#I saw clips of the movie someone posted here.
captainimfangirling · 7 months
Never realized the Creature turned up the volume of the music before he cut off Micheal's you know what. That's why I wanna see the movie a second time to see all the small details I missed.
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lostdreamr-blog1 · 11 months
Beautiful Stranger
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Summary: Jake was talked into picking up the coffee order for the group, but little did he know he would be leaving with more than that.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Wow friends…it has been a hot minute since I have posted. Life got crazy and my motivation to write had lessened. But I am back and slowly going through my inbox requests! Thank you all for the constant love and support. Excited to put out more writing for you!
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Jake had no idea how he was the one picking up coffee for the group, but here he was standing in line at an overly crowded coffee shop, twenty minutes out of the way of base.
It was obvious that he didn’t fit in with this crowd. Hipster was the word that came to mind seeing the strange outfits and unruly haircuts. Someone wearing a crisp uniform and hair with every strand in perfect place screamed odd man out. He was uncomfortable to say the least and swore up and down he would never be doing this again.
Bradley told him they ordered ahead so he wouldn’t have to worry about going through the order of nearly ten coffees, but scanning the pick-up counter told him he would have to wait some.
He found a small corner out of the way of traffic and took in his surroundings. One of the benefits of a place like this meant people watching would entertain him until the order was ready.
There was a couple splitting a bagel not too far from him. It looked like something out of a cheesy movie, with the whispering and lovey smiles. He had to bite his tongue to keep from snorting out loud.
The next group he saw looked to be college students strung out on entirely way too much caffeine with the way they were frantically typing. He didn’t miss those days of cramming for exams and writing pointless papers at the last minute. But he did think he at least looked a bit more put together when he was their age. Or that’s what he told himself.
Jakes eyes nearly passed over the young woman in the opposite corner from him, quietly writing in a notebook. She was locked into whatever she was working on, despite all the noise around her. Between the music playing throughout the store, expresso machines going off, and countless conversations being had, Jake had no idea how the woman could get any work done. But here she was, chewing on the end of her pen lost in thought, not giving anything around her an ounce of attention.
He found himself starting to really look at her. She was dressed casually but somehow managed to make it look almost professional. Her hair was pulled back into one of those giant clips that he never understood how it stayed in place all day. The makeup was minimal, but she didn’t need it in his opinion.
“Hangman?” Jake nearly jumped when he heard his order called out, breaking him away from the thoughts of the random stranger across the way. He politely nodded thanks to the barista and took the two drink carriers from her. But before he walked out, he threw a quick glance over his shoulder nearly tripping over himself when he saw the woman looking up at him. He recovered as quickly as possible, making it through the door without dropping anything.
It was on the way to base that the thoughts starting spiraling out of control. Was it a coincidence that she looked up as he was leaving? Was it his call sign that pulled her attention? And if so, why? Jake shook his head, stopping himself from continuing down the rabbit hole. He had zero interaction with this woman and yet his mind wouldn’t get off her. It was early in the morning, and he wasn’t fully awake to be making rational decisions. Or at least that’s what he told himself.
Bradley and Natasha met him outside the locker room, thanking him for grabbing the coffee. He grumbled a response and went to his locker to put his things up. Bradley didn’t give much thought to the minimal interaction with the pilot, but Natasha did. “Everything go okay with the order?”
Jake nodded his head and shut his locker. “Just don’t see why you need something that expensive and out of the way when we have a perfectly good coffee machine here.” Natasha shook her head with a smirk, realizing just how out of his element he must have been.
“It’s good coffee. Can’t help that I have expensive taste.” Jake huffed out a breath, “Lord help your future husband.”
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It was a week later when he got a text from Natasha begging him to grab her a coffee from the same damn place. He went to reply no, when another text popped up saying she was running late and would buy lunch to make up for it. Rolling his eyes, he replied back saying he was feeling something expensive for lunch to match his taste. An emoji with a lovely hand gesture was sent back with the word “fine”, making him chuckle. At least it was one coffee this time.
Jake took a deep breath as he walked into the coffee shop, mentally preparing himself for what seemed like unorganized chaos. The place was packed with nearly ten people in line waiting to order. He looked down at his watch and saw that he was here around the same time as last week, but for some reason today was busier than before.
The counter was filled with drink orders, taking him a minute to read through all the names. His friends’ wasn’t there yet and he turned to find refuge in his corner while he waited. He looked around at the people and while they weren’t the same as before, the types of groups remained the same.
“For someone who looked like he’d rather gouge his eyes out than be here last week, you came back.” A soft voice pulled his attention down to a woman sitting at a table close to him, revealing the beautiful stranger he had just managed to stop thinking about.
Jake opened his mouth to respond, but for some reason words wouldn’t form. He could slap himself for looking like an idiot in front of her. He had never once been at a loss for words with a woman, but something about her made himself conscious of everything he did.
“I didn’t mean to call you out like that. I just didn’t expect to see you back so soon.” She was smiling up at him, making the tops of his ears burn.
“A friend was running late and asked if I could pick up her order.” It was a short statement, but the smile on the woman’s face dimmed a bit. “Must be some girl for you to put yourself through this first thing in the morning.”
Jake quickly shook his head trying to back track, “She’s my teammate and promised me lunch if I did this. Nothing more.” The woman hummed and looked back down at her notebook.
“Well, if you make this a regular thing, I am good friends with the staff and might be able to get your order out a bit quicker. Wouldn’t want you to go into crisis mode over a coffee shop.” She was biting back a smile as she poked fun at his clear discomfort of the place, but Jake couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Darlin’, you have no idea how much that would mean to me.” Why he just committed to this being a regular thing, he had no idea. But he did know he wanted to see the beautiful stranger again.
“Hangman, right?” His eyebrows shot up at the remembrance of his call sign. “Hangman is my call sign. You can call me Jake.” Her eyes sparkled in what he thought was amusement.
“Well Jake, my name is Y/N, and I would be happy to help you out. I am here most days working on things. Why don’t you give me your number so you can text me when you plan on stopping by. That way I can let my friends know to look out for your order.” This girl was nothing but confident. Jake didn’t think he had ever had a woman ask for his number before and he couldn’t get enough of it.
“Hangman?” His name was called out like last time, but instead of feeling relieved to get out of the overcrowded shop, he wanted to stay as long as possible. “Better get going, pilot. Wouldn’t want to get you in trouble.” She gave him a wink, something that he normally did with women, and knew he was already in trouble.
He chuckled and shook his head, grabbing the coffee and headed out to work. He hadn’t made it out of the parking lot before his phone vibrated with a text. “Make sure it’s not another week before you come back in. I might forget all about you.” Jake smiled and drove to base, texting her back when he pulled in.
“Wouldn’t want to keep a beautiful woman waiting.” The smile never once left his face as he walked in. Natasha thanked him over and over again for the coffee but stopped when he saw the difference in his demeanor this time. “What’s gotten into you?” He shrugged his shoulders, “You were right. The coffee there is worth the drive.”
She gave him a skeptical look but didn’t push him any further. She would rather have a happy Jake than one who was ready to pick you apart at a moment’s notice.
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And that’s how it was for the next month. Jake volunteered to get the coffee, finding any excuse to talk to his beautiful stranger. But the visits became longer, and the texting became more regular to the point where every free moment he had was spent getting to know her. It wasn’t long before Jake asked Y/N on a date, and he quickly found that this girl was the one for him.
Everyone knew something was up with their teammate. He had become less selfish and more of a team player. A feat no one thought was possible but didn’t want to push their luck. It wasn’t until Natasha said she would get her own coffee that the truth came out.
“Jake, you have been getting my order for me for nearly a month now. I can get it this once and give you a break from the drive. Just let me know your order.” Jake shook his head at her and said he had no issues getting it.
Natasha kept pushing until Jake blurted out, “I see someone every time I go there. It is one of the few times the two of us get to spend time with each other because of our schedules.” She stopped and thought about what he had said. Who there would he see every single time?
And then it clicked.
“Oh god. Tell me you aren’t seeing Y/N.” Jake tilted his head in confusion. “How the hell do you know her?”
Natasha looked at him in shock. “Because she owns the coffee shop. And her dad is our boss.”
Jake froze as he took in her words. Owning the coffee shop made sense. She was there all the time and said she knew the staff well, because it was her staff. That didn’t bother him. What did was not knowing who her dad was.
“I didn’t know Maverick had a daughter.” Natasha shook her head.
“Not Maverick you idiot. Admiral Simpson.”
And that was when certain things clicked into place. She looked up at him the first day because she knew the call sign. Her dad had to of talked about them a time or two, especially with this new assignment. The amusement she had when he told her his name was for the same reason. She knew who he was, but he didn’t have the slightest clue who he had been talking to. This girl was okay with the last-minute changes in plans or the late replies due to his schedule because she had grown up with it. The group insisted on getting coffee there because they were supporting someone in the TopGun family.
He was head over heels for the Admirals daughter and was royally screwed when he found out.
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A/N: Thoughts? Likes or dislikes? I always love hearing back from you all! Thank you so much for reading!
Tag list: @rosiahills22 @sunlitsunflowers @dempy @mamaskillerqueen @luckyladycreator2 @atarmychick007 @bobfloydsgf @my-soulmate-is-mycroft @topguncultleader @alilstressyandlotdepressy @avengers-fixation @chaoticassidy
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
this post from me is overdue only because i feel like whatever i say will not be enough. this is related to wyb and his cast mates’ blackface during a scene in FPU. i haven’t watched the movie, but i saw the clip and know of the context, but all in all, it doesn’t really matter cause it’s wrong. we first knew of it because of leaks that came out during filming. then as soon as i saw some people on wb sharing the close up, i was like nope. after a while, it went on hs as “wyb cosplaying bouboo”. the tag itself should tell you what the people there in general think of it. or how they view it. cosplay. no harm done. even youku’s official weibo account used the tag to promote SDC. i cannot even deal. then the FPU weibo account, the next day, posted the cut of the scene, probably seeing how popular the cos tag was and released it. i’m sharing this here, to show the difference of how this is taken in 🇨🇳 vs. outside. i’m sure there are people in the mainland who see it for what it is but they are in the minority. 
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let’s be real here. those of us who followed this movie knew it was gonna be problematic. tho i personally didn’t anticipate something like this coming out of it. with the question of why this was not cut, i could only guess that it was an “important” plot point. also this was yibo’s first “starring” movie and i doubt he had any say in the story. i’m not excusing him tho, there is definitely room for him to learn more especially since mainland china is no longer his sole audience.
i am and will continue to be a fan of wang yibo for as long as i can. i am aware of his limitations. if people are offended, i completely understand and your anger is valid. to those who wanna unstan him then go ahead. i know this is magnified as well because of his status as a celebrity. i can only hope that when you see someone you know commit the same mistake, that your first move is to not hate and scream at them. what we really need is for people to reach out and engage in meaningful conversations for the problem to be solved.
that’s all i can say for this matter. i don’t wanna agonize over what i’m gonna post anymore so this is it. 🤍
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solar-wing · 1 year
🦇 Surviving Damian: BatBro's Life 🎞️
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I don't know why, but the way Damian turns to look at Dick in this clip has me rolling
🦇 🎞️ A/N → A continuation of my Batbro Headcanons with everyone's favorite little assassin, Damian. This is also inspired by this post from @batsiblingfun. This mixes in a lot of different elements from different DC shows and movies, but still all tie together. Conner x Reader along with Damian x Raven included. WARNINGS: None really. family fluff, minor threats of violence. You and Damian conspiring together. Bruce needs his lawyers. Mentions of trauma and therapy. Joker being Joker.
🦇🎞️ Summary → It's one thing to find out Bruce Wayne is your biological father. It's another thing to find out you also have a half-brother from the same father who also didn't meet him until around the same time you did. Now, some would consider getting a new older brother to be a good thing. Of course, when they point out what they see as an ideal image of that, Damian Wayne is more or less far from it. Truthfully, you'd need an entire documentary to explain that trauma. But, in his defense, he did warn Bruce not to make him a middle child. Oh well...
🦇🎞️ Word Count → 5.3k
REBLOGS and replies are greatly appreciated, please! 💛
🦇 ENJOY 🎞️
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— Some may imagine having Bruce Wayne as your father entails a glamorous and extravagant life.
— "Oh wow! Your dad is Bruce Wayne? That's so cool!" "I bet you've been to so many great places." "Have you met any celebrities before?" "Your life must be so interesting!"
— To answer that, depends on the day. The watchtower is cool, but not as interesting as what you saw on that one trip to Puerto Rico. Would Superman even be considered a celebrity? And, define interesting.
— Because if you mean 'interesting' like waking up every day wondering if it's going to be some random supervillain that unalives you, or your own brother, then yes, your life is fascinating.
— What most people don't consider when they find out your father is Bruce Wayne is not only did you all of a sudden get a new parent, but you also got new siblings. As your eldest brother Dick once said, "I went from being an only child to living in utter chaos every day." The only difference is that Dick actually somewhat thrives in chaos. Which is weird considering you'd think it'd be someone more like Jason who lived by that statement.
— You, on the other hand, would rather go without the constant weird shit that goes on with your father and siblings all being a bunch of vigilantes who save your city and the world from crazy clowns and guys who clearly like to live every day like it's Halloween.
— But, the thing is, 90% of the shit you have to deal with doesn't even come from those creeps and villains. It's literally from your own house, specifically one person.
— At one point in your life, you wished to have a sibling. Someone you could share that irreplaceable bond with. Fighting over small stuff like the remote, or who got first dibs on Alfred's cookies. Only to kiss and make up later when one of you got bored or hungry. Insulting and torturing each other only to join forces if someone outside of you two decided to mess with the other. Coming up with crazy schemes that would inevitably shorten your father's life expectancy.
— You know, normal stuff.
— You'd think Dick would get the title of 'most stable' among your siblings, but surprisingly, that was awarded to Jason, which, I know right?! Mind you, 'stable' was being used on very loose terms here. But, Richard was almost more like a second dad than a brother, which you figured came with the role of being the oldest sibling. Since he had the most experience dealing with an emotionally absent Bruce, he'd pick up where he fell off. Of course, Bruce got better over time and learned how to not distance himself whenever his feelings got even a little poked, but Richard was always your go-to whenever you needed support.
— You'd almost considered Jason for the title of most unstable, but then you met Tim, and realized Jason was actually better than you thought, considering what he's been through. Your second oldest brother wasn't really open towards you, but as you two started to spend time together, you grew on him and vice versa. At one point, the Red Hood persona vowed to not only do everything he could to keep you safe but as innocent and pure as you could be. He would not let Bruce and his questionable parenting ruin another child. His earlier methods were probably not the most effective. CPS was still calling at least once a week.
— There weren't enough words to describe Tim. When you first came to the mansion, he seemed completely normal and sane for the most part. Then, after you discovered your father's side hustle, you realized how opposite the reality was. You remembered something your mom said about the only things she was scared of. "I only fear two things in this life; God and the IRS." Well, you'd definitely be adding a certain Red Robin to that list. There were just things Tim would say or do that he thought was completely normal, and you'd be discreetly dialing a mental hospital, fearing for your safety. Why did you know the number for one off the top of your head? Let's just say you had your reasons. But, you'd rather have Tim as an ally than an enemy, so you refrained. That didn't stop you from keeping them on speed dial though.
— Yes, you definitely had some interesting siblings, but none of them compared to your other brother. The one you regrettably shared blood with. Hopefully, he didn't hear you say that.
— It was one thing to have Bruce Wayne as a father. It was an entirely different thing to have Damian Wayne for a brother.
— The first day you two met, Damian had already been at the manor for a few months when Talia had left him with Bruce while she went to handle business. What business that entailed, your father kept you in the shadows, and quite frankly, you were grateful. After your mom left you on the manor's doorsteps with a note that just read, "Trust me, he's yours," your life was never the same.
— You remembered being excited that day. You finally got to meet your dad, and you got a brother out of it too! Multiple brothers and sisters actually! Whoever was out there listening to you had answered your deepest wishes.
— Now, you wished they just minded their damn business.
— Unlike Damian, you were not aware of your father's secret identity. So, when you met, you were a little more than put off by Damian's first greeting towards you.
— "Father, I thought we discussed your habit of  picking up street rats and turning them into your next apprentice."
— Truthfully, that was actually more than a pleasant start to your relationship with the trained assassin. When you eventually heard the story of how Dick and Damian "met" for the first time, you suddenly felt grateful at the fact there were no sharp objects nearby...that you knew of.
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— If you happened to start locking your bedroom door at night and setting booby traps to alert you if anyone came in while you were sleeping, that was no one else's business but yours.
— The thing was, you tried to connect with Damian, but he would keep brushing you off. Bruce really wasn't that much help as he didn't have the best track record with his first three kids.
— The issue was you and Damian came from two completely different backgrounds, despite your shared parenthood.
— Damian was raised among an organization of highly-trained assassins and was molded from the second he was born to take over from his grandfather who was the equivalent of an undead lich, only he was actually alive. You had a normal childhood for the most part. You went to school, made friends, tried different hobbies, etc.
— You saw Damian as uptight and weird, and he saw you as naive and weak.
— Of course, as everything does in this family, shit only got more intense.
— After Bruce ran a DNA test and confirmed you were indeed his son, they got you set up in the manor and your new life. Your last name was officially changed to Wayne with you wanting to keep your mother's surname hyphenated in there.
— You wanted to decorate your bedroom, so you asked your dad to take you shopping, fully intending to take advantage of your newfound wealth (your mother taught you well). Bruce figured it'd be a great way for you and him to get to know each other as he was trying to be more of the supportive dad that Dick and Jason lectured him about. And if CPS decided to give him another one of their 'visits,' he'd rather not provide them with any more reasons to be taking down notes. He was still trying to find a way to punish Jason for that stunt.
— And at Alfred's suggestion, he brought Damian along, thinking it'd be great family time for the Wayne men, and it'd give his firstborn a chance at being an actual kid since Damian never decorated his room when he first got there.
— You went all out. At some point, Bruce wondered if everything he was buying was starting to become too much, but you threw him the puppy dog look you mastered at three years old, and he folded like a lawn chair. Your mother had grown resistant to that trick so, it was great to finally be using it again. Posters, knick-knacks, a new desk, a whole gaming set-up, LED lights, a gaming chair, you name it, you got it. You'd even tried to get Damian to get a few things for himself, wanting to get to know more about your brother.
— "I don't need materialistic objects to satisfy myself like you and other low-lives do. Besides, you're only doing this to 'make up' for the more than likely poor life you lived before with whoever your harlot mother is."
— Alright, that did it. You tackled Damian in the middle of the mall, throwing all your weight on top of him. Of course, you were unaware of his combat training so he threw you off pretty easily, pushing you to the ground and twisting your arm behind your back to where he almost broke it. Bruce had to yank him off you and grab you as well to prevent you from charging him again while everyone else around was taking pictures and videos.
— Bruce's PR team was not happy with the stories and articles on the gossip websites the next morning. But, they managed to twist it around into a positive light, painting the Billionaire Playboy as the role model male, doing his best to raise his two boys as best he could being a single father.
— "Oh, he's such a family man. #EvenMoreAttactive". – @Supermom92
— "He's a good man, Vanessa. A good man." - @mooreswhore
— "This is what we need more of. Strong men taking charge in their son's lives." – @topalpha
— "#GladTheyAin'tMyKids." – @aynonymous
— Of course, this did nothing to help the relationship between you and the youngest Boy Wonder, but Alfred's reassurance eased Bruce's headache.
— "Truthfully, Master Wayne, it would seem to me they are already falling quite well into their new roles as brothers. It will get better over time."
— When exactly was better? Because things only seemed to get more tense between you two. The fights didn't end there. As you spent more time in the manor, you'd gotten to know your other adoptive siblings. And particularly, spending time with your second oldest brother, you'd learned some defensive moves in fighting that only led to your fights with Damian getting worse now that you could hold your own a little more.
— Only there were some moves that you knew that Damian didn't, which really caused a shit storm.
— It may have taken Dick and Jason's combined strength to hold Damian back from trying to literally slice your throat open after you introduced him to the art of the cheese neck. Jason thought it was hilarious and low-key well deserved since your half-brother decided to cut open one of the stuffed bears you had since you were four. Alfred was able to put him back together, but that didn't help the need for revenge you had in the pit of your stomach.
— Since he couldn't murder you, he decided to go with the next best thing he had in mind; mental torture!
— He knew you loved Scooby-Doo, but had a slight fear of some of the monsters and scenes from the show. Look, shit from back in the 70s could be creepy with how they decided to do specific stuff. And sadly on your part, Damian had amazing resources thanks to dear old Papa Bruce.
— So, one day when you thought Bruce was on a business trip (he was on a League mission, and Dick, Jason, and Tim were nowhere to be found along with Alfred), you had the manor to yourself. Or, at least, you thought you did. 
— Let's just say Damian decided to place you in your own Scooby-Doo episode, only a tad bit more rated R. Last time you checked, the vampire from that one episode didn't actually have blood and guts dripping from his teeth while chasing Shaggy and Scooby.
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— Yeah, Bruce low-key had to invest in a therapist for that one. And CPS definitely took a note down when they saw part of the costume had fallen out of a trash bag and your "concerning" reaction to it. Damian had no shame.
— "Next time, he'll think twice about whose neck he's slapping."
— "Master Bruce, I really do think they're starting to grow on each other, if I do say so myself." This time, Alfred's words were not reassuring for the billionaire.
— Eventually, you and Damian came to a mutual understanding. You stay out of his way, and he would stay out of your way. And it worked! At least until you found out the big secret, and no not the one where Tim...actually, never mind.
— It was an accident, really it was. At least that's how Jason and Tim tried to spin it when he had to explain to Bruce how you thought Red Hood and Red Robin broke into the manor. In truth, they thought you were at a friend's house studying, and the tracker that was stitched to your backpack showed that.
— Hold up... tracker?
— You'd grill them and your dad for that later.
— Now, you were constantly in the Batcave and working Damian's last nerve. You kept asking to help on missions or patrol, and shockingly, this was the one time when Bruce put his foot down and said no to having an adolescent child fighting crime with him.
— Who would've figured?
— The most he'd let you do was help Alfred with comms and computer stuff. Of course, that'd only lead to you and Damian getting into one of your brotherly spats over the comms.
— "At least I have competent training to be in the field. You can barely defend yourself against a cat." Damian sneered into his mic while roundhouse-kicking a thug.
— "First of all you stuck-up brat, Alfred the Cat and I have a lovely relationship and we were play fighting. Secondly, the only thing you're competent at is proving what happens when you forget to use protection!" You quipped right back.
— Dick and Tim tried holding back their laughs while Jason just shouted "DAMN!" Bruce had to pretend not to notice Damian's glare through the domino mask and Alfred pretended to scold you while giving you a fist bump. The Boy Wonder was grinding his teeth.
— Then, a miracle happened. Well, really it was a traumatic experience that Bruce would have to pay for more sessions with your therapist but still was a miracle in the end.
— In another one of his crazy schemes, Joker decided to target Bruce Wayne again, but this time, the newly discovered heirs to Wayne Enterprises, at least, that's what the media was referring to you as.
— He hired some goons to abduct you and Damian from your school and hid you both in one of his many secret hideouts around Gotham. And Joker, never one for subtlety, of course, decided to send out a televised message to Brucie Poosie, a name disturbingly similar to Joker's nickname for Batman. He'd addressed that later.
— Your father and siblings immediately jumped into action of course and started searching the entire city, checking all of Joker's known hideouts and connections. Only, Joker had apparently taken some inspiration and notes from Riddler because while he was busy taunting and trying to shake down Bruce Wayne for everything he could, he was leading Batman and his little birdies (his nickname for all the Robins) on a wild goose chase.
— The more and more time went by, the more and more they got worried for you. Of course, they were worried for Damian as well, but he was used to these kinds of situations. This was your first (and frankly, probably not last) kidnapping.
— At first, you weren't scared (much). No offense, but, Joker always kind of seemed like a joke to you. The fact his whole persona was based on a mad clown really didn't help. You had also never really watched the news or heard people talking about some of the horrible things he had done. You always just heard the part when Batman swooped in and kicked his ass.
— Well, if you made it out of this, you'd definitely have nightmares and a new fear of clowns to add to your list. May have to start considering two-hour sessions with your therapist.
— But, to your surprise, Damian had helped to keep you calm and protected you from seeing more of Joker's 'fun side'. Whenever the clown or one of his thugs got a little too close to your holding cell for your brother's liking, he always placed himself in front of you, just in case they decided to fuck around and find out so he could be ready.
— When the green-haired villain went on one of his disturbing tangents or talked about his plans for you two in case your father didn't follow through with his demands, Damian would cover your ears. Of course, it didn't do much, but the sentiment was appreciated. Your older brother, despite his 'quirks', actually did have a caring side to him. It just took being kidnapped by a psychotic clown and your lives being in terrible danger for it to show. Go figure.
— Of course, your father and siblings eventually tracked you and Damian down and came to your rescue. From what you had seen from your father and brothers in their fighting style, they always were more smart and sneaky with their attacks and ambushes. Jason was more of the impulsive and brash one who liked to rush in, but he grew more into the Bat's style over time. Especially seeing how the last time he rushed into something concerning the Joker, well, there's no need to go down that road.
— But, nope. This time, Bruce was not forgiving with his 'justice' towards Joker. Honestly, you and your siblings were a little worried that Bruce would break his number one rule on no killing for the first time, but he still held back. In the middle of all the chaos, you'd even managed to surprise Damian when some goons tried to surprise you and him after he broke you guys out of the cell. And who said video games couldn't teach you a thing or two about fighting?
— Damian was impressed, and more than curious to see what kind of games you were playing that taught you the fastest way to incapacitate a 200-pound man with a few jabs and well-placed strikes. That or you were insanely lucky to have a man who could barely defend himself against a child. Either way, a win was a win for you.
— Obviously, things changed a bit when you two returned home. 
— For one, your family became a lot more clingy and overprotective than before. And that was saying something considering they had a tracker stitched into your backpack without your knowledge before. There was a rotation between the brothers of who would drop off and pick you up from school. This was already a rule before, but now, it was just even more intense with you not being able to leave the manor or go anywhere without someone from the family accompanying you. Bruce started training you in self-defense and combat, with regulations and supervision from your brothers so he didn't make the same mistakes he made with them with you.
— You appreciated it all, and it definitely did help you feel a bit safer (in the beginning), but, really one of the most shocking changes not just to yourself, but everyone else was Damian's change in attitude toward you. Of course, he wasn't outright hugging you or anything crazy like that, but he was more cordial and almost friendlier you could say.
— It was also very apparent Damian had developed a similar protective stance toward you. You being the only non-vigilante in the family meant you kept an aura of innocence and light-heartedness the rest of your family had lost a long time ago. They were more than determined to make sure you kept that light and never lost it like they did so many years ago.
— Thankfully, your time with Joker wasn't anything too traumatic. Joker was actually on one of his schemes for once and didn't do anything too drastic. But, that didn't stop your brother from glaring down any suspicious figure who got too close to you for his liking. If you asked to hang out at a friend's house, Damian took over Bruce's role of asking for details on your friend, they're parents, where you'd be going, and all that extra stuff. If you were aware of the fact that Damian was running full background checks on your friends and their families whenever you went to hang out with them, you pretended not to notice.
– Bruce also had a teary moment of being a proud father seeing how Damian was showing already to be just like him. Which, if we're being honest, was actually a terrifying thought.
— But, it wasn't just Damian who started making an effort to build a more friendly bond between you two. You'd contributed as well. Showing Damian the ways he could learn to let loose and actually be a kid instead of a trained assassin all the time.
— You'd invited him more than once to hang out with you and your friends that you made from school. Hesitant at first at the idea of hanging out with others that weren't you and his family, you managed to convince him when Dick, Jason, and Tim got into one of their own brotherly spats, and Jason decided to start chasing the two around the house with a rag wet with a 'mysterious' substance.
— "Your local comrades quarters it is then." Damian muttered before quickly ushering you out the door with Alfred towing behind since you needed someone to drive you. Damian offered since he kept claiming he knew how, but Bruce still wasn't going for it.
— With your help, Damian actually learned to make friends with kids his own age. He developed hobbies and interests that had nothing to do with anything sharp or pointy (that didn't mean you weren't gonna booby trap your room still just in case).
— He even joined an art club at school and you both decided to enroll in a martial arts club together as well. It'd actually become quite the inside joke between you two. There was one guy in there, Carter, who swore he was the best fighter in the entire school and he could take any one of these 'runts' down, including you and Damian.
— Now, you were still learning and getting comfortable fighting from your lessons with your dad and brothers. When Carter decided to pick on you and Damian as the Wayne brats and challenged you both to a sparring match, boy he did not know what he was getting himself into. Especially when you and your brother looked at each other with the most mischievous evil smirks anyone had ever seen.
— When Bruce got a call from the school later that some parents were looking to try and sue him for the 'extensive harm' his kids did to their kid, he could only raise an eyebrow when you and Damian appeared in his office, smiling like you both were innocent angels.
— "See, Master Bruce. I told you if you'd given it some time, they'd grow on each other." Alfred said to him later that evening.
— Only Bruce was now more concerned than ever. When you and Damian basically hated each other, he only had to worry about the terror and havoc you two would unleash inside the manor. Now, that you were basically best buddies, he'd have to worry about inside and outside the house.
— "I'm gonna be meeting with my lawyers more frequently, aren't I Alfred?" Bruce asked.
— Alfred gave a small chuckle as he patted the man's shoulders. "Oh, Master Bruce, most certainly."
— The butler wasn't wrong.
— You and Damian became like a force that everyone was scared to cross. Even your own brothers were slightly afraid of the kind of shit you two could get into. You'd come up with the crazy schemes and ideas, mapping out any and all details while handling any technological stuff which you had gotten really good at considering the time you spent with Alfred in the Batcave monitoring missions. And, Damian would do the more physical acts required as well as sneaking and sleuthing around if need be.
— Bruce had a meeting with his attorneys at least once a week because of you two.
— You'd even developed your own sense of overprotectiveness over your older brother. Some guy in the art club Damian had joined at school decided to try and pick with him and messed up one of his paintings. Surprisingly, Damian was calm about it and didn't even yell or react at him. Just scoffed at the guy and called him pathetic.
— You did not have a similar reaction.
— When word got around the school and managed to reach your ears, you were for lack of a better word, feeling quite revengeful. The next day at school, that guy became the laughingstock of your entire class when a private photo mysteriously made its way into every student's locker in your grade.
— When Damian found out, he immediately confronted you about it, and you could only smile innocently while feigning ignorance.
— "Why, brother?! How could you even think to accuse me of such a vile act of one's breach of privacy."
— "Y/N..." Damian said.
— "Fine, it was me. But, you have to admit, it is quite a lovely picture. And besides, nobody messes with my brother except me." You smiled.
— Damian only gave a small smile, grabbing you to give you a noogie on the head before walking for the exit of the school to head home. He tried not to let such a small statement get him overly emotional since he'd never really had anyone before you and your family be so caring and defensive over him. Not even his mother. 
— The older you two got, the more close you became. At one point, Dick even started to joke that if one of you had gotten involved in some stupid and even dangerous plot, it wouldn't be long before the other got involved as well.
— "You'd even given yourself the nickname of the Blood Brothers since you and Damian liked to remind your other siblings more than once who Bruce's actual kin was, especially Dick whenever he went on one of his tirades about being the first Robin blah blah blah...
— Tim did happen to point out your chosen name's disturbing similarity to one widely known supervillain to which you scoffed in response.
— "Oh please, Brother Blood wishes he had half the brains and looks me and Dami have. Isn't that right, bro?" You said turning to Damian holding out a fist bump.
— "I refuse to get involved in this."
— And given your bond with each other, it was of course all too expected that you would each get involved in each other's love lives. When Damian was sent away to Titans Tower to learn how to be part of a team, you were very pissed at Bruce since he was breaking up you and his team.
— Honestly, Bruce hadn't even considered that, but he was happy and looking forward to the much-needed break from his weekly meetings with his lawyers concerning his sons and their growing stack of attempted lawsuits.
— It was a shock to not only you but to Damian from how you knew when he returned from the tower on a visit, and you asked "Who is she," with your arms crossed and tapping your foot against the ground.
— From your daily calls and messages, you'd picked up quite fast that Damian was crushing on someone, you just didn't know who. You figured it may have been that Tara girl you heard had joined the team, who should consider herself lucky she succumbed to her own fate and not the one you'd planned for her after finding out what she did to your brother and his comrades.
— Superman and Wonder Woman were still campaigning to put you on the League's high-priority watch list after hearing and witnessing some of the things you got up to with and without your brother. So they and everyone else in the League who had the fortune (or misfortune) of meeting you had no qualms that whatever you planned for the blonde earth-powered girl, was nothing short of maniacal.
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— When you found out it was Raven after your dad brought you along to Damian's surprise party at the Tower with the rest of the team, you managed to get a chance alone with the half-human, half-demon girl, exchanging some friendly banter and humor. You'd also jokingly (but also not jokingly) warned her that if she hurt your brother in any way shape or form, you'd give her a fate worse than anything her father could ever imagine.
— Weirdly enough, she smiled and gave you a pat on the shoulder.
— "I promise, you don't have to worry about anything from me. And, I can see now why he cares a lot about you. You both protect each other."
— To which you replied with a simple, "He's my brother." Nothing else needed to be said between the two of you. You both were aware of Damian's past, you more than Raven of course, so you knew Damian sometimes needed some extra care and love. You could clearly see that was something she had every intention of making sure he got.
— You approved.
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— Now, if only you could get Damian to approve of you and Conner.
— Let's just say, neither your father nor your brothers were anywhere near please when they found out about you and the half-Kryptonian's relationship.
— Dick just couldn't fathom that both of his baby brothers were dating someone from the two teams he helped co-found.
— Jason didn't like that you were dating someone he couldn't really intimidate or threaten the way he wanted since the dude was a literal teen Superman.
— Tim was oddly okay with it at first. But, when you started abandoning him and your regular scheduled gaming sessions for your dates and hangouts with Conner, he was more than ever determined to take down the half-Kryptonian.
— Damian didn't like the idea of you with someone so much stronger than you and could hurt you very easily. To which you pointed out he was dating a half-demon whose father has more than once tried to take over the universe and she almost helped him in succeeding.
— "Not the point, little brother."
— You did have to warn your boyfriend though, because, unlike your other brothers with the exception of possibly Tim, Damian had his own hidden secret cache of Kryptonite for emergency if it was ever needed.
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— How you knew?
— Well, after you and Conner announced your relationship, you noticed your father and brother consistently making trips to the vault where all the Kryptonite was stored. And, you once caught your dad making a smaller version of the 'special' jewelry he used to fight Superman that one time, which you figured had to be for Damian.
— "Oh come on! I don't see anyone walking around with crosses and holy water whenever Damian goes out with Raven. But, y'all are ready to pull out all the stops whenever Conner and I even look like we're about to hug!" You yelled at your family.
— Damian stepped forward, placing what was supposed to be a comforting hand on your shoulder.
— "I do apologize brother. But, you should really be blaming Father for this, since I did technically warn him what would happen if he made me a middle child.
— "He did." You heard your father's day from behind.
— Someone really needed to make a documentary about your life.
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☀️ | Bat Family | ☀️
☀️ | Masterlists | ☀️
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wcbblife · 2 months
Ok I have another one, can you do juju x fem reader where reader is on live and she’s reading comments and someone says “ juju mid asf” and reader defends her by saying “ juju and mid don’t belong together in a sentence unless ‘not is between them’ ” or something like that (idk I was half asleep when i wrote this in my notes so you can change that if you want 😭). Then blocks the person cause she doesn’t allow anyone to talk abt her gf like that . Then juju gets sent the live from her teammates, so she txt reader or post it on twitter saying “my girl 🫡” or something 😭 I just had to write it in my notes before I forgot bruh 😭
Live Love
a/n: Kinda cheesy and short but I like it ngl. Hope you like it anon!
You’re live, chatting with your followers, enjoying the rush of interactions. The comments are flowing in, and you're responding to questions. After seeing fans online practically begging for you to go live following the volleyball team’s tournament win at home, you figured it’d be a great way to kill time while waiting at the airport for your next game. It was mostly fun, a comforting distraction.
You scroll through the comments, selecting a few to answer.
What’s your favorite thing to do on a day off?
“Great question! Honestly, I love just chilling at home, maybe cooking something new or catching up on shows. If Juju’s free, we’ll go grab some food or watch a movie. It’s all about relaxing and recharging.”
More questions flood the chat, and you pick another one.
Any book recommendations?
“Absolutely! I’ve been reading ‘The Song of Achilles’ lately. The writing is beautiful and so immersive. Highly recommend it. It’s a bit sad, though, so read it if you’re into that.”
Do you have any pets?
“Juju got a little puppy recently. You guys should see him—he’s the cutest. Juju calls him our kid now.”
As you continue engaging with the audience, the flood of comments and emojis feels like a warm embrace. But then, a comment stops you in your tracks, and your smile falters.
juju mid asf 😂
You pause, staring at the screen in disbelief. Juju’s been working tirelessly and seeing someone dismiss her like this hits unexpectedly hard. You take a deep breath, trying to calm the fire spreading through your body.
“Now I know I ain’t just read what I think I did, right? Juju mid as fuck? Don’t overstep. Juju’s my girlfriend. Juju and ‘mid’ don’t belong in the same sentence unless ‘not’ is between them, and I’m not going to stand by while people talk down about her in front of me.”
You pause, steadying your voice, determined to stand your ground.
“Keep her name out of your mouth. She’s achieved so much, and she deserves respect, not baseless criticism. You’re not going to get on my live and talk bad about my girlfriend, that’s for sure. I’m blocking you, bruh. Get out of here with that. If you don't have anything nice to say, shut your mouth. Let’s keep the vibes positive.”
Blocking the user brings a wave of satisfaction and relief. You continue engaging with your followers, but a part of you is still buzzing from the need to defend Juju.
“Alrighty, y’all, I’ll have to cut the Q&A short. We have to get on the plane now. Peace!”
Meanwhile, Juju’s phone buzzes with notifications. Her teammates have sent her clips from your live stream that fans had recorded and posted on TikTok. Watching, she feels a swell of pride.
Feeling touched and a bit playful, Juju opens Twitter to share a thought:
“My girl 🫡 #Proud #NotMid”
Shortly after her tweet, your phone vibrates with a text from Juju.
“Saw your live. Thanks for having my back. You’re amazing.”
A smile spreads across your face.
“About to take off. Love you.”
“I love you too, babe. Call me when you land.”
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wolvertooth · 1 month
can you plz hate rant about the deadpool & wolverine movie… saw it last week and i didn’t like it all… very refreshing to see that someone shares my opinion lmao
i got u man👍 most of this was in my drafts from after the movie came out, but i just never got around to posting it. i added some other opinions ive had since then, tho theres still a lot ive said over the past month that ive totally forgotten about lol
the intro sequence was fucking HYPE‼️ but then, part way thru the movie, u realize....it doesnt ever hit that same mark again. WHERE TF WAS THE HUGH JACKMAN SONG THEY PROMISED? the trailers showed 95% xmen origins clips. the movie didnt mention it once. no the brothers line doesnt count. false fucking advertising. deadpools sexuality has been confirmed since 2014. and now, 10 years later, its still being reduced to gay jokes. and people still eat it up like its genuine rep.
that guy at the tva who’s whole punchline was that he likes men. why. in 2024. why is that allowed. his whole character was a gay joke. i mean so was deadpool, but this guys whole thing was. That. can i say homophobia? can i say i felt that? is that reasonable? this movie felt like a fundraiser for the future avengers movies to make up for all the recent flops.
i watched this shit twice and yea. i was right. the plot was half assed. once u watch it once, thats it. thats the fun. its all just cameos. the jokes didnt even make me laugh again, since it was majority shock based humor. my second watch thru i was trying not to fall asleep in my chair. the way it lacks plot isnt in the Not Coherent kind of way, but rather 'this couldve been a 40 minute monster of the week episode'....or maybe even a 2 episodes if they wanted to get freaky with it it just felt so separate from the rest of the movies, like it wasnt even a sequel.
literally, the movie begins with them abandoning the previous timeline and wade moving to a new ‘better’ one.....almost like hes moving over to a more sacred timeline.........separate from fox.........which is dumb af cuz the movie couldve been him accepting that whatever happens in ur life u cant go back and change, and u have to make due with the good u already have. the previous movie ended with him having a family, he didnt need a new one. i mean, they did that for logans 'learning moment', why wouldnt that also apply to wade? paradox literally says ‘hey we brought u in cuz the mcu is dying, so u should come over to the sacred timeline’ and then after he changes into his costume THEY CHANGE THE PLOT. THEY THROW THAT OUT. WITHIN MINUTES. now paradox is like ‘actually just your timeline is dying, and i wont elaborate on how that works. and also u dont get to go to the sacred timeline. and i hate you.’ WHY BRING HIM THERE AT ALL THEN IF THATS THE PLOT U CHANGED IT TO? ITS DOESNT MAKE SENSE. even if the plot was that he had to go to the sacred timeline cuz his own was dying, WHY WOULDNT HE BE ABLE TO BRING HIS FRIENDS?
what was the vanessa plot? they never explain why she broke up with him? theres like a tiny flashback where she says hes been distracted ever since he got rejected, rejected from what? clearly not the avengers, since that happens after she leaves him. so wtf was the motive here????? the cameos felt like props. especially the deadpool corps, which i feel like they didnt even skim a wiki article for. they just went off google images. which hurt me. cuz i reallyyyyy like those guys....in the comics, theyre a group of deadpools(consisting of lady deadpool, kidpool, headpool, dogpool, and deadpool), who in their first series save the multiverse from being destroyed(sound familiar?). theyre the GOOD GUYS. why tf would they hear cassandra nova say ‘hey im gonna kill the entire multiverse’ and go ‘alright sure whatever’. why were they in the void to begin with? how’d they get there? isnt the void just for movie continuities anyway? why was cassandra also there? how does the void work? why does the void exist? will someone please explain literally anything in this movie? why not have them come in later to save the fucking day instead??
oh lady deadpool...how they massacred ur character... OH KIDPOOL.....HOW THEY MASSACRED UR CHARACTER...... god speaking of that. cassandra nova had literally so much potential and they watered her down to just Evil Villain. she hasnt done much in the comics, but one the things she did in one them was using her powers for therapy on the xmen(which deadpool also made a cameo in). she sort of does this briefly in that one scene, but it was just so.....basic. bland. why was there no b plot with the rest of the main cast. did they think the audience doesnt watch these movies for them? cuz i sure fucking do. i was waiting for the continuation of colossus and wades epic romance arc. side note, the gay jokes in the previous movies felt even less queerbaity then these ones. this movies queerbaiting was just....sad. marketing queerbaiting. this movie WISHES it couldve been deadpool 2 levels of queerbait(shoutout to the extended sex mimicking scene set to In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel)
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did anyone catch at the end when deadpool was narrating and when he said ‘friends’ yukio and negasonic teenage warhead were on screen. did anyone see that. they disney gal paled them.
i know wade is supposed to be the Funny Guy but man. thats literally all he was this movie. the other ones has ANGST they had him be HUMAN while this one was like 'logan was mean to me one time ):' bro. what happened. where'd the writers go.
this wolverine was like. the wolverine 2014 wolverine. which is when fox wolverine started to lose character and just become grumpy and mean. hes also like that in Logan 2017, but the reason why this kinda attitude works in that one is bcuz hes old, hes fucked up, hes tired, and every fuck that comes outta his mouth he means it. and yet....still manages to experience other emotions. what a concept. ive read literal satire comics that understood his character more(shoutout to the What The--?! series). it just had me waiting for the 'gotcha! this wolverine is actually 3 dimensional!' but it never fucking got there. it was amusing in the beginning, but by like half way in, i did not give a single fuck about this guy. they tried to give him some emotional moment(like. the only emotional moment in the entire film) but it just...lacked the emotion. just 'heres my sad backstory. are u sad now?' and then they did the SAME THING AGAIN no we get it man u were at the bar instead of with ur friends and u went on a classic wolverine style berserker rage. why should we care tho?
i mean, sure, they could use the excuse of being in the type of depressive state where ur emotions numb out(speaking as a mfer with the came curse), and yea hes not the kinda guy to open up about his emotions unless he really trusts someone(which he would likely distance himself from forming connections with others after that kind of trauma), but with cassandra nova right there there was a missed opportunity for elaborating on that. for digging deep into his brain and telling why this fucked him up so bad. imo, if i were to write it, with everyone he gets close to he puts upon the expectation for himself that hes at fault for anything that happens to them. that he needs to be the savior, even in a friendship. to prove himself to be worth something. especially after a life of being convinced hes a burden by just existing as himself, he needs to have use in order to make up for the fact that hes Logan.
but whos going to save him? isnt he struggling too? whos gonna help you? looking at all the other logans across the multiverse, who is the wolverine? why do you keep falling for the same patterns no matter where you are and who you are? deadpool called sabretooth queen and she/her'd logan within like 5 seconds of eachother. that was pretty good ig
final verdict:
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yknow. i think i get now the way fans reacted the way they did tho.
the other night i was rewatching the movie Hackers with my mom, saying that it was obvious the creators mustve known a lot about hacking in order to do such a good parody of it, out of love for the craft….but my knowledge of hacking is pretty minimal, so i have no actual fucking clue if that assumption is accurate or not. im just going off of a ton of references to hacking. for all i know, real hackers couldve hated this movie.
and thats how the average non comic fan saw this movie. they saw a buncha characters and references and thought ‘damn, they must really love the source material’ without knowing how much of a kick in the face it felt like to watch them get used and butchered like that.
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esther-dot · 9 months
i'm a sansa stan first and foremost, and i tried to ship s@nsan so hard lmaooo but when they start saying shit like "sansa has wet dreams about the hound" and "sansa actually likes older men", argh, i just can't. do. that. i know george said something about playing with it in the books, but i also think that he wanted to raise a few questions with the relationship, one of them being "who protects sansa from her protector?". like, there's TRAUMA in there. it's funny that they accuse jonsas of using sansa as a self-insert bc i don't know if you ever read a s@nsan fic or saw the fanarts, but they REALLY wanna bang that man 😭
(about this ask)
Nothing in the fandom horrifies me as much as Sansan. I’ve had nice Sansans come into my inbox, so I do distinguish between my feelings about the ship and the shippers, but I hate the reinterpretation of the Hound because it minimizes what he did/tried to do to Sansa. Instead of the later scenes where Sansa thinks of him being about her processing the trauma of his assault, suddenly, they become a gross villain whitewashing, victim-blamey, “actually, she wanted it.”
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I once even highlighted that whole "who will protect us from the guards" idea you mention because I think it was meant to emphasize what a travesty the Hound’s assault was:
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This isn’t a romance, this is a pattern. The Hound saves her than tries to rape her, Tyrion is kind to her then agrees to marry her, a child, a prisoner of his family, and LF rescues her but then starts to sexually molest her. All the same, in each of these instances, Sansa is grateful, she thinks kindly of them, and I think that says a lot about Sansa that you completely miss if you romanticize it and pretend that the Hound is someone, something to her, that he isn’t. I also talk about the whole cloak thing in that post too because I think the more contextualized reading is the one we’re meant to adopt.
When I did take a look at the meta, I was so creeped out by the nature of it and the art. Although, I want to give credit where it’s due. Apparently they were some of the first people to start taking Sansa seriously and created the reading of Sansa becoming a political factor, so they did change the fandom’s perception of Sansa in a good way. But imo their love of the Hound causes an imbalance in how they read their scenes. The point isn't that the Hound wouldn't have hurt Sansa, the point was that he very well might have but Sansa's actions stopped him which ties into a much bigger idea and important aspect of Sansa's story:
Even after the Hound assaults Sansa, later, she thinks of how terrifying the fire was, as in, even then, she is able to empathize with him, the man who held a knife to her throat and threatened to kill her. It’s laughable to suggest a man who mocked her relentlessly for who she was is capable of the same consideration. In fact, it is in a state of terror that the Hound attempts to rape Sansa and his fans use that to excuse his actions, and yet, while he is assaulting her, Sansa sings of mercy, gently touches his cheek. It’s almost like the very obvious interpretation, that the way to create a better world is Sansa’s method— not his— is what Martin expected people to understand, and his surprise people have turned it into something else altogether is genuine. (link)
As for Martin admitting he "played" with it, here's a clip. It's very short, and he's expressing surprise that his female readers like villains of which the Hound is one, and I think you can tell by his facial expression that the idea of the Hound and Sansa as a couple, is absolutely not where he ever intended to take things, not what he meant when he said he played with it. There are countless old monster movies with the monster being fascinated with a young girl or beautiful woman which humanizes him/shows a soft side. That's similar to Beauty and the Beast, the girl is what allows the monster to become human again, but in these variations, it isn't a romance. You can play with/reference tropes and ideas without it actually being a direct reiteration of the original story.
Anyway, filter and block and curate your fandom experience! 😅
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aceofwhump · 10 months
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my blog!
I decided to make a new pinned post with all the information that is available on my desktop site but that will be more accessible for mobile users. Plus a few extras 😉
So an introduction.
I'm Ace. I started this blog back in February 2018 after seeing a post that referenced the whump community. I had no idea there was such a large community here on tumblr! As soon as I saw that making a whump blog was an option I immediately made one. And I haven't regretted it since. I love this blog, I love this community, and I'm thrilled to be here three years later! 
Here on this blog you'll see lots of gifsets both reblogged from wonderful creators and gifs made by yours truly. I also write fanfics on occasion. You can check out my work on AO3 under the name "aceofwhump" or you can look under my tag "ace writes stuff". That tag will have some stuff not on AO3 too. I also do whump lists for certain characters, trope lists, video clips of good whump, and fanfic recs.
Click on the read more for even more information and important links to things like gifmaking tutorials, my trope tag list, my show/movie tag list, my fanfic masterlist, and more!!!
My favorite tropes are:
Emotional: panic attacks, nightmares, insecurities, feeling inadequate, fear, grief, flashbacks, flinching, emotional breakdowns full of sobbing, emotional outbursts, scar reveals, anxiety, self hatred
Environmental: accidents, natural disasters like earthquakes or storms, hit by a car, collapsed building, falling through ice, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, falls, burns, infected wounds from lack of medical equipment, sickness, being unable to breathe, drowning
Small moments: limping, feeling weak and seeking support, breathing through the pain, moving wrong in a way that aggravates the pain, and the sudden seizing of his body, shaking hands, pressing the heel of his hand against his temple because of a headache, taking a moment to close his eyes because he’s light headed/exhausted/has such a bad headache
Sci-fi: space illness, oxygen deprivation, isolation, being locked in the brig, hull of the ship getting damaged, alien attacks
Injuries: broken bones, gunshot wounds, hidden injuries, bruises, beaten, concussions, collapsed lung, slings, casts, crutches, knocked unconscious, blood loss
Torture/Captivity: Being strung up by their wrists from the ceiling, drugged, chained up, caged, tied to a chair, handcuffed to a pole, interrogated
Comfort/Caretaking: hugging, “Are you okay?”, “You’re safe now”, “I’ve got you”, hand holding, helping to walk, ice packs, covering someone with a blanket, a cool cloth on their forehead to help with a fever, a fever check, touching their face to offer comfort
Magic: magical healing that causes pain, draining of powers, powers that are painful to use, curses
Stoic or defiant whumpees
Team whump
Long detailed look at how I make my gifs
Gifmaking tutorials:
Gifmaking for Begginers: my ginormous all you need to know tutorial
Another look at how I make a gif
Tips for beginners
Tips on brightening dark scenes
How to get into gifmaking
Photoset dimensions
How to make a layout gifset
Gif speeds
Links from my desktop blog for mobile users:
My gifs
My whump videos
Ace writes stuff
My Writing Masterlist
Trope tag list
Show list
My Whumptober Masterlists
Fanfic Rec Lists
Blog Archive
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This has been a massive, ongoing project of mine for a while now in which I am endeavoring to catalog and categorize every fanfiction I’ve ever bookmarked. I fear this project will never be complete as I'm always reading and bookmarking new fics but I’m going to share it anyway.
Inside, you will find links and summaries to the fanfictions I’ve read over the years on both AO3 and FF.net. Each fic is sorted by the specific whumpee that they center on. So there’s a page for Danny Williams, for Mike Warren, for Lucifer Morningstar, and many many more. The fics are 90% whump with a touch of fluffy ones thrown in too. This list is based on the fics I’ve read and bookmarked so it leans heavily on my favorite whumpees and my favorite tropes. 
I’ve been working on categorizing every fic by its tropes (so theoretically you could search for say seizure fics or sick fics) but that’s taking me a loooong time because I have to reread every fic in order to determine what kind of categories to make and to look for the specific tropes. So for now you’ll have to make do with the fic summaries and using the search function. When it’s done, each whumpee will have their specific trope categories so you won’t necessarily find the same tropes in each category but it should help narrow down the fics better once I’m done. This is an ongoing project for me.
The list gets updated all the time so check back in every now and then. There might be something new.
I do take suggestions of fics to add to this masterlist but please keep in mind that it may not end up on the list. It's nothing personal I promise. I just can't add every single fic in the world.
Here's the link (note that it opens best on desktop browser because it is large):
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nattaphum · 1 year
Man Suang timeline
May 4
We got four new updates during the Woody Talk Show
The video below is the first one:
mile said that the most recent time he teased Apo was some days before, during the filming of man suang. The scene was a very serious one because it was the climax of the movie but mile teased him anyway. Apo bursted out laughing after he finished his scene but didn’t want mile to be scolded by the director so he covered him up LOL
The video has real-time subs but it’s better to read the dialogue before watching the clip for a better comprehension:
Apo: i was standing right across him and i met his eyes then he turned his body and did the *😜👉🏻👉🏻* pose
Woody: okay let's pretend you're in the scene and you stand here. i'll be pond. ACTION!
Apo: *meets mile's eyes*
Mile: in my head i was thinking "nobody, nobody but you"🎶 and i did the 😜👉🏻👉🏻 pose
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Apo: *laughs* woody, do you understand that i was in a serious mode & in character while the camera was filming me? then when i faced his face i saw this "dancing pose" and in my head i was like "i'm fucked up" and i tried to hold back the laugh while the camera was filming me. When the scene ended i was scolded by pond… he was like "hey you, come here" but mile was like this (*stepping away*) and ran somewhere. I said "okay okay" since i didn’t want him to get scolded.
Second update: There will be a mix of Thai, Chinese & other cultures... there are no good or evil characters, everyone will develop their own character.
Apo shared the photo he took on Valentine’s day aka the first day of shooting man suang
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Woody asked for another spoiler so mile and apo reacted like this 😂:
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Then they said:
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May 8
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Tong posted his story but
then he deleted it (?)
May 10
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Pond: Working with people who share the same vision and beliefs is powerful. We don't do anything because we get something. We do something because we want to give. And starting today the theme song of #ManSuang is in the hands of Ohm @ohmhar, who is very kind and very into it. He started working before the official agreement was really done. Thank you @sodapor for understanding. Let's go together. Ohm, who is a dancer (Mi, his wife, likes dancing a lot too), has become another important part of #ManSuang to be proud of. Please wait, everyone.
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Khun Ohm is the lead singer of Cocktail band, a composer and a music producer. He's a co-founder of Gene Lab, a Thai record label and entertainment agency under GMM Grammy. He is also a judge on a famous thai survival show (x,x)
The comments of thai fans that i read are all very positive. They are excited it’s gonna be him to take care of the soundtrack because he always makes very deep and emotional song! They say he is perfect for the role!! 😍
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Apo today with someone from Gene Lab team:
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ltstrikesback · 5 months
TLDR: Monkey Man was so beautiful and so much more than meets the eye.
Spoilers below/me being mildly pretentious:
As someone who has not gone to the movies to see anything other than queer films lately, my girlfriend got us tickets to Monkey Man. She practices jujutsu and likes John Wick and thought this movie would be similar.
I am a huge Dev Patel fan, though, when I saw the trailer before a viewing of Love Lies Bleeding, I figured I might not actually end up seeing it. I didn’t think I was the target audience. I also don’t love action heavy, guns blasting movies in theaters themselves because it’s a bit sensory overload for me. I felt myself make a mental note to watch it on streaming and already forgetting to do so. Flash forward to me and my partner in the theater and I was in awe.
This movie is about a small village who is violently forced off their land so the elite can build a factory. Dev Patel’s character—Kid—is a child the day the village is expelled. He witnesses his mother’s murder and years later seeks revenge on the man who killed her. When he fails to enact his revenge, he finds himself in a city wide man hunt, ending with him falling into a river, drowning. But he is saved! By a small community of hijra—trans women—who live in a temple nearby.
Walking into this movie I didn’t expect social commentary or politics. I anticipated a Rocky type movie, contained to the story of one individual’s hero’s journey. (People keep mentioning John Wick as a comparison. I just mentioned it in this very post but I haven’t actually seen it for the record.) Monkey Man is specifically not about one individual or one individual’s revenge. This was my takeaway. The message we see over and over is that there are things in this life bigger than ourselves. It is literally impossible to save yourself by yourself—you need community.
I’ll take a step back now to acknowledge that I am not sure how familiar everyone is with current politics in India. I myself have limited insight but have friends who are personally affected by the current climate. There is a strong wave towards Hindu nationalism under PM Modi. It’s yet another instance of what feels like the whole world turning to fascism. The movie uses real clips from real instances of social clashes to paint the landscape of this fictional city. Also, I was reading into the backstory and potential censorship of this film and learned the villain’s colors were originally orange, not red. A clear parallel to the current Hindu nationalism at hand. There are clips of crowds attacking trans people. There are boos at the mention of Muslims and Christians. There are scapegoats in this film that are intentionally pulled from real life.
Now to jump back in—I have to say I was completely moved by the entire sequence at the temple. The temple is dedicated to Ardhanarishvara—a god who is part woman and part man. The hijra community has found a home here, albeit on the outskirts of society. The leader tells Kid, “no one will come looking for you here.” Their status in society protects him in a serendipitous way. They are also the ones that nourish him and help him train for his next mission. Not only that, but we see this community smile, laugh, flirt, and fight. I loved the scene with Kid and the drummer, with the girls cat calling him from afar (same). It was so tender to see trans joy, even in mundanity, amidst persecution.
When Kid has self-actualized and essentially is Hanuman, the part monkey God the movie is named after, he takes on the political elites. There is a moment he is surrounded by bodyguards in this hotel sequence. He’s outnumbered and out comes our hijra fam to the rescue. They take down these men. And it is so fucking amazing. I mean, really, it’s so fucking amazing to see them fight for themselves, for each other and be the hero.
To wrap up, I also wanted to touch on the fight sequences’ production. I mentioned I don’t really like fight scenes because I get sensory overload but the music in this film resolved this issue for me. It wasn’t pure screams or gunshots. There was a really fun soundtrack that added a great twist to the film. Kind of reminds me when they break out electric guitars in Chinese historical dramas. Just another thing about this movie that really worked. At least for me personally.
Last thought—my take away is not necessarily to say “put Dev Patel in everything” which is happening in the online discourse. (There’s a weird opposite-of-cancel-culture thing that happens sometimes where audiences obsess and then forget about actors or artists. Idk.) Rather: let this man do whatever he wants. Give him your funding, give him your resources! He should not have to kill himself to tell his stories!
*Sigh* my heart has been so full since watch this. A huge shout out to Dev and his team.
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thewickedmerman · 2 months
My Top 10 Favorite Disney Heroines
Okay, so I've recently been having some issues with making videos and until I can sort it out, I can't really get any new clips for videos. So that makes it harder for me to be able to talk about certain topics I want to discuss on YouTube. However, I really want to talk about this so I decided to make a post here on Tumblr and when I have my technical issues sorted out, I'll post a YouTube version. However, since I'm not playing a character on Tumblr, that means that this won't include my signature merfolk language like "mermazing", "What the Tartarus", or "Dear sweet Poseidon." But you can expect that in my video when I sort out my technical issues.
Anyway, I’ve been criticizing Disney quite a bit lately and while that’s been both fun and therapeutic, I’m still a MASSIVE fan of Disney and would like to talk about something great from them. Since one of my more recent videos where I fixed Disney’s adorkable problem has gotten popular, I figured I would talk about my top 10 favorite Disney heroines. Now lets establish the guidelines. I will only be talking about Disney’s animated heroines, I will only be including characters from their animated movies so that means no TV show heroines like Kim Possible will be included, and I won’t be including characters from properties that Disney has bought. So that means that characters like Anastasia/Anya from Anastasia won’t be included, otherwise she would be in my top 3. Why? Because apart from putting them on DisneyPlus, Disney hasn’t done anything to promote or profit off of these movies so it’s hard to consider them to be actual Disney movies. It’s why I still don’t consider movies like Anastasia to be Disney movies.
But other than that, I will have free range in what heroines make my list. So that means Pixar and Disney sequel heroines will be included. Keep in mind that this will be heavily bias, since this is obviously my opinion. So your favorites aren’t necessarily my favorites and vise versa. Feel free to share your favorites and your thoughts on my list. Just don’t be an asshole about it! Now without any further delay, lets dive right on it.
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10. Lilo (Lilo and Stitch Franchise)
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This is definitely one of the BEST child characters EVER and I don’t just mean from Disney. She’s weird, eccentric, emotional, she gets into fights, she’s sweet, charming, hilarious, clever, adventurous, sassy, and is just the most entertaining part of her movie. And considering the cast of characters in this franchise, that’s saying A LOT. I love how she is into unconventional things that a girl her age typically isn’t into. It’s great rep for those of us who were the weird kid growing up. I mean, while I wasn’t into the things she was into, being a boy who was, and still is, into traditionally feminine things made me a bit of an outcast growing up. Speaking of great rep, many have said that Lilo is autistic-coded, and while this hasn’t been confirmed by either the original creators or Disney, I definitely can get behind it. Speaking as someone who is autistic, I definitely remember having similar behaviors to Lilo at that age. Not entirely because everyone with autism is different. Me and my wife (@keeloves) are both autistic but we have different sensory issues from each other and behaved differently from each other as kids but still saw ourselves in Lilo. My wife particularly sees herself in Lilo, due to being a brown autistic woman, which you don’t get a lot of rep with in media.
But anyway, even if I didn’t connect to Lilo because of my autism, I would still adore her, especially since I didn’t learn I was autistic until I was a senior in high school and I still grew up loving Lilo. She has a creative way of doing things and it helps her stand out from a lot of heroines. Even heroines that are allegedly supposed to be more unique and break the mold like Mirabel from Encanto, can’t hold a candle to Lilo’s uniqueness. She has a style that’s all her own and that’s what makes her the perfect friend for Stitch, along with her immense generosity. Many have said Lilo means lost in Hawaiian but it can also mean generous one, which perfectly describes Lilo, due to her not only being lonely, but also her generous heart that managed to break through to Stitch. However, she has her limits and when pushed too far will come at you hard. I also relate to her loneliness as someone who has a hard time both making friends and maintaining friendships. She also has some of the best lines in the movie. Her personality continues to shine in the other forms of media she appears in and you can’t have a Lilo and Stitch product without her because she’s the heart of the franchise. Yes, I’m aware of those stupid shows that don’t have Lilo and I don’t plan on watching them. They don’t exist!
9. Jane (Return to Neverland) and Raya (Raya and the Last Dragon)
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Hey, I never said that I wouldn’t have ties on my list. Don’t worry, this will be the only tie on this list. But to keep it organized, I will be talking about each of these characters individually before I talk about why I can’t decide who I love more.
Starting with Jane, she’s a character who isn’t like most Disney heroines that are adventurous and dream of something more. Instead, she’s a young girl who is living during wartime and is just trying to survive and do what she can to take care of her family. She’s the daughter of Wendy from the original Peter Pan but the two couldn’t be more different. Whereas Wendy is a soft-spoken optimist who is full of childlike wonder, Jane is a practical pessimist with a sharp tongue that has become jaded due to her situation. This gives her more of an arc with her story compared to her mother, who is by no means a bad character. This helps her stand out among all the Disney sequel children who tend to share their parents personality traits. I love how they don’t have Jane just be a stick in the mud for no reason. She has an understandable reason for why she is the way that she is and I think people tend to overlook that because she’s so different from the heroines that we’re used to seeing from Disney. She had to grow up fast due to her experiences and she longs for her childhood days when she could believe in things like Peter Pan, Neverland, and pixie dust. However, she knows she has to be strong but she also needs to learn to regain some of her childhood wonder to help get her through the hard times. I honestly love her relationship with Peter Pan. Not only do they have amazing chemistry, but I love how unlike the female characters in the previous movies, who tend to fawn all over him and boost his ego, Jane deflates his ego, helps him mature a bit, and calls out his behavior. I love that even if she’s not as snarky as characters like Megara that Jane is still snarky. But she also has a loving side and can be taken in by the beauty of Neverland when she’s being shown Neverland. I honestly see a lot of myself in Jane and I loved seeing her growth as a character. She’s such a complex character and she’s just a child. She’s the best thing to come out of the Peter Pan franchise. Yes, even better than Tinkerbell and I love how she calls out Tinkerbell as well.
Now we move on to Raya. For those of you who have seen my video about fixing Disney’s adorkable problem, I mentioned that Raya is one of the few heroines of the revival era that doesn’t have an adorkable personality, making her one of the more unique characters of the era. Unlike the bubbly, optimistic, quirky, and over-the-top heroines of the era, Raya is mature, snarky, pessimistic, cheeky, serious, and jaded. This is a character type that is not only unique for this era of Disney but is also a rare type of character from Disney in general. I love that she’s not so optimistic and bubbly but can still be sweet and caring towards the ones she loves. Also, speaking as someone who has trust issues, I do relate to Raya and her journey with her distrust of people. She’s been hurt and when she trusted someone, the world ended up broken because of it. So her trying to save the world isn’t about trying to help the world but to help her kingdom and bring her father back. On the one hand it’s selfless for her to do this for her people but on the other hand, she’s selfish for not caring about the rest of the world but it makes sense because of her experiences and trust issues. I also love how she’s a bit xenophobic but she slowly starts to let down her walls and trust others from different clans. I love characters that are relatable but also have a lesson they have to learn that helps them grow as people and Raya definitely fits the bill. I also love how unlike other heroines, who are great with kids and babies, she was very awkward when interacting with Noi at first. It shows that not everyone is great with kids and it’s something that can be learned. It also shows her growth with how she’s able to let herself have connections with others. But she’s also a badass of a fighter! The woman has moves! But I love that there’s more to her than just her physical strength. I love her snarky and jaded personality and her journey. Plus, it's unique how she's a Disney Princess who wasn't wanting more out of life but rather wanted to the life she used to have back. Not to mention how she was the closed-minded one while her father was the open-minded one. I also love how became one of the few Disney protagonists that are willing to kill. Granted, she didn’t do it but she was willing to kill Namaari during the climax of the movie. But she’s ultimately a good person who comes to the realization that it wasn’t right. She’s a phenomenal and underrated character from a phenomenal and underrated movie. Give us more characters like her and unique personalities, Disney.
As for why I can’t decide between the two, it’s honestly because both of them are pretty similar. Both are snarky, jaded, practical, responsible, and act as the straight man in their respective movies amongst the more chaotic characters they come across. Not to mention, both long for the simpler days when their lives were actually happy but can’t because of how their worlds have shaped them. They have great character growth and their way of thinking is technically wrong but you also understand why they are the way they are. So with how similar they are, I can’t really decide who I love more so I decided not to. The two of them are truly amazing characters and actually break the mold of the heroines we tend to see from Disney and I adore them for that.
8. Tiana (The Princess and the Frog)
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Just like Raya, she’s one of the few heroines from the revival era that actually has a unique personality and in my opinion is the best heroine from this era. I love how she’s practical and serious like Jane and Raya but it’s not because she’s jaded. It’s just because she’s determined, ambitious, and a workaholic. But even without her being jaded, there’s also an explanation for why she is the way she is. She has a dream that people say will be impossible for her to achieve due to her being a black woman of low status and a dream her father spent his whole life to achieve but never managed to see happen. She’s worked two jobs her entire life and has to work so much harder than everyone else just to prove herself. But I love that she’s also a bit playful, caring, friendly, does want to have fun but just can’t let herself, and is still creative. Almost There shows off the massive extent of her incredible imagination. I love how passionate she is about her dream and cooking. I adore how she never loses her passion and fire no matter what. I wish I had her drive in life to help make my dreams come true. She inspires me and it kills me that both she and her movie are so underrated when really they deserve to be getting the attention that Frozen got. I honestly can’t wait to see what they do in the new Tiana series and I just pray that they don’t disappoint me. Tiana is truly a great character and it’s a shame more people don’t realize it. Even in her frog form, her personality shines through with her hard-working and witty personality. Not to mention, she has great growth as a character. There’s nothing wrong with pursuing a dream but you shouldn’t let that keep you from also living your life. She’s confident in certain areas but she’s also insecure as well. It helps make her a layered character and one of the most three-dimensional heroines from the revival era. Truly one of Disney’s best leading ladies.
7. Pocahontas (Pocahontas)
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First of all, yes, I know that the movie is problematic with its misrepresentation of the real Pocahontas’ life, showing both sides being in the wrong when in real life it was the white settlers who were the only ones in the wrong, and portraying Pocahontas in a romantic relationship with John Smith when she was a child when they met and the fact that he intended to colonize her people. However, I still ADORE the movie! Yes, it has its issues but it also has gorgeous animation, incredible songs, an amazing musical score, an engaging romance, likable and iconic characters, a great message that’s definitely relevant today, and most importantly one of the best protagonists to ever come out of Disney.
Despite the issues Native Americans rightfully have with her movie, one thing, at least from my understanding, that they universally agree on is that in terms of personality, Pocahontas is spot on. So it’s really no wonder that Pocahontas herself is the best thing about the movie. I adore how she’s curious, adventurous, mischievous, fun-loving, playful, and daring. However, she’s also smart and mature. She’s undeniably a remarkable character that deserves nothing but praise. I love how she has a journey of finding her path but isn’t sure what her path is. And I don’t mean like she has to decide between two things but rather she has no idea what her second option is. It’s something a lot of people can relate to who can’t decide what they want to do with their life. So it’s interesting and unique to have a character who doesn’t have a clear idea of what they want but still know they want more than the life that has been planned for them. When you think about it, Pocahontas is a pretty complex character in that sense and it’s one of the reasons I adore her along with her just being a fun and exciting character. One of my favorite scenes is just her going down the water rapids and instead of her just going down the safe path that she goes with the more exciting and fun path because it’s just who she is. I mean, when she’s supposed to just come down to the river and get into the canoe with Nakoma, she could just run down there but instead, she chooses the more daring option of diving off. I wish I had the amount of guts she has. She’s such an exciting character and there’s nothing dull about her. But she also stands up for what is right and will lay her own life down in order to do what needs to be done. She’s such an underrated character that it’s painful to think about. I adore Pocahontas and consider her to be one of the best characters Disney has ever created.
6. Anastasia Tremaine (Cinderella Sequels)
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Originally starting off as a minor villain in the original Cinderella, Anastasia has since become one of the most complex and interesting characters to ever come out of Disney. Even people who hate the Disney sequels tend to agree that she’s one of the best things to come out of these cash grabs. She’s so great that even the show Once Upon a Time in Wonderland continued the trend of making her a sympathetic character, with her being played flawlessly by Emma Rigby. But anyway, I adore how she still has some traits from her original appearance with her lacking elegance and grace, being a clutz, being a bit ditzy (But not dumb), and having a bit of a temper to her. It shows that just because someone becomes good, they don’t lose all of their negative traits or become 100% different because that’s not realistic. However, she’s incredibly sympathetic with how she’s a victim of her mother and sister’s abuse but they don’t erase the fact that she was abusive to Cinderella. As they say, hurt people hurt people. People are complex and it’s amazing to see someone who was abusive can also be the abuse victim without erasing past mistakes. But they don’t have Cinderella judge her on the person she used to be but rather the person she is now. In A Twist in Time, we do see her show guilt towards Cinderella. She’s just someone who wanted to be loved and for someone to love her for who she is and not what her mother wanted her to be. Honestly, I wish Disney would explore more characters like Anastasia who aren’t conventionally attractive and can also be complex and interesting. She kind of reminds me of Helga from Hey Arnold. And honestly, while Cinderella herself is still a great an admirable character, I prefer her step-sister. In fact, I might have a video analyzing what a great and complex character Anastasia is in the future (Or even post it here on Tumblr), so keep an eye out for that.
5. Megara (Hercules)
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But her friends call her Meg, at least they would if she had any friends. Yeah, you know I had to quote that. Much like Anastasia, Meg didn’t start off as a heroine but rather as a minion to the villain. I honestly went back and forth on whether or not I preferred Anastasia or Megara but I ultimately went with Megara because of her amazing snark. Being someone who is incredibly sarcastic, sassy, and snarky, I relate to characters who are like that as well. She’s honestly the sassiest Disney character ever. Literally no one can match her. Yes, there have been sassy and snarky characters from Disney, a good number of them are even on this list, but none meet the same level of sarcasm as her. She’s one of the most unique Disney heroines with her starting off as a bit of an antagonist, being way more snarky and jaded than Disney’s heroines, and actually having a romantic history instead of just only being in a relationship with one person in your life and that’s the one you end up marrying. A lot of people can relate to Meg and the fact that she gave and gave all her love to someone she was in a relationship with but that person just didn’t love her as much and left her for someone else. She gave so much that she sold her soul to save her boyfriend’s life only for him to dump her for some random girl. No wonder she swore off love and became so jaded. But I love how she learns to love again and sees that it’s not bad to give yourself to someone so long as it’s the right person because just like how Megara gave up her life to save Hercules, he was willing to give his life to gets hers back. While Hercules is a great and engaging character, I find Meg’s journey more engaging. She’s a great character and it’s no wonder that she’s so beloved. Plus, she’s a snarky queen!
4. Angel (Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp's Adventure)
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Yeah, can you tell that I have a thing for characters that are snarky and jaded? She reminds me a lot of Megara, albeit, not as extreme due to being a kid and her movie having a different tone to Hercules. It’s no wonder that I love her, especially when her movie is also one of my top 10 favorite Disney movies of all-time. I love how she is very sly and confident but isn’t cocky or arrogant. However, despite her confidence, she also has her insecurities about her wanting a permanent family, since she’s had five families that have taken her in but when she starts to think that this one is for keeps, they move, have a new baby, or have an allergy. So despite her desire for a family, she’s jaded about the world and feels that she can only depend on herself and only sticks around the junkyard dogs because she has no other alternative. I love how even though she’s a major factor in Scamp’s development and is basically the glue that holds this movie together, Scamp helps with her development. He allows her to be brave enough to be vulnerable and to see that you don’t have to only look out for yourself because he looks out for her. The two of them help each other to grow just like a true couple should. Despite their age, their love is to the same level as any adult relationship because they were friends first and then fell in love. Overall, Angel is a phenomenal character that is smart, sassy, jaded, confident, insecure, layered, brave, brutal, sly, caring, kind, tomboyish but still feminine, and just so freaking adorable.
3. Mulan (Mulan)
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Yeah, you know that you can’t have a top 10 best Disney heroines list without including her. I mean, what can I even say about her that hasn’t already been said. She’s a perfect character journey. She starts off trying to be the perfect bride and daughter but she just keeps messing it up, has no idea who she is or what she’s meant to be, breaks the rules and risks possible death for herself in order to save her father from certain death by taking his place in the army and disguising herself as a man, starts off terrible at training, gets better by embracing both sides of herself (The masculine and the feminine), and ultimately brings honor and saves the day by being herself. I love how, unlike the modern heroines we get nowadays, they take her journey seriously. Yes, there’s still some comedy with her but they don’t go over-the-top or make her clumsiness her most defining character trait. But her amazing actions aren’t the only great thing about her. I love her realistic clumsiness, awkwardness, wit, cleverness, kindness, caring nature, bravery, courage, creativity, and that she’s funny without having to be over-the-top. She’s far from perfect but that’s why she’s so great. She isn’t strong for just being masculine but also because she’s feminine. She’s flawed but she tries, she’s insecure but that doesn’t stop her, she wanted to save her father and bring honor but she also wanted to prove that she could do things right. And yet, they still made sure she was a likable character with a three-dimensional personality so that we actually care about her journey. I feel like modern Disney could learn a thing or two from Mulan. And the less said about that awful live-action remake or that horrendous direct-to-video sequel MulanII the better. Lets just focus on the original Disney Mulan and how she truly brought honor to us all.
2. Ariel (The Little Mermaid Franchise)
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Yeah, you know that I had to include my favorite Disney Princess. Ever since I was a little boy, I’ve always absolutely ADORED Ariel. I relate to her rebellious nature, since I’ve always had a naturally rebellious side to me. She’s playful, mischievous, adventurous, curious, bubbly, determined, sweet, fiery, and a painfully accurate portrayal of adolescence. She’s reckless, naive, impulsive, stubborn, and headstrong. I love how flawed she is because it makes her feel more real and three-dimensional. I honestly love how relatable she is and even as someone in my late twenties, I still relate to Ariel even to this day. I know the feeling of wanting more out of life and wanting to explore beyond the confines of one's current existence. Ariel wants to learn more about the human world and wants to be a part of it because of her love of learning and her fascination with the human world. I adore just how curious and daring she is. When she sees something that interests her, she pursues it and is just so passionate about it. She’s just so engaging. I also love how on land when she’s can’t talk how adorable she is with her facial expressions and actions. She’s just such a delightful character. She sees what she wants and she goes for it and I love her for that. I honestly get so mad when people say she’s just boy-crazy and threw her life away for a man. Did people not watch the movie? She sang a whole mother-flipping song about how she wanted to be part of the human world long before she ever saw Eric. He was just what finally got things going. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with wanting romance because that’s not all she wants. She wants to explore the world and learn. The live-action remake actually made the character even better and considering how much I love the character, that’s saying something. And yeah, the live-action remake is amazing and the best of the live-action remakes (Which I have a video all about on YouTube). This little mermaid is the best Disney Princess and one of my favorite fictional characters of all-time.
Honorable mentions:
Now before I name my number 1 favorite, lets name some honorable mentions. Keep in mind that these aren’t in any particular order. Madellaine from The Hunchback of Notre Dame II, Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Judy Hopps from Zootopia, Elsa from the Frozen franchise, Jasmine from the Aladdin franchise, Belle from Beauty and the Beast, Jane from Tarzan, Violet from The Incredibles franchise, Jessie from the Toy Story franchise, Kiara from The Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride, Dory from the Finding Nemo franchise, Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph, Miss Bianca The Rescuers franchise, and Rapunzel from Tangled.
Melody (The Little Mermaid II: Return to the Sea)
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I mean, is anyone surprised? I’ve already mentioned that she’s tied with Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians as my favorite fictional character of all-time. I absolutely ADORE her! Much like how her mother is an accurate depiction of teenage struggles, Melody is an accurate representation of preteen struggles. She’s awkward around her peers, she’s doesn’t know how to act around people, she’s shy around boys, she feels like a fish out of water (No pun intended), she’s unsure of herself, has a hard time communicating with her parents, and doesn’t make the best decisions. These are all part of growing up and they captured that flawlessly with her. She has the same traits as her mother but she also has her differences that make her feel like her own unique character. Unlike her mother, who is extroverted and confident, Melody is introverted and self-conscious, which makes her feel more relatable to me. I love how they can make her very awkward without having to make it her most defining character trait like with the Disney heroines of the Revival era. She only feels comfortable in her skin when she’s out swimming and she’s told that she can’t go out into the ocean. That’s something many of us can relate to with how we’re comfortable living a certain lifestyle, doing something we love, or being true to ourselves only to be told we can’t for whatever reason. Being a naturally rebellious person with interests that aren’t traditionally masculine, I definitely relate to that. Plus, being someone who always wanted to be a merman, I also have a massive love for the ocean and Melody’s explosive passion and undying love for the sea is just so engaging. But I also love how she also has a lesson to learn, which gives her more of an arc than her mother, though to be fair, Ariel didn’t really need to learn a lesson, King Triton did. But I still love how Melody had to learn her own self-worth and apologized for causing this mess. And instead of choosing between land or sea, she chooses both by breaking down the wall that divided them. She is the bridge that connects the two worlds together. She’s just such an engaging character. Every time I see her on screen, she's just so charming and entertaining. I love her passion, awkwardness, curiosity, mischievousness, playfulness, sweetness, cunning, and just everything about her. Maybe one of these days I’ll make a video all about how mermazing she is. She certainly is a remarkable character that is more than deserving of it.
And those are my top 10 favorite Disney heroines. Are any of my favorites your favorites? Who are your favorites? Let me know. Please like, comment, reblog, and follow me if you haven't already.
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lokabrenna-writes · 1 year
More Soukoku Headcanons Because I Still Need Healing After Chapter 109 (The Anime Somehow Managed To Make It Worse???)
Fluff Edition
Dazai has a deep-seated hatred for Mickey Mouse. Is it his voice? His personality? Nobody but Dazai knows.
One time the duo were sent on an “important mission” that turned out to be babysitting Elise for a few hours. There wasn't much to do considering they were under clear instructions not to leave headquarters since they may or may not have lost Elise last time. So, they decided to put on a movie. Elise looked at Chuuya, then at Dazai, then back at Chuuya before telling Dazai to put on Brave. Chuuya lost count of how many times he had to say “yes, I’m sure I’m not Scottish” and “no, I don’t straighten my hair. It’s wavy, not curly” and “shut up, Dazai! I don’t look like Merida’s little brothers!”
Chuuya has tried multiple times to convince Dazai that a dog would be the perfect addition to Soukoku. It never worked.
One time Dazai got cold that was much more intense than it should’ve been since he didn’t rest properly in the earlier stages. He didn’t feel like doing anything including taking any medication. He just wanted to sleep and for Chuuya to stop waking him up to tell him to eat or take his medicine. Chuuya could not get Dazai to say anything to him rather than hum in agreement or huff in disagreement. Finally, Chuuya asked if Dazai wanted anything to which Dazai finally gave a verbal answer: bleach. Without saying another word Chuuya went into the kitchen, grabbed a disposable cup, and poured the proper amount of medicine into said cup. If Dazai wouldn’t take the medication on his own, Chuuya would just have to get creative. He took the cup to Dazai and when he received a raised eyebrow he responded with “you said you wanted bleach, so here.” Dazai later complained that the ‘bleach’ Chuuya gave him tasted suspiciously like bubblegum cough syrup.
They've both been banned from nearly every social media platform either by Mori, Kouyou, Fukuzawa, Kunikida, or the platform itself because of the cancellation threads they post of each other.
Chuuya refuses to watch anything with Dazai after they watched The Promised Neverland together. Dazai had watched enough clips prior to figure out the plot and some major plot twists, then told Chuuya about how he had found them something happy to watch. They binge-watched all of the first season in one night and Dazai got a kick out of watching Chuuya react. Chuuya denies to this day that he cried multiple times, but Dazai remembers. Dazai has video proof.
Dazai once convinced Chuuya that his room was haunted by a cat and that he had to leave crab dishes on the counter so he wouldn't wake up to everything having been moved to the top shelf again. When questioned on how a cat would be able to move all of his appliances to the top shelf, Dazai said it was important not to question the powers of a vengeful ghost. Chuuya discovered this was just another scheme to get more crab after he caught Dazai sneaking in on the third night to eat the crab dish.
Dazai covers Chuuya’s eyes when the ‘Help Dogs in Need’ commercials or adds come on. He has no choice. Last time Chuuya saw one of those commercials he was a wreck for days and Dazai had to hide his card to keep him from giving all of his money to the organization. Dazai also had to hide his own card incase Chuuya gave up looking for his.
If Dazai ever sees any of the old Sheep members, he glares at them. Doesn’t matter where he is, he will stop and glare. Doesn’t matter who he is with either, poor Atsushi was very confused when his mentor stopped mid-sentence to glare at someone who was just trying to cross the street (they ended up turning around). The only difference is if Chuuya is the one with him. He’ll glare like usual, but if Chuuya notices and attempts to look at what has caught his attention, Dazai will flick the back of Chuuya’s hat so it blocks his vision and say something like “Oh no, the wind is picking up! Better get to *insert wherever they’re going* quickly before Chuuya blows away because he’s so short!” And he’ll pull Chuuya along, twirling them both around because he has to show off that he still has Chuuya and the Sheep could never stand a chance. Chuuya doesn’t resist, but will always respond with something like “It’s not even windy! And what does my height have to do with anything?!” Yes, Dazai knows it’s petty, but that’s part of the fun. Besides, he’s been doing this ever since he was 15, why stop now?
I also want to add that while Dazai was in the Port Mafia, Akutagawa took note of all the people (aka sheep members) Dazai was glaring at and began to follow his example. Akutagawa has no clue why Dazai glares at them, but he does not question it. If Dazai glares, then so will Akutagawa.
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bigwishes · 2 years
KingKobra to UwUCobra
REQUEST:  Bonjour, could I maybe get another story? I think in this community a lot people write the typical jock transformation stories. And I mean, it is great. I do it quite often. But could you maybe write a more effeminate transformation for me? I try to do that every so often, just to keep things diverse and fresh. [trigger warning: racism and homophobia]
This was Brayden aka KingKobra. A young 21 year old dude who had been into bodybuilding since he saw his first movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger when he was about 12 or 13. Ever since that day he wanted to be a massive, He loved the way chicks stared at him and he loved lifting weights. When Brayden went to college he found himself doing anything to avoid studying and mostly played video games after the gym. He decided to stream on twitch one night when his mates couldn’t join up but to his surprise he was a massive hit and he became one of the top Valorant streamers within a month. He couldn’t walk around campus anymore without someone calling out his gamer tag, which is how most people knew him now, the KingKobra.
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The problem with a guy like Brayden getting as big a platform as he did was the fact that he was an asshole, and he gave other assholes a place to hang out. his channel was 100% straight male viewers between 18-28, even when girls or gay guys found him hot to look at they couldn’t handle his stream. He would constantly say racist, sexist and homophobic shit. Other streamers, especially the ones within the campus community refused to collab with him and there was a collection of “Beating KingKobra for The Girls & Gays” meme video’s on Youtube made by other streamers who beat him in a game but that only added fuel to Brayden’s fire. One afternoon something came up in Brayden’s recommended, a YouTube video from another streamer titled “Cutting off Kobra’s Head” it was a montage of Brayden dying in the video game over and over to some funky pop song. The streamer who made it was GetGlockBlocked. GGB was a masc gay Indian guy who not only competed against Brayden in game and for views but also competed against him in the gym GGB was just as big and just as strong as Brayden and this video sent him over the edge, he knew exactly what to do to get his fans behind him and so he started streaming, within seconds of going live he had hundreds of guys watching. “Hey bros, KingKobra here, just wanted to do a quick reaction to a video posted by GetGlockBlocked who thinks he is better than me, so here we go” Brayden played the video pretending it was his first time watching, every time he died to his competitor there was some excuse to undermine GGB’s skill. His viewers got fired up following along as hate speech. The video ended and Brayden told his chat his final thoughts. “I mean, yeah bro its a montage to a catchy tune but fuckin. Glock, bro, all you do is play fucking Killjoy and Sage, fucking skill less agents, but I mean I know the fags like those characters and your whole brand is teaching bitches and fags to ‘carry’ with them but your team does everything and then you put a turret kill in a montage and call it skill, like okay bro” Brayden’s chat was losing their mind, shouting homophobic and racial slurs. People even started clipping what he said and sending it to GGB. “Listen bros, he might have his girlie fucking montage video but just remember after college Ill be Mr Olympia getting paid to play video games and he’ll be driving a fucking taxi” Brayden couldn’t contain his laughter and his chat only egged him on further. After watching the video he streamed for a few hours and then went to bed. In the morning he saw a post about GGB taking a break for a week and laughed, exactly what he knew would happen once he made his review of the montage, his fans hate raided GGB on twitch, twitter and about every other site they could. That’d teach him a lesson, no one fucks with the KingKobra.
Something else was on Brayden’s phone too, a PM on twitter. He thought it would be some fucking scrawny nerd asking for his workout routine again but it was from someone else, someone named “GGBs Biggest Fan” “I hate you and your community, why do you seriously need to bully other streamers. You are so fucking toxic, is your dick actually that fucking small that you need to make up for it with ego? apologise or suffer the consequences” Brayden scoffed at the message and simply replied
“I’m not KingKobra coz I think snakes are cool, I'm called that coz my cock is 9 inches bro, aint gotta make up for shit”
Brayden’s phone suddenly sparked and electrocuted his hand. It hurt like a bitch but something else happened, a tingling all over his body. His dick got hard and he got horny, his huge muscular frame is his bathroom mirror was such a turn on all of a sudden, he knew he was hot but he never jerked off to himself before? the sensation in his body got stronger and stronger. Brayden started to jerk off but his dick felt numb, it didn’t relieve the hormonal pressure constantly building in his body. He bit down on his lip as he started to feel himself up, his hands going on auto pilot sliding along his body to his waist when a thought crossed his mind. The thought of a huge muscled guy putting his large hands on Brayden’s waist and biting down on his neck. “what the fuck why am I..” he moaned out loud, he wasn’t a fag, he thought but he couldn’t string his thoughts together as he just got hornier and hornier. Instinctively his hands found his was to his ass and he shoved 2 of his meaty finger inside himself letting out the loudest moan of his life.
He...didn’t want to do this, at least he didn’t think he did. He kept going, unable to stop, it felt better and better by the second. Moaning every time he started to hear a change, with each noise he made his deep masculine voice got high and higher. Something else was happening to as he watched his body begin to shrink in the bathroom mirror. His 6.4ft frame strank down to 5.4ft and his muscle deflated like a balloon, tears welled in his eyes as he realised the long he pleased himself like this the worse the changes were, but he couldn’t stop, it felt so good. When his voice stopped changing and his body stopped shrinking the pleasure only got better, and Brayden went faster and faster, seeing now the last things to change. His 9 inch dick slowly shrunk down until it was a mere 2 inches and his ass began to balloon hot. It already had a muscular ass but now it was twice as big and perky. He finally came, the clarity completely setting in that something fucking weird happened and all his hard work and manliness had been stripped away.
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his hips were sider and his mid section sucked in from underworked lats. He still had muscle but only to shape his body, there was no strength or bulk behind him anymore just shape, purely made to be sexy. “nyah, like, ah, what the fuck” his newly stereotypical voice cried out. Even the way he spoke had changed.
Brayden’s phone buzzed as multiple emails came in but the main one he saw was from Twitch [Topic: change of channel name SUCCESSFUL]. Brayden opened the phone to check his channel seeing the name changed to “UwUCobra”. The profile of a cartoon Cobra holding a gun in its tail and been swapped out for one of his new body in a tight maids outfit and his banner once covered an overly stylised, overly masculine mess of guns and girls was replaced with bright pink, love hearts and his new body posing in a sexy way.
“Oh, my, gwad. surely if I start streaming, the guys will notice the change, ya? that’s my way back, ya?”
He ran to his computer and started a stream and soon hundred of guys had flocked to his channel. another message appeared on his phone.
“don’t think I forgot about your fans bestie!!!”
As Brayden read his twitch chat he didn’t think anything was different, the same super masc guys commenting, talking the same, until a few outliers began to appear. “Put on the maid outfit!!” “Wanna come sit on daddy’s face??” “Only Fans when?” KingKobra had created the most toxic disgusting community on twitch, filled with guys who thought it was fine to sexually harass girls at bars or online, he encouraged it, he thought it was funny but now the world was different, reality had shifted. When he checked his viewer demographic it was no long 100% straight men, it was 100% gay men. His viewers had been transformed as well, but unlike him who became a tiny gay twink his viewers were the same assholes, the only difference now was they were guys who wanted to fuck Brayden. KingKobra was gone, deleted, Now Brayden was the UwUCobra, forever being treated like an object meant for sex and pleasure rather than a person. Months had gone by since his change and every day he regretted not being a nicer guy because now he knew what it was like to live with having 1000s of guys sending you unwanted dick picks or demanding he make on only fans.
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chicaotaku-fanfics · 27 days
There's Three of You?! Pt. 12
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Continuing from where our last chapter ended.
Our shooting gets 10000x more complicated when new evidence comes in.
Also, added two scenes which I think are cute, and show how Lilly and her brothers interact, as well as how her friendship with Connor is growing. (They'll end up being best friends, you can count on that.)
Warnings: foul language, might be some medical inconsistencies.
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Sometime later I saw the Gift of Hope members take off with two little transport fridges with the organs of Mrs. Simps, it was a bittersweet sight for me since I had the chance of taking care of Max. I was sitting at the nurses station, thinking somethings over, when I saw Miss Goodwin and Maggie, I walked over to them.
“Well, there she goes.” said Miss Goodwin.
“Something doesn't make sense.” said Maggie, I nodded.
“What's that?” asked Miss Goodwin again, I decided to make my presence known to both women.
“Shooting in a movie theater, and we've only had one GSW, and that was the shooter.” I said.
“Where are the rest of the gunshot victims?” asked Maggie, continuing my point. Miss Goodwin looked at both od us, I turned to the chief nurse and then to my boss, nodded to both of them and left to check what else I could do around the hospital.
My trip was cut short when I saw my brother and his partner enter the ED, I walked over to them.
“Hey guys.” I said, Jay smiled at me and hugged me briefly, I hugged back, then Erin hugged me.
“Hey LilyPad, how you doing?” he asked, I shrugged.
“Seen better days. You here for the teacher?” I asked, Erin was the one who answered now.
“Yeah, just got some interesting info, and we wanted to run some details by him.” she said, I nodded.
“Of course, follow me.” I said, turning around and starting to walk towards the treating room we had him in. Reese was with him, as well as April, putting a band-aid on a recently stitched cut on his forehead.
“Mr. Miller. There are a couple of detectives here that need to ask you some questions.” I said, then turned to Reese.  “Is he all right to come with me?” I asked her
“Yeah, just finished. Just waiting to get him to CT.” she said, I smiled.
“All right, Mr. Miller.” I said, guiding everyone to a more private room.
“Thanks.” he said.
“Mm-hm.” Reese nodded, and April did too.
“Uh… I already spoke with the officers at the scene.” said Mr. Miller, as soon as he sat down.
“We're just here to clarify a few things.” said my brother, I thought I’d be last one in, but Miss Goodwin entered the room too.
“You said you saw the gunman enter the theater, is that right?” Erin asked the algebra teacher.
“Yes, from the emergency exit by the screen.” he answered.
To be honest, he seems pretty sure for someone who suffered a head injury.
“And what was he carrying?” Erin questioned again.
“Um, an assault rifle.” said Miller, I was a bit shocked.
“You saw the weapon?” the dirty blond detective asked.
“Yes, he was, uh, waving it around.” answered the brunette.
“Can you describe the weapon?” Jay questioned now.
“Uh… I couldn't tell if it was a Kalashnikov. I couldn't see the banana clip, you know? I think it was an M16A1.” the teacher answered.
He knows a lot about guns to just be an algebra teacher. I thought, as I heard the man answer the questions.
“Did you hear him fire the weapon?” Jay aked the man the $10,000 dollars question.
“Yes, that's why I pulled my gun.” said the civilian sitting in front of my brother and his partner, who then looked at each other.
Oh oh, that look’s not good.
“Is it possible that the shots you heard were actually coming from the movie?” my brother asked the man.
“No. What– what's, uh… what's going on here?” asked Mr. Miller.
“Peter, the kid that you shot is a prankster.” Erin started her explanation.
Now that’s a big plot twist if I’ve ever heard one.
“He thinks it's funny to scare people. He posts videos on the Internet.” she finished her explanation.
“I don't understand.” said Miller, confused beyond belief.
“He didn't have an assault rifle. He didn't have a rifle at all. He had a leaf-blower.” she said, pulling a print out of an oficial PD Crime Lab picture from the file foulder she had in her hand.
I saw Miss Goodwin close her eyes, not believing what she was hearing, I turned to my brother and he looked at me, nodding to follow him outside. We excused ourselves and left the room. I guided him to an empty hall and turned to see him.
“Please tell me that the last few minutes were some kind of joke.” I said, he let out a sigh.
“Unfortunately LilyBloom, I can’t.” he said, then walked closer to me, as if to share a secret. “We retrieved the leaf-blower, and the bullet caskets found at the scene are a match to Miller’s gun. No other caskets were found.” he said, I walk away a bit, hands going to the back of my head.
“God.” I let my hands fall, just when I was about to ask another question, two more figures joined us.
“Hey Jay, Lilly. Everything alright?” asked Will, Connor not to far behind him. I turned to my green-eyed brother, he nodded. I, in turn, turned to the other two doctors and nod towards an empty room.
“What’s going on here?” asked Connor as soon as the door closed.
“The movie theater shooting situation just got a hell of a lot more complicated.” I said.
“What’s so complicated about it? A guy went into the movies, pulled out a gun and a concerned citizen saved everyone. What’s complicated about that?” asked Will.
“The fact that the kid didn’t have a gun.” said Jay. Both doctors’ expressions changed to ones of shock.
“Say that again? There was no gunman at the movies?” asked Connor, looking between Will, Jay and I.
“Apparently he’s a prankster who enjoys scaring people… thinks it’s funny somehow.” I said.
“But the gun…” started Will.
“Never existed. It was a leaf-blower.” said Jay.
Both doctors in front of me are shocked. As if on cue we all turned to the window of the room we were in, a nurse was taking Mr. Miller to another private room, probably to avoid everyone… specially the press, then I remembered something important.
“Oh, right.” that pulled the thre men’s attention back to me. “Uhm. Connor, this is our brother Jay. Jay, this is Connor, a great trauma surgeon, and our colleague.” I said, both of them shook hands.
“Nice to meet you man.” said Jay, Connor smiled at him.
“So you’re the famous Jay, huh? Lilly’s told me a lot about you.” Connor said, I blushed, Jay turned to me.
“All good things I hope.” he said.
“Who do you take me for? Of course I’ve sang you praises everytime I talked about you.” I said, the blush still on my face.
“Except for the occasional comment about you wanting to slap him in the back of the head.” said Will, I turned to him with a murderous expression.
“I know where you live Halstead.” I said to him, he laughed, grabbing me in a headlock and giving me a nudgie.
“What was that you pipsqueak? Did you say something?” he said, I started laughing too.
“You freaking giant, let me go!” I said inbetween laughter.
Eventually Will let me go, and the mood became serious again, but Will had a smile on his face.
“At least you’ve improven my mood, my last patient isn’t the most pleasant.” he said, we all frowned in confusion. “She’s old and a bit racist.”
“Oh.” Connor, Jay and I said at the same time.
“Yeah. Asked for Ethan because, and I quote, «the Orientals make the best doctors. It's their math skills.»” I snorted at that. “Yeah, ha ha.” Will said, sarcasm in his tone.
“And what did you do?” asked Jay.
“More like, what did Ethan do?” I asked.
“Told her she needed a biopsy, and then finished it up quoting Confucius.” he said, I made a confused face.
“Isn’t Ethan Korean? Confucius is Chinese.” I said.
“That’s what I said, but… meh… she was left starstruck, and agreed to the biopsy so…” Will said, just then Connor’s pager went off.
“Gotta go, the kid’s finally in the ICU.” he said, I turned to him.
“Right, how did he do in the surgery?” I asked, Connor sighed. “Don’t say anything else, that’s answer enough.” I added, he nodded. “Want me to go with you? We were primaries when he came in.” I said.
“Yeah, why not.” he said, then turned to my brothers. “Gentlemen, I’m gonna steal your sister for a while.”
“You can keep her if you want man.” said Jay.
“Yeah, she’s independent, won’t give you much trouble… but we don’t take responsibility if she breaks your heart or wounds your ego.” said Will, both had smirks on their faces.
“You fuckers! I’m a delight!” I exclaimed, that made everyone laugh.
“Go treat the kid and we’ll see each other later.” said Jay.
“Chinese at mine later? We could watch a movie.” I asked, both my brothers nodded. I turned to the blue-eyed surgeon “The invitation’s for you too.” I added.
“Yeah, why not.” Connor answered.
“Great. I choose the movie.” said Will, Jay and I turned to him so fast it was a miracle we didn’t get whiplash.
“The hell you will! You made us watch Titanic three times in two days last time!” Jay and I exclaimed at the same time.
“It’s a classic!” argued my elder brother.
“Still… to much.” I said. “I say we watch a Disney movie.” now both my brothers groaned. “What?” I asked.
“Aren’t you too old for a Diney movie?” asked Will.
“Says the guy who still sings along to all of the Brother Bear soundtrack.” I said, Will blushed.
“Just get out and go to your patient, we’ll decide later.” said Jay, I nodded.
Connor opened the door for me and we exited the room, making our way to the elevators. The ride was a short one, he gave me main details that I had to know, but the entire description was for the parents.
“We have clamped the entire blood supply to his liver.” Connor told the parents as he made his way to the side of the bed to check the monitors, I made my own way to the other side.
“It's keeping him alive for now, but it's a temporary solution.” I said.
“He needs a liver transplant to survive.” Connor spoke again.
“Which he won't get. Peter'll stay at the bottom of the list, won't he?” the father asked, looking at Connor, then at me. “How long does he have?” he added.
“A day, maybe two.” Connor answered. The parents moved to be beside his son, instead of standing at the foot of the bed.
“He did a bad thing, but he's not a bad person. He's just a boy.” said his mom, placing a hand on the kid’s shoulder.
A boy who decided it was a good idea to enter a movie theater and scare the shit out of everyone with a leaf-blower.
“Please… save my son.” she said, looking first at me, then at Connor. We both nodded and then exited the room.
Both Connor and I rubbed our faces with our hands, different degrees of exhaustion in our expressions. Just then, Dr. Zanetti made her way to us… more like to Connor, but I was there, so she pulled me along too.
“Rumor's floating around, you're gonna want to hear it.” she said, as she made us walk along with her.
Is she talking about the kid being a prankster?
“You mean the fact that the kid didn’t have a gun?” I asked, Zanetti stopped in her tracks.
“You knew?!” she exclaimed. We both nodded. “How?!” she asked.
“Contacts.” I said, Connor nodded to that.
“If you’re talking about the rumor mill…” Zanetti started, I interrupted her.
“Nope. Although its speed is remarkable… no we didn’t hear it from there. We heard from my brother.” I said, Zanetti looked confused.
“Dr. Halstead?” she asked, I shook my head no. “Then who?” she added.
“You do remember I have a brother in the CPD, right?” I asked her, she looked confused again.
“There’s three of you?!” she exclaimed, I just rolled my eyes.
“Yes, there is. Now, focus?” I asked.
“So, the good doctor, the detective, and the walking disaster?” Zanetti asked.
“I’d like to think I’m the good doctor, but yeah… you could say that.” I said. “If you’ll excuse me.” I added, walking away and leaving Connor with the blond surgeon.
Not ten minutes later, Connor found me to tell me that, apparently, Max’s mom’s liver was on its way back. We looked at each other and then ran to find Miss Goodwin.
We found her right before she took the elevator to her office, so we jogged a bit to catch up to her.
“Is it true? Lucy Simm's liver is on its way back to the hospital?” Connor asked.
“The intended recipient died in pre-op.” said Miss Goodwin.
“Peter is an HLA match, it can go to him.” the surgeon next to me spoke again.
“Yeah, there are names ahead of him on the list.” rebuted our boss.
“None of them are in this hospital.” said Connor
“It has already been three hours, livers are viable for less than 12.” I added.
“By the time the list gets sorted out, the patient prepped, organ shipped, it may be too late.” Connor added this time.
“Lucy's husband can direct donate to whomever he chooses. Ask him to give it to Peter.” I begged.
“You two are talking about the man responsible for his wife's death.” Miss Goodwin said firmly.
“Who’s also our patient.” I said with the exact same tone.
“And he has done a horribly stupid thing, I know, but he's a kid. Peter deserves a chance to turn his life around.” said Connor, ending his sentence right before the elevator doors closed.
“Think she’ll consider it?” I asked him, he sighed, rubbing his hands through his face.
“Honestly? I don’t know. At this point, I’m willing to start praying for a miracle.” said Connor, half his sentence sounding muffled ‘cause of his hands being on his face.
“It seems we do need a miracle…” I said, my hand going to where my Saint Benedict medal was under my scrub top, Connor followed the movement of my hand with questioning eyes. I took out the small medal and showed it to him. “Saint Benedict’s medal.” I said, he took the tiny medal into his palm, and nodded.
“I’m willing to pray for that miracle to happen… even if I sometimes doubt God listens to them.” he confessed. I took his hand and pulled him towards an empty room.
“Then thank God I was raised Catholic… and that my faith always came easier.” connor was about to ask, but I beat him to it. “Jay’s like you most of the time. Has his days were faith comes easier and others in which I can tell he questions if God really listens to us mere mortals.” I make a pause, taking a seat, Connor sitting next to me. “Will and I’s faith always came easier… we trust easier too.” I make another pause.
“I envy you for that, you know? It's a good thing.” said Connor, I blushed a little, then looked at the ground.
“It’s also the reason Will and I got our hearts broken so much during college and med school.” I said, then took the medal into my right hand, offering my left to Connor. He took it and, silently, we prayed for our miracle.
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golden--doodler · 11 months
Tumblr is being dumb and not wanting to work with me today (and is also dumb for not letting me put in more than one video clip), but @babsvibes asked me what some of my favorite Bob's Burgers quotes are, so here is my response in its entirety (you better buckle up, because it's long):
Babs!! I appreciate you so much, thank you for giving me another ask❣️
You already know who most of these quotes will be from because you asked me 🤣 This ask is too good, I’m super excited to get into this.
Okay, I don’t have these in any particular order (this was originally meant to be a top five but got expanded to eight (plus a ton of honorable mentions) because there are just too many good quotes), but some of my absolute favorites are:
—(From the movie): “I know you’re droopy Bob right now, but you know who else is in there? Dreamy Bob. The guy who wanted to open a restaurant in the first place, slap his name on it, make cuckoo, crazy burgers with wild ingredients. A new one every day.” —Linda 🥹
Bonus: “You know what you gotta do to droopy Bob? You gotta hit him in the nuts, like this! >:D”--Linda, AKA the best wife in the world
This scene always has me extremely unwell. It’s like the writers took a look at me and my blog and were just like How can we activate Doodler’s emotional tears to the maximum degree? It honestly has everything I could’ve asked for. Linda being the best, most supportive wife in the universe? Yup. Bob being his usual sad, dramatic self? Yes.
—(Also from the movie): “Can I say, ‘Honey, No’!” —Gene
“No 🙄” —Louise
This line is hilarious and caught me so off-guard when I first heard it. It’s one of the best Gene lines, which is quite the feat given that he has so many good lines. I can’t believe some people can’t see his beautiful Genderfluidity after hearing this line and Eugene Mirman’s delivery. Genuinely, though, I absolutely love how comfortable Gene usually is when it comes to being himself. There are moments where his self-doubt and insecurity creep in, and I could make a whole post about that, but whenever he’s around his family, he’s usually so comfortable with saying what he wants.
—(I forgot which episode this was from and couldn't figure out which one it was, if someone can tell me, that would be much appreciated 😭): “Teddy, I know that’s your burger. Stop being weird and just eat the burger.” —Mr. Bob Burger himself
Bonus: “Is this what you want you sick bastard?????” —Teddy
This exchange is so freaking funny, such a classic. Bob and Teddy’s yelling matches never fail to make me burst out laughing. And just the fact that this all happened because Bob gets so upset when people eat other burgers and like them, so everyone has to pretend to not like other burgers?? Hilarious. He’s such a sensitive man, I love him so much.
—(From “The Runaway Club”): “I’m a little disappointed too. Before I saw it on you, I thought this bracelet was classy.” —Tina
Bonus: “Take. It. Off.” —Tammy
“I. Would. Rather. Die.” —Tina
“THEN YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!” —Tammy
Tina’s line here is so good. I love how she can come up with really good one-liners to get back at Tammy when she wants to. And Tammy getting so jealous and angry?? Hilarious. And then Jocelyn panicking and pulling the fire alarm?? And then Jimmy Jr. being an absolute dumbass and just spraying a fire extinguisher everywhere? 11/10 scene.
Plus, you gotta love how protective Gene and Louise get over Tina here: “Get your hands off my sister 😡”
—(Deleted line from “Father of the Bob”): “He lets me eat as much Tylenol as I want! 😄”
Yes, I’m including a link to the animation I did for this scene yesterday, don’t judge me.
Anyway, this line is actual comedy gold. I can’t believe they cut it. Yes, they don’t want kids to be irresponsible with Tylenol. But it’s so funny!! Gene, sweetie, please don’t overdose on medicine.
It’s also really sweet how much the kids love their Pop Pop. It’s just really nice that they have a grandparent they love because Gloria and Al are the worst.
Bonus: “God, you’re so honest. Who raised you?” —Bob
“I don’t know 😫” —Tina
This scene absolutely sends me Every. Single. Time. It’s so good. Just Tina’s constant groaning and Bob’s panic which only grows as they get closer to the only other car in the parking lot?? I can’t. His yelling at the end never fails to send me into a fit of laughter. There's just something about the way H. Jon Benjamin delivered it.
And the fact that the car Tina hit was Jimmy Pesto’s? That makes this scene even funnier.
—(From “Can’t Buy Me Math”): “Did someone order takeout or should I say take off?? 😏” —Bob
Bonus: “No one wants to see that! 😡” —Random patron at Jimmy Pesto’s
“Hey! I do! 🤬” —Linda
This is one of my all-time favorite Boblin moments, tied only with the flashback scene from the movie, and probably their moment in “Bob, Actually”. 
Aside from how hilarious it is (I mean, “Takeout or should I say take off” lives rent-free in my head), it goes to show just how much these two love and adore each other. Bob was willing to be naked in full view of customers at Jimmy Pesto’s and he still did the strip tease because he loves Linda that much.
They definitely had a fun night together 😏
(From “The Plight Before Christmas”): “So jolly. I didn’t expect to feel this way. I was focusing on Santa, but the best presents are sitting here. And they aren’t even wrapped up.” —Louise 🥹
This scene makes me sob every single time. I think the part that gets me the most is the moment where Louise looks into the audience and sees Tina came to see her give the poem. Tina in this moment reminds me so much of my older sister it makes me way too emotional I might actually get sick. Without words, it showed their sisterly bond in such a beautiful way. And then Louise’s actual poem??????? I can’t handle it. The way she eloquently describes in poem form how much she cares about her family can’t be done justice in words.
God, I need a minute to recover from this.
And that’s my top eight! Here are some honorable mentions because there are just too many good quotes from this gem of a show:
“Y E S” —Bob
—(From “Dream a Little Bob of Bob”): “I DID IT. HELL YEAHHHHHHHH” —Tina
—(From “Boyz 4 Now”): “I’m no hero. I put my bra on one boob at a time, just like everyone else.” —Tina
—(From “Two For Tina”): “When you say no, it makes me want you more!!!!!! 😫” —Jimmy Jr.
—(From “Y Tu Ga-Ga Tambien”): “It’s not a good feeling when they say everyone, but they don’t mean you.” —Gene
—(From “Torpedo”): “But I call you dad! I think of it as Dad’s Burgers!” —Gene
—(From “Best Burger”) “Dad!! I’m sorry I screwed up today. I’m sorry I screw up all the time! 😣” —Gene
Bonus: “Gene, you might make mistakes from time to time, but I love you and I love who you are.” —Bob 🥺
—(From “Diarrhea of a Poopy Kid”): “You were the only one interested in my innovative new menu. I was like you when I was a kid, you know. That’s how I got interested in cooking. And as soon as you pass that sip test, I’ll eat dinner with you.” —Bob
Bonus: “🎶 I could still be a winner, when I eat Dad’s Thanksgiving dinner! 🎶” —Gene
“That was beautiful, Gene 🥲” —Bob
“Thank you, Father~” —Gene
—(From “Mazel-Tina”): “Wow, Dad. I never realized how soulful your eyes are.” —Gene
“*Sighs* Gene. Wait, really?” —Bob
—(From “The Hauntening”): “Dad. I think you’re doing a really good job as a Dad.” —Gene
“Okay.” —Bob
“I’m having a really good childhood.” —Gene
“Okay, great.” —Bob
“Not right now, but overall.” —Gene
“I got it, thanks.” —Bob
“No, thank you. Thank you for your service.” —Gene
(From “Lil’ Hard Dad”): “You’re still my hero, Dad 😌” —Gene
“You’re mine too, Gene.” —Bob
(From “Broadcast Wagstaff School News”): “*Gasps* Travel-Sized Bob, awwwwww!!” —Linda
Bonus: “Muppet baby Bobby!!! :D” —Linda
(From “Lindapendent Woman”): “I’d rather be scraping by together than have extra money and be apart.” —Bob, AKA the best husband ever
(From “Mother Daughter Laser Razor”): “Wait. Mom. You don’t think I like you?” —Louise
Bonus (just for you, Babs!): “They just needed to see things from each other’s perspective 🥹” —Logan Barry Bush
(From “A-Sprout A Boy”): “I’ll never make you eat vegetables for breakfast, sweetie.” —Linda
“I love you, Mom (:” —Louise
(From “The Pickleorette”): “Oh my God, of course I’d hold your hand. I don’t want you to be scared. You’re my big, strong boy.”
(From "Sliding Bobs"): “Hey! You’ve got a lot of nerve picking on girl’s diamond rings with your thick, luxurious, Tom Selleckian mustache….. Hi.” —Linda
“Hi. My eyes are up here. Should we get some scissors?” —Bob
“What’s the rush? 😏” —Linda
(From “Large Brother, Where Fart Thou?”): “Thank you, Gene. You’re a great large brother.” —Louise
“Anytime, shrimp.” -Gene, AKA the best big brother ever
(From “A Few ‘Gurt Men”): “I’m good at law!” —Gene, AKA the best lawyer ever
(From “Carpe Museum”): “So, when you take over the restaurant, will you call it Louise’s Burgers?” —Bob
“I don’t know. Maybe. Daddy.” —Louise
(From “Hawk and Chick”): “This Hawk and Chick will never not talk for thirty years!” —Bob
(I forgot which episode this is from but if someone can tell me, that would be much appreciated!): "I've got a license to counsel." --Mr. Frond
"Double O-So-Sad." --Louise
"Louise. Be nice." --Bob
"Why? It's Mr. Frond!" --Louise
(From "The Frond Files"): "I LOCKED MYSELF IN A RUH-OOOM WHILE CHILDREN WERE EATEN!!!!!!!!!!!!" --Mr. Frond
I need to cut myself off now but there are even more quotes I could’ve added 😭
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just-orbiting-you · 2 months
i’ll never forget publicity from that movie premiere where jungkook and taehyung are on a red carpet together. when jungkook goes live after coming home that night, he doesn’t EVEN MENTION that he was out with tae. crazy. i can’t help but feel he’s intentional.
Just reading through one of your last posts and this part really stuck out to me. I became a huge fan of BTS maybe a year and half ago, and as someone new to the fanbase, I unfortunately became a huge tkkr (in my defense their edited content was literally everywhere, with little to no pushback, and so it never crossed my mind as a newer fan to question it). But it was that live that I began to question things. I remember jungkook being somewhat down, and a little upset. It seemed like he was alluding to a situation while he was out with Tae, but didn't really elaborate, and I just thought it was weird that no one was mentioning it. It totally contradicted the message that fans were saying about Tae & JK just having this happy "finally free and real" red carpet moment in front of cameras, but I was like what do I know, I'm new here, so I brushed it off. Then Tae came live a few hours later and was talking about getting drunk and passing out and that Jungkook didn't, and so that kind of told me that Jungkook left Tae while he was drinking with his friends and went home to immediately start a live and talk to fans and cook. So it kind of dawned on me that something wasn't right with this whole tkk thing. And then the whole Jennie and Paris thing happened and I saw firsthand how fans were bending over backwards trying to come up with theories why that wasn't Tae with her, and I was like, yeah these people are not living in reality. Not to mention that Jungkook went live after, and genuinely seemed to happy and excited lol. That's when I started looking at things differently, and I started noticing other things that I probably would've dismissed before. Like how Tae would do this weird thing where he would go live just to mention Jungkook and then end it. But Jungkook when he wasnt pushing back on things Tae said, would actively avoid bringing up Tae, but with Jimin he would bring him and only him up randomly or spend hours watching his content, or comment on his lives and when he didn't he would make mention of things that happened in Jimin's live, meaning he made sure to watch them, it was just completely different energy. That live that Tae and Jimin did outside of Jungkook's house while he was live pretty much summed up their differences to me. Tae went live happy for the attention, and Jimin was more concerned about pulling attention away from Jungkook and wanting Tae to end the live because it wasn't right. And that to me said more to me.
thank you so much for sharing!! i appreciate you writing down how you felt, because it is kinda surreal hearing view being voiced by one group of people so loud and so believable, but realizing that they might have a skewed perspective.
That live that Tae and Jimin did outside of Jungkook's house while he was live pretty much summed up their differences to me. Tae went live happy for the attention, and Jimin was more concerned about pulling attention away from Jungkook and wanting Tae to end the live because it wasn't right.
i remember jimin saying in the live, like "leave the kid alone" "turn it off" and i think jimin just has an awareness and a foresight for certain things. why turn on a live right outside jungkook's house, when you can see the apartment in the shot. it wasn't right to do that to jungkook.
i just saw a clip from the live (forgive me i lost it on twitter) before they left for the military where jungkook says "after this live i have no more schedules" and tae and namjoon were like "set up a shoot! shoot something else!" and jimin said "no no you should rest and take care of yourself."
jimin just shows time and time again how much he cares about jungkook, in the way he supports jungkook's solo career, in the way he praises him and his talents, in the way they clearly have become such comforts and supports for each other.
i have never really felt that same bond with t@ekook, and the way you summed up last year in lives and interactions, i feel like the dichotomy is showcased well through their public interactions.
thanks again for sharing!
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