#led zeppelin is actually kinda fire
sillybilllly · 1 month
you ever go to an op shop and find a really cool shirt but it’s a band/artist shirt that you don’t listen to but then you buy it so now you have to listen to all of their music just in case someone asks you the “name three songs” question and you have to say you don’t know any like a FOOL and now the only thing that you can listen to is that one artist but because you have the worst memory in the world you can’t remember any song names so when someone does ask you the three song question you draw a blank and want to crawl up deep in a hole and never come out
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bootleg-nessie · 11 months
Rating band names based on their accuracy:
(I keep updating this list so check back later)
The Beatles: 3/10. None of these people are beetles, they’re just a bunch of fruity guys from Liverpool with matching haircuts
(Edit: changed from 0/10 to 3/10 because John Lennon beat his wife)
Pink Floyd: 4/10. There is not a single person named Floyd in the band, but some of the members do arguably look kinda pink
Nirvana: 10/10. Getting high and listening to Nirvana is roughly what I imagine actual nirvana to be like
Foo Fighters: either 0/10 or 10/10. I have never seen foo in real life so either they’re pretending to fight a problem that doesn’t exist or they’re doing an absolutely fantastic job of fighting it
The Eagles: 0/10. Same as the Beatles, there is not a single eagle in this band. The name is misleading and we have all been lied to
Queen: 6/10. Partial points for Freddie Mercury
Led Zeppelin: 0/10. I don’t think any of these guys have ever even seen a zeppelin, let alone one made of lead. A lead balloon would crash faster than my hopes and dreams
The Rolling Stones: 3/10. There is not a single stone in this band. Some points added because I’m pretty sure they rolled quite a few
U2: 0/10. Despite what the name says, I am not a member of this band
Metallica: 9/10. Naming a metal band “Metallica” is like naming your dog “doggy”
Red Hot Chili Peppers: 2/10. These guys are not chili peppers. They’re not even that hot, let alone red hot
Guns N’ Roses: 0/10. How the fuck could a gun or a flower play music
Backstreet Boys: ?/10. Depends entirely on their current given location
Simon and Garfunkel: 10/10. No notes
The Doors: 1/10. Jim Morrison is kinda shaped like a door tho
Chicago: 4/10. The number of people in this band does not come even remotely close to the population of Chicago. Points added because it originated in Chicago
Earth, wind, and fire: 2/10. This is even more innacurate than Chicago. Points added because wind instruments were often used
Def Leppard: 3/10. There is not a single leopard in this band. Some of the members are probably kinda deaf by now tho
The Beach Boys: ?/10. Accuracy depends entirely on location
The Black Eyed Peas: 6/10. Not sure what the hell an ‘eyed pea’ is but the black part is pretty accurate
Imagine Dragons: ?/10. Depends entirely on whether or not they’re thinking about dragons.
Cage the Elephant: 1/10. Why would you do that. Let the elephant go
Green Day: 0/10. They’re not even green
The Police: 0/10. There is not a single cop in this band
KISS: 5/10. I’m sure they probably kissed sometimes
The Monkees: 0/10. Are you fucking kidding me
We Butter the Bread with Butter: 8/10. I can’t verify this but I have no reason to suspect that they’d lie. Butter seems like the most logical thing to butter bread with
King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard: 0/10. I got really excited about the concept of a lizard wizard only to be let down. My disappointment is immeasurable
They Might Be Giants: 5/10. I googled everyone in this band’s height, the tallest guy’s only 6’1 so I wouldn’t exactly consider him a giant. Then again, I can’t really argue because the claim was only that they MIGHT be giants
The Presidents of the United States of America: 2/10. None of these people are Joe Biden nor are any of them former presidents. This is incredibly misleading. I’m pretty sure “Lump” was written about my first girlfriend tho so I’ll give them a point or two
Gorillaz: 2/10 Not quite but we’re kinda close genetically so I’ll give them partial credit
The Killers: ?/10. I have no way of verifying if they’ve actually killed before but the fact that they’re not in prison tells me probably not
The Offspring: 10/10. These guys are definitely somebody’s offspring
Arctic Monkeys: 1/10. They are neither monkeys nor are they from the arctic
Thirty Seconds to Mars: 1/10. It takes WAY longer to get to mars than that
Beastie Boys: 8/10. They’re pretty beast on the guitar
Jimmy Eat World: 1/10. Slow the fuck down Jimmy, you’re biting off way more than you can chew
Hole: 9/10. One point deducted because I’m pretty sure they had more than one hole
Rage Against the Machine: 10/10. They did exactly that
Alice In Chains: 0/10. This is illegal. Let Alice go
The Band: 10/10. This could not possibly be more accurate
Nine Inch Nails: 1/10. I can’t find any good pictures of their feet but from what I can tell their fingernails definitely aren’t nine inches long
Bush: ?/10. Not quite sure about this one, felt uncomfortable asking
The Who: 2/10. I’m not dealing with this “Who’s On First” bullshit
Radiohead: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a radio for a head
Queens of the Stone Age: 0/10. This band should be called “five random dudes from the modern era” but FRDFTMA is a bit of a mouthful
Soundgarden: 2/10. Sound does not grow in the garden
Sonic Youth: 5/10. They’re not exactly youth anymore but the sonic part checks out
Talking heads: 8/10. There’s more to the band than just a bunch of disembodied heads but the heads do tend to talk
The Cranberries: 0/10. Decent music but I only added them so that the Beatles and Freddie Mercury weren’t the only fruits on this list
The Wiggles: 8/10. They do tend to wiggle a lot
Blue Man Group: 10/10. Yep!
Weezer: 5/10. They all look like they definitely have asthma
Limp Bizkit: 3/10. While the visual image of baked goods playing the guitar is hilarious, Fred durst is not a biscuit. Points added because he probably has erectile dysfunction
Stone Temple Pilots: 0/10. None of these people are accredited as being licensed to pilot anything, much less an entire stone temple. Stone temples don’t need pilots anyways
Wasted Youth: 8/10. I guess it really kinda depends on how you frame it but yeah, they probably wasted a lot of it
Them Crooked Vultures: 3/10. These are people and not birds but Dave Grohl’s posture is kinda bad and John Paul Jones is so old that his neck kinda looks like a vulture’s so I added some points
Audioslave: 0/10. Slavery is illegal
Traveling Wilburys: 4/10. Sure, they traveled a lot but not a single one of those lying bastards was named Wilbury
D12: 6/12. There were only 6 people in this band
NWA: 10/10. I’m a little too white to safely comment on this one but I’d say they nailed it
Jet: 1/10. A real jet would be way too loud
Goldfinger: 0/10. Not a single person in this band has a finger made out of gold
No Doubt: ?/10. I can’t really be too sure how Gwen Stefani felt but I think it’s probably a safe assumption that she had some doubts
The White Stripes: 3/10. I bet if you stripped them down naked and made them stand shoulder to shoulder and squinted really hard they’d probably look more like white stripes
Screaming trees: 3/10. They scream occasionally
Garbage: 2/10. I think they’re being a little harsh on themselves, their music isn’t THAT bad
Butthole Surfers: 5/10. Not even gonna touch this one
Megadeth: 3/10. To be fair, some of the former members are dead but only a little amount of death, not mega death
Dead Kennedys: 2/10. Last I checked Kennedy was still dead but neither he nor his clones are members of this band
Cake: 0/10. The cake is a lie
Cracker: 8/10. Most of them are
Tool: 7/10. I don’t know much about their music but they sure look like tools
Counting Crows: ?/10. Is this what emo kids do instead of counting sheep? Accuracy depends on whatever bird they happen to be counting at the moment
Dave Matthews Band: 10/10. It certainly is
Oasis: 1/10. Their music is the opposite of an oasis
Blur: 2/10. They are not that fast
Barenaked Ladies: 0/10. If I wanted to be this disappointed I’d reestablish a connection with my biological father instead
Meat Puppets: 10/10. Technically, aren’t we all?
Live: 8/10. Apparently they still do live shows but I deducted some points because I’ve only ever heard their music on Spotify
ABBA: 9/10. I’m still not giving any points to Guns N’ Roses but that’s mostly out of spite
5 Finger Death Punch: 8/10 I guess it probably depends on how hard you hit them but this seems to be the usual amount of fingers to punch somebody with
All American Rejects: 9/10. They’re all rejects from America so I don’t really see any issue with this
T. Rex: 0/10. Even if any of these people WAS a T. Rex I don’t think their arms would be long enough to play their instruments
Free: 0/10. Unless you steal their music, in which case it becomes a 10/10
The Strokes: 3/10. To my knowledge, none of them have had a stroke but I still added a few points because the name was probably accurate for other reasons
The Smashing Pumpkins ?/10. Another thing I have no way of verifying but this seems like a waste of perfectly good pumpkins
Therapy?: ?/10. The hell are they asking me for? I don’t know their medical history
Twenty One Pilots. 0/10. There’s only two of them and neither is a licensed pilot
Finger Eleven: 0/10. Leave the poor Stranger Things girl out of this
Fall Out Boy: 9/10. I conferred with an expert on this one who confirmed that they are in fact boys who had a falling out
Cream: 8/10. Considering this was the OG supergroup I’m sure a lot of people did in fact cream when their music came out
Edit: humans aren’t fucking monkeys. Stop saying we are
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lightmeuplivly · 2 years
The New Girl pt.2
eddie munson x reader
Pt. 2 Of The New Girl
summary: you and eddie have been on multiple dates but haven't made it official...
warnings: none i don't think
word count: 884
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After that night by your car you and Eddie couldn’t keep your hands off each other. As you promised you guys went on that date. On that first date you guys went to the movies and after the local diner. To sum it up in words, best night of your life. But after that date and many dates later, neither of you made it official. Of course you guys would kiss and hug all the time but you never put a label on it. You wanted to make it official, but you also didn’t want to pressure Eddie. It’s been a month since the first date and you really wanted to talk to him about putting a label on your relationship. When you got into Eddie’s van after school you decided to get to the bottom of this.
“Where do you wanna go sweetheart, your place or mine?” you love when he calls you nicknames. It always makes your heart skip a beat, but it wasn’t about that, it's about making your relationship official.
“We can go to your place” you didn’t really know how to approach this. Should you wait until we get to his trailer or on the way? You decided that maybe it would be best if you wait until you get to his trailer. While in his van he put in a Led Zeppelin cassette and blasted it through his speakers. You loved his music taste because it kinda matched up with yours. While you and him were singing your hearts out you just wondered what it would be like if it was like this forever. You knew it was way too early to think about spending the rest of your lives together but you couldn’t help it, you were so happy. Two songs later you pulled up to his trailer. When you got inside you were hit with the strong smell of weed which you had gotten used to by now. You sat on his couch waiting for him to sit down so you could start your talk.
“You want something to drink? I got water, orange juice, and beer.”
“Orange juice is fine.” When he came to the couch with your orange juice and his beer you started.
“Eddie, I wanted to talk to you about something”
“What’s up, baby” again with those nicknames.
“I just wanted to ask you about our relationship,”
“What about our relationship?”
When you said that Eddie became nervous. Over the past month he has been nothing but smiles. Everyday he is so excited to see you and kiss you and hold you. He had been thinking about making it official with you but he’s just been in his head recently. And now you want to talk about your relationship? Maybe you wanted to stop dating him? Maybe you finally saw him as the freak everyone said he was? Filling his head with all these worries he didn’t even hear you speak.
“Eddie? Did you hear me?”
“No, sorry sweetheart, can you say it again?
“I was just saying that I know we’ve been going on a lot of dates over this past month and I’ve been super happy but I realized we haven't put an official label on things.”
You saw relief in his eyes when you said that which calmed you down as well.
“Actually Y/N, I was meaning to ask you to be my official girlfriend but i’ve just been in my head about it.”
Oh, so he was planning to ask you. That made you feel a whole lot better.
“Well in that case, Eddie Munson, will you be my boyfriend?”
You saw the smile on his face and you had one on yours too.
“Since you beat me to it again, Y/N Y/L/N, I will be your boyfriend”
You guys just laughed together before you both leaned in to kiss. The kiss was like fire. Butterflies were all in your stomach.
“Just like I said before, you take too long.”
When you leaned in to kiss him again he pulled you on his lap so you were straddling him. After a while it turned into a heavy make-out sesh, and let’s just say you didn’t get much sleep that night.
The first people you told about your new relationship were your freshmen friends.
“So yeah, me and Eddie are dating.”
They all looked at us confused.
“Wait, weren’t you guys already dating?” Mike said with a lost face.
“No, I mean, I guess we kinda were,” you said while looking at Eddie with heart eyes.
“So nothing changed?” Max asked.
“No not really but I can say now she is my actual girlfriend”
“Yeah and I can say he’s my boyfriend”
“Yeah you guys are weird.” Dustin said and they all walked away.
You and Eddie just laughed at the interaction you just had with your friends. _
Later that day you and Eddie both walked into lunch and went to your regular table. You thought it would just be a regular day at lunch until Eddie jumped on the table and said…
You blushed really hard and giggled.
‘I think I’m in love with him’ you thought
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snobgoblin · 2 years
okay some Murdoc and Professor Utonium + Utonium family headcanons
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helped on by @euos-the-cat tysm
So going with this Buttercup absolutely egged this on, absolutely loves Murdoc, probably wants to harass him into signing her bass and is willing to do anything to meet him
Which is funny because she could've just asked Ace and he would've been happy to have an excuse to hang out with Murdoc again
Bliss is just a bit too young to have seen Gorillaz in their heydey so she really doesn't have any clue who these people are or why people care so much about them. Kinda like when your dad talks about Led Zeppelin
Anyway let's actually talk about Murdoc now
He would absolutely horrify the Professor not from sexual behaviour but from sheer scientific malpractice
Ends up rewiring the house before it catches on fire thanks to Murdoc's shitty job of it
I think it'd be funny if Murdoc propositioned him and he was just completely oblivious to it
Also Utonium assumes Murdoc was one of the Beatles for the longest time. Nobody corrects him
Prof is devastated when he hears about Cy and makes it his mission to find her someday
Blossom has no clue what to do with herself at Studio 13 so she tries to hide out in the bathroom until they can go home but a zombie comes in from the toilet so she vaporizes it
"Guys I think there's an infestation"
"Of zombies? Yea we know, Noodle's on it"
Bloss ends up talking with 2-D about old movies
Bliss just harasses Katsu the whole time (oh yeah she wasn't alive during Cat Man Do so she has no reason to be afraid of him like the other girls)
The other girls + their dad all scream in unison when Katsu enters the room tho
Buttercup might as well have Murdoc under a microscope the whole time
Utonium quite literally wants to put him under a microscope
Thats about all I can think of for now but you can count on me spamming later
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nikkoliferous · 4 years
Were you always anti-ragnarok (correct term?) from the first time you watched it?
(It actually used to be my favourite MCU film until I rewatched all of them again and developed a soft spot for Loki, because I started to pity him and find him relatable. After that I started understanding and looking into the complexities of Loki's character. When I got to rewatching Ragnarok I felt that it was a very weird and poor film that's hiding behind Led Zeppelin, bad humour, and an aesthetically pleasing badass battle scene. Finding your masterlist about it was so great and helpful too.)
I wasn’t. In fact, you can probably find much older posts floating around in the archives of my blog from when I enjoyed it. It was reading other people’s meta, as well as Taika’s own words, that really started me on a path towards hating it so much. I kind of went from “it’s a good movie” to “okay, I can kinda see why people are complaining” to “oh my god, I hate this movie with the burning of a thousand fire demons”.
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meatmensch · 3 years
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Maybe this is obvious to people with more than a few braincells but the three stories that Garak tells in The Wire represent all of the conflicting feelings that he has about his work in the Order and the occupation, and how his morals are developing and changing during his time on the station.
In the first story, he regrets killing a hundred Cardassian civilians in order to kill a few Bajorans. He claims that in doing this, he also killed Elim. In a manner of speaking he killed himself in order to follow his orders for the good of Cardassia and to appease his father.
In the second story, he regrets letting a few Bajoran kids go because at the end of the day he doesn’t think that interrogating people who don’t know anything is worth it plus he just wants to relax. “Elim couldn’t believe his eyes. He looked at me as if I were insane.” He was being merciful to those Bajoran kids because it served himself and some genuinely good part of him that wanted to do the right thing. The hardcore trained spy in him was like, “Um. Hello???” and the rest of him was like “Dude I’m so over it. Fuck ALL of this.”
In the third story, he claims that he framed Elim for letting Bajoran prisoners go, but Elim did the same thing to him first. He regrets betraying himself to stay alive, on Cardassia, and doing fucked up morally despicable shit; and in the end he still got exiled.
Also, “Don’t give up on me now, Doctor. Patience has its rewards,” is just as much him pleading with himself as it is him pleading with Bashir. It’s him thinking, “Maybe I can figure out what the fuck I actually believe in. Maybe I can redeem myself in whatever way I need to be redeemed, or at least do something good. Maybe I can lead a meaningful life.” And by the end of the series he does that. He didn’t give up, he stuck it out living in an on-fire garbage can, and in the end he clearly doesn’t approve of the Cardassian occupation of Bajor and believes that Cardassia needs to change and plays an active role in bringing about that change.
125 notes • Posted 2021-05-10 04:15:19 GMT
frankly insane dean thoughts but what if, when he was making the mixtape, he kinda freaked out about the parallel between him and cas, and his parents. because he knows that wasn't a loving, healthy, safe, real relationship, and while he and cas aren't exactly perfect, hell, they aren't even together together, he wants to at least try to be better. so he thinks about "he knew the words to every zeppelin son" and wonders "do i even want to make cas a zeppelin tape?" and then he's like ummmm yes i do. duh. obviously. lol. my parents don't define me and led zeppelin is the tits. and i love cas. and you know what i'm spelling tracks with xx because i want to give him kisses.
199 notes • Posted 2021-12-07 07:45:47 GMT
"Most people are curious about my extraordinary abilities. My extreme strength. How fast I can compute. No one has ever asked if my hair grows. :)" (I'm paraphrasing one of Data's lines from the TNG episode where Bashir comes aboard.)
Julian is a friendly doctor and is interested in how alive and human-like Data is. That in itself is very funky fresh! But also...from a Watsonian perspective...maybe that was a beautiful display of empathy.
Maybe Julian, an augment, met Data, this guy with superhuman strength, smarts, abilities, etc, who has been treated like shit by many members of the Federation and Starfleet, and thought, "If I were outed as an augment, the best case scenario is that I would be treated like Data. And he gets treated like shit, even in everyday situations with colleagues just like me. I bet he feels alienated. I bet he doesn't feel human. I'm not going to ask him to make big calculations or lift heavy shit. I'm going to ask him about things that remind him he is a being deserving of equality and respect." (Maybe not in so many words, but - actually, what the fuck am I talking about? He probably used more words. It's Julian we're talking about here.)
Then he did that. I can't even fucking imagine how Data felt. To have this kind doctor (He specializes in humans! He of all people would know!) just be like, "You're very human. Whoever made you clearly put a lot of effort into making you very human." When Data's whole thing is that he so deeply and truly yearns to experience humanity?
I can't fucking. Oh my God. Jesus Christ. Holy fuck
If only Data could have known! If only he could have known where Julian was coming from; how lonely and ostracized he felt. At least Data can be out - never had a choice - and at least with him there's not Khan-related stigma. If only Data could have reciprocated the validation that Julian gave him!
287 notes • Posted 2021-07-06 04:15:53 GMT
old marrieds garak and julian be like "my dear doctor bashir :) is the cardassian heat getting to you today? your poor delicate terran body. let me get you a glass of rokassa juice :)" and julian's like "you must be going senile :) you know i fucking hate that shit :)" and garak's like "YOU must be going senile :) of course i remember you don't like it but don't YOU remember that it is great for dehydration" and julian's like "whatever. it disgusts me. YOU disgust me" and garak just gets him a glass of space gatorade and turns on the fan and says with all the love in his heart "and you disgust me my dear" and they're just like. so happy and in love lol
294 notes • Posted 2021-12-18 06:59:58 GMT
dean goes to garth for a dental check up and one of the things he learns is that he really needs to wear a mouthguard to bed unless he wants to get a million root canals. garth makes him a fitted mouthguard and he grumbles and groans about having to wear it but he wears it everyyy night. he puts it in says "goob neigh casthe, i lobbe yeuo" and then snorkkk mimimi snorkkk mimimi. cas sees/hears this and is filled with lust
450 notes • Posted 2021-12-29 06:49:18 GMT
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feverinfeveroutfic · 3 years
chapter thirty-two: heart of gold
“i wanna live, i wanna give, i’ve been a miner for a heart of gold. it’s these expressions that i never give: that keep me searching for a heart of gold.” -”heart of gold”, neil young
Oswego was a rather tightly woven little dot upon the southeastern shore of Lake Ontario, at least according to Joey. He also explained that the nuclear power plant on the far side of town was so set apart from everything else that it seemed to come from another world altogether. He made a joke about the river waters being radioactive but it only made Sam wary of everything around there.
“Nah—they haven't had a meltdown up there,” he assured her, “that's just the whole joke about being from here is all. That we all glow in the dark like a buncha of glow sticks or sump'n.” But then he drove them back to his place down in a town known as Camillus, not too far on the outskirts of Syracuse.
“Hang on, I thought you lived closer to New York City,” Sam confessed.
“I mean, it technically is—about a half an hour less of a drive. Oh, you talking about my old place? I had to move back around here in March 'cause that drive was getting treacherous in its own rite and rent was getting to be too much. I would'a told you sooner but—you know. Things happen. I'm making a little bit more money than I was before so I was able to do it.”
“Right, right, right.” Sam flashed back and when she, Frank, and Charlie had to rescue him from the snow.
“Besides, I was startin' to miss this part of upstate, as you'll see here in a couple of minutes.”
Despite the darkness, the orange and yellow trees that lined the landscape made her think of fire or the cotton balls she would find a craft shop. The nondescript edge of town reminded her of California as well as the outskirts of Reno and Carson City. The two lane highway turned into a four lane main street and she spotted the faint line of lights over a ridge on the southern side of town: the brightest yellow light shone out from the top part of the ridge. Sam glanced about the block for anything notable to recall for the next time she visited.
“Not much here,” she remarked.
“Nah, there really isn't,” he confessed with a shrug of his shoulders. “'Swaygo is even worse as we'll see tomorrow. But every part of this is home to me. I was born in 'Swaygo and I grew up all around here. Even though I've moved outta 'Swaygo, I still call it home.”
They rolled up to a stoplight and Sam peered across the intersection to the long low brick building nestled next door to a fuel station. She recognized a paint palette over the front window and a line of big bold text right over it.
“Is that an art store?” she asked with a gesture out the windshield.
“It sure is!” he declared. “Given it's night time and we're a buncha hicks 'round here, they're closed for the night. But we can go in there tomorrow if you'd like.”
“Yeah, I kinda need something to make an artistic rendering of you,” she explained, “and even though I have plenty of things back home for that, it's still a four hour drive regardless.”
The light turned green and they lunged forward. They drove past the art store and a mere white light shone in the front window: she knew that tomorrow was going to be quite the eventful for them as Joey hung a right past the shop.
“Right down this way,” he explained as they drove down the dark side street to the very end. He reached the stop sign and he peered both ways about the dark neighborhood. No one coming.
He rolled forward to the low apartment complex right in front of them, such that it took her by surprise.
“Yeah, it surprised my mom when I brought my parents along when I moved in here,” he told her; even in the dim light, she could make out the sight of that lopsided grin upon his face. Even though he had just turned twenty six, he still resembled to a little boy with that smile on his face and that twinkle in his eyes even in the darkness.
They bounded into the driveway and then they posted up at the big cube of silver mailboxes.
“Gotta check it out first,” he told her as he unbuckled his seat belt and slid out of his car. He rounded the front end, and the headlights shone upon his slender body as he made his way over to the mailboxes. Sam watched him fetch for the mail but then she noticed the soft glow of the headlights on the back of his curls. It was right there she wanted to draw him and then to paint him out with oil paints. Not watercolor, not acrylic, but oil paints.
She hadn't worked with oil paints before, but she wanted to do it right there for him.
He returned to the driver's seat with a little pink sheet of paper in hand.
“Gotta care package from my aunt,” he told her.
“Oh, boy!” she declared.
“I can't get it right now, though—tomorrow is gonna be quite full for the both of us.”
He started up the car again and they made their way over to the building on the right. Right before their parking spot stood a little walkway that extended around the building and into the darkness. Joey led Sam around the corner to a low doorstep and a cold blue door: when he unlocked the door, he let her go inside of the dark and cool apartment first. When she was inside, he reached for the light switch on the wall. It was a small place: they stood in the living room right there, which consisted of nothing more than a small thread bare gray couch and a small side table with a black lamp and a low glass coffee table; an eggshell colored vent about the width of the door itself stood on the left side of the room. Right in front of them was the kitchen, a narrow sliver of a room rounded by a low table with three chairs. To her right was a stone stairwell which led up to the loft.
“I assume that's your room upstairs?” she asked him with a point to the stairs.
“Sure is. Bathroom's up there, too, and—I think I have a spare tooth brush in my medicine cabinet. I'll haveta check 'cause I know how sucky the aftertaste of coffee can be, especially this time of day. But in the meantime, make yourself at home here, Sam I am.”
He shut the door behind him and he darted up the stone steps. Sam peered about the small living room: right behind her was a tiny television with rabbit ears over the top; a long low barren bookshelf, barren saved for a small handful of books and a few stacks of vinyl; another lamp up top with a cream colored lampshade, and a small hockey trophy. She stooped down for a look at the bookshelf: nothing she had heard of herself, but it was in fact comforting to see that Joey did have another nuance to him. She eyed the vinyl records, at all the Journey and Led Zeppelin, Foreigner and the Beatles, Deep Purple and Rush, Kansas and Yes. She let her eyes wander over the record player itself, tucked behind the television and with the cable coiled up on top of the protective glass. She wished for her copy of Spreading the Disease to merely appear before her just so she could play it right then and there.
“Yeah, I do have a spare one,” he was saying as he descended the stairs, and he stopped right in his tracks. Sam turned her attention to his standing on the bottom step. Joey showed her another little grin.
“Ah, I see you found my music collection,” he proclaimed; he lay the head of the plain red toothbrush in one hand as if it was a club.
“Of course,” she declared with a beaming smile on her face. She lifted herself into an upright position and brushed herself off even though the floor was clean.
“I learned to sing by singing to songs from the Beatles and Journey, y'know,” he said as he neared her, “I literally would sit in my parents' living room and listen to records on their player and try to sing along to the Fab Four and Steve Perry. I'd also sing to Foreigner and Rush, and that was how my voice came to be so high and light.”
“Gotta start somewhere,” she added.
“Gotta start somewhere, right,” he echoed, and he handed her the toothbrush.
“Thank you,” she said in a soft voice as if he had just given her the best gift ever.
“I also hate to make you sleep on the couch,” he confessed with a shrug of his shoulders. “I just think back to how uncomfortable we both were in the cabin last year for my birthday.”
“No, no, no—it's okay,” she assured him, and she couldn't think of anything else to follow up to that.
“It is pretty comfy,” he continued on. “I've napped on it many times before. One time, I came home at three o'clock in the morning and I pretty much collapsed onto it face down ass up. I actually woke up face down ass up. That's how comfy that couch is—I slept for four hours in that position. Wouldn't use one of those pillows, though—it's hard on the neck.”
“Do you have a spare pillow?” she asked him.
“I do, as a matter of fact.”
“Do you have a blanket?”
“I have many. Sam, this is upstate New York and I've lived out here the twenty six years I've been alive—we gotta have a shitload of blankets and a warm place to sleep at otherwise no one can survive up here. You can use a bit of my toothpaste, too.”
“Good to know,” she confessed as she tapped the head of the toothbrush against the inside of her palm. “'Cause—I gotta get this taste of coffee out of my mouth.”
* * * * *
Sam jerked over onto her side there on the couch cushions. Joey was in fact right about the couch: it was comfortable. Almost too comfortable. She had a difficult time even so much rolling over on her side or onto her back. She had woken up twice throughout the night but she had fallen back asleep. Perhaps it was from laying in a bed different from hers that threw her off a bit.
The spare soft pillow cradled her head: she sighed through her nose and kept her eyes shut against the rich darkness before her. The only sound came from the pipes running in the wall and Joey's slow, gentle breathing upstairs.
She thought about the incident with Alex back at the coffee house and that little raise of his eyebrows. He had softened for her a little bit right there, even with Joey right behind her ready to beat him down yet again. She barely knew the young man and he looked at her like that because of her past with Cliff.
She couldn't stop seeing it over and over again inside of her mind. Not to mention that little sliver of gray hair over his brow kept reappearing in her mind.
She thought about the mysterious man and the stripe in his hair. No way that was him, even though he shared a lot of similar looks to him. The stripe was far too big and Alex had too soft of a face as well. And yet she wondered about him. One thing that baffled her about him was his referring to Joey as her boyfriend. As far as she knew, he only saw them together that one time, unless he saw more of what Joey was doing at the memorial than she did: it made no sense to her.
It was all so much to think about that she wound up falling asleep again.
No sooner had Sam fallen back to sleep when she woke up yet again, that time to the sound of a heavy rain outside of the apartment window right in front of her. Joey yawned upstairs and cleared his throat. She opened her eyes and soft bluish gray light shone through the heavy white blinds.
Joey cleared his throat again.
“Hey, Sam, you awake?” he called out to her.
She groaned and rubbed her eyes.
“Yeah—I just woke up. Why? What's up?”
“Kinda hungry right now. You want some breakfast?”' “Please,” she said in a broken voice.
She heard Joey climbing out of bed up there, and then he padded down the stone steps.
After a brew of coffee and a bite of biscuits and gravy courtesy of him, they climbed back into his car and drove down the block to that art store right as it opened for the day.
There were only six aisles before her, but she knew it was all for the best with all the smallness of the town. She couldn't hardly resist that new art supply smell as she picked out a pair of paint brushes and some acrylic paints: she had considered those beautiful oil paints but she wasn't willing to bust down for a can of turpentine, nor was she willing to fill Joey's apartment with that acrid odor. A brand new medium for herself and for Joey as well.
Meanwhile, Joey himself checked out the little wooden blank mannequins on the other side of the room: he picked one of the smaller ones for a closer look. Sam watched him move the arms about for the perfect pose. He set down the mannequin and he posed in its wake, as if he was ready to pose for her when they got the chance that weekend. But she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of him.
Once she had picked out a canvas and spent the rest of the spare change in her pocket, she and Joey made their way back out to the lake effect rains.
“I got a little something waiting for us back at my place,” he said once they ducked back into the car in unison.
“Like what?” she asked him, but he didn't reply to her. He never did reply to her as they returned to the apartment and she set her things down on the coffee table in front of the couch. Joey ducked into the kitchen for something: Sam took the plain off white canvas out into the open. She ran her hand across the heavy grain of the canvas: like a thick heavy rug right underneath her skin.
“Sam?” he called to her. She raised her gaze to the counter top, and the tall brown glass bottle right before him, right in between his hands. She spotted the label on the front side there and her heart skipped several beats at the sight of it.
“Joey,” she begged as she shook her head at that. “Joey, please don't.”
“Why?” He frowned at her.
“Because it has booze in it.”
“Joey, please,” she pleaded as she stood to her feet and scrambled closer to him. “I want you to stay away from the booze for a time.”
He never changed his expression at the sight of her.
“Why? It's just you and me here. And it's a whole weekend, too. You've got time before you gotta mosey on back to school.”
“Joey—you don't want to go there right now.”
“What? It's just one drink, though.”
“Yes, and one drink leads to a second one and a third one. It happened at the restaurant with all of us there before—and it'll happen again.”
He nibbled on his bottom lip and she watched his hand as it rested on the bottle neck. His fingers stayed curled around the smooth glass. It was dead silent in that room: silent save for her own shuddered breath.
“What if I told you,” he began in a low voice, “that I feel better stripping down to bare skin with a drink in me?”
“Just one?” she demanded.
“Just one.”
“I'll stand here while you drink it down, though. I need you to be as clear as possible to boot.”
“Clear but also loose.”
“Exactly,” she said, reluctant. Joey pried off the cap and he tipped the bottle back into his mouth. She set her hands on the edge of the counter and watched him. He drank it down in four large gulps, and he ran his tongue around his lips like that of a snake.
He fluttered his eyelids at her and set the bottle down on the counter in between them. She scanned his face and at his brown eyes in particular. Even in a few seconds time, she could see the effects of it overcoming him. The canvas and the paints awaited her.
“Let your clothes fall to the floor,” she told him in a low voice. He stuck out his tongue at her, and then he cracked a little grin at her.
“Come on—let them fall right off of your body.
He unfastened the button on those tight jeans and he let them fall down his legs towards his feet.
“D'you take your shoes off?” she asked him.
He then stooped down and pried off his shoes.
“I have now,” he said as he kicked off his jeans and left them there on the linoleum. He then peeled off his shirt and lay it across the counter.
“Man, you do not hold your liquor well, do you?” she joked.
“I dunno 'bout that,” he admitted; he stood there in his underwear right before her with a giddy look on his face. Sam frowned at him and she set one hand on her hip.
“What's the matter?” he asked her.
“Take off your underwear.”
“Don't question it. Just do it.”
He sighed through his nose and then he slipped his thumbs inside of that elastic band. He let them fall onto the floor, right next to his jeans. Sam gestured for him to follow her.
“Right over here,” she encouraged him in a gentle tone; and she led him to the middle of the living room, right in front of the coffee table. “Hang on a second—”
She doubled back to the kitchen table for a chair, and she brought it back to him. A perfect fit in between the coffee table and the vent on the wall.
“Have a seat.”
Joey plunked down on the cushion and spread his legs out a little bit for her to see in between his thighs.
“Want me to pose for ya?” he cracked as he raised his arms over his head.
“No. Just sit normal. Let me see you. Let me see you in your entirety.”
Joey set those large hands on either side of his hips, right on the edge of the seat. Sam headed into the kitchen for a wash basin.
“There's an empty pickle jar right there next to the sink,” he told her; indeed, there was, so she picked it out and filled it with clean cool water from the faucet. She returned to him and picked up the paint brush. The sole light came from the kitchen and from the window on the side of the room but it proved to be enough for her. A nice moody painting for the man himself.
Even with the cool lighting in that apartment, there was a bit of a sheen to his skin, especially right around his knees and his ankles. A healthy shine of sorts upon the rich darkness about his skin, and one that she was eager to cover with her paint brush.
She didn't have her pencil in hand, but she could have a good look at his slender nude body before her. He had eaten and drank down a bit of alcohol: he was full enough for her and those soft yellow and brown tones for his skin.
She thought about Alex and the little pearl of gray hair over his forehead. She gazed at the painted head on the paper, at Joey's head of black curls. A fleeting thought crossed through her mind that told her to dip the brush into white paint and make a little pearl over his forehead. And yet she flashed back on their scuffle back at the coffee house: she need not draw attention to that, even if it was art.
Such a small, slender little body. Much like Cliff, he had a little crease in between his waist and his thighs as if he had had a belt there. Maybe it was just part of the male anatomy, to have that little crease there near their thigh region. If there was one thing she needed to polish up on in her future drawing classes, it was all of that. The taste of the fundamentals and perhaps running away with them more and more in her own artistry.
She used that one brush for his whole body and his thick black hair. A touch of blue all over and she had a portrait of Joey, done with nothing more than her and him in the safety and privacy of his own home.
“May I see it?” he asked her.
“Of course! You are the subject after all.”
She picked up the canvas and she showed it off to him, and he brought a hand to his chest.
“I don't have a pencil on hand so I just winged the whole thing,” she confessed, “so it's a bit rougher than I like and what I'm used to, too.”
“No, no, I love it! And it's not just the booze talking with that, either—that really looks like a Native American painting! I wanna share that with everyone now.”
“Well, it has to dry out first,” she told him as she placed it back down on the coffee table.
“Okay. Should I get dressed now?”
“Please,” she encouraged him with a gesture to him.
“I'll get dressed and I'll drive us up to 'Swaygo 'cause the day is still pretty young.”
“As long as you're up to par,” she pointed out. “I'm not riding in the same car with a drunk dude.”
“I ain't drunk, though—just kinda tipsy. I can talk you there, though, if you'd like.”
“Yeah, sure, I'll take that.”
Joey headed back into the kitchen for his clothes and his shoes. He then handed her the car keys and they strode on outside, where the rain had backed off a great deal into a fine drizzle. She climbed behind the wheel of his car: it felt like a million years since she last drove a car with all the rides she had gotten, from Charlie as well as the subways. But she managed to drive them up to Oswego, the city by the lake, by Joey's direction. Even with the one drink in his system, she could tell that he wasn't up to par to drive any distance, but he was lucid enough to tell her about it.
By the middle of the day, and by the time they had cleared a low rolling hill outside of Syracuse, she spotted the vast black sheet off in the distance and she knew that had to be Lake Ontario. The gray of the lake hung over that small city like a protective blanket, and she thought of the towns back in California, all the ones that lined the coastline and beckoned everyone with beaches, but there was something else to it. The gray washed over everything and left it all muted in its wake: the sole black and white light house off in the distance only added to the feeling of it all.
“So this is Oswego,” she declared. “This is where you grew up.”
“Born and raised!” he said with a twinkle in his eye. “The lake looks so cold right now,” he added.
“I imagine the snow here getting crazy,” she said.
“Oh—the time you, Charlie, and Frankie had to come get me was only a little part of it. Up here, we really only got two seasons: winter and road work. If they aren't working on the roads, it's probably snowing a shitload. And we often get feet of snow down by the lake shore, too. Speaking of which, I think it might snow in a bit. It feels like snow and looks it, too.”
“Sounds like Carson,” she noted as they rolled up to the first stoplight. “Almost word for word. Except Carson and Reno are both in the desert rather than near a lake.”
“Huh. Wow.” He raised his eyebrows at that.
“Yeah, it's—kinda crazy to think about especially when I hear the same thing being said about a place that's still relatively new to me.”
He then turned his head in her direction.
“I think I like you, Sam,” he admitted in a soft voice.
“I have seen you after all,” she added.
“You've seen me in the buff. And—if I'm bein' perfectly honest, I kinda wanna see you do more of it.”
“You want me to do it again,” she stifled a chuckle.
“If ya don't mind,” he said with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I'll have a pencil next time. I'll also make sure you're genuinely comfortable, like I want to make you comfortable around me sans the alcohol.”
“You have a heart of gold, Sam,” he declared.
“Nah—you're the one with the heart of gold, Joey,” she said as the light turned green. “It's in there under all those proverbial scars. It just needs to be coaxed out.”
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noncommited-writer · 5 years
Basically all my thoughts!
Okay can we just talk about literally the beginning??????
'I Will Always Love You' memoirs??? Holy shit I was cackling but also crying inside when they showed pictures of Tony
Then the whole plan??? To get MJ??? Oh my god, I fucking melt. I want a man like Peter who will confess to me on top of the Eiffel Tower and buy me jewellery based on the shit I'm passionate about!!!!
Also, that scene at the shelter? When he becomes overwhelmed by the mention of Tony, I started to think he might have PTSD or some sort of knee jerk reaction whenever he hears his name. The way he was already teary eyed after swinging away. I couldn't deal with that.
Then the whole plan failing on the plane and oh my god the bathroom scene?? When he starts cleaning up oh my god that's just pure cinnamon roll Peter, I die I swear.
Theeen Betty and Ned???? OH MY GOD SUCH CUTIES!!!!!! AHHHHHH they were so fun to watch istg "babe?" "babe."
When they had the whole montage of Peter just trailing around MJ and being sulky over Brad like an adorable puppy. Then getting that necklace??? Ooooof ugh kill me with your cuteness istg.
Then the whole thing with Peter not having his suit with him??? And wearing that festival mask? Shit cracked me up
And dear god save this kid from the never ending concussions from the bell tower.
Then the whole conversation between Talos Fury and Peter in his hotel room. Literally two very different energies meeting to a head. It was glorious.
Also when they introduced Quentin?? I was like fucking shOOk. For two reasons
One because he was such a dramatic, unsubtle, little bitch talking about his family's death and praising Peter like Tony did!
Then the inevitable glasses. Dear lord. Fuck me up with the whole Iron dad (or starker) feels that whole scene gave off. My heart hurted.
Then that scene when he had to take off his clothes to wear his suit fUCK! Lowkey tho I felt hot. Then Brad walks in and then tells him he's gonna tell MJ?? Like who the fuck????
Then that bus scene. Oh my god, shit made me laugh so hard istg. When he punched Flash and actually had to web the freaking air strike drone he sent in!!!!!!! Hswhhdhhe Peter is a fuckin mess.
EDITH :(((((( even dead I'm the hero. My fucking feelings took a fucking dive. "He always did love his acronyms" and the way Peter just chuckles, looks away with tearing eyes, voice cracking as he says "Yeah he did"
God fucking damn it.
Istg Marvel is just playing with my feelings now. It's so fucking unfair.
And then that whole fighting scene with the Fire Elemental? When I saw one of the drone take the hit, I was like. Wait a fucking moment.
Also, I caught this thing where Mysterio's magic hits the windshield of Fury’s car but instead of cracks like it should be, I saw bullet holes. And I took a moment to notice that.
Then that bar scene!!!! Jesus christ. That was a whirlwind of emotions. The way Peter's smile just dropped when Beck wore the glasses and saw Tony within him. God.
Also like those backstories????? Damn. Legit. I got no other words.
The way that Peter seemed soooo disappointed when MJ lied about the reason why she kept staring at him? Ugh my heart.
YAS GIRL DO IT FOR ALL OF US! TURN AROUND!!!! (Also what the fuck that cute little chub on Tom's tummy before he tenses up for the camera is so fucking cute oh my god I fucking melt, I wanna hug him)
"It's not a competition." Yea sure, Ned. Sure.
Holy fuck. Holy fuck. HOLY FUCK.
One of the best things ever. It reminded me so much of the intros to the James Bond movies. All the smooth transitions and stunning fx. Fuck. It was all trippy.
And jesus. Using MJ like that????
Also What The Actual Fuck. When he made an illusion of Tony rising from his grave.
When I saw that tombstone, I already knew what name on it was. Didn't make it easier to see it with my own eyes.
I cant with this movie its too much for my poor heart to take.
Jesus christ when he got hit by the train.fuck nylife.
Then happy?
Oh no, I actually pretty much died at this scene.
The way Peter was so desperate on who to trust and the way he just relaxed when he realised Happy wasn't an illusion. The way Happy just went with it immediately, having similar past experience with Tony's paranoia. The way he held Peter in his arms, confused but so so so worried. The way he takes care of Peter's wounds and tries to calm him down. The way Peter breaks down over being alone, his friends being in danger, hurt over MJ, not being enough to measure up to Tony, all of his emotions coming to head. That was probably the most grounding scene I've seen of Peter ever. It really hurt in all the best ways.
"You can't measure up to Tony. No one can. Not even Tony." That line was so good because he knows the weight thats on Peter's shoulders, he knows that Peter feels pressured to take on the world, unwavering and brave and so sure of himself like Tony was. But the truth is, Tony was exactly like him behind the scenes. Tony was always breaking down, lagging behind and alone. So when he sees Peter break down, it's like seeing Tony all over again. And he can't help but soften.
"I don't think Tony would have done what he did if he didn't know you were going to be here after he was gone." And that just shattered me. He basically said that Tony would've done it all over again if he knew Peter was going to come back.
That moment, when he stares at Peter, that moment when he notices something that twists and warms his heart at the same time. When he sees Peter handle that tech and holograms seamlessly like Tony did, the way he runs his mouth with his genius, the way he seems so excited over the tech, you can see in Happy's eyes that all he sees is Tony. Tony imprinting the best parts of himself onto Peter.
He knows Peter can handle it.
And jesus christ, baby no. Its not led zeppelin, cmon.
That whole fight scene was fucking lit! I can't really explain much but wow MJ!!!! GO MJ AND BETTY!!! AYYY.
Fuck and the way Peter used his Peter Tingle to fight off the rest of the drones. That was so cool. Then when illusion Beck was handing him the glasses, he already knew that it wasn't the real him.
That heartbroken look in his eyes when he realised he can't save Beck.
His voice cracking when he wants to know theres no more illusions.
That peck? That kiss? That makeout???? These two ooze so much chemistry it actually hurts.
Ahhh that hand brush and them actually holding hands!!!!! That!!!!!!
Then flash with his mother not being around comment, fuck that kinda hurt me in the feels.
Peter having an intervention with Happy and May???? Holy shit I need more of that.
Then that date? Where they swing??? Wow goals.
And fuck Peter getting exposed. I swear my heart dropped down to my stomach.
Credits scene:
Fury taking a vacation but not really is such a mood. Like he'd like a vacation but he also has to work. Idk but it might be hinting at the next captain marvel movie!!!!
This movie is a treasure. I am most likely going to watch it again because wow. I don't think I can take it all in 100% without watching it twice.
I saw it only a few hours ago but I already love it with all my heart. ❤️
I cant believe Marvel has me hooked with their Peter Parker. ❤️❤️❤️
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Survey #283
“if teardrops could be bottled, there’d be swimming pools filled by models”
How much would you tip a waiter or waitress for good service? I honestly don’t even know the proper etiquette of tipping because I almost never ever have been in a sit-down restaurant where I’ve paid because of the whole “I don’t have an income” thing. If for whatever reason I did, I would have asked the person with me how. I do (maybe…) believe however that there should be a baseline for how much you tip, even if your experience is somewhat unpleasant. You don’t know what that person is going through that day. If it’s just pure awful, then I might not tip at all, but I think I’d honestly feel way too guilty. Who is your favorite character from the television sitcom Friends? I don’t watch it. Whose name might you have tattooed on your body? None. Well, I guess if I had hypothetical kids, I might, especially as a tribute if they died. What is something that you always need to leave plugged in? I always at least have my laptop charger plugged into the wall, but not always into my computer as to not totally kill the battery. I just need it a lot because I’m only always on it. Who might you send a selfie to? I don’t send them to anyone, really, save for specific occasions. I just take selfies once in a blue moon to change my Facebook picture, honestly. I feel weird just sending people pictures of me because I feel like I’m screaming, “HEY LOOK AND COMPLIMENT ME!!!!!!!!!”, so it makes me uncomfortable. I only did semi-recently because my friend did my makeup for a Halloween shoot and for once in my goddamn life I felt really pretty so sent it to Sara. Name an item in or on your bed every night. My phone is on the right upper corner of my bed so I can check it when I wake up; I always wake up throughout the night and wanna know what time it is. Out of your work shift, how much time do you spend doing “actual work”? Well one, define “actual work,” but odds are almost zero because I don’t have shit to do. How long do your New Years resolutions typically last? I don’t make ‘em. Who would you call first after getting engaged to tell them the news? Most likely Mom. What’s the song that reminds you of the person you like?Okay so deadass I listened to NSP’s “Wish You Were Here” cover recently and kinda cried lol. Are you good at holding back your tears? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Have you ever sacrificed something important to you for someone you love? My goddamn sanity. How many jobs do you have? None. Do you have any memories you want to erase? There’s one occasion with Jason I wish I could forget so, so badly. Do you believe in the phrase “If it’s meant to be, it will be”? No. I don’t believe in pre-determined destinies and such, and thus I don’t see anything as “meant” and “not meant” to be. Do you believe in destiny? Wow, good timing lmao. Do you believe that things will get better? I like to think so. Have you ever drunk dialed someone? No. Have you ever worn a tiara? Haha, I think on my 18th birthday maybe, my friend Summer came with us to dinner and brought me a birthday tiara. If someone offered to take you out for your birthday, where would you decide to go? I almost always go to Olive Garden for dinner. But, after trying the Cheesecake Factory for the first time… *eyes emoji* If you plan to have kids, what will you tell them about Santa Clause? I’m not having kids, but hypothetically, I’d let them believe it. It’s so magical as a kid and brings so much excitement. I’d tell them the truth when it feels appropriate, and if I know they’re not the type to go telling other kids for no reason “HEY MY MOM SAID SANTA’S NOT REAL SO UR DUMB.” I’d be damned if they ruined it for other children. If you have ever been employed, have you ever been attracted to your boss? What about a co-worker? Not that I remember. Do [would] you avoid kissing your [possibly hypothetical] significant other when you or they are ill? Look man I made out with my ex while he was recovering from bronchitis before we knew it wasn’t contagious so OOPS yeah because I am 110% the “if you’re sick, I’m sick” dumbass all the while going FULL Mom Mode taking care of the person. What was the last thing you bought, other than food? With my own money, that is a daaaamn good question. I only really use it/am given it for food. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? No. Who was the last person you Facebook messaged? Do you know what that person is doing at this moment? My mom. She’s in the living room watching TV, probably. Think back to the last time you cried, or felt like crying. Who or what helped you to feel better? My mom. Do you own any accessories with your name or initial on them? No, they don’t appeal to me. Is there someone of the opposite sex that knows everything, or almost everything, about you? I would say Jason, but we haven’t seen or spoken to each other for almost four years, and I’m a much different person by now, and I’m sure he is, too. Do you remember the last time you cried because you missed someone? A few weeks back I had a breakdown over Jason again. My PTSD was and still is being pretty rough lately. Are your eyes the same color as your sibling(s)? Just my brother. Anything in your room that you’re hiding from your parents, or someone else? No. What’s your most noticeable flaw? Thinking about it, probably my extreme aversion to conflict. I will BOLT from confrontation. And what’s your best feature? I’m extremely empathetic. Have you ever hallucinated? Yeah; I would see shadows move when I was coming off a certain med. Do you have fangirl-ish tendencies? ………………. Have you ever replied “OK” when someone confessed they liked you? Wow, no. Either admit reciprocated feelings or gently turn them down. The Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin, or The Beatles? OHHHHHHHH BUDDY. Led Zeppelin, I think… but maybe the Stones. Idk. What would you do for immortality and infinite youth? Nothing. Would you rather have a pool or a hot tub? A pool. Is your handwriting legible? Yes. Well, some people find it slightly difficult because it’s kinda fancy. Have you ever held a baby chick? Yes! Do you think ‘everything bagels’ are disgusting? I’m not a fan. Do you live with anyone that you try to avoid at all costs? No. What did you last get upset about? How incredibly fuckin weak my body is. When is the last time you personally made someone else cry? I don’t know. How many more people do you think you’ll kiss before you die? Hopefully only one. I do NOT want to deal with anymore heartbreak, nor do I want to waste anymore time with someone I’m not going to spend the rest of my life with. Are you more spiritual or religious? Spiritual. Ever been to a rave? Nooooo, most definitely not my scene. Are you afraid to name the person you talk the most shit about? No. Song playing right now? I’m listening to “PRESIDENT X” by 3TEETH rn. Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? No, that’s incredibly rude. Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? They’re not all “stupid”…? There are some beautiful names I’ve heard. It’s none of my business why others’ children are named what they are. Do you get car sick easily? I don’t. Do you think you’re a good conversationalist? Why is that? NO. I’m just awkward and don’t know what to talk about or what to say back to people a lot. Awhile back though my friend Ian told me I was actually a really nice one and it meant a LOT to me. Hearing someone say that reassured me a little bit. Have you ever been on a float in a parade? What were you doing on it? No. Have you ever been in a helicopter? No. Have you ever had chicken pox? No. Who is your favorite animated character? Oh boy that’s hard man, idk. Maybe Ninetales, at least aesthetically. Idk about as characters themselves. Is it easy to make you gag? Yeah. Who’s your favorite Disney character? Probably Scar. Would you rather have a pet crocodile or a pet octopus? I deadass kinda want a caiman lol. It’s something I doubt I’ll actually do, though. Do you like Ritz crackers? Yeah. Do you have any designer clothing? If so what brand? No. Were you afraid of the dark when you were little? Not very, no. What are your opinions on war in general? It’s fucking awful and could be avoided if people weren’t so goddamn hasty, selfish, and uncompromising, among many other adjectives. Do you like pretzels? Yessss, especially soft ones. Have you ever wanted to be a writer? Yeah, tons of times in my life on-and-off. Did you even vote? This is the very first year I actually did. I felt really bad for not acting, only complaining about my government, and “silence speaks” was heavy on my head. Did some research to educate myself, and I felt amazing afterwards. What is your favorite flavor of gum? Usually watermelon. Are you wearing any bandaids? If so, where and why? No. Do you currently have any bruises on you? No. Do you/did you like or dislike school? I always hated it. Are you currently wearing any lotion? No. Do you ever make recipes found online? What was the last one? I don’t cook, so… but there sure are some that look good. If you smoke weed, what do you usually do after you get high? If you don’t, what would you do if everyone around you were smoking? I never have, so I wouldn’t know. Haha, for the second half, sit there awkwardly… been there once. What’s the last thing you ordered online? The next Wings of Fire book. Starting Sunny’s story now. Tell me about your favorite dress. I had this spring dress in high school that was white with purple skulls on it in a floral design… It was really cute and just has a special memory tied to it. Have you ever slept in a waterbed? If so, what was it like? Yeah, that used to be considered “fun” as a kid. They’re not awful, but not that comfortable either, and if I remember well, it’s easy to get sweaty because of the material. How many floors does your house have? Just one. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Yes. Do you enjoy sappy love songs? Hell yeah I do. Do you ever buy the same shirt in different colors? Simple tank tops, yeah. Ever made out on a rooftop? Damn dude no I’d be paranoid of falling off lmao. One place you will never eat at? Arby’s. If someone went through your pictures, would they find a "bad" one? Nope.
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madphantom · 5 years
The Sound of Life - Chapter 13
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During that time they also spent a few days on the set of Phantom. Jessica Harper, who played Phoenix, showed them around. William Finley was busy with his headaches. Winslow met him in the cafeteria where the actor was sitting with an ice pack on his head. He was wearing the leather outfit, but no make-up and his hair was messy.
"Hi," Winslow greeted him.
"Hi," William replied with a weak smile. "Jeez, how did you survive that helmet?! It's killing me!"
Winslow laughed. "I didn't really pay attention to that."
William chuckled. "I can imagine that." He put the ice pack down and sighed. "So, how you been doing?"
"Quite well. I met Michael Jackson a while ago."
William raised his eyebrows. "Really? Awesome."
"And you?"
"Yeah, well, most of the time I've been shooting the stuff here." William laughed. "I hope I'll get it right. I tend to act rather dramatically."
"Well, I am drama in person, so don't worry about that." Winslow grinned. "What are you guys shooting today?"
"The Beef scene. Kinda controversial stuff."
Winslow raised an eyebrow.
"Of course we're all rooting for you, man," William quickly assured him.
Winslow smiled. "I haven't met your Beef yet. What's his name?"
"Oh, it's Gerrit. Gerrit Graham. Funny guy." William laughed. "The cast gave him the plunger as a Christmas present. We painted it gold."
Winslow laughed as well. "A golden plunger?! How many times did you shove that thing in his face during the shower scene?"
A smile spread on William's face. "Six times."
"Six times?!" Winslow laughed. "Oh dear."
"It was a lot of fun."
"Oh, I believe that." Winslow chuckled.
The door opened and Phoenix and Jessica came in. Phoenix was holding Melody.
"A baby!", William squealed as soon as he spotted them.
"You mean me or Leach Junior?", Jessica asked.
"The cuter one."
"That would be me," Phoenix said and sat down next to Winslow. She smiled. "Hi William. Cool costume."
"You look like my Pa," Melody said.
William laughed. "I hope so!"
The door opened and another actor walked in.
"Hi Gerrit!", Jessica greeted him and Winslow turned around.
Gerrit did not quite look like Beef, but Winslow was secretly happy about that. He wasn't sure whether someone who actually looked the same wouldn't have triggered something in him.
"Stay away from me, I'm having a cold!", Gerrit announced. "Hi Mr Leach, Mrs Leach. I'm Gerrit Graham."
"Brian asked me to tell you guys to buy some junk food."
Jessica jumped up and did a little chicken dance. "Junk food night!"
"Hyping us up before the Life at Last scene," Gerrit explained.
"Sounds like Brian," William laughed.
"Put on your shoes, Will, we're going shopping!", Jessica yelled.
What followed was a bizarre scene that could have been straight from a comedy movie. The cast, still in their costumes, and the Leaches marched out of the Majestic. People turned around in surprise. Somebody yelled "Hey, look, it's Winslow Leach!" He signed a couple autographs and the squad entered the supermarket. They marched straight into the candy aisle.
Five minutes later they left with five bags full of crisps, popcorn, chocolate and cookies.
They watched the final product a couple weeks later in a small room with a projector at Paul Hirsch's. Melody was at Lucy's. Phoenix and Winslow didn't think the movie would be suitable for a seven year old. Brian brought popcorn. Gerrit brought Pepsi. They all sat down comfortably and Paul Hirsch clicked play.
The movie started with a narration about Swan read by Rod Serling. Winslow raised an eyebrow. "Wow. You actually got the guy to do this?"
"He loved it," Brian replied.
The black background with the white bird then faded into the Juicy Fruits performing Goodbye Eddie Goodbye. It was obvious they were enjoying themselves a lot. Winslow had a good laugh at William's face in the poster scene.
"The Juicy Winslow Leach at the piano," Phoenix commented and the crew laughed.
The movie proceeded with Philbin and Swan discussing some evil plan in their box.
"I actually have no idea what they were talking about," Winslow noted. "Might as well have been the weather."
"Probably not," Jeffrey commented.
Everyone agreed that the shot with the camera circling around William playing the piano was great. They had a good laugh about his dramatic headbanging.
"I was lucky my glasses didn't fly off," the actor chuckled.
The next scene was Philbin stealing Winslow's music. George Memmoli played his part really well. And Winslow laughed like crazy at the way William pushed "Philbin" against the wall and the sound of shattering glass in the background.
What followed was Winslow being thrown out of Death Records. Brian complained about the Swan Song fiasco with Led Zeppelin. Then came the scene in which Winslow met Phoenix. Both leaned forward.
"This is gonna be interesting," Phoenix commented. This was followed by a "Jessie, your singing is amazing, by the way."
"Thanks," Jessica smiled.
"Your chemistry is on top," Winslow noted during the scene. "Ten of ten."
Phoenix laughed at Jessica's confused face after William flashed her with "I would never let my personal desires influence my aesthetic judgement". "Yes, I probably looked like that!"
"You did," Winslow confirmed.
Later they had another good laugh at William in a flower dress trying to sneak in. "I wish I'd witnessed that happening!", Harold yelled. Then Paul appeared.
Winslow was honestly impressed. The friendly little man had perfectly embodied Swan. This guy who was frequently referred to as the Human Muppet had captured the evil spirit like he'd been destined to play Swan. Winslow shivered. He wasn't the only one.
"Was that really acting?", Archie asked.
"Hopefully," Jeffrey mumbled.
"I don't want to know what ancient evils we unleashed," Harold said.
Paul just laughed. "Who knows."
The next scene was the cops finding a beaten up Winslow. This was followed by William dramatically yelling into the camera that he was innocent.
"That was brilliant," Winslow commented. "Perfectly on point!"
"You have no idea how many shots this face took me," William replied.
Next up came some evil little man announcing that Winslow's teeth would be pulled. The real Winslow bared his teeth and pulled a werewolf number which caused some giggles.
The scene then faded into Winslow's escape from Sing Sing prison. William quickly told an anecdote about all the times the scene with the box had gone wrong while Winslow's on-screen counterpart raged through Death Records.
Winslow knew what was coming up now and so did Phoenix. He suddenly felt her hand in his and turned his head a little to see her giving him a little reassuring smile. He was well aware that she was afraid that the following scene would trigger something in him.
It didn't. William saved the day. As soon as he realized what a bomb was about to hit he burst out dramatically explaining how the scene had almost gone wrong and how he almost became Winslow's "Exact Doppelganger". Winslow objectively admired William's remarkable acting skills and secretly wondered why the actor wasn't famous yet.
The next scene caused Brian to explain why the split screen he'd used was a stroke of genius. The crew listened in amusement until the bomb exploded.
Next up came a bit with Swan in his office and then Winslow confronting him. The height difference between William and Paul was utterly hilarious. The scene was followed by Jessica singing Special to me for the audition. Everyone marveled at how similar her voice was to Phoenix'.
Then came the scene in which Swan adjusted Winslow's voice box and made Winslow sign the contract. Next up Paul singing Phantom's Theme with montages of William and Jessica with a black background. It looked wonderfully dramatic.
The next trigger came up now. It was Beef.
Thanks to the fact that Gerrit didn't look quite exactly like Beef Winslow relaxed again. However, he had to admit that accent and attitude were on point. Gerrit blushed when he told him.
There was the epic scream scene which caused Winslow's to have a laughing flash at the drama of William's acting. During the shower scene Gerrit mentioned that he did not recommend snorting powdered lactose. His acting in that scene and the next one were hilarious. Then Harold performed Somebody Super Like You followed by Life at Last and during Life at Last Winslow excused himself for a few minutes and left to prevent himself from getting a panic attack. He came back in to George Memmoli yelling "Somebody get a fire extinguisher!" and thoroughly enjoyed the Old Souls and dressing room scene, as well as the first rooftop scene. During the second rooftop scene Phoenix wrapped herself around Winslow, who made it a point to marvel at William's acting and compliment him on it until the actor was blushing.
What followed was Paul confronting William. Again everyone was crazed at how this human muppet played Swan. Then came the tape room and the wedding, and after a very dramatic death scene for Swan they got the ending which was slightly differing from reality: Winslow's death.
Phoenix laughed at how Jessica managed to look so desperate. "I just thought of school," Jessica commented. Winslow was delighted by the dramatic ending scene with the flaming bird sealing William's doom. "Awesome. Perfect. Like, really perfect. Great job."
"Release?", Brian asked.
"Hell yeah, release!"
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It’s still the 70s, but with more guitar
Across from Punk, the way the guitar was being utilized was starting to formulate more intricate like and kick ass than ever before. Becoming the center piece, the shift into guitar chops would see prominence in such classics as Ram Jam’s Black Betty.
At some point, guitar solos had started to become a rite of passage. It’s not the first time guitar mastership was introduced, but it certainly became a mainstay into rock and the newly developed Metal genre. 
Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne (1980)
Randall “Randy” Williams Rhoads (1956 - 1982)
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Randy was an American heavy metal guitarist who played with Quiet Riot and Ozzy Osbourne. A devoted student of classical guitar, Rhoads combined his classical music influences with his own heavy metal style. He died in a plane accident while on tour with Osbourne in Florida in 1982. Despite his short career, Rhoads, who was a major influence on neoclassical metal, is cited as an influence by many guitarists. Rhoads is included in several "Greatest Guitarist" lists.
Source: Wikipedia
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Randy with his collection of signature Jackson Flying V guitars and his Gibson Les Paul. 
There was a major boom in the U.K. that took place as early as the 1960′s when many associated artists and acts would take inspiration from the U.S. and the Blues music. This would lead into the New Wave of British Heavy Metal or in acronym, N.W.O.B.H.M. Punk scenes were taking place in most the world in the emerging 1970s. Bands such as The Beatles and Led Zeppelin have gone on record to have stated taking great strides from Blues musicians such as Muddy Waters. 
The new wave of British heavy metal (commonly abbreviated as NWOBHM) was a nationwide musical movement that started in the United Kingdom in the late 1970s and achieved international attention by the early 1980s. Journalist Geoff Barton coined the term in a May 1979 issue of the British music newspaper Sounds to describe the emergence of new heavy metal bands in the mid to late 1970s, during the period of punk rock's decline and the dominance of new wave music.
Source: Wikipedia
Phantom of the Opera (2015 Remaster) - Iron Maiden (1980)
Of cultural importance the band would create their songs based around historical events. To think that I have learned a bit more about world history from Iron Maiden than some of my own school history textbooks is quite exemplary of the band. The stories told in these songs are taken from real world events. One such song would be Run to the hills. A song which explains the colonialism of the Americas and the brutal ways the Colonists established territory fighting the indigenous natives. I can only imagine textbooks these days gloss over such pivotal moments in world history. 
Run to the Hills (1998 Remaster) - Iron Maiden (1985)
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Eddie, the iconic character from Iron Maiden. He is often depicted in the real world events that Iron Maiden bases their songs on. This one is The Trooper, reference to  the Charge of the Light Brigade at the Battle of Balaclava 1854, which took place during the Crimean War.
Meanwhile back in the U.S. another band would help establish the guitar’s role to shape the Rock and Roll landscape. 
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The original Van Halen logo as seen on their debut self titled album. 
Van Halen is an American hard rock band formed in Pasadena, California in 1972. Credited with "restoring hard rock to the forefront of the music scene", Van Halen is known for its energetic live shows and for the work of its acclaimed lead guitarist, Eddie Van Halen. The band was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007.
Source: Wikipedia
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From left to right David Lee Roth, Alex Van Halen, Eddie Van Halen, and Michael Anthony.
From 1974 until 1985, Van Halen consisted of Eddie Van Halen; Eddie's brother, drummer Alex Van Halen; vocalist David Lee Roth; and bassist Michael Anthony. Upon its release, the band's self-titled debut album reached No. 19 on the Billboard pop music charts. By the early 1980s, Van Halen was one of the most successful rock acts of the time. The album 1984 was a hit; its lead single, "Jump", is the band's only U.S. number one single to date and was internationally known.
Source: Wikipedia
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In 1985, Van Halen replaced Roth with former Montrose lead vocalist Sammy Hagar. With Hagar, the group released four U.S. number-one albums over the course of 11 years (5150 in 1986, OU812 in 1988, For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge in 1991, and Balance in 1995). Hagar left the band in 1996 shortly before the release of the band's first greatest hits collection, Best Of – Volume I. Former Extreme frontman Gary Cherone replaced Hagar, remaining with the band until 1999; Van Halen then went on hiatus until reuniting with Hagar for a worldwide tour in 2003. The following year, the band released The Best of Both Worlds, its second greatest hits collection. Hagar again left Van Halen in 2005; in 2006, Roth returned as lead vocalist. Anthony was fired from the band in 2006 and was replaced on bass guitar by Wolfgang Van Halen, Eddie's son. In 2012, the band released the commercially and critically successful A Different Kind of Truth.
As of March 2019, Van Halen is 20th on the RIAA list of best-selling artists in the United States; the band has sold 56 million albums in the States and more than 80 million worldwide, making them one of the best-selling groups of all time. As of 2007, Van Halen was one of only five rock bands with two studio albums that sold more than 10 million copies in the United States. Additionally, Van Halen has charted 13 number-one hits in the history of Billboard's Mainstream Rock chart. VH1 ranked the band seventh on a list of the top 100 hard rock artists of all time.
Source: Wikipedia
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The change in lineup during the Hagar era was viewed as one of the most controversial and most discussed among music fans over the years. A lot of of original fans turned their backs and retaliated against the new singer. Sammy has still not felt any malice since joining and leaving the band. And personally, I grew up with the album 5150 first. I thought it was really great among some of the David Lee Roth era material as well. I really dig both singers for what they brought to the band. But no matter what, when you set the bar a certain height, filling in that role will always be a major undertaking. When I listened to their earlier songs such as I’m the one, Ice Cream Man, and Romeo Delight really capture the band in it’s purest form. And then along came the most sought after guitar solo ever captured in history.
The outrageous barrage of notes as it’s come to be known is the mighty behemoth, the unmistakable, the renowned Eruption written by Eddie Van Halen. Once this solo was released, all Hell broke loose. Everybody wanted to get in on that guitar shred goodness. Funny thing is though, the word Shred wouldn’t even be a household name until mid to late 80′s. 
It goes without saying that every guitarist at some point has heard of or knows of Eddie Van Halen. I think Eruption was the biggest monument attributed to that. And I just like every other kid would hear this for the first time and would just be blown away and ignited to dedicate my guitar chops. Which would be beneficial to up and coming musicians willing to go the distance. 
Diver down will always be my favorite album, mostly because it features two guitar solos. And if you enjoyed Eruption, you absolutely will love Cathedral and Spanish Fly.
I kinda took Diver down as a format for my own first released album, Allegro. Opening with a guitar solo, and having some (poorly recorded) Heavy Rock tracks ending in a final guitar solo. 
Since we’re discussing Van Halen’s legacy, I would be remiss if I left out the history post Van Halen and David Lee Roth’s solo project, A little ain’t enough.
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So based off of what I personally know, David splits from VH, and starts his own side project in late 80s till 1990. He looks around for guitarists. By some miracle he finds Jason Becker. I’ll go deeper in a detailed entry about Jason, but know this; Jason left his own band Cacophony to release a solo album and sent Roth in a demo tape. Dave liked what he heard and immediately signed Jason on contract to record A little ain’t enough. The recording has been completed and Jason is set to tour to promote the album. Except, health complications prevented Jason from attending rehearsals and eventually from the tour at the advice of his doctor. He had been diagnosed with ALS (Ameotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease). The album’s tour tanked in live shows and marked Roth’s decline in commercial success. 
The demo that Jason sent in was actually a cover of Yankee Rose, the guitarist on the original track was Steve Vai. 
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imacrowcawcaw · 5 years
20, 64, 78 for the non-GVF asks ~~
20. Do you like your neighbors?
Honestly, I don't know my current neighbors. What I do know is that the ones on the left have 3 Chihuahuas and the ones on the right have a Doberman they keep in the back yard... I'm caught in the middle of a constant bark fest lol
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Oh boy okay, this might be kinda long but I actually like telling the story. So I was at a cabin (family one from other ask) and my mom and some family friends were also there. One of the friends brought her son, we're good friends and we basically hung out the entire time because we were like 30 years younger than the rest of them lol. So on the last night, the ladies were all hanging out around the fire but him and I decided to go up to the hammock we had hung (ok he hung it - he's a boyscout!) and talk. Well, everyone else went inside for bed, but I begged my mom to let us stay out for a bit - she totally knew what was up - and I grabbed a blanket and we cuddled for like an hour. It was freezing, but it was really nice just listening to him tell me about constellations and listening to led zeppelin on my phone. After a while he turned to me and said he wouldn't mind kissing me, and in my brain I was like whaaaat because I really didnt think anyone could be attracted to me, but I said same here. We ended up making out... and going a bit further not all the way but let's just say that boy was blown away by breasts lol. So yeah, that's what happened.
78. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
On a lighter note lol, I have
Panda pillow pet - Frank
Giant rabbit - Delilah
Zebra - Zeebee
Pug - Mr. Puggles
Baby Dragon - Cuuz
Hedgehog - Frank #2
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barad-doom · 5 years
I was tagged by @kanawolf to post these facts :) Thank you very much! I usually don't post personal stuff here so if you're interested, go follow my personal blog @goldenhornets
Nickname/s: Aww, these are kinda personal. Nobody calls me nicknames except for my family but I'm the Apollo to my Hades (you know who you are and I hope I won't forget to tag you below)
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Last thing I googled: Night of the Prog 2019 Lineup
Favourite Musicians: Temples, Pink Floyd, The Cure, Led Zeppelin, Alan Parsons, Billy Idol, Depeche Mode, Hatari, Van der Graaf Generator, Royal Republic, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Deep Purple, New Order, Rory Gallagher, The Pretty Things, Syd Barrett, Rammstein, Extrabreit, Frankie Goes to Hollywood, The Black Keys, Jack White, T. Rex, Sweet, Iron Maiden, Greta van Fleet
Last movie I saw: All My Loving at the cinema yesterday
Last book I read: If comics count, The Sandman by Neil Gaiman which I highly recommend (but only to mature readers). If they don't, The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter.
Song stuck in my head: Enter Sandman by Metallica
Following now: 772
Followers: 846 on this blog, 301 and 50 on my others
Do I get asks: Sometimes
Amount of sleep: I'm actually living a pretty healthy lifestyle; it hasn't always been this way but overcoming depression and suicidal thoughts and regaining an urgent wish to live, I'm trying to take care of myself by sleeping 8-9 hours.
Lucky number: 13 and 23
What I'm wearing: A shirt with an art nouveau flower print, a black blazer, black flares and platform pennyloafers.
Dream job: Biologist or owning a cozy record store. Maybe both some day?
Dream trip: I don't know tbh, somewhere I've never been before.
Favourite food: Fruit! God, I love fruit. And greek salad, stuffed vine leaves, olives, artichokes... The good Mediterranean shit.
Instruments: I used to play the violin as a kid but switched to the guitar. I'm rather proud of the fact that I practice every day.
Languages: German is my native language, my English is mostly self-taught from reading extraordinary amounts of porn on AO3 and some broken French.
Favourite songs: My favourite at the moment is Fire Walk With Me by The Black Keys.
Random fact: As some of you already know, I damaged my eyes by looking straight into a solar eclipse in my early teenage years. I was fucking dumb and had to be taken to a doctor as an emergency because my eyes kept hurting for days afterwards. Luckily, it doesn't really affect my sight in terms of blurriness but I see shadows where there aren't supposed to be any.
Aesthetic: The smell of bonfires, daffodils, opening a new book for the first time, the sound a record player's needle makes when it hits the vinyl, the golden hour before sunset, calloused fingertips, 70s wallpapers, summer rain, listening to the radio at night, corkscrew curls, the smell of chlorine and the ache of your muscles relaxing when finally laying down to sleep after a busy day.
I'm tagging @atanesblog @nebulapie @kaarkless @snakecozies
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caranfindel · 5 years
Recap review 14.20: “Moriah”
THEN: You know, I didn’t realize it until I watched the Then, but this season has just been bananacrackers. So let’s concentrate on the good things. Sam’s Beard of Despair. Sad Sam, angry Sam. Michael!Dean doing that thing where he puts his tongue behind his teeth. I am a Winchester! Sadly missing from the Then: angry Sam yelling enough! and basically making himself King of Hell.
NOW: We begin right where we left off, with glowy-eyed Jack emerging from the ruins of Dean’s magic box. “You lied to me,” he says. Even to Cas, who wasn’t part of the lie. He tosses them into the wall and disappears.
Title card! Cas doesn’t understand why the box that could hold an archangel couldn’t hold a nephilim. Even though Cas himself, I believe, is the one who told us a nephilim is stronger than its angel parent. Okay. They decide that Jack has “leveled up” into something stronger than an archangel, like Mario jumping on a toadstool or hitting a box or something (sorry, I’ve never actually played Mario Brothers). Sam doesn’t think praying to him is going to work again, to which Dean agrees no duh.
Cas chastises the Winchesters for putting Jack in the box in the first place, even though it’s a delightful play on words, and Dean says you’re right, we should have killed him instead, which is what I wanted to do but y'all wouldn’t let me, ignoring the fact that he wouldn’t have had the ability to kill him. But that’s fine because he and Sam have killed all kinds of unkillable things and they will find a a way because Jack is “just another monster.” And Dean is ANGRY and Sam is SO SO UNHAPPY and even Cas is being a little BAMFy and you all know how much I LIKE THESE THINGS.
So. I’m okay with this episode so far.
Cas stomps off and Dean and Sam stand in the wreckage of their storeroom and try to figure out what to do next. Dean suggests Rowena might be able to build another soul bomb, like she did to fight Amara, and he remembers how that bomb would have to be triggered, doesn’t he? Maybe not, but Sam does, and he looks even sadder and softly says okay and he’s wearing that red shirt and y'all, maybe I should just stop watching now. Because I’m sure it couldn’t possibly get any better. It’s got to be downhill from this point. Dean tells him he knows it can’t be easy, he knows how much Jack meant to him, and he was family to Dean too. But Jack isn’t Jack, and they’ve got to do the hard thing, the ugly thing. And it’s not the first time.
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How is it that I want to hug him and stroke his hair and tell him it’s going to be okay but I also want to lick that throat?
We find Jack wandering through a larger city, listening to people’s conversations. All of these people happen to be lying through their teeth, which makes him angry. And you wouldn’t like him when he’s angry. “Stop lying,” he yells. The world pauses for a second and then carries on.
The Impala pulls up at a business called Mirror Universe. Is it a giant mirror store? That would be weird. Sam’s on the phone with Rowena, asking her to just try even though they know it’s a long shot, and if I may just belabor a point I’ve made multiple times, I love their relationship, and I especially love that even though Sam and Dean and Rowena all know Sam is fated to kill her, they still accept that she’s Sam’s friend more than Dean’s, because Dean’s always asking Sam if he’s going to call her, and if she has to be talked into anything, it’s understood that Sam does the talking. Love. Sam reports that she thinks their plan is “dangerous and insane” but she’s in. Dean thinks it’s because Rowena knows what Jack is capable of, and not because of her intense love and loyalty for Sam, and, well, let’s just agree to disagree.
They go inside and are almost run over by a guy on a Segway, which tells us this is a techie place, not a giant mirror store. Dean calls the inhabitants nerds, and Sam says “takes one to know one,” and I’d call Dean more of a geek than a nerd, but okay. But then Sam elaborates that Dean is a nerd because he knows every word to every Led Zeppelin song and knows a lot about classic rock drummers, and I wouldn’t call either of those things nerdy. And he watches Jeopardy every night. I’m not sure that’s nerdy either, but Dean doesn’t argue. Sam explains that Mirror Universe builds facial recognition software, which he hopes they can use to find Jack.
Dean’s on it. He walks up to the receptionist, flashes his fake FBI ID, and says “Hi, I’m Dean Winchester, I’m looking for the devil’s son,” and I think, wait, what? He’s using his real name! Why is he using his real name? The receptionist is confused, and so is Dean. “What? Ah. I meant. I’m Dean Winchester, I’m looking for the devil’s son. This badge is fake.” OH MY GOD HE CAN’T LIE. JACK STOPPED EVERYONE FROM LYING. THINK OF THE FANFIC. Dean tries to laugh it off and immediately excuses himself.
Meanwhile, Sam witnesses a conversation where one guy says “I’m sleeping with your wife” and the other says “I know; I’m kinda into it” and is adorably befuddled. Then Dean joins him.
Hey, let me ask you a question. Tell me who your favorite singer is.
Look, I know you say it’s Elvis, but we both know that’s crap. So tell me who your favorite singer is.
It’s like you said, it’s Celine Dion. I mean, Celine Dion… Celine… Dean, every time I try to say Elvis, it comes out-
The sad horrible truth, yeah.
Friends, there’s no way Celine Dion is actually Sam’s favorite singer. No possible way. So I hate that they made a mockery of Sam’s musical taste for the sake of a joke. On the other hand, it is a very funny bit. But it would have been just as funny, and less nauseating to me personally, if he’d said ABBA. But let’s move on.
Suddenly everyone at Mirror Universe is not only unable to lie, but they also can’t help blurting out the truth. And these are two completely different things. If Yogurt Guy asked Red Hoodie Guy if he’d stolen his yogurt, he’d have to say yes. But when Yogurt Guy just yells “who ate my yogurt,” there’s no reason Red Hoodie Guy couldn’t sit quietly and say nothing. So none of this truth-spewing chaos actually makes sense. But it’s funny. Especially the Stapler Queen. It’s also funny when the Winchesters duck into a conference room and watch a little bit of a news broadcast, where it’s reported the President admitted he’s a tax cheat who made a demon deal “with someone named Crowley,” because sometimes the low-hanging fruit is the sweetest fruit of all. The guys realize that if the truth curse isn’t a local phenomenom, it must be Jack’s doing.
Cut to Cas, looking into a peephole, trying to convince the demon inside to give him access to Hell. He wants to study the cage. She refuses to take him there literally, but invites him to go metaphorically. Does Cas want to send Jack to Lucifer’s cage? Or study it so he can build his own? Is she a special demon who provides guided tours of Hell? Are all the demons in hiding, now that Sam has denied them a leader? We don’t have time to ponder these questions, because behind Cas, someone says “Wow, yeah. You guys are screwed.” And he would know. Because it’s Chuck. Oooh, looks we’re getting the deus ex machina solution to the Jack problem!
Cut to Jack, knocking on the door of his grandmother’s house. Yes, she remembers him, and isn’t happy to see him.
Let’s go back to Jack’s stepfather and his grandfather.
{eyeroll} Chuck.
There you go.
He says he’s there because Cas called him, and we get a flashback of Cas calling on him with Samulet 2.0. Took you long enough, Chuck. He admits he’s there because of Jack, too. “He’s a problem.”
Kline house. The problem child is surprised to find that Kelly’s mom realizes he lied to her and isn’t at all interested in talking to him and also is pretty sure she’s dead. And she thinks Jack might have done it. Jack gets the glowy eyes and yells at her to stop. Uh oh. This usually doesn’t end well.
Mirror Universe. The chaos continues in the background as Sam fires up a computer and uploads a picture of Jack. “When you can’t lie, the internet gets real quiet,” Dean says, browsing on his phone. “Yeah, guess your life isn’t so perfect after all, @8packmommy.” Are you suggesting mommy bloggers are LYING? I’m shocked. (And also chuckling a little bit because hello, Genevieve Padalecki’s instagram.) Cas and Chuck show up in the middle of mayhem and Chuck explains that this is why people need to lie. Cas is surprised at that sentiment, and Chuck says “I’m a writer. Lying’s kinda what we do.” Remember that; it might be important later. Cas calls out for the Winchesters and they bring him into their conference room. They’re stunned to see Chuck with him.
I know what you’re thinking. It’s been a while, and I still look pretty good.
No, that’s… that’s not what we were thinking.
Hee! Dean angrily asks where he’s been, and Chuck says “well, you know, it’s a funny story; reminds me of a song” and picks up a guitar that I guess he just conjured up and Dean GRABS IT AND SMASHES IT ON THE FLOOR AND YELLS “ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION” AT GOD HIMSELF AND I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Chuck yells “don’t!” right back at him and Dean maybe realizes he’s gone a little too far.
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Sam swallows nervously (yum) and Cas looks anxious and then Chuck decides it’s a little cramped in this conference room and boom, they’re in the bunker. Okay, but what about the Impala? How are they going to get the Impala back to Lebanon? Chuck casually asks how are things, and they are not good, Chuck. He admits he puts the deus in deus ex machina, and I respect the Show for hanging a lampshade on that awkward little plot point. Because if we admit it, then it’s not ridiculous, it’s just meta, right?
He’s been traveling and watching Springsteen on Broadway, and Amara is in Reno playing keno (Reno? Not even Vegas?). He explains that he likes to stay hands-off, to build the sandbox and then let them play in it, which honestly aligns very much with my deist beliefs. Although it’s not quite true, is it, because he’s meddled with his sandbox toys occasionally. “You want to fight leviathans? Cool, you got that. You wanna go up against, what was it, the British Men of Letters? Okay. Little weak, but okay.” The camera is on Dean at this point and I fully expect an Office-style gaze into the camera from him because, come on. This couldn’t be more meta.
Chuck says that when there’s an apocalypse, or another apocalypse, he has to step in. And yes, apparently Jack is apocalyptic. He demonstrates, via God-controlled radio, that the whole world has gone bananas thanks to Jack’s “stop lying” edict. (The queen is a lizard? That’s almost as ridiculous as Sam being a Celine Dion fan.) Chuck undoes the damage with a snap of his fingers, but reluctantly, and only after Cas asks. Sam isn’t sure he believes him.
I’m God, Sam. Yeah, really.
Dean tests his ability to lie by saying “Celine Dion rocks.” Oh, poor Sam. He will never be allowed to forget this. And I wish he had asked Dean some embarrassing questions. Back at Mirror Universe, things have gone back to normal, with Red Hoodie Guy not confessing to yogurt theft, and Stapler Queen limiting herself to one stapler. (Sidebar: On a personal note, my stapler at work is actually older than some of you. Just thought you’d like to know.)
Chuck says Jack is dangerous, “me-level bad,” and he can’t stop him. “But you can. With that.” He points to a mysteriously engraved gun that appeared on the map table. Everyone stares anxiously at the gun, and Cas asks what it is. “I’m thinking of calling it The Equalizer,” says Chuck. “Or The Hammurabi.” The internet tells me Hammurabi was a Babylonian king who is best known for issuing laws that focused on physically punishing the perpetrator of a crime rather than compensating the victim. Hmmm. He’s surprised that no one seems impressed. Dean asks if it will kill Jack, and Chuck says it will kill anything. “So you’ve had this the whole time, and we’re just now getting it? Why?” says Sam. No, he just made it. It’s never even been fired.
Dean removes the clip and points out that it doesn’t have any bullets. “It doesn’t exactly use bullets,” Chuck explains. “See, existence is all about balance. Dark and light, good and evil, chocolate and peanut butter.” I love that Sam tells him to get on with it. (Also, chocolate and peanut butter are not opposites. The opposite of chocolate would be something like lemon. Or onions.) Chuck tells them the gun works on multidimensional energy, blah blah blah, basically, whatever happens to the person you’re aiming at also happens to you. You kill him, you die. And Chucks says he’d do it, but “If I bite it, existence also kind of bites it, so. One of you. Sorry.”
Dean, of course, has taken possession of this magic gun and isn’t going to let it go, because if anyone’s going to throw himself on that hand grenade, it’s Dean. But Cas doesn’t know why they’re talking about killing Jack in the first place. He called Chuck because he can fix Jack’s soul. “Not so much,” says Chuck. “Souls are complicated, even for me.” He also doesn’t think they’d want Jack back even if he could fix him, after what he did. Oh, Chuck. You may have created these guys (and hoo boy, good job, you) but you don’t know them at all. Or at least, not Sam, because he would do anything to save Jack from whatever is going to happen to him.
Cas then suggests caging Jack rather than killing him, but Dean says no, Chuck says this is the only way. Oh, like Billie said locking you up was the only way to defeat Michael, Cas points out, and rightfully so. Chuck scoffs at Billie. He preferred the old Death. Billie’s always sticking her scythe where it doesn’t belong. Will this matter later? Maybe.
Dean tells Cas that “God himself” just said this magic gun was the only way, so Cas needs to either get on board, or leave. Funny that “God himself” is suddenly such an authority figure to Dean. Now that he actually says what Dean has already said. You know.
Cas leaves. Sam looks disturbed, which is what Sam does in this episode, and Dean looks angry, which is what Dean does in this episode. Chuck watches it all with interest. And elsewhere, Jack remembers his grandmother asking what he did to her daughter.
Cut to Dean in his room, refilling his flask. Sam knocks on his door and Dean’s all, hey, I needed to talk to you anyway.
This is where you tell me you’re gonna pull the trigger.
Yeah, it is. We don’t have a choice, Sam.
Of course we do. Don’t we always? I mean, isn’t that the point of everything we’ve ever done, that we always have a choice?
He killed our mom.
I get it. I was mad too. You know what? I’m still mad. And a part of me wants Jack dead; it really does. But Dean, we haven’t even tried to save him.
Okay. You heard him, right? He actually blamed Mom for what happened.
He doesn’t have a soul!
And whose fault is that?
Mine! I’m the one who brought him back, and I brought him back because he’s family.
And then he came back and he burned his soul off to save us. You and me. And now what, now you want my permission? You want me to say I’m cool with losing him, and losing you, all at once? Cause I can’t do that. I won’t say that. No. I’ve already lost too much.
Sam gets up and leaves, dragging the shredded remains of my heart with him. And I have to dispute one thing Dean said - Jack didn’t blame Mary. Not really. When Dean specifically asked if Mary “made him” do it, he said no. He accepted the blame, he just considered it an accident. (Except for the rest of those two episodes, where he was horrified by what he’d done, of course.)
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While I’m repeating myself, let me repeat that I could watch an entiret episode that was just Dean drinking. And Sam being sad.
Cas shows up at a cemetery in his big Dodge truck and angrily slams his fist on the hood. I don’t know why he drove to this cemetery just to emote, but Jack flutters onto the scene and says he’s been looking for him. Cas hugs him, but Jack just looks puzzled and doesn’t hug back. Let’s stick with these two for a minute.
We see them walking, and Jack explaining that he thought he could make the world a better place if people couldn’t lie. And then he thought his grandparents might still like him,, but he got accused of killing his mom. Which, he admits, he did. And he used to hate himself, but he doesn’t any more. He doesn’t feel anything. Aw. So it’s true, he really is soulless. My poor sweet baby. In a flashback, we see he didn’t kill Grandma Kline, at least. He just scared the heck out of her with the glowy eyes and then stomped off.
Bunker. Chuck is admiring the One True Archangel Sword (Accept No Substitutes That You May Have Seen In Earlier Seasons), saying that he hasn’t seen one in forever. Not in this universe, anyway. Ahem. Sam tells him it came from “another world.” And that provides a segue for him to ask Chuck how many other universes there are. Chuck doesn’t keep track, because a lot of them are boring. “One’s a reverse, in one there’s no yellow, one of them’s just all squirrels.” (And a moose, right? There has to be at least one moose in the Squirreliverse!) And then they have this conversation.
So, Michael said that you create these worlds and you just toss them away, like failed versions of some book.
And you believe him?
Was he lying? … Is that what you’re doing to us?
No! Sam. You and your brother, of all the Sams and Deans in all the multiverse, you’re my favorite. You’re just so interesting? I mean, like that thing that happened at the office earlier today, that was crazy, right?
Do you watch us? When you’re not here, are you watching us?
Yeah. I mean, you’re my favorite show.
Then why don’t you do something? If I had your power-
Sam, we talked about this. Not the way it works.
Wait a second. Why, when the chips are down, when the world is failing, why does it always have to be on us?
Because you’re my guys. But right now we need to focus on Jack. Ah, that kid.
Wait a second. You’re scared of him.
Aren’t you?
Do you know where he is?
I do.
Then what are you waiting for?
Oh, nothing. Dean’s already gone.
OH SNAP. Chuck was just stalling, this entire time, giving Dean a chance to go after Jack. What an SOB. But this conversation, guys. Sam’s voice. His soft voice and his angry voice. Hnnngngngngngngh. And Chuck pointing out that Sam and Dean are his favorite show? And that he just likes to watch them? Because they’re so interesting? “My guys?” Am I being personally called out here? Because it sure feels like it.
Let’s go back to Cas and Jack in the very pretty cemetery. And let me say that, as much as I want Sam to be the one who goes after Jack and tries to save him, who pushes hardest against Dean and Chuck and their plan to kill him, it makes sense for Cas to do it. Cas was his first father, and the one who protected him before he was even born. Sam at least admits he’s ambivalent about Jack. Cas is the one who can say “screw Mary Winchester; this is my kid.” So, Jack tells Cas that killing Mary was an accident, and he keeps trying to do the right thing and it keeps not working. “All I ever wanted was to be good, but now I’m just empty. Even this. I know you’re here because you love me, and I want to love you back. But it’s just… I can’t.” {sob} Cas thinks Jack can regain his capacity for love, and they just need to go somewhere safe, where no one can find them.
Oooh, but it’s too late. Someone found them. And that someone is Dean, with the magic gun. Cas puts himself between Dean and Jack and tells Jack to run, but Jack refuses. “I won’t run any more,” he says, and he flings Cas away. “You’re not gonna lock me up again, are you,” he asks Dean. “No,” Dean says, and he points the gun at Jack, and Desn’s about to die (and he didn’t say goodbye to Sam, because look how that worked last time!) and he’s dead inside. But he doesn’t shoot. And Jack GETS ON HIS KNEES AND LOOKS UP AT HIM LIKE THE SWEET LITTLE CINNAMON ROLL BUNNY HE USED TO BE. Dean lowers the gun. Is he remembering another sweet little cinnamon roll bunny on his knees, waiting to be executed for the greater good? Maybe. I know I am. He doesn’t put it down, though, and he walks closer to Jack and aims again, and now I’m thinking that if Jack is willing to die, couldn’t Dean suggest he kill himself? And then Dean wouldn’t have to die? I wonder if that would work?
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This is a lovely and tragic scene, and Dean aiming a gun at someone is always crazy hot.
Then an old sedan races into the cemetery - it’s Sam! \o/ Instead of driving over to Dean, he parks and then runs over to him, yelling, and I guess maybe he thought he’d get in trouble for driving off the designated area or something, but I would have disregarded that. However, we do get this truly marvelous shot of him running across the cemetery, so I’m okay with it.
Jack tells Dean “I understand” and I am NOT OKAY WITH THIS and Sam’s still running and yelling “no” and I think he’s going to actually jump in front of Jack. But Dean says “stay back, Sam” and he stops. Huh. Chuck shows up next to him. Huh again.
“You were right,” says Jack. “I am a monster.” But Dean still can’t seem to pull the trigger. I’m still surprised that Sam hasn’t tried to pull Dean away, considering that if he shoots Jack, they’ll both be dead. Instead, Sam turns to Chuck and says “do something,” and then notices that Chuck is REALLY INTO THIS. “You’re enjoying this,” he says, shocked. Chuck shushes him.
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Those if you who aren’t enjoying it can cast the first stone. I won’t be among you.
Turns out this recap is too long for Tumblr, but you can read the rest on my Livejournal.
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aspiestvmusings · 5 years
Peter’s secret superhero identity (Spider-Man) revealed (not by him/his choice) in the end of FFH &  Tony’s secret superhero identity (Iron Man) revealed by him/by his choice in the end of IM1
Peter’s/The movies last words/line in FFH being “What the F*--” as the screen goes to black (as he sees the “news” on screen) & Aunt May’s/The movies last words in HC being “What the FU--” as the screen goes to black (when she sees Peter in his Spidey costume). 
The “BLIP” video edit “in memoriam” broadcast ending with comment /by Betty, i think) that it’s time to move on...  seems to hint at Endgame lines “Some people move on.../You gotta move on...” by Steve 
AC/DC’s “Back in Black” - the song/band that plays during some iconic Tony/Iron Man moments in past film(s) & the song that plays during the Happy/Peter airplane above the tulip field scene as Peter is about to make himself a new suit. Even though Peter thinks it’s Led Zeppelin #ILoveLedZeppelin as he hears the song starting ;) 
Tony’s glasses: “To/For the next/new Tony Stark” - Tony’s special glasses now belong to Peter. And they have a feature that had previously not been revealed - they include an AI named E.D.I.T.H (Even Dead Im The Hero”, cause Tony loved his acronyms) 
Tony & acronyms: from J.A.R.V.I.S. to B.A.R.F. to E.D.I.T.H. in “Far From Home” 
Tony wanting to build a “suit of armour” around the world/Earth, but being denied in past Avengers films & then literally building/creating a suit of armour around the people he cares about - Rhodey’s suit, Pepper’s suit, Peter’s suit + re-making CA’s shield by/in Endgame. And as revealed in FFH he also did build a suit of armour around the planet - he has tech & satellites that is weaponized & ready to protect the planet from outside (or inside) threats. He wanted to be prepared for (another) Thanos-level threat & he wanted to leave behind a defence system... 
Peter using Stark tech to build a new suit in FFH (and Happy watching him & seeing so much Tony in him - in how he uses the tech and all that...) and Tony building his Iron Man suit in IM1 - the holographic tech used - visual parallels PS. Tom Holland has said that he re-watched RDJ’s scene rom first IM in prep for filming his scene & tried to mimic the movements & all...the parallels & similarity are on purpose
Peter/Happy in FFH  vs Tony/Happy in MCU - friendship and being supportive, while providing transportation & backup to the superhero, also...
Peter doubting in himself & in his leader abilities (bearing the heavy burden of being the Earth’s mightiest hero & protector) in FFH...the same way Tony struggled with becoming/being the Earth’s protector 
Peter having PTSD/anxiety (after the events of the BLIP/SNAPS & his mentor’s, Tony's death) & being pressured by the public... and not being able to take the pressure... escaping the “press conference” at aunt May’s charity event     in FFH & Tony having PTSD/anxiety (after the events on NY battle & the vision of the future & finding out that there are great threats lurking in the universe..) and being pressured by the public...and not being able to take the pressure... escaping the diner/table in IM3, when kids come to him...the hero..for  an autograph. 
Peter making mistakes  on the way.. when learning to be the superhero the world needs (trusting Mysterio, his new friend & giving over the powerful tech to him) in FFH & Tony making mistakes on the way in all the MCU films.  
Peter being betrayed by someone he trusted (his new “friend” Quentin Beck aka Mysterio) in FFH & Tony being betrayed by his old friend & business partner, Obadiah Stane in IM1. 
Peter not answering phone calls from important people - sending “Fury” to voicemail (ghosting Nick Fury) in FFH & Tony not liking answering the phone/talking to important people on the phone - putting them on hold (cause he just likes to put people on the hold) - example: Coulson in A1
The murals & street art in Europe as Peter walks by a wall art with flowers & candles in front of it dedicated to Iron Man/Tony Stark in FFH & the shadows of the six people who died mimicking  “wall art” in Iron Man 3 being a visual parallel to that scene with candles (and flowers) in front of it..to remember those who are gone...but not forgotten.
Peter using the Tower Bridge sign as shield & that tech (DIY project made of car engine & drone bits...) as the hammer on the “Bridge fight scene” in FFH as a visual parallel to Steve holding his shield & Thor’s hammer during the final battle in Endgame.
All three MCU main heroes - Tony (his arc reactor), Thor (his hammer) & Steve (his shield) were represented & could be visually seen during that bridge scene... as Peter prepares to fight the bad guy...
Peter going through many “dimensions”  during the Berlin    “safe house” illusion scene in FFH being visually similar to Dr. Strange & other MCU films visuals of other dimensions/universes - the mirror dimension, the many other dimensions seen... Infinite illusions scene.... 
Peter not having his Spidey-sense (Peter tingle) - one of his superhero abilities not working in FFH... for a while (because of his emotional state - grieving his mentor) & Bruce not having access to Hulk  - his ability to turn into Hulk/go green not working during Avengers 3 (because of his emotional state - after the events of past films)
Peter ending up in Netherlands/Holland (PS. while many people use Holland to talk about all of Netherlands, Holland actually refers to certain parts...two provinces that together “form” & are called Holland)... because Peter/Spiderman is portrayed by Tom Holland. #funfacts
Percentages - MJ was only 67/76% certain that Peter is Spider-Man in FFH & Tony saying Pepper should give herself 12% of the credit for the Stark Tower & Pepper saying she was having 12% of a moment” in A1. 
Tony saying “You reached the Live Model Decoy of Tony Stark” when agent Coulson gets through to him on the phone in A1 & Nick Fury basically using “live model decoys” for himself & Maria Hill in FFH. 
Mysterio and his illusions - making others see things that aren’t: Peter seeing dying Quentin Beck on the ground at the Tower Bridge, when the real Quentin is actually standing next to him, ready to shoot him, but peter sensing it & stopping him in FFH & Loki & his illusions - making others see things in a twisted way: agent Coulson seeing Loki in front of him, when he approaches with the new blaster weapon, when Loki is actually behind him & he doesn’t see the attack coming in A1. 
“Appearances can be deceiving” was meant to hint at both Mysterio not being who he is & also Fury & Hill being not who they seem... That they’re actually skrulls (working for Fury)
Happy’s surfboard mention/clue to Fury... when he calls him to warn about Mysterio’s deception is a reference to the skrull first looks in Captain Marvel... when they arrive. They first take the form of a group of surfers...cause these are the first people they see on the beach... 
The spiders crawling on Zombie IM in the illusion created by Mysterio in that FFH scene are according to someone who paid better attention & knows spider species better than me... apparently Black Widow spiders... IF so then that is a visual reference to BOTH characters who sacrificed themselves...all in one scene.
ETA: Mysterio in FFH was not who he seemed to be to the public & he wasn’t a man...but a Team... kinda... & The Mandarin in IM3 was not who he seemed to be to the public & he wasn’t a man...but a Team...kinda. Quentin Beck pretended to be Mysterio (a caped superhero) in FFH ... using movie magic & mo-cap suits  and visual tricks & Trevor Slattery pretended to be The Mandarin in IM3.. he was a paid actor, playing the role of the bad guy, The Mandarin. 
ETA: Peter &  MJ/Michelle in FFH vs Tony & Pepper in MCU films...there are both story/plot & visual parallels. Both ladies are taller (basically) than their partner (both Tony & Peter are...kinda...tiny/short). And both knew the man before the hero in the suit. And both were (at least at first)not a fan of the superhero “flying” and all (both Pepper & MJ’s reaction to Tony & Peter taking them to “fly” was pretty much the same...they were not fans of it #NeverDoThatAgain  #omgICantTakeThisAnymore 
ETA: all the drones (dummy suits built by Ivan) in Iron Man 2 VS all the drones used to create the illusions in FFH
Fire “monster” (Elemental: Fire) being one of the “bad guys” in FFH (Spidey fighting fire) & Fire “monster” (the “Extremis”  that turns the host bodies into hot fire/fire hot) being one of the “bad guys tools” in IM3 (Tony fighting Extremis)
Tony “creating” his ..and Peter’s enemies in many/almost all Iron Man/MCU films & FFH: Tony's dad vs Vanko’s das and Tony vs Vanko in IM2, Tony vs Killian & Maya in IM3, Tony/Avengers vs ULTRON in A2 (Wanda + Pietro vs Tony/Avengers in A2), Tony vs Charlie Spencer’s mom in CA. CW) The Vulture vs Peter in SM1: HC...and now Mysterio/Beck vs “new Tony Stark” aka Peter in FFH. 
Peter being all alone (with just one ally/friend - Happy)...and creating a suit for himself...from scratch (using tech) on the plane in Holland in FFH & Tony being all alone (with just one ally/friend)...and creating a suit for himself...from scratch... from a box of scraps...in the cave in IM1.
Not to mention all the little details, callback, parallels & similarities..connected to the (original) comics, to past/other Spider-Man films - JJJ as the “news” man, the multi-verse menton, every single Spidey costume from MCU making their appearance again, multiple Spideys all in one scene, LMD (Live Model Decoys)...etc etc...
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fyeahmeddy · 5 years
Tag game!!
Answer questions and tag people you want to know better!
Tagged by: My wonderful friend @frecklydork . Thanks Kericakes!!
Nicknames: Meddy is a nickname in itself, sometimes just Med. My last nickname has been Magister (master) in college
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius, the most powerful warrior in Saint Seiya!! 🏹💪
Height: it’s been a while since last time I checked. I thought I was like 173cm but apparently I’m at 170??? I gotta check someday
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw!! Kaw-kaw modafuckas!!!
Last thing I googled: why do we sneeze two times? apparently first sneeze is to loose the irritating agent, second one puts it next to the exit and a third one takes it out
Favorite musicians: Mägo de Oz, Caifanes (in their second and third album), Romantic classics (Beehtoven, Mozart), Led Zeppelin
Song stuck in my head: El Amor Brujo by Mägo de Oz. it’s in spanish but I’ve been having it playing over and over in my mind the whole week (warning: the cover is kinda nsfw, depicts a seminude crucified woman so... proceed carefully)
Following: 258, and I think a lot of them are dead blogs already. a lot of AT nostalgia there
Followers: 1857.... how????
Ammount of sleep: 7-8 broken hours. why broken? recently got new roomates who constantly make noise at 2am and 7am. and when I’m at my parents’, my niece is source of a lot of noise, but I love her!
Dream job: writter!!! I wanna be a writter so bad!!! my actual job has been taking a lot of time but I finally ave time to go back into writting work!!! I wanna publish something by next year
Dream trip: Meddy Friends Tour 20XX!!!! I just wanna visit all the friends I’ve made over the years, that would take me to at least 7 different countries!!!! But if I have to be specific, I’d love to go to Japan and Italy
Instruments: I know basics with drums!! I wish I could be better but due to time and space I had to sell my drumset. I wanna learn keyboard in the next years
Languages: spanish as mother tongue, very good at english, basic italian, forgot most of my latin
Favorite songs: Voces Iluminadas... by Austin TV it’s a song that always pumps me up. Somewhere Over The Rainbow has a special place in my heart. A Head Full of Dreams by Coldplay and Any Color You Like by Pink Floyd fuel my imagination. The drums in Exit Strategy of A Wrecking Ball drive me crazy!!!
Aesthetic: sitting by the fire in a wooden house, rain outside, drinking hot cocoa or coffee, reading if alone, listening to chill music or watching something nice while snuggling with someone. also SPACE!!!!!!
I tag: whoever wants to do it, say I tagged you <3
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