Update and Happy Birthday
Hey Y’all!! So this account turned 1 two days ago so happy birthday to it!! Also I’m sorry I just haven’t posted anything I’ve been trying to get a job at cold stone and man it’s hard But anyways school is starting and all that jazz so if I find time to write I will so see you soon!!!
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No post today sorry
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BTS Reaction | Finding Out You Have No Parents
Request: bts reaction to wanting to meet ur family and u having to tell him u don't have any
A/N: this one a little bit sad but sometimes you need a good sniffle.
Submit your requests here!! [X]
Kim Seokjin
Explaining to jin that you didn’t have a family was clearly a sensitive topic and Jin would instantly be able to tell, quickly pulling you into his arms and kissing your forehead.
“I was completely unaware I’m sorry babe.”
Min Yoongi
Yoongi would be deeply sorry and immediately pull you into his arms he wasn’t completely sure what it was like to be without parents as he was more of a mamas boy but he still would know how to comfort you and make you feel like he understood.
“Hey, you don’t have to explain yourself. How about I take you to meet my parents? My mother will love you!”
Jung Hoseok
Hobi would feel so terrible for bringing up such a sensitive topic that before you could even finish explaining he would have you into one of his big hugs and telling you how much he loves you
“Baby I’m so sorry I brought it up I love you to the moon and back and if I knew I would have comforted you before.”
Kim Namjoon
Namjoon wouldn’t really take it as a sensitive topic he would ask you questions and be curious but when he finally realized it was a touchy subject for you he would hold you close and say.
“Your always welcome in my family remember that babe.”
Park Jimin
Jimin loved meeting parents but when he asked you to meet yours and saw your eyes get big and you start to stutter he instantly would know he messed up. He would sit you down and listen to your entire life story and at the end say
“Wow you are so strong, you're the strongest girl I know.”
Kim Taehyung
After Tae found out you didn’t have parents he wouldn’t know how to deal with it very well. He wasn’t the best with dealing with emotions so he would just sit with you and tell you how much he loved you
“You're my family babe and that’s all that matters.”
Jeon Jungkook
When Jungkook found out you didn’t have a family he would instantly call his and tell them you were coming over for dinner. He wanted you to know you were welcome to the family no matter what because he loved you.
“My mother will love you! I promise! You will be like the daughter she never had!”
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BTS Reaction | Being Asexual
Request: Maybe one to you being asexual or not comfortable with sex? -👏
Submit your requests here!! [X]
Kim Seokjin
Jin would be totally understanding. He knew when he started dating you that you might not be comfortable with sex so just as he kissed down your chest he would kiss right back up it and plant the last one on your lips.
“I love you and respect your choice.”
Min Yoongi
Yoongi would let a little pout out he would be a tad upset but understanding. He loved you and what kind of boyfriend would he be if he got mad over you not being comfortable.
“Hm alright, kitten. Let’s just have a nice night in then”
Jung Hoseok
Hoseok would 100% be devastated but wouldn’t let you know it he obviously couldn’t let you know as that would be a shitty move on his part.
“I understand but don’t think this is gonna stop me from imagining all the things I would do to that sexy body of yours” he would say with a smile and a giggle.
Kim Namjoon
Joon would be overly understanding he would shower you with kisses when he could as his way of showing you he still loved you and your beautiful body without the sex part.
“You are the most amazing human I have ever met.” He would say while covering you in kisses
Park Jimin
Jimin would be a little confused at first not understanding it fully but as you explained he would start to show he understood and backed off a little.
“Ohh ok, so you don’t really like having sex? I totally understand, if you ever change your mind though I would love to be your first”
Kim Taehyung
Tae would tell you he understands and supports you but would still love to get a chance if ever to be with you. For him, sex was more about the connection than the pleasure and he wanted to have that connection.
“For now kisses will do, beautiful.” He states as he gives you his love and affection.
Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook would pout a little asking if you were really sure you didn’t want to have sex and when you explain to him that because you're asexual you weren’t comfortable he would smile and say
“No matter what you're still my amazing girlfriend and that’s all that matters.”
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my last post got 19 notes i-
I'm actually laughing wtf was it that bad
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BTS Scenario | Crying Over A Character Death
Request: bts reaction to u being obsessed and emotionally invested in characters and tv shows and crying when something shitty happens (character death, showrunners are asshole destroying dynamics, etc)
A/N: I wanted to make this a scenario so enjoy. :) also Y/F/C means “your fav character” from anything (even if they didn't die you can still pretend lol)
Submit your requests here!! [X]
Kim Seokjin
“baby what is wrong?” jin would ask as he found you crying.
“Y/F/C died.” you say in between sniffles.
“Awe it's ok come here, sweetie.” Jin would say while scooping you into a hug.
Min Yoongi
As Yoongi walked into the room and found you crying he would be concerned at first
“What's wrong kitten?”
“Y/F/C died.”
“Babe I know you love that show but how many times do I have to tell you it isn't real you can't be upset over that.”
Jung Hoseok
“Hobi!” you shout trying to get him to come comfort you.
“Yes Princess.” he says walking into the room, finding you crying in a ball.
“Another character die?”
“Who now?”
“Oh sweetie it's gonna be ok you will be over it in an hour.” he says kissing you on the cheek.
Kim Namjoon
“Y/N what's wrong?” Namjoon would say greatly concerned as to why you were laying on the floor crying.
“Y/F/C died!” you shout in pure agony as you loved them like they were real.
“Come here, baby. it's just a  show ok.” He would say pulling you into his warm chest.
Park Jimin
“Its a show babe I know you're sad but you have to remember they aren't real and its a show.
“IT’S JUST A SHOW.”  he would shout back.
Kim Taehyung
“Tae.” you say with a sniffle as you slowly walk into the room he was in.
“Beautiful what's wrong?”
“Y/F/C died.”
“come here, baby. I can't do this every time...but ill make an exception.”
Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook would be right beside you crying along.
“Babe we need to keep it together it's just a show.”
“But Y/F/C is dead this is the most devastating thing in the world.”
“I know but-” he would cut himself off as he started crying once again.
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BTS reaction to u being a huge environmentalist
Hi there!!! Ik that being environmentally friendly is a hot topic rn but I’m gonna chose not to write this just because I don’t think it would be particularly interesting and would get very repetitive as the reactions would be all the same. Thank you so much for requesting something and supporting me and I’m so sorry you had to wait so long for me to answer but again thank you!!
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New post Wednesday
Hey y’all, so new post Wednesday and I'm gonna stop putting Gifs on my posts they just don't work anymore for some reason so if you have anything else you think I should put on them instead LMK it's just making my posts look dumb since they don't work lol.
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I started working at 10 and I have sat here for three houses (it's now 12) just listening to music and BTS started playing and I panicked and realized I haven't done any work oops
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Hey, I just wanted to say that I absolutely love your account. You're very talented, and your imagines/reactions are really well written ^^
Thank you so much!!! I try hard and sometimes I feel like they aren’t my best work but comments like these make me rethink that ❤️❤️
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BTS Reaction | Stretch Marks
Request:  Hi, I'm new to your page. First off I love the scenarios,and one shots you do! Okay,so my request is could you make one where the boys see the stretch marks and fall in love with them? Also I don't know if you've made one with stretch marks. Even if you have,thanks anyway. Again,love your page. 😘😘😘👍
A/N: Hi sorry you have been waiting long for this but it's here now!! thank you for your support!! also haven’t done this yet but kinda love this idea I recently noticed I have stretch marks and I hated them but my boyfriend made me realize they aren't that bad. 
Submit your requests here!! [X]
Kim Seokjin
As you rolled over in bed in your favorite short black shorts jin looked down at your butt noticing your stretch marks. As you watch his eyes travel down to your ass you quickly roll back over and feel your face get hot.
“roll back over I wanna keep looking at that beautiful ass with those beautiful stretch marks.”
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Min Yoongi
While you stood in the shower, Yoongi stepped in behind you. he was always up for a late-night shower sex sesh and he stepped in and turned you around, setting his hands on your hips and he smiles as he looks at the stretch marks on your stomach.
“You are so beautiful you know that kitten.”
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Jung Hoseok
while having sex Hobi would stop kissing you for a moment and just admire you. Trying to hide the stretch marks on your boobs Hoseok would notice and instantly move your hands, once again admiring your body.
“Wow I never thought I would ever be lucky enough to see someone this beautiful.” he would say
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Kim Namjoon
As soon as Namjoon noticed your stretch marks on your thighs he would instantly be in love and sit there tracing them. when he first did it and you told him to stop he would say.
“Why they are so beautiful and make you unique.”
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Park Jimin
Jimin would be completely in love with your stretchmarks and would constantly tell you how much he loved them no matter what you would say about them. He would watch you undress and admire them.
“Just think it shows that you have grown and become more beautiful.”
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Kim Taehyung
Tae wouldn't notice your stretch marks at first but as you stood in front of the mirror looking at your stretch marks he would stop you before you could continue to put yourself down. 
“Stop it right now. you are beautiful and those stretch marks only make you more beautiful.”
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Jeon Jungkook
Jungkook LOVED stretch marks. He loved every single one you had and would do anything to get you to love them too. He would sit there and count them all night while telling you why each one made you beautiful.
“4...now this one is even better than the last look at it is so pretty.”
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Post tommrow 10 AM
I forgot how long these take me lol I got one done and it took me almost 2 hours. Anyways can y’all let me know if any of the gifs work bc they haven't been and if they don't I'm gonna stop using them. Thank youuuu!!!
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little update
Hello so i am gonna try and spend the rest of the night writing posts for the rest of the month idk how well its gonna go but hopefully good!! so I just want to say if I come across requests like the two I just answered and I feel as tho I won’t be able to write it i will let that person know and not write it. i dont want yall to think I'm just slacking or don't care about my followers because if it wasn't for you I wouldn't be where I am I just am not going to write something if I think it isn't going to be the best for y’all
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hey! how’s it going? 😊 can you do a scenario where namjoon introduces his younger foreign gf to the others for the first time and she’s quite and doesn’t talk much because she’s new with korean and doesn’t want to embarrass herself but RM helps her or something like that lol 😂 thanks!
Hi!! so I understand you have waited long for this but I really can't figure out how to write it as it wouldn't make much sense since I'm writing it in English I am terribly sorry and hope you can forgive me but thank you for supporting me and requesting something it means a lot!!
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heyy, i love ur imagines/reactions to and I wanted to request something :) maybe something where they like see u dancing, but not the sexy type more like hip hop (if u need help search deeglazer on ig up, bc that's the style I mean) I hope u understood what I wanted to say bc my English isn't my first language lol xx
Hiya!! ok so I have seen your many requests for this and ik you don't want one that is sexy but I have already written a dancing one and I don't think another would do well especially if it's just a simple dancing one not to mention it would be very repetitive. Thank you so much for supporting me and requesting something and obviously waiting really long for it but unfortunately, I'm gonna chose to not write this.
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a little bit of a change to my account I'm in love with a blue aesthetic rn what do y’all think
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Also if anyone knows how to make a break on tumblr without it looking stupid like my last one please DM me I need help hahaha
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