disenbeaniechantment · 2 months
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DISENCHANTMENT 4.08 - Spy Vs. Spy Vs. Spy
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just-katp · 2 years
I- 💀💀💀
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mandareeboo · 1 year
Canon things that happen in Disenchantment
The MC's name is Tiabeanie. Her parents somehow thought it was a good idea to shorten it to Bean.
Every elf has an -o at the end of their names. Elfo, Grifto, Leavo, Shocko, etc. Except for one named Kissy.
Bean's almost-husband was turned into a pig. He still lives in the castle and chats with her occasionally.
Mermaids and walruses are confirmed to have the same siren quality
Bean has not only been to hell, she convinced her friend to tell God to fuck off and join her
Bean killed Hansel and Gretel. Yes, THAT Hansel and Gretel.
Bean's mom killed her parents
Elfo's dad stole his college fund
The king spent an entire episode slowly dying in a casket. His mind fell apart from the stress of the whole thing
Elfo blinded a prince
Bean's brother almost got her burnt at the stake. The almost is because it failed
There's also a steampunk land with guns that just. Exists.
Speaking of Bean got a glock.
It did not go so well
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softrobotcritics · 2 years
Robots that can burrow
*Especially in loose, wet sand.
“We present EMBUR—EMerita BUrrowing Robot—the first legged robot inspired by the Pacific mole crab, Emerita analoga, capable of burrowing vertically downward.”
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giffypudding · 2 years
I think we're lost
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lauras-happy-place · 3 years
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Pirate characters
Part two
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r10t3r · 5 years
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joemerl · 5 years
Why did the elves move to Dreamland? I get that there’s some secret reason that likely ties into those amphorae/whatever Dagmar is looking for, but what’s their official reason? I thought it was that they were waiting for Dreamland to have enough money to pay them back for reviving everyone (which technically they promised the pirates, but then Leavo stayed behind so whatever), but in “The Dreamland Job” they owe Zog taxes for some reason. Rulo says that he’s king of “Elfwood-in-Exile,” but nobody exiled them. They came to help Dreamland out, then decided, seemingly for no reason, to abandon their idyllic pocket dimension to live in the most squalid part of a squalid dictatorship. Why does nobody in the show question this?
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youthere1 · 5 years
😂 #Elfo #Leavo #Disenchantment #NowStreaming #Netflix https://www.instagram.com/p/B3SyBOoh15U/?igshid=1uhz0lmr3i362
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And there's one person, well, elf, well, trog. Well, whatever the hell he is, we have to thank for dedicating decades to the search that would unite us all, Dread Pirate Leavo.
DISENCHANTMENT 4.09 - The Goo-Bye Girl
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fydreamland · 6 years
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[Uh, if you wanted help, you should’ve found Helpo. Oh, wait, he died trying to help me.]
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music-movies-mayhem · 3 years
Sure I can name all the elves in Disenchantment.
We've got: Elfo, Shocko, Leavo, Blorbo, Pops, Rulo...
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pheita · 3 years
Worldbuilding "Guild Hunter Sojan" The World itself
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The world of Guild Hunter Sojan is a bit special. Not only because humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and demons live together and everyone knows that there are different dimensions.
It is known, at least to historians, that this world was once the dimension of humans and during the interdimensional war not only did the nature of the human dimension change due to the attacks but also that due to circumstances that no one can fathom anymore, there was an exchange of landmasses between all the dimensions involved. Scholars assume that Layvandan once came from the dimension of the dwarves, Duwos is the only landmass that really comes from this dimension. In the case of the continent of Amitan, it is unclear whether it is of orcish or elven origin, but since the archipelago south of Amitan is more elven in nature, it is believed that Amitan was formed from a collision of orc and elven dimensions. How exactly the demons fit into this has never been investigated, largely due to the demons' bad reputation among humans. Elven scholars think that Duwos is not completely from the human dimension, and the north and north-east are parts from the demon world.
The continent of Duwos as the main showplace has everything from the cold north-east to the warm south. While in the north there are at least 4 months of snow a year, in the south snow is found only on a maximum of 2 months, but here the summers are almost unbearably hot. The largest forest of the continent is found in the south-west and surrounds the largest lake of the continent. The second-largest lake is located in the south, closer to the largest mountain range that divides the southeast from the rest of the continent.
Seasons and such have been preserved from the dimension, and so nothing stranger is found here than people have not been used to for ages. Through this tearing apart and remixing, however, some plants and animals have joined, either through mutations or through the portals. Within the scholars and knowledgeable people, the dimension got the following names: Midtarr - The home dimension of humans Moikrahan - The home dimension of dwarves Flimhyr - The home dimension of the elves Vowi'quimak - The home dimension of the orcs Bashat'Vil - The home of lust, dream, memory, melody and shifter demons (it is rumored at least two of them come from a different dimension a long time ago) Cadenim - The home of fox and dragon demons Dimension known from the history records and myths among the others: Plitea- Home of a different kind of elves, cat demons and some unknown and not closer explained sentient species Myodosh - Rumored home of the memory and dream demons Leavos - Legendary dimension of a former inhabited dimension where everyone fled to at the beginning of the interdimensional war. It was a shelter for those who didn't want to fight.
@ashen-crest @adie-dee @cometkov @abalonetea @kainablue @vivian-is-writing @viskafrer @writingamongther0ses@contes-de-rheio @stormbrightwriter
There will be a post about the animals in the next days, since this will be a bit longer.
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