#lemonish fluff
thelifeofplums · 3 years
Keeping Company Ft. GN!MC & Lucifer
RATING - 16+ (There’s no real written details but the intention is there)
Don’t read if you’re not comfortable!!!!!
MC softly knocked on Lucifer’s office door in the middle of the night. They knew he was still awake, this being the fifth night in a row that he’s pulled an all-nighter. 
MC was getting a bit more worried than usual and they silently swore to themselves that they would confront Diavolo about Lucifer’s condition. But right now, MC’s task was to try and get their boyfriend to come for bed. The sheets were cold and MC missed their demon lying beside them.
“Lucifer? Can I come in?” They asked, speaking to the closed door and awaiting Lucifer’s response.
There was a still moment before MC heard the shuffling of papers and the scraping of a chair. 
The door opened and MC got a good look at the demon in front of them. Despite his obvious exhaustion, Lucifer still managed to grin as he gazed at his darling human. 
“Still awake at this hour, my love? How naughty of you,” he said, not seeming to realize that he himself was up way later than he should be.
MC gave him a disapproving look, “Are you almost finished?”
The demon sighed before answering, leaning against the doorframe, “I’m afraid not.”
They didn’t try to hide their disappointment, a small pout forming on their face. Lucifer smirked a bit, folding his arms across his chest.
“I’ll come to bed a bit later, alright?” Lucifer said in a comforting tone but MC wasn’t having any of it.
They knew all too well that when Lucifer came to bed they’d be fast asleep and there’d be no time for cuddling.
Shaking their head, MC asked, “Can I just stay here with you?”
They looked up at him into his enchantingly beautiful eyes, hoping he’d see the loneliness they were feeling.
Lucifer said nothing at first but a moment passed before he made space for MC to walk into his office. It was clear he needed some companionship as well, seeing it was always so stiffly quiet in the room. 
The demon sat back at his desk and MC got a good look at the pile of papers on the surface. They frowned, mentally noting that they’d have a good long discussion with Lord Diavolo about Lucifer’s work. 
MC eyed the chair Lucifer probably expected them to sit in for the remainder of the time he’d be working. It was close to Lucifer but not close enough, not one bit. 
Feeling bold, MC walked around Lucifer’s desk and before he could say anything they plopped themselves into his lap. 
“Mind if I sit here?” MC teased the demon, starting to untie his tie and wrapping it around their hand. 
Lucifer chuckled, “No, not at all.”
His free hand came around MC’s waist and pulled them closer to his chest. They wrapped their arms around his neck. Nuzzling their head into the crook of his shoulder, MC took a deep breath, inhaling his rich scent. It made them smile, feeling happy that they could spend some time with their boyfriend.
“Thank you for being here with me,” Lucifer softly said, his hand starting to rub slow circles against MC’s back.
MC’s grin grew and they pulled back to look at their beloved. Lucifer’s eyes held an adoring glint and were wholly focused on them. 
“You’re very much welcome,” MC responded before placing a little kiss at the corner of his lips.
Lucifer let loose a light chuckle, “If you keep teasing me like that I’m going to have to punish you, MC.”
At that, an idea sparked in MC’s head and their smile grew mischievous. Lucifer noticed and he gave them a cautioning look, not having to say anything to get his warning across.
MC slowly dragged one of their hands down Lucifer’s chest as they started leaving little kisses along his neck. 
If it hadn’t been for the fact that Lucifer’s hand tightened against MC’s back or how his breath seemed to speed just a tad, they would have thought he wasn’t at all affected. 
“Yes, Lucifer?” MC said, pulling back a bit to give him an innocent look despite the direction their hand was heading.
His gaze had darkened and MC could see a dangerous glow in his eyes, hinting at his hidden desire for them. 
Lucifer brought both hands to MC’s waist and he picked them up, placing them on his desk. He was now standing between their legs, towering over them.
“You sure about this, MC?” Lucifer whispered close to MC’s ear. They could hear the concern and love in his voice and MC could’ve sworn their heart was glowing. 
“Yes, Lucifer.” 
MC’s words could hardly be considered a whisper but Lucifer heard nonetheless. 
Least to say....neither human or demon got any sleep that night. 
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cchellacat · 5 years
“I hate the way you talk to me, and the way you cut your hair. I hate the way you drive my car. I hate it when you stare. I hate your big dumb combat boots and the way you read my mind. I hate you so much it makes me sick. It even makes me rhyme. I hate it- I hate the way you’re always right. I hate it when you lie. I hate it when you make me laugh; even worse when you make me cry. I hate it when you’re not around, and the fact that you didn’t call, but mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you; not even close; not even a little bit; not even at all.”
This was my prompt for @littledarlinhavefaithinme 10 Things Challenge. Sorry it’s so late my love xx
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“I hate you!”
“No, you don’t”
“Yes, I do....”
Bucky slides out from under the counter, pulling his hair back and snapping the elastic around it.  Darcy stands in the doorway, hands on hips and silently fuming.
“Fine, why do you hate me today Doll?”  He drawls it out, Brooklyn accent thickening as he cocks a brow and gives her a slow grin as he prowls closer to her.
Darcy bites her lip trying to stop the smile from forming, fuck it makes her knees weak when he looks at her like that.
“That, right there, that is why.”
Bucky frowns, consternation clear on his face.
“What?  What did I do?” He reaches out and catches her wrist, tugging her playfully till she falls against his chest.
“Don’t talk to me like that!” She uses the now close proximity to poke his chest ineffectually with one pointed finger.
“Like what?” Bucky rubs his nose to hers before dipping and stealing a fast hard kiss that makes her moan low in her throat, her whole body now molding itself to his.
“Like you know what I look like naked, damn it!” She pushes away from him as he chuckles into her mouth and he lets her go with a reluctant sigh.
Darcy stomps off, cursing under her breath, Bucky is left feeling slightly confused.  To be fair he often feels confused, especially since he started hooking up with Darcy. 
He watches her go, hips swaying and licks his lips...  he does know what she looks like naked, like a god damn fantasy. He’s determined she’ll give in eventually, let him take her out, date her, do things the right way. He knows she’s everything he ever wanted, but he also knows she’s wary of relationships, scared that if she falls for him he’ll just be another one of the jerks who used her and cast her aside when they were done. It drives him crazy the anyone has used her like that because she’s perfect to him in every way.
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Bucky steps off the elevator running vibrainium fingers through his hair, it’s shorter than he’s had it since ‘45.  It was strange watching the last of the Winter Soldier fall away as Natalia cut it this morning, like he was shedding his old life, or maybe even reclaiming his first. 
He holds a tray of coffee in his free hand as he searches the labs for Darcy.  It takes him longer than usual to find her, getting stopped by a half dozen people, most of them staring and smiling at him and trying to flirt, at least till they suddenly seemed to realize who they had come onto, then they’d make excuses to get away. 
Darcy finds him before he finds her, the sound of her heels clicking purposefully have him turning to greet her.  He’d know that Staccato rhythm anywhere, she walked with a purpose and vitality that exuded confidence, he’s come to appreciate that little twist of heel in her step, it makes him smile just hearing it. She stops in front of him, scowling.
“I hate you!”
“Doll, you wound me,” he brings a hand to his heart, “I brought you coffee.”
He turns on that old Barnes charm and offers her the tray. The way she eyed him actually had him a little unnerved for a moment and he wants to fidget, she always makes him feel this way, like he’s some bug under a microscope being assessed and judged, but she’s been looking more and more confused with each meeting, like she doesn’t understand why the other shoe hasn’t dropped yet, doesn’t get why he keeps coming back no matter how much she pushes him away.
He smiles anyway, tilts his head, taking in the pretty picture she makes in her black dress, it’s all business today which means she’s got meetings with some of the department heads. His girl practically runs the R&D department, there’s not a project she doesn’t oversee and secure funding for and the scientists love having her around, the place would be a mess without her.
Darcy grabs the coffee and glares half-heartedly, red lips pursed, watching as he runs his hand nervously through his hair again.  She makes a choked noise and bites her lip.
He kept coming back, kept chasing her, she doesn’t understand why, he’s had her, multiple times, it seemed he’d spring up out of nowhere regularly and it wasn’t just for sex.
He kept bringing her flowers and chocolate and... fuck, he always seemed more interested in making her cum than taking care of himself. If she wasn’t careful she’d get her heart broken. She’d been through this too many times before, men always got bored of her, they only wanted her for sex and she’d come to accept that.
She enjoyed sex, I mean why shouldn’t she? It didn’t have to mean anything and sex with Bucky was insanely good, like, ruined her for all other men good.
Then there was the fact that he wanted to talk to her, listen to what she had to say and would laugh at her stories, always asking for more, it made her nervous. He was slowly turning her world upside down with his sincerity, but he seemed determined to wear her down, to convince her to him a chance... maybe it’s time to stop running.
“You cut your hair.”  She stated, shooting a nasty look at Pearl from accounting who sidles past, winking at Bucky as she goes. Darcy reigns in the urge to slap her or make some snippy comment about taking a picture and refocused on Bucky as he shot her a smug smile, damnit. He seemed to know what she was thinking.
“Yeah...  Felt like I needed a change.”
“I hate it.” She sounds less certain this time, eyes filling with heat as she really takes in the change. Jesus Christ, he looked hot. All she wanted to do was run her hands through it, maybe give it a hard tug while his mouth was between her legs. She closes her eyes briefly and tries to think of something else.
“You hate my hair sweetheart?” 
He knows she doesn’t. Sees the way she curls her tiny fists as though holding back from something.
Darcy rolls her eyes and shakes her head, there was no way she was going to let him see that he was finally getting to her. He has that self-satisfied smirk in place like he thinks he’s won something.
“Did you have to cut it like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you just dropped out of a GQ cover shoot, no one is getting any work done, they’re all too busy staring at you.”
Bucky’s lips lift into a crooked grin, she looks cute when she’s flustered, he can see her resisting the urge to run her own fingers through the new cut.
“Here,” He digs in his pocket and brings out a pack of peanut buttercups, holding them just out of reach.
Darcy swears and reaches for them, he holds then above her, teasing her with her favorite treat.
“Thought you hated me Doll...”
“Give me the god damn candy Barnes.”
“Give your best guy some sugar, sugar,”
Darcy presses her lips together, stifling a giggle from the cheeky smile he gives her and stands on tiptoe, kissing his lip's quickly. He grins like he just won a prize and drops the treat into her hand, enjoying the childish glee which suffuses her expression. He grabs her hand in his and she follows along beside him right up until he suddenly scoops her up and tucks them both out of sight inside a supply closet.
Twenty minutes later a disheveled Darcy emerges from the closet, her shirt askew and her hair loose from the bun she’s had it swept into earlier. Bucky follows her out, catching her arm and pulling her back in to steal a soft heady kiss before letting her go again.
“Dinner.” Its a demand, not a question.
Darcy bites her lip, eyes bright and finally, after two months of trying to convince her he was serious about them, she nods her head.
“Saturday night, pick me up at seven.”
Bucky whoops and swings her up not caring a bit that half the techs in the labs were staring at them.
He’s got it, a proper date, he’ll plan the whole thing out. He wants to show her how special she is, that he’s not dating her on a whim or to satisfy some carnal itch, she makes him giddy, the way she smiles, how much she cares, she makes him laugh, to him, she’s everything.
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“Jesus Bucky!  Not so hard!”
“This damn car’s older than I am.”  he gripes, foot pressed to the floor as he wrenches the wheel again, taking them round a corner at speeds Darcy could have lived without.
“I hate you!  I am never letting you drive my car again!”
“I love you too Sweetheart, now pass me my gun and hold the wheel.”
Darcy shrieks as the hail of gunfire strikes the back window and does as she’s told.  Worst first date ever!
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“Would you stop that?”
“Stop what?”
“Staring at me.”
His shoulders rise nearly to his ears as he shrugs uncomfortably and looks away.  The tiny confines of the jet make it hard to put any space between them, which is what Darcy had been trying to do since their clusterfuck of a date two weeks ago.  Every time she got him cornered he ran, he couldn’t now though.
Eyes cast down again she pretends to read her book.  He’d ignored her trying to talk to him when they first boarded, she’d given up trying an hour later when it seemed all she was going to get were noncommittal grunts.
This time only ten minutes pass before she feels the weight of his eyes on her again.
“What?”  The demanding tone ricochets in the tiny compartment like shrapnel.
Blue on blue caught stubbornly as his mouth tightens in a thin line.
“Nothing.”  He finally mutters, looking away, fingers tapping aggravatedly on his thigh.
Darcy slams the book closed and leans forward.
“Hate me, I know, I finally got the memo doll.”
“Oh don’t try that bullshit with me, Barnes, seriously, what is your fucking problem?  So what if the date went badly?  You’ve not spoken to me since you left me in medical.”
“You nearly got killed!”
“I know!  I was there!”
“Than why are you trying to talk to me?”
“Because all you’ve done for two weeks is make puppy eyes and run every time I track you down!”
“I nearly got you killed Darce...  I didn’t know what to say.”
Darcy rolls her eyes hard and leans over, pointed finger once again poking his chest.
“You say, let's try that again Darcy, this time without the kidnapping and murder grenades.”
The look of confused surprise is adorable.
“You’d still want to go on a date after we got shot at?”
Darcy throws her hands up and leans back, crossing her arms.
Silence reigns in the compartment, heavy with unspoken words.
“Pick you up at 7 on Friday?”
Darcy’s brow arches, her arms falling as she sighs.
“I hate you.”
“It’s a date.”  he grins before tugging her out of her seat and into his strong arms.  Darcy yelps as she’s moved to straddle hard thighs, her heart racing already in anticipation of what was coming next....namely her.  She smiles as his mouth covers her in a playful teasing kiss and melting into his hold wraps her arms around his neck, relieved to be back where she belonged.
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He’s always in her apartment, it feels likes he’s all but moved in permanently.  His books sit on the coffee table, a gun safe takes up a previously empty space under the kitchen counter, there are numerous knick-knacks from around the world he somehow has time to pick up from whatever mission he’s been on recently, littering the surfaces. 
Darcy throws off her jacket and kicks her shoes off, wandering down the hallway to the bedroom.  Just as she enters the room she finds herself suddenly tripping, gravity catching her and hauling her down. 
“Easy sweetheart, I gotcha.”  She’s caught by a warm, wet wall of muscle, her momentum now pressing every inch of her to him.
“Christ on a cracker Bucky, what the hell...” looking down she spies the combat boots that have been left loitering in the entryway to the room.  Where on earth had he come from?
“I didn’t think you’d be home yet doll.”  She takes in the damp hair and naked chest, beads of water still clinging to skin.
“Seriously? Are you trying to kill me?”
“Sorry doll, forgive me?”
A long-suffering sigh escapes her, she’s too tired to tell him off for leaving his boots lying around.
“One condition-”
Before she can complete her demand he produces a bar of chocolate, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he lets her go.
“Okay and I-”
A glass of wine is pressed into her hand like magic.  Darcy squints at his all too innocent expression, mouth opening to-
“’m not a mind reader, just know what my girl needs after a long day.”
“I hate you.” she replies without any ire.
Bucky smirks.
“Love you too Doll.”
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She’s never going to live this down, he’s told her a dozen times not to leave without her tracker, telling her she’d get her ass kidnapped.. again.  God, she hates it when he’s right.
The cell is dimly lit, but oddly comfortable considering she’s been kidnapped by what she assumes is probably some previously thought defunct offshoot of Hydra.
Six hours later when the sounds of fighting break out and the thick steel door swings open she’s too thankful to say it out loud.
Bucky strides through the door, murder etched on his face and scoops her up without a word.  Darcy just clings to him, thankful to wait for the lecture on personal safety till later.
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He told her he was away on a mission. It’s why when she spots him, she decides to follow him.  He’s meant to be in Egypt, not New York.
He loses her on 5th Avenue and she mutters angrily all the way back to the Tower. 
When he appears the next morning she pretends like nothing happened, like she hadn’t seen him in the city and he acts like he hadn’t lied to her about it. 
Silently she begins to count down the days till his things will surely disappear from her apartment before it’s only him left, the last thing to leave. 
Darcy distracts herself with work and Jane and corralling her merry bunch of mad scientists, putting off the inevitable. 
She’s going to enjoy whatever time they have left.  In the deepest part of her she cries and tries very hard to hate him for the lies.  She thought he was different, she thought he was the one.
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Bucky pats his pocket for the fifth time and fidgets in his seat.  The restaurant is half empty and the table service has been terrible.  But it’s the place he’d first met her, although he’s not sure she remembers as they dither over ordering dessert or heading home to raid the freezer for ice cream.
“Have we been here before?”
The sudden question snaps him out of his reverie and he glances across the table.  She’s been subdued lately, but he hasn’t been able to figure out why.
“I was wondering if you’d remember.”
“Remember what?”
“First time I saw you.  I was having lunch here with Steve and Stark.  You blazed in and threw Starks drink in his lap.”
She tilts her head quizzically.
“This is where...  I don’t even remember you being here.”
“We weren’t introduced till the week after, you stormed right back out again after making him sign some papers.”
“Oh..”  Her bottom lip is caught between a flash of white as he rubs his palms over the sides of his thighs.  When she looks away he stands, coming round the table, dropping to one knee.
She turns back, eyes widening at his new position and location.
When he reaches into his pocket for the ring she gasps, one hand covering her mouth and the other gripping the tabletop.
With the worst possible timing, a passing waiter trips over Bucky’s foot, sending himself and a tray of food crashing to the ground, leaving Bucky kneeling there, covered in carbonara, mouth half open and a blue velvet ring box in his hand.
He gapes, horrified by the turn of events then closes his eyes.  When he opens them again it’s to the sound and the sight of his girl giggling helplessly, head shaking as she laughs. 
“Omg, your face... baby...  oh my god were you going to propose?”
“What do you mean were, sweet cheeks, this is it, this is my life. I swear to god my Ma must be watching this from heaven and having a fit.  My life's a disaster Darce, but you make everything better. I don’t want to do it without you.  Even if it means getting coffee for breakfast and ice cream for dinner for the next sixty years.  Marry me, Darcy, make me the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.”
She nods her head, still laughing, tears streaming down her face while he struggles to fit the ring on her finger.
“It’s beautiful Buck... when did you even have time to buy it?”
“Took a day a few weeks ago instead of taking the op in Egypt.  Spend it scouring every jewelry store in Manhatten.”
The ring is new, but the design is old.  A princess-cut diamond flanked by garnet petals sparkles in her finger.
A curious expression drifts across her face at his answer and she bites her lip hard before swooping forward and kissing him.
“I hate you,” she whispers lovingly into his mouth.
Warmth spreads in his chest.
“Gonna need you to do that for the rest of my life Doll.”
“Not gonna be a problem soldier.”
They pay and go home to eat ice cream.  A long hot shower later they fall asleep on the couch where they were cuddled up reading to each other. Bucky snuggles her close and throws a blanket over them, thanking every deity he can name for giving him a second chance and her.
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The phone is clutched tightly in her hand, the shape of it indented in her skin.  Three days, five hours...  That’s how long she’s been waiting for him to call and tell her he’s okay, that he’s holed up in some safe house or podunk hospital with no internet or cell service.  She taps the glass, checking her call history before swiping and rechecking that the settings are right, the ringer’s on, she’s not on silent or do not disturb...  Grabbing the wire beside her she plugs the phone in to charge, again.  How many times had she done that now? 
The phone rings, some telemarketer, she declines the call, furious that it isn’t him, that it might have stopped his call from connecting. 
Running her hands through her hair she gathers it up, snapping one of Bucky’s hair ties around it in a sloppy bun. 
The quiet of the apartment is getting to her. She stares out the window, watching the silent rush of life sixty stories below.  It doesn’t make sense, how can everything look so normal, how can everyone else still be moving, living?
Cold cups of coffee are scattered around the apartment, keeping company with the small momentoes of their life.  The book he’d been reading to her before he left, her socks left under the coffee table where he’d thrown them after he’d peeled them off her feet, intent on stripping her bare before he’d fucked her into the couch the night before he left.  Her bag and shoes left at the door beside his combat boots, the ones he kept for weekends when he drove his bike upstate, her perched behind him, arms tight and body pressed into the soft leather of the jacket that hung on the peg beside her fluffy cardigan and the Gryfindor scarf she’d knitted for him last Christmas. He was everywhere, in every corner of her life, every crack and crevice, he’d wormed his way in, inch by subtle inch until she couldn’t remember what it felt like before she’d known him. 
The soft wrap of knuckles on wood has her spring from the armchair.  Opening the door the pale face of Natasha Romanoff stares back.  Darcy steps back, silently allowing the women to come in. 
“Why don’t we sit.”  She’s never heard Natasha so quietly calm before.  The other woman is usually three parts snark one part sincerity.  Arms crossed, Darcy stands her ground, shaking her head. 
“Where is he, Natasha?”
The widow tries to place a comforting hand on her arm but she angrily shrugs it away.
“He’s gone Darce...”
She whips round to see Steve framed in the doorway.  He looks wrecked, face bruised and bloodied.  It’s the way he looks at her, his eyes full of silent sorrow and apology that makes her prickle.
“No.”  Darcy doesn't know if she’s denying the words or refusing to accept what he’s saying without speaking, but she shakes her head, futilely repressing the welling panic and grief threatening to overwhelm her.
“I’m so sorry.”
“No,” she snaps, “you don’t get to say that.  He’s not dead.”
“The building was blown up Darcy.  The whole thing collapsed and the fires were raging for over twelve hours...  Even Bucky couldn’t survive that.  We looked for him, no one saw him get out before it went up.  There are no reports of anyone matching his description in any of the medical facilities within a hundred miles of the explosion.  It’s been three days.”
Steve’s begging her to understand but what her heart tells her is that she can not give up on him.  Not yet, not ever. 
Bucky promised he’d come back. He’s never broken a promise to her, he’s not going to start now.
“He’ll come back.  He always does.”  The finality of the statement ends the discussion and both level sympathetic glances at her which she pointedly ignores.
They leave her alone, the apartment door closing quietly as she finally lets her knees fall out from under her.  Bone wrenching sobs burst forth from her lips as her body heaves out her worry and grief. 
“I hate you...  I hate you so much right now...  I hate how much I love you.  You have to come back to me so I can tell you that...”
Whispered words of loss fall around her like ash.  She hates it.  She hates how alone she feels.  Hates that he made her need him.  Hates that when he’s not around it feels as though her world is falling apart. The engagement ring winks mockingly from her finger.  A promise of a life together.  He has to come home, he just has to.
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~Six Weeks Later~
“I love you.”
Words spoken into heated skin as pre-dawn light suffuses their bedroom.
He came back, he’s all around her, every inch of him pressing into her.  The affirming sounds of harsh breath, low moans, the symphony of skin against skin as his body slides over hers, fills her with warmth, relief, happiness. 
His hips, safely cradled in hers, his cock buried deep in the tight, silky heat of her leaves him undone and yet complete, grounded, he’s home. 
It’s slow, drawn out.  They make love with each touch and kiss, breath life back into each other with each joining of their bodies. 
Climax closes in for them both, her back arching further, meeting the increased pace of his thrusts as she clings tightly to his shoulders.
His body tenses as the tingling feeling creeps up his spine but he holds back, waiting... When he feels her finally begin to cum, he lets go, her walls clamping around him like a vice as he pounds faster, his hands gripping her ass so he can push deeper and then it hits, not a breath of space between them, bodies shaking and moving through it, his pelvic bone pressed hard on her clit as she gasps his name, her legs tightening around his waist, keeping him locked in place, he couldn’t get away if he wanted to, she was so tightly wrapped around him.  He empties himself inside her, filling her up, some primal satisfaction that she’s full with his seed, that the scent of him will cling to her for days.
The scent of sex and satisfaction lies heavy in the air.
They lie there as the sun rises, bodies replete and at rest as the light slowly fills the room.
“I love you.”  She says it again and he kisses her softly, slowly, burning the memory into both their minds.
“You don’t hate me anymore?”  He asks her lightly and she rolls her eyes, sighing.
“ I hate the way I don’t hate you; not even close; not even a little bit; not even at all, because I never hated you.  I hated that I fell in love so fast.”
“I loved you from the minute I saw you, doll, I’m never going to leave you again, I promise.”
She runs a hand through his hair gently, taking in the sincerity in his eyes.
“You can’t promise that.”
He shushes her with another kiss.
“I told Steve I quit.  No more active duty.”
“Are you serious?”
“Can’t risk it, not anymore, not when I’ve got you.”
“I’d never ask you to-”
“I know, it’s why I’m doing it.  You deserve to be happy and so do I.”
She’s speechless, but it doesn’t matter, all that does is that she’s not going to lose him again.
“Besides, someone has to keep an eye on you.  You might take over the world if I didn’t. My tiny megalomaniac.”  He teases.
Darcy blushes hotly.  He’s mostly teasing she decides after a moment, after all, she’d taken everyone out of her way to keep the search for him going, even against all the evidence.  If she hadn’t he’d still be rotting inside some Hydra prison cell. 
His eyes crinkle with mirth as he rests his forehead on hers and she wrinkles her nose.
“I hate you.” 
The End.
@omnomsauruswrites   @eurynome827   @loricameback   @southerncross47
@book-dragon-13   @spacemansam   @jobean12-blog   @grimeysociety   @noquirkyurl   @collinsstanharbour  @marvelous-meggi  @marvelgirl7
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xsugarysweetsx · 5 years
Kim Namjoon x Short Reader 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8. 9. 10
Hello readers comment down below for who I should write about next :). BTS/ anime character. Thank you for reading (:
“Okay do I look good or?” He said fixing his hair. You giggled. You were currently backstage with Joon as he was getting ready for a show. You both snuck in without any fans noticing. Youve gone 6 months of being in the clear from the public eye which was pretty good. No drama, stalking or anything. You brought his hands down and kissed his knuckles and said
“You look great, you’ll do great alright? Now go on you’ve got thousands of girls waiting for you to show up” you said bopping his nose. He gave you his signature dimple smile and put his hands on your hips.
“ONE MINUTE!” One of the crew members yelling seeing a few of the boys run by.
“I gotta go.” You gave you a quick peck “I love you” and he ran off. You wen track to their fitting room and watched them from the tv there. You sat down with some snacks and a drink watching them work their magic. It was incredible how just one smile from one of the boys could cause loud, high pitched screams. Wow.
You have listened to a few songs and really liked a few of them. Is it weird I love these goofballs and punk alternative rock?
You got up and ran back to the side of the stage to heat them perform “Spring Day”. You stood in the side as the lyrics flowed through the speakers. Namjoon mis have felt you staring at him. He looked to the side and smiled brightly. You blew him a kiss and he somehow became more passionate in his performance.
Later after the show you and Namjoon were in his hotel room. He was laying on his stomach while you watched some tv. He groaned as he stretched.
“feeling sore?” You asked running a hand through his hair. He said a muffled “MHM” into his arms. You got up and went to your bag to grab some lotion.
“Okay take your shirt off in going to give you a massage” he lifted his head and said
“What? No babe it’s fine really i-“
“You’re sore and worked very tonight. Let me take care of you Joonie” of course he couldn’t say no to your nickname for him. He sat up and took off his shirt and laid back on the mattress. You climbed onto the bed and to his thick butt. First you rubbed an spread the location. After you started to apply pressure and massage his tense spots. He groaned ea grime your hit a knot.
“Feeling good baby?” You asked massaging his lower back moving up the curve of his spine to his broad shoulders.
“Aaaahhh so good” he basically moaned. After the lotion had friend out you kissed his shoulder and got off. He sat up and stretched upwards.
“Thank you princess. I really needed that. Now come here!” He grabbed your waist and sat you in his lap as he crashed his lips on to yours. “I gotta Pay for the hard work right” he said as he loaves down to your neck. Each kiss lingering for a few seconds. You tilt your neck and run your fingers through his hair. Bringing him closer to your neck.
Everything was great until you had felt something pole you. You gasp and jump a little looking down.
He was hard.
You had gotten off of him leaving him confused. “Y/N is everything alright? Wa si moví too fast?” He said sitting in a way your couldn’t see his boner.
“N-no it’s not that it just that....well....” you mumbled something as you buried your fave into a pillow.
“W-what’s as that babe?” He said leaning closer. You sat up and closed your eyes and said
“I’m a virgin!” And shot your head into your hands. You were completely embarrassed now. Now he knew you had basically almost no experience except for make outs and kissing.
“Awh baby” he pulled you closer to him “princess, my little book worm. That’s nothing to be ashamed of” he said as he kissed your forehead. you poured and said
“Okay but don’t you want someone with experience?” You said with a sad look. He laid on the bed and brought you with him. Laying on his back and you rested your head on his chest.
“No, I want you and only you” he said wrapping his arm around you. “Your first time is up to you and should be something special alright? So don’t feel pressured about doing it”
“Okay, thanks Joon”
“But I would like to continue that make out session” he said giving you a smirk. You shook your head and sat up. You straddled him as he sat up right and put his larger hands on your hips.
“You know I can’t get enough of you” he said laying a kiss to your lips.
“Hehe I know”
Click here for rules and requests
Should there be any improvements or changes 🤔? Lmk but otherwise I hope you enjoyed it :)
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Thanks for reading ❤️
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beanswrites · 3 years
"My Valentine" Hawks x Reader, from MHA
I was writing the Valentine's day special MHA edition and it suddenly hit me that I wrote a super fluffy (with a bit of ✨spice✨) one-shot for Hawks a few months back. So here it is, a bit edited and modified from the last time!
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Word count: 3478
Pairing: Hawks/Keigo Takami x fem! Reader
Trope: Fluff, Lemonish
Warnings: mature language, hints of depression, a bit spicier than usual my dudes
Requests are open! If you have a wish, check out my rules for requesting, or just pick something from my prompts list!
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This date is the most important date the famous pro hero Hawks ever needed to go on. The most important date of his whole adult life, with the most beautiful woman he has ever met. But, who is she and how did he ask her out? That story goes a few hours back.
It's Valentine's Day! The birds are chirping, flower shops are the busiest they've been in a while, and the aroma of the ever-so-sweet chocolate is in the air. Even if almost all couples love this holiday, not a lot of single people can say the same. The second most popular hero in Japan dreaded the whole love fest. When Mirko, his best friend and co-worker, asked him why, he would usually reply with the same answer every time: "It's a waste of money". Even though there was some truth in what he said, the real reason the winged hero was grumpy every year on this holiday wasn't particularly the money people were spending. Maybe, somewhere deep down in his heart, Hawks knew he actually didn't like the idea of a holiday celebrating love, because he was indeed very lonely. It was now 5:20 in the morning, and Hawks slept in for 20 minutes. Honestly, he didn't even feel like getting up, not on the worst day of the year for him. Everybody's gonna be all mushy and lovey - dovey and cute, which they are of course gonna show off and brag about to him. The last thing he needed right now was to hear about everything he doesn't have. After unwillingly dragging himself out of bed, he went for a workout just like every morning. Today's workout, however, was way more intense than usual, since he was trying to take out all of his supressed emotions. Once that was finished and he had his morning coffee, the red-winged hero got ready and flew to work. As he flew across the big city, he noticed all the pink and red colored decorations that were hanging in the parks, on buildings, basically, everywhere he looked. That annoyed him so much that he flew faster, just to not be reminded that he never had someone to celebrate this day with. It really wasn't like it sounded. It's not like Hawks wasn't able to get a date, heck, he got a hundreds of dates and hook-ups almost daily, and it wasn't like he was shy, he loved talking to girls. But all those dates and hook-ups would never turn into anything more. Even though the blonde bird-like hero had many girls in his life, he never, ever fell in love. He finally arrived at his agency, when Mirko, the bunny hero, walked thru the door with a huge smile on her face. "Hey everyone! What a wonderful day today is!" Hawks rolled his eyes. How can everyone be so happy today? "Oh, yeah, that reminds me boss, I gotta go home earlier today! I'm taking my girlfriend out for Valentine's!" The white bunny hero added. Some other secretary laughed and agreed: "Hahha, okay Mirko, we all know the special surprise you've prepared her! You've talked about the ring for weeks! And you, boss? Who's your Valentine?"
Hawks wasn't in the mood for that. Everybody knew he didn't like Valentine's, or get a serious date he would wine-and-dine, so why did they even waste their breath asking?! It's not like he wasn't happy for other people. He was really happy for Mirko, for example, and her girlfriend, cause he knew about the whole 'proposing' thing that was happening tonight. It just wasn't for him. He wasn't the type of a guy to enjoy serious, love-dovey romantic dates like that. The whole day, up until lunch break, the winged hero desperately tried to avoid every and each couple in sight, 'cause he knew that if another hero couple started a conversation with him, he wouldn't hear the end of constant worried questions about him being single. Yeah, he was single, but he would probably call Rin tonight. She was a recent hook-up he used to call when he felt lonely. And in the past couple of weeks, he's been lonely quite a lot. Welp, it was lunch break now, and Hawks was eating his usual KFC order, when his favorite co-worker walked into the room. Okay, maybe you didn't technically count as a "co-worker" since you are only a journalist who worked with the agency and not an actual hero, but you are still a nice, familiar face he could rely on. "Hey Hawks! What's up with you? You seem a little bummed today" You said with concern in your voice. "Heh, hi to you too kid. Nah, I'm fine, just a little over with this whole love-fest" "Do you not like Valentine's Day?" He sighted. "No, not really. I don't really got anybody to spend it with, so I don't really enjoy it. And you? Who's taking you out for Valentine's?" You laughed at what he said, but the laughter died down as you realized he wasn't joking. "Oh, you're serious? No, haha, nobody's taking me out today. I guess everybody already has a date, plus I'm not really sure any hero would want to date their journalist!" He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why? I think there are a lot of hero's who'd date you! You are nice, young, pretty, I'm surprised they aren't already all over you, kid! Plus, haven't you got that boyfriend, I.. I don't remember his name.. You know, that one guy who once came here and brought you your lunch!" You sat down across him and put down your lunch tray. "Wait, you seriously remember that? That was like, four months ago, and no, we aren't together anymore. He just wasn't the guy for me, y'know?" Wait, was it really four months ago? 'How the heck do I remember something about my co-worker that happened four months ago?' He thought to himself. Which got him thinking: Why has he been so keen on getting to know you? Sure, you are nice and smart, and kinda beautiful. You are everything he isn't used to: comfort, smiling, and generally bright. But not his type. Definitely not. At least, that's what he told to himself every time the idea of your gorgeous eyes and that perfect smile crossed his mind. Which was a big portion of the time. He.. He couldn't be into you, right? "Oh, uh.. I don't know, really. I guess randomly? Anyways, so if your not going out, got any plans for the rest of the day?" He knew how it sounded, but that's not really what he meant. It sounded like he was asking her out, rather than being generally curious, since he didn't have any plans either. "Ohh, what's this, pro hero Hawks? Are you asking me out?" And it was that moment, where the poor guys' face turned completely red. The red-winged hero was known as a "smooth talker" and a "ladies man", but now he really didn't know what to say. Did he? Did he want to take her out? Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad spending a Valentine's Day with somebody for a change.. "Well, since both of us aren't doing anything tonight, I thought we could go out and have some fun.. If by that you consider me asking you out kid, than so be it, I am. Not to be too sappy birdie, but do you wanna be my Valentine's date?" Now, it was your time to blush. After she agreed by stuttering a bit, they've both left the cafeteria and returned to some paperwork they had. Although there was a lot of work to be done,
Hawks couldn't concentrate one bit. Did he really just get a Valentine's date? At first, he played it cool. Nice and easy, still doing paperwork, he thought about how this happened. 'Well, she's clearly into me, and she clearly wanted to go, so this should be good, right?' And that's when it hit him. Where is he going to take you?! That's when his pre-date panic kicked in. He never experienced it before, but he was suddenly in a rush to finish everything about the date, rather than just lazily picking some shitty place and then return straight to his place. No, no, it can't be like that tonight. He quickly called the best restaurant in town to reserve a table, but it being the Valentine's day, it was all booked. Luckily, a pro-hero as sly as him knows his way around things, so even with this kind of a problem he managed to get the best table in the most romantic private spot in the restaurant. 'So food is checked from the list. What's next? Where and when to pick her up. That's easy, right? Just gotta dial her number and ask- OH SHIT, I DIDN'T GET HER PHONE NUMBER!' He thought in his panic. Luckily, your phone number was in the work group chat, so he easily found it. You've talked a bit and made a deal for 7 PM. Now, the only thing left on his list was his outfit. Usually, he didn't really care and would go in jeans and a T-shirt, and if he really wanted the girl, a white button up with those jeans. Now, this somehow felt more personal, more intimate, and more like a real date to him, so the usual outfits were a no-go. "Oh come on, I HAVE to have something in here!" He groaned as he searched his messy closet, throwing the stained shirts around as he shook his head. Finally, he found some tuxedo that Mirko made him wear to a work party. That should do it, right? It was now 6:40 and Hawks was kind of freaking out. Why? He didn't know. It was just you, his sweet co-worker, nobody too intimidating or anything like that. He was currently waiting in front of your apartment building, with a bouquet of flaming-red roses and a heart-shaped pack of chocolates. The address was familiar to him, since he was there a couple of times to bring some documents, but this was different. Now, it wasn't some work stuff or boring paperwork, he was waiting for you as your date for tonight. Somehow, that thought made him smile. Him, Keigo Takami, had a real date for Valentine's, the whole wine-and-dine experience! Who knew? His train of thoughts was interrupted by you coming out your home, followed by his jaw almost dropping on the floor. You wore a red dress that was in perfect synch with his wings, and a nice white cardigan, since it was a little chilly on such a February night. You had a slight blush covering your cheeks and a huge smile on your lips, since you were struck by how good your partner looked, just as much as he was. When he handed you the flowers and chocolates, you both sat in his car and drove to the restaurant, chatting a bit. Hawks was thinking about flying you to there himself, but quickly abandoned that idea because it could make you uncomfortable, and he certainly didn't want that. Once you've gotten to the restaurant, you were dumbstrucked by the place he picked. "Keigo! This is the most beautiful and the most wanted restaurant in the city! It takes literal months to get a reservation! How did you manage to do it so quickly?" He didn't know what, but something in him stirred when she called him by his first name. "Well, I wanted to take you somewhere special, and this seemed like a place with the best food and the best atmosphere for a Valentine's Day date! Plus, not a problem, I know my ways of giving a girl the perfect experience" He smugly replied. They sat down at their table, and the decorations around it were mesmerizing. There were lanterns and rosses as decorations on the sides, with a few romantic candles on the table, which were really setting the mood for their perfect date. Hawks didn't really pay much attention to the decorations though. Not because he didn't like them, more because he
was concentrated on the beautiful girl who was sitting across him. He was suddenly obsessed with everything about you. The way your hair fell and framed your face, the way your eyes sparkled when you laughed at some dumb joke he made, and that goddamn dress, which was making him think all kinds of things he definitely shouldn't be thinking about.
Oh hell no. This.. wasn't happening, was it? Suddenly, everything about you was perfect to him. He didn't know if that was the magic of Valentine's Day or just you, but something there was making him lose his mind. You've both ordered your meals and a bottle of champagne to go with it, and not long after, the waiter was back with your orders.
Keigo looked like everything was fine and he was cool from the outside, but actually, on the inside, his nerves were wrecking. From his point of view the date was going amazing, but how would he know?! This was his first "proper" date, he didn't know what they were supposed to look like!
"Hey, um, kid? Is this.. Is this okay? Am I doing this whole "date" thing right?"
No, he never was ashamed to admit that he wasn't exactly the "commitment" kinda guy, especially to you. You knew, didn't you? You even covered for him once after a huge hang-over he had from spending the night drunkenly with some girl whose name he forgot. You knew exactly what you were in for. "Hawks, this date is.. It's.. It's the best date I have ever been on, thank you so much for being my Valentine! The restaurant is the most romantic place I have ever seen, plus the food is incredible! I ordered the pasta to change a bit from the fried chicken I eat all the time! Hey, don't you like fried chicken too? Or is that like, forbidden, with you being half-bird?" This might just as well be his dream girl! I mean, someone who's gorgeous, smart, kind, funny AND loves fried chicken?! You've talked for the rest of the night, and then it was time to go home. "Wow, this date was amazing! Thank you so much for the wonderful time, it was very romantic.. I just got one more small request, tho.." You told him. "Yeah, sure, what's up?" "Umm, I know this is a bit weird, but I always wanted to ask you.. Can you fly me over the city a bit? I've always wanted to know what it's like seeing the city from a handsome bird's perspective!" "Hell yeah, kid!" After he paid for their meal, you just had to go to the bathroom real quick before you were going to leave for a romantic, night-time flight over the city. While you were in the restroom, somebody he completely forgot about appeared on his screen, calling him.
"Hey, Rin"
"Hello, handsome∼ Were you planning on calling me tonight at all? You know that I've been waiting for your call all day... So, got any frustrations to take out by ruining me? You know that you can just give me a call and I'll-"
He had to stop her before she continued. He had to. 'No more of this bullshit' he thought.
"Listen, I'm not gonna. I'm done, Rin. Done. I can't continue solving my problems with bottles of whiskey you always bring and.. you, in general. I can't. Look, it was nice having you at my beck-and-call and all, and I'm sure you're gonna find another guy to do the same, but I realized that I should probably focus on relationships that can actually go somewhere"
She scoffed offendedly.
"Don't tell me that some slutty secretary has you wrapped around her finger? HA! It's her, isn't it? The one from your hero agency, which you always mention even when you are with me? You think she could satisfy you? Please, Hawks, you're a playboy, you need a real woman and not a girl like that! Plus, you think you'll ever be ready for a "serious" relationship, like she wants?"
The pro-hero always cringed at the term "playboy". It was way too harsh and over-exaggerated. Yeah, maybe he did let himself indulge into way too many relationships and hook-ups, but it's been a rough couple of months. And he would rather feel wanted and loved for a few minutes or days with those girls, than to feel completely alone. A few moments of silence pasted, with Keigo thinking of what to say.
"No, I'm not sure I'm ready, but I want to try anyway."
"Whatever! Call me when you realize I'm all you'll ever need"
Just as she was about to hang up on him, he added:
"Oh, and Rin?"
The dark-haired woman smirked from the other side of the phoneline, certain that she already got him to change his mind.
"Yes, Hawksy?"
What he said left her so stunned, so speechless that she could barely think. Never in her life has she been that insulted.
"She's twice the woman you'll ever be"
And with that, he hung up, and blocked her number. Hawks believed that this moment right here was the exact meaning of the phrase "Good riddance". When you came out of the bathroom, oblivious of this conversation, he respectfully offered to carry you bride-style, as it would be the easiest for him to fly that way, which you of course accepted. You flew across the lights of the city that were slowly fading as it was getting darker. Everything seemed more beautiful from up high to you, you just couldn't believe he could see this view every day. Maybe the view itself wasn't the only thing that got you breathless. Maybe the way his golden eyes glowed even in the night and how his messy dirty-blonde locks moved with the wind also had something to do with the blush that was creeping on your face. Just maybe. To feel even more safe flying up that high (and because you wanted to), you put your arms around the pro hero's neck, holding onto him tighter, never wanting to let go. There was no doubt, you completely fell for the messy-haired winged hero. It first started as a simple crush a few months ago, but now, as you were carried across the sky in his strong arms, you knew you are in love with him. Hawks was feeling the same. Even though none of them spoke a word, everything was understood. Yeah, it's been a tough couple of months for Keigo, but maybe the upcoming months will be better with you around. Unfortunately, the flying tour had to end at some point, so you suggested that he put you down on your balcony. As soon as you were both standing with two feet on the tiles of your balcony, you said: "Thank you for the amazing date, Keigo.. I've had such an amazing time! You know, nobody ever did something as romantic as this for me.. So, really, thank you." He chuckled, not even realizing that his hand was still on your waist. "Heh, no problem, kid. And thank you, too.. For not leaving me hanging for Valentine's.. Oh, I hope I was a good Valentine, I'm not really sure how this whole thing works.. Well, if nobody did anything this kind of romantic for you, they've clearly didn't try hard enough to deserve you, kid." That sentence left you speechless. You couldn't take it anymore. Not while he looks so damn good, not while you've hid your feeling from him for way to long. Without another word, you've pressed a kiss on his lips, which he gladly accepted. Now, both of his large hands were holding your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. You've stood there for some time, under the stars, finally releasing the true feelings you've had for each other. "I was wondering... You don't really have to go now, do you?" You asked, pulling away from the kiss. "No, I really don't. Oh, what's this, are you asking me to come in, baby bird?" Today, Keigo Takami, the second most popular hero in Japan, realized three very important things. First, he realized that the only reason why he never seriously committed to a relationship is because none of the were true, and full of emotion.
Second, he learned that we seem to try harder for the people who we actually care about rather than for those who we don't, And lastly, third, that maybe, just maybe, Valentine's Day isn't so bad, especially when he has a girl as amazing as you to spend it with.
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xwishfulxdesiresx · 5 years
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“I’ve had Ace as a Oc for a while now, but had no idea what to do with the kinky fucker, and Alice is only one year old of a muse. She is very fun and likes to joke around with her partners. Both are just muses that are always down for smut, and really I should have just made a sin blog for them a long time ago rather then just rp them only for my ex at the time.“
0 notes
amiramorozova · 3 years
S&B Master List and Tag List
S&B MasterList and Tag List
Shadow and Bone:
Character reference: Click here
Smut- *
Fluff- +
Dual Summoner and the Darkling
Chp 1, Chp 2 ,Chp 3 ,Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11, Chp 12, Chp 13, Chp 14, Chp 15
Chp 16, Chp 17, Chp 18, Chp 19, Chp 20, Chp 21, Chp 22, Chp 23, Chp 24, Chp 25, Chp 26, Chp 27, Chp 28, Chp 29, Chp 30
 Chp 31, chp 32, Chp 33, Chp 34, Chp 35, Chp 36, Chp 37, chp 38, Chp 39, Chp 40, Chp 41, Chp 42, Chp 43, Chp 44, Chp 45
 Chp 46, Chp 47, Chp 48, Chp 49, Chp 50, Chp 51, Chp 52, Chp 53, Chp 54, Chp 55, Chp 56, Chp 57, Chp 58
Chp 1, chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9. Chp 10, Chp 11, Chp 12, Chp 13, Chp 14, Chp 15  Chp 16, Chp 17, Chp 18, Chp 19(Lemonish)*+ , Chp 20, Chp 21, chp 22*, Chp 23*, Chp 24, Chp 25, Chp 26*, chp 27, Chp 28, Ch 29, Chp 30*, Chp 31,Chp 32
Dual Summoner and The Darkling -Princess version-
Chp 1, Chp 2. Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8 , Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11
Sun, Sea and Shadow
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11
Twisted Twins
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, chp 5, chp 6, chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10
Secret Pen Pal within the little palace
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Ch 8*, Ch 9*, Ch 10, Chp 11*
Tidemaker & Tracker, Dual Summoner & Darkling
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6*, Chp 7, Chp 8
Dual Summoner and the Darkling -another tale-
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4
The Morozova Club 
Prologue, Chp 1, Chp 2
Soulmates? -Werewolf edition- 
Prologue, Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9*, Chp 10*, Chp 11, Chp 12, Chp 13, Chp 14, Chp 15* , Chp 16*
Best Friends to Eternal lovers
Chp 1, chp 2, chp 3, Chp 4*, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9, Chp 10, Chp 11, Chp 12, Chp 13, Chp 14, Chp 15, Chp 16, Chp 17, Chp 18, Chp 19, Chp 20, Chp 21
Dual Summoner and the Darkling -Another tale-
Chp 1, Chp 2, Chp 3, Chp 4, Chp 5*
The Destined ones (Werewolf AU)
Chp 1,  Chp 2, Chp 3
Darkira (Aleksander Morozova x Amira Silina) 
Chp 1, chp 2, chp 3 , Chp 4, Chp 5, Chp 6, Chp 7, Chp 8, Chp 9
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,  @wheresthesunshinesblog.
137 notes · View notes
suguwu · 4 years
part one: sealed
The Commission trains Hawks to assess and adapt at a lightning pace. They train him to take apart villains with stunning precision.
They train you to endure.
But then fire opens up around you, cerulean bright and consuming, and you're not sure you can.
notes: this wouldn’t leave me alone and i have a tendency to give in to my goblin brain. this should be just two parts if i can control myself. i’m slowly catching up to my AO3.
pairing: hawks x reader, slight dabi x reader
rating: explicit
series warnings (will be updated as needed): oof okay. some manga spoilers. implied/referenced child abuse, implied/referenced rape/non-con, implied/referenced torture, canon-typical violence, smut, fluff and angst.
this chapter: brief smut, implied/referenced child abuse, canon-typical violence.
word count: ~4k
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The Commission President is haloed by the mid-morning sun.
The golden light streams through the office window, catches at the edges of her, and you think of how sometimes the deals struck in daylight are the most malicious of them. If you spill secrets like wine in the light, you have swallowed down all of your fear. You know nothing can touch you.
“Do you accept?” she asks.
(Hawks thinks it callous, you know, this charade of choice. You are not deaf to the soft whisper of your shackles tightening around your wrists, but you think it might be worse for him.
You don’t have the promise of the sky, after all.)
“Yes,” you say, and then you wait.
“Can you keep a secret?” she asks, her mouth twisting bitter around the childish phrase. It’s well-hidden, her distaste for it, tucked up high into the corner of her mouth, a lemonish little pucker that sweetens the curve of your own lips with candied delight.
“Yes,” you say, your voice a tolling bell as your Quirk crackles to life. It slips beneath your skin like silk, ripples smoothly over you, and that space inside you unlatches.
The President speaks. You let her words imprint on your bones, let the space inside you close its teeth around them.
Her words taste sharp, all copper tang flooding thick across your tongue. You’ve swallowed down so much blood for the Commission, you think, but it’s never enough.
“You’ll forget,” the President says firmly, once she’s done. “You will know that you have a message to deliver, and you will know it goes to Chiba Sakio in three days.”
The President hands you a photo. He’s younger than you’d expected, chubby-cheeked and smiling, but he has the wary, exhausted eyes of someone who has seen the bitter dregs of the world.  
You hand the photo back to her with a nod.
“Seal,” she says.
“Seal,” you echo.
The President eyes you, her cerulean gaze keen-edged. Your Quirk makes a hollow little noise, the click of a lock under the pressure of a key, and hides her words away.
(Sometimes you wonder what it’s like to not have a space inside of you that exists solely for someone else.)
After, you’re not quite certain how you get to the lobby. The elevators seem the most likely, but if you took them, the memory’s already flickered out.
There’s a syrupy hint to the air despite the aircon, all thick summer fog. It drips over you like molasses, sticky-sweet, and it slows the world around you. Even the echoing rhythm of the office workers’ heels is muffled under the mist of it.
Sunlight glints through the lobby’s glass walls. It’s all rippling light, mesmerizing in its dainty movement. For a moment, you think you hear your name, but it fades under the muted roar of the busy area. The sun shimmers again. You think you might be underwater.
“Yo,” Hawks says, materializing in front of you like a lightning strike. You blink. “I think everyone in this lobby heard me saying your name except for you. C’mon, sparrow, getting ignored bruises me, you know that.”
You blink again. “Hawks?”
Those sun-gold eyes narrow, sharpen into stiletto points.
“I thought they were gonna stop letting you be alone when you’re like this,” Hawks says. His languid, impish smile is serrated at the edges, a hint of bared teeth. “Been a while since they made you forget, but they did a number on you, huh?”
“’m tired,” you tell him, eyes fluttering.
“I know.”
“D’you think I’ll get in trouble if I sleep on the floor?”
“Nah,” Hawks says, raking a hand through his tousled hair with a grin. “Not at all.”
“Okay, shit, no, I was kidding, I was kidding,” he says as you start to sink to the floor. He tugs you back up with a laugh. Some muddied part of you thinks it sounds hollow.
You press forward to tuck your face into the crook of his neck, nuzzling into the fluffy collar of his jacket to breathe in the ozone crackle of him, that kiss of sky that always lingers on him. He leaves a part of himself up there, you think. You nudge closer, hazily seeking the sunbeam heat of him.
His fingers flex against you.
(Sometimes, when Hawks touches you, it feels like a warning.
You’re never sure which of you he means it for.)
“Since the floor’s a no-go zone,” Hawks says, easing you away from him, “I’m gonna get someone to take you home, okay?”
You hum an acknowledgement as he waves a nearby sidekick down. Their conversation doesn’t quite penetrate the fog that’s creeping over you, swirling around you thickly and cloaking all your senses.
You let it swallow you.
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The balcony door clicks open.
Your back is to it, but you don’t bother to move from the couch,  sunk too deeply into the plush cushions to even dream of leaving the cozy clutch of it. You’re sleep-hot and sticky under the wild nest of blankets, your knee pressed into the crease between the cushions, and you already know your sweet comfort won’t last.
The cool air licks over you as a feather drags your blankets off, the soft, silken barbs of it just flickering over your skin. You crack an eye open even though your face is still pressed into the cushions.
“C’mon, sparrow, up and at ‘em,” Hawks says.
He laughs, low and bright. “Cranky, aren’t we.”
“Shut up, Hawks,” you mutter, pressing further into the couch.
“Ah, that won’t do,” Hawks says, half to himself, and then the balcony door shuts.
Something in you clicks open.
There’s a quiet hum of displaced air, a familiar sound. You don’t need to look to know his feathers are zipping through your apartment doing god knows what. Keigo makes sure you can hear him padding towards you, and then your feet are swept up. The couch shifts under you as he settles into place, bringing your feet back down into his lap. His hand is heavy and warm on your calf.
“Did you bring me food?” you ask, half-muffled by the couch.
“Yeah you did.”
“Yeah, I did,” Keigo says. “Can’t get anything past you, huh?”
He sounds unbearably fond, all soft, teasing indulgence. He drags the rough pad of his thumb over the thin skin of your ankle, sweeps a soft circle around the bone. You roll over onto your back so that you can see him.
“Hey,” he says, smiling down at you. Sometimes looking at Keigo is like peering at the sun, beautiful and painful in the same breath. He’s bathed in the afternoon light, all shining, spun-straw hair and molten amber eyes, his jawline sharpened by shadows. His colossal wings arch wine-dark above him, a fresco come to life. His smile is a little lopsided.
He looks tired.
“Hey yourself, Keigo,” you say, and something in him loosens.
(He doesn’t know what you did to earn his name, all those years ago. You hope he never finds out. He’s fragile, sometimes, all tempered glass.
Earning his name scraped you raw, cracked you right to the marrow.
You’d do it again, just to see the way he looks when you’re able to call him Keigo. When you give him a part of himself back.
For him, you’d do it again, and again, and again.)
“Did you have a nice nap?” he asks, grinning. “I would have let you wait until the President let me go, but the daycare was closed for the day. Nowhere to put you.”
“Fuck off,” you say, pushing up to your elbows and trying to kick him.
He holds you in place with easy nonchalance, raising a brow. “What? They have a really good nap area.”
You squint. “I can’t tell if you’re joking.”
“I never joke.”
He rubs his thumb over your ankle bone again, his wings fluttering behind him. “You were pretty bad off.”
“Slept for a few hours,” you say. “Feel fine now. It’d just been a while since they made me forget. I’m surprised it took so long, considering the League.”
Something in Keigo shifts. His lithe fingers are kneading at your calf now, his fingertips digging into your flesh and working away the tension. It lingers on the edge of too much.
Then the grin flashes across his face like lightning, bold and bright, and before you can even start to recoil from that particularly puckish tilt of his lips, he’s already moving.
You screech as he uses his grip on your ankle to drag you close, twisting so he nestles between your legs. He cradles your head as you fall back, your arms giving out, and then he follows you down. His wings unfurl, arcing carmine over the two of you, and your breath catches.
He hovers just over you, his breath playing across your lips. “Hey,” he says, and you’re caught in his sunlight eyes. “I was just thinking, the food’s getting cold. We should eat.”
“You’re a fucking menace, Keigo,” you snap, and this time he lets you kick him, rolling off of you with a laugh.
“So you keep telling me. C’mon, you need to eat.”
And you do, you realize. The type of Quirk overuse the Commission wrangled out of you this morning tires you out in more ways than one, but you tend to forget hunger in your pursuit of sleep.
“Okay,” you say, glancing at him as you push yourself to your feet. He’s got his hands shoved in his pockets, lazily casual, but there’s an unyielding tenderness tucked up in the corner of his mouth like a secret. You swallow. “Is my kitchen overflowing with chicken?”
“Come find out,” he chirps.
“That means yes,” you grumble, but you follow him into the kitchen anyway.
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You twine Keigo’s golden locks through your fingers, let his windswept hair slip like water over your skin. He hums. The sound thrums through you, considering that he’s sprawled on top of you, his head nestled against your sternum. The familiar weight of him makes your throat tight.
“Why are we watching this?” you ask.
“Why are you against fun?” Keigo retorts, not looking away from the romcom currently gracing your TV screen. “And Christmas?” As if on cue, jingle bells start to chime in the movie, a dusting of snow starting to drift around the couple.
(Keigo and Christmas is an odd thing. He loves it all: the sparkling tinsel, the deep burgundy of mulled wine, the crisp winter smell of evergreen needles, the luminous kiss of fairy lights cutting through the dark.
He loves it with all the passion of someone who wants so desperately to understand.)
“Are you calling me a grinch?”
“You said it, not me.”
You push at him, pouting. “Watch your stupid movie.”
He shifts enough to look at you, propping his chin up against you. His scruff rasps through your thin shirt. It’s quiet, but he hears your sharp inhale anyway, and a smile curves around his lips. “Eh,” he says. “I’d rather watch you.”
He presses a warm, tender kiss between your breasts.
You run your fingers through his hair, let it pool like water in your palm. When you cup his cheek, he turns into your touch.
“Are you going to tell me?” you ask softly.
He hums. “Tell you what?”
“Whatever the Commission assigned you after Kamino,” you say carefully, “it’s under your skin. Do you want to tell me about it?
Keigo considers you. His gaze is amber resin, dark and encompassing.
“Nah,” he says. “Not yet.”
“Okay,” you say.
He presses another kiss on your sternum. It’s a fluttering little thing, a soft touch of his lips that’s scalding even through your shirt.
“Keigo,” you say.
He pushes himself up and hovers over you, his knees bracketing your hips. His wings spread wide, an unfurling sky of a world for just the two of you.
You pull him down to you and drink from his lips. He laughs against your mouth, low and soft, but then he’s consuming you. Keigo kisses you like a drowning man. His hand threads under your head, his fingers tightening at your nape.
It’s always so heady, kissing him. He teases at your tongue, nibbles at your lower lip, and you sigh into him. He licks into your mouth and you can taste his smile.
Keigo groans when you sink your fingers into his hair and tug lightly. He pulls back from you and his lips are red and wet, and the sight of it sends a shiver trickling down your spine.
“Fuck,” he says. “Look at you.”
“So you want me to get up and go find a mirror instead of staying here?” you tease.
His eyes darken to sunset gold. “The only way you’re getting off this couch is if I decide I want to fuck you on the table instead.”
He swoops down again, wings rustling, the very edge of one trailing down your calf. It traces soft against your skin. You wonder what it feels like to him, if each drag against you is like pressing his fingertips into your skin.
And then you don’t wonder anymore, because Keigo steals away your breath with his tongue. This kiss is leisurely. It’s honeyed in more ways than one, a slow drip of sensual touch, and in it, you have all the time in the world with him. He scrapes his teeth against your lower lip and you whine. He laughs, but there’s a hunger to it. You shift just enough to hook your leg around his waist as you break for air.  
Keigo wastes no time, laying a biting kiss against the column of your throat. He sucks a series of wet kisses down your neck. He tugs the collar of your loose sleep shirt out of his way, and then he stills.
He reaches out and rubs a thumb over the scar above your collarbone. Your breath catches.
It’s the first scar he ever gave you. So young, still fine-tuning his control, he’d hit you with a misaimed feather, an arrow of a thing, the whetted edge ripping through your skin and sinew and muscle. Bone had glinted porcelain at the bottom of the canyon in your flesh. You’d bled, and bled, and bled. The crimson sheen of the gore that puddled around you matched his feathers.
(He cried.
You didn’t.)
Keigo almost never touches it.
Before you can even part your lips to ask, he’s back on you, slipping a hand up your shirt to knead at your breast. He swallows your moan and presses his way between your legs. He’s half-hard, the outline already prominent in his sweats, and you roll against him. He sucks in a sharp breath.
Something in Keigo breaks under that small enticement. He rises above you, his windswept hair ever wilder, his golden eyes darkened, and you feel like a sacrifice at his altar. He kisses you breathless as he opens you on one, two, three fingers, until you’re almost crying with it, pleasure burning white hot down your spine.
When he pushes inside of you, cock dragging thick and hot in your cunt, he drips sweet, tender praise against your lips. Keigo takes you apart with slow rolls of his hips, and when you cum, you’re so loud that you have to call him Hawks.
You ride the keen edge of overstimulation as he chases his own end. You try to coax him up to kiss you, but he doesn’t let you. Instead, he tucks his face into the crook of your neck, his damp hair whispering against you.
Keigo cums with his lips pressed against your scar.
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The vibration of the phone against your nightstand is louder than it has a right to be. From the watery light seeping in from beneath your curtains, it’s still early. You groan against Keigo’s shoulder, pressing your face further into his warm skin. A feather whips by with his phone.
“Yeah, what is it?” he asks.
You close your eyes again and try to settle back into sleep. Hawks squeezes at your hip when you push closer, the familiar weight of his hand comforting. You drowse as he talks, keeping his voice pitched low to try and minimize disturbing you.
Hawks shifts you off of him with a gentle nudge as he says goodbye to the person on the other end. The bed shifts as he gets up, and the shower turns on soon after. You stay tucked in bed and wait until you hear the shower turn off.
When he pads back in, you crack an eye open and prop yourself up.
He shoots you a grin as he towels his hair dry, his skin still damp and gleaming. He gets dressed as you watch, taking in his lean, muscled form.
“Like what you see?”
“Haven’t decided yet,” you say.
“It’s too early for you to bruise my ego like this, sparrow.”
“It’s too early in general,” you say, stretching out on your sheets. It’s the closest you’ll come to a complaint.
Keigo hums, tossing his sweats into the hamper.
You lay back again, letting him finish getting ready in peace.
“I won’t be back for a while,” he says, the bed dipping beneath his weight as he sits down beside you.
“Okay,” you say.
He gazes down at you for a moment. He’s unreadable, as distant as a marble statue, his features perfectly expressive but with nothing behind them.
He brushes a thumb over the apple of your cheek. The softness that melts across him makes you ache. “It’s always you, you know," he says. "It'll always be you.”
(Once, you ask Keigo if he thinks the two of you can feel love like other people.
He goes still, wings unfurled, the morning sun streaming through them like stained glass. He asks why you would ask such a thing.
You tell him that no one else seems to talk about love as prickly, but that’s how it feels to you. Like a cactus scraping against your soft flesh, but with something tender underneath the spines. If you hurt yourself enough, you might get to the softness. He shrugs, says there are plenty of people out there who think love has thorns, that he's gotta make you watch more romcoms.
Keigo doesn’t answer the question, though, and you never ask again.)
You swallow. “Yeah,” you say quietly. “I know.”
You meet him halfway when he leans down to kiss you. When your bedroom door clicks shut behind him, you roll back over and go back to a fitful sleep.
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“Morita,” you say, sipping at your milk tea, “I didn’t know you were a heathen.”
She scoffs, raising a pink brow. “Just because you don’t like my boba topping doesn’t mean I’m a heathen.”
“I dunno, Morita, it’s a pretty bad one,” Imai says. He’s got his hands shoved in his pocket, his face turned up to the sun. He’s tinting into a deeper green than usual as he soaks up the rays, the leaves that make up his hair rustling in the slight breeze.
Morita snorts. “The day I trust your taste is the day the world ends, Imai.”
He grabs at his chest, eyes fluttering. “You wound me.”
“Shut up,” she says, absently twisting her long pink hair around a finger. “You like it.”
“Ew,” you say. “Too much information.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, am I being a heathen again?”
“Yes,” you say. “I’m glad you understand.”
The three of you turn down one of the wider alleys that connect the neighborhood’s winding roads. Imai has corralled the two of you into trying a new yakitori place, using the fact that he and Morita almost never have the same day off because of their patrol schedules as leverage. It’s in a quieter neighborhood. You have a feeling Morita and her loud mouth will attract a certain amount of attention.
“This place had better be good, Imai,” Morita says. “The only thing worse than no yakitori is bad yakitori.”
“Oh ye of little faith,” Imai says. “If it’s good, you’re buying.”
“Oh, I like that idea,” you chirp.
“What? No!” Morita scowls, her delicate features going thunderous.
“C’mon, Mori,” you say. “I’ve got to go to that meeting tomorrow and the food’s going to be terrible, I know it.”
“What does that have to do with me buying you food now?”
“Nothing really,” you say, sipping at your drink again. “I just thought it might sound convincing.”
Imai snorts, leading the two of you around a hairpin turn. “You’re both idiots.”
“You failed three of the classes that you and I shared in high school,” Morita points out.
He flaps his hands at her, his cheeks darkening to a mossy green. “Beside the point!”
You laugh, the sound spilling from you like wine.
“See, I told you they missed us,” Imai tells Morita.
“Only a bit,” you say. “Mostly when I had to pay for my own food.”
“Oh, now you’re paying for both of us,” Morita says. “Atone for your sins.”
“Ugh, fine.” You move your bag to your front, rummaging around in it to make sure you have the card you’d want to use to pay.
Morita’s hand halts you with a rough push.
“Rude,” you start to say, but then she shoves you back, shifting so that you’re obscured behind her broad form. You go still.
“Ah, ah, so pretty, just like blood! Let’s be friends, alright?”
When you peek around Morita, there’s a young blonde girl smack in the middle of the alley. The knife she’s twirling gleams in the sun, flickers quicksilver bright. Toga Himiko waves at you. Without thinking, you raise your hand and wave back.
Imai pushes you back, his fingers already starting to bloom. You stare at the gossamer petals, thin little things, each of them practically see-through. They’re blood red. “Run,” Imai says tightly.
“Yeah,” you say, breath half-caught in your throat.
Morita reaches back and drags a finger across your hand. Her touch leaves a swath of numb skin in its wake, the soft burn of her Quirk activating. It soaks into you, thrums across your nerves, and you take off.
You flick up that odd sense of calm the Commission instilled in you years ago, let it settle over you like a well-worn cloak. It’s easy enough to retrace your steps through the alleys, your feet pounding against the asphalt, eager to put distance between you and those you’ve left behind. The less the Pros have to worry about you, the better.
You’re almost back to the street when a torrential burst of blue flame pours across the mouth of the alley. It glows bright, an intense cerulean, and you think distantly of bio-luminescent jellyfish, pulsing radiant beneath the surface of the water. Beautiful, but with a nasty sting.
The fever of the flames sears across you, pulls the air out of your chest. You skid to a stop just short of the roaring blaze. The scorch of it heats your face, aches as it whips against you. The flames start to die down, but you think of forest fires and the blackened earth they leave behind, still smoldering.
The man who steps out into your path is all patchwork skin and glowing turquoise eyes. He shoves his hands in his pockets, smoke still wisping off of him like mist, and the grin he flashes is ghastly, a ghost of a thing.
“Where are you off to in such a rush, huh?”
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asrasotherbottom · 5 years
Asrasotherbottom Masterpost
CURRENT AS OF 7/20/2020
Fat!MC Masterlist (ALL Fat!MC stuff is there, and won’t be on this list) 
Fics:  Asra x Public Flirting MC (Lemon) Asra x MC “We’re not Calling It That” (Lemonish?) Asra x MC “You’re doing so good my love” (Lemon) Asra x MC Reassuring Him They Love Him  Asra x MC Who has PTSD From the Devil Fight Asra Gets a Rimjob (Lemon) Asra x Being Flirted with in Public Until he Cant Take It Anymore (Lemon) Asra x MC Wedding Antics (Lemon) Asra x Muriel x MC Gentle dom!Asra (Lemon) Julian x MC Piss Kink (Lemon) Julian x Getting off on MC’s Pillow (Lemon) Julian x NB!MC Somnophillia (Lemon) Julian x Cumming Fast + Fuck Refractory Periods (Lemon) Julian x MC “Captains Quarters” (Lemon) Julian x Defending MC from Their Shitty Mother Julian x MC experiencing Dom Drop (lemon) Bird!Julian Painfully Transforming (Angsty) Muriel x MC “Scars” Muriel x Comforting MC After a Panic Attack (Lemon) Muriel x Trans!Man MC (Lemon) Muriel x MC Tutor/Tutee Modern AU (Lemon) Trans!Portia x Getting her Body Loved on (Lemonish) Portia x Baking with MC Lucio x Being Called Daddy (Lemon) Lucio x Laying in Bed Tracing MC’s Stretch Marks (Lemonish) Lucio x Feedism (Lemon) Lucio x Making him Cream His pants by touching Over clothes/nipples (Lemon) Lucio x Calling him Daddy (Lemon) Lucio x Overstimulation with a Vibrator (Lemon) Asrian “Are you going to look into my pretty eyes?” (Lemon)
Headcanons- Familiars: Main 6 w/ Fat Black Cat Familiar Main 6 w/ Giant Tortoise Familiar Asra and Muriel w/ Snail Familiar Main 6 w/ Black Bear Familiar Main 6 w/ Pack of Lionesses Familiars Main 6 w/ Business of Ferrets Main 6 w/ Kraken Familiar Main 6 w/ Guinea Pig Familiars Main 6  w/ Hedgehog Familiar Main 6 w/ Protective Silverback Gorilla Familiar Main 6 w/ Scorpion Familiar Main 6 w/ 30ft Reticulated Python Familiar Main 6 w/ Little White Rabbit Familiar
Headcanons Main 6/Multiple:  Main 6 w/ Clinically Depressed/Anxious MC Main 6 w/ Submissive Hypersexual MC (Lemon) Main 6 x Sex Shy MC Main 6 x Complicated/Stubborn MC Main 6 x Crying MC Main 6 x Big MC Big Tits Main 6 x Sodastream Asra,Julian, Muriel, Lucio x Sounding (Lemon) Main 6 x MC with Insomnia Main 6 x MC Brought Home A Dragon Egg Asra, Julian, Nadia, Lucio x MC Squirting For the First Time (Lemon) Main 6 x Protecting MC From a Creep Hitting on Her Main 6 x Small MC Big Tits  Main 6 x Very Masochist MC (Lemon) Main 6 x MC Who is Arrested and Sentenced to Burn as a Witch Asra, Nadia, Julian x Sub MC Who needs lots of Aftercare Main 6 x Accidentally Walking in on MC Changing Main 6 x Dermatillomania MC  Main 6 x Acne Scarred MC Main 6 x The Gang Goes To The Beach Main 6 x Hella Sexual Tension Main 6 x Shy/Insecure MC Main 6 x Ace + Sex Repulsed MC Main 6 x Very Hairy MC Lucio, Muriel, Julian, Asra, Valerius x Sleepover Main 6 x Giggly Apprentice Main 6 x MC Who was in a Car Accident  Asra, Nadia, Julian, Valdemar x Showering with MC Asra, Julian, Muriel x Honeymoon Main 6 x First Time Anal (Lemon) Main 6 x Proposing at the same time that MC does Asra, Julian, Muriel x MC Getting Hurt in a Fight Main 6 x Proposing with something other than a Ring Who fucks a pumpkin? (Meta???) Main 6  x Adhd MC Main 6 x Seasick MC Asra, Nadia, Julian, Valerius x Masochist MC Who Needs Cuddles (lemon) Main 6 x MC Who Cant Sleep Alone Main 6 as Flowers Main 6 Bailing MC Out of Jail Main 6 x Powerful Fae MC Main 6 x MC who Covers their Mouth To Laugh Main 6 x MC’s Tentacle Genitalia Changing Texture (Lemon) Main 6 x MC Who Easily Slips Into Sub Space Main 6 x Sticky Fingered Fae MC Main 6 + Courtiers x Wanting 5 More Minutes of Sleep  Main 6 x Periodically Nonverbal MC Main 6 x First time 69 w/ AFAB MC Muriel, Portia, Lucio, Valerius x Masochist MC Who Gets Deep In Sub Space Main 6 x Pillow Fight Main 6 x MC Who Sews/Knits Main 6 vs Dancing Main 6 vs Gift Wrapping Main 6 x MC with Seasonal Depression Asra, Nadia, Portia x Accidentally Horny Hair Pulling Main 6 x MC Shaving Their Head Main 6 Hearing MC Sing “Cuz I Love You” By Lizzo Main 6 x Long Nails MC Main 6 x MC Taking a Stupid Risk To Protect Them Actor AU? (Meta?) Main 6 x Super Ticklish MC Main 6 x Pierced MC (Nipple/Tongue) (Lemon) Main 6 x Genital Piercing Moral Support (lemon?) Main 6 + Valerius x Sub!MC (Lemon) What Piercings Would the Main 6 Have?  The Courtiers x Super Ticklish MC Main 6 x Scented Body Oil (Lemon) Main 6 x Shy Singer MC Devorak Family Passover Main 5′s Favorite Thing About Portia Main 6 (Bonus!Familiars) x Handmade Chocolate Gift Main 6 as University Professors Main 6 Recieving Sexy Lingere from MC Main 6 x MC Starting Testosterone Asra, Julian, Lucio x “Just Average” Singer MC Main 6 Valentines Day Plans The Courtiers x No-Magic MC As Their Apprentice
Fat!LI Headcanons: Chubby!Asra HC’s Fat!Feedee!Julian Body Worship (Fic, Lemon) Fat!Lucio HCs Fat!Lucio and Fat!Julian NSFW HC’s (Lemon) Fat!Lucio being a Feedee (Lemon) Chubby!Lucio being a Feeder (Lemon) Chubby!Muriel (Fic) (Lemonish) Chubby!Muriel (Fic) Part 2 Soft Feedism Chubby Muriel (Fic)  Fat!Muriel HCs  Fat!Muriel “Not Too Big To Ride” (Fic, Lemon)
Headcanons Assorted: Asra x Aphrodesiac Incense (Lemon) Asra x Neopronouns  Asra Cursed HC (Lemon) Asra x Self Conscious Big Breasted MC (Lemon) Asra x MC Telling Asra to Talk To Julian and Resolve Their Issues Asra x Falling out of Bed During Sex Asra x Mischievous Familiar Asra x Dizzy/Nauseous MC who Passes Out Often Asra x Cumslut MC (Lemon) Asra x Comforting Hallucinating MC Asra working through Trauma with MC (Meta) Asra and MC sharing a bed (Meta) Asra Cumstuffing MC (Lemon) MC Carrying Asra
Nadia and Lucio x Royally Clueless MC Nadia x Asra x MC Threesome (Lemon) Nadia x Clingy MC Nadia x Mutual Gaining (Lemon) Nadia and Lucio x Uncomfortable-With-Fanciness MC
Julian x Loving but Firm Dom NB MC (Lemon) Reversed!Julian x Cloaca NSFW HCs (Lemon) Reversed!Julian NSFW HCs (Lemon) Julian x Aftercare (Lemon) Trans!Julian HCs (Lemon) Julian x Drinking Averse MC  Julian x NB MC With Stretchmarks Julian x Falling out of bed during Sex Julian being Sick and MC taking care of Him Trans!Julian x Dom GN MC (Lemon) Julian x Panic Attack MC Julian x Cumslut MC (Lemon) Julian being Stern (Meta) Julian x Feedee MC (Lemon) Bird!Julian In Heat (Lemon) Bird!Julian Nesting HC’s SFW Feedee!Julian x Feeder MC (Lemon) Julian x Scent/Musk Kink (Lemon) Julian and Lucio Losing No Nut November (Lemon) Julian x Anxious MC Stuck in an Elevator Julian x MC Weird Sleeping Habits
Trans!Muriel HC’s (Lemonish) Muriel x MC Caught in a Forest Trap Muriel x Falling out of Bed During Sex Muriel x Tiny Fluffy MC Muriel x Panic Attack MC Muriel x MC recovering from an ED Muriel on his Wedding Day  Muriel Modern AU Date Ideas Muriel Losing No Nut November Muriel x Taller-Than-Him MC Muriel x MC Mutual Gentle Teasing Love Language (Meta) Muriel Is Not A Utilitarian Masturbator
Portia x Asra x MC  Polyam HC’s Portia and Julian x Land Lover MC Portia Feedism HCs (Lemon) Portia x Genital Piercing HC’s (lemon) Portia x Muriel x MC Mushroom Hunting HC’s Portia x MC Cat Cafe Date Tea Party At Portia’s Portia: Bar Fight Edition Portia teaching MC Nevivionic(?) Mother tongue(?) Portia Pegging MC (Lemon) Portia x Blind MC Pirate Queen!Portia x  Merfolk!MC Portia x Wedding HC’s Portia x Bad But Enthusiastic Gardener MC Pirate Queen!Portia HC’s Portia x Adventurous Eater MC Portia x Afraid of the Dark MC
Lucio x Not Into Fancy Stuff MC Lucio x Young MC Feels Washed Up Lucio x Sweet and Spicy Teaching MC How to Swordfight (Lemonish) Lucio x Mommy Kink (Lemon) Taking Care of Plague Lucio (Angst) Lucio x Musically Inclined MC MC Teaching Lucio Magic Effectively
Valerius x MC Married to Him Pre-Plague  Valerius Soft Smutty HCs (Lemon) Dom Valerius HC’s (Lemon) Vlastomil x MC Whos insecure about Her Body Nasty Vlasty x MC (Lemon) Vulgora HC’s 
Morga NSFW HC’s (Lemon) Morga x Clumsy MC
Playlists Lucio Playlist Asra Playlist Julian Playlist Muriel Playlist
Kinktober NSFW Alphabet
31 Days of Winter Fluff Masterpost
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Hey Mikey!
Because we all need some cute Mikey love to start us all off right even though it starts out a bit sad and plus this song has been on replay in my head for weeks and  - it’s a cute concept so hope you all enjoy 
@bloody-dark-shells03​ @lonelyheart-clubband​ @betelgeusessonajblog​ @fyreball66​ @the-lost-black-cat1​ and all my Mikey babes
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He was having a shitty day and that was dragging everyone down especially when Mikey was so cheerful all the time seeing the energetic turtle so down had her pouting when she arrived and he was just sitting in the living room silently watching a telemundo station with a drama muted lost in a distant place nobody seemed to be able to reach
He obviously wasn’t paying attention to anything going on there or around him considering he hadn’t touched the pizza his brothers had placed on the table in front of him
She moved closer her fingers trailing over his shell and neck as she leaned on the back of the couch kissing his shoulder making the turtle jump his baby blues looking dull from his mood as he tried to give her a small smirk but his attention didn’t stay on her for long nor did he seem to care she was there
Usually she didn’t even get in the front entrance before Michelangelo tackled her with affection or saw him not smiling
This wasn’t her happy Mikey
Unable to accept that she walked over plopping in his lap nuzzling up to him before realizing he wasn’t even trying to hold her and that was just unacceptable – a girl looking for attention and the turtle of her dreams unwilling to give it
She pulled out her phone sighing as she got up
He had brought this on himself pulling up a video she had made while being stupid at April’s plugging it into Donatello’s front bank of computers walking back to him as the music started pulling off her jacket so she was now standing in front of him in her short skirt and orange tube top both hugging her body tight seeing his attention suddenly snapping to her “I don’t stop until I see a real smile so-”
‘Hey Mickey’ started blaring but no lyrics came out and instead she started dancing around for him “Hey Mikey!” his mouth dropped as she started acting like a goof trying to pull him out of his funk seeing the music was drawing attention and immediately she was moving seeing him follow “Now when you take me by the ‘who’ ever gonna know every time you move I let a little more show” she kept going seeing the child like excitement in those baby blues she loved every time her body rolled giving him a small flash under her skirt when she bent over the turtle getting over the couch finding his girl instantly against him pecking his cheek, her smaller body rubbing against his “So come on and give it to me any way you can, any way you want to do it I’ll take like a man”
His brothers laughed at her seeing her making a fool out of herself but it was cute the way she made such a ridiculous song seem fun
And it was working
Mikey was grinning like a fool on the inside not even thinking on the last few days that had bummed him out, his mind far from that when he was looking at his sexy little baby girl swaying her body just for him
It took a turn as she started being seductive her moves slower taking his hands running them down her body pulling him forward getting him to dance with her seeing him smirking a little wider as she kissed him sweetly her mouth meeting his in a way that had him suddenly needy looking so in love just seeing his girl smiling up at him as he grabbed her ass loving just how damn good she looked in his color “Hey Mikey your so fine your so fine you blow my mind”
Oh he nearly lost his mind as she dropped in front of him her hands tracing his chest plate giving him that look from where she was and that bottom lip caught between her teeth
That was all it took
Michelangelo’s real smile was shining down on the woman who immediately came up as he pulled her close nuzzling her in his thanks
Oh he was smiling now grabbing her up without another word taking this to his room away from prying eyes to continue the show where he could get her in his bed to show his thanks going to give her a show all of his own in hopes of hearing her screaming his name in a better way
34 notes · View notes
crapitskizaru · 6 years
Masterlist ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Eustass Kid
[Lemon| Scenario] Mob Boss (part I), (part II)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Threesome with Law, and fem!partner)
[Lemon| Scenario] (He gets pegged for the first time)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Rockstar!Fem!Partner, Mechanic!Kid)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Walking in on his fem!partner masturbating)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Showing his chunky partner how beautiful she is)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Hearing his girlfriend masturbating at night)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Virgin!Partner)
[Lemon| Scenario] (Spooky NSFW)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Killer x Fem!Reader x Kiddo)
[ANGST | Scenario] Hanahaki Disease (part I), (part II) 
[ANGST | Scenario] (Depressed partner)
[ANGST | Scenario] (yandere!Kiddo)
[ANGST | Scenario] (NB!Reader who regrets not killing themselves in the past)
[Angst-ish | Scenario] (Anxious!Kiddo part I) (part II)
[Scenario] (Fluffy love-confessing)
[Scenario] (100 kisses from his crush)
[Scenario] (Pirate sugar daddy)
[Scenario] (Ridiculously lucky girlfriend)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (Genderneutral!Chunky!Lover)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (Dirty Talking)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (Genderbent Kiddo) (Part II - on period)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (Praise the Fluffball)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (With tsundere! male partner)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (“My face is your throne, why don’t you sit down?”)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] His chunky princess (Plus size fem!lover)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (General, dirty headcanons)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (Even more filth)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (How he masturbates)
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (Dick HC) 
[Lemonish | Headcanons] (dom!partner)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Partner who starts to cry during orgasm)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Finding out his partner’s a virgin)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Partner wearing sexy christmas outfit in bed)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (When he’s sad/his partner’s sad)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Lover framed and killed by the Navy)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Lover being a drug addict)
[Headcanons] (Tumblr Account Template)
[Headcanons] (Reaction to lover being sick)
[Headcanons] (Kitten rush)
[Headcanons] (Sniff me, Daddy)
[Headcanons] (How he smells)
[Headcanons] (How to make him blush)
[Headcanons] (Famous movie quotes)
[Headcanons] (Tinder Profile Template) 
[Headcanons] (Indulging in marijuana)
[Headcanons] (Crush being a groupie)
[Headcanons] (Ideal partner)
[Headcanons] (How he acts when his partner has hemophilia)
[Headcanons] Slay the Villain (Video Game Edition)
[Headcanons] (Going trick-or-treating)
[Headcanons] (Kissing HC)
[Headcanons] (injured martial artist partner)
[Headcanons] (Halloween HC)
[Headcanons] (Spoopy HC)
[Headcanons] (Partner who clings into him in their sleep)
[Headcanons] (What a Spooning Machine he is)
[Headcanons] (Partner going to have breast reduction surgery)
[Headcanons] (Partner with whom both Law and Kid would fall in love)
[Headcanons] (Confessing love)
[Headcanons] (Calming his partner down from a post-surgery panic attack)
[Headcanons] (Partner comes out of their room in just an oversized tshirt)
[Headcanons] (Reaction to the Tiddy Bear Infomercial)
[Headcanons] (When someone asks him out)
[Headcanons] (Walking in on his partner’s private dance party)
[Headcanons] (Dorky side of Kiddo!)
[Headcanons] (Before and after “he was revealed to be a dumbass”)
[Headcanons] (Partner accidentally hitting his privates i love this)
[Headcanons] (Sharing birthday with his partner)
[Headcanons] (When his partner is scared of pregnancy/children)
[Headcanons] (With a rebellious daughter)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s a huge fan of them)
[Headcanons] (He Protecc)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s not that intelligent compared to others)
[Headcanons] (Essay on why he’s the best captain out there)
[Headcanons] (Partner who has chubby cheeks)
[ Lemon | GIF SET] (This post is gone, along with Tumblr’s sanity)
[GIF SET] (Fluffy cuddling)
Trafalgar Law
[Lemon | Scenario] (Threesome with Kid and fem!partner)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Getting his first blowjob)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Crush confessing her love in a song)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Girlfriend with a sub/praise kink)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Shamblesing his male partner to himself)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Mob Boss!Traffy, inspired by Pablo Escobar)
[Lemon | Scenario] (with a Virgin!Partner)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Horny!Fem!Partner)
[ANGST | Scenario] Hanahaki Disease (part I), (part II)
[Scenario] (Clumsy!Law x His Crush!Kiddo)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dirty Talking)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Watching his partner masturbate)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Partner who starts to cry during orgasm)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Lover being a drug addict)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Lover framed and killed by the Navy)
[Headcanons] (Having a crush who reminds him of Rosinante)
[Headcanons] (Tinder Profile Template)
[Headcanons] (How he behaves during Halloween’s trick-or-treat)
[Headcanons] (Going trick-or-treating)
[Headcanons] (Spoopy HC)
[Headcanons] (Tumblr Account Template)
[Headcanons] (Kitten Rush)
[Headcanons] LawLu pairing: (5 methods of Luffy-seducing)
[Headcanons] (Famous movie quotes) 
[Headcanons] (Crush being a groupie)
[Headcanons] (Cheering up his partner)
[Headcanons] (How he acts when his partner has hemophilia)
[Headcanons] (How he acts with an asthmatic s/o)
[Headcanons] (Claustrophobic partner)
[Headcanons] (injured martial artist partner)
[Headcanons] (Halloween HC)
[Headcanons] (What a Spooning Machine he is)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s going through therapy to walk again)
[Headcanons] (Partner with whom both Law and Kid would fall in love)
[Headcanons] (Confessing love)
[Headcanons] (Calming his partner down from a post-surgery panic attack)
[Headcanons] (Lover jumps out of a surprise box ha)
[Headcanons] (Partner has to move out of the country)
[Headcanons] (Partner comes out of their room in just an oversized tshirt)
[Headcanons] (Reaction to the Tiddy Bear Infomercial)
[Headcanons] (How we acts during and after pregnancy of his lover)
[Headcanons] (With an oblivious partner)
[Headcanons] (Partner accidentally hitting his privates)
[Headcanons] (Being a parental figure)
[Headcanons] (With a rebellious daughter)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s a huge fan of them)
[Headcanons] (He Protecc as well)
[Headcanons] (Partner who has chubby cheeks)
[ Lemon | GIF SET] (This post is also gone, fuck this site :)
[GIF SET] (Fluffy cuddling) 
[ANGST | Scenario] (He gets Hanahaki Disease) 
[Fluff | Scenario] (Giving him hints for a hug lmao)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (General Relationship HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dick HC XD)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (General relationship HC with a curvy girlfriend)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (“My face is your throne, why don’t you sit down?”)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (on his honeymoon)
[Headcanons] (Kissing HC)
[Headcanons] (His ideal partner)
[Headcanons] (How he smells)
[Headcanons] (How he acts during the pregnancy of his partner)
[Headcanons] (s/o having a part of their stomach)
[Headcanons] (S/o with social anxiety)
[Headcanons] (His partner’s surprises him with wearing only a ribbon in bed lol)
[Headcanons] (Partner has to move out of the country)
[Headcanons] (With an asexual partner)
[Headcanons] (With an oblivious partner)
[Headcanons] (Relationship with a demisexual partner)
[Headcanons] (When his partner can’t handle cigar smoke)
[Headcanons] (Homesick!Partner)
[Headcanons] (He Protecc as well)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s not that intelligent compared to others)
Mochi Mochi 
[ Lemon | Scenario] (Fem!s/o makes serum for turning people into giants) (Part II)
[ Lemon | Scenario] (Partner moans out his name in their sleep)
[ Lemon | Scenario/Headcanons] (Performing oral on his partner)
[Scenario] (Wife explaining she wants to get remarried)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (General HC with virgin partner)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dick HC XD)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Honeymoon HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Watching his partner masturbate)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dirty Talking)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Wet/dirty dreams HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Girlfriend with impregnation kink)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Shy!Partner being a turn-on)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dom!Mochi)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Partner who starts to cry during orgasm)
[Headcanons] (KataLu Pairing: Seducing Luffy)
[Headcanons] (Modern AU!)
[Headcanons] (How he acts during the pregnancy of his partner)
[Headcanons] (Lover goes on a hunger strike until they can eat with him)
[Headcanons] (Sweet Commanders with a depressed partner)
[Headcanons] (Calming his partner down from a post-surgery panic attack)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s a huge fan of them)
[Headcanons] (Under the mistletoe)
[Headcanons] (with a partner who’s afraid he’ll hurt them)
X Drake the Dino
[ANGST | Scenario] (NB!Reader who regrets not killing themselves in the past)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dirty Talking)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Honeymoon HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Having sex for the first time)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Taking his partner’s virginity)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dick HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (dom!partner)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates thinking of his lover)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Drake X Hawkins)
[Headcanons] (Reaction to being cheated on by his partner)
[Headcanons] (Sniff me, Daddy) 
[Headcanons] Modern AU!Trash (part I), (part II)
[Headcanons] (How he behaves during Halloween’s trick-or-treat)
[Headcanons] (Going trick-or-treating)
[Headcanons] Slay the Villain: (Video Game Edition)
[Headcanons] (Seeing his partner wearing his clothes)
[Headcanons] (Kissing HC) 
[Headcanons] (What a Spooning Machine he is)
[Headcanons] (Partner accidentally hitting his privates)
[Headcanons] (How my lil dino sings)
[Headcanons] (Being a dad)
[Headcanons] (His partner’s habits that fluster him)
Monkey D. Fluffy
[Headcanons] LawLu Pairing: (Getting seduced by Law)
[Headcanons] (Tumblr Account Template)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s a huge fan of them)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Lover being a drug addict)
Jewelry Bonney
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Having sex for the first time)
[Headcanons] (How she behaves during Halloween’s trick-or-treat)
[Headcanons] (Going trick-or-treating)
[ Lemon | Scenario] (Ace x Fem!Reader x Sabo) (Fluff-part II)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Having sex for the first time)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Taking his partner’s virginity)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Wet/dirty dreams HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dirty talking HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (dom!partner)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (on his honeymoon)
[Headcanons] (Halloween HC)
[Headcanons] (How he helps his partner during their period)
[Headcanons] (How he acts during the pregnancy of his partner)
[Headcanons] (Partner has to move out of the country)
[ Lemon | Scenario] (Halloween-themed)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Killer x Fem!Reader x Kiddo)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dick HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dirty Talking)
[Headcanons] (How he behaves during Halloween’s trick-or-treat)
[Headcanons] (Going trick-or-treating)
[Headcanons] (Tinder Account Template)
[Headcanons] (Partner who clings into him in their sleep)
[Headcanons] (Partner going to have breast reduction surgery)
Roronoa Zoro
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Dirty Talking)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Partner who starts to cry during orgasm)
[Headcanons] (Cheering up his partner) 
[Headcanons] (injured martial artist partner)
[Headcanons] (Confessing love)
[Headcanons] (With an oblivious partner)
[Headcanons] (Shy partner who knows how to protect themselves)
[Halloween Headcanons] (Trick or treating with his girlfriend)
[Scenario] (with a Femme Fatale!Partner)
[Headcanons] (Tinder Profile Template)
[Headcanons] (Tumblr Account Template)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s a huge fan of them)
[Headcanons] (Shy partner who knows how to protect themselves)
[Headcanons] (He Protecc)
[Headcanons] (With a younger partner, ~19yo)
[Headcanons] (Partner who has chubby cheeks)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Watching his partner masturbate)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Sugar Daddy HC)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (“My face is your throne, why don’t you sit down?”)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Lover framed and killed by the Navy) 
[Lemon | Scenario] (Drunk!Shanky with a Male!Partner)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Sugar Daddy HC)
[Headcannons] (young Shanks with s/o who was in Roger’s crew)
[Headcanons] (Partner with hemophilia)
[Headcanons] (He Protecc)
[Headcanons] (With a younger partner, ~19yo)
[Headcanons] (Partner comes out of their room in just an oversized tshirt)
[Headcanons] (Shy partner who knows how to protect themselves)
Dracule Mihawk
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Sugar Daddy HC) 
[Headcanons] (Partner with hemophilia)
[Headcanons] (Shy partner who knows how to protect themselves)
Marco the Phoenix
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (General HC with virgin partner)
[ANGST | Scenario] Hanaki Disease (part I), (part II)
[ANGST | Scenario] (Comforting him after the Paramount War)
[Headcannons] (How he acts with an asthmatic s/o)
[Headcannons] (Halloween HC)
[Headcannons] (Partner going to have breast reduction surgery)
[Headcanons] (Calming his partner down from a post-surgery panic attack)
[Headcanons] (Reaction to being called “Song Bird” by his partner)
[Headcanons] (Partner accidentally hitting his privates)
[Headcanons] (When his partner is scared of pregnancy/children)
[Headcanons] (He Protecc as well)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s not that intelligent compared to others)
[ Lemon | GIF SET] (Gone as well, fuck this site again)
Portgas D. Ace
[Lemon | Scenario] (Ace x Fem!Reader x Sabo) (Fluff-part II)
[Lemon | Scenario] (with a Fem!Reader who drank an aphrodisiac)
[Christmassy | Scenario] (Trying to get his soulmate under mistletoe)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (“My face is your throne, why don’t you sit down?”) 
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Taking his partner’s virginity)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Wet/dirty dreams HC)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (dom!partner)
[ANGST | Scenario] (Hanahaki Disease)
[Scenario] (Cuddling session)
[Headcanons] (Tinder Profile Template)
[Headcanons] (How he acts when his partner has hemophilia)
[Headcanons] (s/o having a part of their stomach)
[Headcanons] (Halloween HC)
[Headcanons] (How he acts during the pregnancy of his partner)
[Headcanons] (Confessing love)
[Headcanons] (With an asexual partner)
[Headcanons] (Partner comes out of their room in just an oversized tshirt)
[Headcanons] (When his partner is scared of pregnancy/children)
[Headcanons] (Partner who’s a huge fan of them)
[Headcanons] (Shy partner who knows how to protect themselves)
[Headcannons] (Seeing his partner wearing his clothes)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Taking a bath with his s/o)
[Headcanons] (Comforting his partner)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Finding out his partner’s a virgin)
[Headcanons] (Seeing his partner wearing his clothes)
[Headcanons] (Partner who clings into him in their sleep)
[Headcanons] (Comforting his partner)
[Headcanons] (Partner who feels undeserving of his love and affection)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Finding out his partner’s a virgin)
[ Lemon | Scenario] (Fluffy morning transitioning)
[Lemon | Scenario] (with an Anxious!Fem!Reader)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Dick HC)
[Headcannons] (Kissing HC)
[Headcannons] (Partner going to have breast reduction surgery)
[Headcanons] (Calming his partner down from a post-surgery panic attack)
[Headcanons] (Reaction to the Tiddy Bear Infomercial)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates thinking of his lover)
[Headcanons] (How he acts with an asthmatic s/o)
[Headcanons] (Tumblr Account Template)
[Headcanons] (Partner who has chubby cheeks)
Buggy D. Clown
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (Oral HC)
[Headcanons] (How she sings)
Benn Beckman 
[Lemon | Headcanons] (General relationships)
[Headcanons] (Realizing she’s in love with a sweet girl)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates thinking of his lover)
[ Lemon | Headcanons] (How he masturbates thinking of his lover) 
Gekko Moria 
[Headcanons] (With a short, affectionate partner)
[Headcanons] (With a younger partner, ~19yo) (Part II)
[Lemon | Scenario] (Stuck-in-a-wall situation:)
[Headcanons] (Relationship HC with a girlfriend)
[Headcanons] (When his partner can’t handle cigar smoke)
[Headcanons] (When his partner can’t handle cigar smoke)
[Headcanons] (Giraffe-themed comfort zone with his partner)
Personal Ramblings
[Headcanons] (Cheesiest Pick-up Lines the Worst Generation would use)
[Headcanons] (Captain Trio as characters in Jurassic Park)
[Headcanons] (The Worst Generation as characters in Jurassic Park)
(Why X Drake is my daddy)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Which fellas would make good sugar daddies?)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (What kind of porn do OP characters watch?)
[Lemon | Headcanons] (Dom!Tashigi/Bonney/Hancock)
[Lemon | Headcanons]  (CP9′s filth)
[ANGST | Headcanons] (Supernovas with an s/o with incurable disease)
[Headcanons] (Sweet Commanders with a depressed partner)
[Headcanons] (Strawhats with a touch-starved fem!crew member)
[Headcanons] (Who would go commando?)
[Headcanons] (Side Effect May Include: Devil Fruits Edition)
[Fake OP Texting] (Zoro and Sanji)
[Fake OP Texting] (Kid and Law)
486 notes · View notes
ao3feed-lokiangst · 6 years
Fourth wall
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BYv3qn
by Anja_Petterson
Warning : Frostpudding, Tomki, Slash, Lemonish
A fluffy Frostpudding one-shot, my first try to write a fanfiction. Must be three years ago published on thfrustration from my other blog ladypenelole74. Re-wrote it a bit. Thanks to my beta reader snakecharmed79. All the spelling mistakes the reader finds, are mine!
Words: 1526, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Tom Hiddleston
Relationships: Tom Hiddleston/Loki
Additional Tags: Slash, Lemon, Fluff
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2BYv3qn
1 note · View note
threadbond · 7 years
This is a Indie arknight canon muse/multi verse blog. The Icons I use are not my own artwork or owned by me. They are owned by there respected owners, and if they want me to take them down or not use them, then I will do it in a heart beat. Warning: This blog will have post of war, loss, and food post here and there. But if you are fine with it then if you want to start a RP with my muses this is what I ‘the Mun’ will not let slide.
1.) I’m okay with most NSFW, light Gore, some violence, and Abuse in RPing. But I can not stand rape, cults, or other Extremely darker Rps. I have a limit to somethings so you should know that I will never go dark in my rps. (unless it’s a rare red moon, and even then that is still really low.) also for the time being I will not post anything NSFW. If anything the darker threads might be light, but if I do post anything of that nature I will tag it or put in the go read more option. Thing is if I follow a dark rp blog, then chances are, that I find what they are doing okay in my book. As well as reading your rules plus what kind of things you posted. 2.) Speaking of not nsfw all nsfw post will be tagged as lemon or lemonish
3.) No over power Meta Rp. I will not control your character nor will you control mine.
4.)  Don’t do things with out my knowledge about my characters. If you want to befriend them or hangout with them then, talk to me about it and, we can plan a rp. So Don’t just say ‘We are friends’ even though we never talked or RPed. We can work something out. 5.) I don’t do the “only manuals should rp with me” thing. But if I don’t follow you then there is a change that I might not want to rp with you. It’s nothing bad really. most of the time that has happen is was when most of the muses from other blogs where very gory or dark. And It made me wonder why they even followed me if knowing fully well, that in the rules I don’t like that stuff all that much. 6.) I really don’t like blogs that rp with me that don’t read my rules, or blogs that rp with me, and just want to be in a relationship with my muse because they find them attractive. Look the last part I do understand, but if you don’t read my rules and are very pushy. Then I am afraid to say I will block you. 7.) I don’t rp with blog that use real life people. Like youtubers, movie stars, or tv actors. I just fell wrong rping with people like that so please do not follow me if you are going to use icons with real people. But if you switch with anime/manga icons, with real life then i am fine with you. But please use anime/manga with me. Also if you use youtubers as any rping of any kind, then I am sorry but I will block you faster then anything in this god given world. 8.) Do not rp with me if you do not follow me. Look to keep it short I had a lot of bad experiences of people being pushy or wanting to kill my muse on other blogs with out reading my rules or understanding a line was drawn. So that is why this rule is here . 9.) Mun dose not equal muse 10.) I the mun am not looking for a online relationship. So do not confess to me or say you love me, because I will turn you down. And if you still are pushing to be with me, then I will block you and that will be the end of it. 
Things I will do that I never have a single problem. Also addressing somethings you might have a problem with knowing:
1.) If you want to rp a event with my muses by discord. Then I am fine with giving you my discord name. Just ask by mailing me a tumblr message and, I will tell you my username.
2.) This blog It’s okay with some crossovers and most canon characters. And it goes with out saying as well as ocs. Just don’t do anything crazy. Also I can not rp with fandoms I do not know. Sorry but, I lack that kind of skill.
3.)  its fine if you rp alcohol consumption, drugs, or if your character is cursing. But if will tag them for anyone who has a problem with drugs in the tag. 4.)  I like to Rp about story-driven plots but, I also like fun rping with characters who are hanging out or just knowing each other for the first time.  Since I mostly like to have cute rps. Fluff is okay by me. I like other rps as well but, I really don’t like making my oc OOC or do anything that would be too much out of character.  Still I am up for almost all rps. Also  any Aus you can throw at me, and yes I do mean things like horror, games, Fantasy, and many others.
6.) I’m okay with short and long term Rping. I can do both due to my friends who I role played with for years. who made me like this. Thing is when it comes to thread limits I have 3. I know there are some people who do more then that but come on. I am a human who can only do 3 rps with one person at a time. The fact that there are people who can do more then that is bloody amazing to me. Shipping rules: 1.) This is a multi-ship blog. So all relationships will be in there own verse. 2.) My muse will not cheat ever. 3.) I’m open to nearly all ships. Just not toxic or harmful ones.
Mun’s Note: If there other things you are not sure with then, message me and, I will add or answer any questions you may have about this blog. Okay. I hope you are all having a nice day. ^w^
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fe-husband-heaven · 5 years
Master List (March-May)
The x’s are links! More than one x just means another post!
N/SFW Alphabet Asks:
Takumi (x) (xx) (xxx)
Leo (x) (xx)
Henry (x)
Shiro (x) (xx)
Shigure (x)
Canas (x)
Alfonse (x) (xx)
Niles (x)
Seliph (x)
Ike (x) (xx)
Duma (x)
Zelgius (x) (xx)
Bruno (x) (xx)
Siegbert (x)
Inigo/Laslow (x) (xx) (xxx)
Ryoma (x) (xx)
Xander (x) (xx) (xxx)
Silas (x)
Valter (x)
Michalis (x)
M!Robin (x) (xx)
Gaius (x)
Hector (x)
Claude (x)
Hinata (x)
Azama (x)
Kaden (x) (xx)
Chrom (x) (xx)
Hríd (x) (xx)
Tibarn (x) (xx) (xxx)
Frederick (x)
Brady (x)
Priam (x)
Grima (x)
Naesala (x)
Sigurd (x)
Kaze (x)
Naesala’s S/O is afraid of heights and birds
Zelgius’s S/O goes missing
Shiro, Ike, Owain go to a convention!
Top 10 FE Butt’s and when you slap them nyaha
Baby Chicks are lose in the castle!
Priam meets Ike who’s dating the Summoner!
Treating Owain to a movie date
Top 10 most likely to wind up in jail
Odin’s S/O pranks him
Lesbian Reader friendship with Forrest
Surtr & Duma w/artist S/O + a little lemonish subtexts wink wonk
Who likes/hates airplanes + Mile High Club 
Owain,Ike,Shiro meet their voice actors
Vaike,Hawkeye, Owain find out their S/O has been abused
Shiro + going to the fair
Ike,Shiro,M!Corrin finding out they’re gonna be dads
Ike falling asleep on the Summoner’s chest
Summoner introduces DnD to the heroes!
Thoughts on Sigurd + Small HC’s
Ryoma and S/O that loves his hair
Opinion on Ike + Married life Hc’s
Ryoma,Chrom, Laslow/Inigo meeting voice actors
Yandere Alfonse Pt.1 
Yandere Alfonse Pt.2 (Smut)
Saizo + Lukas Smut HC’s
Marth Falling In Love HC’s
Grima General Smut HC’s
Fluffy Lovey Dovey Keaton HC's
Soft Niles HC’s
Dating Odin but summoning Owain without knowing the truth
Inigo teasing M!Summoner with his butt at the hot springs
Silas with a Summoner who likes to hear him cuss during s/ex
M!Summoner confesses to Ike while he trains (for astra-crits!)
Bruno Fluff/Smut after he’s cured of his curse
Unaware Silas teasing M!Corrin with his butt
Summoner touching Reyson’s wings not realizing its turning him on
Jakob realizing he’s in love with you
Walhart learns he’ll be a father
Shigure Smut Drabble
Hrid Smut after beating Surtr
Grima Special: Gauntlet Win
Bruno letting the Summoner see his eyes
Hotspring smut after not seeing Ryoma for a while
Walking in on Lyon without a shirtless angst
M!Summoner proposes M!Robin
First time with Saizo
Prompt: Niles + Shut up and kiss me
Prompt: Grima + Why haven’t you kissed me yet?
Mod Torture Asks:
Wrys proposing to the Summoner
R-romantic dinner with Oliver
My Husband Raven mwuah!:
A sparring session with Raven
Raven proposing to his S/O
Wolf Laguz Raven
Old man is stalking S/O + Raven shows him who you belong to
Woo wee! That’s all the posts from the start of this blog, hope this makes it easier on newcomers nyaha! I’m v proud of our blog ya’ll, thank you for the support mwuah!
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crapitskizaru · 6 years
CP’s Filth: Lucci, Kaku, Stussy Version
I don't know how did I ended up in your blog, or why am I staying here for a long time now and reading all of your headcanons. But I really REALLY love and enjoyed them, and now I can't help but ask, may I please request for some (sfw or nsfw, you decide) headcanons for Lucci, Kaku and Stussy, if it isn't so much of a bother?
please I want dirty dirty Lucci. What he likes, how well he is, and how brutal he fucks. Any fetish? Into daddy kink?
Warning: ofc LEMONISH (.-.) lmao
as much as most of the other feisty guys in OP usually have two sides, fluff and dom, this man knows nothing about fluff whatsoever
I can't imagine him ever going into cuddly mode, he's a rather brutal lover
however, his pace differs, depending on which mood he's in
when he's quite content with himself, or his partner, his thrusts are slow, and he always makes sure to go as deep as possible
on his bad days (so much more often), he gets lost in his own, rapid pumps, and often might forget about his lover, as well as their enjoyment, and he doesn't really care
what's so scary but at same time quite exciting about this man, is that he doesn't talk during sex at all - it's just his quickened breaths, occasional grunts, and a lot of eye contact
he also likes to put his hand over his partner's mouth to muffle their vocals; it's not that he doesn't enjoy them, more like the fact that their voice is restricted really turns him on
not much into daddy kink, or pretty much any other besides the sub/dom plays, since Lucci thinks it makes sex similar to a circus attraction idk, don't look at me, that's what he says
he might not spoon with his lover afterwards, but in the morning, they can quite often feel his arm loosely resting on their waist from behind
he can be pretty fluffy, if he wants to~
mostly goes as switch, depending on which position his partner wishes for him to be in that night
"In a dominant mood?~"
"Relax, I'll take care of everything."
loves kissing, generally all kinds of petting, and tries really hard not to bump his nose where he definitely shouldn't bump it
chuckles everytime his lover leaves a mark on his body - he finds it both cute and exciting, to the point where it might trigger another round
when in dom mode, he doesn't talk much, just listens to his partner's moans and pleads; he loves the idea of bringing them pleasure as they lay defenseless in front of him
secretly enjoys the moments whenever his partner shows signs that he's going too hard and it starts to hurt - but he withdraws pretty quickly
Kaku gets pretty vocal when in the sub position, especially during oral or when he's being ridden
"O-oh, mhh~"
"Nnghhh, yes, please~"
mostly breathes loudly, or produces the most quiet moans, barely audible but just so cute
afterwards, he likes the good, ol' spooning from behind, and doesn't mind whether he's the big or the small spoon ♥️
I'm not saying this woman would never be the sub, but it's a very rare occurrence, she much more prefers to be dom, and therefore the one in charge :3
mostly goes for riding, when she dictates her own, fast pace, or some doggy style pegging also
she doesn't restrain herself in the slightest - her loud, obscene moans can be heard pretty much by everyone nearby
never calls her partner's name, since she doesn't want them to think they are the ones giving her pleasure she likes to think she's doing all the job
is all about receiving oral and could have someone in between her legs for the whole night, guiding and commanding what she wants them to do exactly
this woman is a rather skilled, rather demanding lover, but one thing her partner can be sure of, is that she'll never leave them unsatisfied
no matter how much their sex is biased towards her preferences, she always makes them cum, not necessarily restricting it to just one orgasm~
aftercare involves her either falling asleep fast, or staying up and watching the pleasured expression on her partner's face as they doze off by her side
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