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toshi---toshihikonakazawa · 4 years ago
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⁡ ⁡ ⁡ 【×Please! ○Let’s!】 ⁡ Let’s say ”Let’s” ⁡ ��の中には、クレクレ星人という種族が存在する。しかも絶滅危惧種ではなく、一定の割合でどの国にも存在する。 ⁡ 「オカネクレ、ジカンクレ、トモダチクレ」 いくら自分に時間があって、どれだけ有能であったとしても、欲しいものだけを主張していては、矢印は一方通行になってしまう。 ⁡ 結果、そこにコミュニケーションの関係はできていない。一時的な仕事になったとしても、継続してお付き合いができる関係性を築く事が難しい。 『ダンスが上手い奴は腐るほどいる』 ⁡ という事は、必要な時だけ駆り出されて、必要じゃない時は見向きもされない。苦しい時にも手を差し伸べてももらえない。 ⁡ だって腐るほどいて、そこに手を突っ込めばクレクレ星人の住処(すみか)が至る所にあるので、発注する側は一番都合の良い条件で提示すればいいだけ。 代わりはいくらでもいる。マジで。 ⁡ これは海外でもより強く感じたことで、日本から来て、英語もしゃべれず、ダンスの技術も並程度、まして何かに飛び抜けて影響力があるわけではない。そんなチンチクリンな僕が、意識してきたことは、 ⁡ Let's 〜! ⁡ 『 Please 』を『 Let's 』に変えること。 更に分かりやすく言い換えるのであれば、 『 I 』 を『 We 』に変えること。 ⁡ これなら、小学5年生、最初に英語を習った日からできる。 ⁡ ユーメッセージでもなく、アイメッセージでもなく、 ウィーメッセージへ。 ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ #フリーランス #ニューヨーク #メッセージ #ハーレム #アポロシアター #言霊 #ニューヨーク写真 #lets #夢の先に夢がある #we ⁡ ⁡ #中澤利彦 #10代のバイブル #ダンサー #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #ダンススクール #小学校の先生 #中学校の先生 #GIGAスクール構想 ⁡ ⁡ #harlem #lenoxavenue #125st  #iloveny #seeyourcity #explorenyc #nycityworld #nycphotography #midtown #manhattan #nyc #Toshihikonakazawa ⁡ ⁡ ⁡ https://www.instagram.com/p/CSO8NALFzOG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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omargotkicks-blog · 5 years ago
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Where not done #Blackhistory365❤🖤💚 In 1920, heavyweight boxing champion  #JackJohnson rented the upper floor of the building on the corner of 142nd Street and #LenoxAvenue in the heart of #Harlem and opened an intimate supper club called the Club Deluxe. #OwneyMadden, a prominent #bootlegger and #gangster, took over the club after his release from #SingSing in 1923 and changed its name to the #CottonClub. The two arranged a deal that allowed Johnson to remain the club’s manager. (at Parkchester, Bronx) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8rECduJNEH/?igshid=ubc0dzk84br
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casharonimacaroni · 5 years ago
Yo @lenoxavespit u problem for real 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽🎯🎯🎯 #harlemshake #harlem #harlemworld #liveonlenoxave #lenoxavenue #greengates4life https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hX4sWlQHL/?igshid=1hcsmg4n1owhp
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klmphotographic · 7 years ago
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Harlem Brownstones #blackandwhitephotograohy #harlem #brownstone #lenoxavenue #nystreetphitography #klmphotographic2018
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thepeoplesfilmfestival · 7 years ago
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HARLEM ICONIC- Harlem World aka "The World" This 116th st and Lenox Ave club st club played TPFF salutes Iconic Harlem people, places & things. - TPFF 2018 Opening Night 5/31 AMC MJ Theater /TPXPO Tickets on sale now. #harlemiconic #tpff2018 #tpxpo2018 #harlem #spanishharlem #elbarrio #harlemworld #lenoxavenue #116thst #centralharlem #uptown #filmfestival #film #art #tech #producer #director #vr #ar #mr #stem #iconic #r&b #hiphop #club
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melaniniswinning · 7 years ago
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COMI🆖 🔜🆘🆗 #MelaninIsWinning #zobmusic 🌶🔥🎶 #Harlem #visuals #LenoxAvenue #newyork #music #rap #blacklivesmatter #tlkmediaonline 🎥 🎥@tlkmediaonline 📽 (at William McCray Playground)
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hopemcgill-blog · 8 years ago
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Found Harlem memories for throwback Thursday. A house is not a home without a copy the first Blackstreet. The first time I heard "Before I let you go" goosebumps ran up and down my spine. I was sitting Lorraines Beauty Salon (which was later renamed God and Lorraine's) waiting to get a french roll. This CD was jamming hard in the background. I was so eager to get up out of that chair to try and catch the record shop before it closed. By the time my hair was finished it was pitch black outside. I half walked/half ran to "Bobby's Happy House" that was located on Lenox avenue and begged the guy to please open the door for me. Continue to rest in Love Lorraine a true Harlem icon. I have to give a huge shout out to Alicia and Joy. If you wanted a sleek flat twist they would lace you. @hairs2u @hairs2u Alicia is still one of the best in Harlem. She is now located at 2305 7th ave. Kudos also to BillyJeans salon for allowing me to sell books whenever I have new releases. #tbt #harlem #Hopethenovelist #recordstore #recordshack #lenox #oldharlem #blackstreet #randb #randbmusic #harlemgreats #lenoxavenue #125thstreet #Twofifth #90s #hopemcgill #beautyparlor #hairs2u
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diannesmith · 8 years ago
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Documenting my neighborhood! Fall 2016
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rosejacksonwright · 4 years ago
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'New York City Strong, Harlem' - RoseJW 🌹💙😷
Soul: "Getting Through It."
#ireciprocate #harlem #blacklivesmatterally #subwaystation #uptown #nyc #inspiring #forjusticeandequality #maskup #streetart #trust #signs #westside #complete #soul #lenoxavenue #newyork #diversity #purpose #life #everythingworkstogether #stopracism #stopdiscrimination #darkness #light #truth #knowtheirnames #silenceisviolence
#speakup #beassertive
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trascapades · 4 years ago
💃🏾🎨#ArtIsAWeapon #DancingIsFreedom #NationalDanceDay
🖼 #Artist #JacobLawrence #DancingAtTheSavoy
Reposted from @alexandregallery: Jacob Lawrence’s DANCING AT THE SAVOY, 1943 (detail), gouache on paper, 14 x 21 inches and part of #EdithHalpert’s personal collection during her lifetime . . . Halpert represented Lawrence and other social realist and early modernist (Dove, O’Keeffe, Sheeler!) painters. In groundbreaking fashion, Halpert placed Lawrence’s work in major museums, including #MoMA ... The Savoy was a large public music and #dancehall located on #LenoxAvenue [Malcolm X Boulevard] in #Harlem. Langston Hughes called it “Harlem’s heartbeat” in his Juke Box Love Song. The Savoy closed in the late-1950s. Always an honor and thrill to handle paintings like this one!
#dancing #TheSavoy #savoynightclub #BlackArt #BlackArtists #socialrealism #africanamericanart #africanamericanartists #seattle #TraScapades #ArtIsAWeapon #BlackGirlArtGeeks
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philiprappaport · 6 years ago
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They're back 🌍 #harlemcafe #lenoxavenue #stonewall50 @settepaninyc @settepani_bakery — view on Instagram http://bit.ly/2Z2hsac
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kathleendames · 7 years ago
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Modeling samples. Like you do. Lenox Avenue on my head and 42nd & Lex on my shoulders, both from @onemorerowpress ‘s I Knit New York at today’s trunk show at @brooklyngeneralstore #ikny #lenoxavenue #42andlex #chryslerbuilding #iknitnewyork #knitlikealocal (at Brooklyn General Store)
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klmphotographic · 7 years ago
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Harlem Brownstones #blackandwhitephotograohy #harlem #brownstone #lenoxavenue #nystreetphitography #klmphotographic2018
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thepeoplesfilmfestival · 7 years ago
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Harlem set watch. 116th & Lenox Ave ABC'S "Deceptions " #setlife #tvshow #filmlife #set #tpff2018 #film #harlemset #harlem #LenoxAvenue #warnerbros #abc #deception #magic #fbi #illusion #magicial #set #116th #trailers
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diannesmith · 9 years ago
@djnessdigital doing his thing @chaiwaliharlem #funtimes #music #lovelife #joy #harlemonasaturdayafternoon #dancing #lenoxavenue #friends #community (at Chaiwali Harlem)
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