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rikkahonyaku · 13 days ago
深海少女 (Deep Sea Girl)
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Producer: YuuyuP 深海少女 on NicoNico —
悲しみの海に沈んだ私 Sinking into a sea of sorrow
目を開けるのも億劫 I can't even bother to open my eyes
このままどこまでも堕ちて行き If I keep falling deeper like this
誰にも見つけられないのかな I may never be found by anyone
どこへ向かい、何をすれば? Where am I headed, what should I do?
ふと射し込む一筋の光 Suddenly, a single ray of light shines through
手を伸ばせば届きそうだけど It seems close enough to touch if I reach out for it
波に拐われて見失った But the waves swept it away, far out of sight
あれは一体なんだったのかな What was that, I wonder?
あたたかくて眩しかったの It was so warm and dazzling
無意識のカウンターイルミネーション A subconscious use of counter-illumination
嘘つきは誰? Who is the liar here?
深海少女 まだまだ沈む I'm a deep sea girl; I'm still sinking deeper
暗闇の彼方へ閉じこもる Shutting myself away deep in the darkness
深海少女 だけど知りたい I'm a deep sea girl, but I want to know
心惹かれるあの人を見つけたから Since I’ve found someone who attracts my heart
昼も夜も無かったこの場所 This place has no day or night
なのに眠れない夜は続く Yet my nighttime insomnia continues on
自由の羽を大きく広げて Spreading your wings of freedom wide
泳ぐあなたは奇麗でした You looked so beautiful as you swam
そしてまた光は降りそそぐ And once again the light poured down on me
見とれていたら目が合った I gazed in fascination, and our eyes met
気付いてこっちを振り返るあなたに 嘘つきな私… Before I knew it, you had turned to face me, the liar...
深海少女 わざわざ沈む I'm deep sea girl; I'm sinking on purpose
暗闇のさなかに赤い頬 My cheeks burn bright red in the darkness around me
深海少女 ハダカの心を見せる勇気 As a deep sea girl, I don't have the courage to show my bare heart
黒い海がまだ許さない The dark sea doesn't allow for it yet
こんなに服は汚れてしまった 笑顔も醜くゆがんでいった My clothes are so dirty, and my smile is becoming distorted and ugly
誰にも合わせる顔なんて無いの This isn't a face anyone should see
もう放っておいてよ! Just leave me alone already!
声にならない気持ちが溢れてとけた Unspeakable feelings began to overflow within me
次の瞬間、君が突然姿を消した And just then, you disappeared from sight
心配性の 彼女は焦る As a worrying girl, I began to panic
闇が彼を隠しひとりきり The darkness hid him, and I'm all alone again
限界少女 その手を伸ばす As I hit my limit, I reach out my hand
「ほらね、君も素敵な色を隠してた」 "See? You had beautiful colors hidden inside you all along."
深海少女 腕を引かれる I'm a deep sea girl being led by the arm
歌う祝福のマリンスノー As the marine snow sings a song of blessing
深海少女 もっと知りたい I'm a deep sea girl, and I want to know more
心惹かれるあの人を見つけたから Since I’ve found someone who attracts my heart
この海を出て 今飛び立つの As I breach the sea, I take off in flight
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armazenamentoscans · 3 months ago
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水爆の実験がつづけられている太平洋では、 次々に原因不明の沈没事件がおこった。奇跡 的に助かった漁夫が、巨大な怪物に火をはき かけられて、そうなんしたといっても誰も信 用しなかった。しかし厄ばらいの祭りの夜、暴風雨ととも に怪物があらわれて、島の家々をこわし、ふ みつぶしてしまう。その被害と原因を調査し た結果は、おどろくべきものであった。二億年前にすんでいたといわれる巨獣、ゴ ジラが、たびかさなる水爆実験でよみがえっ たのだ。全身に水爆のエネルギーをためて、 放射能をはき、船を沈め、島をおそったとい う発表に、国民は大混乱におち入った。政府はゴジラ退治に爆雷攻撃を行った。だ が水爆にも死ぬことなく放射能をはくゴジラ が爆雷ぐらいで参ってしまうだろうか? ゴジラはとうとう東京へ上陸した。品川駅 をおしたおし、列車をひきちぎり、鉄橋をふ みつぶす。自衛隊が動員され、戦車や重砲で 立ちむかうが、ゴジラはロから強烈な白熱光 をはきながら、議事堂をふみたおし、テレビ 塔をへしおり、海へとさって行った。人々は、ぼうぜんとしてゴジラのあばれる にまかせるだけであった。家をやかれ、傷つき、放射能をあびて東京の街はたった一日で 焼野原となった。ゴジラ対策本部が設けられ、 古生物学者の山根博士、娘で助手役の恵美子、 その恋人の尾形などが参加した。山根博士には芹沢という化学者の愛弟子が いたが、現代の人間にたいする不信から孤独 を守り、実験室にとじこもって秘密の研究を していたが、ゴジラを征服するただひとつの 方法水中の酸素を破かいし、すべての生 物をちっそく死させ、液化してしまうオキシ ジェンデストロイヤーを完成させていた。尾形と恵美子は、芹沢の実験室をおとづれ ゴジラによる被害をせつめいし、ゴジラに対 して使用するよう納得させるのに成功した。芹沢はいっさいの秘密資料を火の中に投げ 入れ、た一つのオキシジェンデストロイヤ ―を持って、ゴジラのひそむ海へ入っていっ た��安全弁をぬいた彼は、海中でその効果を たしかめると自分から命づなと送気かんを切 ってしまい、ゴジラと共に海底に消えて行っ たのだった。In the Pacific Ocean, where hydrogen bomb tests were being conducted repeatedly, a series of unexplained shipwrecks occurred. Although a fisherman, miraculously rescued, claimed he had been attacked by a massive monster spewing fire, no one believed him. However, on the night of a festival meant to ward off misfortune, amidst a violent storm, the monster appeared. It destroyed the houses on the island, crushing them underfoot. The investigation into the damage and its cause led to a shocking discovery: Godzilla, a giant beast said to have lived 200 million years ago, had been resurrected by the repeated hydrogen bomb tests. Absorbing the bomb’s energy, Godzilla emitted radiation, sank ships, and attacked the island. When the government announced these findings, the nation was thrown into chaos. Efforts to defeat Godzilla began with depth charge attacks. Yet, could a creature immune to hydrogen bombs be brought down by such means? Godzilla eventually landed in Tokyo, toppling the Shinagawa train station, tearing apart trains, and crushing iron bridges. Despite the mobilization of the self-defense forces, tanks and heavy artillery proved powerless. Godzilla unleashed intense radioactive beams from its mouth, trampling the Diet Building and snapping the television tower in half before retreating to the sea. The people, paralyzed with fear, could do nothing but watch as the city burned. By the end of a single day, Tokyo had become a scorched wasteland, with countless homes destroyed, many injured, and radiation contaminating the city. A Godzilla countermeasure headquarters was established, involving Dr. Yamane, a paleontologist, his daughter Emiko, her fiancé Ogata, and others. Among them was Serizawa, Dr. Yamane’s brilliant student, who had grown disillusioned with humanity and retreated into solitude, dedicating himself to secret research. Serizawa had developed the Oxygen Destroyer, a device capable of breaking down oxygen in water, suffocating and liquefying all living creatures. Ogata and Emiko visited Serizawa’s laboratory, explaining the devastating effects of Godzilla’s rampage. Reluctantly, Serizawa agreed to use his invention. Burning all his research notes, he carried the only existing Oxygen Destroyer into the depths of the sea where Godzilla hid. After activating the device and confirming its effectiveness, Serizawa cut his own oxygen line and disappeared into the ocean floor alongside Godzilla.
ゴジラ Godzilla
身長・50メートル Height: 50 meters 体重・2万トン Weight: 20,000 tons 出身地・太平洋大戸島近海の海底洞窟 Origin: Submarine caves near Odo Island in the Pacific Ocean
特徴・今から約2億年前のジュラ紀から白亜紀にかけて海棲爬虫類から陸 上獣類に進化する過程にあった巨 大生物である。たび重なる水爆実 験により長い眠りから覚め、日本 に上陸し、口から放射能を吐き、 その尾は大ビルディングをも破壊 するパワーを持っている。兇暴な 性格で、東京を壊滅状態にする。Characteristics: A colossal creature from the Jurassic to Cretaceous period, in the process of evolving from marine reptiles to terrestrial mammals. Awakened by repeated hydrogen bomb tests, Godzilla landed in Japan, emitting radiation from its mouth and wielding a tail powerful enough to destroy skyscrapers. With a ferocious nature, it left Tokyo in ruins.
弱点・あらゆる近代兵器も通用せず、芦 沢博士の発明によるオキシジェン デストロイヤーによってのみ殺す ことができる。Weakness: Immune to all modern weaponry, it could only be killed by Dr. Serizawa’s invention, the Oxygen Destroyer.
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otome-ism · 1 year ago
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AUXITO T20 led バックランプ T20 ダブル球
HID屋 LED バックランプ T16 4300LM 6500K
ハイエース LED ルームランプ トヨタ 200系用 電球色
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kettithe045 · 2 years ago
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やるかぁ?いや、明日?いや、夜に効果を発する部品を今やらんでいつやるんや?と思いつつ… こんな時間に電球交換💡 純正電球からLEDへ💡 これでポジション、ルームランプ、ウィンカーと全てLEDへ交換したぞ😎 でも、ヘッドライトはHIDで行くぞ🤣 #LED #ハロゲン #ルームランプled化 #デリカ #デリカ好きな人と繋がりたい #デリカd5 #デリカのある生活 #三菱 #MITSUBISHI #monsooncafe ガレージ #ガレージライフ #ガレージdiy #イケメン #イメチェン #綺麗 https://www.instagram.com/p/CohuQFcPUuG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tougenkizamitsu · 2 years ago
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まさかのHID化🤣 時代を逆光🤣🤣🤣 でも、HIDの光り方カッコいい☺️ #シルビア #シルビアs15 #silvia #silvias15 #車好き #車好きと繋がりたい #シルビアの虜 #sr20 #sr20det #fcl #エフシーエル #hid #hid化 #ledからhid #diy https://www.instagram.com/p/ClcESGihHN7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skar-hart · 4 years ago
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[Headlight] LEDとかHIDよりも俺的にはハロゲンランプが好き(*´ω`*) 今日も穏やかに。 #20210108k #ヘッドライト #Headlight #LEDとか #HIDよりも #ハロゲンランプが好き #このくらいの明るさでいいんだよ #目に優しい光 #今日も穏やかに https://www.instagram.com/p/CJyYLDGHEPS/?igshid=yadqa1fjjm4b
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beewolfwrites · 4 years ago
And When I am Formulated, Sprawling on a Pin - Chapter Thirteen: By a Thread
I know how much some of you love the original games, so I hope you enjoyed this one too :) 
If you’re new here, hello - this is a Chishiya x OC/reader fic. You can find the full fanfic, including this chapter on AO3 here.  
Like always, the hotel lobby was crammed with people. I kept my head low as I moved quietly through the crowds, hoping to avoid the gaze of the militants dotted around. The last thing I wanted was to draw the attention of Niragi and his troupe. When I finally took my slip of paper, I went to stand by a corner before opening it.
Group four.                             
‘Looks like we’re together.’ An arm wrapped around my shoulder and Kuina appeared beside me. ‘It must be luck.’
‘I don’t know about that,’ I said. ‘We could end up with a Hearts game.’ Unconsciously, my eyes roamed the lobby for any sign of white.
‘Yeah, we could. But there’s only a one in four chance of that.’ She leaned in close, and I could practically hear the grin in her voice. ‘Speaking of hearts, he’s not in our group.’
I tensed, causing Kuina to giggle. She must’ve noticed me looking for him, but she’d gotten the wrong idea completely.
‘It’s not what you think,’ I told her, embarrassed. ‘He left some things in my room, kind of like a peace offering. I just wanted to thank him… and maybe apologise for being a brat and refusing to speak to him.’
I hid beneath my hood as Kuina began to slowly steer me through the crowded room. There were several of Niragi’s thugs standing around in their groups, but I hadn’t seen Niragi himself yet.  
‘You can thank him after we win our game,’ Kuina said as we walked outside. Then in a low mutter, she added, ‘you werebeing a brat though.’
‘Hey, that’s not fair,’ I laughed. ‘He was in the wrong too, you know.’
Although I held onto moments like this, there was no covering up the anxiety I felt deep inside. It was an unfamiliar worry, one that had appeared only recently, having crept up on me when I was least expecting it. And Chishiya was at its core. I was wavering between wishing he were in our group, and the relief that he wasn’t. I was glad that he was somewhere else, just in case we actually did run into a Hearts game. But at the same time, I wanted him by my side just to know that he was okay, that he was alive. And the uncertainty would drive me mad.
But overlying all of this, I was terrified of the fact that I felt this way at all.
There were only five of us in our group, so the car ride was more comfortable this time. Behind the wheel was an intense woman in her thirties who kept chewing at her lip. In stark contrast, a young woman with long hair tied in a pale pink scrunchie was sitting in the front passenger seat. She was biting her nails nervously, the clipped sound overwhelming in the quiet car. The final member of our group was a teenage boy. He seemed calm as he stared out the window, but the way he kept playing with the hem of his t-shirt betrayed his fear.
Kuina and I didn’t talk much, but there was comfort in our quietness. It was never said aloud, but we were both worried about what lay ahead. Even though I trusted in Kuina’s strength, and she probably trusted in my intelligence, there were some games designed to ensure only one person survived.
The car took us further into the city’s outskirts, and I began to wonder whether our driver actually knew where she was going. A glance into the front revealed that she had a piece of paper with directions resting on the dashboard.
Eventually, the car pulled up outside a set of gateposts leading into to a suburban park. I mentally groaned at the sight.
Not another park.
Unlike Shinjuku Gyoen, this was smaller, with trees lining the edges and flat fields designed for football games. As I got out of the car, I could see the usual white sign pasted to a brick gatepost.
GAME – こちらです.
I spared a glance at Kuina, but her eyes were set ahead, and her jaw was tight with determination.
I wish I had her confidence.
There was no bleep as the five of us walked through the gateposts. That could only mean the park itself wasn’t the game arena.
But it soon became clear what was.
In the centre of the fields, a large circus tent – a big top – glowed red from within like a giant pinstripe cloud. Spotlights illuminated the space outside, staining the grass with splotches of primary colours. But there was something jarring about this circus, something subtly off. There was no music. There was total, deadening silence as we approached the tent entrance.
‘Do you think this is it?’ the woman with the pink scrunchie asked, biting her fingernail.
Our driver scoffed, pursing her lips. ‘What else would it be?’ Then she headed inside, followed by Pink Scrunchie and the teenage boy.
Kuina smiled reassuringly at me. ‘Let’s go.’
With a nod, I ducked into the tent, Kuina following close behind.
Inside, it was immense. The entrance led out onto a walkway between tall rows upon rows of empty seats. The tent ceiling stretched high above us like a shining red and white toothpaste sky. In the middle, on either side of the circus ring were two tall platforms, the space in the middle blocked from view by a strong steel fence.
Kuina and I found the others stood at the bottom of one of the tall platforms, where a pile of phones was set out on a white table. We both took a phone and held it to our faces.
Now that I was at the base of the first platform, it seemed insanely tall. And if the rope ladder attached to the side was any indicator, we were going to be expected to climb to the top.
The teenage boy was looking anxiously at the steel fence obscuring the middle of the circus ring. ‘What do you think’s in there?’
Probably acid, or something equally deadly.
Our driver dismissed it with a shrug. ‘Guess we’ll just have to find out.’
As always, I listened closely. I could only hope it wasn’t a Spades game. My arm was still wrapped in bandages, and while it was certainly healing well, I didn’t want to set it back yet again.
A tightrope?
I craned my neck, squinting up at the space above. Sure enough, a metal wire glinted, taut between the two platforms. It was so thin that I hadn’t even noticed it until now.
Clutching the phone, I felt some relief. It was a Clubs game, the best out of the lot. It meant there was likely a chance we could all survive.
‘So, what do we do?’ Pink Scrunchie asked, eying the rope ladder leading to the top. ‘Do we climb up?’
The driver huffed. ‘Do whatever you want—’
‘No,’ I interjected. The timing… it was just like the Tag game. ‘Not just yet. There’s a reason we’ve been given two minutes before the game starts. There must be something around here to help us cross it.’
Everyone looked at me, confused, before I realised I’d spoken in English. Luckily, Kuina came to my aid and translated as best she could.
The driver raised a brow. ‘And why would they bother doing that? The game-makers don’t exactly want to help us.’
I thought back to the Eight of Hearts, the teenage girl, the businessman’s body, his vest glowing yellow. ‘Because there’s always a solution, otherwise it’s not a game.’
Kuina adjusted her quit-smoking aide and nodded at me. Leaving the others at the base of the platform, we both jogged around the tent, checking between the seats and behind curtains to find anything that might help us. If this was a circus, that meant there had to be equipment. At first, it seemed like we were the only ones searching, until the teenage boy called out from the backstage area.
‘Hey, there’s some stuff over here!’
Running over, we ducked beneath some curtains into a backstage area before we found the boy, the driver and Pink Scrunchie all stood looking at a large storage unit filled with circus tools. Some of it, like the tricycles and spinning plates, was useless to us, but there had to be something in here.
‘The hell?’ Kuina grumbled. ‘How has it already been two minutes?’  
I began scrabbling through the pile, brushing aside a set of juggling clubs. ‘皆んな、何かを取る.’ Everyone, take something.
Truth be told, there wasn’t much that was useful, and some of it couldn’t be carried up a rope ladder. But in the end, I chose a set of vibrant purple aerial silks. Beside me, Kuina was holding a bungee cord, the teenage boy had a large hoop, Pink Scrunchie had taken a diabolo, and the driver was gripping a long pole.
‘Let’s go,’ she said, leading us back to the performance hall and the ring.
One by one, we each climbed the rope ladder leading up to the top of the platform. I put my phone between my teeth and draped the aerial silks over my shoulder before following Kuina up to the top, and once I finally clambered over the edge and stood up, the ladder dropped away.
Now, it was just us and the tightrope.
It was the teenage boy. He was peering over the edge into the center of ring below, the space obscured by the fence. I took a step forward and looked down. It was a pit, the edges raised before dipping again. It was brimming with murky brown-green water, like a neglected algal pond, except it was much, much more than that. Raised brown bumps poked through the surface like tiny islands, occasionally sliding and shifting as ripples tore through our reflections.
‘There’s no time to waste standing around,’ the driver said. She pointed at Pink Scrunchie. ‘You were first up here, so you should go first.’
Pink Scrunchie flinched, her fingers tightening around the diabolo. I felt myself growing more and more irritated with the driver. From the moment we arrived she had been completely unhelpful, trying to boss everyone around when she had no idea what she was doing. It was really starting to tick me off, and from the looks of it, I wasn’t the only one. I opened my mouth to object, but Kuina beat me to it.
‘Oi! You don’t have any right to decide who goes first,’ she snapped. ‘If anyone goes first it should be you.’
Although meant well, it wasn’t a good idea to pick a fight now.
Really not helpful, Kuina.
‘Look,’ I began, but Pink Scrunchie cut me off.
‘It’s okay,’ she said nervously. ‘I’ll go first. I’ll do it.’
I wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to, but for some reason I couldn’t. One of us would have to go eventually anyway. Guilt stirred within me as she approached the edge of the platform, and even though I would never admit it, I was glad that I didn’t have to go first.
She crouched down and wrapped the strings around the diabolo, pulling it firmly so that the hourglass shape remained slotted around the wire as she pulled on the strings. I heard her take a deep breath as she put one foot on the tightrope.
The crocodiles stirred below.
Pulling the strings tight, she stepped fully onto the wire. Her body swayed, and she yanked harder on the diabolo, using its shape and the tension of the strings to balance herself.
As I watched, it became obvious that it wasn’t going to work. The diabolo couldn’t move unless she walked backwards and pulled it. But it was too late, it was much too late because when she took another step, the diabolo slipped.
As did her balance.
There was a shriek and a zip of metal as her body teetered off the edge. She hit the water with a loud clap, and the tent revibrated with her screams as the crocodiles sprung, slithering over each other until the screams stopped.
I closed my eyes, only to see the bodies of the two men from the Rummy game… the old woman crying as the collar ticked down… the businessman’s starched white collar. I opened them again.  
‘That was your fault.’ The teenage boy was visibly scared, his hands shaking. However, his eyes were filled with pure anger and they were focused purely on the driver.
‘Maybe,’ the driver said. ‘But one of us had to go first.’
Kuina rounded up on her. ‘One of us has to go next, too, and it’s going to be you.’
‘Don’t,’ I muttered to Kuina. ‘そんな価値はない.’ It’s not worth it.
She looked at me with sadness and fury. ‘Why not? She practically killed that girl.’
I couldn’t deny this, and part of me did want the driver to go next just so she could experience the same thing that she had put the other girl through. But arguing like this would only get us all killed.  
‘Actually, you know what,’ the driver said, ‘I’m not going to waste my time arguing with you. I will go next.’
The three of us stood back as the driver took off her shoes and stood up straight. She turned the pole horizontally and adjusted it between her hands until the weight was evenly distributed on both sides.
A balancing pole.
I almost wished I had thought of it, but then again, I didn’t trust my balance. Not with my life.
The driver stepped out onto the tightrope. She moved steadily, taking time to feel and test the wire beneath her feet. To my surprise, she was doing well, and she was now nearing the middle of the wire – the part where it was just ever so slightly more flexible. For a split second, I was rooting for her. I wanted her to succeed so we could all try it.
Then she took another step, and perhaps the rotation of her foot was slightly off, or maybe she hadn’t taken into account the flexibility in the middle.
Either way, the result was the same. Her body tilted, and the driver was whipped away, plunging into the pit below.
There was a rush of water and hisses as the crocodiles feasted.
I gulped, unable to bring myself to look down. ‘Kuina, what do we do?’
Her jaw clenched around the quit-smoking aide. ‘I’m not sure. Give me a minute.’
‘I’m not sure we have one,’ the teenage boy said, holding out his phone.
Only seven minutes left.
I glanced between the apparatus that we had left. A hoop… aerial silks… and a bungee cord.
Think, think, think…
My mind ran back over the rules. There might have been a clue somewhere in the wording. We had to cross the tightrope, and we were allowed equipment – that meant… it meant….
‘We don’t have to walk across it,’ I said.
Kuina blinked. ‘What do you mean?’
‘I mean we don’t have to walk across it. The rules just said we had to cross it. We could slide instead. If we tie ourselves to the wire for security, we could slide to the other side. Or maybe we could even crawl upside down, if that makes sense?’
Kuina mulled this over. ‘I get you. There’s a name for that, it’s called a monkey crawl.’
I stared at our collective equipment, before bending down over the edge to test the tension of the wire. It was thin, but with its metal casing, it was strong enough to hold us up. I gestured bungee cord. ‘You could tie yourself to it with that. I’ve got my silks.’
The teenage boy let out a sob. ‘I’m sorry, I’ve only got a hoop. I’m an idiot, I didn’t think.’
Kuina put a hand on his shoulder. ‘Don’t cry,’ she said. ‘Here, you can use the bungee cord.’ Turning to me, she nodded at the silks in my hand. ‘Can you rip that in half?’
‘Of course.’ I got to work, using my teeth and hands to tear at the elasticated silks until the fabric ripped in two. ‘Who’s going first?’
Kuina stepped forward and took the quit-smoking aid out of her mouth, throwing it away. ‘I’ll do it.’
I gave her the split piece of silk. She placed her phone between her teeth and got to the floor, dangling her legs off the edge of the platform. I wanted to tell her to be careful, but hesitated. A distraction could cost her life.
Gently easing herself down, she steadied herself with one hand as she leaned forward. Then with the other, she slid the silk around her torso and tied it in a messy knot. It was loose enough that she could still move freely, but if she let go, it would hold her weight long enough for her to grab the wire again.
She swung her body around until she was hanging upside down, suspended by her ankles and hands. And with a wink in my direction, she began crawling across the wire.
She was fast. Faster than I’d ever be. But it worked, and before I knew it, she had reached the other side. I watched as she untied herself and climbed onto the other platform.
I looked at the teenage boy in silent question.
‘You go first,’ he said. ‘I’m still a little nervous.’
I nodded, trying to smile reassuringly. ‘Okay.’
Following Kuina’s lead, I placed my phone in my mouth and slid onto the wire, using one hand to tie a knot around the wire and my torso. Adrenaline shot through me as I swung upside down. And wrapping my fingers and ankles around the wire, I crawled.
Just breathe and focus on the ceiling.
When the wire became slightly lax beneath my fingers, I knew that I was halfway there. Below me, I heard a splash and a hiss. My hands stilled. I don’t know what possessed me to do it, but I turned my head, looking down to the pit.
It was a mistake. It was a huge mistake. The water was red, their teeth were red. There was a stained red scrunchie floating on the surface.
I felt sick.
‘Stop staring and get the hell over here!’ Kuina’s voice sounded from the other side.
I snapped my head back, blinking away the image of the pit.
‘Don’t you want to thank Chishiya?’
I do. The taser and the note flashed through my mind. I really do.
Taking a deep breath, I crawled fast, faster than I thought I ever could. That was, until my head hit the platform on the other side.
‘Idiot,’ Kuina said, helping me upright. I untied myself from the wire and scrabbled onto the platform with shaking limbs. I did it. I was safe.
But he wasn’t.
Back on the other side, the teenage boy was doing the same thing as Kuina and I. His hands quivered as he struggled to tie the bungee cord around himself. Eventually he managed to use the hooks on the end to haphazardly secure it in place.
Then he began to crawl, just like we did, except slower. Because his legs and hands were trembling, he was having a hard time hooking his ankles over the wire.
‘You can do it!’ Kuina shouted. ‘You’re almost halfway!’
He slowly approached the middle. Tears slipped down his cheeks, dripping to the pit below.
The boy gasped and hooked a leg around the wire, just as his bungee cord came loose. He cried out, fists clenching white around the wire as he relied solely on his hands and ankles to support his weight.
The bungee cord hit the water with a snarl and a snap of teeth.
‘大丈夫,’ I called out. ‘遠くないよ.’ It’s okay, you’re not far.
He’s not listening, I thought, as I watched his face contort in fear. He’s too terrified.
It was the wake-up call he needed, and that little chime shocked him into action as he continued clambering along the tightrope. His movements were even slower now that he didn’t have the bungee cord to support him, and he was crying harder. The sound echoed through the tent, causing the crocodiles to hiss.
My fingers clenched and unclenched. He was almost there; he was almost safe. I held my breath. I didn’t want to see any more people die like this.
‘You’re going to be fine,’ Kuina called out. ‘You’re so close now.’
He was close, nearly enough to touch. I reached out a hand and Kuina did the same.
He’s not going to make it.
My fingers brushed his t-shirt.
We both grasped his shirt, trying to pull him upright over the wire.
He gritted his teeth, his lip dribbling with blood from where he’d bit it.
He dragged himself up, hands splayed on the edge of the platform. I pulled.
The wire fell away from the platform. There was a yelp as his fingers slipped off the edge. For the tiniest second his eyes met mine, innocent and wide with realisation.
I grabbed his outstretched hand, feeling the weight of him pull me forward. Behind me, Kuina shouted my name. Her arms came to wrap around my waist, anchoring me to the platform.
The boy grasped my hand with both of his, and I pulled. I pulled as hard as I could, even as my shoulder felt like it was being yanked from its socket and the skin of my palms burned with the friction.
Kuina’s arms were like weights, dragging me back and giving me the leverage I needed to tug the boy up to the edge. He released one hand from mine and gripped the platform. Then Kuina extended hers, and together, we hauled him up to safety. We collapsed onto our backs, panting with the exertion.
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sakubondesu884 · 3 years ago
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大物から1本おくらせて 幼い頃からの馴染みのある こいつに やっぱね 短距離加速めちゃいい モーター吹けきってるもん タダ残念なの ハロゲンライトから LEDに変わってるところ やっぱね阪神は おつむわるいくらいの 爆光のHID、30000ケルビンくらいのつけて欲しいな ( *´д)/(´д`、) (大阪梅田駅) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUwYyiTJii3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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delorean · 5 years ago
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ナンバーでみると「神戸」3台、「なにわ」1台。神戸には、デロリアンのことなら何でも自分で直しちゃう副会長がいます。困った時には色々と助けてくださるので、安心してオーナーになれる神戸の人は羨ましいw  この日もさっそくエンジンフードを開けて、なにやら作業をしてました。私も興味ありますが、残念ながらデロリアンのエンジンは触ったことがないので分かりません(爆)。他に京都の知人も駆けつけてくれました。(デロリアンと同じエンジンを搭載するルノー・アルピーヌ乗りさんですが、修理完了できず別の車で。残念。。。)駐車場を電気で動く場面の撮影、ありがとう♪
この日、(一般の方には全て同じ形に見えるでしょうけど)前期・中期・後期の3パターンが全て揃いました。また細かいところを見比べていくと、私のデロリアンだけ4灯とも最も古いタイプと判明。いわゆる「角形標準ランプ」で密閉型なので、電球が切れたらレンズ丸ごと交換になります。他の皆さんはバルブだけ交換できるタイプに交換されていて、HID化やLED化が行われているそうです。「これ暗いやろ、よく夜中に運転できたねー」との声が。やっぱり暗かったんだw 次の機会にはLED化も視野に改善していきます。
最も盛り上がったのは、BTTF仕様の内装にこだわった車両。わざわざプログラミング言語を勉強し、タイムマシンの表示や操作した時の音が正確にリンクするよう、ハードとソフトをセットで仕上げてあります。これは絶対受けるw 下手なアトラクションより人が呼べると思います。さすがだなぁ。ちょうど日差しも出ていたので、太陽光パネルを展開してポータブル電源(通称「電気バケツ」)にも充電できました。
モール内でご飯を食べながら、デロリアンオーナー同士の濃い話題に没頭。日ごろ同じ仲間がいないので、もう至福の時間でした。でも夜通し走って来たので、そろそろお風呂に入りたい! そこでミーティング終了後、京都の知人とスーパー銭湯へ。汗を流してさっぱりした後、椅子で休んでたら爆睡。寝てなかったので、まあ当然です。閉店時間までゆっくり過ごし、22時半に神戸から広島に向けて出発しました。神戸市内は道が良く、渋滞がない夜に走ると気持ちい。信号で止まった時に横のクルマの人と時折会話が楽しめるあたり、関西のノリはけっこう好きです。
2号線を走り、7回目の充電は兵庫三菱明石店に。SOC44→75%で0時半出発の後、行きも利用した姫路三菱太子店へ。ここで8回目の充電を37→80%までしたところで睡魔に勝てず、16日3時前に店舗内の駐車場で仮眠しました。このお店、なんか居心地良いw では、お休みなさいZZZzzzz.....
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goldenkamuyhunting · 5 years ago
Ramblings and crazy theory time about GK chap 224 “On The Shores Of Lake Shikoku”
So we’ve a new chapter... and a new fairy tale character to meet.
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Meet the new awesome guy who joins the cast and introduces himself in his elegant tattooed birthday suit, pirate Boutarou, real name Oosawa Fusatarou finally delighting our eyes with his awesome look!
But well, let’s not run ahead.
The chapter starts with the promised Ogata colour cover.
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The awesome Tsurumineko discovered the text written on it is probably a reference to the Japanese postal service Kuroneko Yamato with ‘Sā ikau! Yamaneko Ogata no hitchū-bin’ (さあ行かう! ヤマネコ尾形の必中便! “Con on, let’s go! Wildcat Ogata sure-hit service!”) being a put on their courier service (宅急便 “Takkyūbin”). Even the small text ‘Ippotemae e!’ (一歩手前へ! “One step ahead!”) should be a reference to Yamato’s slogan ‘Ippomae e!’ (一歩前へ “One step forward!”).
Of course, twisting the reading a little and adding the chapter’s title ‘Shikotsuko no hotori de’ (支笏湖のほとりで “On the shores of Lake Shikotsu”) to the writing you can have “Come on, let’s go! On the shores of Lake Shikotsu”) which can hint this will be where our characters will converge.
The sentence is also used as a meme due to this commercial ‘Sā ikau ikka o agete Nanbei e’ (さあ行かう一家をあげて南米へ “Come on, let’s go to south America”)
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Now… the visual.
The art at first made me think this cover was meant to be part of a series of ‘Golden Kamuy’ early covers presenting the characters and their equipments, then discharged because Ogata’s equipment wasn’t really as noteworthy as the others (I mean, we got from Sugimoto’s presentation the info about the rifle, the bayonet and the belt with the ammunition so the most we could get from Ogata were new info about his uniform and nothing more).
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The style of the colouring, has many have noticed, reminds of old manga from ‘60/’70… and, more specifically, reminded me of ‘Cyborg 009’ (サイボーグ009) a beautiful manga series from the great Ishinomori Shōtarō (石ノ森 章太郎) transposed in various anime and movies.
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The series is about 9 cyborgs whose uniform is similar to Ogata’s but commonly in a red colour with an extremely long yellow scarf (in some transpositions the uniform is white or blue but the red uniform is the most iconic). Ishinomori has also some covers in which he couloured in yellow the characters, further connecting the visual of this cover to his works.
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What’s more as I said ‘Cyborg 009’ is a manga about 9 cyborgs of the ‘00’ series (001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006, 007, 008 and the titular character 009) who were originally people kidnapped and forcefully turned into cyborgs by the evil Black Ghost organization, led by its tyrannical leader Skull (スカール) whose name can also be translitterated as Scar,
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to undergo experiments that would allow him to use them as human weapons to promote the production of cyborg warfare. The cyborgs however escaped and rebelled to the Black Ghost organization.
Next to Ogata’s image there’s his name written in a peculiar way. Ogata Hyakunosuke’s name is normally written in kanji as 尾形 百之助 but this time Noda wrote it in Roman letters except for the kanji 百 which means “100”, and in short contains ‘00’ as if to joke he’s part of the ‘00’ series of cyborgs… and from this point is easy to see the parallelism between the Shinigami Tsurumi (whose face can resemble a skull) who’s planning to produce weapons and drugs to gain from war and Skull and his evil organization.
Of course, if we’ve to assume Noda wanted to establish a parallelism between Ogata and the 00 cyborgs we would assume he compared him to the titular character, 009, real name Shimamura Jō (島村 ジョー), a half Japanese, half American boy who was shunned by his peers because he was a half-breed, became a delinquent, escaped from a juvenile detention facility before being captured by Black Ghost.
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However as @raggiodilunablr suggested, it’s also possible that Noda is thinking to a parallelism not with 009 but with 001 (100 in reverse).
001, real name Ivan Whisky (イワン·ウイスキー), Russian, a baby born with a severe illness on whom his father Gamo, a famous brain surgeon, performed numerous brain enhancement processes which allowed his mental capacity to far exceed that of a normal human. The implants were inserted against the wishes of Ivan's mother, Erika (who he even kills in the manga). Later on though his father went mad and discharged him in the care of the Black Ghost as he focused on creating other cyborgs. Due to all this Ivan is a highly intelligent, genius level child, talented in scientific analysis and can telepathically converse at an adult level, often working as the other leader of the cyborgs. He has an "ends justify the means" type of nature and he is willing to sacrifice the title character 009 to save the world (though 009 is okay with it). Considering how Noda likes to parallel Ogata to a child, it can be it’s 001 he had in mind.
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Anyway I recommend everyone to go read the manga or watch the Cyborg 009 anime series as it’s awesome and a great classic (never mentioning the other characters in it can vaguely parallel our cast of characters in Golden Kamuy).
But now let’s move to the plot.
Ironically Asirpa too decides, same as Ogata, they would have swans for dinner and explains to Sugimoto how they would hunt him. When she explains they use the light of a fire to draw it close Sugimoto, whose arm is still in a sling, worry they would hit the swan.
Honestly the contrast between Sugimoto not hesitating in the slightest to maim or kill people for his goals but yet being shocked by how Asirpa would do the same to animals in order to eat them to survive never fails to impress me. Asirpa first says they wouldn’t hit them but grab them geeently, to then admit they would just bash them in the neck with a piece of wood… because really, Sugimoto, how would you expect just gently grabbing them would cause them to die so that you can eat them?
There’s a minor gag about a swan and Shiraishi both being lead there by the light then noticing each other, the swan about to attack Shiraishi (swans are pretty aggressive despite their beautiful look) before Asirpa clubbed the swan. The group then eat the swan, with another recurring gag of Asirpa offering the head to Sugimoto and Sugimoto not really eating it before we’ll move to the real plot of the story.
Shiraishi had been checking the gold dust that Heita was carrying and had noticed something. Heita had kept samples of the gold dust from every river he went. It turns out gold dust from different rivers have different looks so a skilled gold panner can tell where the gold dust was found just by looking at it.
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Now, credits when it’s due, for most of the Heita arc I was assuming Heita was a charlatan, using the lie he found all that gold dust and all his talks about knowing how to find gold to draw there unsuspecting victims and robs them of their money.
It turned out the guy was genuinely an expert and his aims and problems were of different nature and this chapter remarks it.
Anyway we now get a summary of the whole gold story.
A long time ago the Ainu gathered up the gold dust in a single place, feared it would cause disaster and hid it. Time went by and eventually only few men knew about it. Shiraishi assumes those men were the ones killed in what he labels as the ‘Nopperabō jiken’ (のっぺらぼう事件 “Noppera-bou incident”).
Now… originally the men murdered and chopped to the point they were reduced to lump of flesh were assumed to have been 7, one of whom should have been Asirpa’s father. We know Asirpa’s father managed to escape but Shiraishi assumes 7 men were still killed. It’s possible the men were 7… albeit it’s also possible, since those Ainu were chopped into pieces, their remains scattered, that the men murdered were 6. I don’t know. I don’t even know if it’s relevant how many were killed, we only know Ariko’s father was among the deceased.
Shiraishi suggests that it’s possible though that other people (in additions to the ones who died) knew were the gold was, which is why Noppera-bou and Co wanted to move the gold, so as to better hide it.
Shiraishi points out in the end it seems Noppera-bou did all the work by himself… which is a huge assumption. They could have moved the gold together and then those men could have been killed so as to keep the secret on where the gold was.
Anyway, no matter if the moving was done by 1 people or 8, Shiraishi’s theory that it shouldn’t have been moved far is solid enough as moving all that gold would be troublesome even for 8 people.
Shiraishi suggests if there’s Ainu who knew where the gold previously was, those Ainu should have ben residing near the previous hideout for the gold. Shiraishi says if they could find out which type of gold dust was hidden there they could figure out from where the gold came.
Sugimoto points out either way they can’t do it as the gold is HIDDEN, meaning they can’t check it to figure out where it was taken from and Asirpa agrees he’s being an idiot but Shiraishi proves again he’s all but that.
Shiraishi is awesome people, please, remember about it!
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In fact Shiraishi remembers that Tanigaki told them Noppera-bou ran away with part of the gold but then his boat capsized and the gold dusk sank.
Sugimoto remembers this happened in Lake Shikotsu.
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Asirpa wonders if Shiraishi is suggesting to drop searching for the skins as they had always done and start searching for the sunken gold dust.
Shiraishi points out since getting the skins might be completely impossible this could be another way to approach the problem but when Sugimoto sums up their new course of action...
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Sugimoto states he thinks each step is too hard and, as to make matter worse Asirpa points out the very first step is impossible for them as Lake Shikotsu is the deepest lake in Hokkaido so they can’t dive in it and recover the gold Noppera-bou lost… and here it’s were Asirpa is missing a tiny yet extremely relevant detail.
In fact a flashback starts, reporting what happened one year ago at Lake Shikoku, hinting the convicts escaped around one year ago.
Heita went on a boat on Lake Shikoku with someone else. That someone else wants to dive in the lake and is employing Heita to get some help. Said someone else is the Pirate Boutarou, mentioned by Kadokura in the previous chapter and whose real name is Ōsawa Fusatarō.
We get some explanations on how this guy is an amazing diver, who can stay underwater for 30 minutes, has giant feet and palmed hands. As a child he was employed as one of the workers who ferries lumber down the rivers refining his skill in the water then moved to just pull people into the water, drown them and strip them of valuables, which later caused Ōsawa Fusatarō to gain the nicknames of ‘Kanbō no kaizoku’ (監房の海賊 “Pirate of the prison”) and ‘Kaizoku Bōtarō’  (海賊 房太郎 “Pirate Bōtarō”), taking advantage of how the kanji 房 which in his name is read as ‘Fusa’ can also read as ‘Bō’ when meaning “prison cell”.
As Boutarou surpasses the current world record for longer immersion and deepest diving Heita considers escaping, hoping he dies as he thinks it would be impossible to accomplish such a feat, a clear hint he wasn’t with him out of his own will.
We go back to our trio and what Shiraishi knows and spurred him to make such a theory and that Asirpa was missing.
Asirpa was wrong into thinking no one could dive deep into lake Shikoku and find the lost gold as, among the samples of could dust Heita possessed, there’s one belonging to ‘Kaizoku-san’ (海賊さん “Mister Pirate) coming from Lake Shikoku.
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While the images show us Boutarou finding the boat Noppera-bou used in the deep of the lake, Shiraishi explains this ‘Kaizoku-san’ is one of the escaping convicts, a particularly tough guy… and then Shiraishi shows, turning around the package containing the sample, that Heita had already identified the gold. It came from Toppu River (徳富川), Saru River (沙流川), Sorachi River (空知川) and Shiriuchi River (知内川).
Long story short, what Shiraishi is suggesting is not that they’ll change their modus operandi, but that they’ll hunt that guy by checking those rivers.
The last page is cut in two panels, one shows Sugimoto, with his eyes white the way they whiten when he thinks at murdering someone saying they could catch a pirate if they’ll go to those rivers and, in the other panel, the flashback of the face of Boutarou, smiling underwater as he had found Noppera-bou’s boat, hinting to how Sugimoto and Boutarou will likely fight.
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It’s worth to note Sugimoto’s arm is still broken so there’s to wonder if we’ll have a time skip in which it’ll heal or Sugimoto will have to face Boutarou while being at disadvantage. Hijikata also might be converging on him so we’ll see.
It’s also noteworthy how, through all the chapter, Vasily was nowhere to be seen.
I don’t really get Noda’s plans for him.
I take Vasily and Ogata will have a shoot down, but so far Vasily merely seems a character forcefully added to the group just for this, his contribute to the plot too small to be noteworthy (yeah, Vasily did something useful here and there, but it could be easily removed by the plot with very minor changes without anyone noticing) so his presence seems mostly forced.
Anyway as I’m a visual person let’s analyze the situation through a map.
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You can see the 4 rivers Toppu River (徳富川), Saru River (沙流川), Sorachi River (空知川) and Shiriuchi River (知内川) Heita noted down in blue. Shiriuchi river is pretty far from the others even if, notably, the gold fever in Hokkaido started there. My guess would be the hideout for the gold should have been located around one of the other three rivers as they’re closer and it would easier to bring the gold there.
Now the river closer to Tomakomai (苫小牧市) which you can see in red and where the Noppera-bou incident took place, is Saru river so maybe the previous hideout was there.
Lake Shikotsu (支笏湖), in pale blue, is not so far from Tomakomai.
Now I left always in blue Uryu river (雨竜川), where the Sugimoto’s group is, while I coloured in red the other cities/places which are relevant for us.
Otaru (小樽市), where Asirpa’s Kotan is but also where Hijikata’s group is and where Tsurumi’s headquarters are located, Barato (茨戸), the last place in which Tsurumi was seen, Noboribetsu (登別市), the place near which Ariko’s village is (Ariko’s father was one of the men who died in the Noppera-bou’s incident) and in which Toni Anji’s men were, Asahikawa (旭川市), where the 7th division headquarters are located, Kabato Prison (樺戸監獄), which is actually located in Tsukigata (月形町) and from which Pirate Boutarou’s men come, Kushiro (釧路市), near which Kirawus’ village is and, although I think by now it won’t be relevant anymore, Abashiri (網走市).
I’m not really sure if all this can turn to be useful but I think it’s a good thing to have an idea of where everything is.
Now… unless the next chapter will deal with Tsurumi, the transitional chapters might have ended and the next one could start the Boutarou’s arc. As Hijikata has just learnt he’s on the move, he might try to converge on him. Now… there’s to wonder if Heita managed to pass the info about where the gold could be to Boutarou. I’ll go and speculate he did so, which would mean Boutarou would try and inspect one of the rivers Heita mentioned. As Toppu river is the closest to Kabato prison and, conveniently to Uryu’s river (where Sugimoto is), there are chances Boutarou and Sugimoto will meet there. It’s hard to say if Hijikata’s group will manage to get there before or after Sugimoto. We don’t exactly know where they’re on Uryu river but the distance both groups have to go through to get on Toppu river could be similar and if Hijikata equips himself and his men with horses they could get there faster… though Sugimoto could try to use a boat to run down the river so… hard to say who’ll get there sooner.
Tsurumi is currently the closer to Kabato prison, so there are high chances if he was informed about Boutarou’s moves he might reach him before the other two.
We’ll see.
What’s noteworthy though is that although Boutarou seems a vicious criminal he’s also one with a working brain and with a group of them below him. I honestly doubt he can become the leader of another group chasing the gold, it’s more likely he’ll end up joining one of the pre-existent groups searching the gold… if he and his men survive the meeting with one of those over mentioned groups.
This chapter also remarks who’s the other person who has a working brain.
Although assumed to be dumb right from the start, Shiraishi is actually quite intelliget and the proof is he’s the ‘Escape King’ a guy capable to invent always new and succesfull ways to escape from prison.
The trick that caused people to think Shiraishi is dumb wasn’t Shiraishi inability to think but Shiraishi’s tendency not too worry too much about things, causing him to act in a dumb way most of the time.
When Shiraishi thinks things through he’s actually amazingly smart and Noda hinted at it in many subtle ways. In addition to the various escape plans Shiraishi came up with, we see how Shiraishi came up with the plan to locate Hijikata and how he managed to trick him by handing him a fake copy of a tattooed skin, how well he can collect info (he’s the one discovering about Nihei and Henmi), when Wakayama proposes betting with dices he’s the one wanting to check the dices, he is the one to realize the nonsense of Tsurumi’s plan (it would be better to share the gold,), how Sugimoto has a person he loves back at home, how Hijikata planned to use Asirpa to promote his war by having a newspaper write an article about her, how he understood in Abashiri Kiro might have harmed Inkarmat and Ogata might have shoot Sugimoto, how Kiro lied to them, how Asirpa grew through her travel in Karafuto and what she planned to do when she escaped and how they do need a plan if they want to take part to the gold hunt.
While Sugimoto was just ‘let’s wait for Hijikata and Tsurumi to argue and then snatch the skins from them’ Shiraishi went and thought up to a strategy they could put into action.
Although Shiraishi can still act silly and careless, he’s starting to think things more and more, and proving he has a fine brain, a brain fine enough he could be a strategist.
Really, Shiraishi is awesome! I can’t wait what he’ll do next!
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klonoa-at-blog · 6 years ago
Klonoa Chronicles #77
Klonoa Chronicles is a series of tweets by Klonoa’s original creator, Hideo Yoshizawa, that give insights into the development of the games he had a hand in making. Below is a translation along with the original Japanese text.
クロノアクロニクル 第77回 今回もわたしが最初に描いたパペットDISP.の絵コンテの解説を。 
Klonoa Chronicles #77! Again, I would like to explain the storyboard of the first Puppet DISP. that I drew. 
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これはバルーの塔。月の国が天空にあると信じ、ひとりで塔を造るバルーおじさん登場です。バルーはラディア戦記では盗賊の親分の名前です。その響きからバベルを連想し、バベルの塔と繋がり、塔を造るアイデアになりました。 コンテはここまでで、後のやり取りはあらゐくんにお任せにしてますね。 
This is the tower of Balue. Balue, who believes that the Moon Kingdom is in the sky and builds the tower all by himself, is here. Balue is the name of the bandit leader in Radia Senki. The sound of his name reminded me of Babel, and the connection with the Tower of Babel led to the idea of him building a tower. This was the end of the storyboard, and I left the rest of the dialogue to Mr. Arai-kun.
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Arrival at the summit of the hill. Ghadius was originally called Gadiss after the same villain in Radia Senki. The difference here is Ghadius is not accompanied by Joka but a subordinate that would then transform into the boss you fight.
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This subordinate character named Velos (ベロス or Belos?) was to transform and morph into a 3D modeled monster. I knew that there was the technology to seamlessly connect two models at the time but I would’ve been surprised if we could actually utilize it. This idea was then replaced by Joka.
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1面のボスはお尻が弱点というのは決めてあったので同じです。倒すと再びモーフィングで元のベロスに戻るので風だまで捕まえて投げるとどこへ投げても必ず中央の鐘に当たって鳴るという趣向です。 しかしレフィス、いつここにペンダントを隠したんでしょうね? つづく 
The first boss works the same here too because we decided that the backside would be the weak spot. When defeated it would turn back into Velos again by morphing, so if you catch him with a wind bullet you can throw him into the bell to ring it. But who hid a pendant in there? To be continued.
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patanosuke · 3 years ago
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夕暮れはライト点灯。 LEDやHID主流の昨今、ハロゲンの光量は時に頼りないけど。 それでも、これくらい柔らかい灯りの方が穏やかでいられる気がする。 #r52mini #mini #minicooper #minisidewalk #minicooperconvertible #ミニ #ミニクーパー #オープンカー #r50保存会 #ハロゲン https://www.instagram.com/p/CdYQevOvbUb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hamfatter · 3 years ago
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左(日本車での助手席側)イカリング(車幅灯)が切れた ハロゲンではなくLEDでもなくHIDです しかもイカリングには関係ないが愛車はアダプティブなのです Ishikawa BMWに電話したら早くて13日以後に到着とのこと 最悪俺にブッチされても保管する模様w Ishikawa BMWも車台番号で愛車がオプショナルパーツがフルコンプリートされためずらしい車だと気づいた模様 っていまんとこ電話で名前すら名乗っていないんだが(登録されてる模様w) 1個¥8,000- 正規ディーラーに注文するくらいならついでに交換もしてもらえばいいのに 知ってて工具のある作業は俺のほうがうまくて丁寧でキレイで速いwww #bmw #bmwe46 #bmwe46sedan #bmwe90 #bmwe90sedan (金沢大学) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca9jdgPJm0-/?utm_medium=tumblr
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makeover-t · 3 years ago
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おはようございます! 車検でロービーム光量不足になってしまったB8。 って事で @smart_div のLED CONVERSION BULBへ交換。車検の光量不足はこれで解決! 簡単に説明するとHIDのバルブをLEDバルブに変更して光量も上がって明るくなる!って言う商品。 今のロービームに不満を持っている方!100%交換して下さい!昼でもわかるくらい明るくなってめちゃくちゃいい感じです☆ これは取付ないと損です! では、本日もお気を付けてご来店下さい♪ (Yokohama) https://www.instagram.com/p/CaD8ep-Lzqd/?utm_medium=tumblr
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sidlyrics · 6 years ago
Yogoreta yubi
Letra / Lyrics: Mao Música / Music: Aki
ドップリ浸かるまで 時間はかかりません 要は素敵に 夜毎 麻痺る 甘味を売りにする お年頃に相応 そちらサイドには属しません
枕を隠した子猫に お金を振る雑種 包装紙はゆっくりとね 最後の一枚残して繋げる 前菜には飽きたの 今日は2人だけの 記念日
愛しい気持ちを 三行以内にまとめて送るわ 浮気はやめてね? 明日も逢えるの? 選んでね?
こっちの水の方が甘いと撒き散らす 黒猫に連れられて 次へ
狙う椅子は只一つよ 空くまで待てません 腕組んでただいまで一人 電話でもう一人 撒き餌でもう一人 みんな愛してるから 今日も淋しいから お願い
人気のお仕事 三大メリット教えてあげる 浴びれる。 変われる。 出口を忘れて楽しめる。
汚れた指で数えましょう あなただけは裏切らない 初めて恋焦がれた人 私を変えてくれたあの人 甘い水を含ませ消えた
愛しい気持ちを 三行以内にまとめて送るわ 浮気はやめてね? 明日も逢えるの? その次も次も?
羽化する時間ね 羽ばたけるとこまで羽ばたくつもり 今宵はどのような 見返り お求めしましょうか
Yogoreta yubi
doppuri tsukaru made jikan wa kakarimasen you wa suteki ni yogoto mahiru kanmi wo uri ni suru otoshigoro ni souou sochira SIDE ni wa zoku shimasen
makura wo kakushita koneko ni okane wo furu zasshu housoushi wa yukkuri to ne saigo no ichimai nokoshite tsunageru zensai ni wa akita no kyou wa futari dake no kinenbi
itoshii kimochi wo sangyou inai ni matomete okuru wa uwaki wa yamete ne? ashita mo aeru no? erande ne?
kocchi no mizu no hou ga amai to makichirasu kuroneko ni tsurerarete tsugi e
nerau isu wa tada hitotsu yo aku made matemasen udegun'de tadaima de hitori denwa de mou hitori makie de mou hitori minna aishiteru kara kyou mo sabishii kara onegai
ninki no oshigoto sandai MERIT wo oshiete ageru abireru. kawareru. deguchi wo wasurete tanoshimeru.
yogoreta yubi de kazoemashou anata dake wa uragiranai hajimete koikogareta hito atashi wo kaete kureta ano hito amai mizu wo fukumase kieta
itoshii kimochi wo sangyou inai ni matomete okuru wa uwaki wa yamete ne? ashita mo aeru no? sono tsugi mo tsugi mo?
uka suru jikan ne habatakeru tokomade habataku tsumori koyoi wa donoyou na mikaeri omotome shimashou ka
miwaku no oshigoto
Soiled fingers
It doesn't take long to be completely addicted, just numb yourself into wonderful stupor every night Put sweetness on sale, I don't belong to the other side that befits my age
A mongrel paying money to the kitten that hid the pillow Remove wrapping paper slowly and save the last layer as a connecting tie Tired of hors d'oeuvres, today is an anniversary that belongs to us alone
I'll pack my affections within three lines and send them along Don't be fickle, okay? Will I see you again tomorrow? You'll pick me, right?
Spread word that the water on this side is sweeter; led by a black cat to the next stage
There's only one chair I'm aiming for, I can't wait for it to be vacated Someone's here right now with his arms crossed, one more on the phone, another one who took the bait Because I love you all, because I'm lonely today too, please
Let me teach you the three main merits of a popular job Bask in it. Change. Forget the exit and enjoy yourself.
Let's count with soiled fingers. You're the only one I won't betray The first person I loved so deeply, the one who changed me, you who disappeared holding a mouthful of sweet water
I'll pack my affections within three lines and send them along Don't be fickle, okay? Will I see you again tomorrow? What about the next day, and the next?
The time taken to grow wings and take flight - I intend to fly as far as my wings will take me What shall we seek when we look back tonight?
A bewitching job
Dedos sucios
No se tarda mucho en volverse un completo adicto, simplemente anestésiate con un maravilloso estupor todas las noches. Vende la dulzura, no me siento a gusto en el otro lado que corresponde a mi edad.
Un chucho pagándole al gatito que escondió la almohada. Quita lentamente el papel de regalo y guarda la última capa como un nexo de unión. Harta de los entremeses, hoy es un aniversario solo para nosotros.
Resumiré mis sentimientos en tres líneas y los enviaré. No seas voluble, ¿vale? ¿Te veré otra vez mañana? Me escogerás a mí, ¿no?
Corre la voz de que el agua en este lado está más dulce; guiada por un gato negro hacia el siguiente nivel.
Solo hay una silla a la que aspiro, no puedo esperar a que se quede vacía. Alguien está aquí ahora mismo con sus brazos cruzados, uno más por teléfono, otro que mordió el anzuelo. Porque os amo a todos, porque hoy también me siento sola, por favor.
Dejadme que os enseñe los tres méritos de un trabajo popular. Disfrútalo. Cambia. Olvida la salida y diviértete.
Contemos con los dedos sucios. Eres el único al que no traicionaré. La primera persona a la que amé tantísimo, el que me cambió, tú, que desapareciste con un trago de agua dulce.
Resumiré mis sentimientos en tres líneas y los enviaré. No seas voluble, ¿vale? ¿Te veré otra vez mañana? ¿Y pasado mañana, y el día siguiente?
El tiempo que me tardaron en crecer las alas y despegar - Pretendo volar tan lejos como me lleven mis alas. ¿Qué deberíamos buscar cuando rememoremos esta noche?
Un trabajo cautivador.
Kanji, romaji, English: Jpopasia Español: Reila
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youhana2109 · 3 years ago
DA17V LEDヘッドライトバルブ注文
今装着しているHIDの球をLEDにしようと注文しました。 これです。 HIDは特に中国製の安いやつは発火の恐れがあると聞いてしまったから。 確かに過去 プラスコードが熱で硬化して折れて断線したことがあり もしも火が出て燃えるようなことが起こると怖いと感じました。 今ではLEDもHIDに遜色ないほど明るいらしいし 何よりバルブを変えるだけで済むという手間いらず、というのがいいですね。 発光ポイントもハロゲン球と同じで対向車に迷惑かけないというのも大いに理由となりました。 明日来るので交換です。 このバルブの本体は白いので 白いDA17Vにはちょうどいいかも。 今度来るジョインターボは黒なのでこっちを入れようと思ってます。 LEDポジション球がチカチカしてるのでそちらも用意してます。 エブリィバンda17vブログTOP
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