#legend in the making -> legend written
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f0point5 · 4 months ago
My favourite thing about this performance was that it was all but a repeat of 2016. Max arrived in F1 with that performance already in him.
He came in with that skill, that fearlessness, and that speed which gave him P3. And 8 years later it was all that and experience that gave him P1
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hazycorvus · 2 years ago
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Back in the grasp of fate Lend me a hand Forever out of reach
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linkbetweenlinksau · 5 months ago
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Been thinking about Minish a lot lately
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disordercinema · 4 months ago
When Ekko released in 2015 it was so awesome, he had a great voice actor (at least in Brazil his voice is really well known), he had a cool design, fun powers and an amazing backstory. He was a black kid from a poor upbringing who, despite the environment he grew up in, learnt to create incredible things basically out of scrap. He was a genuine hero in a land where most of the characters were bad people or chaotic monsters, he fought for what was right and tried his best to save the people he loved.
Over the years he became the face of resistance in Zaun, every story was about him fighting for the people, every voice line with other champions showed how much people admired him. Fuck, I know it's probably not canon but Azir of all people treats him well in their interactions, that's how cool he is. So it bothers me a little that the freedom fighter/symbol of resistance in Zaun role is being shifted to Jinx in the show.
She, and the Inx (her blue haired followers), are literal antagonists in his game, he has to fight them because all they care about is chaos. I understand though what they are building up to in Arcane and it is very well written, but it makes me a bit sad. Especially because of how I see most of the fandom treat Ekko, most talk about him has to do with Jinx and fair, I guess, Arcane barely gives him solo screen time. But y'know, I wish after this they give him another game or a comic book, Idk. I really don't want Ekko to just become a background character on someone else's narrative.
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aj-lenoire · 4 months ago
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mpsansy · 2 months ago
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Of Water and Fire.
God I made both these elementals beautiful
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churchoflightcannon · 2 months ago
Finally breaking down and writing the fic where I ignore everything that happened after s2e6 đŸ„Č
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kakushimiko · 11 days ago
(Perc’ildan soulmate Au, barely seen anything with the soulmate tag for these two, wth? My idea is the usual clichĂ© drama where one of the soulmates hates the other until they realize how a good person their mate is and feel guilty for being so mean to them, but with only 12 perc'ildan soulmate fics on ao3 and nothing even close to my idea I guess I have to put this here for some peace of mind đŸ˜«)
Percy and Vax are soulmates, some time after the twins are taken to Sylgorn, Percy’s name appears on Vax’s body. Syldor organizes a visit to Whitestone, happy that his son finally is useful to strengthen his political influence.
Vax is not happy at all when is decided that he must stay in Whitestone, but at least manages to convince Syldor to let Vex stay too. To him Percy is just another entitled annoying rich boy who has never worked a day in his life, so he tries very hard to be as unpleasant as possible so the de Rolos don’t want to have him there and be their son’s future husband anymore.
Syldor gets feed up and decides that Vex is going back to Syngorn and if he wants to see his sister again he has to behave. The twins can’t stand for this, so they plan to run away. Percy, who accidentally eavesdrops on their plans, is hurt that his soulmate hates him that much, he admits that he messed up sometimes by being arrogant and a little entitled, but he’s genuinely been trying to be kind and welcoming to the twins. But if they don’t want to stay, he won’t force them, and knows that Syldor is not a good person, so they are better off going back to their mother.
The night of the escape, while trying to sneak out, Percy catches them, but leads them to a secret passage that will take them out of the castle, and even gives them some gold for the trip. Percy pretends to be nonchalant about them leaving, he’s always been good at hiding his emotions. Vax leaves feeling very confused about Percy’s actions and attitude.
Some years pass, with Vax and Vex growing up and maturing. Vax remembers his time in Whitestone and feels so embarrassed and bad about his own attitude at the time, about how the de Rolos were actually good people despite being nobles, and how Percy was really trying to get to know and understand him.
They decided to go back to Whitestone to make amends, but the news about the de Rolos passing away and how the new rulers are not good at all shocks them, and Vax is left with the guilt that his soulmate died thinking he never cared for him.
Two more years pass, meet the rest of the group, and create VM. They find Percy in that cell, but he doesn’t seem to remember the twins at all, and when they eventually see Percy’s scarred body, they see that Vax’s name is gone, erased by the scars.
Vax is so very sad and conflicted, having to travel with his soulmate that has changed from that arrogant nerdy boy into a brooding quiet man that doesn’t remember him, but will protect Percy and be at his side, so nothing can ever hurt him again. Vax slowly falls in love with Percy, but doesn’t dare to say anything because he feels that Percy deserves someone better than him after abandoning Percy when he needed him the most all those years ago.
Vex is also sad and frustrated for them, quietly watching how the guilt is destroying her brother, and denying the happiness they both deserve. She gives Vax an ultimatum, either Vax tells Percy they are soulmates or she will, because things can’t go on like this anymore.
Then the Briarwoods appear and everything goes to hell.
(I'm so sorry if I made your eyes bleed for how my syntax is all over the place, english is not my 1st language, as you can tell 😅)
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freddyloyd · 3 months ago
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sorry but this irritates me so bad. I know Legends of the DC universe was written like 14 years after COIE but can we at least try to keep the characterization consistent especially if you are writing a story thats supposed to be set during a specific time. This is suppose to be set sometime around COIE #5 which had this panel:
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Batman has NO trouble comforting Jason. He wasn't an asshole, he didn't not have any friends or anyone to care about. He doesn't need to learn this lesson. The moment in the first screenshot is supposed to be cathartic or something but it just comes across super hollow because it doesn't make sense in the context of the story its set during.
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thenationofzaun · 4 months ago
These issues with Vi's character didn't start with Season 2 btw, she's been lazily written since Acts 2 and 3 of Season 1. There have been criticisms of her character writing for years now:
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I had hope things would improve in Season 2. Especially after hearing that Season 2 would explore a darker and deeper look into her character. But nope, apparently she's the same old shallow rushed character.
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year ago
@skyward-floored I know you’ve been sick all week so I wrote you a little something to help cheer you up. It’s short and probably not wonderfully edited but I hope you get some joy from it anyway :)
“Up and at ‘em Captain!” Legend calls as he stomps down the hall. “The day’s wasting away!”
The sun is already high in the sky. The other heroes are already dressed and packed and well into eating their breakfast. Yet, the captain is still snoozing away, snug as a bug beneath his blankets.
Must be nice being able to sleep through all that ruckus, Legend thinks, grumpily.
Though, now that he ponders it, it is rather unlike Warriors to slumber on like this. Usually, he is one of the first to awaken. By the time anyone else rises, he is already washed and dressed and looking entirely too well-kept for someone who catapulted out of bed before even the sun dared peek over the horizon.
A small shred of worry worms its way past Legend’s careful defenses. But he pushes it aside as he steps into the doorway.
“Hey, pretty boy! Did you hear me?”
By all appearances, the bed is occupied solely by blankets. And save for a few sniffles, their occupant remains steadfastly silent. Frowning, Legend steps closer.
“Warriors? You alive in there?”
“Mmph,” groan the blankets.
Legend grasps the nearest edge and flings them off. A very miserable-looking Warriors blinks up at him.
Legend winces. His voice is painfully hoarse. Speaking must be agonizing.
His eyes are glossy too, he sees now, and his cheeks unnaturally flushed. A layer of sweat coats his forehead and drags down his curls. When he pushes himself upward, the movement is accompanied by a violent shudder that nearly lands him back on the bed.
The captain presses his fingertips to the bridge of his nose.
“Sorry, is it time to get up? I-I didn’t realize
He trails off, blinking into the rays of sunlight that waft through the blinds. Panic streaks across his face.
“I overslept.”
“Yeah, you did.”
Legend puts a hand to his chest, pushing him back as he tries to get out of bed. He shivers beneath his touch, breath hitching.
“And it’s no wonder that you did. You look like crap, Wars. How long have you been sick?”
Warriors swallows, cringing as he does it.
“Don’t know.” He shrugs, weakly. “I haven’t felt well all week but I thought
I thought I was fine.”
His eyes widen.
“I’m gonna get everyone sick!”
“Well, yeah, probably. But we’ll be fine.”
Legend presses the palm of his hand to Warriors’ head, ignoring his weak attempts to shove him off.
“You’re burning up, captain. Lie back down.”
“But we-we need to get going
” Warriors looks up at him, eyes wide and pleading. “We were so close to the
we were so close
Legend sighs. “The monsters can wait. You need to rest.”
“Is everything alright in here?”
Time peeks around the door, now, a concerned expression on his face. When he catches sight of Warriors it deepens. In two strides, he is within the room.
“Captain, are you well?”
“He’s definitely not,” Legend says before Warriors can try and make excuses. “He’s sick as a dog.”
Time places a hand on Warriors’ forehead, then retracts it, a frown darkening his features.
“We will stay in the inn today. You must rest.”
“But Sprite
” Warriors begins. Time shakes his head.
“I’ll hear no arguments from the very man who forcibly snuggled me until I slept as a child.”
Legend snorts. “He did what?”
Time only smiles, his attention still on Warriors.
“Pushing on will only make you worse, captain. You would be the first to pause the journey if one of us were in your place. Let us take care of you.”
“Fine.” Warriors slouches, defeated. “Why’re you two so stubborn?”
Legend grins.
“You think we’re bad? Just wait until you see the others.” He winks. “Lemme go get ‘em.”
As he turns on his heel, Legend sees Warriors sink further into the bed. His grin grows wider.
Get comforted, captain.
Less than half of an hour later, the bedroom is swarmed by eight heroes, all armed with illness-fighting supplies. Sky and Wild, come bearing warm soup.
(“It’s the best for a sore throat,” Sky says with a smile and Wild nods, “yup, I cooked a big batch too, so you’ll have plenty of it.”)
Hyrule offers healing potions. Wind and Four bring armfuls of blankets.
(“Did you two raid every house in Castle Town?” Time asks in disbelief as he takes the small heroes’ bundles. Wind grins.)
Twilight brings fresh water from the spring just outside of town, said to have healing properties
and also a stray cat to keep the captain company.
(“You sure that’s for his benefit?” Legend asks, narrowing his eyes as the rancher sets the animal on Warriors’ lap. Twilight just grins.)
Soon, Warriors is lying down once more, wrapped snugly in what Wind dubs a “blanket burrito,” with a belly full of soup and a cat on his legs.
Time brushes his bangs out of his eyes and places a cool cloth on his forehead. Warriors sighs at the touch.
“Are you feeling a little better now?” Wind asks, eyes wide with concern. Oblivious to the captain’s warnings about germs, he has managed to fit himself in between the eternal blankets and the cat, cuddled against Warriors’ side.
Not that the knight seems to mind overly much, now that all is said and done. And as he settles on the end of the bed, Legend can’t help thinking he looks glad to have the company.
Warriors nods, eyes drooping.
“Yeah, I’m better, sailor.” He sends the heroes a tired grin. “Thanks to all of you.” His gaze flicks to Legend. “Especially, you vet.”
Legend’s cheeks heat and he looks down, waving a dismissive hand.
“Ah, no big deal. I’m not so mean as to let you die in here all alone and snotty and miserable.”
Warriors chuckles and closes his eyes. “So, you decided to suffocate me with blankets instead?”
Legend shrugs, a grin playing on his lips. “What can I say? I’m merciful.”
The blankets in question look rather comfortable and he decides to lay down upon them. He’s not the only one either. All of the heroes have drifted over now, cuddling up on a bed not made for nine men and boys. But they make do. And Warriors seems to melt in their embrace.
Legend smiles at the peaceful look on the captain’s face as he drifts off. He guesses even someone like the pretty boy needs a break once in a while. And — he chuckles as Wind and the cat compete for space — some snuggles too.
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rainbeaudingo · 3 months ago
I hope we get a lot more disabled characters like Viktor. Strong, confident, intelligent, etc. he was the first disabled character that I’ve actually really really related to, especially with the Racing the Boat scene. I want that freedom.
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mocury-moto · 2 days ago
the legends games making the rival be the opposite gender of you but give them different dialogue from each other is so fucking cruel tbh. makes it feel like forbidden gay love across universes
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ct-hardcase · 4 months ago
one thing I have noticed in the last few years of discourse about star wars canon is the attitude from some parts of fandom, where when people go "hey, I don't like this problematic aspect of canon/I don't like that this canon significantly contradicts the other", others will respond, stating that star wars is a tapestry of stories, and that it's fine, actually, because you can just take the parts you want and/or to just cobble one's own canon together from whatever.
this isn't bad advice per se, and if that's someone's preferred way of interpreting canon or dealing with discrepancies, I'm genuinely happy they reached that solution (hell, I even do it myself sometimes—rey mind-tricking finn and poe in the tros novelization is something I absolutely choose to ignore on account of it being ooc and not in the movie), but the majority of the time, I like treating canon as a puzzle that I can put together, and when some of the pieces simply can't fit right, or if there's blatant disrespect to the other stories in the tapestry (hi, caleb in tbb), I don't think it's wrong to be pissed at that and expect the corporate entity managing the product to do better.
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pumpkinrootbeer · 3 months ago
Aang being a shitty dad is fine, but it's the way tlok makes Aang a shitty I have a problem with. You're telling me a guy who's entire culture was whipped out and whole family was massacred wasn't overjoyed at the possibility of sharing his culture with his entire family?
Would Aang have given more attention to Tenzin? Probably, them being the only airbenders would have almost certainly fostered a complex dynamic between the two— even to the extent that it would damage the father/son relationship. I think it's also worth pointing out that Aang was raised in a culture without the nuclear family dynamic we see him participarting in with Katara and their kids, and it's not out of the realm of possibility that Aang would fall short of the expectations and responibilities being a typical father figure brings especially when he himself never experienced that dynamic. Especially, especially compounded with the task of rebuilding a struggling world and maintaining peace.
However, do I think he would neglect to show his kids his culture? Their culture? No. Certainly not the extent he did, and especially not when we see how excited he is to share it with his friends in the show. Why wouldn't he be excited to share it with his kids? With all his kids? How the writers of The Legend of Korra make him a bad dad is a complex series of failures not the least of which stem from racism, the unwillingness to even attempt an understanding of multicultural families, TLOK originally being a 12 episode miniseries that then got greenlit for another season and was suddenly taxed with building upon a world that was never intended to exist beyond its original scope, and a fundamental misunderstanding of Aang as a character.
tldr: see
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#he probably would have been a kinda shitty dad just Not Like That#and while were here#why is bumi portrayed as essentially cultureless? certainly there were non benders in the air nomads#and why does the show act like only Bolin is from the earth nation and Mako from the fire nation?#because these white! creators fundamentally do not understand what living in a multicultural household is like#and were completely incurious to what the experience might've been like for these characters#and again. to harp on the whole building upon a world that was never intended to exist outside its original premise thing#that's why the writing gets weaker in the second season and picks back up in the third#these writers are clearly talented but so obviously fumbled when it came to expanded on these characters#who were written for a short quick one off series and then suddenly had to exist outside of that#all of the arcs and story beats were pretty one note and quick because book 1 is a full complete story#that's why only book 1 ties into the name conventions of atla#because all of the legend of korra was originally built to just be book one#and then suddenly your stuck with this story that you had completely wrapped up#and characters who now have to be expanded beyond what they were intended to be#and the writers very clearly could not do that. that's why Aang being a shitty dad comes out of left field almost.#and why none of the villains tie into each other until the very end with a quick little explanation#and it's also why the world building is so much weaker than atla#atla was know for it's compelling world building and dynamic side characters None of which exist in tlok#or well. they do! in a much smaller diluted form.#because functionally the story is still trapped in the original confines of the first season#and also trapped in the back there is 50% less content every season#no time to experience a small village in the fire nation! we gotta get to plot!#no time to flesh out the comic relief character!! plot! gotta get to the plot!!#and they couldn't even make that plot good in the second season.#atla#tlok#aang#:v
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moyazaika · 2 months ago
will you appear again before Christmas?đŸ„Č
YES HI!!!! WOWEE sorry for being away longer than i intended! estranged family member showed up on my front door after 18 yeARS of no contact?!?!? went to bali and lost my pasSPORT?!?!?! failed my driver's TEST!?!?!?!
#i've been writing a lot!#so i will post something soon#i missed u all and thank you to the people who checked in with me#it meant so much more than you know :') <3#tumblr has become such a creative outlet for me and retreat for me overtime but i didn't realise how comfortable i got here till now#taking time away has also cemented my own writing style#for a while i was trying too hard to force/fit into what i saw was popular in the yandere niche (art under capitalism xyz competition xyz)#now i've fully embraced what i can write#like to write#and want to be known for writing#so yes it's been an interesting end to an otherwise hellish year. honour roll second yr in a row so it all feels worth it now but jfc#i've never crashed out so much before in one year#so yeah! if u read all that ur a legend#just yapping abt what's been on my mind#consciously reading has also challenged me with how i want to extend my own writing#as if i wasn't ambitious enough bye#but i really hope that 2025 is#above all else#the year of unbroken promises#i don't want to promise things i can't deliver#but i still want you guys to be excited for what i do put out!!#so lesson learned; do not make a series masterlist/seasonal event if all the chapters or stories aren't pre-written out alr :')#2025 writing goals just bcuz i saw people do this with their reading so why not with writing?#1) begin and finish a multi part series (more than 5 chapters! i live for the longform)#2) clear out my inbox fully. i'm at 40ish asks so this isn't too crazy of a goal imo#i'll c ya guys soon tho! thanks for sticking around <3<3<3 love u all#excited for what's next :)
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