#learn about bugs
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sirswooshnoodles · 4 days ago
I’m getting there
I used to be quite scared of spiders but then I decided to find out why and since there isn’t good reason I worked on getting over that fear.
I’m still a fucking coward, but I’m a coward who sees spiders and gets the same cuteness induced butterflies for them that I get for puppies and kittens. I’m a coward who holds wild spiders and wishes I could hug them without smushing them even though I’m scared of getting bit, cause that would be ouchy.
I fucking love isopods man, they are the cutest little shits ever. You can just hold them. Some are shy and stay curled so you put em back. And some come out and start crawling all over and it’s fun.
Bugs are super cool!!
If you’re struggling to get rid of unfounded dislike for bugs, start with the pretty ones and the cute ones, things like butterflies that are super colorful and fun. It takes time to change the way you think, my spider journey took about two years.
If you first thought upon seeing a bug isn’t neutral or positive, call yourself out on it. Just in your head is fine! That’s how you start. You think “gross” and then tell yourself, “no not gross”. Try and find something cool about the bug, look at Wikipedia articles (they don’t have many pictures usually, so you can start slow!)!! When you’re ready browse the subreddits that are positive towards them like r/invertpets and r/spiderbro to look at pics and positive comments about them!
And of course make sure you know what’s dangerous before interacting with wild critters. Black widows actually avoid biting but we still should leave them alone, for their sake and ours. Most spiders I hold are ones I’m taking outside bc my mom doesn’t like them (though she’s doing a bit better!)
you guys Need to start seeing bugs as animals im not even joking anymore. the second u start seeing them as tiny animals the more your world opens up and the more you accept different types of life Into that world. youll begin accepting that even life you cant understand is still worth living. and itll legitimately make you a better person. fuck
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lonesomenecromancer · 7 days ago
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lilybug-02 · 4 months ago
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Oh gosh, how many humans are there?!
Bug Fact: The Giant Malaysian Leaf Insect are mostly female and reproduce asexually. The first wild male of this species was not found until 1994! Pictures Below.
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A,B,C and E are all males, they have visible and functional wings. D is a female and has no wings. Photo Source and Research Paper with more photos
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They even have separate sub-species that have different leaf decay!!
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kedreeva · 2 years ago
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These little fuckers are round gobies. They are a freshwater goby that's invasive in Michigan, and they're in the nearby lake. They're distinct from the four native species due to their fused pelvic fins (middle pic) and a big black dot at the rear of their front dorsal fin. Though some other gobies have spots on their fins, NO Michigan-native species has a fused pelvic fin. These guys are very aggressive feeders and are very good at outcompeting native gobies.
They're also extremely good at stealing bait off big hooks as people on the docks reel in their lines. In particular, the bastard in the bottom photo stole my bait two days ago, so I caught him and filleted him for Bug.
Today, after acquiring smaller hooks, I went back and got 16 more, and educated several other fishers about their invasive nature. I got two turned over to me by others, and caught 14 more myself.
One man wandered over and asked why I was catching them on purpose. It was too much trouble to explain my feelings about invasive species, so I just told him, one of them stole my bait two days ago. He stopped watching my bobber and boggled at me and goes:
"You're doing this for revenge?"
So now there's some guy in town that thinks I am exacting revenge upon fish kind for a single stolen worm.
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time-woods · 1 year ago
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EMOTIONAL WIN ! ! the bug lets his emotions make decisions for once !
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coulrology · 5 months ago
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b4kuch1n · 2 years ago
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polymer broadcast signal hijack
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mic-check-stims · 6 months ago
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Dr. Alto Clef board for anon
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hellsitegenetics · 1 year ago
Guys!!!!!!! Red is sooooo sussy wussy, i saw them fake asteroids!!!! AND AND, they also faked fixing the reactor sabotage. Vote them out NOW!!! Or else I'll get mad >:( GGGGGRRRRGGRGRGRGRGRGRR RARRRGENQIIDJRUSIURYTTYATY GRRRGGGGRGGR RUFF BARKVAJR NAKR BAKR
String identified: G!!!!!!! , a t a at!!!! A A, t a a g t act atag. t t t !!! ' gt a >:( GGGGGGGGGGGG AGTTAT GGGGGGG AA A A
Closest match: Micropterix aruncella genome assembly, chromosome: 20 Common name: White-barred gold
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annqer · 1 year ago
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something unto death
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radiantmists · 3 months ago
Haven't finished my day one fic but here's my entry for @charles-rowland-week Day 2: Chorb!
I see a lot of cute orb-ghost content and love it, but for some reason when I sat down to write my brain went: that experience must be terrifying on both ends. Especially if it happens when they're pushed to the brink, a circumstance that otherwise leads to ghosts just... dissolving. Especially the first time.
So here's the first time!
Charles can't remember how he got here; he hasn't really got any idea where here is, except that the ground he's lying on is too hard and the light is so bright it burns his eyes whenever he opens them.
Though that might actually be something wrong with his eyes, judging by how much the rest of him hurts. He must have pissed someone off real bad, to be in this much pain, but he can't remember who or why. He hopes it was worth it.
"Charles," says a voice, a voice he knows. Edwin's here, and he sounds upset, and like he's trying to hide it. Charles manages to pry his eyes open for half a moment before the searing pain forces them shut again, but in that brief second he gets a glimpse of Edwin-- just his neck and the bottom of his face, the harsh press of his mouth.
Charles has seen that expression before, knows it comes along with wide eyes that give away what might look like frustration otherwise; this is the face Edwin makes when he's terrified.
Edwin shouldn't be terrified. Charles tries to reach for where he thinks he was, to comfort him, but just the idea of moving his arm reminds him of how much his shoulders hurt, and he half-screams before he can swallow the sound.
"Charles, just-- just lie still a moment," Edwin says beyond the roaring of his ears, and it shouldn't be a hard request with how much moving hurts, but Charles doesn't think he can bear to lie here like this much longer, the ground digging into him and the pain burning through his bones.
There's something wrong about that. Charles shouldn't be able to feel the ground, however hard it is; he doesn't actually have bones to burn.
He's dead, but he's still hurting, somehow, and that doesn't seem fair, does it? He'd sort of thought he'd escaped it, for a while. Maybe a little pain was the cost of being alive, but now-- unable to feel any good thing-- it just feels cruel.
He's so tired of hurting.
"Charles," Edwin's voice breaks through again, only this time the tone is different, somewhere beyond fear. "Charles, please, don't-- please just stay--"
His voice breaks on the plea. Because he is pleading, which is all kinds of wrong. Edwin doesn't beg when he's terrified; he goes silent and still like a hunted rabbit, which Charles hates with all his being but he hates this too. Edwin shouldn't beg. He shouldn't have to, not with Charles, who has embarked on the afterlife-long project of making him as happy as possible.
Not going anywhere, he tries to say, but his mouth doesn't want to obey him and instead he just sort of groans. He can't move his fingers-- he's not sure he has fingers, right now. They don't hurt anymore, but he can't really feel them either.
He remembers that: losing his fingers first, then his toes, then more and more. Edwin had been there then, too, strange and funny and unbelievably kind, and Charles hadn't had the chance to worry about his toes. Edwin had given him that gift, the gift of not being scared, and then he'd tried to run off like it was nothing, like after all that he'd thought Charles would just leave Edwin to the lingering terror in his eyes when he spoke of Hell.
That terror has never left completely, despite Charles' best efforts. He's started to think it never will, and the thought hurts, but at least he'd thought it was getting better; except now Edwin is terrified, and he's the one begging Charles to stay. He's still talking, somewhere beyond the pain, and though Charles can't make out the words, that heartbreaking tone is still there.
Charles isn't leaving him. He refuses. But he can't bear this either, the pain making it so hard to think, to remember. Edwin's voice is a lifeline, but it's getting more and more difficult to hear it, and he's not sure it's just the ringing anymore.
He's a ghost. He doesn't have ears to ring, not really, or bones to ache or eyes to burn when he opens them. Piece by piece, half on purpose and half unable to hold on, he lets it all slip away, until all that's left is the conviction: whatever happens, he wants to stay.
It feels a little like changing his hair, the way Edwin had taught him, just holding on to what he wants until that's what he is.
Mostly, though, it feels like dying.
He knows less and more, like this. He doesn't know where he is, and there's no feeling to help him guess, no pain or light or voice in the ears he doesn't have anymore. He doesn't know how he got here, doesn't know how long he's been here, doesn't even know who he is, really.
But he's not confused, because what he knows is this: he's dead, and it's not fucking fair, because he had so much left to do. He knows he was going to do better, that he was going to fix things, and now he'll never have the chance. Part of him seethes at that, and part of him just wants to take the hint and stop trying.
Except he also knows, somehow, that he does have another chance. That he's still here, even if he can't feel or taste or smell-- or even see or hear. That he can move things, somehow, change them, sometimes even fix them. He can solve crimes and save lives and on very good days he can make Edwin laugh.
He remembers that, the last time he'd made Edwin laugh-- just a little chuckle, really, but helplessly sincere, and the smile had stayed on his lips when he'd said, really, Charles--
The world unfolds around that voice speaking his name, first just memory into sound and then the awareness of ears to hear it, of a head to turn toward it and arms to push himself up, of something soft and forgiving under his palms, and of eyes he can open to see Edwin's face, remarkably close and blinking with surprise that, as Charles watches, collapses into relief.
"You came back," Edwin breathes. From this close, Charles can see the tears well in his eyes. Edwin, who he's seen burn half his hand off without even noticing, is crying over Charles.
It's not really a choice, to reach out with hands that still look a little misty and pull Edwin close. Edwin clutches him back, curling his hands in the back of Charles' shirt and tucking his chin over Charles's shoulder like if he just holds Charles close enough, he can hold him together.
Maybe he can. Charles curls his own fingers into Edwin's coat, breathes deep just to feel his ribs expand into Edwin's grip, ghost-cool but firm and real, real, real.
"I was afraid you were gone," Edwin says.
I was too, Charles doesn't say.
"Told you," he murmurs instead, "you're stuck with me."
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quickboot · 4 months ago
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By odettecurtis at iNaturalist, CC-BY-NC
Edit to add: Wrong blog lol
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andmaybegayer · 15 days ago
those four magic words: convergently evolved raptorial forelegs
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psychopomp-namine · 2 months ago
hmmm okay so for future posts I gotta keep this interview as a reference. it answers a lot of my questions, at least partially, about yingdu writing. the most important thing to learn, imo, are: vein's characterization (I actually like what we got out of vein and what the writers want out of him, though I agree we only really see a small part of him, but that's kinda expected for a 6-episode season), confirmation that there are no parallel timelines (liu xiao what are you talking about), big writing changes that were not initally planned (e.g. red eyes and the addition of new abilities and bahati school), and shao yuanyuan (cheng xiaoshi's mom) being a more unpredictable factor in the overarching plot than liu xiao
all in all, even though I am disappointed in the writing for YE6 as a season ender and yingdu is probably not gonna be my favorite season, I do like yingdu as a whole and for what it brings to the story (introduction of characters, lu guang's perspective, shiguang's dynamic, visual metaphors as storytelling device, the entirety of YE1 and YE5). I also like the direction link click's story is going (just don't overthink the details too much). but as a personal preference, I think I really do just prefer studio lan's visual storytelling style more.
I just hope director li gets to write the story he really wants and is satisfied with it.
but also, I guess I gotta swallow the pill that this show really is gonna have some retcons (re: red eyes and abilities) though I wonder how much that extends to (are the date changes also a retcon? or no? looks like some of the subtle changes are deliberate though to showcase the butterfly effect)
I'll still try to figure out the timeline though because that's fun for me lol
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bacchuschucklefuck · 4 months ago
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caps from comic Im doing
#not art yet. sorta#yeah that's one piece#outing myself this year as a sanji enjoyer#idk what compelled me to come back here (that's a lie I know 100% and it's haterism) but I did finally sit down and put down#this idea I've sat on for a Long time. bc I think I just. finally feel ready for it#or rather. both it and myself have been worn down and moulded enough by just. time passing. to be able to sit with each other in peace#but yeah I'm now neck deep in this (almost halfway thru inking!!) and Im learning a Lot#whatever u say abt one piece oda is a Phenomenal comic artist. one piece art-wise is dense on a level that makes me feel insane#like you barely see more than one type of screentone used and it's mostly to separate planes. its Just Ink. its fucked up#and drawing this comic is forcing me to show up on my a-game on a craft level as well. I love so much a Large part of it so far#comic is good guys. did u guys know that has anyone said this before#but yeah this one will! probably get posted to my main blog when the posting version is done. which is why I said in the prev ask#that the spheres might intersect soon lol#Im aware this is a stupid way to go about it if u look at it from a marketing/advertising angle. but thats not what Im here for#Im showing u cool bugs I made basically. and when the exhibit happens its gonna have mostly nothing to do with this#but yeah. if u see a comic with these caps in it in the future u will Know#otherwise we keep up kayfabe yeah? for fun. for comfort
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icriedforthemoon · 10 months ago
Oh that'a not...
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