#learn about fistula
dratefahmed1 · 3 months
How to Repair an Enterocutaneous Fistula Laparoscopically: A step-by-step guide / Laparoscopic
#laparoscopicsurgeon #bowel #Enterocutaneous #fistulakit #laparoscopicrepair #enterocutaneousfistula #fistula #surgery #medical #health #doctor #nurse #healthcare #laparoscopic #minimallyinvasive #procedure #surgery #treatment #recovery #patient #outcomes #complications #casestudy #video #youtube #learn #education #information #enterocutaneous #fistularepair #fistulasurgery #fistulatreatment…
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defilerwyrm · 1 year
I'm a trans man who wants phallo SO bad but the Fear Mongering people do makes me so scared. I have such a fear of surgery anyway and people say phallo is nearly 23hrs long, and it has more risks than heart surgery does, and idk if these are true bc I'm too scared to google it..But I want it so bad, but the stuff I hear scares me. Also people saying it doesn't have any sensation worries me. You said trans men can ask about it so I hope this is ok to do on anon!!! I'd appreciate a non fear filled reply so much thanks!!
23 hours!! Those poor surgeons, can you imagine!
Virtual hugs if you’re the hugging type, Anon, and a cool rock if you’re not.
Those things are definitely not true, not remotely. It’s a long surgery, but when I say it’s long that means it’s about 8 hours all told. It sounds like maybe someone heard it referred to as an “all-day” thing meaning a full WORK day, but instead assumed that that meant a full CALENDAR day. Or, you know, a transphobe made shit up to scare people.
It is most definitely not nearly as risky to your wellbeing as a surgery in which they saw open your sternum and cut open your actual beating heart. There is a fairly high chance of a minor complication that can result in the terrible ordeal of getting pee on your pants sometimes—a urethral fistula—and in most cases, they close up on their own anyway without needing another surgery to correct them. And in this case, “fairly high” means 40%, so it’s still less than half a chance that it’ll happen in the first place. At worst it’s annoying. Serious complications, the type that put you in danger, are extremely rare.
The sensation thing is also false, because they literally harvest a length of nerve from your donor site and hook it up to your existing bits specifically so you WILL have sensation! Sure, it takes a little while for the nerve to heal, but that’s just the reality of ANY surgery.
The nerve grows back in your donor site, too, by the way. While I was typing this up I discovered that one particular spot on my graft is ticklish.
Everyone has their own individual healing factor, but speaking for myself, I had full erotic sensation before the 3-month mark, and the orgasms have been incredible. The head and base are highly sensitive, and everything in between responds pretty damn nicely too, just less of a hit-the-ceiling level of sensitivity. And, you know, if you’ve handled an AMAB person’s penis much at all you’ll know that’s pretty much in keeping with how their dicks work too.
It is an in-patient surgery so if you have it, you’ll be staying in a hospital for a few days so they can keep an eye out for rare disasters. My stay was four or five days of snoring most of the day and periodically getting woken up to eat or answer some simple check-in questions, lift my arm for nurses to move stuff, etc, and then conking back out.
Being cathed sucks, but two weeks of frequent trips to the toilet to drain your bag is honestly nothing compared to a lifetime without (or with vastly reduced) bottom dysphoria. That’s the part that I hated. Everything else was your typical recovery: 10-15 days of sleeping 20 hours a day, then however many weeks of being tired, taking meds, and careful washing, gradually feeling more and more normal until you’re back up to full and ready to get back to business as usual.
Except with this one, you get to learn to pee standing up in the process. :D
(Protip: don’t try a public urinal until you’ve got it down pat at home. Not because of cis men, but because the learning process is messy, lol! The overwhelming majority of cis men in public restrooms want nothing to do with anyone else while they’re in there. The only place anyone’s gonna give your dick more than half a second’s accidental glance is in a gay bar. In 8+ years of using public men’s rooms I have yet to see one (1) penis that wasn’t mine!)
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answersfromzestual · 1 year
Metoidioplasty Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:
How many stages is metoidioplasty?
One-stage procedure for the creation of a neophallus from a hormonally enlarged clitoris.
Can metoidioplasty penetrate?
Sexual penetration after Metoidioplasty is rarely possible. Some people can find the right position to penetrate but aren't able to thrust or achieve deep penetration. (If this is important to you, consider Phalloplasty)
Do I need to be on testosterone to have a Metoidioplasty?
Yes, surgeons generally require you to be on testosterone for one to two years prior to having Metoidioplasty to maximize the growth of the neo-phallus before surgery. lf you're planning to go off testosterone at some point after surgery. It's important to know that you could lose phallus length, which could prevent standing to urinate
Do I need to have a Hysterectomy before Metoidioplasty?
Only if you're having a Vaginectomy procedure done. With Metoidioplasty, then the uterus needs to be removed. (Ovaries do not have to be removed.)
Will I be able to pee while standing after Metoidioplasty?
The ability to pee while standing after
Metoidioplasty depends on anatomy and is not always possible. People who are heavier are often not able to urinate standing up after metoidioplasty
Are there ways to enlarge a metoidioplasty penis?
A surgeon in Iran published a study in 2016 about the successful use of a traction device (ex. pump) to lengthen the post- metoidioplasty phallus. Dr. Toby Meltzer a Metoidioplasty surgeon based in Scottsdale, Arizona and Portland, Oregon has long advocated pumping to enlarge the neo-phallus before metoidioplasty.
Can I have Urethral Lengthening without having a Vaginectomy?
Most surgeons require a vaginectomy if Urethroplasty (Urethral lengthening/UL) is being performed because Vaginectomy reduces the risk of fistula. However, there are a handful of surgeons who will do UL without vaginectomy: Dr. Heidi Wittenberg in San Francisco, and the surgeons at Crane Center for Transgender Surgery, Drs. Crane, Santucci and Safir, If considering this option, it's important to understand the increased risk of complications.
Can I have Testicular Implants put in at the same time as the Metoidioplasty and Scrotoplasty?
Most surgeons prefer to wait until the scrotum has healed before putting in testicular implants. Generally, this takes place 5-6 months after the initial surgery. The exception to this is with the Belgrade Metoidioplasty technique with labial flaps joined at the midline to create the scotum (vs. VY Scrotoplasty). In this case, the testicular implants are put in during the initial surgery.
What is recovery from Metoidioplasty like?
Recovery can include: moderate to severe pain; a catheter for 2-6 weeks if urethral lengthening is performed; no desk work for two weeks, and no strenuous activities for four weeks.
What is a fistula?
If you experience urine coming out from somewhere other than the urethra or catheter tube, this is a fistula. These often heal on their own but sometimes require surgery. Depending on the fistula, surgeons will require a period of three to six months between the original metoidioplasty surgery and a fistula repair surgery to allow tissues to heal and strengthen. Learn more about potential complications from Metoidioplasty here.
What if I decide after surgery that I need Phalloplasty? Can Phalloplasty be performed on someone who has had a previous Metoidioplasty?
Yes, phalloplasty can be performed for some patients who have had metoidioplasty in the past. It is dependent on how your original surgery was done and surgeon preference.
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dr-suhasini-jadhav · 15 days
Finding the Right Care: Your Guide to Fistula Specialists and Treatment Options in Pune
Fistulas, abnormal connections between organs or tissues, can significantly impact quality of life. If you're seeking effective treatment, finding a skilled fistula specialist is crucial. In Pune, advanced options like Laser Fistula Treatment are transforming patient care, offering minimally invasive solutions with faster recovery times. Here's a guide to understanding fistula treatment and why Dr. Suhasini Jadhav is a leading choice for expert care in Pune.
Understanding Fistula and Its Treatment
A fistula is a medical condition where an abnormal passage forms between two body parts, such as organs or vessels. It can result from various causes, including infections, surgeries, or trauma. The treatment for fistulas generally involves surgical intervention to repair the abnormal connection and promote healing.
Traditionally, fistula surgeries involve open surgery, which can be invasive and require longer recovery times. However, advancements in medical technology now offer less invasive alternatives, such as Laser Fistula Treatment in Pune. This method uses laser technology to treat fistulas with precision, minimizing damage to surrounding tissues and reducing recovery time.
Why Opt for Laser Fistula Treatment in Pune?
Laser Fistula Treatment has emerged as a preferred choice for many patients due to its numerous benefits:
Minimally Invasive: Unlike traditional surgery, laser treatment involves smaller incisions, leading to less pain and quicker recovery.
Reduced Complications: The precision of laser technology reduces the risk of infection and complications, providing a safer treatment option.
Faster Recovery: Patients typically experience a shorter recovery period, allowing them to return to their daily activities sooner.
Pune is home to several medical professionals offering advanced laser treatment options, ensuring that patients have access to the best care available.
Choosing the Right Fistula Specialist in Pune
Selecting a skilled fistula specialist is essential for successful treatment. Dr. Suhasini Jadhav stands out as a leading expert in this field, offering extensive experience and a patient-centered approach. With a focus on both traditional and advanced treatment methods, including Laser Fistula Treatment Dr. Jadhav provides comprehensive care tailored to individual patient needs.
Fistula Surgery in Pune performed by Dr. Jadhav is characterized by a meticulous approach and a commitment to achieving optimal outcomes. Her expertise in both diagnostic and surgical aspects of fistula treatment ensures that patients receive the highest quality of care.
Why Dr. Suhasini Jadhav is a Top Choice
Dr. Suhasini Jadhav combines years of specialized experience with a compassionate approach to patient care. Her proficiency in Laser Fistula Treatment  and other advanced surgical techniques makes her a trusted choice for those seeking effective and innovative treatment options. By choosing Dr. Jadhav, patients benefit from personalized care, cutting-edge technology, and a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes.
If you’re dealing with a fistula and seeking effective treatment options, consider Laser Fistula Treatment with Dr. Suhasini Jadhav. Her expertise in fistula surgery in Pune ensures that you receive top-quality care tailored to your specific needs. Contact Dr. Jadhav's clinic today to learn more about how she can help you on the path to recovery.
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wingwongwangagain2 · 29 days
Day 3
So today was a bit more interesting. Courtney and Nick had to cover more ortho/spine/trauma floor because a pt was out. Today we saw a mexican lady first that had dementia where a lot her brain is gone from the ct scan. but she was with her husband and was here because she fell and broke her hip along with her old fracture of her spine. we didnt do much with her cause she was sleeping. while we were in there I saw the other pt move over her gown and started touching her self lol. the next lady was a lady that had MS that also fell with a hip fx. she had orthostatic bp when we got her up with the sara stedy. she was joyful to be around and was telling me about her kid named anthony. we co treated with emily knight today with this.
next was the dude that was an alcoholic but runs a sober living facility that was involved in a moped accident. the dr., dr valentino a fat ass fuck trauma surgeon came in with his pa but it was awkward because he didnt really move the conversation. he just stood there and was like ok and talked in medical terminology that the pt was clearly agitated and yeah. but courtney did a great job deesclating it and was able to convince the guy to go to rehab. basically he fx his pelvis, broke his femur and had some bleeding that needed to be cleaned up in his abdomen.
then we saw the crack lady looking and did some stairs.
the most interesting today was working with the tbi MVA 19 year old kid. he was a disorders of conciousness and was able to cotreat with alex v. the ot, she was really cool and knowledgeable and she was doing the jfk. i was able to feel his tone in his elbow and finger flexors. he has a diffuse axonal injury and his mom was also there. the nail bed test for the jfk can either be localized, generalized, or absent.
FBR - facility based rehab
PLS - prior living situation ( accounts for homeless people)
the other word i forgot was fistulas
we cotreated a ranch man that had an elective spine surgery, basically fusion of his whole lumbar to sacrum. he lived in the mountains with an outhouse and shower room. it was hella funny cause he was trying to show us his placeo n his phone and a bunch of porn popped up. he had a XILF along with a bunch of other stufff.
the last pt we saw was the oral cavity cancer lady. that had a total neck dissection that required a trach and cappula etc. she was moving well.
I think today was good for the more neuro population skills and knowledge. i think i need to learn the jfk and practice it better.
at lunch talking to tiffany another pt, she suggested to break it down in terms of like pt floors or whatever and i think that would be a good idea for the deliverable.
alan was a homie and i was able to leave the airbnb and stay at a hotel for the rest of the time! sweet that airbnb was so sketchy lol.
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aksharhospital · 2 months
Revolutionary Laser Fistula Treatment in Jalandhar by Akshar Hospital
Fistulas are challenging medical conditions that can significantly affect an individual’s quality of life. They occur when an abnormal connection forms between two body parts, often leading to discomfort and recurrent infections. One of the most advanced and effective treatments for fistulas is laser therapy. At Akshar Hospital in Jalandhar, we offer cutting-edge Laser treatment for fistulas in Jalandhar, providing a minimally invasive solution that promotes faster recovery and improved outcomes
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What is Laser Treatment for Fistula?
Laser treatment for fistulas in jalandhar involves the use of a high-intensity laser beam to precisely target and treat the abnormal fistulous tract. The laser energy helps to seal the fistula, reducing inflammation and promoting natural healing. This method offers several advantages over traditional surgical approaches, including less pain, reduced risk of complications, and a quicker recovery time.
Benefits of Laser Treatment
Minimally Invasive: Unlike conventional surgery, laser treatment for fistulas requires only small incisions or no incisions at all. This minimally invasive approach reduces tissue damage and minimizes postoperative pain.
Reduced Recovery Time: Patients undergoing laser treatment typically experience a faster recovery compared to traditional surgery. Most individuals can resume their daily activities within a short period.
Lower Risk of Complications: Laser therapy minimizes the risk of infection and other complications that may arise from traditional surgical methods.
Precision and Effectiveness: The laser allows for precise targeting of the affected area, ensuring effective treatment with minimal impact on surrounding healthy tissues.
Less Scarring: The use of lasers reduces the likelihood of scarring, leading to better cosmetic outcomes.
Why Choose Akshar Hospital for Laser Treatment?
At Akshar Hospital in Jalandhar, we pride ourselves on offering state-of-the-art medical care and advanced treatment options. Our experienced team of specialists uses the latest laser technology to deliver effective and safe fistula treatments. We are committed to providing personalized care and ensuring that each patient receives the best possible outcomes.
Our facility is equipped with cutting-edge technology and staffed by skilled professionals dedicated to patient well-being. From initial consultation to post-treatment follow-up, we ensure that each patient receives comprehensive care tailored to their individual needs.
Laser treatment for fistulas in Jalandhar represents a significant advancement in medical technology, offering patients a modern, effective, and minimally invasive solution. If you are experiencing symptoms of a fistula and are seeking expert care in Jalandhar, Akshar Hospital is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our laser treatment options and take the first step towards a healthier, more comfortable life.
Read more on: https://www.aksharhospital.co.in/fistula-in-ano-treatment-jalandhar/
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drravirams · 2 months
Best Proctologist in Malappuram- Dr Raviram S
Are you searching for the best doctor for piles treatment in Malappuram? Has the piles problem been troubling you forever? Search no more. Dr. Raviram S is one of best proctologist who has treated a lot of patients in Malappuram, Kerala having comprehensive experience in using advanced technologies for operating piles. He offers the best advanced and painless treatment for Piles, Anal fissures, Fistula in Ano, and Pilonidal Sinus in Malappuram and all over Kerala. Dr. Raviram S is famous for special and quality piles treatment to his patients. No matter how serious your piles are, Dr Raviram S an experienced piles specialist in Kerala will get rid of your piles in the most effective pain-free method. Dr. Raviram S is passionate about improving the lives of individuals through his surgical expertise. His dedication to advancing the field of Proctology is a testament to his unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of his patients. In his 14+ years of experience, Dr Raviram S successfully treated more than 10000+ patients and successfully performed 3000+ Proctology Procedures to date. If you are looking for the best doctor in Malappuram for the treatment of Piles, fissures & Fistula, then Dr Raviram S is the best expert, where you get solutions for all your anorectal problems.
Dr. Raviram completed his MBBS from Government Medical College Thrissur in 2006 and went on to earn his MS in General Surgery from the University of Kerala in 2010. His extensive education and experience with prestigious medical institutions in Kerala make him a trusted name in proctology. He attends national and International conferences on Colorectal surgery regularly so he learns newer techniques and uses the safest techniques for colorectal disease treatment that benefit patients. His expertise and experience in proctology make him one of the best proctologists in Malappuram and All Over Kerala.
What is the cost of Pile Treatment in Malappuram?
The Piles Treatment Cost in Malappuram, Kerala ranges from Rs 20K to 100K, but It can be higher or lower depending on various factors like
Stage of disease
Technique and equipment used – Laser Treatment or Other
Hospital stay
Patient Health conditions
For the best cost estimation of piles treatment – consultation with our expert
Why not delay Pile treatment?
It is important to understand that delaying in seeking treatment for piles can lead to several complications, some of which can be life-threatening. Some of the common complications associated with delayed piles treatment are:
Bleeding: If this symptom is ignored and not treated in time, it can lead to anemia.
Infection: If the piles are left untreated, they can get infected, which can lead to sepsis.
Strangulated piles: This can lead to severe pain and in some cases, even death.
Why Choose Us for Piles/Fissure/Fistula Treatment?
Expertise and Experience: Dr. Raviram S has over 14 years of experience and has treated more than 10,000 patients with various anorectal conditions.
Advanced Laser Technology: We use cutting-edge laser technology for minimally invasive and highly effective treatments, ensuring quicker recovery and minimal discomfort.
Diagnostic Facilities: All basic diagnostic facilities are available in a single room, ensuring convenience and comprehensive care.
Affordable Packages: We offer affordable packages and accept all major insurances/TPAs.
24×7 Availability: Our team of health coordinators is available round-the-clock to assist you
Patient-Centric Approach: We prioritize your well-being, taking the time to understand your concerns and provide detailed explanations and support.
Convenient Location: Our clinic is easily accessible, providing a comfortable and welcoming environment for your treatment.
Looking For Piles Doctor Near You?
To book an appointment with Dr. Raviram S at the best proctology clinic in Thrissur, Thrissur Piles Clinic, simply visit our website and fill out the appointment form and Our team will connect you. Or You can call our clinic directly at +919961001199. Our team will assist you in scheduling a convenient appointment time. We look forward to providing you with expert care for your piles treatment.
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ccubehomeopathy · 3 months
Beyond Conventional Medicine: Homeopathy’s Presence in Delhi
Homeopathy, a form of alternative medicine, has been gaining popularity as people seek natural and holistic approaches to healthcare. At the core of homeopathy is the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself, and that tiny doses of natural substances can stimulate this healing process. Homeopathic doctors, also known as homeopaths, are trained professionals who specialize in this field. Finding the Best Homeopathic Doctor in Delhi for fistula treatment requires careful consideration of various factors, including qualifications, experience, specialization, personalized approach, patient reviews, accessibility, and cost.
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Training and Qualifications of Homeopathic Doctors
Becoming a homeopathic doctor requires rigorous training and education. Most homeopaths have a background in conventional medicine or allied health professions, such as nursing or pharmacy. They then undergo specialized training in homeopathy, which includes studying the principles and philosophy of homeopathy, learning how to conduct patient consultations, and understanding how to select and administer appropriate remedies. Licensing and certification requirements for homeopathic practice vary by country.
Treatment Approach
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Conditions Treated
Homeopathy is used to treat a wide range of acute and chronic conditions, including allergies, respiratory infections, digestive disorders, skin conditions, hormonal imbalances, and mental health issues like anxiety and depression. Homeopathic remedies are derived from various sources, including plants, minerals, and animal products, and are prepared through a process of dilution and succussion (vigorous shaking).
Research and Evidence
Despite its long history and widespread use, homeopathy remains controversial in the medical community due to a lack of robust scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness. Critics argue that any benefits observed may be attributed to the placebo effect or natural healing processes. However, some studies have shown promising results, and many patients report positive experiences with homeopathic treatment.
Integration with Conventional Medicine
In recent years, there has been growing interest in integrative medicine, which seeks to combine conventional and complementary therapies for a more comprehensive approach to healthcare. Homeopathy can complement conventional medical treatments by addressing the underlying causes of illness and promoting overall wellness. However, it’s essential for patients to communicate openly with all members of their healthcare team to ensure safe and effective care.
Consultation and Patient Experience
One of the hallmarks of homeopathic treatment is its emphasis on patient-centered care. Homeopaths spend time getting to know their patients and developing a deep understanding of their unique health concerns and goals. Patients often appreciate the personalized attention and holistic approach of homeopathy, which can empower them to take an active role in their healing journey.
Cost and Accessibility
Homeopathic treatment is generally affordable compared to conventional medical care, as remedies are often inexpensive and consultations may be shorter than those with conventional doctors. However, accessibility may vary depending on factors such as geographic location and insurance coverage. Some countries have well-established homeopathic institutions and clinics, while others may have limited access to homeopathic services.
Criticism and Controversy
Critics of homeopathy raise concerns about its scientific plausibility, the lack of standardized regulations, and the potential for harm if patients forego conventional treatments in favor of homeopathy alone. Skeptics argue that homeopathic remedies are highly diluted to the point where they may contain no active ingredients, making them essentially indistinguishable from placebo. Regulatory agencies in some countries have taken steps to restrict the marketing and sale of homeopathic products.
The Future of Homeopathic Medicine
Despite the controversy surrounding homeopathy, its proponents remain optimistic about its future. Advances in research methodologies, including the development of new tools for studying complex systems, may shed more light on the mechanisms of action of homeopathic remedies. Integrative healthcare models that incorporate homeopathy alongside conventional medicine could become more widespread, offering patients a broader range of treatment options.
Homeopathic doctors play a valuable role in modern healthcare by providing individualized and holistic treatment options for a variety of health conditions. While homeopathy continues to face skepticism and criticism, many patients find relief and support through this gentle and non-invasive form of medicine. As research and clinical evidence evolve, homeopathy may become more integrated into mainstream healthcare, offering patients additional choices for promoting health and wellness.
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chiragglobalhospitals · 4 months
Anal Fistula’s Emotional Impact — Chirag Global Hospitals
Living with an anal fistula presents both physical and emotional challenges. It disrupts daily routines, and quality of life, and induces overwhelming stress and anxiety. But how can one cope with these emotional hurdles?
Importance of a Positive Attitude
Maintaining a positive outlook can be transformative. Focusing on supportive relationships and the potential for managing anal fistula effectively can foster optimism and hope. Remember, with the right treatment and care, leading a normal, healthy life is feasible.
Moreover, education empowers. Learning more about your condition, exploring treatment options, consulting healthcare professionals, and seeking support from fellow sufferers can bolster confidence and preparedness.
But can stress cause fistula?
Why Chirag Global Hospitals?
Consider Chirag Global Hospitals for comprehensive, expert care. Here’s why:
Highly Skilled Surgeons: Our specialists excel in anal fistula treatment.
Advanced Techniques: We utilize cutting-edge surgical techniques, ensuring effective and minimally invasive treatments.
Patient-Centered Care: Experience personalized and compassionate care focused on your well-being.
Emphasis on Safety and Satisfaction: We prioritize patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction throughout the treatment journey.
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Comprehensive guide to kshar sutra treatment in Mohali and Chandigarh
Explore Effective Kshar Sutra Treatment for Fistula near Mohali. Discover trusted solutions at Arogyam Piles Clinic serving Mohali and Chandigarh. Our comprehensive guide outlines the benefits and procedure of Kshar Sutra treatment, ensuring effective relief from fistula. Visit our website to learn more about our specialized care and experienced practitioners.
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defilerwyrm · 1 month
May i ask how's the recovery process after gender affirming surgeries?
If you mean how's it going now: my last surgery was in 2022 so at this point I'm 100% healed up. I was SUPPOSED to get my implants in December 2023 but my insurance company has been fucking me over at every turn so that's still on hold.
If you mean how was it at the time:
Top surgery (2018) was pretty easy for me since I have a desk job. I stayed with family in town for the first 2 weeks, during which time I basically did nothing but sleep, wake up long enough to use the toilet, take a dry shower, eat something, take more pain meds, then go back to sleep. I had 4 weeks off work, so after that I was a little sore and still confined to button-down shirts because I couldn't raise my arms above shoulder level; then I went back to work and all was normal for the next month. But...
Because I am an unlucky son of a bitch, I had a rare complication: I developed a seroma that dehysced (i.e. a hole opened up along my suture line that leaked large amounts of greasy, bright orange fluid made up of lymph and blood), which was not painful at all but was absolutely disgusting and very alarming to experience—but not a medical emergency or anything, and was easily fixed with a revision surgery. I took another 2 (I think?) weeks off work and it's been fine ever since. The left side of my chest is a little funny but I don't really care, it was fully worth it. Please note that I did not have drains. If you have drains, you're even LESS likely to have this problem.
Hysterectomy (2019) was much the same: I slept through the first two weeks and spent the next 2 in a recliner with an ice pack on my lower belly, playing a lot of Stardew Valley and getting into Critical Role. I was lucky enough to live with a friend who loves cooking. I ate a lot of soup. The soreness wasn't that bad, but I have a policy of staying ahead of the pain by using timers for how often I should be taking them. The worst part of it was the pain meds, tbh, because I really don't like the way oxycodone makes me feel; at the same time, I'm grateful for that fact because it keeps me from forming a habit.
Phalloplasty etc (2021) was kinda rough to start. I had 3 months off work that time. Slept through the first 2 weeks as usual. But for the first 3 weeks total I had a suprapubic catheter in and man I fuckin' hate being cathed. I felt like I needed to pee at all times, even immediately after draining the cath bag. Awful. Learning to pee standing up was...let's just say I did a lot of laundry and cleaning, lol. This was made worse by the fact that I had two fistulae (holes that go through the urethra all the way to the outside)—like I said, I've got bad luck. One of them healed up all on its own, like most of them do. The other one required a revision 8 months later, which meant being cathed again for a while, SIGH. But back to post-op for phallo: I had physical therapy for my left arm to make sure I kept a good range of motion; I kept the graft bandaged with daily gentle cleanup, application of ointments, and rebandaging; and had to take dry showers for the first uhhhhh. 2 weeks at least, maybe 3 or 4? After I got the cath out, things were MUCH easier. I was just kinda vaguely tired and sore and spent most of my time lying down. My libido came back at the start of the 2nd month, which was frustrating af because it wasn't till the start of the 3rd month that I was healed up enough to do anything about it (but once I could, holy FUCK it was incredible).
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irfacilities · 6 months
Pulmonary AVM Embolization: A Day Care Procedure
Welcome to our video presentation on pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (AVM) embolization, led by Dr. Sandeep Sharma at IR Facilities. In this presentation, we will demonstrate in detail the procedure of depositing coils in pulmonary AV fistulas to occlude the abnormal vessel connections and effectively treat the disease, all on a daycare basis.
Pulmonary AVMs are abnormal connections between the pulmonary arteries and veins, which can lead to serious complications such as stroke, brain abscess, and heart failure. Embolization, a minimally invasive procedure, is a highly effective treatment option for these patients.
During the procedure, Dr. Sharma will guide you through each step, from accessing the pulmonary vasculature to navigating the catheter to the site of the AV fistula. The abnormal vessels will be visualized using fluoroscopy and contrast dye, allowing precise placement of embolization coils.
Watch closely as Dr. Sharma demonstrates the technique of deploying coils strategically within the AV fistula, effectively blocking blood flow and preventing further complications. The use of coils ensures targeted occlusion while preserving surrounding healthy tissue.
One of the key advantages of this approach is its suitability for daycare treatment, allowing patients to undergo the procedure and return home on the same day. This minimizes hospital stays and promotes faster recovery, improving overall patient experience and satisfaction.
We hope this video provides valuable insights into the pulmonary AVM embolization procedure and its benefits for patients. Thank you for joining us, and we invite you to learn more about our innovative treatments at IRFACILITIES
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xtruss · 6 months
Life-Saving Tool or Torture Device?
The Answer, Once You Learn the History of the Speculum, is a Little of Both
— March 15, 2024 | Kirstin Butler
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1847 Specula. Source image: National Library of Medicine.
Many iterations came before and have gone since, but the most controversial version of the speculum started out, in 1845, as a bent spoon. That was when an Alabama-based doctor named James Marion Sims set out to treat an agonizing medical condition, and in the process established precedent for the practice of modern gynecology—in more ways than one.
Sims was attending to a patient who had been thrown off of her horse, and in landing on her pelvis, developed uterine retroversion (a tipping, or tilting backward, of the uterus). In the process of attending to her, Sims was struck by the insight that a custom-fashioned tool would allow him to see better into the vaginal canal. His first foray into speculum design was a doubly bent spoon that allowed him to separate and hold apart the vaginal walls. “Introducing the bent handle of the spoon I saw everything, as no man had ever seen before,” Sims later wrote in his unfinished memoir, The Story of My Life. “I felt I was on the eve of one of the great discoveries of the day.” Sims’s first experiments with that speculum were all done on enslaved women.
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An Engraving Demonstrating the Sims Speculum (Bracket-Shaped Metal Instrument). Wikimedia Commons.
He ran a small private hospital—a “Surgical Infirmary for Negroes,” read an 1852 ad in Montgomery’s Weekly Advertiser, where he was “enabled to offer his professional services to his friends.” “It's really impossible to talk about the beginning of gynecology in America without talking about slavery because they were so deeply entwined and dependent on each other,” says Rachel Gross, science journalist and the author of Vagina Obscura: An Anatomical Voyage. Sims himself had slaves, and, Gross adds, “worked with other slaveholders to experiment on enslaved women in order to develop techniques that would help them continue to give birth, and continue to work.”
Sims used his new speculum to perform surgery on vesicovaginal fistulas, abscesses that often developed during difficult births, where the pressure of labor damaged tissue between the vagina and bladder or rectum. His surgeries on enslaved women were conducted without the use of anesthesia. Sims noted in his memoir that he operated on one woman, named only as Anarcha, 30 times.
He was lauded for his work, becoming the president of the American Medical Association in 1876 and then the founder and president of the American Gynecological Association. In a tribute written after Sims’s death, the American doctor W.O. Baldwin breathlessly wrote that the eponymous Sims speculum “has been to diseases of the womb what the printing press is to civilization, what the compass is to the mariner, what steam is to navigation, what the telescope is to astronomy.”
Baldwin’s encomium conveniently overlooked one historical aspect, however. “The speculum has been around for a really long time,” historian Deirdre Cooper Owens tells American Experience. “You can go to Ancient Greece, and Ancient Rome, the site of modern western medicine, and you'll find specula that existed.” What changed with the popularization of Sims’s design were the mores around gynecology. “Most men did not perform vaginal examinations, or pelvic examinations on their female patients because of the gender ideals of the time,” says Dr. Cooper Owens. “Now, these things become a bit more nuanced when we’re talking about enslaved people, or poor people, or people who were institutionalized in asylums. They tended to be the ones that were exploited, as doctors experimented and used their bodies literally as canvases to learn from. That kind of paints the picture of American medicine that we know today.”
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The 19th-Century Metal Cusco Vaginal Speculum Still Closely Resembles the Design of Most Specula Used Today. Science Museum Group, C. Firmin Cuthbert Collection.
As for the speculum itself, others refined Sims’s design in the decades that followed. In 1870, Edward Gabriel Cusco introduced a two-bladed instrument that featured a screw mechanism to hold the blades open inside the vaginal canal. Cusco’s bivalve construction was further iterated upon by T.W. Graves, a Massachusetts-based doctor. It was Graves’s duckbilled speculum—which combined elements of Sims’s curved design and Cusco’s double-bladed device—that eventually became most popular within the medical establishment.
Then a century after Sims’s crudely fashioned cutlery, the speculum came to play a central role in the battle against cervical cancer, at the time the deadliest form of cancer for women. Dr. George Papanicolaou conceived of taking a swab of cells from the cervix for examination under a microscope; the speculum made it possible for physicians to gather the cervical tissue from patients. Thus was the pap smear born, drastically diminishing the numbers of casualties as a result of cervical cancer.
However, today the incidence of advanced-stage cervical cancer is on the rise again, in part because fewer women are getting pap smears as a preventative measure. According to the National Institutes of Health, the percentage of women overdue for cervical cancer screening went from 14% in 2005 to 23% in 2019. Some of that reticence, perhaps, has to do with the long reach of Sims’s paternalistic legacy. “A pap smear is not done in a neutral environment,” Gross asserts. “When you enter an office with a doctor, a very real power dynamic becomes established where you feel like there is sort of an authority of your body.”
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Vaginal Specula Today Tend to be Single-Use Plastic. Image by Whispyhistory, Wikimedia Commons.
The burgeoning “femtech” industry (a term coined in 2013 to describe technology geared toward female biology) aims to change that by making the experience of cervical cancer screenings feel less invasive—and that includes reimagining the speculum. But updating a 150-year-old design is only part of a larger picture. “People have really bad experiences getting pelvic exams and pap smears where they feel their body was violated, they weren't treated with respect or dignity,” says Gross. “That's not quite a problem with the tool, itself. That’s a problem with the culture of medicine, and the place of healthcare in our society, and how we communicate to women what this is for and what they’re allowed to know about their own bodies.”
— A Vaginal Speculum is a medical device that allows physicians and health providers to better view a woman’s cervix and vagina during pelvic exams. Most specula are made of metal and plastic, and physicians insert a portion of the speculum into the patient’s vagina to separate the vaginal walls.
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oberonwinston · 6 months
What Are The Specific Treatment Considerations For Malignant Pilonidal Cysts?
Pilonidal cysts, a benign condition, can become malignant due to untreated chronic inflammatory conditions. Patients with this condition may experience poor wound healing, ulcerated masses, or fistulas, which their surgeons may suspect and suggest tests. This post delves into the specific treatment strategies for malignant pilonidal cysts. Visit the official website to learn about treatment considerations for malignant pilonidal cysts.
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now-we-say-c0ral · 8 months
January 10, 2014
Slept for 10 hours, I think. Woke up with a full bladder. I’m still craving for more sleep but I really have to get going now. Caught the train just in time and got to work at 8am. I was assigned in TH15 with Ate Imelda and my baby girl Ate April. It’s been a good, busy shift. I just did 1 lap and a fistula repair. This day took forever because 1 patient had 3 joint procedures. Otherwise, the day was pretty uneventful. Again, I’m learning so much from Ate Imelda. She’s been such a good support and a good ate to me. I really appreciate that.
Went to get a smoothie and went to the gym after. I did chest, triceps, and some abs. It was a bit difficult doing the sets while doing chest. I was okay with them last week now it’s been a but difficult trying to finish them. I did finish the sets but I wasn’t happy with the way I was lifting. No matter. Winter blues is the one to blame.
Got home at 8:45pm and cooked my tuna cat food dish for tomorrow. I have to apply for a Band 6 position in Kingston just to piss off one person. I have to do it by tomorrow because it’ll be closing on the 12th. It’s been an okay day. 2 more days and then I’ll finally have the weekend for some ME time.
January 9, 2024
This weather is literally not doing me any good and I’m having an even harder time waking up. I got to work a bit late but it’s fine because it’s our protected teaching day. It’s boring. Another “what to do in a fire” seminar. Lateral exit my ass. I’m going out of the damn hospital.
I was assigned in TH12 with Ate Imelda and our new HCA Miah. It’s been an okay day. I’m learning so much from Ate Imelda. She’s a god-sent, really. In the afternoon, Janefer was with us so it was even more fun. A lot of gossip and shenanigans are bound to happen whenever we’re together. I did one lap case and learned how to use the Olympus when we’re doing OGDs. It’s been honestly a real good experience especially when you’re with people who support your learning. NMCs emailed me that I should do my revalidation really soon. I honestly don’t know how to do it since it’s my first time. It’s going to be an interesting weekend for me trying to sort this shit out. I’m really done with paperworks at this point in my life and I’m only 28 years old. Honestly, it takes the life out of me.
I didn’t go to the gym today because 1. My body’s just not feeling it and 2. I’m really not in the mood emotionally. I’m just done today. It’s so hard to move in this cold. The only good thing about proceeding is that everyday the sun will set 1 minute later than yesterday and that’s giving me life but I need more motivation now than ever because it’s really difficult. My asian mind and body is just not happy with what we have at the moment.
Got home at 7:45pm. I just slept from 8:30pm.
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maxinhealth · 9 months
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