#learning to drive movie
Found this on TikTok, I almost passed out
Credit to @justinp1028
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steviesbicrisis · 1 year
Eddie Munson who gets his Lizzie McGuire moment by going to Rome with an university art program.
The only requirement is to visit museums regularly and redraw the art pieces in his style and submit his work by the end of it.
What seems to be a piece of cake for Eddie, gets a lot more complicated when the average Italian museum worker is met with his peculiar drawings style -which might include evil dragons and decapitated heads in some of Caravaggio’s Still Lives and, in worst cases, some additions to Christian art pieces that have been described as “blasphemy” as he was getting escorted out and banned from the Vatican’s Museums (and maybe the whole country, Eddie still doesn’t know so he avoids that part of the city just to be safe).
And Eddie, who will never compromise his work integrity for a few Italian bigots, ends up in one of the least known and visited museums of the city. Which still, by his standards, contains fine art he can work on.
And if this particular museum, which is one hour and a half of public transport from his house, has a really hot security guard who follows him closely and barks at every tourist that tries to take a picture of his drawings, he surely won’t complain.
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musicalhog · 1 month
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I feel like this says so MUCH.
can Pixar stop thinking about the audience plz
i'm tired of being catered to
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captainimfangirling · 7 months
Never realized the Creature turned up the volume of the music before he cut off Micheal's you know what. That's why I wanna see the movie a second time to see all the small details I missed.
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blindbisexualgoose · 8 months
girlhood is hysterically crying while you’re learning to drive because your dad is yelling at you from the passenger seat
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ilovethelittlefrogs · 3 months
Suzanne Collins has a new Hunger Games book coming out and I’m scared for society
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ailendolin · 5 months
I think Thomas would absolutely love The Lord of the Rings. Don't tell me he wouldn’t gush over Aragorn and Arwen's love story in the movies, absolutely delight in Faramir and Éowyn finding each other in the Houses of Healing, Sam and Rosie reuniting at the end and cry his eyes out when he hears Into The West for the first time.
And don't get me started on the poems in the books. The Ent and the Entwife would make him weep for days, and Bilbo's poem I sit beside the fire and think would make him retreat to the library and look out of the windows for hours, sighing wistfully. He'd be in awe of Tolkien's work and Alison would have to suffer poems about Elves and stars for at least a month afterwards.
(She would try to put an end to it by putting on Blind Guardian's Nightfall in Middle Earth for him, thinking Metal might do the trick and make him stop. She couldn’t have been more wrong.)
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cornplateur-fritz · 2 years
5-year-old Gohan driving a jet plane before Goku and Piccolo knew how to start a car
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Funnily enough, it still makes sense that he doesn't know how to cross the street despite the fact, because:
He has never lived in the city before.
He's always with adults when they go to the city (unless he's flying with ki to get there).
Knowing how to cross the street is not a requirement in driving aircrafts or in fighting world-ending threats.
He can literally fly. What would he need street signs for?!
Which then got me asking, WHY does he need to drive an aircraft?!
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walmartscience · 1 year
don't get me wrong i would climb doug jones like he was a hearty oak tree the second i got the chance but nothing will ever beat comic abe sapien to me. there is something so appealing about that absolutely batshit fish. the live action movies tamed him down so hard like oooo he's psychic now and eats eggs like a little weirdo ooo you wanna fuck him so bad. i wanted to fuck him the moment he put on that stupid beard disguise and hopped into the haunted frog lake in hellboy seeds of destruction. there is something so deeply wrong about him and it has BEWITCHED me.
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wodkapudding · 4 months
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philippe besson: venice beach (original: un homme accidentel; no english translation available for now)
miley cyrus — psycho killer (talking heads cover)
noir désir — à l'arrière des taxis
shiny toy guns — stripped (depeche mode cover)
robots in disguise — the sex has made me stupid
lana del rey — fucked my way up to the top
challengers soundtrack
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somevillainfuckery · 2 months
In the process of attempting to make a Banana Splits AU while like- working on a bunch of other shit lmao Heres what I got :P - the Banana Splits started basically like something similar to the losers club from IT. They're really great friends to the point, doesn't matter who asks, they insist that they're brothers. - read on the wiki that they smoke marijuana. I'm keeping that. - The Splits mostly concerts, but will also do random little shows here and there too. Sometimes it's just innocent silly shenanigans, but if older audiences request it, they'll do more horror and gore-filled shows! - Snorky has a bit of a temper. And can also speak english when high as a goddamn kite - Fleegle has attacked several mailmen from the BULLSHIT he has to deal with from the mailbox - Something is clearly wrong when an entire week passes and Fleegle hasn't gotten hurt once - Despite Bingo being the biggest member of the Splits, Drooper is the strongest - Drooper canonically says "yee-haw" in this AU /j [only on rare occasions] - Fleegle has chased down and hit the splits with his big ass gavel on several occasions - Bingo is the dumbest of the splits- but he means well. - Drooper sometimes forgets he's a lion since he.. doesn't exactly look like a lion. - Snorky is still always getting blamed for things that Drooper did [another thing I read on the wiki, forgive me] - Snorky is Snorky. Nobody knows what to call them. They won't give answers. Who needs a gender anyways? - Bingo has broken several things, both on stage, and in the Banana Splits clubhouse. - Fleegle will indeed growl like a feral dog when annoyed or pissed off - Snorky has a scar on their trunk from when Fleegle accidentally bit them - The Splits CAN cuss- they just don't do it around others. - Other "animatronic" franchises exist, they're all rivals. Everyone gets along to shit on Pandory though. [stupid ass panda lmao] - I don't really include the animatronic bit though. They are all living creatures with blood n stuff. Thats just the norm for this universe. - Stevie is alive! Everyone is for a matter of fact! [except Mitch, but something else that wasn't the Splits happened to him.] Andy chose NOT to cancel the show because the splits indeed almost went ape-shit - Though nothing from the movie actually happens, Bingo did get into an accident while out and about driving the banana buggy. He did end up without an arm, but just covers up his prosthetic with fake fluff. - Snorky isn't actually their name. Their actual name is just Snork, but they didn't like it, so the Splits always call them Snorky or Snorkster. - Only the Splits can joke about their own chubbiness, or anything else about themselves. Don't insult the Splits- it's not nice :( . . . and you'll also immediately need to run from Fleegle. - Despite being such close friends, if you couldn't already tell, they do argue a lot. - They're all runaways. They all ran in the earlier years of their club- Wanted adventure n stuff, plus as I mentioned, its something similar to the losers club, so they were also tryna get away from the town assholes. Stupid kids doing stupid stuff. There was a moment they realized they couldn't do much on their own, thats when Karl found them. They see Karl as a guardian and a close friend. - They know about Hooty, they just don't know much about her. Fuzzy memories, and a blurred face, nothing else. For now they just consider her a missing Split. That's basically it for now, might change things a bit, and of course I'll add to it in the future.
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astromechs · 23 hours
one other thought, courtesy of the matrix screening last night:
this movie does not waste anything; not a single single scene, not a single frame, not a single line of dialogue. and because of that, because this movie was made with such a careful intentionality, i actually believe some of the shot-to-shot "goofs" are intentional. the main two i'm thinking of, for example, are the company neo works for being "metacortex" in one shot and "metacortechs" in another, and that part where they're leaving the oracle and neo's holding a cookie that's had a bite taken out of it and in the next shot he's holding a whole cookie. notice that those both take place inside the matrix? these "goofs" are further emphasizing the artificial nature of where they are.
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kil9 · 11 months
im very excited to try and analyze guilty and interested in the story tho i wouldnt say its like. as fun to watch as other videos. it doesnt have that same strong aesthetic that he usually does (& i also cant see a damn thing which is my film pet peeve), i like the song its very different. if i'm being full critic its not his best & he definitely hasnt topped himself yet, but its definitely carved out some corner that he hasnt yet explored, & for that i think its quite cool. at the end of the day its better to try new stuff & hit and miss than to do move and want 100x... even if we might want him to
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sharkjumpers · 4 months
Dear friend,
I have not seen my friends in two weeks. It's starting to get bad again.
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volatile-shorty · 2 years
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the wolfhound and the wolf
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liaazhang · 5 months
April is 18. April is now an adult :]
But the April reading this still has a year🌸
NOO I DON'T WANT TO BE AN ADULT 😭😭 I WANT TO GO BACK TO MY FAVORITE PLACE ON EARTH - BOUNCY CASTLES but I am too old for that 💔 they should have it for teenagers' weight group as well :((
lmao ive got 2 years left to be an adult!!
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