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marigoidz · 7 months ago
A couple years ago during my Bungou Stray Dogs phase I was part of a BSD group acc on TikTok. At one point I came up with a crackship between Kenji from BSD and Len Kagamine the Vocaloid and posted about it on there. Idk if it was another member of the acc or just someone who followed, but either way they asked me to do a joke roleplay of Lenji and for some reason I agreed. A few messages in I realized that I had no clue how to roleplay and blocked the person out of embarrassment. Not entirely certain what happened after that but pretty sure we never spoke again 💀
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razdragana · 1 year ago
Sreća je izgledala nedostižno
Kiša je kupala grad bezbrižno
Kosa je upijala kap po kap
Potočići su tekli slap po slap
Iako zima, dan je bio jesenji
Vreme je tmurno, sati lenji
Nebo i ja, jednolično sivo
Bez boje, ne osećam se živo
Kiša natapa jaknu, natapa tlo
Vazduha nema, već mi je zlo
Kao visokim planinama proleća
I meni tako dolazi sreća
Dva zraka, tri cveta
Dubok udah, kraj leta
U dane mraz ušeta
Letargija procveta
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hollowholic · 2 years ago
Byakuya after defeating Lenji
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yes asirpa i've confirmed it with my own hands i mean eyes 🫡
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from hypocorisms (aka pet names)
Ackenny Acorry Acque Akirv Albirdi Allya Amician Angee Ankie Aricky Arrie Arritty Arritz Ashie Aship Aurick Aurie Avdornie Avdot Avenjy Avinc...
Barch Bargiggy Barick Barlie Barrick Barrie Bebee Beberrie Bebev Beercy Beerv Bellie Belly Bence Benjie Bennicky Bennie Bephie Beppen Bepperb Bepperce Berne Bethad Bevey Beviv Bille Birdi Birdisie Braddi Bralf Brammy Branc Brick Bufed Buferbil Bufert Buffie Buris Caddi Cadgerry Calbilly Cathorry Chame Champ Charchie Chari Chilly Chirdy Chirl Chrikey Chrisig Chritty Claddy Clekenny Clekey Cliddy Clince Conty Cormișu Cornick Corrisie Corry Corty Dandony Dandy Dater Davdougiv Davenjy Davich Davicky Davive Dawrikey Deben Deddy Delly Denjy Dennicinc Dernelly Derny Doldie Dommilf Dorny Dorrie Dorry Doughie Doughilly Drekolly Drenny Drenty Dudisham Dunadge Dunammy Ebellizzi Eddya Edebete Effitzi Elfie Erbie Everrie Evinny Feddy Ferchuc Fercy Fernie Ferty Florrick Floug Flougie Flouginie Fralphie Frame Framp Franammy Frannich Franny Frete Frevie Frickey Frikey Gabev Garce Garrie Geerrik Genedy Genny Genossie Gerdy Gernie Gerrick Giggy Gildie Gillie Ginny Giventy Givick Golph Greggie Greggy Greke Grenjim Grett Greverry Grewt Gusyd Gwenc Haden Halgie Hallie Hambilly Hamike Hankath Harlie Herch Hernewt Herney Herty Hetev Homornick Horrishen Horty Howildie Howinnie Hucki Hucky Hughip Igivive Ikene Izzie Jaandy Jaanny Jacorry Jamillie Jamim Janka Jenorry Jerni Jerny Jobbie Jockey Jocky Joddy Jodissie Jonny Jooddie Joony Kateddy Katty Kenni Kevickie Koldie Krisie Krits Kwatha Kwatt Kwattie Lannie Larlie Larri Larrie Laugigie Laurete Laurish Lekos Lemmy Lenjy Liffi Liffy Lindie Lisie Lizzi Lormick Lorny Lorry Lorty Lougiggy Lucken Luckie Lucknanny Lutzie Madgeerdy Madgerb Magdanny Magdave Maggarni Maggy Maisal Maischi Maisharj Maiss Malby Malennik Mamilt Manatt Mance Mandya Manie Mankitt Manort Marchie Marcy Margi Marick Marliff Marri Marrick Marrie Marry Maugildi Maurenny Maurethad Mauris Maurt Maurty Mergie Merrick Micky Miken Mikenny Milli Milliffy Mimmy Mitzie Moldie Moldo Monnie Morny Morri Morry Mortim Mortinich Nambiggy Nammy Nankie Natie Neddie Nelli Nellie Nichandy Noldie Nolly Olildi Padgerric Pamel Pamick Pamiship Pephi Peppeth Perni Pernie Perty Phildie Poldo Pollya Polphie Preke Previe Prewt Prudie Pruffy Radge Ralleo Randie Ranny Ranty Renjie Riciandy Ricken Risie Rissi Robby Roddi Rodie Roldie Rolli Rolliffy Rolph Rolphie Ronny Roody Roonnie Rudie Ruferry Ruferv Ruffy Rupeteffy Rupett Russie Russy Rusyd Sambie Samie Samil Sanie Sanny Sebern Selfit Sellex Seppe Shance Soldie Solph Speggie Spenjy Stame Sterne Stessie Steven Stunc Sussie Susyd Suziggy Suzigilly Taddy Takie Tammy Tanoss Teddie Teffi Teffie Teppetty Thedee Timie Timimmie Tomornie Tonny Toosty Tregg Treth Trewt Trick Trisa Trisammy Trits Valfie Vanat Vandy Vasammy Vasherty Vaship Vercham Vicorry Vicoxy Vinie Vinort Vinorty Vlankatt Vlarj Vlarny Wagdat Wagdavi Wallenny Wathert Wennie Wessie Wessyd Wilfi Willenny Willya Wimmy Wojobby Wojoe Wojohnny Wojony Woony Xandie Xandy Xanoshie Xavey Yossie Zacia Zacky Zacque Zanatt Zandy Zanny Zanolli Zanorrish Zebea Đokamy Đokate Đokateff Đokatie Đokationy
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pollackpatrol · 2 years ago
trick or treat!!! i send you a treat
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[ID: A small black dog chewing on a stuffed pumpkin toy. End ID.]
plain text: trick or treat!!! i send you a treat. end plain text.
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houfukuseisaku · 4 years ago
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haunted, loved,
alternatively, gee garages how come your players get to stick around as spoopy ghosts after incineration huh!
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lenasai · 2 years ago
hi i'm late to the party but let me ramble about my kids, which is something i have totally never done before
(if you make it to the end i'll also tell you about merry exit because they're a less-known player i think about a lot, and probably most of the lore i'm writing about only exists in my head but i don't care)
what if you got dragged into the league because the god in charge tried to drown you and then most of your siblings exploded because surprise! that's a thing that can happen to you!
and then it doesn't
and then you go kill that god who tried to drown you and wanted you to explode in an act of beautiful revenge. hi i wrote a fic about that, it was actually the first proper fanfiction i ever wrote if you can believe it
all while using your absolutely busted plot modifier that was supposed to explode you to do silly things to the sim
i mean how can i not start with max, i'm a garages fan! xe's our little guy! has some kind of connection with elsewhere because man that kid just kept getting swept
but xe was also the first player ever to go elsewhere by non-conventional means - this was before salmon cannons were a thing! max was the first player to go elsewhere and be completely immune from scattering. i gotta do more writing about elsewhere because i have a lot of worldbuilding around it. anyway because xe had immunity from a lot of the mindfuckery that came with being elsewhere, my headcanon is that xe did a lot of search and rescue missions for players who got super lost in the woods. xe was The seeker before the seeker modifier was even a thing! (and. uh. given what had happened in the weeks leading up to that first time xe went elsewhere...yeah. lot of missing people in xer life.) thanks bendie! 👍
also xe tricked sibr into recommending xem as an idol once because xe was, at the time, a fire eater with credit to the team going into a solar eclipse game (thanks glover! 👍) imagine how fucking surreal it was for people to be begging silvaire roadhouse to bean max - because if xe was an unstable fire eater, hoo boy that would have been some big money
except it wasn't because no umps showed up that day. lol. all that happened was max fucking around with the idol board because of edensity bullshit (negative/attractor make line go brrrrrr)
also at some point xe went on a heist in shark seattle (the alternate universe where everyone is a shark. this is where sharks beans of emblem warhorse fame comes from.) unlike layna and lenji, xe did not get any cool shark traits, so xe stole a bunch of stuff to make up for it. max is now the proud owner of a super rare reader-purple blåhaj, among other things. xe will tell you all about it if you ask - what are you gonna do, call the shark police on xem?
oh also fun fact: before the last precog blessing added more players with ridiculously high divinity, xe was in the top ten for that stat. when xe hits something....like the ball, or perhaps the coin....watch out! xe hits hard!
and of course i pretty much adopted ivy by association - which makes sense because a lot of people just adopt them. they have a very large collection of parental figures across three different teams (maybe a fourth if you count the garages because they visit seattle a lot)
ivy was the first player to go elsewhere while shelled, and the first player to reveal the special flavor text that shows up when a player comes back from elsewhere in a shell! the poor kid just wanted to play blaseball, but the sim said "no, and also fuck you"
and then they proceeded to pull a fast one on the sim and cheated their way out of a superallergy by overwriting it with someone else's (thanks flattery! 👍) no consequences for ivy forever and ever, amen
SPEAKING OF AVOIDING CONSEQUENCES, hoo boy ivy getting traded to the steaks and then immediately shadowed at the end of the season actually ended up being the best thing for them because nan roamed to the tacos in s19, and the georgias AND the steaks played the garages in feedback in s21, and either scenario meant they would have been toast
the sim said "push the plot button," and then ivy said "okay" and became a detective (thanks uncle plasma! 👍) my favorite herring came from forrest best getting chomped by a consumer, followed by ivy pointing at the consumer and going HOLY FUCK A CONSUMER! they're my favorite detective 💜
oh yeah and the sim was doing some great storytelling in s24. the sim went "hey, you know how one of your siblings was nicknamed 'death mason?' yeah. you're death mason now."
peanut holloway was the last incineration of the expansion era, and ivy took their mods all the way to the end. thanks peanut! 👍
also they had a squiddish ring, meaning they would get replaced by a hall of flame player if they got incinerated.
and of course, they went rogue and "died" so they could kill the god who tried (and failed!) to kill them. absolutely based. legend. you love to see it.
but of course, that's not where it ends because after all of blaseball got eaten by a black hole, the microphone started acting weird and broadcasting the short circuits
and you know who was on that shit immediately?
my favorite detective, that's who.
and then the mic started eating people and uh. well, they didn't take that very well. (i wrote a fic about that too, although it's mostly from the perspective of one barry burkhard, who is also a less well-known guy that i started thinking about a lot after writing that fic. the sim did my guy dirty in season 24! he's not a pitcher!!!)
anyway, they did get some leads over the course of short circuits, but then the broadcasts ended and with it, so did their observation of the microphone - which they later found they didn't have a connection to anymore because all the mods got wiped yaaaaaaaay (no consequences for ivy forever and ever!!!)
even though it seemed like there would be no more leads, guess who showed up! nat wilds and dimi wobbler, who showed that yes, it was possible to come back after getting exploded! not only that, but they had contact with merry exit, who was kind of the key to all of this (more on them in a bit)
anyway, my headcanon for post-blaseball is that with the help of merry exit, barry burkhard, flattery mckinley, nat wilds, and (kind of) dimi wobbler (they're a bird), ivy figures out how to get everyone un-exploded and writes an academic paper about it. (and yes dimi wobbler is on the paper as a co-author because they were there, it counts)
also the black hole eventually spits everyone out and they're also reunited with max. and they all lived happily ever after, the end (NO CONSEQUENCES FOREVER AND EVER!)
uh. that was a lot. anyway here's my little mini-rant about merry exit
so i believe the collective lore is that they were a schoolteacher who wrote novels in their spare time before becoming a blaseball player. my own lore is that they are also very into larping. they have a cool cape that they weren't allowed to wear to school, so once they became a blaseball player, they just wore that thing everywhere. it even came in garages colors, so it was perfect! (merry exit was a garages player from the first short circuit, the one we weren't allowed to see)
anyway they exploded.
but also somewhere along the way, we found out there was another hidden alternate universe in the tutorial that featured a different version of the gamma 1 garages. merry exit is still there, but someone else gets incinerated in it
so we have seen two versions of merry exit
my headcanon is that both versions of merry exit got exploded and one of them learns how to manifest in other dimensions (specifically, the one they used to be in before they got exploded.) this is the merry exit from the tutorial universe. regular gamma 1 merry exit also learns how to do this and becomes a cool dimension traveler with a cool cape. (i also wrote a fic about this)
yeah. thanks for reading all of that, i also miss blaseball but all these guys (gn) are still rotating in my brain like rotisserie chicken
I've been sad about Blaseball lately
You should tell me about your Blaseball blorbo, especially if they aren't one that's well known. I mean, I wouldn't mind if you want to tell me why you like Jessica Telephone or Mike Townsend or PolkaDot Patterson anyway. But I especially want to hear if you have a guy (gn) that's constantly rotating in your mind.
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tammi--foster · 4 years ago
–––  s p o t i f y
      You are listening on
   Tammi’s iPhone
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oyster-mash · 2 years ago
ay srećan božić!!! nadam se da imaš divan dan, čak i slavu ako slaviš! ♥️♥️♥️
mi ne slavimo baš zato što smo samo mama i ja, al majka uvek pravi sarmu za večeru koja je mi vrhunac ovog dana, pošto smo i mama i ja previše lenji da je pravimo na bilo kom drugom dan - tako da je imamo samo jedno godišnju lol
nadam se da je i tebi i kojima si zajedno lepo ♥️
(also, sorry, i don't do the hristos se rodi thing out of princpiple)
(also i'm ridiculously happy i have a mutual now i can wish this to today, i think it's really nice!! 🥰🥰)
Hvalaa!! Takodjee 💕♥️
Prijatna sarmaa..ja je nisam jela bas dugo..tbh nisam fan heh
Ne brini, ne volim ni ja to hristos se rodi and shit, nisam vernik
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olmbutch · 3 years ago
re: lenji, the idea of combining their chinese and american names was suggested by a chinese fan
that's cool! I'm not Chinese so I can't speak on this but it's suuuper not the heart of the argument. glad this example is better than i thought but it also made me look deeper into sparks "Christian-coded coffee cult" beans
I'm not super interested in hearing defenses and justifications for all of the decisions y'all made that I object to. it's not my lore and it's not my job to fix it or judge if it's good. I just pointed out characters that I thought were informed by a mentality that's made me feel unsafe in the past
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nostalgicandecko · 2 years ago
Sa tobom
Voleo bih da provedem sa tobom
Celu nedelju
Bi bili lenji
Jer ga ne volim
Pa bi preležali ceo dan u krevetu
Dok bi mi ti svojim glasom
Čitala poeziju
Koja je napisana samo za tebe
Utorkom bi kupili kokice
Seli na trg
Jer mi je taj deo grada nekako najlepši
I hranili bi golubove
Sredom bi posećivali biblioteku
Birali knjige jedno za drugo
Dok bih ti ja očima slao poljupce
A ti se krišom smejala kako ne bi poremetila
Tišinu i mir
Koji vladaju tamo
Četvrtkom bih pričao dosta više gluposti
Nego inače
Samo kako bih mogao da se divim
Tvojim rupicama na obrazima
Kada se nasmeješ
Petkom bi otputovali negde
Negde po tvojoj želji
Posetili neki muzej
Možda onaj o kome dugo pričamo da ćemo posetiti
Iako mi ti teraš inat
Pa pričaš da ćeš otići sama
Subotom bih te vodio na sladoled
Koji ima toliko puno ukusa
Da ne bi mogla izabrati
Nedeljom bih ti pravio svoju famoznu proju
Koju si do sada viđala samo na slikama
I doneo ti je u krevetu
Dok te budim i ljubim tako sanjivu
7 dana u nedelji
10 080 minuta
604 800 sekunde
Toliko vremena
A opet bi mi to bilo malo vremena
Provedeno sa tobom
~ D.K.
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tillman · 4 years ago
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was commissioned by some garages to draw their players (and some others) also. lenji my belenji. 
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tigerquoii · 3 years ago
Lenji and Bo, 25
thank you for the request, sorry it took me so long hehe. this is set before lenji joined blaseball, and UW does actually have a bagel club - their tiktok doesnt have any videos on it tho riv 25 - sharing an umbrella
“So, uh… got any new cards recently?” Lenji asked quietly, their voice almost hidden by the sound of the rain. Bo was sharply aware of how close their shoulders were, bumping into each other as they sheltered beneath Lenji’s umbrella. They had been at Magi’s apartment, but the others had all started talking Blaseball, and by unspoken agreement Lenji and Bo had left, Lenji offering to walk Bo back home since they were the only one who had an umbrella. Sometimes, not being Blaseball players meant they had to leave the others to their grief and their shared experience. “I popped down to the University for their open day. Got a lot of good club flyers.” Bo dug around in Bo’s pocket to find one, pulling out one for the Bagel Club. “Still getting a sense for what this one might mean but…” Lenji laughed, looking at it and nodding appreciatively. “It’s nice! You should- I’m on campus so- if you’re ever there again. Come say hi.” Bo’s shoes were suddenly very interesting, splashing through the rain-wet street. “Oh. Yeah! I didn’t know how to… I don’t have your number.” Bo shuffled closer to get out of the rain, until their shoulders were nudging each other. Lenji coughed. “Right.” they said, shifting the umbrella so it was over Bo’s head. “Of course. I’ll- do you want it?” “Um. Yeah.” “Cool I’ll… once we’re not walking.” They walked on in silence for a bit, the rain slowly soaking into Bo’s socks. It was a cold day, the rain making the sidewalks slippery, the light muted and grey. Lenji’s umbrella was transparent with little sea creatures on it, and they made shadows on the ground as they walked. Bo could see a jellyfish, a shark, a stingray, a fish. Their socks had fish on them too. Bo had a deck of deep sea creature Top Trumps at home for Lenji, but had been too nervous to give it to them yet. “This is you, right?” Lenji said suddenly, stopping. It was Bo’s mums’ house technically, but it was a familiar small place, marked with Magi and Bo’s childhoods, nostalgic and summer-sweet even in the grey rain. “Put your number in.” Lenji said, holding out their phone. “I’ll text you.” Bo typed the number in quickly, trying not to get the phone too wet, then handed it back to Lenji. “Thanks for walking me.” Lenji shrugged. “No big, it was on my way.” “Right. Um.” Bo noticed that the left shoulder of Lenji’s jacket, the one that had been on the outside, was soaked. Suddenly Bo blushed, embarrassed to be standing in front of the house like this, huddled under an umbrella, looking up at Lenji. “Um. Thanks Lenji.” Bo said again, then turned and rushed inside, shutting the door quickly. It took a few hours for Bo to realise three things. First of all, Lenji’s apartment was actually in the opposite direction to Bo’s house. Second of all, the way Bo’s heart was pounding was definitely not normal. And third, this was going to take a lot of explaining to Magi.
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patchdotexe · 3 years ago
one of these days i'll actually make content to push my chorby soul & max and layna & max & lenji friendship agendas because i have a reasonable amount of thoughts about them
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osobaa · 4 years ago
Vi niste lenji, nemotivisani, zaglavljeni.
Nakon što ste godinama preživljavali.
Vi ste iscrpljeni.
To je razlika.
- Nakeia Homer
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pollackpatrol · 2 years ago
hi jammy <|:) <- wizard hat
HI LEN (:|>
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