daily-lea-crosscode · 5 months
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regained a project diva addiction and knew what i had to do can i get a hell yeah
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leakism · 3 months
impulsively dying my tips blue again hatsune leaku time
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vii-spider · 2 years
vocaloid pissing. call that hatsune leaku
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svedupelle · 1 year
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pockymilkshake · 7 years
Honestly, I feel like there should be more fan art of dream eater riku
Sorikai with Kairi and Sora petting Riku's head or coddling him? Sign me up!
Lea accidentally discovering Riku's embarrassing fondness for head pats and that he makes little purr/coo/clicking noises? Sign me up!
Random Radiant Garden citizens(Such as Aerith, Leon, or Yuffie) having different reactions when he leans into a simple pat on the head? SIGN ME UP.
Riku having a badass ability to aid Sora, Kairi, and Lea in combat? SIGN. ME. THE. HELL. UP.
Also Dream Eater Mating season? Dream Eater mating season.
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micecakes · 6 years
miku is in smash ultimate
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creamypudding · 7 years
I wrote this story as a gift. Axel/Riku was requested. It’s a short, one shot, silly little story, which I had a lot of fun writing. Check it out if you feel inclined to do so.
Title: A Dumb Plan Fandom: Kingdom Hearts - Modern AU Pairing: Axel/Riku Story Rating: Teen Word Count: 2378
Summary: It all started off with a dumb plan, at least that's what Riku called it. But Axel knew what true genius it actually was.
A Dumb Plan
Let me set the scene for you - Last night was a Saturday night, like any other. The house party our two protagonists were attending, was going off! Music pumped, bodies ground together, not all by choice though. The house was full. It was tighter than a can of sardines; although way less orderly, but definitely as stinky, because of everyone sweating out the equivalent of a small kiddy pool.
It wasn't really Riku’s scene, as he thought himself way too mature for these kinds of things usually. And by mature we mean stuck up. But he had changed his mind when he had been asked if he would be attending, by someone he had the hots for.
Yet Riku was so insecure and inexperienced when it came to party-ing, that he had to ask his best friend, the amazing Axel, to join him, to serve as protector and guide through this social foray.
(But the thing Axel couldn’t admit was that he actually attended the party for selfish reasons - for he was totally into this new guy in his photography course.)
It didn’t matter the reasons for Axel’s presence. All that mattered was that he was there. Our protagonists had squeezed their way through the throng to the very heart of the party - the watering hole. It was the place for social lubrication - and boy - did Riku need some lubricating.
Keep Reading on Ao3
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The Stars how they Shine
Game: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Sora, Kairi, Ventus, Vanitas, Lea, Riku, Isa, Iris 
Rating: Everyone
Author: The Usual Spot Cafe
Word Count: 491 Words
Notes: What happens when Isa is left alone with Riku’s best friends.
Ventus stared in shock as Riku rushed out of the cafe. Lea went to follow right on his heels but was immediately bombarded by Sora and Kairi.
Sora stood to his full height, puffing his chest out and staring Lea down as best as he could from almost a foot below his eye level. “I swear on Leviathan's wrath if you’re two timing Ri-“ Lea didn’t even let him finish before picking him up and setting him aside, rushing out the door of the café.
Sora huffed and Kairi immediately turned their wrath on Isa. “This is your doing isn’t it? You asked Demyx to play a song for you and Lea!”
Ventus glanced sideways at Iris and Vanitas. Iris looked just as shocked as he did and Vanitas sipped his soda, watching like this was the most interesting thing in the world. Ventus turned back to Sora, Kairi, and Isa, seeing the shorter two poking Isa in the chest and angrily whispering to him so as not to disturb the other patrons.
Isa arched an eyebrow at them, brushing their hands away like one would brush away flies. “I merely came here to see my friend, not to rekindle some romance that never should have been in the first place, nor to fight with you.” Isa looked down his nose at the two of them, “Just what do you two think you can accomplish here? Neither of you are big enough to present a problem for me.”
Kairi and Sora both gasped in indignation, “Is that a challenge?”
Isa’s mouth twitched upwards in a smug smirk, “No, merely an observation.”
Kairi and Sora both moved forward as if to confront him, but stopped when they heard the bell on the door ring again. Riku and Lea walked in, Riku looking abashed with Lea’s arm around him. They sat at the table and Sora and Kairi immediately surrounded Riku, pushing Lea to the side. “Are you ok, Reeks?”
“I’m fine. It was just a misunderstanding on my part.”
Kairi glared over at Isa and Lea, “Are you sure? We’ll kick their asses for you.”
Riku laughed, “Well, maybe you could take Lea, but not Isa.”
“Hey!” Lea looked insulted while Isa smirked. He elbowed Isa, “Well, aren’t you going to defend my honor? Tell them I could totally beat them?”
Isa rolled his eyes, “Oh, you mean I’m supposed to lie?”
Lea crossed his arms, pouting, “Some friend you are.”
Isa smiled for the first time any of them had seen that day, “You know you love me, Loser.”
Lea smirked, “Yeah, yeah, and you love me, Lunatic.”
Riku gave Sora and Kairi a reassuring smile when they looked at him as though asking for what to do. He reached over and grabbed Lea’s hand that was now resting on the table, giving it a squeeze. The two sat with their fingers intertwined and enjoyed the evening with their best friends.
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firewindmill · 7 years
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Commission for @savaage-nymph, requesting Riku treating Lea’s injuries so I decided muscle therapy would be cool cause its easy to forget to stretch or take care of yourself, even better to have someone strong enough to get the painful knots out.
Do not repost or use without permission from the commissioner or myself, please ask first.
Commission info at my website
Arrange a deal where you buy a commission worth something on my Steam wishlist.
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gamesmagcz · 4 years
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Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time potvrzen díky leaku!
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c-worldproductions · 7 years
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Oh, how the tables have turned... . 🌹 Marluxia: Brandon . ⭐️ Riku: @mmudkip666 . 🔥 Lea: me . 📸 Photographer: @mysthinra1170 . 🗓 Event: @otafest 2015 . #Otafest2015 #Otafest #KH #KH2 #KingdomHearts #KingdomHearts2 #KH3DDDD #KH3DDreamDropDistance #KingdomHearts3DDreamDropDistance #DreamDropDistance #Riku #Lea #Itssilvernotgrey #ItsLeanotAxel #Axel #AkuRiku #AxelxRiku #LeaKu #LeaxRiku #RikuxLea #cosplay #casualcosplay #KayaLing #Marluxia #OrganizationXIII #Organization13
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kritikycz · 4 years
Britský Amazon možná předčasně odhalil cenu PlayStation 5....
Britský Amazon možná předčasně odhalil cenu PlayStation 5. Ta by měla být výrazně vyšší, než se čekalo a to £599 (17 901 Kč). Z leaku jsme se také dozvěděli, že uvnitř konzole by mělo být SSD o velikosti 2TB, Sony přitom posledně mluvila pouze o 1TB SS...- Více na https://www.kritiky.cz/britsky-amazon-mozna-predcasne-odhalil-cenu-playstation-5/
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epiderma-blog · 6 years
Nový únik odhaluje modro-žlutý Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Nový únik odhaluje modro-žlutý Samsung Galaxy Note 9
Den oficiálního představení telefonu Galaxy Note 9 už není daleko, očekávaným datem je 9. červenec. Možná díky tomu jsme se dočkali dalšího leaku, tentokrát od člověka, jež má být promo agentem Samsungu. Na uniklé fotografii můžeme vidět odvážné modré a žluté zabarvení.
Kromě známého odstínu navy bluea nového umístění čtečky otisků na zádech telefonu, která aktuálně leží pod úrovní foťáku, a…
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Secret Santa! <3
Congrats, @key-baes, I am your totally awkward Secret Santa! I hope you like what I have written for you, for I think you will. Hopefully. Well, anyways, onto the actual drabble.
Riku and Lea both stared at the books that was in their hands. It looked like a children’s book, although it was clearly a notebook, so it had an air of innocence surrounding it.
Because he found it comfortable and stylish, Riku was still wearing his outfit from the Mark of Mastery exam. The same old black zipper shirt, blue jeans, and white and yellow jacket from before. Even the bandage on Riku’s right arm was still on his body. Only thing that really changed was that Riku was a little bit more bluff since training two pupils was hard work. Training was even harder work if those two pupils were named Lea and Kairi.
Lea wanted to get out of the Organization Xlll uniform as fast as possible. Now it was exchanged for something more colorful that matched the fiery redhead’s personality much more. His jacket was a dark pink that could was almost to the shade of red. Underneath it was a plain white t-shirt that pretty much had nothing but one accidental tear on it. Lea also wore yellow cargo pants, and, to match with it, there was a piece of cloth tied onto the top of his left upper arm.
“Are you sure this is the book he mentioned, Lea?” Riku asked.
“I got it memorized! It has to be that Winnie the Pooh...thing.” Lea sounded confident, however; Riku was not entirely convinced. “Let’s get this over with.”
“Are you sure? Because the last time you were wrong, Kairi wiped the floor with you.” A smirk grew on the white-haired teenager’s face.
“She used ice magic--”
“She still owned you real bad. And your middle name is supposed to be ‘Dark Rescue’. How can you rescue somebody if an enemy can defeat you in a mere five seconds?” Riku rebutted. “If you are done with that, we should really see what this book is all about. We should visit the so-called wondrous world of talking bears and minigames!”
“...Bears and minigames...Next thing you know, this is gonna turn into some horror story. Alright, let’s get this over with.” Placing his hand onto the pages of the book, Riku opened the yellowish-white pages. The very first sight that welcomed the two boys was an overwhelming light that could have blinded anybody.
When they both came to, they took notice at the landscape that surrounded them. The place was a literal war zone. Everything, from the bloody sand underneath their feet to the sound of gunshots, warned Riku and Lea about the horror of this place.
“Lea, I don’t think this is the world that Sora was talking about.”
“...Is that Kairi?” The redhead scratched his head. He tried to put all the pieces together in his head, yet that was the most futile thing Lea had ever done. Kairi was holding a gun of all things and pointing it at a guy with yellow eyes. She pressed the trigger which caused the duo to look away.
“...Yes...Yes, that’s her,” Riku responded, equally dumbfounded. “That seals it, you got the wrong book.”
“Hey, Riku, what are ya doing here?” Suddenly, without even making a sound, Kairi appeared in front of Riku. “And Axel too...” She stared at both of them intently. Compared to Kairi back home, she was noticeably a lot messier. Dull greens and browns replaced the vibrant purples and pinks. The only thing left from her usual fashion was the silver necklace that was around her neck.
“Yeah...Kairi, can you tell us what is--”
“Prove it,” interrupted Kairi. Kairi then aimed a gun at Riku’s face, and she pulled out a knife and aimed it at Lea. “Tell me, how are you not under Xehanort’s influence?”
“Calm down, Kairi! I’ll tell you once you get that gun out of my face!” Sighing, Kairi pulled her weapons down but was still on guard.
“This as I thought this day couldn’t get any worst. Kairi just seems to be putting me in my place today,” commented Lea. “Oh, and the name’s Lea. Get it memorized.”
“Kairi, to be honest, I’ve no idea what’s going on here.”
“The two of you must’ve hit your heads against a rock or something. But...wait, that means!” Without much warning, Kairi jumped on them. She hugged the both of them with her eyes holding back tears. “I can’t believe this is happening! You’re finally home again!” Riku hugged his childhood friend back.
“Don’t hold your emotions in, Kairi,” advised Riku.
“Yeah, or you’ll not like the result,” Lea added-on. Instead of listening to their warning, Kairi backed away. Her face was still clean.
“In this war, you don’t have time to cry. I hate it. But, as a Princess of Heart, I’ve been forced to accept it.” Kairi’s hands tightened. Then, shocking everybody there, Lea went up to her and slapped her in the face.
“Snap out of it! The Kairi I know wouldn’t do anything like this--”
“Apparently I’m not the Kairi you know somehow! People change! These are hard times--”
“That’s no excuse! The way you’re going, you’re just gonna become a Nobody!” Shocked by this side of Lea, Riku stood there speechless, just letting all the drama soak in. “The path of the martyr, or messiah, or whatever the Hell you consider yourself, is nothing but worthless self-destruction!”
“Kairi, in my world, you’re a sassy, confident, stubborn, kind-hearted individual that doesn’t care what other people think about her! Who will let herself get captured for the sake of her friends! Don’t fall into their hole of despair!” Lea yelled. There was clear anger in his voice, but Riku thought it sounded sincere as well. “Don’t let yourself become a slave to dark emotions.”
“Plus, you shouldn’t do something you hate. Listen to heart, Kairi, and you’ll find a way.” Riku’s words finally left his mouth. Only if somebody said those exact same words easier to his past self, so much pain would have not transpired. That was in the past now though, and Riku was glad that he was at least helping out this version of Kairi.
“...” A tear fell down Kairi’s cheek. She did not wipe it away. After that, Riku and Lea then noticed the same blinding light from before. They could feel themselves being taken away to somewhere else. Then, only seconds later, Riku and Lea saw that they were back to where they were before. Looking back at the notebook they entered, they saw two simple words written on one of the many pages.
“Thank you.”
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In the Presence of the Moon, No One Sees the Stars
Game: Kingdom Hearts
Characters: Lea, Isa, Riku, Ventus, Vanitas, Iris Amicitia, Sora, Kairi
Pairing: Riku/ Lea (Leaku)
Rating: Everyone
Author: The Usual Spot Cafe
Word Count: 1781 Words
Notes: Riku gets jealous of Isa and Lea’s relationship even though it’s exactly like he and Sora’s. The song Demyx sings is You and I by the Struts (It’s a really good song, give it a listen)
“Ok, I’ll see you then. Love you too. Bye.” Riku looked up from his book, suspicion all over his face as his boyfriend pressed end call on his cell phone.
“Was that your parents? Sibling? Some other relative?”
Lea shook his head with a smile, “Nah, that was just Isa. He’s decided to come visit me. We've been talking about seeing each other again since I moved but with the job I don’t really have much time and he didn’t need a job since his parents are paying for his school.”
“Isa…your um…” Riku cleared his throat, trying to hold down the little green monster of envy threatening to claw it’s way up his larynx, “your childhood friend right?”
Lea just smiled brightly, “Yep! We’re probably as close as you and Sora are. I’ve known him since daycare.”
Riku looked back down at his textbook, brow furrowed, “Well, that’s nice.”
Lea arched his brow at Riku, his grin quickly fading away. “You’re jealous.”
Riku threw him a glare over top of the turquoise glasses he was wearing. “Am not.”
“Uh huh. Just do me a favor, Ku?” Riku hummed in acknowledgment before Lea continued, “Give him a chance?”
Riku sighed, just barely resisting rolling his eyes, “Anything for you, babe.”
Lea sent him a tight smile, grabbing up his messenger bag. “Well, I’ve gotta get to class. See you later?”
Riku nodded, “Of course.” Lea gave him a kiss on the top of the head before walking out. Riku immediately texted Sora and Kairi everything.
Kairi and Sora bounced in their chairs as they sat in the café on music night. “This is so exciting, meeting your boyfriend’s ex!” Kairi grinned at the boys seated next to her.
Sora smiled back at her, “I know! So much drama. Do they still have feelings for each other? Will he beg for Lea back? Why do our siblings hate him so much?”
Riku rolled his eyes at them, “C’mon guys, they aren’t exes. They’re just friends. And Roxas and Xion have beefs with a lot of people so I don’t really think they’re the best judges of character.”
Sora scoffed at him while Kairi pouted, “party pooper.”
Ventus, Vanitas, and Iris showed up to hang out with them since Xion and Roxas refused to come and Sora and Kairi spent the whole time they waited for Lea and Isa to show gossiping about hypotheticals of what the two really were to each other. Riku pouted until he saw a familiar mop of red hair walking by the windows.
Lea pushed open the door to the café, yanking off his beanie and leading his blue haired companion over to the couple of tables the group of six was occupying. “Hey guys, sorry we’re a little late, but there’s a blizzard in Radiant Garden that delayed the train a little. I want you all to meet my friend, Isa,” Lea smiled, gesturing to the stoic looking man beside him, “Isa, this is Ventus, Iris, Vanitas, Sora, Kairi, and, most importantly, my boyfriend Riku.”
Riku looked at the other man. He was attractive for sure. He had an angular, but pretty face, full lips, bright green eyes, and long, silky blue hair flowing over his shoulder in a braid. He was as tall as Lea and as bulky as Riku. Intimidating was definitely a descriptor now running through Riku’s head about Isa, but the actual ‘threat to my relationship’ alarm hadn’t gone off…yet.
“Hello. It’s nice to meet you all,” Isa's voice was quiet and calm. He didn’t smile, but nodded in acknowledgment to them all before taking a seat while Lea got them something to drink.
Riku rolled his teacup around in his hands, looking at Isa sitting a seat away from him. He had left room for Lea to sit between the two of them and Riku was grateful for that. “So,” Riku cleared his throat as the word came out hoarsely, “what are you studying, Isa?”
Intense green eyes met his own blue-green ones and he immediately wished he hadn’t spoken up without Lea as a buffer. The corner of Isa's mouth twitched up in an almost smile though, so Riku considered it a win. “Astronomy. I love space. Stars, nebulae, galaxies, but especially the moon.”
“Oh, wow, that’s awesome!”
“And you?”
“Oh, um, I’m undecided right now.” Riku blushed a little, just knowing that Lea's friend would think he was stupid for not knowing what he wanted to do.
Isa just nodded, “I was too my first year of college. I actually was almost completely misguided by my admiration for Xemnas Chi. The man nearly had me convinced to go into the field of cardiac medicine.” Riku raised his eyebrow at Isa’s seeming willingness to talk about Xemnas. According to Roxas and Xion, he’d been the last to finally admit to himself that Xemnas' Organization was simply a well disguised crime outfit.
“Yes the Chis do love their hearts.”
Riku saw another little mouth twitch from Isa that may have been a smirk, “Indeed.”
Lea came back with two mugs and set one down in front of Isa. He had a huge grin on his face as he sat down, “You two seem to be getting along.” Riku and Isa said nothing, but it was just as well, as Demyx had just taken the stage, acoustic guitar strapped to him.
Demyx immediately started playing a song that had people tapping their feet and some joined him singing. Riku looked over and saw that Lea was laughing at something Isa had said to him. Sora and Kairi were watching like it was an episode of a soap opera. Riku nudged Sora, “Stop it. They’re just two friends who haven’t seen each other in a while.” Sora pouted and rubbed his ribs where Riku’s elbow had caught him.
Demyx finished his sing a smiled at the crowd. “How's everyone doing tonight?” The small crowd in the café cheered in response and Demyx grinned even wider. “Today I want to play something special for two dear friends of mine because one of them is visiting from out of town. Isa, take a bow.” Isa rolled his eyes as Demyx gestured to him, but waved a little. Demyx didn’t press him further and continued on. “So, for Isa and Lea, here’s your song.”
Riku's eyes grew wide as Demyx began strumming his guitar again. Sora was looking between Isa, Lea, and Riku with his hand covering his mouth, eyebrows raised in shock. Lea and Isa were looking at the stage horrified and Riku could feel the pang in his chest growing sharper by the second.
“Where did you come from
Where did I go?
You and I
Walking the mile now
Need you to know
You and I
When I try to leave you
You won't go
This is a love song nobody knows”
Riku could feel his eyes stinging as he listened to the song. They had a song, what sounded like a love song. They had been an item at one time, and Lea had lied to him.
“You and I
Hate the way you make me feel
I need you
Hate the way it's only ever
You and I
Can't escape
You always steal my shadow
Give it back
Give it back
Give it back!
You and I
You and I”
Riku felt a hand on his shoulder and he immediately brushed it off. He had to get out of there before he actually started crying. In the back of his mind he vaguely registered multiple voices calling his name as he rushed to the door, coat barely even on. He started aimlessly walking, only to stop when the bitter wind bit right through the sweater he was wearing. Riku stopped to zip up his coat, his fingers fumbling in the cold. He’d left his gloves and hat back at the café, but he refused to go back, so he threw up the faux fur lined hood of his coat, shoved his hands in his pockets and continued on. In the silence of the night, he distantly heard the bell on the café door.
“Riku!” He heard Lea’s voice behind him and huffed, not stopping for him. “Riku, please wait!” Riku closed his eyes, looking down towards the ground. He had stopped moving and he started shivering as the cold began to creep in.
“You lied to me.” He knew his voice was shaking but he couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. He could feel Lea's body heat radiating off of him as he stepped closer and tried to resist pressing into it just to get warm.
“You know I didn’t lie. I never said we didn’t try dating. I said we were just like you and Sora.” Riku blushed as he remembered he’d actually told Lea about the time in high school he and Sora had tried dating (and Kairi too which was probably why it didn’t work out because of Riku’s jealousy issues).
“Why did Demyx play your guys' song like you’re still together?”
Lea put his hand on his hips, shaking his head, “It’s a breakup song, Ku. It was a song we dedicated to each other when we agreed we couldn’t date. Because we do still need each other in our lives, just not in that way.”
“I’m sorry. I…” Riku shivered, hunkering further into his hood as the cold wind whistled last him, “I can be really irrational and jealous.”
Lea chuckled, “You have to hold it deep inside until you eventually get over it, like I do when I see you messing around with Sora and Kairi.”
Riku blushed again, looking up into Lea's eyes, “I didn’t know that made you jealous.”
Lea shrugged, “Only sometimes, like when you guys joke that you’re all together and madly in love, but I also get that you guys are really close friends and probably couldn’t live without each other.”
Riku nodded, leaning on Lea’s chest, “I should have understood. I just…”
Riku’s blush deepened and he hid his face in Lea’s chest, “He’s really pretty.”
Lea put his hand under Riku’s chin, tilting his face up to get him to look into his green eyes, “So are you.” He leaned down and brushed Riku’s lips with his. Riku stood on his tiptoes, pressing further into the kiss. Lea smiled softly down at him as they pulled away from each other. “Now, we should get back before you freeze to death or your best friends kill my best friend.” Riku chuckled, letting Lea wrap an arm around his shoulders and lead him back to the café.
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Ballet Sores
Game: Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy XIII
Characters: Sora, Aqua, Lea, Ventus, Vanille, Riku
Pairing: Leaku (akuriku) at the end
Rating: Teen
Author: The Usual Spot Cafe
Word Count: 1434
Notes: I wanted to write something about the struggles dancers go through, while I myself am not a ballerina, I love ballet and actually do know a few dancers. Dancing is so harsh on your body and while it is a beautiful art, permanently damaged feet can be the reality of it. I didn’t plan on ending this on a shippy note, but I do like how it turned out. I hope everyone enjoys!
“5, 6, 7, 8!” The blue haired woman clapped her hands together in a quick tempo as her blonde assistant beat on a drum on the floor, helping her keep time.
“Pick up that foot Sora!”
Sora groaned and lifted his leg higher, not that it could get much higher as he waited for his cue. It was already above his head.
“Lea your turns are looking mighty sloppy right there!” Lea narrowed his eyes but tried to spin tightly. “Much better! Sora now!”
Sora began dancing around the large group, heaving a sigh of relief once he could bring his leg down. They had been trying to perfect this choreography for hours. Even Vanille looked exhausted. But that’s what you had to expect when you’re being taught by one of the best prima ballerinas in the world. Sora glanced up at Aqua’s reflection in the mirrors, noting her jaw set in determination and groaning internally. They would be at this all night if Ven didn’t stop her.
“Vanille! Tighter!”
Vanille gasped as she was lifted by Lea, “tighter what!?”
Lea smirked and set her down, “I think everything.”
“Okay stop!”
The team froze in the middle of the choreography, standing still in their poses. Ven stopped pounding on the drum and yawned, showing off the roof of his mouth to everyone.
“I want everyone to get into a line! Time for grand jeté practice!”
The company groaned and got out of the choreography, Sora stepping forward with a frown, “oh come on Aqua! We’ve been doing this for five hours! I’m pretty sure Vanille’s box is cracked and her shoes are going to be red by the time you’re done. You gotta give us a break! You’re only correcting basic stuff now!”
Aqua raised her eyebrows and looked over at the en pointe dancer, “is your box really cracked Vanille?”
The pink haired girl looked up sheepishly, “no… but my toes did start bleeding a little bit ago…”
Lea grunted, “my shoes are pooled with blood.”
The troop nodded in agreement and stared at Aqua, chests heaving as they gasped for air. Aqua looked at the hopeful faces before turning to Ventus. “What do you think?”
Ven shrugged, “I think they look pretty clean Aqua. Just a few changes here and there and you should be good for the competition.”
She sighed, “fine. You guys are doing good, I’m sorry if I seem a little crazy.”
“It’s not a seem, you are a little crazy.”
“Watch it dorkupine.” Aqua flashed him a glare, coupled with a small smile that made it less threatening. “Okay everyone, grab a shoe repair kit on your way out the door; Vanille follow me. I’ll show you how I wrap my foot and cushion my box. It might help you.”
The small girl nodded, “right! Thanks, Aqua!”
She nodded, “now get out of my sight everyone! I want you all back here at the same time tomorrow!”
The troop cried out in unison as they hurriedly began gathering their things. “Yes, master Aqua!”
Aqua’s eye twitched, “cut out that master bullshit!”
“Yes, master Aqua!”
“Ugh!” Aqua threw her hands up in the air in frustration before gathering her things and going into the locker room, Vanille right behind her.
Sora set down three cups and eased into the cushy chair with a groan. “I didn’t think Aqua was ever going to let us go.”
“Me either.”
Ven nodded in agreement, scrolling on his phone as the ballet dancers took their ballet flats out of their bags and began cleaning them. Sora and Lea both had their shoes off and were propping them up on the coffee table in the darkened corner of the café. The section they were in was specifically designed for people who wanted privacy for napping, or for people in sports who needed a well-deserved rest.
“I think I have blisters on top of my blisters…”
Lea snorted at Sora’s hushed voice. “Yeah I’m pretty sure my foot is a huge bruise.”
Ven took a sip of his drink, “that’s possible.”
Sora groaned and got out alcohol wipes from his bag, wiping down the various cuts, blisters, sores, and patches of hardened skin. “I have a bunion…”
Lea gasped as Sora put an alcohol soaked wipe on his feet. “You have to do more toe stretches then. How are your nails?”
“Purple, but otherwise okay. You?”
Lea winced as he cleaned off his feet, “my big toe nail is cracked, but it was beforehand. Ugh man I’m letting these air out for a bit.”
Sora nodded in agreement before leaning back in the couch and getting on his phone. “If you don’t mind me I’m gonna go in a social media coma for an hour.”
Lea nodded and flipped his hand towards Sora as his eyes fluttered shut of their own accord, the training day catching up to him as he drifted off to sleep.
Lea awoke to the sound of hushed arguing.
“What the hell Riku!? Why would you do that!?”
“Tch, it’s not like I meant to Sora! I didn’t go into the gym thinking I would get into the ring without any of my gear!”
“This is ridiculous! I haven’t seen you hurt this bad after a match since-“
“Since Ansem, I know. Just help me clean up? I know you have a first aid kit.”
“Ugh fine, but no more!”
Lea opened his eyes a crack, hoping he could see what got Sora so worked up, unfortunately he was met with Riku’s back. He watched Sora grab the kit and set to work cleaning up Riku. The silver haired man gasped every once in a while, but otherwise kept silent.
“There all done. Your hands are your livelihood man, don’t wreck them.”
“I could say the same about your feet… what’s gonna pay more Sora? Blitzball or ballet?”
Sora narrowed his eyes at his best friend as Lea sat up on the couch. “Riku don’t… morning Lea.”
Lea nodded and yawned, “what time is it?”
“Little after seven, you’ve been asleep for an hour. You gotta bandage your feet.”
Lea nodded and grabbed the first aid kit, stopping when a pale hand reached out and grabbed him. “Let me help. Sora and I always help each other bandage the other up after ballet or boxing.”
Lea blushed and looked up into Riku’s teal eyes, “are you sure? It’s kinda gross.”
Riku smiled, making Lea lose any reach of angry he had at the split eyebrow, lip, or obvious broken nose. “Trust me. Sora always rants and raves about my foot massages. I’ll have you back on your feet as chipper as Sora in a minute!”
Lea snorted, “I doubt that but okay.”
Riku gave him a huge grin before grabbing Lea’s foot and getting to work on it, hitting just the right pressure points that made all the soreness go away. Then he rubbed lotion on the severe dry cracked patches before putting ointment on the rest of the foot, making sure to get in every cranny. Riku then took some padded gauze and wrapped it up tightly, before repeating the process on Lea’s other foot. When he was done he tapped Lea on the leg, “there you go!”
Lea sighed contently, “oh man that does feel better. Thank you so much! How are your hands?”
Riku smiled and held them up, showing off they were already covered in gauze. “Sorry, Sora already patched them all up. I got into a bare-knuckle brawl. Which was not a good idea.” He chuckled lightly before Lea grabbed his hands.
“Well next time they get sore and cut up, come find me and I’ll help you out. I’ve been known to give killer hand massages.” Lea added in a wink at the end making Riku laugh harder.
“Okay I will. Boyfriends gotta take care of each other after all.”
Lea froze and raised an eyebrow as Riku’s face gave away just how horrified he actually was at what he uttered. “Oh? Is that what we are now?”
Riku blushed deep red, “uh if you want to be that is! Oh, crap I messed up!”
Lea laughed, “Riku it’s okay! I would love to be your boyfriend.”
Lea nodded before leaning in and cupping Riku’s face, pressing his lips against his. “I have ballet again tomorrow, meet me in the same spot?” Riku just nodded dumbly before sitting next to him, staring ahead horrified at the way he asked Lea to be his boyfriend as Lea cuddled up next to him.
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