tmntzines · 2 months
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💙Calling all Leonardo fans! 💙
The day has finally arrived! Applications for LEADER IN BLUE start TODAY!
PLEASE read all guidelines before applying HERE
Links to each form below!
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rabbiturtletunnel · 3 months
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My bayverse Leonardo sketches Bec yeh
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miiukkaa · 2 years
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blep :P
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turtleblogatlast · 6 months
Here’s a thought-
When Splinter says Leo’s the leader at the end of Season 2…pretty sure he was joking.
After so many high stakes and high emotions, he (a bit cluelessly) makes a joke to add some levity, just to make things a bit easier for he and his sons to digest everything that happened. It was a lot that happened, so it makes sense that Splinter wants to make things that much softer for everyone.
But- making a joke like that, after everything they all just went through…I can definitely see how the events of the movie pave out in response.
For example, by joking about Leo in particular having the responsibility of a leader, that puts him directly in the sight of Raph’s building anxieties. Because after everything, it’s clear that Raph really started taking the hero name seriously to the point that he started undermining his own fun and childhood in the process. So in the eyes of a Raph who is so worried about what could happen if they’re not prepared again, Leo in particular kind of stands almost as a point of danger in that aspect.
And with the joke of Leo “leading�� in any capacity ringing out over them, it’s easy to blame Leo and Leo alone whenever he goes and goofs off with Mikey and Donnie. I think as well that the concept of a leader being spoken after the Shredder just pushes more weight on Raph’s shoulders and makes him realize how much goofing off they did before when they should have been better heroes (despite them all just being kids...)
Raph knows his brothers are good, he knows and has pride in them and himself in turn, but it terrifies him to know that they won’t be ready for the next big threat, and Leo directly going against this caution even more than usual just pushes Raph to want to try more.
As for Leo- keep in mind what happened all throughout “Many Unhappy Returns.” Keep in mind what happened all throughout the series in general. In the former, Splinter more than once points out how he would rather have his other sons with him than Leo, especially because they “would take this seriously”…even though Leo was taking it seriously. (Not that Splinter should be expected to read what Leo was doing when Leo wasn’t making his plans clear, but that wording sticks with kids.) Even after Leo’s plan pulled through, Raph’s the one who spoke in trust of Leo, not Splinter.
As for what happens in the series in general…well, we see Leo mess up a lot, apologize a lot, get his brothers out of messes a lot, and even when he does well or is responsible it’s either glossed over or still seen as goofing off (no I will never be over that moment where Leo almost got Gus’s tags and got screwed over out of pure bad luck.)
So imagine hearing a joke like that as Leo, who for a good chunk of especially the start of the series has been a lowkey voice of reason. The idea that Leo being responsible for the team is nothing but a joke…? It’s understandable that it could feel like a blow, that it could push him to want to try less.
Especially after everything they just went through.
They’re heroes. | They’re kids.
Why shouldn’t they care? | Why should they care?
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wolferetic · 2 years
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ʟᴇᴏɴᴀʀᴅᴏ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʟᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎 𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑒 ɪɴ ʙʟᴜᴇ 💙🐢 Ita; Mi sono divertita un sacco a disegnare i due Leonardo delle serie 2012 e 2018 (Rise), amo i crossover, e continuo a pensare che un film con questi due gruppi di turtles sarebbe semplicemente fantastico!! ❤️
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torturedblue · 1 year
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The way neither of them can bear to hurt their families 🥺
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turtlevariabilis · 7 months
Maturing is understanding that Leo doesn’t have a superiority complex, that actually he has an inferiority complex.
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kittpunk144 · 10 months
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2012 Leo is honestly the one I SOMEHOW connect with the most??? But I love drawing in this style *might* do more, maybe who knows!! but enjoy!
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Shoutout to 12 leo for being judgmental and mad at Slash for having a plan that included using a teammate as bait, when he himself did that on 3 separate occasions.
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tmntzines · 3 months
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💙TURTLES COUNT IT OFF!💙 The Interest Check for LEADER IN BLUE : A Leonardo Zine is now OPEN! Want to see this project thrive? Let us know below! FORM HERE
Interest Closes July 19th! Don't Delay!
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darkcrowprincess · 9 months
Tmnt Leo headcanons:
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Has anxiety, trauma and depression. Wants to protect his family. It's his main reason for everything. But feels like he needs his family more than they need him. Constantly needs to be in control. Can't let his guard down for one second. Needs to be the best leader, best big brother, best eldest son. Is constantly caring the weight of everything on his shoulders. If he were to say his dreams are? He wants a family of his own. More so than being loved, he wants to have a baby. But with being a mutant he feels like that dream is out of reach. He would make a really good parent. Sword fighting and training on the outside seems to be all he is but it's not. He's a big nerd. Lord of the rings, star trek, Japanese fighting movies, and ghibli are his favorite. Loves traditional Japanese culture and aesthic. If he could, he'd leave the city and live in the country side. Sometimes his brothers drive him crazy and he wishes they would just listen to him no question asked. Just follow orders. But they're his brothers. He wouldn't want them any other way. Emotionally he's the closest to Mikey. But he loves all his brothers. Sometimes he wishes he could let his anger out like Raph, but his anger is probably more dangerous. Secretly doesn't want to be leader. But accepts it anyway. Is aware he's a big stick in the mud, but someone needs to be the responsible one. Constantly wishes it doesn't have to be him. Can use katanas and bow and arrows. Has accepted he's a mutant. Most distrustful of humans. But has a big sense of justice. Is amazing at strategy, but improvising is not his strong suit. Most likely to go evil if something were to happen to his brothers. Gets along better with women than males(other than his brothers). Loves cats, tea, oranges. And pizza of course. Can cook but not as good as Mikey. Mostly simple things. Can sing, next to Mikey has the best voice. Loves languages. Would rather be outside with nature more than anything. Is a dork when it comes to flirting, but gets more confident the more he knows you and the older he gets. Is a control freak, over protective, and can be a little boring at times. But you can count on Leo no matter what. Acts like he wouldn't kill someone, but could very easily could. Brave lion boy with ice cold anger who would destroy himself for his family and love ones.
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Incorrect 2012TMNT Quote
*After the events of Follow The Leader*
Leo: Our brothers look up to us.
Raph: Yeah, I know.
Leo: You ‘know’, but you don’t know. When people look up to you, you don’t get to be selfish!
Raph: I wasn’t-!
Leo: You say run, they run. You say swim, they dive in. You say light a fire, they show up with oil! Whatever happens, it’s. On. You.
Just like it’s on me.
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sapphiretanto · 1 year
Possibly long posts incoming this weekend. Stay tuned.
If you want the order:
Leo and Donnie: Try Harder
Leo and Karai are the siblings ever…
Maybe one about Leo’s personality or the fact that while he is stoic, he is not an asshole or at least a complete asshole.
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wolferetic · 2 years
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ᴀɴᴀᴛᴀᴡᴀ ɪᴛᴏʀɪᴊᴀɴᴀɪ 🐢💙
Ita; Ho finito di visionare da poco la serie del 2012 sulle Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles e, nemmeno a dirlo, l'ho adorata tantissimo! 😍 Ho un amore viscerale per i crossover, purtroppo non abbiamo potuto veder le tartarughe del 2012 interagire con quelle del 2018, però mi è rimasta questa idea in testa: Leonardo 2012 che apprende dal Leo Rise il ninpo del clan Hamato! L'aggiunta di armi ed elementi mistici è stata la trovata che maggiormente ho apprezzato del reboot del 2018, sorry not sorry!
Ecco perché ho voluto disegnare così Leonardo 2012, usando come reference uno screencaps di Leo Rise. La scritta in giapponese proviene dall'episodio "Anatawa Itorijanai" della serie ROTTMNT, che significa 𝓃𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝒾 𝓈𝑜𝓁𝑜.
TMNT 2012 © Nickelodeon
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yellowhollyhock · 7 months
So the turtles + April make Voltron
Leonardo black
Raphael red
Donatello green
April yellow
Michelangelo blue
Leo black
Raph red
Donnie green
Mikey yellow
April blue
Raph black
April red
Donnie green
Mikey yellow
Leo blue
April black
Leo red
Donnie green
Mikey blue
Raph yellow
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torturedblue · 1 year
Just thinking about how some of the mistakes that Raph makes when Leo advised him otherwise, he actually follows later…
Like in Bug Busters, Leo’s warning Raph and the guys of stranger danger over and over with Big Mama but he doesn’t listen
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Then in Jupiter Jim Ahoy Raph’s the only one who isn’t blinded by his starstruckness and realizes how weird it is that Marcus Moncrief was inviting them to his house
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Another example, in Many Unhappy Returns Raph’s extremely against Leo’s idea to split up to fight The Shredder and ask Big Mama for help (like bad mouthing Leo for multiple consecutive scenes against it)
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But then in E-Turtle Sunrise of the Spotless Mind when Lou Jitsu is attacking them in Splinter’s mindscape, Raph has the idea to split up so the others can fight off Lou and he can find out the secret to defeating Shredder by himself
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I think Leo and his leader skills might’ve been secretly rubbing off on Raph 🤔
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