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mythica0 · 9 months ago
Something nicer
🎂:The Loud House
🍫: Luanne
Summary: it’s April fools day again! Luanne’s favorite holiday! But after a talk with a friend a bit ago; she decides to go a different route this year.
A/N: the friend I’m mentioning is my OC Mary who is Luanne’s BFF.i know it’s nowhere near April fools day but I wanted to make this anyway. Also I added prank stuff that doesn’t exist because I can <3. hope you enjoy!
Something Nicer
‘April Fools is tommorow! I’m so excited!’ Luanne thought, bouncing on her heels. She’s been preparing for months!- she can’t wait to see the look on her family’s faces when they get pranked so hard!!
She was just about to go pick where she was going to place each prank- but then, she remembered a conversation with her friend Mary from a few weeks ago.
“So, April fools day is coming up.” She said, cautiously at the lunch table one day at school.
“I know! I already have all the supplies ready! I’m so excited I could practically burst!!”
“I know, and I’m so happy for you! I know you love pranks and April fools day and I love that for you… but-“
She sighed and resigned herself. Luanne looked wide-eyed at her friend, tilting her head slightly in confusion.
“I’ve wanted to tell you this for a while now- don’t you think your pranks are a bit… mean?”
“I mean- of course they’re a little mean! Wouldn’t be much of a prank if you didn’t cause a little chaos!”
“That’s not what I mean- it’s just- a lot of your pranks are physically harmful, or, or cause property damage- that’s not very funny- it’s just mean. Pranks are supposed to be confusing and maybe a bit irritating, not painful or distressing.”
“Hmm. I’ve never thought about that. I love my family! I don’t want to hurt them… but… that’s the only way I know how to prank! I don’t want to give up my favorite holiday….” Luanne seemed disheartened, and looked down at the table.
“Well, some of your pranks are okay! How about you give me some prank examples you’ve pulled and I’ll tell you if they’re okay or if they’re too much.”
“Alright! Um- the time I wrapped my entire house with wrapping paper!”
“That’s okay! No one was hurt, and while it might’ve been annoying to clean up, nothing was damaged.”
“Hmm.. the time I poured bleach on Lucy’s clothes to turn them white!”
“Did you buy her a replacement? If so, that’s okay. If not- just do that in the future.”
“Okay! The time I put oil on the floor so someone would slip into the oven and left raccoons in there!”
“Nope. Too far. Whoever fell victim to that was probably covered in scratches and very sore from crashing into an oven. The idea of a slippery floor isn’t a bad one though!”
“Oo! That one time I cut holes in the floor boards so someone would fall through into jello!”
“Did you pay for the damage to the floors? Did you make sure the wood wouldn’t cut anyone?”
“No one was hurt! And the place was abandoned- no one lived or went there.
“Then that’s alright!” That conversation went on for a bit, and eventually Luanne asked Mary what she should do about this year. She already had her supplies and half of them might hurt people!
Mary made it clear that she’s not really an expert on pranks, but that it might be a good idea to lean into something else that she enjoyed that doesn’t cause pain. Luanne said she’d think about it and then moved on.
“I should probably do that… I can’t believe I’ve been being a bully to my family for so long!” She whispered to herself. She decided to look through her prank supplies and see if she could scrounge up anything that wasn’t painful or harsh.
Lucky for her, she had forgotten that the day of that conversation she had ran to the store to get some more… friendly pranks.
With new , nicer supplies in hand, she went home to start set up.
“Alright guys. We’re pretty much outta options. Nothing we’ve tried is working!” Lincoln spoke at a sibling meeting later that afternoon.
“We still have the option of sedating her.” Lisa piped from the other side of the room, holding an ominous looking needle in her hands.
“No, Lisa- we tried that remember? She just set up early! It’s like she always knows our plan!”
“It’s not the best plan- but I think I have an idea.” Lana raised her hand.
“Maybe if we pretend it doesn’t bother us, she’ll stop? Yes it means we’ll have to endure this year and maybe next year too, but maybe she’ll get bored!”
“Good idea Lana! Alright guys, looks like that’s our best plan. We’re just going to have to endure.” A collective sigh went up in the room, but no direct protests.
Luanne woke up and stretched, getting down off her bed quietly. ‘This is going to be great! I can’t wait to see what everyone thinks!! Maybe they won’t be mad at me!’
She giggled a little and went to her secret hideout where she had monitors to watch the chaos, carful to avoid springing her own pranks.
This was going to be fun.
Later that day, when everyone woke up they steeled themselves. They had to act like nothing was bothering them, even though they were dreading every second of today.
The first prank of the day happened when Lisa stepped out of her room only to be met with a bucket full of cool water.
‘And it begins. You are not bothered, you are not bothered.’
“Ahh. A classic. I wonder what metal this bucket is made out of?”
Luanne lifted an eyebrow in her hideout. “No reaction? That’s odd… but hey, maybe they’ll still like my big twist!”
The next victim was Lori, who woke up to find her favorite formal dress painted and decorated with the text “APRIL FOOLS!” In macaroni attached to it. She wanted to yell, but breathed in and instead commented on the Clever decoration before moving the shirt to the side and continuing.
All of the family gathered in the living room: this wasn’t their first rodeo, they knew Luanne had a big dramatic something that was going to happen in three… two… one-
“Hello family!” Right on cue, Luanne’s monitor dropped from the ceiling, showing her smiling face In her classic jester chair.
“I have some lovely surprises waiting for you today! This year is a little different than my other April fools day plans.. but I would hate to spoil the surprise!”
Everyone was so shocked that they forgot they were supposed to be acting like they didn’t care. She said different. Usually she says more intense or something like that. But never different. They looked to eachother with concern.
“Have fun! I know I will! Muahhahaha!” Luanne’s monitor slipped back into the ceiling.
“What? Just cause I’m not being too intense anymore doesn’t mean I can’t still lean into the “pranking evil genius” role! Geez.” Luanne spoke to mister coconuts.
The family was nervous now. How were they supposed to act nonchalant when Luanne just dropped that bombshell on them! But, they went about their day anyway.
The next prank brought upon the knowledge of the twist. Lola stepped into the kitchen, only to trigger a trip wire that pulled her into the air, stuck in place. She pepared for a punch to the gut or a mouse trap or something- but instead was met with giggles. Her own giggles.
“ whaahahat thehehe?” She looked up to see feathers swirling along her sides and underarms. “Eehee! Thahahat tihihihickles!”
The monitor dropped down again.
“Thats the point! I see you’ve found the twist!”
The family gasped. “So that’s what you meant by different? Tickling?”
“Yup! I thought about it- and this way- no one gets hurt!”
“Eheehahaha! Wehehell ihihis thihihis thihihing gohohona lehehet mehehe dohohown!”
“Yup! It will after about 5 minutes. Enjoy!” Luanne giggled and winked at her.
The next victim was Lincoln.
After the twist was discovered , the family forgot all about their plan and turned the day into a game. Lincoln ran outside, only to slip on one thing into some pillows on a tree, which then caused a strange glitter-like substance to fall on him.
The next thing he knew, his whole torso was bursting with ticklish shockwaves, causing him to burst into laughter and clutch his stomach. This action caused the glitter to get on his hands and arms- starting to tickle them,too.
“Poor, ticklish Lincoln. I see you found my giggle glitter! Isn’t it wonderful?” Another screen popped down from the tree.
Lincoln was belly laughing and kicking his feet in ticklish glee. “Hahahahaaa thahahat tihihihickles sohohoho muhuhuch ahahaha!!”
“Good! Cause there’s more where that came from! Muahaha!”
Meanwhile, Lucy went into her room and hid in her coffin. ‘I’ll be safe in here.’ She thought, only to be startled by a bunch of soft, pillow-like robotic hands reaching towards her. ‘Oooor not..’ then the hands made contact, squeezing and poking Lucy gently. “Pfftahaha! Dahahang ihihit luahahahanne!”
“Oh! I’m so glad you found my little poking pillow hands! Do you like them?”
“Wahahahahat? Nohohoho wahahahay!”
“Don’t lie to me~ you totally do.”
“S-shuhuhut uhuhup!” Lucy flushed, which was very noticeable on her pale face that she then covered up.
This went on and on(with some normal pranks in there too- Leni got a pie in the face)
Lisa got trapped in a machine that trapped her in laughter for 10 minutes.
Lynn’s shoes had automatic feathers in them
Lana fell in peanut butter which caused Charles to lick it off her
Luna found another giggle glitter prank.
Lori ran into some robot bugs(where did Luanne get all these robots?)
Lenny’s belt started to vibrate on her belly
So on, so forth
At dinner, Luanne left her hideout, making her way to the house. When she opened the door, her family all greeted her at her table- but instead of glaring or mumbling about revenge.. they were smiling. ‘Perfect.’ Thought Luanne. ‘This might just be my best April fools day ever.’
“Hey, there’s our little prankster! Care for some tacos?” Their dad spoke, finishing setting the table.
Luanne smiled brightly. “Absolutely!”
They are together and laughed and talked like any other day of the year, and after dinner was over Luanne pulled something out of her pocket and walked up to Lori.
“Hey Lori, I wanted to give you this.” In her hands was a folded dress, exactly alike to the one that Luanne had *ahem*.. decorated.
“You- you got me another one?” Lori seemed surprised.
Luanne hesitated and looked down. “Yeah.. to replace the one I ruined.”
“Y’know Luanne? I don’t know why you switched it up this year, but I’m glad you did. This years April fools has actually been…. Fun. The most fun April fools I’ve ever had. Thank you.” Luanne teared up a bit and the two embraced each other, followed by the rest of the family shortly after.
“I could tell you why I changed it up!” She reached towards the table for a leftover tortilla shell. “I think I’m ready to taco bout it! Hahaha!”
Luanne smiled and felt so warm and happy.
‘I’m glad too, Lori. I’m so happy I did something nicer’
———THE END————————————————
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wholesome-lee-trash · 4 months ago
I want the Agaped Bearer tickles!! I want Gaius to tickle Lisa after a rough day!! I want Cal to tickle Lisa!! I want Lisa to tickle Cal!! I want Inna to be a Little Rascal and tickle Gaius!! And I haven't even read the books 😭😭 I need them so bad 😭😭
The real question is will I regret main tagging this (the author is on Tumblr) (really good job marketing btw)
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mythica0 · 9 months ago
Code pink
🎂:The Loud House
🧁: All siblings
A/N : sorry about the lack of writing! I’ve been being super lazy and lacking any real ideas I’ve enjoyed, but this one showed up with the loud house! Because of the inspiration, this one’s kinda long lol. If you want to see more Loud house fics let me know!! :D also, in case you weren’t clear: Luanne’s my favorite character:3(I feel like I might have overused the haha- get it? After Luanne’s puns so I hope it doesn’t get annoying lol)
Also also- all platonic!! No incest on my blog!!!
Code pink
It was a normal Saturday morning in the loud house.
Which means, to any other household, it would be completely abnormal. Lori was on the phone, Lola was driving around, Lana was tracking mud in the house- you get the idea.
Luna awoke to the hustle and bustle of her home, and stood up to stretch.
Luanne was already awake, looking through her comedy supplies for… something.
“G’morning sis! How’d ya sleep!”
Luanne stuffed something in her pocket surreptitiously and turned around.
“Oh! I slept great! Kinda worried tho.. I think my pillow was lying behind my back! Haha- get it!”
Luna groaned- classic Luanne.
“What about you, Luna?”
“Ah, I slept awesome, dude!”
“Good!” Luanne smiled, and then whispered under her breath “you’re gonna need it”
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
Instead of answering, Luanne turned to Luna with a mischievous glare and a glimmer in her eyes.
“Uhhh, why are you lookin’ at me like that, brah?”
She smiled and wiggled her fingers in Luna’s direction. Immediately, Luna jumped
In the air and out into the hall, and shouted.
“Code pink everyone! This is not a drill!!!”
As soon as she shouted that, there was a large bustle as all the loud siblings scrambled and scattered.
Lincoln talked to.., someone? While he was running.
“You may be wondering, what’s code pink? Well… Luanne is a notorious tickle monster in the loud house-“ Lincoln remembers some iconic moments..
“Gotcha! I bet you’re just dying of laughter! Ha ha- get it!” Luanne joked, with a frantically giggling Lucy under her hands stuck in her coffin. “Luahahane! Stohohop- gihihihigling ihis nohot myhy styhyhyle!”
“Aww, but I just love tickling you pink! Or I guess tickling you black, in your case haha, get it!”
“Oh no! Lenny! There’s a monster in here!”
“What! Where! What is it?!”
“It’s… the tickle monster! Rawhh!” Luanne pounced on Lenny, scribbling her fingers all over her sides.
“Eeehee! Luahahahnne!!”
Luanne deepened her voice.
“I’m not Luanne, I’m the tickle monster! And I must say your outfit really tickles my fancy! Muahaha, get it!”
“Luahahanne! Whyhyhy!”
Lincoln giggled helplessly in the window seat of vanzilla, leaning away and futilely pushing at Luanne’s hands.
“I’m just taking some laughy taffy for the road! Haha- get it!”
He shivered at that last memory. “And sometimes, she goes into full tickle monster mode.”
“This has happened enough times for us to come up with a code- code pink. You know when you hear that, there’s a rogue tickle monster Luanne on the loose- and she won’t stop until she’s turned all of us into a giggly puddle”
“So yeah, running might seem pretty pointless, but let me tell you a secret.” He begins whispering, now behind a garbage can. “None of us really mind- it’s all in good fun.”
He speaks at a normal volume again. “But we like turning into a fun game- and we know Luanne enjoys it too!”
Meanwhile, Luna wasn’t able to run fast enough to avoid capture.
“Ahh, my first meal! I can wait to… dig in! Haha- get it!” At the pun, Luanne started, true to her words, digging into Luna’s stomach.
Luna burst into laughter at the contact, her loud nature extending to her laughter. “EeeyahahaH! Yohohou’rehehe sohoHO ruthleheheHESS, LUAHHAHNNE! AHHAHA!”
“This is barely anything! I could get real mean!
“I haven’t even done it yet!”
“Fine, you caught me there! Not as much as I caught you though! Hahaha- get it!” after the pun, Luanne took a deep breath and blew a raspberry right on Luna’s tummy.
Luanne giggles. “You’re lucky I have some other siblings to catch! But I’ll catch you later!!”
Luna giggled a bit and stood, dusting herself off, and went to go hangout in the living room.
Luanne started walking through the house through all the chaos. Some siblings were hiding, others were just running around. Lynn was one of the latter.
Luanne spotted her amongst the chaos and decided she was up next. She skipped through the chaotic house until she was right at the bottom of the stairs.
Lynn didn’t notice her and tried to run up, but Luanne caught her by the shirt and pulled her into a hug from behind.
“Look who it is!”
Lynn burst into giggles of anticipation and frantically spoke.
“Lu-Luanne can’t we, can’t we talk about this? Heheh.”
“Nope! You’re gonna be the tickle monsters next snack and you’re gonna like it! I can’t help that I’m hungry for giggles! I think it’s about time for me to sink my teeth in! Haha- get it!”
Once again, true to the words, Luanne started gently nibbling at Lynn’s neck, causing her already giggly sister to fold over herself as much as she could while trapped in a hug. She squirmed around helplessly in Luanne’s arms, trapped in perpetual laughter.
“Aww looks like we have a wiggly, giggly Lynn!” Luanne started to spider on Lynn’s torso, causing her to kick her legs frantically.
“Dohohont sahahay thahahat! Pfffhahahahaha!”
“Why not? Is it flustering? Does it make my tickly tickles worse??”
“Yay!! But it’s about time for me to bounce! I got some other siblings to see! So I’ll throw you a bone! A funny bone! Haha- get it!”
Lynn just stood there for a moment, shaking herself off, before going to join Luna on the couch.
“She’s unstoppable, man.”
“You got that right. Phew.”
As Luanne skipped up the stairs, whistling and giggling whimsically, Lisa took out her pencil and started to write. “Test subject appears to be satisfied with the results of her work. More study is needed.”
“What ya doin’, Lis?” Luna called from the couch.
“Shhh. I’m doing field research. I am attempting to find out what about this form of whimsical activity that Luanne enjoys. As well as maybe the source of these moods.”
“Well good luck, Lis. Pound it!” Luna sticks out her fist and Lisa returns the fist bump before moving on to follow Luanne.
The next sibling on the chopping block was Lola, she was driving around in her pink car. Luanne hopped in and seemed to appear suddenly. “Ahh! Luanne!”
Luanne picked up Lola and took over the car, scratching gently at her knees.
“Guess I’m taking this meal to go! Haha- get it!”
Lola’s screechy giggles filled the house, as she kicked wildly.
“You don’t get it? I thought it was pretty obvious!” Luanne teased, giggling slightly.
“What? You don’t like my tickly tickly tickles! I thought you loved them!”
“You didn’t disagree~” Luanne pulled the last move for this victim; some pinches to the knees and thighs.
“But I’ll leave ya for now. Hope I didn’t drive you up the wall! Haha- get it?” Luanne hopped out of the pink car and went in her merry way.
“Test subject appears to enjoy making jokes about the activity and the people surrounding it- this is very in character for the test subject.” Lisa jotted down.
“Are you using us as test subjects again?!” Lola said angrily as she was about to head downstairs.
“No. Just Luanne. And I’m not using any dangerous chemicals, calm down.”
“Ooookaaayyy…” Lola glared at Lisa as she headed downstairs and sat on the couch.
Luanne decided to go for Lana next. The twins usually weren’t too far apart from eachother, so the little froggy was sure to be around here somewhere.
“Lana~ where are you~ the tickle monsters hungry and your giggles sound delicious~~” Luanne teased across the halls in a sing-song.
In the bathroom, Lana covered her mouth to stifle giggles. She always got so riled up when this happened!
“Are you in your favorite place in the house, Lana~~ I think you are!”
The voice came closer to the bathroom where she was hiding behind the shower curtain.
Luanne heard muffled giggles coming from the bathroom and knew she was right.
“Boo!” She pulled back the curtain and scooped up Lana, tickling her ribs.
“Eehehee! Hehehey, Luahahanne!”
“That’s Ms. Tickle monster to you! I knew you’d be in here, you always hide in the bathroom.”
“Dahaharn! I rehehally neheheed Toho fihihind a nehehew hihihidihihing spohohot!”
��I’d say! That way I don’t tickle you so hard you bring out the water works! Haha, get it?”
“Uhuhugh! Yehehehes! Youhohoure soho cheheheesy!”
“Well you must find me funny, you’re laughing aren’t you?”
“Thahahats becahahause yohohoure tihihihicklihihing mehehee!”
Luanne abruptly stopped, leaving Lana in leftover giggles. “No I’m not! Hehe! Gotta run! Still gotta buncha little pockets of giggles to feast on!”
Luanne let Lana down and the younger went to go downstairs, while the older went off once more- a curious little scientist behind her.
“Subject appears to enjoy the sound of laughter- although I feel as though this was already known about the test subject. No other indicators have yet been given.”
Next: Luanne spotted a familiar green dress underneath a lampshade. “Oh, wow, wherever could Lenny be~ she’s such a good hider!”
Lenny giggled a little in her hiding spot- she was pretending to be a lamp!
“Hmm, guess she’s not here….”
Lenny giggles some more and sighed.
“Just kidding!” Luanne pulled off the lamp shade and pulled Lenny to the ground.
“Sorry if I upset you there! Don’t mean to throw shade! Haha- get it!”
“I dohoho! Eheheee!”
“You’re always the least squirmy of the bunch! Bet all that laughter makes you feel light as a feather!” As she said that, she pulled a feather from out of her pocket- the one she hid earlier- and started
To flutter it against Lenny’s ears.
“Eheee! Thahahats reheheally tihihihickly!”
“I know~ hehe, isn’t it great?”
Lenny nodded a bit.
“Glad you’re enjoying yourself! But now I gotta fly! Haha- get it!” Luanne stopped and hekored Lenny up.
Lenny looked toward the ceiling for a sec before saying “I actually don’t get it…”
“That’s okay! But I got some other siblings to find!”
“Okay! Bye, Luanne!” Lenny walked down the stairs and joined her fellow captured siblings.
“Hmm.. curious. Test subject appears to be pleased by the fact that her victims are enjoying themselves. This is a very enlightening development.” Lisa still creeped behind Luanne.
Next- Lori. Now, Luanne never went to get with Lori- she knew that her oldest sister wasn’t really a fan of the whole tickling thing- but she made an effort to at least get her a little. So, she went into Lori’s room and checked around, finding her in the closet.
“Hey~~ Lori!”
“H-hi, Luanne. Please don’t be too mean.”
“Oh, you know I never am with you! Now c’mere.” Luanne just gave Lori a big hug, lightly tracing her arms for a moment.
Lori giggled a bit and then Luanne pulled away from the hug. “Love ya, sis!”
Lori looked down embarrassed at her ticklishness. “Love you too.” She stood and walked out of the closet, joining the others.
Lisa once again took a note. “In relation to previous observation- Test subject in fact seems to find enjoyment of the other party quite important. This is intriguing.”
Next- Lucy. Luanne walked towards the attic, calling out.
“Oh Lucy~~ the tickle monster wants to say hi~~ I know how much you like your secret dark place~~
Lucy gasped and covered her mouth. She was, in fact, in her secret dark place. The back corner of the attic.
Luanne entered the spooky attic. “Lucy~~~ I know you’re in here~ are you ready for the tickles~~”
Lucy covered her mouth and held her breath. (She was being dramatic- she liked pretending it was a horror movie.)
“There you are! Get over here, spooky!”
“Gasp! I’ve been caught.”
“Yup! And now you’re gonna giggle at the hands of the tickle monster! Rawr!” Luanne pulled Lucy in and started to squeeze her sides.
“Man it’s dark in here! Thankfully your smile will brighten it up! Hahaha, get it!”
“Sahahadly, yehehes. Ahahand I CAHAHANT evehehen dohoho myhyhy sihihihigh!”
“That’s right! Your gigglin’ too hard! I could just eat you up!” Right after saying that, Luanne started pretending to ‘eat’ Lucy’s stomach, blowing small raspberries. “Nom nom nom!”
“Pfhahahahaha! Luahahhane!” Lucy’s whispery giggles echoed through the attic like the wind through trees.
“Huh, that’s weird, usually my food doesn’t talk to me. Huh-“ she paused for a moment before continuing.
“Ohohohokay! Ihihim lauhahhaughihihing ahahare yohohou hahahappy!”
“Yes. Very. Lucky for you, I’m not quite done with my mission yet! Buh-bye!”
Luanne left the attic and continued to search.
Lucy smiled slightly. She may pretend it’s the bane of her existence, but it’s actually not so bad. She needs to laugh once in a while. “Bye, Luanne.” She whispered before heading down the latter to the attic towards the living room.
“Hmm.. test subject appears to be almost complete- code pink is almost over. I have the answer to the first question- why does she enjoy this?(she enjoys making others happy/laugh) But, the second, what causes these moods, is left unanswered.
Lisa followed Luanne down- and the floor boards creaked. “… crap”
Lincoln looked around from his hiding spot in the garbage can in the hallway. “No! Lisa!” He whispered.
Lisa looked at him, but nodded as if to say it was fine.
Luanne turned. “That’s why I haven’t seen you! You’ve been behind me this whole time! But I’ve gotcha now!”
“Ihihit whahas wohohorth ihihit! Fohohor scihehence!”
“Well then, guess this is a good reaction! Haha, get it? “
“Sooo.. why were ya studying me?”
“I whihihill infohohorm yohohou and eveheheryohohine ehehelse ihihim thehe lihihiving quahaharters.”
“Alrighty then! Just a couple more siblings to go! Can’t wait to see your conclusion!” Luanne stepped away and Lisa nodded.
“I am excited to inform you. I will be joining our siblings now.”
“Okay! Byee!” Luanne said as she walked away to look for Lincoln.
“Lincoln~~ come out come out wherever you are~~”
Lincoln was probably the most ticklish loud- by far. He was basically a walking tickle spot! And Luanne knew it.
After a minute or so, Luanne spotted a tuft of white hair behind the garbage can.
“Found ya!”
“Ahahaha! Luahahahanee!” She had begun to dig into his ribs and side, causing him to burst out laughing.
“Hey Lincoln! I would tease you for being so ticklish, but I don’t like trash talk! Haha, get it!
“Yeehahaha I gehehehet ihihit! Ahahand i cahahahant hehehelp IHIHIHIT!”
“I know! And I can’t help the fact that your giggles are so gosh darn cute!”
“Thehehey ahahahre NOHOHOT!”
“Oh they so are.”
Lincoln blushed and covered his face.
“No way~~ teasing is half the fun! Besides~~ it’s true!”
“Had enough?”
Lincoln nodded.
“Alrighty then! Meet ya downstairs!”
Luanne went down and saw all her siblings siting in the couch together, Lincoln a little giggly still. She saw lily, and picked her up.
“And lastly, the baby.” She blew a raspberry and then set Lily down.
“Alright! Another successful code pink for Luanne!”
“Indeed. And now- I will share the results of my field study.”
Everyone turned to look at Lisa as she spoke.
“During today’s code pink, I took the initiative to do an experiment I’ve wanted to do for a while now- what exactly about tickling does Luanne enjoy so much? As well as the cause of these moods she gets in. “
“Ohhhh!” Luanne said. “That’s cool! I mean, you could’ve just asked, but I want to see what you think!”
“Okay then. The evidence I have found is this:
Luanne enjoys making people laugh, as we all knew, especially the ones she cares about, ergo, us. This is just another way to do it. She enjoys the sound of our laughter. She also appears to be satisfied by the idea that she has made us laugh, why by this particular method? I’m not sure. She also likes to make puns about it- but again, we all knew that. This is just another avenue for her puns to be explored and expressed- especially since she knows we will laugh.
However, a more interesting development- is the fact that Luanne is aware we are having a good time- and finds this quite important. I hypothesize that if one of us were to express discontent, she would not tickle us at all. She enjoys doing this to make others happy.
So that is the conclusion of my study! Sadly, I did not get an answer to the cause of these moods. Luanne, I turn the floor to you.”
Luanne smiles. “Well, with your study, it was actually pretty spot on! I just tickled you guys cause I like making you all happy, and I like seeing and hearing you all laugh. I love you and I like seeing you smile.”
A chorus of “Awwwww”’s erupted from all the siblings, except for Lisa, who just nodded and smiled, proud of her accurate observation. At the coo, Luanne blushed slightly and smiled.
“And about the moods, well, I usually just wake up with em’. Sometimes I’ll have a dream about it the night before and that’s why, and sometimes it’s random. However, sometimes something will trigger one. Like hearing you guys laugh, or seeing you reach for something on a high shelf. It’s just… fun.”
“Hmm. I’ll make a note of that. Well, that concludes this study and I’d say it was pretty successful.”
Lincoln looked at his sisters and then at Luanne.
“You said you tickle us because you love us, right? And you like seeing us laugh?”
Luanne nods and looks confused.
“Well, we love you too! Why don’t we return the favor~?” He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, the rest of the family following suit.
“Guys, it’s time for a little ‘revenge’”
“Well, looks like a better make like a banana and split! Hahaha, get it!”
Well. It’s never a boring day in the loud house. Especially with a code pink.
———THE END————————————————
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