#led products suppliers
Premier LED Lighting Solutions and Suppliers in Dubai
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Discover an array of LED lights online that cater to your specific requirements with ease. Our platform features top-notch LED products suppliers and reputable LED suppliers in Dubai, making it simple to enhance your space with modern lighting solutions. With a variety of lighting suppliers in Dubai at your fingertips, you're sure to find quality and innovation that will illuminate your life while saving energy. Transform your environment with our exceptional LED offerings!
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deliverelectrical · 2 months
Best Indoor LED Lighting Options Combine Style and Functionality
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Illuminate your space with the best indoor LED lighting in Staffordshire, UK. Our guide showcases top lighting options that blend style with functionality to brighten up any room. From sleek, modern designs to energy-efficient solutions, discover how indoor LED lighting in Staffordshire, UK can transform your home or office. We’ve curated a selection that lightens up your space and enhances its aesthetic appeal. Ready to upgrade? Explore our picks and find the perfect indoor LED lighting that combines elegance and practicality, making your space shine both beautifully and efficiently.
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johnypage95 · 6 months
Safety and Wellbeing of Workers Invest in Gloves:-
In the busy industrial world, the demand for high-quality personal protective equipment (PPE) is very much crucial. Gloves play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and well-being of workers across various sectors. To meet this demand, businesses and industries look for trustworthy suppliers who offer a full range of gloves in the UAE. Anamta LLC, one of the best in business in UAE for all PPE requirements. https://www.anamtallc.com/blog/safety-and-wellbeing-of-workers-invest-in-gloves.html
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iprolight · 1 year
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iPRO Light is your reliable LED lights supplier engaged in providing energy-efficient than traditional incandescent bulbs, making them a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money
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technousa · 2 years
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Introducing the Unique Smart LED Vapor Tight / Tri-proof Light – a state-of-the-art lighting solution with several features to offer enhanced flexibility and ease of use. This LED light covers you whether you need lighting solutions for supermarkets, storage units, pathways, garages, or stairwells.
The luminaire is designed to allow you to install sensors or IOT controllers later in time if needed. It features a plug-and-play sensor configuration that allows for easy and convenient installation, and the field-adjustable power and color temperature provide even more flexibility.
The LED Vapor Tight / Tri-proof Light comes with a 0-10V dimming option, and you can choose from among Motion & Daylight sensor, ZigBee Bluetooth, and Wireless Daintree compliant options. With an IP65 rating, this light is built to last through all kinds of outdoor and indoor conditions, and it complies with ETL, DLC Premium, and CE standards.
This product comes with a 5-year limited warranty, and it is easy to install with suspension, ½’’NPT pendant mount, and a range of sensor and wireless options. The various pluggable receptacles available include SR Sensor, MS01 Motion Sensor <50 Ft, MS02 Motion Sensor <40 Ft, ZG01 Zigbee Wireless control, BT01 Bluetooth control, EM – Emergency Backup (not included for 8ft).
Regarding mounting options, the standard chain/cable or surface mount makes it easy to securely and safely mount the light wherever needed. Additionally, you can choose to use the C6 6 ft cord or any other length as per your requirement. Upgrade your lighting solution with the Unique Smart LED Vapor Tight / Tri-proof Light today!
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vizona-australia · 2 years
LED lights have many advantages over traditional sports lighting. Some of the benefits of upgrading to LED sports lighting include:
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indoorlights · 2 years
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LED Center Basket Troffer Luminaire is high performance lumens per watt offer deepest energy savings. Durable white aluminum body & frosted PC lens. 100% Mercury & Lead Free. Proudly Made in India.
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abhishekjagranplay · 2 years
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Boeing’s deliberately defective fleet of flying sky-wreckage
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I'm touring my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me TOMORROW (May 2) in WINNIPEG, then Calgary (May 3), Vancouver (May 4), Tartu, Estonia, and beyond!
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Boeing's 787 "Dreamliner" is manufactured far from the company's Seattle facility, in a non-union shop in Charleston, South Carolina. At that shop, there is a cage full of defective parts that have been pulled from production because they are not airworthy.
Hundreds of parts from that Material Review Segregation Area (MRSA) were secretly pulled from that cage and installed on aircraft that are currently plying the world's skies. Among them, sections 47/48 of a 787 – the last four rows of the plane, along with its galley and rear toilets. As Moe Tkacik writes in her excellent piece on Boeing's lethally corrupt culture of financialization and whistleblower intimidation, this is a big ass chunk of an airplane, and there's no way it could go missing from the MRSA cage without a lot of people knowing about it:
More: MRSA parts are prominently emblazoned with red marks denoting them as defective and unsafe. For a plane to escape Boeing's production line and find its way to a civilian airport near you with these defective parts installed, many people will have to see and ignore this literal red flag.
The MRSA cage was a special concern of John "Swampy" Barnett, the Boeing whistleblower who is alleged to have killed himself in March. Tkacik's earlier profile of Swampy paints a picture of a fearless, stubborn engineer who refused to go along to get along, refused to allow himself to become inured to Boeing's growing culture of profits over safety:
Boeing is America's last aviation company and its single largest exporter. After the company was allowed to merge with its rival McDonnell-Douglas in 1997, the combined company came under MDD's notoriously financially oriented management culture. MDD CEO Harry Stonecipher became Boeing's CEO in the early 2000s. Stonecipher was a protege of Jack Welch, the man who destroyed General Electric with cuts to quality and workforce and aggressive union-busting, a classic Mafia-style "bust-out" that devoured the company's seed corn and left it a barren wasteland:
Post-merger, Boeing became increasingly infected with MDD's culture. The company chased cheap, less-skilled labor to other countries and to America's great onshore-offshore sacrifice zone, the "right-to-work" American south, where bosses can fire uppity workers who balked at criminal orders, without the hassle of a union grievance.
Stonecipher was succeeded by Jim "Prince Jim" McNerney, ex-3M CEO, another Jack Welch protege (Welch spawned a botnet of sociopath looters who seized control of the country's largest, most successful firms, and drove them into the ground). McNerney had a cute name for the company's senior engineers: "phenomenally talented assholes." He created a program to help his managers force these skilled workers – everyone a Boeing who knew how to build a plane – out of the company.
McNerney's big idea was to get rid of "phenomenally talented assholes" and outsource the Dreamliner's design to Boeing's suppliers, who were utterly dependent on the company and could easily be pushed around (McNerney didn't care that most of these companies lacked engineering departments). This resulted in a $80b cost overrun, and a last-minute scramble to save the 787 by shipping a "cleanup crew" from Seattle to South Carolina, in the hopes that those "phenomenally talented assholes" could save McNerney's ass.
Swampy was part of the cleanup crew. He was terrified by what he saw there. Boeing had convinced the FAA to let them company perform its own inspections, replacing independent government inspectors with Boeing employees. The company would mark its own homework, and it swore that it wouldn't cheat.
Boeing cheated. Swampy dutifully reported the legion of safety violations he witnessed and was banished to babysit the MRSA, an assignment his managers viewed as a punishment that would isolate Swampy from the criminality he refused to stop reporting. Instead, Swampy audited the MRSA, and discovered that at least 420 defective aviation components had gone missing from the cage, presumably to be installed in planes that were behind schedule. Swampy then audited the keys to the MRSA and learned that hundreds of keys were "floating around" the Charleston facility. Virtually anyone could liberate a defective part and install it into an airplane without any paper trail.
Swampy's bosses had a plan for dealing with this. They ordered Swampy to "pencil whip" the investigations of 420 missing defective components and close the cases without actually figuring out what happened to them. Swampy refused.
Instead, Swampy took his concerns to a departmental meeting where 12 managers were present and announced that "if we can’t find them, any that we can’t find, we need to report it to the FAA." The only response came from a supervisor, who said, "We’re not going to report anything to the FAA."
The thing is, Swampy wasn't just protecting the lives of the passengers in those defective aircraft – he was also protecting Boeing employees. Under Sec 38 of the US Criminal Code, it's a 15-year felony to make any "materially false writing, entry, certification, document, record, data plate, label, or electronic communication concerning any aircraft or space vehicle part."
(When Swampy told a meeting that he took this seriously because "the paperwork is just as important as the aircraft" the room erupted in laughter.)
Swampy sent his own inspectors to the factory floor, and they discovered "dozens of red-painted defective parts installed on planes."
Swampy blew the whistle. How did the 787 – and the rest of Boeing's defective flying turkeys – escape the hangar and find their way into commercial airlines' fleets? Tkacik blames a 2000 whistleblower law called AIR21 that:
creates such byzantine procedures, locates adjudication power in such an outgunned federal agency, and gives whistleblowers such a narrow chance of success that it effectively immunizes airplane manufacturers, of which there is one in the United States, from suffering any legal repercussions from the testimony of their own workers.
By his own estimation, Swampy was ordered to commit two felonies per week for six years. Tkacik explains that this kind of operation relies on a culture of ignorance – managers must not document their orders, and workers must not be made aware of the law. Whistleblowers like Swampy, who spoke the unspeakable, were sidelined (an assessment by one of Swampy's managers called him "one of the best" and finished that "leadership would give hugs and high fives all around at his departure").
Multiple whistleblowers were singled out for retaliation and forced departure. William Hobek, a quality manager who refused to "pencil whip" the missing, massive 47-48 assembly that had wandered away from the MRSA cage, was given a "weak" performance review and fired despite an HR manager admitting that it was bogus.
Another quality manager, Cynthia Kitchens, filed an ethics complaint against manager Elton Wright who responded to her persistent reporting of defects on the line by shoving her against a wall and shouting that Boeing was "a good ol’ boys’ club and you need to get on board." Kitchens was fired in 2016. She had cancer at the time.
John Woods, yet another quality engineer, was fired after he refused to sign off on a corner-cutting process to repair a fuselage – the FAA later backed up his judgment.
Then there's Sam Salehpour, the 787 quality engineer whose tearful Congressional testimony described more corner-cutting on fuselage repairs:
Salehpour's boss followed the Boeing playbook to the letter: Salehpour was constantly harangued and bullied, and he was isolated from colleagues who might concur with his assessment. When Salehpour announced that he would give Congressional testimony, his car was sabotaged under mysterious circumstances.
It's a playbook. Salehpour's experience isn't unusual at Boeing. Two other engineers, working on the 787 Organization Designation Authorization, held up production by insisting that the company fix the planes' onboard navigation computers. Their boss gave them a terrible performance review, admitting that top management was furious at the delays and had ordered him to punish the engineers. The engineers' union grievance failed, with Boeing concluding that this conduct – which they admitted to – didn't rise to the level of retaliation.
As Tkacik points out, these engineers and managers that Boeing targeted for intimidation and retaliation are the very same staff who are supposed to be performing inspections of behalf of the FAA. In other words, Boeing has spent years attacking its own regulator, with total impunity.
But it's not just the FAA who've failed to take action – it's also the DOJ, who have consistently declined to bring prosecutions in most cases, and who settled the rare case they did bring with "deferred prosecution agreements." This pattern was true under Trump's DOJ and continued under Biden's tenure. Biden's prosecutors have been so lackluster that a federal judge "publicly rebuked the DOJ for failing to take seriously the reputational damage its conduct throughout the Boeing case was inflicting on the agency."
Meanwhile, there's the AIR21 rule, a "whistleblower" rule that actually protects Boeing from whistleblowers. Under AIR21, an aviation whistleblower who is retaliated against by their employer must first try to resolve their problem internally. If that fails, the whistleblower has only one course of action: file an OSHA complaint within 90 days (if HR takes more than 90 days to resolve your internal complaint, you can no have no further recourse). If you manage to raise a complaint with OSHA, it is heard by a secret tribunal that has no subpoena power and routinely takes five years to rule on cases, and rules against whistleblowers 97% of the time.
Boeing whistleblowers who missed the 90-day cutoff have filled the South Carolina courts with last-ditch attempts to hold the company to account. When they lose these cases – as is routine, given Boeing's enormous legal muscle and AIR21's legal handcuffs – they are often ordered to pay Boeing's legal costs.
Tkacik cites Swampy's lawyer, Rob Turkewitz, who says Swampy was the only one of Boeing's whistleblowers who was "savvy, meticulous, and fast-moving enough to bring an AIR 21 case capable of jumping through all the hoops" to file an AIR21 case, which then took seven years. Turkewitz calls Boeing South Carolina "a criminal enterprise."
That's a conclusion that's hard to argue with. Take Boeing's excuse for not producing the documentation of its slapdash reinstallation of the Alaska Air door plug that fell off its plane in flight: the company says it's not criminally liable for failing to provide the paperwork, because it never documented the repair. Not documenting the repair is also a crime.
You might have heard that there's some accountability coming to the Boeing boardroom, with the ouster of CEO David Calhoun. Calhoun's likely successor is Patrick Shanahan, whom Tkacik describes as "the architect of the ethos that governed the 787 program" and whom her source called "a classic schoolyard bully."
If Shanahan's name rings a bell, it might be because he was almost Trump's Secretary of Defense, but that was derailed by the news that he had "emphatically defended" his 17 year old son after the boy nearly beat his mother to death with a baseball bat. Shanahan is presently CEO of Spirit Aerospace, who made the door-plug that fell out of the Alaska Airlines 737 Max.
Boeing is a company where senior managers only fail up and where whistleblowers are terrorized in and out of the workplace. One of Tkacik's sources noticed his car shimmying. The source, an ex-787 worker who'd been fired after raising safety complaints, had tried to bring an AIR21 complaint, but withdrew it out of fear of being bankrupted if he was ordered to pay Boeing's legal costs. When the whistleblower pulled over, he discovered that two of the lug-nuts had been removed from one of his wheels.
The whistleblower texted Tkcacik to say (not for the first time): "If anything happens, I'm not suicidal."
Boeing is a primary aerospace contractor to the US government. It's clear that its management – and investors – consider it too big to jail. It's also clear that they know it's too big to fail – after all, the company did a $43b stock buyback, then got billions in a publicly funded buyback.
Boeing is, effectively, a government agency that is run for the benefit of its investors. It performs its own safety inspections. It investigates its own criminal violations of safety rules. It loots its own coffers and then refills them at public expense.
Meanwhile, the company has filled our skies with at least 420 airplanes with defective, red-painted parts that were locked up in the MRSA cage, then snuck out and fitted to an airplane that you or someone you love could fly on the next time you take your family on vacation or fly somewhere for work.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Tom Axford 1 (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_sky_with_wisps_of_cloud_on_a_clear_summer_morning.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
Clemens Vasters (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:N7379E_-_Boeing_737_MAX_9.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
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zvaigzdelasas · 7 months
Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov visited Washington on February 20-21. He held meetings with senior U.S. officials and secured an agreement that could be a significant step towards boosting Azerbaijani gas exports to Europe.
The sides "agreed to cooperate in the direction of US support for the expansion" of the Southern Gas corridor - the three pipelines that carry Azerbaijani gas exports to Europe, according to the Azerbaijani Energy Ministry's readout.[...]
Azerbaijan's Energy Ministry reported on February 21 that Shahbazov also met with U.S. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm.
Their meeting included discussions of possible bilateral cooperation on the supply of both gas and "green energy," with views exchanged on "energy security projects implemented by Azerbaijan as a traditional energy supplier," as well as the development of the Caspian-Black Sea-Europe and Central Asia-Azerbaijan-Europe green energy corridors."
Also discussed were issues related to the United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP29 which Azerbaijan will host in Baku between November 11-24 this year.
Shahbazov's Washington trip could be viewed as primarily a courtesy call ahead of COP 29.
However, the Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to the near complete cessation of Russian gas exports to Europe, resulting in a surge of interest in transiting gas from both Azerbaijan and its fellow Caspian littoral state Turkmenistan to Europe.[...]
In July 2022, Azerbaijan and the European Union reached a landmark agreement to double Azerbaijani gas exports to Europe to 20 billion cubic meters a year by the end of 2027.
Progress has been slow with exports last year reaching only 11.8 billion cubic meters, and no decisions taken on the major investments needed to expand the capacity of the sequence of three pipelines that make up the Southern Gas Corridor which carries Azerbaijan's gas to Europe. [...]
Expanding the three pipelines will be costly, with all three lines requiring expensive new compressors and the SCP line also possibly requiring the laying of a new parallel pipeline.
A decision on the necessary investments will need to be taken soon if Azerbaijan is to meet its promise to Brussels. [...]
Azerbaijan's main gas and oil producer BP confirmed on February 9 that it expects to start gas production from the deep gas field below its ACG oil field in Azerbaijan's sector of the Caspian, as soon as early next year.
26 Feb 24
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The Best LED Module Suppliers for Your Lighting Needs
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When it comes to choosing the right lighting for your project, partnering with reputable LED module suppliers is essential. These suppliers offer a wide range of LED modules that are energy-efficient and perfect for various applications. Explore our curated list of suppliers to find the best options available to illuminate your workspaces, homes, and outdoor areas with ease and style.
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deliverelectrical · 3 months
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Energy-Saving Features of GU10 Downlights Enhance Your Space
Explore the energy-saving features of GU10 downlights in Staffordshire UK. Discover how these lights enhance your space with efficient illumination, reduced energy consumption, and longer lifespan. Learn about their versatility in indoor and outdoor settings, offering brightness control and aesthetic appeal. Choose from a variety of designs and technologies that optimise lighting performance and minimise environmental impact. Whether for residential or commercial use, GU10 downlights provide a sustainable lighting solution that transforms your space while saving on energy costs. Stay ahead with innovative lighting solutions tailored to Staffordshire's needs for efficiency and style.
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dailytomlinson · 8 months
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tanck.co: LOUIS TOMLINSON - FAITH IN THE FUTURE USA/UK/ASIA —— Back out for our second time around the world, bigger badder and bolder. —— Creative Direction - @tanck.co @louist91 @mrmattvines Production Design - @tanck.co —— Content - @tanck.co @twosunscreative @boxcat.studio Lighting Programming - @jameswashr @tanck.co Video Programming - @jackfonelvd @tanck.co Tour Manager - @tomallentm Production Management - Craig Sherwood Stage Manager - @torinarnold Tech Manager - @cornishman_on_tour LX/Rigging/Video Supplier - @coloursoundexperiment Set - @hangman_sets @oxeventhouse LED - @led_creative_ltd Explosions - @bpmsfx @jack_webber THE GANG - Unbelievable support and consistent good vibes from the whole team. @james.box @rickcarr87 @amytehseen kieranhancox @timcurwen @mallandaindave @3oh33y @ed.driver Frank Williams, Harry Reeves, Ian Bracewell, Alex Walker SOUND + NOISE @jdelf oli_crump bp_audi0 @matt_dot_c Chris Freeman @danelytech @scottyanderson_ + many, many more... 📷 - @joshuahalling oli_crump @freshtodeath
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louisupdates · 8 months
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Back out for our second time around the world, bigger badder and bolder.
Creative Direction - @tanck.co @louist91 @mrmattvines
Production Design - @tanck.co
Content - @tanck.co @twosunscreative @boxcat.studio
Lighting Programming - @jameswashr @tanck.co
Video Programming - @jackfonelvd @tanck.co
Tour Manager - @tomallentm
Production Management - Craig Sherwood
Stage Manager - @torinarnold
Tech Manager - @cornishman_on_tour
LX/Rigging/Video Supplier - @coloursoundexperiment
Set - @hangman_sets @oxeventhouse
LED - @led_creative_ltd
Explosions - @bpmsfx @jack_webber
THE GANG - Unbelievable support and consistent good vibes from the whole team.
@james.box @rickcarr87 @amytehseen kieranhancox @timcurwen @mallandaindave @3oh33y @ed.driver Frank Williams, Harry Reeves, Ian Bracewell, Alex Walker
@jdelf oli_crump bp_audi0 @matt_dot_c Chris Freeman @danelytech @scottyanderson_
+ many, many more...
📷 - @joshuahalling @oli_sound @freshtodeath
 #lightingdesign #lightingdesigner #lightingdesigners #productiondesign #ProductionDesigner #creativedirection #creativedirectors #concert #concertphotography #stagelights #stagelight #stagelighting #stagedesign #lightdesign #scenography #liveevents #grandma2
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
The Kamala Harris campaign announced today that it will present a plan to ban “price gouging” by food suppliers. In other words, the Harris campaign plans to mandate price controls. According to UPI: 
Vice President Kamala Harris will propose a federal ban on corporate food and grocery price gouging when she lays out her policies in a North Carolina campaign speech Friday. According to the campaign, the proposal against price gouging is part of the larger Harris economic policy platform she plans to roll out publicly at a Friday campaign rally in Raleigh. “There’s a big difference between fair pricing in competitive markets, and excessive prices unrelated to the costs of doing business,” the Harris campaign said in a statement. “Americans can see that difference in their grocery bills.” Directly addressing soaring meat prices, Harris will focus on corporate consolidation in that market as one reason meat prices are so high.
Get ready for rising prices and shortages in meat and other groceries, because that’s where laws against “price gouging”—which are price controls—lead.
We know this because it’s happened before in the United States. In the 1970s, thanks to years of big-time federal spending on wars and welfare programs, the US abandoned its gold obligations under the Bretton Woods system, and Nixon closed the gold window.
Knowing that this would cause prices to rapidly rise, the Nixon administration also implemented a number of wage and price controls as part of a “temporary” 90-day freeze on wages, prices, and rents. These were the first peacetime price controls in US history. As you might guess, however, price controls did not end of 90 days. Only the “freeze” lasted 90 days. After that, prices would be governed by a “Price Commission” and “Pay Board” that would only slowly abolish price controls—but not until after the 1972 election, of course.
By early 1973, many producers had endured price controls for 18 months. In 1973 a US Senate report concluded that price controls had caused a breakdown in energy production and distribution. Fueld shortages were “far more extensive than anticipated.” This led to prices meant it was no longer profitable for many producers to bring products to markets. The supply of goods and services fell while prices rose.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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Appropriate Technology: In Whose Hands?
In the 1960s and ‘70s criticism of the dominant technological forms led to the limited development of ‘alternative’, and later ‘appropriate’, technology. Its characteristics are minimal use of non-renewable resources, minimal environmental interference, support for regional/local self-reliance and elimination of the alienation and exploitation of labour. Examples included energy production from “soft”, renewable resources such as solar, wave, and wind power. However, a genuine appropriate technology can only be developed on a significant scale after a revolution. Vested interests (and the marginal status of most appropriate technology supporters) will not allow it before. This is illustrated by the British state’s deliberate sabotage of pioneering soft energy technologies over the last two decades, particularly wave power. It is only recently that the large energy corporations and suppliers have begun to build wind farms and buy up solar technologies. Suddenly government subsidies are on the increase. We wonder why?
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