#legit walk me like a fucking dog jimin
sailoryooons · 2 years
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How I'm about to be the rest of the year come album drop
Meme concept stolen from @gimmethatagustd
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bts-trash-blog · 4 years
Golden: Part2~ Shivers
Summary: Watercolor splashes, and yet all that splashed on your skin was ink, while his was gold. Cold and warm. Sweet and sour. Love and lust. Yet it made so much sense..sadly he couldn’t see it.
Pariing: Min Yoongi X Chubby Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of depression, inscrurites, smut and some mentions of past toxic relationships. Just poor Yoongi tbh.
AN: Want to know when I update? I have a tag list!
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Letting out a groan as the sound of pots and pans woke you up, looking over you see the bright number of 6:39am flashing making a louder groan pass your lips. Of course on your day off Hoseok wants to make breakfast at the buttcrack of dawn, the sun wasn’t even fully raised not even shining through the cracks of your blinds. Rolling out of bed, your  eyes land on the discarded sweatshirt that you had probably ripped off in a sleep hased in the middle of the night. Grabbing it you throw it over yourself and make sure your shorts aren't riding up too high between your thick thighs, sighing you reach down and unplug your phone.  You stumble slightly out of your bedroom and into the kitchen to see the brown hair boy moving around the kitchen, his eyes looking over to see you and gives you a soft smile.
“Morning ladybug.” His words made a huff as you opened the fridge door, grabbing a bottle of iced coffee. Cracking it open you take a huge gulp making Hoseok let out a soft laugh as he looks at you and place the fried egg onto a plate and hand it to you. Smiling slightly at him you moved to sit down at the table, the rice next to you  as you grab a spoon full and shovel it into your mouth, manners way out of your thoughts as you see Hoseok sitting down next to you. “Ladybug, I hope you remember to have manners outside these walls.”
“Shut up.” You grumble making his laughter grow, as he started eating as the two of you sat in silence you heard your phone ding making you look to see Namjoon had messaged you. Opening up your phone you let out a small sigh, wishing you were able to figure your way out of the question he asked you. Though you found humor in the following message, making Hoseok look at you with a small smirk.
“Oh shut up you dick.” You grumble, making him snort as you move to open your messages.
Namjoon: Are you free today?
Namjoon: Jin and me with a friend are going to the new coffee shop a block away from ours
Y/n: Gotts spy out the competition I see
Namjoon: Of course, who's the best person to take with me? My best customers
Y/N: Who’s this other person?
Namjoon: My friend Yoongi, he’s at the shop almost as much as you. I'm honestly surprised you haven’t run into each other yet.
Y/n: Chill. Time and place see you then
Letting out a sigh you look to Hoseok who had a curious look in his eyes as you handed him your phone, taking him as you scroll through his instagram feed, as he scrolls through your messages with Namjoon. He nods his head as you watch him swipe out and move to an app, probably snap with the faces he started making.
“Streaks with Joy, Jimin, and Johnny have been sent.” You chuckle as you hand him back his phone, the like photo of EXO on screen making him huff as he exits out of his feed as you do the same. “So this Namjoon guy is who you and Minnie visited yesterday?”
“Yeah he runs the Kim Coffee Shop down the street from here, I’ve been going there for about a year. It's where I was going after school for my extended learning, remember on exotics.” He looks at you, his head tilted, reminding you of a literal dog, till his eyes widen.
“Oh that shit three months of you literally not sleeping.” Chuckling at his words you nod, your eyes turning down to your now empty plate, as you take one last spoon full of rice.
“It's the place I’d go to study after work, and before I came here to do my homework. It was a nice middle ground, where I could get distracted but still stay focused.” Nodding you get up and stretch, doing the rest of your Coffee, as you move to the kitchen with your dishes. “I call the bathroom first.” You said moving back down the hall to your bedroom to grab your change of clothes, and then leading to the bathroom. Finally getting ready for the day. Yet when you think about it, you can’t help the shivers rushing down your spin.
Letting out a breath as you walk down the street, your earbud hanging down as you stop at the corner of the street, your eyes casting side to side the dark cloud above you makes you adjust the hood above your head. You couldn’t help but slightly rush across the street , especially when Namjoon caught your eyes. He couldn’t help but smile brightly as he throws his arm over your shoulder and begins to walk beside you.
“So what's the plan?” You ask as he looks to the sky, his head tilting as he looks back down the ground. A dimpled smile hidden as he looks forward and lets out a breath of air.
“You believe in the red string of fate, right?” You couldn’t help but let out a snort, as you look at him, the look clearly making him realize how stupid of a question that as to ask you. “Ah yeah of course you do..well.. Anyway we are gonna meet Jin and Yoongi at the shop. Then we’re gonna see what type of stuff they have and if it's better than ours.” Nodding you look forward, his question still lingering in your thoughts as you clear your throat.
“What was with the questions Joon?” Sighing he looks at you and smiles, his arms falling off of your shoulders his hand moves to rest in yours as he swings your hands. Making you chuckle as he looks at the sky and smiles.
“Rainy days are always the best, aren't they?”
“Avoiding the topic isn’t gonna work...but yes, yes they are..most of the time when the weather is like this I just sit in my room with a book in hand..that or I sleep all day.” You chuckle as he giggles, his eyes shining as you felt the cold drop of rain against the top of your cheek as you look at Namjoon. “So what was that question for?”
“I just..I just have a feeling today...a feeling I had the day I met Jin...shivers...a bit of...annoyance even.” His words had you nodding as you rub your thumb on the back of his hand.
“I felt that too..I woke up not wanting to do anything..but then you messaged me and I was annyyed that you didn’t want to see me then..stupid I guess.” You said dropping his hand as you see Jin. He was wearing a large brown coat, matched with a black turtle e neck and skinny jeans. His hair was a bit of a mess, most lilly from the wind, his phone in hand as he looked up as Namjoon grabbed his hand, the fiery red plussing onto Jins skin as the baby pink pushed back onto Namjoon. A smile lifts on your lips as Jin's eyes catch your, and his smile seems to grow.
“Moon! Thank god you made it, Yoongi seems to be running late. He might not make it, he  said he was up all night in the studio. He said this new label kids JK took up all his time.” Nodding you rock slightly on your heel as you look down to another store across the street, the coffee shop open for business and people rushing in and out.
“Looks a little plan.” You stated, the statement turned, it was filled with vines in the front, no wood cabin like feel,  like theirs. It felt plain and simple, somewhere where maybe people would run to cause it looked like it wouldn’t be busy.
“That's what I said when I saw it the other day driving home, it's just too simple looking.” Jin grumbled as he moved to stand beside you, nodding as the three of you moved to cross the street, the wind whipping around you as you felt another cold drop of rain on the top of your head. Sighing as you step in, you see a few empty tables.
“Who’s at the shop?”
“My brother taehyung.” Namjoon said, his eyes scanning the menu, moving furrowed to order and from what you could tell for all of you. His eyes scanning the prices, much more expensive than his own. Sighing as he pays, you move to a table with Jin, as Namjoon moves to sit with you two he lets out a groan. “Your small black coffee was eight buck..six for a small black coffee I..I swear if it doesn’t taste good I will.” He cuts himself off with a deep breath, look you saw the baby pink splashing against his neck and his ear as Jin runs his fingers through his hair. “Sorry about that Y/n.” Nodding you look at them and couldn’t help the smile lift on your face, your phone buzzing.
Minni: I legit hate owners sometimes this women just fucking threw the paper work at me cause I said facts. That her dog was malnourished and there should be a change in diet. I almost THREW hands.
Y/n: Wait is it the lady with that brown mini poodle?
Minni: YES. the one where the nails were literally diggin into one of the pads last MONTH this dog needs a better home.
Y/n: I mean do you think she’d surrender him to the clinic?
Minni: Probably not, this woman seems to have her head shoved up her ass. I’ll try and see if I can get a surrender, ttyl.
“Who’s that?” Jin asked, making you look up as you clicked your phone off and slip it back into your coat packet.
“Jimin, he’s in the clinic today and the owner who we had issues with in the past came in. Nothing special.” He looks at you with a tilt to his head as all of a sudden Namjoon sets a cup in front of you.
“Why don’t I believe you.” He chuckled, making you huff as you smile, taking another look out the window, shiver rushing down your arms, making you shake your head slightly. “Cold?”
“I little, I guess.” You said as Namjoon huffed and sat back down next to Jin, your eyes landing on the extra cup next to yours.
“Took five minitutes to get four simple drinks, I would’ve had these out in three.” Chuckling you look to see a paper cup, with a black lid.Taking a smell you couldn’t help but frown, it smelt good. Namjoons eyes widen as you give him a look, his head shaking as he takes the cup and smells. “Just cause it smells nice does not mean it will taste good.” Sighing, you take the cups back and blow into the cup, slowly moving the lid to your lips as you take a sip. The warm bitter liquid filled your mouth, the perfect twing of sweetness made you hum as you frowned at Namjoon. “No. No….you’re our coffee demon. Stop.”
“It tastes okay.” You lied, it was amazing, though you didn’t like it that even sitting in even had  paper cups, you liked the more home feel. “Plus I miss the mugs we get when we sit in.” Letting a shiver pass as you see a body moving past the glass window, and the door opening, your body feels warm then cold.
“Jin Hyung.” A voice calls making your eyes close, a shiver rushing down your spine at the tone, at the voice. He was on the slightly shorter side compared to the two men in front of you, he was also in pretty much all black, black jeans, leather jacket but his shirt was grey tone. He was in leather boots, and he had a snapback on a black mask covering his chin as he licked his lips as he looked at your table. You watch Jins head turn as a smile grows on his face, his  head nodding the seat next to you. “Hey Namjoon.” His name made the upset man turn around as he followed the body of Yoongi as he moved to sit down next to you, heat filling the side of your body closest to him.
“Hi Yoongi hyung...I swear if ethier of you stop showing up at my shop I will murder you.” His words had you giggling as you looked at the black hair man. Shaking your head as he grabs the cup Namjoon handed him, taking a sip his eyes widen slightly making Namjoon groan. Both of you sighing as you open your mouth.
“You're closer to my place.” You and this Yoongi said at the same time, making Namjoon and Jin slightly jump as you look to the man next to you slightly and smile. Maghony..black coffee colored eyes stare at you, swirling with some emotions you wish, wish you could read.
“Y/n.” You said with a slight bow of your head, Yoongi nodded back as he cleared his throat and out stretched his hand.
“Yoongi.” placing your hand in it, your felt a zap, making you hiss as you look down at your hand, expecting for both of you to brush it off. But you froze as you looked to see ink like black splashed on your palm and wrapping around the top of your hand. Your eyes widen as warmth spreads through your body, looking to see a gold like color reflected off of his pale skin as he looks down at his hand. Lips parted in almost aw, as he moved his hand in front of his face. Then his eyes snapped to your own, the already faddin color making him reach forwards and touch your hand again. Watching the black ink color splash against your skin, as gold spread through his made him drop your hand in pained wince. His body moved quickly to remove himself from the table. “Fuck.” He whispered, his hand clutched to his chest as he turned to leave the shop, coffee cup spilt as Jin and Namjoon called after him.
Your body frozen as you watch the one person in this world, who was connected to you, who was supposed to accept you. Run away. Running away from you. Making insecurities rush through your veins, wanting to curl in on  yourself into a ball as you blink your eyes rapidly, trying to hide the tears.
He left you in tears, body shivering to hold his hand again.
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meganshinsou-tm · 5 years
Sugarcoated. (m)
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↳ chapter eleven: confession fountain
❧ genre: pro-hero hitoshi, adoptive siblings, happy ending
❧ chapter warnings: none
[multi-chap masterlist] [previous chapter - next chapter]
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Hitoshi grunted as he barely caught the closing front door with his foot, he had Eri's bags thrown over his shoulder, her backpack hanging from his elbow and multiple plushies and dolls in his arms. You and his little sister had already taken off into the house without a single glance in his direction with only a few grocery bags. 
Once inside the house Hitoshi released the flood of toys from his arms onto the floor and let out an exasperated breath as he looked at you and her putting up the groceries.
"Don't worry guys, I got everything else!"
You turned and looked at him, a pink sparkly duffel bag across his back with a pink strap across his chest, a matching purple sparkly bag over his shoulder and a cat backpack around his opposite arm. There were subtle hints of glitter stuck to his shirt from some of the dolls he carried and it was adorable actually. Hitoshi was the epitome of the best big brother. 
You gave him an apologetic smile and he shook his head with a chuckle.
"Thank you Sou-Sou," Eri chimed as she handed you some items that needed to be put up in a cabinet she couldn't reach.
Eri ran over to her brother and hugged his leg before she made her way to the pile of dolls on the floor. You turned to finish putting up the rest of the food items and felt a hand on your lower back. Turning to look, Hitoshi stood next to you and placed a kissed to your cheek before telling you he was going to put up all of Eri's things. Nodding, you let him know you'd be there to help shortly. As he walked off he ruffled your hair making you giggle.
After your little moment at the school, the rest of the day had been really great. All three of you stopped for ice cream, even though it was freezing outside that's what Eri wanted. You learned that Hitoshi's favorite was Rocky Road and Eri's was Neapolitan simply because she couldn't choose between chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. 
Next stop was Aizawa's house to get all her things, along with a legit folder of calendars for the next three months that had all her lessons, school functions and meetings highlighted and scheduled. After that you went to the car dealership and ended up picking out a small crossover type vehicle that would make it easier to haul Eri and all her things but at the same time small enough for you to be able to get in and out of yourself. 
Finally you all met at the grocery store and gathered just a few snacks and essentials for the weekend, Hitoshi planned on being lazy and just ordering out until Sunday.
You sighed and wiped your hands when finished with the groceries. With a smile you strolled over to Eri and crouched down next to her. She was playing with a doll, brushing out its synthetic hair with her small fingers. Your eyes scanned the plushies she had and you gasped.
"Eri, are these BT21 plushies?"
"Yeah, daddy got them for me for Christmas last year! Chimmy is my favorite, because I love Jimin." She smiled holding up a small yellow puppy one, "Which one is your favorite?"
You picked up the alpaca and koala ones smiling, "I like RJ and Koya, because Jin and Joonie are my favorites."
Eri giggled and you placed them back down next to her and pat her head, "Me and Toshi will be in your room putting up your things, if you need something just come and get us."
The little girl nodded and you rose to your feet and headed down the hall to her bedroom. Instead of it being pink like at Shouta's house, her room here was dark grey, one wall had a pattern of gold stars and crescent moons. Her furniture was white and pastel pink. It was all adorable and you thought it was so sweet that Hitoshi went so far just for his little sister to have her own room. Looking around you spotted Hitoshi who was pulling clothes from one of her bags when he looked up to see you and smiled.
"Wanna give me a hand?" He asked.
You nodded and walked over to him, grabbing a few items yourself and placing them in the dresser drawers. The two of you silently put all of the tiny clothes up folded neatly and hung up in her closet. You organized all her shoes and brought her bag of hair accessories to the bathroom. 
For a little girl she had a lot of stuff, even if it was for a few months. You and Eri shared a bathroom that connected to hers and your bedrooms. It was no problem though, you'd be the one to help her bath or do her hair in the mornings and at least it wasn't a munchkin sized bathroom and had a decently sized tub so that's all you cared about.
Walking back into her bedroom Hitoshi was leaned against her dresser and going through the handy dandy folder that Aizawa had left behind. You walked over and placed yourself next to him looking it over. There were different days when Eri would need to brings drinks or snacks for her class, monthly parent teacher meetings and a small class Halloween party coming up.
"Aww, that means we get to help her pick out a Halloween costume," you cheered and pointed at the date.
"Yeah, we'll need costumes too for UA's Culture Festival this year."
You eyeballed the purple hero and knit your brows together. "Pardon?"
"Well I start my teaching job in about 3 weeks, which means I'll have to help with the schools yearly festival. This year they planned to do it around Halloween, to make for more opportunities for booths and activities. One requirement is that all employees and students dress up, the public is also encouraged to dress up so it's like a huge Halloween shindig. You and Eri will be attending and if I have to dress up, so do you!"
"As much as I love Halloween and the chance to do such a thing, I don't recall you being my daddy." You clapped back crossing your arms and looking away.
Hitoshi grinned smugly as he looked through the papers. "Not yet at least."
Your head snapped back to look at him and you threw a punch to his side, it caught him off guard making him choke on air but laugh at the same time.
"You fucking wish Hitoshi!" You replied, rolling your eyes and smiling at him as you started to head out of the room.
Hitoshi grinned and threw the folder onto the dresser behind him in exchanged of grabbing you by the waist quickly making you grunt, "Get back over here cutie, it was a joke," he chuckled pulling your back to his chest as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lightly nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck.
His soft purple locks tickled the side of your face making you giggle. You had no intention of trying to escape from his hold and he knew that. His lips placed soft kisses to the side of your neck, making your skin tingle all over as you tried to breathe normally.
"I have plenty of kinks sweetness, but that isn't one of them. I much rather you say my name above anything else," he breathed on your sensitive skin.
Biting your lip, you craned your neck so you could look at Hitoshi's face from the side, his violet iris's gleaming and looking back into yours as he placed a kiss on your clothed shoulder before raising his head and closing the distance between your faces. 
Your noses brushed together and he ran the tip of his down your cheek where he trailed kisses from it and to the corner of your mouth like before. His lips went to brush against yours until he felt two fingers preventing him from doing so. Hitoshi pulled back, your fingers still placed to his lips helping him gain more distance.
"I'm sorry Toshi, not till that date." You giggled and removed yourself from his loosened grip, trying to leave the room once again.
His hand caught your wrist but he didn't pull you back. You did stop however and look back at him, he didn't look sad or aggravated but he did look like he was about to just combust on the spot. Hitoshi sighed and ran his other hand through his hair. 
"Tomorrow then!"
"Tomorrow? Hitoshi, we just got Eri."
"And we'll have her for three months. We'll spend time with her tonight and I'll get her a baby sitter for tomorrow night. I can't wait any longer dammit, I need that kiss or I'll – I'll fucking die!"
You laughed and walked back over, placing yourself before him. He placed a hand on your hip as you held the other. "I think you're being a little over-dramatic Toshi."
"I don't think I am, I've been wanting you since the first day I saw you in that stupid café. I've grown to learn so much more about you in the past week than I have in the past few months that I've known you and it's only making it that much harder for me. And with these past events, I just want to hold you and love on you as I please but I want you to let me. If you say I can't kiss your lips until that date then I won't but for the sake of my sanity, please let me take you out tomorrow and you can set the pace!"
Hitoshi was literally desperate and at your beck and call, it was somewhat shocking. He was usually very cynical and cocky, always down to tease and keep it up to see who wins but now, he was losing and bad, and admitting it! 
He was a literal fountain of confessions today and it was really adorable. Of course you reciprocated his feelings, you were falling hard for this cabbage patch hero whose done nothing but save your life in more ways than one. How could you not fall for him, he was gorgeous, sweet as could be but also kept you on your toes. Hitoshi was letting you live under his roof for free, paying you to watch his sister, got you a car, and patched you up when you were defeated, a date and a kiss was the least you could give him.
Humming, you stood on the tips of your toes and placed a kiss to his cheek and then the corner of his mouth, making him smile.
"Please let that be a yes," he begged with that cute face and those big purple puppy dog eyes.
You giggled and tousled his hair, "It's a yes Toshi!" 
With that you turned away, walking towards the door and letting his hand slowly drift from your grip until it fell out completely. Over your shoulder you smiled to him, "Play your cards right on that date and maybe I'll do more than just say your name."
Hitoshi looked at you with a confused expression as you left the bedroom.
"Oh? .... oh!"
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"Hey Eri, you wanna go spend the night with Deku and Shouto tomorrow? You can help them take care of the new baby!"
Eri nodded eagerly to her brother as noodles hung from her mouth. You smiled and looked at Hitoshi who plopped down on the couch next to you with his own food. 
Eri went back to watching the movie playing on the TV and you nudged Hitoshi with your elbow playfully. As you ate your pork cutlet bowl you eyed the assortment of sushi and nigiri he had.
"Want one?" He asked picking a piece up with his chopsticks and offering it.
"Uh – no I'll pass, that looks too fishy for me," you replied with a disgusted look.
"Pussy ..." He mumbled and ate the piece himself.
You almost choked on the piece of pork you were munching on, making Hitoshi chuckle and act as if nothing happened. Your eyes narrowed and you wiped your mouth glaring at him. "The fuck did you just call me you troll?"
"I didn't stutter sweetheart." He retorted with a smirk
"That word is gross and there's a kid right here, watch your mouth Hitoshi."
"Just try one, you can down my drink if it's that bad."
Your lips curled up in disgust as you looked at the colorful pieces of fish and rolls, you preferred shrimp and crab most of your life and weren't yet brave enough to branch out into the ocean waters of fish! But, he was calling you out and you could never back away from a challenge, especially not with the smug grin he was giving you. With a sigh you nodded and swallowed harshly.
"Which one doesn't have an overpowering fish taste?"
Hitoshi looked around his box and picked up a piece of nigiri and held it to your lips, you went to question him but he cut you off. "Just eat it!"
You let out a breath through your nose and closed your eyes as you parted your lips. Hitoshi couldn't help but feel just a tad bit turned on by your sudden obedience, so he decided to push it further. 
"Now, stick your tongue out a little bit."
On command your mouth opened a little wider and your tongue hung delicately from your mouth. The hero had to take a second and breathe before all the blood could start rushing to his crotch. 
You peeked open one eye and rolled it. "Ont eah urv," you tried to speak with your mouth still open.
"What?" The hero chuckled.
You put your tongue back in your mouth and licked your lips. "I said don't be a perv! Now are you going to feed me or not?"
"Oh, I'll feed you alright!" He mumbled and you resumed your position, before you could change your mind he gently placed the nigiri on your tongue.
The muscle retracted back into your mouth and quickly you chewed the food with your eyes screwed shut, but your chewing gradually slowed as you started to take time to savor the taste. It was somewhat sweet and not fishy at all. Your eyes opened and Hitoshi tilted his head, you nodded and gave him a "mmm".
You smiled and gave Hitoshi a quick peck on the cheek while swiping another piece as he returned the kiss. You both looked forward to watch the movie playing only to see Eri staring back at you with a big grin. You blushed violently and Hitoshi chunked a small pillow in her face making her giggle.
"It's not nice to stare at people weirdo!"
"Are you boyfriend and girlfriend Sou-Sou?" She asked with a smile.
He smiled as well and started to eat his food a little faster, leaving you to answer the little girl. You felt your throat start to dry and you downed Hitoshi's drink to try and lubricate it. Before you could finish it off he yanked it from you and glared. 
You glared back. 
He was her brother, he should be telling her the answers, plus you didn't know what you were. At times you did act like a couple and you were well on your way to being one but without that kiss it just didn't feel right yet.
"Uh – not yet?" You finally replied looking at Hitoshi like you were asking his opinion on it.
He smiled and swallowed his food, purple eyes looking at his sister. "I have to take her on a date first, show her why she should let me be her boyfriend. After that the choice is hers to make."
Eri nodded as if she completely understood and quickly jumped up and smiled and pointed to you. "Then take her on a date! Don't you want her to be your girlfriend?"
"Of course I do, I'd want nothing more than that Eri. And don't tell me what to do, that's why your little butt is going to Deku's tomorrow. So I can have her to myself without you distracting her with your dumb cuteness."
You looked at Hitoshi who was sticking his tongue out at Eri and she was doing the same. After he looked at you and shrugged his shoulders, as if he didn't even just confess his true feelings but a glimmer of a smirk appeared on his lips.
The butterflies in your stomach were going wild and your heart wanted to jump out and just hug Hitoshi, you wanted to just jump and hug Hitoshi. The past week had definitely had its traumatic downs but the best thing out of it all was this purple haired hero. That café may have been the worst thing that you could have ever been a part of but it was the reason you and Hitoshi even met in the first place and to make things better he saved you from it.
There was a tugging on your shirt sleeve making you break eye contact with the purple hues you were so in love with, only to look at another set of eyes that you loved. Eri stood next to you on the couch and placed her small hand on your arm and asked you to lean down so she could whisper in your ear. You complied with a smile and let her cup her hand around your canal.
"He may look like he doesn't brush his hair but he does. He also makes really good ramen and he takes pretty pictures. I hope he takes you somewhere fun and you say yes to him because I want you around for a long time."
"I'm babysitting a literal angel," you screamed internally as you pulled away from Eri with a big smile and nodded. You ruffled her hair and pinched her cheek coaxing a sweet giggle out. "I want that to cutie! Now, finish your food and then we can all play hide and seek, me and you against Toshi!"
Eri smiled and went back to her food, you too went back to finishing your food and looked at the man next to you who was squinting as he chewed a piece of sushi.
"What did she say to you?" He demanded, not even a hint of question.
"She said you should take me to Disney Land tomorrow!"
"Ooh, I'm gonna date you so hard! Just watch!"
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You walked out of the bathroom, eyes wondering for Hitoshi. After eating you gave Eri a bath and played hide and seek together as promised but it didn't last long, currently Eri was passed out in her hiding spot in the bathroom cabinet, you were trying to seek out Hitoshi to let him see how cute it was. Plus, it was taking him an oddly long time to find the two of you, his house was a decent size but it wasn't massive, he should've found you two in no time.
"Hitosh – ahh!"
Out of nowhere another body collided with yours, taking you to the floor and making your back slam into the wood. You groaned out in over-dramatic pain, chewing on the tip of your tongue as you tried to arch your back from a massive amount of weight that was holding you down.
"Yah, what the fuck Toshi, why do you weigh so much!"
The sound of his own groans in agony filled your ears, until they turned quiet and he started to hum with delight. You felt him slightly get off of you, letting you take a better breath and finally arch your back to stretch the pain out. As you did so you felt something on your chest and looked down to see a head of purple hair moving side to side as Hitoshi rubbed his cheek against your chest. You laughed and ran your hand through the tuft of hair and tugged on it trying to push him off.
"No, no, no, stay still. My head hurts from the fall, I could have a concussion!" He nuzzled even more and wrapped his arms underneath you.
You let your head fall back to the floor, rolling your eyes so hard they were bound to get stuck. "You're so full of shit Hitoshi! I'm the one hurt, my back is probably out of commission now because you don't know how to watch where you're going!"
"Mmhm, okay," was all he replied with enjoying his situation.
You took in a deep breath and let it out, your hands working their way up and into the hero's hair where they started to play and run through the soft tresses. Hitoshi closed his eyes as your fingers grazed and massaged his scalp and he listened to your breathing and heartbeat, if he let this go on long enough he'd pass out for sure.
"Well, I guess if there's a possibility of a concussion then maybe we shouldn't go on that date tomorrow."
"Uh - no! I'm taking you to Disney Land and I'm getting that kiss! I just got off the phone with Deku and they're taking the kid tomorrow. No take backsies!" His head remained laying on your chest but he looked up.
You giggled, making your breasts move with the vibrations resonating through your chest. Hitoshi was in heaven at the moment and he realized you weren't wearing a bra, but he didn't dare make any smart remark knowing you'd push him off in no time if he did. 
You sat up on your elbows and looked down at him.
"Is that what's been taking you so long? Eri passed out in her hiding spot!"
"Aww, yeah I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with them as soon as possible and not last minute. I guess we should get up and get her to bed then. I'll be going to drop her off in the morning."
Hitoshi sighed and nuzzled one last time into your warm and soft chest before he hesitantly removed himself, now on his hands and knees above you. Your (e/c) eyes looked up at him and you tilted your head with a smile. The both of you had taken your own showers as well before starting your game with Eri and you were wearing a black hoodie with grey sweatpants. The hoodie was riding up on your stomach, revealing your waistline. Hitoshi's eyes wondered the line of smooth and flawless (s/c) skin. 
You looked to see where he was looking and smiled. Unconsciously he lifted a hand and ran a finger across your skin. You flinched at how cold his finger was against your burning warm skin making him look up with wide eyes and retract.
"I'm sorry I just –"
"Didn't I tell you I'd let you know if I was uncomfortable. Your finger was just cold Toshi."
He nodded and replaced his finger on your waist, tracing the band of your sweats all the way across. Your right thigh started to shake, like how a dog's leg does when they're being scratched in the right spot and a mix between an inhuman noise fell from your lips. Hitoshi smiled and repeated his torture, making the tip of his finger lightly hover and ghost across your skin.
"Are you ticklish here? Or is it something else?" He teased looking at you from under his long lashes.
"I honestly don't – ah, yup it tickles. Okay, stop!"
Hitoshi laughed and did as told, hovered over you again and placed a kiss to your forehead. The hero rocked back and stood to his feet, leaning over he held out a hand and you took it as he slowly helped you stand. You winced and rubbed your back, it wasn't extremely painful but it hurt like hell.
"I'm sorry about that. After we put Eri to bed, I'll make it up to you. I promise! Come on."
Hitoshi slung an arm around your shoulder and you wrapped an arm around his waist as you walked together to the bathroom. You showed Hitoshi where Eri was in the cabinet and he quietly laughed. She slept peacefully balled up on top of towels like a cat. 
Her brother crouched down and gently scooped her into his arms where she cradled into him. You both walked out and to her room where you pulled back her covers and he laid her down. You placed the covers back and tucked her in tightly as she burrowed in her pillow. Shinsou brushed her hair back and placed a kiss to her forehead and you placed one in the same spot. He took your hand and walked you out of the room, slowly turning off the lights and closing the door.
Walking into the kitchen you both turned off lights and the TV, the only light left was the stove-top light. Hitoshi fixed himself a small glass of water and you walked over to the counter and leaned on it. After finishing his glass he sat it down and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Do you uh – want to sleep with me tonight ..."
You blinked at him in the dim light and shrugged your shoulders. You had already slept together on the couch two nights ago and even if it was the couch it was the best sleep you got, the night before you slept alone in the other bedroom that was now yours and you tossed and turned all night. You knew Hitoshi didn't have any sinful plans in mind, he looked legit tired and his tone when asking was kind of nervous but also hopeful.
"As long as it's not on the couch again and you rub my back until I fall asleep. You do owe me after all."
A smile grew on Hitoshi's face and he nodded in agreement. Placing his glass in the sink he walked over to you and took your hand again walking you to his bedroom. 
You were excited to see it, so far it was the only room of the house you hadn't seen. All the bedrooms were on the same side, his was on the very end of the hall around a corner, somewhat distancing it from the others. 
He opened the door to it and flicked on the light. Your eyes widened at the minimal yet cozy looking room before you. It was painted a dark grey like Eri's, there was a massive window with dark black curtains pulled shut and different plants in planters placed before it. He had a rolling clothes rack on one side that most of his dressier work clothes hung from, on one wall was a tall and wide dresser with multiple drawers and books lining the top of it. The wall his bed was on was littered with different sized canvases of pictures he had taken himself of landscapes, city spots and some of wildlife. They were all in black and white keeping a dark and calm theme to the room. His bed though was your favorite. It was massive and had the most comfortable and messy looking set of blankets and fluffy pillows. There was a bench at the end of it with books, magazines and a notebook scattered out.
You walked over to pick up the notebook and asked what it was, he quickly snatched it from you and held it above your head looking down at you with a smile. 
"It's late and your back hurts. You can see it tomorrow."
You narrowed your eyes but shrugged your shoulders and agreed. Pushing past him you walked over to one side of the bed and went to pull your pants down, suddenly halting when remembering you weren’t alone. Glancing up, you nervously chuckled when you caught Hitoshi watching you as he placed the notebook back where you found it.
"Uh – we're adults right? You won't be immature?" You asked sheepishly.
"Last time I checked." He replied with a laugh.
Hitoshi smiled and walked to turn off his bedroom light leaving only his bedside lamp on to illuminate the room. He made his way to the opposite side of the bed while removing his shirt, tossing it on the bench. 
You quirked a brow and let your eyes wonder his bare chest that you had never seen before. You weren't sure what to expect, you knew he was tall and he wasn't exactly super slim or super buff but you could never really imagine what he looked like under his clothes. 
With no shirt on now you could see Hitoshi's defined pecs and flat toned stomach, his abdominal's weren't overly ripped but lightly defined and the cut line of his hips were to die for. Your eyes also marveled at the then trail of purple hair you saw before that wrapped around his navel and trailed down into his sweats.
"Now don't throw a fit when I stare at you!" He chuckled, instantly breaking your thoughts.
You let out a 'oh' as you tried to gather yourself after realizing how long you must've been staring. You swallowed nervously and removed your hoodie first to reveal a tank top on underneath it. After removing the warm hoodie you shivered as cool air hit your bare shoulders and arms. Your fingers gripped the waist of your sweats and you pulled them down and stepped out of them, revealing the plain black cheeky underwear you wore. The outfit you wore to work didn't leave much to the imagination as it always revealed your cleavage and collarbone and a just a smidge of your thighs. 
However though, Hitoshi was still stunned, he thought that outfit was his favorite on you but seeing you in just a plan tank and underwear was making his heart melt. You looked comfortable and at peace, not nervous and constantly pulling at the hems to cover your skin. Beautiful was all he could think.
"Do you really sleep in that, even though it's freezing outside or are you just doing this to further torture me?" Hitoshi asked as he pulled back the covers and crawled into bed.
You smiled and shook your head, doing the same. "No, I sleep in this no matter what the weather is. I have to be cold to fall asleep, I like to cuddle up in loads of blankets and I hate wearing constricting clothes to sleep in, I feel like I'll suffocate. I just hate wearing pants period, I'll miss that about living alone."
The two of you laid down on your sides facing each other and you shivered again from the cold air, Hitoshi softly smiled and held up his arm and the blanket inviting you to get closer. You instantly scooted over to him and wrapped your arm and leg around his body, flushing with his extremely warm chest and pressing your cheek to it. 
His skin was hard yet smooth and comforting and his patchouli and pepper scent was much stronger now as you breathed it in and smiled. Hitoshi wrapped his arm around you and started to softly rub your back as his arm under your head wrapped around so he could play with your hair. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head then rest his chin on it. You cradled into him perfectly as if you were fitting pieces of a puzzle.
"Is that all you'll miss about living alone?" He asked. 
His tone sounded as if he were scared of your answer, like you'd miss it altogether and not be able to enjoy your time living with him.
Smiling, you placed a kiss to his chest and nuzzled your face and wrapped around him tighter. The feeling of his gentle and loving hands rubbing your back and head and the warmth of him was quickly causing you to doze off.
"Mhm. .. I love ...living with you ... Toshi."
Shinsou smiled as you barely got your words out before falling into the first stage of your deep sleep. He leaned, stretching his long arm out to turn off the lamp, making you groan as he shifted his body a bit. Once it was off he quickly returned to holding you, apologizing for the brief loss of contact with a kiss to your forehead. Hitoshi was more than content at the moment, having you sleeping in his arms and loving on you. If he could help it, you'd more than likely never step foot in your bedroom unless it was to get clothes because he was determined to have you like this every night.
"I love living with you too halfling, so please stay as long as you need."
With one last kiss to your hair, the hero pulled the covers more over the two of you and tucked them under your bodies and held you closer as he buried his face in your hair and continued to rub your back until he fell asleep with you.
131 notes · View notes
dis-easedfairy · 6 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.6
Female Path | Male Path
Chapter 6: Different Feelings
Warnings: Kidnapping | Mentions of Rape | Slight Smut (not really)
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader (just a lil bit)
Word Count: 5,654 (sorry got carried away!)
Summary: F/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. F/n attends a BTS show. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic F/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but F/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye.
A/N: Sorry this took longer than it was supposed to. I’m going to start Pt.7 as soon as I can!
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I woke up in what seemed like Jason’s apartment. The room was too bright and I’m sure I puked in the trash near me at some point. I pulled myself off the couch and stumbled to the bathroom. I was wearing black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, black boots and my father's varsity jacket last night. I had it all on, but the boots weren’t tied right, my pants unzipped, my shirt stretched out. The only thing left untouched was my jacket, thank god.
I wasn’t sure where Jason was, but I turned on the shower and opened the window for fresh air. I began to peel off the clothes, examining the bruises on my neck, chest, arms, legs, thighs, and stomach. I felt an emotional detachment from the bruises, like it was no big deal. I untied my boots and pulled off my pants and socks. More bruises. I got in the shower and just hoped Jason went to the bunker.
After the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and took a shirt from Jason. I put on my clothes from last night and searched for my phone. I found it under the couch.
I headed to the company, went into my office and stood there like nothing happened.
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Around lunch I got a call on my office phone. I picked it up as I worked on what it would take to expand to snacks.
“ Barnaby Inc. L/n F/n speaking.” I answered, getting out a pad and pen.
“F/n? What are you doing at the office!? Everyone is worried.” Jason’s voice rang through.
“Everyone? Who’s everyone?”
“Jin, Tae, Hobi, Seongmi, they were wondering why you didn’t come home! I came this morning and thought you’d get here and explain why I just found you laying on the ground by the river!”
“Listen I have a lot of work to-”
“Why do you sound emotionless?” Tae suddenly asked.
“Of course I’m on speakerphone. Just, don’t worry. I’m working. I’ll be home for dinner.” I lied, turning back to my computer.
“Did you eat lunch?” Hobi asked.
“I’ll order something later.”
“F/n, what happened last night?” Jin questioned softly.
“Honestly? I don’t remember, okay?”
“Are you sure you’re fine?” Jason pressed.
“Yes! Just peachy, would you like to know my blood type as well?” I snapped.
I sighed.
“I’m sorry. That was wrong of me, you all just care. I’ll be okay, I just need the day to myself.” I added.
I saw a few interns guiding two men in police uniforms to my office.
“I have to go! I’ll be home for dinner.” I hung up before they could respond and waved them in before the intern could knock.
“Hello, officers? What can I help you with?” I asked, leaning on my desk like I actually cared.
“We’re here regarding the kpop group BTS, you must have heard they’ve gone missing by now?” Officer #1 stated.
Officer #1 looked like he was in his late 30’s. Office #2, however, looked about my age, he was actually pretty hot.
“I have heard. It would be impossible not to. Why?” I questioned.
“The police department would like for you to run an announcement on leads or other police matters regarding the case. We had gone you your sister, Broadcasting, but she stated that you were fully in charge of finalizing everything.” 
What a way to throw me under the bus, Jillian.
I frowned.
“Well, that’s regarding advertisement and lower budget animations. I don’t see why she didn’t let you run it. If you give it to me, I’ll be sure to have it broadcasted and give you the schedule in when it runs. ” I promised, writing when I felt the announcement should be scheduled.
“Thank you, Miss. L/n. That would be greatly appreciated.” Office #1 sighed in relief as he handed me the papers and a USB. 
“Where were you when BTS went missing?” Officer #2 quickly asked, earning a look from Officer #1.
I looked up to meet his gaze.
“With my family. We’re trying to expand to video games so we’ve been very busy here. I was supposed to go to the event but I chose to work instead, I sold my ticket to a random person online and that was that. I heard it was a good show…not considering the aftermath.” I didn’t miss a beat or falter. 
Officer #2 only nodded, dropping his gaze to the floor. I was praying they didn’t check my bank account. I did use my credit card to buy the everyone things, I used cash. They would see that I was using a lot more money than usual though.
I finished the makeshift schedule and signed the bottom of the paper and handed it to Officer #1.
“This is roughly when the announcements should come out, I signed it so your higher-ups will know it’s legit. I’ll be sure to call to tell you the exact times and or if anything changes.”
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After the police left I called in an order for lunch, making sure I ate. As I was waiting I foolishly looked at my phone gallery. 
The pictures I didn’t want to see.
The videos that were disgusting.
The recordings that made me actually queasy.
I threw my phone across the room. I hated that phone and everything in it. I gathered my things and on the way out I get out a frustrated sigh. I walked over to the shattered phone and picked it up. I decided to pick up lunch and finally face everyone at the bunker.
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As soon as I got out the car my heart started racing and I knew I had to get in there, say what I needed to and get away from everyone as soon as I could. I quickly unlocked the vault door and pinched in the dial code. I went as quick as I could to the double doors and was relieved to see them all gathered around the kitchen island. I grabbed the magnetic pad off the fridge and a pen that was nearby. 
Dog. Cloud. Moon. Stars. Rain. Cat. 
I pulled out the vault key and slammed it on top of the note as my chest felt tighter. I took my phone out my pocket and put it on the counter so I could get my keys from the same pocket and added it to the pile.
“You’re all free to leave tomorrow morning.” I announced, making everyone’s eyes widen,
“F/n, you can’t be se-” I cut Jason off by holding my hand out. 
“The longer you are all gone the worse everything will get. I… I’m an emotional wreck right now. Right now there is so much hitting me right now, but tomorrow I’ll be completely numb. So here is the dial code and the key to the vault. I’m sure Jason won’t mind driving you, just make up a story for him please.” I started quickly as I could feel and hear my heart going a million miles a minute.
“No! Not yet, F/n! At least wait until this partnership goes through!” Jason begged. 
“No! It’s not right, Jason!” I argued as I felt a heaviness on my chest as it tightened up.
“What happened last night!? Why is your phone shattered!? And why did you never pick up when I called you on it!?” Jason demanded.
“Who fucking cares about this fucked up phone!?” I grabbed my phone and threw it in an empty island drawer so no one saw or talked about it. 
The room was dead silent.
“You’re free tomorrow. I figured you’d all be happy.” I struggled a little to breathe with a sad smile as tears started to form in my eyes. 
I quickly left the room and found an empty unfurnished bedroom and sat on the floor as I felt my throat start to close up. I pulled my knees to my chest as my breathing became labored. I wasn’t sad, but a choked sob came from my chest as tears began to gather more. 
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I woke up to the sound of the door opening harshly. The light from the hallway was bright. I just saw a figure at the door.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” The person growled.
Jimin closed the door behind him and flicked on the lights. He walked closer to me. His face was twisted with pure anger, but he had tears in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone!? Why didn’t you go to the police!?” He almost shouted.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” 
Jimin pulled my shattered phone out his pocket.
“I figured out the password. I saw it all! They said their names in the videos, F/n! Those dumbasses showed their faces! You have solid evidence! You have proof that they raped you and yet you sit here doing nothing! Here! Look! ” Jimin got my phone and pulled up a video, holding it close to my face.
I hit his arm away, looking in the opposite direction.
“You’re seriously going to let these disgusting human beings walk around with no punishment!? What if they try to do it to someone else!? What if they come for you again because they think you’re compliant by not telling!?”
“What do you expect me to do!? Eighty percent of the police don’t care, Jimin! Not for my family at least! They will do less than they can! They don’t care what evidence you have that will prove I’m a victim! The fact that I kidnapped 9 people will also be found out if I tell! Jason isn’t out of the woods yet for me to do that!” I shouted back.
“No one deserves that! You don’t deserve that!” Jimin began to pace.
“Linza thinks so.” I spit coldly, making Jimin freeze.
“I mean if I go to the police, I’d be a hypocrite.” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“No! You won’t be! You’re not a rapist!” He suddenly sounded hurt.
“Says who? What if Tae, Jin, Hobi, and Seongmi fell into my ‘sick game’.” 
“Stop! I’m sorry okay!? You’re not a rapist! You’re just a girl who got sca-”
“A psychotic fan who isn’t sure of their sexuality.”
“That’s what I was when Linza tried to pin me down to the bed! That’s what I was when you held a knife to my back right!? Let’s keep it that way!” 
Jimin shook his head rapidly. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t stand up for yo-” I cut him off.
“I don’t get why you suddenly care about what happens to me. This isn’t the first time this happens, and with my luck, it may not be the last!” I stood up and began to push Jimin out the room.
“Go tell Linza, I bet she’s just dying to see the videos since she wanted to do the same. I’d bet you’d defend her if she tried again.” I snapped. 
Jimin whirled around and grabbed my upper arms.
“No! I promise I won’t defend her anymore! She’s sick! I won’t even look her direction if you don’t want me to! Just tell the police, F/n! They can’t get away with this!” Jimin pleaded.
I thought I actually saw pain in his eyes. I knew better now, he seemed caring and nice but didn’t actually care at all. When the next argument would happen, he wouldn’t defend me. If Linza decided to go after me again, he wouldn’t protect me. I smirked.
“They will.” I pushed him fully out and closed the door, locking it this time.
I shut the lights back off and leaned against the wall. I just wanted sleep, until the cops came. 
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I woke up again in a room I couldn’t figure out at first, until I saw two Barnaby plushies on the bed across from the one I was on. I pulled myself to sit up. I looked around the room, trying to figure out why I was here and not arrested.
The door to the room opened. Tae slipped in, he was wearing just a regular gray sweater and black sweat pants. He saw I was awake and smiled.
I was happy to see him if I was being perfectly honest. Meaning they, or at least, he didn’t leave.
“How are you feeling?” Tae asked, quickly taking the place beside me on the edge of the bed beside me.
“Uh, I’ll get back to you on that one.” I smiled a little. 
Tae frowned and put his hand on the center of my chest and slowly pushed me back. I lied back, confused as to what he wanted. Tae out his hand that was on my chest on the other side of me so he could hover over me. He was so close, yet I wasn’t even the slightest bit uncomfortable. 
I scanned his face and smiled. I cupped his face and ran my thumb gently under his left eye. 
“I hope people tell you how much your beauty marks make them crazy. ” I said is almost a whisper.
He smiled. He closed his eyes and came a little closer, letting his nose brush against mine. He began to rub his nose against mine, earning a giggle from me. He opened his eyes. Something about the way his half-lidded eyes were staring me made me keep his gaze. His eyes dropped to my lips and went back up to my eyes. 
My heart started to speed up, I’m sure it wasn’t any mental or physical disorders causing it. Just him.
I felt now. I felt wanted. Accepted. Comforted. Loved. His said so much without opening his mouth as his hand slid from the bed up my arm to the side of my neck. His eyes dropped back down to my lips as he tilted his head and softly pressed his lips to mine. 
The numbness was gone as I felt a million emotions at once. I returned the kiss moving my other hand to grip the side of his shirt and tilted my head to deepen the kiss. His other hand held onto my hip as he pulled away slightly to end this kiss. His hands left my neck and hip as they went to the front of my jeans. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not going any farther, I just want to make you more comfortable.” He assured be against my lips. 
He unzipped my jeans and began to pull them down. I was suddenly hyper-aware of him seeing my underwear and the bruises littered around my body, but Tae didn’t seem to acknowledge either of them. I lifted up a bit to let him take my jeans off properly. once he got to my ankles, he moved off to the foot of the bed, to my shoes and untied them, taking them off and finished removing my jeans. 
Something about it all seemed very…husband.
He climbed back on the bed and crawled on top of me. Sitting on my thighs as he slid his hands up from my stomach to my jacket. 
“I didn’t know you played sports.” He frowned a bit.
“I don’t. It’s my dad’s.” He tilted his head slightly with a slight smile and pushed the jacket off my shoulders. 
I propped myself on my elbows, letting it slide off more. He climbed off to me and went to the dresser. He pulled out an oversized yellow hoodie and got back on the bed. I pulled my jacket off completely and took off my shirt. He handed me the hoodie. 
I had no idea why I was so comfortable. I even slipped my hands under the hoodie to take off my bra and handed it to him!  He put my bra in the same drawer he got the hoodie from, not even reacting to it. 
“Jin hyung will be in here to force-feed you in a little bit.” I could hear the smile in his voice.
I sighed, Jin would. Tae grabbed a throw blanket off the bedpost and threw it over my legs. Tae came close again, his hand squeezing my thigh. He gave me a quick kiss on the nose and seemed to giggle when heat flooded my face.
“Hobi hyung has been dying to see you too, I’ll see you later night, Girlfriend.” His smiled and made his way out. 
Tae calling me ‘Girlfriend’ always seemed like he was joking and teasing, but maybe all this time he really wasn’t. 
Oh god, I agreed to him rubbing my tits yesterday.
I put my face in my hands (sweater paws) as my face was on fire at this point. I peeked out to look at the clock on the dresser between the two beds. It was 7am. I was surprised I didn’t need to pee. The door flew open, making me jump. 
Jin came in, bowl with a spoon in it in his hand a small foldable table under his arm. He beamed at me.
“Glad to see you’re awake now! ” He set the bowl down on the dresser by the door and set the table up in front of the bed.
He set the bowl down on the table as he sat on the bed. The bowl looked like it was full of yogurt, granola, and several different fruits. Blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, bananas, grapes, peach, pomegranate, cherries, apple and what looked like a drizzle of honey over the whole thing.
“Do I have to force you to eat or will you be good for me?” His words made the heat in my face return.
I tried to hide my face with one of my hands, “I’ll be good,” I mumbled.
“Good girl” He smirked, looking at my face, more heat to my face. 
Was he testing me?? Jin never looked at me like that before. Then again neither did Tae. 
I moved to the edge of the bed and began eating. Jin brushed my hair out my face, gaze similar to the one Tae gave me. He was going to make me choke on my granola-fruit-honey-yogurt if he kept that up.
Stay in your lane, Kim Seokjin.
I began to pay more attention to my yogurt until I felt Jin’s hand move over a squeeze my thigh. He scooted closer to me.
“F/n? You look adorable in that hoodie.” He chuckled.
Why was his voice suddenly more deep??
He took a cherry out my bowl and popped it between his perfect lips. I quickly snapped my eyes back to the bowl. His hands wandered to the throw blanket.
“May I?” He asked in a whisper.
I only nodded. Jin pulled the blanket back. He frowned, tracing a bruise on my folded legs. He stood up, slid the table away and got on his knees in front of me. He lifted my left leg. While not breaking eye contact Jin slowly leaned down and kissed the bruise he was tracing. 
He broke eye contact and he looked for another bruise and kissed that one, then another. I covered my face with my hands, the heat coming off my face could warm the whole room. He didn’t stop until he kissed the last bruise on my thigh. He pushed my legs open and put himself between them so he was face to face with me. 
“Have I ever told you how everyone stares when you walk into a room?” He whispered.
I shook my head, fully shy now. He chuckled at my shyness and pulled my hands from my face. He ghosted his lips over mine.
“I think Taehyung and Hoseok get jealous when everyone stares. I know I do. Yet, I feel so proud at the same time. ”
“Why proud?” My voice was small.
“Because you’re ours and no one else's. Of course, you’d be perfect if you caught my attention.” I feel like he tried to sound like he was joking on the last part.
Yet I felt like the first part had a darker undertone.
He put his hands up to cup my face. So close. I felt his lips touch mine softly. The kiss was soft and slow, soon my hands were sliding up his chest, to his neck then finally into his hair. Jin slid one of his hands down to the side of my thigh and pulled me closer.
Tae filled me with comfort and assurance, warmth and understanding. Jin was this sweet blush. I felt taken care of. Jin was a different comfort I couldn’t explain.   
He pulled away, a smile on his face. 
“Finish your breakfast and rest more okay? I’ll have Hoseok bring you lunch.” Jin stated cheerfully, like he didn’t just get me the shyest I’ve ever felt in my life.
He stood up, moving away from me and pulling the blanket on my lap. He slid the table back into place and bent down to give me a kiss on my forehead.
“Eat up, N/n.” Once again I was left in the room.
“What the actual fuck is happening?” I asked myself breathlessly. 
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  I stretched and smelled something heavenly. I looked over at the bed across from me and Hobi was casually playing a game on his phone, nothing out of the ordinary. As soon as I sat up he turned to me, brightest smile on his face.
“You’re up now!”  I’ve never seen someone so excited to see me before.
Hobi got up and got a plate off the dresser and set it in front of me. He sat next to me. 
“Who do I praise because this looks magical!” It was Tonkatsu or a version of it. 
Tonkatsu was basically a breaded and fried pork cutlet that was usually served with rice and its own sauce with different variations depending on where you got it. 
Hobi beamed, “I made it!” 
“It looks amazing, Hobi! Seriously. I tried to make it once, but the breading stuck to the pan, considering all the oil I put. I’m usually a good cook so it really surprised me at the time.” I talked like an excited child. 
I suddenly realized how much closer Hobi was sitting next to me. 
Oh no, I refuse to be blushing and shy this time.
I quickly decided to have the upper hand.
“Hobi?” I asked, my voice softer than usual. 
“Yes, N/n?” He answered, not seeming to notice.
I looked over at him, he was actually checking me out, which made me feel more confident for what I was about to do.
I smirked as I crawled on to his lap, facing him.
“So, Hobi, what were you planning to once I woke up?” I tested, feeling a sense of pride wash over me as he had a surprised look on his face.
I slid my hands up his chest to his shoulders, waiting for an answer. Hobi put his hands on my thighs, closed his eyes and leaned forward, once our lips connected I felt a surge of passion, a surge of dominance. 
I moved my hands from his shoulders to his hair and tugged his head back. He let out a gasp that allowed me to deepen the now rough kiss. Hobi’s hands slid up to my hips. I playfully slid my tongue into his mouth for a reaction and was more than pleased to hear a groan from him. His hands immediately groped my ass, pulling me closer. 
The kiss made me feel raw passion. It was like fire igniting my body, begging for me to go farther. 
Hobi turned and picked me up off his lap to lie me down on the bed. He pulled away, smirk on his face as his hand slid up from my hip, up my hoodie. He lifted my hoodie to expose my stomach and more bruises. He ended up doing exactly when Jin did. Kissing each bruise. 
I swore I felt his tongue brush against a few. He came back up to kiss my lips and fit himself between my legs. He pulled back a little bit, beautiful smile on his face. His smile made my heart face and my chest feel warm.
“You should eat before Jin, Tae, and Seongmi kill me.” He chuckled. 
I smiled. 
“So can I ask what’s going on with you, Jin and Tae?” I pressed. 
He only kept his smile, as he got off of me and the bed. 
“We’ll be here in a bit to eat dinner, you should rest after you eat. Jin says that sleep will help with all the stress.” He waved off my question, giving me a quick kiss on my lips. 
“See you in awhile!” He waved as he closed the door behind him.
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Once dinner time came Tae and Hobi pulled in a small coffee table as Jin and Seongmi brought in food and drinks. I attempted to help but was told to just sit down. Once we began eating we heard a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Tae called, mouth a little full.
The door opened slowly and Jimin stepped into the room.
“Can I eat here?” He asked in a small tone, like he was a little afraid.
I frowned at his uncomfortableness and scooted more towards Tae to make room for Jimin between Seongmi and I.
“Be our guest.” I smiled, patting the empty spot.
Jimin smiled and closed the door, quickly taking the spot I offered. I looked over to Tae to ask him something but saw the look of warning he was giving Jimin. Thankfully Jimin was talking to Seongmi and didn’t notice. I playfully hit Tae.
“Why the look?” I hissed at him.
Tae shrugged, pretending not to know and resumed eating. Jimin tapped me.
“Yeah?” I answered turning to him, small smile on my face.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Letting me in. It looked like Hobi and Jin were against it and Taehyung was going to pounce if I came too close.”
“That’s exactly how Jungkook looked at me the first day you guys were here actually.” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“That’s terrifying.”
“I think it was because you looked afraid.” I smiled.
“Jikook is real.” I said under my breath and turned back to my meal like nothing happened, leaving Jimin with a bright blush on his face.
Tae and Hobi started laughing at my comment. Too hard I may add.
“Aw c’mon you guys, leave Jimin alone,” Seongmi complained.
“It’s not that funny!” Jin interjected.
“Sorry, Jimin. I didn’t know they’d suddenly turn into hyenas. ” I apologized.
Jimin gave me a shy smile.
Since when is he shy around me? He was either quiet or challenging me. Even when he was quiet he would give me the death glare. They only vulnerability he’s shown me is when he was trying to kill me.  I was confused, but ignored it and continued eating. I made sure to praise Seongmi, Jin, and Jimin who all cooked.
“Jimin only helped, mixing pots, taking things out the fridge and cabinets, not really cooking anything,” Jin informed.
“It still deserves praise, Jin. I didn’t do anything so I’m praising and thanking those who did.”
“Yeah, Jin! F/n’s just being kind!” Seongmi agreed with me.  
“Were you jealous that F/n praised someone other than you for food, Jin Hyung?” Tae teased.
“She liked my Donkkaseu that I made her for lunch,” Hobi added.
“You made her lunch!? You said she was asleep all this time!” Jin suddenly shouted.
“Wow, Hobi Hyung, you lied to Jin Hyung.” Tae instigated, continuing to eat.
Hobi looked like he wanted to hit Tae with a chair. And just like that Hobi and Jin began to bicker. I sighed.
“Jimin are you still alive?” I suddenly heard a voice ask from Jimin’s pocket.
“The fuck was that?” I asked Jimin.
“Jason downloaded a walkie-talkie app on all our phones so we can talk to each other without internet or cell service. You just heard Yoongi hyung.” Tae explained before Jimin could.
Jimin pulled out his phone.
“I’m fine, Hyung.” Jimin responded.
“...Are Jin and Hoseok fighting?” Suga sounded like he was smiling.
“HOW HARD IS IT TO BREAD AND FRY PORK CUTLET!?” Jin shouted with passion.
“I liked them both, will you stop fighting now?” I asked chuckling.
Tae wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer for some reason. I wasn’t sure why he was doing this, but I decided to test a theory.
“So, Seongmi, what were you doing before...well, before I kidnapped you?” I asked, leaning one arm on the table.
“I was actually working for your company. I uh, I’m an animator myself.” She looked at her lap, shy.
“Really? Any that I’ve heard of?” I asked.
She shook her head.
“No, I was just an assistant, it was supposed to help with the experience.” I frowned.
“Did it help?”
She shook her head again.
“Why not?” I was actually curious now.
“Some of the animators didn’t want to teach me anything or I just made coffee and supply run.”
“Those fuckers. You’re not their coffee mule. You’re an animator like them! Ugh, when I get to work I-”
“No! It’s fine its ju-”
“It’s not fine, Seongmi. I want nothing but kindness in my company, we don’t treat someone different whether they are a professional animator or an amateur, if you have a passion for it, they should respect you. If they won’t help you, I’ll ask my mom to.”
Her eyes lit up.
“Really?? You promise!?” She was bouncing up and down.
“You have my word.” I smiled at her adorable reaction.
Seongmi jumped up and held out her arms for a hug. I stood up and hugged her.
“I’ll help you out, you’ll do great.” I promised.
“This is probably what your mom felt when your father helped her out.” Seongmi giggled.
The whole room went quiet.
“You’re mom always talked about your dad. You’re a lot like him. Maybe you’ll get a wife like your mom.” She smiled.
I felt my face heat up.
“I-uh-Wife? I mean, I dunno, I’m pretty average and I’m not even sure of my sexu-”
“You should marry an animator! I know a ton of guys AND girls who have the hots for you!” She teased.
My face heated up more.
“Your mom says you love kids, so you getting married and adopting kids will be a breeze!” Seongmi was not stopping.
“Seongmi, be a little realistic, F/n hasn’t had that special someone yet.” Jin said quickly, almost like he was trying to dismiss what Seongmi was saying.
“Aw, Jin, don’t be ridiculous! Look at her, she’s wife material.” Seongmi started fixing my hoodie’s strings.
I laughed, “I’m in an oversized hoodie and my underwear, Seongmi, you make it seem like I’m in a beautiful gown.”
“You look good either way! Any girl would be lucky to have you, F/n.” Seongmi smiled, resting her hands on my shoulders.
“Seongmi, she likes gu-” She interrupted Hobi.
“I mean, you already know how to treat a woman.” She added with a wink.
She looked down then back up. I looked down. My arms were still wrapped around her waist and we were so close that my stomach was touching hers.
I jumped back and ended up tripping over Tae’s knee and fell on the bed.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t realize we were that close!” I apologized quickly.
Seongmi giggled.
“You really are adorable, F/n. It’s fine for us to be that close, we’re both girls after all.” She teased.
Just a second ago she was cute Seongmi who was shy and quiet. Now she looked like she would take me in front of everyone just for the fun of it.
I covered my face from embarrassment and shook my head.
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After dinner, everyone talked and chatted for awhile. Around bedtime, everyone left but Tae.
He started pulling the blanket back on the bed.
“Jin hyung wanted to have your big bed to himself tonight, so it’s just us. ” He smiled.
“Huh? Am I taking Jin’s bed?” I asked, walking to the opposite bed.
“No, you’re sleeping in mine. With me. Come on! Let’s go to sleep!” Tae said, exited as he got under the covers and patted the space beside him.
I hesitated. He frowned.
“F/n~ Come cuddle!” Tae whined.
This was a trap I was sure of it. It took pure witchcraft to make my heartstrings tug from whining like that. This was pure magic if I’ve ever seen it.
I crawled into the covers and turned off the lamp, as soon as I turned to my side Tae attached himself to my back, wrapping himself around me.
After a few moments of silence, I felt something soft and wet on my neck with a slight ‘pop’ noise. My eyes flew open.
Did he just kiss my neck!??
It happened again. And again. As soon as he pecked a particular spot on my neck, I let out a small squeak. He let out a breathless giggle, trying to be quiet. I tried to squirm away but Tae tightened his hold and kissed my cheek.
“When we get out of here, I want to take you everywhere with us,” He whispered.
Before I could shut down that thought he continued.
“You mean a lot to us. To Jin. To Hobi. I’m sure Jimin’s warming up to you... I want you always be around. We care about you. Promise me, when we leave here, you’ll still try to keep in contact?”
His voice was like honey and I was so relaxed. I cared about them too. About him, about Jin, about Hobi. There was no way I’d just let them leave without them knowing that I did care.
“I promise, Tae.” He hummed in approval and snuggled close.
“Promise you’ll always be around.”
“Promise.” I yawned, my eyes feeling heavy.
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06love · 7 years
College adventures! | Part 1 of ?
Jimin + Prompt: “Seriously though, I need to get fucked by somebody other than my life.”
College!AU, Hot Nerd!Jimin, Enemies to Lovers, Swearing.
Rooh’s note: so this happened and it will be little scenarios under 1k on adventures jimin and y/n will have that will eventually lead to smut? That’s my plan, but let’s see where this goes. (This is an experimental writing style of mine and I’m on mobile ;_;) please tell me your thoughts 💭 Enjoy <3
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Part 1 | Part 2 |Part 3|
Jimin chocked on his soup spitting some of it on the table you both were sitting on.
“What the fuck Jimin, close your mouth!” You complained while cleaning your arms that had bits of carrot in them.
“It ain’t my fault you have the weirdest phrases to say at inappropriate times, honestly!” He complained as he tried to clean his tray, in his defense you’re not unusual to say weird stuff but he still had not gotten used to it. “If you want to get fucked so bad why not call Taehyung? You know he said he’s willing to take it from you.” He continued not making eye contact with you.
“I’m not gonna give my v card to Taehyung, god that kid knows me since we were 6, and he’s joking. He has seen me naked more times than I can count, no way he’s the one poping this cherry.” You pointed to your inner parts not really caring about the people around you. Not many could listen to you, but you didn’t really care anyways.
Jimin in the other hand was more than used to it, and took another spoon of his soup ignoring you. “It’s not the end of the world, you can pass this next year, just study more.”
“Study more? What the fuck jimin, I’ve been taking this subject for the last 2 years how the fuck am I gonna study more than I already did? Jesus fucking Christ!” You grunted throwing your body dramatically on the chair.
“Well if you spent more time in the library and less in your room playing videogames maybe you would’ve passed at this point.” He changed plates to proceed to the main course.
“Well if you had spent more time in parties and less in the library you would’ve probably lost your virginity by this point but I’m not calling anyone out.” You hissed, and once again he chocked glaring at you, your tone a little too loud for others to notice.
“You know, if you would’ve been a little bit more nice to me I would probably help you in the first year, but all you did was make fun of me, look at you now.” He kept on eating trying to seem unfazed. “And guess what, at least I-“ he lowered his voice and approached you in front of the table. “I passed all my classes and if everything goes well, I will be leaving this university in the next 2 years” he glared at you again and continued “And, I’m probably gonna leave here with a girlfriend” you laughed, but he ignored you. “you on the other hand, will stay here for another 4 years and your pussy is gonna be as dry as the Sahara desert since all the fucks you get on your online games aren’t enough to actually get you real men.”
Your were furious, but you let it go. “Was I really That mean to you in the first year?” You asked looking into the window, your university cafeteria had a nice view you had to admit.
“You called me fatass every time I walked past you. I mean it’s obvious I have a big ass but now everyone in the university knows about it cause you screamed it every 30 minutess.” He looked down picking his plate, probably loosing his appetite. “You know, that wouldn’t even be so bad, but when you told everyone I was a virgin that’s when I thought you crossed a line. I trusted you with something, and you betrayed me. So give me one reason why I should help you with Mechanics?” Jimin looked at you waiting for your answer, but you seemed embarrassed enough with what he said so he backed of, going back into picking into his plate.
“I’m sorry ok, I didn’t know I hurt you that bad. And I’m sorry I betrayed your confidence. I, I legit thought you were joking around, I mean, who would’ve thought you were a virgin.” You shrugged.
“And why would that be? Huh? Why would I joke around about that?” He looked at you curious, quirking his eyebrows.
“Cause you know, it’s you, you’re… Park Jimin. Hot park jimin, every girl wanted a piece of you, who would’ve thought you were a virgin? I mean I didn’t.” You looked at him as if what you said was obvious.
“So I would’ve told my friend, that I was a virgin because???”
“I thought you wanted to get into my pants, ok? and I told you I was a virgin you said that you were one too, like what the fuck, who says that kind of stuff? Someone who obviously wants to fuck you. Right?” You looked like you were making an obvious statement again.
“You have some serious problems you know that? Have you ever thought I could’ve been feeling the truth? Maybe because I wanted you to believe me? Wanted you to know you’re not alone?”
“Jimin I’m sorry ok? I didn’t think of it that way… sorry.” You look away. “It’s been 2 years, can’t you let it go?”
“I’ve let it go a long time ago, you’re the one who brought it back up. Why did you even come to me anyways? Where’s Taehyung? Aren’t you always with him? Why not ask him to help you with mechanics?” Jimin asked as he stared gathering his belongings.
“Tae is into photography and Art, how the fuck will he help me with physics? You’re the smart one and you know it. Please Jimin I really need your help…” you almost begged.
Jimin sighed for a 10th time probably in this conversation. “I really want to help you, but I don’t have time. I’m all fed up with Chemical Processes, so I can’t. Sorry.” He said getting up and grabbing his tray, walking towars the exit.
You got up desperately and started walking behind him, he ignored you for a few seconds after placing the tray where it belonged, until he turned to face you and asked “What?”
“I know you hate me cause I told your secret, but… do you really want me to end up here another 4 years? Do you? I can’t Jimin, please!”
“Y/N I literally have nothing do to with that, you’re the one who decided to stop hanging out with me and go with the cool kids, and I can’t really do more to help you at this point I don’t have time.” He exhaled while turning around to keep his track, and you kept following him.
“What if I give you somethig in return?” You asked dodging people in your way keeping up with his pace.
“What could it be, that you have that I want enough to take up my precious time?” He asked still walking.
“What if I give you something no one else can have?”
With that you caught his attention.
“What could that be? Money? Your underwear collection?” He laughted it off.
“What if I give you my v card?” Jimin halted abruptly, turning to face You.
“What did you say?”
“Ok not that, I was trying to call for your attention.” Jimin’s heart almost dropped as he sighed. “Wait, you wanted that?” You asked looking into him and for a second you saw hesitation in his eyes before he denied. “You do, you want me to sleep with you don’t you?”
“Don’t be ridiculous, that’s anti ethical. Plus, I haven’t wanted you since our first year, after you betrayed my confidence.” He kept walking, you wonder when will he drop this, but then you realized he said he wanted you, which means he did like you back then.
“Wait ok, ok!” You said stopping in front of him. “What if I make it up to you, what if i… uhm, go out with you a couple times, pay for some dinners, uhm? What you say?” You asked with puppy dog eyes. “Cmon jimin, free food, and nice company. Let me make it up to you, and you help me pass. What u say about that?”
Jimin looked thoughtful for a minute, then he sighed and complied, you jumped and hugged him. “Thank you so much, I promise you I’ll give you everything you want, anything you want it’s on me.”
Jimin sighed again. “Let’s start Saturday at 9am, the sooner the better. You’re a lost cause in Physics.”
“Ok, sure, I’ll be at your place. I’ll even bring those pancakes you love.” You said as you trailed off into the hallway. “Thank you” you shouted.
Jimin looked at you walking away, once again his crush for you had gotten the best of him. “You’re weak” he whispered to himself before heading to class.
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boymeetsweevil · 7 years
BTS as (weird) babies in your daycare
Kim Seokjin
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The oldest of the bunch
brings two designer brand lunchboxes in to school
his lunches cost more than yours do
he eats all his food and then will go around the lunch table asking the others for small bites of their meal and they usually give in to him because he shouts “but we’re BROTHERS >:O” if they say no the first time around
the one that likes to take you by the hand while you’re in the middle of paperwork or something and bring you to see that castle he was working on
you compliment him on it and then you’re dismissed like:
“Wow jin that’s a great castle you did a great job stacking the blocks”
“Thank you teacher can you leave now?”
And you go back to your paperwork feeling kind of small before you remember that you are more than a decade older than the tiny child that sent you away
not the bossiest child (that’s jimin) but is a close second
is the most catalogue looking child you’ve ever seen
when you’re bored in the classroom during naptime and you play with your phone, he’s the one who only slept for 20 minutes
he then proceeds to come over and sit in your lap for a chance to play with your phone
You open up snapchat and play with the filters with him in the dimmed playroom and listen to his little chime-like giggles
his selfies are 80x cuter than yours before the filters and when the little dog ears come out to play you have no chance
Always brags about his older brother being able to use shoes “with no velcRO and long LONG lOng stringlaces” (=shoelaces)
hoseok always yells back that there’s no such thing as shoes without velcro “unless youre a growned-up and your hyung isn’t a growned-up i saw him at the park hes just a kid too!!”
Always brings in crafts that he made with his au pair for the class
currently has an obsession with hearts so he has been bringing in crudely cut heart shaped cut outs with scribbly stick figures on them
everyone got one, even you
he also made sure to draw himself into everyone’s heart as well
in the one he made for you its clear he drew himself first because he’s normal sized and you’re gigantic and bending horrifically around the edge of the heart because he didn’t plan the spacing well 
Also brings in the best group snacks when its a holiday or his birthday
cries when you tell him its not okay to sit on the other boys when they bother him
Always wants to be your helper and repeat what you just said to the class like he’s your assistant he is SUCH a teacher’s pet
“can i be teacher jinnie?”
“ummmmmm...not right now, maybe later okay?”
“oh...When im bigger???”
“uh Yes! when youre bigger”
“okay....Teacher im bigger now”
gives you wet cheek kisses :’)
He has the CUTEST laugh and when he laughs you laugh because its one of those rolling baby laughs that just doesn’t stop and you find yourself chasing him around the playroom to hear his giggle even though your feet hurt
drinks more milk than anyone in the class
as a result he has the NASTIEST farts
Min Yoongi
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The one who has been coming the longest but still takes a good 45 minutes to stop sulking after being dropped off before he’s in the mood to play
will legit stand by the window to watch his mom drop him off every fucking morning like he doesn’t know where she’s going and if she’s coming back
when you come over to see if he’ll play with the other kids, he just turns and pouts at you and whines a little and turns back to the window
When he’s not in a funk though he is the most mature kiddo
Plays the best by himself, and is very simply entertained
brought in some homemade maracas for his show and tell day
it was literally just a recycled cardboard container with dried beans in it that he had scribbled all over with 40 different markers
keeps calling it “makaka”, you try not to laugh you fail
he just sat on the edge of the rug in the playroom and shook the box of beans softly to himself for an hour
when the shaking stopped you came over to see if he was alright and you realize he fell asleep
is surprisingly chatty
probably has the best vocabulary or is tied with joon
but also probably ahead of joon in terms of working vocab because while joon knows how to use “extraordinary” he also can’t grasp what the slide is called and yoongi has him beat there
sometimes will ask if he can start nap time early and drags the pillow and blanket the parents bring in from home up to your desk to make a more convincing argument
is always patient zero and gets fevers really easliy
when that happens you have to carry him around while you putter through the classroom and rub his back while he sleeps it off
you have to shush the other kids while he sleeps because theyre always so loud when they ask “Is Yoongi SICK???? :(”
he sleeps in your lap during nap time on those days and you stroke his fat fever-rosy cheeks when he whines in his sleep from the heat
cries whenever taehyung says his drawings are ugly
but they are, especially if he draws you 
theres always this weird expression on your face and sometimes you think about it when youre up late at night and then you cant sleep
is full of full facts about insects because his dad reads about them before bed
and is apparently always at the library
you saw him there once and he almost exploded because what are you doing outside the school
“teacher what are you going here”
“i came to get some books just like you”
“but i thought you couldn’t leave the school”
“i can leave the school...”
“wont you get a time out?”
“um no sweetie”
Yoongi has a huge sweet tooth and gets super excited on fridays when his mom packs him like chocolate milk or something 
can never open the little carton so he brings it to you and just vibrate next to you until you poke the straw in
pretty sure you saw his eyes roll into the back of his head once while drinking it
has fallen asleep with the carton in his hands on multiple occasions
when you bring your guitar in for music days he sits at the front and listens SUPER intently and always tries to come over and touch it while you’re playing so have to be like
“yoongi, sweetie, please sit down”
“um okay. teacher ? im gonna play the giddar too okay?”
“while I’m playing it?”
“Yeah :)”
“no yoongi.”
“Okay...teacher?” REPEAT 1-6
Jung Hoseok
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This kid is all over the place oh my god
srsly he is always tripping on shit because he is always running
and his jeans are a little too long because they're hand me downs from his sister and he refuses to let his dad put a belt on him in the morning
loves to hold hands but his hands are always so so so sticky
like wtf
he will want to hold your hand during walking field trips and you want to just yank your hand away and wipe it on your jeans and douse it in hot water but you don’t because he loves to hold hands and his hand is small and soft and warm and you don’t want to hurt his feelings :’(
you compromise by helping him when he’s at the sink and make sure he uses soap
probably the one who won’t stop putting his hands down his pullups
not in a weird way but in that way where kids will develop some weird habit/quirk that they do on autopilot for comfort
He probably tests your patience the most because is also: THE LOUDEST
he is that kid that screams bloody fucking murder when you turn the lights off for naptime,  every day :)
but not to be funny because he’s scared of the dark
he was originally placed somewhere else but he kept getting up in the middle of nap time to drag his blanket and pillow over to you to sleep nearby
when you asked him what he was doing he said that he sleeps near his big sister when he gets scared and you have to bite your knuckle not to cry when you realize he counts you too
Speaking of big sister, dawon goes to the day care for older kids on the floor above ur classroom
sometimes the teacher upstairs will let her come down to say hi
she stands by the doorway and watches him play with stuffed animals for a few minutes before going “hooooooobiiiiiiiiiii” and he drops everything to run over and she pets his hair and asks if he’s being good in that way where you can tell kids are parroting some random adult 
tbh this is your least favorite time of the day because he always wails because she can’t stay but he really misses his big sis and makes you tear up a little too
Sometimes another teacher will come in for “Body Time” and does yoga stretches with the kids
hobi is such a whiz at body time and always does the stretches with a surprising amount of control
its probably his second favorite thing next to running in literal circles in the tall grass during outside time in the spring
He’s a bit of a perfectionist because if you move his dominoes out of the little rows he made, even by just a fraction of a millimeter he. will. lose it.
Also won’t eat food that touches or crusts of bread or fruit skins
but he will eat orange slices without fail as long as you “make them into pieces first teacher :’(”
always gets stung by bees?????
because: yoongi likes bees a lot, he thinks theyre cute and interesting and he always takes hoseok by the hand to the nearest hive to tell him facts and point at things with a pudgy finger
but you’ve told the kids time and time again not to go near beehives but yoongi loves bees too much and hobi startles easily and either jostles the hive or pisses off a nearby bee
Kim Namjoon
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Is the only one that can read
you were super shocked when you came over to him one day looking intensely at a book and he was confused and you were like
“what’s the matter, joonie”
“i can’t find the kittens in the picture”
“What kittens” and you read the little blurb on the page and see the word mittens and you’re like oh shit he can kinda read
so now you make sure he reads a different book from the bookshelf each day
jimin is always demanding to be read to and joon is happy to do it even when jimin switches pages on him in the middle of the book or asks to start over or start another book
Has those little baby glasses that tie behind his head so he can see
he always drops them though because he fiddles with the tie in the back and they get too loose throughout the day
He’s one of the more affectionate kids in class and will cling to your leg when he’s having a rough day
doesn’t want you to pick him up unless you’re sitting because he’s scared of heights
will sit on your lap any time its free though
often competes for lap space with kookie and often loses because kookie runs faster or joon will fall because this is joon we’re talking about
hes a good sport about it and stands next to you and asks kookie when his turn is next very sweetly
No surprise but namjoonie is always falling
but he never gets majorly hurt
maybe he scrapes a knee or a hand or something minor
he doesn’t cry much either hes a tough cookie!!
he’ll tell you a fact about prehistoric jellyfish with a wavering voice and watery eyes while you put his bandaid on
Baby Joon LOVES LVOES LVOES apple sauce
he cannot get enough of it and MANY of the stains on his little cords (his favorite clothing item) are apple sauce stains
Namjoon is sadly that kid that will eat anything though so you’re constantly watching him to make sure he doesn’t eat anything deadly
when he’s being too quiet or still in the corner of your vision you walk up quietly behind him and just stick a hand out and he spits whatever it is into the napkin in your palm with a goofy smile
eats his boogers probly :(
Joons mom always brings little treats for you because she was worreid that he would be bullied or isolated when she first enrolled him in the class but he’s doing well and she’s glad for the atmosphere you’ve set up
sometimes she sends him in with your treat if she’s too busy in the morning so he’ll totter in with his glasses and what looks like some homemade cake and your can’t help but scoop him up and plant a kiss on his cheek and tell him to tell his mom thank you
his best friend is probably jin because jin knows the alphabet and appreciates namjoon’s knowledge
jin helps joon get over his fear of the swings, but he’s still scared of heights i assure you he will start to wail if you take his feet too high off the ground
cries when he spills his apple sauce which is often but he always has a spare
 but! you’re not sure if his mom packs it because he loves it so much or because he’s bound to drop one
Park Jimin
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When he first came in to school you gasped because those cheeks were a gift from above and the little always-there pout was so cute
he lives for praise, he is such a ham and he loves the way the old ladies at the front desk always try to bribe him with candy for a cheek pinch
he’s a shrewd little business man and won’t let anyone touch his cheeks for less than 2 soft caramels
Park Jimin is as bossy as they come
but everyone in the classroom has no problem with it except maybe you sometimes
he is always going “Teacher! Come here!” from somewhere in the room and you always have to go “You want to try that again, Park Jimin?” and he goes “Teacher! PWEASE come here!” and ur like...ok
Fairly independent
his dad assured you he knows how to cut with regular scissors but jimin continues to use the kiddie scissors and then act like he can’t do it and blink up at you for help
he just wants you to watch him do it
can also put on his own snowsuit without help but still wants you to do it for him because he LIVES for the personal attention
Is a tiny bit violent?
will yell really loud if you take his truck or his dino dolly
or if you make him try to take off his favorite faux cowhide sweater when its time to paint
never hits/kicks/bites tho
the one time it looked like he might hit jungkook you were there in an instant to pull him away and give him a calm and quiet but stern lecture about why his hands are not for hitting or hurting
he had frustrated tears welling up in his eyes when you brought him back to JK and had him use his words
“Kookie, I dont like when you take my toys when im still playin wif dem”
JK: *is preverbal*
and you pry the toy out of jungkook’s freakishly strong baby grip and return it to jk
Jimin’s best friend is probably tae
their moms are friends and they regularly have play dates at each other’s houses
sometimes they come in together in the mornings if one mom is busier than the other
they sleep next to each other during nap time
Chim cries when he can’t sit next to tae during snack time
Has a very adult palate for a baby
i.e. he loves vegetables
is kind of nosy and will come over to your desk when you open your lunch bag and ask to see the vegetables
you make sure to always pack a veggie because the one time you didn’t his eyes widened and he said “mama says you die if you dont eat no veg-ables”
asks if everything is a “veg-able”
jimin: *points to sandwich* veg-able?
you: no
jimin: *points to kimbap/turkey leg/piece of cake/bag of chips/an apple* veg-able?
if you did bring a veggie that he doesn’t already have in his lunch, he’ll ask for a bite
normally you have to tell kids no when they ask for your food because you’d end up with everyone asking for a bite and no lunch, but no one else likes veggies in the class. 
so sometimes you slip a sliced cucumber to him and he holds it in two hands and runs back to his spot to eat it and then comes back like an outdoor cat looking for more food
Has a lovely singing voice
its high and pretty, kind of angelic and he tells you that he sings for his grandma a lot
you praise his singing so naturally he loves music day too and if you sing a song he sings with his mom at home he gets so excited
yoongi is enthralled when jimin knows the words to a “teacher song” before its been taught to the class
Kim Taehyung
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idk why this is so pertinent to my idealization of him as a child BUT: Has the biggest head out of anyone in the classroom sorry
is so so so cute, might even be your favorite..
he’s super agreeable
loves to cuddle, eat all his food in his little stackable lunch containers, naps well, plays nicely with others, listens pretty well
he always pees himself :(
and you don’t understand it because his dad came in and bragged about how much of a big boi his son is at home in the bathroom using the toilet but at school? NOPE
he has like 8 changes on clothes for this reason
you can always tells when he’s about to pee himself because
he stands in the middle of the room and just goes “sorry teacher” really softly
your heart breaks when you hear how sad he is that he wet himself but you’re also a little irate because you’re convinced no one deals with as much pee as you do
you give him the talk every time which consists of your wriggling him into some ridiculous pink overalls while trying to make eye contact with him so you can tell him that when he feels like he has to go, he can just go to the potty
Tae carries a blanket around at all times!!!!!
he takes it everywhere with him and uses a different one to cover him up during nap time.
cries on the days that his dad drops him off without it because it has to be washed
the blanket was purple at one point but now it is straight up grey-brown
is surprisingly good at walking/running with it and not tripping on it
Jimin  started calling him tata
so now everyone calls him tata
Is probably the class sweetheart as well
when he’s out sick, literally everyone goes “where’s tata” at random times of the day even though you went over who was “at school” and who was “at home” and said he was at home
tae is so so so so good at drawing its crazy
hes way above his age grade in terms of drawing BUT he has a little trouble getting a pencil into his grip 
so you have to help him finagle it into his little hand but once he does WOOO here comes a dragon with you on its back holding a big ol sword
Is that one kid who manages to run around naked the most
its probably because you’re always in the middle of changing him when someone else distracts you and you turn around and all of the sudden he’s naked as the day he was born from the belly button and waddling back to where jimin is playing with flubber on the rug
you have to run over and scoop him up but also hold him at arms length because hello? pee?
he thinks this is hilarious and flaps his arms like hes flying
Everyone kisses tae
like when the kids get to that stage where they all try to kiss each other because their parents probably kiss them and they're like imitating their parents
everyone goes for tae
he takes it like a champ
but his face is probably v sticky after wards so you pull him over and take a wet wipe to his face
might ask you for a kiss and you place one on his LARGE forehead lol
His grandma comes in often with dolls she made for the class
tae shows them off proudly during his show and tell days and makes sure everyone plays nicely with them or theyll break because theyre normally made from soft yarn
He has a major thing for stickers and is always asking you for stickers to adorn his whole body with 
you are constantly telling him to take stickers off his face and sometimes he puts them on his eyebrow and you sigh because crying is inevitable at that point
you have limited him to 3 stickers on any given day and they go on a piece of paper labeled “Taehyung’s Tata’s stickers”
was mad when you tried to write his full name on the paper because he is tata at school >: (
Jeon Jungkook
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the youngest! a true baby
when he first came to the classroom he was right in the middle in terms of age so like he technically aged out of the nursery down the hall but he wasn’t at the normal age minimum to enter your classroom and you were like Ummmmm i guess he can come? because you didn’t have very many kids so what’s one more right?
Started walking and running in the same day during his first week at the classroom!!!
you were worried he’d be too small to keep up with the other kids and might be hurt with their type of play but nope
he was constantly crawling after them trying to keep up until one day he just...stood up and you were like omg and pulled your phone up
when his parents came to pick him up you showed them the video and his dad cried
Now he’s the fastest runner in the class
he doesn’t really talk yet
hes still preverbal but you can tell he gets whats going on around him
the others are good about it
although you did have to have a day where you addressed the question they kept asking you
“Why doesn’t kookie have words?”
“he’s too little. but he’ll talk when he’s ready”
it was a short talk
He knows two words
no and something that is the approximation of hyung but you’re not certain
if he wants your specific attention he just goes “AH” really loud
says no to everything even when he means yes
this means that when you ask him if he wants to eat snack he says no and then cries when you put his lunchbox away thinking he may actually not be hungry
despite being the best at toddling, he always wants to picked up
he is such a teacher’s pet its crazy
its probably the one piece of evidence that he is the least mature of the group
and also because he misses the presence of his mom
he will settle for sitting in your lap when you’re at your desk
or when you’re trying to read to the group during “carpet reading time”
he will try to turn the pages for you but it took him a while to realize you weren’t always done reading when he turned a page and you’d have to fight him to turn the page back so you could finish
now he waits for you to say “you can turn the page now kook”
He is so so so shy omg
if a teacher from another classroom comes by to borrow something, they naturally try to come over and say hi to the one kid who you’re carrying on your hip or sitting in your lap and he just turns and smushes his face into your armpit until he suspects they’ve left
he does, however, have a weird obsession with the handyman that comes in to repair that one tricky light in the back of the art closet
kook will stare at him until he leaves and its cute because he’ll leave your lap or whine to be put down and toddle over to watch him work from a “reasonable distance”
the repairman is kind of gruff looking but he always turns and spots kook watching him like 8^O and will snort
one time he handed kook a rubber band that he had in his breast pocket and kook kept it clutched in his little hand all day
actually waves goodbye when he leaves its so precious
Kook is very sensitive to touch and stuff
so in the winter when he has to wear layers he cries a lot if the t-shirt under his sweater bunches up the wrong way
like he’s so finicky about tactile stuff
he can’t have bare feet ever
wears slippers all year, even in the summer
also cries if the classroom gets too loud and covers his ears
you think maybe he may have some sort of sensory sensitivity
won’t eat the bananas in his lunch unless you mash them with a fork for him
cried when you cut open a pumpkin to show the kids the seeds inside and later roast them because the smell was too strong for him
you had to put a tiny face mask on him to get him to calm down and he resembled a ninja turtle the whole day
He loves hobi very much and is always super giggly when hobi pays extra attention to him
always follows him around and is constantly bumping his nose on hobi’s back because he follows him THAT CLOSELY
always fights with jin
meaning he constantly swipes toys out of his hands and then sometimes gets sat on as punishment and cries until you heft jin off him
you don’t know why they always fight
is so good at hidden item picture books like Ispy
you will zoom through them because he finds everything immediately and you wonder if maybe hes a genius
you had a hunch one day and put him down in front of a 400 piece puzzle and he did a surprisingly good chunk of it in the span of the school day and went straight to it the next day
I was trying so hard to write this and couldnt think of anything and then i remembered yesterday that my friemd Worked in a daycare for the last three years??? so a lot of this is real life stuff which is funny but also really extra
all pics are from weheartit...
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got7scxnarios4u · 7 years
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I’ll Help you Chapter 2
Reader x Jaebum x (Jungkook?)
You wake up and find your friend, Carly, sitting up next to you, scrolling through her phone. "What are you doing here?" You grumble, clutching your face. "Good morning to you too. Jaebum said you needed to be looked after. Because you got obliterated last night. Do you wanna tell me why?" She asks, facing you. You groan and pull yourself up. You explain every detail. "Why the fuck would you do that? I swear you're in love with him?" She exclaims. The loud noise causes your head to throb more. "Shh… I'm getting over him. " you plead. "Exactly! Getting! Meaning you're still into him." She raises her voice. You hide your head under your pillow. She was right, last night just made it worse. Playing the part of his girlfriend felt good. Holding his hand, being held. You wanted all of it. But you could feel yourself changing. Not being so hung up on every single word he said. Even though you were drunk, you allowed yourself to be attracted to Jungkook. You wanted to get to know him. "What about that Jungkook?" Your friend's voice brings you out of your thoughts. "What about him? I spoke to him for like 10 minutes. I don't even have his number. What, do you want me to go the venue and ask for the party planner's number and then ask for Jungkook's number?" You say, letting out a small laugh. "That would be a start. Or go out to a bar and talk to some guys."
The doorbell rings. "Can you get it, please? If it's that sea witch Yumi, I will legit punch her. She will just add to the shittiness of this morning." You beg. "Okay. If she starts on me, you have to buy me lunch. " Carly bargains. You just groan as she leaves the room. "Oh hey, Jaebum." You hear. You sit straight up, the blood rushing through your head, caused your head to throb. "Jaebum's here." You sit straight up, clutching your throbbing head as you do. “What is he doing here? Get rid of him! I look horrible!” You harshly whisper. Carly lets out a sigh. “He has seen you in much worse states. Who do you think got you into your PJs?” Your friend questions with a smirk. You run your hands over your face, throwing the covers back and getting up. You got up a bit too quickly and fell down. The sound of you falling on the floor caused a loud smack on the floor.
“What the fuck is going on in there?” Jaebum hollers, bursting into the room to see you on the floor. “Good morning…” You say, struggling to get off of the floor. Jaebum just rolls his eyes and picks you up and then places you on the bed. You quietly thank him. “What brings you to my humble abode?” You ask, gesturing to your room with clothes thrown all over the place. Your underwear catches your eye, your eyes widen and you grab the underwear off of your bedside table and stuff it in your pillow. “You took them off last night.” Jaebum says nonchalantly, sitting on your bed. “WHAT? WHY DIDN’T YOU STOP ME?” You exclaim, putting your head in your hands, you had to stop drinking. “You said you wanted to seduce me, while I was trying to get you dressed. You wouldn’t take no for an answer. So I had to force your shorts on you.” Jaebum explains. Carly hits your arm. You look at her in pain, rubbing your sore arm. “I AM SO SORRY! I’ll buy you chicken! Heck, I’ll buy you a pizza too, or we can share the one you’re getting me.” You smile, pizza or any greasy food sounded so good right now. A smirk develops on Jaebum’s face. He had an idea. You knew it, nothing was ever simple. “I’ve got another way you can pay me back.” “She’s not suck-“ Carly starts before Jaebum cuts her off. “No! No! No! I’m asking her to do anything like that. There’s a work thing on Tuesday night, and I was wondering if you’d come as my date?” You almost lured yourself into a false sense of security, thinking that he genuinely wanted you there but you knew that Sunmi also worked there, he just wanted to play house to get her back. You nod, plastering a fake smile on your face. But before he could thank you, you were being dragged into the bathroom by Carly. “What do you think you’re doing? You were affected by last night and now you want to try it again? I knew you were crazy but not this crazy. Come on! You know you can’t go!” She whispers fiercely. “I was a lot to handle yesterday, I have to repay him for it!” You whisper back. Carly sighs and puts her hands on your face. “I know how you feel, but you’ve done more than enough.” You give her puppy dog eyes. “Fine. You can go, but promise me that you’ll find a boyfriend, to help you get over him. Someone who actually likes you… no offense.” She lets go of your face, gently pinching your cheeks. “if it’ll make you feel better, I will go to the hall on Monday and ask if they have Jungkook’s contact details.” You put up your pinkie. She smiles and locks her pinkie to yours before pushing you out of the bathroom. “I was gonna throw up, “ you tell Jaebum. He just nods. “Well, I just came to see if you were okay. And you have Carly, so I better get going.” He says, hugging you tightly and send a smile in Carly’s direction before exiting your apartment.
The rest of the Sunday was pretty chill, you just hung out and binge-watched Netflix. Carly was kind enough to stick around, making sure that you did not throw up on yourself while you napped. When she was certain that you were okay she left as she had to wake up early the next day. You fell asleep shortly after she left. It was Monday, you had a goal today, getting in touch with Jungkook. Usually, you would dress down, but if you were gonna tryna get it in you would have to look some sort of presentable. You made your way down to the venue and you approached the receptionist. “Hey, um… there was party upstairs here on Saturday and I was wondering if you had any contact details for the group who hired out the hall?” You ask, giving your most innocent smile. The aged woman with heavy makeup and permed hair looks up at you with a stern expression. “We don’t give out information like that. We are not Facebook.”  She says before continuing to read her romance novel. You were dumbfounded, there was nothing else you could think of to do. You had no ties to Jungkook whatsoever. Not even typing his name into Instagram would help, as he wasn’t the only Jungkook in the world. The door makes a loud whine as it is swung open, a built young man dress in all black walks through. No, he doesn’t just walk, he struts.  He resembles a model, a masterpiece, a work of art. Need you go on? “Jungkook, I’m sure it’s still here, who would steal your Bluetooth speaker? “ He says, turning his head to talk to his taller companion who trailed behind him. Your heart drops when you see his face again, he was beautiful. There was no alcohol clouding your judgment this time, so you could truly appreciate his good looks. The two men stop and talk for a short while before approaching the front desk. You didn’t know what you were going to say. Under your breath, you practice different greetings. You are interrupted when your body is slightly shoved by another person. Jungkook. “I’m s-“ He stops himself before shyly addressing you. “Hi.” You say. He smiles and your heart flutters. “I-“ You are abruptly cut off by the bitch behind the desk. “The people you were looking for are here. And no, I haven’t seen a tooth speaker.” She says, rolling her eyes at Jungkook’s friend, who proceeded to try and explain what he was looking for. You blush and you immediately wanted to hide, you didn’t want him to find out, thats creepy. “You were looking for me? Your boyfriend wouldn’t be too happy about that.” He blushes, nervously biting his lip. Boyfriend? You didn’t have on- oh! The whole mess with Jaebum. “I don’t have a boyfriend… On Saturday, I was just doing a friend of mine a favor. You know making his ex jealous. But I am completely single and open to dating.” You smile, softly touching his arm. His arm was solid under your hand, he had muscles on muscles. “Thank God! I mean, I am glad to hear that. I couldn’t stop thinking about you. How would you like to grab a cup of coffee?” He scratches the back of his head shyly. You nod. “Jimin, just forget about the speaker, I’m gonna go and get coffee with my friend. I’ll speak to you later.” Jimin takes a deep breath, as he had wasted minutes trying to find the goddamn speaker. He waves goodbye as he walks a different direction from you.
You find a quaint little cafe around the corner. You had got to know Jungkook a bit, he likes singing and dancing. He has a gaming channel on youtube and he likes working out. He spoke about his family, his mom, dad, and brother. And you spoke about your life before and after you moved to South Korea. In the midst of conversation, you throw your head back in laughter and you clutched your side, you hadn’t laughed like this in a good while. Your eyes meet with a familiar pair, the cold brown eyes make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Sunmi, your laughter halts. “Are you okay?” Jungkook asks, touching your knee. You quickly push his hand away and move over. “Fancy seeing you here.” A high pitched, all too familiar voice says. Sunmi and Justin were standing right in front of you, Justin bears a small smile, while Sunmi smirks. “Yeah, fancy meeting you here.” You grimace. “Who is your little friend?” She asks, smiling, eyeing Jungkook. Jungkook goes to open his mouth and then you cut him off. “He is my research partner, he is in my class and we are working together.” You say. “Then where are your books?” She questions, her red lips permanently stuck in a smirk. “We left them on campus, we are just taking a break.” Jungkook backs you up. You save your smile for later, because you know that if you let Sunmi see, it will all unravel. She frowns before turning away, Justin nods at you before chasing after his girlfriend.
“Sorry about that.” You turn to Jungkook.
“Who was that?” He asks, taking a sip of his coffee.
“That is my best friend’s ex. The one we were trying to trick. She’s legit evil, so I thought it would be best if she didn’t see us cozied up, she would think that she had something over me, and she doesn’t. Not at all. Ugh, I hate her so much. S-she’s the Voldemort to my Harry Potter. The peanuts to my deadly allergy.” You rant, taking a bite of your cookie. Jungkook chuckles. You like his laugh, it felt strange, liking someone after crushing on your best friend for years. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t hurt you.” He quickly touched your arm before moving away. …. You had a pretty good day, after the cafe, you went to the library and got some work done. You had a really good sandwich for lunch and you managed to keep your white shirt, white all day. You step into your apartment, kicking off your shoes as you walk in. Your roommate walks out of her room, she sends a cold gaze your way. “Make sure to put your shoes away, it makes the place looks messy when you leave them there.” She says, sitting on the couch. Your good day ends there, your mood is dampened, it seemed like she could never be happy, she acted like she lived in a sterile hospital. You could even leave a crumb on the table without her opening her braces filled mouth. You just nod, picking up your sneakers and storming to your room. Slamming the door behind you. You had done all your work so you didn’t really have anything to do. You would’ve called Carly but she had work. So you decide to call Jaebum
“Hey.” He says, breathing heavily. “Hey, I was just calling to see if you wanted to hang out. I’ve done all my work and I have nothing to do. Plus Carly has work today. “ You explain. He sighs. “Nice to know that I was your first choice.” He says sarcastically, you could practically see the smile on his face. “Oh, whatever. You were the second person I called. Feel honored. I’ll leave the front door open ‘cos I can’t be asked to get up. Also be quiet ‘cos Yuri is on the prowl.” You tell him. He chuckles before telling you that he would be over in five to ten minutes. While waiting for Jaebum, you change into more comfortable clothing. You were kinda excited to spend time with your best friend after working on getting over him. You could just hang out like never before, no secret glances, no longing stares.
Sorry for the wait, Uni has been killing me. Hope you enjoy. You can also provide ideas for this story and others. Also requests. love you guys
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peachymilkis · 7 years
Metamorphmagus (Hogwarts!Taehyung)
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Imagine that Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks had a daughter instead of a son. And the daughter is placed in Ravenclaw. Now, what happens when this metamorphmagus runs into the notorious Hufflepuff Heartthrob?
Genre- Fluff/Angst
word count- 2.4K 
“Yah, Y/N, calm down! Your hair is turning bright red!” Your good friend, Lily Potter, gently touched your shoulder, causing you to flinch and calm down. Your hair finally returning to its normal color. As you calmed, you noticed that everyone in Hogsmeade had turned their attention to you. “Shit. Let’s just go.”
You dragged Lily out of Hogsmeade and made your way back to Hogwarts. “I’m really fine, Y/N. It was just a stupid crush. I’ll get over it eventually,” Her voice quieted down.
“I hope.”
“Look, Lily. You’re my best friend. Of course, I’m pissed off right now! He knew you liked him and he played you. Jisung’s a fucking idiot.” You ranted, feeling more angered and annoyed as you talked and thought about Jisung making out with some Slytherin. You couldn’t help it, Lily was like a little sister to you. She was family. Her along with her brother, James, and her parents, who treated you as one of their own. Lily let out a small sigh and grabbed your hand into her slightly smaller one.
He wasn’t worth it anyway. I’ll find someone better.” She let out a cheeky grin, causing your mood to lift a bit, your hair turning a light shade of blonde. “Sometimes, I just wish I got my dad’s werewolf genes. My emotions show so easily with just my hair, it’s frustrating, really.” You both laughed and made the rest of your way towards Hogwarts.
You hadn’t gotten much sleep the night before due to the fact that you had stayed up in the Ravenclaw common room all night, learning about muggle culture through a cellphone that your grandmother had brought you from the muggle world. You suddenly had a huge interest in muggle music and dancing. But luckily, you didn’t have much work to do and you had a free study period so you took the opportunity to take a nap in the library.
“Hyung, I can’t do this. I’m never gonna pass that Potions exam.” Hoseok groaned as he slammed his head against the wooden table. Taehyung let out a deep, breathy laugh. “Not if you keep slamming your head against hard objects. You’ll lose brain cells for sure.” Hoseok glared at the younger one.  “It’s easy! Let me show you,” As Namjoon began to help Hoseok with his potion dilemma, Taehyung let his eyes roam through the vast library. His eyes immediately finding your sleeping figure a few tables away.
“Yah, Jimin. Don’t you know her?” Jimin looked up from his book and in the direction Taehyung pointed to. Jimin’s eyes squinted a bit, trying to get a more clear view of the sleeping girl. “Yeah, that’s Y/N Lupin. Her family is quite famous. Her father was Remus Lupin, a werewolf. And her mother was Nymphadora Tonks, a metamorphmagus. Her parents died when she was a month old. They were killed by a Death Eater. Rumor has it that she’s a metamorphmagus like her mother was.” Everyone at the table had quieted down to hear Jimin’s little summary of your life.
“Wait, Y/N’s a metamorphmagus? That would explain the different hair colors!” Jin nearly yelled out, causing you to flinch awake and look around the library to find out who made such a noise. The guys quickly acted normal but still peeked over towards you. Your hair becoming a lighter red in annoyance of your disturbed sleep.
“Whoa. Her hair changed color!” Jungkook whisper-yelled, his eyes as big as a frightened bunny.
Disturbed and unable to fall back asleep, you gathered your things and started walking out of the library. Without realizing, your face started resembling features of a cat as you glared at Mr. Filch’s cat, Mrs. Norris. You always had a hatred for that cat, as did the cat with you.
You realized as you heard a few gasps from students nearby that your face must’ve been transforming so you quickly ran out of the library and made your way into the nearest bathroom, which happened to be with Moaning Myrtle. Well damn.
The next day, as you walked with Lily and James down the halls, you could hear whispers about you. Metamorphmagi are very rare so of course people would gossip. You let out a groan as you let your head drop down while you walked alongside the Potters. Not watching where you were going, your head collides against a strong surface, or more like a strong chest.
“Whoa, are you alright?”
You quickly look up and lock eyes with possibly the prettiest pair of eyes you’ve ever seen. Your face feeling like it’s heating up, you quickly look back down. “I’m fine, sorry., I wasn’t looking where I was going.” You internally panic as you see your hair started to change into a pinkish color. You quickly grabbed onto Lily and James and began walking away. Taehyung smiled softly as he watched you speed walk away.
“What the hell, Y/N! You bumped into one of the cutest guys in the school, yet you have no idea who he is?” You had practically infuriated your Gryffindor friend. “Look, Lily, he was surely cute but I’ve legit never seen him before.”
“Aren’t you partners with Park Jimin in Potions?” Lily suddenly asked. You let out a slow nod. “Yeah, what does he have to do with anything?” Lily sighed exasperatedly. “The guy you bumped into is Kim Taehyung! He’s one of Jimin’s best friends!” Your mouth made a little ‘o’ shape as you brain processed the information. “So he’s one of the two Hufflepuffs that are always around Jimin?” Lily nodded enthusiastically. “Yes!” You laughed at your friend’s behavior. “You do realize your father is practically one of the greatest wizards of all time yet you’re a huge ass loser, right?”
And that caused Lily to put a spell on your mouth to shut up.
After the day you ran into Taehyung, you began seeing him and hearing about him more and more every day.
“Oh my God, did you see the way he ruffled his hair?”
“He looks like a Greek God.”
“His hair looks so shaggy and long, I want to pull on it.”
You rolled your eyes as you heard the girls behind you speak, your hair probably turning some green shade as you continued writing notes in Charms class. Coincidentally, you happened to be in Taehyung’s line of sight and would often catch him staring in your direction. You just figured he was zoned out. He seemed to look lost, almost like he was in his own little world the majority of the time.
You thought nothing of it and continued to write down your notes.
After class, you were on your way to find one of the another friend of yours, Victoire Weasley, but your destination was hindered by the girls who were drooling over Kim Taehyung earlier.
“Yah, Morphie.” You flinched at the nickname given to you but immediately put up a front of unbothered and annoyed. “May I help you?”
“Why was Taehyung staring at you in class? Did you lure him with one of your morphie tricks? Did you make yourself prettier just to get him to like you?” You scoffed at their assumptions, which lead into a fit of laughter. Your hair turned red from how subtly pissed you got. Your laugh immediately coming to a halt and your face wearing the most stoic expression it could muster.
“First of all, I’ve never spoken to Kim Taehyung. Second of all, I like the way I look enough so thank you very much. And third of all,” Your stare became so menacing, you watched as the girls cowered back a bit in fear. “Call me ‘Morphie’ one more time. I dare you.” Your face grew scales, your eyes becoming more snake-like as your tongue became that of a snake’s. You hissed at the girls and they immediately ran. Your face returned to normal and as if nothing had even happened, you continued your way towards your friend.
What you hadn’t noticed was that Taehyung managed to witness the entire encounter with a look of shock and adoration.
“And she was all like, ‘Don’t ever call me Morphie again.’ And his face transformed into a snake-like face, It was crazy!” Taehyung had told his group of friends what he had encountered yesterday. All the guys seemed really into the story. Hoseok’s face immediately turning into one of pure horror at the mention of the word, snake.
“So those girls were trying to call out Y/N just because you spent the entire class period practically drooling over her?” Suga scoffed at his younger friend’s actions. “Girls are scary,” Jungkook stated with an almost terrified look on his face. The rest of the guys agreeing. “With the way Y/N defend herself, I’m surprised she wasn’t placed in Slytherin or Gryffindor,” Jimin said with a light chuckle.
The other guys agreed as well. “It’s because she’s freakishly smart. I hear that she even beat Namjoon Hyung during the last few recent tests.” Namjoon groaned. “We don’t talk about that!” The table was filled with laughter and joking around.
Soon enough, winter break came and you managed to convince you grandmother to let you stay at the Potters’ home for the vacation. You always enjoyed staying with the Potters. One, because Harry and Ginny were your godparents so they treated you as a part of the family. And two, because Harry would tell you stories about your parents back in the day.
A week into the vacation, you noticed that a certain shaggy-haired, puppy dog-eyed boy lived a few houses down from The Potter household.
You had decided to take a walk and feel the fresh winter air nip at your face. As you walked down the street, you were suddenly hit with a snowball. You gasped at the sudden contact, not knowing where it came from. You looked to your left, which is where the hit came from and realized that someone was hiding behind a snow covered car.
Upon further examination, your eyes widened as the hair sticking out from the top became familiar. You immediately began walking away. Just as you were a few feet ahead, another snowball came in contact with your back. You internally groaned and turned around. You bent down to pick up some snow. You compressed it with your small hands into a ball and threw it in his direction. You landed a hit straight on his head. “Ow!” He groaned as he jumped up from behind the car. You took the opportunity to make another snowball and fling it at his chest. He came out from hiding, acting as if he had been shot. Your soft giggles filling the air as he dramatically fell to the ground, still clutching his chest.
“I have been shot. Oh, goodbye cruel world! I will enjoy a peaceful life… after.. m..y… d...ea..th.” And with that, he dramatically ‘died’ in style. Your giggles became full blown, stomach-hurting laughs, Taehyung swore he’d never heard something more precious.
Immediately after that, the two of you became close. You both hung out when you could and sent letters to each other in the middle of the night. You talked about anything and everything. You like that Taehyung was dorkier than he let out to be. And he loved that you were so kind yet confident when it came to protecting yourself. But soon enough, your break came to an end and it was off to school again.
You decided to sit with Lily and Victoire during lunch in the Great Hall. You had told them about your encounter with Taehyung and how you two had become ‘friends’. Was it safe to say that? You never really established what kind of relationship the two of you had become.
Taehyung had as well told his friends about his encounter over the break with you. They were all ecstatic. “You should invite her to sit with us!” Jin exclaimed happily as he realized you were nearby. Taehyung’s cheeks immediately reddened. “N-no she looks comfortable over there with her friends. She might not want to sit over here.” The boys exchanged knowing looks.
“Hyung has a crush on Y/N~!” Jungkook sing-songed a little too loud for Taehyung’s liking. HIs face and ears reddened even more. “No, I don’t!” He exasperated. “Then invite her to sit over here,” Yoongi stated with a smug grin on his face. Taehyung groaned yet he was still hesitating.
“Ya Y/N!” You were surprised to hear your name being called as you looked up and saw that it was Park Jimin. He seemed to be waving you over. Your eyes widened slightly as most people turned their attention towards you. You excused yourself from your two friends and hesitantly walked over.
“Hey, Jimin, long time no see.” You decided to act normal as you made it to the table. You glanced at Taehyung to see him looking down, his ears were poking out of his hair and you could tell they were tinted a bright red. Jimin smiled his infamous eye smile that had the girls all swooning.
“Yeah, how have you been? We heard you had befriended this puppy over the vacation.” Jimin said, in a tone that was almost teasing. Taehyung finally looked up shyly and smiled at you. “Hi Y/N.” You giggle, your own cheeks dusting pink. “Hi, Taehyung-ah.” The guys at the table giggled. You realized your hair was turning a light pink color again and you tried your best to calm down your emotions. “A-anyway, we were wondering if you wanted to sit with us? Maybe? I mean, you don’t have to. We were just wondering- if you know, you wou-” You cut off Taehyung’s rambling with a short, ‘I would love to’, which had him just as flustered.
You still couldn’t believe that the entire school thought of him as a cool guy heartthrob.
this is just part 1 so i hoped you enjoyed and please tell me what you think of it!
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eris0330 · 8 years
Caramel Macchiato | Drabble
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Anon/Request: Can i request a drabble/one shot of Jin?? Any kind will be perfect, i just want a little Jin in my life <3333 It's okay if you don't want to!
Pairing: JinxReader
Word count: 3.3k
AU: ”We work really late together and you’ve memorised how I take my coffee” - @dailyau
A/N: In between lines, there has been a few days in between. (do as you please)
You turned up in front of the store shop, with baggy eyelids with a book and paper in your hand. Two hours of reading it before work, taking notes, hoping you would be able to finish the assignment, but without luck. You still needed to write about 2000 words, for it to be accepted. Pushing the door, you saw the tall brunette boy behind the cashier. His shoulders almost knocking down stuff and making it unable for you to work at the same cash register.
“You’re late again, Y/N” He snickered, with his brown eyes scanning your tired body. You shot him a pained grin, as you walked behind the counter. Everyone knew the relationship between you and Jin, making it more hilarious you were working together. Jin was the popular kid in elementary and middle school, making it a living hell, for you being his ‘neighbour’ back then. Your parents were friends, which forced you to befriend their son. Whenever you were in sight, he shot a comment of your unmatched clothes, hair and face in general. It was like he had a grudge on you, despite being the eldest. The two of you, had formed a nemesis relationship.
After going to college, you noticed his form take shape. He left you alone, but didn’t hesitate to give a ‘comment’ whenever you passed in the hallway. Jin was a dick, who was too confident in his looks, praising how every girl wants him. And to be fair, a lot of girls were around him, forming a circle. He was basically, the popular anime character.
“Shut up” You spat back, setting down your bag with the notebook. You started scanning the notes you had been preparing, and silently had Jin watch over your shoulder.
“What is this? Wait, this is the assignment for tomorrow in psychology, isn’t it?” He questioned out loud, making you look up at him. “No wonder you get lousy grades” He continued to speak, walking away from your aura of anger. Your hands were shaking, but you let his comment slide. He has always made comments and you were always good at letting them slide, because he was not worth your time. Writing down your upcoming 2k words, you heard Jin take care of the costumers. Oddly, he always knew when you were stressed and needed time alone. He just never said anything, leaving it for you to take care of. He looked out for you, but kept his ‘I do not like you but will help you’ attitude. His voice was always in the background, giving you time to focus. Enjoying his vocals when he silently sang, arranging the products behind the cashier. Within an hour, you had finished the paper. Looking at it proudly, you might have shed a tear of pure happiness.
“You forgot to mention how the girl left the guy for another man” Hearing a recognisable voice behind you, making you turn around. Jin was hovering above, reading the paper you held in the air. His chest was aligned with your back, feeling his heart beat.
“Why is that important?? The story is just about a woman who tries to find herself” You commented, putting the paper down as he backed away. He hummed, as he sat on a chair beside you. “That is important, because it made an impression on the guy. It also tells about her, what actions she has done, causing pain on others?” He spoke again, pointing with his thin fingers at the book.
“So, instead of analysing her, I’m going to analyse her actions and what kind of pain it would cause on her ex-boyfriend?? That is in the past, and she is with another one while her ex never gets mentioned again” You explained, seeing his brightened eyes go dark. “Would you like it, if your boyfriend left you for someone else without a legit reason than ‘I am trying to find myself’?” He commented again, taking a back of his defence. This is the most talkactive, he has been the whole night.
“Well, I don’t know? I don’t have a boyfriend” You spat, thinking it was a way for him to rub your loneliness in your face, as he had multiple girls line up for holding his hand. “Well, think about it. It’s not always about the main character, bi-characters always has an influence in OC’s story. Anyway, there are no costumers and I’m feeling tired. What do you want to drink?” He suggested, making your eyes widen. Jin was acting weirder, than usual. Maybe, it was because you weren’t there to be teased, when he knew you were stressed. But, he never offered to get a drink for you.
“Caramel Macchiato” You firmly ordered, making his eyebrows furrow. “Really? Out of all drinks, you make me ask for an order that will make the barista want to kill me.” He spoke again, walking out of the shop. His sleek back was turned against you, seeing the silhouette disappear.
You yawned standing in front of the cashier, having an overview of the empty shop. It has already been three days since you finished the paper, and with the help from Jin, you got good grades. He was right, only focusing on the main character, wasn’t the point.
“Stop sleeping on the job, you sloth” You heard him in between the rolls of candy, as his head popped up. His bare neck revealing purple marks, indicating he had been having some fun lately. “I wasn’t asleep, besides there’s no one here?” You snickered, burning your eyes into his. His form coming closer, leaning over the cashier, as his face got closer. His perfume making you dizzy, as his messy hair looked sexier by the second. “Well, go be useful then. Get a coffee from Starbucks.” He ordered, making you shake your clouded mind to clear.
“What do you want?” You questioned, making him rummage in his pocket to find his wallet. Taking your hand in his, he unfolded your fingers. Feeling his thumb sleekly stroking your palm in slow motion, before he coughed and slanted some money in your hand. “Iced americano” He spoke, walking away to mop the floor. The feel of his hand imprinted in yours and his perfume lingering, making you blink once, before you left the store. His subtle affection, made your cheeks burn. “Did he notice..?” You wondered, shaking your head like a dog, on the way to get the coffee.
“What are you looking at?” You spoke again, catching him in staring. His big eyes were dodging, as he sipped on the green straw. “You have double eyelids.” He answered, still looking away.
“So?” You spat, seeing his eyes turn red. What was he thinking about? “I never noticed.” He spoke again, looking into your eyes. “Well, if you stopped stomping on my appearance back in elementary and middle school, you probably would have noticed” You answered sharply, memorising his words of being ‘ugly’.
“If you didn’t have your bangs cut so long, then MAYBE” He snickered, making you shoot burning eyes into his skin. You didn’t remember why, you and Jin had this kind of relationship. After a day in your house as kids, you commented on his windshield laugh when you made him laugh. His forceful way of walking out of your house, and you never saw the smiling boy the same again.
“Why do you like such a bitter coffee??” You questioned, while he sipped the last of his americano. A pleasurable sigh and his plump lips, made you turn away as he answered. “I don’t know. I started drinking it after first year of college.” He explained, leaning against the counter. His tall and petite body, made you adore the way it was shaped. The uniqueness of his shoulder, making it a one-of-a-kind body. You couldn’t lie, you had always thought he was a good-looking guy. But his ego, oh his ego, was just too much sometimes. “Stop drooling over my body, you have to stand in line for that” He commented, with his windshield laugh blossom after. You couldn’t help, but laugh at him. His half-moon eyes were too adorable, as you realised what a stupid comment it was.
“Y/N?” A voice coming from the entrance and a boy showing into the view. “JIMIN?!” You spoke excitedly, while the red-haired boy came closer with open arms. “How have you been?? I haven’t seen you for ages!?” You said loudly, embracing the boy. His smile and laughter filling your ears, as he hugged you tightly for a second.
“I have been working overseas, but your mom told me you started working here. Night shifts? Must be tough. But, me and a friend is just here to pick up some stuff. We’re going back to Busan soon, thought I would stop by” His voice as angelic, like usual. Jimin was your mate in high school, he was always there when your heart was breaking or needed to study. When he was assigned for a scholarship in Busan, your heart was aching but rooted for his new path in his college degree of art and performance. Seeing him was like being at home, as you two started talking about memories, forgetting Jin in the room.
“Y/N, there isn’t time for chatting, when you’re working.” Jin spat from afar, making the atmosphere tense. “But, there is no one here besides Jimin? I think it’s fine” You answered back, with your eyebrows furrowed. His shoulders raising, making Jimin cough in defence. “You know, I think it’s best that I get back. My friend is waiting, but I’ll call you later, okay?” The red-haired boy spoke, making you pout. Giving him a last hug, you saw the boy disappear from your sight.
“What the fuck was that??” You commented at the taller boy, making him shake his head. “It’s just work, don’t take it personal.” He answered, leaving to the back-storage room. Oh boy, how did you want to punch him. The rest of the shift, Jin was gone from your sight. It was like, he was ignoring you. Did you do anything wrong?
“I have noticed you don’t have any hickeys left on your neck anymore, did the girls give up trying?” You commented, making him look over with a cheesy smile. “Why? Because you want to leave a mark?”
“God no, don’t be so full of yourself. Girls don’t like that, or at least… some girls don’t” You spoke back, making him chuckle. “I haven’t had any interest in any of the girls…” He commented, leaving you in silence. Did you hear, right? Did Kim Seokjin, not have any interest in any of the girls? You put a hand to your heart, it was beating. “Don’t look so surprised” He spoke again, making you chuckle.
“Well I’m sorry, I didn’t actually think the playboy would not have any interest in girls” You explained, as a smile creeped on your lips. The past month, Jin hasn’t been picking on you. He always asked what you wanted to drink, taking care of you. Whenever you had to put stuff on a high shelf, he took care of it. Feeling his chest against your back, making your heart flutter. The denial you have every morning, coming home from work, saying it’s just an illusion of loneliness.
“Welcome to-“ Jin’s sentence was abruptly stopped, as his shocked face was on a woman. A long beige coat, with brown curly locks embracing her frame. Black heels and clean face, with lashes long and mesmerising. You stood on the side behind a cabin, out of sight, seeing his shocking state, unsure why he was unable to form words.
“Hey, Jin” She spoke, with an angelic voice. It was just as pretty, as her face. “Hey…” He muttered, looking at the girl. Her doe eyes locked with his, making you feel the tension and awkwardness creep on your spine. A man with black clothes, timberlands and a red beanie came into sight. A hand sneaking around the woman’s waist, as he tugged her closer.
“Erhm… This is Jungkook, my boyfriend” She explained, making Jin clench his jaw, as Jungkook smiled like a bunny. “I know, no need to rub it in my face” Jin answered sternly, making you take a step back. He was clearly annoyed, but you didn’t know why. Who was this woman? Why was she doing this to him?
“Come on Jin… Don’t be like that…” She pleaded, making you furrow your brows. “So, how old is he? 19? You always liked those younger boys.” Jin spat, making the woman gasp. Jungkook didn’t seem to fight against it, by just holding onto his girl.
“Jin, it’s nothing like that. I can explain-“
“No need to. I got it all clear, when you disappeared out of the front door with him.” He finished, seeing his veins pop on his neck. You clutched to your chest, feeling your heart ache of the sight. Jin was hurting, from seeing his previous lover, with a new one. Was this, why he was obsessed with the character in the book? He knew, what it felt like being left, for another. The betrayal.
“Welcome, is there anything I can help with?” You came out of your hiding spot, almost unsure what you were doing. Jin’s eyes caught yours, seeing the nervousness on your aura. The couple stared with shock, seeing you come out of nowhere. The girl shook her head, before she held onto Jungkook’s hand. “No, I think we’re good, thank you. Let’s go, Jungkook” She stuttered, pushing the boy outside. Jin’s eyes were following her, as his jaw clenched. It looked painful, seeing what she had done to him. You walked closer, to reach a hand for his arm. Wanting to tug him into your embrace, letting him know you were there. Clarifying, you wouldn’t hurt him like this. Never.
“Jin I-“
“Would you mind, if I left early?” He requested with his sharp breathing, stopping you in your tracks. Your hand retreating, nodding as an answer. The pain of rejection piercing your chest, as he walked past. You were left alone, in a store. Jin didn’t see you as anything but a friend, and he obviously still cared for his ex. Remembering her frame, you felt there was no chance. Looking at the clock, there was only 30 minutes, until you could leave. No costumers, than your ideal thoughts of being with Jin. The man, who had been nagging and bragging on your side, but kept a special place in your mind.  
Locking up the store and seeing the sunlight creep behind the clouds, you decided to take a break. Birds were chirping, encouraging you to relax at the park nearby. There would be no one to yell, scream or interrupt. Just the silence, and you. Walking the 10-minute walk, you quickly found a bench near the pond. The colourful fishes surfacing and ducks approaching, as the cold bit your ankles. The view and light breeze, was worth the frost bites.
“Never heard of a ‘home’?” A voice snapping you out of your thoughts, making you turn around. Jin was standing in his navy-blue jacket, with two coffee’s steaming into the air. Hazel eyes, that looked stunning in the sunlight as his quirky smile made your stomach turn. “Never heard about approaching ‘nature’?” You snapped back, seeing his body place beside yours. His thigh rubbing lightly against you, feeling his warmth through the fabric.
“Here, Caramel Macchiato” A coffee cup handed, taking it into your own. The warmth, evolving in your fingertips as you sipped on the cup. A familiar smell and taste, making you smile. “You remembered my order…” You whispered, as he hummed.
“How could I forget?” He chuckled, sipping onto the green straw. Your eyes caught the way he gulped, with a satisfying sigh. “I think, I know why you like americano’s. And it’s not because it keeps you awake..” You spoke, getting his attention. Putting the cup away, he turned to your side.
“That girl… I assume your ex-girlfriend? She seemed old enough, to have americanos as her regular drink. You loved her, drinking the same, to be on the same level. The bitter taste as you drink it, bringing memories of the last time with her... When we were kids, you liked to drink sweet stuff. I doubt, it was changed because of your taste buds going weird… But I could be wrong.” You explained, as he hummed along. His head bopping to your words, as he let out a defeated smile.
“I guess you’re right. She is about 3 years older than me, and I didn’t want to seem like a wimp when I ordered coffee. I tried black coffee, but it wasn’t the same… How do you still remember I like sweet drinks?” He wondered, sipping on the straw finally scrunching his nose. “How could I not? You are basically a part of my childhood… The bullying and friendship we had in my house.” You answered gently, making him gulp. The smile he had plastered, disappeared when his eyes scanned the pond. Sound of water soothing in between, as he took a deep breath.
“You know what they say, boys bully the girls they fancy.” He spoke confidently, in the tone you hated. But it didn’t matter, because he was saying something, you never thought would come out of him. “Don’t talk shit” You snapped, realising he was a playboy. Once a playboy, always a playboy. Jin might be soft now after a month of working together, but that could easily change. Your cheeks felt warm, and so did your chest.
Jin had been noticing your outbreaks, whenever your fingers touched, or when he spoke form his heart. That’s what he loved about you, your energetic personality. The caring, but stubborn side. Like the first day he saw you, when he hid behind the legs of his parents. Your approaching smile, holding onto his hand, asking to be friends. He will never forget, the girl he fell for as a child. “Why do you like Caramel Macchiato so much? Even when I see you exhausted, you always drink that.” He questioned, leaning against the back rest close to your face. His red ears burning fire, but hoped you would believe it was just the cold.
“It’s warm, sweet and brings happiness. It’s like the sun, as a drink. I love that taste, where you can smile after sipping onto it. Bringing memories, and feeling like home when your lips touch the liquid.” You answered gently, looking back at his caring eyes. They have changed, feeling his warmth embrace you.
“Really? Can I taste...?” His words were hesitant, but was clear as ice. Taking a-back of his request, you knew, this was your only chance.. Butterflies were building in the bottom of your stomach, as Jin leaned closer. Merely inches away, he waited for your answer. A silent nod was given, making him smile. His lips brushing against yours in a sweep motion, feeling pressure against the soft flesh. A pink tint covering your cheekbones, as you finally got to feel him against you. It was gentle, loving and lustful. Letting go of his lips, smoke erupted from your breath. Jin took your hand his, fingers binding together like a braid. Comfy and snug, letting his other hand cup your cheek.
“You have no idea how long I have been wishing for this...” He whispered, clashing his lips onto yours again. Returning the kiss, you felt the cold disappear. The sound of your heart beating harshly in sync, scaring the ducks away.
You aren’t the only one.
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ladybekool · 8 years
Tag Games ♡
OK JULS HERE WE GO  i’m in the mood omfg it’s gonna be long. @ttaewo​ you ask for this.
NINE THINGS ABOUT ME RELATIONSHIP STATUS: SINGLE and happy FAVOURITE COLOURS: yellow and very toxic green PETS: i used to have fish but they all die so nope, only my lil’ sis’ (héhé) WAKE-uP TIME:  MY BODY SEEMS TO HAVE AN INNER ALARM AT 8 AM RECENTLY #LITTERALYFML THIS IS HOLIDAYS CATS OR DOGS: ... both ? really both. CHAPSTICK OR LIPSTICK: LIPSTICK (chateau wine colooor)(lalala) LAST SONG I LISTENED TO: You never walk alone - BTS
RANDOM TAG GAME: rules: go to this website: www.random.org/lists and pick 15 of your bias/faves 1. MUM/DAD: Jisoo (FUNNY TIMES) 2. SIBLING: Kihyun (omg my sassy bro... love this) 3. GRANDMA/GRANDPA: Hwasa (MY GRANNY IS FUCKING COOL ANS SMEXY) 4. HAUNTS YOU: Mark Tuan ( i would be so pleased but lowkey afraid with all this little giggle) 5. GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND: Amber (.........i’ve been blessed) 6. YOUR EX: Jaehyun (LMAO) 7. YOUR BEST FRIEND: The8 ... (OMG COOL BESTIE) 8. PROPOSED TO YOU: Jongup (ofc.. i mean.. yeah) 9. YOUR BOSS: Lisa !!! 10. RANDOM PERSON YOU MEET AT THE BAR: Yugyeom (JUST AFTER BOWLING LOL) 11. RIVAL: Wonho (oh man i’m in deep shit) 12. FIRST KISS: Jungkook (rfdjsk CUTE) 13. SUGARHIGH AND SINGING KARAOKE: Namjoon (!!!!! itwouldbesofunimdying) 14. PLAYED 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN WITH: Taehyung (..oh my..) 15. GAVE YOU YOUR FAVOURITE DESSERT: Suga (ok this is so funny. SUGA give me my fav DESERT)(WOUHHH)(*cough* cookie *cough*)
5 COOL FACTS: rules: give out 5 interesting, strange, weird, cool, dope af, bizarre facts about yourself. it can be absolutely anything! and then tag 10 people that you’d like to know more about! keep it going! ❤️ 1. i spoke to myself a lot and when i’m in the street i sometimes pretend i’m on the phone 2. i have a birthmark pretty cool but pretty huge on my groin (i think it’s the name of it but not sure) 3. i have a tattoo 4. i have no shame 5. i did a voguing-dance-battle one day in front of a crowed it was a queer party in Porto and I legit start to dance in the middle of a crowed even if i didn’t knew shit about voguing. i didn’t win but i did it and i’m so proud of it lmao
TOP 15 KPOP SONGS OF 2016: (in no specific order) 1. Monster, EXO 2. Highlight, Seventeen 3. How’s that, HyunA 4. Save Me, BTS 5. Lie, BTS Jimin 6. Awake, BTS Jin 7. Begin, BTS Jungkook 8. Boys Meet Evil, BTS J-hope 9. The Last, Agust’D 10. MOBB 빨리 전화해 (HIT ME) (Feat. KUSH) 11. January (Feat. YDG) - 빈지노 (Beenzino) (not kpop but still) 12. Monsta X - All In 13. Monsta X - Fighter 14. B.A.P - Killer 15. Vain hope(희망고문) - NELL(넬) (again not kpop but STILL)
GET TO KNOW ME TAG: rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better TAGGED BY: @ttaewo​ thanks NICKNAME: morguy, momo, mo, mori, mogo etc... GENDER: female STAR SIGN: vleo HEIGHT: 166cm TIME RIGHT NOW: 10:45am LAST THING GOOGLED: groins english FAVOURITE BANDS: BTS, NELL, Moderat, Simple Minds, Massive Attack, Mansionair, Monsta X, Exo.... A LOT I DON’T KNOW FAVOURITE SOLO ARTISTS: HA:TFELT, AMBER, LUNA, Sevdaliza ... I DON’T HAVE A FAV I’M SORRY SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Nell - Vain Hope... LAST MOVIE WATCHED: I DON’T REMEMBER LAST TV SHOW YOU WATCHED: F*cking Hwarang WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: 2012 ! WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: meme, aesthetic, thoughts, shitty selfie, kpop WHEN DID YOUR BLOG REACH ITS PEAK: idk? DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS: YES DO YOU GET ASKS REGULARLY: NO NEVER lmao, no one give a shit about me lmao WHY YOU CHOSE YOUR URL: ohhh hm, first it was “ihauntedbambismom” then i saw a funny ad about lady cigarette named ladybecool so it was it and recently i changed it because it was funny...... FOLLOWING: 473 POSTS: 7,480 HOGWARTS HOUSE: SLYTHERIN AND PROUD POKEMON TEAM: i don’t know nor i care ? FAVOURITE COLOURS:  yellloooowwww AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: 5-7 hours (same juls) LUCKY NUMBERS: 8 FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: me WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: my pj litteraly a pink velvet pyjama. HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH: 2 DREAM JOB: working in the music industry (kpop?) as an art director DREAM TRIP: south korea....
ALPHABETICAL TAG GAME: A - AGE: 22 B - BIGGEST FEAR: dark C - CURRENT TIME: 10:55 am D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: hot water (DON’T JUDGE ME CATHY IF U READ THIS) E - EVERY DAY STARTS WITH: opening my laptop F - FAVOURITE SONG: ... i don’t know it change all the time G - GHOSTS, ARE THEY REAL?: yup there is one in my room i talk to them sometimes H - HOMETOWN: hmmm i kinda don’t want to say it, but it’s in france I - IN LOVE WITH: ... food. J - JEALOUS OF: no one ? K - KILLED SOMEONE:  MY SELF ESTEEM ? L - LAST TIME YOU’VE CRIED: on valentine’s day during hwarang ep18 fucking shit M - MIDDLE NAME: DANY JACKY N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 1.. 2 ? (i don’t see the second one) O - ONE WISH: Happiness for everyone P -  PERSON YOU’VE LAST CALLED / TEXTED: @lbrtlss​ AGAIN NO SHAME LOOOL Q -  QUESTIONS YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: what’s this ? or what are we eating ? R -  REASONS TO SMILE: the sun is bright rn♡ S - SONGS LAST SANG: CYPHER PART4 T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: 8AM SHT but then i sleep again and usually it’s 10am U - UNDERWEAR COLOR: grey? V - VACATION DESTINATION: SEA !!! W - WORST HABIT: rambling X - X-RAYS YOU’VE HAD: none ahahha Y - YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD: EVERYTHING EVERYTHING “Mianhae I hate u Saranghae I hate u, Yongseohae” ... I NEED U FOOOD Z - ZODIAC SIGN: leo
♡ that’s it. bye.  i didn’t do the handwriting one because i’m hella lazy to get up my bed HAHAHAHA tagging people i love / i’d like to know better: @vmonstalove​ @my-son-taehyung​ @lovebeweird​  that’s for uuuu PLEASE DON’T HATE ME LOL
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dis-easedfairy · 6 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.6
Male Path | Female Path
Chapter 6: Different Feelings
Warnings: Kidnapping | Mentions of Rape | Slight Smut (if you can even call it that)
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: Kim Taehyung x Male Reader / Kim Seokjin x Male Reader / Jung Hoseok x Male Reader / Park Jimin x Male Reader (slightly)
Word Count: 5,711 (I regret nothing)
Summary: M/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. M/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic M/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but M/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
A/N: So I write the ‘Male Path’ first and don’t touch the ‘Female Path’ until I’m done. So I wrote Tae’s part last night before ‘Singularity' dropped,(I listened to it while editing) honestly, the timing is pretty amazing.
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  I woke up in what seemed like Jason’s apartment. The room was too bright and I’m sure I puked in the trash near me at some point. I pulled myself off the couch and stumbled to the bathroom. I was wearing black ripped jeans, a white t-shirt, black boots and my father's varsity jacket last night. I had it all on, but the boots weren’t tied right, my pants unzipped, my shirt stretched out. The only thing left untouched was my jacket, thank god.
I wasn’t sure where Jason was, but I turned on the shower and opened the window for fresh air. I began to peel off the clothes, examining the bruises on my neck, chest, and arms. I felt an emotional detachment from the bruises, like it was no big deal. I untied my boots and pulled off my pants and socks. More bruises. I got in the shower and just hoped Jason went to the bunker.
After the shower, I wrapped a towel around my waist and took a shirt from Jason. I put on my clothes from last night and searched for my phone. I found it under the couch.
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I headed to the company, went into my office and stood there like nothing happened.
Around lunch I got a call on my office phone. I picked it up as I worked on what it would take to expand to snacks.
“ Barnaby Inc. L/n M/n speaking.” I answered, getting out a pad and pen.
“M/n? What are you doing at the office!? Everyone is worried.” Jason’s voice rang through.
“Everyone? Who’s everyone?”
“Jin, Tae, Hobi, Seongmi, they were wondering why you didn’t come home! I came this morning and thought you’d get here and explain why I just found you laying on the ground by the river!”
“Listen I have a lot of work to-”
“Why do you sound emotionless?” Tae suddenly asked.
“Of course I’m on speaker phone. Just, don’t worry. I’m working. I’ll be home for dinner.” I lied, turning back to my computer.
“Did you eat lunch?” Hobi asked.
“I’ll order something later.”
“M/n, what happened last night?” Jin questioned softly.
“Honestly? I don’t remember, okay?”
“Are you sure you’re fine?” Jason pressed.
“Yes! Just peachy, would you like to know my blood type as well?” I snapped.
I sighed.
“I’m sorry. That was wrong of me, you all just care. I’ll be okay, I just need the day to myself.” I added.
I saw a few interns guiding two men in police uniforms to my office.
“I have to go! I’ll be home for dinner.” I hung up before they could respond and waved them in before the intern could knock.
“Hello, officers? What can I help you with?” I asked, leaning on my desk like I actually cared.
“We’re here regarding the kpop group BTS, you must have heard they’ve gone missing by now?” Officer #1 stated.
Officer #1 looked like he was in his late 30’s. Office #2, however, looked about my age, he was actually pretty hot.
“I have heard. It would be impossible not to. Why?” I questioned.
“The police department would like for you to run an announcement on leads or other police matters regarding the case. We had gone you your sister, Broadcasting, but she stated that you were fully in charge of finalizing everything.” What a way to throw me under the bus, Jillian.
I frowned.
“Well, that’s regarding advertisement and lower budget animations. I don’t see why she didn’t let you run it. If you give it to me, I’ll be sure to have it broadcasted and give you the schedule in when it runs. ” I promised, writing when I felt the announcement should be scheduled.
“Thank you Mr. L/n. That would be greatly appreciated.” Office #1 sighed in relief as he handed me the papers and a USB.
“Where were you when BTS went missing?” Officer #2 quickly asked, earning a look from Officer #1.
I looked up to meet his gaze.
“With my family. We’re trying to expand to video games so we’ve been very busy here. I was supposed to go to the event but I chose to work instead, I sold my ticket to a random person online and that was that. I heard it was a good show…not considering the aftermath.” I didn’t miss a beat or falter.
Officer #2 only nodded, dropping his gaze to the floor. I was prying they didn’t check my bank account. I did use my credit card to buy the everyone things, I used cash. They would see that I was using a lot more money than usual though.
I finished the makeshift schedule and signed the bottom of the paper and handed it to Officer #1.
“This is roughly when the announcements should come out, I signed it so your higher-ups will know it’s legit. I’ll be sure to call to tell you the exact times and or if anything changes.”
After the police left I called in an order for lunch, making sure I ate. As I was waiting I foolishly looked at my phone gallery.
The pictures I didn’t want to see.
The videos that were disgusting.
The recordings that made me actually queezy.
I threw my phone across the room. I hated that phone and everything in it. I gathered my things and on the way out I get out a frustrated sigh. I walked over to the shattered phone and picked it up. I decided to pick up lunch and finally face everyone at the bunker.
As soon as I got out the car my heart started racing and I knew I had to get in there, say what I needed to and get away from everyone as soon as I could. I quickly unlocked the vault door and pinched in the dial code. I went as quick as I could to the double doors and was relieved to see them all gathered around the kitchen island. I grabbed the magnetic pad off the fridge and a pen that was nearby.
Dog. Cloud. Moon. Stars. Rain. Cat.
I pulled out the vault key and slammed it on top of the note as my chest felt tighter. I took my phone out my pocket and put it on the counter so I could get my keys from the same pocket and added it to the pile.
“You’re all free to leave tomorrow morning.” I announced, making everyone’s eyes widen,
“M/n, you can’t be se-” I cut Jason off by holding my hand out.
“The longer you are all gone the worse everything will get. I… I’m an emotional wreck right now. Right now there is so much hitting me right now, but tomorrow I’ll be completely numb. That’s how it’s always worked. So here is the dial code and the key to the vault. I’m sure Jason won’t mind driving you, just make up a story for him please.” I stated quickly as I could feel and hear my heart going a million miles a minute.
“No! Not yet, M/n! At least wait until this partnership goes through!” Jason begged.
“No! It’s not right, Jason! I’m taking a cowards route already by having them go when I can’t feel anything!” I argued as I felt a heaviness on my chest as it tightened up.
“What happened last night!? Why is your phone shattered!? And why did you never pick up when I called you on it!?” Jason demanded.
“Who fucking cares about this fucked up phone!?” I grabbed my phone and threw it at the wall, successfully exploding it to pieces.
The room was dead silent.
“You’re free tomorrow. I figured you’d all be happy.” I struggled a little to breathe with a sad smile as tears started to form in my eyes.
I quickly left the room and found an empty unfurnished bedroom and sat on the floor as I felt my throat start to close up. I pulled my knees to my chest as my breathing became labored. I wasn’t sad, but a choked sob came from my chest as tears began to gather more.
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   I woke up to the sound of the door opening harshly. The light from the hallway was bright. I just saw a figure at the door.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone?” The person growled.
Jimin closed the door behind him and flicked on the lights. He walked closer to me. His face was twisted with pure anger, but he had tears in his eyes.
“Why didn’t you tell anyone!? Why didn’t you go the police!?” He almost shouted.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
Jimin pulled my mangled phone out his pocket and let it fall to the floor.
“I got the SD card. I saw it all! They said their names in the videos, Y/n! Those dumbasses showed their faces! You have solid evidence! You have proof that they raped you and yet you sit here doing nothing! Here! Look! ” Jimin got his phone and pulled up a video, holding it close to my face.
I hit his arm away, looking the opposite direction.
“You’re seriously going to let these disgusting human beings walk around with no punishment!? What if they try to do it to someone else!? What if they come for you again because they think you’re compliant by not telling!?”
“What do you expect me to do!? Eighty percent of the police don’t care, Jimin! Not for my family at least! They will do less than they can! They don’t care what evidence you have that will prove I’m a victim! The fact that I kidnapped 9 people will also be found out if I tell! Jason isn’t out of the woods yet for me to do that!” I shouted back.
“No one deserves that! You don’t deserve that!” Jimin began to pace.
“Linza thinks so.” I spit coldly, making Jimin freeze.
“I mean if I go to the police, I’d be a hypocrite.” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“No! You won’t be! You’re not a rapist!” He suddenly sounded hurt.
“Says who? What if Tae, Jin, Hobi, and Seongmi fell into my ‘sick game’.”
“Stop! I’m sorry okay!? You’re not a rapist! You’re just a guy who got sca-”
“A psychotic fan who isn’t sure of their sexuality.”
“That’s what I was when Linza tried to pin me down to the bed! That’s what I was when you held a knife to my back right!? Let’s keep it that way!”
Jimin shook his head rapidly.
“I’m sorry I didn’t stand up for yo-” I cut him off.
“I don’t get why you suddenly care about what happens to me. This isn’t the first time this happened, and with my luck, it may not be the last!” I stood up and began to push Jimin out the room.
“Go tell Linza, I bet she’s just dying to smirk at the videos and have you defend her enough for you to pretty much attack me if I look her direction.” I snapped.
Jimin whirled around and grabbed my upper arms.
“No! I promise I won’t defend her anymore! Just please tell the police, M/n! They can’t get away with this!” Jimin pleaded.
I thought I actually saw pain in his eyes. I knew better now, he seemed caring and nice but didn’t actually care at all. When the next fight would happen, he wouldn’t defend me. If Linza decided to go after me again, he wouldn’t protect me. I smirked.
“They will.” I pushed him fully out and closed the door, locking it this time.
I shut the lights back off and leaned against the wall. I just wanted sleep, until the cops came.
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  I woke up again in a room I couldn’t figure out at first, until I saw two Barnaby plushies on the bed across from the one I was on. I pulled myself to sit up. I looked around the room, trying to figure out why I was here and not arrested.
The door to the room opened. Tae slipped in, he was wearing just a regular gray sweater and black sweat pants. He saw I was awake and smiled.
I was happy to see him if I was being perfectly honest. Meaning they, or at least, he didn’t leave.
“How are you feeling?” Tae asked, quickly taking the place beside me on the edge of the bed beside me.
Numb as fuck.
“Uh, I’ll get back to you on that one.” I smiled a little.
Tae frowned and put his hand on the center of my chest and slowly pushed me back. I lied back, confused as to what he wanted. Tae put his hand that was on my chest on the other side of me so he could hover over me. He was so close, yet I wasn’t even the slightest bit uncomfortable.
I scanned his face and smiled. I cupped his face and ran my thumb gently under his left eye.
“I hope people tell you how much your beauty marks make them crazy. ” I said is almost a whisper.
He smiled. He closed his eyes and came a little closer, letting his nose brush against mine. He began to rub his nose against mine, earning a giggle from me. He opened his eyes. Something about the way his half-lidded eyes were staring me made me keep his intense gaze. His eyes dropped to my lips and went back up to my eyes.
My heart started to speed up, I’m sure it wasn’t any mental or physical disorders causing it. Just him.
I felt now. I felt wanted. Accepted. Comforted. Loved. His said so much without opening his mouth as his hand slid from the bed up my arm to the side of my neck. His eyes dropped back down to my lips as he tilted his head and softly pressed his lips to mine.
The numbness was gone as I felt a million emotions at once. I returned the kiss moving my other hand to grip the side of his shirt and tilted my head to deepen the kiss. His other hand held onto my hip as he pulled away slightly to end this kiss. His hands left my neck and hip as they went to the front of my jeans.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going any farther, I just want to make you more comfortable.” He assured be against my lips.
He unzipped my jeans and began to pull them down. I was suddenly hyper-aware of the bruises littered around my body, but Tae didn’t seem to acknowledge them. I lifted up a bit to let him take them off properly. once he got to my ankles, he moved off to the foot of the bed, to my shoes and untied them, taking them off and finished removing my jeans.
Something about it all seemed very…husband.
He climbed back on the bed and crawled on top of me. Sitting on my thighs as he slid his hands up from my stomach to my jacket.
“I didn’t know you played sports.” He frowned a bit.
“I don’t. It’s my dad’s.” He tilted his head slightly with a slight smile and pushed the jacket off my shoulders.
I propped myself on my elbows, letting it slide off more. He climbed off to me and went to the dresser. He pulled out an oversized yellow hoodie and got back on the bed. I pulled my jacket off completely and took off my shirt. He handed me the hoodie.
“Jin Hyung will be in here to force feed you in a little bit.” I could hear the smile in his voice as I slipped on the hoodie.
I sighed, Jin would. Tae grabbed a throw blanket off the bedpost and threw it over my legs. Tae came close again, his hand squeezing my thigh. He gave me a quick kiss on the nose and seemed to giggle when heat flooded my face.
“Hobi Hyung has been dying to see you too, I’ll see you later night, Boyfriend.” His smiled and made his way out.
Tae calling me ‘Boyfriend’ always seemed like he was joking and teasing, but maybe all this time he really wasn’t.
Oh god, I agreed to him rubbing my ass yesterday.
I put my face in my hands (sweater paws) as my face was on fire at this point. I peeked out to look at the clock on the dresser between the two beds. It was 7am. I was surprised I didn’t need to pee. The door flew open, making me jump.
Jin came in, bowl with a spoon in it in his hand a small foldable table under his arm. He beamed at me.
“Glad to see you’re awake now! ” He set the bowl down on the dresser by the door and set the table up in front of the bed.
He set the bowl down on the table as he sat on the bed. The bowl looked like it was full of yogurt, granola, and several different fruits. Blueberries, strawberries, kiwis, bananas, grapes, peach, pomegranate, cherries, apple and what looked like a drizzle of honey over the whole thing.
“Do I have to force you to eat or will you be good for me?” His words made the heat in my face return.
I tried to hide my face with one of my hands, “I’ll be good,” I mumbled.
“Good boy.” He smirked, looking at my face, more heat to my face.
Was he testing me?? Jin never looked at me like that before. Then again neither did Tae.
I moved to the edge of the bed and began eating. Jin brushed my hair out my face, gaze similar to the one Tae gave me. He was going to make me choke on my granola-fruit-honey-yogurt if he kept that up.
Stay in your lane, Kim Seokjin.
I began to pay more attention to my yogurt until I felt Jin’s hand move over a squeeze my thigh. He scooted closer to me.
“M/n? You look adorable in that hoodie.” He chuckled.
Why was his voice suddenly more deep??
He took a cherry out my bowl and popped it between his perfect lips. I quickly snapped my eyes back to the bowl. His hands wandered to the throw blanket.
“May I?” He asked in a whisper.
I only nodded. Jin pulled the blanket back. He frowned, tracing a bruise on my folded legs. He stood up, slid the table away and got on his knees in front of me. He lifted my left leg. While not breaking eye contact Jin slowly leaned down and kissed the bruise he was tracing.
He broke eye contact and he looked for another bruise and kissed that one, then another. I covered my face with my hands, the heat coming off my face could warm the whole room. He didn’t stop until he kissed the last bruise on my thigh. He pushed my legs open and put himself between them so he was face to face with me.
“Have I ever told you how everyone stares when you walk into a room?” He whispered.
I shook my head, fully shy now. He chuckled at my shyness and pulled my hands from my face. He ghosted his lips over mine.
“I think Taehyung and Hoseok get jealous when everyone stares. I know I do. Yet, I feel so proud at the same time. ”
“Why proud?” My voice was small.
“Because you’re ours and no one else's. Of course, you’d be perfect if you caught my attention.” I feel like he tried to sound like he was joking on the last part, but the first part felt like it had a double meaning.
Like the first part had a darker undertone.
He put his hands up to cup my face. So close. I felt his lips touch mine softly. The kiss was soft and slow, soon my hands were sliding up his chest, to his neck then finally into his hair. Jin slid one of his hands down to the side of my thigh and pulled me closer.
Tae filled me with comfort and assurance, warmth and understanding. Jin was this sweet blush. I felt taken care of. Jin was a different comfort I couldn’t explain.  
He pulled away, a smile on his face.
“Finish your breakfast and rest more okay? I’ll have Hoseok bring you lunch.” Jin stated cheerfully, like he didn’t just get me the shyest I’ve ever felt in my life.
He stood up, moving away from me and pulling the blanket on my lap. He slid the table back into place and bent down to give me a kiss on my forehead.
“Eat up, N/n.” Once again I was left in the room.
“What the fuck is happening?” I asked myself breathlessly.
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  I stretched and smelled something heavenly. I looked over at the bed across from me and Hobi was casually playing a game on his phone, nothing out of the ordinary. As soon as I sat up he turned to me, brightest smile on his face.
“You’re up now!”  I’ve never seen someone so excited to see me before.
Hobi got up and got a plate off the dresser and set it in front of me. He sat next to me.
“Who do I praise because this looks magical!” It was Tonkatsu or a version of it.
Tonkatsu was basically a breaded and fried pork cutlet that was usually served with rice and its own sauce with different variations depending on where you got it.
Hobi beamed, “I made it!”
“It looks great, Hobi! Seriously. I tried to make it once of for some reason the breading stuck to the pan, considering all the oil I put. I’m usually a good cook so it really surprised me at the time.” I chuckled at the memory.
I suddenly realized how much closer Hobi was sitting next to me. I quickly decided to have the upper hand.
“Hobi?” I asked, my voice softer than usual.
“Yes, N/n?” He answered, not seeming to notice.
I looked over at him, he was actually checking me out, which made me feel more confident for what I was about to do.
“Would you feel more comfortable if I called you ‘Hyung’ in front of the boys?” I asked softly, putting my legs under me.
“That sounds nice, but, I’ll miss ‘Hobi’.” He admitted, a shy smile on his face.
“You can be Hobi Hyung!” I smiled.
He chuckled. I smirked as I crawled on to his lap, facing him.
“So, Hobi Hyung, what were you planning to once I woke up?” I tested, feeling a sense of pride wash over me as he had a surprised look on his face.
I slid my hands up his chest to his shoulders, waiting for an answer. Hobi put his hands on my thighs, closed his eyes and leaned forward, once our lips connected I felt a surge of passion, a surge of dominance.
I moved my hands from his shoulders to his hair and tugged his head back. He let out a gasp that allowed me to deepen the now rough kiss. Hobi’s hands slid up to my hips. I playfully slid my tongue into his mouth for a reaction and was more than pleased to hear a groan from him. His hands immediately groped my ass, pulling me closer.
The kiss made me feel raw passion. It was like fire igniting my body, begging for me to go farther.
Hobi turned and picked me up off his lap to lie me down on the bed. He pulled away, smirk on his face as his hand slid up from my hip, up my hoodie. He lifted my hoodie to expose my stomach and more bruises. He ended up doing exactly when Jin did. Kissing each bruise.
I swore I felt his tongue brush against a few. He came back up to kiss my lips and fit himself between my legs. He pulled back a little bit, beautiful smile on his face.
“You should eat before Jin, Tae, and Seongmi kill me.” He chuckled.
I smiled.
“So can I ask what’s going on with you, Jin and Tae, or?” I pressed.
He only kept his smile, as he got off of me and the bed.
“We’ll be here in a bit to eat dinner, you should rest after you eat. Jin says that sleep will help with all the stress.” He informed me, giving me a quick kiss on my lips.
“See you in awhile!” He waved as he closed the door behind him.
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Once dinner time came Tae and Hobi pulled in a small coffee table as Jin and Seongmi brought in food and drinks. I attempted to help but was told to just sit down. Once we began eating we heard a knock at the door.
“Come in!” Tae called, mouth a little full.
The door opened slowly and Jimin stepped into the room.
“Can I eat here?” He asked in a small tone, like he was a little afraid.
I frowned at his comfortableness and scooted more towards Tae to make room for Jimin between Seongmi and I.
“Be our guest.” I smiled, patting the empty spot.
Jimin smiled and closed the door, quickly taking the spot I offered. I looked over to Tae to ask him something but saw the look of warning he was giving Jimin. Thankfully Jimin was talking to Seongmi and didn’t notice. I playfully hit Tae.
“Why the look?” I hissed at him.
Tae shrugged, pretending not to know and resumed eating. Jimin tapped me.
“Yeah?” I answered turning to him, small smile on my face.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Letting me in. It looked like Hobi and Jin were against it and Taehyung was going to pounce if I came too close.”
“That’s exactly how Jungkook looked at me the first day you guys were here actually.” Jimin’s eyes widened.
“That’s terrifying.”
“I think it was because you looked afraid.” I smiled.
“Jikook is real.” I coughed and turned back to my meal like nothing happened, leaving Jimin with a bright blush on his face.
Tae and Hobi started laughing at my comment. Too hard I may add.
“Aw c’mon you guys, leave Jimin alone.” Seongmi complained.
“It’s not that funny!” Jin interjected.
“Sorry, Jimin. I didn’t know they’d suddenly turn into hyenas. ” I apologized.
Jimin gave me a shy smile.
Since when is he shy around me? He was either quiet or challenging me. Even when he was quiet he would give me the death glare. They only vulnerability he’s shown me is when he was trying to kill me.  I was confused, but ignored it and continued eating. I made sure to praise Seongmi, Jin, and Jimin who all cooked.
“Jimin only helped, mixing pots, taking things out the fridge and cabinets, not really cooking anything.” Jin informed.
“It still deserves praise, Jin. I didn’t do shit so I’m praising and thanking those who did.”
“Yeah, Jin! M/n’s just being kind!” Seongmi agreed with me.  
“Were you jealous that M/n praised someone other than you for food, Jin Hyung?” Tae teased.
“He liked my Donkkaseu that I made him for lunch.” Hobi added.
“You made him lunch!? You said he was asleep all this time!” Jin suddenly shouted.
“Wow, Hobi Hyung, you lied to Jin Hyung.” Tae instigated, continuing to eat.
Hobi looked like he wanted to hit Tae with a chair. And just like that Hobi and Jin began to bicker. I sighed.
“Jimin are you still alive?” I suddenly heard a voice ask from Jimin’s pocket.
“The fuck was that?” I asked Jimin.
“Jason downloaded a walkie-talkie app on all our phones so we can talk to each other without internet or cell service. You just heard Yoongi Hyung.” Tae explained before Jimin could.
Jimin pulled out his phone.
“I’m fine, Hyung.” Jimin responded.
“...Are Jin and Hoseok fighting?” Suga sounded like he was smiling.
“HOW HARD IS IT TO BREAD AND FRY PORK CUTLET!?” Jin shouted with passion.
“I liked them both, will you stop fighting now?” I asked chuckling.
Tae wrapped one arm around my waist and pulled me closer for some reason. I wasn’t sure why he was doing this, but I decided to test a theory.
“So, Seongmi, what were you doing before...well, before I kidnapped you?” I asked, leaning one arm on the table.
“I was actually working for your company. I uh, I’m an animator myself.” She looked at her lap, shy.
“Really? Any that I’ve heard of?” I asked.
She shook her head.
“No, I was just an assistant, it was supposed to help with experience.” I frowned.
“Did it help?”
She shook her head again.
“Why not?” I was actually curious now.
“Some of the animators didn’t want to teach me anything or I just made coffee and supply runs.”
“Those motherfuckers. You’re not their coffee mule. You’re an animator like them! Ugh, when I get to work I-”
“No! It’s fine its ju-”
“It’s not fine, Seongmi. I want nothing but kindness in my company, we don’t treat someone different whether they are a professional animator or an amateur, if you have a passion for it, they should respect you. If they won’t help you, I’ll ask my mom to.”
Her eyes lit up.
“Really?? You promise!?” She was bouncing up and down.
“You have my word.” I smiled at her adorable reaction.
Seongmi jumped up and held out her arms for a hug. I stood up and hugged her.
“I’ll help you out, you’ll do great.” I promised.
“This is probably what your mom felt when your father helped her out.” Seongmi giggled.
The whole room went quiet.
“Maybe. I know they got married around the same time my mom’s first animation broadcasted under ‘Barnaby Inc.’, when she hit big. When they hit big.” Seongmi pulled back to look at my face.
I never noticed how pretty her eyes looked. The dark brown had these small speckles of hazel.
“You’re mom always talked about your dad. You’re a lot like him. Maybe you’ll get a wife like your mom.” She smiled.
I felt my face heat up.
“I-uh-Wife? I mean, I dunno, I’m pretty average and I’m not even sure of my sexu-”
“You should marry an animator! I know a ton of girls AND guys who have the hots for you!” She teased.
My face heated up more.
“Your mom says you love kids, so you getting married and having kids will be a breeze!” Seongmi was not stopping.
“Seongmi, be a little realistic, M/n hasn’t had that special someone yet.” Jin said quickly, almost like he was trying to dismiss what Seongmi was saying.
“Aw, Jin, don’t be ridiculous! Look at him, he’s already husband material.” Seongmi started fixing my hoodie’s strings.
I laughed, “I’m in an oversized hoodie and my underwear, Seongmi, you make it seem like I’m in a tux.”
“You look good either way! Any girl would be lucky to have you, M/n.” Seongmi smiled, resting her hands on my shoulders.
“Seongmi, he likes gu-” She interrupted Hobi.
“I mean, you already know how to treat a woman.” She added with a wink.
She looked down then back up. I looked down. My arms were still wrapped around her waist and we were so close that my stomach was touching hers.
I jumped back and ended up tripping over Tae’s knee and fell on the bed.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t realize we were that close!” I apologized quickly.
Seongmi giggled.
“You really are adorable, M/n.” She teased.
Just a second ago she was cute Seongmi who was shy and quiet. Now she looked like she would take me in front of everyone just for the fun of it.
Dammit, it’s always the quiet ones you have to look out for.
I covered my face from embarrassment and shook my head.
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After dinner, everyone talked and chatted for a while. Around bedtime, everyone left but Tae.
He started pulling the blanket back on the bed.
“Jin Hyung wanted to have your big bed to himself tonight, so it’s just us. ” He smiled.
“Huh? Am I taking Jin’s bed?” I asked, walking to the opposite bed.
“No, you’re sleeping in mine. With me. Come on! Let’s go to sleep!” Tae said, exited as he got under the covers and patted the space beside him.
I hesitated. He frowned.
“M/n~ Come cuddle!” Tae whined.
This was a trap I was sure of it. It took pure witchcraft to make my heartstrings tug from whining like that. This was pure magic if I’ve ever seen it.
I crawled into the covers and turned off the lamp, as soon as I turned to my side Tae attached himself to my back, wrapping himself around me.
After a few moments of silence, I felt something soft and wet on my neck with a slight ‘pop’ noise. My eyes flew open.
It happened again. And again. As soon as the soft wetness hit a particular spot on my neck, my breath hitched.
“Will you stop kissing my neck!?” I asked Tae.
They were small effective pecks, it was kind of adorable, but I knew he had a motive. He let out a breathless giggle, trying to be quiet. I tried to squirm away but Tae tightened his hold and kissed my cheek.
“When we get out of here, I want to take you everywhere with us,” He whispered.
Before I could shut down that thought he continued.
“You mean a lot to us. To Jin. To Hobi. I’m sure Jimin’s warming up to you... I want you always be around. We care about you. Promise me, when we leave here, you’ll still try to keep in contact?”
His voice was like honey and I was so relaxed. I cared about them too. About him, about Jin, about Hobi. There was no way I’d just let them leave without them knowing that I did care.
“I promise, Tae.” He hummed in approval and snuggled close.
“Promise you’ll always be around.”
“Promise.” I yawned, my eyes feeling heavy.
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