#legal mew
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phlurrii · 1 year ago
Hihi there!!!! I Hope You don’t mind me sending in an ask, but I’m planning on doing the glitch that allows you to transfer the glitch Mew from Red & Blue to Pokémon HOME that you talked about in this post;
And I was wondering if you could elaborate on what you meant by them loosing their nicknames??? Do all transferred Pokémon from Red/Blue loose their nicknames, or is it just Mew???? And how did you change it back??
Again I really really hope you don’t mind this ask!!!!! I know it’s a really random one but I came across your post when researching for this glitch to make sure I had everything prepared and I’m pretty Attatched to the name I gave my Mew!!!!
Nah I don’t mind at all! Lowkey I thrive off talking about glitches, if you let me I’ll ramble for hours and refuse to let you leave. So I am much more than happy to help ;D
Okay! So regarding the nickname, sadly yes, bank will auto remove all nicknames from any Pokémon off virtual consoles. Whether it’s RBGY or SGC, that shit gets dunked upon transfer. I did not know that initially and was devastated when I found out. However, there ARE solutions to fixing it!
1) Hacked 3DS console, if you know or can find someone with a hacked 3DS you can trade them your lil guy and they can change the name. Obviously the cons of this is the person could scam you, take the mew, and dip. So I highly suggest cloning your mew through any means necessary before handing over a copy. This is what I did, I have a handful of backups of my goobers in general as well.
1.5) if you want to clone your goobers, you can buy a Power Save Pro for 3DS games and clone them there, or you can clone your mew in Pokémon Red… however this is SUPER risky and can corrupt and erase your entire save file. This happened to me once, but if you have no other choice… then I wish you luck solider.
2) transfer your goober up to switch and locate someone with a modded switch, they can do the same thing. Nickname it, send it back. Again I suggest cloning before hand, if you have a cloning egg in SWSH or know someone who does, that’s your best bet. If you don’t, you may have to risk it. However there are people on Reddit who charge like 2-3 bucks to nickname pokemon. I’ve done it before, but frankly I’m looking into just getting a modded switch lol
3) Poke Hex, this is the most complicated way, as it requires a computer, an extra device, dumping your 3DS file onto it, and going into your games code to re-nickname the mew via this lovely program called pokehex. This was originally the method I planned on, but had a nice bloke offer to help me. The good part about this method is it’s entirely just you, no trading or 3rd parties. They have a dedicated forum for assisting too ^^
In summary, there is not an easy way to do it, but if your a nut case like me you’ll find a way or hell will freeze over X3
I’ll also offer my own SWSH cloning egg to help if you can find someone with a modded switch, cuz frankly I need that hook up as well lol, anywho I wish you luck on the gameboy mew adventures ;3
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lu-the-artist · 3 months ago
oh yeah
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i’m 18 now 🎉
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mewvore · 2 years ago
favorite creature of all time?
The Giant African Land Snail
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I love snails, and this is literally just a jumbo sized snail
It has all the same snail attributes like being hermaphroditic and self reproductive, but its size is huge, which means its cuter by default but also it can do way more damage in the same amount of time a teeny tiny snail can. Wild gals can consume about 500 different types of plants, carry a parasite that can cause meningitis and can also apparently eat bones because they need a ton of calcium to build their shells. They're also out here eating concrete.
so they're OMEGA ILLEGAL to own in the united states.
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mxartcat · 2 months ago
Oh boy! Time to redesign my avatar again!
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thighsxhashira · 3 months ago
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with a jaw that could slice yams, anything is possible Vladimir Mewtin
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ipledgeawaymysanity · 2 months ago
woah woah...read both my mssgs again, mate. "didnt believe her at all"?? i believed and i hated neil gaiman just as anyone else. this post was never about defending neil that you have made it out to be. learn to differentiate between what is a message for neil and what is a self preservation mssg for the readers that are bombarded with the horrifying news.
Ok, look, I'm gonna say one thing about this then remove myself from Tumblr for a few days because I can't watch the cancel culture bs happening.
Neil Gaiman has always been a staunch supporter of trans rights.
The journalist who broke this story has written articles supporting JK Rowling's transphobic beliefs.
Radfems and terfs LOVE to pretend that trans people and people who support trans rights are paedophiles or abusers.
The only major newspapers I have seen cover this are the Daily Mail and the Telegraph, both of whom I have seen be transphobic in the past. I don't know for sure, but I'm guessing other papers and new outlets are trying to you know, verify their sources before they run a story.
This is breaking the day before the UK General Election, in which trans rights has been a major debate.
We don't have all the facts. I haven't seen a news source I would even vaguely trust cover this story.
Take a deep breath. Think about who is giving you this story, and what they might have to gain. Don't jump to conclusions. Wait for developments.
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davepetea · 1 year ago
if mew repurrlog more than 5 of our pawsts were tumblgrr meowrried now we dont make the rules
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meara-eldestofthemall · 8 months ago
As most of you know, my beloved husband Mike passed away a few months ago. To be honest, I'm still grieving him and probably will for the rest of my life. Being a Bat-Gran, I decided to feed into the stereotype and get a fuzzy friend to live with. My intention was to get a kitten, but like most things in my life, it didn't quite work out that way.
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This is Freya. She's about three years old and was rescued from a hoarding situation. She spent the first week in the house hiding under the buffet in my dining room, occasionally howling like a Klingon announcing the imminent arrival of her beloved to Sto'vo'kor. Freya has settled in nicely and spends her time chasing the elusive yellow spring...
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And a great deal of the time napping.
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Being the furry friend of Bat-Gran means she's a little ...odd. For reasons I have yet to figure out, Freya loves to watch an old 1950s TV show called Perry Mason. No matter where in the house she is, once the theme song starts, she comes mewing into the living room.
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Freya only watches for a few minutes before wandering off. That's understandable since in every single episode, Perry will prove that his client is innocent by causing the true villain to break down and admit their guilt. She"ll usually return in time for the climax. Freya is surprised by Perry's legal skills each and every time.
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I'm afraid to introduce her to Law & Order since only God knows how she'll react to Jack McCoy and his eyebrows of doom. Anyway, welcome home, Freya. May you nap in comfort (while slowly edging me off my recliner) for many years to come.
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blackcherrypepper · 1 year ago
been watching too many youtube videos. *I* wanna get a shiny mew by missingno glitching in pokemon red!!! (<- doesnt own pokemon red, a gameboy, or pokemon home [Needed to trade it up to latest games])
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linneastarron · 1 year ago
wip wthursday
pretend it's wednesday for 30 seconds ok?
this is for chapter 6 of "lessons in loving you" on my ao3, where a skool teacher finds herself very suddenly shifted into the membrane family dynamic, working for them pretty much by accident. chapter 6 is cro (the teacher) trying to break the ice more with prof membrane, who she's worried she's catching feelings for
Cro cleared her throat. Question number one… “So, Teo, since you seem to have such busy days at work, what do you even do for yourself when you go home?” “I’m usually in the lab or asleep, but every so often I get a chance to spend time with the kids.” “You work off the clock?” “It isn’t for work! I mainly spend time refining the house’s technology, and right now I’m even working on a more advanced toaster.” “What would make it more advanced?” “It would automatically create Super Toast™, of course!” “That makes sense.” No, it didn’t. What in the world is Super Toast™? “You don’t know?” Membrane asked, making Cro aware that she accidentally spoke her thoughts aloud again. She really needed to do something about that. “Ah, um, not in the slightest. Sorry.” “Curious, I could have sworn it made the news several times by now…” “I, uh…” Cro sheepishly explained, “I don’t really keep up with the current times. Skool keeps me busy, after all.” “Well then, I’m glad you asked!” Membrane boomed. “It’s similar to toast in terms of taste and texture. HOWEVER! My patented Super Toast™ is packed with the important nutrients needed to get through the day. It even boosts intelligence levels!” “All in just a piece of toast?” “Correct!” “Huh, that’s pretty neat… Maybe I can finally have an excuse to have toast for breakfast every morning, yeah?” she snickered. “Does that mean you are looking for your very own Advanced Super Toast™ Toaster™?” Membrane’s eyebrow cocked up. “Ah, I mean, that’s far too much work for you, right?” Cro playfully swatted her hand. “Nonsense! Once the first version is complete, a replica should be no trouble.” Oh, he was serious, wasn’t he? “I mean… sure, but how much would I owe you?” “Hmmm…” Membrane pondered for a moment. “You already do so much to help around the house, would it even be fair to charge you? Then again, it is a two-of-a-kind Advanced Super Toast™ Toaster™…” “I think—” Before Cro could think, Membrane interrupted her. “How about I count it as part of your annual bonus?” Cro blinked expressionlessly. A toaster for a bonus? That’s— actually not a bad idea; most of her home appliances were on their last leg at this point. “That’s a fair deal to me.” “Excellent!” Membrane pulled out a notepad, writing down a reminder for himself. “I’ll get that to you as soon as possible.”
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 5 months ago
Ace Trappola: Trouble, that Trappola
Wow, different pjs??? I wonder if each student will truly have unique sleepwear or if it’ll be like “everyone in the same dorm has similar sleepwear, just recolored and with a different motif”. I’ve been laughing about how Ace is dressed and posed, it’s very… Justin Bieber-coded. His bedhead though, it reminds me of Sylvain from FE3H.
Fun fact, I have an irl friend that has the same birthday as Ace... Therefore, I am legally obligated to celebrate it with them/j This year, we're going to an Alice in Wonderland-themed afternoon tea, which I think is very appropriate for Ace! Aaaaaah, My Alice in Wonderland-loving heart can’t take it 😭
Rise and Shine!
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He was having a pleasant dream.
There was a path, and the longer he walked on that path, the more the scenery morphed into nonsense.
First was a forest full of twisting turns, colorful signs that pointed this way and that. There was mewing coming from the trees overhead, but every time he looked, he’d find no one there.
Next was a field of progressively bigger and bigger plants. The flowers had faces set in them, and they taunted Ace as he passed. He had plucked the underside of a mushroom cap and chomped down on it. A mistake—Ace had an out-of-body experience, ballooning to the size of a giant and then back to his regular size.
Then he washed away in a sea of tea, spilling from a gigantic glass bottle labelled Drink Me. He swam with the sugar cubes drifting in the fragrant rapids. He caught a current of milk and rode it past trees of chocolate. A dollop of grape jam had dropped down from a branch and landed on his nose.
When Ace, at last, fished himself out of the tea, he was left sticky, skin caked in sugar. As he made to wring his clothes of Darjeeling, he spotted an iced cookie by his feet. Eat Me, it said. There was a trail of them, confections dotting the road ahead in a neat trail. He had followed it—followed until the cookies became crumbs and he was left wandering in a white void, a blank canvas.
Wandering… wandering… where?
Just as that question cropped up like an unwanted weed in an otherwise flawless lawn, a soft sound tickled his ear.
Someone was calling his name.
Who is it…?
He picked up his pace. A casual stroll to a speed walk, then a speed walk into a jog, a job into a run, then a run into a full-on sprint.
"I'm coming! I'm coming already, darn it!!" Ace shouted into the blinding white. "I'm coming, so...!!"
Wait for me. I'll meet you there.
I'll definitely, definitely...!!
His eyes snapped open.
He was lying on his back, wrapped up in his comforter and staring up at the ceiling of his bedroom. Ace blinked several times, slowly adjusting to the sunlight that was spilling in through drawn curtains. A groan escaped him--it was too early for this.
“Mmm… What time is it?” He rolled over in a groggy daze, reaching for his phone. It was still connected to a charger, but it snapped right out of its socket when Ace jolted up. "WHAT?!"
The time, it couldn't be correct. But the line of text messages in his history confirmed the building dread in his stomach.
Gm, Ace! I'll be over soon. Cya then.
I'm here!
Hey, are you up? It's 10 minutes past.
Did you stay up late talking to your bro and sleep through your alarm again?
I'm gonna leave without you if you don't come out in 5 minutes.
"Crap, I'm running late!!"
Ace leapt out of bed and flew across his room. The comics and magazines littering his mattress scattered to the floor, but he didn't stop to pick them up.
He moved like lightning, hurriedly dressing and rushing into the communal washroom. While he brushed his teeth with one hand (lest he face the wrath of his vice dorm leader), he teased out his hair with the other. After splashing his face with water (who was going to clock him, Vil?), Ace scribbled on his signature heart, grabbed his backpack, and slipped into his sneakers.
He had his technique down pat thanks to years of practice.
Ace bolted down the hall, stuffing a protein bar into his mouth as he cleared the door. The day greeted him--and so did you, glancing up from your own phone.
"There you are! You kept me waiting, wise guy," you lectured him. It wasn't anything serious--not like his dorm leader's lengthy tirades--just paling around.
"Excuse you," Ace huffed, running a hand through his hair, "I'm fashionably late. There's a difference."
You laughed. Typical of him to always have a snappy comeback prepared.
"Well, c'mon then, fashionably late loser," you urged, playfully nudging his arm, "or we'll both be tardy."
"We'll be late, but at least we'll be late together," he grumbled, nudging you back. "That's fine by me. Wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to be stuck in a room with ya for the afternoon."
"That's a weird way of describing detention with Crewel-sensei."
"What can I say? I'm a poet," he shrugged, letting his sarcasm drip like thick nectar. "Besides, I can't leave you hangin'."
"No?" Your eyebrows hitched. "Funny, cuz I clearly remember you ditching me for cleaning duty on the first day of classes. I almost thought you had left for class without me today too."
"Oi, that was then and this is now! Come on, do you really think I'd do that to you? Me? Really?"
"Absolutely," you said without missing a beat.
"Pfft. You're so wrong about that." He rolled his eyes. "If you were really that worried that I'd gone without you, you could've poked your head in to check on me."
You frowned. "That'd mean I'd have to go into your room."
"So? I've been over at your place and in your room before. What's the big deal? You'd just be returning the favor."
He leaned in, so close that your noses almost touched. Your heart stood still. The corners of Ace's mouth lifted into a smirk. It suited him well, loathe as you were to admit it.
"Or is it that you're being shy?" he asked in a singsong. "Prefect 🎵"
"I-I'm not!" you squeaked, stepping back to put distance between the two of you. "Quit assuming things, Ace! This is why you're so annoying."
"And who is it that's decided to hang out with my 'annoying' ass, huh?" he countered smoothly.
"Urgh...! Maybe I shouldn't have wasted my time waiting for you to get ready after all..." you muttered, turning away from him. "My morning would be way more peaceful without you."
"Way less interesting too," he quipped--getting in the last word.
You shook your head, but didn't bring yourself to argue. However meddlesome his tongue was, he had spoken the naked truth.
He's trouble, that Trappola.
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sanaexus · 6 months ago
social's as julian's girlfriend
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-liked by rin.itoshi, eita.otoya and 132.8k others
yourusername: i was joking when i said i'm into big bald men
tagged: julian.loki
julian.loki: WELL EX FUCKING CUSE ME I'M NOT BIG I'M TALL AND I'M NOT BALD I JUST HAVE LESS HAIR ↳yourusername: y'all hear something or is it js me? ↳mikka.kaiser: you're excused ↳alexis.ness: past tense of eat? ↳nikkoki: girl be fr you ain't getting that d any time soon
shiidoryu: alexa play that should be me ↳yourusername: cry harder ↳itoshi_sae: ok ↳shiidoryu: NOO MY KING LOOK AWAY I'M SORRY POOKS PLS DONR LEAVE ME ↳itoshi_sae: ok ↳megubachi: sae taking inspo from my daddy bc that's how he texts ↳isaichii: didn't your dad leave you ↳megubachi: .. ↳yourusername: LFMAO 😭
user1: current roman empire is how loki is casually holding a black card ↳yourusername: more than a bf he's my sugar daddy ↳julian.loki: mam i'm 17 IM A FUCKING MINOR ↳yourusername: yall hear sum? ↳julian.loki: i fucking hate you ↳yourusername: lyt pooks
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liked by barou.shoei, hiyori and 121.9k yourusername: we're so aesthetic (last image is me n him)
tagged: julian.loki
julian.loki: i'm aesthetic you're donkey or sum ↳yourusername: stfu grandpa ↳shiidoryu: real like all he does is make us practice and not even give us breaks ↳julian.loki: BOY I GIVE YALL MORE THEN ENOUGH BREAKS I GYATT TO CANCEL YOU ↳isaichii: loki is genz-ing??? ↳julian.loki: birch im 17 ↳megubachi: bro is not even legal ↳reo.miikage: bro is illegal ↳yourusername: bro does not have attachment issues and plays better football ↳chigi.who: girly ate
kuniisuke: y'all cute tgt ig ↳yourusername: no way blud became un-emo ↳kuniisuke: fuck you
itoshi.rin: can you pls givr our mentor back? ↳yourusername: BROSKI MADE A TYPI!!! ↳megubachi: CHAT CLIP THIS SHIT ↳shiidoryu: who wants to be the skibidi to my alpha ↳eita.otoya: i will jelq your mewing streak stfu ↳karasu_tabito: it's giving beta energy
julian.loki: chat i pulled a 10/10 baddie who fws hello kitty, W rizz? ↳oilver.aiku: L rizz could do better (she's psychotic) ↳yukimiya.kenyu: ong bro (hello kitty girls are scary) ↳yourusername: could you even see half of that sentence ↳yourusername: GIVING HAYER ENERGY 🤬🤬
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-liked by reo.miikage, kuniisuke, 134.8k others julian.loki: I JUSF WANNA BE PAET OF SYMPHONYY 🔥🔥💯💯🗣🗣🐬🐬
tagged: yourusername
yourusername: aww ilyy ↳julian.loki: chat y'all hear sum? ↳yourusername: nvm fuck your ass ↳yourusername: 🙁🙁
mikka.kaiser: no one mentioned soccer 🙁🙁 ↳mikka.kaiser: i'm going through withdrawal symptoms ↳hiyori: you mean FOOTBALL?? ↳alexis.ness: NAHH MAN FUCK YOU ↳hiyori: thought you weren't gay ↳alexis.ness: you have a lvl 100 gyatt adn your aura maxed out ↳chigi.who: what is blud yapping ab ↳eita.otoya: come here bae im horny can i stick it in ↳kuniisuke: NAHH BACK OFF ↳nagi.seishiro: i thought pride month is over we can still be gay openly ↳reo.miikage: why tf cant you be gay openly ↳yourusername: can yall stfu and appriciate the post ↳rin.itoshi: spell appriacite right frist ↳itoshi_sae: appreciate* first*
oliver.aiku: lovers rock mentioned 🗣🗣💯💯🔥🔥 ↳yourusername: BUT WHEN YOU'RE TOO DRUNK TOO DRUNK AND THE MUSIC IS RIGHT ↳megubachi: SHE MIGHT LET YOU STAY BUT JUST FOR THE NIGHT
barou.shoei: sleeping on the floor? disgusting ↳yourusername: say that again i dare you
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kaibutsushidousha · 2 years ago
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Every otaku producer on any at least decently-sized project is chained to very BIG MONEY merch contracts. Merch sales are one of the biggest cogs making the anime industry run and because of that, merch manufacturers expect producers not to allow anything that would make their products fail to reflect the contents of the show.
A recent example that sparked controversy about this is the new Tokyo Mew Mew reboot anime. Mew Mew is a series where pretty much everyone important has food names, but the early scanlators failed to notice how far this motif extended and rendered Quiche's name as Kisshu. This is spread in the fandom enough to make merch makers assume that was the proper way to spell his name in English and produce pins with the name Kisshu written in Roman letters. Thanks to that, over a decade later, the Mew Mew translator on Crunchyroll subs is forced to use Kisshu on her script despite knowing it's wrong.
But this is a Type-Moon post, so let's talk about Type-Moon instead. On October 29th, 2010, Nasu released Fate/complete material III, containing profiles for all Servants featured in Fate/stay Night. In his lack of English knowledge, he most likely relied on Google to learn how to romanize all those names. This generated two curious results: Arthuria was rendered as Altria, as the first search result for アルトリア would be the cigarette corporation, and Rider favored the French spelling Medousa over the English Medusa.
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Flash forward to May 25th, 2016. At this year, Fate/Grand Order had already been released and proved itself a commercial success against all odds. In celebration of that, FuRyu Corporation sculpted the source of all evil.
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FuRyu's figure utilized the erroneous "Altria" from Complete Material III. Here is where I want you to notice that FuRyu did not release a Medusa figure alongside it. "Altria Pendragon" is the only character in this collection.
Our next chronological stop is August 14, 2016. Merely 3 months after the FuRyu Altria figure began to spread its corruption through all we know and love. That's the day Fate/Grand Order Material I came out, containing profiles for Saber Arthuria and Medusa.
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As you can see in the right corner, Medousa is no more. Due to having 6 more years to learn things and no merch contract forever chaining him to his spelling mistake, Nasu had the opportunity to correct Medusa's name, which also settled it as the name FGO NA legally had to go with.
So when I say FGO NA translators went with Tam Lin because it's literally illegal not to do so, I am talking about
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fatfuckingcatstuff · 11 months ago
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SniperTF2 x TeenMerc! Reader
((Year is set in the 2020s))
Tags: Brainrot slang, fluff, platonic relationship, reader consumes tiktok media brainrot and tries to infect sniper
"Fuck Me Dead" is an Australian slang for ffs so please don't misinterpret it as an NSFW fic.
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Ever since you got the job working as a mercenary for 2 old fucks fighting for a piece of land it's been pretty fun. When you were first offered a position it was equicoval. Why the fuck were they offering a minor a job in a battle-like field? Was this even a legal operation??? Nonetheless, you accepted the offer.
After a good few months of working with your team, you've managed to form a bond with most of them. More specifically, Sniper. The Australian raised New Zealander had become your best friend. Or at least to you. Despite being a introverted fuck when it came to people in general you had managed to get on his good side.
You've hung out with him, watched videos on the Internet together. Though he could never understand "what you kids mean these days", he liked spending time with you.
"Sniper." you called out from his door frame.
"Whaddya want you ankle biter." He replied, visibly cleaning his gun after the day's match.
"Do you have skibidi rizz."
He's stunned by your words and turns to look at you concerningly.
"Mate what? Skibidi rizz..?"
"You have a negative canthal tilt and poor features have you tried looksmsxxing or mewing?"
“What the bloody hell is a looksmaxxing???"
"You look like a true autumn lowkey. Wanna be in my OOTD for my GRWM where I show my new Stanley cup I just got?"
".. Wha-"
"Level 5 gyatt rizz LeBron James you are my sunshine my only sunshine tiktok rizz party she ride the dick like a carnival digital circus pomni rose toy edging mewing streak gooner cave is it acoustic? Tiktok shop Ohio sigma tshirt am I deer pretty or bunny pretty. "
"Sheila wai–"
"are you an alpha or a beta male. And swear it on skibidi."
At this point you would have already killed the poor soul because what the fuck were any of the words you just spat out at him. Did you cast a spell on him?? You.. you witch???
"Mate did you hit your head." He stares at you horrified and concerned for your mental state.
".... No."
"I think you should go see medic."
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sprunkimortality · 2 months ago
ermm very important question for the bots...
do they know what brainrot is?? If so are you all sigmas? Do you rizz with me, vrothers? Fanum tax? What the skibidi? How's your mewing streak?please kill me
Fun Bot: "Oh, yes! We are most definitely sigma rizzlers with 100,000 aura!" MFC: "Excuse me?" Fun Bot: "Why, this is just like the time I did the hawk tuah! Am I right, skibidi sigmas?" Ciqu: "What is he saying." MFC: "I don't know! I think we should shut him down." Fun Bot: "B- Brother, I was joking!" MFC: "No, you must be eliminated." Fun Bot: "AH!" Ciqu: "No elimination. That is a violation." MFC: "Aw, mechanicals aren't exempted from the law..." Ciqu: "Of course not." Fun Bot: "Well, this is skibidi!" Ciqu: "You saying all that, although legal, feels like a violation."
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phlurrii · 23 days ago
I'm SUPER curious why Meau–president of the "anyway, I started blastin'" club–has a docile nature of all things. Is she based on a Mew you've caught in real life, or is there narrative significance behind your choice?
I have been FROTHING to answer this one, okay here we go XD
So this has actually got a pretty interesting history here! Meau AND Bucket were based off the first Mews I ever got. One was a Japanese event mew from HGSS days and the other the first event mew I ever got for myself during XY or ORAS, I forget which.
I’ve said it somewhere, but I originally based their natures/characteristic’s off these mews. Bucket didn’t have a ref at the time, so I focused on Meau. Making her Hardy Nature and Capable of Taking Hits WAY in the beginning, before she had a ref that stated it.
However, pretty early onto into this comic, I booted up a virtual copy of Pokemon red and did the Mew glitch to get 2 mews. One shiny, one normal, some insane nonsense later I made them legal to transfer out.
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I did this because I wanted in game mews to authentically represent my guys, instead of basing them off my two original mews (that I also couldn’t name XD)
So when I transferred them both out, I got to see their natures
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Note, move sets here aren’t official, but anywho! That’s how they got their natures!!
As for the in universe reasoning, prepare to get yapped as this is my favourite bit.
Meau is a god of creation, she is on par with Dialga, Palkia, and Giritina. She is incredibly powerful, even having been weakened after having Bucket.
Yet, despite this, she mostly just chills out in her tree with her family. She doesn’t bother other Pokemon, humans, or much of the very world she created. She only reacts when being encountered or her family’s threatened. In comparison to her brothers who EVERY time they’re now in their own, private, solo dimensions? Fight each other or anything else alive on sight. They are the same as her, but they do not chill.
She’s docile because she despite her status as a god, this ultra powerful creature, she barely utilizes it for anything unless it’s necessary. She doesn’t impose her will on the life she created, she just wants to enjoy her own life.
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