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Adventsstake 🕯️🕯️🕯️🕯️
Advent (m) - Advent
Julaften (m) - Christmas Eve
Adventskrans (m) - advent wreath
Adventsstake (m) - advent candelabra
(Stearin)lys (n) - candle
Søndag (m) - Sunday
Adventsvers (n) - advent verse
Sang (m) - song
Jord (m/f) - Earth, soil, dirt
Himmel (m) - sky, heaven
Stjerne (m/f) - star
Håp (n) - hope
Glede (m/f) - joy, happiness
Lengsel (m) - longing, yearning
Fred (m) - peace
Frihet (m/f) - freedom, liberty
Hjem (n) - home
(past tense)
å tenne [et lys] (tente) - to light [a candle]
å vente (ventet/venta) - to wait
å si (sa) - to say
å synge (sang) - to sing
å brenne (brant) - to burn
å bo (bodde) - to live [somewhere]
å møte (møtte) - to meet
Lys (lyst/lyse) - light, bright
Blank (blankt/blanke) - shiny, bright, blank
Liten (lite/små) - small, little
God (godt/gode)- good
Vers og sanger:
"Adventsvers" by Inger Hagerup
"Tenn lys" written by Eyvind Skeie
(Both have four verses, one for each candle in the advent candelabra.)
I dag er det første søndag i advent. Hver søndag i advent er det mange som tenner lys i en adventsstake mens de sier vers eller synger en sang. Siste søndag før julaften tenner man alle de fire stearinlysene.
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post your top six Pokémon and tag six other people!
i was tagged by @seventeendeer (thank youuu)!
tagging: @vivacringe @lengsel @usagibro @neongulls @tycutio @stardust-crusader
#two of you i tagged not even knowing if you play pokemon....... so if you dont feel free to ignore XD#tag game#havent played one of these in a while! its fun :3
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Cuándo dicen que vuelven.. Mentira no es jajaja chachooooooooo
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Post your top six Pokémon and tag six other people!
I was tagged by: @tycutiovevo and @lengsel (nerds)
I don't know who else to tag but if anyone else sees this feel free to do it as well.
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The Hive
Ein jotne skrik i lengsel Aesar druknar i banesår I sterke armar veks Gangar full av råte Fjella let seg ikkje Lenger løfte Berre trellen eig Sin eigen fridom Når kongar fylgjer Kristenmanns lov Kven skal bera fram sølvet Kven skal vakta bogen Kven skal døme rett Når hjarta er av kol Skinnlaus ormyngel Kven vil vel kome til Slik ei verd Dei storme menn drep Sitt avkom med sløve sverd La dei…
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'Andrew Haigh 's new film is a tribute to the possibilities of love and the aesthetics of the eighties. It explores an alternate world where the dead are brought back to life, literally and metaphorically, as the protagonist seeks out old traumas.
We begin with the blue hour over London, in the view from the apartment of screenwriter Adam ( Andrew Scott ). He is working on a new writing project that takes him back to his childhood years in the eighties, and the event when both parents died in a car accident. When he takes the train from the big city to the scene of both his upbringing and the trauma, he meets his parents (charming and sensitively played by Jamie Bell and Claire Foy ), as they were when they were still alive, when he himself was twelve. He invites them into his childhood home, where the furniture, clothes and music also contribute to the film's journey through time.
Andrew Scott 's sparkling performance is the lifeblood of the film, with a beating pulse from start to finish. His face alone carries so much loneliness, and at the same time so much fear. Often he stands completely still with a suppressed energy, as if he himself is the living dead. When describing the persistent feeling after the death of his parents, he uses the word "terror".
A trembling and undefined fear also characterizes the viewing experience of the film. Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch 's soundtrack is built around a recurring gloomy and dreamlike ambience. The expression is intense and uncomfortable, as if something horrible could happen at any moment.
The high-rise block in which Adam lives also looms as a symbol of loneliness and isolation. When the fire alarm goes off at the start of the film, we see from the lack of people joining Adam that almost no one lives there. In a window high up there he sees a light and a figure, a man who ignores the alarm. The man will soon appear in Adam's doorway as Harry ( Paul Mescal ). He's young, handsome and scumbag. And he wants in to Adam.
Adam initially rejects Harry, but seeks him out again, in parallel with his digging into his own past. They begin a relationship, introducing the film's other neural pathway: a passionate and energetic love. In these parts too, the use of music is expressive, with Adam and Harry's liberating exploration of the night life and dance floor of the city they watch from their windows. The intoxication and bodily proximity to sweaty strangers opens the door to ecstasy, but the nightmare constantly threatens.
The loss of his parents has created a kind of blockage in Adam, where the fear lies, and he points to the chest where the heart is protected. The fear of love, which Harry opens the door to. Vulnerable conversations between them reveal that Adam's fear is also linked to his homosexual orientation. The eighties, around which the film revolves, was a more dangerous time to be queer than the time the younger Harry grew up in, with "the terrible disease" as Adam's mother refers to HIV/AIDS.
Adam's orientation becomes a central theme in the meeting with his living dead parents. He finally gets the opportunity to come out to them, and they are confronted with the lack of support they gave their son when he was bullied and banned from school. It's harsh but redemptive, especially represented in a scene where the family decorates the Christmas tree and sings along to Pet Shop Boys' "You Were Always On My Mind".
There is something twisted about Adam's encounter with his childhood, where he stands as a grown man in tight pajamas and wants to lie down between mum and dad in the big bed. At the same time that the scenes are full of love, they are infested with a certainty that this is wrong . Freud developed the term "Unheimlich" (often translated as "uncanny", but literally means "unhomely") to explore the ambivalent figures of the nightmare. In the nightmare, Freud suggested, the close and safe can suddenly be distorted into something hideous. The term sums up the mood of All of Us Strangers .
The budding love between Adam and Harry becomes an antidote, and Adam's lonely bachelor flat becomes a place for takeaway and TV nights, the warmth of the bath and the bed, and everyday intimacy. The believable dynamic between the actors is exemplary - even cliché-filled dialogue appears as natural as every spectator's cliché-filled statements in the face of falling in love.
Ever since I saw the movie, I haven't been able to get "The Power of Love" out of my head. Like the film's subject matter, it is haunting. It strikes me that this power ballad by Frankie Goes To Hollywood captures the essence of the music of the second half of the eighties.
An eerie and captivating ambivalence between the power of love and the despair of longing, the deep loneliness in the echo of the drum machine.'
#Andrew Haigh#All of Us Strangers#Andrew Scott#Paul Mescal#Claire Foy#Jamie Bell#Always on My Mind#The Power of Love#Frankie Goes to Hollywood#Pet Shop Boys#Emilie Levienaise-Farrouch
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Trubadursangeren En musikalsk reise gjennom tiden
Trubadursangeren, en fengslende figur i musikkhistoriens billedvev, dukket opp i middelalderen i Sr-Frankrike. Disse vandrende minstrelene, ofte poeter s¥ vel som musikere, spilte en avgjrende rolle i utformingen av sin tids kulturlandskap. Trubadurtradisjonen, preget av sin lyriske poesi og melodiske komposisjoner, overskred geografiske grenser og satte et uutslettelig preg p¥ den rike arven til europeisk musikk.
Opprinnelse og evolusjon:-
Begrepet "trubadur" er avledet fra det oksitanske ordet "trobar", som betyr "¥ finne" eller "¥ finne opp". Disse kunstnerne var frst og fremst aktive fra slutten av 1000- til 1200-tallet, og blomstret under middelalderen. Trubadurer kom fra ulike sosiale bakgrunner, og komponerte og fremfrte sanger som omfattet temaer som hflig kj₩rlighet, ridderlighet, politikk og dagligliv.
Et av s₩rtrekkene til trubadurmusikken var dens tilknytning til den hviske kulturen. Adelen stttet ofte disse musikerne, og ga dem muligheter til ¥ opptre i de aristokratiske domstolene. Etter hvert som trubadurtradisjonen spredte seg, utviklet den seg og inkorporerte p¥virkninger fra forskjellige regioner, og bidro til det bredere trubadurrepertoaret.
The Art of Courtly Love:-
I hjertet av mange trubadurkomposisjoner var begrepet hflig kj₩rlighet. Disse poetiske uttrykkene for romantisk beundring og lengsel inneholdt ofte forseggjorte metaforer og symbolsk spr¥k. Trubadur-sangeren ble en budbringer av flelser, og laget vers som feiret kompleksiteten i menneskelige relasjoner og kj₩rlighetsidealene i hoffets raffinerte omgivelser.
Musikkinstrumenter og stil:-
Til versene deres brukte trubadurene forskjellige musikkinstrumenter. Vielle (en middelaldersk fele), lut og harpe ble ofte brukt for ¥ legge til et melodisk bakteppe til deres lyriske fortellinger. Trubadurens stemme, fylt med flelser og fortellerdyktighet, ble fokuspunktet for opptredenene deres.
Arven etter trubadursangere:-
Mens trubadurenes gullalder avtok mot slutten av 1200-tallet, vedvarte deres innflytelse og etterlot seg en varig arv. Trubadurtradisjonen banet vei for p¥flgende trubadurlignende skikkelser i ulike kulturer, som Minnesingerne i Tyskland og trovadorene i Spania.
I moderne tid kan ekko av trubadurinnflytelse hres i folkemusikken, der historiefortelling gjennom sang fortsatt er en mektig og kj₩r tradisjon. Ogs¥ moderne singer-songwriters henter inspirasjon fra trubadurens evne til ¥ formidle dype flelser og samfunnskommentarer gjennom sitt h¥ndverk.
Trubadursangeren har med sin vandrende ¥nd og poetiske melodier en unik plass i musikkhistoriens annaler. Gjennom sitt kunstnerskap underholdt trubadurene ikke bare edle publikum, men spilte ogs¥ en sentral rolle i ¥ forme det kulturelle og musikalske landskapet i middelalderens Europa. Arven deres best¥r som et vitnesbyrd om musikkens varige kraft til ¥ overskride tid og forbinde mennesker p¥ tvers av generasjoner.
trubadur sanger
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AHO - Opptaksprøve 2021
Å kunne skape nye forestillinger i det velkjente er også en viktig egenskap man trenger som landskapsarkitekt, designer og arkitekt. Idéprosesser handler ofte om å hente fra egne betraktninger, og å bruke det man har til rådighet og gi det ny mening og ny betydning.
Det siste året har vi alle følt oss innesperret. Vi har alle kanskje tilbragt mye tid i et spesifikt rom. Dette rommet er nå kjent og vi forbinder dette med isolasjon og kanskje lengsel etter noe annet. I denne oppgaven skal du bruke det nære og velkjente som et utgangspunkt for noe nytt.
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Look how O.N. and Norwegian (here Nynorsk because it's more poetic though we use Bokmål) are still extremely similar. I feel like the similarities are more pronounced than what 10th century Medieval French looks like compared to contemporary French. Still somewhat intelligible though, I can read Roland's song and after a bit of squinting at the words, they usually fall into place (reading them aloud does the trick). I'm not sure if it's just my weird brain that has a knack for pattern recognition and automatic "filling in the gaps"?
Anyway back to O.N. : you can see in the Norwegian version that the word for longing has been changed. Þrá is no longer used outside of Icelandic and Faroese. I wonder what happened to it? It conveyed the ideas of struggle, grief and pain. Desire as a painful struggle. While lengsel —very obviously a cognate of longing�� which also has Proto Germanic roots, to me doesn't convey the meaning of Þrá as accurately.
Funnily enough (and also unsurprisingly knowing the English language's history) Þrá survives in the English word throe which means exactly that. Intense pain / struggle. When I can't find the evolution of an O.N. word in Scandinavian languages, usually turning to English allows me to find some remnant of it in a form or another.
Ek em Sólhrafn svá sem Þráhrafn. Vætti vitrir, falinn í líki manna. Festhugi ok skáldsál með sýnir í bylgjum ok hugsanir í straumum, ljósfanga hið hversdagslega ok tímans gangr.
Eg er Solravn så vel som Lengselravn, vise skapningar, falne i menneskeham. Fast hug og diktarsjel med syn i bølgjer og tankar i straumar, lysfangar det kvardagslege og tidens gang.
I am the Sun-Raven as well as the Longing-Raven, wise spirits cloaked in man's likeness. Stark mind and a poet's soul, with visions in waves and thoughts in torrents, light-capturing the mundane and the passing of time.
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LENGSEL - Solace (2000)
“ Avmakt “
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#another album collage#vader#metallica#Abominable Putridity#origin#antigama#aeon#megadeth#lengsel#testament#dark funeral#catamenia#the black dahlia murder#as blood runs black#amon amarth#crisix#obscura#death metal#thrash metal#slam#brutal death metal#technical death metal#Melodic death metal#deathcore#progressive death metal#metal blog
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Vàli - “Lengsel” from Forlatt (2004)
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[Translation and Lyrics] Riness -Ghost of Memories- by Rigël Theatre
This track is just absolutely gorgeous, I had to go and check whether it was even the same singer as the previous one because here she just goes all out on getting that perfectly mysterious tone on the chorus, not to mention the entire song hits as many of my buzzwords as it possibly can fit. It’s interesting that the song can sound so entirely different depending on who sings it, the only version on youtube is, I’m assuming, the one from the first edition of the album. I think it does fit the image of the characters a bit better with that soft voice, but it doesn’t hit the absolute home run that the singer in the second edition does where it has a real opera feel to it and just feels like the most grandiose thing ever. Do like the youtube comment that says this could’ve been an umineko track, this could totally sound during one of those turning points near the end where Battler goes from crying to recovering hope. Also if you ever feel like reading the whole story for this album (japanese only) I warn you: it’s fucking huge, with over 30 chapters lol. Anyway, this song is easily a 10/10, lyrics down below and see you next time.
Riness -Ghost of Memories-
Music & Lyrics:Rigel Theatre Sing:Saeko (in the 1st edition), Miwele (on the 2nd edition)
yami ni tozasarete ita kuroki tsubasa no tenshi ushinawareta toki no kairou samayou hoshi no tabito
Shut away in the darkness is this black winged angel A star traveler wandering in the discarded corridors of time
yami ni tsutsumikomareta kanashii kioku no kakera ushinawareta kokoro no utsuwa sagashi motome tsutsuketeiru
covered in darkness in a fragment of cold memories I continue to search for a vessel for this lost heart
akaki hitomi ni utsuru hakanai omoide no sora ima wa mou mietekonai ano ko no yasashii egao
reflected in these red eyes is the fleeting memory of that sky as now I cannot see the gentle smile of that girl
toki wo koe samayou kioku no boureitachi mimimoto de sasayaite yami he to izanau kuroki kage ni somerareta tsubasa wo habatakasete tobidatsu no kokuu no haruka kanata ano ko no moto he to
wandering beyond time are the memories of the departed whispering in my ears an invitation to the darkness and tainted in a black shadow I spread these black wings taking flight towards the ends of this emptiness until I get back to that girl
are wa watashi no kioku sabishii kokoro no kakera nee kaeshite ano ko no kioku ano yasashiiki uta wo
there go my memories, a fragment of my pitiable heart hey, please give back to me the memories of that girl, that kind song she sung
are wa watashi no tsubasa kuroki kanashimi no hane kizamikomareta tsumi wo seoi unmei ni mi wo yudaneru
there go the feathers of sadness in my wings engraved with a sin that I will have to eternally bear as that is my fate
kurai yozora no mukou hibiku yuugana neiro ima wa mou kikoetekonai ano ko no yasashii uta ga
reaching across the blackened sky there was a beautiful tone that resonates yet I can no longer hear that girl's kind song
toki wo koe samayou kioku no boureitachi mimimoto de sasayaite yami he to izanau kuroki kage ni somerareta tsubasa wo habatakasete tobitatsu no kokuu no haruka kanata ano ko no moto he to
wandering beyond time are the memories of the departed whispering under my ears an invitation to the darkness and tainted in a black shadow I spreads these black wings taking flight towards the ends of this emptiness until I get back to that girl
toki wo koe samayou kioku no boureitachi soba ni yotte te wo nobashite sasayaki kakeru
wandering beyond time are the memories of the departed getting closer to me and reaching their hands as they whisper
kuroki kage ni somerareta tsubasa wo habatakasete tobitatsu no kokuu no haruka kanata ano ko no moto he to
and tainted in a black shadow I spread these black wings taking flight towards the ends of this emptiness until I get back to that girl
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he said it’s a corona drawing and he said veldig digg and i think i’m happy for the first time in ten years
#i didn’t wanna post their faces on here even tho it’s just a drawing#even tho no one will see this#but like the person on the left is looking at the person on the right#med lengsel#and the person on right is actually cut off and you can’t really see their face#det er den avskjæringen han sa var digg
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@lengsel was my Secret Slimer and drew me some babies
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