blossom-boo · 1 month
i know i said there's kind of no point in leashing sub!nace, because hes so good he'll follow you around without it. but what if you leashed him to tie him to the bedpost with it? sure theres rope but the leash is different, theres an inherent ownership that has him gagging for it
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shesthewave · 10 months
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battyrowan · 2 years
This was originally for jjkinktober 2021 for the prompt possession!
cw: noncon, A/B/O, vaguely historical, Stockholm syndrome, captivity, ownership, forced marriage, emotional abuse, psychological torture, mind breaking, mentions of cannibalism, exhibitionism and somno, collaring, leashing, blowjob, vaginal sex, heats, breeding/pregnancy, eventual love (if you can call it that), Yuuji has a pussy 😌🙏
Yuuji wasn’t naive. As an omega, he would eventually be selected to be wed and bred by an alpha. He didn’t expect it to be a king though.
Lord Ryomen Sukuna was a name everyone knew, no matter how far you travelled throughout Japan. There were thousands of rumours and very few of them were positive. It was said that the alpha had a harem of a hundred omegas, none of which were good enough to carry his offspring. When he was tired of them, the unfavourable omegas were sent to the kitchens to be made into a feast, all to satisfy their king one last time.
Yuuji didn’t believe the rumours but he couldn’t help but consider the possible truth behind them the moment Lord Ryoumen’s gaze fell on him for the first time. His eyes shone like rubies, cold and distant. His scent, like kindling fire, earth and cedar, stung Yuuji’s nostrils.
“Name,” the lord demanded, standing above Yuuji with his arms folded and tucked neatly in the sleeves of his ornate kimono. Part of him was in awe of how regal the alpha looked.
“I-Itadori Yuuji,” he supplied, voice quiet and wavering. “Not for much longer.”
In moments, a servant was on him, fastening a collar around Yuuji’s neck. To his horror, the suffocating collar came with a leash, which the servant dutifully handed to their lord.
“No wife of mine will hold a peasant name,” Sukuna said definitively. “You will be Ryoumen Yuuji.”
“W-What?” Yuuji stammered, suddenly dizzy and confused.
“Ensure the handler is paid handsomely,” Sukuna addressed the servant who bowed deeply in response. The king turned his attention back to the newly purchased omega, cold and unreadable. “Stand or I will drag you.”
Yuuji swallowed, feeling the leather press against his Adam’s apple. With the shaky legs of a newborn doe, he stood, only to be tugged forward abruptly. He nearly tripped but recovered to follow Sukuna, barely a metre behind him. He didn’t want to be dragged across the tatami.
Lord Ryoumen led him to what Yuuji could only assume to be the royal chamber. Sukuna firmly held on to his leash, assessing him from head to toe. “Undress.”
Yuuji stiffened, not expecting the order. He wanted to protest, but the fear lingering in his gut made him resist.
With sweaty palms and fumbling fingers, he disrobed, allowing his robes to pool to the floor. A crisp autumn breeze drifted in from the open doors to the private garden. He shivered and gooseflesh formed, but Yuuji couldn’t say if it was from the chill or Sukuna’s predatory gaze.
“You’re quite pleasing to the eye, for a mutt,” the king commented as he grazed his talons across Yuuji collarbone. Surprisingly, the lord left no markings in his wake and continued to softly explore Yuuji’s skin. Pecs, nipples, abs, biceps. Sukuna let out a hum of appreciation.
“You don’t smell like a plague rat either, not like other omegas.” Sukuna leaned in, pressing his nose just above the collar and inhaled while Yuuji did his best to hold his breath.
“Honey, lavender and bergamot, how sweet,” the king teased before licking over his pulse point.
“What are you going to do with me? Add me to your harem?” Yuuji finally snapped, unable to hold his tongue any longer. Regret and fear immediately weighed down his gut, making him flinch with anticipation of Sukuna’s ire.
The lord barked with laughter, leaving Yuuji baffled.
“My false reputation precedes me, I see,” Sukuna mused, trailing his claws gently, though dangerously, down the centre of Yuuji’s torso. “I assure you, there’s no harem. I have bedded many omegas, yes, but none have been so enticing to keep around.”
“Did you eat them?”
Lord Ryoumen let out another incredulous laugh. “Not in the cannibalistic sense, no.”
The pads of Sukuna’s fingers travelled lower and lower until they reached the mound of pink manicured hair. Yuuji gasped softly, uncertain if it was out of fear or arousal. “Yuuji.”
He shuddered at the sound of his given name on the king’s lips. “Yes, Lord Ryoumen?”
“Entertain me and behave. Do those things and I will make you my wife.”
Tears prickled in the corners of his eyes as Sukuna’s sharp fingers dipped between his folds. Yuuji was untouched, even by his own hand, and he didn’t know what to expect. When the pad of Sukuna’s finger brushed over the pink nub, Yuuji let out a sharp gasp. It felt good but… he also felt violated.
The alpha’s smell intensified, filling Yuuji’s lungs with the smoky forest-scented pheromones.
As embarrassed and reluctant as he felt in that moment, his instincts responded eagerly. When Sukuna pressed a finger inside, his cunt was already slick and preparing to be bred.
His conscious mind wanted Sukuna to stop, whereas his animal instincts just wanted more.
Sukuna retracted his fingers after only a few moments, catching Yuuji off guard. The alpha’s middle finger was coated in his slick. A flush rose to his cheeks when Sukuna brought the finger to his mouth, tasting him with a pleased hum, as though he were sampling a rich dessert.
“You taste as sweet as you smell,” Sukuna said with a wicked grin, licking his finger clean.
Without warning, the king tugged on his leash, escorting Yuuji to the large, plush futon.
“On your knees,” Sukuna commanded, gesturing to the foot of the bed.
Hesitantly, Yuuji complied. He may have been a virgin but he could guess what was coming next. Crimson eyes watched from above, looking at him expectantly. He took the hint and untied the sash holding Sukuna’s kimono closed, fumbling out of nervousness.
The animal instinct inside him salivated when he saw Sukuna’s cock. His lips parted in awe, shaken by the size and girth, uncertain how he would fit it in any cavity within his body.
His leash was pulled taut, forcing his mouth to be pressed flush against Sukuna’s length.
“Show me what you’re worth.”
A chill ran down Yuuji’s spine, identifying the underlying threat in Lord Ryoumen’s words. Keep him entertained or be disposed of. With a shaky breath and trembling lips, Yuuji shyly licked the tip of the king’s cock.
Another tug on the leash.
“I don’t have all day, brat,” Sukuna hissed, fisting Yuuji’s hair and shoving his face against his length. “Now open your mouth.”
Yuuji obeyed, opening up and allowing the tip to penetrate him. Shame filled his guts as Sukuna forced his way inside, causing him to choke.
With tears rolling down his cheeks, Yuuji forced himself to relax his jaw. Part of him wanted it to feel good for Sukuna, enough to keep him interested. Another part of him simply didn’t want to resist so it wouldn’t be any more painful than it needed to be.
“That’s a good little mutt,” Sukuna purred while pushing Yuuji’s head down further until the tip of his cock collided with the back of his throat. He coughed around the alpha, feeling sick and on the verge of puking, but he held it back out of stubbornness and willpower.
With tears, snot and saliva trailing down Yuuji’s face, he looked up at Sukuna with glassy eyes. Lord Ryoumen watched him, face twisted with sadistic pleasure and amusement, but there was something else there. Yuuji dared to think it was pride, and a dark part of him keened.
Coughs and other guttural noises sprung from Yuuji’s throat when Sukuna thrust into his mouth, pushing further and further until his nose met with the garden of pubic hair. His nose was pressed flush to Sukuna’s skin and his throat was full, making breathing a challenge. Consciousness was getting farther away as he sputtered around Sukuna’s cock. Pulling off wasn’t an option with the alpha’s hand firmly grasping his skull.
As darkness clouded his vision and his eyelids grew heavy from the lack of oxygen, Sukuna finally allowed him to breathe.
“Hm, your mouth takes my cock well enough,” the king commented, cradling Yuuji’s saliva-soaked jaw. Sukuna spoke as though he was assessing a pig for slaughter. “Let’s see how your cunt takes it. Roll over.”
Yuuji fought the urge to sob, worried about his burning throat. He rolled over like the well-behaved dog he needed to be to gain Sukuna’s favour. Being used purely for the lord’s pleasure made him feel humiliated, but his body betrayed him, tingling with excitement. His thighs were moist with slick, his cunt responding to Sukuna’s pheromones.
A firm hand gripped his hip painfully and he felt Sukuna shift closer to him. The breath was knocked out of him when the head of Sukuna’s cock breached his entrance, swallowed by Yuuji’s greedy hole.
Penetration stung, but it was pleasurable just as much as it was painful.
Tears and saliva soaked into the futon where his face was pressed down, forced to take the alpha’s cock as Sukuna pounded him. Yuuji’s entire body felt as though it was on fire with a litany of emotions: shame, arousal, fear, gratitude.
He did and didn’t want it simultaneously.
“What a good, obedient bitch you are,” Sukuna said, as if he were praising Yuuji. Maybe in the king’s mind he was. Maybe keeping Yuuji around to use him was a compliment.
Yuuji wept and clenched around Sukuna’s cock, the sounds of skin slapping together in lust feeling far away.
It was sudden and involuntary when his pussy convulsed with joy, causing his whole body to shudder with the orgasm rippling through him. Squirt slid down his thighs and lubricated Sukuna’s cock, making it easier for the alpha to sink inside Yuuji for his own gratification.
His pace was ruthless until Sukuna’s knot finally caught on the rim of Yuuji’s cunt, forcing him to remain nestled inside.
The alpha’s teeth found Yuuji’s shoulder, biting down hard enough to bleed and mark him—not as Sukuna’s mate but as a thing he owned. When he felt the alpha’s seed fill his pussy to the brim, Yuuji could only think one thing: ‘I am nothing but a possession. I belong to him now.’
Being Ryoumen Sukuna’s betrothed meant completing near-impossible tasks in order to spare his own life.
Yuuji suspected that, were he to prove his worth, he may see a more affectionate side of his husband-to-be. Although, the most likely reality was that Sukuna didn’t have a soft side to begin with.
Few liberties were afforded to him in the first weeks of captivity. Days and nights blurred together while he was tethered on a ten-foot chain within the royal chambers like a misbehaving hound. Most of the time, he was alone, aside from the servants tending to his basic needs—enough food and water to sustain him but not enough to satiate him.
When he did leave, it was on a leash at Sukuna’s behest. Lord Ryoumen only spent time with him when he wanted something, that something usually being sex. Yuuji was forced to warm his cock with a hole of his choosing, even in front of servants or during political affairs.
At night, he curled up and slept at the foot of the bed, even after Sukuna used him, conscious or not.
When his first heat came, he expected Sukuna to eagerly breed him. What he didn’t expect was to be sent to a small, windowless room akin to a cell to ride out his heat alone.
Yuuji was uncertain how many days it lasted. His body burned as he nested himself in a few thin, ratty blankets and wept. The world faded away during his timeless delirium, only to be disrupted when the door finally opened again.
When he saw Sukuna’s silhouette backlit in the threshold, he wordlessly reached out for his king, clenching and opening his hands repeatedly like a child.
“You did good, pup,” Sukuna praised him sweetly and, for once, his smile was absent of cruelty. He held Yuuji like something precious and carried him away to be bathed.
Yuuji realized in that moment that he had to suffer to become the perfect mate for his king. He was returned to the royal chamber without a leash because he earned it.
For the first time since arriving, Sukuna removed his collar and soothed the irritated skin beneath.
Yuuji knew that everything he had endured led to the moment Sukuna kissed him for the first time. His stomach coiled with heat and his heart skipped a beat when their lips met.
Melting against his alpha, Yuuji felt as though he found a home in Sukuna’s arms; he belonged there.
Yuuji loved him and Sukuna loved him back. He was certain of it. He had to be.
A sob tore through him when Sukuna marked him during their first heat together. He cried even harder when his alpha—his mate—allowed Yuuji to mark him in return.
He wanted to worship Sukuna.
His husband was so kind and gentle, even when Sukuna was bruising or scratching him from the ferocity of their mating.
“I love you,” Yuuji repeated religiously, breathless as he was bred and fucked into oblivion.
Sukuna didn’t need to say it back. Yuuji knew from the way his husband continued to scent and mark him until he was black and blue.
All it took to turn Sukuna into the doting mate Yuuji always wanted was a baby. The moment Lord Ryoumen learned his wife was pregnant, Yuuji felt accomplished.
He wasn’t an idiot. Mated or not, Yuuji knew that he was still just a possession for Sukuna to own. But, as his alpha kissed his pregnant belly and catered to his every whim, Yuuji felt happy and secure.
He was the only possession Sukuna would ever love.
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gottalovecatss · 4 months
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bamsara · 1 month
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A 'post-trod' scenario where Narinder gets cursed after a slip up on a crusade (death erasure is no longer a permanent threat because of plot secrets I won't spoil :P )
The Lamb can't go get the necessary crystals to cure him so Kallamar is sent instead so Lambert can focus on keeping Nari from eating/attacking people
Dw he's not gonna eat the Lamb. unless😏
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yourangle-yuordevil · 1 month
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Good Doggos...omens? ❤️
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venussmilk · 7 months
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ik they dont have phones but u cant tell me chilchuck wouldnt go crazy on facebook reels
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bbbbbbbbatman · 8 months
My take on the whole 'the JL gets mad at Batman for having a child soldier when he gets robin' thing goes like this:
The League is having a fight with Batman saying it's wrong to bring a child, especially with no powers, into fights with supervillains and it's irresponsible to put children in danger
And Batman interrupts with "so you take him then"
And the League just kind pause, like "huh?"
"One of you can babysit Robin for a week and then we can revisit this discussion."
They're a little confused but eventually Wonder Woman agrees to take him in.
She returns with him a week later. "I apologize Batman, we have misjudged you. I adore him but please take him back now."
(she couldn't get him to stop sneaking out to fight crime without physically restraining him)
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densewentz · 4 months
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When a cunty witch beats you to death then steals your boy toy for eternal torment 😢 (based on that 'don't you miss her???' meme)
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sharkobssesedpupgirl · 3 months
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Current mood: ;3
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ochiody · 2 months
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based off this post by @letsplaythermalnuclearwar :)
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gothicgirlh-9 · 4 months
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anxietywitchcraft · 1 year
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
Today on Donuts and Dogs we encountered a large dog with a muzzle in a group with a few other dogs on the trail. I didn’t initiate anything but the dog came up and rubbed so aggressively affectionately on us that we had to pet him.
I offered that I’ve seen dogs muzzled to prevent them eating rocks as a roundabout question. His mom sighed and said he has to wear it because otherwise he eats marijuana.
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orcinus-veterinarius · 5 months
Learning anything about marine mammal training will make you re-evaluate so much of your relationship with your own pets. There is so much force involved in the way we handle domestic animals. Most of it isn’t even intentional, it just stems from impatience. I’m guilty of it myself!
But with the exception of certain veterinary settings where the animal’s health is the immediate priority, why is it so important to us that animals do exactly what we want exactly when we want it? Why do we have to invent all these tools and contraptions to force them to behave?
When a whale swam away from a session, that was that. The trainer just waited for them to decide to come back. If they flat out refused to participate in behaviors, they still got their allotment of fish. Nothing bad happened. Not even when 20-30 people were assembled for a procedure, and the whale chose not to enter the medical pool. No big deal. Their choice and comfort were prioritized over human convenience.
It’s almost shocking to return to domestic animal medicine afterwards and watch owners use shock collars and chokers and whips to control their animals. It’s no wonder that positive reinforcement was pioneered by marine mammal trainers. When you literally can’t force an animal to do what you want, it changes your entire perspective.
I want to see that mindset extended to our domestic animals.
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mommybottom · 1 month
whenever you collar your puppy, don't forget to pull it in for a kiss immediately
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