#lele was living during this
rhysandsbiggesthater · 9 months
I just finished CC1 like 10 minutes ago and I think that Aelin and fury would be friends.
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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Someone on weibo compiled Li Le and Wang Yunkai's answers to the 10 questions from the yesterdays instagram livestream, here is a brief translation by @ xiaoqiaoo_
Question 1: What are the MBTI types of the two actors? Are your characters introverted or extroverted, and how do they differ from your real selves?
Kaikai: ENFJ. Xiaobao is an ENFP, a happy puppy.
Lele: INFJ. Huaien is an ISTJ and is more organized.
Question 2: Which part of the show left the deepest impression on you?
Lele: In episode 6, Huaien was very angry and pinned Xiaobao to the bed in the Yicui Pavilion. Afterwards, you couldn’t actually see the people inside (on the bed), only the curtain. The director told us to move inside, I don’t know if you remember. We discussed about how we should move. Eventually, we decided to kick the sheets and throw the quilt around to create some movement. I thought it was quite fun.
Kaikai: I think that was the most memorable part for me because on the first day, we had to shoot a big scene. It was a finale scene that hasn’t aired yet, so everyone can look forward to it. Although we had trained together for over 20 days and were quite familiar with each other, the first scene we shot was a kiss scene, which still made us a bit shy and awkward.
Question 3: Describe episode 6 with a few adjectives.
Kaikai: I'll start with "exciting" and "full of ups and downs".
Lele: "Volcanic eruption" and "upholding dignity".
Question 4: Share some interesting stories from the filming process.
Lele: I'll start. I found episode 6 quite impactful because I had to princess-carry Xiaobao down. I remember clearly that before we started filming, during the 20-day training period, the director told me to practice the princess carry, so I lifted Wang-laoshi and walked around the room a few times. After putting him down I realized it wasn't easy. The director said that we might have to do ten to twenty takes for different shots—wide, center, and close-up—and they didn't want to use any camera tricks (like only filming the arms touching the body to create the illusion that he's carrying a person) because it would feel different. So, every day, during the training period, after reading the script, Wang-laoshi and I would go work out to ensure we could shoot that scene smoothly. In the end, I remember doing over ten to twenty takes, carrying him both upstairs and downstairs. I still think it was quite fun.
Kaikai: The most memorable scene for me was when Huaien, suspended by wires, carried me while flying. I'm a bit afraid of heights, and I was clinging to Le-laoshi. We flew from inside the building to the outside. At that time, we had landed on the roof and looked at the moon for a little while. It was very memorable because the moon was big and romantic that night.
Question 5: What would you like to say to yourself or your character in the show?
Kaikai: I'd like to tell Zongzheng Huaien, "Be kind."
Lele: I'd tell Xiaobao to live his life well with Huaien. And I'd tell Huaien to treat Xiaobao well and live a good life together.
Question 6: Have you read the original novel, and which part are you most looking forward to?
Lele: Yes, we both read the original novel. While filming, I was really looking forward to the scene where I take the antidote back to the Su residence to find Xiaobao. There, I have a big fight with Su Yin, and Xiaobao stabs me with a sword, or at least I think it was Xiaobao who stabs me. At that time, Huaien's feelings for Xiaobao are very complicated—he feels guilt for causing Xiaobao and his family harm, yet he's still determined that Xiaobao is the love of his life. Initially, the original novel has Xiaobao stabbing Huaien, but during filming, I discussed with the director and we added a bit––which I later had doubts about––where Huaien, out of self-blame, stabs himself with the sword. This is different from the original, and I'm excited for this scene. Wang-laoshi also performed well in this scene, so everyone should look forward to it.
Kaikai: One scene wasn't filmed due to weather conditions. It was supposed to be in a cave with a hot spring, I think everyone knows about that one. Despite that, our scriptwriters tried their best to recreate all the other scenes that fans are looking forward to.
Question 7: What is your character's greatest wish in the show?
Kaikai: My greatest wish is to grow old together with Huaien.
Lele: Huaien's greatest wish is to also grow old together with Xiaobao.
Question 8: How would you interact with the characters in the show if you met them in real life?
Kaikai: I'd become good friends with Jin Xiaobao and have him take me out to eat and drink, since he's so rich, right?
Lele: If I met Huaien, I wouldn't want to deal with him because a person with his personality isn't someone I'd get along with. If I met Xiaobao, I'd want to be good friends with him and have him treat me to delicious food and drinks, as he's very wealthy.
Question 9: Which character in the show do you like the most, and which character would you like to be?
Kaikai: It's Jin Xiaobao because he's very cute and very rich. Whether in the show or in real life, I think everyone would want to be someone like him, right? Haha. He has a kind, honest and innocent side and provides emotional value to everyone.
Lele: I'd want to be Su Yin, Xiaobao's childhood friend (note: could also mean childhood sweetheart haha). Xiaobao trusts him a lot, and it's easy for him to get close to Xiaobao. But now that I'm thinking about it, it's Huaien who ends up with Xiaobao in the end. So, if you look at it that way, Huaien has a better ending.
Question 10: Compliment each other's characters.
Lele: I'll go first. I think Xiaobao is very brave in pursuing love, very courageous. He is also very sincere to his family, very kind.
Kaikai: I think Huaien is a very good learner. Whether it's in life or emotionally, Xiaobao only needs to teach him once, and he gets it right away. He didn't understand what love was at first, but after Xiaobao teaches him, he learns quickly. Huaien is a very quick learner, thanks to Xiaobao's guidance.
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prettieinpink · 10 months
Hi lanny! Could you provide a guide on how to get into working out? 💗💖
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hi lele 💝☀️ hope this guide helps you w your journey!!
The first step to working out is setting goals related to exercise, not physical appearance. Avoid things like fat loss, muscle gain, smaller waist, bigger glutes and so on. 
While you can make this a separate goal, the reason why I don’t want you to associate it with exercise is that we then allow the way our body looks to dictate whether we believe the exercise we’re doing is good enough. 
Exercise and body aesthetics are two different things. Exercise is a means of nourishing our body, soul and mind, while body aesthetics is how ‘good’ our body looks. 
On that topic, I want you to stop focusing on your physical appearance when starting to exercise and I want you to start implementing a new mindset shift about your body. Instead of seeing your body as something to look at, appreciate it for what it can do. 
For example, your hands create meals, hug your loved ones and help you with essential tasks. Your legs help you to get around, especially to your favourite places. Your stomach helps with digesting all the yummy food you eat. 
Some goal ideas:
Lift 15kg+ 
Be able to do a plank for more than 5 minutes
Learn how to do a push-up
Be able to run on the treadmill for 30 minutes 
Gain more stamina and exercise for longer 
Moving on, set a time each day in which you prioritise exercise. This can be for however long you want and the times can vary daily. 
So, during this period, you are not allowed to do anything else other than exercise. It doesn’t even have to be a specific exercise either, if you’re feeling lazy and laps walking around the house is what feels best, do it. 
However, avoid obsessing over working out and losing yourself to exercise. This kills motivation, in exercise starts to feel like another obligation in the day and not a privilege. 
Now, you have to choose what exercise is right for you. I don’t believe you’re limited to one exercise, if you want you can have more than 1. 
Gym – Perfect for a mix of strength and cardio, however not the best option if you want to exercise for free.
Yoga – Tones muscles while also being a mindful experience. Low low-impact, but recommend doing it after cardio. 
Cycling – Tones the legs and the glutes, but cycling may not be the best idea depending on where you live. 
running/jogging – Strengthens muscles and bones, however, if you don’t have flat areas, may not be the best idea. 
Pilates – Improves flexibility and tone, while still being low impact (still may be challenging).
Weightlifting – Makes you stronger and boosts your metabolism, best done at the gym. 
There are plenty of ways to exercise that I haven’t mentioned here, but these are just ideas so you can research the ones that suit you best.
I recommend talking to a doctor if you haven’t done exercise in a long time, as that can open up the possibility of injury. 
Then, once we have our goals, times and what we’re doing, we need to exercise. Implementing exercise in your life is best done slowly. 
Start with simple, and smaller versions of workouts, even if you think you can do more. Do this for about a week, then try to extend yourself with something harder. If it is too hard, don’t be afraid to go back a step. 
Make it fun, create a motivating exercise playlist or watch your favourite TV show while doing it. 
However, the main thing about exercising is that every day you are not always going to feel like it, but that is when we have to discipline ourselves, talk to the mirror and say; ‘Me exercising is a privilege, I get to nourish my body because I love and respect it so much’. 
This was the best way I disciplined myself into working out. Treating it like a privilege and something that is very benefical, rather than a painstakingly challenging activity.
Or, instead, you can visualise what you would look and feel like if you continue like this for the next 5 years.
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
BJYX - Thursday Madness ( 12/7/23 )
I don’t know what’s with this date that they both decided to attack us with updates. We were prepared for WYB, because the event was planned tho he still surprised us with some bits. I swear when I saw the alert on my phone for XZS update I was 🫢🫢🫢. They are both feeding us so well.
Here’s my attempt at doing a recap of the candies ( and other things ) we got today. This may not be all inclusive, I only added the popular ones being talked about.
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let this lovely boy invite you in….
Our day started pretty early when WYB posted on his Weibo. All of the attendees of the event were actually sharing some pre show photos on their accounts and some of us were waiting what’s he gonna post. Everyone else were sharing professional photos but then WYB goes ahead and shares a b&w photo that tells us he is still in bed 😂😂😂 this bitch. I also feel like he didn’t want to shoot outside the exclusive “town” cause there are people going around and they may crowd if he does opening shooting. The night he arrived, 12/6, everyone saw Lele / Yanyan around but no WYB. So he was really trying to not be seen unless it was time for the show.
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The photo itself is kinda mysterious tbh. It’s like something you can send to your s/o and be — “im waiting for you” HAHAHAHAHA! Tho I think for WYB he can send a more explicit one to XZ 🫢🫢🫢 So we get the PG version. What we noticed is the channel he is tuned in is CCTV 5. He said this in an interview with XZ, that when he is alone, he keeps the TV open with CCTV 5 and Volume 3. So he’s still doing it! Also, this was taken using his Leica M11 b&w. I feel so happy knowing that! He is still on his photography hobby. Too bad he couldn’t go around the venue cause i bet there are lots of sights to see. The Leica CPN is only getting stronger. ☺️ ( I have already talked about the Leica CPN at length, so just search it on my blog ). Side note, even if the photo was so simple it went on HS #7 lol. His power.
Then it was time for WYB to make his appearance and he didn’t disappoint. First of all, he was in YELLOW. BXG color. Yeah, it could be a stylist choice or whatever. But this is a clowning space and I think we are free to interpret it as a sign for us.
But what’s more glaring is his hat. It looks so much like the one he wore at CQL concert & fan meet. Also reminds us of the whole One Piece CPN between them ( the post i’m linking is a starter but there has been more examples since like this one ).
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To be fair, WYB is someone who loves a good old hat/cap. from his bucket hats & caps — that is more for anonymity. It also extends to his performances like 11/11 finesse or the initial photoshoot for ROMW. What i’m saying is, we should not forget the fact that this is his personal preference as well and not entirely because of candy. Tho I have to say that the style is interesting. Why does it have to be so close to that? It’s like he is bringing us back memory lane.
WYB is honestly so beautiful today. He always is but there was something about his aura. He is chill. He was genuinely interested and i found it sweet of him, during the boat ride, he was clapping for Rocco, like applauding him for the event i guess. In the meantime, on Weibo, the top hot search were people criticizing the “boat” thing on GQ ( literally something like GQ boat embarrassment was the tag ) As soon as the live started it went on 1 or 2. I don’t know if Bobo saw that but I just like how he showed his appreciation to Rocco, and by extension, his team. That’s just my interpretation and it could be a completely different thing but knowing WYB, he is very generous with acknowledging people.
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I also want to address another “candy” some cpfs are laughing about, it’s a fancam where Rocco moves to sit with WYB before the boat sailed and WYB smiled and said no. They were interpreting that as WYB doesn’t want Rocco to sit with him. Speculating that as he doesn’t want to get close cause ZZ will be jealous. But if you look at it, he was asked if he wants to switch seats. WYB declined. He was okay with his position. I guess some people have some beef with Rocco & GQ and that’s fine. However, what we feel about certain things is not the same as what the boys would feel. I also think that at this point, It’s in WYB’s best interest to have a good relationship with people in the industry. For example him attending 10c Starlight, even if a lot of his so/os hate Tencent ( and with good reason ok sure ). He is only extending his reach and it’s better to not burn bridges.
That got serious, so here, have some comparison between the gremlin in 2018 to now. ⬇️⬇️⬇️
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I was cackling at the comments that they should have invited XZ so they can be paired up and quarrel for 9 mins 😂😂😂😂
NEXT UP IS GG’s VLOG. I don’t know why it slipped my mind, they usually post on Thursdays, but anyway —
The first thing is the BGM for the exercise section of the vlog Hans Zimmer/Richard Harvey《Preparation》 which was used in the 2015 movie The Little Prince. A favorite CPN symbol among us. Another glaring one is Uptown Funk. Hello. Bruno Mars? That’s WYB’s thing. Yes, ZZ has his own team who edits these but I am one of those that believes ZZ approves the final cut. He is also asked about certain choices cause let’s be honest — his suggestions matter cause he knows what looks good. He is a professional in that aspect too.
Next is his hand held fan! It’s the same brand but a different design. They finally upgraded!!!! 🥹🥹
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This scene (p1) with ZZ’s fondness for leaning on railings and balconies. It reminds me of the fake rumor before that WYB hates it when he does that.
XZ has a habit of lying on the balcony guardrail in a daze. Sometimes on a higher floor, WYB feels unsafe and won’t let XZ get close to the guardrail. Except for shooting, XZ is prohibited from approaching the balcony guardrail.
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I would have loved to get some more day to day bits of his vacation cause there is usually more candy in that. I want to see him roaming around, like this part, these two love to mimic what they see and take a photo beside it. Tho this is mostly GG’s thing. They really have the same braincell.
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LASTLY, Let’s discuss XZS 🤝 YBO.
XZS starts talking about the hot wind, which is most likely talking about the weather in Singapore. But then minutes later, here comes YBO talking about a comfortable breeze. Lol. The the hot could also allude to that “summer” since WYB decided to remind us all with his photo and hat. Then YBO’s caption, drawing more attention to his hat, knowing that CPFs are clowning over it.
and what time did they post their last set for the day?? 00:38. These clowns. Zhan Bo. 🫢
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Some are saying it’s out of character for XZS to post stuff like this when there is an event going on. For example today, the hot search is filled with talk about GQ. Which I can agree on to some degree, but his team have been posting mostly on Thursdays and they are already “due” for a vlog. However, when they have a vlog ready, the fans can usually see it on Weibo, we know that there will be something coming and i didn’t see any talk of that today. Or maybe i missed it? Others are clowning that this is his “answer” to WYB’s strong candy today, i personally don’t think so but it’s all good for us cause we have so much content!!!!! 💛
BONUS: this transition 👀👀👀👀. Their editors are dating!!!!!!
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
Loa - Day 78
Race: Jaki/Night
Arcana: Death
Alignment: Dark-Neutral
July 24th, 2024
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In many world religions, there exist gods that aren't quite gods, if that makes sense- beings such as Demigods, spirits who possess and represent different parts of existence, demons, the works- but some of the most interesting beings who rest in this strange limbo between mortality and immortality have to be intermediary spirits. Messengers, ghosts, oracles, and, of course, today's Demon of the Day make up those strange ranks of beings that live inbetween- that demon being none other than the Haitian Loa, also referred to as lwa.
Haiti folklore is somewhat obscure, which is unfortunate given how fascinating it tends to be. It follows a very different format to most other mythologies throughout the world, being simultaneously monotheistic and polytheistic. As a form of vodou, and one of the originating factors of Louisiana voodoo that had been brought over due to the slave trade, there isn't a central religious body like the church, and it's practiced almost entirely by oneself. While it does have a generally steadfast set of mythology, for the most part, practice is completely decentralized and unique from family to family, person to person, vodouist to vodouist. While Haitian Vodou mainly developed during the Atlantic slave trade, it's still practiced all over Africa to this day as a form of reclaiming the narrative surrounding it.
The rituals and beliefs of Haitian Vodou revolve primarily around the central deity, the all-knowing creator Bondye, and his servants by which he communicates with humanity, the Loa. Much like how the practitioners of Haitian vodou equate Bondye with God, the loa can be seen as his angels, so to speak, though they differ in many respects as well- they're to be seen less as paragons of divinity and more as unique beings with their own names and lives, and 232 of said loa have had their names actually recorded. All of these Loa have their own domains and abilities, and can be seen as what are roughly deities in their own right, though they differ greatly from the divinity from which they serve and commune with. For example, one such loa is Ibo Lele, a selfish and ambitious man who does everything for his own gain. This also goes into something I mentioned above, as many loa aren't meant to be seen as completely moral figures one must follow.
Why are they revered, then, one may ask? Well, it's to speak with Bondye. Loa are the messengers of the god, after all, and while fickle, they're an incredibly vital part of the tapestry of Haitian Vodou. They're seen as the intermediaries between humanity and Bondye, and they reside between humanity and the incredibly aloof Bondye, being able to manifest themselves through rituals to speak with humanity and attest to their concerns. Said rituals tend to be things such as offerings to the spirit or, more commonly, the possession of a practitioner by a loa to summon the spirit to the material world and commune with it. This possession also plays into the general idea of each loa being its own being, as the possessed person tends to act out according to the loa possessing them. Specific drum beats are intended to summon certain loa, though sometimes another loa may visit first and possess the target, referred to as the chwal.
There are also classifications of loa, though I'll leave you to read into that yourself as, perhaps, a jumping-off point for further research. Overall, though, loa are a fascinating part of an already fascinating folklore that gave birth to one of the most famous religious movements in the Americas to date. In SMT, they're also, rather fittingly, a very recurring demon, but how are they portrayed?
The design for Loa as a demon, appears to be an amalgamation of several different recurring themes in vodou- the skull is a commonly revered item in the religion to connect with one's past, and is frequently seen in vodou artworks throughout the world, and several artworks are made out of skulls as well! Meanwhile, the snake seems to be based on a specific loa from the religion, the most powerful (and first born) loa known as Damballah-Weddo, who is frequently depicted as, what else, a snake. I personally find the design to be really cool looking itself, though that's just me and my edgy eccentricities, but overall, it's a solid and fitting look for an amalgamation of several vodou ideas wrapped into one.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Evening Café
cw: confession fic, slight pokemon attack,
pairing: Guzma/Reader
He was not the type you would expect to find at a café.
What, with his tired eyes, bleached white hair, and athleisure attire. Well, you would not pretend that you did not have the odd customer pop in similarly dressed before him, but they were usually in and out before you could give them too much thought. It was his order that made you notice him, too.
Hot cocoa.
You did not truly care what your patrons ordered, so long as they were at least on the menu and any substitutions were within reason and in the store. It just seemed like an odd order for him. He often came in later in the day when the store had long cleared out and hung around until it was just before closing time. He made occasional conversation, regularly telling you about what a terrifying trainer he was. You wondered about that. Especially when brought out one of his pokemon during his time in your café.
The Masquerain had flown around him eagerly. He even asked for a cup of sugar water for the bug-type to enjoy. You offered it with ease. He also had his Golisopod out fairly frequently during his visits. The bond between both of them together was always sweet to see him pet the giant pokemon or watch as it pestered him for attention or a treat.  His attempts at intimidation tactics really had no effect on you, either way, when he tried them. As long as he continued to just be a casual regular who came in for a cup of whatever, you did not care. His softer side had already been unintentionally revealed.
The bell rang as you checked your ingredients supply. You turned around to see him awkwardly standing about with two teens at his side. That was also not an uncommon sight to see. A smile fell across your face as you walked up to him. “Hi!” you held a cheery tone as you approached the counter. The girl with hot-pink haired looked mortified by your behaviour, while the boy kept an indifferent look. He always seemed to wrangle in types like that on the trips he had tag alongs. “What can I get you today?” you asked.
“A black coffee and, uh,” the white-haired man turned to the girl, “What did you want again?” You giggled as she squinted at the menu for a moment.
“Lele fruit chiller,” she said, and you nodded. The juice had become quite popular as the temperature grew hotter. Its bright magenta colour was a favourite among your patrons, too. The boy looked over your menu with a sigh.
“Boss, there's nothing here that sounds good,” he told the white-haired man, “… You got anything that doesn't feel like it'll cook me from the inside or isn't a shade of purple?” The oldest of the three shot a glare at the boy and made you laugh a bit. He was completely unaware he just insulted his companion's regular place.
“Er, I do have some sodas,” you replied, “Does that sound alright?” He just nodded, trying to ignore the upset he had given your odd patron. The two teens wandered off to a table while the white-haired man hung around. You gave his a curious look.
“I take it you don't actually want coffee,” you gave him a playful grin, watching as he gazed away from you in a slight embarrassment, “I'll make your usual, then.” He gave you a nod before finally walking off to join his companions. You wondered where he found all the troubled teens he showed up it. He always tried to play his actions aloof and distant, but you found yourself observing him more when he brought company with him. Boss, they all called him. You supposed that was the Team Skull you had heard was causing issues around the islands. Well, you supposed it was not really your problem.
You quickly worked to make their drinks and serve it to them.
Time passed away, and you found yourself walking home from your café long after the sun had sunken behind the horizon. There was little worry about danger in a region like Alola, so you had thought nothing of it. You did not live far from your café, anyway. It was an ordinary night walk. A few nocturnal pokemon roamed. Wingulls found a way to menacingly hang around the area. A warm breeze crossed your skin as you walked down the road. Everything felt peaceful.
This, however, quickly came to a sudden shift as a man seemingly came out of nowhere. You tried to move around him, but he stood in the middle of the road. He was wearing a mask over his face and dark clothing. There was some bright red logo on his shirt, but you barely had time to register it as you tried to just get away. Everything about him read completely suspicious. His hand went for a pokeball, and you tried to go for your own. He was too quick, however. A large serpentine pokemon was sent out, and you froze. At any moment, it looked ready to attack you. Its sharp teeth bared as it let out a hiss.
You screamed. It was not at all intentional, but the sound broke free of your throat without your consent. The following moments were followed by a sudden figure rushing out from behind you to tackle your attacker. The pokemon turned its attention to the scene, finally giving you a chance to pull out your own pokemon. Quickly, you knocked it out with your partner.
Your attention shifted to the attacker, to see your odd patron pinning the guy to the ground. You felt stunned.
“Where did you come from?” you asked him, genuinely confused as to how he came to your rescue so fast. The attacker finally managed to get the upper hand. He called back his fainted pokemon and ran off into the foliage. You needed to alert the police about this later. Your patron crossed his arms and wore a deep frown.
“I was on the beach with my Golisopod,” he answered, “Why are you walking alone so late at night?” His expression was something like a disappointed older brother. You wanted to laugh.
“I got caught up cleaning,” you replied, “These things don't normally happen here, you know.” It was luck that you had someone near to rush to help you. “... Gosh, what do I owe you now…” you immediately turned to wondering how to repay him. He scoffed.
“Get home before it's this late,” he replied, “Or, hell, call me, and I'll walk you back.” You turned to him. A snort came from you.
“I expected you to say something a lot worse,” you had taken him as the type of guy to make an innuendo, “I don't even know your name, how can I call you?” His eyes went wide.
“You don't know my name?” he suddenly snapped out of it with a shit-eating grin, “I'm big, bad Guzma!” A title like that may have fit him, had you not seen his softer side already.
“Guzma…” you repeated. Was that not a name of a flower? Tilting your head, you realised you were staring at him. You exchanged numbers with him that night, and he insisted on walking you home. Guzma appeared to be a bit more of an oddity than you first thought. Ah, well, it made him all the more fun to have around, you supposed.
A few weeks went by without a sign from the big, bad man, and you wondered about him. You had started a few conversations with him, but they were more light-hearted and not quite at the point where you could demand to know his whereabouts. Maybe he had got busy with something related to his group. Perhaps he had got into the lucrative field of Wimpod breeding. You had known quite a few people who would go mad for the isopod pokemon. It was also possible he found a better place to buy his hot cocoa.
There was little you could do, so you settled yourself back into life, hoping for no repeats of that night.
It was as the evening began to lull in and the appearances of customers grew rarer and rare, that the bell chimed. You called out your generic greeting as you remained turned around and taking care of some dishes. When you did, however, you spotted him. He looked… different. Obviously, his hair and face were the same, but something about his clothes felt off. You walked toward the counter almost instantly. “Hey, Guzma,” you greeted more personally, “How have you been? I haven't seen you for a minute.”
He scratched the back of his head. You noticed his previously dented glasses had been fixed. When his arm moved back down, you noticed the previous ink markings on them were gone. “I got caught up in some stuff,” he replied, “I'm back now. Doubt I'm goin' anywhere like that again.” You wondered what had exactly happened to him.
“Well, it's nice to see you again,” you told him softly, “You want your normal order?” He nodded and took a seat near the counter. When you thought on it, you had not really seen or heard much of Team Skull for a while, either. Had something happened there? It seemed like it would probably be a sore topic to push with him. You finished his drink and brought it out to him. Feeling a bit daring, you took a seat across from him. “I missed having you pop in as my evening company,” you smiled at him.
“... I missed coming,” he said after taking a sip, wiping off the liquid on his upper lip with his hand. You handed him a napkin, and he wiped it off properly. “Nothing happened while I was away, right?” he seemed genuinely worried about you.
“Not a thing,” you replied, “If you want, you can finally take up your offer of walking me home again.” He gave you one of his normal grins, making your chest flutter. It had finally hit you why he had captured your attention so much.
You liked him.
It felt jarring to consider, especially with how light your conversations had been up until recently. But somehow, this delinquent looking guy had completely caught your eye. All the times you watched him take care of his pokemon, or just sit in your café, had made you grow fond of him.
“… You're a sweet guy,” you giggled, “I'm glad I have someone like you around again.”
“'M not sweet,” he tried to give you a glare, “I'm trying to become Champion, now. I got a good opponent.” You had heard about the establishment of Alola's league, finally had happened. Guzma did seem to be a trainer, you supposed. He carried quite a few pokemon with him. In your texts, it had come up that he preferred bug-types even. A bug-type champion. That would be a first.
“You're extremely sweet,” you argued lightly. He just gave a huff, leading to another laugh from you. It seemed he did not want to be interpreted that way. Well, you could keep it a secret. “I mean that as you seem kind,” you continued, “Good luck with your dreams, though. I'd love to hear about a bug-type champion.” His big grin returned. Your heart fluttered. “... I have a day off tomorrow,” you reached a careful hand across the table to catch his bigger warm. It was warm and calloused. “Want to meet up? I'd love to spend more time with you,” you asked, his hand coming around yours. Big, bad Guzma, he absolutely was not around you.
“Sounds great,” he agreed, “I was just thinkin' the same thing.”
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New interview with Jennifer Lee | Latest Updates: Interview
We have a new interview with Jennifer Lee from Fandogo, briefly discussing Frozen 3 and 4. This was a day ago but I only just found out through Reddit, by @/Atlast_2091. The interview does give us a few new things to note that we didn't know before.
The first part of the interview talks about Moana 3, the middle part had Jen Lee discussing Frozen 3 and 4. The last part is regarding Zootopia 2 and Disney Princess.
Frozen III and IV info
Here's the takeaways from Jennifer Lee's words for Frozen 3 and 4; She reminds us from D23 that the official release date for Frozen 3 is November 27th 2027 and that Frozen 3 and 4 are being worked on simultaneously, in the same room, most likely for a back to back release date with a gap of a year given it's a part 1 and 2 movie.
Not so surprisingly, the first concept art revealed during D23 is far from being final, but it would still provide inspiration. Frozen 3 has a long development process so it's given that the concept art isn't certain on what's to be in the movie. But I think they might still go for the heavier Norse mythology theme with vikings included. I mean I don't know that for sure but with the fans reaction to this it's a heavy possibility. That also means the outfits you see Elsa and Anna were are not final either. Just a general idea.
Lee answers one of the questions that was written on the board of questions to be answered during D23, confirming that Oaken's iconic Yoo-Hoo/ Hoo-Hoo phrase to greet people is actually, “Hoo-hoo.”
Speaking of the board of questions, that was only page ONE of the many questions that'll be answered in Frozen 3 and/ or 4.
The questions and the concept art are clues that are hinting towards the plot of Frozen 3.
The music for the movie is still being scripted/ written. Jennifer Lele also recalls Let It Go's creation and implementation into the first movie in the interview. Personally, I hope we get a reprise of the song re-sung in the Frozen 3 or 4 because it was a huge part of Elsa's growth and part of the franchise.
Okay, so I know most of it is nothing totally new and unexpected but some of it is. The board of questions is just page one, ONE, of questions or he answered in Frozen 3 (and 4). So those who might have been disappointed that their long held question wasn't among those, fear not because yours could still be in all those other pages.
Frozen 3 has 3 more years of development so it so a lot could be expanded from what we know and changed too. The concept art is only a glimpse of what's to come along with the questions. All that together in just a fraction of what's to come. So whatever we're thinking now, chances are it'll exceed our expectations (for some - I say this because some want to remain cautious with their hopes that's understandable). But it's good to see the team taking their time with the movie and with Frozen 4. Hopefully it'll live up to expectations.
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tempenensis · 1 year
hi Lele-san, im interested in your interpretation of Geto’s downfall.
so obviously, he was traumatized, but what I find interesting is his and Gojo’s rivalry and what part it played in his life. the way i see it, before purple, Gojo and Geto, on a surface level were similar in stats (but Gojo seemed more capable even then) and I guess you could call them rivals. though Gojo is leading, I think. but sure, rivals. and after Toji, that all changed really fast. suddenly the difference in Gojo’s and Geto’s powers was significant and very visible.
so what I understand happened is that Geto suddenly became aware of just how much they weren’t rivals(?) i think that is emphasized by: Gojo demonstrating Limitless to Geto and Shoko; Nanami saying that the jujutsu world could just send Gojo to do everything; Geto’s famous parting words to Gojo. and after that he felt utterly useless, and decided to go his own way, try to complete a task he knew was impossible, and gather followers- which made him feel powerful and capable. of course, there is the morality point: how unneeded and unnecessary the regular people are and yada yada. you get the main gist.
if I’m correct, Geto’s feelings were: desperation, sadness and jealousy- but then, the popular interpretation of the whole manga is that Geto did it all for Gojo? like, because the jujutsu society used Gojo for everything, Geto wanted to make Gojo’s life easier? i don’t get that. am I wrong? did I interpret the whole arc incorrectly?
Hi, hello, anon. This is interesting question.
Firstly, I wouldn't actually call them rivals, as they didn't try to compete with each other. In the flashback arc, they are introduced more like two sides of a coin; similar in strength but with contrasting views. While Gojou thought of being a jujutsushi is like a troublesome job, protecting the weak, Getou thought of it as a duty - "with great power comes great responsibility" actually painted his view well during this time.
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"survival of the weak", that's how an ideal society should be. helping the weak and keeping the strong in check. listen, Satoru, jujutsushi exists to protect non-jujutsushi
Rather than Getou realizing how much of NOT rivals they were, I think the situation is more complex. But it boils down to the unfairness of jujutsushi system. Riko was very important to them and they protected her risking their life; her death was brushed aside when Tengen can be stabilized even without her. Haibara was a close friend, and his death just meant that he wasn't strong enough, he can be replaced by other jujutsushi - hence Nanami said that Gojou should and can handle everything by his own. As he realized this unfairness, Gojou growing stronger feeds into his insecurity - that only the strong is needed in the jujutsu society. It is the opposite of what he believed, that the strong must protect the weak. However, all he saw is that their death, at the end of it, were meaningless for the jujutsu society.
And then when he met Yuki, he learned that cursed spirits exist only because of non-jujutsushi who jujutsushi supposed to protect with their lives. And this means that the cursed spirits are infinity compared to jujutsushi that sacrificed their lives. Everything that they did, doing, will be done, is just meaningless in front of such unending force. This is why he keeps insisting on "meaning".
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And all this is what drove Getou to finally go his own way, with the aim to reshape the society.
And to reduce this... complex idea that shape the core of Getou's character to just "for Gojou".... I'm sorry, I can't accept that, as Getou is one of the more complex characters in the series, with one of the best character developments.
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fcrox · 27 days
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The witch had a determination unlike most; a will to walk whatever path she had chosen and excel at it. Whatever footprints she would leave behind, she would allow nothing and no one to doubt her. Not even herself.
✧ threads ✧ about ✧ headcanon ✧ the mail ✧ ✧ aesthetics ✧ musings ✧ connections ✧ mirror ✧
FULL NAME: Leta Blanche Rosier
ALIAS/NICKNAME: Lele (if you'd like to cease existing), Leets (her brother and she hates it)
AGE: Twenty Eight
BIRTH DATE: April 1st, 1951
AFFILIATION: Neutral (officially), Death Eater siding (truthfully)
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Woman. She/her
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Manor in Hatfield, England
OTHER LIVING CONDITIONS: Manor in Burgundy, France
OCCUPATION: Designer and Seamstress at Madam Malkin's
PETS: Athena (snow owl), Salt & Pepper (burmese cats)
WAND: Ebony wood, dragon heartstring core, 12" and slightly springy flexibility
PATRONUS: Black Mare
BOGGART: Her parents
SCENT: charcoal (from sketching designs) and maple syrup, a hint of cinnamon, spring
SONG: La Vie en Rose by Édith Piaf, Espresso by Sabrina Carpenter, The Serpent's Story by Lorne Balfe, Look what you made me do by Taylor Swift, One woman army by Porcelain Black
PINTEREST: here !! (in the making)
AESTHETIC: Charcoal drawings, scattered lines, elegant fabrics blowing in the window, a garden full in bloom, the fall of leaves, maple syrup over pancakes next to a cup of coffee, a sewing mannequin, soft piano music playing in another room, the crinkling of the newspaper, ink turned into words on a page, someone twirling in a ballroom, light going into darkness, shadows dancing across a wall, a fireplace, the fall of flower petals
PARENTS: Evan Rosier Sr. (deceased) & Lucille Rosier, née Lockhart (deceased)
SIBLINGS: Evan Rosier (twin brother).
SCHOOL: Hogwarts
HOUSE: Slytherin
EXTRACURRICULAR: Charms Club, Slug Club
CLASSES INVESTED IN: Transfiguration, Charms, Defense against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Theory of Magic, Arithmancy
SPOKEN LANGUAGES: French, English, Norwegian
EYE COLOR: Blue-Grey
SCARS: None.
INTELLIGENCE: High. Adaptive.
SKILLS: wandless magic (decent, practicing), dueling (practicing) with Antonin Dolohov, occlumency (decent, practicing), sewing skills (incredibly skilled), design and arts (delicate, skilled)
POSITIVE TRAITS: confident, caring, creative, loyal, prepared
NEGATIVE TRAITS: impatient, vindictive, conceited, perfectionist
Leta was born on April 1st as one of a pair of twins. They came into the world together, and somehow it always seemed to remain that way. From an early age on Leta was protective of her brother, always wanting to assure he was happiest as he could; or as happy as she could help him be. While Evan seemed to be held on a tight leash by their father, Leta herself was taken under her mother's wing. It was there that she observed and learnt the art of wearing a mask at any given time, frequently changing between the young girl that could behave according to etiquette and the free and wild spirit burning to learn anything she could get her fingers on.
Early on it became clear, during the many dance, embroidery and etiquette lessons that the young witch had a talent for the arts and loved the creativity that came with designing her own things. What started out as the ideas of a child would one day grow to be the ideas of a respected designer. Until then many years would pass, years filled with a desire to better herself. Language classes were eventually added to the mix. Naturally a french she picked up English with ease and eventually added Norwegian to the mix as a part of her wondered if their parents would perhaps sent the children to Durmstrang. The latter was disproved when their Hogwarts letter arrived.
Slytherin. It didn't even take the hat a second before he called out what Leta Rosier had known all along. The witch was far too determined, too stubborn and ambitious to let go, far too cunning with her ever changing mask to be at home in any of the other houses. Even though she was fine with friends from other houses, so long as they lived up to bloodstatus expectation, she very much felt the most herself among the other Slytherins.
At age fifteen the twins lost their parents. The scene was horrendous, Leta having seen the aftermath mere minutes before her brother had. In an attempt to protect him, entirely in the unknown that her brother was doing the same, she kept quiet. To this day her act of protecting her brother and putting him first hasn't changed.
Leta buried herself in her school work, began designing even more to the point where she started out by working on designs for friends who needed an attire here or there. Eventually her skills improved further, securing her a spot with a design tutor and an internship at Madam Malkin's. From there on she progressed, rising through the ranks until eventually hard work, ambition and skill led to her becoming one of the top designers of the store, with plenty of private clients and her own atelier within the manor. It was how she came to spend most of her time, reveling in the power of knowing her clothes are what dresses plenty of their society; from the standard Hogwarts robes to fancier dresses and suits. Recently she's begun working on protective dueling suits and accessories to aid the fight she believes in.
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bnbc · 2 years
The Serpent Queen (Rachel Vogelman's bio)
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Rachel was created to become a joke but became a cool-ass fixer instead. I was surprised by how many things I can tell about her, considering the fact that a major part of her shady affairs is still in a very WIP stage ksjdfhsjdfskjdhf
Anyway, enjoy your read:
Rachel was born as the second child in a rich corpo family, so her future was determined from the start: she should’ve become either a media, like her artist mother, or gotten her high place in some media holding her father had connection with. Well, Rachel had her own ideas, but she had to wait until she’d gotten a chance to make them real.
The Vogelman family was quite good considering their corpo lifestyle. Rachel’s father was a really chill guy who owned shares in some media corporation and could afford quitting the rat races. But her mother was both eccentric and hypercontroling, helicopting shit out of her kids’ lives, and quick to start a drama. So, sneaking and plotting quickly became a necessary skill for Rachel to have a bit of a normal life.
Esther Vogelman tried to force both of her kids into the artistic career, but they showed little talent and huge resistance, and even tho Rachel’s elder brother, Lenny, kinda followed family’s tradition by becoming a musical critic, she herself studied network and communication not as to end up as a cog of ‘Network News 54’. As soon as she could she signed a contract with ‘Arasaka’ and left New York for Night City.
[I do not determine what exactly she was doing for ‘saka because when I realized Rachel is not V and made her her own OC some of my friends wanted her as part of their universe, so she is officially a multiverse character with some Arasaka connection but not glued to Jenkins situation so corpo kids could have her too. So, this is official: if you want one more fixer in your book, come to Lele Park in Charter Hills and look for a tall twitchy woman with a cig in one hand and a can of ni-cola in another, consumed with whatever is happening on her smart glasses. She would be happy to work with you if you prove your worth]
During her Arasaka years Rachel sharped her skills of netrunning and intrigues, and made some useful connections with local mercs one of whom was Jackie Welles. They become quite close friends so when she ended up fired from Arasaka (why is this always happening ugh) he helped her to get back on her feet. First she was his partner, but she quickly realized that being Jackie’s pocked netrunner doesn’t suit her ambitions and decided to become a fixer.
She shared this idea with Jackie and he introduced her to Padre, who gave her a task which turned out to be quite a harsh lesson to learn. She ended up owning Padre a lot of money but the gained experience taught her a lot. She left Heywood and came back to Charter Hill where she used to live before her downfall, and there she found her niche.
Rachel became ‘a corpo-fixer’ as they called her on the streets, with her client base mostly consisting out of Charte Hill’s corporates. The skillest that helped her to survive the corporate world turned out to be useful on the bottom of life as well. She was slowly building her net of connection and gaining a reputation of the fixer who gets the job done. 
She followed rules and regularly visited Wakako Okada to pass her some ‘gifts’. Wakako sensed Rachel’s potential to become big one day, but she was a wise and reasonable woman, so instead of seeing a competitor in her, she saw an opportunity. She offered Rachel protection which she politely refused, and gained even more of Wako’s respect. Also one of Rachel’s gifts was really special: she used her connection inside Arasaka to track down the person who ordered the murder of Wakako’s grandson a long time ago, and passed her this info.
Around the same time Rachel met her future partner, Meredith Stout. Meredith was clear from the start that this was going to be a one-night stand, and Rachel was totally ok with it, but to her surprise, a week after Meredith called her again. They stuck to this format of their meetings in hotels that did not ask for their IDs, but with time Rachel became obsessed with the idea to make Meredith hers. Every attempt to get closer was met with the fight, but eventually Rachel crawled under Meredith’s armor too.
They didn’t become a happy healthy couple though: a constant power struggle and irresolvable contradictions were their companions along the way. Rachel wanted a full commitment from Meredith, who kept their connection a secret and was harassing her partner saying she’s wasting her potential on the fixer bullshit instead of looking for a decent career opportunity. 
Once they had a really nasty fight, Meredith accused Rachiel of having mommy issues (which was true) and insisting on full commitment only to impress her family. This was also true because after her downfall Rachel quickly realized that moving to the other end of the continent is not enough to escape her mother’s influence, and never told her family she was fired, crafting an image of perfect life in her social media.
So, Rach was really pissed and refused to message Meredith even after she disappeared for a week, but it turned out their fight had little to do with it. Wakako sent her protege a footage of Meredith being kidnapped. 
Rachel hired the best merc she could find, a former partner of her dead friend, who made herself quite a loud name during the last months. V (in Rach’s ‘home’ universe it was Kou, of course) was on the verge of dying at that point but she owed Rachel a service, so she helped. Together they rescued Meredith and found out that the kidnapping was set up by her new assistant.
When Rachel was visiting Meredith in the hospital she passed her this info, but to her surprise Meredith decided to promote her assistant seeing a potential in them, and made some comment about how Rachel’s fixer shit got surprisingly useful again. It made Rachel finally realize that their relationship are stuck in this endless cycle and lead to nowhere, so she broke up with Meredith right there in the hospital, and decided not to hear panic in her voice when she called Rachel in a couple of weeks, the morning both of them woken up incompletely new world with Saburo Arasaka walking on Earth again.
The new world still needed fixers, so life went on. Rachel was fighting nails and teeth for her place on the Night City’s stage, and eventually she attracted the attention of the fixer’s queen herself. She didn’t like this alliance between the Lady of Westbrook and the so-called fixer from Charter Hill, so she tried to start a quarrel between them. Luckily they managed to survive and united even more.
Rachel was pissed, she wanted to strike back, but Wakako talked her out: this wasn’t the right time. 
So, Rachel continued her biz. She eventually came out to her family, placing them in front of the fact that their kid is now a big figure in the city’s underworld, and if they had a problem with it she didn't give shit about it. She also came back to Meredith, but this time on new terms (I’m not joking about the terms, bitches had a whole ass dating contract which eventually became a marriage contract).
The tension between Afterlife and Westbrook was getting only worse, and it only needed a stone to start the avalanche. The stone came as a person of whom Rachel heard a lot but never met in person, but Wakako had ‘a pleasure to work with’. Goro Takemura came back to Night City in need of help, but by helping him the fixers helped themselves. They dug some dirt on Rogue and finally were ready to strike.
All this time Wakako was playing the humble old woman who has just enough money and power for her age, and ready to support a new figure to take her rightful place. Her act was so good that Rachel bought it, thinking she’s gonna be the next fixer queen of Night City. Alas it was not going to happen, during the stand Wako played her cards the way there was no such thing as a queen anymore, but a triangle of power between the biggest fixers of the city, bound by the compromising evidence, threats and services.
Rachel, of course, wasn’t happy with being outplayed, she couldn't do much to Wakako since she cared in advance about her safety. She might do something reckless but Meredith’s sarcasm cooled her head, so after some time Rachel and Wakako resumed their good relationship.
Life got fairly quiet for a while, but shortly after some notorious engramma in the new artificial body returned to Night City, Rachel was contacted by the most unexpected person. After some time required to built a mutual trust, she and Michiko Arasaka started to work on something they both called ‘the bird business’. It was a very long game that required a lot of small operations to be successfully completed and some major factor to appear on the stage, but the rogue AI ready to cooperate isn’t something you can order by delivery.
[The other events lead to THE BIG GIG but it’s something I’d rather talk about some other time. Also, Rachel eventually becomes Night City’s Mayor, because she deserved it. 
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lunarsun12 · 9 months
Yumark Breakup Again Part 2/2
Previous Part
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After Yuta, explained the whole situation to Jaemin decided to bring them upstairs, to get Yuta to talk to Jisung and convince Jisung that it was a misunderstanding. Just so Mark understand what has happened, in hopes in getting back with him
Will YuMark get back together…?
In the dream dorm….
Jaemin, texted Jeno beforehand to bring Mark to his gaming room. In case Mark started to have melt down, when he sees Yuta.
Jaemin and Jeno private chat
Jaemin🌸: Jeno!
Jeno🐶: I didn’t abandon Mark! I’m still hugging him
Jaemin🌸: Good you doing your job!
Jaemin🌸: Jeno, take Mark to your gaming room! It for the best he didn’t see Yuta. Also tell Jisung to come out
Jeno🐶: Yuta? Jisung?
Jaemin🌸: Just do as I say! I explain later
Once Jeno has safely removed Mark from the premises. He texted Jaemin, that the living room is clear and that Jisung will put in second. Jasmine bring the Yuta and Doyoung, to the couch of the living room. Offering them some tea and biscuits.
10mins later….
There was big boom, coming from Chenle’s room along with Chenle screaming at the top of his lungs , something along the line of ‘….you ruined my plan Jisung….’
Yuta: What was that?
Jaemin: *smiles* Oh it just Chenle doing his experiments. His is so experimental
Doyoung: Why do I smell burning?
Yuta: Should you check on them?
Jaemin: It probably the outdoor smell
Doyoung:*mumbles* he is so oblivious to his children misbehaving. It makes Jungwoo look like an Angel
Yuta: *whispers* I know right, he even called hyuckie an Angel. We all know he is the devil in disguise
A few mins later, a panic Renjun ran to the living room. Saying there Chenle is about to throw Jisung off the balcony.
Renjun: *pants* Eomma Eomma, Jisung…is in danger…Lele got mad for Jisung for something. He is about to throw Jisung off the balcony
Renjun hasn’t finished, his sentence and Jaemin. Immediately ran to Chenle room, before Jisung goes flying.
30mins later…
With a lot chaos in Chenle room, Yuta and Doyoung were sitting in the living room patiently, whilst Jaemin is sorting out ChenJi argument. Jaemin has returned with Jisung.
Jaemin: Sorry for the delay, lele got little bit aggressive with Jisung
Jisung: Eomma! Why you bring that bad Lion here and that bad uncle Doyoung
Doyoung: C’mon Jisung! I can’t help it, if you are so loveable!
Jaemin: Jisungie, Yuta wants to talk to you
Jaemin gestures Yuta to explain to Jisung
Yuta: Jisung, my bro! I wanna explain of what you overheard the convo the other day…
Jisung: Mark hyung, says you tell lies all the time! I won’t listen!
Yuta: Jisung…please…listen to me….
Jisung wasn’t having it and refused to listen to Yuta until Doyoung pipes up.
Doyoung: Jisung, listen to Yuta! I will kidnap you again and this time! I won’t let you leave
After that statement Jisung sat back down, on the couch.
Jisung: I’m listening
Yuta explains the whole situation to Jisung, which lead to an embarrassed Jisung. Without hesitation, he dropped on his knee begging Yuta not to kill him.
Jisung: *nearly in tears* please don’t torture me! It was an accident
Yuta:*smiles warmly* I could never hurt you! Please do me favour and explain to Mark, you misunderstood!
With a quick nod, Jisung ran to Jeno gaming room.
Jaemin: *glaring* you better be joking stealing Jisung…
Doyoung: Duh, I learnt my lesson no stealing Jisung. I only did it, he can listen to Yuta
Jaemin: Wow, this is why you the big brain here
Yuta: I knew bringing Eomma, with me is the best idea!
During the midst of the convo, there was a high pitch scream coming from Haechan’s room.
Jaemin: I think you should go! If Mark wants to speak to you Yuta, he will text you!
Yuta and Doyoung nodded, they know when there is Haechan scream. It always mean something is bad.
Doyoing: Good luck dealing with that kid
Doyoung gave Jaemin a pat on the back, whilst he left the dorm
The next day….
Yuta and Mark Private Chat
Today 10:00
Mark🐯: Yuta? You here?
Yuta🦁: I’m here my Markie!
Mark🐯: I want to apologise, for behaving that way yesterday! Jisung told me everything!
Yuta🦁: This is why, always let me explain things before you get upset
Yuta🦁: You have no idea, who I found in Eomma crying corner. Jungwoo and Uncle Johnny, huddle in the corner with a bag of popcorn
Mark🐯: Why would they hide?
Yuta🦁: No reason…so when are you coming home. I miss you so much!
Mark🐯: About that, I think we should stay as friends. This dating whole thing, is way too stressful for me. I prefer being single for a while
Mark🐯: I have been thinking of breaking up with you lately. Your family is crazy plus dating is not my thing
Mark🐯: I hope, we can be friends!
Yuta🦁: Fine, I take friends but only temporarily. I can change your mind
Yuta🦁: That Jisung, is gonna get it now….
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hellohibye1 · 9 months
🦁: how was 4D? (Some cinemas showed born to fly with 4D effects, the chairs were moving)
🐰: it was so hot! Wls acting skills are amazing
🦁 bullshit, say truth
🐰 your shoulder still hurt?
🐰 I really miss you wyb
Once after filming, we went to dinner all together. 🐰 pulled 🦁 from the back and said gently: lz (lan zhan) I’m tired, can you go slower
🦁 waved him away and yelled: Xz!!! I’m not lwj now!
After that, 🐰 froze in place in fright
It was the first time I saw 🦁 so angry
🦁 can you not wear it?
🐰 it’s combination
🦁 then you change the combination!!!!
🧔‍♂️👱‍♀️: ….
🐰 wyb be obedient
🦁 no!!!
🐰 then whispered smth to 🦁 and he agreed to everything
And another rumor from being a hero filming:
When car flipped (as we remember it wasnt 100% planned and yb didn’t have a double + had high fever)
Staff complained to 🐰 again, 🐰 didn’t scold him, just came on set as soon as he could and said: wyb, you are person with two lives now, do you realize it?
When he was filming at Being a Hero he got sick
But didn’t tell 🐰
Staff told 🐰 anyways and he called 🦁 and asked: you heart doesn’t have a place for me anymore?
🐰 go have fun there! But be careful
🐰 it’s very tasty there~
🦁 I will buy it for you, what else do you want?
🐰 nothing else, don’t spend money for nothing
🦁 gifts for you is not spending money for nothing
🦁 I will take photo for you, you choose
🦁 loves noodle which 🐰 cooks for him. Once 🐰 came to visit 🦁 on set. And brought portion for 🦁 and lg (lele I guess)
Then 🦁 made very loud eating noises, was eating with big pleasure, didn’t say a word. Lg laughed and teased him: don’t wanna add more vinegar?
🐰 looked at 🦁 with admiration and his smile was so gentle
🧔‍♂️ wls your facial expression is terrible
🦁 (doesn’t answer)
🧔‍♂️ argued with xls?
🦁 I can’t argue with him
🦁 he doesn’t even play with his favorite switch now!
🧔‍♂️ ?
🦁 he is turning into Guo Jing….
The dialog that moved my heart during cql filming:
🦁 I don’t like my birthdays
🐰 if I will be with you, will you feel less lonely?
🦁 take it with you
🐰 no need~
🦁 even though it doesn’t work as good as me, but it will help you fall asleep
🐰 do you have any shame?! Wyb
One friend gave 🐰 a jar with nutritious water. With this jar you can grow some flowers and plants. 🐰 said once that he wants to grow smth but he can’t bcs he is always away and flowers and plants need water and fertilizers. But this jar you can just leave plants for half year without doing anything. 🐰 was very happy but didn’t plant flowers but coriander since 🦁 loves it
🐰 shared once that 🦁 got scared at night for some reason so he had to hug him for so long until he calm down
Xz 🐰 has long hair now, so he has a habit to touch them (fingering his hairs)
Once during video call 🐰 started to play with his little ponytail
🦁 said immediately: wow! Zg it’s so sexy
And whistled like neighborhood hooligan 🤣🤣
🦁: I’ll buy new for you
🐰: the old one is still working, no need to spend
🦁: it’s not spending, I will use old one
🐰: then you will have to say the same words, when you gifted that one
🦁: *blushed
“When you watch one and only you will understand why 🦁 always pretends to be pitiful with 🐰. It’s just a proven method. You’ll realize”
🦁 can I go?
🦁 say 😩
🐰 if you wanna go just go
🦁 I will not go if you say not to go🥺
🐰 so obedient?
🦁: en 🥰
🐰 let’s go together then~ 😘
Remember when Xz was going back to bj after sg
Many people were saying that he was a bit absent minded, he even took fans letter even though he don’t take anything from anyone for years
He really was a bit blanked
Found out that yb was sick again🥹🥹 and he got info from ybs staff that he has fever
🐰: wyb, I want milk tea
🦁: what milk tea? I will buy you on my way
🐰: the cup of milk BoBo taro tea, without taro, without milk tea
🦁: goose laugh
Okaaay~ wait me 🥰🥳
The staff: yb likes to skate in halls, but the air conditioning is too cold and once he was skating with very little clothes on. Lele came to him, gave phone. I thought he is filming himself, but then I’ve heard: wang Yibo, why you have so little clothes on! I’m not there, who you trying to seduce
They haven’t seen each other for some time, decided to see each other at home
But🦁 ✈️ got delayed. So they couldn’t see each other, 🐰 needed to go
Before leaving, 🐰 cooked gnocchi for 🦁 and left at home
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guzhufuren · 2 months
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some stuff from Li Le's first live stream on weibo today, retold by a friend who watched:
- he was walking around a part of Shanghai, showing fans different restaurants like a tour guide, talked a bit about loving thai food, then sat down cause the wind was so strong
- someone asked: "what did it feel like to film a kiss scene?" and Lele answered: "it felt just like how it normally feels like to kiss someone"
- he said he and Yunkai will travel to Chengdu soon
- told about how he was sick during the training or on the filming set and Wang Yunkai took care of him
- Li Le calls Wang Yunkai "Kaikai"
- he also talked a bit about filming the riverside scene and drinking there, being tipsy and stuff (they were very cold there, it was winter)
- said they will probably have a joint stream at some point
- he said that they filmed their reactions to all 12 episodes, so we will probably see those
- Wang Yunkai kept blowing up the comments with a very fanboy energy:
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within 5 minutes, the number of live viewers exceeded 50000, he ranked first on the live streaming heat chart until the end
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allinmycorner · 1 year
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Welcome to Dancing With the Stars Season 32!
No longer under the specter of the writers strike as the WGA ratified the new contract right before the live show started, this season opened with a space themed opening as Alfonso searched the galaxy for his new co-host - he had been gone so long, he even missed Bruno! But he picks up Julianne and they go get the dancers as they return to the ballroom for the rest of the opening number, which looked amazing.
Alfonso has taken over the main hosting duties and Julianne is in the skybox and I find they really mirror the Tom/Erin dynamic. So far, I'm digging it.
They acknowledged Len's death and paid him a nice tribute as they renamed the mirrorball trophy after him. Alfonso said there would be a longer tribute to Len later in the season so that there is something to look forward to.
With all that said, let's check out this season's stars and see how they did for their first dances of the season!
Matt and Koko: I think Matt was unfairly kicked off. He didn't deserve the low scores he got - he tied with Harry and he definitely danced better than Harry. I remember being impressed by his cha-cha. Not the greatest but not the worst. I don't want to think this had anything to do with the fact Matt left the show when he learned it was a struck show by the WGA but it does seem a bit fishy that he's the first one to get kicked off.
(I also didn't realize it right away - I had to read it in an article - but there appears to be no judges' save this season. The article hinted that it could come back later but not right now).
Charity and Artem: Charity is our token Bachelor/Bachelorette contestant this cycle and she's already the front runner. Her tango was pretty good, especially for week 1. But there are plenty of others right behind her so I hope that this doesn't turn out to be another runaway season where you can see the winner from the first dance.
Ariana and Pasha: I've never really watched Vanderpump Rules but even I knew about "Scandoval," where Ariana discovered her longterm boyfriend cheating with her best friend. But she's putting that behind her and giving Charity a run for her money. She and Pasha have a good chemistry and her tango showed great promise. It might be an Ariana/Charity fight to the finish.
Jason and Daniella: Jason is the male frontrunner right now. I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting him to be as good as he was on Week 1 but he's got moves! And some good hip action right out of the gate, allowing him to nail the cha-cha. I'm sure that will also come in handy during the next show, which is Latin Night. I'm excited to see what happens and I hope he can continue to wow us.
Lele and Brandon: I'll admit I'm not familiar with Lele but she seems fun to watch. She also handled the tango well. She has a few things to work on but I think with Brandon as her couch, she could go pretty far in this competition. It will be interesting to see what happens when she dances a traditional ballroom dance and not a Latin one. I think that might be telling about how she adapts and I look forward to it.
Adrian and Britt: Football players tend to do well on this show and it seems Adrian is primed to follow their steps. He and Britt seemed to have a good rhythm with their salsa. I know there's some controversy over his casting but it doesn't seem to be affecting him yet. I also noticed Daniel Durant in the audience - Britt is now dating her former partner and he was there to cheer his girlfriend on during the premiere. How sweet!
Xochitl and Val: I do wonder if Xochitl would've been scored a bit higher if she hadn't come out first. But she kicked everything off and did great with the cha-cha for a first time dancer. She's also the youngest contestant this season and referenced Zendaya when she saw that Val was her partner. Xochitl does have a lot of energy and that could work against her in some of the slower dances. But I think Val will be able to rein her in for them.
Mira and Gleb: Mira was another contestant I was surprised by. I didn't think she would be bad but she was better than I expected. She looked very nervous during the opening and when she was in the skybox so I was afraid that would cause her to be a little too stiff. But once she and Gleb took to the floor, she delivered a fluid cha-cha. There are still some things to work on but she definitely has promise.
Barry and Peta: Greg Brady's got moves! He and Peta work well together, though she was worried about his hips. He's still got some work to do on them but otherwise he handled the foxtrot like a champ. He danced to "Sunshine Day" from the Brady Bunch (of course) and brought joy to everyone in the ballroom. He's coming for friend Donny Osmond and he might just beat him to be the oldest winner on the show.
Jamie Lynn and Alan: Jamie Lynn had a good first outing with her tango. Alan seems like a good match for her and while be able to coach her well. I do agree with the judges that she is likely standing in her own way. Even she knows she can be her own worst critic. I think once she silences the voices in her head and focuses on having fun while dancing, she could pull away from the center of the pack.
Mauricio and Emma: I don't really know Mauricio (but I recognize his wife Kyle Richards) but he seems pretty personable. His jive wasn't terrible and he managed it well for a non-dancer. Clearly there's plenty for him to work on. I don't know if he ended up in the bottom two because of his dance or because he may not have as many fans as the others, especially with all the rumors about him possibly cheating on Kyle floating around. I guess we'll see what happens in the next show.
Alyson and Sasha: I love Alyson but she's not the greatest dancer. She and Sasha have a good rapport together so maybe he can help her improve from this salsa. But I worry that her time on the show may be short. There's only so far the fan vote can carry you. But if you don't have the scores, you can easily go. So I'm just going to enjoy her while she lasts.
Harry and Rylee: Like Lele, I had no clue who Harry was prior to the show. But I can tell why he's become a favorite. He's funny and personable and pretty easy on the eyes. There were even jokes about him just opening his shirt to save the dance. But that's only going to get him so far. Hopefully Rylee can find his groove and get him to improve. I'm going to chalk this week up to first time nerves on both their parts - even though Rylee has competed and was on DWTS Juniors, it must still be nerve-wracking to jump to the big leagues.
Tyson and Jenna: First, welcome back, Jenna! Two, oh, Tyson! I think maybe he got a little too nervous and so his cha-cha wasn't as great as it could've been. But hopefully the only way to go is up! I think if he focuses a bit more and really trusts Jenna, he could go far in this competition.
So that was the first week of competition! So far I'm rooting for Jason, Xochitl, Ariana, Tyson and Alyson. How about you? Who are you rooting for?
See you all for Latin Night!
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
i know that shiying x xieyun and shiying x baili is pretty popular and i understand but my mind right now is … shiying x modern wang yibo.
this is not something new, i’ve even seen fanarts before even when ygy was not yet airing but the episode where shiying lost his memory brought my love for the pair back.
hear me out…..
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( disclaimer : if putting them in fictional settings and as “characters” is something you are not comfortable with then move along. thank you. )
So Shiying loses his memory and somehow gets transported into the modern world because it’s a fantasy setting and anything goes. He ends up in a temple and taken in by whoever oversees it, that guy has a family and a daughter ( let’s name her M and she is a makeup artist ) who works in the entertainment industry. She takes Shiying to an event where WYB is, Shu Uemura and that’s the first time sees WYB. He’s been in the modern world for 2 mos at this point and have “seen” things and people but this Wang Yibo is different. He asks M if WYB is some kind of prince since he always has people guarding him ( Yanyan and Lele ) + he has that aura in him that made Shiying wonder. When they get home, Shiying can’t get WYB out of his head, M noticed this and guesses that it’s about WYB so she offers to show him stuff about WYB on the internet. SY IS FASCINATED. Especially the way he dances. It’s not like anything he’s seen before.
One and Only Promo happens and M surprises Shiying and takes him to one of the screenings.
Especially when he sees him dancing in person. He is convinced that WYB is practicing some sort of magic just like him. He also thinks that he will be a good fighter with how he moves.
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So how WYB meets him…
During this event, there’s a Q&A. Shiying gets chosen to ask a question to WYB and he is so excited! He asks something really interesting ( i can’t think right now ) and WYB laughs.
WYB notices. He thinks the guy is sweet and cute.
M does not know WYB personally but he’s seen her around. He sees M and Shiying somewhere backstage and he says Hi to Shiying. Unprompted. Everyone is surprised. WYB does not initiate conversation or acknowledge someone who is not familiar with. Shiying is delighted!!!! They talk a bit and Shiying uses something he learned from M and people he interacted with in the last months, he asks for WYB’s we chat number. He does not have a phone or a wechat account but he usually hears it. LOL. he thinks it’s a way to make friends and that you can ask anyone. but WYB is not just anyone. However WYB says YES. 👀
Shiying waits for something to happen, WYB takes out his phone and Shiying is empty handed. M saves him by saying Shiying forgot his phone but the thing is WYB won’t give it out unless it’s Shiying. Shiying is sad now. Does this mean he can’t see WYB again? WYB asks them to come see him ( if they can ) on his next promo venue ( let’s say it’s magically in Beijing again ) M says they would. Shiying is happy again ☺️
Anyway, they meet. They become friends. Fall in love. WYB learns about Shiying. His Magic.
Shiying stays in the modern world, they lived happily every after. 🤍
I’m sorry but XZ does not exist in this AU or he does but never met WYB.
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irisnewz · 1 year
Who is Lele Pons?
Lele Pons is a Venezuelan-American social media personality, actress, singer, and comedian. She has gained a massive pursual over the years, flattering one of the most popular figures on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram. In this blog, we wish cut into into her life and career to provide you with a comprehensive examination biography of Lele Pons.
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Age of Lele Pons
On June 25, 1996, Lele Pons was Born in Caracas, Venezuela. She grew upwards in a big family with her parents and siblings. Pons Varolii has always been interested in comedy and entertainment, and she is started qualification videos with her friends at a young age. Her syndicate moved to the United States when she was five years old, and she grew up in Miami, Florida.
One of the highest degree searched terms related to Lele pons age. As of 2023, Lele Pons is 26 years old. She has been affected a lot in a short time and has become one of the most recognizable faces in the entertainment industry.
Height of Lele Pons
Another popular seek term bound up to Lele Pons height. She is best known for being quite petite, and her height is a great deal of a topics of treatment among her fans. Lele pons Varolii is 5 feet 6 inches (168 cm) tall.
Lele Pons rose to fame through her Vine videos, which she started making in 2013. She quickly gained a massive chase and became one of the most popular Viners of her entirely time. When Vine shut down in 2017, she transitioned to unusual social media platforms, including YouTube and Instagram.
Pons’s content is a great deal focused on comedy and entertainment. She has collaborated with other social media personalities galore over the years. She has also discharged music, with her undefined unity “Celoso” becoming a massive hit. The song has over 1.2 billion views on YouTube and has been secured platinum in multiple countries.
Lele Pons’ friends are also a frequently searched topic. She is known for her close friendships with other sociable media personalities such as Hannah Stocking and Rudy Mancuso. They often collaborate on videos together, and their friendly relationship has been a source of inspiration for many of their fans.
Lele Pons also has Janus-faced some controversies during her career. In 2016, she faced criticism for allegedly stealing jokes from other comedians. She afterward apologized for her actions and vowed to create original content in the future.
In conclusion, Lele Pons is a talented social media personality, actress, singer, and comedian who has captured the Black Maria of millions of fans worldwide. She has achieved a deal out in a short circuit time and continues to entertain her fans with her humor and creativity. We trust this biography has provided you with a better sympathy for Lele Pons’ living and career.
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