s favorite star.” Gently he pulls her away from the telescope and points upwards. “You can see it without the telescope just there, see the three stars just in a row?” She nods emphatically. “It’s the one all the way to the right.” He pauses, resting his chin tenderly on her small shoulder. “When you miss Mama at night, like you do now, you can look up at the sky and find her favorite star. It may make you feel better.”
She turns around and wraps her arms around Keith’s neck, hugging him with all her might. “Thank you, Papa.” He hugs her close, this walking embodiment of his heart, and smiles.
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He is already sitting up when his daughter approaches the bed, her stuffed tiger tucked under her arm. He heard the opening of the door and knew who it was immediately. No one else would ever dare to enter his bedroom in the middle of the night without fearing for their life.
“It’s past midnight, Mäuschen. Why are you wandering through the shadows?” His voice is a gentle that only you and those very close to Gilbert have ever heard. A genuine softness like the blanket of dusk as it falls over the land, the protective moon whispering as it cradles a favorite star. His daughter sighs, pushing away a stray lock of dark hair. “I’m hungry.”
He laughs quietly, his chin tilting down as he regards her. He speaks quietly, not wanting to wake you. You need rest after all, so close to the birth of your second child. He gets up, slipping on his black silk robe and then holds out his hand. She takes hold of it, wrapping her cool little fingers tightly around him and then pauses. “Wait a moment, Papa.” Turning back to the bed, she carefully places her stuffed tiger next to you where you sleep. “Watch out for Mama,” she orders sternly and doesn’t notice the bright gleam in Gilbert’s eyes as he smiles at her protective gesture. She turns, grabbing his hand and nods. “Ok Papa, fertig.” Ready.
He leads her out of the bedroom and a short walk down the hall to his office. Once inside, he walks over to his massive wooden desk, made of the finest dark walnut, and leans forward, turning on the desk lamp. He settles into his chair, into the crimson velvet cushioned seat and motions for her to join him. The Obsidian princess climbs into his lap, eyes bright as she looks at him expectantly. “Shh…this is our secret,” he murmurs, tapping his finger on the end of her nose. She grins slowly and nods. “Versprochen, Papa.” I promise. One arm holds her close as he leans down and opens a bottom drawer. Inside is a small round tin which he takes out and sets on his desk, next to the missives and parchments waiting for him come morning light.
“Go ahead,” he says encouragingly and she leans forward, carefully working the lid off with chubby fingers and then he feels her straighten up in excitement when its contents are revealed. She reaches in and pulls out a hearty oatmeal and raisin biscuit. The cookie is nearly at her lips when she pauses, thoughtfully. Shifting in his lap, she turns to face him and then holds it up. “Do you want a bite, Papa?” Her generosity has him smiling, a warmth like no other brightening his heart as he pretends to consider. “You don’t mind sharing?” She shakes her head, several loose, dark curls framing a face that is the youthful echo of yours. He leans forward and bites off a tiny corner, then leans back with a satisfied sigh. “Mama makes the best biscuits.” 
She bites into the same cookie with much less restraint and then smiles, chewing happily. “Mm hm.” She leans back against his chest and he wraps his arms around her as she continues munching. “Just this one and then it's back to bed with you, little mouse.” She nods, mouth too full to answer and focus far too lost in the pleasure of her treat to respond verbally. Gilbert sighs, turning to rest his cheek against the top of her head. He is utterly and completely at peace.
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Tagging: @xbalayage @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @aria-chikage @redheadkittys @tele86 @dear-mrs-otome @curious-skybunny @rhodoliteschaos @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @portrait-ninja @ikesimpleton @ikemenlibrary @mastering-procrastinating @namine-somebodies-nobody @greatstarlightstarfish @queen-dahlia @scorchieart @nightghoul381
For Leon content: @leonscape
For Gilbert and Leon: @ozalysss
For Keith: @drewadoodle-dandy
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maladaptivedaydreamsx · 10 months ago
How the Rhodolite princes would react to their firstborn/newborn
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Rating: PG-13 (?) Ikepri itself contains a lot of mature themes however, as such, mdni 🔞
Warnings: Brief mentions of (past) character death, grief, pregnancy/childbirth themes (no actual birth depicted), gn but implied afab, & the usual tragic Ikepri cannon.
A/N: Tried to write how they'd hold their kid and what they were feeling when meeting them. Spoiler warnings for the Rhodolite princes routes, tried not to bring up anything major though (Luke's is probably the most spoilery?). Tried to keep the princes' spouses GN, though implied afab bc newborns. (One very brief mention of Belle, but mc/reader is not Emma.) Might eventually make pt2 with the others..? Please read the warnings and proceed only if comfortable! :)
(Apologies for anything that seems ooc, I haven't written much in awhile and this is my first piece for Ikepri! I'm more used to fics rather than hcs, but I tried my best! o7)
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There's so much Jin can't help but worry about. His past, his future, his country... and now he's got not one but two loved ones he would do anything for. The little bundle of joy in his arms reminds him of the times when his younger brothers were born, and how cute they used to be (well, some of them, anyway). The bleary, garnet eyes trying to look into his own have him wondering.. is this how he looked to his dear mother? There's so much he cherishes, and so much he fears, but he won't let the history of Belle repeat itself. He'd fight the entire palace if he had to, but for right now, he'll settle for tackling pesky burps and dirty diapers. Jin coos at his baby, baritone voice suddenly startling the poor thing, and he can't help but pout. The baby in his arms continues to fuss, feeling hungry.
Jin pulls something out of his breast pocket, looking over at his spouse. "So.. how much longer until they can have lollipops?"
Chevalier would likely be a bit awed upon holding his firstborn, much like the quiet way he takes in Emma's precence. Chevalier is known to be awkward with his affections, as he's far from practiced, but it's been shown on several occasions how he tries to gently pet an animal that dares to come close, or how he clumsily takes care of his love when they're feeling under the weather. He may look fine on the outside, but he's actually quite hesitant, trying to sort things out logistically at first, before sort of just settling for standing there and holding his newborn with both arms. He stares down at their gentle features, taking in every detail, making sure they're comfortable and warm in their sleep.
Looking over at his beloved in all their tired glory, in his very own Chevalier-approved affection he says, "You did well, Simpleton." While he only speaks four words aloud, his faint smile speaks the thousands he didn't quite know how to express.
"Dearie me," Clavis says, holding his newborn, full of wide-eyed excitement. "They look so much like you, I can see the bunny ears already."
Being someone who values life so dearly, bringing a new one into this world, with the love of his life no less, is enough to send Clavis' heart soaring into the stratosphere. He just can't help but want to drown them in affection, but they're so small and fragile, and Clavis knows better than to risk scaring them now. He's so, so gentle with his child, unconditional love flowing off him in waves as they bond quietly (please don't get used to this, it will not last), and looks upon their splotchy tufts of lilac hair. The Lelouch genes live on through yet another generation, he smiles to himself. Clavis slowly comes over to stand by his love, placing a gentle kiss on their head.
"You're so lucky to have such a wonderful husband like me. But I'm even luckier to have you both in my life."
The happiest day in Leon's life. Second only to your wedding. Scratch that, the wedding is second.. he thinks. He's a bit frazzled from work, labor stress, and all the chaos, cut the guy some slack. No one is immune to this sweet lion's charisma, not even a newborn. They can't help but stare at his flowy hair and bright eyes, like a cartoon character come to life right before their eyes. Leon gently caresses their neck, very lightly pressing a kiss into their soft kiss to their temple. What kind of person will they grow up to be? Will they eat as much as he does? Will they fall asleep when they read too? There's a lot that runs through his mind, but ultimately, he is hopes for them to be healthy, and live happily. This child is going to be absolutely spoiled (within reason), and always have someone in their corner, rooting for them and ready to help learn from their wrongs. For now, he can worry about righting their posture instead. He tries to hold them like he read (how his partner read) in the parenting books, supporting their necks and all. It was really hard to stay awake during those, but the excitement of fatherhood helped him push through, and he's going to put it all into practice now.
"When do we start working on the second one?" (If not for the literal newborn currently in his hands, he'd be busy dodging several pillows.)
There's a lot of suppressed guilt for his mother's death in mind, and so many worries for his darling's health before, during, and after. He's a bit scared to hold his newborn, for fear of his clumsiness and "bad luck". With some assurance, he finally takes hold of them, and he could not physically be more careful with his firstborn. Clear eyes like the sky blink sleepily up at him, and Yves is fighting back tears solely for fear of them landing on the baby and somehow hurting them. The smile on his face could split his cheeks if it got any wider. The baby falls asleep in its father's arms, and he even tries breathing softer so he won't wake them. He's just trying his best, please reassure this sweet cat, he means well. (And he absolutely lost the battle against those blasted tears anyway.)
"Thank you for loving me, and for bringing our child into the world with us. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
(Twins having twins cliché may seem redundant, I made 'em different for each brother, pinky promise.)
Licht was blessed with not one but two bundles of joy. Beautiful twin boys, who had what looked to be his vibrant silver hair and his beloved's eyes. He couldn't help the memories that surged, of happier times, and the worst of times. He knew all too well just how ruthless the court could be, but he had a chance to make things different this time. Licht seriously considered building that house he'd once mentioned, and moving you all somewhere much more peaceful. One twin in his arms, one with their other parent, he feels all thought subside when the one he's holding tries to grab at his sleeve. Licht's now-famous smile blooms across his lips much the way the sun's rays appear over daybreak; subtle, then all at once. He takes a gloveless hand, letting their tiny hand hold onto his finger as best they can, eyes gleaming from the sight before him. Licht looks over in wonder at his spouse, only to find them already watching with a tired, quiet smile.
"Things won't be easy but.. I know we can handle anything. I adore you. And I adore them."
(Twins for both may seem redundant, but I changed things up drastically ok, we got this.)
Nokto wasn't entirely surprised to have twins, but he had also hoped luck would be in their corner in avoiding similar fates. Two little girls, jewel-like eyes like his, and his beloved's hair color (or so it appears, though it's hard to tell for sure with so little peach fuzz). Nokto sits at the edge of the bed, holding one newborn in his arm, and reaching his other hand out for the one in his love's arms. Aside from the memories of his own upbringing, he's now having Typical Girl Dad thoughts about how to keep them safe and teach them how to stay away from cooties (boys), among other things. With a soft sigh, he gently burps his newborn after she's done feeding, rocking her slowly as she tries to chew on her father's lucious locks. Laughter bubbles past his lips at her cute antics, and Nokto feels the stress fade away, even if just a little. His heart is still getting used to receiving love and believing in it, but it's grown enough by now to love his 3 new favorite people in the world.
"If they like my hair this much now, just wait till they start to grow their own."
Luke could not be more the picture of a teddy bear than with his newborn all swaddled up and snuggled in with their giant of a dad. He can't help but wonder if his sister is watching over them, laying next to his spouse on the bed, their newborn but a tiny dot among the two full-grown humans taking up most of the space. He promises to be there for his child the way he never really had anyone, and hopes to live more in the present now, the stakes feeling higher than ever before. A whole new life, created on purpose, gently resting in one arm and atop his broad chest, nestled comfortably and trying to suck on their thumb. Luke holds his spouse's hand with his free one, squeezing it gently, looking into their eyes with the intensity of his own emeralds.
"Look at 'em.. they're so small. Just like you," he jokes before letting out a big yawn, "But sleepy, just like me."
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All rights for the characters and original intellectual property belong to Cybird. My writing belongs to myself, Maladaptivedaydreamsx, and shall not be reproduced elsewhere without permission. Ok to translate as a reblog to this post. Ok to reblog, no permission required (for those who like to be safe and ask first, all's good little homies) 💜
If you enjoyed these, I might try to make a pt2 with the other characters soon? Likes and reblogs appreciated, thank you kindly for reading! If you have any hc's of your own, please feel free to respond with them, I'd love to hear what you all think! 😊❤️ (If you'd like to be put on a tag list for any future works, please reply, though it will be a general list for writings as I'm getting back into things slowly atm,, 🙏🏻)
Also, to the lovely person who sent this in likely about 2 years ago (after I'd stopped writing on here bc life happens) ... if you're still somewhere in the fandom and end up seeing this post, thank you for your patience, and for sending something in. I'm finally trying to combat the writer's block again! 🙌🏻
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judenostopwaitkeepgoing · 4 months ago
IkéPrince's Favorite Kinks 😈
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18+ | MDNI! | IkéPrinces x Fem!Reader
CW: Some kinks are not for everyone! Mentions of (consensual!) power imbalances, bodily harm/violence, Dom/Sub dynamics, humiliation/taking advantage, mentions of cutting/blood, some slight CNC (somnophilia), (consensual) controlling behavior, mentions of fingering, p-in-v sex, and more!
AN: These are just my opinions on which kinks the princes/other Rhodolite court members would be into! Some of them are a little more on the extreme side of things! Haha! This post is for all you fellow freaks out there! Enjoy!!
Jin Grandet – Sensation Play / Sensory Deprivation (blindfolding)
Jin is a slut, it’s true, but he doesn’t strike me as the kinkiest guy in Rhodolite. However! He likes to spice things up now and again! I feel like he would get a kick out of being lightly tickled with a feather as foreplay—even better if it was happening while he was blindfolded. Anything to draw out the anticipation and tension for this guy who usually doesn’t have to work that hard at getting someone into bed with him lol. Also, imagine lightly tracing a finger or a butter knife or a feather or literally anything over those shoulder and chest muscles....? And he might even let out a little low-toned nervous chuckle...?? Yeesh. 😮‍💨
Chevalier Michel – Overstimulation/Edging
Chev loves to have the power! He loves to make you squirm! He thinks it’s hot but also it genuinely amuses him! Lol. What a monster this guy would be. He’s written in his route/canonically as having awkward, fumbling movements when it comes to romance/intimacy, but I’m sorry, I do not buy it! Sorry to you, Ikéwriters! You’re wrong! This dude is so confident it is almost scary! He would be so commanding in bed!! For real!! Like, he is perfect at everything and has read so many romance novels...??? Like he would be lethal??? Imagine him fingering you so deftly that you are about to come, and then he extracts himself from you so suddenly that your heart almost falls out of your chest, but you look up and he’s just smirking at you??? King Chev needs to unwind too okay!!
Clasvis LeLouch – Bondage
Another member of the Rhodolitian Sluts Committee! However, Clavis is a “gentleman.” He “respects” you or whatever. Haha, I actually don’t think he would be that kinky, but I do think that he knows his way around some rope lmao. He’s always setting traps! He’s bound to set a trap for you in your bedroom one of these days. And that trap would be designed in a way that some rope would happen to pull you up by your wrists, leaving you helpless and writhing like a little worm on a hook for him. What is he supposed to do? Not toy with your body and tease you until you come?? He’s so considerate though! Always just thinking about your pleasure... What’s the problem?? 😇
Leon Dompteur – Breeding Kink
Okay, don’t come for me, but I genuinely think that Leon is the least kinky of all of the princes. He’s so noble and so egalitarian that I can’t really picture him getting into sexy stuff that requires power exchanges or pain or too much tension even. There’s a world of kink beyond those things, of course, but he just reads like a sweet vanilla boyfriend to me! But! I can see him getting particularly excited by the idea of putting his babies inside you haha. He would come inside you one time and then not be able to stop thinking about the possibility of you getting pregnant—imagining your belly swelling up, your glow as you carry his child... he’d get all embarrassed by how much the idea turns him on! He’d sheepishly bring it up at first, but before long he’d be whispering in his husky daddy voice about how he’s going to fill you up with his seed. Teehee!
Yves Kloss – Food Play
I mean, chef Yves feeding you his delicious treats? Or eating off of your naked body? Treating you like his personal little buffet? Yves would be so sensual with this. He would get off on watching you eat, loving the facial expressions that you make while you savor something that he made just for you. He’d also be into eating off of you—whipped cream play comes to mind! He’d hand-make some deliciously sweet and fluffy cream, first putting it somewhere cute and innocent like on your nose and licking it off, and you guys would tease each other until he gets all flustered and frustrated and decides to put it on your nipples and your bare stomach and your fingers and... everywhere! He'll show you who can make who flustered!! hehe cutie Yves. 🤭
Nokto Klein – Exhibitionism
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve got another huge slut over here! Ugh, I love Nokto haha. He’s such a problem lmao. He wants the whole world to know that you are his and his alone. He also wants the whole world to know how hot and sexy you are! He’d take any opportunity to fuck you in semi-public. Or at least make out with you. He knows how to get you so distracted with his tongue, his hands, his murmurs in your ear... He’d be fingering you in the palace gardens or in a back corner of a ballroom before you even knew what hit you. He’d be all like “Look at her body, look how beautiful she is, haha but don’t ever touch or I will kill you! While smiling! Teehee!”
Licht Klein – Pain/Blood Play
(This kink is not for everyone! Proceed with caution! Also PLEASE be careful if you try this IRL!) Licht gives me masochist vibes. I can see him lying in bed with you, both of your naked bodies softly touching, you lightly running your fingers over his muscular arms, until he cautiously broaches the idea of you using a knife/small razor blade to make small cuts on him or a needle to pierce his ears or skin... You would hesitate at first, but after he reassures you and you see just how flushed and excited he gets from being at your mercy like that, you’d realize that it’s something he gets off on and enjoys. You guys would talk about it a lot to make sure that you’re going about it in a safe way! Part of the appeal for him is you treating his wounds afterward! He would only trust you with this activity.
Luke Randolph – Somnophilia
(All of this is consensual!) Luke loves to nap, and I feel like napping together would be a staple in your relationship. He loves nothing more than slowly fluttering his eyes open to see you lying next to him, still asleep. You look so beautiful and delectable, and since you guys have agreed that it’s okay—you even have a system in place, where you put on a certain bracelet or ribbon that signals your consent before you go to sleep (if you’re not wearing it, he won’t do anything)—he’d slowly slide his hand between your legs, trailing soft, wet kisses along your neck and collarbone while you’re still sleeping, gradually beginning to stroke your clit... the sensation of you getting wet while you only start to stir awake makes him hard as a rock, and before long you’d both be up and at ‘em lol.
Sariel Noir – BDSM / Impact Play
The Devil of the King’s Court!!! Oooohooohoohoo. Sariel, Sariel, Sariel... Hahaha, I can’t with this man. He definitely has a secret torture dungeon somewhere in the castle, filled with all kinds of beautifully designed whips and paddles and chains. You’d be his little plaything, no question haha. Sariel is for the masochist girlies lol. He would find excuses to “punish” you all the time, and honestly you would do the same—he would be so excited at the sight of your pretty skin getting redder and redder as he spanks you or whips you. He’d reward you for good behavior by making you come over and over again and being very sweet with his aftercare. Ugh, kinky king!
Rio Ortiz – Getting Fem Dommed / Puppy play
Biggest! Sub! In! Rhodolite! Haha. Rio is canonically referred to as the MC’s “pet” or “mutt” or “dog” across multiple main story lines lmao. And he would be such a good boy! Imagine his eager little face as you boss him around. He wants nothing more than to please you. You could be a mean mistress or a kind mistress, it doesn’t even matter! He’s at your beck and call no matter what. He’s your personal little bitch now, so use him! He likes it! Buy him a collar and leash and everything. He’ll do literally anything for his beloved mistress. Ugh, it would be equally fun to yell at him or reward him for his good behavior. Rio is the ultimate puppy material!
Gilbert von Obsidian – Total Power Exchange
(This kink is not for everyone! Don’t forget that Gilbert is pretty much a dictator! Proceed with caution! This is a consensual activity! Don’t put up with this shit IRL unless it’s thoroughly agreed upon!) Gilbert would love to control every single aspect of your life haha. He likes to see the anxious look on your face when you need something but know that you have to ask for his permission. Like, you even have to ask for his permission to go to the bathroom or eat food. He likes having all of your needs at his mercy. It makes him so horny for you. Of course, you have to ask for his permission on what to wear, who you can talk to even... Your entire life belongs to him, just like he likes it. Occasionally, you would do something without his permission and he would have to punish you!
Keith Howell – Wax Play
My thinking here is that wax play would appeal to both “Keiths.” Dark Keith would like it for the danger/tension and Kind Keith would like it for the softness/sensualness of it after the wax dries. They would go about it in different ways. Dark Keith would hold you down and pour hot wax over your most sensitive areas, making you yelp. Kind Keith would slowly drip wax along the less intense erogenous zones, like your collarbones or feet, then sweetly peel it off of your naked body. The temperature play aspect of it would be really exciting for him, and he’d love to praise your beautiful soft skin after it’s been dipped in wax.
Silvio Ricci – Getting FinDommed
This kind of breaks from MC’s canonical attitude toward Silvio and his wealth, but this is what is in my heart lol. Silvio likes a brat! He’s a tyrant and has a difficult personality, but he actually likes it when someone doesn’t back down from him. He’s so used to getting whatever he wants, the idea of being at the mercy of his little bratty baby's whims and needs would be so thrilling to him. Literally he’s your wallet now. He’s the richest man in Benitoite! Take advantage of him! He doesn’t get a choice. He's there to buy you new clothes, new shoes, as many treats as you want, a new house even! He’s got the money, babe! And that money is YOURS now. Not his. Muahahaha. 😈
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months ago
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Little Lion Man
Pairing: Leon Dompteur x Reader
Prompt: Day 1 (Love), Day 4 (Brothers) and Day 6 (Dance) for Leon Dompteur Sequel Route Release event (hosted by me)
Word count: 1330
Tags: Fluff (with a brief appearance from Chevalier, Jin and Leon's young son)
A/N: This fic was inspired by Leon's recent Halloween gacha card in JP as well as @ikeprinces-stuff artwork with an alternate Leon costume that can be seen HERE. Jin and Chevalier's gacha cards are also referenced throughout the fic.
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“You are going to be the cutest little lion cub at tonight’s party!” you squealed as you adjusted the lion ears on top of your son’s head.
“Do you think Papa will like my costume?”
“Like it? He will love it!” You picked your son up in your arms, thankful he was still light enough for you to carry, and held him against your chest as you both looked in the mirror. “I think Uncle Yves did a great job with both of our costumes this year, don’t you think?”
Your son looked up at you and smiled. “You will be the prettiest bunny rabbit tonight, Mama.” He looked back into the mirror and opened his mouth wide to let out a tiny little roar. “And I will be the fiercest lion at the ball!”
Beaming with joy, you put your son down and took his little furry paw in yours. “Are you ready to go to a party now?”
He jumped up and down excitedly; his smile, bright as the sun, was a near replica of his father’s. “But where’s Papa?”
You looked out the nearby window, the darkening skies telling you it was already getting late in the day. “He said he had something to do before the party, and that he would meet us there.”
“This is what you came to my office for, Black?” Chevalier let out an exasperated sigh as his ice blue eyes met Leon’s amber eyes in a cold stare.
“Yes! This is an important matter!”
“Your ridiculous costume does not concern me,” Chevalier remarked, his eyes returning to the documents on his desk. 
“I found out that Silvio is going to the Halloween Ball as a vampire.  I was supposed to go as a vampire. I’m the King, I can’t be wearing the same costume as someone else!”
“I don’t think you’ll have that problem now,” Chevalier commented with a smirk. “I can assure you, no one else will be dressed like that tonight. Although, the color is very fitting for you, Black.”
Leon grumbled loudly at being called this nickname, but refused to dwell on it. Unfortunate as it was, he needed Chevalier’s help.
“Please. You read more books than anyone I know.”
“Yes. And you read none.”
“That’s not the point,” Leon growled. “I’m asking for your help.” 
Chevalier straightened in his seat and rested his chin in the palm of his hand, his icy gaze silently saying speak.
“Belle read a story to me the other night. It was about a masked, sword-wielding hero and his swashbuckling adventures.”
“And this is who you are supposed to be?” Chevalier asked wide-eyed.
“Yes! His name was…ah, Zoso or something?”
Chevalier was polite enough to cover his mouth when he snickered. “You mean Zorro.”
“Isn’t that what I said?” No, wait. Don’t answer that.” Leon pulled out the rapier that was sheathed at his waist and dramatically flipped his dark cape. “I am Zorro, the dashing masked vigilante!”
Leon put down the rapier and stared at Chevalier. “That was believable, right?”
“The masked part certainly was.”
Leon’s brows knitted in frustration. “You’re a bully. You know that, right?”
“You’re the one who came to me,” Chevalier replied with a snort of laughter before returning his attention to the papers on his desk.
“Oh hey, Chevalier. What costume are you wearing tonight?”
“Evil demon,” he replied without looking up from his desk.
“Ah, well, that makes perfect sense. You could go as yourself, no need to even dress up,” Leon muttered under his breath as he made his way towards the door.
“I know,” Chevalier called out. 
Leon didn’t have to turn around to know there was a wicked grin plastered on the face of the second prince.
“Have you seen Leon?” you asked Jin when you ran into him at the dessert table.
Jin looked around the room slowly, looking for his younger brother. “I haven’t seen him since I got to the ball. When I saw him earlier, he did mention he might be a little late this evening.”
“Did Papa forget about the ball?” a quiet little voice asked.
Jin crouched down and held out a lollipop to his nephew. “I’m sure your Papa didn’t forget. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was still at his desk, finishing up some work that just couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
Still crouched, Jin noticed a familiar figure dressed in black approaching. Leon held a finger to his mouth, to which Jin gave a quick wink.
Standing off to the side, you smiled as you watched Leon walk on tiptoe, trying to surprise his young son.
Jin leaned in closer to his nephew, whispering loudly in his ear. “I heard there will be many mysterious visitors at the ball tonight. Some might be friend, others foe. I need you to be on high alert and let me know if you see anyone suspicious. Can you do that for me, buddy?”
“Yes, Uncle Jin,” the small boy answered seriously.
“I think it's best if you turn around then. You won't be much of a lookout if all you're doing is looking at me,” he said. He put his hands on his nephew's shoulders, ready to turn him around at the right moment. “On my count. One, two…three!”
On three, Jin spun the young prince just as Leon was a few feet away.
“Papa!” the boy exclaimed, breaking from his uncle's hold and running to his father.
“Whose Papa? I don't recall raising a lion cub!” Leon scooped his son up in a big bear hug, gently tickling him until he began to squirm with laughter.
“It's me, it's me,” he squealed in between peals of laughter.
“What do you think?” Leon winked, gesturing to his costume. “Do you know who I am?”
“Yes. You're Zoso, the dashing, masked vigilante from the book Mama read to us!”
Leon threw back his head and let out a loud roar of laughter. 
Like father, like son, he thought to himself as he pulled his son into another hug.
“Hey!” Leon called to you, extending his hand. “Don't think you're hopping away so fast!”
Joining him in a tight hug, your heart filled with warmth. “I thought you were going to be a vampire,” you whispered in Leon's ear.
“It's a long story, I'll tell you later.” After Leon set the tiny lion cub on the ground, breaking the family hug, his hand searched for yours. “I heard…” he started in a very excited voice, “that there is a haunted maze out in the gardens. Who wants to go?”
“I do, I do!” cried a young voice.
“And you, my bunny?” Leon asked with a smirk. 
“If you're going, I'm going.”
“Hey, what about me?” Jin asked, a small pout forming on his lips.
Leon looked over his older brother for a minute. “ I'm not sure they're letting in any lazy mummies this year…” Leon let Jin stew only a few moments before clapping him on the shoulder with a wide smile. “Lucky for you though, your brother happens to be king.”
Leon led the group to the haunted gardens, his hand still clasped in yours, while Jin and the young prince ran up ahead.
“I was really looking forward to seeing you as a vampire tonight,” you said, trying to mask your disappointment.
“Not that this costume doesn't look amazing, but….” you smiled at Leon, “…you know…”
“Know what?”
“Vampires…biting….” you replied, quickly looking away as you felt heat rise to your cheeks.
Leon pulled you closer, so close he could feel that heat as he whispered to you.  “I can always change later. I still have the vampire costume.”
“Let's hurry then,” you said softly, not wanting to be heard by anyone but your husband.
Leon quickened his pace, excited to continue the haunted festivities. His arm wound around your waist as thoughts of what this evening would later bring were already dancing in his head.
Tagging: @redheadkittys @alixennial @rhodolitesroseforclavis @chaosangel767 @queengiuliettafirstlady
@queen-dahlia @ikehoe @ikemen-writer @talfollowingstuff @kpop-and-otome
@kisara-16 @altairring @lucyw260 @lordsisterxotome @umi-adxhira
@crypticbibliophile @lancelotscloak @tele86 @nightfoxqueen @melodiousramblings
@wendolrea @aceuuuu @randonauticrap @aria-chikage @nightghoul381
@maries-gallery @xbalayage @xenokiryu @alydra @drachonia
@ranhanabi777 @silver-dahlia @lunaaka @portrait-ninja @sh0jun
@ikesenwritings @justpeachyteastea @kalims-pessimist-bestie @shadowylakes     @writingwhimsey  
@ikeprinces-stuff @candiedcoffeedrops     @kookie-my-little-sunshine
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xxsycamore · 1 year ago
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↬ 📜 The Belle Covenant, Clause 69: "A just king ought to give his country as much as he takes. Belle is to oversee his equal sharing, for he must learn to treat his country the way he treats a lover." Emma initiates 69 with each prince. You know, for political reasons.
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Leon x Emma; Chevalier x Emma; Yves x Emma; Nokto x Emma; Licht x Emma; Jin x Emma; Clavis x Emma; Luke x Emma • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: 69 (Sex Position); Oral Sex; Rough Oral Sex; Cunnilingus; Bathroom Sex; Gentle Sex; Rough Sex; Deepthroating; Blow Jobs; Face-Sitting; Multiple Orgasms; Vaginal Fingering; Vaginal Sex • wordcount: 2,241 • masterlist
a/n: Welcome to my personal kinktober challenge, Visions of Temptation 2022 - that's right, last year's one. You can find the new one, Visions of Temptation 2023, here. DAY 1: ORAL SEX | SIXTY-NINE
The Belle Covenant, Clause 69:
"A just king ought to give his country as much as he takes. Belle is to oversee his equal sharing, for he must learn to treat his country the way he treats a lover."
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"Now, Prince Leon, let's see if you're more of a taker or a giver…"
Propped up on his elbows on the bed, Leon had just told Emma he's hers to play with. He's so casual as ever, always there for her, ready to give a shoulder where she needs it. From how well they clicked it was bound to happen sooner or later, ending up in the same bed. Seeing Emma turn around and straddle his torso, Leon is pretty sure she's taking him for a ride.
Until she gets all comfortable with his cock in her mouth, retaining this position.
Now, Leon is not the one to idly sit and be pleased by someone without returning the gesture. It just doesn't sit right with him, when all it takes is a swift maneuver and Emma's leaking pussy would be right in front of his face and ready to be ravished.
The vigor with which Leon swirls his skilled tongue inside her depths can only be rivaled by the way hers wraps around the girth of his cock, tracing the delicious vein that protrudes on its side. She switches for teasing the slit of his tip, and Leon groans; the pleasure ricocheting right back to her core in the form of a sultry vibration.
"Suck it harder. Damn it, Emma, just like that… I'm going to cum, Emma. Cum with me."
They're locked in this loop of giving and taking all the way until their mutual peak hits. Hard.
Leon surely is a master of this trade, in addition to guiding her and praising her. She hums in bliss and takes a mental note of his skills, for future reference.
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Chevalier is a tough nut to crack. First, he needs a good reason to cooperate regarding any of the clauses in the list. Why would he care? Second, he needs a good reason to comply specifically with the absurdish idea that Emma poses about 'testing his justness'. So she gets a little creative and a little mischievous, and gives him the necessary push.
In a little game of (big) cat and mouse, Emma jumps from the sofa to the bed before Chevalier can put his claws on her. Backed against the headboard of the bed, she has nowhere to escape, but the book that started it all remains in a secure hold against her chest.
"I'll give you your precious book back if you give me something in return. Or does the mighty future king of Rhodolite not see it fit to give in order to take?"
"The 'mighty future king of Rhodolite' doesn't fancy anyone touching his property with their dirty little hands," He looms in closer, caging Emma's body with his own, knowingly intimidating her, "And he has nothing to negotiate with thieves."
The book is snatched from her hands without much fight, and Emma sinks further down the headboard in defeat. The wise thing to do would be to retreat and rethink her strategy - and definitely not to try and seduce an angry Chevalier by letting out an accidental whine while she's still trapped sprawled beneath him in his lair.
Chevalier remains there, only raising an eyebrow - he shouldn't be too surprised by her open provocations at this point, but it's like he senses something genuine in her supposed act.
"You're hopeless, simpleton."
A sequence of Emma's half-spoken questions and puzzled sounds is merely background noise to the rapidly changing pace of events, as the big cat in front of her lies down and turns on his back. It's not exactly the equivalent of it trustingly showing its belly for rubs.
Emma's slightly trembling legs are gotten a secure hold of, as Chevalier drags her closer and on top of him - almost trying to be gentle but failing - until she's practically straddling his face.
Her pulse quickens rapidly as if she's been granted a throne she is unworthy of.
Just for tonight, she shuts her eyes and accepts the empowering pleasure it entails.
Sucking on her aroused nub until she sees stars, he almost makes her forget the idea behind this ordeal, until she has to remind herself about working for his pleasure too. Chevalier almost doesn't let her - at first, she thinks it's an additional dragging on of things for him, a bother. Once he lets her play with his intimidatingly big cock, though, it proves to be something different. The prideful second prince catches up with her heightened arousal shockingly quickly. His ministrations become sloppier. Such an exchange of pleasure, Emma concludes, is unfamiliar to him. He masks it very well - because by the time she reaches her own orgasm, it feels euphoric. He gave her a lot, and he took a lot, too.
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Yves is almost too pretty right now. Emma laments not having him eat her out in a pose where she can watch his pretty face, his perfect features pressed into her cunt, his cute little nose squished against her clit.
His cupid's bow kissing her glistering, swollen pussy lips.
Yves maneuvers his frame swiftly over her body, just-bathed porcelain skin smelling of expensive oils and silky-to-the-touch caresses ghosting over Emma's equally cared-for body, as they shared intimacies in the bath beforehand. 
Their exchange of pleasure is harmonic; voices joining together in a melody as they moan, aromas entangling in the air and delicate sensations as they roll in the clean, luxurious bedsheets. Yves softly guides Emma's body sideways before laying down the opposite way, muscles relaxing all over, safe for the ones of their sexes which are maddeningly pulsing in a chase towards a mutual peak.
Yves' love would trick you with tasting rigid demand coated with egoism; then reminiscent of a dessert with soft-crème heart, upon a bolder bite you'll discover what having your senses spoiled really feels like.
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From someone with a mouth as big as Nokto's, Emma expects nothing but a big performance to come. She's in for a little more than she bargained for, she finds out as soon as her world turns upside down.
Looking at Emma now, Nokto connects the dots rather quickly as to why she's suddenly feeling coquettish like that - lounging on his couch whenever he's around is one thing, but getting so comfy that she's basically dangling her legs over the backrest, her best bedroom eyes following Nokto upside-down… He wonders if his antics are rubbing off her, or if she's giving him a taste of his own medicine. Hands folded casually on her belly, she finally poses the question that's been hanging heavily in the air, while Nokto dresses himself for another night out. It's now or never.
Emma is suddenly the fox's appetizer when he leans down and buries his face between her legs, the hem of her dress conveniently ridden up on her waist as if to clear his way. 
She's never before given a blowjob upside-down but she likes a challenge. Nokto's crouch is right there in front of her face, so she makes quick work of his belt that he hasn't even fastened all the way earlier during his preparations for going out. It works out surprisingly well, a quick and explosively pleasurable deal sealed with a gush of fluid on their tongues.
Nokto works swiftly when there is gain for him, and surprisingly plays fair, too.
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Like the carnivore he is deep inside, Licht loves taking his pray to his den. His room is mostly veiled in darkness and Emma's eyes are not well-adjusted to it by the time Licht begins ravishing her, but there is no fear in her heart. His tonguing on her heated core is calculated and it's nothing greater than what her body can take - and it comes naturally to her to want to give him something in return.
They're in no hurry, taking turns pleasuring each other, usually one being breathless and halting ministrations because of those of the other party. Emma feels shy being so vocal with a partner that only occasionally grunts every now and then. His giving is silent but evident and abundant, and she feels like putty in his strong hands. Licht takes long sweeps of his tongue on her sex, dragging her whole body back and forth with the impact, not caring that the bobbing of Emma's head turns sloppier. Once he releases his pent-up desire whole in her mouth, he tells her to spit if she wants - and feels his blood rushing forth hotly when she doesn't. In the much-appreciated post-sex cuddles session afterward, Emma catches a glimpse of a smile and dozes off contently.
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Everything Emma learned about Jin's sex life, she learned against her will. Though it would be a lie if she said she wasn't once curious whether the rumors were true.
Her observations so far are that as many women the first prince has taken to bed, he is in the habit of behaving like he hasn't been with one in ages. Paying attention to every naked millimeter of her skin, Jin's hands never stop roaming, pleasuring, loving. He also eats her out as if he hasn't put food in his mouth for decades, she notices - a deep masculine grunt leaving his throat at the first taste of her hot juices on his tongue. He is a big boy who doesn't mind getting dirty, and that might be the best thing about him, as much as Emma refuses to admit. His technique is worked to perfection - the youthfully needy opening act serving just to trick her. It's funny how she attempted to blow him first and then turn it into a hot sixty-nine from there, when in reality he was the one to initiate that. Jin always struck her as the person who likes to sit back in his seat, one hand propping up his chin, one on her head, as he's been serviced. But he is a giver, a damn good giver.
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Emma doesn't know why she had expectations of Clavis doing this straightforwardly and fairly, when he's already a well-known menace outside the bedroom. Being naked and open for his cruel teasings, for the touch of those wicked fingers that aim to irritate and to never satisfy, it drives her crazy. Clavis demands to be the one touching her and not the other way around - after all, there are so many ways to play with a bunny like Emma, why limit themselves to some boring position? Clavis has Emma climaxing twice on his fingers before he finally allows her to return some of the pleasure, guiding his flushed tip past her thoroughly kissed and swollen lips. She then understands - for all Clavis is worth, he's prone to becoming an absolute mess once pleasured. The little delicious gasp falling from his beautiful curved lips soon turns into a hearty moan, laced with desperateness and lust as he pushes Emma's head to urge her to take more of his cock inside her tight, warm throat. His little plan of turning her into a pliant, overstimulated pile of limbs is unsuccessful when he possesses a voice so erotic it sees her hunger awaking once again, head full of thoughts about riding him until sunrise. In addition, Clavis seems to enjoy the rougher manner of Emma seating her dripping cunt directly on his face, leaving him almost no room to breathe. Maybe riling her up was all in favor of receiving her harsh command of "Shut up already and pleasure me properly!"
The chances of coming with the upper hand when bargaining with Clavis are low, but the headaches are always worth it in the end.
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Luke should have been the gentle giant who lets Emma catch a breather even in moments of burning lust. That's how she always imagined him to be with a lover - barely-there touches exchanged between relaxed sighs, lying down in some secluded napping spot that would once again serve its true purpose once every last drop of pleasure is squeezed out of their bodies.
Well. While it does sound good enough to Emma, she wouldn't trade her current position for anything in the world.
Adrenaline rushing all through her body, Emma's heart is about to leap out of her chest with the sheer lasciviousness of how Luke has her right now.
Someone as tall and strong as him, she should've prepared herself to be putty in his hands. To be folded in positions she couldn't paint with her imagination… or, like right now, to be picked up with her ass up and held in the air as Luke shamelessly devours her cunt.
With pleasure rendering her silly, she can't possibly hold back from attempting to suck his cock while in this position, even if its massiveness in its full erect glory intimidated her at first. For the timid, vanilla experience she expected, fucking like animals is the last thing she saw coming from Luke - and she suddenly finds himself at his mercy as he has complete control over her body.
The aftercare is more reminiscent of her initial thoughts, and coming down from her high never felt better. Once you awaken the slumbering monster inside the youngest prince of Rhodolite, you're in for more than you bargained for.
Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @thewitchofbooks @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @aria-chikage @babyblue0t7 @rhodoliteschaos @shrimpy-kitsune @nightghoul381 @xbalayage @lucyw260 @princess-pray-a @claviscollections @aceuuuuu Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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ikeprinces-stuff · 15 days ago
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A/N: Happy love day y'all! Was out in a small trip with family so went to write this to kill time and yay!! Have fun!
Characters: Leon Dompteur x Reader
Word: 1k
Genre: fluff, fluff, and more fluff
Tags: @wistfulwanderingone @chirp-a-chirp @reborn-elven-spirit @aquagirl1978
Special thanks to : @nyxthepixystick for giving me some inspirations for this fic on Discord 😉💕✨
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You had grown accustomed to being awakened by a tender caress on your cheek or a gentle stroke of your hair, as if wrapped in a warm embrace each morning. But today, you were met with an emptiness beside you; the familiar hand that once stirred you from slumber was absent. It wasn’t unusual for him to rise early, perhaps to tackle some work, wanting to let you rest peacefully. Yet as memories of the previous evening flooded back, you realized he wouldn’t be busy with anything but thoughts of you. Then it struck you: it was Valentine’s Day.
With a surge of excitement, you leaped from your bed and dressed quickly, a flurry of ideas swirling in your mind for how to surprise your beloved prince. You envisioned a delightful assortment of chocolate treats and pastries, each one crafted with love, certain that he would savor every bite.
As you stepped into the hallway, a sweet and inviting aroma wafted through the air, tickling your senses and bringing a smile to your lips. You followed the delightful scent, expecting one of the chefs or perhaps Yves to be busy in the kitchen, preparing something special for the day. However, nothing could have prepared you for the enchanting scene that awaited you there.
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Your feet halted at the entrance to the kitchen, your mind momentarily stunned by the sight before you. Flour dusted the countertop, and a soft dough was scattered about, while your prince stood with his back to you, carefully maneuvering a pan. “What was the next step he told me after...?” he muttered, scratching his head in confusion. “Low heat…?” he repeated, clearly puzzled by his culinary quest.
“Leon...?” you called, and his head snapped up, a warm smile spreading across his face like the sun breaking through the dawn. “Hey! You finally woke up!” he exclaimed, that radiant smile a familiar sight that warmed your heart.
You took a few steps closer, curiosity bubbling within you. “Don’t tell me you’re making what I think you’re making,” you asked, your tone playful yet earnest. Leon nodded with pride. “Yup,” he affirmed, stepping toward you, blissfully unaware of the dough smudge adorning the tip of his nose. You couldn’t help but stifle a laugh, but he caught your expression. “Something on my face?” he teased, and you nodded, reaching out to wipe the evidence of his kitchen adventure.
“I can see you’ve been working hard,” you said, inspecting the dough on your finger. In a cheeky move, Leon leaned forward and took your finger into his mouth, tasting the dough. “This is delicious, which means the pancakes will be even better!” he teased, a mischievous smile spreading across his face, causing a blush to bloom on your cheeks. Not wanting to fuel his playful banter, you quickly shifted the topic.
“So, what’s this all about? The fourth prince Leon Dompteur playing chef for Valentine’s Day?” you asked, glancing at the chaotic scene behind him. He gently grasped your chin, coaxing your gaze back to his.
“You and I both know what today is,” he said softly. “I spent the entire night dreaming of ways to pamper you and show my love. It was only this morning that the idea struck me.”
Imagining your prince lost in thought all night, determined to express his deep affection for you, filled your heart with warmth and joy. You felt an irresistible urge to wrap your arms around him and hold him tightly, grateful for the love that blossomed between you two this Valentine’s Day.
But suddenly, the atmosphere shifted, disrupted by an alarming smell—a pungent, unmistakable scent of something burning.
"Oh dammit!!" Leon's shout sliced through the calm. A plume of dark smoke billowed from the pan on the stove. He lunged forward, instinctively grabbing the handle with his bare hand. A sharp hiss and a pained grunt escaped him.
"Leon!" You cried, rushing to his side. "Are you okay? What happened?" You gently took his hand, turning it over to examine the damage. A red patch was already blooming on his palm. You blew on it, your breath a futile attempt to soothe the burn. He stared at you, initially in shock, then a soft warmth spread across his features as he felt the air against his skin.
"It's nothing, really," he mumbled, pulling his gaze away from you and towards the offending pan. A blackened, unrecognizable mass sat within. "Yves is gonna kill me if he finds out." A wry chuckle escaped him, but you could see the disappointment lurking beneath the surface.
You peered closer at the charred remains. It was...vaguely face-shaped. "A pancake with a face? Is that...your face?"
Leon's chuckle was laced with self-deprecating humor. "Maybe. But it seems my lack of attention resulted in, shall we say, crunchy results." He gestured to the mess. "Well, there goes my grand Valentine's breakfast plan."
"Hey," you said, placing a hand on his arm. "It's not your fault. You were trying to do something special."
"I was supposed to put it on low heat," he admitted, rubbing his burnt hand absently. "Completely slipped my mind."
"Okay, that's enough," you said, gently but firmly taking his wrist. "Come on." You led him to the sink, filling a bowl with cold water. "Here, soak it." You watched as hesitation flickered across his face, quickly replaced by trust. He submerged his hand.
"I read somewhere that cold water for ten minutes helps prevent blistering and minimizes scarring," you explained, a touch of pride coloring your voice.
Leon raised an eyebrow, a slow smile spreading across his face. "My lover's become a physician overnight, has she?"
"I hoped the information would be useful someday," you retorted, trying to hide your blush. "Just didn't expect it to be for you." Then got up, intending to clean the mess.
"I'm sorry," he sighed, the regret palpable in his voice. "I ruined our breakfast. Ruined Valentine's Day."
You shook your head, crouching beside him. "Don't be silly. Knowing that you wanted to do this for me, for us, that's what makes it special, Leon. The morning's still young." You clapped your hands together. "You keep your hand in the water. I'll handle breakfast. Just give me the steps."
A sly glint entered his eyes. "So, this will be a collaborative effort, then?"
You grinned. "Absolutely. And maybe," then you added, a mischievous twinkle in your eye, "I'll even make faces for our pancakes. And add chocolate. A Valentine's Day gesture." You turned to gauge his reaction.
He nodded, his gaze softening. "I think anything you make will be sweet. Just like you."
You laughed and leaned down, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Happy Valentine's, Leon. This, all of this...it confirms what I already knew. You love me. Which is why I'm going to pour all my love into this year's dessert!"
He reached out, cupping your face in his hand and returning the kiss, lingering a moment longer on your lips. "I can't wait to taste it. Though I know I'll never get enough. Happy Valentine's, my love."
~ 𝑬𝑵𝑫 ❤
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writingwhimsey · 3 months ago
Can I ask a prompt from the fluff free space, like, Suitor reacting to MC/reader taking care of them when they're sick
If so, can I request Leon Dompteur? ❤️
I may be wrong, but I think this is the first time I've written for Leon. So I hope that I can do him justice! I hope you enjoy :)
400 Follower Celebration
Fluff prompt: Free Space- Sick suitor reacting to reader/mc taking care of them
Suitor: ikepri Leon
No warnings just fluff...well ONE curse word, but just tooth melting sweetness!
Leon wakes up, not feeling well, his head pounding and body aching, stuffed up nose, cough, the works. He tries to hide it, but there is no hiding it from you. You know him so well and can tell he feels like shit just by looking at him. He is startled by your hand on his forehead.
“You’re not leaving this bed today.” You inform him, as he is hot to the touch.
“No, buts. You have ministers and such that can see to the kingdom for one day. Besides, you shouldn’t be making decisions in your state.”
He tries to get up, but you are able to easily push him back down in bed. Proving to him that he is too weak to do anything until he has recovered from this cold. He relents while you tell Sariel and the others that he is staying in bed for the day, too sick to do anything.
You spend the day taking care of him. You make sure he is seen by the doctor, who also orders him to stay in bed for the day and gives you a medicine for Leon and instructions on the dosage and how often he needs to take it. You keep a basin of cool water and a cloth close by, using that to help try and bring his fever down.
Though Leon at first, feels he can’t rest, comes to enjoy staying in bed and having you take care of him. He loves the way your hands feel as they run through his hair, trying to help soothe his headache with a gentle scalp massage. His childhood as a slave, he’d never had anyone care for him while sick. He’d always been expected to work. Yet here you were loving him and doing everything to soothe his every discomfort.
By the time Yves brings some soup, Leon is all too happy to let you feed him. And he takes the medicine as you give it to him and reward him with cheek and forehead kisses. Though he most enjoys it when you have him lay his head in your lap. You place the cool cloth on his forehead and then use one hand to absently play with his hair as you hold a book in the other. You read aloud to him like that, soothing him to sleep.
Though he is sick and feeling terrible, he can’t help but to fall asleep with a smile on his face, enjoying the loving care you provide for him. Maybe he would need to have sick days more often.
Taglist: @zulablaise @kisara-16 @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es
@lucyw260 @queengiuliettafirstlady
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rjthirsty · 6 months ago
Hi! I'm working on prompts from this list to challenge myself in a variety of ways. I'd ultimately like to actually make a 100-word drabble, as I haven't managed that yet. A friend picked two characters, and my lovely wife chose #14. I present:
Jin and Leon in “I knew she’d never change, she was too stubborn, too similar to me.”
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Leon twisted the jeweled wedding band between his fingers. When the sinking sun hit it right, the room glittered with rainbows. An awfully beautiful spectacle for what was meant as an awfully ugly message. She was gone. Emma had left. She gave up her name, title, and marriage, and disappeared into the night. Leaving Leon brooding alone with the ring that he had made so many promises on. So many promises that he couldn’t keep.
Suddenly, an empty glass appeared hazy in his line of sight, his vision adjusting to focus on it, and the recipient who he hadn’t heard enter his study. Jin opened a bottle of liquor, filling the glass on the desk, and one more that Leon hadn’t noticed. Jin silently pushed the glass towards Leon, then sipped from his own.
“Do you know where she is?” Leon locked his eyes on his older brother, the one who could get intel from just about anyone, on just about anyone.
“I wouldn’t tell you even if I did.” Jin answered.
“Jin, this is my wife we’re talking about–”
“Not anymore.” Jin nudged the glass towards Leon again.
Leon glared at Jin. He knew his anger was misplaced. He knew he was truly angry at himself, at this mess he was in, at the way everything turned out. He knew Jin was just being the brother he was, trying to help him deal and move on. But he didn’t want to move on.
“She’s gone, Leon.”
“I know! I know she is!” He growled, raising his voice to let out some of his emotions that were suffocating him, that were clouding his thoughts and casting shadows on his heart. “And I know she’s not coming back. But god dammit, Jin, I wish for once she wouldn’t be so stubborn. If she could only change, if she could just–”
“You mean like you’ve changed?” Jin kept his voice cool and even.
There it was. The shot through the heart. The reason for it all. He hadn’t really changed. He hadn’t become the man he had promised to be. He was still the same Leon. Still stubborn and still taking on everyone on his own. If he had changed… If he had simply relied on her…
“We were too similar. I know that’s why she’s gone.”
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eventinelysplayground · 6 months ago
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This is my entry for @aquagirl1978 Leon sequel release event. I used more than one prompt, though some are just touched on while others are a bigger part of the fic overall. I hope everyone enjoys it and gets a good laugh out of it, it was interesting to write interactions that don't normally happen and with side characters too. Leon's attitude is turning what should be a special ball into a frozen landscape. Just pure fluff and fun, WC approx 1420.
Growing Up
There's no question that a ball is a magical world unto its own. The dazzling jewels, bright dresses and outgoing dancers accompanied by delightful food and intoxicating music. It was enough to fuel little girls' fantasies for years until they were old enough to partake at which point this same magic world fueled their fathers nightmares.
This ball was no different really to the hundreds that had come before or those that would follow after except for the fact a Princess was making her debut tonight and a King who normally smiled like the sun now stood to the side glaring daggers.
“Seriously now Leon, you can't just keep standing here like this all night!”
Yves let out an annoyed huff and Leon just folded his arms across his chest.
“Oh yeah, watch me.”
Yves sputtered and nudged Licht in the arm.
“You're scaring them all Leon.”
“Good, they should be scared.”
Those last words were uttered in a low growl.
“Well I tried.”
Licht turned to the table behind them plucking a tart from a tray and taking a big bite of it.
“That is not trying! Leon, listen to me, I know you're just being protective but if you keep acting like this then nobody will dance with Sophie and you know how that will make her look and feel.”
For just a moment a flicker of regret passed across Leon's face but he shook it off.
“She has all of you to dance with, she'll be fine.”
“That's not, argh!”
Yves was clearly becoming frustrated and had just placed his hands on his hips when a big hand clapped him on the shoulder.
“Now now Yves, a ball is no place for a lecture.”
“But Jin, Sophie has put so much work into preparing for tonight and-”
“I know Yves but he's clearly not gonna listen to any of us so let's just go enjoy ourselves and let him stew.”
Yves turned around ready to lay into Jin but although he was smiling it was a smile that told him he wouldn't be argued with.
“Fine, but I hope you know what you're doing!”
Yves stormed off and Jin quickly followed behind with Licht. Once they were far enough away Licht turned to Jin.
“You have a plan right?”
“Nope, not this time.”
“Just because I don't have a plan doesn't mean there isn't one.”
Licht looked over his shoulder and saw that Clavis was closing in on Leon and he sighed knowing full well this wasn't going to go well.
“Well this is certainly entertaining, did you know you look just like Chev right now?”
“I do not.”
“Hahaha, deny it all you like little brother but you could freeze water with your glare right now.”
Leon shifted uneasily at the comparison.
“It's just…”
“It had to happen sooner or later Leon, all children grow up.”
“Why did she have to grow up so fast?”
Clavis shrugged.
“I should have made a new decree about children not attending balls. Or one about boys and girls having to keep at least a hundred feet apart. Maybe it's not too late-”
Clavis was laughing hysterically, almost doubling over in the process but it was enough to draw Leon's attention away from his daughter.
“Do you hear yourself right now? You sound positively insane!”
“Mad I'm infringing on your territory?”
Leon smirked at Clavis, the first change to his expression all night and Clavis feigned a wounded expression.
“I may be eccentric, dashing, handsome, cun-”
Leon's tone was taught, clearly he was in no mood for Clavis' games.
“I am not insane, and neither are you. You and Emma have been fair and just rulers, beloved by everyone in the kingdom. Would you really throw it all away now because you don't want to face the fact that your baby girl has grown up?”
“That's just it she hasn't grown up, she’s still-”
Leon's words were cut off by a firm smack to the back of his head. It was Clavis who recovered first.
“Did you really just slap your King?”
“No, I slapped my son in law who's acting like an idiot.”
“Oh my this night is turning out to be quite entertaining! How deli-”
“Be quiet or you're next.”
“Dear me.”
Mr. Akatsuki glared at Clavis who couldn't help but gulp.
“I didn't know you were coming tonight Pops.”
“Of all the things you could have picked up from that mutt….”
Mr. Akatsuki sighed and rolled his eyes.
“Listen here, I know what it's like to watch your daughter grow up, to not want her to grow up but you're annoying brother-”
“Hey! I object to that.”
“Did you forget what I just told you?”
Leon was still rubbing the back of his head from the smack and Clavis put his hands up in surrender.
“Good. Now as much as you don't want Sophie to grow up she is and there's nothing you can do about that.”
“I know that, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.”
“Well of course you won't like it, no father likes it! I didn't like it, I'm actually still mad at you for taking Emma away from me.”
Mr. Akatsuki was the one frowning now and he crossed his arms across his chest mimicking Leon's stance from earlier.
“That's different, Emma was an adult whe-”
“Says you. To me…she was still the same little girl she had been. We have to let them grow up though and hope we taught them well, so that when the time comes they make a good choice. Not like some women.”
Mr. Akatsuki stuck his chin out gesturing to where Nokto was currently engaged in seducing a noblewoman. Leon sighed, running a hand through his hair and that's when he noticed it. Sophie was being escorted to the edge of the dance floor by a boy with familiar red hair. He wanted nothing more than to walk over there and pull them apart but his still faintly throbbing head was enough to make him restrain himself.
“I had always wished we had another girl but now…one is definitely plenty.”
Mr. Akatsuki nodded his head in agreement to Leon's words. The three men watched in silence as Sophie twirled her way around the dance floor, a smile as dazzling as the sun lighting up her face. As soon as the song ended and she had been escorted off the floor another young man came up and offered Sophie his hand which she gladly took.
“Hahaha it seems Cedric's courage has spread to others.”
Leon grumbled something under his breath before he walked away from the other two. Clavis waited for awhile to be sure Leon was out of ear shot before he spoke.
“You know I was curious how my darling sister had planned to deal with this but I admit calling in her dear old Papa to handle it was not on my list.”
“Seems like I wasn't entirely needed though. Not when you can order around your knight to order around his son. What did that cost you anyway?”
“Oh I didn't have to pay, as it turns out dear Cedric finds the Princess quite enchanting. I did have to stop his father from discouraging him but anything for young love.”
Mr. Akatsuki groaned and Clavis' expression turned serious.
“Leon still has a lot to learn doesn't he?”
“Yes, but he’ll get there eventually. At least my granddaughter is also making sensible choices.”
“True, she could have been led astray by someone like Jin, or Nokto.”
“Or even worse, you.”
“Dearie me, that hurts my feelings.”
“You'll be fine and so will he.”
“Of course, but will you be fine?”
There was a devilish grin on Clavis' face as his gaze settled on Emma and Leon who had now joined the other dancers on the floor.
“Well Sophie is still pure and innocent after all but Emma isn't. I mean they have eight children after all and the direction Leon's hands are currently going in it looks to me like he may be anxious to try for numb- ow!”
Clavis began rubbing the back of his head, he was honestly surprised the old man still had so much strength in him.
“Clearly Emma learned her famous, or should I say infamous, slap from you.”
“Nope, hers is even worse.”
Clavis shuddered at the thought while Mr. Akatsuki began to laugh, taking what solace he could in Clavis' pain.
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ikemenlibrary · 1 year ago
Ikémen Prince Gift Exchange Masterlist
Thank you to everyone who chose to participate in this event and helped make it a success! Everyone is so talented, and I am in awe of all of you <3 Going through all your pieces have been truly enjoyable and I've loved every minute of it!
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Prove It To Me | Jin Grandet x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for xxsycamore
They Say Distance Makes The Heart Grow Fonder | Nokto Klein x Emma (MC) | by @xxsycamore for nightghoul381
Unaccepted Together | Clavis Lelouch x Reader | by @nightghoul381 for scummy-writes
Autumn Daze | Gilbert Von Obsidian x MC | by @scummy-writes for daegupaksu
A Starry Tryst (Artwork) | Nokto Klein x Noele (OC) | by @daegupaksu for drachonia
Sea at Sunrise (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x MC | by @drachonia for nightghoul381
Bookmarked Dialogue | Keith Howell x Julie (OC) | by @ikemenlibrary for queengiuliettafirstlady
The Gentle Stag Rewrites The Stars | Keith Howell x MC | by @queengiuliettafirstlady for ridiculouslly-ridiculous
Princess Picnic Pick Me Up | Rio Ortiz, Clavis Lelouch, Silvio Ricci, Gilbert Von Obsidian, MC | by @ridiculouslly-ridiculous for misty-moth
Peter Clavis and the Lost Boys (Artwork) | Clavis Lelouch, Nokto Klein, Luke Randolph | by @misty-moth for pondlilies00
Take a Rest (Artwork) | Sariel Noir x MC | by @pondlilies00 for alydra (bluejay-writes)
This is fine. | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @bluejay-writes for randonauticrap
Ember Glows the Heart | Leon Dompteur x MC/Reader | by @randonauticrap for myonlyjknight
A Clavish Day Off | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @myonlyjknight for claviscollections
Petrichor | Yves Kloss x MC/Reader | by @claviscollections for pillowpillowillow
The Voyager Prince (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci | by @pillowpillowillo for aquilapolariz
In Business, In Life | Silvio Ricci x Hyacinth (OC) | by @aquilapolariz for tacogawa
La Belle et la Bête (Artwork) | Leon Dompteur x MC | by @tacogawa for kokorokai
The Tyrant's New Wife (Artwork) | Silvio Ricci x Airin D'Avalos (OC) | by @kokorokai for airin-queenz
Chilly Morning's Date | Licht Klein x MC | by @airin-queenz for ikemenlibrary
Read to Me | Chevalier Michel x MC | by @ikeromantic for aquagirl1978
What Was I Made For | Gilbert Von Obsidian x Rosemary (OC) | by @aquagirl1978 for prisoniclover
Return | Leon Dompteur x Emma (MC) | by @prisoniclover for chirp-a-chirp
Cat-astrophe | Clavis Lelouch x MC | by @chirp-a-chirp (with art by @aide-falls) for katriniac (ohtomatotome)
Getting There is Half the Fun | Keith Howell x Emma (MC) | by @ohtomatotome for violettduchess
Practical Magic | Clavis Lelouch x Emma (MC) | by @violettduchess for ikeromantic
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violettduchess · 2 years ago
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A/N: Better late than never! Not a request, just my imagining what these lovely suitors would be like with an infant that wakes up crying 💜
CW: babies, breastfeeding
Suitors x female reader
WC: 2045
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A cry rings out through a peaceful summer night at the palace.
It is small, but powerful.
And very, very insistent. 
A light sleeper by nature, he gets up, murmuring for you to try and keep sleeping when he notices you stirring too. "I'll see what I can do for the little peanut." He crosses the room to the white bassinet with its pale pink ruffles, a gift from Uncle Yves. Inside his infant daughter is fussing. Tiny fists are clenching and unclenching as her small head turns fitfully left and right.
“Ah, c’mere sweetheart,” he says, voice still rough with sleep as he lifts her gently, laying her against his bare shoulder. One large hand rubs her back as he walks the length of the room, her tiny cheek warm as a spot of sunshine against his shoulder.
“I can take her–” you start to say as you push yourself upright in the bed, but he shakes his head, holding up a finger.
“I think we’ve got this handled, love. Take a look.” He walks over to your side of the bed, his hand still gently stroking the baby’s back. Her tiny head with its halo of black hair rests against him and is still. Not able to see her face, he turns sideways, giving you the sweetest view of your handsome, bare-chested husband holding your daughter close, her small face now relaxed again in sleep. Her father’s warmth was enough to solve whatever problem had woken her and she's drifted back off to the soft, hazy world of baby dreams.
You smile, feeling the way your heart expands, a paradox: never has it been so full of love and yet so very, very light.
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He wakes up immediately at his son’s first cry and is out of bed before the sound can even penetrate your deep sleep. He knows how often you get up, how often you are the only one who can satisfy your son’s voracious demands for food but Clavis has told himself that the little tyrant's demands that don't require milk, he will take care of himself. You, his dearest of dears, need as much sleep as you can get.
He bends down over the baby’s cradle, brushing back the boy’s angel-soft hair, the same twilight shade as his. “So noisy at such a late hour. My my. This won’t do.” Carefully he scoops up his son, adjusting his pajamas and then his hand freezes. 
“Oh dear. I think I see why you’re so upset, little Lelouch.” The baby continues to whimper, little cries that, although Clavis knows they are harmless, still feel like they are stabbing right into the center of his tender heart. He never wants to hear his child in distress.
Reaching up, he turns the small knob on the lamp above the dresser where you have all of the baby’s changing things neatly laid out. His son squeaks out little sounds of agitation. “I’ve got you, don't worry. Papa's got you, always and--my goodness, how does such a tiny body produce this much liquid?” He talks, his words soft and almost sing-song as he changes his son’s pajamas and diaper with practiced hands. The baby, now removed of his damp clothing, stops whimpering, instead blinking up at his father with wide golden eyes.
“There has got to be a better solution to this than soaking all those linen diapers,” he mutters as he carefully slides chubby legs into fresh little stockings. “I bet I could invent something that might absorb all your perfectly healthy but still oh so stinky messes much better.” The baby kicks his legs and waves his arms, as if cheering in agreement and Clavis laughs softly, lifting his son back into his arms. “You agree with Papa? You think I can do that? Of course you do.” 
He walks back to the cradle, turning his head to place a gentle kiss to the apple of his son’s plump cheek. He could hold him in his arms forever, never tiring of that infant smell, that the feel of his warm little body so trusting and sweet against him. 
He pauses in front of the cradle. “Hmm….I know. Let’s go on a little nocturnal journey down the hall while talking through some chemicals and their rates of absorption. I bet you’ll be a perfectly delightful assistant.”
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Both you and Jin yawn, sleepily rubbing at your eyes as your daughter’s cries fill the bedroom. One glance at the time and he sighs, reaching over to tenderly touch your cheek with the back of his hand. “She’s on time, our little one,” he murmurs in his deep voice even as you are pushing yourself up with one hand and already unbuttoning your nightgown with the other.
He gets up, walking over to the crib where the infant is crying, her shock of brownish hair standing up in every direction. “Mommy’s already getting ready for you, princess,” he says as he reaches down and lifts her. She’s so small in his large hands. He walks back to bed, murmuring soft little shushing noises, and then carefully hands her over to you. You help her find the right position and then sigh when she begins to nurse, her cries immediately quieted. Glancing up, you find Jin sitting on the edge of the bed, watching you both with a curiously thoughtful expression.
“What is it?” 
He watches you a moment, then shakes his head, a sheepish grin on his handsome face. “It’s just….I’ve always liked that particular body part.” You snort, running your fingers over your baby’s fine chestnut hair. “That’s an understatement.” He chuckles, shrugging before continuing his thought. “Yeah well…it’s just…I think….now that I see ‘em being used to feed our little girl….I think….I think I actually like them MORE now.”
You can’t help it. You start giggling, a burst of yellow happiness that colors the gray exhaustion of new parenthood. “God, I love you.” You crook a finger at him and he matches your smile as he climbs back into bed and leans close to you. You place a kiss on his chiseled cheekbone, warm and affectionate. A sigh born of tender happiness is his answer, along with the words, “I love you too.”
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“Stay in bed. I’ll go.” He’s up, striding across the bedroom to the bassinet before you can even finish rubbing the sleep from your eyes. “Aye, piccolino, sono qui.” He reaches down, running a hand over the restless infant's back. But no soothing words or pets seem to be enough. He lifts the baby carefully, still in that new stage of fatherhood where a baby feels like the most fragile thing in the world.
You watch your two pale-haired men, frowning slightly as the littlest one continues to fuss. "He can't be hungry again, can he?" You have just finished feeding him until he fell into a milk-drunk state of blissful sleep, his body heavy and warm, not thirty minutes ago. He had been sleeping so soundly that hope for more than an hour of sleep at one time had risen in your heart.
Silvio lays the baby against his shoulder. His hands are bare, with only his simple gold wedding band left on his elegant fingers. Every other piece of jewelry has been removed for the sake of his child. Necklaces would get in the way of his son sleeping on his bare chest. Earrings might hinder his ability to press his cheek against his fine, moonlight-spun hair. 
"Ain't no baby in the world that could eat again after all that milk." He inclines his head towards his son. "Listen to you, cucciolo. All that growling." He rubs his small back in soothing circles. And then the most extraordinary thing happens: the tiny prince lets out the most raucous of burps. The kind that sends a quake through his little body.
"Dio mio," his father mutters, blue eyes wide as he looks down at his son. You grin through your sleepiness. "Here I thought only his grumbling was like his father." 
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His daughter's cry shatters the night's peace in an instant. Both you and Gilbert wake up immediately, but he's quicker than you, throwing back the covers and crossing the room to the cradle carved from darkest walnut. 
He spots the problem immediately. At some point during the night she had kicked her blanket to the end of her cradle where it lies bunched up and useless. Her socks are nowhere to be seen, a display of her magician-like talent for making them disappear. He reaches down and sure enough, her tiny feet are like ice blocks.
"Always the same thing with you, oder Mäuschen? What have socks ever done to you?” He lifts her from her cradle, tucking her securely into the crook of his arm as he makes his way over to the dresser that has been designated hers. You reach across the bed, turning on the lamp that sits on his nightstand and he glances at you over his shoulder, eyes bright with appreciation. “Thank you, Häschen.” Now he can see better, his fingers trailing over the tiny rolled up socks and tights. When the baby makes a small cooing sound, he stops. “These?” He pulls out a pair of soft black tights embroidered with mini red roses. “Ahh a good choice.”
He hums as he walks over to the changing table, the sound soft and soothing, the gentle rush of a river through the night. As he carefully changes her diaper and then works her plump little legs into the tights, humming gives way to him singing. "Der Mond ist aufgegangen…"
She is curious, all thoughts of crying gone, watchful crimson eyes blinking as she keeps her gaze on the source of the calming sound. “Fertig,” he says, leaning down to press a kiss to the soles of her now covered feet. "All done." Then he lifts her, carrying her not to her cradle but back to the bed. He slides in, leaning back against the support of the many bed pillows, settling in. Her eyes are already closing as she snuggles in close against his chest.
You watch them both with a smile as tender as the moon’s joy in the stars.
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The man who took an army to wake up is on his feet in an instant. He is silent as he crosses the room, leaning down to check on his crying daughter, her pale head of blond hair gleaming silver in the moonlight. He carefully lifts her from the bassinet, marveling in the back of his mind at how very small she is.
He glances back to the bed where you are still deeply asleep. “Your mother is exhausted from all your demands.” He wouldn’t usually condone speaking to a baby as they are incapable of understanding but he’s found that she calms down when she hears his voice. Even now her whimpering stops, her tiny cheek resting on the soft linen of his shirt. She’s gone very still, as if truly listening to his words. “You’ve eaten twenty minutes ago. We can eliminate hunger. Your bottom is….” He pats it gently, checking. “...perfectly dry. The room is neither too hot nor too cold.” He wraps his hands around her feet. She’s still wearing her white socks trimmed with yellow lace. “Your feet are adequately covered.” He tips his head back to look down at her. Her perfect, tiny fingers are curled into his shirt and her body feels heavy, drowsy with sleep. 
She attempts to turn her head, burying her face in his shoulder and he reaches up, helping her, running his strong fingers over her downy hair when she has found a position that is comfortable. Chevalier walks over to the white wooden rocking chair you have positioned by the window and lowers himself into it.
“You simply wanted to be held, didn’t you?” A heavy, stuttering sigh leaves her small body, almost as if in answer to her father’s line of questioning. He cups her head with his hand, tilting his face down to place a soft kiss on her hair. “I’ll comply, little one.” He settles into the chair and begins rocking gently back and forth, father and daughter, bathed in loving, silvery moonlight.
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Tagging: @aquagirl1978 @alixennial @alexxavicry @queengiuliettafirstlady @rhodolitesrose @ikemen-writer @bellerose-arcana @thewitchofbooks @redheadkittys @dear-mrs-otome @firestar-otomeobsessed @curious-skybunny @kpop-and-otome @writingwhimsey @mxrmaid-poet @silver-dahlia @wendolrea @otomefoxystar @nightfoxqueen @myonlyjknight @queen-dahlia @aceuuuuu @scorchieart
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chirp-a-chirp · 7 months ago
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Fandom: Ikemen Prince; Characters: Leon Dompteur, Clavis Leouch, Carla (OC); Leon X OC story; Tags; fluff, angst, feels, a few spoilers/oblique references from Leon and Clavis routes, references to death and slavery; Word Count: ~1750
Synopsis: Leon seeks to talk to someone very important in his love’s life. Clavis hides his pain the only way he knows how. Also, introducing (in passing) an OC paired with Leon Dompteur who works for Clavis—Carla!
Folks who might(?) appreciate this fic: @candied-boys @katriniac @leonscape @x-daedalus-x @reborn-elven @ae-yeongmi @ikeprinces-stuff
“So, you’re abandoning my seeker? Not very heroic of you!”
Leon resisted rolling his eyes at Clavis’s dramatics and the unofficial title given to Carla. As Clavis’s assistant, Carla’s main job was to seek things. Some items were simply those Clavis couldn’t be bothered to find himself—test tubes, compounds for explosions, Sariel-sized nets. A job with no end given Clavis’s antics. But Carla also found things of substance—missing children from Bloodstained Rose day, reunited with their parents; jobs for former Obsidian citizens crossing into Rhodolite; surpluses of food for the Leochian orphanage.
Carla was a seeker. A seeker of adventure. Of ingenuity. Of hope. This vibrancy was among the many things that attracted Leon to Carla. And it was that vibrant hope that made Leon want to do things right with her.
“It’s necessary.” Leon looked up at Clavis as he prepared for his journey.
“But you still need to pitch woo to Carla!”
“I don’t wanna hear you say anything about pitching after the lake incident.”
“But I saved the diplomat from drowning!”
“After pitching him in the lake in the first place.”
“Irrelevant!” Clavis cackled, unrepentant. “But more relevant, you’re deserting my seeker!”
“No. I’m leaving to talk with the most important person in her life.” Leon wrapped his cloak about his shoulders.
“Ah, so me!”
Leon raised an eyebrow. “Her father.”
Clavis inhaled loudly. He hid the rush of pain flooding his chest with a sharp bark of laughter. “Asking for dear old dad’s permission to court his daughter? How quaint!”
Leon stepped closer to Clavis, challenging the third prince’s mockery. “Not exactly. I want to tell him how I feel. The influence he’s had on Carla, the joy she brings. That though he last saw her in tears, she’ll live with a smile on her face. If she’ll let me.”
Clavis was silent for several seconds. “You’ll find it to be a very one-sided conversation.”
“I know. But still.”
Clavis’s gaze faltered at Leon’s resolute expression. Clavis turned his head and whispered, his mask briefly slipping.
“Tell her father I’m sorry.”
Clavis whipped his head back to Leon, plastering a smile on. “I mean, tell him I say hi! You should thank me for distracting Carla while you go gallivanting without her!”
Leon huffed and began to leave. He turned around, hand lingering on the door knob. “It wasn’t your fault, you know.”
Clavis’s eyes rose in shock, the reflexive quip snuffed from his lips.
“Mr. Demandeur made his own choices. He chose a dangerous path—however noble. He made the choice to live that life—not Carla, not you.” Leon opened the door. “The consequences of that life are his and his alone.”
A lone rider trekked deep in the woods. The underbrush was thick with small saplings, broken branches, and rocks littering the forest floor. A horse stopped underneath a clump of mature trees; light filtered through the tree canopies, highlighting a meticulously cared for gravestone.
Richard Demandeur
Loving Father and Husband; Restorer of Freedom
The gravestone was the only thing not covered in moss, leaves, or other forest debris. Though the gravestone was several miles from Leouch, the reverence in which it was kept pristine showed the value the man had in life. A few conversations with the townsfolk of Leouch informed Leon that when Carla was not in town, Clavis paid for others to keep the grave clean.
Leon dismounted from the horse in silence, gathering his thoughts. The horse dropped his head, picking up on the solemnity of the moment. Three white roses were placed neatly on the ground by the stone marker.
“Hi. I’m Leon.” Leon knelt on the ground, lightly touching one of the rose petals. “I had hoped to meet you in person one day. Carla speaks of you so vividly, I didn’t know you were gone until recently.”
As a commander of soldiers, Leon was familiar with death. It was always in the back of every soldier’s mind—the notion that one day, you may never come back. That ensuring others security and safety meant risking your own. But he was trained for that life—as were the men that served under him.
Richard was not.
At an age where many considered slowing down, Richard sped up his life’s impact. In the last 5 years of his life, Richard and Carla had helped more than 100 people escape to Rhodolite—people seeking freedom, freedom from starvation, a slaver’s whip, Obsidian darkness. What he lacked in physical strength he made up in sheer determination and ingenuity (along with some well-placed Clavis traps) in secreting these people away from lives of despair. That bravery and idealism was matched in his daughter Carla, who joined him on his escape missions, and who worked afterwards to ensure these people were successfully integrated into Leouch. Bakers, tutors, craftsmen, and their families were now living their best lives in Rhodolite thanks to a father-daughter duo who gave them that chance. It was an idealism steeped in practicality that especially earned from Leon his respect. And admiration.
“Carla misses you. She always will. I hope to be someone to help ease that pain of hers.” The forest was eerily silent—not even the wind stirred. It was as if the trees and all the woodland creatures around them were focused on listening to Leon. He continued.
“I’m another prince in your daughter’s life. No, not like Clavis.” Leon could hear Carla’s laughter as he recalled her stories of Clavis and Mr. Demandeur. Richard had been a willing tester of Clavis’s inventions—the smoke bomb, the tickling fingers that made a soldier drop their weapon, the invisible shadow that made one able to blend seamlessly into the night. The testing typically resulted in disaster—tar stuck for days in his hair, skin turning shades of purple and gold (“Can’t you at least pick colors that look better on me!” Richard would lament to Clavis and Carla’s delight)—but the moment the testing proved positive, Richard was the first to sing Clavis’s praise—and mobilize another rescue mission with Carla with those inventions. The Leouch inventions were integral to the rescue missions, and had a 100% success rate.
Until Richard’s last mission.
“I admire people like you.” Leon sat on the ground and peered at the gravestone as if it were a person conversing with him. “People like you give hope to those without it. To people like me.” Leon clinched his hands as he recalled his childhood—his true childhood, a legacy that never left him, the days that weighted on him like a stone attached to his back.
Leon ran fingers through his hair, shaking away the tendrils of bleaknesses that gnawed at him. “You see—I’m a prince, but I wasn’t born one. I was a slave—like some of those you rescued.”
Little by little, Leon spoke. Of hands raw from work; of a back aching from unhealed whip marks and stones hauled from quarries; of a belly so empty he ate moss to quell its rumbling. He had only told one other person these things—Carla.
“I used to think life would always be that way.” A series of unending days steeped in drudgery. “But then, I was given a second chance. A chance to change my life—by taking on someone else’s.”
Leon closed his eyes, picking up one the white roses. He slowly opened them before going on. “You see—I thought I had to earn that chance. And that the only way to do that was to become king. To become Leon Dompteur. To dedicate my entire life towards the kingdom that took me in for a single coin.”
“That is, until I met Carla.”
Leon paused, his thoughts drifting towards the woman he loved. His heart squeezed tenderly at the image of her in his mind—her skirt twirling as she danced with him, the way her eyes sparkled as she talked with townspeople, the mischief in her voice at modifying another Clavis trap. Her stories. Stories of freedom. Stories that made Leon feel alive again.
“Your daughter is wonderful. I know, I’m not telling you something you’re unaware of.” Leon laughed. “She’s vibrant, brave, caring, passionate about everything. And everyone.” Leon’s lips quirked wryly. “Well, not everyone I hope.” The horse whinnied suddenly as a large branch fell to the ground; Leon’s shoulders jolted at the sound.
“Hey, there’s no need for THAT.” Leon placed the rose on top of the gravestone, his eyebrows lifting slightly. “I said hope.” Leon tapped his knee with his fingers before continuing.
“With Carla, I remember who I am. She reminds me there are different ways to dedicate your life with meaning.” Seeking life in the everyday—tavern dinners, town dances, talking with shop keepers—and the extraordinary—daring rescues and escapes, free from royal confines and restrictions—was profound.
“With Carla, I’m Leon. Just Leon. And she’s taught me dedication can be to a kingdom and to a person.” The man Leon was when he was with Carla was the most genuine version of himself—a man of unwavering passion, love, and commitment. And it was something he didn’t want to lose.
The feelings that threatened to spill from Leon’s lips were so overwhelming it was nearly impossible to distill them into words. He settled for simplicity. Words tumbled quickly, flowing with a winding warmth.
“I love your daughter. So, so much. If she’ll let me, I’ll always be there for her. And carry on your mission alongside her. I hope you approve.”
The air stirred gently, leaves twirling and landing on Leon’s hair and shoulders. Sunlight flickered from the treetops, lighting the grave and Leon. Leon’s eyes widened before he smiled gently.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” Leon got up and nodded at the grave. His lips lifted slightly. “Thanks Dad.”
Another branch fell on the ground nearby, scattering a flurry of leaves everywhere. “OK, geez! I guess I haven’t earned the right to call you that yet!” Leon’s voice cut the revenant air with a laugh. “How about Richard?”
A strong breeze picked up. A few branches swayed perilously overhead. “Mr. Demandeur?” The wind slowed down.
“Mr. Demandeur. Got it.” Leon mounted his horse. “I’ll bring Carla with me next time.” Leon glanced upwards at the trees. “And Clavis.” The wind died completely. A beam of light streamed down on Leon and the horse.
“Good. Clavis misses you too.” Leon rode away, parting with one final statement.
“We’ll make you proud sir. All three of us.”
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ikeromantic · 3 months ago
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Ikemen Advent prompt featuring Leon Dompteur! approx. 600 words.
Leon kissed the back of Emma’s hand. “Aren’t you glad I pulled you away from Sariel for the evening? This has to be more fun than reading reports.”
“It is! I’m just worried about catching up tomorrow,” she admitted. Her gaze cast around the narrow stairwell, dimly lit by low burning lamps. “I am always behind.”
“The reports will be there whenever, right? But tonight? This moment? We’ll only get to enjoy it once.” His smile was contagious, and Emma felt her lips curl up at the edges in turn.
She nodded. “You’re right. Thank you for reminding me.” 
Leon chuckled. “Good. Now, let me help you up, just here - yes -” His strong hands guided her up the last steps, to the watchtower at the top. 
Winter wind licked at her cheeks and chilled the tip of her nose. A bit of hair came loose from her cap to dance in the breeze. Emma barely noticed it. Her gaze was fixed on the view.
Below them, the capital sprawled in its splendor. Ten thousand glittering lights, more, as far as the eye could see. An ocean of flickering candle flames and lantern lights and hearthfires. It was breathtaking.
“Worth the climb?” Leon took her arm and led her to the rail. 
“Oh my . . . yes. It’s lovely!” Emma leaned into his side as he slipped an arm over her shoulder. “Is that the city hall, there? The one with the colorful lanterns?” She pointed toward one brightly lit building, with lanterns in all the colors of a spring garden. It stood out on this cold night, a flower out of season.
“It is.” He kissed the top of her head and rested his chin lightly there. 
They stayed like that for several breaths, holding each other. Watching the twinkling lights, feeling each other’s heartbeats.
A tiny snowflake drifted down and landed on Emma’s cheek. “Leon! Look! Snow!”
“Already?” He laughed. “I didn’t think it was cold enough yet.”
Emma grinned as another snowflake drifted toward them. And then another. And then a flurry. “Have you ever caught one on your tongue?”
“Have you?” A challenging glint shone in his eye.
“Of course! Like this -” She stuck her tongue out, weaving around the tower-top. 
Leon laughed harder, joining her in the chase for a taste of the season’s first snow. 
Emma raised a victorious fist in the air. “I got it! I got one!”
“Let me see,” the prince took her hand and pulled her close. 
“It already ditholved,” she said, her tongue still sticking out. “You can’t thee it.”
“Can’t I?” Leon’s smile was wide and his eyes were alight with joy. 
Emma felt warm inside and out as she caught and held his gaze. “Maybe you should look closer, hm?” Her face flushed with heat at such forwardness, but the prince rewarded her with a kiss. Passion barely held in check, a promise of more to come. 
@candied-boys @queengiuliettafirstlady
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aquagirl1978 · 6 months ago
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I'm a few days late posting this, but I'm back with Leon's Sequel Route Release event!
This will be a one week long event starting on September 8 and ending September 14. This event is open to writers, artists, and everyone in between - fanfic, fanart, moodboards, playlists, brainrots and speculations - all are welcome! Prompts may be posted in any order throughout the event. Feel free to create for as many or as little days as you like.
When posting, simply tag me and state that this work is for this event. If anyone would like to use a banner, I have made one that you are free to use at the bottom of this post.
This event is SFW only and open to all - you'll notice most of the prompts do not lend themselves to NSFW works.
Works including OCs are allowed and I encourage you to share those creations as well.
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Day 1 - Love : Who/what does Leon love? what does love mean to him?
Day 2 - Dreams: What dreams (past or present) does Leon have?
Day 3 - Royalty : What does Leon's life look like as King?
Day 4 - Brothers: What is Leon's relationship with his brothers like? Here's your chance to explore interactions with those brothers *cough*Chevalier*cough* he rarely interacts with.
Day 5 - Identity: What does identity mean to Leon? How has it changed over years?
Day 6 - Dance : Balls are an important part of life for the royal family. Let's dance and have some fun.
Day 7 - Adventure: From the moment we meet Leon in his main route, we know how much he loves adventure. What new adventures has Leon gone on since becoming King? Does he reminisce about any adventures from his youth?
I have created a banner - it is free for anyone to use during this event.
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scorchieart · 1 year ago
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Genre: Comedy
Wordcount: 1326
Prompt: In A Flash CCC hosted by @flash-exchange - October 2023: Magic Apprenticeship
A/N: My first entry for the In A Flash CCC! This one was inspired by the folks over on Discord, you guys rock for helping me finish a fic after so long! I will try my best to write some more as the challenge continues. For this fic, it's been split up as 2 separate parts, the first part being mainly from Jin's perspective and the second continuing from Yves and Nokto's. Many thanks to @lorei-writes for the feedback and suggestions. Enjoy!
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Jin Grandet was not a warlock. At least, not officially.
It wasn’t because he had a late start. Most children couldn’t even read spells from the rudimentary tomes at age six, let alone pronounce them. And it wasn’t as if he was without talent. It was common knowledge throughout the kingdoms that the sorcerer’s gene manifested strongest within royal bloodlines. No, the true reason Jin failed his Warlock Mastery Examination was far less magical than he’d like to admit. 
But that’s a story for another time. And even if the minimum age to apply was fifteen, it didn’t mean he was barred from trying again another year. Heck, most applicants didn’t even make an attempt until they were double that! But of course, Chevalier came of age the next year, and while the exam was merely a formality for the prodigy, barely anyone bothered to register for that round. Fueled by fiery rivalry, Clavis was hot on Chevalier’s heels the year after that, and Jin was too preoccupied with helping him train to even consider enrolling himself. And just a few weeks prior, Leon passed his exam with flying colors. A feat Jin attributes to his apt sideline encouragement and diligent inspections of Leon’s daily meat intake. 
So what if he didn’t pass? Jin could still perform magic as well as any warlock. He just didn’t have a staff to show for it. Instead, he could boast that the never-before-seen-three-year-streak of fifteen-year old graduates were his students.
“For the last time, we are not your students,” Yves declared.
“And why wouldn’t you want to be?” Jin asked. He waved a hand and the curtain of low-hanging branches before him parted, revealing a narrow dirt path ahead. “I have a one-hundred percent success rate. And you’re my next conquest, Yves.”
“Yeah, Evie. Why don’t you take him up on his offer?” Nokto said, following Licht as they climbed down after Jin. “Then you can tell us if he’s legit or not.”
“Oh, he’s the real deal,” Leon said. He took a steady stance beside a cherry oak and swung his newly acquired staff overhead, making all the barren trees in the vicinity shake and shoot their branches upward like spikes. Nokto watched in awe as Leon calmed the trees down and flashed him a toothy grin. “Can’t recommend the big guy enough.”
“No, no, no, my brothers. You mustn’t let the opinions of others sway your decision making!” Clavis said, pushing past Leon. “Ask yourselves this: do I want to be taught by a syrupy dropout, or by the youngest, most renowned warlock of our age?” He struck the ground with his own staff and the dirt rumbled. Moments later, roots and tubers erupted from the earth like the undead, making Yves screech and trip on an upright rose stem. Clavis laughed maniacally as the plants continued to grow, until Leon whacked him on the head and the vegetary scene immediately reverted underground as if it never happened. 
“I’m younger than you, remember?” Leon countered.
“And I was younger than you both when I passed,” Chevalier added, his pace leisurely as he joined them.
“Yes, yes, you don’t have to remind us again how your test happened three days after your birthday,” Clavis said, rubbing his bruised forehead. “It is insufferably pedantic of you.
“Shall I remind everyone instead of how you only passed because the examiner happened to sneeze when you flubbed the fire retardancy enchantment on your trousers?”
“Like I said, little ones. Follow what Jin says, and you’ll do just fine,” Clavis said.
“If you’re done sharing my many virtues, hurry on over!” Jin called. The group exchanged speculative glances before filing through the unanimated greenery towards his excited voice.
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Flummoxed by their seniors’ effortless display of magical prowess, Yves and Nokto insisted they take the lead, bewitching wayward wood knots and saplings from the path. Once or twice they glanced back, hopeful to receive praise for their successful spells, only to find the trio engrossed in their own conversation. 
“Maybe he wants to take us all on at once? Six against one?” Leon suggested.
“Please,” Clavis yawned, stretching his arms above his head and waving his staff teasingly. “He could squash the kiddos, no problem. But he won’t get much farther than that unarmed.”
“He brought his sword. Or is your staff so far up your rear that you did not notice?” Chevalier said, swatting Clavis’s staff away from his face. 
Yves and Nokto whirled their heads towards the track ahead, struggling to keep their attention back on moving the plants. Is that what this was all about? Despite Jin’s domineering stature, they had never once seen their brother in a fight. But Jin also was the most knowledgeable about the contents of the exam, even if he did fail his. Was this the type of error-correcting that guaranteed Chevalier, Clavis, and Leon’s successes?
The path eventually fed into a wide clearing as large as one of the training arenas at the palace. Even in peak autumn, thick shrubs still flanked all sides like a fence except for one; a cavernous cliff plummeted behind where Jin stood, his arms folded and mouth stretched in an expectant grin.
“Are we really gonna fight?” Nokto said nervously, reaching for his sword.
“Alright! Loser gets thrown off the cliff!” Clavis whooped. “Chevalier, fight me!”
“Slow down, we’re learning defensive tactics today,” Jin said. “Magic has limitless potential to attack, right? So it stands to reason that the same should be true in defense. Far too often does a warlock fall into the assumption that one trumps the other in combat.”
“Spoken nearly verbatim from Elemental Charms and Combat,” Chevalier said unamused.
“That means he knows his stuff,” said Leon. “But then why’d ya bring us here too, Jin?”
“No, Chevalier’s right. There’s only so much you can learn from theory alone. We need experience to connect the dots. And I sure as sugar wouldn’t hurt a hair on the little guys’ heads, so that’s where you lot come in.” Jin crouched beside Yves and Nokto and patted their shoulders. “Yves, you’ll spar with Chevalier. And Nokto, you get Clavis.”
Yves froze on the spot.  
“Oh, goodie…” Nokto mumbled. 
“Just remember the basics, and you’ll be fine,” Jin said, then he turned to the warlocks. “And don’t you go blasting infernos at them. We’re out here to prevent unnecessary bystander injuries. But remember, this is still a highly flammable area.” He glared at Clavis, who seemed to get a chill and wrapped his cloak firmly around himself.
“Wait. Where’s my partner?” Leon asked. A quick lookover of the clearing proved Licht was nowhere to be seen. 
“Maybe Leon’s branches pulled him up to the sky?” Nokto suggested.
“Or Clavis’s roots dragged him down below!” Yves gasped.
“Both,” Chevalier said, pointing over the cliff. Halfway down, Licht hung suspended and looking below, his shirt caught on a thorny branch tangled with crisscrossing roots. 
“Licht!” Yves and Nokto cried.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Clavis called down to him.
“Something tells me the branch will snap if he so much as breathes wrong,” Leon said. Licht answered with a shaky thumbs up.
“Everyone, change of plans!” Jin bellowed. “Today we’re doing rescue training. And not a word of this gets to Sariel, got it? Okay, let’s go!” He drew his sword and leaped over the edge, jamming it into the cliffside as he descended.
Shocked, and slightly relieved, Yves and Nokto followed Jin’s lead, the scraping sounds of their blades cutting rock disappearing with them.
“Moron,” Chevalier huffed. The air around him began to crackle as he inhaled deeply and swung his staff in a circular motion. “He didn’t even evaluate the situation for a full minute. And they still wonder why he didn’t pass—”
“You heard the boss!” Clavis and Leon yelled. Together they seized each of Chevalier’s arms and hurled themselves over the cliff, leaving their staves behind.
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Listen, it is liberating to write Chevalier, Clavis, and Leon as comic relief side characters. Trust me.
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