#legolas x little sister reader
faeriichaii · 9 months
hii, how are you? It’s me again. Could I request a Legolas x reader again? something funny and very fluff with a Legolas a little bit jealous because the hobbits stole all the reader’s attention, would be fun if she made them braids (feeling like a old sister taking care of them, not other intention i swear🙏), hope not to bother you and wish you a lovely dayy, thank u💗
Braiding Together ~ Legolas x Reader
A/N: Heyyy :) I'm fine and you?? I love it omg I really am a big fan of the little hobbits and I just want to hug them close and never let go 😔😔 I hope you have a nice day as well and enjoy the story <3 (I'm so sorry that it is like a lil short and that it kinda is bad djsifeh)
⇢ ˗ˏˋWarnings: fluff ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋWords: 910 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋRequest: Yes (thank you <33) ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋMeleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ
Summary: You have always received compliments for your cute braids, so you decided to offer the hobbits to braid their hair. However, Legolas really doesn't understand, why you would do that.
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You laughed softly at one of Pippins jokes, as he sat in front of you. Fingers nimbly combing through his wild hair. The hobbits have complimented your braids so so many times, so you decided to offer to braid each of their hair. All of them nodding in agreement and sitting down around you, almost building a wall, and waiting for their turn patiently. “Say (Y/N), do you redo your hair every day? Or do you keep some braids in more than just a day?” Pippin asked you, while his gaze was focused on the fire in front of him. “It depends. Sometimes my braids open up a little during the day, so I redo them the next morning. The only braids I never redo myself, are the ones Legolas does.” You said, while weaving the small strands of Pippins hair into a braid.
“Are they important to you?” Sam asked, as he intently watched your fingers. A small blush dusted your cheeks, as you thought about the night Legolas first braided your hair. You sat at a bonfire, much like this one, as he suddenly turned towards you and asked you if it would be okay to braid your hair. You remember being very surprised and overwhelmed, but in the end, you gave him your approval. Since then, it has been an almost daily occurrence for the both of you, to sit down somewhere secluded and start braiding each other’s hair. “Yes, they are very important to me.” You answer Sam with a gentle smile. Finishing the braid, you give Pippin your small pocket mirror, so he can take a look at the neat braid you have done. He turned around with a bright smile, until his eyes focused onto the something behind you. He quickly stood up, thanked you for the braid and left you alone with the others. Turning around confused, you raised an eyebrow as you spotted the elven prince. A scowl was present on his face.
“Meleth Nin, what are you doing?” He asked while looking at the three remaining hobbits around you. “I am braiding their hair.” Gesturing Sam to take the space in front of you, Legolas decided to join you on the log. “But… why are you braiding their hair?” Your eyebrows scrunched together at his question. “Well, they always compliment my braids and I thought I could braid their hair too. Plus, they look so adorable with their new hairstyles.” A hum left his lips, as he watched you brush through Sams hair gently. You felt the elven princes gaze on your fingers, as you parted the hair into the sections you needed. Taking a quick glance into his direction, you notice a confused expression on his face.
“My love, are you alright?” You asked, stopping your task at hand and turning a little towards him. He let out a little sigh. “I just am confused as to why you are braiding their hair. Elves tend to only braid their own hair or the hair of the person they court.” A gentle smile adored your lips, as you let go of Sams hair. “I apologize my love, I didn’t know. I just wanted to do it because they always look at me so sweetly when I do mine and so I wanted to offer them to braid their hair.” Legolas nodded understandingly, moving a little closer towards you. “You did this row wrong.” He pointed at the mistake you have made. “And this one just looks like a mess.” He pointed at another strand you have just finished. Rolling your eyes at him, you opened the braid again.
“Well, Mr. I-Can-Do-It-Better, how should I braid his hair?” A chuckle left Legolas’ lips, as he took your hands in his. “First off, you will start with this hand.” He shakes your right hand softly. “And with that hand you will grab a good amount of hair. Not too much though.” Guiding your right hand back to Sams head, you take a chunk of his hair. Apparently though, you had a little bit too much between your fingers, hence Legolas began to shake your hand once more. “Now you will part it into two sections and use your left hand...” He began to now shake your other hand. “…to pull a small strand from the right strand and pull it over it and under the left strand.” Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, trying to understand what he meant. He guided your hand around with his, until you finished a few rows together. A soft ‘ahh’ escaped your lips, as you finally understood the braid you were working on together with the elven prince. The both of you quickly finished the hairstyle and handed Sam your small mirror.
“Thank you so much (Y/N) and Legolas.” He said, before leaving you with Frodo and Merry. The struggle of brushing and braiding passed quickly, as you both finished off the last remaining two hobbits. A smile formed on your lips, as you watched each of them flaunter their new hairstyles. Legolas put his arm around your waist, pulling you to his side. Leaning towards him, you gave him a peck on the cheek. “Thank you for helping me my love.” “Of course, anything for you Meleth Nin.” Laying your head onto his shoulder, you both continued to watch the hobbits like proud parents, as they still sauntered around with cute little braids in their hair.
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asumi2020202 · 2 months
Things I never felt before
Pairing: Legolas Thranduilion x reader
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Summary: You are Legolas' lover, he courted you before you both left to destroy the one ring. You are a healer who is needed almost all the times and a motherly figure to the hobbits.
A/n: My Lotr/Hobbit obsession has again started after I saw my husband, Legolas, in a youtube video. Anyways, Thank you for reading!
The Fellowship had been assembled. Tens companions in total. Aragorn, the son of Arathorn. Legolas, son of Thranduil. Gimli, son of Gloin. The four hobbits- Frodo, the ring bearer, Sam, Merry and Pippin. Gandalf the Grey. Boromir, son of the Steward of Gondor.
And..Y/n, daughter of Lord Elrond. The only female.. Lover of Legolas Thranduilion....
Her father didn't want her to join, thinking she would get hurt. But her abilities, knowledge and skill is something that the Fellowship required.
The elves of Rivendell were sailing off to the Undying lands. Yet she told her father she would not. She would stay with Legolas.
The Fellowship left Rivendell after bidding goodbye. Arwen almost did cry to see her little sister go on a dangerous quest, she felt a bit of peace as she knew her sister had someone to protect her.
And so...their journey began....
The fellowship were aiming for the gap of Rohan. After a while of walking the mountains they had stopped near a pile of giant rocks, some of which even looked as if they are stacked.
You handed a plate of food to Sam to give to Frodo. The others had already eaten. After doing so you blew out the fire and sat next to Frodo and watched Merry and Pippin train while Legolas was looking out for any enemies.
"One. Two. Good!" Boromir said, sword clanging against another.
"You got good Pippin" Merry said to Pippin.
"Move your feet" Aragorn said.
Frodo looked at you and smiled.
"Ah!" Pippin squealed
"Sorry!" Boromir said. The two young hobbits tackled him on the ground as the three of you watched.
"hold him!" "For the shire!"
You gently laughed as you saw the two hobbits tackle Aragorn who tried to help Boromir. Aragorn groaned as fell on the ground as well.
Pippin got up and ran to you.
"Y/n I've got a cut on my finger. It hurts." He looked at you with his adorable little Hobbit eyes which melted your heart.
"Ah.. come with me, I will put some medicine." You led the little Hobbit to where the fire once was.
You were putting a healing balm on his hand. You turned your head and saw Legolas jump from one rock to another and stand on a giant boulder.
You finished applying the medicine and smile at Pippin as he runs to Merry. You got up from the ground and stand near Legolas.
Him standing on a boulder gave him better view whilst you stood on the ground, adjusting you satchel. You were shorter than Legolas too which gives him the tall height advantage.
"What's that?" One of the members asked.
"Oh nothing it's just a wisp of clouds." Came Gimli's reply.
"It's moving fast.. against the wind.." Boromir said, getting up from the ground with Merry and Pippin.
"Crebain from Dunland!" Legolas shouted.
"Hide!" Aragorn shouted.
"Hurry. Frodo.." you said as you guided Sam and Frodo to cover.
As crebains flew away, everyone got out from their hideout.
"Spies of ... Saruman! The passage south is being watched. We must take the path of caradhras." Said Gandalf.
You looked at Legolas as he gently held your hand.
The path of Caradhras was difficult. Thick snow, extreme cold, heavy snowfall. Elves do not mind cold very much but the others do. So you and Legolas walked in the front.
You, Legolas and the others got stuck in the snow when a huge chunk of snow fell from above.
You helped Sam out of the snow and then got out yourself. Sam went to Boromir's side.
"There is fell voice on the air" said Legolas.
"It's Saruman!" Shouted Gandalf.
"He's trying to bring down the mountains" Aragorn said as well.
Gandalf started to chant a spell in Imladris to try and stop. But alas it did not work.
It was decided that the fellowship would go through the Mines of Moria. It was chosen by Frodo.
Gimli sat down a bit away from the door. The Door of Moria was yet to open. Gandalf had tried all the password that he could come up with but it didn't work.
You and Legolas sat on a log. The two of you braided each other's hair. You saw Gandalf sigh of defeat. Legolas got up and walked around to see any incoming danger.
You went to Gandalf and stood in front of the door before looking at Gandalf. He looked at you.
"It is riddle......" You said.
"A riddle you say?" He replied.
"Mellōn" you said as the doors opened the Hobbits running towards you at once.
The events that occurred after that...were too cruel for all of you...
The hobbits were shedding tears. Gimli was trying to get back in the mine but Boromir didn't let him. You sat on a boulder, unable to accept the reality like Legolas.
"Get them up Legolas, Y/n." Aragorn spoke to you and Legolas. Legolas came up to you and placed his hand on your back. You looked up from the ground to his eyes. He could see the pain in your eyes, for he too feels it.
"Give them a moment for pity's sake!" Boromir shouted.
"By nightfall these hills will be swarming with orcs. We must make for the woods of Lothlorien." Reasoned Aragorn.
"Come, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Y/n get them up." Aragorn said as walked up to Sam and held him up.
You got up from the boulder and gave Legolas a nod, after which you went to the hobbits, asking if anyone got injured.
You and Legolas were close to eachother. Fingers intertwined as you walked through the woods. Aragorn was leading the way.
"I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." Said Gimli as he almost got himself pierced by an arrow of a Lothlorian guard.
"A dwarve breathes so loud, we would've shot him in the dark" Said Haldir, an old acquaintance.
"Mae g'ovannen Legolas Thranduilion, Y/n Elerondiel." Said Haldir. Welcome Legolas, son of Thranduilion, Y/n, daughter of Elrond.
"Ah, Aragorn in Dunedain. Istannen le ammen." Oh, Aragorn of Dúnedain. You are known to us. Haldir spoke, turning to Aragorn.
"Haldir." Aragorn greeted him.
"So much for the legendary courtesy of elves! Speak words we can all understand!" Spoke Gimli, annoyed because he couldn't understand what was being spoken.
Haldir simply turned to Gimli and spoke.
"We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days."
"And you know what this dwarves says to that? Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!" I spit on your grave.
"That was not so courteous" Aragorn intervened.
Haldir looked at Fellowship and then to Frodo.
"You bring great evil here.... You can go no further."
You sat like the rest of the Fellowship while Legolas stood. Aragorn trying to convince Haldir to let you all stay the night.
Frodo saw Legolas look at him as the others looked at him too. He felt guilty. As if they are blaming him.
Frodo got up and went to you. He came to you and sat beside you as you opened your arms. He came in and laid his head on your chest as you hummed. He looked up in the sky and then closed his eyes.
Legolas saw you two cuddled up. He felt warm at the scene. Many would feel jealous at the sight of their lover with someone else but Legolas felt love for you grow further.
You and Frodo looked like mother and son. You ran you fingers through his head and held him close like a mother would.
Legolas smiled a little seeing you both. He imagined how it would be when the two of you would have children together.
Night had fallen. Most of the Fellowship had gotten fallen asleep. Aragorn was with Boromir.
You and Legolas were in your sleeping place. He had re-braided your hair and you were currently doing his.
You ran your fingers through his hair, trying to untangle any knots.
"Melēth nin, what would do after all of this is over?" You asked him.
"Ah..... The first thing I would do is to marry you. I would still need to think of what to do next." He replied.
His reply made you blush a bit. The sad atmosphere lifting up a bit.
"I would have a big family with you, nin melēth. I imagine it every time I see you with the little hobbits. You would make an excellent mother to our little elflings." He continued.
Your ears had turned pink. You laughed gently as you finished braiding his hair. He got up from the ground and went to your side.
He sat down beside you and kissed you passionately. It was slow but filled with deep love.
Elves love once. They love slow but when they do, they love hard.
After a minute, his lips seperated yours. Your lungs felt empty before you inhaled air.
He laid down and patted the place beside him. You went to his side and laid your head on his chest.
Soon after you drifted off to sleep. Soft snores made Legolas smile. The world was harsh... But you both had each other and that was enough.
He ran his hand over your head, soothing you. He drifted off to sleep after sometime. He fell asleep admiring your beauty. He had said something before doing so.
It was what he felt since he met you the first time.
"You make me feel.. Things I never felt before..."
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live-laugh-legolas · 19 days
hii!! what about some hcs with the fellowship and musician!reader?
The fellowship x musician!reader
-He is a musical man
-He’s not the best but his voice doesn’t destroy people eardrums; he enjoys singing, but he focuses on the meaning less so his voice
-So he hums along to whatever you are playing
-And teaches you some songs he knows
-I just love that he helped Bilbo write songs; what a cutie
-He wants to learn
-But he is a little timid about it; he wouldn’t know where to start
-Elvish music is pretty different from other cultures so he would be interested in this new sound
-I think he prefers your excitement about it more than the sound
-Not because you are bad, he is just used to the ethereal voices of elves
-He will request for you to play for him sometimes
-“That was great! Now let me sing you some dwarvish songs- ahem”
-Very loud when he sings
-I recommend earmuffs if you want to keep your eardrums intact
-He sounds fine, but he reaches inhuman levels of volume
-Tries to get you to play at any moment
-He likes to show off how cool and talented you are
-You are his preforming monkey
-Not really but it sometimes feels like he is giving you a quarter to watch you play a little
-He will sing along but this man cannot sing; seriously he is incredibly tone deaf
-I imagine him singing like my sister; every note is in a different key than the last and it’s literally so bad that it’s impressive
-Doesn’t matter where you are playing; he is there listening
-Has run across the Shire to come listen
-Your biggest supporter
-He likes listening to you when you are working out a song; when it isn’t perfect and you keep stopping to change something or you make a mistake
-He tries to join in
-He plays the “drums”
-He’s rarely on beat but it’s the thought and effort that counts
-He’s the type to volunteer you to play for people
-Like someone says there needs to be music and he’s like “Oh! I know someone! They’re fantastic!”
-He’s got a musical ear so he is a good person to “test” your music on
-He also is a musician
-He can sing and can play some instruments
-Tries to convince you to start a band with him
-(I would love to know if anyone has any band name ideas)
-He will hum along with you
-If you write your own music he will add that to his mental playlist to sing on his travels
-He will request you to play or sing something when he feels the mood is down
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random-imagines-blog · 2 months
Tip My Helmet {Eomer x Elf!Reader Oneshot}
Wordcount: 4004 Requested by: Anonymous Summary: You're an elf, the sister of Legolas, while he is a human. Though war brings you close to one another, is there a chance for after?
This was not where you expected to be during a time of war. Inside of Rohan, drinking human ale with all of the survivors of the Battle of Helm’s Deep - and the newly re-found Merry and Pippin. You stood with your brother as Eomer handed out tankards, one to you, one to Gimli, one to your brother. Some kind of juvenile drinking game. You played such things back in Mirkwood from time to time, but with alcohol that was much stronger than this. Your hands wrapped around the tin, feeling the warmth of the drink within. “No pauses,” Eomer was explaining. “No spills.”
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“And no regurgitation,” Gimli added on, his eyes large like a child’s as he brought his lips to the foamy liquid swimming atop the ale.
“So, it’s a drinking game?” Your brother asked in an innocent tone, making you smirk slightly to yourself. Legolas was a lightweight, by Elven standards, but with this ale, he’d still be standing strong by the time that everyone else is passed out. Eomer’s eye caught yours with a look of amusement, and you smiled softly.
“Last one standing wins!” Gimli announced, sounding very sure of himself. His laughter filled the air, along with the cheers of the Men of Rohan. Both his large hands went around the cup and brought it to his lips.
“What’ll we drink to? To victory! To victory!” The men around us called out. You lifted your drink towards your mouth, taking a sip of it. It tasted much more earthy than you had been expecting. Not a bad taste at all. Your eyes went from the handsome ones of Eomer to your brother, who ventured a taste as Gimli was chugging his down. He was getting froth all over his beard, something which amused you to no end.
Every time a tankard was emptied, Eomer would hand over another. You stopped yourself at four, shaking your head towards the Rider of Rohan. But your brother and Gimli kept going, to the surprise of the men around. More and more of the metal cups riddled the tabletop. Another two gone, before Eomer could even finish filling two more. Gimli stood on his chair to look at all the empty cups, your own three included, and let out a very drunken laugh.
“I’m not sure we should be doing this,” you said to Eomer, as your brother sipped at his own drink more delicately compared to everyone else around. “I’m starting to suspect that this will damage him beyond tonight.”
“It’s the dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy women!” Gimli said out of nowhere, saying this as if it were a matter of pride. And then let out a burp that made even you grimace, his eyes crossing as he stuck his face back into his cup.
“I feel something,” Legolas said, looking at his fingers. Eomer looked bewildered, and you sighed, shaking your head again at how damn adorable he looked like that. “A tingling in my fingers. I think it’s affecting me.”
“What did I say?” Gimli said, his words coming out in a strong slur. “He can’t hold his liquor.” His eyes crossed again, then rolled back into his head and Gimli fell down onto the ground. Head over heels.
“Game over?” Legolas said. You chastised him with just a look, for being dramatic like this. It hadn’t been a fair contest - but at least no humans had decided to join in. That much would probably have killed them.
Your group parted, Legolas helping to carry the slumbering Gimli to his room, and you moved further into the party. You found yourself being caught up in the festivities, Eowyn asking you for a dance, though you knew this was just a guise. She really wanted to learn more about Aragorn - but you stayed tight-lipped about the subject, merely smiling and dancing with her in the center of the room. The mood in the air was good. You had all won a grand victory for Rohan, for the light. A large army had been vanquished. The dark was losing the battles. You then danced with Merry and Pippin, both of them holding one of your hands. You were laughing along with them, at their enthusiasm, at their positivity. You even caught sight of Gandalf and Aragorn sharing a smile while watching you. But as you were getting ready to go over to them, a familiar set of hands touched yours gently. “Time for one last dance, my lady?”
You met Eomer’s eyes, and you smiled at him, letting his hands take hold of yours. “I’ve told you not to call me that,” You reminded, chiding him gently.
“My apologies,” he said, bowing his head. “It’s a hard habit for me to break.”
“Perhaps you should try harder,” you said, as the jaunty music continued to play, and you started the dance with Eomer. Hand in hand, you went through the steps of a folk dance, picking it up quickly. It was simple, with a few foot movements. With your bodies being close to one another. Your tunic brushed up against this, your body proximity close. He merely chuckled again, and his breath was warm against your neck while you danced. It finished with a twirl, your long hair, blonde like your brother and your father’s, flying through the air, then resting against your shoulders as you found yourself in Eomer’s arms.
There were cheers from the men around. Whistles. They seemed to be more cheering for Eomer than for yourself, you noticed, as if he had done something bold, something - he should be rewarded for. “Thank you for the dance,” he said, bowing his head to you.
“A pleasure as always, Eomer,” you said, returning the gesture. But you didn’t let go of his hand as everyone went back to their own business. No longer looking at the two of you. “Would you like to go for a walk with me?”
He raised an eyebrow at you but then nodded his head, not a bow. He let go of your hand, but followed you through the throngs of people, his large presence making you very aware that he was there.
The sweet-smelling breeze of the night air cooled your face once you stepped outside of the castle. You didn’t move too far, not going down the stairs quite yet to the city. It felt like a welcome difference from the heat inside, with the fires and the humans all crowded together, sweaty and warm. Your eyes turned upwards, looking towards the skies. The stars were bright tonight. They, too, seemed pleased by the victory.
“The stars - I believe they’re shining for us tonight,” You mumbled towards Eomer. “Even the sky is pleased about our victory. We’re on the right path.”
“You think so?” Eomer said, leaning against one of the columns of the front of the castle, his arms crossed as he looked up and out as well. “How can you tell? They look like plain stars to me.”
You chuckled, finding his humanity endearing. “The stars are beloved to my people. We have a relationship with them. They help us during times of trouble - and have always been dependable.”
“Trees, stars,” Eomer said, his eyes coming down from the skies to linger on your face. “Is there anything that you don’t have a relationship with?”
His tone showed that he meant no offense. He was a curious man. He had told you, when you had been riding back from the Battle of Helm’s deep, that he hasn’t had much contact with elves before. He had asked you about your homeland, about your brother, about how you had learned the skills in battle that you had shown. He had some outdated ideas about how women should not fight. But he couldn’t deny that you had been an asset.
“Everything,” You grinned. “The air around us is beloved to us too. When the wind is strong, it lifts us. That is why it is so easy for us to live among the trees. We can be brought right up to the top where our homes are, thanks to a stiff breeze.”
“You mean-” he said, moving away from the column, and walking up to you, his expression baffled. “You can fly? The air can make you fly, like a bird, or a Nazgul-birds?”
“Yes,” You nodded, keeping a straight face. “You did not know this?”
“No!” He said, amazed. “Can you call on the wind? Can it take you wherever you want to go? Could you-”
Your straight face failed you. Your shoulders started to shake as you began to laugh. Unlike a lot of other elves, you had managed to have a sense of humor. Playing with the other races, this bit of mischief, was one of your favorite things about this whole adventure. “I’m sorry, Eomer. I was only telling tales. Although all of the elements are important to us, all have their uses, air does not help us to fly.”
“You almost had me there,” Eomer said with a chuckle. “We could have won the whole war if that was true. It would be done in seconds. Just fly over Mount Doom and drop the ring in.”
“Unfortunately, it cannot be so,” You sighed, and looked up at the stars once more. Even though you were in a different area, the stars were much the same as the ones you saw at home, and you could follow them like a straight path right on back if you so desired. “But there is still hope, written in the night skies. These stars, they’ll show Frodo and Sam the way, just as surely as they’ll show them the way back home.”
Galadriel had given Frollo the light of the star of Eärendil. They were already involved now.
“You see that, in the stars?" Eomer asked, his voice sounding incredulous. You didn’t blame him for not believing you. Men were … a lot more folly. They’d believe in Gods that they could not see, but they didn’t believe in the very lights in the sky that they could.
“As long as there are stars, Eomer, there is hope.”
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You had spoken with your brother. He and Gimli were going to follow Aragorn through the passage in the mountains. The passage that would bring them either to a great success - a secret weapon of sorts - or deadly peril. But that was their choice to make, so you only wished them safety, and that you would see them again during the war. You weren’t going to join them. You felt like your place was here, more so with the people of Rohan. With Eomer, who you had grown close with over the journey. And Eowyn, whom you already thought of as a sister.
You had been walking back towards the speaking brother and sister, when you heard words that you didn’t quite agree with. And being the person that you were, you were going to say something about it.
“War is the province of men.”
“Men?” You questioned, making Eomer turn around. “No matter which way you mean it, whether gender, or race, you do not think that I am for battle? No - you must mean the gender, for you have had no problem fighting alongside elves, and dwarves.”
You had missed that he had been talking about Merry at first, though you were on Eowyn’s side in that argument as well. Just as you had every right to fight, as did Aragorn, Theoden, Eomer himself - Merry and Eowyn both had the ability to decide to fight. But right now, you were just defending Eowyn. And yourself.
“Though I don’t remember you having a problem fighting alongside me, either,” You spoke aloud, remembering the moment that you had caught eyes with him for the first time, while searching for Merry and Pippin. And then again during the battle for Helm’s Deep, when he realized that you were there, in the full swing of things, your armor stained with blood, cuts and bruises on your arms, just like everyone else. “So, it’s just your sister you’re coddling for the moment?”
“I am not coddling,” Eomer insisted, his eyes lit up by the reflection of the fire that he had been sitting near only a moment ago. “I’m explaining the way that things are. You - you are a valuable warrior; I will give you that but-”
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“That should be in the end of your sentence,” you said, sharply. “You cannot respect me as a fighter, but disrespect your sister’s wish to be the same. She might not have the experience of war that you do, no, she does not have that. But she has the same amount of heart, the same determination, the same reasons to go into battle as you have. The only differences between you are what is in between your legs, and what expectations were put upon you by someone else.”
Eowyn looked surprised, and Eomer - he just looked stunned by your words. No one had dared to talk to him like that before. Especially not a woman. “I just don’t want her to get hurt,” Eomer finally said his real reason for thinking like this. There was something about you that made his heart go in front of his brain, in front of his reasoning. “I don’t want either of you to get hurt. But she,” He said, looking towards his sister, “-she is the future of Rohan. Eowyn, you are who everyone is going to follow if something happens to-”
The word went unspoken. The King. If something happened to Theoden, it would be Eowyn that would be in charge. She would be the Queen of Rohan, taking care of the survivors. Starting over again in the city after it had been ravaged by orcs.
“But - that is not a good enough reason,” Eowyn insisted. “I worry about you, about everyone that is going out there. My friends - my family - don’t I deserve to fight for them too?”
“But-” Eomer started, but then looked between the two of us, and he saw that he was going to lose this argument. It was two against one, and both of us were speaking logically - even though he had his own good reason nonetheless. Eowyn turned on her heel and walked back to her tent, most likely to practice her sword skills once more. You had caught her doing it before. Had even given her some advice on how to use her reach to her advantage.
You approached Eomer, and daringly, you put your hand on his shoulder. You were in close proximity to him. You could smell the stew on his breath, though this was not unpleasant. It was a hearty, human-type smell. His shoulder was large underneath the fabric that he wore, which had been made warm with his own body’s heat. His hair tickled at the back of your hand.
“You do have a good heart, Eomer, and she knows that you love her, and that you care. But restricting her, keeping her in a cage like a pretty bird, is not the way to do it. Nor, exactly, is trying to claim that only men should be in war. I took offense to that.”
“I apologize for offending you,” he said, his eyes intense. Beautifully bright while being lit like this. “But I have seen you in war. And you have had years of training for it, that much was clear. You’re very skilled,” he said, his hand reaching towards your waist now in a show that was as ostentatious, as audacious as your hand upon his shoulder. It brought you both closer together than before. “You’re like a dancer out there, when you fight, you make it look easy, while we both know that it is not.”
“It isn’t,” You agreed. You had trained for centuries to be as good as you were, against all manner of foe. “But is that not all the more reason to help her rather than dissuade her? You’re an excellent swordsman, Eomer. Only rivalled by your skills as a rider. She’s going to find a way to fight whether you accept this or not. Would you not do the same?”
Eomer groaned, his thick eyebrows furrowing as he was really listening to what you were saying. “I know my place -”
“So let her decide hers,” you said, firmly, your breath upon his chin now, close. “I will help her, if you do not. The last thing either of us want is for her to get hurt. So, relieve yourself of your stubborn nature for only a couple of days and allow me to do this. It will only benefit her.”
“Fine,” he said, gritting his teeth, his eyes drilling holes into yours. “You can teach her. But I cannot. I’ve got too much to do with the rest of the army, we’ve barely recovered from Helm’s Deep.”
“I understand. Leave it to me, Eomer,” you said, your voice hitting him like soft silk against his cheeks, cool but comforting. “I’ll do my best to make sure you don’t lose anyone you love in this battle.”
“Including you?” He asked, without missing a beat. Your breath got caught inside your mouth, whatever words that you were thinking of saying next just rolling around on your tongue, but not escaping. You closed your lips for a second, as he looked on at you, nervous, anxious, earnest.
“Including me,” you said finally with a curt nod. He breathed out in relief, the smell of ale tickling your nose. He pressed a soft kiss onto your forehead, the first sort of affection like this that you had, and then left you to talk to his sister about what was going to happen going forward.
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The battle was won, though there were great losses all around. You had not been able to keep your promise to him, for he had ended up losing someone that he loved. His own uncle. Your heart broke for him when he had found his uncle’s corpse, Eowyn bent over it, crying, Merry standing there with tears down his own face. The sound that Eomer had let out sounded more pained than anything you had ever heard before. Like he was the one who was dying.
You knelt down on Eomer’s other side and you rested your hand on his back, over his armor. He could not feel your touch, but he could feel your presence, and that had to be enough for now. “I’m sure he fought valiantly until the last,” You spoke, looking at the still noble face of Theoden, King of Rohan.
“He did,” Merry said with a nod, the sob very evident in his voice. “He surely did, my Lady.”
You did little to try to stop the crying of those around you. You only offered a hand to Eowyn, your closeness to Eomer, and your great respect to the little hobbit who was also trying to keep things together through his own grief. The latter had gone to try to find his friends, to find Pippin, no doubt, and you wished him the best of luck as he went. You did not go searching - you stayed put, feeling a familiar sense that your own brother was still alive, wherever on the battlefield he was.
Time went on. Fallen warriors were identified by the living, and were loaded onto carts, respectfully, to be carried back home to be buried. The King was given special treatment of course, being overseen by Eomer and Eowyn, as well as Aragorn himself. You and Eowyn had picked flowers to lay across his body for transport, signs of love, signs of respect. And you rode with Eomer, the first woman to ever ride upon his horse with him, holding onto his waist from behind.
Your own feelings were divided between grief and love. It was easy for the two to mix together, to combine into something bittersweet. As you rested your head upon the back of his shoulder as his steed, Firefoot, trotted beneath you, transporting Theoden back, you had a lot of thinking to do. The idea of leaving Eomer made your heart ache painfully, something you had never felt before. You knew what this unfamiliar feeling was - it was love. But there was a divide between you two - your races, your lives. He was human, his life was fleeting, he was aging before your very eyes and would soon be the age his uncle was when he died, and then older, and older, until death would greet him, hopefully peacefully.
The war wasn’t over. Once you reached Rohan, word was coming that Aragorn was planning on bringing as many troops as would come to Mordor. For Frodo, to give him time, to destroy the ring and the evil that came with it. There has not been much news of the hobbit, but there was still hope that he was out there. That he was close to achieving the end-goal.
“Will you ride?” You asked Eomer. His eyes set upon you as they did many times before, darkened by the sorrow but with a bright, determined light still within.
“I will,” he said. “I need to see this war out to the end. Do what my uncle could not.”
You nodded, understanding him. He was preparing for a night of rest in his own room once more before the ride back to Minas Tirith to meet up with Aragorn and his army. He removed his helmet, his hair falling down around his shoulders, braided still from before the battle. You moved towards him, your fingers running through the strands, shiny with sweat and oils. “I will be coming too.”
“And there is no way I can talk you out of it?” Eomer asked, looking into your eyes, licking his chapped lips. “No way to convince you to stay here, and wait for me?”
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“It would be like asking the sun to wait to rise,” You admitted, moving to cup his cheek instead, his bristly facial hair rough against the smoothness of your hand. “It is in my nature to go where I am needed, and that is where I feel I must be. Fighting with my friends. With my brother.” You paused for a moment. “With my love.”
The corner of his lips went up into a smile at his admission, before quickly going back down again. “And - if I lose you?”
“Then that’s the path that fate had set us down upon,” You spoke. “It would be only too easy to stray, to find a way to another path without the potential of that hurt - but I want to remain on this one and take that chance. I want to be with you, as human as you are.”
His lips met yours quicker than you could have imagined, as if he was as swift as an elf. You closed your eyes and melted against him, feeling yourself growing rather than shrinking into this feeling. It was distressing, how fast your heart was beating inside of your chest for a man that you would only be able to hold onto for a short time. That divide - it was like the distance between two stars up there in the night sky. Further apart than one could feasibly imagine. And yet - you were both part of the same constellation regardless. Connected by a single link, and that was your feelings for one another. Whatever this final battle brought on, you’d hold onto that link, and use it to make yourself stronger, like how adding strands to a braided rope made it stronger. And you’d use it to your advantage.
For Frodo.
And for your future, as long as it may be, as much strife and loneliness might come upon it later, you would enjoy these moments of passion, of romance and of Eomer, and make each moment stretch to feel as if it lasts forever.
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wordbunch · 2 years
Winter Forest (Legolas x f!reader) > part 1
a/n: here it is!! I’m really happy there are still people who’d want to read this, because I do want to write it, it’s been on my mind for a while. I hope you will enjoy it, and do let me know about it 😊 please try to be kind either way, this is just something from my imagination that I wanted to share with you! 😁🌿
warnings: none, it’s mostly just wholesome stuff!
SUMMARY: [Y/N], Lord Elrond’s daughter, and sort of a wild-card, and prince Legolas form a close friendship from their earliest childhoods. This story follows significant moments between them and how their relationship progresses over time. This part happens pre-Fellowship. Slow-ish burn, friends-to-lovers, mutual pining.
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(a/n: let’s say their ages are somewhere between 5 and 9, in human years)
When Lord Elrond had meetings and duties to attend to, which was quite often, [Y/N] knew better than to disturb her father, or any of his esteemed guests. However, that meant hours upon hours of alone time, which could be quite monotonous for an elven child who was just bursting with energy.
Her sister Arwen was a much more peaceful girl, while [Y/N] was always looking for an adventure to engage in. Of course she did enjoy spending time with her sister as well, but she craved someone with more of a wild streak to keep up with her. Thankfully, a very tall elf with very long blond hair, who often had meetings with her Ada, had a son around her age, so she did not have to die of boredom. Or almost die from some unsupervised activity she recklessly chose for the day.
“Your Ada allows you to have a bow?” she gasped as Legolas, the son of the very tall intimidating guest of her father’s revealed his secret weapon. “I am still not allowed into our armory… because of a little accident,” her voice dropped conspiratorially, immediately catching all of Legolas’ attention. She was extremely interesting to him, albeit just a little odd. Legolas liked odd.
“I may own one, but it is a very small bow. The arrows are not even, sharp, look” Legolas proclaimed as he pulled out an arrow to show to [Y/N]. Her mouth was agape in wonder as she carefully touched the tip with her small finger. “What was your armory accident about?” now Legolas was the one whispering, as if afraid of their little secrets being discovered.
“I really like it,” the elven girl admitted, “I wish I had one. Now, why should I share my secret with you?” she teased, sticking her tongue out.
“I don’t know, maybe I know someone who could provide you with a bow, just like this, for you,” Legolas smirked, feeling all high and mighty. [Y/N] all but gasped in surprise and unexpected joy. Her expressiveness and energy drew Legolas to want to be around her all the time. The ideas she had were always fun, and time passed by much faster when they spent it together while their fathers had their boring meetings. Her hair was never tame like his, and she talked loudly sometimes, but she was just… warm.
“I’m afraid my Ada would find that bow really quickly, sadly,” she sighed, her small shoulders slumping in newly felt defeat. “He always finds out everything,” she muttered. Legolas nodded in understanding. “However… I was wondering,” she continued hesitantly, weighing her words for a moment, “if you could show me how to use your bow?”
[Y/N] was swinging her legs over the edge of a little wooden bridge they were sitting on, to calm her nerves, but she gathered the courage to look up into Legolas’ eyes.
She smells pretty, he thought. Like a forest in winter.
“If you’d like, I can show you my collection of really pretty rocks,” she offered in return, attempting her best charming smile, “you can even pick one as a gift. I think they are all very unique.”
“Really?” Legolas grinned, not even needing a moment to consider the counter-offer. As a little elven-prince, he greatly enjoyed pretty things from nature. Especially tokens from girls who smell pretty and have enchanting laughter.
“Of course,” she nodded excitedly, a lock of hair falling over her eyes. She giggled, got up as quickly as possible, eager to start her very first archery lesson with a rather charming and interesting elvish prince. She outstretched her hand towards the blond elf to get him up too – she was in a bit of a hurry, after all.
At that moment, Legolas decided he trusted her.
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(a/n: here they’re a bit older children, but still children. would be around 10-13 years in human years)
“Have you ever kissed anybody?” [Y/N] inquired with ever-present curiosity in her eyes. Legolas almost stopped dead in his tracks. The two were wandering around the gardens of Thranduil’s palace, looking for the tallest tree to climb. As time passed, they grew practically inseparable - it was difficult to tell which one of them lived in Rivendell and which in Mirkwood; both of them spent a lot of time in both places.
“Uh- I- where did you get that?” Legolas stuttered, slightly afraid of meeting her eyes. “And no, I have not.”
“Me neither, [Y/N] exhaled seemingly in relief. “And to answer your question, I have been reading about it in a novel I borrowed from Arwen.”
“Borrowed, or stole?” Legolas chuckled, having grown accustomed to [Y/N]’s ways and occasionally impulsive decisions. Many times she did not seem to be very alike to anyone in her family.
“Borrowed” [Y/N] gasped in mock hurt. “I much prefer stories of great adventures and majestic kingdoms, than of damsels that wait around for a prince to save them. If I had to wait around for someone, I would simply wither away over time.”
“Maybe sometimes it can be the prince who is saved at the end,” Legolas suggested, “or they both go on adventures together and end up saving each other. And the kingdom.”
“That would be grand, would it not?” [Y/N] allowed a soft smile to grace her features and her eyes met Legolas’ for just a moment. “An adventure, turned into a love story that defeats all the odds, and is a sign of hope in turbulent times.”
Sometimes, though he wouldn’t admit it to anyone, Legolas thought about exploring Middle-earth with [Y/N], discovering all the beauties as well as dangers. Having each other’s back through it all. Hopefully, he thought, soon they would both be grown enough and skilled enough to go off on their own. Maybe a small part of him wanted her just for himself someday. Without their fathers, tutors, and any other elf getting in the way.
“So, what do you think?” [Y/N]’s voice brought him back to reality.
“I was... I apologize, my mind was elsewhere. You asked me something?” the blond elf confessed, simultaneously hoping that [Y/N] could and could not read his mind.
“Do you think this tree is good enough? Shall we go and climb and see the view?”
“As you wish,” Legolas concluded and then inhaled sharply in a moment of unbelievable courage. “Do you want me to kiss you?” As soon as he blurted it out, he couldn’t believe his own ears.
Now it was [Y/N]’s turn to be taken aback, but within a heartbeat the soft smile on her face only widened.
“I suppose we could see what it is like.”
Legolas fidgeted with his hands, completely unsure where to go with them as [Y/N] began to lean closer into his face, her comforting scent enveloping him completely. He was just about to fully close his eyes when the girl gently bit the tip of his nose and burst into fits of laughter before taking off running towards the enormous tree that she had spotted earlier. Legolas felt his cheeks burning as he touched his nose with his fingertips, but a smile curved on his lips nevertheless. He ran off after [Y/N] in order to try and catch up with her, and somehow pay her back for her little trick. Her joyful laughter still rang in his ears – he enjoyed all sorts of elvish music, yet he found himself preferring that happy sound over anything in Middle-earth.
And not only that; he couldn’t stop thinking of how she had basically clouded his senses just by being in such a close proximity. She is really something else, Legolas thought to himself. A grand adventure.
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(a/n: late teenage years, perhaps? completely up to your own interpretation!)
[Y/N] winced as she fell to the ground with a thud, her right ankle twisting in an uncomfortable way. The horse she had been riding was running away swiftly, from dangers unknown to her. She heard no alarming noises, nor did she see anything threatening nearby, so she started slowly dusting herself off, still sitting on the ground, a bit scared to get up since a sharp pain started developing in her ankle. An attempt to get up was followed by another wince of pain, but she managed to get back on her feet, leaning all her weight on the healthy leg. Just as she was about to try and put some weight on the injured leg, the silence was cut through by an all too familiar voice.
“[Y/N]?! what happened?” Legolas approached her from behind, his steps hurried, but quiet. He swiftly offered her his shoulder as support, and the girl gratefully leaned against him.
“I took Eretor for a little ride,” she explained with seemingly no concern. Feigning nonchalance was probably the best way to go and not concern Legolas too much; she was well-aware of his protectiveness over her.
“The wildest, possibly most dangerous horse in the realm?”  Legolas continued inquiring, blue eyes wide with a mixture of disbelief and worry.
“He was just...calling out to me,” the girl muttered.
“Well, that is so surprising,” Legolas chuckled, trying to conceal his concern over [Y/N]’s obvious injury. “I wonder if anything normal is ever going to call out to you, not just things that are deadly.”
[Y/N] wanted to glare at him, but she was interrupted by searing pain that sliced through her ankle, causing the blond elf to immediately stop pretending he wasn’t also putting on a careless façade.
“Are you alright? Can you walk?” he asked, looking her up and down. Before she managed to answer, she was easily picked up into his embrace, her arm still slung across his shoulders. When it came to this particular girl, he was overprotective to the bone, while, for [Y/N], breathing in the familiar scent seemed to soothe some of the pain right away as she allowed herself to relax a little bit.
“Lucky me, being carried all the way back by the prince,” [Y/N] joked, drawing out a smile from Legolas’ soft lips. “Any elven lady would kill to be in my position right now.”
He quirked an eyebrow at her, “Yet you seem to be the only one always getting my warmest affections.” It was completely true. Wherever [Y/N] went, Legolas followed, and the other way round, and they had been looking out for each other ever since they were barely able to walk and hold a simple conversation.
“Your horse adventure could have ended in a much worse manner, you are aware of that?” Legolas asked, his demeanor becoming slightly more serious once again.
“But it did not, I am alright,” she looked down at her already swollen ankle, but squeezed Legolas’ shoulder to reassure him. “It is nothing but a minor injury. It will heal practically overnight, and you appeared just at the perfect time.”
“If you say so,” Legolas exhaled. His mind couldn’t stop replaying all the possible bad scenarios, but on the other hand he found it enjoyable to carry [Y/N] and have her pressed flush against his body.
It made him feel like her protector, and he realized that her safety was one of his priorities. Of course, he was more than aware she could look after herself, but it made him feel better if he could contribute to it in any capacity. Silence fell on the two elves, as Legolas inhaled [Y/N]’s comforting scent - like a forest in winter, he always described it to himself. It made him crack a small smile when he looked down at the girl curled up against him and surprisingly peaceful, for a change. Maybe, just maybe, the comfort he found in her, she also found in him. He allowed himself to think so, as he tried to memorize the feeling of warmth and the shape of [Y/N]’s frame against him. It was so real.
“Next time,” Legolas began, after some moments of silence, “please choose another horse. Or at least a decent horse-riding partner.”
“Perhaps you?” [Y/N] quipped, looking up at him with a little smirk on her playful face. She swore she could see a light blush creep up on his usually pale cheeks. “I know that is what you meant.”
“Well,” he feigned perfect composure as his mind swarmed with possibilities, “that would not be the first time we did something questionable together. One of these days, Lord Elrond will make me pay for all the times I could have looked out for you more carefully.”
“He would not! I am nobody’s responsibility but my own… and sometimes, perhaps, I am my father’s problem,” she tried making a mock-upset grimace, but it ended up in a smile.
“One might say that you have become my problem as well, over time,” Legolas raised his eyebrows teasingly at the girl in his arms. She could never be anything even slightly inconvenient to him.
“And you, mine,,” she poked fun at him in return, “yet I wouldn’t have it any other way.“
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(a/n: young adults just before the fellowship)
[Y/N] was strolling through Mirkwood halls in order to return some things to the library, when Legolas practically stormed by her and disappeared in his chambers. She could sense the attitude even from behind closed doors, and she had a couple guesses what might have upset the elvish prince. Deciding to venture to the library later, she softly knocked on his door.
“Mellon-nin, it is I. May I come in?” she inquired carefully. Before she even had time to continue persuading Legolas to open the door, he already did it; a frown twisted on his face and his hair slightly disheveled, probably after he’d run his hands through it in frustration multiple times. So, [Y/N] found herself in Legolas’ personal quarters.
“What seems to be the matter?” she asked in a soft voice. Despite Legolas’ occasional stubbornness, she always knew how to get his guard down. Most often she was the only person able to do it at all.
“I have had a… rather unpleasant conversation with my father,” he huffed, plopping down on the huge bed. [Y/N] followed to sit beside him. “I would actually rather call it a lecture, than a conversation.”
“Continue, I am listening,” she urged him, but in a comforting voice, and proceeded to move a strand of perfectly blond hair out of his face and behind his ear.
“I am aware that I have royal duties and matters to attend to, but he just does not seem to grasp – we are not the same! I have this need to go out into nature, to venture onto unknown paths, find myself in unpredictable and exciting situations. That is who I am, not whom he wants me to be” he rambled on as [Y/N] listened and watched attentively. Wasn’t the first time she heard such complaints from the young and energetic elf.
“It would be vastly better if he’d just,” he sighed “just let me follow my own path, and then I would be more agreeable if I had not been feeling confined here, in this life, sometimes.”
“You know I understand you perfectly,” [Y/N] reassured him, “and I share many of those desires myself, but I also do have an understanding of your father’s ways. He just wants to look out for you as much as he can.”
“Whose side are you on?” Legolas quipped, feeling the tiniest sting of betrayal.
“Yours, my friend,” [Y/N] placed a hand on his shoulder, and the tension almost magically left his body. “your side is the only side I have ever been on, it seems to me,” she chuckled, attempting to lighten the mood. Her effort wasn’t in vain – Legolas smiled warmly at her in return.
“Of course, forgive me,” he removed her hand from his shoulder and squeezed it in his for a moment. “I do not think there is need for me to explain the affinity I have for you as well.”
“Sit down on the floor in front of me,” [Y/N] nudged him, suddenly getting an idea. Without much questioning, Legolas obliged, and he was settled with his back leaning against [Y/N]’s legs. Wasting no time, she began brushing through his, still a bit tousled, hair, and Legolas’ breathing almost immediately grew calmer and deeper. There was no way he’d allow anybody else to do that – especially with him sitting on the ground – but [Y/N] always had and was always going to have special privileges. She felt like home and like comfort, but simultaneously an adventure. Like a winter forest – usually a familiar setting, but during the colder season slightly more unpredictable and challenging. But so wonderfully magical. Legolas got completely wrapped up in her presence and in his thoughts, as she quietly hummed an elvish tune from their earliest childhoods.
It seemed like it was just yesterday – the two of them chasing each other through forests and gardens of either Rivendell or Mirkwood, collecting stones, practicing any skill – from archery, to tracking, climbing trees… climbing together, falling together. There was no telling apart anymore where one of them ended and the other began – they seemed to forever be a package deal. Time flew by – responsibilities seemed to sneak up on them so suddenly, but both [Y/N] and Legolas were still rather young and restless (to dismay of both of their fathers), and neither of them was willing to give up spontaneous adventurous undertaking, still hoping for a great, unforgettable quest they would undertake together at some point.
[Y/N]’s gentle fingers were now busy weaving intricate braids in Legolas’ hair, and he allowed himself to close his eyes. His guard was down and he just wanted to enjoy this moment with [Y/N]; only that he feared if he spoke out about it, or gave a name to what he was feeling, the magic would dissipate.
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“My life is nothing but room for you,” I said. “It could never be filled by anyone but you.” (Kurt Vonnegut, “Mother Night”)
“You are sunlight through a window, which I stand in, warmed.” (Jessie Burton)
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
RoR Crossover Masterlist
Demon Slayer Crossover Masterlist
MHA Crossover Masterlist
One Piece Crossover Masterlist
Fairy Tail Crossover Masterlist
Ainz Ooal Gown
Rimuru Part 2
Blue Diamond
Blue Diamond 2
Shiraori Reader
Sebas Reader
Fem Mikey Reader
Chun Li Reader
Poison Ivy Reader
Starfire Reader
Maki Reader x Thor
Takemitchy Reader
Yor Reader
Bucky Reader
Bucky/Winter Soldier Reader
Morticia Reader
Morticia Reader part 2
Morticia Reader Part 3 and 4
Morticia Reader Part 5
Morticia Reader Part 6
A Mother’s Love
Fem Goku Reader
Scarlet Witch Reader
Gojo Reader
Yaka Arrow
Wandering Samurai Sasaki Kojiro
Wandering Samurai Sasaki Kojiro Part 2
Fem Tatsu Reader
Tom Sawyer Reader
Tom Sawyer Reader Part 2
Tom Sawyer Reader Part 3
Spider Verse Reader
Spider Verse Part 2
Fem Loid Reader
Ash Ketchum Reader
Starfire Reader
Wednesday Reader
Wednesday Reader Part 2
Robocop Reader
Marie Antionette Reader
Sakura Reader
Sakura Reader Part 2
Sakura Reader Part 3- Ex
Sakura Reader Part 4- Proposals
Sakura Reader Part 5- Strong Mother
Qiqi Little Sister Reader
Spot Reader
A Long Awaited Reunion (Pokemon x RoR)
Harry Potter Reader
Legolas Reader
Jedi Reader
Tomoe Gozen Reader
Chils Reader
Foul Legacy Reader
Zhongli Reader
Cheshire Cat Reader
Troll Reader (Zerofuku)
Elsa Reader
Isabella (Encanto) Reader
Anya x RoR Family
Momoko Reader
Pokemon Pantheon
Anya Reader- Not You
Anya Reader- Princess and the Frog
Daenerys Reader
Kirby Reader
Ai Hoshino Reader
Transformers Animated Sari Reader
Lilia Vanrouge in RoR
TFA x Jack the Ripper Reader
Restaurant to... Valhalla?!
Restaurant to Valhalla- First Meetings
Hiccup Reader
Vaggie Reader
Maomao Reader
Maomao Reader Part 2
Apollo x Yaoya Oshichi (Majo Taisen) Reader
Kyogre’s Priestess
Kyogre’s Priestess vs. Poseidon
Platinum Clan Reader x Hades
Platinum Clan Reader x Hades- A Unique Love
Camilla Carmine Reader
Mr. Villain’s Day Off Reader
Valkyries x Chii Sister Reader
RoR x Child Pokemon Trainer
Itadori Yuji Reader
Macrophage Reader
Sailor Moon Reader
Peter Parker Reader
Link Reader
RoR x Snape Reader
Choso Reader
Yandere Apollo x Kimono Dancer Reader (Pokemon)
Pokemon- Hero Duo
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specialagentlokitty · 2 years
Legolas x Sister!reader - look after you
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hii can you do Legolas x sister!reader where he’s very protective of her and she ends up getting injured in battle and she tries to hide it from him untill she almost faints??🤍 - Anon💜
Limping across the path, you were frantically searching around for you father, you looked at all the other elves who were pointing you in the direction they last saw him.
It took a while, but finally you found him and you sighed to yourself.
“Father…” you mumbled.
Thranduil whipped around and he let out a breath, quickly walking over to inspect you for any injuries.
“I told you to stay behind, why are you here?” He lightly scolded.
“I wanted to help. Are you alright?”
He nodded and you nodded back, walking alongside him as you looked at the ruins of the town.
You hadn’t seen your brother since he left the town, and you had taken down one of the many orcs that were trying to hurt him.
“Stay here this time, I shall find your brother and bring him down.”
You nodded and decided to help some of the local humans clean and put out fires.
You tried not to bend down, or strain yourself to hard, your side was aching, despite your patchy job at bandaging it up.
You kept telling yourself it wasn’t that bad, you didn’t need to tel anyone, it was only a small cut, it would heal after a few days.
Looking around, you saw a young girl sat on some rubble crying, so you walked over to her and crouched down, wincing a little as you rested your arm on your knee.
“What’s wrong my dear?” You asked her.
She looked up, wiping her tears with the backs of her hands.
“I can’t find my mommy…”
You smiled sweetly and held your arms out to her.
“Come along then, let’s go find her together.”
She nodded and let you sweep her into your arms as you stood up and started to walk around, looking everywhere you could think to find her mother.
She played with the crown on your head and poked your ears which made you laugh a little bit.
“Are you a princess?” She asked.
“I am, I’m the elf princess, (Y/N).”
“Wow…” she whispered.
She asked you questions and you answered them, and finally you found a woman looking around frantically.
She spotted the girl in your arms and ran over while the girl tried to wiggle free.
“Go on then.”
She ran to her mother and you smiled before walking away, only to stop when someone called your name.
Turning around, you watched as Legolas came running over and he planted his hands firmly on your shoulders as he looked at you.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“No, brother I am fine.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded and he nodded as well, gesturing to the gates where both of your horses were waiting.
You began to walk with him, telling him about the things that you both needed to do when you returned home when you noticed your vision blurring.
Stopping in your tracks you took a deep breath and closed your eyes.
Legolas turned around and walked back over, placing his hand on your shoulder as he frowned a little bit.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, yes sorry.”
Opening your eyes, you took a step forward and nearly collapsed.
Legolas was quick to catch you and slowly held you steady yourself.
“What’s wrong?” He asked frantically.
“Im.. I’m fine…”
“You’re not. You can hardly stand, what’s wrong with you? Are you sick? Hurt?”
You shook your head and tried to stand up on your own but you couldn’t.
Legolas had enough, he quickly picked you up and carried you to the nearest medial tent and laid you down on a bed and he demanded people to look at you.
While they did he stood with his back towards you, and you were fading in and out of consciousness while they worked as quickly as they could.
“What’s wrong with my sister?”
“She has a deep wound on her side sir, she’ll be okay but she needs to rest for a few days and she shouldn’t be moved for at least a day.” Someone replied.
When they gave him the all clear he turned around and walked over forwards you, sitting on the spot next to your bed.
He took your hand in his and looked at your pale form.
“I shall inform the guards of your needing to stay, and I shall stay with you until you can travel.”
Legolas only left your side to tell your father about what was happening, and he stayed by your side, and stayed awake all night.
All he could do was worry about you, his baby sister, all he wanted to do was take your pain and your injury away but he couldn’t, so he just stayed there and made sure he kept you safe from anything that could even impact your recovery a little bit
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sotwk · 8 months
I was wondering who are your fancasts for your headcanon world?
Hiiii Quickie! @quickslvxrr
Am I right in guessing that your question was prompted by my reblog of your reblog of Charlie Hunnam's gif set? XD
Because if so, I will just say that I am very excited to have selected Charlie as my fancast for Théodred of Rohan! (Excited because I hope to start writing chapters of my Eomer x OC fic soon, which actually co-stars dear Théodred.)
I have a growing fancast list for the SotWK AU! I still need to get around to making an official and complete list, but since you seem curious, here is majority of what I have so far.
Apart from Reader Insert stories I write in response to requests, all fics and characters I create are grounded in the SotWK AU, so these characters exist consistently across and crossover between my stories.
SotWK AU Fancast List (a work in progress)
The Royal Family of the Woodland Realm
Elvenking Thranduil - Lee Pace
Elvenqueen Maereth - Jennifer Connelly
Crown Prince Mirion - Henry Cavill
Prince Turhir - Sam Heughan
Prince Arvellas - Rupert Friend 
Prince Gelir - Sam Claflin
Prince Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Crown Princess Itarildë  - Teresa Palmer
(later Crown) Prince Aranion - Bradley James
Princess Anariel- Gabriella Wilde 
Elvenking Oropher - Jason Isaacs
Greenwood Elves
Darthol (Gelir's birth-mate) - Dan Stevens
Olondir (cousin of the Thranduilions) - Jake Gyllenhaal
Rivendell Elves
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Celebrían - Connie Nielsen 
Nimeithel (oc cousin of Celebrían & mother of Itarildë) - Rebecca Ferguson
Elladan - Richard Madden
Elrohir - Sebastian Stan
Silmarillion / First Age Ancestors
Glorfindel - ???? -still searching!-
Elemírë (oc wife of Glorfindel & sister of Elenwë) - Vanessa Kirby
Maglor/Kanafinwë - Ben Barnes
Velcálë (oc wife of Maglor) - Zendaya Coleman
Círdan the Shipwright - Iain Glen
Eäriel (oc wife of Círdan) - Olivia Hussey
Eärondir (oc son of Círdan & father of Maereth) - Alexander Skarsgard  
Laurinwen (oc mother of Maereth) - Lily Collins
Dwarves / Line of Durin
Durin III, King of Khazad-dûm- Hugh Jackman 
Frerin, son of Thrain - Gerard Butler
Aerdis (oc love interest of Boromir) - Freida Pinto 
Anarlas (brother of Aerdis) - Oscar Isaac
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth - Eric Bana
Ivriniel - Isabella Rossellini
Finduilas - Monica Bellucci
Erchirion - Adam Driver
Lothíriel - Gal Gadot
Théodred - Charlie Hunnam
Signyr (oc shield-maiden & Éomer's love interest) - Katheryn Winnick
Léodor (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Chris Hemsworth
Héothain (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Will Poulter
to be revealed OC - Pedro Pascal
YUP. I almost didn't want to insert that little spoiler of my upcoming fic, but I'm just too excited about fancasting the widely adored Pedro Pascal in my AU. It will be one heck of a character, too! I am SO VERY excited to create Harad OCs (Pedro's will be the main one)!
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Thank you for the Ask! Although this list is still messy and incomplete, answering it puts me one step closer to getting an official fancast list done! :)
Just tagging people whom I think/hope might be interested in this:
@hobbitwrangler @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @konartiste @hippodameia @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @entishramblings @heilith @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @quillofspirit @stormchaser819 @g-m-kaye @mirra-kan @alwayssevvy @marsharmonicorchestra @laurfilijames @coopsgirl @jane0error @jezzibee @lathalea @cuarthol
Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
SotWK HC Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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Little warrior: Uncle Thranduil x baby niece reader x big cousin Legolas.
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Age: newborn reader Chan is Thranduil's infant niece and Legolas kid cousin. She's a baby in elf years. Her parents died in battle from protecting their kingdom and since Thranduil and Legolas are her only living relatives they take her in. I am a sucker for Middle Earth x young reader/oc fics.
King Thranduil and his son Prince Legolas are both shocked to see an infant only a month old sleeping in Elrond's arms with a chubby hand gripping his robe.
She had pure starlight hair and fair skin.
She was the splitting image of her late mother and late grandmother.
Thranduil and Legolas couldn't help but stare at the newborn elf until she made a small noise and opened her eyes to reveal midnight blue eyes that were big enough to cover her little face.
Her innocence was enough to make even Sauron himself explode, she cooed curiously at her surroundings but she began to whimper "I think she knows we're not her parents and that this isn't her home." Legolas said fearfully as Elrond tried to calm the little elf girl down "Give her here Elrond." Thranduil said taking the elfling in his arms and gently shushing her in Sindarin like he did with his sister, your late mother when she was a baby.
Your whimpers turn into small hiccups as you looked at the ellon holding you and speaking in Sindarin calming you down "I can't believe my little sister had a child but didn't tell me." Thranduil said still looking down at you while you're sucking your thumb making Elrond shake his head "Y/N please don't do that penneth." He said taking your thumb out of your mouth and putting in a pacifier instead.
It was soothing you and making you fall back asleep in your new uncles arms "She will stay here in Mirkwood." Thranduil said still holding you hearing your soft snores and squeaks.
2 months later:
Your in a sling cloth that your cousin had wrapped around himself to put you in so he can keep you close to him while he trained and his father was in a meeting that didn't allow children so you were stuck with Legolas until the meeting finished.
You watch the arrow zoom and hit the target dead center making you coo curiously "I'll teach you how to shoot when you're a little older little warrior." Legolas said patting your fuzzy head until a voice spoke "why not teach her now." Elladan said as he shot at the target Legolas shot splitting the arrow "Really?" Legolas asked "I can do better then that." Elrohir said walking up and shooting his own arrow splitting Elladan's arrow making you clap your chubby hands "See she likes me better. I am the oldest after all!" Elrohir said patting your fuzzy head.
That made Legolas and Elladan jealous "She likes me better, I'm taller." Elladan said "No me. I'm her older cousin after all!" Legolas shot back.
The three young adult elves began bickering back and forth like angry wargs when a voice was heard "Ummm. Am I interrupting something?" Glorfindel asked "Glorf! Good timing hold Y/N for me." Legolas said giving you to the even older elf who is quite pleased "Well hello little one." He said tickling your stomach earning squeals from you.
An hour later:
Thranduil and Elrond both stood in front of their sons with disapproving looks on their faces while their sons stood there with sheepish looks on their bruised faces with you being held by Glorfindel who stood there watching while you played with his honey blond ringlets.
After the meeting ended Elrond and Thranduil decided to see how the boys were doing in training when they saw Legolas and the twins Rough housing and bickering over who you liked better.
Though they found it amusing they saw the elves from the meeting staring with some snickering and others shaking their heads, Thranduil getting annoyed with the bickering decided to end it "Boys." He said loud and clear making them stop and look up "Adar! King Thranduil! Your out early." Elrohir said scratching the back of his neck earning a scolding look from Elrond "We can't even leave you lot with a baby." Thranduil said taking you from Glorfindel as your squealing and cooing at him making him smile "I take it that you enjoyed the boys show little Warrior?" The king asked as you cooed up at him making him chuckle "I'll take that as a yes." He said as he and Elrond walked back to the palace  leaving behind Glorfindel and the boys who all stood behind “She likes Adar more.” Legolas squeaked out.
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lotrthobbit · 1 year
Dwarf Princess 
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Haldir x Dwarf!Reader
Warning: prejudice from elves against dwarves, angst, happy ending
a/n: For the sake of this story many things were changed in the original, also this has been in my drafts for about a year lol.
Deep within the forests where the birds sang surrounding a beautiful dwarf whom sat against a tree staring at her dear uncle chatting amongst the humans and the hobbits and his new frenemy, Legolas, the prince of Mirkwood.
She would not lie that he was pleasant site, he stood tall with long beautiful hair that fell down his back and broad shoulders that carried a head with a beautiful face adorned to it.
" Y/n" called Uncle Gimli. She got up from her seat and walked towards him," Yes uncle ? " she asked.
" What's got ya sitting by all your lonesome."
" Just thinking."
Legolas smiled at her and placed his hand upon her head, ruffling her hair as she pouted.
" Do not fret, we will soon pass over and then you can sleep peacefully on a bed." She smiled at him at the last word, bed. Oh how she longed to lay on a soft and fluffy bed, Do not get her wrong, she loved the great outdoors but she missed the comfort of her very own bed and the fluffy blankets that kept her toes warm and the morning cup of tea her mother would make her.
" I just hope we get there soon, even if it is just for a night."
" Well Lass, one more night in the woods will not kill ya." replied Gimli as he chucked. She sat down near the fire, feeling the bitter cold nip at her fingertips.
" At this point I feel like the cold will kill me before the orcs do." She chuckled as she looked up to see Legolas hand her some Lembas bread.
" Eat little one we have a journey ahead of us tomorrow."
" I AM A GROWN ADULT !" she huffed before golfing down the bread and beginning to set her cot near the fire. Legolas chuckled, he had grown quite close to y/n, he saw her as a little sister, after all it was her first journey and he felt a need to always protect her, that and her fascination of elves as he recalled their first encounter.
. flashback.....
" Uncle Gimli, look it is an elf."
" aye aye lass, be careful, they lack coordination and are coy."
Legolas chuckled to himself as he stood tall in front of the dwarf.
" funny for someone who can not even see over the table."
" Why you !!" That began the bickering friendship between the two while y/n was full of questions.
" how tall are you ?! What is your diet ?! Are all elves blonde ?! Where do you reside?!"
Legolas had never been asked so many questions in his life as of right at that moment.
end of flashback....
Gimli looked at his niece, she was in deep sleep.
" She is quite tall for a dwarf." Said Legolas.
" Aye..I believe her father was a human, although my sister never shared anything of it."
He nodded understanding that the topic was sensitive.
" Ill take first watch." said Legolas before Gimli turned around and said," What do yah think I am not capable of-"
" My friends there is no need to argue.." Aragorn spoke trying to defuse the situation.
The next morning was filled with dread, everyone was tired and the cold and hard ground did not aid their back pain. They simply longed for a warm home filled with delicious foods of all kind.
Aragron had pushed them to continue walking for hours without breaks or even lunch. Their stomachs were grumbling and the mud was piling on their feet making them feel as if the world was weighing them down.
" This is where Lothlorien should be." said Legolas as they continued trekking into the woods. It was foggy and ominous, nothing like the rumors that have spoken about the beauty of it. Legolas himself shared some stories he often heard as a small child about it.
"Daro !" spoke a voice commanding from the trees above. They all stopped as Legolas whispered to them to standstill and to not move a single muscle.
"who are they ?" whispered Frodo. " They are elves." replied Sam. Despite the fear in the other hobbits and even Uncle Gimli, Y/n could not help but feel excitement bubble up in her stomach, although she was also weary, perhaps they may not take a liking that they are stepping within their domain.
An elf dropped down in front of Legolas smiling, "Welcome!" They all looked around, they were surrounded by the elves pointing their arrows in case one wrong move was taken. " How many are there of you ?" asked an elf, Y/n's eyes widened as she stared at the elf before her, sure Legolas was beautiful but he, he was simply gorgeous, he stood tall and proud. Legolas replied with," myself, four hobbits, two men, and two dwarves."
" two Dwarves ?!" yelled the dwarf. " Is the woman a dwarf ?!" he questioned taking in her appearance, she was a beauty despite the mud on her clothes and the matted braids on her head, but she still radiated despite that.
" I can not let the dwarves pass." he declared, Frodo had done his best to try to reason with him, but another elf whispered in his ear that the Lady was expecting them. The elf presented himself as Haldir, he continued to explain that he would have to blindfold them in order to be taken to the Lady, whom was expecting them and turned to look at the dwarves, " keep a close eye on them."
Despite the beauty of Haldir, Y/n was hurt at his words, how could he say such cruel things when she had not done anything to hurt his trust. She pouted, but soon widened her eyes as she saw her uncle beginning to unsheath his axe and yell at the elves.
" We are not spies !" yelled Uncle Gimli, Y/n grabbed his wrist as she noticed the elves beginning to take aim.
" Uncle Gimli, we are on their land, we must abide by their rules and customs out of respect, the same way they would in our home." Haldir glanced at y/n she seemed uncomfortable with the accusation as she stared down at her feet rubbing her arm and tried to keep herself from looking at him.
he cleared his throat and put his axe away," very well."
As they began to be blindfolded, y/n could not help but hold her breath. She felt the cool fingers of Haldir push her hair behind her ears, his breath fanning her face as his arms came around to tie the cloth around her head and cover her pretty eyes. He questioned her lineage considering she was almost the size of an average human woman, but still quite a short stature. He grabbed her hand gently and began to lead her, unbeknownst to her, the rest of the company followed by grabbing onto a rope.
After some time, y/n felt the blindfold being removed, the sight before her left her speechless. The trees were tall and beautiful, the sun casting a beautiful glow within the forest, the air felt clear and pure, the aura of Lothlorien was unmatched. It was truly a sight.
" Lady Galadriel knows of your presence, you may wander freely." said Haldir.
As y/n began to walk away Haldir grabber her wrist," my apologies, my lady, can I perhaps show you something ?" He found himself bewildered that he even let his curiosity get the best of him, he wanted to find out more about her, he was also blinded by her beauty.
She nodded and followed closely behind, what choice did she have, he was holding her wrist afterall. From a distance, Legolas held Gimli back and smiled as the two ventured off somewhere else.
" Will you let me go you imprudent fool, that idiot is running off with me nice !" yelled Gimli
" now now, Sir Gimli, let your niece live her youth, she is a young woman afterall, she can make her own decisions." Said Aragorn.
y/n and Haldir reached a large tree. He let go of her hand and climbed up then looked back down to offer his hand towards her. She smiled and took it as he helped her up the tree.
" Is there something you wanted to show me ?" asked y/n.
" Look ahead."
There she gasped as she the vast land of Lorien, the beautiful light casting on the land, the calm waters and the beauty of nature.
" It is so beautiful." she said as she smiled and felt the wind tickle her cheeks. He stared at her mesmerized by the light in her y/e/c eyes," yes, it is."
She felt herself blush as she turned around to make eye contact with him. " Sir, Haldir, um...."
" just Haldir is fine."
" Haldir, may I ask, why did you want to show me this ?"
".. I...I don't know, I felt compelled to, as if we were destined to see this together." said Haldir.
Her eyes widened as she stared into the blue eyes of Haldir both leaning in, " Lass get down here this instant !" she felt herself almost slip if it weren't for Haldir wrapping his arm against her waist. He then held her and jumped down from the tree.
He landed in front of Gimli and Legolas," Watch yer step !" yelled Gimli as he tumbled back onto his bum.
" y/n/n, you just met this elf and you're already run off and been seduced ?! " yelled Gimli, causing y/n cheeks to turn a crimson red and stomp her feet," Uncle Gimli, I am not a child anymore ! And I am not being seduced ! Hmph." She walked away as Gimli tried to go after her but Legolas held him back sighing as he whispered to Haldir to leave at once before Gimli turned his attention to him.
It did not take long for them to meet again as a small feast was being held. They offered her a change of clothing, a beautiful lavender dress which she had not worn one since she left. She felt comfortable being freshly bathed and groomed. She had long waited to wash her hair and many of the Elven ladies helped comb and braid her hair which had grown throughout the journey. She sat next to her uncle at the table excited to eat, the seat in front of her was taken by no other than Haldir.
" You look beautiful " complimented Haldir, Y/n looked down at her lap and felt her cheeks flush as she thanked him for the compliment.
"tch." Gimli was angry at the interaction his young niece was smitten someone, an elf at that.
but that all changed when he laid his eyes on Lady Galadriel, she truly was a beauty and the air around her seemed to glow as she welcome them. The company could not help but laugh at seeing his cheeks turn red when she spoke to him.
" What was that about being seduced uncle ?" chuckled y/n. Haldir smiled to himself as he stared at her smile.
The feast went on smoothly, many retreating to their sleeping arrangements. Y/n spoke to Lady Galadriel briefly and she spoke about loving someone, y/n was confused as to why she would talk. about that but Lady Galadriel smiled," my dear child, afterall you are still young and have such a long life to live, do not fret and continue forward." She thanked her for such encouraging words as she walked away to go to sleep.
Somehow Lady Galadriel had a worried gut feeling.
The next morning the company was to leave, Haldir felt saddened that he did not get so speak to y/n, but was content when he saw her in his dreams that night. He felt a connection and could tell they were destined."
" Haldir, perhaps we may see each other again." smiled y/n
He smiled as his bent forward to place a kiss upon her hand and looked into her eyes and spoke once more," I have a feeling we will my Lady. " He said and smiled sweetly.
Despite the two barely meeting, they had a feeling that they had lived before, perhaps in their previous life they were lovers.
And yes, they met again but in unforeseen circumstances, as they fought against the orcs in Helms-Deep, protecting the people of Rohan, the elves of Lothlorien came to aid the company and the army of Rohan.
When y/n laid eyes on Haldir, she could not help but smile at his presence. They all fought bravely, to the end, but once the battle ceased, y/n tried to look for Haldir. She was held back by Legolas
" Legolas, let me go, I need to find Haldir." She felt a gut wrenching feeling, " Please y/n.." Said Legolas. She finally broke free and saw the Many dead men and elves. but her eyes traveled to where Haldir laid. HE was still blinking looking up into the sky. She quickly fell to her knees and called out
" Haldir !" she felt the tear rushing down her cheeks as she stroked his cheek trying to clear him of the blood that stained his pale skin.
He reached a shaky hand and placed it against her cheek, he began to speak," I do not know why the stars led me to you, but I...I-I am glad to have met y-"
" please save your energy, you're going to be okay !!" yelled y/n as she gripped his hand tightly. She kept repeating to herself 'you're going to be okay ' , but it was far too late as he let out his last breathe. She placed her forehead against his and closed her eyes as she cried out silently to herself. The company whom had been separated from Master Frodo and Samwise stood looking at the two, Aragorn himself could not contain his sadness as they all mourned the death of many, especially the death of an ally.
Gimli felt pain for his niece, but did not know what to do other than place his hand at her back. She did not want to let go of Haldir but Gimli told her they must. She placed a kiss on his forehead and stood up fists at her sides. She decided in that moment she would avenge his death.
And she did, together with lady Eowyn she found the strength within her and the company to strike down Sauron and many Orcs. She fought bravely.
Upon returning to Rivendell where many elves had now taken their departure to Valinor. It was now time for her departure as well along Bilbo, Frodo and Gandalf. Her uncle and Legolas were going to stay behind but as she looked into her Uncle's eyes she noticed tears within them. " Do not cry Uncle Gimli, we will be reunited soon, please take good care of him Legolas."
She embraced the both of them as she cried and soon they set sail.
Just as Haldir predicted, they soon met once again....
The End
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autistook · 4 months
DAISIES - pt 15
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Merry Brandybuck x fem!hobbit!reader / soft oc
Words: 6.9k
Summary: Merry continues his journey, while your journey with Rath is about to escalate. He tells you the truth about why he saved you.
Possible TW's: violence, death, blood, near-drowning
AN: The appearence of the fic dialogue-wise keeps changing when I put it on tumblr so if it changes throughout, my apologies. Comments and reblogs are more than appreciated :3
Merry yawned softly. The stars were almost completely hidden by the veil of clouds and the moon was barely visible. Merry turned on his side and shut his eyes for a few more minutes, desperate for some proper rest.
Despite Merry’s attempts he could not fall asleep, so he got up, rubbed his eyes gently with his fists and looked around to see if anyone but Aragorn was awake. 
Pippin was sleeping peacefully next to him, Legolas and Gandalf were nowhere in sight, Boromir was fast asleep and Gimli was snoring so loudly that Merry was surprised no one had woken up because of it yet. Aragorn was sitting on a large rock smoking his pipe and Bill the Pony was eating grass next to a sound asleep Sam, who Merry was surprised to see was not with Frodo. Merry noticed all of Frodo’s things abandoned on the ground next to Sam. He decided it was best to find out his friend’s whereabouts.
He did not have to look far. Frodo was sitting on the cool ground staring at the night sky, his spirit gloomy.
“Why are you awake?” Merry asked, startling Frodo.
“Merry! I thought everyone would be asleep by now,” cried Frodo.
“No. I can't seem to sleep,” said Merry, sitting down next to Frodo. It was deeply dark all around them and the only sound they could hear was Gimli's snoring. “Do you know where Gandalf and Legolas have gone? I did not see them anywhere.”
“I do not know,” Frodo responded, shrugging his shoulders. “Truth be told, I did not know they were gone. I thought at least Gandalf would be sound asleep. Legolas maybe too.”
“Huh. Do elves even sleep?” Merry wondered out loud. Frodo chuckled softly.
The two sat in silence for a while. Small gusts of December wind made them shiver every now and then, but otherwise the night was not too cold. The stars had now completely veiled and Gimli had stopped snoring. It was dead quiet.
“I can't help but feel guilty,” said Frodo suddenly. Merry stared at him with pity.
“We are here because we want to,” said Merry, but Frodo shook his head dismissively.
“I'm talking about leaving my sister behind,” Frodo corrected and Merry's heart broke a little. “She means the world to me and I left her. I miss her terribly. I don't suppose I'll ever see her again.”
“I do wish she was here,” Frodo continued with a sigh. “Not among the horrible dangers we are surrounded with of course, but just with us.”
Merry stayed quiet. Of course he felt that way too, but so far Frodo had not talked about his feelings or concerns about you during the journey, so he wanted to give him more space to talk about you. After Frodo said nothing for a long time, Merry dared to speak.
“I know what you mean. She would have loved Rivendell,” said Merry and a wide smile appeared on Frodo's face.
“She really would have. I tried teaching her Elvish several times, but she never quite got the hang of it. She was very fond of the Elves, though. I caught her and Sam chatting about them several times while he was gardening.”
Merry smiled. He felt slightly better when he was thinking about you back before all of the chaos had fallen on all of you.
“Imagine how much she would have loved all of those fresh fruits they provided to us!” Merry said, chuckling softly.
“She wouldn't have left any for us,” joked Frodo and both of them laughed whole-heartedly.
“Mister Frodo, what are you doing up?” said Sam, who had made his way to the two Hobbits without them noticing.
“Nothing to worry about, Sam,” Frodo responded. “You should go back to sleep. I have Merry here with me.”
“But Mister Frodo…”
“It's alright, Sam,” Frodo said and smiled warmly. “You need to rest.”
Sam blushed and nodded. Feeling a little defeated he walked back to his spot and crawled under the covers, but still stayed awake for a while, keeping an eye on Frodo.
Merry and Frodo talked for an hour more, before both of them finally felt tired enough to go and get some sleep; but also because Gimli, not so politely, told them to be quiet. 
They did not get to sleep for long, as the sun slowly rose behind the thick mist, shining light in their eyes. The first rays of morning sun looked almost ethereal, pieces of it sneaking through the clouds.
“Gentlemen, it is time to continue with our journey,” announced Aragorn. Pippin groaned and pulled his blanket over his head. Merry walked to Pippin and pulled his blanket off, making him grunt again, his expression very displeased.
“Get up,” said Merry while softly kicking Pippin's side.
“Do I have to?” cried Pippin, covering his eyes with his arms.
“Come on,” said Frodo, a hint of amusement in his voice and he lifted Pippin up with Merry.
There were nothing but large, threatening yet beautiful mountains to their left, and in all other directions all was plain and dead. Merry's feet felt tired. It had been a long and cold walk. The wind was blowing through the snowy tips of the Misty Mountains and all four Hobbits were trembling. The sun was not high enough yet to provide enough warmth. Legolas on the other hand walked gleefully around, keeping watch on their surroundings and wandering off to admire the sky and sun every now and then.
When they finally stopped for a small break, Merry lowered himself down on the ground on his back. His exhaustion was getting the best of him and even though he was ravenous, the cool ground and getting some rest felt more inviting than any piece of bread or drop of water.
Merry closed his eyes for a bit, putting his arms over his eyes to protect them from the bright sunlight. 
“You should eat, Merry,” noted Boromir and Merry quietly waved it off.
After some time of shivering on the ground Merry decided to get up and have a bite. He sat up and noticed that everyone in the group was focused on listening to Aragorn’s stories except Frodo, who was sitting a short distance from them, holding something in his hands. Merry began walking up to Frodo and to his amazement, he noticed that there was a small flower in his friend's hands. Frodo noticed Merry approaching and smiled faintly.
“I found it just a moment ago,” he said to Merry. “It had pushed through the gravel.”
It would have been a signal of hope, had it not been wilted. It was a dead daisy, its appearance piercing through Merry's heart; to him it felt like a bad omen. His heart was telling him that you were not safe. Frodo handed over the flower to Merry, who looked at it with concern, his whole body tensing up.
“Frodo?” said Merry quietly.
“Yes, Merry?” responded Frodo, slightly concerned by Merry’s tense exterior.
“I can’t help but feel uneasy. I feel like something is wrong,” Merry said anxiously.
“What do you mean?” Frodo asked. 
“Do you think she has left the Shire?” Merry said, twirling the dead daisy by its stem. He tended to fidget with anything he could hold in his hands when he was missing you. Merry sighed, his breath shaky. He continued: “That she decided to go after us?”
Frodo’s heart sank for a moment, but then he gave Merry a gentle smile, softly squeezing his shoulder.
“She wouldn’t,” he responded, knowing deep down that he was lying to both himself and Merry.
“Do we know for sure?” said Merry, his eyes full of sadness and increasing fear. Frodo looked at him and then at the flower. In his heart he knew it was very much possible that you were in danger, hurt or worse; and both of them knew you were more than likely to have followed them.
Throughout the day Frodo's anxiety grew, which Gandalf took note of rather quickly.
“What's on your mind, Frodo?” Gandalf asked as the night fell on them. Frodo was wide awake, while everyone else was sound asleep around them; except Boromir, who was on watch that night.
“My sister, Gandalf. I worry she might have left the Shire,” Frodo responded. Gandalf tilted his head, looking at him with a curious expression.
“What makes you think this way?” Gandalf asked.
“It's a feeling. A sense of dread and almost a suffocating worry.”
“My dear Frodo,” said Gandalf in a comforting tone. “You need not to worry about what you can't control. Even if your sister has left the Shire, I am sure she is safe and sound.”
“She has absolutely no sense of direction, Gandalf,” Frodo said, covering his face with his palm. Gandalf tried to hide his amusement at the thought of you wandering around the Shire and near its borders cluelessly. “She probably has left the Shire and walked straight into the hands of orcs.”
“That is very unlikely, Frodo,” said Gandalf. “You need to stop letting your mind spiral and focus on what is in your hands; what you can control.”
Frodo sighed. He knew Gandalf was right. He had no way of knowing if you were alright or not. He couldn't possibly know if you had even stepped outside of your room for months.
“You're right, Gandalf. All of my thoughts just feel… heavy.”
Gandalf gave Frodo a warm smile, but his eyes were troubled.
“You are carrying a heavy burden, Frodo,” said Gandalf, looking at Frodo's chest around the area where the Ring was resting. “Do not take on more burden and worry than you already are carrying.”
Frodo gave him a faint nod. Gandalf reached for the wooden and curiously carved pipe on his belt. He offered Frodo some Old Toby as well, but after he refused, Gandalf settled on smoking the pipe-weed alone as Frodo sat next to him, his heart still heavy.
Merry had Pippin around his arm. They lockstepped forward cheerfully as the rest of the Fellowship were almost left behind. The temperature finally felt more comfortable than it had for weeks and that gave the young halflings a boost of energy that was quite irritating for almost everyone else around them. The two did not mind being a possible disturbance and they kept singing songs whilst hopping forward cheerfully, and they laughed so loudly it echoed all around them. Boromir looked at Merry and Pippin and he smiled wide, his teeth showing. Boromir had gotten to know both of them quite well and every passing moment he grew more fond of them. He slowly adapted an almost big brother-like role in the lives of Merry and Pippin, which gave them both a sense of stability and security. 
“How are you feeling?” Boromir asked Merry as they sat down for a little bit of rest along with everyone else. Merry was in the middle of biting into his apple, the juice of the fruit now lingering on his lips as he stared at Boromir, surprised by his question.
“I’m alright,” he responded. As he looked at the sturdy warrior beside him, he noticed some darkness in his eyes. “How are you feeling?”
Boromir looked down at his hands. He was softly brushing his thumb on the horn that was hanging near his waist. His mind was elsewhere; the Ring was tempting him and he needed a distraction.
“Truth be told, I have been worried about you, Merry,” said Boromir, his gaze soft and eyes locked on Merry. Merry turned his face away. He knew what Boromir was about to ask and his heart began to hurt. He had gone most of the day finally thinking about something other than his worry for you and he craved more time to distract himself from reality.
“I am alright,” Merry said, eyes on the ground and avoiding Boromir’s gaze. Boromir shook his head.
“I can tell that you are not. I have seen how absent your mind is when Pippin is not around to take your thoughts elsewhere.”
It was true. Pippin noticed the changes in Merry’s mood quicker than anyone else and he was always by his side in an instant. Whether it was through food, song or joking around, Peregrin made sure that Merry’s heart would feel just a little bit lighter. He was a source of light for Merry as he so desperately needed it. 
Merry stood up and left Boromir sitting alone. He made his way next to Pippin and the two immediately started joking around. Merry laughed at Pippin’s banter but the laugh did not come from his heart. Boromir and Merry exchanged meaningful looks once more until Merry got back to his distractions.
“What day is it, Gandalf?” asked Pippin, walking fast beside the Wizard, trying his best to keep up as he was so little. 
“What does it matter, Peregrin Took?” asked Gandalf, irritated by the fifth question in a row that the young Took had presented. “Why must you be so inquisitive today? Can you go do something useful for once, instead of giving me a hard time?”
Pippin apologized, his frame sinking as he walked back to Merry.
“I told you,” said Merry. “You shouldn’t bother him too much, Pip. He gets annoyed easily.”
“Meriadoc is right, Peregrin,” Gandalf commented. Merry and Pippin slowed down as they had not realized he was still in the hearing distance. As he walked further away, he continued: “I do get annoyed when young Hobbits bother me and ask me stupid questions.”
“What is he, an owl? How did he hear that?” asked Merry.
“No, Master Meriadoc, I am not an owl,” Gandalf said loudly from a distance and Merry gulped. It made him wonder how well the Wizard could actually hear and how many of their conversations he had been eavesdropping on. Merry stopped Pippin by his arm so they could have their private conversations without Gandalf listening to them.
“I think he needs more pipe-weed to calm his nerves,” Pippin whispered and Merry snickered. 
“I think so too,” said Merry and reached into his satchel. He pulled out the last remaining pipe-weed he had, walked a little forward towards Gandalf and Pippin smacked his hand. 
“Merry!” Pippin whispered in shock. “You can’t actually go give Gandalf your last leaf! You promised me some!”
Merry chuckled and pulled out his own pipe.
“Pip, I was only joking. I am desperately craving pipe-weed and I am going to smoke the last of it as we walk. You can join me or not.”
Pippin smiled and bounced on his feet. He took his own wooden pipe from his belt where it was hanging from and smiled widely. The two were beginning to be left behind when Aragorn noticed them standing far away, where they were lighting up their last remaining pipe-weed.
“Merry! Pippin!” Aragorn shouted, his voice gentle but commanding. His shout sounded like one of a frustrated parental figure and it made Merry cough uncontrollably. Pippin smacked his back and after a moment of collecting himself, Merry took a sip of water and the two got back to the group. As the smoke and smell of the pipe-weed surrounded them all, Gandalf rolled his eyes.
“Hobbits,” he muttered to himself and lit up his own pipe.
Your breath was shaky as you stopped in your tracks.
“Rath,” you panted and he walked back to you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, his hand on your shoulder and the wound on his palm bleeding on your cloak.
“My ankle hurts again,” you said, tears in your eyes. The pain was almost insufferable. You did not want to bother your friend, so you had kept the pain to yourself for several hours. As the aching got worse by the minute, you no longer could take it. It felt like arrows had been shot toward you and all of them landed on your twisted ankle. There was still a day of travel ahead and at first you were determined to make it there on your own; you couldn’t handle the idea of Rath having to carry you all the way to Isengard.
Just a few moments earlier an orc had ambushed you both and Rath got wounded; not in a way that was worse than any of his previous damages throughout his life, but his palm was cut deeply. Rath did not seem to mind it but seeing it made you feel slightly sick.
“Did something happen when we got ambushed?” he asked.
“No,” you said, shaking your head and a tear falling from your eye as the level of the pain began rising. “It’s been hurting for a while now.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?” he cried and sat down on the ground on his knees. He began examining your ankle. It was swollen and bruised; much worse than it was the previous day. “You should have let it heal longer. You should have told me. You know I can carry you.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t want to be a burden.”
Rath smiled. He found your insecurity and apologetic nature heartwarming. They were some of the traits he saw in you that reminded him of his little sister. Many of your traits in fact you shared with his sister. One that stood out to him the most was the child-like enthusiasm and curiosity you had begun to show him after traveling together for a rather long time. 
“You are quite amusing, Baggins. You are no burden. I am happy to carry you.”
He guided you to sit down on the ground and elevate your leg on a nearby rock. He wrapped a cloth around it tightly, supporting the ankle as much as he could. He had some herbs with him that would ease the pain once mixed with some hot water, so he started a fire and made you a mixture that would soon lessen your agony.
“Are we far?” you asked.
“Far from what?” Rath asked, now dipping a cloth in the herb mixture, soaking it hot. He began pressing it softly on the swollen parts of your ankle. You hissed and bit your lower lip to hold back your reaction to the stinging sensation.
Rath moved the cloth around the ankle, pressing ever so slightly on one spot for a few seconds before moving to another.
“No, we are not far. Like I said, a day or two. If you allow me to carry you, I believe we will make it there by morning, if we are lucky.”
You felt some hope rise to the surface. Help was near and with luck you would soon find Merry, your brother and your friends. 
“Are we going to rest before that?” you asked, already tired even though it was barely noon.
“If you need to. We can go as far as you feel like you can and then we can rest. I still have some mushrooms for you to eat later, if you are interested.”
Your eyes lit up from excitement and Rath looked at you, his head tilted and adoration in his eyes. He found the way that hobbits became fiends at the mention of mushrooms alluring and he loved teasing you with it ever since he learned about it.
“Any chance I could have some now?” you inquired, eyes full of hope. Rath laughed loudly.
“No, not yet,” he responded and you frowned. You did not realize the pain on your ankle was mostly gone. “I think you have to wait just a little bit longer, little one.”
“Why?” you cried in an almost child-like manner. He smiled and shook his head. You noticed the warm expression on his face and you tilted your head curiously. “What?”
“It’s just that sometimes you really remind me of my little sister.”
“I do? How come?”
Rath kept pressing the cloth on your ankle. The small fire he had lit up began dying down as you waited for his response eagerly. 
“It’s just the way you talk and behave sometimes.”
“Behave?” you asked, narrowing your gaze.
“You can be quite childish,” he smirked and you gave him a playful push on his shoulder.
“Shut up,” you said with a chuckle. Your eyes widened as you realized the pain in your ankle was gone and Rath had begun to press the cloth on the wound on his own hand instead. You reached for the cloth and took it from him gently. He looked at you, puzzled and tried to take it back.
You held his hand still with your free hand. Softly you began to tap the damp cloth on the wound. Rath did not move his eyes off you for the whole time you took care of him. His bleeding slowly stopped after it had lasted for over half an hour and Rath began to stitch it himself with a needle and thread he had in his bag. You were always surprised by the amount of convenient equipment he carried with him.
“Thank you for that,” he said. To you he seemed almost embarrassed by showing vulnerability, but you did not see the guilt in his heart that he was hiding. When he finished patching himself up, he stood up and offered you his hand. “It’s time to go.”
Your laughter was so loud Rath had to put his hand over your mouth to quiet you down. The stories you both were sharing were ones of hilarious nature, so it was hard to keep it down and you forgot to be wary of the dangers around you.
“Sorry!” you whispered as he took his hand off your lips, your voice still cracking from amusement. Rath looked around the both of you and after he declared it was safe, he cracked up as well. Both of you giggled quietly, trying to not erupt into a laughter that would wake up every living thing around you.
“Do you want the mushrooms now?” Rath asked and you noticed he was holding a large pile of mushrooms in his hands. Their color was almost golden in the light of the campfire and your mouth began watering at the sight of them.
With a swift scoop you took all of the mushrooms to yourself and started shoving them in your mouth so quickly that one might have thought you had not eaten in days. Rath chuckled and shook his head. “Are they that good?”
“You have no idea,” you responded and took another handful of mushrooms from his grasp. You ate them so quickly you barely had any time to savor the earthy flavors. 
“I am glad you enjoy them,” Rath said and rested his arms on his knees, staring into the fire across from him. The sight reminded you of the first night you met him. He had the same look in his eyes, but behind them was now more compassion than before. The aura around him was tense.
“What are you thinking about?” you asked him and he turned to look at you.
“My sister,” he responded and handed over the last mushrooms he had with him. You scooped them up and ate them immediately.
“What about your sister?”
“Just how much I miss her.”
“When are you going to see her?”
“Hopefully soon. I just need to… get you help first.”
You took a deep breath. You could not help but feel a little responsible for his sadness. You were the one to keep him occupied for so long. There was a part in you that wanted to send him back to his home so you could find your own way to the White Wizard and he would get to hug his family again; but you needed him. You needed someone to help you.
“Do you want to go home?” you asked and he furrowed his brows.
“Of course I do. But I need to finish this first.”
You shuffled right beside him and put your head on his shoulder, gently resting it there. You could feel him take a deep breath.
“I really do appreciate all that you’ve done for me, Rath.”
He took another deep breath and laid his head on top of yours. He said nothing, but you could feel the warmth and affection radiating from him. You had started to see him as family and he had become one of the closest friends you had ever had.
Your eyes fluttered open slowly. It was still dark, the campfire was still warm and your head was still resting on Rath’s shoulder. You had fallen asleep and were not sure how long you had been unconscious.
“I think I fell asleep,” you said, your voice raspy and faint.
“It seems that way,” Rath responded and chuckled. He was no longer resting against you, but he did not seem to be disturbed by your closeness and the way you used him as a pillow.
“Did I sleep for long?”
“Maybe an hour or so,” he answered and threw a piece of wood to the bright, golden flames. “The sun will come up in a few hours, if you need to sleep some more. We are not far.”
“I don’t need to,” you responded, even though your body was screaming for more rest.
“Whatever you say.”
You walked to the other side of the fire and dug into your bag. You were low on water, but your thirst had increased and you needed to hydrate. You chugged down the rest of your water in one go and put the bottle back in the bag. In slow steps you sat back down on the ground, resting against Rath some more.
“Why have you been so nice to me?” you asked. You had wondered about it for quite some time now. He had taken care of you for so long, but still you were not entirely sure whether you knew the whole truth. You did not understand why he had helped a worn out halfling he found passed out on the ground. “Why have you helped me all the way here?”
Rath did not answer right away. Instead he just stared into the fire and stayed so still he looked like a statue to you.
“You were in need of help,” he finally responded. “You were on the brink of death. I did not want that to happen.”
Your heart fluttered from affection. His words impacted you deeply and the sisterly love for him inside you grew every passing moment.
“You have saved me from the brink of death. There was no need for you to help me this far.”
“I wanted to help you. Partly for my own selfish reasons.”
You tilted your head and looked at him, almost thirsty to know more.
“Selfish reasons?” you repeated. He did not answer. “Rath?”
He leaned a little away from you and finally turned his gaze away from the fire, locking his eyes with you.
“Selfish reasons.”
“I heard you, Rath. I’m just curious: what were the reasons?”
Rath looked away again. His gaze drifted into the darkness across your campsite, into the depths of the forest and seemingly into another dimension. You could see his warm presence slowly fade away.
“I saw you laying there. I saw a helpless, little halfling. I needed to make sure you were alive. I had to nurse you back to health. And… It took longer than I expected. Then you started reminding me of my little sister.”
“I have to say you lost me. None of that is selfish, is it?”
“Just listen to me,” he snapped and your heart skipped a beat. This was the first time he had been so quick-tempered with you. He continued: “You started reminding me of my little sister every passing day and it made everything harder. I took different routes than I intended, just because you made me feel like I was at home with her.”
You smiled at him fondly. His reasons seemed perfectly valid to you; of course he missed her and if that made him want to be around you more, that was alright with you. Though, one thing he said bothered you.
“What do you mean it made everything harder?”
Rath swallowed and went completely silent. You could barely hear his breathing. The fire was dancing around gently and you could hear the crackling of the sparks. Rath’s exterior grew tense.
“There were rumors.”
Rath looked at you again. There was a deep, almost threatening blackness in his eyes as he looked at you. It made your breath hitch for a moment. You had never seen him look so dark.
“Rumors about something of great value being carried around. Something of immense power.”
“And you thought I could help with it?” you deducted, listening to him patiently and waiting for a more clear explanation. Rath seemed to be dragging it on and on, not entirely certain how to continue.
“They did not clarify what it was. Just that there was a prize for whoever brought it to Saruman.”
“Saruman?” you whispered, confused.
“The White Wizard.”
“Is that the reason we are going to Isengard? Did you find the item and not tell me?”
Rath did not respond. He looked at the grass beneath you and his face was blank.
“They said it was being carried by someone,” Rath continued, his voice almost cold now. “By a halfling.”
A wave of anxiety rushed through you and filled your heart. Your stomach twisted slightly at his words; words that you did not yet understand.
“They said a halfling was carrying a great treasure and the one who brought it to him would redeem a great prize. And the halfling carrying it should be brought in alive and unharmed. And there were more rumors…”
“Rumors?” you asked again, your heart beating slightly faster. It felt like something heavy was pressing on your heart and shivers crept up your spine. Something was wrong.
“Rumors about the halfling. That the halfling carried the name ‘Baggins.’”
You moved away from him quickly. Not far, but you were no longer resting against him.
“What are you talking about?”
“This is not easy for me. I did not think I would grow so fond of you. I care about you.”
You stood up and took a step back from him. He looked at you with tears in his eyes, but his face was now cold and he was squeezing his fist roughly.
“Rath?” you said shakily. Your heart felt like it was going to jump out of your throat and your legs started to feel weak. It felt like your body was about to collapse.
"I wish it didn't have to be this way. The prize is too great. I need it. My family needs it. If you just give me the brooch, I can probably let you go,” he said, standing up and taking a step toward you. You took a few small steps back. His aura was now slightly threatening and your blood was going cold.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Just give it to me!” he said, his voice now loud and commanding. He took two quick steps toward you and tried to reach for the daisy brooch on your chest. Your breath hitched and you backed away from him again. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. It was a gift. It’s not–”
“Give me the damn thing!” Rath said, raising his voice. You felt tears rise to your eyes.
“No!” you cried and covered the brooch with your left hand. “It’s just a brooch! Please, stop this. You’re scaring me!”
Rath took several aggressive steps towards you and grabbed your hand. You squeezed the brooch tightly and he began trying to wrestle it off of you. Of course it was just a brooch, but Rath did not know it.
“Fucking give it to me!” he shouted, his eyes burning with rage. Your heart was beating so fast you could no longer hear properly. Dread took you over and you managed to squirm yourself off his grasp, falling on your side on the ground. You looked up at him, terrified, as you stumbled on your feet while getting back up. He was filled with rage. “I have to do this. I don’t want to have to hurt you!”
“No,” you responded with a shaky voice. You took one glance at your backpack, but it was out of your reach. You looked to your right but there was nothing you could use to defend yourself. Your head was spinning. Rath was betraying you. Rath’s gaze narrowed.
“You give me no choice,” he said, his voice dark and shaky. He started walking towards you with large, rage-filled steps. Your heart jumped and before you even realized it, you were running away with no sense of direction. It was still dark and you could not see ahead. Your only choices were to surrender to your friend who had betrayed your trust or to run for your life. You ran head first into the deep woods and did not look back. You could hear Rath’s heavy footsteps behind you as you ran and the wind howled in your ears.
“One more time!” Merry said, clapping his hands together once. 
“Alright, alright!” Pippin responded and picked up another acorn off the ground. He lifted it to the same level as his eyes and stuck his tongue out as he focused on his aim. With a gentle movement he threw the acorn towards Merry. Merry lifted his arm up quickly and caught the acorn mid-air.
“Yes!” shouted Merry and Pippin at the same time. Frodo and Boromir clapped at them enthusiastically, supporting their accomplishment. They had been throwing acorns for a while to pass the time and Merry and Pippin had managed to catch ten in a row. It was a silly way to pass the time, but Gandalf was busy thinking and they had to do something before moving forward.
“Can I try again? I believe I can beat your record,” Boromir said and smirked at Merry. 
“Go ahead. Though, I doubt it!”
Boromir chuckled and switched places with Pippin. He sat on the ground, his legs crossed and he picked up several acorns, throwing them at Merry all at once. A few hit him in the face, while the rest of them flew past him or dropped in his lap.
“Oh, my bad!” Boromir grinned.
“What was that about?” Merry cried, rubbing his stinging face.
“I just wanted to prove that you are no champion. I managed to catch five of them at once, after all.”
“You have bigger hands!” Merry responded and Boromir laughed loudly. “Besides, I was supposed to throw acorns for you to catch to prove you wrong.”
“Alright, alright!” Boromir said, his hands up in surrender. “I just wanted to mess with you, Merry. Do your best.”
Merry took a few acorns and put them on his left palm. He took one at a time, and by the eight one that Boromir had caught in a row, he found himself to be a sore loser; he threw all the acorns at once, hitting his big brother-figure in the face.
“Merry!” shouted Aragorn, who was now standing there beside them. He had not seen the playful banter before. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I was just-”
“Merry has been bullying Boromir a lot,” said Pippin. Merry’s jaw dropped at Pippin's good-natured betrayal.
“Pippin!” Merry cried.
“He has been absolutely awful,” grinned Pippin. Aragorn shook his head in disapproval.
“Stop messing with him and behave,” Aragorn said and smiled at Boromir knowingly. The three tended to tease Merry around a lot and these early hours of a new day were no different. Aragorn straightened his coat and gestured towards Gandalf. “He has made up his mind. We must proceed.”
Merry, Pippin and Boromir got up from the ground simultaneously and left the small piles of acorns behind. As they continued their journey, Boromir smirked and gave Merry a friendly smack on his back. 
“You’re all awful,” he muttered.
The morning light started to come up and you were panting heavily. The rock you were resting against was cold and your ankle was burning with pain. You had not heard any movement around you for fifteen minutes and you were wishing Rath was now far behind. 
You peeked from behind the mossy boulder and scanned your surroundings. There was no sign of any other living thing. You got into a more comfortable position, closed your eyes and burst into tears.
The betrayal felt like someone stabbed your heart and nothing had hurt you so badly in a long time. It was not quite as bad as when Merry left you, but it still felt like your world was once again collapsing around you. Your cheeks were burning up and you could taste the salty tears on your dried up lips. You wanted to scream the pain out. A small wail escaped your throat and you put your hand over your lips to suffocate your cries. You did not want to be heard.
“I know you’re here!” shouted Rath from somewhere close by and you immediately got up, limping away from your hiding spot. You were not sure if he heard you and had located you, but you did not feel safe staying still. The grass and gravel under you made soft noises as you went forward, and every now and then your ankle gave out, making you fall with a loud thump.
You scratched your cheek on the gravel as you fell on your stomach. It stung but you knew there was no time to stay and try to make it better. You got up so quickly you almost twisted your ankle again, so you fell on your knees. With a small cry of pain you got up again.
To your right was a cliff. There were many boulders around it and it looked like it would also have several places to take cover and hide, so you started to quietly limp towards it. When you reached the tall cliff, you turned around to see if Rath was anywhere in sight. All the trees were still and the sky was grey. Nothing was moving in the grass.
You turned your back to the forest and started climbing the cliff as fast as you could. Your ankle felt like it was about to crack off your body as you put your weight on it. Every step with it erupted a sharp grunt out of your mouth. Towards the top your hands started to slip as there was some water resting on top of the rocks. You could hear some movement of water in the pressuring silence. As you reached up, you finally felt the steady top of the cliff. In a grunt of pain you lifted yourself up and crashed down on the top, your cheek hitting the cold stone.
You barely had gotten up when your wrists were grabbed tightly and Rath turned you around to face him. With a loud scream of fear you started to fight him off.
“No!” you cried, trying to stay on your feet as the pain grew worse. Rath’s grip was strong and he was bruising your skin with every movement he made.
“I need to do this for my family!” Rath cried, his voice one of pain and guilt. His eyes were still filled with rage and despite being terrified of him, you could see he truly had grown fond of you and felt hurt himself.
“Let me go!” you said, tears falling down your scratched up and burning cheeks. “Please! Don’t do this!”
“My family needs this!” he shouted and pulled you in closer. His breath was hot on your face as he held onto you tightly He was trying to hold your wrists with one hand and the other one was trying to unhook the golden brooch off your cloak.
You felt yourself almost lose your balance and you took a quick glance over your shoulder. You were on the edge of the cliff and behind you, way down was dark water. It seemed endlessly deep. With one swift movement you tried to switch sides with Rath so you could push him down and run away before he got up from the water, but it was no use. He did not move an inch and his grip on you was still strong. The pain of his betrayal and physical assault made more tears fall from your eyes as you stumbled a bit closer to the edge.
“My sister needs this. Just fucking--”
A loud wail of wind passed your ear and a fleshy sound followed it. An arrow sunk into the left side of Rath’s chest and your wrists were released. He fell on his back, gasping for air and your heart sank from the sight of your friend’s spirit passing away.
The brooch was steady on your chest but your feet slipped on the cold, grey, wet stone and you were no longer touching the ground. There was only air around you as you fell backwards and somewhere away from the cliff were loud noises you could not decipher. 
As you plunged into the cold water, you felt paralyzed and the darkness around you began consuming you. You could not move. You sunk down deeper and you could see movement on top of the cliff over the surface, but it was blurry and far. You felt your lungs get heavier and your head felt light. The last remaining air was escaping your lungs and the pressure in your body was growing unbearable. You thought of Merry and how you’d never be able to see him again. You thought of your parents and the way they died; how it was about to happen to you.
There was a loud splash you could barely hear through the ringing of your ears and as a large hand grabbed your cloak, your vision darkened and you saw no more.
@chatteringfox @shiinata-library @ahobbitsjourney23 @mayo-advance @datglutengoblin @mournthewicked @channiesbedbug
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Meeting Aredhel in Valinor hc
Aredhel x fem!reader
(Reader is Legolas' older sister, i just thought this would be a nice idea)
This takes place AFTER all of the events that happen in middle-earth
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Warnings: indirect mentiones of Eöl, slightly mentioned sexual content
♡ You meet in a forest when Aredhel was hunting
♡ She was lost and had panicked a bit, as it reminded her of past unpleasant events in the forest (you probably know what I'm talking about)
♡ but then she sees you
♡ Your hair flies like leaves in the wind and you seem to interact with nature in such a natural way
♡ Aredhel immediately noticed that you weren't using any enchantments, which put her at ease
♡ The sight of you made her relax a little, and for a while she just looked at you and tried to calm down further
♡ At some point, however, you noticed her and smiled at her
♡ You two didn't say much to each other during this first encounter
♡ You just showed her the way out of the forest (most of the elves from Mirkwood and some from Imladris had settled in this forest) and exchanged a few nice words with her
♡ But soon she came looking for you in the forest and so you meet again and again
♡ Aredhel seeks out affection by resting her head on your shoulder or holding your hands in hers
♡ Most of the time your encounters end with you lying in a tight embrace on the forest floor or leaning against a tree while you talk about anything and everything
♡ Sometimes you meet at night and climb up into the branches of big trees where you look at the stars together
♡ You tell her a lot about the stars and their light, as the wood elves have accumulated a lot of knowledge about them
♡ It is also on such an evening under the stars that she tells you how she feels about you
♡ It takes a long time for Aredhel to admit this to herself, as she is afraid of commitment after all that had happend, but she has finally realised that she no longer has to hide from her feelings for you as you would never use them against her or hurt her
♡ However, she wants you to take things slowly
♡ Firstly, she wants you to get to know Maeglin because he's her son and she wants you to get along too
Maeglin is a little sceptical at first, but only because he doesn't want his mother to get hurt again, but soon you get on well and he starts to treat you like a member of the family
♡ You often go hunting with Aredhel and Celegorm and soon he and Curufin are good friends of yours too
♡ Aredhel immediately gets along with Legolas, your brother, as they both like to use bows and arrows as weapons and can exchange ideas about different techniques
♡ She's getting braver in your relationship and now sometimes sneaks to your bedroom window at night to spend a few extra hours with you
♡ She weaves you a bracelet out of flowers when she asks you if you want to court her - you immediately agree, of course
♡ Later, she replaces the flower bracelet, which you were still wearing despite the withered flowers, with a metal one she had asked Curufin to make
♡ Afterwards, you begin to exchange more tender touches, as Aredhel is now ready to go further in your relationship
♡ When you meet her family for the first time, you are very nervous as you have heard a lot about them, but they all like you very much
♡ Especially Fingolfin and Anairë, as they are happy that Aredhel has finally found someone she really loves, you get on best with Argon, though, and you become best friends
♡ When you introduce Aredhel to your father Thranduil for the first time, he is a little sceptical, but your mother likes Aredhel immediately and welcomes her with open arms
♡ When you finally get married and sleep together as a result, she is very gentle and you spend the whole next morning cuddling together
♡ Your wedding took place in the part of the forest where you met for the first time
♡ For your wedding, Oromë gave you a big brown dog (slightly smaller than Huan) who accompanied you two everywhere from then on
♡ the Valar offer Aredhel and you, if you want, that they would give you two another child (because you practically adopted Maeglin at this point)
♡ Over time, Thranduil also warms up more and more and at some point tells you and Aredhel how happy he is that you have each other (he was just afraid that his daughter's heart would be broken) - he and Aredhel even become good friends after a while
♡ And so your life in Valinor with your wonderful family went on peacefully, and every day was a new adventure with Aredhel by your side
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yurinaa-world · 2 years
Hello sunshine! (Love your profile colors ✨) there’s a comment from Nightow where he says Legato seems like he’d have a sister! Requesting some hc’s, or a scenario whatever you would like, of how he’d react to his sister!reader and knives having feelings for each other and just how it would play out 🤍 would knives favor him more than elendira (based on their competition on maximum), would Legato be jealous, would Legato push his sister to make a move?? I think this dynamic would be fun and interesting to think about!
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Characters: Knives x Female Reader
Synopsis: How would Legato react to his sister! reader and knives having feelings for each other.
Warnings: fluff
Notes: thank you, im sorry if I'm not on point with legato personality there's a reason why I don't write for him (´∀`)
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𝒩𝒶𝒾 “𝑀𝒾𝓁𝓁𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒦𝓃𝒾𝓋𝑒𝓈”
I can see Legato as the man over his sister; after all, you mean so much to him, maybe even as much as knives do to him. All he wants is for you to be happy, but finding out that you and knives have feelings for each other (that must have been awkward) would not change his calm demeanor.
Noticing the little details you do, he’s able to read you like an open book to him even before you even realize you like knives.
Legato is a supportive brother. He would always want to see you happy, even if it meant him doing a bit of dirty work, so you chose to be knives and knives. He thinks the same, and he’ll respect your decision.
Knives wouldn’t really say anything about your relation to him; it’s not like it matters to him; you're both human and loyal to him, and that's all there is to care about.
If you ask Legolas for advice about a situation that happened or something you're going through, he’ll always be there to comfort you or help you get through it, because isn’t that what a good brother is there for?
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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tinytiger · 6 months
The Hobbit - A Kili x F!Reader fanfic.
As (Y/N) sits in quiet reflection, memories of her journey with Thorin's Company flood her mind. Among the trials and triumphs, one memory shines the brightest: the moment she met Kili, her husband. From the perilous paths of Middle-earth to the shadows of Erebor, their love endured as a beacon of hope amidst darkness. Now, as she reminisces, (Y/N) finds solace in the enduring power of their love, a testament to the twists of fate that brought them together.
TW- mentions of violence and death
Words- 536
King Thranduil and Queen Namath gazed fondly at their two children frolicking in the fields, their laughter carried on the wind as they chased each other with wooden swords. The sunlight played with their hair: the older brother's locks shimmered like freshly harvested wheat, while his younger sister's cascaded in a captivating (h/c), brushing just below her shoulders.
The girl, a unique blend of her parents' lineages—her mother a dwarf, her father an elf—stood out among her kin. Legolas, the older sibling, cast a warm smile at his sister as she tumbled over a protruding tree root, her (e/c) eyes peering through a curtain of (h/c) strands. Suddenly, with a burst of determination, she dashed to a nearby table and seized a bow, swiftly taking aim and losing an arrow toward her brother, who narrowly evaded the shot.
"Hey Y/n, that's hardly fair!" Legolas protested, his sister having received the bow and sword, both oversized for her, as gifts for her thirteenth birthday. Before Legolas could intervene, a piercing scream pierced the tranquillity, drawing the family's attention. Dread settled upon Thranduil as he witnessed a band of orcs emerge, seizing his beloved queen. Reacting swiftly, he dashed towards his children, shielding them from the unfolding horror.
"Legolas, take your sister and flee!" Thranduil's command cut through the chaos, urgency lacing his words. With (y/n) in his arms, Legolas raced towards safety, the weight of responsibility heavy upon his young shoulders. Despite (y/n)'s protests, Legolas pressed on, their desperate flight only halting once they reached the sanctuary of the forest, far from the carnage.
"Legolas, please, let me go back!" (Y/n) implored as she was set down, her heart torn between fear and determination. Ignoring her brother's pleas, she retraced her steps to retrieve her weapons, only to lose her way in the confusion. A deafening crash shattered the silence, propelling her towards the distant glow of a lone light amidst the gathering darkness.
Emerging from the forest's embrace, (Y/n) beheld a scene of devastation, smoke billowing in the distance. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grappled with the enormity of her loss, her world suddenly fragmented and unfamiliar.
After what felt like an eternity of aimless wandering, her small feet aching and her spirit weary, ( y/n) stumbled upon a quaint green door framed by a charming garden. Summoning her courage, she knocked hesitantly, tears still staining her cheeks.
A kindly face appeared, concern etched upon its features, as the man beheld the dishevelled child before him. "Oh, little one, what troubles you so?" he inquired gently, crouching to her level. (y/n) poured out her heart, her voice quivering with grief and uncertainty.
Moved by compassion, the man enveloped her in a comforting embrace, offering solace amidst her despair. "Fear not, dear child. You shall stay with me until your family returns," he assured her, his heart touched by her plight.
Introducing herself as Y/n, a mixture of dwarf and elf blood, she found solace in the man's warmth, her hand clasped in his. "My name is Bilbo," he replied with a smile, leading her into his home, where she found refuge and a temporary respite from her sorrow, a haven amidst the storms of life.
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girlscience · 1 year
Thanks for tagging me @malcolm-reeds-pineapple :3
Are you named after anyone? Nope! Had I been a boy, I would have been named Graham after Billy Graham and while I do like that name, I am very very glad he is not my name sake.
Last time you cried? Ummm when I was reading When Women Were Dragons sooo a couple weeks ago. I don't know the date lol
Do you have kids? No thank fuck
Do you use sarcasm a lot? I would say yes I think.
First thing you notice about people? Probably appearance, idk. I don't feel like I notice much about people.
Eye color? Mine is hazel and my favorite irl is dark brown almost black and my favorite in fantasy is yellow/gold
Scary movies or happy endings? I am only just now starting to watch scary movies and only very very slowly because I am a big baby, so I guess mostly happy endings
Special talents? I honestly have no idea... I am not like incapable of things, I just don't know that I would call anything I do special? Never mind!!! I am very very good at worldbuilding (I just remembered I like that lol) idk if it counts as a talent exactly? but I am good at it
Where were you born? Bloomington, IL (I always joke I was born closer to Normal than my sister lol)
Hobbies? Reading, drawing, video games, coming up with stories I will never write, WOLRDBUILDING, pretty soon it will be gming a pathfinder game (have to figure out how to download the pdf first)
Any pets? Yes!!! My sweetest baby and light of my life Missy ❤️ she is my little princess baby cat
What sports do you play/have you played? I played Y volleyball for ~3 years and hated it, and then I played park softball for 1 year and never won a single game. Sports are not my thing
How tall are you? 5' 8"
Favorite school subject? Science and art
Dream job? Draconologist
First ship? If we are going based on first fanfic read.... I think it was Loki x reader (😭 that's so embarrassing for me)
Three ships? Zolu, Hannigram, Gimli/Legolas
Last (current) song? Flu Game by FOB
Last movie? I honestly don't know.... It might have been Cocaine Bear?
Currently reading? Nothing atm, but I am about to start Abhorsen by Garth Nix (I finally finished Lirael!)
Currently watching? Warrior Nun and One Piece
Currently consuming? water
Currently craving? gum
Tagging: @cats-crows-and-cryptids @swordsmans @niishi @raccoontheatre and anyone else who wants to do it!! (no pressure tho!)
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batsyforyou · 2 years
I know this will mean nothing, right now, anyway. Buuut I figured I’d have to share, so it’s not straight out of left field. But in my bio I mentioned I write fanfiction but it’s on archive of our own and I have NO interest in bringing those here, as of this moment. I should mention that I have only ever written for Science fiction like Stargate Atlantis, Stargate, Star Wars (Mandalorian), etc… But I have three maybe five things I have in my drafts right now that I do plan to bring to this page.
1. Manwe Tolkien One shot. Platonic reader/OC? I haven’t quite figured that out.
2. Glorfindel x OC Tolkien Short Story. Friends to lovers
3. Lindir x reader? One Shot cause he was the first elf to drag me into the dark corners of Tolkien. Wanted to honor him a little.
4. Alucard x reader/OC? Again I haven’t figured it out but I think it’ll be a one shot that boosts itself into a short story tbh. This is Castlevania.
Now for the fifth one I am torn. On the right hand I want to write a short story for my sister starring her favorite elf Legolas (despite my personal feelings about said elf. there’s nothing wrong with him but there’s just so much of him that I am bored. Besides why stare at that guy when you got people like Glorfindel or Sauron or Maglor or Eonwe or Namo. So many far more interesting elves/others and she picks that one?? Like why????)
Or on the left hand I can write a Stardew valley short story that will also be starring her favorite character, Sebastian. Either way the fifth one belongs to my sister. I’d do both but I’m limiting myself to five thank God.
These might come out during December or sometime in January but I just wanted to put this out there so It’s not out of no where.
Also, plz forgive grammar/spelling mistakes plz and thank you. 🙏
Have a blessed day!
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