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thecottageofafairy · 9 months ago
‘Iris’ (1886) by John Atkinson Grimshaw
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‘Now Iris, being chief messenger unto Juno, was sent on her Autumn errand to wither ye flowers and leaves. On coming alte ye Water Lily, being enamoured by ye beauty thereof, she did hesitate
 and was changed into a rainbow for her disobedience.’
This quotation from an ‘Old book’ was written on the back of the painting by the artist, John Atkinson Grimshaw, himself. A lot of people love to believe that the magical creature depicted in the painting is a fairy. But the painting the painting is a serious classical subject rather than a frivolous fairy story.
‘Iris’ is a showpiece for Grimshaw’s skills, in its glowing kaleidoscopic colour effects and rich autumnal tones, as well as the mystery and grace of the central figure. Haloed in brilliant gold, the figure curves as if in a rainbow arc, revealed through the sheerest drapery, yet modestly shielded by her arms. The model was probably Grimshaw’s young assistant, Agnes Leefe, who was to die of tuberculosis just four years after this painting. The picture captures the autumn mood, a favourite of Grimshaw’s: golden light, bare trees, soft mists, glimmering reflections, all providing mystery and scope for the imagination.
By Eveleigh Bradford, local historian in Leeds, UK
Source: https://museumsandgalleries.leeds.gov.uk/collections/iris-1886-by-john-atkinson-grimshaw/
In greek mythology, Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and the messenger to the Olympian gods. Her father Thaumas was a marine god and her mother Elektra a cloud nymph. For the coastal-dwelling Greeks, the rainbow’s arc was most often seen spanning the distance between clouds and the sea, so the goddess was believed to replenish the rain clouds with water from the sea. She had no mythology of her own, but was only seen as the errand-running messenger unto other gods. Some poets, including Homer, describe Iris as the rainbow itself rather than the goddess of the rainbow, but Servius the Grammarian states that the rainbow is only the road, on which Iris travels, appearing and vanishing at her command.
The etymology of the name “Iris” is a bit complex. The ancient Greek word “IρÎčς” means both the rainbow and the halo on the moon, but it is also believed to be derived (in accordance with the functions of Iris) from erĂŽ or eirĂŽ, meaning “the speaker or messenger”.
Also, unrelated, but this painting reminds me of a fantasia of Georg Philipp Telemann played by Jiƙí Stivín, which I also added. Enjoy :)
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sjecblogarchive · 5 years ago
CHOIR UPDATE: JUNE 18, 2019In This Update

Service Music & Choir Anthems to Practice EVENTS  & INFO TO REMEMBER
Upcoming Events:
Evensong – July 24 at 7PM (6PM – vested rehearsal in music room)
First Fall Rehearsal – Sept 5
Fall events (still flexible)
Choral Retreat – Leed’s Episcopal Church (either 9/28 or 10/5)
Sunday Nov 3- Evensong at 5PM
Advent L&C Sunday 12/1 at 10:15AM
Processional 686 – Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Sequence 567 – Thine Arm, O Lord, In Days of Old Anthem: There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy – arr M. Schweizer Communion Hymns: 653 – Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 678 – Surely it is God Who Saves Me Recessional 529 – In Christ There is No East and West
Processional 525 – The Church’s One Foundation Sequence 490 – I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light Baptism Hymn: Insert – I Was there to Hear Your Borning Cry Anthem: The Summons – arr M. Burkhardt Communion Hymns: 550 – Jesus Calls Us (same tune from the Bluegrass Mass) 655 – O Jesus I Have Promised Recessional 680 – O God Our Help in Ages Past
Processional: 522 – Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Sequence:  INSERT – Here I Am, Lord Anthem: Come Let Us Sing – N. Sleeth Presentation Hymn: 716 – God Bless Our Native Land Communion Hymns: 321 – My God, Thy Table Now is Spread 441 – In the Cross of Christ I Glory Recessional: 718 – God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
Processional: 390 – Praise To the Lord, The Almighty Sequence: 603 – When Christ was Lifted From the Earth Offertory Hymn: Insert – Lord Whose Love in Humble Service Communion Hymns: 325 – Let Us Break Bread Together 660 – O Master Let Me Walk With Thee Recessional: 529 – In Christ There is No East or West
July 21 Processional: 401 – The God of Abraham Praise Sequence: Take My Life and Let it Be Anthem: Blessed Quietness – Ferguson & Nix Communion Hymns: 571 – All Who Love and Serve Your City 701 – Jesus All My Gladness Recessional: 423 – Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise
Upcoming Anthems
Evensong:   We Are the Lord’s – Roland Martin
God Who Madest Earth and Heaven – arr. Robert Lehman
Sing a Joyful
 – Praetorius
How Firm A Foundation – arr P. Koch
0 notes
autoplacer · 7 years ago
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CA2M CENTRO DE ARTE DOS DE MAYO Avda. ConstituciĂłn 23, MĂłstoles. Metro Pradillo L12 CercanĂ­as C5
Con los conciertos de: EL COLETA / COSMO K / TRONCO / LA PLATA / HUIAS / KOU KERI KOU / AARON RUX / LA URSS / LIDIA DAMUNT / VVV - Ganadores del Concurso de Maquetas Autoplacer 2017
Pista de Baile con: FEMUR / A_MAL_GAM_A
Durante todo el sĂĄbado 21 de octubre, tendrĂĄ lugar la octava ediciĂłn del Festival Autoplacer, una iniciativa del colectivo Autoplacer/Sindicalistas que cada año celebra la mĂșsica autoeditada a travĂ©s de conciertos de bandas emergentes y/o sumergidas, sesiones de mĂșsica electrĂłnica y la presentaciĂłn de proyectos relacionados con la autoediciĂłn de discos, fanzines, libros, diseño, etc. Una fiesta gratuita para todos los pĂșblicos a lo largo de todo un dĂ­a en la que disfrutar de un autĂ©ntico festival de mĂșsica
 pero dentro de un museo de arte contemporĂĄneo.
AdemĂĄs el Festival Autoplacer contarĂĄ un año mĂĄs con la colaboraciĂłn de AC/E AcciĂłn Cultural Española para recibir a responsables de algunos de los mejores proyectos de mĂșsica independiente de Francia, festivales, centros y agentes culturales: Un Je Ne Sais Quoi (Tours), Festival Soy (Nantes), Cabaret Aleatoire (Marsella), La Pleiade (La Riche) y el Fraca-Ma (Orleans). 
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Ramses Gallego aka El Coleta logra desarrollar un tipo de rap social (rap macarra de Mortatalaz) que a la vez que fotografĂ­a la cultura quinqui de los Ășltimos 35 años con estribillos inmediatos, genera la sensaciĂłn de estar tocando fibra a golpe de verdades como puños. El mundo de las canciones de El Coleta son los bloques de la periferia, el barrio, las tardes muertas en los bancos de la plaza con litros de cerveza y el 'loro' a todo volumen.
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Cosmo K son María, Ángela y Álvaro. Hacen pop acelerado y rabioso. Sus letras, autobiogråficas, recorren relaciones de amigos, amantes, ex-amigos y ex-amantes, cigarros, cervezas, cementerios y muchos territorios comunes.
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Tronco son Conxita i FermĂ­. Conxita i FermĂ­ son hermanos y hacen canciones. Conxita canta y FermĂ­ toca la guitarra y hace los coros, aunque esto a veces tambiĂ©n es al revĂ©s. Normalmente ensayan en la habitaciĂłn de FermĂ­. Les gusta escuchar mĂșsica, ver pelis e ir a la playa.
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La Plata es un conjunto musical formado en 2016 en la ciudad de Valencia por Miguel Carmona, Salvador Frasquet, MarĂ­a Gea, Patricia Ferragud y Diego Escriche que hacen pop “nueva ola”. Pese a su juventud —rondando los 23 años de media—, han sabido escoger los elementos de este gĂ©nero y aunarlos con la herencia valenciana de los años 90. Pop vitaminado con mucha mala hostia y con un gusto impecable.
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HUIAS surge en GijĂłn tras rescatar una serie de canciones que MarĂ­a, su vocalista, habĂ­a grabado utilizando su voz y una guitarra. Santa no tardarĂ­a en mezclarlo todo con sintes, acordeĂłn y mucha reverb. Han actuado en varias salas y festivales como el BBK, FIB, L.E.V. Festival o el Mutek. HUIAS vuelve con nuevos sonidos que pronto verĂĄn la luz a travĂ©s de su nuevo disco “Father” que serĂĄ descubierto muy pronto de forma autoeditada. Su sonido oscuro y bailable, bebe del trip-hop y el R&B.
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Kou Keri Kou son cinco personas totalmente dispares que viven en Barcelona y forman un grupo musical. Ander Agudo (percusiones y ritmos), Jordi Gegé (guitarra y coros), Juantxo Agudo (bajo), Olatz Azcona (voz) y Pope (trompeta y fliscorno) llevan dos años tocando juntos y creando canciones que antes no existían, incitando al baile y cantando sobre temas importantes de su actualidad, que también puede ser la tuya. Sus primeras diez canciones se compilaron en un ålbum homónimo, editado por El Genio Equivocado a principios de 2017, y desde entonces no han parado de tocar ni de componer, ni piensan hacerlo jamås. 
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En 2015 Aaron Rux, compositor de bandas sonoras y miembro del colectivo de cineastas CanĂłdromo Abandonado, empieza a colaborar con Joe CrepĂșsculo, en su ĂĄlbum Nuevos Misterios. Poco despuĂ©s llega Pacific Princess (2016, El VolcĂĄn MĂșsica), el debut de Rux en colaboraciĂłn con Lorena Iglesias, una propuesta de pop anacrĂłnico concebida como un viaje en crucero donde siempre es happy hour. La saudade de la bossa-nova juega un papel importante y su derivaciĂłn, el lounge, junto con el soul de los años 70 y la inocencia de las bandas sonoras de los Giallos mĂĄs luminosos crean un ambiente de una nostalgia alegre.
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La URSS es un grupo  de mĂșsica satĂĄnica fundado en Granada en torno al 2007. Inspirado en el punk de los años ochenta, y en cualquier forma de expresividad radical.Influenciado por bandas como Eskorbuto, Familia Real, Larsen, Último Resorte o KGB han creado su propio estilo, sonido e imaginario personal que habla de absurdos cotidianos y miserias sociales. Mid Tempo, 0% Hardcore. Oscuro y melĂłdico, pero no post-punk. DramĂĄtico pero no sobreactuado.
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Lidia Damunt iniciĂł su carrera musical en 1997, al frente de la banda punk-pop Hello Cuca y no es hasta 2006 cuando comienza a componer las canciones que conformarĂ­an su primer disco en solitario. Acompañada de una guitarra acĂșstica, una pandereta en el tobillo y una armĂłnica, se reinventarĂ­a a sĂ­ misma como “mujer orquesta” y “cantautora rockabilly”. Desde entonces ha publicado varios trabajos en sellos como Subterfuge, AustrohĂșngaro o el suyo su propio, Tormina Records. Sus discos han estado en varias ocasiones entre los mejores del año en la revista Rockdelux y ha tocado en diversos festivales como el S.O.S en Murcia, el Primavera Sound, el Lemon Pop, el Primera Persona o el BAM en Barcelona. Desde el 2014 Lidia ha compaginado su carrera en solitario con su participaciĂłn en Arre! Arre!, grupo sueco en el que toca la guitarra solista. A finales de 2016 se edita “TelepatĂ­a”, quinto disco de Lidia Damunt en solitario con muy buenas crĂ­ticas entre pĂșblico y medios.
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VVV - Ganadores del Concurso de Maquetas Autoplacer 2017
VVV son Meursault, KarĂšnine y Adrian Bremner. Nacidos como homenaje a la cultura del frĂ­o, el ruido, la modernidad y los parkings. Hace un par de años publicaron Dirty Leeds EP, y posteriormente Dance'n'cry EP (1&2) en el invierno de 2016-2017, acompañados de algunos videos, bolos y bakaladas en el circuito madrileño (Jueves SubterrĂĄneos en La Central, Sala Caracol con Tropic of Cancer, Polygon
). Su sonido estĂĄ a medio camino entre la coldwave francesa y la zapatilla de Espiral. EstĂĄn mĂĄs enfadados que tristes.
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La Integral se ocupa desde hace años de agrupar en un mismo espacio el trabajo de varios artistas y diseñadores, con el fin de promover su obra y otros productos de difícil cabida comercial. Se organizan temporalmente exposiciones con aportación musical en cada una de ellas. A Autoplacer llevarĂĄn su género de producción más independiente, como son los libros, fanzines, revistas o camisetas. Y cómo no, pasarlo muy bien.
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El Instituto de Transición Rompe el Círculo es un colectivo que busca promover la transición ecosocial desde una perspectiva poscapitalista a travĂ©s de tres vías: la investigación, la difusión de discursos bien ajustados a los retos del presente y, por último, con la puesta en marcha de experimentos prácticos que ensayen, en el ámbito local, respuestas adaptativas y liberadoras ante las transformaciones en curso. El proyecto Será una vez Móstoles 2030 tantea este horizonte mediante la exploración de un imaginario colectivo utópico que se atreva a pensar el decrecimiento como una aventura estimulante bajo el signo de la lujosa pobreza.
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La Negra es una tienda de discos, libros, fanzines y ropa que abrió sus puertas en 2015 en la calle Eugenio Salazar 9, en el madrileño barrio de La Prospe. Especializados en punk y hardcore, también dan a todos los palos de estilos como rock, garage, pop, reggae, experimental o soul, tanto en primera como segunda mano. Y para rematar, también vendemos camisetas, chapas y parches de grupos molantes: de Blitz a Black Flag, de Eskorbuto a Discharge, pasando por Siouxsie and the Banshees o Bauhaus.
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Bombas para Desayunar es una microeditorial de fanzines que nació en 2010 de mano de Andrea Galaxina. Afincada en la actualidad en Madrid es firme defensora y difusora del DIY y el feminismo. Sólo publica fanzines hermosos hechos con amor y este año ha llegado a la referencia número 50... que es un libro... sobre fanzines, claro.
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Último Mono es un taller de impresión en serigrafía y risografía, editamos estampas y fanzines sobre todo con artistas locales afines. Empezamos con esto en Sevilla en 2012 y también hacemos diseño gráfico, cursos y a veces organizamos exposiciones.
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El Rapto es un estudio de Granada nacido en 2014 formado por un equipo de diseñadores, artistas plásticos e impresores en serigrafía. Tratamos de conciliar el trabajo de diseño con las técnicas de impresión. Pensamos que el diseño se retroalimenta positivamente conviviendo con las técnicas que determinan su materialización. Los nexos comunes que nos unen son el diseño, el arte contemporáneo, la producción editorial, la serigrafía y la implicación en la vida cultural de la ciudad.
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La Fonoteca es una plataforma para la promoción y difusión de la música española. Lo que comenzó en 2008 como una página web colaborativa a modo de archivo histórico online compuesto por biografías y discografías de elaboración propia. Además, estĂĄn afianzados en el terreno de la edición discográfica y bibliográfica con más de una decena de referencias en vinilo y varios libros musicales. LaFonoteca tambiĂ©n está involucrada en diferentes actividades relacionadas con la música, como son la producción de eventos corporativos para marcas e instituciones y programación en espacios públicos y privados.
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En el verano del 2014 Las Lindas Pobres era un montón de archivos sin editar, mails que iban y venían, gente que nos atraía y nos identificaba, cajas de papel para reciclar. Hasta que por fin Autoplacer Sindicalistas marcó un deadline a la vista y nos invitaron formar parte de aquel octubre en el CA2M. Allí y en la habitación que nos prestaron Eva y Camilo para recortar fanzines -uno a uno- nacimos. Unos años después la historia se repite y para celebrar el cumple de Las Lindas volvemos a ocupar en el festi, pero esta vez con una querida MINIRAVE LLP en donde sacaremos un line up con fogonazos. 
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Plastilina Records es un sello discográfico y productora que nace en el 2006 con el fin de compartir y promover lo mejor de la música independiente. Siguiendo una línea estética y musical enfocada en el indie, Plastilina Records ha editado hasta el momento más de 28 álbumes con bandas de países como: Inglaterra, Escocia, Estados Unidos, Argentina, Indonesia, Suecia, Perú, entre otros; y producido los conciertos de artistas como Christina Rosenvinge, CocoRosie, Silver Screen, Los Planetas, Molly Nilsson. 
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COCOARS, equipo formado por María Espada y Alfredo Rodríguez, presenta los resultados de un experimento: transformar el objeto fotográfico en prenda para vestir el cuerpo. La base del proceso está fundamentada en la interacción de la luz, ciertas sales de hierro y el agua sobre tejiidos. El resultado son prendas confeccionadas a mano, de patrones sencillos y únicas.
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El Colectivo Laika es una asociación cultural sin ánimo de lucro surgida en el año 2006 con la intención de dar cabida en Valladolid a propuestas culturales que las programaciones habituales no contemplaban. Después de once años y más de doscientos conciertos, Laika se ha convertido en uno de los colectivos culturales de referencia en la ciudad, gracias a actividades que han trascendido a la prensa especializada nacional e internacional. Al margen de la programación musical, también desde el 2006, aunque con menor asiduidad, el colectivo ha publicado varios fanzines autoeditados, que han contado con notables colaboraciones como Barry Gifford, Roger Wolfe, Nacho Vegas, Antonio Luque, Paula Bonet, Cristóbal Fortunez, Jorge Lawerta, Pablo Und Destruktion, Fee Reega, Jorge Tabanera, Juan Santaner, Martxel Mariskal etc. 
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Levadura salvaje es un proyecto de MĂłnica Iglesias celebrando la fermentaciĂłn. Obrador itinerante, eventos, colaboraciones, etc. EstarĂĄ preparando algunos bocados y pinchos para tomar con el vermĂș. En su cocina, panes caseros naturales, ingredientes cocinados muy despacito, un poco de jugar y mucho de comer rico.
CA2M CENTRO DE ARTE DOS DE MAYO Avda. ConstituciĂłn 23, MĂłstoles. Metro Pradillo L12 CercanĂ­as C5
Diseño de imagen Autoplacer 2017: http://oscaranha.tumblr.com/
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thelavirule · 8 years ago
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Hi guys! Sorry it took me a while to upload this chapter I was so busy during the holidays. But anyways Happy New Year everyone and I hope you enjoy this chapter. If I may be so bold as to suggest a song for you to listen while you’re reading this chapter. My recommendation would be Money, Power, Glory-Lana Del Rey for the darker sides and for those looking for a lighter tone, I would suggest Love Never Felt So Good-Michael Jackson. The MJ song would come more in tune towards the end of this chapter but go ahead and listen to anything else you would like to or even make a suggestion to me if you’d like to. I do not own this picture so credits to the owner! Once again happy new year!
Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home
Naya walks to her room very slowly. She had imagined the day would go differently; they would go ordered dinner from the local pizza place they liked and then she would have gone by Magnus place for a bit. Naya would have spent a couple of hours catching up with Magnus and then she’d have gone to hangout with the rest of her siblings early in the morning at Taki’s again.
She sighs because she had been craving the watermelon raspberry smoothie they served at Taki’s. Now it was hardly likely Mum would let them go.
Her room is the exact state she had left in; an utter mess. It was obvious that Izzy had rummaged around for clothes, shoes or makeup but other than that most of her things were where she had left them. On her desk is a vase filled with roses and the whole room reeks of the scent. No doubt Izzy had taken the initiative to put some because she knew Naya loves roses. 
And Naya can’t help herself when she leaps on to her bed like a child. Then she reaches under her bed for her special box of things. There was a small section that Naya had built to hide little things of her own from her family. Mainly stuff like her cigarettes, her special Star Wars Zippo lighter that she only took out for special occasions, a dried rose that a drunk girlfriend had given her, a couple of concert wristbands and a small vial of billywig serum Hodge had given her.
It was hard to believe that Hodge, who she’d respected and looked to for guidance while she was a teenager had betrayed her family that way. Maryse had to told her what happened to Hodge but didn’t go much into details. Naya didn’t ask but she knew he was probably in the Silent City. She gets up and from a small cupboard filled to the brim with books, Naya retrives a Star Wars book. It was most important to her as it contained her fathers journals. 
Naya opens the book and pulls out the journals. She smells the nice old scent that books typically have and then hugs the journals to her chest and sniffs. She remembered her parents despite losing them at 10. Naya looked more like her father, only the more feminine version but people had often told her she was more like her mother. She had inherited Dev’s physical features but Naya walked and talked Naina Patel. Naya has always been the type of person to question higher authority. While her parents were alive, they questioned the Clave and the politics that surrounded Idris. 
They taught their daughter that at every point, that it was always good to question higher authority. She had just turned 10 when news of their death came. Naya had no other living relatives or even Godparents as her parents had run away together and gotten married secretly in Britain.
They were supposedly from one of the more prestigious Shadowhunter families in India but eloped as their parents were against their union. They lived for a bit in Leeds, taken refuge in the London institute when Naya was born and lived there for a couple of years. Naya couldn’t remember much of the members of the London institute and she didn’t visit them either the entire time she was in London either. She had stayed at the mundane college campus and went for classes and pretended to be a mundane overall.
Dev Patel was later offered leadership of the Amsterdam institute so they moved to the Netherlands when Naya was about four or five years old. Naina Patel was later chosen as the local Conclave’s representative and her political career kicked off then. She climbed the ladders quickly, known for her wit, practical arguments and tactical proposals. She was offered a seat in the Council after two years and for a brief time, Naya floated back and forth Alicante and Amsterdam as her father couldn’t leave the Institute.
Then Naya had discovered in the journal that her father had left behind, that Valentine had come looking for her parents. He had wanted Naina Patel to join the Circle, her husband and child were also most welcome to join them. Naya was only a child then.
According to his journal, her mother had wanted to join the Circle. Naina Patel had believed the Clave was truly corrupt as she was a member of the council. The journal her father had left behind was full of entries about the various corruption and crimes going on in the Clave. Stories of murder, corruption, abuse of power among the more prestigious families in Idris, serious offences of the law and sexual favours among ranks. But they were a very practical couple, Naina was the idealist, Dev was the realist and he managed to talk her out of it. They had sent Valentine a letter of their declination and he had sent one back with a faerie ring, asking them to contact him through the ring if they had changed their minds. Naya had the both the letter and the ring that she kept in a jewellery box that was supposedly her mothers. 
The jewellery box had both her parents wedding bands, her mother’s engagement ring, an old photo of them at their wedding, a polaroid photo of baby Naya, letters from both her parents and a lock of her Naina’s hair. And right after the Patel’s had declined Valentine, the Circle was ruined and Valentine fleed. But then the Council had discovered Valentine’s interest in Naina Patel for it was rare that Valentine himself asked people to join him. And for him to have targeted Naina Patel made her an instant threat, especially since she was a Council member. 
What made matters worse, was that her mother was elected to become the next Inqusitor. Now they couldn’t publicly execute her or demote her, as Naina knew too much and the Clave faced a risk by making it a public affair. Even if they managed to sentence Naina, they risked being questioned by the rest of the public. So they sent Naina and Dev on a mission that was aimed on getting rid of Naina Patel. They didn’t intend for Naya’s father to get killed too but it certainly made things easier. It was no doubt they killed Naina Patel off knowing she was eventually going to expose and rid of a lot of the Clave’s members when she became Inqusitor. 
So they sent Dev and Naina on a “mission” to New York which was how they ended up at the New York institute. Naya wasn’t sure what exactly the mission was about but her father had written that they knew they were being set up. The Patel’s had made all sorts of necessary arrangements for their only daughter, thus all the letters, the jewellery box and the journal were hidden away until Naya had found it. The Clave had ransacked through their belongings but her father was a formidable man. He had hid the book inside another book in the Institute’s library. In a book he knew only Naya would want to pick up; Star Wars: From Concept to Screen to Collectible.
The Lightwoods kids never bothered much for mundane movies. The boys and Izzy did watch Star Wars now and then when Naya bugged them but they wouldn’t pick a book up to read about it. But her father must have known that she would. He had been a huge fan of it and made Naya watch every single one of the movies at home on DVD.  And like her father had collected vintage Star Wars merch, Naya had Stormtrooper toys, a tie fighter model, a very prized Princess Leia figurine and her very own version of Darth Maul’s darksaber. All of that were left behind at the London Institute. And they never came back to her when her parents died. Infact nothing except for the possesions she had at the New York institute. She had only brought along a stormtrooper plushie with her to New York that she still had, now old and smelly on her dresser. 
After her parents death, the Lightwoods took over as her official guardians. Naya had never talked to Robert and Maryse about it but she wondered if they knew what had truly happened to Naina and Dev and if they becoming her legal guardians were no accident. After all they were Circle members and had known Valentine directly. It was all very confusing at first because Maryse was rubbish at explaining her parents death but eventually Naya understood was had happened. She had cried when they died but she hadn’t truly understood the depth and the impact of their deaths on her. 
But Naya flourished, loved and cared for by the Lightwoods, like she was their own. She was older than Alex by a year but was thrilled to finally have siblings, Alex and Isabelle. They were all very young and she fit in like a glove. It took a long while to warm up to Alex but Naya loved Izzy instantly.  It was funny how Naya thought she would dislike Isabelle but ended up liking her the most. Izzy was nothing but curious when Naya had first arrived at the New York institute.  She asked endless questions about Naya and her parents and her culture and what India looked like. And Naya in return asked a great many questions about New York, and America and if she had ever met Mark Hamill. 
Naya was in many ways like Isabelle. They shared a great love for clothes, makeup and high heeled shoes, both being tall girls. But while Izzy was more outgoing and cheeky and sexy, Naya was more reserved, skeptical and shy. She came off as snobbish sometimes and intimidating but she didn’t mind. And when Izzy turned 12, they became parabatai. It was so natural and expected of them, that it came off surprise to no one. They were parabatai right before Alex and Jace Wayland. 
The arrival of Jace Wayland had made Naya quesy. Initially she didn’t like the blond boy with the fearless blue eyes. But that was more to Naya’s shyness, that eventually lead to an unbreakable bond between the four of them. Naya wonders if she’ll look at Jace differently now that she knows he is Valentine’s son and has a younger sister named Clary. She wonders temporarily what Clary looks like and if she’s like Jace with blonde hair and filled to the brim with arrogance and self-confidence. She shakes her head and goes back to reading her fathers journals. When Naya had just turned sixteen, she had discovered the Star Wars: From Concept to Screen to Collectible in the Institution’s library. It was a large book and had seemed like such a weird and unnatural book to be in the Institution’s library. 
A book like that had only one place and that was Naya’s personal book collection in her room,“Naya had thought as she carried the book back. She can still remember the surprise and slight dismay when she had discovered a huge hole in the middle of the book, holding her father’s journals, surprise at the journals and dismay that she wouldn’t be able to read the Star Wars book. She poured through the personal journal and cried and laughed whenever she hit sad or funny parts. 
The journals dated back to when her parents had first got married and Naya was grateful that her father had written so much so she could have this piece of them forever. She roared in laughter when she read an apology her father had included for destroying the book. And at the end of the journal, Naya had decided that she wouldn’t tell anyone of what she had discovered that summer afternoon, not even Isabelle who she trusted with her life.
Naya sighs as she puts the journals back into the Star Wars book. Then she puts them back to her book cupboard and then lunges her heavy bag on to her bed. She starts to unpack some of the new clothes the mundane boy had given her but some she leaves in the bag. She’s in the midst of zipping her bag up when a soft knock can be heard from her door. Her mother steps in with another lady trailing behind her. 
Naya, there’s someone I’d like you to meet,"Maryse says softly as the lady behind her peaks shyly. Naya plasters a large smile on her face and holds her hand out to shake the strangers hand.
Hello I’m Naya,"Naya says, sounding friendly enough. She shakes the lady hand and makes note of the strong grip the lady has for someone seemingly small.
I am Madeleine Bellefleur,"she says, smiling warmly at Naya. Naya looks at Maryse in confusion and Maryse nods.
She’s my friend from when I was young. I went to school with her and she was a close friend when I was your age, Naya,"Maryse explains. She’ll be coming with us tomorrow to Idris,”
Oh that’s lovely. I assume you will be staying her tonight then?“Naya asks and Madeleine nods. 
Yes of course. We’ve some very important business in Alicante, best to spend the night here. Wouldn’t do us any good if I were late when the Portal is opened,"she chuckles and Naya nods. The Maryse frowns at Naya looking at her overflowing bag of clothes.
Naya you can’t be bringing all those clothes to Idris,"Maryse begans. Come on I’ll help you sort some more clothes,”
Mum no I want to bring all this and I’m packing light!“Naya argues and Madeleine chuckles. 
I sense a mother/daughter argument from a mile away,"she smiles. I’ll leave you two to packing then,”
She exits the room, closing the door behind her softly and Naya turns her attention back to Maryse.
I just finished packing with Isabelle. She wanted to bring a huge bag too, the both of you are impossible,“Maryse says, her hands on her hips in typical motherly fashion. Come on lets have a look,”
With a groan, Naya holds up whatever she decides she absolutely needs and Maryse decides if she gets to bring it along. Whatever Naya doesn’t get to bring, she chucks back in to her wardrobe and whatever she can bring, Maryse folds neatly into a smaller suitcase.
What’s all these new branded clothes?“Maryse asks, holding up her favourite new and very expensive Balmain leather jacket. And don’t tell me you got these stuff cheap because they’re second hand, they look brand new,"Maryse holds up a small Prada bag.
Oh they’re gifts from this mundane boy,"Naya explains but then Izzy comes barging in to her room. 
Nai Mum says we can go out so we’re going to Taki’s for dinner. Are you coming or not?"Izzy demands but then spies the Balmain jacket and pounces on it. You have one of these? They’re like two thousand dollars,”
Naya,“Maryse says, her tone skeptical and demanding an explanation.
I’m not lying Mum,"Naya protests. I met this mundane boy there, he was really loaded and we went out for a bit and he took me shopping once or maybe twice, okay fine three times and told me to knock myself out so I did,”
Yeah mum no harm in that,“Izzy defends me. I heard he was a really shitty guy so its justified,”
Nai you can’t go around making use of men’s emotions like that. What have I told you about playing with boys emotions,“Maryse says with a mischievous smile on her face. Naya squels and hugs Maryse. Then she rummages around her bag till she comes up with a two boxes, one that’s heavily dented and looks like a shoebox and another much smaller box, bearing Bvlgari’s logo on it. She tosses the shoebox at Izzy and then hands the smaller box to Maryse.
I know you fancy their perfumes so I picked one up for you while I was at Harrod’s,"Naya says, beaming at her mum. Maryse smiles and then leans over to kiss Naya’s cheek. Izzy screams in delight when she flips the top of the box and sees the black pair of shoes in it. Naya had managed to snag a pair of the infamous Pensamoi Christian Louboutin heels for Izzy, when she saw it in Harrods, she knew she had to get it for Izzy.
Oh you didn’t,"Izzy squeals excitedly as she tries the shoes on.
Of course I did idiot,"Naya says affectionately. Can I borrow them every once in a while though,”
Uh duh you can but I get to wear them out first,“Izzy says and Naya laughs. Izzy manages to put on the strappy pair of heels and then parades around the room for a bit while Naya and Maryse applaud her. They finish packing and then after waving goodbye to their mother, the make their way downstairs to where the boys were waiting. 
That’s all we do nowaday,"Alec grumbles. Wait for you two,”
I just got home today Alec, you’ve got a whole lot of waiting to do,“Naya teases. They make their way out of the Institute and then to Taki’s Diner. Naya eagerly orders chocolate chip pancakes and her favourite smoothie. Then they sit down and talk about the things that had been happening. Naya knew she have gotten a more extensive explanation from them because she knew they would have been more involved than anyone else.
So Valentine’s son eh?"Naya asks, sipping on her smoothies. Jace frowns sheepishly and nods. Naya finds that she doesn’t look at Jace any differently, even with the shocking news but he’s the same old Jace, albeit a little older and less carefree than when she had left for London. 
Relax. I’m still your sister and your still my brother,"Naya says with a light tone and Jace chuckles. Now that they’ve addressed the elephant in the room, the four talk excitedly about everything. They hang out at Taki’s till 12 when Alec starts panicking at the time and insists they leave. They catch a cab back to the Institute and go to sleep even later because they stay up and order pizza. Its nearly 3 when Maryse finds them lounging around and shoos them to bed. And that night Izzy and Naya sleep together in Naya’s room. Her bed is more than accommodating to fit the both of them and they figure there’s so much more to talk about but the minute their heads hit their pillows, they’re sound asleep.
Alec comes in a little while later, grumbling about getting nagged by Maryse to sound off at the two but softens and a small smile creeps on to his face at the sight of them sound asleep. He closes the door after him and then creeps back to his room.
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lyricsocean · 4 years ago
Bharat maa ke do bete Ek border pe ek kheta mein
Bharat maa ke do bete Ek border pe ek kheta mein Ek ke modde 47 sai Dooja hal jotaye sai rata mein
Re tanne raam amira aale Bangle dikhe na Mera maati mein bhi upja dhan Tanne choos liya
Oh ja re dub ke mar Sarkar chalawan aale re Ek foota dhund Parivar te manas khos liya Ho ja re dub ke mar Sarkar chalawan aale re Ek foota dhund Parivar te manas khos liya
Khan ne re dana chahiye Pehran ne bana chahiye Koi konya soche Zamidar ke bhi aana chahiye
Khan ne re dana chahiye Pehran ne bana chahiye Koi konya soche Zamidar ke bhi aana chahiye
Re ghara beti rovay Bhejde collage babu manne Tere kehan te sai manne 12’vi mein Kar top liya haye
Oh ja re dub ke mar Sarkaar chalawan aale re Ek foota dhund Parivar te manas khos liya
Sab vote maang ke chale gaye Mera karza maaf kara kise ne nahi Andev ke leede paate re Kyun baaki devta ise nahi Andev ke leede paate re Kyun baaki devta ise nahi
Re meri dus aali Sabzi bhi mehangi lagdi Arr tu mall’an mein Khilauna ke hazar de jaga Re manne saari saal Modda todya 10 mile na Re kuch gaa ke geet Lakhon gulzaar le jaga
Re manne saari saal Modda todya 10 mile na Re kuch gaa ke geet Lakhon gulzaar le jaga Re sahukaar sai kadde gal Majboori samjhe na Re manne tardi izzat dekh Ghetuaa moss liya
Re besak jai jawan jai kisan Sath mein kehve sai duniya Par fauji bhai mere halaat tere jise konya Teri toh saheedi pe medal ton aa ja sai Re mere kafan ke bhi pise konya Mere kafan ke bhi pise konya.
The post Farmer Lyrics – Gulzaar Chhaniwala – Ft. Gulzaar Chhaniwala, Saroj Jangra, Pragati appeared first on Lyrics Ocean.
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the-firebird69 · 5 years ago
Huge difference
Gigantic change on demeanor with the s, mo
Right after the cancellation too. It rages on but for real it's silly how they infight, over chincy things angering tho gs then half or less the real thing then holy talk then odd boredom.
Huge huge emitters built by us to counter the Android's. And other such things worked, some for days. These idiots can't see it unless with thier eyes, ok are quiet, and I see like animals until you see them do it. We have they compete, but back to square one do they know. Nope he says a reaction to your emitters. They are dumb.
It's like this cork we can build mostly successful huge ones billium can build my bigger much more powerful ones, and the system he outlined may emit lk you see and hear or Zig has fully depleted Uranium. All easily imaginable. Then we hear no way and sane from him.
The truth, they don't know are dimwits. Are evil too lots of times due to mistakes.
Are evil after revenge. We note they are so dirty they cannot keep free of massive infection evin not ghosted ones making them sick or dorment makes them very very rude.
The guy opposite caa and trump nsar the road inside the bar, he was the biggest ass in history, huge assinine comments, rude ahold by the bar managed to get me angry, rare I heard him you gonna fight with broken ribs no he moves... Then blames me sorta but this is evil lazy wierdo crap.
JP's loser club and more nobodies do it all day and croak. More strength effort fun I the low desert then he gets hit. Hit to help but abused here.
Macs function and Macs dead. Retards can't fight it i hate to say.
Arr not emwont, refuse to hate to and are so dumb and frigun rude like arangiyang on crack. A huge study took place in the low desert tons of data nothing made sense. Then he said it they suck at everything
Suck. They use maps they say.
Escape now apparently fd up. We leave nobody wants us here. Fairyland ok fine Narnia but we hear him eaten by... Niggers no. Monsters. We finally see something get ours here they yelled at him I code then he and his got shot. Fn weak lame method non system system.
We don't know about monsters d see why we should or shouldn't. Some come back tweaki g but no drugs. Huge eyeballs. Fear too. Fun around until they dissappear.
We study that now
Good man cork we hear you believe you he says it Leeds to many things your father will probably help means not meaningless.
We know they are reali get memories from our symbiote.
Billium Macs all the leaders cork bit you guys who were out front where they were to be we're in on it
Holy shit I get it
Ok ok we care ok but it's our job to find them and control them
I'm off the hook
0 notes
mbcwaiheke17-blog · 7 years ago
WED 19 JUL  DEPART AUCKLAND TG0492  1310HRS                            ARRIVE BANGKOK           2025HRS
TUE 08 AUG DEPART BANGKOK  OS0026   2345HRS                            ARRIVE LONDON              0820HRS
MON 07 AUG DEPART AUCKLAND  MH130 1315HRS                          ARRIVE KUALA LUMPUR  2040HRS
THU 10 AUG 7.30pm performance at Royal Albert Hall “BBC Proms Sibelius, Grieg, Schumann and Storgirde”
MON 14 AUG 7.30pm performance at Prince of Wales Theatre “The Book of Mormon”
Staying at Kempfield House, 18 Madeira Pl, Kemptown, Brighton
THU  17 AUG TO POOLE                  1 NIGHT Staying at  Cafe Guest House, 34 Hill St, Poole
FRI 18 AUG TO GUERNSEY BY FERRY 7 NIGHTS      DEP 0915              ARR 1215
Staying at  Del Mar Court, Le Varclin, St Martin, Guernsey
SAT 16 SEP An extra day at Whitby giving us time to visit Captain Cook’s House
Staying at Cliffemount Hotel, Runswick Bay
MON 18 SEP 7.30pm performance at the Dominion Theatre “An American in Paris”
WED 20 SEP DEPART LONDON LHR MH3 1025HRS                               ARRIVE KUALA LUMPUR 0645HRS
SAT 23 SEP DEPART KUALA LUMPUR MH131 2205HRS                       ARRIVE  AUCKLAND 1305HRS
Daily Distance
Grade of walk
Walking to
2nd  September 2017
Arrival day
Arrive in St Bees
14 miles
Ennerdale Bridge
14 miles
10 miles
8 miles
17 miles
20 miles
Long moderate
Kirkby Stephen
13 miles
11 miles
17 miles
Long moderate
Bolton  on Swale
(accommodation in Richmond)
17 miles
Long moderate
Ingleby Cross
20 miles
Blakey Ridge
15 miles
Long moderate
15 miles
Long moderate
Robin Hoods   Bay
Depart for home
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jonnyssexploits · 8 years ago
black magic
Ever since I started having sex there had been a few things I wanted to try....older women, a two-girl, being filmed and most of all I wanted a black girl. I lived in a town with very few non white folks and had no real opportunity to mix with other ethnicities.....this is probably why I considered black girls so exotic and unattainable. 
When I was about 21, I saw an advert in a contact magazine placed by a black girl in Leeds. Nervously I rang and arr anger to go see her. She lived in a flat in a high rise block in an ok part of town so I made my way there with my nerves jangling and my cock hardening at thought of my first black experience. I arrived at the flat and she answered the door....about 5â€Č4, slim, with long hair & a lovely smile. Wearing a silk dressing gown, with black fishnets on show. 
After exchanging pleasantries and paying her she indicated the way to the bedroom & told me to go in and undress. Before I was naked she joined me and took of her robe, revealing a slim petite frame with smooth skin. As soon as I was naked she starting toying with my cock then knelt between my knees and gave me a slow blowjob. After I had sucked her tits and played with her shaved snatch, she put on a conform and straddled me. She then ride me hard until I blasted a cum load into the rubber. It was as good as I'd hoped and I saw her again a few times. She was the first girl I ever made squirt and she was utterly filthy when turned on. 
Sadly for me, she gave up the game and I lost touch but I had got the taste for slim leggy black girls and have seen quite a few over the years and had some memorable sex with them. 
0 notes
noplacecalledhome · 8 years ago
Toastr lets you see all the parties and events from Muziekgebouw Eindhoven: https://www.toastr.co/user/Muziekgebouw Eindhoven
Discover great events and parties, follow your favourite places and friends and see what's happening near you. Toastr makes it easy for you to follow event organisers to be notified of their events in the near future. https://www.toastr.co
Toastr lets you see all the parties and events from Muziekgebouw Eindhoven: https://www.toastr.co/user/Muziekgebouw%20Eindhoven
Adriaan Geuze
Adams - The Light Within Cage - In a Landscape Ruo - nieuw werk (wereldpremiĂšre) Ruo - The Lost Garden: Concerto nr 2
Ruimte en muziek Woonruimte, leefomgeving, muzikale ruimte, ruimtelijke muziek, het heeft allemaal verband met elkaar. Landschapsarchitect Adriaan Geuze, onder andere bekend door de inrichting van het Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam, en de Amerikaans Chinese componist en dirigent Huang Ruo, bekend om zijn dimensionalisme in de muziek voeren de toeschouwer mee naar ongekende ruimten. Zij buigen zich met Asko | Schönberg over de leefruimte en de muzikale dimensies. Geuze spreekt en geeft beeldende voorbeelden, Ruo dirigeert werken van John Cage, John Adams en eigen werk waaronder een wereldpremiÚre. Het werk van Ruo is even indrukwekkend als het beste werk van de een generatie oudere Chinese componist Tan Dun. Ruo combineert op fascinerende wijze herinneringen aan de Chinese volksmuziek met invloeden uit de jazz, rock en klassieke muziek. Het levert een fantasierijke reis op die via memory lane opeens in volslagen onbekende regionen terecht kan komen, soms onthutst maar steeds verrast. Een desoriënterende verkenning.
Check this out: https://www.toastr.co/event/5737a1ef97a305e1867e5d68
Murray Perahia
Toen in 1989 de pianolegende Vladimir Horowitz overleed, bestemde diens weduwe dat zijn concertkruk naar Murray Perahia moest gaan. Symbolisch gebaar. En geen misser: op zijn beurt is deze Amerikaan een van de grootste pianisten van Ăłnze tijd. Perahia is beroemd vanwege zijn sublieme Bach, zijn complete opname van Mozarts pianoconcerten (spelend Ă©n dirigerend) en van alle Beethovenconcerten, samen met het Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest onder leiding van Bernard Haitink. Dit alles volgens zijn adagium: ‘Muziek staat voor een ideale wereld waarin alle dissonanten worden opgelost, waar alle modulaties – die in mijn ogen reizen zijn – weer naar huis terugkeren en waar verrassingen en stabiliteit samengaan.’ Wat hij vanavond speelt, staat nog even open. Maar welke componist Perahia ook eert met zijn sublieme spel, het is altijd een onmisbare intense ervaring.
Check this out: https://www.toastr.co/event/5737a1ef97a305e1867e5d6c
Inez Weski
Brahms/Kyriakides - Ein Deutsches Requiem
De derde dimensie Wat is het nut van kunst voor een maatschappij? Leven we gezonder en harmonieuzer met muziek om ons heen die ons aan het denken zet? Inez Weski, onconventioneel strafpleiter en voorzitter van Het Groot Dictee de Nederlandse Taal, heeft een prikkelend antwoord dat net zo onconventioneel is als haar opvallende uiterlijk. Luisteren naar Weski is al als muziek. Of je het met haar eens bent doet er niet toe, haar dictie dwingt tot luisteren. Haar pleidooi voor de kunst in de derde dimensie wordt omlijst door een bijzondere bewerking van Ein deutsches Requiem van Johannes Brahms. Een mooie keuze, want Brahms was met zijn Deutsches Requiem net zo onconventioneel. Niet de overledenen hebben een mis nodig, maar de nabestaanden, zo vond hij. Zij zoeken immers troost. Brahms zocht en vond prachtige Duitse teksten over leed, verlies en troost en voltooide zijn meesterwerk dat oorspronkelijk voor koor, solisten en symfonieorkest is geschreven in 1868. Het Nederlands Kamerkoor en harpist Remy van Kesteren kleuren met een intieme versie van Brahms’ meesterwerk de woorden van Weski terwijl de woorden de muziek kracht geven. Intrigerend.
Check this out: https://www.toastr.co/event/5737a1ef97a305e1867e5d6d
Gidon Kremer & Kremerata Baltica
Schubert/arr. Kissine - Fantasie voor viool & orkest Haydn - Celloconcert in C Schnittke - Concerto grosso nr 1 Tsjaikovski - Sérénade mélancolique Tsjaikovski - Scherzo voor viool & strijkers
Het intense spel van Gidon Kremer Gidon Kremer en zijn Kremerata Baltica zijn altijd goed voor concerten op het scherpst van de snede en voor vertolkingen die het diepste van de ziel weten te raken. Of hij nu recenter werk speelt zoals een Concerto grosso van Schnittke of een gloedvolle melodie van Tsjaikovski, Kremer en zijn musici spelen intens. ‘Ik voel heel sterk dat muziek niet in een museum thuishoort’, zei Kremer al eens. ‘Daarom speel ik niet alleen hedendaagse muziek, maar juist ook Tsjaikovski en consorten. Ook zij begeleiden ons op onze weg, en dat zullen ze blijven doen.’ Een uitspraak die de spannende en vooral jeugdige vertolkingen verklaart van de man die sinds hij in 1970 de Internationale Tsjaikovski Wedstrijd in Moskou won geldt als een van de meest opvallende violisten van de twintigste en vroege eenentwintigste eeuw en die begin 2017 al weer zeventig jaar wordt. De immer intrigerende violist die al eerder artist in residence was slaat Eindhoven natuurlijk niet over in zijn ‘70th birthday tour’
Check this out: https://www.toastr.co/event/5737a1ef97a305e1867e5d6b
Narek Hakhnazaryan & Pavel Kolesnikov
Schumann - Adagio & Allegro Brahms - Cellosonate nr 2 FaurĂ© - ÉlĂ©gie Massenet - MĂ©ditation uit ThaĂŻs Saint-SaĂ«ns - Allegro appassionato FaurĂ© - Papillon
Ster van formaat Vanaf het moment dat hij in 2011 met overmacht de International Tchaikovski Competition won, was de Armeense cellist Narek Hakhnazaryan een ster van formaat. Samen met pianist Pavel Kolesnikov laten zij hun ‘buitengewone beheersing van de instrumenten’ het liefst in intieme setting horen. Want de kamermuziek blijft favoriet. Deze keer reist het tweetal van de Duitse romantiek van de vrienden Schumann en Brahms naar de waanzinnig mooie wufte melodieĂ«n van het Frankrijk van de late negentiende eeuw. Faure, Massenet en Saint-SaĂ«ns wisten hun publiek te betoveren met gepassioneerde virtuositeit en fijngeslepen intimiteit. Dat leverde ‘evergreens’ op als Fauré’s Elegie en Massenets MĂ©ditation. Laat u meeslepen door de muzikale poĂ«zie van Hakhnazaryan en Kolesnikov.
Check this out: https://www.toastr.co/event/5737a1ef97a305e1867e5d6e
For more events in orlando go to: https://www.toastr.co/city/orlando
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yecatswolliw · 9 years ago
Tumblr media
Head over to my active blog at :
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sjecblogarchive · 5 years ago
CHOIR UPDATE: JUNE 11, 2019In This Update

Service Music & Choir Anthems to Practice EVENTS  & INFO TO REMEMBER
Upcoming Events:
Evensong – July 24 at 7PM (6PM – vested rehearsal in music room)
First Fall Rehearsal – Sept 5
Fall events (still flexible)
Choral Retreat – Leed’s Episcopal Church (either 9/28 or 10/5)
Sunday Nov 3- Evensong at 5PM
Advent L&C Sunday 12/1 at 10:15AM
Processional: 362 – Holy, Holy, Holy! Sequence: 209 – We Walk by Faith and not by Sight Offertory: Hymn 370 – I Bind Unto Myself Today Communion Hymns:
324 – Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence 83 – Fairest Lord Jesus
Recessional 368 – Holy Father, Great Creator
Processional 686 – Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing Sequence 567 – Thine Arm, O Lord, In Days of Old Anthem: There’s A Wideness In God’s Mercy – arr M. Schweizer Communion Hymns: 653 – Dear Lord and Father of Mankind 678 – Surely it is God Who Saves Me Recessional 529 – In Christ There is No East and West
Processional 525 – The Church’s One Foundation Sequence 490 – I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light Baptism Hymn: Insert – I Was there to Hear Your Borning Cry Anthem: The Summons – arr M. Burkhardt Communion Hymns: 550 – Jesus Calls Us (same tune from the Bluegrass Mass) 655 – O Jesus I Have Promised Recessional 680 – O God Our Help in Ages Past
Processional: 522 – Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken Sequence:  INSERT – Here I Am, Lord Anthem: Come Let Us Sing – N. Sleeth Presentation Hymn: 716 – God Bless Our Native Land Communion Hymns: 321 – My God, Thy Table Now is Spread 441 – In the Cross of Christ I Glory Recessional: 718 – God of Our Fathers, Whose Almighty Hand
Upcoming Anthems
Blessed Quietness
Evensong:   We Are the Lord’s – Roland Martin
God Who Madest Earth and Heaven – arr. Robert Lehman
Sing a Joyful
 – Praetorius
How Firm A Foundation – arr P. Koch
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