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frankveda · 4 months ago
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Wieder mal ein Gericht, das in die Saison passt ! Sauerkraut mit Würstl und Kartoffelpüree ! Ich mags ja lieber mit einer richtigen Blutwurst und einer (flüssigen) Leberwurst !
Viel Spaß mit #veda_food !
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robertdanielwirth · 5 months ago
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der-saisonkoch · 9 months ago
Ich weiß jetzt nicht, ob Sie zu den Genießern von Leberwurst gehören. Zumindest ist das bei dem Fleischer eine der gefragtesten Würste. Vielleicht kennen Sie den Autounfall. Das ist Topfwurst von Leber- und Blutwurst, der allgemein mit neuen Kartoffeln serviert wird. Oft zusammen mit Wellfleisch usw.. Für gewöhnlich wird in den Monaten mit R geschlachtet. Das hat traditionell etwas mit den…
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markgraeflerin · 10 months ago
Weiße Rüben (Räbe, Stoppelrübe, Herbstrübe) - mit Speck
Nun kommt der vorerst letzte Beitrag zum Thema Rüeblimärt in Aarau. Nicht mehr so farbenfroh präsentiert sich die Räbe, die Herbstrübe oder auch Stoppelrübe und weiße Rübe genannt, wenn sie gekocht ist. Mancherorts werden sie auch „Saurüebe” genannt – ob das wohl daher kommt, dass man diese Rüben auch an Säue verfüttert hat, oder weil man den Speck darin gart??? Überlebensnotwendig war sie früher…
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thelastschnitzel · 1 year ago
I've banned meat from my Abendbrot, which is the logical thing to do but
Every once in a while
I have a desperate need for Leberwurst.
I need grobe Leberwurst tonight.
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lindwurmkai · 10 days ago
Americans: it's called a burger if there's a meat patty in it (or meat replacement patty as substitution)
Also Americans: but this particular kind of meat patty is called a "sausage" and if you use that one it's not a burger
I give up I am so confused 😭
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moss-guide · 4 months ago
train etiquette is something that's foreign to middle aged people somehow
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meerschweinchen-archive · 2 years ago
oh so my notation "wasn't structured" and my solution was "groundless" well I did all that in my head just trust me okay
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rottenclownfish · 2 years ago
the audacity of people telling me/queer peeps how to dress like its not always the most basic people doing it.
they be looking like a game character before i customize them, and they wanna tell me how i should present myself?
nah bro, you and your adidas training suit can walk yourselves home.
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schadenfreudich · 2 years ago
I said something that Hans didn't like, so I asked "Wer ist eine beleidigte Leberwurst?" and now he's staring at me like he's planning to kill me.
Well, I guess I know who the beleidigte Leberwurst is.
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schattenhonig · 5 months ago
Important and true words!
Look, from what I gathered, a lot of people fought for those 90 minutes and the alternative isn't even nothing, it's the Final Fifteen as our conclusion.
I've had two favourite shows cancelled this year without a satisfying conclusion, so I'm going to take this and be damn grateful.
Am I annoyed? Yes. Am I disappointed? Hell yes. Am I going to be an eingeschnappte Leberwurst* about it? No. I'm going to put on my big girl pants and whine to my therapist about it.
*Eingeschnappte Leberwurst: German for sulking, especially children. Literally "sulking liver sausage"
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guys, phrased like this we're telling Amazon "we don't want the movie, either 6 episode or nothing" Please, please, let's at least rephrase it. Let's at least let Amazon know that we WANT THE MOVIE if the alternative is NOTHING
Rhianna Pratchett clearly said that it is "very unlikely" that fans can do anything to have the 6 episodes back, so please let's be grateful with this 90 minutes they're gifting us and let's not lose these as well.
It's ok to be disappointed, to be sad and every other possible emotion you're feeling, about having the last season a lot shorter than it was supposed to be, but this can coexist with being glad to have one double episode instead of zero
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opheliagreif · 2 months ago
Ungefilterter Politik-Wut-Post:
Merz verhält sich wie ein von einer Frau zurückgewiesener Mann, der wie eine beleidigte, unreflektierte Leberwurst alles anders macht als die Frau, die ihn damals kaltgestellt hat und damit ein ganzes Land für seine Privatfehde in den Abgrund stürzt.
(Dass Merkel ihn damals in die Ecke gestellt und politisch klein gemacht hat, war mit das Beste, was sie getan hat. Ich wünschte nur, es wäre nachhaltiger.)
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thelastschnitzel · 10 months ago
When you have a tough week and you decide to spoil your German ass and get real Leberwurst for your daily Abendbrot 🤤
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freezerbunny-sims2 · 7 days ago
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I added the mill, the barracks and a knight. Sir Leberwurst starts a new quest that reminds me a lot of the start of Nimona.
I'll try to take more pictures of the quests.
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kaxen · 2 years ago
I also don't know how to tell Tumblr to only show my 621 looking femme only if 621 looks kind of fucked up. Generically attractive anime girls will not do!
I think Tumblr's been tuning the For You page, but now instead of showing me too much shit out of left field, it's like HAVE YOU CONSIDERED LOOKING AT THE BLOGS YOU WATCH ONE MORE TIME.
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chiara-klara-claire · 2 years ago
funny idioms
My personal selection of idioms collected here and there. my posts - resources masterpost | aesthetic idioms | words with cute literal meaning
Icelandic 🇮🇸
Ég borga bara með reiðufé 🐑💰 - I only pay with an angry sheep: Okay, but I don't have to like it
að taka einhvern í bakaríið 🥯 - to take someone to the bakery: used as a threat, often in sports, when your adversary is about to experience a heavy defeat.
Finnish 🇫🇮 @finnish-sayings
kissanristiäiset 🐱 - a cat’s christening: an unimportant event or holiday
nakki ja muusi 🍲 - in the year sausage and mashed potatoes: long ago
Ilma on kuin linnunmaitoa 🥛🐦- The weather is like bird’s milk: The weather is wonderful.
Hänella ei ole kaikki muumit laksossa - he/she doesn’t have all the moomins in the valley: they’re crazy
Norwegian 🇳🇴 @hazel3017
Nappe seg i løken 🧅 - Yank the onion: a man who masturbates
Høy på pæra 🍐- High on pears: someone who is arrogant (head gets so big it looks like a pear)  
Det er helt Texas! : That’s completely Texas! That’s crazy!
Swedish 🇸🇪( @escapenorth-blog )
Den är paj 🥧 - It’s pie. “It doesn’t work.”
du är ute och cyklar! 🚲 - you’re out and riding your bike! “You don’t know what you’re talking about!”
Fårskalle 🐑 💀 - sheep skull ; hissen går inte gela vägen upp- the elevator doesn’t go all the way up: stupid
släng dig i väggen - throw yourself against a wall: take a hike 🌲
Danish 🇩🇰 @vikinglanguage
der er kommunister i lysthuset*- communists are in the funhouse: when someone has their period 🩸🏠
skide grønne grise 🐖 💩 - to shit green pigs: be extremely frightened 😰
gåsevin 🍷🦆– goose wine: Water
pølsetysker 🌭 🇩🇪 – sausage german: a very German German or just a way to call Germans you dislike
ikke helt appelsinfri* 🍊 - not entirely orange-free: drunk 🤠
at tale flydende svensk* 🗣🇸🇪 - to speak Swedish fluently / tale i den store hvide telefon**☎️- talk in the big white telefon / ringe til Ulrik** 📞 : to call Ulrik: to throw up 🤮
at skyde papegøjen 🦜🔫- to shoot the parrot: to have luck
Dutch 🇳🇱
Helaas Pindakaas 🥜 - too bad peanut butter (“peanut cheese”): too bad, which rhymes with pindakaas = 🇩🇪 Schade Marmelade: same as Dutch, but with jam
German 🇩🇪 this post by @for-the-love-of-wolves-studies and this @moami
einen Clown zum Frühstück essen/frühstücken 🤡 🍽️- eating a clown for breakfast: not behaving decently/having bad humor
bekannt wie ein bunter Hund 🐶 🌈 - known as a colorful dog: someone known all over town
fuchsteufelswild 🦊 - fox devil wild: super mad
einen Vogel haben 🐦 - to have a bird: to be crazy
Ich glaub mein Schwein pfeift 🐷 - I think my pig whistles: I think I’m dreaming  
die Gurkentruppe 🥒 - cucumber brigade: bunch of bunglers  
Durch den Kakao ziehen 🍫-  throw someone into chocolate: to make fun of somebody or something, to roast someone
die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen 🌭 - to play the offended liver sausage: being very resentful
Hans Wurst 🌭 - Hans Sausage: name to call a stupid person (both m/f)
jetzt haben wir den Salat 🥗 - now we have the salad: look at this disaster that we now have 
jemanden hinwünschen, wo der Pfeffer wächst 🧂 - wish somebody would be where pepper grows: to want somebody to be as far away as possible
nah am Wasser gebaut 💧- built close to the water: someone that is easily moved to tears
italian 🇮🇹
Cascare dal pero 🍐 🌳  - fall from the pear tree - find out about something when you were supposed to know it
Far venire il latte alle ginocchia 🥛- make milk come from one’s knees: being a pain/ annoying,
Andare a rane** 🐸 - go (as) frogs: something like online connection is lagging
fare la figura del cioccolataio 🍫 - make a chocolatier’s impression: to make a fool of yourself, be responsible for embarrassing cockups
Che pizza! 🍕 - What a pizza!: “Nuts!”/ used Wien you are bored or annoyed at something
cavolo! 🥬- cabbage!/ used as edulcorated form of 'damn/f**k'. che cavolo vuoi? - what [the] cabbage do you want?
Essere alla frutta 🍎 🍌 - to be at [the moment of] fruit: when the situation is very bad (meals usually end with eating fruit), to emphasize this some people might say al caffè, al dolce ☕️ 🍰(coffee, dessert time)
Un limone 🍋- a lemon: a make out session
French 🇫🇷 this
Chanter en yaourt - sing in yogurt: singing in gibberish, random sounds pretending to sing in [English]
Poser un lapin 🐇 - to put a rabbit: To stand someone up
Avoir le cafard 🪳 - to have the cockroach: To be depressed
Tomber dans les pommes 🍎🍏 - To fall in the apples: To faint
Donner sa langue au chat 👅 🐈- to give one’s tongue to the cat: I have no idea/I give up. used to say you don’t know about something and are unable to give an answer.
Polish 🇵🇱 @pol-ski this post
można z konie kraść 🐎- you can steal horses with him: a trustworthy person
co ma piernik do wiatracka - what does gingerbread have to do with a windmill: it’s irrelevant
*: apparently not used much but wanted to include them cause they’re hilarious; **: maybe regional/use limited to an area
Thanks for contributions: @dasloddl (de), @tetsunabouquet (nl)
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