#leila reid
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Time to light the candles for a season more
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natashasfilms · 7 months
Chapter Nine - Charm and Harm
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Summary: FBI agent Leila faces a profound life change after giving birth to a baby girl, supported by her loving husband. Despite the challenges of motherhood, Leila returns to her role as a dedicated agent a few months later, ready to confront gruesome and haunting cases with the BAU team.
Pairing: BAU!Fem!OC x Male!OC , EVENTUAL Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Fem!OC (Like much later)
Warnings: This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, strong language, violence, mentions of alcohol and drugs, blood, gore, and death. All the usual Criminal Minds stuff. And there is NO CHEATING.
Note 1: I imagine Leila Kade as South Asian but I have decided to let you, the reader, imagine her appearance, hence the reason why I have not given her a face claim. However, her race does not affect the story, whatsoever. You, as the reader, are free to imagine her however you want. If you don't see her as South Asian, then that's fine. It won't affect the storyline. I also imagine the OC!Male as South Asian, but again, it won't affect the storyline.
Note 2: The team will consist of the main cast (Emily, Derek, JJ, Spencer, Penelope, Aaron, and Rossi) but will also include Elle Greenaway and Jason Gideon because they were some of my favorite characters and I wanted to include them with the rest of the team. Basically, Elle and Gideon never leave when Emily and Rossi join.
Note 3: There will be multiple time skips throughout this series. For example, the first chapter will begin on the first season and episode of the show but then there will be a time skip to later episodes (because there are obviously way too many episodes to write this series on and I wanted to include specific episodes that would help the plot of this story). This means that this series will be a slow burn romance but I believe it to be better this way. This will also stray from the actual show a lot, so don't expect it to follow the plot precisely.
Series Masterlist
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Season 1, Episode 20
Leila heard a knock on her door, and she looked up to see JJ entering with several case files. She immediately nodded. "I'll be there, JJ. Thanks."
JJ gave her a warm smile and turned around to notify the others, giving Leila the chance to set down her pen and rise from her chair. She exited her office and headed towards the conference room where JJ, Elle, Derek, and Spencer were walking together. "That right there's a yes, baby. I knew it. I told you." Derek exclaimed, and Leila, falling into step with JJ and Elle, tilted her head in curiosity.
"What's a yes?" Leila inquired, looking at the others.
"Elle has a boyfriend," Derek replied, his smirk widening.
"Don't listen to him," Elle sighed, rolling her eyes. Leila couldn't help but notice a faint blush on Elle's cheeks, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
"Hmm," Leila hummed, giggling at their playful banter.
"See, she didn't deny it," Derek chimed in once more.
"She didn't really admit to anything, man," Spencer interjected.
Elle shot Spencer a grateful smile. "Thank you."
Derek remained undeterred. "Reid, trust me, you got a lot to learn."
The five entered the conference room, where Aaron and Gideon were already seated at the round table. They took their seats as JJ began presenting the new case. Leila sifted through the files as JJ spoke.
This new case centered around a man named Mark Gregory, who had kidnapped and murdered four women. Gregory had somehow disappeared and it had been 36 hours since he got away, along with a woman named Nicole Wegener. The victims were taken within a 60-mile radius, tortured, and then drowned in hotel bathtubs. Their bodies were discovered a couple of days after they were reported missing.
The team grabbed their go-bags and made their way to the jet. Upon arrival, they delved deeper into the case, exchanging additional details that hadn't been discussed in the conference room. Upon landing in Florida, they drove to the FBI Temporary Command Center to meet with the authorities leading the investigation.
Following further discussion with the Florida FBI unit, the team opted to split up, assigning tasks to interview Gregory's associates and family members. Leila, Elle, and Aaron teamed up to speak with Gregory's business partner, Hank Bloomberg. With less than twelve hours on the clock to locate Nicole Wegener alive, Leila had doubts about their chances of finding her in time.
The trio arrived at Gregory's office, where they were to meet with Hank Bloomberg. Spotting him holding a briefcase, they approached, Aaron displaying his badge as he addressed him. "Mr. Bloomberg."
"Yes," the man replied, somewhat puzzled.
"Agents Hotchner, Kade, and Greenaway, FBI."
"Well, I've already talked to the police," Bloomberg stated.
"We're from the Behavioral Analysis Unit, and I'm sure we'll have some different questions," Elle replied, nodding in acknowledgment.
Aaron began to speak. "We're looking for some insight into Mark Gregory's behavior right before the killings started," he began, and Bloomberg nodded his head as Aaron continued. "Things you might not think are important could actually be helpful."
Bloomberg raised an eyebrow in concern, subtly shaking his head. "Well, I don't know why he disappeared. You're sure you got the right guy?"
Leila gave him a reassuring nod as she spoke. "Usually when someone takes off, it gives us reason to be suspicious," she said, trying to gain any form of information from him. "Anything you know can help us."
The man nodded, trying to think of something. "Well, I've never noticed any odd behavior. We've worked together for five years. I've known him for 10. He helped coach my son's soccer league this past fall. He's my best friend."
"What about his relationship with women?" Elle asked him.
Bloomberg chuckled. "Mark's a consummate ladies' man. He always had a different woman on his arm." He responded, and Leila raised an eyebrow. "Never had a problem getting a date."
"Yes, well, dating doesn't do it for him. He likes to torture and drown them," Aaron added. The man stood there in shock, his mouth agape as Aaron continued to ask him a question. "What do you know about his history with women?"
"He was married once in his early twenties." Bloomberg answered, still shocked. "Swore he'd never do it again."
"Did you know her?" Elle asked him.
"No, it was before I met him."
"Do you know if she's still in the area?"
"Wait a minute," The man furrowed his eyebrows. "You think he did something to his ex-wife?"
"We're looking for what we call a stressor, this is what could have made him lose it and we have to look into all of the possibilities to understand why he is doing what he is doing," Leila said, trying to answer his confusion. "If we need to ask you any more questions, we'll find you."
"Thank you," Aaron added, and the man stood there for a few seconds before nodding his head, turning around and walking away from them.
The information Bloomberg brought up made them realize that Gregory had most likely been killing for way longer than they thought he had, considering he was married in his early twenties.
The team gathered more information on Gregory, significantly enhancing their understanding from where they had started, enabling them to update the FBI unit with a comprehensive profile. Gregory's adeptness at adapting to various situations, aided by his various disguises, stood out, and his ex-wife was still alive. With Gregory now on the run, it suggested he was a spree killer, poised to escalate and take even more victims.
Only a few minutes later, Aaron received a call that they found Nicole Wegener's body but instead of it being nearby, it was found all the way in Georgia. Leila let out a deep breath as they all heard the words come out of Aaron's mouth, knowing Gregory was already starting to escalate just as they predicted in the profile. Elle and Derek were on their way to Georgia to take a look at the scene.
While Elle and Derek headed to Georgia, the remainder of the team stayed behind, granting Aaron and Leila the opportunity to speak with Gregory's ex-wife. Meanwhile, Gideon and Spencer opted to engage in a conversation with Gregory's father. Following their discussions with both the ex-wife and the father, they gained deeper insights into Gregory's character and motivations.
Leila sensed that they were getting closer. Taking a break, Aaron joined her to refuel with some food. "I'm so hungry," Leila muttered, eagerly biting into her sandwich.
"I can see that," Aaron chuckled, earning a playful glare and a gentle smack on the arm from Leila.
"That's not a nice thing to say to a lady," she quipped, rolling her eyes before resuming her meal. Glancing over, she noticed Aaron without any food and handed him another sandwich, prompting a puzzled look from him. "It's delicious. Try some."
He flashed her a grateful smile before accepting the sandwich, following her suggestion to try it. Humming with satisfaction, he nodded approvingly as he took a few more bites. "You were right. This is delicious. Who made this?"
Leila grinned mischievously, taking a sip of water before replying, "I did. I've been told I make amazing sandwiches," she said with a smirk. "And I'm an exceptional cook overall."
He tilted his head in amusement. "Well, you have to let me try your cooking one day, then."
"I'll keep that in mind," she responded, going back to eating.
Gregory had abducted another woman from the mall, prompting Elle and Derek to race to apprehend him. Meanwhile, the team in Florida uncovered a disturbing revelation. Gregory had held his own mother's head underwater during a car accident, leading to her drowning. This detail caught Leila off guard, because after all, Gregory was only ten years old at the time. However, it also shed light on his actions. His first kill held immense significance. Learning of his mother's infidelity to his father during his formative years, he unleashed his pent-up anger upon her during the car accident.
Elle and Derek succeeded in apprehending Gregory just before he could harm his final victim. Leila breathed a sigh of relief knowing the victim was safe, but Gregory was shot and killed. With the case over, the team could finally close the case and return home.
When they finally returned, Leila packed up her belongings before preparing to leave. Spotting Elle at her desk, an idea occurred to her. She approached the brunette and stood before her. "Hey, Elle, you busy tonight?"
Elle looked up and shrugged. "Depends on whether I feel like finishing this paperwork or not," she replied honestly. "Otherwise, I'm free."
"Cool, how about we grab something to eat?" Leila suggested, and the brunette nodded enthusiastically, gathering her belongings before joining Leila on their way to her car.
They drove to a nearby restaurant, and Leila made a mental note to grab some food for Zaid. They settled at a table next to the window, placing their orders as they engaged in conversation.
"So, was Derek just messing around, or are you actually seeing someone?" Leila inquired, recalling the playful banter from a few days prior before their case briefing. "Not that I'm prying or anything, but…"
Elle rolled her eyes, though a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "I sometimes hate profilers."
Leila chuckled, empathizing with Elle's sentiment. She reached across the table and lightly tapped Elle's hand to regain her attention. "Spill the beans. Who's the lucky guy? Because I have a feeling I might know who it is."
The brunette bit her lip, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she glanced out the window. Soon, laughter bubbled up from her, her hands flying to cover her face as she struggled to contain her amusement. Leila couldn't help but join in, her own laughter mingling with Elle's. It felt like they laughed for ages, though in reality, it was only a few seconds.
"Okay, yes, you got me," Elle admitted, finally giving in. "And, um, yeah, we've been seeing each other for a few weeks now. I just didn't mention it because I didn't think it was that serious."
"So, it's official then? You two are serious?" Leila beamed, her excitement palpable at the news that her best friend was in a happy relationship. Elle nodded, and Leila couldn't contain her excitement, letting out a delighted shriek that caught the attention of a few nearby diners. Quickly realizing she had drawn attention, Leila covered her mouth, feeling a tad embarrassed, which only made Elle laugh.
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bensbooks · 7 days
TBR Highlight: And They Lived . . .
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Chase Arthur is a budding animator and hopeless romantic obsessed with Disney films and finding his true love, but he's plagued with the belief that he's not enough for anyone: he's recovering from an eating disorder and suffers from body dysmorphia fueled by his father, and can't quite figure out his gender identity. When Chase starts his freshman year of college, he has to navigate being away from home and missing his sister, finding his squad, and contending with his ex-best friend Leila who is gunning for the same exclusive mentorship. If only he can pull together a short for the freshman animation showcase at the end of the semester.
Then Chase meets Jack Reid, a pragmatic poet who worships words and longs to experience life outside of his sheltered world. But Chase throws everything into question for Jack, who is still discovering his sexual identity, having grown up in close-knit conservative family. Jack internalized a lot of homophobia from his parents and childhood best friend, who unexpectedly visit campus, which threatens to destroy their relationship. Chase will have to learn to love--and be enough for--himself, while discovering what it means to truly live.
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yumekoii · 7 months
My Mooties ♡♡♡
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mai ♡, cinna ♡, leila ♡, lilia ♡, elizai ♡, reid ♡, rylie ♡, miyu ♡, éliane ♡, red ♡, carina ♡, flora ♡, ruru ♡, celine ♡, lar ♡, bri ♡
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brandonshimoda · 10 months
*I read it before
**I read it more than once this year
Aaron Caycedo-Kimura, Common Grace
Adania Shibli, Minor Detail, translated from the Arabic by Elisabeth Jaquette
Ahmad Almallah, Bitter English
Alison Lubar, It Skips a Generation
Atef Abu Saif, The Drone Eats With Me: A Gaza Diary
Brynn Saito, Under a Future Sky
Camonghne Felix, Dyscalculia: A Love Story of Epic Miscalculation
*Carolina Ebeid, You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior
Chanté L. Reid, Thot
*Christina Sharpe, Ordinary Notes
Christine Shan Shan Hou & Vi Khi Nao, Evolution of the Bullet
Christopher Okigbo, Labyrinths (with Paths of Thunder)
Cristina Rivera Garza, Liliana’s Invincible Summer
Dionne Brand, Chronicles of the Hostile Sun
*Dionne Brand, No Language is Neutral
Dionne Brand, Primitive Offensive
Édouard Louis, Who Killed My Father, translated from the French by Lorin Stein
**Emily Lee Luan, 回 / Return
Erin Marie Lynch, Removal Acts
Fady Joudah, Footnotes in the Order of Disappearance
Farid Tali, Prosopopoeia, translated from the French by Aditi Machado
Gabriel Palacios, A Ten Peso Burial For Which Truth Is Sign (coming out 2024)
Ghayath Almadhoun, Adrenalin, translated from the Arabic by Catherine Cobham
Hauntie, To Whitey & The Cracker Jack
Hervé Guibert, To the friend who did not save my life, translated from the French by Linda Coverdale
Hiromi Ito, Tree Spirits Grass Spirits, translated from the Japanese by Jon L. Pitt
*James Baldwin, No Name in the Street
*James Baldwin, Nobody Knows My Name
*James Baldwin, The Devil Finds Work
James Fujinami Moore, Indecent Hours
Jami Nakamura Lin, The Night Parade
Jawdat Fakhreddine, Lighthouse for the Drowning, translated from the Arabic by Huda Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Jed Munson, Commentary on the Birds
Jennifer Hayashida, A Machine Wrote This Song
Jenny Odell, Inhabiting The Negative Space
Jenny Xie, The Rupture Tense
*Joy Kogawa, A Choice of Dreams
Joy Kogawa, A Garden of Anchors: Selected Poems
**Joy Kogawa, From the Lost and Found Department: New and Selected Poems
Joy Kogawa, Gently to Nagasaki
*Joy Kogawa, Jericho Road
*Joy Kogawa, Obasan
Joy Kogawa, The Rain Ascends
Joy Kogawa, The Splintered Moon
*Joy Kogawa, Woman in the Woods
Juan Felipe Herrera, Akrílica, eds. Farid Matuk, Carmen Giménez, Anthony Cody
Kamo-no-Chomei, Hojoki: Visions of a Torn World, translated from the Japanese by Yasuhiko Moriguchi and David Jenkins
Keorapetse Kgositsile, Collected Poems, 1969-2018
*Kiku Hughes, Displacement
Kōno Taeko, Toddler-Hunting, translated from the Japanese by Lucy North
Leila Khaled, My People Shall Live: Autobiography of a Revolutionary, as told to George Hajjar
Lena Khalaf Tuffaha, Kaan and Her Sisters
**Lindsey Webb, Plat (coming out in 2024)
Lisa Hsiao Chen, Activities of Daily Living
Liyana Badr, A Balcony over the Fakihani, translated from the Arabic by Peter Clark with Christopher Tingley
Lucille Clifton, An Ordinary Woman
*Lucille Clifton, Blessing the Boats
Lucille Clifton, Good News About the Earth
Lucille Clifton, Good Times
Lucille Clifton, Two-Headed Woman
Mahmoud Darwish, The Butterfly’s Burden, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, If I Were Another, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Mahmoud Darwish, Palestine as Metaphor, translated from the Arabic by Amira El-Zein and Carolyn Forché
Maya Abu Al-Hayyat, You Can Be The Last Leaf, translated from the Arabic by Fady Joudah
Maya Marshall, All the Blood Involved in Love
Michael Prior, Model Disciple
*Mitsuye Yamada, Camp Notes and Other Poems
Mitsuye Yamada, Full Circle: New and Selected Poems
Mohammed El-Kurd, RIFQA
**Mosab Abu Toha, Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear
Mourid Barghouti, I Saw Ramallah, translated from the Arabic by Ahdaf Soueif
Mourid Barghouti, I Was Born There, I Was Born Here, translated from the Arabic by Humphrey Davies
Mourid Barghouti, Midnight, translated from the Arabic by Radwa Ashour
Na Mira, The Book of Na
Najwan Darwish, Nothing More to Lose, translated from the Arabic by Kareem James Abu-Zeid
Natsume Sōseki, Kokoro, translated from the Japanese by Edwin McClellan
Nona Fernández, Voyager: Constellations of Memory, translated from the Spanish by Natasha Wimmer
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human, translated from the Japanese by Donald Keene
Osamu Dazai, The Flowers of Buffoonery, translated from the Japanese by Sam Bett
The Palestinian Wedding: A Bilingual Anthology of Contemporary Palestinian Resistance Poetry, edited and translated from the Arabic by A.M. Elmessiri
R.F. Kuang, Yellowface
Ryunosuke Akutagawa, Kappa, translated from Japanese by Lisa Hofmann-Kuroda and Allison Markin Powell
Salim Barakat, Come, Take a Gentle Stab: Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Huda J. Fakhreddine and Jayson Iwen
Samih Al-Qasim, All Faces But Mine, translated from the Arabic by Abdulwahid Lu’lu’a
Samih al-Qasim, Sadder Than Water: New & Selected Poems, translated from the Arabic by Nazih Kassis
*Saretta Morgan, Alt-Nature (coming out in 2024)
Satsuki Ina, The Poet and the Silk Girl (coming out in 2024)
Sawako Ariyoshi, The Twilight Years, translated from the Japanese by Mildred Tahara
Shailja Patel, Migritude
Sham-e-Ali Nayeem, City of Pearls
Sharon Yamato, Moving Walls
Shivanee Ramlochan, Everyone Knows I Am a Haunting
**shō yamagushiku, shima (coming out in 2014)
Shuri Kido, Names and Rivers, translated from the Japanese by Tomoyuki Endo and Forrest Gander
*Solmaz Sharif, Customs
Stella Corso, Green Knife
*Taha Muhammad Ali, Never Mind: Twenty Poems and a Story, translated from the Arabic by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi, Gabriel Levin
Terry Watada, The Game of 100 Ghosts (Hyaku Monogatari Kwaidan-kai)
Victoria Chang, Obit
*Wong May, Superstitions
Chi Rainer Bornfree and Ragini Tharoor Srinivasan, The Portal (not yet published)
Elaine Castillo, How to Read Now
Eqbal Ahmad, The Selected Writings
Essays, ed. Dorothea Lasky
Fadwa Tuqan, A Mountainous Journey: A Poet's Autobiography, translated from the Arabic by Olive Kenny
James Welch, Winter in the Blood
Lan P. Duong, Nothing Follows
Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore, Touching the Art
Preti Taneja, Aftermath
Wanda Coleman, Wicked Enchantment
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newestcool · 2 years
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Andreadamo f/w 2023 rtw Creative Director Andrea Adamo Models Dalton DuBois, Wang Fei, Yilan Hua & Lainey Hearn Fashion Editor/Stylist Vanessa Reid Makeup Artist Pat McGrath Hair Stylist Anthony Turner Casting Directors Barbara Nicoli & Leila Ananna Photographer Daniele Oberrauch
Newest Cool on Instagram
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bithegai · 7 months
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anyways moodboard for false and ren in demise
the kids aren't alright - fall out boy // "faulty" - leila chatti // "let dead dogs lie" - silas denver melvin // "wishbone" - richard silken // daisy jones and the six - taylor jenkins reid
charlotte's web - e. b. white // goldfinch - donna tartt // "my friend" - hayley williams // "planet of love" - richard silken // "sax rohmer #1" - the mountain goats // written on the body - jeanette winterson
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winterrose527 · 1 year
Hi! For the Books Recs ask game:
42. a book that made you want to scream by the time you got to the end
59. a book about city life
80. a book that reminds you of a loved one
Thanks for the ask, lovely!
42. The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo. I understand why Taylor Jenkins Reid is popular, but good lord I cannot stand her writing.
59. RULES OF CIVILITY BY AMOR TOWLES. I will literally talk about this book every change I get. It's set during the later years of the Great Depression, but it feels like a very timeless depiction of New York City.
80. I would say Roses by Leila Meacham, which reminds me of my grandmother. When I was in high school there was some drama going on and to spare me from it my mom sent me to stay with my grandparents. While I was there I played a lot of spit and practiced the piano for the first time in years and read this book, which my grandmother leant me. It isn't anything groundbreaking and it is somewhat melodramatic but it swept me away to an entirely different place, which was exactly what she intended.
How about you!?
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Royce Clayton Memorial High School Shooting Victims (Trigger Warning)
This is a subject matter that I intend to handle with as much gentleness and respect as I can. As someone who lives in America, though, it is something that I feel happens much too often, and this story is my way of getting my emotions about it out, without causing an argument. This story is not a political debate. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions on gun control/gun safety. 
When we get to this point in the story, there will, of course, be a trigger warning. These are fictional victims.
Proceed with caution. 
Cameron Garwin, Age 13 Eveline Morgan, Age 13 Darren Hill, Age 14 Samuel James, Age 14 Alexander Timmons, Age 14 Daniel Stevens, Age 15 Serena Drake, Age 15 Milo Langdon, Age 15 Rose Ottokar, Age 16 Shilo Ottokar, Age 16 Samara Bishop, Age 17 Kalob Clayton, Age 17 Zeke Matthews, Age 17 Lance Dumont, Age 17 Elizabeth Collins, Age 17 Piper Valentis, Age 17 Leila Phillips, Age 18 Ryan Phillips, Age 18 Shane Michaels, Age 18 Jeffrey Lewis, Age 18 Alice Loveau, Age 18 Simone Dubois, Age 18 Ashley Korska, Age 18 Zach Montague, Age 18 Justin Danvers, Age 18 Mark Perry, Age 18
Aspen Enriquez, Age 25 Colin Daniels, Age 30 Joseph Chanterelle, Age 43 Olivia Mills, Age 50 Sarah Reid, 53 Montgomery Hilton, Age 70
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vera-dauriac · 5 months
WIP Ask Game
Tagged earlier this week by @shehungthemoon. (Thanks!)
RULES: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
As I've mentioned before, I don't really have lingering WIPs, but I do have a couple files of ideas, so I'll post those!
War for the Rose Throne by Peter McLean (I need more people to read this series so there is some point in me writing these fics!)
Jochan and Cutter:
tent sex
Five times through the war and back in Ellinburg
H/c in Ellinburg at the Slaughterhouse Narrows boardinghouse.
Tomas and Major Bakrylov in Ellinburg
Aralas in Moria.
Aragorn/Boromir in Lorien
Don Giovanni
The Other Catalogue
Pearl Fishers
Nadir and Leila?
The events of Act 3, only with Zurga leaving with them for a sweet OT3.
Captive Prince
Sex at the new border palace in front of new giant portrait
Game Changers (Rachel Reid)
Holonov bondage (I literally have no recollection of what else is supposed to happen in this fic or even who is tying up who. 😂)
Holonov outdoor at Shane’s
I've got to run, so not tagging anyone, but please share your WIPs with the world! Also, feel free to send asks about these.
0 notes
natashasfilms · 1 year
Chapter Two - Compulsion
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Summary: FBI agent Leila faces a profound life change after giving birth to a baby girl, supported by her loving husband. Despite the challenges of motherhood, Leila returns to her role as a dedicated agent a few months later, ready to confront gruesome and haunting cases with the BAU team.
Pairing: BAU!Fem!OC x Male!OC , EVENTUAL Aaron Hotchner x BAU!Fem!OC (Like much later)
Warnings: This story contains mature themes such as sexual content, strong language, violence, mentions of alcohol and drugs, blood, gore, and death. All the usual Criminal Minds stuff. And there is NO CHEATING.
Note 1: I imagine Leila Kade as South Asian but I have decided to let you, the reader, imagine her appearance, hence the reason why I have not given her a face claim. However, her race does not affect the story, whatsoever. You, as the reader, are free to imagine her however you want. If you don't see her as South Asian, then that's fine. It won't affect the storyline. I also imagine the OC!Male as South Asian, but again, it won't affect the storyline.
Note 2: The team will consist of the main cast (Emily, Derek, JJ, Spencer, Penelope, Aaron, and Rossi) but will also include Elle Greenaway and Jason Gideon because they were some of my favorite characters and I wanted to include them with the rest of the team. Basically, Elle and Gideon never leave when Emily and Rossi join.
Note 3: There will be multiple time skips throughout this series. For example, the first chapter will begin on the first season and episode of the show but then there will be a time skip to later episodes (because there are obviously way too many episodes to write this series on and I wanted to include specific episodes that would help the plot of this story). This means that this series will be a slow burn romance but I believe it to be better this way. This will also stray from the actual show a lot, so don't expect it to follow the plot precisely.
Series Masterlist
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Season 1, Episode 2
Sitting in her office, Leila heard a knock on the door. She looked up from her paperwork to see a familiar brunette. "Elle, hey. How can I help you?"
Elle walked inside, looking around her office. "Cool office." She said, her eyes landing on the photo of her, Zaid, and Jasmine on her desk. "Like much cooler than Hotch's."
Leila laughed, amused at her comment. "Of course mine is cooler. Aaron's way too boring." Elle chuckled, agreeing. Leila's eyes followed Elle's, landing on her family photo, and her heart instantly warmed at the sight. "Oh! Did you need something?"
The brunette hummed in realization, turning to face her again. "Oh, no. I just wanted to come up here and chat. I just talked to Gideon and went back to my desk, but then I felt kind of bored."
"What? Tired of Reid's random fact of the day? Or Morgan's attempt at flirting?" Leila said jokingly, ushering the chair in front of her desk for Elle to sit. She complied, pulling out the chair to sit down.
"Just a tad bit." Elle replied, holding out her hand to indicate a small gap between her thumb and pointer finger. "Thought I'd see a fresh face who isn't in the cubicle. So why not check up on the only other woman profiler?"
Leila grinned, pushing aside her paperwork to give Elle her undivided attention. "Well, you came to the right place. I can only assume it gets much boring down there with just guys."
Elle raised her eyebrows in agreement. "Oh, yeah. You're lucky to have your own office. How come though?"
"How come I have my own office?" Leila asked.
Elle nodded. "Yeah. I mean, I understand Hotch because he's Unit Chief and Gideon since he used to be Unit Chief and now he's Senior Agent, but—" Elle stopped. "Wait, that sounds wrong. I didn't mean for it to sound like I'm questioning your qualifications."
That made Leila laugh. "Oh, no. Don't worry. I completely understand where you're coming from." Leila told her. "I'd honestly have the same questions if I were in your position, so don't feel bad for asking."
The brunette smiled, relieved that she wasn't taken the wrong way.
Leila paused for a moment, a fond smile crossing her face as she recalled the past. "Funny story, actually. There was a time when Gideon had to take a temporary leave, and I stepped in as the interim Unit Chief. It meant having my own office for a while, and when Gideon eventually returned, he insisted that I keep it. He said that since I've been a part of this team for so long, I've become a trustworthy and valuable member, so I deserved to have my own office."
Elle nodded, intrigued by the story. "That's pretty awesome. You earned it, though."
Leila's smile widened, appreciating the support from her colleague and new friend. "Thanks, Elle. It's been my little sanctuary ever since. Gives me a bit of space to think and work."
Elle leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms. "Well, I must say, it suits you. And it's a nice change from the cubicle chaos."
Leila chuckled. "That's for sure. So, tell me…" She began, leaning forward and crossing her arms on top of her desk. "How have you been managing with the team, so far? Anyone giving you trouble? Cause if so, I can take it right up to Aaron and Gideon. Unless it's Aaron or Gideon who's giving you the trouble."
Elle waved a hand, laughing. "No, no, no. Everyone's been so kind. I feel like I was able to fit in so quickly. You all are such great people and the environment is super friendly."
"I'm glad to hear that." Leila replied. "You've been a great agent and team member so far, and you've been doing pretty well on the cases, so I have no worries about you."
Elle opened her mouth to speak, hesitated for a moment, and then decided to share her question. Leila gave her a reassuring look, indicating that she was all ears. "I have a question." Elle began.
Leila raised an eyebrow, interlacing her fingers and resting them under her chin, inviting Elle to continue. "Go ahead." She prompted.
"The Footpath Killer. Why did he stutter?" Elle asked, her curiosity evident in her tone.
Leila couldn't help but grin, finding Elle's curiosity endearing. A chuckle escaped her lips as she responded. "I asked Gideon too, but he wouldn't tell me." Elle sighed, clearly eager to know the answer. "Did you ask the others?"
Elle shook her head. "I wanted to hear your take on it first before asking them."
Understanding her reasoning, Leila nodded and rose from your seat. "Alright, then let's go find out together." She suggested, exiting her office with Elle.
As the two women descended the stairs, Elle couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer. She directed her question to the guys at the cubicles. "Question for you."
Derek glanced up, his eyebrows raised in interest. "Shoot."
"The Footpath Killer." Elle reiterated, coming closer to Derek and Spencer, with Leila walking alongside her. "Why did he stutter?"
Derek reclined in his chair, a knowing smile on his face. "Come on, Elle, we've all asked him that, but he won't tell us. He wants us to figure it out."
Leila perched herself at the edge of Spencer's desk, laughing. "The number of times I've tried to get it out of him, he simply wouldn't tell me."
"Well, okay. I'm up for a challenge." Elle said, settling at the edge of her own desk.
Leila observed a familiar blonde approaching, files in hand. "Good. Because these go to you." She said, placing the files on Elle's desk and offering a handshake. "Special Agent Jennifer Jareau. JJ if you like."
"Elle." She responded, reciprocating the handshake.
"Greenaway." JJ nodded with a friendly smile. "Highest number of solved cases in Seattle three years running. Specialty in sex offender cases."
Elle's eyes widened, impressed, and she glanced at the rest of the team. "Not bad."
JJ then explained her role as the unit liaison and her expertise in untangling bureaucratic knots. "You'll probably be talking to me a lot. My door is always open. Mostly because I'm never in my office. So just call me on my cell. Okay? We'll talk." With that, JJ headed upstairs towards Aaron's office.
Leila was on the verge of speaking when Aaron's voice called out, beckoning the team to gather in the conference room. "BAU team, can you meet me in the conference room, please? I need to show you something."
Without hesitation, the team swiftly rose from their seats and made their way upstairs, situating themselves around the conference table. They eagerly awaited the unveiling of the new case as JJ distributed the files, and everyone delved into the contents.
"This is from the Phoenix office. Bradshaw College in Tempe. Six fires in seven months." Aaron explained, the team listening intently as they searched through the files of the new case.
"Who recorded it?" Gideon asked, pointing towards the video on the TV screen that had yet to be played.
"A student with a digital camcorder." JJ responded, looking at everyone. "He was watching a fire in the building across from their dorm. The other person you'll see is his roommate, 20-year-old Matthew Rowland."
A video began playing on the large screen, captivating the team's undivided attention. The chilling footage showcased a horrifying act of arson, where a college student was set ablaze after the unsub poured gasoline under the crack of their dorm room door.
"There are two common stressors for a serial arsonist." Spencer chimed in, absently fiddling with his chess figures. With urgency in their movements, the team settled into their seats on the jet, knowing they needed to reach the college as quickly as possible to prevent further tragedies.
Elle continued to provide answers. "Loss of job, loss of love."
"When was the first fire set?" Derek inquired.
"March." Aaron responded. "The next one was in May. And the third one wasn't until September. Then, two weeks later, there were three in one night."
Leila raised an eyebrow thoughtfully. "He's speeding up; the fires are becoming more frequent and closer together."
Derek typed on his computer, briefly looking at Spencer before turning back. "Hey, Reid, you got a statistic on arsonists?"
Spencer immediately knew the answer. "Eighty-two percent are white males between 17 and 27. Female arsonists are far less likely, their motive typically being revenge."
"Sounds like our boy's a student." Derek remarked.
"Oh, don't be so sure," Gideon responded, looking up at Derek briefly. The seasoned profiler continued to look through the file. "You rely too much on precedent, you never allow for the unexpected. If he went from setting one fire to three in two weeks' time…"
"Rapid escalation." Aaron interjected.
"He's gone from the power to damage a building to something far more satisfying." Gideon continued, and Leila had a feeling she knew what he was going to say next. "The power over life and death."
The jet finally touched down, and the team swiftly made their way into the waiting SUVs, headed straight for the college. As they arrived, they exited the vehicles, with Gideon striding purposefully ahead.
"No badges." Gideon insisted firmly, walking with urgency. "I don't want to satisfy the UnSub's need for attention by letting him know he got the FBI here. Try not to look official."
The team paused, glancing at one another and adjusting their attire as soon as Gideon's words registered. Clad in all-black professional suits with sunglasses shielding their eyes, they looked ready for action.
Gideon cast a quick glance back at them before resuming his path. "Try to look less official."
After making an effort to appear "less official," the team shed their suit jackets and sunglasses, determined not to play into the unsub's desire for attention. However, Aaron still chose to keep his jacket on. They caught up with Gideon, who was engrossed in conversation with the headmaster of the college. She seemed adamant about evacuating the entire campus in response to the ongoing fires.
"You may not want to do that as it could bring in even more problems." Leila suggested as they continued walking. They reached another building, Gideon and Aaron opening the doors for them all to enter. "If you evacuate the campus, you might evacuate the arsonist as well."
"When the case goes unsolved, the campus is re-opened, but the fires start up again." Elle added.
"Wait, Hotch, Gideon. Hold on a second." Derek said, causing them to all stop. He turned to the Fire Inspector, Zhang. "You said the chemicals went missing today. It says here that one of the previous fires was set with diesel fuel that disappeared from the grounds-keeping facility. How long after it disappeared was the fire set?"
The headmaster's eyes widened in realization. "One day."
Upon hearing this revelation, Aaron and Gideon exchanged a knowing glance before walking away together, engaged in a serious discussion about the new information they had just received.
Leila, Elle, and Derek strolled around the campus, discreetly observing the students and taking in the overall setting.
"I just don't get it." Elle admitted, the three of them descending the stairs. "Why start fires when you can't even watch them?"
Leila pondered for a moment before responding. "Maybe the unsub gets a thrill from the screams without having to witness the actual devastation. But it still doesn't entirely add up."
"And why is he escalating so rapidly?" Derek chimed in, and Leila nodded in agreement. "The fires used to be months apart, and now there are multiple on the same day."
"God, he could ignite another fire any time, and we might not even notice until it's too late." Leila exclaimed, stepping off the last few stairs when suddenly, the fire alarm blared to life.
"You were saying?" Derek quipped, prompting the three of them to dash towards the smoking building.
Leila sprinted as fast as she could, with Derek and Elle trying to keep pace. Her background in martial arts and high school track made her an agile and swift runner.
They urgently shouted at students to clear the way as they charged into the building. Inside, Leila spotted Gideon wielding a fire extinguisher, attempting to douse the flames. Derek swiftly moved to restrain him, fearful that the fire would escalate further.
With combined effort, they managed to pull Gideon away from the dangerous situation, though he resisted fiercely, still shouting to be released. "He was a teacher!"
"Just let it go! He's already gone." Derek implored, keeping a firm grip on him.
Leila glanced back at the burning building, her heart pounding in her chest at the tragedy that had unfolded. It was as if she had predicted what would occur, even before it happened.
Elle diligently captured images of all the students outside, their eyes fixed on the blazing fire. The team meticulously scrutinized the photos, hoping to identify anyone who appeared suspicious. However, it proved to be more challenging than they had anticipated.
Leila leaned back in her chair, putting on her glasses she rarely used, aside for detailed examinations and paperwork. Letting out a sigh of frustration, she set aside the photo she was holding and took off her glasses, gently massaging her temples to try to alleviate the growing headache caused by the intensity of the case.
"Look at these expressions." Derek exclaimed, a tinge of irritation in his voice. "We've got fear, a touch of horror, even a little bit of panic. But where's the guy getting off?"
Spencer interjected with a crucial piece of information. "When asked about his motives, Peter Dinsdale said, 'I am devoted to fire. Fire is my master.'"
Derek moved closer to the crime board, brandishing a lighter. "Okay, so who is our boy's master? Ten-thousand-plus students, and one has a serious fascination with fire."
Leila hummed thoughtfully, bringing her hands down from her face and crossing them against her chest. "Fire-starting is one-third of the homicidal triad, an early predictor of adult dissociative criminal behavior."
"I think if we looked into his childhood, we'd probably find all three." Elle added, nodding in agreement with Leila's earlier statement. "Bed-wetting and cruelty to animals."
"Absent or abusive father, trouble with the opposite sex, chronic low self-esteem." Gideon elaborated, pacing around the room. "MO will be dynamic. Evolving. As fire-setting escalates, they thrive on panic, fear. It's just the standard profile of a serial arsonist."
"Based on hundreds of interviews." Spencer added.
"Based on precedent." Derek chimed in.
"Everything the UnSub should be according to research." Leila sighed.
"But we're off the mark." Aaron said, his expression filled with concern.
"Because of two missing elements." Gideon answered.
"Sex and power. The two motives that drive a serial arsonist." Derek responded.
"And without them, we do not have a profile." Gideon stated, leaving them all stressed and worried.
Leila, Aaron, and Spencer made their way to the chemistry lab to speak with the students who claimed to have knowledge of how the unsub created the fires. As Leila entered the lab, she carefully examined all the equipment and chemicals, trying to gain any insight into the arsonist's methods.
Aaron approached Spencer and suggested he take the lead in the conversation with the students, considering he was closer in age to them and might establish a better rapport.
Spencer looked up, a little nervous, but he cleared his throat, ready to talk. "Hi guys. My name is Doctor Spencer Reid. I am an agent with the BAU, Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI, which, it used to be called the BSU, the Behavioral Science Unit, but not anymore. They changed it to the BAU. It's part of the NCAVC, the National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, which is also part of this thing called the CIRG, the Critical Incident Response Group and—"
Leila could tell he was getting anxious, causing him to ramble. She stepped in, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder and giving him a small smile before taking over. "What Doctor Reid is trying to say is that we would love to know how you can help us."
The only guy from the group of four stood up, walking up to Spencer, pointing at the lightbulb. "May I, please? Thank you." He took the lightbulb and held it up for them to see. "See this? Drill a hole in the side, fill it with gasoline, or whatever is good and flammable, turn the light on, boom." They all looked at him, and Leila made a mental note to do a background check on him. "That is what went down, didn't it?"
"This stuff's all over the Net." One of the girls spoke, causing all of them to turn their heads her way. "Wanna know how to make a Molotov cocktail that sets itself on fire?" She held up her hand, counting the items on her fingers. "Potassium, sulfur, and normal sugar. Sugar. Sugar, which is—"
"Not exactly plutonium." The guy said, cutting her off. "You could get the stuff anywhere."
"Sugar from the supermarket."
Leila and Aaron glanced at each other before he spoke. "But you don't need to be a chem major to know that."
"Do you think it's a chem student?" Zhang asked the students.
"You wanna know what I think?" the guy asked. Leila looked at him as he walked up to Spencer once again, holding the lightbulb over his forehead before giving it back to him. "I think it would be a good time to take the semester off."
With that information, the three decided it was time to leave the lab. The guy offered to take them to the elevator, and they all entered as Aaron pushed the buttons.
"Hold on, you need a key to get it moving after 10:00PM." The guy told him, inserting a key.
"So what are you still doing here?" Leila asked him, her arms crossed.
"I can't leave. We've all got projects. You know how to solve the three-body problem?" he inquired.
Leila, Aaron, and Spencer all looked at each other, some ideas already swarming in their heads.
They received an audio recording of someone speaking, the voice distorted. The recording sounded like someone was saying, "I do this for Karen," however, it was difficult to decipher what the person was saying.
Derek asked Penelope to filter the audio to get it as close to the real voice. Leila paced around the room, trying to think about what they could be missing. She usually needed some alone time to think, as it helped her relax and clear her mind. Excusing herself from the team, they all understood she needed to be alone to think.
The person in the audio sounded like they were saying they did it for "Karen," but Leila knew it was a bit of a stretch. There were hundreds of Karen's on the campus, but the audio sounded much more like it was a different word.
She paced around the empty room, thinking of words that started with a K sound, similar to Karen. After a few minutes of pacing, her eyes widened slightly as she went over all of the evidence in her head. Suddenly, a realization struck her, and she quickly ran back to the team in the other room, noticing Gideon running in as well.
"Charown." Leila and Gideon said at the same time, Leila furrowing her eyebrows but not surprised that Gideon figured it out too.
"Charown?" Spencer questioned, turning to look at the two.
"'I do it because of Charown.'" Gideon repeated.
"That's Hebrew."
"It's God's burning anger." Leila explained.
"Yeah." Spencer acknowledged, as the pieces of the puzzle started falling into place.
Elle walked up to them, furrowing her eyebrows. "The motive is now religious?"
Gideon began to write on the whiteboard while Spencer explained the connection between religions and fire. "Well, you know in a lot of religions, God is related to fire."
Aaron chimed in. "Agni is fire in Hinduism, and the Jews see God as a pillar of fire. Christians also worship God as a consuming fire."
"Okay, so we're looking for a theology major." Derek suggested. "Maybe he's punishing the other students for their sins."
"What's the most sinful place on campus?" Elle asked, searching for potential targets.
"Come on, Elle, when I was in college, it was everywhere." Derek responded with a hint of humor.
"Fraternity?" Aaron questioned.
"Campus bar?" Elle suggested.
Leila shook her head, looking at them all with a thoughtful expression. "No, because that's not consistent with the previous targets."
"What about the idea of baptism by fire?" Derek added. "Aren't we all supposed to be tested through fire in Revelations?"
Gideon turned away from the whiteboard, facing them all once again. "Look, it's good, it's good. But, listen, please do not jump to conclusions. Religion might be a part of it, but it's not necessarily the prime compulsion."
Elle and Derek responded a bit angrily back to Gideon, claiming they were running out of time to figure this out.
Leila closed her eyes, thinking back to the video they first saw of the three fires in one night. "I need to see the video of Matthew again."
Spencer looked at her, nodding his head. "I'll watch it with you, I need to see something."
Leila and Spencer played the video in another room, trying to examine if there were any clues they may have missed. They replayed the video over and over again, but Leila noticed something strange. "Hey, wait. Zoom in on the door knob."
Spencer pressed one of the keys to zoom in on the door knob and played the video once again. They noticed how the door knob twisted three times.
"We need to see any other signs of three during the other fires." Spencer stated, and the two of them rushed to Professor Wallace's office, the teacher who died in the fire, and checked his schedule. He was in office number three.
"Tuesday, three o'clock." Leila mumbled, showing Spencer.
The two of them immediately went to the team to inform them about what they discovered. Spencer closed the door and began speaking. "Leila and I know why the profiles never fit. You were right to tell Morgan not to rely on precedent. The fires thus far have been completely task-oriented."
"So once they're set, the unsub is done?" Aaron questioned Spencer.
"Exactly. The UnSub is not a classical serial arsonist. He's someone who uses fire because of a completely different disorder." Leila explained, grateful that they finally understood why the unsub was doing what he did.
"Which is?" Gideon tilted his head.
Spencer began to explain. "An extreme manifestation of OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder. He does everything in threes. And if we're right, he'll have to kill again."
Leila and Spencer showed the video to Aaron and Gideon, zooming in on the door knob. As Spencer talked, Leila thought back to the girl in the chemistry lab.
"Aaron, remember that girl from the lab?" Leila asked him, and Aaron turned to look at her. "Clara, I think was her name?"
Aaron nodded his head in realization, who furrowed his eyebrows in concentration. Gideon looked at him. "What is it?"
"I think I know who it might be. And it's not a he, it's a she." Aaron said. "Clara Hayes. When I was talking to her and her classmates, I noticed something. A ring on her finger and she kept turning it."
Leila pointed at him, nodding her head. "I noticed it, too. She turned at intervals of three."
"And she counted off the ingredients of a light bulb bomb." Aaron continued.
"And the word sugar." Spencer realized.
"Yeah, and she kept repeating it. Once she started, she couldn't stop."
Leila hummed, fiddling with her ring on her ring finger. "Mhm, I have OCD. I always have to do everything in even numbers or else I'll be uncomfortable."
"I've always noticed that." Spencer said, looking at her. "You always keep everything so organized and do everything in an even set of numbers. It's like you have to do it."
Leila tilted her head, smiling. "It gets a little annoying."
The fire alarms went off in the campus, all of them searching for Clara Hayes. Leila got ready to find Clara, along with Aaron.
Gideon looked frantic, about to rush out of the room when Aaron stopped him. "Jason, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Clara Hayes is very likely a good person. Someone who never wanted to do anyone any harm, like any other rational person. But there's nothing rational about obsessive-compulsive disorder."
"Research suggests OCD involves problems in communication between the frontal part of the brain and the orbital cortex. Plus deeper structures, the basal ganglia." Spencer explained OCD.
"You can't reason with her because you can't reason with a physiological problem." Leila continued, while Gideon looked confused. "She's not setting these fires because she wants to, but because she has to."
"What are you trying to say?" Gideon asked, eyebrows scrunched.
Leila looked at him, her gaze stern. "Don't try to convince her to stop. Because you won't be able to."
Leila and Aaron ran to the third floor, where they found Clara kneeling on the ground in front of the elevator, holding a torch. "Clara." Aaron said aloud, causing the girl to gasp quietly.
"I have to do this." She told them, breathing heavily.
"You know it's not rational, Clara. You were trying to tell me."
"God chose me to be tested." Clara insisted, a tight grip on the torch. "And now he's chosen them. If I don't do this, something terrible will happen."
Leila quickly tried to stall her. "What will happen, Clara? Is it a flood? An earthquake? What is it? You know this isn't rational."
Clara squinted her eyes, her face in concentration. "I know, I know, I know."
"Then resist." Aaron told her.
"I can't! They must be tested. God's wrath."
"Clara, you told me it was a chemistry student." Aaron pressed further and you slowly walked closer to her while he distracted her. "You left the message about Charon."
"Charon, Charon, Moloch."
"You want to stop."
"Father, Son...Holy Ghost." Clara inched forward and was about to throw the torch into the elevator when Aaron shot her leg, making her drop it onto the ground. As she was close enough, Leila quickly stepped onto it before it fell into the elevator.
Gideon ran up to them, looking at Aaron. "I thought you said not to reason with her?"
The team made it back to Quantico, entering the BAU building as they all were ready to head back home. Leila walked up the stairs, opening her office door when she saw two people.
Her eyes widened in surprise but then she squealed, running up to them. She took her little girl into her arms, spinning her around.
"Wow, and I don't even get a hello?" Zaid crossed his arms, only sarcasm laced in his voice. "After everything we've been through."
Leila scoffed, turning back to him. "My little Jas is the most important person in my life, it isn't even a competition."
Zaid laughed, wrapping his arms around her body, careful not to squish Jasmine in the process. "If that isn't the truest thing I've heard all day."
Leila looked up at her husband, grinning. She leaned into him, initiating a kiss to which he obliged quickly. "We need to go home right now. I'm so tired."
Zaid hummed, grabbing your bag from when you dropped it onto the floor. "I cooked your favorite. Thought you'd be hungry."
She grinned in excitement, planting another kiss on his lips before she started rushing out of her office. "I'm starving." She looked at Jasmine, who started giggling as her mom ran down the stairs. "Yeah, baby? Let's go home, okay?"
The team looked over at the three, warm smiles on their faces as they watched them leave.
"That's so cute." JJ said, who came up to the team once they arrived. "They look so happy."
The team nodded in agreement, still grinning even after the elevator closed behind the three as they got on it.
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movienized-com · 7 months
Dreamland (Serie 2023) #LilyAllen #FreemaAgyeman #GabbyBest #AimeeFfionEdwards #FrancesBarber #SheilaReid Mehr auf:
Serie Jahr: 2023- Genre: Comedy / Drama Hauptrollen: Lily Allen, Freema Agyeman, Gabby Best, Aimee-Ffion Edwards, Frances Barber, Sheila Reid, Kiell Smith-Bynoe … Serienbeschreibung: In der Stadt Margate ist die älteste Schwester Trish schwanger und erwartet ein Mädchen. Ihre Schwestern Clare und Leila versammeln sich mit ihrer Mutter um sie. Aber die unerwartete Rückkehr einer weiteren…
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augustinity · 8 months
tbr - mack
motherthing - ainslie hogarth
juniper & thorn - ava reid
alphabetical diaries - sheila heti
kiki's delivery service - eiko kadono
i who have never known men - jacqueline harpman
flowers for algernon - daniel keyes
dykette - jenny fran davis
nightcrawling - leila mottley
bones & all - camille deangelis
everything/nothing/someone - alice carrière
0 notes
cartoon-heart · 10 months
2 & 4 for the book ask!
Thanks for the ask!
2. Do you reread anything? What?
I very rarely re-read anything, but in saying that I actually re-read two books this year!
The first was The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid. I just felt like re-reading it!
The second was Fred Astaire's autobiography Steps in Time. I first read it as a teenager (cos I was very cool) and felt it was time to revisit it.
4. Do you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Yes, absolutely! I'm always trying new authors and so here are a few that were new to me this year after picking up one of their books:
Hernan Diaz (Trust), Leila Mottley (Nightcrawling), Julia Armfield (Our Wives under the Sea), Jennette McCurdy (I'm Glad My Mom Died), Rebecca F Kuang (Yellowface), Miranda Cowley Heller (The Paper Palace), Eliza Clark (Boy Parts), Colin Walsh (Kala), Celine Saintclare (Sugar, Baby), Maggie O'Farrell (Hamnet, The Marriage Portrait), Priscilla Morris (Black Butterflies), Alice Winn (In Memoriam), Jeanine Basinger (The Star Machine), Natasha Brown (Assembly)
Book ask
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iomadachd · 10 months
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@ifyoucatchacriminal asked: 13 for Leila from Spencer
In honor of SPOTIFY WRAPPED, send me a number 1-100 and I’ll write you a starter based on the song. (2/10 accepting)
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Granite - Sleep Token
Leila pinches herself sometimes. Dating a fed was never in the plan. Hell, dating was never in the plan.
She's curled up on his couch with Amadeus, who might have a bigger princess complex than she does, and she's just watching him read. The quiet moment in his apartment when there are no clients and no cases before the holiday season kicks in for both of them.
"You are more than just somebody I was destined to meet..." she muses, scratching under the cat's chin and enjoying his purr.
"From day one I think I was more than just a body in your passenger seat, Spencer Reid."
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screamingforyears · 1 year
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“NO SIGN OF LIFE” is the latest single/closing track from @dsmvsound’s forthcoming debut LP titled ‘Life Is Done’ (9/8 @thirdcomingrecords) & it finds the Melbourne-based duo of @morgherita & @buzzkull nu_beating their way across 4 ½ mins of pulsatingly post_punked & deliriously dark_waving EBM. “MIASMA” is the final single in the run-up to @leopardprinttaser’s forthcoming debut LP titled ‘Existential Bathroom Graffiti’ (8/18 @knifehitsrecords) & it finds the Sommerville, Mass-based quartet of Leila Bower (vox/guitar), Reid Calkin (drums), Shannon Donahue (bass) & Nicholas Wolf (guitar) bringing 3 ½ mins of dreamily dusted & PGMG-esque post_hard_coring_punk. @lathe_of_heaven_nyc are here w/ “AT MOMENT’S EDGE,” the second single from their forthcoming debut LP titled ‘Bound By Naked Skies’ (9/1 @sacredbones) & it finds the New York City-based quartet of Gage, Stephen Reader, Noel Mateus & Daniel Rojas Moreno waxing thematically on “process, change & complexity on a very personal level” across 5 ½ mins of broodingly bruised GloomRawk. “BLOODLETTING” is the latest single from @softvein_’s forthcoming debut LP titled ‘Pressed In Glass’ (10/20 @artoffact_records) & it finds the California-based artist Justin Chamberlain (Harsh Symmetry) looking to soundtrack your next night drive across a sub 4 min slice of Gothically hued & body_movin SynthWave. @torpor_uk are here w/ "ACCIDIE,” the lead single from their forthcoming album titled ‘Abscission’ (9/15 @humanworthmusic) & it finds the Bristol-based trio of Jon Taylor, Lauren Mason & Simon Mason bringing the desolate goods across 6+ mins of lurchingly sludged, brutally blackened & crushingly hypnotic DoomMetal.
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