#learn pitru dosha
13lunarstar · 5 days
About Dwadashamsha (D-12 chart)
As we have entered a special period called Pitru Paksha, it is good to remember the D-12 divisional chart or Dwadashamsha, which reveals ancestral heritage and our own place in our family lineage. But first, a few words about Pitru Paksha.
Pitru Paksha is a 16-day period in the Hindu calendar dedicated to honouring ancestors, observed during the waning phase of the Moon in the month of Bhadrapada (September-October). During this time, Hindus perform rituals such as Shradh and Tarpan to pay respects to their passed ancestors and seek their blessings. In general, it is a good time to spend e.g., exploring your family history, making a family tree, learning about your ancestors’ lives, visiting cemeteries and paying respects at the resting places of your passed relatives. It is believed that the souls of ancestors return to earth during these days, and offerings of food, water, and prayers help ensure their peace and contentment in the afterlife. This period holds great significance for receiving ancestral blessings, resolving issues like Pitru Dosha (ancestral curses), and promoting family harmony. The final day, Mahalaya Amavasya, is considered the most important, marking the end of Pitru Paksha.
D-12 Chart
The D-12 divisional chart, a.k.a Dwadasamsa chart, is an important tool in Vedic astrology for analyzing matters related to one's family lineage, ancestors, and parental influences. The D-12 chart focuses on the influences passed down from our ancestors, especially from parents, grandparents and so on. It is derived from dividing each sign of the zodiac into 12 parts, hence the name "Dwadasamsa" (Dwadasha means "12" in Sanskrit).
Key Areas Analyzed in the D-12 Chart:
Parental Influence:
The D-12 chart is primarily used to understand the relationship with one's parents and the impact of parental upbringing on the individual's life.
It shows the karma related to one’s parents, indicating how their behaviour, health, and fortunes may influence the native.
Ancestral Lineage and Heritage:
The chart reveals ancestral patterns and influences, both positive and negative, that may be inherited from past generations.
Ancestral blessings or unresolved issues, like Pitru Dosha (ancestral curse), can be seen in this chart.
The strengths and weaknesses of the family tree, including traditions, values, and health traits, are also reflected.
Health and Longevity of Parents:
The health of parents and their longevity can be examined through the D-12 chart. It can give insights into the wellbeing of parents and any potential issues they may face.
If malefic planets (Sun, Mars, Saturn) are prominent, it may indicate challenges or struggles related to parents.
Inheritance of Karma:
The D-12 chart provides insight into how ancestral karma (good or bad) affects the native. This karma may manifest as opportunities or challenges in the individual's life, and rituals like Shradh (ancestor worship) can help resolve or mitigate ancestral issues.
Family Fortunes and Reputation:
It reflects the status and reputation of the family as a whole. The condition of the planets in this chart reveals the level of respect and honour the family holds in society and how it will affect the native's own standing.
Spiritual Heritage:
The chart indicates the level of spiritual heritage passed down through the family. If benefic planets like Jupiter, Moon and Venus are well-placed, it shows the individual inherits spiritual wisdom, strong values, and a good moral foundation from their lineage.
How to Analyze Family and Ancestors in the D-12 Chart:
Ascendant (Lagna):
The ascendant (Lagna) and its lord in the D-12 chart represent the overall physical and psychological influence of family and ancestors on the native. It can show how much of the ancestral traits or karma the individual inherits. Also, Lagna and its lord in a certain house show which role the native has in his or her lineage (they can be positive and negative).
Sun (Father) and Moon (Mother):
Sun represents the father in a horoscope, and its placement in the D-12 chart shows the native’s connection with paternal ancestors.
Moon represents the mother, and its position indicates the maternal influence. The condition of these planets helps assess how well-supported or challenged the native’s life is due to parental and ancestral energies.
Fourth House:
The fourth house is significant for matters related to the mother, family, heritage, and property. In the D-12 chart, this house shows how the native connects emotionally with the family and the security provided by their ancestors.
Ninth House:
The ninth house represents father and ancestral wisdom. It reflects spiritual guidance and the influence of ancestors on higher learning, ethics, and fortune.
The ninth house and its lord in the D-12 chart give key indications of the native’s ancestral blessings, spiritual inheritance, and how much support the individual receives from their father and paternal lineage.
Planets and Their Conditions:
Jupiter is a significant planet in understanding ancestral blessings as it represents wisdom, tradition, and knowledge passed down from elders. Therefore, strong Jupiter gives prosperity and luck, while Jupiter in its fall is weaker and restrains from a continuous expansion and luck.
Saturn represents karmic inheritance and may indicate ancestral debts or obligations if it is afflicted.
The placement and condition of Rahu and Ketu (the lunar nodes) can show past-life karmas and the type of ancestral energies (positive or negative) carried forward.
Malefic and Benefic Influences:
If malefic planets like Rahu, Saturn, or Mars are prominently placed in the D-12 chart, especially if they are affecting the Sun, Moon, or the fourth/ninth houses, it may indicate ancestral challenges (karmic debts) or Pitru Dosha. This could lead to difficulties in life such as delays, health issues, or strained family relationships.
Benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus, on the other hand, show positive ancestral inheritance, such as wisdom, wealth, and spiritual support.
Remedies for Ancestral Issues:
If the D-12 chart reveals ancestral difficulties or Pitru Dosha, the following remedies can help alleviate these issues:
Performing Shradh: During Pitru Paksha, performing Shradh and offering food, water, and donations to honour the ancestors is a powerful remedy.
Tarpan: Offering water and prayers regularly to ancestors can help resolve any karmic debts inherited from them.
Donations and Charity: Performing charity in the name of ancestors can bring relief from inherited challenges and help receive blessings.
Chanting Mantras: Reciting mantras like the Pitru Suktam or performing Pitru Gayatri mantra helps in pacifying the souls of ancestors.
May the power of our Ancestors come with us!
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vidyanand-guruji · 6 months
Types, Effects, and Remedies of Pitra Dosha or Pitru Dosh
In Vedic Astrology Pitra Dosh or Pitru Dosh is mentioned as negative karmic yoga from ancestors that will badly affect the horoscope of the descendants and bring several obstacles to their lives. The same phenomenon can be easily identified in the birth chart of the descendants. This Pitra Dosh brings several consequences for the descendants including financial constraints, career instability, obstructions in growth, health problems, family conflicts relationship problems etc. Now, depending on several astrological factors, there could be different types of Pitra Dosh. Let's learn more about the types, effects, and remedies of Pitra Dosha in detail. 
What is Pitra Dosha?
Pitra Dosha is a popular Vedic Astrology term, which happens when there is a negative influence on the ancestral karma and lineage that adversely impacts the life of the descendants. When the ancestors of a family or the departed souls have not received peace due to unfulfilled wishes, or duties, this could bring severe effects on the life of the descendants and this phenomenon is called Pitra Dosha or Pitru Dosh. The different types of Pitra Dosha and their effects can be resolved with Pitra Dosh Remedies. 
What are the Types of Pitra Dosha?
Now, depending on the unfulfilled duties and karmic imbalance of ancestors, there could be different Pitra Dosh types. It is been said that there could be 14 different types of Pitru Rin Dosha. 
Pitra Dosha due to Pitru Shrapa
Pitra Dosha due to Unfulfilled Desires
Pitra Dosha due to Curses
Pitra Dosha due to Early Death
Pitra Dosha due to Lack of Proper Rituals
Pitra Dosha due to Unnatural Deaths
Pitra Dosha due to Bad Karma
Pitra Dosha due to Disobedience
Pitra Dosha due to Theft
Pitra Dosha due to Ill-Treatment of Cows
Pitra Dosha due to Unlawful Sexual Relations
Pitra Dosha due to Abortion
Pitra Dosha due to Lack of Respect for Elders
Pitra Dosha due to Abandonment of One’s Family or Responsibilities
What are the Effects of Pitra Dosha?
Now, let's learn about Pitra Dosh's effects that can bring severe negativities into the lives of descendants.
Health Issues
People having Pitra Dosha in their Kundali might suffer from unnecessary health issues, psychological problems, etc.
Marriage Problems
There could be several marital problems in your life if you suffer from Pitra dosh. This might lead to delays in marriage, problems with your spouse, separation, legal issues related to marriage etc. 
Career Problems
Most of the people suffering from Pitra dosh tend to have career problems. Career setbacks, delay in receiving promotion, unstable job etc. could be the consequences. 
You might face issues like childlessness or problems in conceiving if you have Pitra dosh in your horoscope. 
Fear of Death
It has been said by astrologers that if you have Pitra Dosh Yog, you might feel fear of death too often. The symptoms might be severe to moderate. 
Financial Problems
If you have Pitra Dosha, financial problems will also follow you. Unnecessary losses, bad investments, suffering due to bad financial decisions, delays in financial growth etc. can affect your life too. 
Loss of Reputation
There could be a loss of reputation which Pitra dosh might bring to your life. You might suffer from legal obligations or unnecessary defamation.
What are the Remedies of Pitra Dosha?
If you follow Pitra Dosh Remedies properly, you can navigate the negatives associated with this dosh from your life. The following remedies might be of great help -
Pitra Puja or Pitra Tarpan
You must appease your ancestors by doing Pitra Tarpan which includes offering sacred water to our ancestors by chanting holy mantras. 
Chanting Mantras
You can also chant Vedic mantras that are dedicated to our ancestors to please them and can pacify the Pitra dosh effects. 
Charity and Donations
You can do charity and donations to the newest people to seek the blessings of your ancestors. 
Visiting Different Ancestral Places
You can also visit ancestral places or birthplaces of your ancestors. This will help you solve ancestral problems and also seek ancestral forgiveness.
Seeking Karmic Balance
You can engage yourself in self-improvement practices. For example, doing meditation, yoga, following a righteous lifestyle etc. will help you to have a karmic balance that might please your ancestors.
We have learned a few facts about Pitra dosh, its effects and remedies. There are a lot more than you can explore. If you are suffering from a dish kind of Yog, It is important that you immediately reach out for astrological help. This will surely help you find the correct path to amplify the issues associated with your life due to Pitra dosh.
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astrologyindia · 2 years
 Vedic Astrology Calculators - The Most Helpful Astrology Feature
Vedic astrology can provide valuable hints about different events in life. We can judge our weak and strong areas through our horoscope or the birth chart. In Vedic astrology, various planets bring good and bad results depending upon their positions in the birth chart. There are good yoga called raj yoga and bad yoga called dosha in a person's kundli. Astrology is a vast science with numerous permutations and combinations for yoga or dosha to be formed and canceled in the birth chart. Only after a lot of practice, determination, and hard work can a person remember various good and bad combinations in the birth chart.
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The limitation of the modern human mind
Our ancient seers were the scholars who had a great memory. They could memorize almost everything they heard or experienced with utmost ease. But today, it is challenging to memorize telephone numbers and addresses without the help of any app or software. The modern human mind has become highly dependent on technology and the internet. We need mobile apps, software, gadgets, and other electrical appliances to finish even the smallest tasks.  
We need to see several things in the birth chart to make out few predictions or understanding. It is difficult to remember each yoga or other associations in the kundli. For everyday use, many astrology software and mobile apps help calculate various yoga and dosha instantly. We need calculators to calculate some essential yoga, without which it is almost impossible to perform kundli analysis. The karma Astro app, the most useful and popular astrology app, provides several free astrology calculators that one can use for effective kundli analysis.
Some of the important astrology calculators are as follows:
Kaalsarp Dosha Calculator
Kaalsarp dosha is one of the negative dosha in the kundli. When all the planets are placed in between the axis of Rahu and ketu, the person is called to be afflicted with Kaal sarp dosha. However, a condition creates partial Kaal sarp dosha in the horoscope. By using the karma Astro app, a common person can instantly calculate whether he has Kaal Sarp dosha in his kundli. The Kaal sarp dosha is responsible for constant failures, business losses, health issues, marital disharmony, domestic problems, etc. Thus, the kaalsarp dosha calculator helps to know its presence and effective remedies to eradicate its ill effects.
Manglik Dosha Calculators
Manglik dosha is responsible for various problems in the married life of a person. Mars creates Manglik dosha through its presence in certain houses of the horoscope. Only a learned person can figure out Manglik dosha in a kundli, as there are various cancellations available for Manglik dosha in Vedic astrology. The Manglik dosha calculator helps to detect a Manglik/mangal dosha within a few seconds in the kundli. Manglik dosha creates hurdles and delays in one's marriage, and its rectification is required for a blissful married life.
Moon Sign Calculators
Moon is an important planet and is responsible for our mental attributes. The astrologers give equal importance to the Lagna and the Moon chart. Knowing about the Moon sign is essential as it helps read daily horoscopes and other important information about life. The Moon sign calculators can instantly calculate your Moon sign which you can use for getting future predictions through magazines and newspapers.
Pitru Dosha Calculators
Pitru dosha is one of the most negative doshas in the kundli. Yoga is formed due to the association of the Sun with Saturn and Rahu. The placement of the Sun in various houses is also important for the formation of Pitru dosha. It takes astrological expertise to detect Pitru dosha in the birth chart. But for a common person, the Pitru dosha calculator is a boon that instantly detects the presence of this dosha in the kundli. After knowing its presence, one should try to remove its bad effects through various effective astrological remedies.
Sadesati Dosha Calculator
Sadesati is a phase that brings several difficulties in life. The planet Saturn is responsible for Sadesati through its transit over the Moon. Now, the degrees of the natal Moon will decide a person's actual period of sadesati. This requires astrological expertise to know about the sadesati of a person. One can use the sadesati dosha calculator to figure out the sadesati period easily. There are various remedies available to mitigate the ill effects of the planet Saturn. One can use these remedies after detecting the actual period of Sadesati.
Rudraksha Suggestion Calculator
Various planets have various effects on an individual. There is a need to strengthen and weaken the planets to get good results in various aspects of life. The astrologers suggest wearing gems and rudraksha to strengthen the benefic and rudraksha to remove the ill effects of any planet. The rudraksha suggestion calculator instantly suggests which rudraksha you should wear to get the beneficial results of a specific planet. Every planet has a specific type of rudraksha associated with it; hence, it is fruitful to use the rudraksha suggestion calculator.
Gemstone Suggestion Calculator
The gemstones attract universal energies and help them penetrate in the body. Astrologers suggest gemstones to help a person get beneficial results in different aspects of life like education, career, business, health, marriage, foreign trade/settlement, etc. It requires a great amount of astrological expertise to suggest suitable gemstones to a person. Astrologers usually suggest the gemstones of beneficial planets to improve their positive results in life. One can use a gemstone suggestion calculator to know the best suitable gem for him instantly.   
Ascendant Calculator
The Ascendant is everything in Vedic astrology! Through the ascendant sign, one can make various astrological calculations and predictions in astrology. The Ascendant decides the role of various planets in his life. One needs to use an ascendant calculator to read one's daily horoscope and know about day-to-day affairs. It is essential to know your Ascendant to understand the results of planetary placements and transits.
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“Pitru Dosh” is a dosha in Kundali that could be a result of past life karma of the native or ancestral deeds that is manifested in the effects of the planets in the horoscope. A native suffering from Pitru Dosha is subjected to numerous physical and mental ailments. He/she witnesses untoward circumstances and unfavorable environment in home involving discord, accidents, misfortune and diseases.to learn this video for more information             
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miteshpandeyastro · 3 years
What Is Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain?
It is accepted that Nag Panchami is the greatest day for Kaal Sarp Dosha Nivaran Puja. There are a few days when Kaal Sarp Puja muhurat is accepted to be shubh. Individuals likewise accept that Kaal Sarp dosh Puja Ujjain is significantly more powerful when performed at the Ujjain.
Kaal Sarp Dosha happens in a Kundali when seven planets are adjusted such that they are put among Rahu and Ketu. There are a sum of 12 sorts Kaal Sarp Dosha that can happen in a Janam Kundali, contingent upon the various places of Rahu and Ketu. A definite Janam Kundali examination helps in distinguishing the kind of Kaal Sarp Yog Dosh.
Vedic soothsaying discusses a few dosha's present in a person's Kundali, as Mangal Dosha, Kaal Sarp Dosha, Pitra Dosha and Rahu Dosha. planetary arrangements on life.
Kaal Sarp Yog is perhaps the most detested planetary arrangement that influences the joy of the individual and is the reason for a few tragic issues and challenges. Sarp Yog Puja Dates for your Puja.
Check in the event that you have Kaal Sarp Dosha in your Kundali: Kaal Sarp Dosha Calculator
Impacts Of Kaal Sarp Dosh
. All Parts Of Life Are Influenced By Kaal Sarp Dosha Delight And Bliss Of A Person'S Life Are Obliterated When Kaal Sarp Dosh Impacts Their Wellbeing, Vocation , Marriage, Love, Instruction And Kids.
Discover The Places Of Rahu And Ketu, To Comprehend Which Part Of The Person'S Life Will Be Influenced By The Presence Of Kaal Sarp Yoga In Janam Patri.
Greatest Day For Kaal Sarp Puja
It Is For The Most Part Accepted That Kaal Sarp Dosha Puja Ought To Be Performed Upon The Arrival Of Nag Panchami Or Pitru Paksha Just , Notwithstanding, There Are A Few Muhurats Consistently When Kaal Sarp Yoga Puja Can Be Performed.
Our Specialists Have Attempted To Distinguish The Shubh Muhurat Dates For Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja, For The Year 2021 And 2022.
These estimations, in light of the Hindu panchang gives you the dates on which this puja can be performed, notwithstanding, you ought to consistently counsel a crystal gazer prior to arranging the Puja.
A legend about Kaal Sarp dosha Puja is that it must be performed At the Ujjain, yet there is no demonstrated justification this. In the present occupied life, it is hard to figure out how to plan a Puja at an alternate area, particularly in case you are living hundreds and thousands of kilometers away. elusive a learned minister who can play out this Puja for you, so Online Kaal Sarp Dosh Nivaran Puja Ujjain , is the most ideal approach to get your Puja acted in the most fitting way by the most experienced clerics.
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futureastrologyme · 5 years
Time to get ancestral blessings in life
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The commencement of Shradh Paksha from 13th September, we thought we would help you remember your ancestors the right way, again! 
The Pitru Paksha will be beginning from the 13th of September, which marks the crucial time of paying homage to our ancestors and forefathers.
 For these important 15 days, Future Point has introduced 4 major Pujas that will help you pay your respects and get abundant blessings from your ancestral figures. 
1. Shradh Puja For those who know the specific tithi on which their ancestor passed away. 2. Sarva Pitru Amavasya Shradh Puja The last day of Shradh Paksha, i.e. 28th September. For those who are not sure about the tithi.   3. Pitru Dosha Puja To get rid of Pitru Dosha in the Kundali. Includes Pind Daan. 4. Pitru Dosha Puja for Soul Liberation Chanting of highly powerful Pitru Gayatri Mantra in unison by brahmin priests for 1,25,000 times for Aatma Shanti of your forefathers.
With the inclusion of so many new Pujas, Future Point has taken the initiative of bringing genuine services to you a step further with LIVE ONLINE PUJA.
Now Available!
Every Puja that you book with us will be performed by learned brahmin priests and you will be able to watch it being performed in your name, LIVE!
                                       Book Online Puja
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onlinepurohiths · 7 years
Pandits & Purohits for Puja | Best Pandit For Griha Pravesh Puja
Online Purohiths is a web digital platform providing Sacred, pandit for Puja Services. Our one stop solution encompasses each side of Hindu spiritual ceremonies. we offer the most effective Puja experience with Verified, practiced Pandits and Purohits. Be it for your Home or workplace, you'll currently book the Pandits in Bangalore and Purohit in Bangalore at the clicking of a button!
 Here’s however it works. Book a Pandit on online Purohiths by coming into your details with Puja name and language choice. currently you’re all set! From here on online Purohiths team makes all the specified arrangements. Right from distribution the proper Pandit ji, to sharing the auspicious muhurats, to causation all needed Puja things and materials as well as Flowers, Leaves and alternative items; we watch out of it all. therefore it’s some time to sit down back and relax whereby you and your family expertise the wonders of this distinctive service and blessings of the Lord. you'll additionally book this service over phone (7760658784)
 From the booking until the completion of the Puja, online Purohiths ensures a problem – Free ceremony. All this while not burning a hole in your pocket or having you run pillar to post to accomplish your needs! And just in case of an unlisted Puja, simply decision us up and that we build it happen. only for you! therefore what are you waiting for? Book currently, be blessed!
 Online Purohiths Benefits :
Knowledge We’ve betrothed with well qualified, knowledgeable, fervent and practiced Pandits who perform Pujas keeping in mind the aim and significance making certain that you simply get a satisfying and divine Puja expertise.
 Language, Customs & Rituals
Our Pandits perform Puja when consulting with you and as per your community, language and region specifications. we tend to make sure that you receive the best Puja expertise performed with relevant customs & rituals. We helps with all kind of poojas and that we perform best South Indian pandit Bangalore as per your necessities.
 Hassle Free & Satisfying
We watch out of the whole method , right from booking and distribution the proper Pandit, with best Muhurat and Puja Samagri. currently all you would like to try to it to sit back and relax whereas we tend to work and make sure that your Puja expertise is Hassle-Free and performed to your satisfaction.
 “Om Ganesaya Namah Avahayami”
The first mantra musical by the pandit because the Griha Pravesh Puja commences as you commence the divine expertise that is that the hindu equivalent of a party ceremony. however why can we perform Griha Pravesh Puja ? What rituals are performed as a section of it? and the way does one realize the Panditji who can guarantee a seamless Puja?
 When you move in to your new home or an existing home when a protracted time abroad or when it's undergone renovation: that’s once Pandit For Griha Pravesh Puja is performed to purify the setting of the house and shield your abode from the look.
 The rituals for the Griha Pravesh Puja are as follows:
 Pandit For Griha Pravesh Puja  in Bangalore - Dwar Puja is performed to indicate relation to the deities who can shield the doorway of the house. Gau Puja is performed as all gods reside within the holy cow that is followed by the women of the house taking part within the room Puja. when this Ganesha Puja assures that your journey to coming into your new home has no obstacles.
 These are followed by the Punyahavachan, Varun Puja, Matrika Puja and Navagraha Puja. Kshetrapal Puja /Kuldevi Devta Puja is completed to please the presiding God of close relatives members, Vastu Puja negates the consequences of any vastu dosha , through Pitru Puja you pay aspects to your forefathers that is been successful by Havan for all the traditions. The Puja finishes with Purnahuti, Mahamangal Aarti, and Prasad vitran.
 It is extraordinarily necessary that a learned Pandit who is well versed with the religious writing rituals performs these Pujas. additionally thanks to the flowery method, this 3-3.5 hour Puja needs a good quantity of Samagri , Flowers etc. It’s comprehensible that in our busy lives, finding the time to make your mind up on this Pandit alongside buying all the myriad things are a tricky task. that is why we tend to at online Purohiths believe being the one-stop solution for all of your Puja necessities.
 Book A telugu & kannada Pandit in Bangalore of your preference. Tell us what date you'd wish the Puja to be performed and our Pandits can select the foremost auspicious muhurats for you. you'll receive an email and sms with booking details. On the day of the Puja, we are going to organize all the materials needed to conduct the Puja. This includes Puja things, Puja Samagri, Flowers, Havan Kund, Havan Samagri etc. you merely got to organize for the Prasad things like sweets, fruits and Panchamrit.
 Book online best Pandits in Bangalore & Purohits for Puja - Best South indian Pandit and Pandit For Griha Pravesh Puja in Bangalore for all types of Pujas & Havans for your home at best price. Get more information Call @ 7760658784 & http://www.onlinepurohiths.com/
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ajattoberoi23-blog · 5 years
Know Who Should Wear Cat’s Eye Stone as Per Astrology by Ajatt Oberoi!
It is a dark diamond and has the composition of Beryllium Aluminum Oxide. Predominantly it is found in dark colored or brownish green shading with portable streak of light that runs length wise and looks like similar to cat's eye. 
It is accepted that Ketu has got karmic influences upon individuals. It has been observed that during the significant period or sub-time of Ketu individuals would get results according to their Karma, present or past. 
Like Rahu, Ketu has been given the status of a planet in Vedic Astrology as per Astrologer Ajatt Oberoi the best Astrologer in India however it does not have any physical existence. In astrology, diamond stones are prescribed on the basis of situation of planets in a horoscope. This planet is especially known for intensity of instinct and mysterious science. Such individuals get moksha and get opportunity from the cycle of birth and passing. 
Ketu is said to be similar to Mars and gives sudden and severe results. Cat's Eye (Lahsunia) governs this planet. Ketu is said to be lifted up in Scorpio. 
Rahu and Ketu cause the major doshas like Kaal Sarp Dosha and Pitru Dosh and so on in the graph because of their situation in the outline. 
Cat's Eye gemstone gives fast and sudden results and suit to those individuals who are occupied with speculation and betting and so on. 
Ketu, the South Node or the Dragon's Head, is known as the descending hub of Moon, because it marks where the Moon crosses the ecliptic from northern to southern celestial latitudes. Ketu is also considered leader of sudden results, terrible dreams, ghosts and fiendishness sprites. 
Ketu with its enemies’ planets like Sun, Moon and Jupiter gives most malefic results. Negative Ketu also causes absence of focus and sudden accidents or injuries, fire, court and law problems. Malefic aspects on Ketu give increasingly severe results. 
The dasha of Ketu runs for a time of seven years where the local is tested, remunerated or punished according to one's Karma. 
Ajatt Oberoi the best astrologer in World says that in family relations, Ketu signifies maternal granddad. This planet also governs the religious curve of a person. Incredible Ketu blesses the person with instinct and mysterious science. Cat's Eye should be worn if Ketu is giving powerless or malefic results in the diagram. Cat's Eye (Lahsunia) ensures help from the malefic impact from Ketu. It clears the confusion as a main priority and gives stability throughout everyday life and enhances positive vitality of Ketu. 
On the off chance that Ketu is powerless by position in the outline or is in incapacitated state or is in foe sign, the desired results of Ketu as well as the house it denotes can't be normal. The person suffers from sudden events, instability, depression and failures. Ketu ring is useful to those who need to get success in betting, horse race, astrology, law practice and so forth. It is similarly useful for those who are engaged with hypnotism and contemplation. 
Dark Magic, dread complex, dread from ghosts or terrible dreams can't influence one who wears this ring. One is safe from accidents and injuries. 
Gems influence the subtle vitality field of person. (To understand subtle vitality, see our article Theory of Subtle Energy). Our vitality and manner of thinking and as needs be the actions (karmas) are administered by this subtle vitality. In the event that malefic planets are posited with Ketu, or Ketu is put in eighth or twelfth house of a diagram, Cat's Eye should be worn. Be that as it may, at long last before wearing this diamond, the horoscope should be got investigated by learned Astrologer like the best astrologer in Mumbai Ajatt Oberoi. 
When Lahsunia is worn in a ring or as swinging, the continuously vibrating intensity of positive Ketu is absorbed in the person's quality. Thus, the air becomes all the more dominant to shield the person from any obstacle caused through any outside contrary vitality. The wearer gains focus and feels vivacious. 
Medical issues CURED BY CAT'S EYE: 
It helps to avoid unforeseen and sudden mishaps and saves from accidents and secret enemies. 
Negative, malefic or feeble Ketu denotes numerous diseases like obsessions, insanity, mental disorder, pee problems paralyzes and stomach problems. By wearing Cat's Eye gemstone, a man can defeat these problems alongside mental disorders and obsessive disorders, assuming any. Cat's Eye pearl is worn to empower one to exhaust the wheel of karmic desires. By accomplishing this state soul start heading towards higher spiritual worlds. 
The most effective method to WEAR CAT'S EYE: 
Cat's Eye might be inserted in Silver and ring should be worn on Tuesday morning (Shukla Paksha) in the wake of dunking the ring in Gangajal or un-bubbled milk and empowering the Gem with the prescribed mantras. 
Cat's Eye is considered a hot diamond naturally.
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