#lemme have more ghost hunting teens!
podcastwizard · 2 years
STOP telling us about Lockwood and Co. bc it looks good and you’re making me want to watch it but my parents told me to watch it so I have to wait the mandatory 3-5 years after they’ve watched it to finally give in
watch it and tell your friends to watch it so netflix will renew it for season 2 and put me out of my misery
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pransesdp · 2 years
So I know this really old but what is HONEST opinion of those horrible 10 year later designs. Im sorry but they are so terrible looking ugh!! Dx
Hmmm, lemme see if I can dig up those designs cause this’ll be a fun question to answer lol:
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Danny himself; *almost* had potential to be good and I see what BH was going for with the green accents… buuuut as-is it just looks too cluttered tbh. Dunno why his neck looks like a string of piano keys either (unless that’s meant to be metal shading? Idk lol)
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Sam; I love you girl… but whyyy are you basically wearing the same outfit/hairstyle you did as a 14 year old?? The long boots and purple coat are cool accessories, but without an actually cool outfit underneath to put it all together, I just ain’t feelin it 😔
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Tucker; Tbh I don’t mind the new blue colors added to his design… I just don’t get the random tri-colored beanie thrown on top of it?? If BH wanted to incorporate his canon teen colors then he should’ve just put them throughout the outfit itself ngl 🤷‍♀️
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Jazz; …Um, since when was Jazz some kind of Professor X-level character to need to be confined to some mechanical suit/chair like this…? .-. Poor girl just wanted to be a psychologist ffs, let her be free-
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Maddie; …No, just no lol. Is Maddie going through some midlife crisis to suddenly be doning some edgy rebel teen style?? Why is she chaining ghosts by the neck when her son is half-ghost?? BH I have questions 😭
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Jack; This one’s… kiiiiiinda okay, at least with the bearded/veteran ghost hunter look as a concept. Dunno why Jack would have a robot leg though? (Unless BH mentioned the reason in his video but idk I’m too lazy to hunt for it lol)
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Dani; The punkish vibe of this design *could* work okay with her… buuut since I’m sure by this point Dani wouldn’t wanna be compared to Danny all the time, why would her ghost form be lowkey identical to his?
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Vlad; Guess Vlad getting imprisoned for his crimes would be a fitting future fate for him… but why does it have to be by aliens, exactly? Couldn’t just some higher power ghost like Clockwork or The Observants work for that fine? They already have custody of Dark Danny, so 🤷‍♀️
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Ember; The half-shaved punkier look of this design could’ve worked… but idk where the heck Ember became some Danny fan girl with a crush when she didn’t care an inch for the dude in the OG show 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️Guess BH was trying to appease the D/E shippers for more fan views or something-
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Skulker; …wait, I thought this guy was pretty much a robot, why does he just look like any other aged older guy/ghost? .-. Guess it could be worse but… still, wut-
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I’m on mobile, so ya know, but for @five-rivers @floralflowerpower and I just checked, lemme amend to @uwuplasmiusuwu
This is Fathering a Phantom
It was a bright summer day in Amity Park, Danny Fenton was in the grove - no one wanted to say “Amity Park Park” - doing a handstand while braced against a tree. “See? I told you I could do it.”
“You’re not using your powers to float into that position, are you?”
“Sam, I am offended that you would imply that I, of all people, would cheat at things with levitation.” Danny laughed, flopping down onto his belly in the grass. “Appalled, really, how dare you?”
Laughing, Tucker ripped up a handful of grass from his side and sprinkled it down into Danny’s bird’s nest of hair. “No of course, you are the most noble in character there is. As we have seen, you are a superhero through and through. Complete with bedsheet cape.”
Danny groaned while the three of them laughed and shook his head. “Alright, listen.”
“You, wearing black and white alone, looked at me and asked if I was willing to wear bright primary colors, Danny.” Sam patted his shoulder blade and Danny rolled his eyes. “A ghost asked a goth to wear bright colors. You shall never live that down.”
“There are pastel goths,” Danny countered with a pout. “I checked, there are goths who wear bright colors. It’s a mindset, not a fashion statement.” Tucker draped yet more grass on Danny, who turned to stare at his best friend and deadpanned, “Dude that’s kinda gay.”
Tucker snorted and laughed himself back into the tree they were sitting in front of. “H-how exactly is that gay?”
“Grass, in flower language, represents homosexual love,” Sam supplied.
Tucker covered his heart with a hand and gasped loudly. “Oh goodness me, I, a bisexual nerd, cannot be gay good sir and madam, that is simply unacceptable. Truly, this is the end of my world.”
“I will write you a gorgeous eulogy seasoned with memes,” Danny said, patting Tucker’s thigh as the latter flopped over, putting on his best ‘dying’ act. Then a chill completely at odds with the summer sun shining down on them went up his spine and out of his mouth as a cloud of icy mist. “Shit.” Danny braced for impact, a dome of green light erecting itself over the teens just in time for five missiles to strike it and explode.
When the smoke cleared and Danny transformed in a flash of light – pale skin tan, snow white hair, glowing green eyes, black and white jumpsuit, all the staples of half dead teendom – Danny locked on to his attacker. A large, mechanized man with flaming green mohawk was grinning down at him like a predator baring teeth to prey. “You’ll have to survive to his funeral first, whelp, and I assure you that’s not happening. I’ve gotten a few upgrades since last we fought, and The Hunt is on.”
While Skulker popped out a new cannon, Danny turned to check on his friends, both of whom were pulling out their own Fenton ecto-pistols. When he turned back there was an explosion of golden light and the screeching of tearing metal, and Skulker was missing half of his mech before Danny could even quip at him. Danny dropped his shield, turning to stare at the source of light with everyone else, and found his jaw had dropped very literally to the ground.
Something that could be a bear mixed with a goat, an electric eel, and at least three kinds of birds was aiming a bow at Skulker, an arrow made of golden light already knocked and shining brighter with every second. Each feather was a different color, oscillating in intensity, but overall, it was both hard to look at and impossible to look away from. “Hi there,” the ghost said with a voice that could have been a thousand people speaking in tandem. “You are going to leave in the next five seconds, or I am going to traumatize these children by showing them just how one Ends a ghost. Four. Three.”
Danny had never seen Skulker fly away so fast, especially with only one turbine to boost himself. He couldn’t even blame him, not with the burning fountain of energy beating their kaleidoscopic wings in front of him, aiming at Skulker until buildings were in the way. Danny charged up an ectoblast of his own even as the arrow dissipated. “Well, ever since all this ghost stuff I didn’t believe in guardian angels. Get lost in the Zone?” Much to Danny’s pleasant surprise, the angelic ghost laughed.
“Gods, your aura is screaming ‘fight me,’ did you know that?” The ghost turned to Danny and all the animal features melted into each other until Danny was looking at what could almost pass for a regular human being. Blond hair, brown eyes, some weird old-timey robes, and a single pair of feathery wings that reflected the light catching them like crystal glass. In the next moment, Danny was being dragged into a tight embrace, cut off from the world by arms and feathers alike, and he blinked several times, tense as a bowstring.
“I’m gonna need you to back up before I zap you,” Danny said with his hands up and a buzz traveling from his chest toward his fingertips. The ghost backed up, hands held up where everyone could see them, and wings half folded around him like a cloak.
“Apologies, my response to seeing kids almost getting hurt is to hug them. I should’ve asked first.”
“That’s very true,” Sam said with narrowed eyes. “Who are you, exactly?”
“Yeah, we don’t get many new ghosts around here who know how to speak English,” Tucker said. “Or any who help us.”
The strangely human looking ghost took a deep breath, eyes glowing from brown to golden-orange and clasped their hands together in front of their face. “Well, that explains a few things I’ve observed of you in the past two minutes. Right, so, first thing’s first; hi, I’m Tobias Lumano, you kids can call me Toby. He/him and all that.”
Danny shook the hand extended to him, ignoring the fact that a hand was held out to all three of them. “Danny, Phantom currently.”
“Tucker Foley.”
“Sam Manson. What exactly did you observe of us?” Sam still held her pistol, ready for a fight. Toby chuckled and shook his head.
“Well, Danny here is screaming ‘fight me,’ with his body language and if all you’ve ever met are hostile adult ghosts then that makes sense. You’ve got that Still Warm feel to you, like you’re only recently dead. Which makes the rumors about you impossible, of course, cause I’m pretty sure none of you are even close to being adult humans unless people look a lot younger per quarter of their life in this Realm.” Toby settled with his wings crossed over his chest, relaxed but not quite limp, and Danny cocked his head to the side.
“How do you even see with those glowing in your face all the time?”
“What about Danny screams ‘fight me,’ exactly? He’s totally chill right now.” Tucker gestured at all of Danny, bobbing idly up and down on some kind of current that he had yet to identify.
“Oh, my dear summer child, ghosts communicate in ways that non-psychic humans cannot perceive fully. You see this?” Toby brushed a feather against Danny’s glow and the teen made a face, drifting away from the odd sensation. The glow stretched with his movement before Toby backed off. “That’s your aura, little man, and it’s currently positioned in a way that’s sort of giving the finger to everyone around you. How long have you been liminal if you don’t know about your aura?”
“How long have I been what now?”
“I think he’s talking about you being half ghost,” Tucker said, whipping out his PDA and tapping away at the screen. “We’ve never actually heard a term for it before other than Sidney Poindexter calling Danny a halfa. No offense to Poindexter but that’s a really dumb name.”
Toby laughed, covering his face with a hand, and shaking his head. “Right, ok, you’ve got a lot to learn, but I think I can help with that.”
“We should probably take this discussion somewhere a bit more private than the open park,” Sam hissed. “This is supposed to be a secret, remember Danny?”
Danny rolled his eyes and turned his head around 360 degrees. “There’s no one here right now, Sam.”
“Well, if you’re keeping this a secret then yeah, you should probably find somewhere secure to talk about this at.” Toby rolled his eyes and became translucent, spreading his wings and circling around the three of them. “Here, you take this feather and just break it when you feel ready to talk with me. I’ve got some things to figure out around here.” One such feather fell into Sam’s hand, taking on the hue of several leaves in a gradient, and Toby winked at Danny before vanishing entirely from view.
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ectoentity · 3 years
Warped Mirror
Decided to write something based vaguely on the “Spork AU” idea. Instead of Episode 1 Danny meeting Episode 50+ Danny, though, I was curious about a Danny who never became Phantom meeting one who had. This first part is just establishing Human!Danny’s world.
I’ll post it to AO3 when I have the rest of it finished.
Three kids stood before a giant machine in the shape of a door. It should have been humming along and glowing green, with a great hole to another world in the middle. Instead, it was cold and silent. 
“They spent years working on it,” Danny explained, “and then nothing. Mom and Dad have been moping in their room all day.”
Tucker looked around at the portal and the hodgepodge of computer parts attached to it. “It’s probably a loose wire somewhere. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.”
“In the meantime, this would make for an awesome picture,” Sam said with a smile. She held up her polaroid camera. 
“Oh no, you’re not getting me anywhere near that,” Tucker immediately walked away from the portal.
“Come on! When they get this thing working we’ll never be allowed near it. Besides, it’s not like it’s going to do anything right now.”
“Then why don’t you get over there and let one of us take the picture?” Tucker asked.
“Because neither of you know anything about lighting or framing a shot. Please?” When she saw that Tucker was not going to budge, she looked over at Danny with wide, pleading eyes. 
He looked anxiously at the portal. So far none of his parents’ inventions had really worked, but that didn’t mean that they weren’t dangerous. Still, Sam was right. It was pretty cool, and getting a picture with the thing could be a good way to keep a memory.
“Yeah, okay, let me put on a jumpsuit in case there’s a live wire or something.”
Ten minutes later he was suited up in the white-and-black safety jumpsuit his parents had made for him. It wasn’t really a hazardous materials outfit - there was no full hood or respirator, or even goggles. It was made of something that was supposed to repel ectoplasm and certain chemicals that his parents used and was insulated against minor shocks, so it would have to do. 
“Oh, no no. I’m not taking your picture while you’re wearing that,” Sam announced. Danny was about to argue, but she reached over and pulled the sticker of his dad’s face off of the suit. “Now you’re good.”
Danny laughed. “Good thinking, Sam. Wouldn’t want to be immortalized in your photos with that on me.” He walked up to the portal. It was a massive piece of machinery, nearly six feet in diameter and deep enough to fit a car. He paused at the entrance. It was hard to imagine it as anything other than a creepy machine in the basement. If it had worked, it would have opened into a whole other world. 
Tucker, meanwhile, was watching while anxiously tapping a foot. He had expected Danny to give in to Sam’s pleas. He was so predictable and utterly clueless. One of these days they would both realize that they were both desperately crushing on each other and they’d-
There was something plugged into the wall. Tucker wasn’t sure what it was, but he had a bad feeling about it. 
“Hold up!” he shouted. Tucker went over and unplugged the cord from the wall outlet, and checked around for more outlets just in case. When he didn’t find anything else, he called back, “Okay, I think it’s alright now.”
“Good thinking, Tuck,” Danny’s voice echoed in the portal. “Hey, Sam, is this good?”
Sam set up her shot. “Looks great! Just hold there a second.” She counted down before the flash went off. The camera whirred and produced a polaroid. “Lemme take a couple more,” she said before swiftly doing so from slightly different angles. “That should be good!”
Danny started to walk out of the portal. Something caught his foot. He tripped and fell backwards, flailing his arms wildly in hopes that he would catch something. His right hand hit the side of the portal. It stabilized him for a second, but then the wall clicked. Danny stared down at his hand, a chill lancing up his spine. He hadn’t hit the wall. His hand was resting on a button marked “ON.”
“Oh my god,” he blurted.
“Danny? Are you okay?” Sam called. He could hear them both scrambling toward the portal. 
“I’m good! I just tripped!” Danny got out of the portal as fast as he could. “My parents put the on/off buttons on the inside! If Tucker hadn’t unplugged it…” All three teens stared at the portal. Danny could have died, just for tripping over a stupid wire.
Finally Tucker gulped and broke the silence. “Want to see if your parents can get it to work now?”
Danny shook himself out of it. “Yeah! I’ll go ask if they forgot about that.”
They all but ran out of the lab.
The Fenton RV sped down the street, ghost alarms blaring. In the back, Danny got his weapons together as quickly as he could with all the jostling and swerving. They’d let Dad drive; time was of the essence.
“A level six!” Jack crowed from the driver’s seat. “Maybe even a seven! How long’s it been since we saw one like that?”
“About four months,” Danny grumbled. He still vividly remembered when the town had been drawn into the Ghost Zone and besieged with an army of skeleton constructs. He was not looking forward to a repeat of that hell. The Fenton Blaster in his hands whined as he attached the power source. 
“We’ll have to be careful, Jack,” Mom cautioned as she always did. “We don’t have the Ecto-Skeleton this time.”
“Are you sure we shouldn’t call in the Guys in White?” Danny asked. They might not be the best ghost hunters, but they did have a lot more firepower.
“Don’t be ridiculous, Danny! I’m sure we can take care of this before they even notice something’s happening. Besides, your mom and I are still dealing with the paperwork from the last time they showed up.”
Danny shuddered. He was extremely glad that he didn’t have to deal with that aspect of ghost hunting. 
His dad pulled up to the mall with a loud honk of the horn and squealing tires. Danny and his mom ran out, blasters held at the ready. Dad backed them up with one of the Fenton Bazookas. 
The mall was already evacuated. Some people milled around outside, anxiously talking amongst themselves. In the year and a half since the ghosts had started attacking the town, people had gotten frustratingly complacent about them. The invasion a few months back had shown most people just how dangerous they could be, but a stubborn few always were more concerned with getting good pictures than their own safety. 
“Make way!” Mom shouted. “We’re here to take care of the ghost!” The crowd at least did part for them. A few people shouted at them. Some of it was words of support. A few tried to describe what they had seen - it was green, it was wearing all white, it was terrifying. Only a few made jokes or jeered at the Fentons as they passed. That was annoying, but it was a hell of a lot better than it had been a year ago. 
The deserted mall was an eerie sight. Everyone had left in a hurry, leaving lights on and store music still echoing through empty halls. The Fentons’ footsteps seemed far too loud. The weirdest part was that everything seemed intact. When the technology ghost raided the mall he usually left trails of rubble and discarded packaging everywhere. The box ghost would leave piles of everything that he dumped out of his beloved boxes. Various other ghosts had attacked the mall in the past, and they almost always left signs of their passing. Why was this one different?
“Come out, ghost!” Dad shouted, his voice easily carrying through the empty mall. “Let’s make this quick!”
“Curious.” The voice was quiet, but had the same unnatural echo of all ghosts. Danny held up his blaster, but he couldn’t tell where the voice had come from. Beside him, his mom turned on her miniature Fenton Finder. It beeped alarmingly quickly. 
“Two o’clock!” Mom shouted as she fired. Danny was only a moment slower, trying to fire a little ahead. The blasts didn’t connect with anything. 
“I mean no harm,” the ghost said. Its voice was way too close for comfort. Danny turned to his right and shot where he thought it was, but he still missed. 
“What do you want?” Danny asked. He didn’t really care. No matter what their obsessions were, ghosts only ever wanted to spread chaos and pain. Still, sometimes he could distract them by talking back. 
The ghost appeared in front of them. It was tall, with dark, green-tinged skin and a lighter beard. Its eyes glowed a soft yellow. A white robe and hood covered most of its body, rippling in a nonexistent breeze. 
A green beam from the Fenton Bazooka blasted towards the ghost. Its torso split apart to allow the beam to go through it. Danny grimaced. It was so gross when they did that. He followed his dad’s lead and started shooting the ghost. The ghost blocked all of his and Mom’s shots with a series of small green shields. 
“This is entirely unnecessary,” the ghost huffed. It had the audacity to look bored. 
“Then why not just go back to the Ghost Zone and leave us alone?” Danny shouted, annoyed. He ran off to the side, flanking the ghost. It finally started dodging the ectoblasts. If anything, though, the ghost just looked amused. 
“Oh, I shall. First, though…” The ghost flung its hand out towards Danny. He winced, anticipating the burn of ectoblasts. He took a step back and his foot sank. With a shout, he fell into the glowing green portal that had opened right behind him.
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unforth · 3 years
Could you elaborate on the parallels between the Scorpion and his dad and WKX and Purple Danger? I find that thought really interesting! <3
Oh my god you're asking me for meta? No one asks me for meta!!! Getting this made me so happy, thank you! And yes, I'd be delighted to!
Lemme preface this by saying: I have not read the book, and I've only seen episodes 1 through 27, and while I do know some spoilers for past what I've seen, I don't know everything, and I obviously can't speak to changes in dynamics that may happen past what I've watched.
So, I noted in this post that I felt like I'd just gotten slapped in the face by the parallels between Zhao Jing, and his relationship with Xie-er, and Wen Kexing, and his relationship and Gu Xiang. Specifically, the lines in episode 26 that caught me were these:
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And the contrasts and similarities that they drew to these scene from Episode 24, which I watched yesterday:
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(all screen caps are by me - I won’t have more screen caps just cause I really don’t have time to hunt them all down, I’m sorry, but the first two were easy to grab, and the second two I’d already taken cause that scene really got to me yesterday).
These lines, coming only two episodes apart, seemed like a really stark and deliberate effort to show a connection in the attitudes of Zhao Jing and Wen Kexing. They've also got some similarities in the childhood/history that got them to this point: Zhao Jing's family was fallen from grace, as was Wen Kexing's. Both are noted as seeming different from the "regular" people around them - Wen Kexing, it's explicit; with Zhao Jing, it's more how others seem to behave around him. It's harder to get a sense of Zhao Jing, since his own self-report is so dubious and the flashbacks we get to the Rong Xuan era are all given from the perspective of different unreliable narrators, whereas Wen Kexing's memories seem fairly intact (well, water of forgetfulness aside) and match the other remembrances we get of the same scenes.
With those similar, dubious foundations, they both resolve from a young age to take revenge for the perceived slights committed against them - and both have decided that regardless of who the specific instigators are for their suffering, they have no compunction about involving innocents as a whole. Zhao Jing wants the power he feels has been denied to him, and sets about conspiring to get that power. To achieve that, he sets about on a course that involves lying and using literally everyone who can help him. Likewise, while I'm still definitely missing some damn important of Wen Kexing's backstory (starting with, who protected the dog for him, and how he went from "kid getting regularly beaten by the previous ghost king" to "adult who is said to have literally eaten the previous ghost king"), he also clearly sets out to gain power through whatever means he can, and to survive, though from the get-go, his goal is essentially the inverse of Zhao Jing's: Zhao Jing wants to lift himself up, and sees nothing but virtue in doing so; Wen Kexing wants to bring everyone else down, and knows he's damned through-and-through for it.
(They're parallels, not matches, just to be clear! It's not that I'm saying everything is the same - on the contrary, it's the differences that makes it so intriguing).
Now, then, at some point relatively early in this entire process, each of these young men found a child. Given that Xie’er and Wen Kexing and Zhou Zishou are of the same generation, presumably they’re all around the same age - 27 or so - and also presumably, the previous generation were all in their late teens to early twenties when they had their own disastrous round of adventuring. So, if Xie’er is, say, 25, and Zhao Jing was probably around 20 (since he was one of the younger folks in the flashbacks), and 20 years have passed, and Xie’er was probably around the same age as child Wen Kexing when he was found? (I don’t know, and I don’t know if that’s ever established, sorry) So around 7? Then we’ve Xie’er being adopted by Zhao Jing and Wen Kexing being adopted by the Ghost King, each almost exactly 20 years ago. Presumably, also, Zhao Jing marries...drat, I can’t remember her name...was it Li Yao or something???...right around the same time - hence why Xie’er would think of her as a mother. Anyway, sorry, I’m really tired and I just lost the thread slightly, but the point is: a 20-or-so-year-old Zhao Jing finds a young Xie’er; and a few years later, a likely-early-teens-aged Wen Kexing finds a toddler Gu Xiang (because Wen Kexing is 27 now, and Gu Xiang is I’m guessing around 18, and she’s likely 3ish when Wen Kexing finds her, so that’d make her 3 or 4, and him 12 or 13). 
And here’s where the parallels really show the essential differences between these men, despite the areas of commonality in the hate they hold toward the world and their desire to see the world brought low.
Because, given a small child, Wen Kexing’s immediate, clear thought is: I will never let this child experience what I have been through. Now, he’s busted, and he’s crazy, so from that point of view, he still does her harm: she thinks of murder as nothing (as does Xie’er) for example. But even in that, the motivations are different. Gu Xiang says it herself after she kills the beggar and Cao Weining confronts her about it: if a person is out to harm her, if a person even might harm her, isn’t she justified in killing him? If that isn’t the quintessential Wen Kexing lesson right there, I don’t know what is: “Gu Xiang, you don’t kill because I tell you to, and you don’t kill for fun, and you don’t kill for no reason - but the moment, the very instant, you have a reason? Don’t hesitate, because if you do, you’ll be the corpse, not them.” Everything Wen Kexing teachers Gu Xiang is with the aim of helping her survive in the cruelest environment in the world, one that has flayed him and raked him over the coals over and over and over again. Further, despite the hints I’ve seen so far that he has early allies at Mount Qingya (Tragicomic Ghost has been shown to at minimum pity him, and find him an odd curiosity), Wen Kexing entrusts no one else with the most vulnerable creature who has ever come into his life (well, aside from that adorable puppy, which I have the bad feeling is going to be shown to be horribly murdered before his eyes, possibly by his own hand to prove a point...that would be thematically appropriate...). He gives Gu Xiang the tools to survive and fight for herself, even against him, and when she even begins to suggest she might prefer to be somewhere else - when he sees evidence of her finding happiness - he does everything he can to encourage her joy, support her happy ending, and free her. Wen Kexing is Gu Xiang’s father, in every useful interpretation of the term - she may call him master, and others might call her his maid, but their relationship is tender, encouraging, mutually supportive, and loving. Wen Kexing wants what is best for Gu Xiang, even at the expense of his own comfort and happiness, because he cares for her that essentially and deeply - and she likewise goes out of her way to protect him more than once.
Given a small child, though I haven’t yet seen any flashbacks to when Xie’er was little and I don’t even know if there are any, it’s really obvious that Zhao Jing instantly goes, “how can I best use this to my advantage?” Instead of setting about to build this child up to be a functional adult who can stand up to the challenges that threatened to crush Zhao Jing’s life, Zhao Jing deliberately sabotages Xie’er’s ability to function as an independent unit. He teachers Xie’er to kill, not to protect himself, but on command - to kill because Zhao Jing says so, who Zhao Jing says, on even the merest whim, and is so successful at doing so that Xie’er has even less respect for life than Zhao Jing does (which was never much to begin with). Further, while we know that Wen Kexing will kill to protect Gu Xiang, Zhao Jing never so much as lifts a finger to do his own dirty work, and has zero compunction about throwing Xie’er under the bus when he suits his ends. In 27, he flat out says - “if you keep acting like this, and kill the Gentle Wind Sect, you’ll ruin me - which means I can never let you stand next to me in public.” He says this when he knows that Xie’er craves his approval and that one of Xie’er’s most cherished objects in all he’s done is to reach a point where he can stand at Zhao Jing’s shoulder as an acknowledged heir and successor and proudly say, “yes, I did all those things to help my father, because I’m a good son.” Further, Zhao Jing is constantly abusive and manipulative. When Xie’er does what Zhao Jing has trained him to do, on command (like a dog? more parallels??), Zhao Jing praises him, touches him kindly (and when else do you think Xie’er is ever getting touched kindly? Nothing like the casual and appropriate physical intimacy with which Wen Kexing and Gu Xiang shoulder bump and interact) and tells him how precious he is. The instant Xie’er steps a toe out of line, Zhao Jing denigrates him, threatens to take away that which Xie’er most wants (acknowledgement), scolds him, calls him a fool, says he doesn’t understand. Zhao Jing calls Xie’er his son, and insists that Xie’er call him yifu, and the world may even see that way - though they hardly can, since Zhao Jing refuses to be publicly associated with Xie’er - but they couldn’t be less related when compared to Wen Kexing, who allows all to see him call Gu Xiang his servant even as he flagrantly, publicly, repeatedly treats her as his child - culminating in the speech he gives Cao Weining when he gives permission for them to wed.
Everything Wen Kexing does, as fucked up as some of it is, is done with the aim of building Gu Xiang up into a strong, independent, functional adult who is less stained than himself and capable of pursuing happiness in the world.
And everything Zhao Jing does, all of which is equally if not more fucked up than what Wen Kexing does, is done with the aim of tearing Xie’er down, making him a powerful tool - a trained dog, if you will - and a dependent person who can be deployed on an enemy and must be kept permanently off-balance so that he never ever is an independent, functional adult - and, to help ensure that, he deliberately orders Xie’er to commit depraved acts that guarantee that Xie’er is more stained than himself, and therefore incapable of finding happiness in the world.
Anyway, I could probably go on, but I gotta leave to drive my kid to school and run a couple errands, but, in conclusion: when Zhao Jing said, “the world has failed me, and I shall do the same to the world,” and it became clear to me that he and Wen Kexing essentially share (or at least shared) the same core goal, I was struck by a lightning bolt about the parallels and contrasts between them as people, and them as father’s, and here you go.
Hope this is coherent, I’m really sleepy and in a rush. :D And I hope it answers your question!
(Also dear everyone: if you reply to this or add to it in reblogs I ask that you please respect that I’ve only seen to episode 27, and not rip me apart for things I haven’t seen yet, and try to avoid giving me spoilers? I know a few - or at least I think I do - like I know all the Major Character Death stuff - but I’m sure if you’ve seen the whole series you can spot places where you, dear reader, know things I don’t, and I’d ask that you not ruin those places for me, because I’m watching as fast as I can - about one episode a day - and I’d rather find out for myself. Thank you!)
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jasntodds · 6 years
The Wild Hunt [t.h.]
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader (supernatural *not the TV show* AU)
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of blood, some panic, lots of fear, and some good ole angst
Words: 4,073
Summary: The Wild Hunt is said to be of ghost riders and hellhounds riding the storm to steal souls of the living for all of eternity
A/N: Y’all know what I love? In case you missed it? Teen Wolf. Despite popular opinion, season 6 was amazing and that was the season of the ghost riders so it’s only fair I take that and write about Tom, right? Also, this is for @keepingupwiththeparkers ‘s writing challenge that was forever go!
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To be in love is almost something magical. You have someone who's not just your best friend but your person. They're your other half, a kind of soulmate even. Hearts beat as one, butterflies come to life at the same time, and flowers bloom together. It's good anxiety, the kind that's almost like a drug and it's waking up with them and still falling endlessly for them, pool of drool around their mouth and hair like a birds’ a best. But the absolute best part about being in love is having that person be in love, too. And Tom, he is hopelessly and endlessly in love with you.
Tom’s arm is wrapped snugly around your waist, his head just above yours as you’re both laying on the couch having a Mission Impossible marathon and a fluffy grey blanket covers both of your bodies. His lips graze the top of your head, a gentle and sweet kiss placed atop before he starts leaving quick pecks across your cheek, making you giggle and push your back against him. Tom’s laugh bounces around the room and through your ears, butterflies sputtering through both of your stomachs.
You twist in his arms, facing him and capturing his lips with yours, silencing his laughing. You can feel him smile against your lips and you can taste the leftover Carmex from earlier, a taste that bothers most people but not you, not when it comes to Tom.
“What’re you doing?” You ask and you pull away.
“Can’t kiss you for no reason?” Tom asks, eyes big and innocent.
You quirk a brow, not buying it. “No.” You laugh, shaking your head into his shoulder.
“‘M hungry.” Tom admits, his voice light and on the cusp of a chuckle.
“Mhm, thought so.” You mumble into his shirt, the scent of his cologne you never grow tired of wearing off from the day.
“Want some popcorn?” Tom asks, his breath brushing against your ear.
“Sure.” You pick your head up and offer him a gentle smile before pecking his lips.
Tom beams, kissing your forehead before he starts to get up, successfully yanking the blanket with him and tripping to the floor. You burst into a fit of laughter, trying to ask if he’s okay but the laughter coming from him and the movement of his shoulders tell you he’s perfectly fine. He rolls over onto his back, clearly defeated but his chest is rising quickly with the subsiding laugh.
“For someone as athletic as you, you’re clumsy.” You mock, leaning over the couch.
“Love me anyway.” Tom picks his head up, winking at you.
“On occasion.” You quip, a smile spread across your face.
Tom gasps, hitting his chest over his heart. “But I love you.” Tom whines, sticking out his bottom lip and all you can do is lean back, laughing.
“Yeah, I love you, too.” You mutter.
Tom gains a triumphant smile as he gets to his feet. “‘S what I thought.”
You roll your eyes and choose not to respond. Tom made his way to the kitchen, opening and closing the cabinet for a bag of microwave popcorn and you pulled out your phone, checking messages and social media. There was a new picture of you and Tom posted to Instagram, Harry had posted it not long before. A happy smile started to pull at the corner of your lips, your thumb just brushing over the image.
You’d all gone a pub for a night out, just you, Tom, Harry, and Harrison but as Harry is who he is, he couldn’t leave the picture taking for another time. So, of course, he snapped one of you and Tom leaning against the wall outside as you waited for a ride home. Tom’s arms wrapped around you as your back is pressed against his chest and you’re looking up to him smiling and laughing, eyes crinkling at the edges. Tom looks about as happy as he’s ever been, intoxicated, but blissfully in love with you and about to kiss your temple. Just the picture alone is enough to send shivers of electricity through your heart.
“Tom,” You sit up, twisting to your knees and resting your forearms on the back of the couch so you can see Tom. “Have you seen the picture Harry posted about an hour ago?” You ask, waving your phone at him.
He shakes his head and walks over, taking your phone from your hands and his entire face softens with the sight of it. His lips are pulled into a fragile smile, the corners of his eyes just barely crinkling, and the reflection of the phone is bouncing from his eyes. He doesn’t have to say anything because it’s all right there, Harry did well getting the picture. But, before you could ask what he thought, just to be sure, Tom was sliding your phone back in your hands while bringing your lips to his in a deep kiss. You sigh against him before he pulls away.
“What was that for this time?”
“Just love you is all.” Tom whispers, bringing his lips to yours once more only for you both to be interrupted by the microwave and Tom’s phone ringing.
He gives you a quick smirk before digging in his pocket and pulling out his phone, turning his back to you as he goes to the microwave. Tom puts the phone to his ear and greets the caller, not bothering to have checked the caller ID.
“Sam’s gone!” The panicked voice of Harry rings through Tom’s ears.
“What?” Tom asks, pulling the phone from his head to see it’s still reading his brother’s name.
“Sam’s. Gone!” Harry says, this time clearer. “He-he was here and then...then these-I don’t know! These guys or somethin’ show up and, Tom, he’s just gone! And we gotta-”
“Slow down,” Tom sighs, opening the microwave, clouding his nose with the scent of fresh popcorn and putting the phone between his ear and shoulder as he grabs the steaming bag. “Who’s Sam?”
Tom knows he has a few friends by the name but none of who should be causing Harry this much worry. But, Harry is someone who likes to prank Tom. They’ve been doing it as long as either of them can remember. Cling wrap in the door frame, cooking oil on the kitchen floor, salt in the sugar, it’s what they do so Tom can’t help but think this is just some weird prank Harry is trying to pull.
“What the fuck do you mean--your brother!” Harry screams so loud you can hear him from your seat on the couch. Tom pulls the phone away from his ear and swaps sides, walking over to you. “My twin! He is gone!”
Tom’s brows are furrowed, entire forehead wrinkled in confusion as he hands you the bag of popcorn. “What’re you on?” Tom asks. “We don’t have a brother called Sam.”
You take a few pieces of popcorn, popping them into your mouth while matching Tom’s expression, wondering what could possibly be going on.
“God!” Harry yells in frustration. “Yes, we do! These weird guys or something came in and they fuckin’...shot him or something.”
“Is there blood?” Tom asks, no concern in his voice.
“No…” Harry says. “But--”
“If someone’s shot, there’d be blood. You were probably dreaming.” Tom says, taking a handful of popcorn for himself.
Harry groans on the other end. “I wasn’t dreaming! This is serious! He was just here. He’s our brother! Why’re you actin’ like you don’t fuckin’ care?”
“Harry,” Tom says. “Would you calm down? We’ve only got Paddy, ‘s it. No Sam. Tellin’ you, you were probably--”
“You’re fuckin’ useless, you know that?” Harry’s voice breaks with his voice, making Tom fall concerned.
“Where’s mum and dad? Maybe you should talk to them.” Tom offers. “You don’t sound alright.”
“Fine.” Harry mutters. “They’ll believe me.” Before Tom can respond, the line does dead.
Tom pulls the phone from his head, looking at the now black screen. He shakes his head, eyes going to you before he climbs over the back of the couch and takes a seat beside you. You watch him with a raised brow, waiting for him to explain but he just sits in silence for a minute.
He’s never heard Harry that upset. It doesn’t matter the prank, doesn’t matter the joke, Harry wouldn’t take it that far to cause Tom major concern. He sounded genuinely terrified and hurt, like he really had just watched someone be taken or shot. It’s a little unsettling and it even has Tom questioning about his other brother. Maybe Harry mistook the name? But that wouldn’t quite make sense and Tom wouldn’t just forget he had a third brother, right?
“You okay, Tom?” You ask, resituating to face him.
“Uh,” Tom shakes his head, still looking forward. “Yeah, I think.” He says quietly before looking to you. “Harry said he saw our brother get taken or shot but not Paddy, Sam?”
“You don’t have a brother named Sam?” You question, making sure that Tom hasn’t been hiding a secret brother in the year you’ve been dating.
Tom shakes his head quickly. “No, no, we don’t. Just the three of us.”
“What’s wrong then?”
Tom shrugs a shoulder. “He sounded...serious, maybe.” Tom says. “I dunno. It was just weird but he’s ringing our parents. It was probably a night terror or nightmare, somethin’.”
“Do you wanna stop tomorrow to check on him?” You offer, seeing the distress across Tom’s face.
“Yeah, I’ll go.” Tom says, taking the bag of popcorn from you.
“I can go with you if you want.” You offer with a reassuring smile.
“Nah,” Tom starts, putting his arm around your shoulders to pull you into him. “I’ll go and meet you back here after work, ya?”
“Alright,” You sigh. “Just lemme know if you change your mind.”
“Thanks, love.” Tom mutters as he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. “We should get back to the movie.” Tom nods towards the screen, offering you the top of the bag of popcorn.
You nod, kissing his cheek and within twenty minutes, you’re both back to how you were before Harry had called.
By the time the next morning rolls around, it’s like the night before didn’t happen. Tom had brushed off his phone call with Harry, saying he was gonna stop by later in the day. And your morning routine went as it normally does, each taking turns showering and moving around the bathroom is perfect harmony only to meet back in the kitchen where the two of you would make breakfast and eat together. And that leads the two of you to now, where you’re both in the kitchen just after breakfast. Tom is at the sink while you’re sat on the corner, finishing off an apple before you’re set to leave for work.
“You’re gonna be late if you don’t go soon.” Tom wipes his hands on the towel as you pull out your phone, checking the time.
“Yeah, don’t wanna go.” You scrunch your face, looking back to Tom.
Tom moves over to you, slightly spreading your legs so he can't stand between them. “But when you get home, I’ll be here.” He smirks leaning in and connecting his lips to yours.
“This isn’t making me wanna go anymore.” You close your eyes as his kisses trail down your jaw.
“Just giving you something to look forward to when you come home.” Tom smirks against your neck, nipping but careful not to leave marks.
You whine, tilting your head back to give him more access. “I think you just like to tease me.”
Tom chuckles, kissing back up your cheek before cupping your face in his hands. “Is quite fun, ya.”
“I shouldn’t go then.” Your eyes widen, teasing him.
Tom scrunches his nose, reaching for your phone and checking the time only to be met with the picture Harry had taken. “You should and you’ve changed your background?” Tom flashes the screen to you.
“Mhm.” You hum, plucking the phone from his hand. “You look cute.”
“Not as cute as you, darlin’.” Tom gives you a wide grin.
“Stop.” You roll your eyes, resting your head on his shoulder.
“‘S true.” Tom assures, kissing the side of your head.
“I love you, ya know?” You look back to him, arms coming around his shoulders.
“I know.” Tom smiles, pecking your lips. “And I love you, don’t forget that, ya?”
“How could I ever?” You quip, pulling him in for a deep kiss, your tongue tracing his bottom lip.
How could you possibly forget that Tom loves you? That’s the real question. A love as strong as yours should be unbreakable. It should be stronger than any force of nature. Stronger than anything to exist. He reminds you day in and day out that he is in love with you and he has been since day one and you do the exact thing. It’s not always in the words of “i love you” but in the words like “be careful”,”buckle your seatbelt”, “text me when you get there”, and “this made me think of you”. It’s in the actions when either of you show up with the other’s favorite lunch or dinner, just because you thought of each other. It’s how you move around the kitchen in a perfect dance only the two of you know. You maneuver around the bathroom with ease, brushing teeth and hair, never once bumping into each other. It’s in the small glances at sunset and sleepy smiles in the morning when the sun’s woken the two of you up. Everything you two do, it’s there. It’s love. A love one could not simply forget.
Well, that’s how it should be at least.
You’ve been home from work just long enough to have changed into a pair of pajamas when you hear the door slam shut. You jump at the sound, your heart immediately starting to race as you make your way down the hallway. Tom is standing against the door, palms against it as and his chest is rising and falling as if he’s just gotten done running from someone, from something. His hair is sticking to his forehead and you can hear him gasping for air. Complete worry washes over you as you step closer to him.
“Y/n!” He yells, pushing away from the door. “Thank God.” He sighs of relief but his expression doesn’t show it, it’s still written with fear. “C’mon.” He grabs your arms and pulls you down the hall to your bedroom, quickly shutting the door and locking it.
“Tom what’s--” You try to ask but he’s quick to cut you off by cupping your face.
“I’m gonna sound fuckin’ nuts but you’ve to listen to me, alright?” Tom’s eyes are wide and glossy, looking like he’s about to cry.
“You’re scaring me, what’s wrong?” Your eyes search his face for any sign of what's going on.
“I went to Harry’s and--”
“Who’s Harry?” You cut him off before he could finish.
Tom's expression drops. Pure and utter devastation wash across his face and his heart stops right in his chest. “You….you don’t….” Tom stares you, jaw going a bit slack as the color drains from his face.
He went to Harry’s, he did and it didn't go how he expected. Harry was uneasy but he didn’t remember calling Tom the night before about Sam. He didn’t know who Sam was. It was just like Tom had said, maybe a bad dream or a night terror. But then, something horrible and completely crazy happened. Something that can’t be fully explained.
“I-I...I don’t…” Tom just stares at you, expression full of sorrow as a tear falls down his face. “Someone.” Tom says, choosing not to spend time explaining who Harry is. He thinks he’s next, he knows he’s next and he doesn’t have time to sit down and explain who people are. “I was with him and he started hearing these...horses and dogs, I didn’t see ‘em, not at first but then I did and they shot him.”
“What?” You yell, trying to follow Tom’s words but he just sounds like he’s telling you a wild story.
“Yeah, I know.” Tom nods. “But...he just...disappeared. Into smoke.”
“Did you fall asleep in the car?” You ask, your voice breaking finding Tom’s state more than worrisome. If you didn't know any better, if he even smelled of a hint of alcohol rather than his favorite cologne, you'd think he was wasted beyond repair.
Tom shakes his head frantically. “No, no, no, I didn’t and I think--” Tom moves his stare from you and to the door. His eyes widen and his heart sinks.
He’s right. He’s next.
“Do you hear that?” He asks.
“Hear what?” You listen carefully, hoping that Tom hasn’t completely lost his sanity.
Tom closes his eyes and swallows a lump that’s started to form. “You don’t remember Harry?”
This is how Harry felt the night before. Tom didn’t believe him, that their own brother had simply disappeared but how can he be expected to believe something he doesn’t remember? And now it’s happened to Harry and Tom doesn't have the time to dwell on it. He doesn't have time to think about how he let his brother down not believing him or at least going over when he called. He doesn’t have time to explain it all to you because the sounds of the horses and dogs are getting closer and he’s going to be next. He doesn’t have time to tell you because you’re going to forget him and he needs to tell you so much more instead.
“You need to know I love you, okay?” Tom mutters, his voice breaking as a few tears slip over his cheeks.
“I know.” You whisper, your hands coming up to cup his. “I love you, too but--”
“No.” Tom cuts you off. “I have been in love with you forever and I’m gonna be in love with you forever but I don’t think you’re gonna remember that. I-I-I hope you do but I dunno if you will. I need you to try, though, okay? Don’t let my mum forget me. Or Harrison or my dad or Paddy. Don’t let them forget me. Try, please.” Tom pleads, tears slipping beyond his control.
“I could never forget you.” You assure him but there’s still confusion in your voice, something not comforting to Tom at all. “I love you, I do. How could I forget--”
Before you could finish, the door opens and you see nothing besides Tom moving to stand in front of you. Even when you peek around him though, you see nothing besides the white door wide open. You don’t hear anything unusual, it’s just open but Tom is shaking in front of you, almost like he’s guarding you from someone, from something.
But, Tom? Tom sees them. There’s three men with charcoal black scarecrow faces, dressed in cowboy hats and long coats on black horses with large black dogs. The dogs snarl and bark at Tom, paying no attention to you. It’s Tom they want. Tom just watches in horror, almost paralyzed as one of the riders pulls out a pistol. It’s aimed at Tom’s head and he turns his head, just barely enough to get a glance of you.
“I love you.” He whispers and with a bang unheard by you, a green puff of smoke is in front of you and you’re alone.
The smoke evaporates and it’s just you. Your heart is like rapid thunder in your ears. What just happened? Tom was there one second and gone the next. People don’t disappear. That’s impossible. People don’t just hear and see things that other people don’t and disappear because of it. But it happened. It just happened and now your mind is going a mile-a-minute because was that what Tom was trying to tell you? That this Harry person was taken by these people and that’s how he knew? That’s why he was scared? But what’s bothering you the most is that Tom really thinks--thought that you could forget him. How could you ever?
So, that’s when you decide it’s a dream. It has to be a dream because people don’t disappear into green smoke. People don’t just disappear and Tom knows you could never forget him even if you tried, even if you wanted to try. It has to be a dream. A vivid dream that keeps you tossing and turning all night.
You repeat his name over and over again, each time becoming a little stale in your thoughts. Like it’s been expired for years. You close your eyes and you picture him, brown eyes, curling brown hair, eyebrow with a cowlick you can’t help but find adorable. He’s there, in your memories while you’re awake. But, then you fall asleep.
The next day comes around and you wake up as you normally do but you don’t feel right. Something feels off. You reach for your phone, clicking the screen and being met with a picture of you in front of a brick wall looking over your shoulder, smiling and laughing. A twist to your stomach makes you furrow your brows. You remember changing the background but you don’t remember why. It’s like a void is taking up that part of your memory. The picture is cute, you look amazing, but it’s not like you set your lock screen to a picture of yourself. But, you brush it off because maybe you were just drunk when you did it or maybe you’re remembering wrong and Harrison did it as a joke and you hadn’t bothered to change it back. Either way, you get out of bed and proceed with your routine.
Your routine follows as it would normally, you take your shower, brush your teeth and hair, get dressed. You eat your breakfast and check your social media. It’s all normal but it feels off. It’s almost an empty feeling but not quite. Kind of like you’ve misplaced something but the harder you think about it, the further the memory gets. It’s almost as if someone is inside your mind just shredding your memories of whatever you’re supposed to be remembering. It’s quite unsettling.
A knock on your door pulls your attention from your phone. When you open the door, Harrison is standing there, allowing himself in with a cheery smile.
“You alright?” He asks, raised brow on display. “You look a bit lost.” He chuckles.
“Oh, yeah.” You nod. “We still going to find something for your mom’s birthday?” You ask, remembering Harrison asking a few days prior if you could come help him pick something out for his mom since he wanted to make sure he got just the right set of earrings this year.
“Yep.” Harrison chimes, watching you move across the kitchen, your expression still a but contorted in confusion. “Really, you alright?” Harrison drops the cheeriness as he watches you.
“I just,” You face him, biting the inside of your cheek. “Feel like I’m forgetting something.”
“Like what?” Harrison asks. “Can help you find it.”
You shake your head. “Nah, like, you know in Harry Potter where Neville doesn’t remember his robes so his Remembrall consumes in red smoke but he doesn't remember what he’s forgotten?” Harrison nods along with your reference. “It’s like that. I feel like I’m missing something but how can I be missing something I don’t even remember?”
Harrison rolls his shoulders. “I dunno.” He answers. “I’ve gotten the feeling before though, probably just woke up funny, ya?”
You sigh, running a hand through your hair. “Yeah, maybe.” You shake your head and decide to try and ignore the gnawing of your stomach. “Lemme just put my shoes on and we can go.” You give Harrison a quick smile.
“Cool.” Harrison’s cheeriness returns.
How can someone forget something they don’t remember? How can someone forget someone they love? The only answer remains with riders of the storm, the Wild Hunt.
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adamarinayu · 7 years
DuckTales + Danny Phantom = Phantom Duck AU?
So I suggested this before as a joke, but the more I think about it the more I like it? So I’m just gonna ramble for a bit about it.
But yeah basically the idea was an AU that takes place during Donald, Della and Gladstone’s teen years, when they’re 14 (like in DP), where Scrooge is a jack-of-all-trades adventurer ghost hunting business tycoon, and Donald, Della and Gladstone are being raised by him (and taken along for the ride).
And yeah the story would be like... barely the same. Basically something would happen to Donald to turn him half ghost, and Della and Gladstone, being there when it happens, are the only people to know and are his closest friends, confidantes and allies. Scrooge, though he loves his nephews and niece to death and back, has a very negative opinion of ghosts and employs scientists, such as Gyro, to create weapons so that when Scrooge and the cousins are adventuring and they come across a ghost, they can deal with it. Because of this, the trio chose not to tell him of Donald’s accident.
Sometimes Fethry gets involved and eventually finds out about Donald, but he’s not being raised by Scrooge so he’ll just randomly show up when he wants.
It would very rarely take place in school, like DP does, or even in Duckburg, since they’re a family of adventurers.
Glomgold is Scrooge’s nemesis and, like Vlad, is a half ghost himself. He has absolutely no interest whatsoever in Donald, except trying to use him against Scrooge, and strictly considers himself to be Scrooge’s enemy, not Donald’s. However, he does often try to turn Donald against Scrooge, since Scrooge very clearly loves his nephew, and has even attempted to bioengineer another “Donald” specifically to use against Scrooge, with various rates of success and failures, since Donald refuses to betray his uncle/family.
Now for the triplets and Webby! The triplets and Webby are from 20 years into the future, where Della has still disappeared with the Spear of Selene and Donald has long since retired from ghost hunting. Donald and Gladstone have become distant due to this, as Gladstone works with Donella Duck (basically the Dani Phantom of Phantom Duck, the slightly younger, female clone of Donald (more like a clone of Della who is half ghost, tbh, so more like an artificial triplet than a clone?), and the only success of Glomgold’s) to keep ghost hunting and protecting people, and Donald and Scrooge have completely fallen out due to Della’s disappearance. Shortly after Donald and Scrooge start talking again, but before they’ve really made up, Huey, Dewey, Louie and Webby are sent back in time by Everett Ducklair (the Clockwork of Phantom Duck) to aid the trio, but the triplets do not realize that their uncle- the duck raising them- is the famous Phantom Duck until they meet him in person. Webby, being a huge Donald Duck and Phantom Duck fan, had figured it out already and wasn’t aware that they didn’t know.
They have to hide their true identity from the trio, of course, and become seasoned ghost hunters in the past, where they return to frequently when they’re needed. Donald and Gladstone, 20 years into the future, had long since forgotten what those four looked like and were not aware that they were their nephews...
However, something happens in the kids’ time, where they have to reveal the truth to their uncles and encourage Donald to retake his hero work to save the world- again. It’s not until Donald becomes the Phantom Duck once more that Scrooge learns of his secret identity.
On the ghost side of things, ghosts would include, but not be limited to; Rockerduck, Magica de Spell, Lena de Spell, Poe de Spell, Mark Beaks, Duckworth, at least one Beagle group, Everett Ducklair, Lyla Lay, Uno/Odin Eidolon, among others.
OKAY QUICK lemme explain about Uno because I love him so much. He’s an artificial ghost created by Ducklair (master of time) to live out in the “human” world, and is a direct aid/ally to Donald and a good friend. When Della disappears and Donald gives up hero work in exchange for safely raising his sister’s children, Uno continues helping Gladstone and Donella, but keeps tabs on Donald as Odin Eidolon. Donald knows who he is, mind you- Uno was created using ectoplasm, so even in disguise Donald’s ghost sense would find him out- but the children aren’t aware that he’s a ghost and just think he’s Uncle Donald’s weird friend. That’s pretty much it.
Okay, now I’m done. This was actually really fun to write out... Even if this AU doesn’t go anywhere (I need to get back to The Family Trap and want to figure out more about Stargate: DuckTales...) this was just fun to think of XD
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zoraclover777 · 7 years
House Hunting. (Vol. 1)
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(Vol. 2)
Couple: Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: ghosties
Requested: lmao noooo
Summary: In which, the kids, and Steve, invite you to explore a haunted house.
AN: LiSTEN, this has been in my head for a while ok and y'all seem to like my Steve Harrington work so, let’s start, yo. By the way, let me know if you want a part two????? Huh???? HUH???
A knock echoed in your ears and you took a slow bite out of your bagel as you hoped they went away, but the knocking only became more urgent and you rolled your eyes, walking to the door.
Voices made you arch your brow as you listened, multiple tones making you tilt your head, confused on how many people could be at your door at this time of night.
’Dude, we barely know—’
’Steve, shut your mouth, we’re inviting her. She’s into all this kind of ghost—’
’Which aren’t real, by the way, Dustin.’
’AnyWaYS, she likes all this shit, okay? Y/N has all kind of ghost shit, like—’
You opened the door, one hand on the knob and the other holding the bagel and you stared at the group, furrowing your brows slightly.
“What do I owe the pleasure of being visited by Steve Harrington, the babysitter, and the five kids, he babysits, at—” Turning around, you strained your neck to look at the clock before turning back to them, “—ten seventeen p.m on a Saturday night?”
“Houses.” Mike finished, smiling at Lucas before looking at you.
“Okay, well, I only know little Max there, and I’m going to be three hundred percent honest and say she didn’t throw my name out there, so, which one of you shit heads did?”
A small hand raised up and you followed it down to its owner, Dustin smiling proudly. Smacking yourself in the forehead mentally, remembering he asked for your help on a project months ago and you sighed.
“Right, Dustin. The kid that needed an A in science, for something not science related. What’s up?”
“Wait,” Will spoke out, head turning to Dustin. “You got an A on a project for Science, that wasn’t even—”
“Yes, Will. Anyways, Y/N, your EVP recorder, bring it. And that one camera with the fancy night vision thing.” He said, excitedly, clapping his hands together.
“Fine, only because I want to prove that ghosts are real to Mr. I don’t believe in anything except basketball and girls.” Turning around, you could hear the scoff coming out of his mouth and you smirked.
Shining your flashlight on the old building, you shined it in Steve’s face, making him squint as he turned away. “Don’t break the damn camera, Harrington. If you get creeped out, give it to me, don’t just drop it.”
Quickly, you flashed the light on Mike, Lucas, and Dustin, grinning slightly as you spoke, “So, the history of this place?”
“In 1734 a boy by the name of Daniel Mit—Mi—Michelle?”
“Mitchell, Dustin, that says, here give me that. In 1834, a boy by the name of Daniel Mitchell was brutally attacked when trying to defend himself from intruders on Saturday, September 23rd, but sadly passed away when— oh, gross, Mike, here.”
“But sadly passed away when one of the strangers tied a rope around his neck, suffocating him slowly before—uh, ew.”
Max grabbed the paper before rolling her eyes and finding where he had left off. “Before gutting the fifteen year old boy and hanging him from the ceiling fan.” She flipped the paper around to reveal an empty page on the back, making her furrow her brows.
“Guys, there’s no indication that this place is—”
Dustin pulled out another piece of paper and smiled, unfolding it before reading. “In 1931, two homeless men went to seek shelter where fifteen year old Daniel Mitchell had been murdered, but they would call the police two hours later about things being thrown, doors being slammed, and hearing voices speaking to them to leave. The officers—”
“Alright, alright, I get the idea of it. You believe this place is haunted because of some article—” You stopped when the front door swung open and your eyes immediately looked into the doorway, finding nothing, or anyone, in sight.
“Oooookay, that was strange.” Steve said, head turning to you.
"Did you get that?"
Breathing in, you looked at the kids before turning back to the house. “Okay, one quick EVP session, and we’re gone.”
One had turned in to five, and you were sitting next to Max and Steve, raising an eyebrow as you listened to the last tape.
Lucas’s voice spoke, “Is anybody here with us?”
Silence filled your ears as you all listened and you sighed, shutting off your recorder before taking the tape out and replacing it. “Okay, guys, this is the last one we recorded. If there’s nothing on here, we’re going home.”
The click of the cassette being played filled the room and you closed your eyes, listening intently.
“Hey, ghosties—”
Immediately, you pause the tape, turning to Steve, throwing your arms up. “Dude—”
“To be fair, I don’t believe in them.” He pointed out, crossing his legs and smiling, shifting the camera over a little.
“To be fair, we literally went through hell for two years, Steve.” Will said, placing his hands in the pocket of his hoodie.
“Dammit.” Steve said, waving his hand as if to tell you to continue the tape, and you pressed the play button in satisfaction.
“—so, I’m going to ask questions, you’ll answer, I guess. Is anybody here?”
Silence. And then a small voice, “Yes.”
“Man, what the—”
“Steve, sh!”
“When did you die here?”
There was a small sliver of silence before it answered, “18…34.”
“Is this Daniel Mitchell?”
No answer was spoken before Steve asked the next question, “Are you friendly?” Static interfered, making the next answer hard to hear, but you rewind the tape before pressing play again and getting closer.
“Are you friendly?”
Static before a low, growling voice spoke, “No.”
Quickly, you pressed stop and stood up, grabbing a strap of your backpack. “Time to leave, now. No questions, just get up and walk out.” You said gently, turning your flashlight on as you watched everyone stand up.
“What’s the big deal, anyways? None of this is real, all of that can be explained—” A crash interrupted Steve, making you all look up before there was another crash, directly in front of your group.
Turning your head, you were suddenly pushed to the floor, making you drop your flashlight and gasp at the force. Groaning, you sat up and looked around at everyone in the group, confused as you pushed the camera out of your face.
“Okay, now, that can’t be explained.” The brown eyed teen said, lending a hand out to you and you grabbed it, letting him help you off the floor.
“Don’t react, just leave.” Eyes locked onto Max’s and she nodded as she grabbed the door handle, opening the front door before it was slammed shut, her hand being ripped away from it.
Breathing out, you looked at the group before closing your eyes slowly and grabbing the recorder out of the side pocket of your backpack. “Looks like we have one more EVP to record, guys.” You opened it, flipping the tape around before pressing record.
“Listen, you’ve been messing with us, so tell us what you want, and we’ll be out of your hair.”
You waited a moment before you spoke again, “You said you weren’t friendly, so we’re trying to leave, so you can have your space—”
“Yeah, oh, ghost.” Steve spoke sarcastically, camera facing towards you and you rolled your eyes before looking around.
“Can we leave?” Is the final question you’d ask, before pressing stop and rewinding the tape, taking a deep breath as you pressed play.
“Listen, you’ve been messing with us, so tell us what you want, and we’ll be out of your hair.”
Silence hit all your ears before a loud voice answered, “New body.”
Swallowing hard, you listened. “You said you weren’t friendly, so we’re trying to leave, so you can have your space—”
“Yeah, oh, ghost.”
“You’re next, Steve.”
Eyes widening, you looked up at the male and he was already staring at you, paler than normal and the next question was asked, “Can we leave?”
The tape stopped and suddenly, the front door slammed open, the room filling with a manic laughter that fit no one’s voice and you all ran out. You ran until you hit the street before you turned back, gasping for breath as one hand was on your chest, feeling your heart beat go crazy and your other hand held Steve’s, gripping tightly.
“Do you—”
Before Mike could finish his sentence, your eyes locked onto the figure in the window, waving at you and the kids, eyes focused on Steve. “Yeah, I do.”
“Mhm.” Lucas and Max hummed, turning away from the house.
“Yup.” Dustin said, body stiff.
“Oh, yeah.” Will said, turning around to face the other two kids as a distraction.
“It’s staring right at me.” Steve said, eyes locked onto the figures as he held tightly onto your hand and his fingertips became white. The camera was still held tightly in his hand, facing towards the window.
“Come on, guys, let’s go home. Now.” The group would immediately follow you back to the neighbourhood, not making a sound or even questioning what had happened in that house.
Steve handed the camera to you and you watched him pile the kids in his car, smiling when he waved as he left.
Talking about it would be for another day.
AN: i love ghosts and ghouls and demons so like, yeah, this was on my mind and LEMME KNOW IF YOU WANNA PART TWO KIDS GOODNIGHT.
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sorede-ii · 7 years
1,4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, 26, 27
ALRIGHT ANON i had to empty out my inbox really quickly, so here we go with the salty asks!! thank you so much btw u rock!!!!! under a read more cuz man do i got alot to say lmao
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
in all honesty i will never understand inusess or (romantic) sessrin and why people would think those ships are ok?? like i’m not judging i promise, but i can never understand it :// but other than that, i’m usually very open about the ships for inuyasha!!
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
i guess other than the 2 i said before, i don’t really have a NoTP. i don’t think they’re popular either but… they’re more popular than what i thought they would be…
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
mmm i can’t really think of any pairing that has been ruined for me tbqh i feel i’m too openminded when it comes down to it ppfff
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
this one’s easy, the first one that comes to mind is inukik. the fandom had definitely helped me open my eyes to not be a hater against kikyo (i wouldn’t say i hated her, but i used to not like the idea of her with inuyasha, ya know?) and to just be openminded in shipping in general (especially samesex couples)!! if it weren’t for the fandom, i wouldn’t be enjoying ships like inukog, kagsan, kagukik… the list goes on!!
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
if it’s anything inuyasha related..? hmm…. probably character/ship bashing (especially kikyo). i used to be so into those arguments of “kikyo’s in the way of inukag!!” just cuz i didn’t really understand her character when i was younger!! in all honesty i hate any bashing towards a person in general~
8. Have you received anon hate? What about?
i’ve been on this site since before i started highschool and i’m in college now, and i’m so happy to say i have never gotten anon hate on any of my blogs!!!
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
oh my god anon so i was looking through the list of inuyasha characters to remind myself if there was anyone and then i got to mukotsu i was like “oh yeah… that motherfucker…”
we all know what that boy did.
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
oh man forgive me anon, i’m actually not the type to care much for arcs of a show!! as long as the story as a whole flows fine, i usually don’t mind!! though, i will say that it did bug me a bit when the story changed from a “mystery, ghost-hunting” story to a more shounen story. knowing that rumiko had intended it to be a more darker themed story, it felt way more light hearty (???) at the end, if that makes sense?? i mean i still love it either way, but that’s just my personal opinion!
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
alright imma do inuyasha just to keep it in general (lemme know if you guys want me to talk about the other characters)! i actually have….a few for him. first being his ears did not wiggle enough!!!! i think it just comes from owning a dog and cats too, but animals are very expressive with their ears, so i feel he would be the same. my second one being i personally…. don’t like it when people focus too much on the… dog part. i guess i see him too much as a person, so it just throws me off when people refer to him as a “puppy”, ya know? i mean don’t get me wrong i totally get it and it’s such a cute nickname for him, but man do i crave him having difficulty accepting himself as half demon. i hope that makes sense kasljfldklsdkg and last but not least, i feel the best songs that fit inuyasha’s character are songs by my fav artist, logic! here’s an example that i’ve made a comic about too!
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
oh gosh!!! first would be giving kagome more variety in her outfits. or atleast… let her wear her summer uniform!!! also add in the missing scenes from the manga to the anime, to make it more accurate. and i’d personally would have done the ending a bit differently too, instead of immediately seeing how kagome’s life in the feudal era would be, it’d be set it a few years into the future. we could see miroku and sango’s kids being more older, see the kids like rin, kohaku, and shippo, as teens, and seeing inukag in their married life!!
26.Most shippable character?
yall….. dead ass it’s inuyasha… like… any possible ship there is for him, i dig it. and ironically after inu bb, it’s kikyo…… it’s so easy for me to see them two happy like they should’ve been
27. Least shippable character?
that’s sesshomaru for me! like don’t get me wrong, i’ve read some p instense stuff of him with miroku, koga, and kagome and i’ve enjoyed them, but lookiing at it from a canon sense, he really doesn’t give a damn about other people, so he’s always given me the impression that he likes to be alone.
thank you so much again dear anon!!! this was super fun!!!
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