etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
Closed starter for @legendaryl0stpieces || Pedro and Omer (#3)
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Pedro had arrived a little earlier, knowing that Omer would be there eventually. They couldn't reveal the true nature of their relationship, that much had been made clear, but it didn't mean that Pedro liked it. He was a soft spoken, gentle man but something about Omer brought out a desperation within him. He watched from across the room as the other man entered the house, admiring him from afar as he moved, intoxicated by each step he took. But then... It happened. He knew that he shouldn't, but watching as another man - a handsome man at that - approached Omer and began to blatantly hit on him... It made Pedro tremble. He had never felt this before, never felt so angry. His hand gripped his glass a little more tightly, looking away to try and calm himself down.
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dtchloedecker · 3 months
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closed starter for @legendaryl0stpieces
Eve was already becoming a problem and they weren't even halfway through the day. Lucifer had brought her to the crime scene this morning without even asking Chloe if she was okay with it and when she told him that she wasn't, he threatened that he and Eve would go after the killer themselves and Chloe knew they would. So, she reluctantly agreed to let Eve join. It was the lesser of two evils. But, she immediately regretted it. Eve was loud and shrill and very hyperactive. In fact, Lucifer was practically chasing her around the bullpen like a father who brought his three-year-old daughter to work. She constantly talked about how she wanted to see Lucifer beat up the suspects. In fact, when they went to question Pony Boy and he asked for his lawyer, Eve told Lucifer to "torture the truth out of him until his lawyer shows up" and then proceeded to have a makeout session with him that bordered on NC-17.
Chloe's patience was wearing thin. When they got back to the precinct, she asked to talk to Lucifer alone. After somehow getting Eve occupied, they went into the conference room. "I'm just going to come out and say it. Eve being here isn't working."
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goxinsane · 28 days
𝙻𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙸𝙰𝙽 𝙵𝙸𝚃𝚉𝙶𝙴𝚁𝙰𝙻𝙳 𝙰𝙽𝙳 𝚂𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙴 𝙱𝙻𝙰𝙺𝙴; @legendaryl0stpieces ; x
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It was JUST a date at a decently rated restaurant in the city. It wasn't too over-the-top nor too casual for such an occasion. Lillian didn't need to be blown away by the atmosphere alongside spending too much on the wine with minimal portions. But, she was just picky enough to not agree to go to a sports bar--- it wasn't her thing. So, luckily, without much debate, they mutually decided to meet here. And she was positive there was at least another table or two doing the same thing, or celebrating their anniversary. Either way, Lillian would show up and try her best in impressing the other. She was rusty. She was a little bit nervous. She was worried for her daughter and the babysitter. What if Shane wasn't whom she said he was? Was he a liar? That was another thought that processed until he actually showed up, and it made her relieved. Neither of them would have showed up if there wasn't hope, but they also had the option to leave if nothing went as planned, it was way simpler than how she originally perceived the notion to go forth with using Tinder as a whole.
Lillian wanted a real connection too. So, when she heard Shane express his disinterest in only hooking up, all thanks to the app, she chuckled. "Aye, I experienced the same thing. YOU were actually one of the few whom weren't interested in hooking up, and I thought I would take my chance." The reminder of the amount of messages she had gotten made her expression sour and she crinkled her nose. It didn't seem beneficial for anyone with actual standards and it seemed too messy, but Lillian didn't judge. Maybe if she was a teenager with this technology, or really desperate... "My parents were always punctual, and I suppose that habit just stuck with me. We always attended family gatherings early to help or now, I do the same when attending work related meetings." There was ONE time that caused her to be too distracted in the moment and miss out on picking up her eldest from school, but she wasn't one of the two whom died that night. And right now, Lillian was trying to get past the past. It was not something appropriate to bring up nor get upset about. This was a new experience and she was proud to have made the leap out of her comfort zone.
All this time, they spoke, they didn't share their professions? Maybe in the back of her mind, Lillian had just been extra cautious-- even though her face was on the back of several novels, like Danielle Steel or James Patterson. She just didn't like the spotlight enough to boast. "Reporter? No way. Please tell me I've seen your work." Her fingers reached up to brush a lock of blonde hair behind her ear. They had worked in the same field and hadn't crossed paths? It seemed too good to be true, though, now she was back home in London, and it was a big world. "I used to be a journalist too. Got tossed out on the field, got stuck in a few dangerous situations, interviewed strangers, but came back and wrote until it I couldn't anymore. 'owever, a few years ago, I moved back here and decided to move onto somethin' else," Blush rose to her cheeks as she wasn't very good at talking about herself. "---though, the writing didn't stop. I still write here and there. I love it."
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gypsybelladonna · 30 days
connection: soon to be best friend (cami armstrong)
muse: leilany weaver
don't just like my starters! created with beta!
It had been a long, complicated and sad day for Leilany. Her little sister had passed away just a week prior, in her arms. It was still hard for her to wake up in that house and not expect her little sister to come running into the kitchen after being woken up and giving her a big hug like she always had. Though Isla hadn't been little for a few years now, she was only a few years younger than Leilany. So she hadn't exactly been little; but to Leilany she would always be her little sister. Isla was a happy girl, loving, caring and a lot like her older sister; according to their parents anyways -- Isla was Leilany's little mini me. Leila had met Cami before; they'd talked several times but never really hung out... but to her, Cami seemed like someone she could become very good friends with. Though she knew that the girl was working that day; she'd hoped that afterwards, it would be okay if they hung out; Leilany didn't have many friends.... she had lost quite a few of them when she moved. They just seemed to move on without her and become friends with other people and just slowly let her go. Thinking about it, having been crying for the past couple of hours, she needed something to eat and something to drink.... maybe a coffee? she wasn't sure. The sadness had taken over her that day and she also needed to get out of the house. Heading down to where she knew the girl worked, Leilany made her way in once she got there and settled into her usual booth in the corner. Spotting Cami she waved to her with a soft smile (trying to mask the sad, but knowing it wouldn't work). Hopefully she'd come over at some point when she had the chance, and they could talk for a bit.
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ofinfinitedreams · 1 month
‘ i can’t deny it anymore. ’ [Phoenix Conrad and Georgina please]
Phoenix knew exactly what she meant actually because well truth was, it was becoming harder and harder for him to deny everything between them also. "Remind me again why we do keep denying this?" He questioned, looking over at her again. "Because it's becoming just as hard for me to deny it as well." He admitted softly.
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A soft sigh expelled from Georgina’s lips, as soon as the words left her mouth. There it was. Everything out it the open. All the pain and hurt she had been feeling, yet kept hidden now exposed. Sadness loomed over her. Carefully, as she finally dared to cast a glance in his direction. His words made her heart break. “You feel it too?” she replied sadly with a rueful chuckle. The brunette had been longing and waiting for him to express his feelings. All the years she had known him, she had to hide because of her stupid brother. He’d never let her date his best friend. They’ve always been off limits and it’s God’s twisted way that she would happen to fall for him. “We can’t…he’d kill you if he found out” she stated yet found herself inching closer towards him of her own accord, closing the distance.
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faeryworlds · 3 months
@legendaryl0stpieces | Emma & Killian | liked for a small starter
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Sitting on the chair at the police station, leaning back. The blonde then looked up once she heard footsteps as her gaze went to the right side, seeing Killian walk in. "Hey, please tell me you got me something to eat. I just realised what time it is. Or at least coffee."
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divinedxsign · 6 months
closed starter for @legendaryl0stpieces
When the doorbell rang, Harlow quickly trotted over to answer it, looking sheepishly up at the redhead. "Thank you, thank you. I'm so sorry, I didn't know who else to call." Harlow had felt guilty calling Josephine so late, but her washing machine was leaking water out across the floor and she just couldn't move it herself. "I can't reach the water outlet without moving it and it's just so heavy." They'd only been dating a few weeks, but Harlow didn't really have anyone else who could help.
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theknifeinyou · 4 months
@legendaryl0stpieces wanted luc in placement of benedict
"Yeah, I'm sorry you got roped into watching Frozen," Luc said, shutting the door to Isis's bedroom now that she was fast asleep. "I think I know every line to that movie by heart at this point. Next thing I know she'll want to be called Queen Isis." Walking back over, he offered a smile before reaching down to grab the bottle of sparkling water he'd been nursing the entire night. "This is the life of a single dad - make plans to have a guys night out, babysitter calls last minute with something that comes up and guy's night turns into Disney night."
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thccraft · 4 months
continuation from here @legendaryl0stpieces
When he had first stepped into the bar, Cassie's eyes widened. An enormous shell of a man - he looked so tired and worn. Much like many of those who sat at the bar, he felt comfortable enough to disclose hardships. Whether seeking advice or not, Cassie always tried to give a bit of therapeutic remedies ... mostly for the tips. But when it came to him, Cassie actually listened and empathized.
His response broke her heart. Cassie understood the feeling. Once up a time, she had been victim to addiction - technically still was. But becoming sober had helped the monumental infection of emptiness that enveloped her soul. "Life can definitely feel that way." She nodded and leaned her hip against the counter, crossing her arms. "Maybe working on bettering one thing at a time can help? Ya know, start with something that isn't too hard or would take too long. And then when that's done, take time to celebrate the small victory." Cassie smiled. "In fact, come back here and I'll spare a few free drinks as your reward."
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grcveyacd · 4 months
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“ you got a light — or better yet, you got a cigarette i can bum? i seem to have misplaced my pack. “ // @legendaryl0stpieces liked for a small starter
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ofginjxints · 4 months
closed starter for @legendaryl0stpieces loosely based on (x) but aged up, first loves reuniting basically, we can plot~
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How long had it been? The last Tristan had seen them they were both fresh faced, youthful, without the burden of life on their shoulders. Somehow reunited in the place they had met sent a rush of memories back into the crevices of his mind, he couldn't help but smile, really.
"It's really, really good to see you."
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etxrnaleclipse · 4 months
Closed starter for @legendaryl0stpieces || Soraia and Waylon
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"Can't say I expected to see you here tonight." Soraia said, approaching Waylon before offering a small smile followed by her hand in greeting. "Can't say I'm disappointed either. How have you been?"
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dtchloedecker · 9 months
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Closed starter for @legendaryl0stpieces
Chloe had been listening to Lucifer all morning talking about how this was his last case with her, what he was going to miss about it, how he needed closure, yada yada yada. It was like someone was shoving an ice pick into her heart every time he said "last case." She tried to keep it together, but she lost it as soon as they got back to the precinct. She threw the car in park and cried out:
"Lucifer stop!"
He stopped talking, but she didn't.
"Just stop! Just stop! Just stop!" She turned to face him and looked him directly in the eyes, or at least she tried to, but she couldn't even make out his shape as tears filled her eyes and spilled down her face. "I get it! This is our last case together! I understand that you don't want to be here or around me anymore, but hearing you say it EVERY FIVE SECONDS? It's really hurtful! It HURTS me, Lucifer! So, if this is your last case, fine! But, save the last case talk for when we close it!"
At this point, she couldn't breathe because she was holding back sobs. "I need air," she quickly undid her seat belt and got out of the car, trying to find a place where she could just cry and let it all out until her face was splotchy and snotty. But, instead, all she could do was run to the other side of the parking garage and stare out at the city as she sobbed quietly.
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goxinsane · 28 days
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Shiloh paused halfway through gathering her belongings to stare at Jac--- the one and only customer whom UNDERSTOOD her on a personal level. Actually, she was MORE than that. A moment before, when she peered through the curtains, she noticed her husband in the crowd, hanging with his buddies and it caused her to freak out. Shiloh freaked out enough to feel her heart stop, feel overwhelmed and panicked. Another dancer tried to relax her but Jac, Jac was reliable. She unspokenly put all her trust into her and wanted nothing more than to be with her, at the end of the day. This was the closest breaking point of revealing her true self and her true intentions, and today was NOT that day. There was too much at stake--- Shiloh was a liar? She was actually a lesbian, who worked at the Pink Pony Club? Shiloh was unfaithful? It was messy.
"Yes, Jac, I NEVER want you to leave me alone," she leaned forward to press a kiss to the other's lips, a little deeper than she wanted to and then forced herself to pull away. "You're hot. You know boundaries. You actually listen and want to listen to me, so that's a start. I can keep complimenting you, but I---we---I don't have time." There were other priorities to be dealt with and she couldn't stay here any longer. The colleague she pushed away mentioned that she'd talk to their manager to explain the situation, and knew without even coming back with a reply, that it would be NO problem. They were incredibly understanding. Tugging her jeans on, Shiloh sighed. Having already lied to her husband about being at her parent's place was a risky move, but she felt VERY risky tonight and didn't care about her, her children or anyone outside of this hidden relationship, right now. "Lets go somewhere for tonight? Your choice."
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aquamanandfriends · 4 months
| muse: Mathew ‘Thew’ O’Brien | open to: females | sexuality: heterosexual | bicurious | suggested connections: friend, troubling making friend, roommate 
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“We could get arrested for this.” Thew pointed out, “You know that right?” He wasn’t going to do anything until they both approved. “This will in no way end well.”
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ofinfinitedreams · 1 month
"I can't help the way I feel about you, even though I know it's wrong." [Nicholas Shelton and Sara please]
There was a small sigh that escaped Nicholas's lips, as he looked over at her. Honestly he hadn't been expecting this actually. "It might be wrong but I can't complain about it." He admitted softly. "So what do we do here, Sara?" For once, he was at a loss of words or even trying to figure out what the hell to even do now. He wanted to be with her, but he just didn't know what do with any of this.
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As soon as the words were out of Sara’s mouth, it felt like a weight had been lifted. Despite the situation whilst she had a boyfriend it was relatively new only a few months in, but the blonde knew that she was only leading him on as her heart belonged to her best friend. As his words resonated her ears, a soft smile etched her features, whilst her eyes twinkled under the lights. “Yeah?” she questioned softly. Her tongue darted out the wet her lips as she took the time to think about his question. The blonde sauntered a little closer and gingerly reached for his hands. “I know I need to tell him. I do and I will but…for now…can I kiss you?” she questioned with a light blush coloring her cheeks.
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