#leo symbol tattoos
eric-the-bmo · 8 months
"Need a light?"
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(very huge thanks to @sm0kebreaks for this commission of my vampire and his sire! I'm going to go insane in the tags now, i adore this with every fibre of my being [also: vers with no piercings under the readmore, bc I love that one too])
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slutnali · 1 year
Sasha Colby is the biggest Leo to ever Leo
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pro100drawn · 8 months
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Hello! My new drawing is already on the creativemarket
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themedialmercurial · 1 year
🫧🩵Astro observations🩵🫧
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Moon conjunct Jupiter 5H may have many kids. Bonus points if both planets are in leo (5H represents children, moon is related to family and jupiter is associated with abundance and growth)
Mars opp Uranus transit can bring about sudden bursts of pain, the sign indicates the how it impacts and the house indicating the part of the body impacted
Though libra placements strive for balance, underdeveloped people with these placements strive for THEIR ideal of balance, oftentimes to the detriment of others (i.e unwilling to compromise, resorting to manipulation to get their way)
The 3rd house explains how you communicate
Aries: assertively, outgoing
Taurus: stubbornly (resisting to change your outlook), practically
Gemini: versatile, inquisitively, witty
Cancer: emotionally, gently
Leo: dramatically, loudly, shamelessly
Virgo: thoughtfully, dry humour, critically (sharp w/ their words)
Libra: diplomatically, flirtatious, indecisive
Scorpio: intensely, passionately
Sagittarius: honest, exaggerative, optimistically
Capricorn: disciplined, can come across as cold/insensitive
Aquarius: detached, rebellious,
Pisces: spiritual, caring, empathetic
Libra venuses show affection by treating you to things you've always wanted and in turn, they expect the same from you (reciprocity is key!). They have a knack for finding gifts that are aesthetically pleasing
Leo stellium indicates a short temper. This placement magnifies leos natural urge to shine and dramatic tendencies and results in impulsivity when underdeveloped
Prominent pisces and aquarius in a chart gives the native an "otherworldly" type of beauty. The way I tend to notice them is always by their eyes, they tend to be widespread and/or big (ex: Anya-Taylor Joy, Halle Bailey). They have a type of beauty that almost "rebels against" the standards in place all the while having conventionally attractive features if that makes sense. It's like their features exacerbate existing standards
Virgo venuses love giving and receiving words of affirmation as their love language (virgo likes mental stimulation). They bring about a more service-minded type of affection, asking you what you need materially for instance
Pisces mars and the constant urge to escape? It's like they need music to get through the day. They often get the reputation of being "lazy" but these people really just are in another world, and, especially when in the 6th house, they rely much on media (books, podcasts, tv shows) to do any tasks (even mundane) or they risk daydreaming or or boredom. They are more likely to take a long time to complete any sort of task such as a shower or washing the dishes
Chiron in capricorn brings wounds and pain about ambition. This can manifest as the native either lacks drive or they have ideas they'd love to set in motion and they do (due to the cardinal nature of capricorn) but often fall short in continuing their project. As physical scars, the native may be prone injuries/dysfunction regarding their bones. Using myself as an example, I had braces as a pre-teen.
I’ve seen so many Gemini suns who have a Gemini symbol tattoo
Eris in aries brings about chaos in areas of life related to assertion and self-involvement. In other words, the native may feel more inclined to hyperfocus on the needs of others and neglect themself
Ceres in gemini brings an abundance in matters related to communication and adaptability. You're likely to be perceived as someone who can go with the flow and is easy-going. On the other hand, when less developed, you can be perceived as scatter-brained and restless
Jupiter in leo can make someone have a wider, sculpted upper back and shoulders as jupiter expands anything it touches. Jupiter in aquarius can make someone have larger calves, shins and ankles. With regard to the house it's in, in creates growth in that area of life. As always, consult the aspects that other planets make to jupiter
Opposite to jupiter, saturn shrinks what it touches. In other words, depending on your saturn sign, this can show where you're physically smaller. Saturn in leo for example would have smaller shoulders and a smaller back. Saturn in aquarius can make someone have smaller calves, skins and ankles
"I have a headache in my stomach" -My virgo stellium best friend
Venus square ascendant creates conflict of ones perception of self (physical appearance, personality) and whether or not they consider themself to be attractive. Due to this internal conflict, they are likely to take it upon themselves to try and "glow up" and struggle with low self-esteem. They may require constant reassurance from others
I can't remember who posted this last month but someone asked if people could feel the effects of their upcoming solar return chart whether it be a month before or right as it hits? My birthday is early july and it's crazy how much I already reasonate with my upcoming SRC 2023-2024. I used @starsworldd post as a reference! ⭐️
My SRC rising is in leo and I already feel that I present myself more unapologetically and confidently. Since leo falls into my 12th house in my natal chart, I find that matters related to spiritually are much more potent (angel numbers, seeing specific colours, encounters, the urge to self-isolate, feeling energy extra strongly)
Natal sun (10H) conjunct SR venus: personality and beauty will become more noticeable to the public--> I found this especially true because I've been receiving so many complements from strangers lately🩷
Moon in pisces 8H SR: I'm emotionally tied to and more receptive to fantasies, creativity, sentimentality, escapism (esp with the way I've been reading so much lately and find any anything hard to do without music)
Venus in leo 1H: personality and outlook on life will be less inhibited, more free-flowing and harmonious (true bc I find beauty in simple everyday things more than ever. I stare at the trees, the sky, animals and even myself sometimes. I'm learning to look at myself in the mirror and understand I'm worthy of love no matter how I look)
Just from studying my SRC, it's made me so much more curious about the impacts of the lunar return chart (LRC) each month and daily transits
If any of these placements resonate with you personally or you know someone with these placements please let me know! As always, these are my observations and of course, not everyone is a monolith🩵
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enamouredfae · 1 year
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little astro observations i've made based on my little chart collection and experience 🎀
honestly i've observed this only in myself but you have a natural pull to people who's sun is the same sign as your 5th house, mine is in pisces and my bf, my best friend and my cat are all pisces, not to mention that 90% of my crushes have been pisces as well.
there is something about pisces and bunnies, they will either love bunnies (have tattoos of them, make art about them, be their favourite animal), own or have owned a bunny or they look like one, (my bf is all of the above).
in synastry a north node over a person's mars may indicate the north node person taking the mars person's virginity.
in synastry a person's moon in your 9th house may indicate they understand/feel/empathize with emotions in a different way from you due to where they come from and how they were culturally socialized, i have this with my bf and he comes from a north american individualist country where your emotions are your responsibility and other's are theirs and i come from a post communist country where you are responsible for everyone's emotions, and ppl live for other people.
in vedic astrology i am a hasta moon, claire nakti made a video on hasta nakshatra and describes hasta natives as "fairy pretty" and i have a pair of dragonfly fairy wings tattooed on my back, plus ive been told (before my tattoo) that i give off fairy vibes.
saturn ruled 3rd house makes you have to spend a lot of time in public transportation, for example you might live far from where you need to go, for me it used to take me 1 hour at least to get to some places, sometimes i'd have to wait an hour just to then spend on hour on the bus. just overall imposes patience for transportation
a lot of astro observation posts say that an aquarius 4th house makes you feel like u dont belong in your family or that you're the black sheep of the family, but i dont find that accurate at all, i feel like it makes the native the one to challenge family values, they may be the one to make their family change for humanitarian reasons
idk if this is a real technique already used by astrologers but i have a wholesign MC theory. in wholesign the midheaven can fall in the 9th/10th or 11th house. my theory is that wherever it falls is the way you get ahead in life, the way through which u become publicly known or get your career. If it falls in the 9th your career is owed to ur studies/travel, 10th your hard work/experience/reputation, 11th your connections/social media/friends.
i think i have the most literal astrological placements being passed down from your parents example. obviously placements dont always get passed down, my sister has none of their placements, but perhaps being the first child may have contributed to this since the first child is when parents still have their personality not yet influenced by parenthood. so my moon and my sun, which we know symbolize the parents amongst other things, are at the same degree and they sextile eachother exactly, which I think is an indicator that my parents are very harmonious together; they are still together and in love even now. furthermore, my moon and sun are the same signs of my parents' stelliums, i have a libra moon and my mom has a libra stellium, and my sun is in leo and my dad has a leo stellium.
sibling's ceres in your first is feeling like a parent to them, i constantly tell my sister she's my daughter, we even have an inside joke that i gave birth to her at 5, and my ceres is in her fourth, the house of motherhood so she definitely sees me as a parental figure.
me and my bf have eachother's jupiter in our 7th houses, besides being in a serious committed relationship, we want to start a business together. so i feel this is a great indicator for great partnership in both regards.
i feel like this is also a technique but i haven't really heard much about it, generational planets affect us through societal conditions/problems whereas personal planets affect us through personal problems. for example: let's go with two malefics, i have pluto in the first house which i feel would be very different from having let's say mars in the first house. the first house is amongst many things our appearance which i am insecure about. i have never in my life been told i am ugly, i am actually constantly told i am beautiful, and yet it does not click. it isn't through personal experiences that i have problems with my appearance but through consumption of society ideals. this is of course an oversimplification but you get what i mean.
chiron retrograde in natal changes our perception on trauma. me and my bf have the same chiron, his is retrograde while mine is not. he constantly says he is not traumatized, whereas i can tell i am. he 100% has traumas, the thing is that it's like he's left them behind? he just says it happened a long time ago so it's done. my observation is that retrogrades in your natal may make u leave things in the past or have a "it happened a long time ago it doesn't matter" attitude towards trauma. the thing is he acts like a non-traumatized person which is crazy to me.
i have a skin condition called dermatographia, also overall very dry itchy acne prone skin, i also have scars. here are a few placements that i have that i feel may be an indicator for skin conditions: mars ruled first house (traditional rulership) mars is inflamation and scarring, saturn in seventh saturn is dry and some people consider that libra(7th house) rules the skin, saturn opposite ascendant, saturn square venus i see venus as clear skin due to its aesthetical perfection.
saturn in 1st, especially conjunct ascendant indicates identity issues. borrowing elements of identity from people you admire, not feeling like you identify with the gender assigned at birth, not identifying with your birth name, etc.
having a libra 12th house can indicate traumatic female friendship. the 12th house is the house of hidden enemies, so you perceive these people as your friends, sometimes even best friends, so when they betray you it is very jarring and traumatic. having female friends that are jealous of you, female friends that pretend to like you, female friends that talk shit about you and even sometimes lie about u, friends that purposefully hide information from you, that want what you have, sometimes sabotaging what you have or trying to make u lose the thing they want, etc. this is a very difficult placement, because you love these people so much that you would've given up things, changed things or shared things with them if only they were honest with you. in the best of cases the friendship is real and full of love but you grow apart, and this is also painful because you can't control it.
venus square ascendant is people telling you they love you and you not believing them. just overall hardships around love and seeing yourself as loveable. double points when it also squares saturn making u think that if u are loved it's hard work or that people had to convince themselves to, that you're hard to love.
people with venus conjunct mars in first are stunning and have an androgynous vibe to them. sometimes this is visual, strong muscular body with graceful posture, but it can reflect in their personality, just strength imbued with vulnerability, people that surprise you, that are balanced.
taurus 6th house can indicate finding romantic partners in the workplace.
having a stellium in the 4th and no planets in the 10th, can indicate a strong connection to your mom and a disconnect from your dad, especially when the sun is in the opposite sign of your tenth house(in your 4th) feeling like your dad is not the way he should be.
please let me know what you think, im very curious how they hold up in other people's charts, critiques are welcome and invited.
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Turtles x tattoo artist!reader
Got this idea after I read a Leo x tattoo artist on Wattpad. It was super cute, but as a tattooed person that has started tattooing my friends, I have to tell my fellow ff writers something that will make your tattoo ff more realistic. DON’T EVER REUSE NEEDLES!!!! WEAR GLOVES!!!!! ALSO WHEN YOU PUT ON A STENCIL!!!!!!! Hopefully I saved some turtles from an infected tattoo.
Warnings: Needles, pain, tattooing, some of the turtles being cheeky, spelling.
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As your last client of the day went out the door with their newest tattoo, you breathed a sigh of relief. The last few ones have been though. Unable to sit still, with a need to look at the tattoo several times while you were working on it, almost causing you to go outside of the lines. Not what you needed. But all the thought of irritation and frustration washed away, when you remembered; your boyfriend was coming to get a tattoo.
Last night, Leonardo had asked you if you would do a tattoo on him. You had obviously said yes, excited to finally tattoo your boyfriend. Leo was by far heavily tattooed, but he did sport a few on his arms, all symbolizing his brothers.
As you locked the front door, flipped the open sign to close and pulled the curtains, you could hear the back door that led to the alley, open and close. It was Leo. You rushed to the back door with a happy skip, and greeted your green boyfriend with a big smile. You wrapped your arms around his neck, and brought his face down to yours for a kiss.
“Hey”, you smiled.
“Hey”, he smiled back before giving you another kiss.
You brought him with you back into the main area of the shop, asking him what he wanted to get tattooed. He pulled a folded piece of paper from his pockets and gave it to you. You unfolded it.
A katana. Simple black lines with minor shadowing. You were pretty sure that Leo had drawn this himself.
“Of course”, you chuckled, looking at the paper in your hand. “Where do you want it?”
“Right here”. Leo pointed to the side of his left forearm.
“That could actually be really good”, you said, studying his arm. Leo’s arm was nothing new for you. They had been wrapped around you so many times, that you knew them as well as the back of your own hand. But on the rarest occasions, had you thought about tattoo placements on his arm.
“I think we should size it up. Around… this big”. You measured out his arm, with one finger marking out just above his wrist and just below his elbow.
“Is that because you as a tattoo artist know it would look better, or is it because you as my girlfriend want an excuse to keep tattooing me for as long as possible?”, Leo asked with a smile.
“A little bit of both, I would say”.
“In that case, I think we should do it”.
To say that you were happy was an understatement. All your earlier tiredness and frustration flew out the window, as you went to your desk so you could draw the stencil. Leo followed you, and watched you intently while you drew over the stencil paper, tracing the outlines of his design.
“That’s not how Raph did it”, Leo said with a small chuckled, remembering the time he and his brothers did each other's tattoos, with a tattoo machine Donnie had made.
“How did Raph do it?”, you asked, smiling at the thought of what Leo had told you. Young turtle brothers sitting in the shared bedroom of their old lair, long after Master Splinter had gone to bed, tattooing each other like the young rebellious teenagers they once were.
“He drew it directly on me with a marker”.
“Doesn’t sound very sanetray”, you laughed. “Especially not in a sewer”.
“Nope. That is why I’m going to you from now on”, Leo said as he reached down to kiss your forehead.
With Leo’s stencil finished, you went to work preparing your station one last time that evening. You put on your gloves, wrapped the station in film, prepared the cream, poured the black ink, got your new needles and wrapped your machine for a better grip.
Leo watched you with those eyes that always made you blush, while you disinfected his arm, applied the transfer jell, and then placed the stencil. When you moved back and told Leo to look in the mirror, he didn’t move. Instead he just stared at you with those eyes and that little smile.
“I trust you. It looks good”.
Fighting your flustered face and biting down your lip, you moved Leo into the seat, before stretching his arm and moving it to an angle, so it would be easy for you. With that you started your machine and began doing his lines.
Leo - with his high pain tolerance - didn’t move a muscle, but instead just stared at you as you worked. You could feel his strong gaze on you, trying your hardest to focus on his tattoo in front of you.
You continued working in silence, with nothing but the sound of your tattoo machine being heard. Silence wasn’t new for you and Leo, nor did it make you uncomfortable. The two of you would often enjoy each other’s presence in silence, each doing your own thing, simply finding comfort in being near each other. Like him meditating or sharpening his katana, while you were drawing or reading. Just like right now. Leo admiring you while you were working.
After two hours of tense work on Leo’s arm, you finally finished. With a last whip over his arm, you wrapped it up, making sure it would be protected during the first stages of healing.
“So, what do you think?”, you asked Leo as he assessed the katana on his arm with warm eyes.
“It’s amazing”, he said, smiling bright. “You’re amazing, you know that, right?”
“You might have told me a few times”, you said as you started cleaning up.
Leo stood up from his seat and walked to you, before wrapping both arms around you, bringing his face down to yours.
“I love you, my amazing little tattoo”, he said, before letting your lips meet in a sweet kiss. And with that you knew, you would definitely tattoo Leo again.
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Under normal circumstances, you would have said no to be doing a tattoo in the sewers. No way that wouldn’t get infected and heal probably. It was a tail made for disaster. But when your brute of a boyfriend asked you as nicely as he did, and promised you cuddles and a foot rub, there was no way you could say no. Especially not when he made those big teddy bear eyes that only you got to see. You just had to say yes.
So there you were in Raphael’s room, in the sewers deep below New York City, setting up a small tattoo station on his nightstand. Raphael stood right behind you fiddling with a football in his hands, watching you unpack your stuff with curiosity. Yes, he did have a tattoo, but one that was made with a machine Donnie had but together, not a real machine. So to see a real one in front of him for the first time, had his attention peaked.
“So”, you asked, checking the battery for your machine. “What were you thinking of?”
“A samurai”, Raph said with a small smile, as he spun the football in his hands.
“You and those damn samurais”, you chuckled and laid out your paper and stencil paper. “I thought that this time around you would like a ninja”.
“Maybe one day, on the other leg”, Raph said with a smug smile. “If this one goes right”.
“Well okay smart guy”, you laughed turning towards him. “Where on your leg do you want it”.
“I was thinking here”. Raphael laid the football on the ground before going to the outside of his right calf, measuring out from his knee to ankle.
“Do you want it to take up the whole side?”
“Of course”, Raph smiled. “It has to match”. He pointed towards the samurai on his shoulder.
“Just as black?”
“You know me baby”, he said, giving you that smug smile.
You bit back a smile, trying to fight back the blush that was creeping up your face. Damn Raphael and his smooth comments.
“Okay, I’ll do a sketch and you tell me what you think about it. If you like it, we can get tattooing”.
“Sounds like one of the best plans I’ve heard in a long time”, Raph said, still smiling like that smug fucker he is. But damn you loved that man.
As you got drawing on the sketch, Raph would walk in and out of his room, grabbing drinks and food from the kitchen, before returning. Every once in a while he would get up from his bed, just to give you a kiss on the cheek, wrap his arms around you, and look at how far you’ve gotten.
Raph loved your finished sketch, stating something along the lines of; “so far, so good”, just to annoy you.
With Raphael laying on his bed, with pants rolled up and wrapped around his knee and slightly turned to the side, you placed the stencil on the side of his muscular side calf. You had to admit, you were proud of your work so far. The artwork flowed with the curve, sway and size of Raph’s calf, showing it off.
As you started the machine and dipped the needle in the ink cup, Raphael got comfortable with his hands behind his back, still with his smug smile plastered on his face.
“Are you ready?”, you asked as you placed your other hand on his leg to spread the skin.
“Born ready”.
And with that statement from your boyfriend, you started working on the lines in his tattoo.
Raphael’s tattoo was big and detailed, which meant a lot of work. But not even 15 minutes into the tattoo, you saw Raph shifting and grimes for a split second, before pressing his eyes shut. Your tough boyfriend was breaking character.
“You okay there, Raphie?”, you asked with a sly smile, dipping the needle in the ink once more before going back in.
“Yup, I’m okay. More than okay actually”, he said, still with his eyes pressed shut.
“I hope so, because you know, the closer I get to your foot and the closer I get to your knee, the more it’ll hurt”.
“Ah fuck”.
“And that’s just the line work. I’ll have to go in afterwards and do filling and shadowing”.
“H- how long do you think all that will take?” Raph’s eyes now open, looking at you with a slight fear in his eyes.
“Well, with a tattoo this size and this detailed, easily four hours”.
“So only three more hours?”
“Raph, baby, we’ve only been going for 15 minutes”.
Raphael groaned loudly, grabbing onto the pillow behind his head. “Fuck me”.
“Later baby”, you laughed. “It won’t be a good idea while you have an open tattoo”.
Raph sighed. “(Y/N), I love you, but sometimes you’re annoying as fuck”.
“I love you too Raphie, and if it helps anything, I too find you annoying sometimes”, you smiled sweetly at him, causing Raph to bite back a smile, the same way he made you do not too long ago.
“And just so you know”, you continued while wiping ink away from Raph’s leg. “You still owe me cuddles and a foot rub afterwards' '.
Raphael exhaled loudly, face scrunching up as the needle went back over his skin. “I really didn’t think this through, did I?”
“Nope, not at all”.
Nevertheless, after four hours and many loud exclamations from Raphael that could be heard all throughout the lair, your boyfriend had gotten himself a new big tattoo. And if you had to be honest, it was pretty hot, and not just because you were the one that made it.
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When Donatello had asked for you to tattoo him, you were kind of shocked to say the least. Your sweet, tech nerdy, genius of a boyfriend, who did not have a single tattoo on his beautiful green body, wanted you to tattoo him. You had to blink and ask him to repeat his request.
But Donatello was serious. He wanted a tattoo. He even offered to give you space in his lab, so you could set up a propper station, and that was an offer you just couldn’t refuse.
You had unpacked your station in Donnie’s lab, currently drawing the design Donnie had given you onto transfer paper, while he was taking a closer look at your tattoo machine.
“It’s very different from the one I made”, Donnie noticed, turning it in his three fingered hands. 
“How did you guys even do it back then?”, you asked, eyes still on the drawing.
“Well, I made the machine, and the guys had several designs”, he said, thinking back to the old days in the old lair with a smile. “We all got a turn tattooing Leo”.
You chuckled, finding the thought amusing. Stupid and reckless, but amusing nonetheless.
“Where did you get ink from?”
“A pen. Many pens actually”. He placed your machine on the table, before taking a seat next to you, resting his chin lightly on your shoulder, looking at your hand working. “We broke open the pens and poured it into a solo cup”.
“That is really not sanitary”, you laughed, leaning your head to the side, so your temple was pressed against Donnie’s forehead.
“No, it really isn’t”, he laughed, nuzzling his face closer to yours.
“Now Donnie”, you said, nodding towards the drawing in front of you. It was a design of a turtle, somewhat like the one Leo and Mikey shared, but with its own intricate design around it. “What is the meaning behind this, and why do you want it?”
“Well, it is a turtle, so much is obvious”, Donnie said, causing you to nudge him slightly. “And well, it just felt like it was about time. I just finally want a tattoo. And me being the lucky guy that I am, have a tattoo artist as a girlfriend, so it just seemed obvious”.
“Well, that is enough reasoning for me”.
You finished the stencil and put on gloves, getting ready to prep Donnie’s skin with disinfectants.
“The shoulder is one of the easiest places”, you told him, as you smoothed the paper over his shoulder. “Many people experience that the shoulder hurts way less than any other places”.
“Did yours hurt?”, Donnie asked, nodding towards the tattoo on your shoulder. He had looked at it so many times, often wondering how you felt while getting it. It was probably one of the main reasons why he hadn’t gotten a tattoo yet; the fear of it hurting. Especially after he saw the way Mikey and Raph reacted to their tattoos back then.
“Not at all”, you said, peeling the paper back from his skin, leaving back purple lines for you to follow. “I almost fell asleep during mine. Now, take a look in the mirror and tell me what you think”.
Donnie went to the mirror and took a look at his shoulder, before turning to you with a smile.
“It looks great”, he said.
“Then sit down good sir, and let me get started on you”, you said, opening a new needle with your gloved hands.
Donnie sat down like you told him to, and watched as you got the needle ready. You turned on the machine, dipping it into the ink cup while it hummed. You placed your other hand on Donnie’s shoulder, spreading his green scaly skin.
“Remember, you can always tell me if you need a break or if you're getting uncomfortable. Keep your breathing calm and level, and it will save you from a lot of unnecessary stress. And with that in mind, are you ready?”
Donnie nodded with a small smile. “I’m ready”.
You let the needle brace Donatello’s skin, watching for any reaction by your boyfriend, showing any discomfort.
“Okay, that is not as bad as I thought it would be”, he said, turning his head slightly to look at the needle.
“It’s rarely that bad”, you told him, wiping the first line. “Trust me. I still get surprised every time I get tattooed”.
Donnie chuckled, imagining the scene of you in a tattoo shop.
As time went on, and as you were half way through the tattoo, you noticed the first signs of discomfort from your boyfriend.
“Okay, I can feel it now”, he said, grimacing slightly. “It is not bad, but it’s more. I’m not sure how else to describe it”.
“Don’t worry. We’re halfway done”, you said, dipping the needle in the ink cup. “But I will recommend that you take it easy afterwards and get a good night's sleep”.
“I will if you stay and keep me company”.
“Well, you don’t have to ask me twice”, you said, wiping the tattoo down one more time.
It didn’t take long before you finished the tattoo, smearing cream over it before wrapping it up. Donatello seemed slightly shocked by it.
“Are you done already?”, he asked, looking at his new tattoo under the plastic wrap.
“Yeah, it was not a super complicated tattoo”, you laughed, as you started to clean up after yourself. “And you’re really easy to tattoo. That only made it quicker”.
“Well in that case”, he said and stood up, before wrapping his arms around from behind. “Would you like to start that good night’s sleep a little earlier?”
“There’s nothing I’d rather do”, you said, pulling your tall boyfriend down to you for a sweet kiss.
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Bless your boyfriend and his kind, sweet, beautiful, helpful heart. What he wouldn’t do for you? Nothing. He would do everything and even more if you asked for it, also if you didn’t ask for it. And that was the nature of Mikey. Showing his love for you in spontaneous and caring ways, that not even you had expected. Such as volunteering for you to practice your tattooing, after hearing you talk about how much you wanted to practice.
And that was what led up to you and Mikey sitting on your couch, talking about the best place for you to tattoo him.
“I don’t know, baby”, you said, pressing your fingers against Mikey’s upper stomach. “I’ve never tattooed a plastron before”.
“Don’t worry Angelcakes, it will be fine”, Mikey said with a bright smile. “It will just be right here”, he said, gliding his finger over the top of his stomach, to outline the placement.
“But can a needle even get through that?”, you asked, pressing a little firmer against his plastron. You knew how firm Mikey’s plastron was. You had found yourself being pressed against it so many times, that you had familiarized yourself quite well with it at this point. But the thought of poking a needle through it had never crossed your mind.
“I don’t know. Maybe? There’s truly only one way to find out”.
“But baby, what if I break your plastron instead?”
“It’ll heal. Have you already forgotten this beautiful body as mutagen running in it? I can heal in no time!”
“But”, you said in thought. “Aren’t your shell and plastron also bulletproof?”
“But Angelcakes!”, Mikey pouted. “It could be so sick with a tattoo like that! I would look so good!”
“But you already look good Mikey”, you giggled.
“I know but still”.
You sighed. It was no use trying to argue with him about it. It would take either your needle or his plastron cracking slightly before he would drop the topping, so therefore you finally agreed with your silly turtle of a boyfriend.
“Yes!” Mikey fist pumped the air before giving you a quick kiss. “I knew you couldn’t resist the thought of me with a stomach tattoo!”
You laughed, shaking your head, before going to your room to find your supplies. Mikey already had a very clear idea of what he wanted. He wanted he and his brothers’ birth year of 1999 tattooed over his plastron, in good old gothic lettering. It actually relieved you that he hadn’t chosen anything more detailed. You just wanted to practice, not rival his name sake.
It didn’t take long before you had finished the stencil and placed it on your boyfriend, before telling him to go look at it in the mirror. You couldn’t help but smile, as Mikey started posing in front of the mirror. The 1999 on his plastron, still dark purple from the stencil ink.
“Yup! I like it! Lets go!”, Mikey said, jumping back towards you with a big smile. “I’m ready!”
“You cute goofball”, you laughed, guiding him towards your couch. “Come and lay down”.
Michelangelo did as you told him, and laid down on his shell, with his hands comfortably behind his head, watching with a smile as you sat yourself down. That smile could easily make butterflies erupt in your stomach, and it did so in that very moment, right as you dipped your needle in the ink.
To your surprise, the needle glided over Mikey’s plastron easily. It was almost easier than on real skin, and closer to the fake skin you usually would practice on. You didn’t even had to spread the surface with your other hand. Mikey seemed to enjoy himself.
“Do you feel anything?”, you asked, wiping the tattoo. It stayed pretty well.
“I can feel it, but it doesn’t hurt. It’s a little strange to be honest”.
“Strange or not, I still think you're cute”.
Mikey smiled, hinting at you to come closer. You removed the needle from his plastron and leaned closer to his face, before being met by him in a sweet kiss. You giggled before returning to his plastron to continue his tattoo.
“I am the luckiest man and turtle in this world”, Mikey then said. “I have the hottest girlfriend there is, and she makes some pretty awesome tattoos. I’ll say I got the best of both worlds”.
You giggled, shaking your head one more time, feeling a blush grow on your face. What did you do to deserve this guy?
With Mikey not feeling any pain from his tattoo, and the fact that you didn’t have to spread anything or do much, it didn’t take long before Mikey’s plastron tattoo was finished. You were throwing the used needle out in the kitchen trash can, when suddenly a question popped into your head.
“How long does it take for your plastron to heal?”
“Not long”, Mikey answered, drinking casually from a Capri Sun by your side, poking slightly at the new numbers on his front. “I think it will be healed by tomorrow”.
“So you don’t need any aftercare at all?”, you asked, pulling his hand away from his tattoo.
“Depends”, he started, placing the Capri Sun on the counter, before wrapping his arms around you, nuzzling his face closer to yours. “What kind of aftercare are we talking about?”
“Dork”, you laughed.
“Hey, don’t deny what we both know will happen”, he said, getting ever closer to your lips.
“When your tattoo is healed, Mikey”.
“Oh well, would you look at that”, Mikey said, pointing towards his plastron. “I’m already healing”.
After that night, Mikey would definitely be asking for more tattoos from you.
I need another tattoo soon…
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 4 months
Okay imagine Solomon being upset and jealous that MC doesn’t have a mark of his own on their body, MC notices this fact and gets the mark of Solomon tattooed onto their body. I’ve been so obsessed with this idea ever sense Solomon became my no.1 favorite character ever.
Ooh, yes, I've seen this floating around as well!
Solomon would be pleased on the outside, absolutely thrilled on the inside. I think having his own mark would satiate that jealousy, because now having his own mark on your body shows the world that you have a strong bond of trust and care. Just as you do with the brothers, if not more so.
I know many people have different headcanons about where each of the brothers' marks are on their MC's body, which usually have some sort of meaning. I suppose it's up to preference where you'd want to be permanently tattooed, but what if you got it in an area that was special to both of you?
Trying to be as inclusive as I can to everybody's headcanons of the brothers' marks, so take these with a grain of salt or come up with your own! :)
Perhaps Solomon has disclosed with you a certain part of your body that he just adores, an area he often touches in moments when it's just the two of you. Rubbing your knuckles or kissing the back of your hand when watching movies together, caressing the small of your back while you read over a passage from one of his spell books, right behind your ear where he rubs soft circles as you drift off to sleep in his bed, or brushing his lips against your shoulder as he holds you from behind while you make dinner.
Getting his mark in an area he dotes over, one that he never fails to touch or lavish with kisses in those near ritualistic moments, would be the ultimate gesture. Because for him, it would be an indication that the small things he does in the time he is granted with you mean something to you. They're special to you too.
That's the fluffy, sentimental version. Now I kinda want to explore the logistical or rational placing of his mark.
I was looking at the seal of Solomon, and noticed two things: the symbol for Saturn (the one that looks like an awkwardly drawn n) and the symbol for Mars (which interestingly enough, the Mars symbol seems to have the Sun's symbol in it as well. Mars is the "male" symbol, while the Sun is a circle with a dot in the center).
For quick reference, Saturn rules both Capricorn and Aquarius in traditional astrology - representing structure and discipline. Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio in traditional - representing drive and passion. And I'll go ahead and do the Sun's as well, it rules Leo - representing the ego.
Now, I mention this for one reason: medical astrology. Each part of the body (and its systems within) are ruled by a sign (quick fire examples: Capricorn - knees, Aquarius - calves, Aries - head, Scorpio - lower regions, Leo - spine). So, how impressed would he be if he realized you'd tattooed his mark in one of those areas? Just what he'd expect of his clever apprentice! (Even better if you got it on the left side of your body, as the left represents wisdom! Right is power, in case you wanted to know :)).
Perhaps by doing so, you invoke one of the qualities of those aforementioned planet rulings, like you find yourself being more responsible with the mark on your ankle or the back of your knee, maybe you're more authentic with it at the top of your spine, or more aggressive in your pursuits with it on your naval or behind your ear.
I think he'd be fascinated, and oddly flattered, that his mark influences you in a such way. Like he's indirectly influencing you. It'd be similar to how the brothers' sins on your body might make you act certain ways, like more greedy or more gluttonous.
Yeah, he'd be smitten with you and that mark wherever you end up putting it. Whatever makes you happy, as long as he has a little claim of you as well. Perhaps he'd create a mark that represents you to tattoo on his body... If there's room, ha!
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fabuloustrash05 · 8 months
10 Raphael Headcanons
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He REALLY wants to get a tattoo but his father and Leo always nagged at him never do it. If he did get one he’d either get the Hamato Clan symbol, a full tattoo sleeve, or Mona Lisa’s name tattoo on his arm. Once he’s an adult, he’ll most likely get a tattoo with Casey’s help.
To help with his temper tantrums as a kid, Splinter found an old drum set and put it together for Raphael. He told him anytime he feels angry he can beat on the drums. In the beginning it worked, but over time Raph actually started to learn how to play the drums and got good at it quick.
He LOVES watching Spanish soap operas. He watches them so often that he has become semi fluent in speaking Spanish. Often his brothers will walk in on him watching his soaps, screaming at the characters in Spanish for their dumb choices. Raph would even sometimes mumble something in Spanish when frustrated.
He also loves those old school black and white cowboy movies and TV shows.
Often Raph and Splinter would bond over their love of art and painting. The two would sometimes sit together in the dojo, not saying a single word to the other as they both paint something and eventually share it with the other, giving each other constructive criticism and tips on how to improve.
One of his favorite things to draw is Mona Lisa. She’s his muse and he likes to draw her whether she’s around or not. He has a bunch of sketchbooks full of drawings of just her. He mostly drew her a lot when he returned from his space adventures. Worried he’ll never see her again, Raph drew Mona everyday so he wouldn’t forget her. Even when she started living on Earth, Raph continues to draw her, with Mona sometime even modeling for him.
He snores when he sleeps. Like, REALLY loudly.
April and him are gossip buddies. They are secretly silently judging everyone and then later on they text each other to talk shit about it behind everyone’s back.
He's very skillful in sewing and knitting. Often as gifts for holidays or birthday, Raph will knit his brothers and friends hats or sweaters. He's made Mona a pink scarf and even made little hats for Spike and later Chompy
Raph deep down always wanted to have kids and become a father. This idea has been on the back of his mind since he was a kid taking care of Spike as if he was his own. He always dreamed of settling down and starting a big family of his own, but because he's seen as a "mutant freak" he quickly grew to accept the fact that no one would ever love him. That is until he met Mona Lisa.
Michelangelo Headcanons | Donatello Headcanons | Leonardo Headcanons
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shitpostingkats · 2 months
Pinning Down Every Shinjuku Reapers Hanafuda Suit
In The World Ends With You, there are a total of twelve (named) reapers, each corresponding to a member of the chinese zodiac. They continue this design philosophy in NEO, with all of the Shinjuku reapers being based off a different suit of Hanafuda.
Let's start with the ones we know.
(post does contain spoilers)
Tsugumi - January, Crane
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Conveniently, most of the reaper's birth months point to their suit, as well as their noise forms, for the ones that have them. Tsugumi is a new years baby, and Grus Cantus is from the hikari card. (Each suit is divided into four cards, with higher point cards being marked with an animal or object, and I'm gonna be honest, this is about all I know. This post is not a comprehensive guide for how to play hanafuda.)
Ayano - May, Iris
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Skipping forward a few months, we have Ayano, born May 18th, and using the iris. Every suit, along with having a month associated with it, also has a plant, which is used on every card in the suit. Ayano is pretty much the only reaper who uses her suits flower, rather than an image from a hikari or tane card.
Shiba - June, Butterflies
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Born June 21, his noise form is butterflies. Not much to say. I guess I could point out how he's the only of three reapers who wears a symbol of his suit inspiration on his non-noise-form person (necklace). The other two are:
Susukichi - October, Deer
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The deer skull is on his tshirt, as well as being able to see a little of his tattoos, which we see later is also a stylized skull and antlers. Birthday matches; October 13th.
Hazuki - December, Phoenix
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Ah, the mysterious Haz. The first of our reapers to have a birth month that does not match his hanafuda inspiration. (According to the official guidebook, his birthday is May 5th)While the Phoenix Cantus isn't his noise form, it is mentioned in the secret reports that he is the one responsible for shaping the soul pulvis into that form. Also, like our previous two reapers, he wears his motif on his civilian clothes, in the little phoenix symbols on his jacket. Him being a phoenix is also likely to make him a further foil to Joshua, as they both are the only mythological animals in their respective groups.
Now lets get into the less clear cut ones.
Minamimoto - July, Boar
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I know what you're thinking! "Minamimoto isn't a Shinjuku reaper! Also, he isn't a boar, he's a catboy." Undoubtedly true. But he is used caught up in their scheme, purposefully absorbing the soul pulvis and afterwards Leo Cantus manifests with tusks and a snout. What even more interesting is it's very likely his original noise form was a boar as well. But a boar from the chinese zodiac. While he is a lion in the original game, a lion kinda clashes with the Shibuya hierarchy. And between Sho being process-of-elimination the pig, as well as setting up during week two in Pork City. Which could imply that Leo Cantus Armo is a regression to a more berserk and less enlightened state, literally sending Minamimoto back to his roots, before he radicalized and broke away from the Shibuya Reapers.
Kubo - August, Geese
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Like Haz, Kubo doesn't have a noise form, but he does have strong narrative ties to the Soul Pulvis, which manifest as a flock of aggressive birds that fly in a V formation. Also, his birthday is August 14.
According to Nomura, Kubo was added late in the writing process. Initially, Nomura wanted to add two characters, but the writer gave him a concerned look, so he settled for just Kubo. Not only is this incredibly funny, we'll be looping back to this.
Hishima - September, Sake Cup
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His surname, Sakazuki, is actually the name of the specific sake cup pictured in the September suit. It's the one you see in used in cermonial exchanging of sake, like weddings or yazuka deals. Considering his subplot with Shiba, themes like "brotherhood" and "marriage" are pretty fitting. Once again, the birth month matches: September 7th.
Shoka - November, Swallow
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Asterisk. Once again, the cat themed characters of Shibuya have it complicated.
Shoka's birthday is March 30, which is the suit of the cherry blossom. This is further supported by her surname being Sakurane, which was originally made for the protagonist of NEO, to go with Neku's surname being Sakuraba. However the name was given to Shoka as they thought it fit her better. Internally, she is sort of a dual protagonist, being labelled in the data as ch002 and getting billing right after Rindo's actor in the credits.
But her online alias of Swallow points pretty directly to the November suit, and its tane card which features a Swallow. As mentioned earlier, Nomura initially wanted one more Shinjuku reaper character than we end up seeing in the game, so its possible Shoka got some design elements merged together from two different suits so as to not waste any creative material. Or she's just meant to be both and I'm overthinking it.
Kaie - Febuary, Plum Blossom, Warbling White-Eye
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We've got ten out of twelve suits catagorized! This, unfortunately, means we are gonna have to start making some guesses.
Kaie's birth month is no help, being November, where Shoka is already using the Swallow symbolism. If we're continuing the tradition of using animal cards, Kaie is either the warbler or the cuckoo. I'm gonna be honest folks, I'm partial to the warbler just because of Kaie's eyebags.
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Anyone else see it?
Also, "warbling" could be a a reference to Kaie's preference to not speak, because while he communicates mostly through text, he does have a few voicelines near the end of the game, which shows us his voice is quiet and with a little bit of a stutter. Also, it leaves the last suit open for:
Tsugumi's brother - April, Wisteria, Cuckoo
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I bet you thought I forgot about him! Yes, our last suit is the April suit, represented by hanging wisteria and the cuckoo.
Cuckoo's are, for better or for worse, famous for their brood parasitism: a cuckoo will lay its eggs in another birds nest, and when it hatches, the young cuckoo chick will attempt to push all the other eggs out, so it can have the parents sole attention. Tsugumi and her brothers' relationship does not seem anything like that, but it is worth noting that they are only reapers who are related. I think the cuckoo's parasitism is more likely a reference to how her brother was a high-ranking Shinjuku reaper who nonetheless "betrayed" the hierarchy and tried to defy Haz's schemes.
Wisteria is a symbol of love, longevity, and endurance. His final act in death was to protect his sister, ensuring she would survive.
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uva124 · 7 months
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It should be noted that this is a redesign for the Wish Au character written by @ animación , who helped me with the ideas and references for Amaya's design,@ animación it is very fun to collaborate with you :D
Now I will start to explain how we came to make this design:
-At first I didn't have many ideas for their design (the truth is before I was concentrating more on Aster and Asha) so I decided to watch the Whis movie to get a better idea of ​​the aesthetic I wanted to look for them………yes, the movie is not that good, later I will talk about my opinion of the movie but in terms of design I was disappointed that out of so many possibilities for the design and costumes of royalty, Disney chose a neutral color palette with small details of blue color, I don't know, I feel like there were so many striking possibilities wasted for they desings.
-Well, continuing with the topic, the author of this Au Wish sent me references about what her vision was about the design of Amaya, which were mostly about the storyboards of the movie, I really liked the idea, since it gave me vibes of a threatening but elegant queen,she also sent me some concept art of Mother Gothel that I used as a reference for the structure of Amaya's face
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This gave me the idea of ​​also using Sephora that belongs to the movie "The Prince of Egypt" as a reference for the aesthetic that I more or less wanted for the character.
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so first I decided to practice the structure of the face to familiarize myself with the design :D (I clarify that I traced the structure of the drawings here because it was just a practice, I used none of these sketches in the final result)
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After a while I started making my own sketches when I finally understood how to draw the face
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(For the hairstyle, I was guided by the photos that the author sent me, I almost forgot to put that😅)
-I also decided that instead of putting a crown on Amaya, I put a kind of headband with a jewel, because in addition to being comfortable, practical and cute (something that greatly characterizes Amaya's style)
It is also a parallel to my Asha design which has a diamond-shaped tattoo on her forehead.
-Now talking about Amaya's dress, yes or yes I wanted to design a cape with a hood, although at first I thought about adding a neckline to the top part of the dress, an idea came to me which was to be inspired by the Greek mythology character Circe, since curiously she is also a sorceress, I mentioned this to the author and she mentioned that at first when trying to draw her she was inspired by the conceptual art of Megara, who is also Greek, so in the end she decided that maybe the queen comes from from a town in Greece (Also this could have something to do with her backstory 👀)
-At some point in the story we discover that Amaya keeps different potions inside her dress (I guess for emergencies, I don't know), that's why I decided that the dress has a small opening, because in addition to making it easier for you to walk, it would also help you. get your potions out in an easier way (her potions are attached to a belt that would be on her leg or waist I suppose).
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-In the end I designed these 3 prototypes and sent them to the author to help me decide which one to choose or which to combine because the truth is I couldn't choose alone (I'm too indecisive).As I said, I was inspired by the character of Circe, so I looked for references of how the Greek goddesses dressed in ancient paintings, and if you look a little closer you can notice that I added the Leo symbol, since it represents the lion. , an animal that was associated with the Greek mythology character I mentioned
Another important detail is the moons on her dress, since it represents motherhood, an aspect that Amaya uses as a facade with her people, and speaking of space, the writer gave me the idea that Magnifico represents the sun since in her own words:
"I know the association with the sun and the moon fits their personalities really well. As the sun can be seen as bright, fun and warm like Magnifico presents himself, but it can also be a force of destruction that burns and is unpredictable. And the moon can be associated with Amaya for being a protective glow in the darkness like how she presents herself as a caring guide, but the moon also has a mysterious dark side we can never see.And the moon only shines to us because the sun is shining on it, so like… Amaya only shines because she’s next to Magnifico"
(Honestly, I'm always surprised by how much symbolism the writer can find for the characters, I only put it in because of what I mentioned before and because I thought it looked cute lol).
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(I came up with the belt and most of the costume thanks to this circe painting)
-Don't think that I decided on the colors yellow and dark blue just because they go together well, nonono, this one also has a meaning :D , you see, while I was looking at some of Wish's concept art there were these discarded designs of Magnifico:
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And doing a little google search I found this:
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-That's why I chose these colors, blue is a color that represents the truth, something that Amaya and Magnifico want to pretend, but the color yellow represents what they truly are, liars.
-And finally (because this writing is taking me more than 2 hours) the roses that are in her dress and hair are natural, and without giving you too many spoilers about the rewrite, Amaya suddenly ages a little, and when this happens the roses also have a change as they wither
Final comments :D
wow, that was quite long ,wasn't it?, I'm more than happy with the result, I hope you like it too, @annymation and I've put a lot of effort into this design and history of Amaya :)
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respectthepetty · 3 months
Background Noise in Marahuyo Project
Marahuyo Project was good, but above al else, I greatly appreciated the visuals!
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Like King being a king.
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Because beyond King's tattoo (King on top of the World),
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His vest when he arrives on the island is fishes and fishes spill on him which connects him to the water as if the sea is reclaiming him.
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And his school reinforces that.
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I'm unsure if the show did this on purpose, but in The Odyssey, Ino is the one who saves Odysseus from drowning in the sea.
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Poseidon created a storm because he was upset and Ino warned Odysseus to abandon the ship but he refused believing he could navigate the storm and became lost at sea, ("Lost at Sea" shirt)
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So Ino had to rescue Odysseus by throwing him a protective veil so he could safely get to shore with his wrecked ship.
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So whenever King is most connected to his friends, his connection to the sea is obvious like when the mermaid scandal happened and his friends took the blame, his shirt had dolphins on it.
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And the final pose for the group after their punishment makes the mermaid a part of their group (and Ino) while blocking out the historical betrayer.
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When they went looking for Lili, King's shirt had a shark on it.
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And when King helped Ino, more fishes.
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Basically, he is where he is meant to be, but it's not all about the water because butterflies are also a symbol of transformation.
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So they can be seen as people transform into who they were meant to be.
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And embracing who they also were.
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Then there is the obvious symbolism of Archie's irritated neck since he bears a heavy cross, literally and figuratively.
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He always wears the rosary and plans to join the priesthood, but he struggles with the his internal conflict regarding his sexuality and his faith.
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Of course I appreciated all the rainbows.
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Even beyond the Pride flag.
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Venice's rainbow heart button and Lorie's rainbow bag strap.
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The rainbow hands in what looks to be the "Fight the Power" pose
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And all the clothing and accessories calling out the binary (pro trans)
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However, as a color demon, I loved that Marco was ALWAYS in red because he was the biggest red flag and the violent one.
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However, my personal favorite shirts were "COLOR should be not block equality"
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"My heart is at the sea" mostly knowing what happened to Christina.
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And the "DUMP HIM" shirt!
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Finally, Leo supremacy!
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caramara3 · 13 days
Just Friends...?: Imani Cove
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Playlist for fic
Name: Imani Cove
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Nicknames: Emmi, Mani, Emms
DOB: August 4, 1990
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Born: Houston, TX
Billed from: Houston, TX
Resides: Orlando, FL
Age: 32 (as of 2023)
Ethnicity: Afro-Caribbean (mother is Trinidadian; father's family is from New Orleans)
Height: 5 foot 5
Occupation: Professional Wrestler * actress *
Grandmother: Evangeline Whitley
Grandfather: Charles Whitley Sr.
Sister: Ariella
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WWE Women's World Champion (1 time, current; won at WrestleMania XL against Rhea Ripley)
NXT Women’s Championship (2 times)
WWE RAW Women’s Championship (5 times)
WWE Smackdown Women’s Championship (4 times)
WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship (4 times, inaugural) with Bayley (2), Naomi (1), and Rhea Ripley (1)
Women’s Royal Rumble Winner (2024)
Third WWE Women’s Triple Crown Champion
Third WWE Women’s Grand Slam Champion
NXT Year-End Award (1 time)
Match of the Year (2015) vs. Bayley at NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn
ESPY Awards:
Best WWE Moment (2021) - Imani Cove and Bianca Belair make history as the first Black Women to main-event WrestleMania
Bumpy Award (4 times)
Tag Team of the Half-Year (2020) – with Bayley
Best Match of the Half-Year
Best Match of the Half-Year (2021) – vs. Bianca Belair at WrestleMania 37
Best Match of the Half-Year (2023) - vs. Charlotte vs. Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania 39
Best Match of the Half-Year (2024) - vs Rhea Ripley at WrestleMania XL
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Little Facts about Imani:
Imani Cove is one of the 4 Horsewomen of the WWE alongside Charlotte Flair, Becky Lynch, and Bayley.
Imani is a graduate of the Wild Samoans Training Center.
Right now Imani has over 13 tattoos and counting, 13 to symbolize her lucky number. And yes, a good amount of her tattoos were done on Friday the 13th.
Both Imani and her sister Ariella were predominately raised by their paternal grandparents.
Imani, though a social butterfly, tends to keep her private extremely secretive.
Imani has an extensive background in dance and gymnastics.
Imani has a bachelor's degree in Exercise Physiology and is registered as a licensed massage therapist. If she hadn't gone into wrestling, she wanted to become physical therapist for children.
Imani is an AKA.
During her early days in FCW and NXT Developmental, Imani played the part of Roman Reigns' manager. When he got called up to the main roster, Imani originally was meant to be called up but at the last minute was told she would be staying behind.
Imani's grandmother Evangeline was terrified learning her baby wanted to be a wrestler, but she agreed to let her train on one condition: that she went to college and get a degree just in case.
In early 2018, Imani suffered a torn ACL while competing against Charlotte Flair during a house show. Her injury forced her to relinquish her Smackdown Women's Championship at the time and miss both WrestleMania 34 & 35. She would make her in-ring return in 2020 at the Royal Rumble in her hometown Houston, TX and be in the final four of the Royal Rumble Match.
A few of Imani's major wrestling influences are Rey Mysterio, Chyna, Lita, The Wild Samoans, Batista, Trish Stratus, Eddie Guerrero, and Shawn Michaels.
Imani reps her hometown teams the Houston Texans and the Houston Astros.
She is very close friends with Rhea Ripley, Samantha Irvin, Zelina Vega, Naomi, Charlotte Flair, Bianca Belair, Bayley, Tamina, and Natalya.
Imani is fluent in three languages: Spanish, French, and German. She knows a little Japanese and is currently learning Italian.
She has an insane sweet tooth. She loves brownies, cakes, and ice cream, especially cookies-and-cream ice cream.
Imani's signature fragrance is a perfume she created at a local shop in New Orleans. It's a blend of vanilla, black orchid, and amber that she pairs with Eos Cashmere Vanilla lotion.
Imani grew up in an affluent musical family. Her grandmother was a jazz singer in New Orleans for 30 years and her grandfather played trumpet for her band (that's how they met).
Imani has three pets: an orange cat named Mushu, a black cat named Binx, and a Staffy named Moose.
The first thing she did with her first big paycheck was pay off her grandparents house in Houston and moved them to Tampa to be close to her.
Her favorite two matches of her career are the NXT Iron Woman Match against Bayley & main eventing WrestleMania 37 with Bianca Belair.
Her sister Ariella is 7 years younger than her. Ari is a woman in STEM and is currently studying in South Korea in a program for her masters in biomedical engineering.
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anatheyma · 8 months
btd/tpof characters don't seem to have official birthdays so i wanna share my zodiac sign hcs
(i'm not an expert in astrology this is just for fun)
strade: sagittarius
this is a bit awkward to explain since i'm a sagittarius myself. i don't relate to him, but he definitely has to be a fire sign and this one seemed the most fitting out of the three. first of all sagittarians are considered lively, passionate, outgoing and charming - traits that i think fit strade's description. he's carefree and fun-loving i guess you could say, but also intelligent in a way, or at least has a good technical information. gato has mentioned that strade has a fear of being limited or locked up which goes well with the thing sagittarians have with their freedom.
lawrence: capricorn
now that is a capricorn man if i've ever seen one. they're described as critical, sensitive and cautious, struggling with letting people in. capricorns are happy being on their own and fall in love slowly, they have to take time to understand you at first. it's clear that lawrence doesn't trust people easily. to me it seems like he wants to be in control of things, too. on surface level, those antlers remind me of the symbolized mythological creature of capricornus and regardless of his love for plants, i associate lawrence with snowy forests instead of green. (capricorns are born december 22 - january 19)
ren: libra
i'm not only saying this because i tend to be head over heels for libras okay let me tell you something; libras are often extroverted and sweet. they avoid conflict which is why they tend to be people-pleasers and we know ren is one. even when he's older in tpof, you can kind of call him out for not making his own decisions, but instead relying on the chat's suggestions and opinions. maybe he struggles with making them himself... and what's the biggest libra stereotype again? yeah, exactly that. librans are ruled by venus, the goddess of love, so they adore beautiful things. of course he'd want to dress you up all pretty for the live streams <3
mason: taurus
i admit i haven't actually diven that deep into this character yet, but right off the bat he strikes me as an earth sign. taureans love to relax in serene, bucolic environments, which i guess you could call his cabin in the woods. they're also built for endurance and tasks requiring concentration and determination, traits that i assume must be helpful when hunting. mason comes off as resourceful and tough, just like taureans.
celia: virgo
my beloved celia... like virgos, she's hardworking and intelligent, but also uptight and easily frustrated. understandably so, imagine being married to a man when you could run away with me 🙄 anyway, they're also perfectionists at heart and she'd probably enjoy training you with diligent and consistent practice, you're her little mouse after all. oh, and virgo rules the digestive system. hand over those donuts, ma'am!
derek: leo
bet you thought i'd say scorpio because of his tattoo? nah, he has leo energy. he's confident - even arrogant - and fits the leo description of both luxury-loving and drama-loving. leos love to lead, be admired and receive praise and respect of others. i imagine derek's like that due to possible daddy issues. sorry to come for him like that. my opinion might be completely based due to growing up with a couple of brats from upper middle class families who happened to be leos.
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anonymous-dentist · 10 months
Soulmate au where everyone with a soulmate has a little marking on their wrist in the shape of something related to their soulmate. It isn’t usually romantic, like we’ve got Pac with a creeper on his wrist and Mike with a little Pac Man symbol.
And Roier? He has a cat, but he’s never really believed in soulmates. He’s always been a firm believer in Having Fun and not tying himself down to someone because of fate; if he wants to settle down with someone, it’ll be because he loves them, not because a magical tattoo is telling him to
He tries Spreen, gets stabbed for it. Decides that love isn’t worth anything, decides that his real soulmate is the torture chamber under his basement
And then a boat crashes on the island, and time seems to slow down as Roier accidentally meets the eyes of one of the poor Brazilians trapped in the boat’s office
Meet Cellbit, who’s managed to convince himself that he doesn’t deserve a soulmate after all the terrible things he’s done. He wears long sleeves and he wears gloves that cover his wrists, so almost nobody knows what his soulmate symbol is. But he knows. He knows it’s a spider, which is one of the few things that freak him out, so, like. Nah. He’s good
Unfortunately for the audience, our two idiots don’t realize shit for a very long time. Roier doesn’t wear a spider-man logo until after their engagement. He calls Cellbit ‘gatinho’, but he does so as a flirtatious counter to ‘guapito’. Both of them keep their symbols covered, and neither really care about the whole ‘soulmate’ thing at all because they’ve decided they love each other and that’s what matters
It takes until Festa Junina for someone to put the physical pieces together, and it’s actually Foolish. He knows how to keep a secret, though, so he stays quiet until the date. He gets Leo to spill wine all over Cellbit and Roier’s hands where they’re joined over the table, soaking their sleeves (and gloves) through
Roier immediately swears and swats playfully at his sister. He rolls up his sleeves, showing his symbol off for the first time as Cellbit begrudgingly pulls his gloves off to let them dry, showing his symbol for the first time. Who cares if they see each other’s symbols? They’re getting married no matter what at this point, probably, who cares about soulmates?
The world freezes. They look at each other’s symbols, and everything just sort of clicks into place
Roier laughs so hard he cries. Of course! Of course he managed to fall in love with his soulmate without even knowing it was him!
Cellbit, though, is quieter. He still doesn’t know how to feel about the whole Abueloier Thing, and he isn’t sure if Roier would even want to be soulmates with him
The answer, of course, is a resounding “Of course, pendejo! I forgave you before I even found out we’re soulmates, shut up. Let’s go back to the castle. Now.”
So they go back to the castle, and they talk, and they decide that them being soulmates doesn’t really even matter because they would’ve fallen in love with each other regardless of what the Goddesses of Love had planned. Maybe that’s because they’re soulmates, or maybe it’s because they’re so in love that they don’t need to be. It’s a bit of a paradox, but so is everything else on the island. They’re in love, and that’s all that matters.
(They don’t tell the rest of the island, though. They wanna see how long it takes everyone to figure it out.)
(Joke’s on them, everybody already had a pretty good idea after one week of them hanging out together.)
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tarotbydelilah444 · 1 year
💗✨Who is Your Crush + Their Feelings for You ✨
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A quick disclaimer before you pick and read your chosen pile. Some of the messages in these piles may be triggering for some, so if it makes you uncomfortable, please find another pac on my page. These messages will be very blunt so if you can’t handle it, look for another pac reading. These readings are for entertainment purposes, so take what resonates to your situation and leave the rest. Hope you enjoy the reading and as always sending you love and light 🤍✨ - Delilah Pile 1 crystal | rhodonite
their physical appearance: this person may like to change their appearance or aesthetic a lot, so they will look different every time you see them. This person could have a medium to darker complexion. They have tattoos that are a symbolism of the changes that they constantly are through. They are very attractive in a dark, mysterious, and alluring way. They have penetrative and seductive eyes regardless if this is the shape of their eyes or the eye color. They will snatch that soul of yours. Your crush could like to wear black and darker colors. They could be into the grunge, bad boy, or stereotypical emo aesthetic/look. This person could also have an intimidating look or aura about them that may intrigue yet scare you a bit. Lastly, they could be tall and have a skinny or husky frame. their personality + interests: this person may seem intimidating on the outside, but don’t be fooled by their outer appearance. This person is really charismatic, charming, extroverted, friendly, and magnetic. This person will eventually show you this side of them as you two grow closer. This person is very ambitious and driven, they have no trouble going after what they want and they could also be a powerful manifester, as they can attract whatever they want without have to do too much. They are very confident and self assured because they know and understand the power they possess. Your crush is very creative and they could have many hobbies hat they dabble in, so they are always busy and entertained. They are very protective and loyal towards their friends and family. This person does not fear much and they aren’t afraid of a challenge or any obstacles.
their feelings for you: this person really likes you and their feelings are really strong for you, if you were unsure or too shy to ask. They visualize a relationship with you, and the future of the connection all of the time. You are this person’s ideal person and they feel like they can trust you and be themselves around you. You make this person very happy and fulfilled. You are the only person they have eyes for and you understand them on an emotional level and your bond will only get stronger. They also believe that you are their soulmate.  how will they treat you, if you and them get in relationship: This person will be very protective over you. They will not stand for anyone trying to harm you or disrespect you in any form. They will stand up for you against anyone that opposes you or the connection. They will honor, love, and respect you above all. They love to cuddle and their love language is physical touch, so be prepare for endless amounts of hugs and kisses. They are serious about you and will not play any games with your heart. This person is truly faithful and very loving. They are very playful, so they will tease you a lot, but in an amusing way. They will also like to provide for you or do things for you whether you ask or not.
channeled messages: 444, January, August, unemployed, new job, summertime, summer romance, summer job, I want to apologize, connect with fire, gentleness, alpha male, husband material, camping, and candle magick
signs: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Cancer, Pisces, or Sagittarius 
channeled song: Snooze | SZA
Pile 2
crystal | rose quartz
their physical appearance: This person may like to keep their true identity hidden, so they are constantly changing their appearance. They could have gotten work done on their physical appearance to appear differently, or they could wear makeup to hide their insecurities and imperfections. They could wear baggy clothes or wear fake name brand clothing to appear as someone they are not. Looks are deceiving with this individual and they wear different personas to attract people to them. This person could have dark brown to black hair, they have a lighter complexion, they could have a lean body shape, and darker color eyes. This person could also have a beard and they could be older or younger than you. Honestly a very confusing and complex individual.
their personality + interests: This person enjoys the finer things in life and they like money. They could do questionable things for monetary gain (this may only resonate for a few). This person is very focus on their money flow or their business when you meet them. They could be a business man and own their own business. They are very independent and stable. They like to live comfortably and seem to take very good care of themselves by investing in their looks and their assets. This person could like the outdoors or doing activities that can be done in nature (hiking, hunting, golfing, etc). They may also like to spend their money on luxury items or on expensive and lavish vacations, so they could try to appear very bougie and have very refined taste. This person also enjoys sex and pleasure. They could have a reputation for being a player or enjoy living the bachelor lifestyle. This person could also be moody and very secretive. their feelings for: This person feels like they get along with you in terms of intellect. They enjoy and appreciate your intellect and sense of humor. They like how light hearted the connection is, but I feel like they don’t want anything serious with you. They seem to only want to be friends or have a causal relationship, if you are open to it. Their feelings have yet to mature or they are still in the process of wanting to get to know you better before determining if they would like to pursue something with you. This person may not be good at communicating their feelings, so they avoid them to prevent things from getting serious.  how will they treat you, if you get in a relationship: This person would still be weighing their options and playing the field. They would still juggle you and other people, if things became committed. As I stated previously, this person is a player and they have other options waiting for them, if things don’t work out with you. This person will likely keep this hidden from you to avoid conflict and confrontation. They will play lots of mind games with you, if you allow it.
channeled messages: spring time, blocked communication, September, new love, solar plexus chakra, everything is not what it seems, hidden, secrets, deception, lies, false identity, the answer is yes, use your intuition, questioning if there is someone else, friend zone, gaslighting, false image, immaturity, catfishing and online dating 
signs: Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn
channeled song: Jackie Brown | Brent Faiyaz
Pile 3
crystals | smoky quartz
their physical appearance: This person may have a moody expression on their face when you meet them. They may have going through a life full of trials and tribulations, so they wear their frustrations on their face. They don’t look easily impressed and will keep a poker face. This person could be of black descent. They could wear their hair in braids or locs. They could have recently changed their appearance and they are content with how they appear. This person could be into wearing unconventional or laid back style outfits. They do not take their self too seriously when it comes to their appearance.
their personality + interests: This person prefers things to be balanced in their life. They could have trouble keeping themselves in balance and harmony, but they make the most of what they can and have. This person could also have trouble making decisions, as they tend to make a choice and instantly change it soon after. They have a very accepting attitude towards life. Whatever comes, comes attitude to everything. They are not the type to push or fight for things that requires them to put too much effort or work. Though they are good at handling things under pressure. This person has a dry sense of humor and they are very sarcastic. This person may also like to travel or they tend to move around a lot searching for stability. 
their feelings for you: Your crush’s feelings towards you is very hot and cold. They may like you one minute and may not feel the same the next. They may like to stir up drama with you because they find it entertaining and may like to have the upper hand. This person doesn’t have good intentions towards you and will continue to do and say things that will hurt you. If they told you how they felt about you, it was likely a lie. This person makes a lot of promises that they cannot simply keep or have no intentions of doing right by you or in this connection.
how will treat you, if you get in a relationship: This person would be very selfish and place their needs above yours. They don’t want to put they effort into this connection and they aren’t willing to fight for you, but they don’t want you to leave them behind and find someone else that will give what you truly deserve. There will be a lack of stability in this connection, the more you keep trying to make it work. This person will use and abuse you until you have nothing left.
channeled messages: clear your energy field, cut them off now, karmic soulmate, family issues, new love, bad intentions, angel numbers, abusive, imbalance, you deserve better, transition, and acceptance, you belong to me, nobody else, I am fucked up over this situation/you, using you for sex and personal gain, spiritual and protection 
signs: Virgo, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, and Gemini
channeled song: Rolling Stone | Brent Faiyaz
Pile 4
crystal | opalite
their physical appearance : This person is very attractive, a literal heartthrob. They have a nice facial structure. This person is average height and they could have a lean yet muscular body type. They have a great style or they put a lot of effort into their appearance to ensure that they leave a lasting impression. This person may have a tattoo, specifically sleeve tattoo. They could have some facial hair and long lashes. They could have a light complexion with light color eyes. They have red or dark brown/black hair. This person takes good care of their appearance.  their personality + interests: This person like animals or they own a pet of their own. They could also like to swim or enjoy being near large bodies of water. Although your crush is charming, handsome, and truly romantic on the outside, they seem to be a mess in the inside. This person could be paralyze by their own fears and paranoia. They could be dealing with a lot that they aren’t letting on, so if you notice that they have been distanced or not like their normal self, they are currently in a state of torment. This person could worry a lot or they are haunted by past mistakes or traumas in their life. This person has trust issues and may be weary of anyone that tries to get close to them, as they don’t want to get hurt anymore. They could also have abandonment issues that began in their childhood. Deep down, this person is very loving, caring, sensitive, and empathetic, but they have a hard time showing it because they are fearful of being vulnerable and getting hurt again. They could possibly be a chronic over thinker and super empathetic (they are very sensitive to other people’s energies and get overwhelmed quickly.
their feelings for you: This person may not have noticed that you have a crush on them or they have too much on their plate at the moment to even notice or act towards your feelings for them. This person could be hesitant to accept or be disinterested with your offer because they think that you will hurt them or disappoint them in a matter of time like others have in the past. They want to accept your offer, but they are afraid of the outcome, so they are avoiding their feelings and choosing to stay away from love for now.  how they would treat, if you get in a relationship: This person would definitely wife you up or give you something stable in terms of love. You would be the center of this person universe and they would treat like a queen/king. This person would want to marry you, have babies, and build a life with you. They would make you feel secure and happy. In alternative universe, you would complete this person and they will feel loved and secure by your side. They would trust you 1000%. 
channeled messages: December, unemployed, divine masculine, twin flame connection, pregnancy, feeling broken and hopeless, mental health issues, is there someone else, hope, new beginnings, inner peace, too focus on the past, and guarded
signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces 
channeled song: Fuck Love | XXXtentacion ft Trippie Redd
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itz-me-brett-duh · 1 month
Part 1 Random tmnt Bayverse questions and my thoughts: Tattoos?
(Side note I don’t have any tattoos and I don’t know a lot about them so sorry if my accuracy is bad)
How many do they have? What are they? What do the signify? How did they even get them? Who is the artist? How does did the ink even get through/show up on their skin? Will they get more? Would they like a partner with tattoos?
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To my knowledge he has 3 tattoos. Look em up if you want I don’t wanna get in trouble for photos.
On his right shoulder he has like a turtle tribal tattoo. Just a homage to his past and turtleness. On his right forearm he has another tattoo not sure what it is. I thought it might be a shoe print to symbolize the foot clan, but it’s not. He also has a single band. It looks a little like the outer part of a gear. On his left Bicep he has 3ish…more bands two gear ish bands and one or two band with turtles and what vaguely resembles barbed wire. Shows in my mind his restraint in tough situations whether it be from attacks, his brothers, or himself. Over all it seems he has the most tattoos.
Probably will get more that are cohesive with the ones he has. Maybe on his legs if he doesn’t have some already.
I think one or maybe even two of our boys are good at tattoo art. Leo would be a good candidate because he has the skill of the precision and patience it takes to do a tattoo. He would make a hot tattoo artist 😋.
I think Leo wouldn’t care if you had tattoos or not. You are beautiful to him either way. He worships you and you relish the way he makes you feel like a goddess/god.
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On his right shoulder/bicep Raph has a tattoo. I am not sure what it is. I have adjusted frame lighting, scoured through the interviews, and fandoms. But I can’t figure out what it is. I thought maybe dragon, cuz that’s cool. But I don’t think it is being that all the other guys have turtle tattoos. It’s not Chinese symbol like his scar. It’s more detailed than Leo and Mikey’s. And with his dark ridged skin it’s hard to pick out what it is. I’m sad cuz he’s my favorite and I just wanna know what it is 😭…
I think his tattoo might be the start of a sleeve tattoo. Might get more like his other arm. Seems like if he doesn’t find love he would get a face tattoo. But idk. But tattoo his who leg but he wouldn’t tattoo his whole body, no matter how much he hates it sometimes.
Raph would also be a hot 🥵 tattoo artist, but I feel like Raph would get frustrated with the time consuming aspect. He’d probably curse himself out if he messes up, even if it’s just a little bit. I feel like he would get impatient just having someone tattoo him.
Tattoos on you though…Raph could go either way. Tattoos are hot. But he also loves an untouched body. When you asked him if you should get a tattoo he couldn’t believe you would wanna ruin your perfect skin. He got tattoos cuz he felt like an ugly beast anyway, so why not. But you, you were perfect the way you were. He’s either a baddie kind of guy or a cutie patootie. Nothing in between.
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As far as I can tell he has none. I’m pretty sure he won’t get any. Not that tattoos are bad or anything but with living in the sewer he doesn’t wanna run the risk of infection. His brothers can do what ever they want though.
I feel like Donnie would have the technical skill and equipment for doing tattoos but I’m not sure he would actually be the one doing them. He’d probably just be advising his brother of the risks and what to do and what not.
If you had tattoos. Mommy(or Daddy 😘) I view Donnie as more suby or even vanilla (Sorry Dom Donnie fans…😶). He likes it but he knows the risks. Might even get a tattoo because of you. Or you guys are too cute and dorky for each other to even bother with them.
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Mikey has one it looks like. On his left shoulder. Looks very similar to Leo’s shoulder tattoo. Might be exactly the same but I’m not sure.
He probably would get more. Definitely some cool cursive quotes but would also want little goofy stuff. His brothers would stop him though. Mikey doesn’t always think about the consequences as long as he’s having fun. Like Raph he’s impulsive but it’s not fueled by anger.
It’s pretty obvious Mikey has ADHD, but since I also have it, I feel as if I can understand Mikey more. I feel like Mikey would actually be a good tattoo artist. I know he can’t focus on a mission for a whole 2 minutes but when he really really likes something he hyperfocuses. And he will spend hours in the zone working his magic. Not so good at receiving one though. Had to be held down and scolded quite a bit 😅.
For you though like Leo Mikey doesn’t care. You’re just hot with it without them.
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Splinter and April probably wouldn’t know the first thing. Well maybe April, I feel like in another universe she would have sleeves and ride a motorcycle 😍. But in this one she may have a small cute tattoo tucked away here and there. Maybe one on her hip and behind her ear. But she doesn’t know how to give someone a tattoo, not even a stick and poke. Casey probably has a tattoo somewhere maybe on his shoulder or something. Could have a skill for tattoos but definitely not on turtle skin.
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