#leah clearwater fanfiction
jogetsobsessed · 8 months
Always an Angel - Paul Lahote
Ok, I've been obsessed with the lyric “Always an angel, never a god for a few days now. I don't know why all of a sudden but it's been all I can think about. I know there are a bunch of literal interpretations but I look at it as a version of “always the bridesmaid, never the bride”, always the side character, never the main character. So I hope this comes across how I want it to lol. 
Also, the timeline is kinda messed up in this, just live in ignorant bliss and ignore it pls, and thank you!
Always the option, never the priority. 
Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. 
Always the lover, never the loved. 
Always the fighter, never the fought for. 
Always an angel, never a god. 
You were used to being sidelined, looked right through. 
No matter what you were doing, or who you were with, you were never the main focus. 
Growing up boys never spared you a glance, your best friends being the main targets for their glances and flirty remarks. You were never the one asked to dance, always the one asked to hold a friend's purse or bag. If the car was full on the way to get ice cream, you were always the one that was going to be left out. You never learned inside jokes and standing alone at parties, you didn't even know why you went, it's not like anyone would notice if you left anyway. 
At night when you would break and confide in the one person you knew truly loved you she would always question why you remained friends with the people that caused you so much pain. And through your blubbering, you would look at her like she was crazy. Explain to your mother that it must have been too long since she was a teenager. Because that's not how it works. Living in a small town the pool of potential friends is small, and having friends that treat you horribly is better than having no friends at all. 
You would apologize to her years later, after maturing, and realizing that the remarks you directed towards her were uncalled for. The anger you threw her way was misguided and unfair. She didn't deserve the way that you treated her. 
When Bella Swan moved to town you thought everything was going to change. She was from a big city, you didn't know much about Phoenix but you knew they probably didn't harbor the same small-town mindset that Forks did. 
She had no clue who you were. She didn't know the unspoken reputation that hung above your head like a storm cloud. 
And at first, you were right. 
The two of you became friends quickly, Bella taking a liking to your quiet demeanor, such a drastic change from Jessica and her goons. 
Your friendship appeared surface-level, to everyone but the two of you. In school, you both kept to yourselves and didn't talk much, even to each other. You would drag her along with you when you gathered the strength to hang out with your old friends. But you didn't do that often, seeing as they saw her as a shiny new toy and didn't treat her as a second-class citizen. 
But after school the two of you would talk, your friendship would come alive in the comfort of your own homes, and you two would look like actual teenage girls and not two seventeen-year-olds who should be on the highest dose of Lexapro. 
She was the first person that you saw as a true friend, that was until she committed, in your opinion, a cardinal sin. 
Bella had gone off the deep end and you hadn't seen her in days. But that was normal, she would spiral, skip school, and then show up as if nothing happened. So you weren't concerned, sent her a few texts checking up on her and getting one-word responses back. Then the following Monday came around. You were waiting by your truck, lazily twirling your hair, eyes glazed over as you dissociated waiting for the bell to ring. 
But amid your dissociation, you were pulled back to reality when a shiny black Volvo came to a screeching halt a row over. You knew who drove the expensive car so you tried to be as nonchalant as possible as you peered over your shoulder to get a good look at the owner. 
You wished you hadn't. 
Because getting out of the passenger seat was the person that you considered your best friend. Your best friend was sitting in the passenger seat of the car of the guy you had a crush on since he arrived at Forks High School. 
She knew about your long-standing crush on Edward, she was the only person other than your mother who you had told. It came tumbling off your tongue one late night about a month after she had arrived in town. And you had sworn her to secrecy, begging her to never tell another soul. 
But now it seemed to not matter, she had broken your trust and your heart. 
The next year drug on. With Bella being completely infatuated with Edward you were left to crawl back to your old friends. They accepted you with barely open arms, reluctantly saving you a seat at the lunch table, sometimes sending you the location for Friday night activities. 
When the Cullen clan abruptly left Forks Bella did to you exactly what you had done to your friends months earlier. Part of you didn't know why, but you let her back in, although this time keeping her at an arm's length away, never fully trusting her, 
Eventually, however, Edward came back. First making his appearance walking hand in hand with Bella in the dreadful hallways of Forks High School after she had disappeared yet again for a few days with not even a courtesy text. 
This time seeing them together didn't feel like a hot knife was piercing your skin. How could it, you no longer felt the same that you had for Edward. Because he had proven himself to be just like everyone else. He made you feel invisible. 
The heat of late spring had arrived and you took in all the warmth that you could as you walked down the small rocky path to the mailbox. Graduation had come and gone and you found yourself in isolation. The people you had forced yourself to be friends with in high school no longer mattered. You didn't have to play the uncertain game of high school politics anymore. Starting university was on the horizon and while you dreaded leaving the comfort of home you were excited, this was going to be your chance to reinvent yourself. You were no longer going to be the person no one cared to look towards. 
Pulling out the various envelopes you felt your heart stop beating when the light lilac envelope was pulled to the front. You knew what it was, you didn't even have to open it. But you did, ripping it open, praying that you hadn't torn apart the coveted invitation. Sure enough in bold letters, you read “Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan request your presence…”. 
The phone call with Bella that night was awkward. You haven't talked much since graduation but she assured you that she wanted you to be at the wedding. You had wanted to push and ask her why she was rushing to get married. I mean you along with everyone else knew that they had only known each other for a year and hadn't been dating for the entirety of said year. But she sounded happy, the happiest she had ever seemed. So you didn't say anything, instead prying for details about the impending nuptials. 
Thousands of flowers cascaded down creating a custom perfume in the air. Your eyes darted between the bunches of wisteria and sweet peas and you were in awe. The wedding had snuck up on you. So much had happened over the summer leaving you feeling unprepared to start school in the fall. Leaving you to make one of the hardest choices that you had ever made, deferring your acceptance into your top school to the following fall quarter. 
So when you got a reminder on your phone that read “Bella and Edward wedding tmr” you were at a loss for words. I mean you had everything you physically needed, a dress, a present, the right pair of shoes. But you had forgotten one important thing, a date. 
It wasn't going to be the first time you had shown up to an event without one, but it was probably going to feel the most embarrassing. 
So here you were, standing next to your group of “friends'' from high school as they gossiped about the possibility of Bella being pregnant. “What do you think?”Erik asked you, giving your arm a soft nudge with his. “I don't know guys '. Jessica of course had a counter, pointing out that out of the group you were the closest with her. Luckily before you had to come up with an excuse of why you didn't know for certain the music began, signaling that it was time for everyone to turn their attention to the altar. 
A few tears managed to slip down your cheeks as you watched your sometimes best friend say “I do”. In that moment all the turbulent times the two of you experienced didn't matter. You were just happy to be in the presence of two people who were madly in love and confessing it to each other, permanently sealing their love with a dramatic kiss. 
The reception area was decorated equally as beautiful. You were grateful that Bella, or more likely Alice had set you close to the dance floor. That way you could watch people without feeling like a total loser, hanging out in the corner by yourself. At least this way you could still enjoy the happiness of the other guests without feeling the gross amount of body heat from the dancing bodies. 
The ice was melting quickly in your lemonade, the night had not been rewarded with a cool late summer breeze so you were appreciative of the cool drink. The night had seemingly been going according to plan. Your ‘friends’ had migrated to another table across the dance floor with the excuse of wanting to talk to some of the other guests, but they had not returned in almost two hours so you were holding your breath. 
Mentally you were planning your escape plan, glancing at your watch. Waiting for an acceptable time to leave, not too early into the night but not too late that you were leaving only minutes before the bride and groom's big exit. As you granted yourself yet another glance at the heirloom watch you wore and looked back up a gasp unwillingly left your lips. 
The mystery man, who looked almost familiar, chuckled at your surprised look. Confidently he took the empty seat next to yours, turning his body to give you his full attention. “May I help you”, you didn't recognize your own words, your tone was a bit rude and you didn't even give him a second to introduce himself after she sat. 
“I’m Paul Lahote”. 
Once he gave his name to you your eyes moved up to meet him and the electric shock that you felt in your veins almost felt real. There was no doubt blush forming on every inch of your face and you were praying that the low light of the Edison bulbs did a good job at protecting some of your dignity. You gave him your name, barely squeaking out your last name. 
Things like this didn't happen to you. A man that looked like him didn't talk to you. A part of you wondered if Jessica or someone like her had already turned him down, because let's face it, you were always the option but never the priority. 
“I think you should share a dance with me, no pretty girl like you should be sitting alone at a wedding”. The flare in your cheeks was visible now, you were sure of it. No matter how low the light was you could have sworn a red glow was emitting from your body, like an accusing halo. 
“Paul…you don't have to dance with me, I was just getting ready to leave”. Gathering your belongings as you begin to stand up. “No!”. He said, eyebrows raising to the top of his forehead once he realized how loud he exclaimed. Sheepishly he looked around offering small smiles as an apology to a few of the guests who looked at him like he had three heads. 
“Please, I noticed you when I walked in before the ceremony and I haven't been able to shake you from my eyeline all night. I don’t think I can take no for an answer”. 
The fact that your heart was still caged behind your chest was an act of god. Because at this point it should have flown away due to how hard it was beating. You were at a loss for words. The thought that someone was putting you first, taking interest in you was unbearable. And you were crumbling at his gaze. 
His outstretched hand found yours that you slowly had begun to uncurl from against your body. Swiftly he whisked you out onto the dance floor, pulling your body flush to his. 
Clumsily your feat matched his falling into routine with his steps, your body swaying in unison to the light melody. He hummed along softly to the quiet music as he kept a firm grip on you, almost like he was afraid to let you go. 
The song ended and awkwardly you looked around not knowing what to do. Paul however looked happy as can be, letting go of your hand but keeping the one on your lower back in place. He led you back to the table where you had spent most of the night, pulling out your chair before you could even react. You thanked him as you sunk into the back of the chair trying to ground yourself. 
“Man, I feel like the luckiest guy here at this whole damn wedding I got to dance with the prettiest guest of them all”. He said matter-of-factly triumphantly, taking a sip out of the glass he abandoned when he first approached your table. You scoffed, there was no way he was being for real, the alcohol had to have been getting to him now if he was saying such an untrue statement. 
“I think you've had enough”. Your voice was shy and your eyes barely peeked through your almost closed eyelids. The embarrassment you hadn't felt earlier had returned and you were suddenly hyper-conscious of everything happening around you. 
“Doll this stuff doesn't make me feel anything, you, however, are making me feel alive for the first time”. His drink was abandoned yet again as he scooted his chair closer, invading your bubble, and causing you to squirm under his gaze yet again. 
“Paul, I'm flattered but again I think your choices are impaired. There's no way you feel anything like that for me”. 
Paul was out of his chair before you could continue your babbling, cutting you off by capturing your lips in his. 
After he pulled back for air his forehead rested against yours, the two of you matching your breathing. You were yet again at a loss for words, kissing the hottest boy at your best friend's wedding was not on this year's bingo card. But as per usual it seems Paul had the perfect thing to say, “My angel forgive me if this is forward, but l you need to let me love you, I have a feeling that you're gonna be stuck with me for a long time”.
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pascaloverx · 4 months
Summary: You and Edward Cullen used to have a romantic relationship. But fate seemed not to believe in the possibility of a vampire and a potential she-wolf being together. Years after your separation, you return to Forks. Edward is committed to Bella Swan, and Jacob Black has his own pack. What happens when, upon your return, you begin to transform into a she-wolf and both Edward and Jacob seem eager to revisit the past with you?
Author's Note: The characters in this fanfic do not belong to me but to Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight universe. The story blends events that happened in the Twilight saga movies with invented ones. Enjoy reading. This story will contain inappropriate language, a possible love triangle, scenes of violence, and romance.
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The same nightmare every night, recurring in your mind as if it were an impossible memory to forget. A large part of the Quileute tribe killed by the hands of the one you will someday love. Not that your love story with Edward Cullen was worth anything. After all, he is a vampire. You are a descendant of a lineage of shapeshifters who transform into wolves. What could go right in this story? You've been driving for about two hours to reach Forks. It's been a month since you started having nightmares involving the tribe to which you belong and your ex-boyfriend. So, you decided to return to Forks to see your friends and those who are like family to you and, if possible, stay as far away as possible from Edward Cullen.
"If you had picked up your phone, Sam, you'd know I'm almost there. But since you didn't, just know I'm entering Forks now. I'll head to La Push as soon as possible." You say, leaving a message on Sam's voicemail. He knew you'd be arriving soon but didn't know exactly when. In fact, it was his idea for you to return to Forks. As your nightmares have become more frequent, you're so sleepy that you can barely tell how you're still managing to drive.
And then, like flashbacks in your mind, your moments with Edward and the pack you were part of come to the surface. You remember how you met Edward amidst a fight between the Quileutes and the Cullen vampires. One of them had accidentally crossed the border that separated the vampires from the wolves. It was chaos. Your father, who was alive at the time, was very angry and considered killing a Cullen to show that invading Quileute territory was a bad idea. Luckily, Jacob's father was more sensible. Edward read your mind for the first time that day. He knew you were curious about what the Cullens were doing crossing the border that separated the two enemies. So later, at the border, he found you and explained. Jasper had been hunting an unknown vampire who had hurt Alice and ended up crossing over. That was the first time you wondered if a vampire was okay, and when Edward noticed your slight concern for Jasper, he believed you were different. Amidst your moment of recollection, you lose concentration. But you only realize this when your car hits someone hard. You're dazed by the impact, but as soon as you look ahead, you feel a certain relief. Edward is right in front of you, staring at you with a curious look as if he doesn't quite understand that it's really you.
"What are you doing, Cullen?" you ask in an enraged tone. Of course you're angry. He's a vampire, unscathed after the collision with your car, while your car and you have suffered some impact. I mean, you can feel blood trickling near your right eye, but the damage to your car is definitely more significant.
"It's going to sound strange. Alice had a vision that saw me doing this as soon as you arrived here. I'm not saying I did it on purpose. In fact, I am hunting. But you really are here." Edward speaks as if he still doesn't quite understand that you're actually in front of him. You take a deep breath, trying to resist the urge to kill him for what happened to your car. In reality, you're unsure whether you should get out of the car or not. You're bleeding, and that could be a challenge for Edward.
"I'm not going to attack you, don't worry. I thought you knew I would never do something like that to you. I mean…" Edward says, and you automatically get out of the car, walking toward him. Something about the proximity between you leaves both of you speechless. You always hated when Cullen listened to your thoughts, and he knows that. The courtesy of having your private thoughts respected seemed to be valid only during your relationship.
"You mean you wouldn't attack anyone unless it was absolutely necessary. I know, I know you, Edward. What surprises me is the fact that you don't seem to know me. You know I hate when you… never mind. Maybe you only respected me while we were together. Now we're strangers to each other." You say, realizing how different he seems, even though he hasn't aged a day since the last time you saw him.
"I'm still the same, Y/N. The same guy you walked away from years ago." Edward speaks softly but with a certain sadness in his words. You look at him, unsure of how to respond. Yes, you ended your brief relationship out of fear of what your father would do to him if he found out.
"Look, I didn't intend to bring the past back. I think it's better if you go your way and I go mine." You say, turning to leave and drive your somewhat damaged car. But Edward appears in front of you before you can open the door.
"Carlisle can take care of that for you. I know he'd be glad to see you again." Edward says, stepping a little closer to you. You stare at him, this time not understanding what he wants. It's obvious he's talking about the injury on your head, but you don't understand why he seems so reluctant to distance himself.
"And I should go to your father figure and ask him to help me based on what? The fact that you and I were together years ago? The fact that my tribe has no idea what happened between us? Maybe I should go ask him how he feels about seeing you about to marry a human. What do you think, Edward?" Your tone is absurdly ironic but realistic. Just the fact that you're here now with Edward could jeopardize everything. If Sam or Jacob see you here with him talking about your past relationship, it could cause a mess. Not to mention that Cullen is now committed.
"I caused this in you. Maybe you should go to Carlisle for the same reason anyone in this town would. You've had an accident, Y/N, you need to take care of this." Edward says, gently touching the area where you got hurt. You let out a soft groan of pain and then pull away.
"How do you suggest I deal with the complications that going to Carlisle would bring me?" You ask, almost grumbling. Edward smiles slightly, as if he even misses these conversations you used to have when you were together.
"Do you remember the farthest spot from here where we used to meet when we were dating? Meet Carlisle there when you can. Unfortunately, Jacob is already on his way here, and I think it's better if I'm not here when he arrives." Edward speaks, and before you can say anything in response, he's already gone.
"Your cowardice is remarkable!" You shout, hoping he hears you. As you turn around, Black is behind you. He's clearly sweaty, must have come running in his human form.
"What happened to you, Y/N?" Jacob Black asks, quickly approaching you. He must be worried because you're injured and apparently talking to yourself in the middle of the road.
"I had an accident. I hit an animal, actually. It was quite a mess. How did you know I was here?" You ask curiously as Jacob gets closer to you, analyzing and sniffing you. You wonder if you smell bad, but then remember that Edward was here just a little while ago.
"Since when did you learn to lie to me? I thought we were honest with each other." Jacob says, looking into your eyes, and you feel guilty for lying to him.
"You want to have a relationship argument here? Then it was better not to have come at all. If you could excuse me." You say, walking past Jacob and heading towards your car, but he gently grabs your hand before you can open the car door.
"I missed you," Jacob says as he gently strokes your hand. You look at him and then walk towards him, embracing him.
"I missed you too, more than you can imagine. How about you drive what's left of my car to La Push, so we can have a better conversation?" You say, hugging him tighter, as if you didn't want to let go. It's strange, but seeing him safe made you feel better. After dreaming so many times about Jacob's death, it's good to see him like this.
"I'll drive your old tin can here. You can sit comfortably in the passenger seat. And don't worry, I'm sure there will be some bandages for you there." He says, kissing your cheek and opening the passenger door for you. You get into the car and watch him enter the car and take the wheel. He starts driving, and you slowly begin to close your eyes, hoping that now that you're in Forks, your nightmares won't come true.
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crazyk-imagine · 9 months
How they feel when they find out you're their Imprint Headcanon
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A/N: I was bored and now everyone has a Twilight Christmas gift!
Shocked but excited to have found his imprint (especially after seeing Sam and Emily), was not expecting it to be the town mean girl but when you two are together, your total sweetheart which throws off the guys except Paul (he's the same way)
Happy that's it someone he knows, even if you two haven't talked in a few years (he always knew you two were meant to be). The pack was happy when he finally quit his moping about how much he missed you and considered himself lucky to ask you out
Thrown off when it wasn't the one girl who showed an interest in him since freshman year but once he got to know you, he knew the fates never messed up and you two were meant to be together
Never wanted an imprint but when he heard you defending him and the pack, he knew you two were meant to be, kind of like the next generations Emily and Sam (Quil and Colin like to joke around and tell him when you're not around)
Dude was downright flabbergasted when he imprinted a year after shifting and it wasn't on his favorite (person and human), Bella. Once he got to know you, he was happy he didn't end up with her (she comes with too much drama while you two are drama free)
Never admitted out loud but after watching Emily and Sam plus Jake and Renesme together, it really made him want to find his imprint and then he found you and he was so happy, everyone jokes and says he acted like an excited puppy
Never wanted an imprint especially after the whole thing with her cousin and ex but after almost dying because she denied the imprint and worked on getting to know you, she found herself wondering how she could ever be without you
Wasn't expecting to meet you so soon after he shifted and was introduced to the supernatural world (and came to believe in the legends he was told for so long), but thinks meeting you was a secret blessing because you can calm him
Didn't know what to expect after hearing brief details about imprints, but boy was he floored when he met you and then you asked him out, he nearly passed out on the spot (the pack doesn't let him forget about it)
Knew he was going to meet his imprint at some point but was not expecting it to happen while he was out getting groceries to replace what he and the pack had devoured from Emily's and then you wind up going to his alpha's place too, boy nearly lost his mind
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vhygoxo · 11 months
What would it be like to be “—‘s” imprint?
Headcanons on what it’d be like to be an imprint to each members of the twilight wolf pack
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Leah Clearwater
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When it happened it took Leah by surprise for sure. She’d always believed she was the unlucky one of the pack, cursed, first of her kind. It was rare and once in a lifetime thing how could something like that happen for her?
That is until you walked into Leah’s life, shaking her beliefs, and opening up her world.
At first she was scared as hell, not of you, but of the connection. She knew it could be a beautiful powerful thing. It was all too much for her to handle unexpectedly. Causing her to shift and hide in the woods for 3 days.
During this time the pack took care of you while Leah sorted her thoughts. Warming you up to the idea of what was to come.
Once she realizes what an idiot she’s being she snaps out of it. Instead choosing to be grateful for even being blessed with an imprint.
After it all you get to see the soft side to Leah not many could see. She was very attentive and kind towards you but still strong minded.
Out of all the members of the pack she was one of the most possessive. After her fathers death she held a close grip to those she loves. And now you were included
Her jealously ran deep, she’d show it by being extra clingy, needing you and your attention only on her. She’d never act cold or be mean to you. But say if someone hit in you in front of her? Beware her wrath all who dare try
She’d always try and do her best by you. Holding herself accountable for any mistakes she makes. Her love is shown through her actions. Only when it’s the two of you is she very sweet with her words.
Most, if not all, of Leah’s love is reserved for you and only you. A lot of pampering and sweet kisses between you two. Overall your connection would be sweet and passionate. She’d treat your connection very delicately and hold it special to her heart.
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Paul Lahote
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Paul was very shocked when he imprinted, out of the whole pack, Leah and Paul were most similar. He refused to believe and accept it at first.
He was terrified actually. As much as he knows he loves you (at first sight believe it or not) he was scared of his true nature. Would he be able to control his self? Hold him self back to protect you?
For awhile he kept you out of arms reach. Even after he explained everything to you it was decided he would be away most of the time. You weren’t sure if you could even disagree with him, wanting him close as possible, he wanted to be close as well. But in his mind the farther he was away the better you were safe.
Once he got his thoughts in order he realized how much he wanted this. An imprint connection was rare and he was definitely lucky to be blessed with you. He couldn’t forsake you and what you had together
After that it was hard to shake him off. Not that you tried to anyways. He was always near you, leaving a hand on your waist, back, anything to keep you close.
Paul works his hardest to make sure you’re comfortable around him. He knows his reputation is nothing great. Everyone finds him scary, intimidating, a hot head. The only time he cared is when you believed in it. Which you did in the beginning until you guys got to know each other
But he truly did have a soft, kind, nurturing side to him. The whole pack knew that and they made sure you seen him as well. He has never and would never raise his voice at you or be physical in anyway
He didn’t even wanna play fight. No matter how hard you tried to rile him up. Paul took your safety very seriously. Leah may be the most possessive of the pack but Paul was the most protective. He treats you like you’re fragile and delicate.
Also Paul really loved your scent. Some days you would spend it bed together wrapped and tangled within each other. He’d inhale you in like you were life itself.
You learned his intensity and passion were good qualities from him. He was passionate about the people in his life, his duties, and role in life. He took it all very seriously. He also took protecting you even more serious. It’s one of the reasons he decided to stay away in the beginning
Paul will always strive to be the best partner to you. He knows he isn’t perfect, and that he will make mistakes, he just prays he’s enough for you and this connection. (Ofc he is)
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Sam Uley
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This is if Emily wasn’t in the picture
In the beginning he would be so whipped. But because of his sense of duty and obligation he wouldn’t be fast to pursue you. If anything he’d shut his self down. Denying his urges to see you
He didn’t want force his self on to you. He was obsessed right from the start, showing it before even telling you his feelings, didn’t sit right with him. He knew he couldn’t just scoop you away and live happily forever after. (As much as he wanted to)
Since he was the first of his kind he wouldn’t be sure what to do until consulting the elders and council. Once he knew what to do he wouldn’t hesitate to approach you.
After that he hardly denied his self and his instincts. You were now apart of his life and he’d make sure you were welcomed into it.
To be honest his actions towards you were quite princely in the beginning. He was serious in pursuing you, the type to court by buying you flowers, wine and dine a few times before anything else started. His manners were swift and graceful.
You were the first to pursue anything physical. Although Sam was sweet and honest he was also very respectful. A little too respectful since it took him almost 4+ dates to even try kissing you let alone try some hand holding.
Once you two were ok with physical touch he’d welcome it always. But since he was always so busy he’d shower you in gifts in his absence. Rest assured he’d always make time for you no matter how brief your moments are.
Not going to lie for this guy expressing his love in words is tough. He’d leave notes but it was hard for him to say much in person. Preferring to show his love through his actions and gifts. Only in spontaneous moments does he profess his love.
This guy didn’t care about PDA, if he wanted to kiss you, or hold you he wasn’t going to be shy. Didn’t matter where you two were it didn’t matter to Sam. What mattered was you were close to him.
Overall he’d be the ultimate provider and partner for you. He knew how to care for the pack, the community, and now you. Out of everything you are top priority
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Jared Cameron
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This is if Kim wasn’t in the picture
Out of all the pack members your connection with Jared would be the most fun and easy. When you first imprinted on each other it was a happy and joyful moment. Both of you knew what you meant to each other and the rest was history.
He’d always make sure to make you laugh, to him making his girl/partner smile, was important to him. As long as you were happy and laughing life was good to him
Although this guy seems like such the happy go lucky type as time passed you seen other sides to him. From what the other pack members have said “the only time Jared is serious is when you or vampires are involved”
The first time you got hurt you seen how serious he could get. It was a minor injury but it freaked Jared enough for him to drive you to the hospital. He was so silent and serious the whole time, he relaxed once he knew you were ok, but that day made you realize how right the pack was
This guy shows his love through his actions mostly. Also a gift giver taking note of what things you like and enjoy. The type to take you to a carnival/fair and impress you by winning a stuffed animal.
He liked travelling with you. Any experience like a concert, or special events, he took you in a date with him. All paid and taken cared of by him. It wasn’t until later on in life could you travel with him. Early into the relationship he showed you what he could. Secrete places like hidden water falls and beaches.
You couldn’t ever upset or make this guy mad. Annoyed? Maybe but he’d never admit it, but Jared wouldn’t avoid any issues with you, he’d find a way to get through your problems together. He hated to see you upset.
Life with this guy will be easy and carefree. He’d always make sure you’re taken cared of, if you need space, he’ll oblige. Whatever you need he’ll get it for you all with a smile on his face.
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Embry Call
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Such a bashful guy, he was so nervous, and awkward when he first imprinted on you. It took him a lot to even approach you. Even before he shifted he never really bagged many girls. Not that he wasn’t handsome, girls have always wanted him, but he’s always been shy
Secretly Embry always wanted an imprint, he seen how the others were, how they felt. It was a dream for him to even experience such a love. Embry shows his gratitude everyday for the fact you’re even in his life.
Although he’s shy he was the first to approach you. He seemed level headed and calm. It wasn’t until after you guys had been dating for a while before the guys told on Embry. About how nervous and sweaty he was the whole time. Embry didn’t show it much but he was an over thinker
Embry was very clingy, physical touch was his thing, he viewed it as as a need. Needing to touch or be near you as often as you’d let him. His favourite was craning to hug into your neck and chest,
He’d give you lots of his hoodies. To him when you wore them was a sign of proof you were his. Or gift you jewellery with hidden meaning, like his initials being on it, or some proof he was yours.
On that note Embry would be secretly possessive over you. He wouldn’t want you or anyone else suspecting his ulterior motives. See, Embry never really had anything of his own, as he got older that changed. But you were his he was yours that was final.
Hickies were this guys thing, you’d think it’d be Sam or even Paul, but Embry loved to give hickies. Onto your neck, nape, your chest, you name it. He was gonna leave his mark on you for sure. Embry always made sure they were visible in some way.
The more time passed the more dominate Embry became. Not in a toxic way, but he became more assured in his hole as your imprint, taking charge and holding his self accountable. He started to resemble Sam in the sense of how noble and dutiful he was becoming
Embry would always strive to be his best self for himself and for you. Wanting to serve the world on a platter for you. Like the rest of the pack rest assured he’d always take care of you. To the point he’d gift you the clothes off his back no problem.
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Quil Ateara
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Quil was similar to Embry in the sense he was super nervous in the beginning. He wasn’t sure what to do or what to say. He rushed to you but once he was in front of you he didn’t know what to say. Stammering and stuttering in front of you.
Unlike the rest of the guys he truly didn’t believe he’d have an imprint. It never even crossed his mind. Why worry about something that’ll never happen? You are definitely the best surprise for Quil
Once he was able to speak he was very kind. He told you everything up front with out hesitation. Hoping you’d accept him for who he was. Luckily for him you did
He’s whipped for you, anything you desire, he will get no question. Quil was more submissive than the rest of the pack. You took the lead more than he did.
The only time Quil was demanding was when it concerned your health and safety. Although he was softer and kinder than most of the pack he was still a wolf. If you were in danger or hurt best believe he was doing what he could to help.
Loves watching scary movies with you so you’ll rush to his side. He loves how he makes you feel safe. It validated him a lot and physical affection mattered to him the most.
He loves to tease you, playfully of course, he’d never say anything to upset you. But you getting riled up by him always got him going.
Quil would be the more submissive partner out of the pack. But don’t underestimate him, he still had the dominant possessive tendencies like the rest of the pack, but you were more than everything to him. How could he not worship you and the love you share?
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Jacob Black
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This guy was very stubborn even before he imprinted. He never expected to get one, hell, he didn’t even want one. Once he did, everything changed, change wasn’t something he liked yet he’d never admit it. But finally he understood how and why the others with imprints felt.
Instead of fighting against change he went along with it more than happily. That’s what surprised him the most. Was the fact it all felt so easy, easier than breathing, to be together with you. It was almost like it was all he ever knew.
This guy would be more intense than the rest, you’d think it’d be Paul, but at least he was aware of his self. Jacob wasn’t. He wasn’t ashamed to stare at you for long periods of time. Or to do any type of PDA. There was no shame in his game when it came to you
He prefers quality time together with you. If you can’t give it he’ll get upset and whine about it. Asking why you can’t hang or else trying to figure a way to you. He wouldn’t be the one to fully support your independence. But after some discussion he’d hold back.
Jacob got jealousy easily but he was easy to calm down. He’d never take it out on you. Jacob adored you and he wished to stay your only devotee. Others weren’t welcome to join him.
Surprisingly this guy was good with his words. He never failed to compliment you or serenade you. He’d always been affectionate and now that he had you he was able to show this side fully.
Best believe he’d be an amazing gift giver as well. Instead of just simple bracelets and charms, he helps fix your cars, one time he even gifted you one. He spent the whole summer and fall fixing a new car for you. “I didn’t feel you were safe in your old car” was all that he said before giving you the keys
After everything with Bella Jacob had it rough. He didn’t want to show it but it all took a toll on him. Having you in his life made it all so easy. Everyday he’s grateful to have you by his side and wondering why he was so against this imprint connection
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Some new pack content 🙏🖤my own rendition on what it’d be like to be each pack members imprint. I plan to make more posts like these hopefully regularly. I am still working on my og fan fiction “pale moonlight” it’s just I take my time writing it. The story is more about the daily life of the wolf pack than it is a Paul x reader story. So I just want to fix and add things as I go which take time. Enjoy this for now! More posts to come in the future 🖤if you have any requests my inbox is open
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 1 year
The Pack Imprint
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Fem!Reader x Uley Pack {2.9k}
Requested - Unknown
Summary: Reader is Bella Swan's neighbour, having lived beside the Swan's her whole life. The once close pair, now hate each other all because of the group of shifters that reside in the rainy state of Forks, Washington.
Forks, Washington - February 19th 2005
It had been a month since Bella came back to town, she was the centre of the school gossip, everyone trying to either be her friend or get a date with her. All but one person - Y/n L/n. Bella and Y/n grew up together, they were childhood friends along side Jacob Black. But after her parents divorced and she went to live with her mom, Bella had grown distant with the young girl she once saw as a sister. Two letters a week turned into one a month, which then turned into nothing. Y/n was heartbroken, her best friend had up and left. Jacob tried to be around more often but with school on the res and his dad nagging at him to help around the house, he couldn't fit Y/n into his schedule. Which in turn, made the pair grown apart from each other as well. That was until she came back.
The last month in Forks had been hell. Everywhere Y/n went, whispers about the Swan girl being back was all she heard. Every time she would enter through the school door the chatter about her once best friend would swarm through the halls, Y/n had enough. She was sick and tired of always hearing about her, Bella this and Bella that - it was giving her a headache. Jessica and Angela had gave Y/n's seat at the lunch table away to Bella, that was until she started sitting with the Cullens. It was infuriating, she's been back a month and she's already pining after the only Cullen available, it was pathetic. Bella was like a plague coming to ruin Y/n's life all over again, but she wouldn't allow it to affect her.
When lunch came around, Y/n found an empty table near the back of the cafeteria. Jessica and Angela tried to invite her back to their table but all they were met with was Y/n's middle finger held up in front of their faces, the two girls turned and walked away but not without Jessica muttering a not so quiet 'bitch' under her breath. Y/n had enough of Jessica's shit; the sly things she'd say about everyone, how she would point out peoples insecurities and worst of all - how she victimised herself all the goddamn time. Y/n had got up out of her seat, the screech from the metal legs dragging against the floor grabbed the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. "Hey Jess?" Before the girl could respond, Y/n had grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her back - the scream she let out was loud, almost deafening the Cullens; who were on the other side of the cafeteria. "Don't you ever call me a bitch again, do you hear me? I'm sick and tired of your bullshit. You just never learn to fucking shut up." With that said, Y/n had let go of her and walked out the double doors leading into the parking lot of the school.
The Cullens had watched the whole thing unfold, Bella clinging onto Edward's arm saying she was scared. Emmett had the biggest grin on his face, he was enjoying himself too much, quiet little Y/n had turned out to be a badass and Emmett loved it. Rose had to stop her mate from joining in, a firm grip on his bicep - enough to hurt anyone that wasn't a vampire. Alice, knowing what would happen, had excused herself before the fight broke out. She wanted to see if Y/n was alright, so the pixie like vampire had decided to wait beside Y/n's car, hoping she would show up soon. But she didn't, at least not for awhile. Alice had gotten tired of waiting, she turned to leave when she heard the car door behind her shut with a soft click. Before she could do anything, the car had reversed and turned out the parking lot - heading as far away from the gates of Forks Highschool.
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March 5th 2005
It had been at least a week since the whole incident between Y/n and Jessica. No one had seen or heard off Y/n, people had started to spread rumours around saying she was expelled or she had ran away after what she had done but none of it was true, only no one would really know the truth at least not yet. Bella had rang Jacob after it had turned into two weeks of not seeing Y/n, at first the young wolf sounded unfazed, like he didn't care but in truth, it was all an act. He knew about what had happened, he heard it straight from the horses mouth the day it all occurred. Y/n had drove all the way to Jacob's house, he was in the garage when he head the screech of tires pulling up in front of his house. He had poked his head out the garage door to see who it was, not really in the mood for anyone to come rushing into his house when he was busy. The sight of a distraught Y/n had panicked the poor boy, he rushed over to her scanning her body for any signs of injury but he turned up with nothing. Y/n was on the verge of tears, he could hear her heart hammering in her chest. Jacob brought her in to his arms, the warmth radiating off of him helped calm the girl down a little though she was still shaking.
Y/n had brought Jacob up to date with what had happened, he was proud of her for finally standing up to Jessica but he was also upset that it had to get to this point for Y/n to finally step up and confront her about it. Y/n had stayed with Jacob and his dad for the last couple weeks, begging them to not send her back there. A couple weeks had then turned into a month, Jacob had started to ignore everyone and started to hang out with Sam Uley and his little pack of mutts. Y/n wasn't having it, she was sick and tired of waiting for Jacob to come home but he never did, no matter how many times Y/n had asked Billy where Jacob had disappeared to he never told her. She waited for as long as she could until it was too much, she had trekked all the way over to Sam's place; her hands clenched and face red hot with anger. She was going to get her answers one way or another.
When Y/n had made it to Sam's house, Bella just so happened to be there too. Her fiery orange truck parked in the drive. There was a indescribable feeling in the pit of Y/n's stomach, a mixture between anxiety and full blown hatred. She stomped her way over to the group, Sam was telling Bella to leave but she wasn't having any of it, like always. Paul was the first to notice Y/n, her h/l h/c whipping around with the wind. Before he could tell Sam she was here, Bella had shouted at him. "What did you do to him? He didn't want this. He just up and left without telling me anything because he's scared of you." Paul had laughed at Bella, Jacob wasn't scared of anyone and yet she still thought that. Paul was calm until Bella had gone and slapped him across the face, she clutched her hand to her chest, it was surely broken after that hit. Paul had started to shake violently, Sam had pushed Bella back telling her to back away whilst simultaneously trying to get Paul to calm down. Y/n had the dumbest idea ever, we all must admit she's not the smartest. She had slowly started to step towards Paul right as he had shifted.
Bella's screaming could be heard but that didn't bother Y/n, what did though was the huge dark silver furred wolf right in front of her. It's teeth bared, snarling at her. Though, she felt no fear. Her hand slowly reached up and gently lay upon it's muzzle. The wolf huffed, he wasn't entirely trusting the girl in front of him but he also felt no fear towards her. He looked into her e/c and everything stilled. The noise around him had calmed, all he could focus on was her. Paul felt like the centre of the earth had shifted, like he was finally where he was meant to be. Before he knew it, he had shifted back. Y/n's body flush against his own, protecting him from the eyes around them. Soon enough, a blanket had been given to him to cover up until he was able to make it back to the house and put a new set of clothes on. Paul was confused, how was he able to imprint on Y/n when he had already imprinted on Rachel, Jacob's sister?
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After the events of earlier today, Bella had told Jacob to never speak to her again and she left, just like that. Jacob was sat on the steps of Sam's porch, he just wanted to be alone but he knew that was impossible. Jacob felt a shift of weight beside him, he turned his head and saw Y/n wrapped up in one of Emily's blankets, she must've given Y/n the blanket to stay warm. Jacob threw his arm over the smaller girl, the warm his body provided her, soothed the chill that made a home in her bones. "You know, Bella doesn't deserve you Jake. You're too good for her." They both sat there in silence for awhile, the soft chime of the trees rustling in the wind settling in to the comfortable silence around them. The door to Sam's house opened, revealing the older male. "Come inside, we're having a pack meeting." The pair looked at each other before Jacob got up and walked inside, leaving Y/n to sit on her own to watch the trees dance around in the soft breeze.
Inside Sam's house, the pack was all sat around in his living room. Embry, Paul, Jared and Quil were sat on the sofa, Leah and Seth took up the two arm chairs while Sam and Jacob were stood; everyone waiting for Sam to start the meeting. "We all witnessed what happened between Paul and Y/n earlier, Paul imprinted for the second time. What we need to figure out is why that happened." All eyes were on Paul, he felt smug about having two imprintee's but it felt wrong, as if he were betraying Rachel. The meeting had gone on for the last hour, the pack had decided to try and see if they would all imprint or if it was only Paul to be lucky enough to have two imprintee's. The pack had left the house, Y/n completely unaware of what was about to happen. Jacob held his hand out to Y/n, pulling her up on her feet and leading her over to the small field where Paul had initially shifted. "I need you to be as calm as possible, okay? We need to see if what happened to Paul earlier will happen to all of us, I promise I will explain it all later." Y/n only nodded her head, giving Jacob the all clear.
The pack had lined up beside each other, Paul was the first to shift. He felt all the feelings from earlier flood back, his heart pounded as he stepped closer to Y/n. She reached out to run her fingers through this fur, earning a soft grunt from the silver wolf. Next was Embry, he was scared to look up at Y/n, he felt sick to his stomach; what if he didn't imprint? Y/n took careful steps to Embry, his fur was gray with black spots; he was slightly smaller than Paul. Y/n crouched down to be eye level with the gray wolf, his eye's locked with hers and it was like his whole body was set alight. Slight tingles coursed through his bones, he felt complete. Embry nuzzled into Y/n, small giggles erupted from the girl, the sound was like wind chimes clashing together. Embry left with Paul to shift back and change back into their clothes. Quil and Jared were next, Quil's wolf had chocolate brown fur while Jared had light brown fur with black markings around his eyes. The pair had imprinted instantly, their tails wagging behind them as they accepted the affection off their imprintee. Seth had imprinted fairly easy, though he was still scared. The sandy brown furred wolf cowered at the attention of his imprint, too overwhelmed by the feelings bubbling inside him. The young wolf left as quickly as possible, wanting to shift back and put this behind him for now.
Leah imprinted soon after Seth, she finally knew what it was like to have someone meant for her. The tingling coursing through her body was welcomed, Leah stayed beside Y/n refusing to leave the girls side. She would not leave her imprint, not now - not ever. Jacob and Sam were the only ones left, they had decided to shift at the same time, afraid of being rejected. Sam was a black furred wolf, he was like a shadow while Jacob was a rusty brown colour, almost like Seth. Sam was the first to look up at Y/n, her e/c stared straight back at him. His heart was pounding in his ears, he didn't feel anything at first. He knew what it was like to imprint and yet, he felt nothing. Sam was about to give up and just walk away, until Y/n sat in front of him and ran her fingers through his fur, an electric shot went straight though him. Images flashed behind his eyes, growing old with her, having a family of their own, loving her till his very last breath. Sam now had two imprintee's, what was he going to tell Emily? The black furred wolf walked off towards the house, his ears pinned against his head.
Jacob still had his head pointed down, his eyes trained on the dirt under his paws. "Jake? Look at me, please." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Jacob listed his head, his pupils blew as images of them laughing together, cooking dinner together, messing around with the pack flashed before his eyes. It was like his ears were flooded with water, he knew he would do anything, be anything for her. His whole world was centred around Y/n and what their life would be like together. A blanket of warmth wrapped itself around his heart, he felt content knowing his best friend would be his forever.
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Once everyone had shifted back and back in their clothes, they had all settled in to the living room. Y/n sat on the sofa, squished between Jacob and Leah, while Seth sat in front of her on the floor; his back pressed against her legs. Paul and Jared were fighting over what to watch, while Quil and Embry made popcorn for everyone. Sam was the only one missing, he was sat in his shared bedroom with Emily. They were arguing, everyone could hear it. "Is it my fault? Them fighting, I mean." Y/n felt guilty, she didn't want to tear apart Sam's relationship, she would gladly show herself out if it wasn't for Jacob and Leah physically holding her in place. Paul was the first to say anything, he had crouched in front of the sofa, his hand linked with hers. "Hey.. it's not your fault doll face, no one could've seen this happening. You are our imprint, you are what matters the most to us, it could never be your fault, okay?" Paul kissed Y/n's knuckles, his lips ever so lightly grazing her skin. She sniffled slightly as she nodded her head. Y/n couldn't have been more happy to have the pack, she finally felt loved and included for once. The rest of the night consisted of watching random movies and eating too much junk, Y/n had passed out on Leah's shoulder after the second movie had started. She was soon followed by the rest of the pack, all spread out in the living room. Seth cuddling into Y/n's leg, Jacob flung half on Y/n while Leah was now hanging off the sofa, Paul laying beside Seth on the floor; his head on Seth's arm. Jared and Embry passed out on the arm chairs, their bodies thrown across them like they were dolls tossed to the side. Quil was the only normal one out the bunch, he was cuddled into a blanket away from everyone else, a pillow under his head as he snored.
Y/n had made a family for life, she would not give this up for anything.
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tyb1 · 2 years
Standing In The Rain
pairings: Seth x reader
summary: after weeks of not talking due to secrets being held Seth finally confronts the reader while standing in the rain
warnings: angst then fluff 😋
w/c: 1087
A/N: Thank you guys for 1,000+ notes on Rainy Days ♥️🥺
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“So you’re just going to leave me out in the rain!?” Seth yelled, his hands waving in the air as he tried his best to get your attention.
The rain poured down on the roof of your car, you sat watching the wipers push the hard rain off of your windows. Everything was calm for a few seconds, you had just arrived back from your night class. The news that was spreading on the radio caught your attention, and that was one of the reasons why you decided to sit in the car, the other was the rain that was pouring down. The final one was your boyfriend standing in the middle of your driveway blocking you from entering your house.
It has been approximately a week since you last spoke to him, it honestly didn’t bother you. Every time you thought about him you grew irritated with him and the situation he put you in. No explanation could honestly bring you out of this funk that you were in, however, if you didn’t allow him into your car your parents would come outside and invite him into your house.
With the most stoic facial expression, you unlocked the door, you kept your eyes on him as he made his way around to your car. Once he touched bases in your passenger seat you went back to what you were doing before he interrupted you. Seth on the other hand was pushing every button on the heat to get warm.
Your eyes raised with the utmost cockiness there was, “I thought you couldn’t get sick. Isn’t that the werewolf within you?”
Seth turned to look at you, from the corner of your eye you could still see the water pellets dropping from his skin. “Yeah, but I’m still soaking wet from the water. I’ve been standing out there for like 26 minutes.” He continued to ramble about the rain getting into his ears making them hurt when they dry. And how he was going to smell like a wet dog since his clothes were all muddy. He talked and talked until he finally stopped, he noticed that you weren’t listening to him. Your eyes were glued to your garage, too deep in your thoughts to even give a damn about what he was saying.
“Can I explain myself?” He asked, he reached into your back seat to grab a spare shirt of yours. His hands ran through his hair as he tried his best to dry it with the cotton material.
You looked down at your apple watch, it was already going on 9 at night. Your curfew was at 10 so that meant he only had approximately 10 minutes to explain himself.
“There’s honestly nothing to explain, I’ve heard it all Seth.” You turned to look at him, he was staring back at you with the utmost remorseful look. You could tell he meant no harm from the situation but it hurt knowing that he lied. “It hurts more knowing that I had to hear it from them rather than you.”
His eyes softened as he began to speak, “I know, trust me I was going to tell you but I didn’t want it to be too much on you. You know the whole werewolf thing is one thing but imprinting is a whole other situation. That was something special I was supposed to tell you.”
With your arms crossed you leaned back into the chair. The flashback of that day came dancing back into your head. The boys joking around with their girlfriends, Seth walked away from the group for one second and the beans were spilled. He could’ve warned the boys that you didn’t know, you sat there looking stupid with tears in your eyes. They told you what imprinting was, it sounded like Seth was only with you because he had to. You genuinely had a love for Seth Clearwater and it hurt to know that the same love that you had for him wasn’t the same for him. Seth's love was forced upon him, he had no choice but to you love.
Forcefully your eyes closed, and the hurt you felt from the weeks prior started to emerge. You could feel Seth pulling your arm into him. You didn’t bother to put up a fight, you allowed your body to melt into his wet one. “They made it seem like you’re only with me because of fate. Like we’re supposed to be in love because you imprinted on me. It honestly sounds creepy Seth.” You mumbled into his shirt, you could hear his heartbeat getting faster by the minute. He was nervous.
“See, That’s exactly why I didn’t want to tell you yet. It’s so much more than that (Y/N). I’m not with you because I imprinted on you, I’m with you because I genuinely have a love for you and I want to be with you.” His head rested on top of yours as he tapped his fingers gently against your skin.
“I don’t like the secrets Seth, that’s why I was so upset with you. You can’t hide things like this from me no matter how bad you think they are.”
“I know and I’m sorry. I was just trying to do the right thing. It’s a lot to take on but trust me when I say that I didn’t want to hurt you. I would never do that to you (Y/N). From now on no more secrets.”
He held out his pinky finger which you wrapped your own tightly around. That sealed the deal about everything you two just talk about Looking up at Seth you could see the moonlight reflecting off of his brown eyes, he looked like he was in deep thought. His eyes were panned out to the rain. Gently you shook his arm catching his attention, “Seth, I’m not blaming you for any of this. I guess I was just stuck in my own ways. I understand that you wanted to wait for my well-being which I respect so much about you. But next time could you please give your boys head-ups.” You laughed, Seth nodded his head. The biggest grin on his face.
With one hand under your chin, he brought your lips up to his. “You don’t have to worry about anything else princess.” He whispered those words against your lips before closing the space with his own.
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Oh mah God, your jasper fanfics are so stinking cute! A continuation of the baseball one would be perfect!
Like maybe after hanging out with her the feelings get stronger and he decides to distance himself in worry, and the reader, albeit confused, respects him and is a little heartbroken. Maybe at one point he worries about her for a moment when Emmett tells her she didn't look well (she's sleep deprived from stressing about him but trying to keep it to herself) so he pulls a creepy (can't find a better word) Edward and shows up outside her room and senses her heartbroken ness and feels like he has it too but brushes it off thinking it's just hers instead of his own. She starts getting closer to the wolfs and he tries acting like it doesn't bother him and pretends he could care less when she starts sitting with them in the cafeteria after he shows back up at school. And it's not until Alice has a vision of her getting discovered by volturi and "ended" that he starts keeping an eye on her again, and when a guard of the volturi blends in at the school and he notices does things begin and yeah....or something like that lol take the idea into your jar of boredom writing or something 😂
I feel like you'd write this perfectly! And spot on with the jasper and his accent..
Uhm...YES!? You're so creative this is such a good idea. I should be doing my college coursework right now, but this is all I'll think about so I'm doing it right now!! Also forgive the gammer 🥲😫
Okay, it won't be a DIRECT continuation of the Baseball one-shot bc it's already part of of a different fic I'm writing. I'm just gonna take out Y/n's friends but the baseball game still happened okay?
(sorry 🙏) (I don't know if that made sense.)
>I just like the cold.
>As I said, not a direct continuation but instead the start of a new series? (lmk)
>could be a tad longer that what I'd usually write 🥲
>TW, Panic Attack
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°Jasper's POV°
When I saw her eyes for the first time, in that cramped hallway, I melted inside. My icey veins (filled with the venom that could end her life in an instant) were fueled with warmth as they must've once been long before. And that all too familiar burning sensation at the back of my throat hasn't left me alone since I caught her scent for the first time.
I thought it was just me being hungry. I hadn't eaten that day and it could've been that she just had tasty smelling blood. But knowing my luck, that obviously wasn't it. I can't put my family through this again, I just can't. I've tried to maintain a friendship with her for the fair few weeks she's been here but it's getting harder and harder.
I can't believe I was once angry or annoyed with Edward for falling for a human. I guess karma's a bitch huh? Y/n has no clue about my feelings, I hope. Why would I tell her? So I think it's best, for her safety if I just stop being friends with her. It'll keep her so much safer I know it will.
"I thought that too" Edward said, appearing in the corner of my room.
I didn't jump, I heard him race up the stairs.
"What?" I asked, annoyed I was interrupted by Mr Thought Police himself.
"About Bella. Remember when we left for half a year? And I left her? I thought it'd make her happy. Safe. But it took us both almost dying for me to realise we were safer together.." Edward said, reminding me of the very thing I wanted to try and avoid.
"But that's you, Eddie. You and Bella, by then she already loved you, by then she knew the risk and by then it was too late for stupid mistakes. I'm in a grey area right now, where she doesn't know a damn thing and I just want to keep her safe." I said, sighing as I heard Emmett approach my room aswell.
"Bro, she really likes us.." Emmett said, racing over to the other corner of my room. "I mean for some reason you specifically, but she's told me! We're actually like best friends now so if you want me to be the middle man..just let me know." He said, winking.
I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I've seen you together before, walking around the school. You've been especially close ever since you almost abliterated her head with a baseball...but oh well."
"Do I detect a hint of jealousy, Jasper?" Emmett teased. Edward laughed as he joined our brother over at his side of my room.
"No Emmett you don't, because I have no right to be jealous in the first place, she's not mine to be jealous over." I said, not meeting thier eyes.
"But you want her to be." Edward said.
This drew my attention as I looked up and saw his face. Care and amusement radiating off of him.
"I'm glad you find my dilemma so amusing, none of us ever laughed at you, you moody asshole" I said, throwing a pillow full force in his direction.
He caught it. "It's just funny to see how much of a little boy you're being about something that is so crystal clear" he said, tossing back the pillow.
"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I asked, fed up now.
"She's your singer. Just like Bella was mine. I've heard your thoughts, they're too loud to ignore. That feeling? that burning? It's nothing you've felt around anyone else is it?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
"Yes, but I don't want to have to go through the same old debate of “do we turn her or not” and that's even if she feels the same way.." I said.
"Dude, you're literally an empath. You can find out yourself" Emmett said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"I hate using my gift on her as it is. The thought of manipulating her in any way makes my skin crawl, alright? If it's to help her then I can deal with it but I won't just use it to be nosy, that's not fair" I said. "you can still be friends with her if you want Emmett but I can't do it. I won't let myself drag her into this life. I know you wanted the same thing for Bella, Edward but maybe I can make it happen for Y/n. If anyone deserves a blessed life, it's her." I said, walking out my room, speeding out the house and into the forest to clear my head.
I just need to keep away from her. I'll keep her safe that way.
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°Reader's POV°
This week had been..strange. Emmett had been even more friendly then he usually was; it was perhaps due to the fact that he could've killed me the other week with that baseball, but y'know, life goes on. And at no point had I even had a chance to speak to Jasper. Even in class, he'd moved seats. Of course, that was his last resort after they wouldn't let him change his lesson plan.
It ached my heart a little because, I really liked him and for some reason it's like a flip had been switched in his brain and he no longer wanted anything to do with me. It was Friday, and I was determined to atleast get a conversation with him.
While Emmett was babbling on about something to do with gorillas, I interrupted him. "Emmett when did you..uh...see Jasper last?" I asked.
"last I saw he was with Rose and Bella in the cafeteria.." I saw a small glint in his eye as he answered. "But..i don't think he wants to talk to you.." he said just as I began to walk off.
"Have I done something wrong? Did I say something? Is he..is he mad at me for something? Why won't he speak to me?" I rattled off a few of the questions I'd kept to myself all week.
"Woah, calm down. It's..." he hesitated. "it's not my place to say but I think he might just be trying to avoid talking to you because he knows if he does, he won't be able to not talk to you. " he said, in a really confusing tone.
"You've complicated this way too much than you needed to. Is he still there now?" I asked reffering to where he said he saw him.
"Pretty sure, yeah."
I took off without a thank you, which I felt bad about, but I was too focused on getting that conversation with Jasper.
I was almost running to the cafeteria, as I knew the bell was going to ring at any moment. I made it in the cafeteria and spotted him immediately, and he saw me too. His eyes met mine for less than half a second, before he looked to the floor.
He left his conversation with his sisters and went to walk out the opposite way that I was coming in. I ran this time, and caught up to him.
"Hey! What's going on? Have I done something?" I asked, needing answers.
He audibly sighed and closed his eyes, breathing in. "No, you haven't. You haven't done a thing, I promise." He said, and began to walk away again. I moved infront of him to stop him from walking away.
"Don't walk away from me, I wasn't finished. If I haven't done anything then what's the issue? Why can't you talk to me I want to be here for you." I tried to take a hold of his hands but he wouldn't let me touch him. And he didn't meet my eyes, he refused to even look at my face.
"Because...Y/n" I heard his voice shaking. "I just can't be around you, it's not your fault, you're not the reason why I just-" he paused, and bit his inner lip. "I just can't okay?" he said, pushing past me. He sped off down the hall not looking back, leaving me behind.
The bell rang through the halls, louder than I'd ever heard it before. It started to hurt my ears but my eyes couldn't pull away from his figure.
Tears swirled in my eyes as I watched him walk off, and my breath quickened. Then, what I feared, that feeling tightened up in my chest. No. Not a panic attack. I can't, not at school. I took one last look at Jasper walking off before racing back out of the cafeteria and into the school parking lot.
The cold air hit me like a kind wave, and the small droplets of rain coated my face as I looked up at the sky, desperaty wanting it to swallow me whole. It was a small sense of relief before the feeling washed back in like the tide. I ditched my backpack and jacket, throwing them on the floor, needing the coldness on my skin. I tried to slow my breathing down but it wasn't working. I made my way down the steps, now in a short sleeve t-shirt, tripping slightly on the last step as I made my way across the lot. My breathing wasn't slowing and I couldn't stop it, I guess I'd just have to ride it out.
"..Y/n?" I heard from the trees.
I span around, my breath not halting and my panic increasing. As my heart rate was about to rocket even more, Seth Clearwater stumbled out from the trees. I had met him a few times, he and his friends all the way down at the Reservation were good friends with the Cullens.
"Seth?" I aksed, I didn't want to start hallucinating people. That would be a whole new area for me that I wouldn't be able to keep up with.
He made his way over to me. "Yeah, it's me. It's Seth. What's going on? Hey...hey" he was inches away from me now. I tied to move away but he stepped closer in fear I was going to somehow hurt myself. My tears wouldn't stop and my head was looking very which way "Y/n. Look at me."
His order sent a small shockwave into me for a second and I snapped my eyes up, his face blurred due to the tears streaming from my eyes. He took his thumbs and wiped under my eyes, but new tears replaced the stains he wiped away.
"Breathe with me okay?" he asked.
I wanted to try, there's nothing I hate more than this shit. But sometimes you can't help but just ride out the attack until it's done. I nodded my head vigorously and he began to breathe, waiting for me to follow suit.
"Okay in..." he took a breath in and let it out softly. "..and out.."
I tried my best to follow suit but my throat needed as much air as it could get. And it kept speeding up the pattern.
"No Y/n with me, c'mon you got this.." he said, holding my hands.
"In.." he breathed in once again and I followed suit. "and out" he breathed out again.
Slowly but surely my breathing returned to a somewhat normal pace but my shaking didn't stop.
"there you go.." he continued the pattern as he slowly walked me over to a stone wall, and sat me down.
"You're freezing, Y/n." he said, touching my cheek after wiping yet another tear..
"I'll be fine..I like the cold when these things happen.." I laughed slightly, to ease the awkwardness, if there was any.
"I know, it helps a lot doesn't it?" he said, sitting down next to me.
"wait, you've-"
"yep" he cut me off, with a sheepish smile. "I get it. You're inside somewhere when that ugly feeling hits. You beeline it for the nearest exist and the air just gives you something else to feel. It doesn't stop it, but it definitely helps. The cold, it..it helps you feel something different other than that thing in your chest.." he said, describing what it was like for him.
I nodded along as he said so. "yeah..that's...exactly it." I smiled.
He looked up from staring at his feet and smiled back at me, before frowning. "Y/n your lips are slowly going blue, I know how much the cold helps but I won't let you catch hypothermia.." Seth said, pulling me into his chest and offering me a hug.
He was so so warm. It wasn't a stuffy warm either, the kind of warm where you feel sticky. It was that cozy warmth. That homely warmth on a winter morning.
I shivered in his arms at the contact. "Oh..jeez your pretty hot. Are you ill or something?" I asked.
He chuckled slightly. "No Y/n, I'm just a warm person.." he admitted.
"C'mon, let's get you back inside.." he said, rising us up to our feet.
"No!" I wriggled out of his grip, my heart fluttering again, in slight panic. I feel if I see him again today, I'll get worse.
He took hold of me again gently. "Okay..I'll take you home yeah? We just gotta grab your stuff that you graciously dumped on the stairs.." he said, smiling.
I laughed slightly as we walked slowly over to the steps. He jogged up them and picked up my stuff. He placed my jacket over my shoulders and carried my bag over to my car.
He walked confidently over to the drivers seat.
"I swear you're like..16 can you even drive?" I asked, a smile paying on my lips.
"I'm 17 now actually. And it's fine don't worry, hop in" he said, unlocking the car with my keys he must've taken from my pocket.
We got in the car and threw our seat belts on.
"Thanks for this Seth. Aren't you missing a lesson right now though?" I asked, I didn't want to ruin his education.
"Oh nah, me and the boys are on a part time timetable for this school and the one down by the Rez, so don't worry about it...anyways.....where's the handbreak?"
My eyes shot in his direction only to see him holding in a laugh.
"Uh. What do you mean where's the handbreak?" I asked.
He finally giggled. "Don't worry, I'm just joking. We'll be fine. I've never been to your house though, so you can be my sat nav" he smiled turning on the car, and pulling out of the car park.
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°Jasper's POV°
I walked away from her. Every fibre of my being telling me to look back. I fought against it, but gave in. I looked back and saw a glimpse of her as she rushed out of the cafeteria.
What am I doing?
I felt the dread and panic leaking from her as I started to walk away. And I just left her. I left her feeling that way. I know I'm doing this to keep her safe but I can't pretend that I'm perfect, leaving her in fear.
Special thanks to my power, I'm extremely sensitive to even my own emotions and with years of practice I've managed to get a good control of it, but Y/n..I feel her emotions so much more than anyone else's.
My still heart is telling me not to go near her, to keep her safe...but her scent, as much as it tempts me, it deals me a great source of comfort..I can't explain it. I'm near her and I feel safe. I'm a monster and have nothing to fear really, but in her presence it's like we're the only two on earth.
Which is why I must do this. I can't that let angel be manipulated by the devil deep inside me. I won't allow it.
I let out the breath I was holding in during that encounter, again not that I needed to, but I think people would notice if I wasn't breathing. I made my way to the science block and yippee! I was next to Sire Brain Detective and his wife.
I was waiting outside the classroom to catch Bella before Edward got there. I caught her scent in the hallway and rushed to her side.
"Hey Bella, can you just maybe kinda block my thoughts from Edward please?" I asked, a sheepish smile following close behind.
"Why?" She asked, squinting her eyes a little.
"Well you've never had the problem, but Edward is very nosy. And I'd just like my thoughts kept to myself for today." I said.
We kept on walking into the classroom and to our seats.
"So it's nothing to do with Y/n then?" she quizzed.
Even hearing her name makes me feel sick.
"No. Bella..just please can you do it?" I was begging her at this point as I smelled Edward down the corridor.
She looked up as she caught his scent too. "Okay, but you owe me" she said.
"Thanks Bella." I said.
Edward walked in the class and met my eyes immediately, a hint of confusion crossed his face before he sat down next to his wife and realised. "Oh c'mon how is that fair?" he said.
"How is what fair?" Me and Bella said at the same time. We looked at eachother breifely before opening out books as instructed to.
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°Reader's POV°
Awkward, sweaty and sleepless. That's all I feel right now. I close my eyes and he's there. I open my eyes an he's all I can imagine. Everything I tried, I couldn't get him off my mind. I even tried counting sheep, but the sheep soon morphed themselves into horses, then I soon saw him riding a horse, actually imagining him as a Cowboy. I snapped my eyes open and drank some water I left by the side of my bed, before making a last attempt to get some sleep.
After what seemed like hours of tossing and turning in the same directions over and over again, I got up and opened my window. Again, the cold air washed over me and it was almost instant relief. Just like Seth said, it gives you something else to feel.
I watched the trees as they swayed in the wind, thier green leaves brushing against eachother at each breeze. Out of all the places my Mum had placed me while she did her book tour, Washington was probably my favourite so far, well specifically Forks. Since the beginning of the year, (when my Mum's book tour started) I'd been placed in a random city in the state she needed to visit, and Forks was this really nice and small town. Where everyone knew everyone. Of course, the thought of litteraly everyone talking about me as the new arrival didn't appeal to me at all, but when I had moments to myself, it was impossible for me not to gawk at the nature around me. The grey skies, while annoying to some, gave me a nice comforting feeling. The rain, which everyone hated, was my favourite weather. I don't know what it was.. I guess I just like the cold.
I was pulled from my thoughts as my phone buzzed under my pillow. It was my mum calling, I answered of course, but I wandered why she was calling at 4am.
"Mum? what's up?" I asked, trying to hide my tired voice.
"Oh my god Y/n I'm so sorry.. I forgot about the time zones...go back to sleep, I'll ring you at a better time.." she said.
"wait what do you mean the time zones? you're in Washington too?" I questioned, wandering what she meant.
"No..honey, that's why I called. I got to my hotel and they said they had my reservation booked for next year, so they flew me out to the state I was supposed to be in." She said, sounding ashamed. "I tried to mention you, and say how I could catch my own flight..but.. they-they wouldn't listen to me..."
"Mum... Mum it's okay, don't worry about it I'll be fine okay? Just make me proud." I said.
"but I only gave you enough money to last a couple months not over a year..nearly two! And you're in your last year of school, what will you do all day? How-"
"Mum" I cut her off "I'll get a job, it'll be fine. You've been doing book tours since I was like 15, I know how to live on my own." I said.
"but that was when you were 5 minutes down the road...or a bus drive away..now I'm on the other side of the country!" She panicked.
"wait, the other side of the country? where did they fly you to?" I asked. The phone went silent for a few seconds before she answered.
"I'm in Georgia, honey.." She said. "I called you as soon as I had time, I'm sorry I've left you there, I can book a flight and cancel the tour-"
"-No, Mum don't. I'm not gonna pretend hearing you were in Georgia didn't scare me a little bit, but I'm perfectly fine here in Forks. I like it here.." I said honestly.
"but honey-"
"No 'buts'." I said. "Mum some kids leave the nest at early ages, some never leave..maybe it's my time to make a life for myself.." I said, with tears threatening to spill.
"I-in Washington, are you sure?" Mum's voice was shaking by now.
"Mum, I'm old enough. I know it's scary, it'll be difficult too but.. sometimes life just throws you in a new direction and you can't help but see where it takes you.." I said, wiping a tear from my cheek.
"Hey, I'm supposed to be the one full of wisdom little lady" she joked. "well...I guess it isn't the craziest idea you've had." she said, sadly.
"so yeah?" I asked.
She took a deep breath "Yes Y/n, yes. Start your life.." she said.
"Okay.." I said.
It wasn't long before I was off the phone and trying to sleep again. I prayed when I rested my head on the pillow, he wouldn't plug my mind, but much to my dismay he returned and my heart ached.
I closed my eyes and managed to drift off to sleep just before my alarm rang for me to start getting ready for school. The ringing of the bell threw me back to that moment. That moment he left. Just like that.
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°Emmett's POV°
Since the day Jasper told Y/n that he couldn't be near her anymore, she hasn't been in. And I'm worried about how she's taken it.
I didn't tell Jasper I was gonna go pick Y/n up today as I didn't want him to go all emo and be like “ugh you're gonna smell like her all day!” so I instead took my absolutely, positively, non-judgemental wife.
"So why are we on our way to a humans house right now?" Rose asked me from the passenger's seat of my jeep. "what purpose is she serving us other than pleasing our noses?"
"Babe, she's my friend..and I'm worried about how she is. She didn't come in at all last week since Jasper didn't want anything to do with her, and I'm not gonna let my idiot of a brother be the reason she fails school.." I said, keeping my eyes on the road.
Rose went silent and looked out the window. "Just let me know when we're there.." she said, closing her eyes.
"That would be now.." I said, pulling up outside her house.
I got out the jeep while Rose stayed in, and made my way to the front door. I hesitated before knocking and waited for an answer. A good minute went by, so I knocked again and as I did, the door flew open.
"I told you three times already, Mrs Henderson doesn't live here anym-" she cut herself off when she saw my amused face.
She rubbed her eyes. "Emmett?"
"The one and only!" I replied.
"What are you doing here?" her voice was drained, and she looked a lot less bubbly than before. Her eyes drooped slightly and dark circles hung below them from lack of sleep.
"To get you to school, missy!" I said, not wanting to comment about the elephant in the room.
"But Emmett, Jasper said-"
"Fuck what Jasper said, it's your life and it's your school too. What..just because he's being a little bitch right now that means you can't get educated? I don't see how that's fair.." I said, crossing my arms.
She rolled her half-lidded eyes. "Okay, let me get changed.." she said, turning back into her house and shutting the door.
I celebrated my victory behind the wood of the closed door and waited for her to open it again. I sat on the step and prepared to wait, when the door swung open again. She stepped out with all her stuff. "C'mon then, let's go." she said, plastering on a fake smile.
"I thought you were atleast gonna cook some breakfast? It's like half seven in the morning..." I said, standing up and leading her to the jeep.
"Nah...not hungry." she said, climbing in.
I got in too, and put the radio back on.
"Hey Rosalie" Y/n said, tiredly a sheepish smile across her face.
My head quickly turned to my wife and I begged her with my eyes to be nice. But she didn't even look at me and instead looked for Y/n in the wing mirror.
"Jasper's an idiot, but he cares about you and he's doing this for your own good, I'd take it as a win." she said, before closing her eyes again and turning up the radio.
I started the jeep up again after a small awkward silence with nothing but the music blaring and began to drive to the school.
"yeah but does he know how much it's actually hurting?" Y/n whispered, any normal person wouldn't have heard it but of course me being a beautiful, immortal, gifted being...I did.
Passing through the familiar streets of Forks, it didn't take me long to get to the school, I parked the jeep and Rose got out. I turned around in my seat to face Y/n. Her sleep-deprived look catching me off guard once again.
"You ready girl?" I asked, grinning.
She sighed. "Not really, Emmett" she replied sadly, staring at a particular stone wall in the car park.
"Well c'mon, you got this. Let's go" I said, getting out.
It wasn't long before she climbed out herself. As she shut the door.
"Thanks for dragging me in Emmett, but I'm gonna go incase he appears from around the corner or something.." she said, with low energy as she dragged her feet toward the doors of the school.
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°Reader's POV°
I couldn't thank Emmett more, I wouldn't have been able to get here on my own accord. It's just a shame I didn't have the energy to express my gratitude to him as much as I wanted to.
It was about 10 minutes until my first lesson so I walked to the cafeteria to get a drink. As I opened the doors, I saw Seth and some of his friends from the Rez sat at a table and so I wasted no time in going over there.
"What are you lot doing here?" I asked.
"Part time, time-table in each school! How do you keep forgetting that?" one of them said.
"Uhm..Seth?" I looked to him for help, I could barely remember any of the other's names.
"Alright, sit down." he pulled a chair from the table behind him and turned it next to him, facing their table. "Here we have Quil, Leah my sister, and Embry." he said.
I had only met the rest of them once but Seth I had seen a number of times, and he's who I was closest to...now for a very obvious reason.
"So what's your first lesson?" Quil asked.
"Science.." I said quietly, biting the inside of my cheek afterward to simmer down the anxiety I felt creeping in.
I started boucing my leg too, which Seth took notice to. He offered me a smile, which I returned, weak as ever.
The bell rang, louder than before, and I covered my ears, burying my head down against my chest. Each time I hear that bastard bell it gets louder and louder, and the memory of that last conversation with him gets clearer and clearer in my mind.
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°Jasper's POV°
"I'm telling you man..she's-"
Emmett would not stop. I told him I didn't want to hear it, but he was following me all over our house, not leaving me alone.
"her eyes don't look the same, she doesn't have nearly as much energy as she used to, I haven't seen her smile, and if I'm being honest I don't think she's eating properly.." Emmett said.
Hearing his words made my non-beating heart ache.
"I've been picking her up all week and she never eats breakfast, and when was the last time I saw her eating in the cafeteria? Uhh let me think, I haven't!" he said, in my face.
I was looking at the floor, guilt riddling my body. She's like this because of me.
"I get it. Emmett. Okay?" I spat, my voice quavering.
He moved back slowly, almost realising that this was hurting me too, and left my room.
After staring out the window for another moment or two, I sped off out the house before anyone could question it. I ducked and dived between branches, breaking them if they were too big for me to dodge. I raced through the woods rembering the route to her house when I met her before school, when we first started to talk to each other. I ran to her. Wondering what I was going to do when I got there, would I beg her to forgive me? Would I stop this madness and just tell her everything? At this point, I couldn't see anything but her angelic face, and hear her sweet voice and before I knew it, I came to a swift stop by the trees of her house.
I approached it slowly, still deciding what to do, until I lingered by the side of the house where her bedroom was. I climbed up a tree that rested just by it and waited to see her or atleast hear her.
"fuck sake..just go away!" I heard her complain as she slammed the door to her bedroom. "You don't want anything to do with me so why won't you get out of my head!" She panicked, her voice wailing as she spoke.
"It's not fair.." she said after a minute of silence. She got up. "It's not fair." she repeated. She tossed her chair on the floor. "It's not fair!" she threw a picture frame against the wall. She repeated those three words, growing more aggressive each time and trashing a new part of her room until she ran out of energy.
She breathed heavily and sunk against the wall, sobbing. She cried, and it was like a thousand hot knives were cutting me all over. She cried and I had to fight as hard as I could not to rush in there.
She cried and I felt heartbreak. My breath quickened too, as her emotions laced with my own. Sat in the tree in that moment I didn't know which emotions were mine and which were hers.
She cried and cried until she fell asleep, and that's when some of her emotions filtered away from my body. Though she fell asleep and tears were still staining her cheeks, the aching in my heart wouldn't leave or subside. It stayed.
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imaginingmanyfandoms · 4 months
Can you please do twilight wolf headcannons where their wolves imprint are extremely hotheaded ( hotheaded NOT abusive ) and how the different wolves would deal with that ?
i think i interpreted this as like stubborn-ish.... idk! love my twilight headcanons, i wanna start up again.
sam: at first, it was a bit of a battle of wills. no raised voices. no arguments. just... debates. lively debates. where you both truly believe you know what's best. it always starts in a conversation, and ends in a conversation. he loves you regardless of how stubborn you can be.
jared: he doesnt take much seriously so he tends to tease. out of love. but you'll cross your arms and say something, and he'll do the same thing until you can't stop the little laugh. and the rare occasion where that doesn't work, he'll just pick you up, throw you over his shoulder. and walk you wherever.
quil: he's an angel. with patience for you like you wouldn't believe. he would just listen, and nod, and respond. and he's just impossible to get frustrated with because he listens, and he hears you. so when you're being stubborn and refusing to bend, he'll just sweetly explain himself. and it almost always ends there.
embry: em calls you his firecracker. he bends almost immediately to you. you "wear the pants" and he doesn't care at all. loves it even. you just have a strong will, and he admires that about you.
jake: ugh, idk. he'd probably just run off to canada or smth.
leah: leah is a stonewall. it's hard to tell what she's thinking. she's so used to pushing the boys out of her head and space that she accidentally does that to you sometimes too. which she's been working on. but it's hard for her, getting barked orders at all day by sam and then comes home and you're being stubborn. and you have to just let her win sometimes.
seth: sweet angel baby. sweet sweet man. he is like a daisy. he is that cute little purple part that grows on a thorn... and sometimes you worry that you're the thorn. seth never gets upset or frustrated, he's like embry, if you put your foot down and want it one way or the other, he'll do whatever. doesn't care, just cares about you really.
paul: paul is the one that will start a bit of an argument. like you're being stubborn, and he's being stubborn and one thing leads to another and you guys are yelling. you always argue from the opposite sides of the room, at pauls demand, he refuses for a mistake to slip out - but it wont because niether of you ever devolve to being mean, just passionate. and more often than not it ends with paul ravishing you from head to toe anyway, the passion from the argument being worked out in bed
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thewulf · 6 months
Hiiii! I read your Paul story and I absolutely loved it!!! I was wondering if maybe you could write about Seth Clearwater? He’s always been one of my comfort characters lol and i’ve had literally the biggest crush on him since I first watched twilight when I was like 12 lmao.
Anyways here’s my request. So basically Y/n is one of Bella’s good friends. Although they’re like really really good friends they could nottttt be any more opposite than they already are. Y/n is an extrovert and leans into more of the cliche popular fun girl type? if that makes sense. anyways so bella was invited to come hang out at the beach(i mean like bonfires and burgers and hotdogs.) with Jacob and basically the entire pack and his family. and bella invites y/n because idk she didn’t wanna go alone? And while bella and jacob are dilly dallying leaving y/n alone she goes to go sit by the bonfire. and embry and the other boys come up to y/n. (because totally hot girl they’ve never met duh ofcourse they’re come up to her and chop it up.) and when y/n looks up at the boys and makes eye contact with seth. botta bing botta boom seth imprinted on y/n and kinda just stands there like a lost puppy and the boys just drag him away. later seth comes back and apologizes for earlier and then they spend the rest of the night just talking and have fun!!!!
idkkk i’ve always loved this idea but i’ve never wrote it out! also i just really love fluff and all that lolll. sorry if my request didn’t make sense i tried putting it all together the best i could lmao. anyways ty for your time!!
Stoppp I love this... and I LOVE cliche even more!! My fav is awkward fluffy so this is quite literally perfect. And Seth is just so cuuuuuute!! Hahaha you got it anon!
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since0202 · 6 months
Taking Time—Fifty Four
Home is a person
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Word Count: 12,959
Trigger Warning: Mentions of Abortion (I will bracket where it starts and ends in an obvious manner so you can avoid if needed <3).
Every step home has felt right so far. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been away for so long, but it feels like something has changed or shifted. And as I get closer, that feeling only gets stronger. Now, as I sink into that undeniable warmth, it’s hard to think otherwise at all. Soft, warm breath spans gently across my hair and I reach for the warm body nestled next to me. It must be Paul. How he knew I was here, I’m not sure, but in the halfway point between sleep and wake, I’m not sure of much. The soft body grunts and rolls closer to me, making soft sounds that lull me deeper into sleep. I want it always to be like this: sleepy mornings, just peace, before the sun cracks me open like an egg and burns me from the inside out. 
Maya rolled toward the low rumbling groan coupled with that hardy warmth she’d come to know so well when she was home. Paul was so soft. She ran her hands up and down his sides to a pleasant smacking sound coming from his lips. She burrowed closer for warmth, still in that holy toss between dreaming and awake and felt his warm breath flow over her hair. It almost felt wet. Maya inhaled a deep breath savoring his smell only to be met with a warm mildewy scent of dried fur and the forest. He must have only just phased back from rounds and the smell of his wolf form simply clung to him. It didn’t matter. Maya leaned her head up and was met with the his soft, warm, wet lips. Really wet. He kissed and dampened her entire face with his mouth, his tongue. 
Maya leaned back and groaned her dissent, but the onslaught kept coming, possibly even more eagerly than before, until her entire face was coated in saliva. Paul really had it coming. Maya’s face twisted into a grimace as she opened her eyes, only to be met with the towering dark frame of Leah’s german shepherd. 
“Blegh!” Maya managed before the dog continued with vigor to her dismay. She braced her arms across his chest and tried to push, but the thumping of his tail wagging only seemed to make him stronger as he continue to cover Maya’s face in fervent licks with delight that she was awake. 
Maya heard a laugh from the door before Keye said,”Yodel, that’s enough. Come here!” Yodel immediately hopped off the bed and hurtled toward Keye, standing at attention at her feet with his tongue lolling to one side. Keye dropped her hand to stroke his head affectionately, “I thought we said no more kissing dogs after that trip to Seattle when Becks convinced that forty year old bouncer she was old enough to get in by her expertise?” 
Maya rubbed her dog-drenched face on the pillow before rolling over and beginning to rub her eyes, “I remember that being you, not Becks.” 
“Oh, yeah,” Keye replied lazily as if the thought hadn’t occurred to her until now.
“Come on, Leah’s making breakfast,” Keye stated from her place leaning up against the doorframe. As she plodded away softly, Maya heard Yodel following her dutifully down the small hallway to the kitchenette.
“Okay, but you still have a lot of explaining to do,” Maya called after her as she sat up and ran a hand through her disheveled hair. She didn’t even attempt a glance at her phone. The soft, gray morning light of Seattle pulled her eyes toward the window and Maya let out a soft sigh and let the day breathe her in.
Leah’s apartment was bright and airy. The kitchen and living room sat in a lofted space with high ceilings that allowed large industrial air ducts to span it. The bright beach wood of the rafters above seemed to capture light and sprinkle it down across the warm butcher block island where she was preparing another omelet, this time for herself, after making one for Keye and Maya. They tucked in around the island on carefully crafted wooden bar stools that Maya had a sneaking suspicion were the handiwork of her boyfriend. Maya peered over shoulder to look out the floor to ceiling narrow windows covered in a gauzy, white curtain. The living room was a collection of well loved, mismatched furniture pieces, all softened by time and use. 
Maya hadn’t fully recognized the neighborhood they were in when they drove in but she wondered how close they were to Paul’s workshop. Leah was laughing at Keye as she exclaimed how she’d never thought to add spinach to an omelet, or any vegetable to any dish for that matter, when Maya zoned back into the love fest unfolding before her. 
“You need to eat more vegetables, I keep telling you, or you’ll never be able to hold up a bike at a stop light. Even a little one,” Leah’s face was all sunshine. She tore off a piece off her omelet and handed it to a waiting Yodel at her feet. 
“She’s got a thing for bikes,” Keye hummed around a bite.
“I do not,” Leah tried to bemoan, but it only came out as soft embarrassment, her neck flushing with a hint of pink. That was hard to dispute considering Leah’s apartment was stationed above a bike shop. Her bike shop in fact. 
“Crotch rockets, some call them,” Keye quipped, shooting Maya a gleeful look.  
“Stop,” Leah replied breathlessly with a laugh, “They’re not called that.”
“She rode up on one to Seth’s wedding, what was I supposed to do? Not fall in love with her?” Keye goaded, shooting a bright smile in her direction. Maya lit up at this—she wanted to know everything about how Leah and Keye met, how the imprint happened. 
“So, it was at Seth’s wedding then?” Maya leaned onto the counter, trying to quell her excitement. Leah looked down at her omelet with a soft smile as if just recalling the memory overwhelmed her with joy. Keye blushed and shoved another bite of gooey omelet in her mouth. 
“Yeah, it was at Seth’s wedding,” Leah started softly, “Gah, I still can’t believe that little twerp is married. I swear I was helping him with his homework only last week,” she shook her head, still lost in her moment of nostalgia. 
“Uh, I’m pretty sure you were helping him with his homework last week, babe. You guys were debating the merit of classic authors still being considered the classic norm in a postmodern world in this very kitchen.” Maya giggled at that and Leah looked up at Keye with such soft eyes that Maya thought she’d explode on the spot. Keye held her gaze for as long as she could before blushing and looking back down at her omelet, playing coy while continuing to eat. 
Oh, so it was that kind of imprint. 
“Yes, we met at Seth’s wedding,” Keye continued for her after a few bites as Leah started cleaning up. Keye launched into the story like it was well known and been written down for years. 
She said it was instantaneous. Much like Maya and Paul had, Leah and Keye and locked eyes and that was it. But most of the guests had been distracted and the pack was thoroughly drunk on special Quileute brewed beer so no one was really paying them any attention. No one had even really realized, except for Keye and Leah. They had sat there and stared at each other, across the dance floor for a cool minute or two. It could have been eons for all Keye knew. 
Leah’s face, which had been schooled in a cool complacency for most of the night as she muscled through her baby brother’s wedding, had shifted to something bright and surprised. Breathless, she had strode across the dance floor in her pale cream suit, sparkling under the carefully hung lights as she weaved her way through couples. Her eyes never left Keye’s and Keye had stayed glued to the spot, her heart beating wildly. Nothing would stop Leah from getting to her, and as she startled to a stop in front of her, Keye let out a loud exhale as if breathing again for the first time. 
“It’s you,” Leah had said, so surprised yet relieved, “It’s you. Y-you…you are so…you’re my—,” 
“Keye,” she interjected, relieving the stuttering Leah. She held her hand out somewhat awkwardly, but it had felt like the only thing she could do. “I’m Keye,” she said again. 
Leah slipped her hand into Keye’s, not shaking it, but just holding it there for a moment before threading her fingers purposefully through hers and nodding. “Yes, you are.” Leah’s whole face brightened into one of incandescent happiness as light tears shone in her dark eyes. Keye was on the verge of losing it and letting this wave of joy rush over her and spill from her tear ducts. 
There she was.
Shortly after, Keye skipped town that night with Leah and sealed her fate. She just disappeared. No one even realized she was gone, and her parents just thought that she went back to campus early. Leah was prone to disappearing spells, so there was no connection made there either apparently. 
Maya’s head swum up out of the story and looked over at Leah who was leaning against the sink with her hands outstretched next to her, smiling softly at Keye. 
“And after I moved in, I took this semester off—” Keye continued after a moment.
“Wait what?!” Maya snapped out of it and jerked her head toward Keye, her eyes wide with shock.  
“My, come on,” Keye groaned, “What is it with you and school? It’s not that big a deal.” Keye said half heartedly. 
Just because Maya had a vice grip on school didn’t mean everyone else needed to maintain that level of intensity to make school an important part of their lives. Just look at what it did to her and Paul. She willed her body to relax as she shook her head, glancing quickly at Leah for any back up and finding none.
“No, no,” Maya tried backpedaling, controlling the features on her face to remain impassive, “I just mean, I didn’t realize! I should have realized.” 
Keye leveled her with an expectant stare, a small smile on her face. Maya was trying to keep her lips clamped shut so she didn’t ask the question she really wanted to ask. 
After about thirty seconds though, Maya burst: “But why though?!” 
So much for self control.
Keye couldn’t help but throw her head back and laugh. Leah looked on with a bit of concern on her face. 
“Sometimes, things just work out that way, My. But don’t worry, I’ll go back and finish up,” Keye proclaimed, “Just for you.” 
Maya smiled and shook her head. That soft concerned look was still pulling at Leah’s features as she continued to watch Keye carefully. 
Maya spent the day putzing around Seattle with Leah and Keye visiting some of their favorite local haunts. They even stopped in a few local bookshops and let Maya wander for as long as she liked. She discovered some old chemistry books that she fell in love with and was thoroughly brightened despite the low hanging clouds over Seattle as they walked down hidden side streets. 
The three grabbed lunch at a little sandwich shop not far from Leah’s bike shop. When Keye got up to use the bathroom, Maya casually stayed behind to Keye’s chagrin. Leah was trying to stuff the butt end of her meatball sub fully into her mouth, sauce dripping down her chin in an endearing way as she hunched her shoulders over the low table. 
Leah had been pretty tight lipped about her estrangement from the pack but now that Maya had her alone, she wondered if without Keye’s constant frown whenever the pack was brought up, she could ask her about it. 
“What?” Leah said around her mouthful. Maya hadn’t realized she had been staring, marveling even at this intensely, wonderful woman who had captured Keye’s heart and taken care of her best friend so completely. 
“Nothing, sorry, I—” Maya stumbled and ran a hand through her shaggy hair, frizzed by the gentle rain they had walked through to get here. Maya exhaled through her nose trying to gather her thoughts about how to ask but instead, Leah spoke: 
“You’re sure you want to go back?” Leah chewed valiantly and Maya couldn’t help but let her mouth hang open a bit in surprise. That wasn’t…. “No offense, but you seem torn. And I never try to make hard decisions when I’m on the fence.”
Maya closed her mouth abruptly and shook her head to try and clear any confusion that Leah could see in her eyes, “No, I…I need to go home. It’s time to go home. Not forever, but..just for now.” 
“Tortured him enough, then?” 
Maya’s eyes shot up to meet Leah’s in shock, but that feeling quickly faded when she saw that gleam of mischief in Leah’s eyes. She hadn’t meant it the way everyone else would have. 
“I guess,” Maya shrugged. “I do miss him, though.” That was an understatement.
��Of course you do,” Leah tucked back into the table scavenging chips from Keye’s plate. “Regardless of what you know, and regardless of what you feel, the imprint should always show you true north,” the sound of crunching chips perforated Maya’s concentration, “Or so they say.” 
“What do you think then? About the imprint, I mean, now that you have it?” Maya challenged. Leah took a moment, always thoughtful, never rash in her conversation. Just clear and true and decided. 
“I think the imprint is different for everyone. So if anyone tries to tell you what to do with it, you should take that with a grain of salt. Listen to what it says to you, trust that,” Leah shrugged. 
Maya paused at that and really tried to let that sink in. Everyone had tried to tell her what the imprint was meant to do, what it was based on legend. But it had been hard between her and Paul since the beginning. Some parts were easy, when they were just together and there was nothing else, but most other things were hard—harder than the other imprints at least. So much so, that Maya and Paul had wondered for a while if there was something wrong with them. 
“I will say though,” Leah’s voice suddenly turned serious. Maya met her eyes and was taken aback by the sheer intensity at which they bored into her, “While I don’t know how your imprint works, I do know Paul.” Maya gulped, “And I can say without a doubt in my mind that he loves you with every cell in his body.” 
Maya let out a sigh. She knew that of course and so she could only say as much, “I know.” Her voice came out hoarse. 
“But he’s also a bit of an idiot. Emotionally, I mean. The guy was abandoned by everyone when he was a kid and then was swallowed by anger for most of his adult life. He’s only found his way through in maybe the past five years. That’s still no excuse for how he’s been with you, but still. That man comes with baggage and I do not envy you that task of unpacking it all,” Leah brushed her hands together to get off the excess crumbs. 
There wasn’t enough that Maya knew about Paul’s past. He’d told her the basics, but she’d gotten more information about Paul’s dad from her own mother and that was a wobbly source. 
“Speaking of members of the pack,” Maya said quickly, “do you think you’ll ever come back to the rez?”
Leah let out a gentle laugh and shook her head, “Not unless they need me.” 
“Do they not need you now?” Maya quirked an eyebrow. Leah once again leveled her with that intense stare.
“Cute girls are always too brave for their own good,” Leah leaned back and stretched her arms behind Keye’s chair just as she slid back into it. 
“You guys can stop talking about me now,” Keye said dramatically as she shook her hair away from her face. She shot Maya a knowing look to which she rolled her eyes. 
Leah leaned forward just enough to kiss Keye’s shoulder and said softly, “Never, babe.” 
—-<<Trigger warning: mentions of abortion in this next section>>---
Maya and Keye cuddled up in the guest bed that Maya was sleeping in with a laptop between them that night watching an old 90’s vampire movie. Leah had disappeared downstairs into her shop to get some work done. 
As one of the main vampires looked out over a burning city, Keye readjusted her head on Maya’s shoulder as Yodel let out a soft sigh at the end of the bed. Somehow, it had felt like no time had passed at all. 
“Are you nervous about tomorrow?” Keye asked softly. Maya stared at the screen as she tried to reconcile her worry into something else. 
“I think so,” she breathed in and about before continuing, “It feels like the right time to go back. I don’t know how to explain it.” 
“True north,” Keye muttered softly. 
“Jesus, you guys really are in deep, huh?” Maya joked and Keye giggled. 
“I don’t know, probably. She was there for me when everyone was either busy or gone. I don’t think that was the imprint either, she just…knew I needed her and she stayed,” Keye was quiet. Maya’s heart rate picked up as she realized her mistake in shutting everyone out. Even if Keye had said that she had understood why Maya did it, she knew she had hurt people who didn’t deserve it for the sake of her own peace. Keye, and a lot of others deserved more than that. 
“Keye, I’m sorry I wasn’t here. I should have stayed in contact, I know that. It all just felt hard and this was easier. But I shouldn’t have done the easy thing….not when it comes to you or Becks,” Maya scrunched in closer to Keye. 
“It really is okay, My. I get it. I disappeared too, you know. Just…tell us next time.” 
“I promise,” Maya breathed. “But I don’t plan on disappearing again. I didn’t even mean to fully disappear before, it was just….easier that way. But it wasn’t fair to your or Becks, so I promise.”
The vampire on screen looked wide eyed at the little girl who was drinking from an older woman. She looked so small, so innocent. Her too-young youth, eternally frozen in time. 
“I have to tell you something,” Keye breathed, her voice hitching at the end as if she was unsure. 
“What?” Maya said softly, looking down at the side of her face. Keye sat up and Maya turned toward her, realizing that her face was pulled tight with pain. “What is it?” she reached for Keye’s hands that were clasped tightly in her lap but pulled back when she flinched slightly as if being touched might be too much at the moment. “Are you okay?” 
“I am..I am. I really am. I need you to know that I am okay going into this,” Keye’s voice wobbled slightly as she sat up straight, before leaning back against the headboard. 
“You’re kind of scaring me, Keye,” Maya said slowly as she pressed pause on the movie and sat up too, crossing her legs in front of her and turning her whole body to face Keye. The looks that flitted across her face were hard to read but as Keye bit her lip, Maya knew this was something more. 
“I…” Keye began slowly, her eyes on her hands that fidgeted in her lap. Maya leaned over and covered both of her hands with her own. Keye swallowed hard, tears forming at the corner of her eyes but never falling before looking up at Maya. 
There was silence, strong and solid between them, and Maya just let it hang there to give her the space to say what it was she needed to say. 
“I left the rez because something h-happened,” Keye’s voice was quieter now and Maya listened carefully as soft rain started to patter on the windows above the bed. It was another few moments before Keye continued, “Colin and I were still dating and we were…things were going okay.” 
A cold feeling slid into Maya’s stomach, but she held her breath to keep from thinking the worst. 
“He and I were…well it doesn’t really matter, but things were going well and it was like…four days before Seth and Sadie’s wedding and I wasn’t really feeling good. Just kind of off you know?” Keye took in a breath and Maya heard the sound shudder through her, “And I…I thought that maybe I was…Fuck,” Keye wiped the tear that had escaped from the corner of her eyes and coasted down her cheek. 
“You were what?” Maya asked softly, concern laid plainly on her face. Keye tilted her head and gave Maya a knowing look as she frowned. Maya waited. 
“That I was pregnant,” Keye hiccuped softly and Maya let loose the breath. 
“Oh.” The word came out small and barely there. Just above a whisper. Keye stared down at her hands again, playing with the tips of Maya’s fingers. “Were you?” Maya prompted gently, leaning her head down to capture Keye’s eyes. 
Keye shut them tightly and the tears fiercely rolled now as she nodded. 
“Okay, okay,” Maya looked over her shoulder toward the door wondering if Leah knew…if she knew Keye was… Her gaze flitted over Keye’s body to try and discern how far along she was, but she looked entirely the same. “How far along are—”
Maya was cut off by Keye shaking her head slowly, as hot tears continued to roll down her cheeks. Maya furrowed her brow, confused. Everything was coming at her so fast and she was just trying to piece every part of the puzzle together but felt like she was missing information. When realization dawned on her, her eyes widened with sadness, “You lost it…” she breathed. “Oh, Keye—” Maya reached out to stroke her shoulder, scooting closer but Keye stopped her. 
“Not exactly.” Keye said, wetly. She swallowed hard and forced herself to sit up straight. Her eyes were harder now, and through the tears Maya thought she saw Keye watching her carefully for any reaction that would make her shutter completely. Maya’s mouth hung open again in momentary confusion before she said even softer, her breath barely a whisper, “Oh.”
She blinked rapidly as it all sank in. Of course. Maya kept her face neutral, soft, and open as she watched Keye watching her. Keye’s eyes flicked all around her face, trying to scan for any disapproval, or upset, and that made Maya worry that she had encountered some judgment from her circle. 
Maya reached out and grasped Keye’s hand softly in hers and gave her a soft nod, “It’s okay, Keye. That’s totally your decision.”
But Keye was silent, watching her as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. Maya let the air hang between them a moment longer before she said, “Do you want to tell me about it?” Keye grimaced. “Or tell me why?” Keye crumbled slightly at that. “Let’s start with an easier question… And you don’t have to answer anything at all if you don’t want to. But, I want you to know that any answer you do give is enough reason and enough justification for the decision you made.” Maya dipped her head to meet Keye’s eyes. Only then did she see her gaze soften with trust again. “It’s enough,” she reinforced. Maya tried to emphasize that love with her eyes as well and held Keye’s gaze. 
When Keye finally nodded, sagging with relief, Maya scooted closer so that their knees were touching, “When did you find out?” She wiped gently at Keye’s tears. 
“Just after I met Leah…Like I said, I hadn’t been feeling great up until Seth and Sadie’s wedding, but after I met Leah, it was like I needed to know, you know?” Maya nodded and just let Keye go. 
“I drove out of town to get a pregnancy test. That whole fucking tribe has eyes everywhere you know and I didn’t want to risk it getting back to…well, I bought three and I was in a fucking gas station bathroom in Beaverton with a full bottle of gatorade just…waiting for what felt like forever,” Keye stopped then and gulped down air. 
Maya was pushing her hair out of her face and stroking her thumb over her hand. “And then it was like…everything stopped you know. It was real…three times it was real. And I….I panicked,” Keye was looking around the room now, the guilt just absolutely pulling her in different directions. “I didn’t want anyone to find out. At least until I could just think for a bit you know. You know how they are about babies, if they had gotten wind that I…and it was Colin’s? No way, game over.” 
A fresh sob broke through Keye’s chest. She opened her mouth a couple of times to speak and couldn’t so Maya let her breathe through it, allowing her the space to continue or stop. But she carried on as if she needed to say it out loud, “I knew I didn’t want it, My. And I just felt….bad. I felt bad because, I don’t know…fuck I don’t know why should I feel bad, you know?” Maya just nodded. She understood guilt like that. “I didn’t know what to do, but I knew I couldn’t go back to the rez. And so I…I called Leah and she came and got me, no questions asked.” 
Thank god, Maya thought. Thank god for Leah, because Maya could just see herself so clearly mirrored in this same situation. She was so grateful that her best friend had someone like Leah to come and protect her the way she needed to be protected. 
“It took me a week to tell her. And she was just…ugh,” Keye reached for a tissue next to the bed and blew her nose before saying, “She was just perfect, you know? She knew just what to say and what to do and…” Keye’s eyes sparkled for a moment as she looked at Maya. Maya couldn’t help but give her a sad, knowing smile back. 
“Yeah, yeah, imprints are great,” she joked, rolling her eyes before squeezing her hand. Keye smiled sadly, looking down at their joined hands. 
“She told me that whatever I wanted to do, it was the right decision. And that I didn’t need to tell anyone if I didn’t want to, because it was my body. She was just…there. All the time for me. I-I don’t know if I could have done all this without her but…she held my hand through it all and I…” Keye looked up at Maya, her eyes sure and firm now, “I don’t regret it.” 
Maya shook her head, “You shouldn’t. That was your decision, and I still love you just as you are.” Keye smiled, bigger this time and nodded. 
“Still fucks with me though,” she said, resigned. 
“Yeah well, they never said being a woman would be easy,” Maya pulled her into a tight hug. Keye held on so hard, she thought her ribs popped, “I love you.” Maya breathed into her hair. 
For a while they just sat there, hugging, listening to each other breathe. Maya hoped her decisions 
— << end trigger warning>> ---
November, 1 year ago….
Go see the elders. 
Jacob’s voice echoed and roiled in Paul’s ears as he worked away at the lower deck in the back garden. The cool November air whipped round Paul as he worked at setting wood planks on his foundation. The chill did nothing to bring down his temperature though. Paul was running more than hot these days—he was constantly burning up, as if an unbreakable fever clung to him since Maya left. 
Left him. 
Paul stalled, his hands stilling on the wood as he closed his eyes tightly against his last memory of her, tear stricken and shaking her head at him. I won’t. She had said to him that she wouldn’t stay. Not for anyone, not even for him. And that tore him to pieces and set him on fire. And ever since, he’d been burning. 
Paul forced his eyes back open and worked to refocus them on that task at hand. Work on the house always gave him some temporary peace, but he could never truly escape that hollowness that deepened and ached, threatening to drive him mad before the first snow would melt. 
He couldn’t even bring himself to go on rounds at this point. But no one blamed him. No one even came looking for him. He chalked that up to Jacob, citing space, citing time, citing…whatever it was Paul was supposed to find during his time of abandonment. 
Because that’s what it was, anyway you shook it out, he was simply abandoned. Again. 
Go see the elders. 
Jacob’s voice persisted in his head, sounding firmer, angrier each time that Paul refused whether internally or externally. What would the elders do for him exactly? They got him into this mess in the first place. Setting unrealistic expectations, putting pressure on them, coaxing them along with arbitrary milestones. They wouldn’t let up with their pleading eyes and knowing conversations until Maya was pregnant. Jesus. Paul skated quickly away from that thought and continued working on the deck. 
Plus, what could the elders say to him now? Maya was gone, and all he could do was hope that she’d come back. A ripple of anger ran down Paul’s spine as he gritted his teeth. Suddenly he felt like he was six years old again, sitting on the stoop of his dad’s double wide as thunder promised rain overhead. Waiting for someone who might never return. He hated that feeling. And what he hated more was how that anger that he once thought was well and truly tempered began to roil viciously within him again. 
Go see the elders. 
Jacob’s tone turned into a rough growl in his head and Paul couldn’t stand it anymore. The hammer that had gone so still in his hand now shook and he reared back before hurling it with all his might without a care of where it landed. It connected with something far off, a tree perhaps, that shook its occupants free and had them flying off in a hurry. 
Paul let out a harsh breath as he tried to swallow the well of emotion building in him. If he was being honest, he hadn’t done so well since Maya had left. To be fair, that might actually be an understatement. As hot, unshed tears brimmed his dark eyes, he stood with his hands lightly rested on his hips. 
“Fine,” he said to no one in particular, “I’ll go see the elders.” Paul headed off in the direction of his lost hammer.
The next morning, Maya and Keye stumbled into the kitchen together after having fallen asleep, exhausted from their conversation the night before. 
Today was the day Maya planned to return to La Push and she would be lying if she wasn’t a bit nervous. 
But, even more nerve wracking was Keye’s request to drive her into the rez. After last night, Keye had woken up feeling better, but she had told Maya sleepily that she needed to go home to fix some things too. 
It only made sense that she would come with her, but still, the thought of Keye having another conversation last night made Maya ache, especially if she wouldn’t be as accepted by the others—least of all the council. 
But Keye had assured her that Leah and her had talked about this and that she felt ready after unloading a little on Maya last night. She could do it and even more so, she felt like she needed to, to continue to heal and grow past it. 
Now, hunched over their individual bowls of cereal as Leah watched from her place leaned up against the counter, both women held an air of dread about them. 
Leah took a bite of cereal and said suddenly to Maya: “You know he’s going to know you’re there as soon as you cross the boundary, right?” 
At this, Maya couldn’t help a small shiver run through her. He’d know she was there, but what he would do about it was still up in the air. 
A few hours later, Keye pulled up the familiar, neatly paved driveway to the house. If it wasn’t for the familiar blue stone, Maya might not have even clocked that they were at her house. There’s been so much work done to it, almost as if someone frantically decided to build with unbridled purpose and determination.
“Holy shit,” Keye breathed as she looked through her windshield of Leah’s Subaru. They both sat in stunned silence for a moment, mouths slightly agape. Then Maya replied weakly, 
The little blue house wasn’t so little anymore. 
“Did you know he was—uh,” Keye faltered to complete her sentence so Maya just answered:
“No. This is…” Maya was lost for words. 
“Yeah,” Keye breathed. Finally, she tore her eyes away from the house and looked over at Maya. “So, are you ready?” 
“Are you?” Maya said back just as hesitantly. Keye considered it for a moment and then just shrugged. 
“Yeah, why not?” She answered with a small smile. Maya exhaled a breath through her nose and nodded. Why not. 
She pushed open the door and stood slowly on the dark paved driveway that was dotted with solar lights that would guide her in at night. She grabbed her duffel bag and backpack from the backseat and shut both doors with purpose. 
Keye only pulled back up the driveway once Maya had opened the front door. But Maya stayed frozen on the threshold for a moment, marveling at what lay within. 
The quaint front entryway had been completely opened and transformed into a wide open expansive living room that wrapped around the staircase that was now exposed on either side. Off to the right of the living room where there had only been a stone wall before, Paul had put in a cozy office, the entryway was arched and held two driftwood french doors, the glass mingling perfectly with the hand carved wood. 
Maya peeked in, her eyes coasting over the back wall behind the raw edged desk that was packed books in the floor to ceiling bookshelves. An oversized, plush chair was nestled neatly next to the bookshelves and the bay window that looked out into the woods. A small iron fireplace had been installed in a free corner. It was…perfect for lack of a better word. 
Maya spun on her heel and carried on toward the back of the house. The kitchen had been further expanded, a large warm wood island stretched across the expansive green tile. New appliances had been installed, the cabinets fitted and hand carved with intricate designs to heighten the simplicity of the sleek and soft kitchen around it.
Someone had been busy. Maya wrapped her arms around herself and glanced across the space. It was all so beautiful and different. But it still somehow felt like her home. It held the exact warmth and memory as before, just opened more to welcome new memories. 
Outside the sun was beginning to sink lower in the sky into the late afternoon. She pushed aside the long sliding glass door and stepped out onto the deck. A hanging bed flocked in white gossamer curtains and shaded by a partially covered pergola hung seductively off to the side. The deck had been expanded to include three levels, each holding a different space to gather with cozy chairs, firepits, and hand carved weather-proofed wooden tables. 
The most impressive thing that she had seen thus far though was the renovated workshop. Paul had completely rebuilt it, expanded it, and settled it a little further back onto the neighboring property. It almost looked the size of his studio in Seattle now, but he had built the entire front with reclaimed antique windows so that she could easily see into the intricate workspace within.The beveled glass glittered in the winter sun and made the entire backyard sparkle. It even held a second story loft that looked out toward the ocean. 
The cold November breeze rolled over Maya and she took a deep breath. She knew the kind of frenzied state he must have been in when he started building all of this. As a distraction. To keep him from feeling that hollowing pain that she herself felt almost every day when she had left. It was heartbreaking what they’d done to each other. But there was no getting around it now. 
Still, the most surprising thing was, he wasn’t here. Maya looked over her shoulder back into the house. Maybe she could find the keys to her Jeep, now neatly tucked away in the newly built two-car garage in the adjacent lot that Paul must have purchased to make all of these renovations. 
With Paul nowhere in sight, she let out a long breath. She guessed she could go to Emily and Sam’s and look for him there. That’s what she needed to do—she needed to find him. 
February, 9 months ago…
Paul stood on the aging and worn steps of the last elder front porch in the icy rain that was oscillating annoyingly into sleet. As he looked around the front porch, shirtless and drenched in cold rain that steamed off of him, he noticed the wood rot close to the house where the porch met and made a mental note to come back and repair it once the weather cleared. 
After a few more seconds, Elder Ti’Hal slowly pulled open the door, a wool woven shawl hanging heavy over her shoulders. Her bright white hair was braiding neatly into two plaits. 
Elder Ti’Hal was truly ancient. And Paul didn’t mean that in a negative way at all. She radiated the distilled essence and teachings of their tribe. She was an elder before Paul was even born and he’d never known her without her bright white hair framing her wrinkled, warm face. 
She still managed to move fairly quickly and with agility that wouldn’t normally be attributed to someone of her age, but that was the mystery of elder Ti’Hal. She also never attended council meetings or bonfires anymore, and instead preferred to stay in her quiet cottage in the forest that she had shared with her husband before his passing over two decades ago. 
“Paul Lahote,” she said softly. “To what do I owe this very wet appearance?” 
Paul scowled off to the side, his jaw clenching so hard he thought his teeth might crack. He hadn’t realized it, but he was breathing heavily, his shoulders rising and falling with the effort of it. When he didn’t answer she just nodded gravely. 
“Come in,” she walked back into her small, warm, wooden home and Paul only hesitated for a second in the cold rain before he ducked under the tiny threshold and entered. “Let me get you a towel,” she grumbled. 
“Don’t bother,” he said, his tone coming out harsher than he intended. 
“For my couch then,” she was already digging in the small linen closet and produced a worn, threadbare towel that she draped across her couch for gesturing to it. “Sit.” she commanded. 
Paul had forgotten how bossy the elders were. He trudged across the living room, careful not to trip on the woven Quileute rug before he slumped down onto the couch in a huff. A warm fire crackled off to his left and Elder Ti’Hal had disappeared around a corner into her tiny kitchen and was clanging around with a kettle. 
“Do you want to start or should I?” Elder Ti’Hal called from the kitchen. Paul was still breathing heavily, the ache in his stomach crescendoing to a harsh beat. He may have groaned painfully in response, but he was too distracted by the unrelenting pain the imprint was causing him. “Right,” Elder Ti’Hal came around the corner with two hand thrown mugs in her hand steaming with what Paul hoped was something stronger than tea. 
She handed him his mug and when he took a whiff, he nearly threw it begrudgingly into the fire. 
“What pains you today, Paul Lahote?” she began. Paul shook his head, trying to find the right place to start, but nothing came to him, so instead he said, 
“Why do you always do that?”
“Do what?” she sipped slowly from her mug. 
“Call me by my first and last name. It’s not like you haven’t known me before I was born. Both names seem overkill don’t you think?” 
He shifted uncomfortably on the warm, plush couch as she leveled him with her gaze and took her time answering. 
“It’s more to remind you than me,” she said cryptically. Paul scoffed: 
“Oh believe me, I know who I am.” 
“Do you?” she replied quickly. Paul glared at her full on now and leaned forward, his mug still cradled between both hands. 
“She didn’t come home for Christmas. She didn’t come home for Seth and Sadie’s wedding. Nothing. Not a fucking peep from her,” he could feel the tension in his body snap, the anger flowing through his veins freely now. He trembled slightly—this wasn’t his first time having to channel unchecked rage through himself and he doubted Ti’Hal would appreciate him exploding into a giant wolf and shredding her comfortable living room to pieces. 
Instead, Paul glued his eyes to the fire, trying to let the anger move through him and then out of him to be consumed and burned away by the fire. But every time he breathed in, it felt like ash flooding his mouth, the embers of that anger still hotter than anything else within him. 
“What does one do with so much anger?” she posed the question suddenly. Paul looked up at her wide-eyed as if shocked by the fact that she could see it on him. He was naive to think that much anger wouldn’t still be palpable to someone as attuned as her. Paul rolled his jaw and sat staring at her, waiting for the anger to ebb, but it wouldn’t. 
Elder Ti’Hal settled back into her large armchair covered in different soft, worn blankets. When it was clear he wasn’t going to respond, she glanced out the window, watching the rain settle into a gentle drizzle. 
“What do you think the imprint is, Paul?” her voice was warm with a gentle thrum to it like dried maize kernels pouring into a stone bowl. Comforting, consistent. It was maddening to say the least, so Paul continued in his aggravated tone, feeling the heat rise on his skin. 
“An anchor for packmates. A promise for imprints. It’s a reason to stay.” 
“Hmm,” she breathed, her eyes still on the window watching the rain make trails to the muddied window ledge. Paul huffed, rubbing his hands against his knees with impatience. A fucking waste of time, he thought as he clenched his jaw. “But it wasn’t reason enough for her to stay?” 
When her eyes slowly drifted back toward him, Paul looked ready to burst into flames. 
“Clearly not. I can’t go get her because I’ve been ordered to stay away, but also….she doesn’t want me to come,” his voice was quiet. He waited for her to speak again but she just stared at him sadly. A deathly calm rolled over him and he thought that if Ti’Hal didn’t say something soon, he might just give up and collapse in on himself like a dying star.
“What is it then? The imprint?” Paul asked, trying to keep the desperation out of his voice. 
Ti’Hal smiled slowly, warmth creeping into her eyes as she tilted her head to the side and surveyed Paul thoroughly. She took her time before she finally said: 
“A choice.” 
Paul tried to quiet the tremors radiating through his body. If the imprint was a choice, then Maya had clearly not chosen him. Never. Not even from the start. The thought of it made his blood boil. His face twisted in rage before he spat out. 
“What the fuck does that mean? How is it a fucking choice when it’s supposedly pre-ordained from the ancestors? That makes no fucking sense, you know that right?” Paul was on his feet without remembering when exactly he stood up. His hands were curled into fists and his chest was rising and falling quickly. He needed to calm down. If he could just calm down he could…
Ti’Hal just watched him with that serene look on her face, as if nothing fazed her anymore and the anger of a full blown werewolf couldn’t even shake her. Paul tried breathing, closing his eyes, counting to ten, but nothing could quell this desperate anger that spiraled and felt like lead dropping into the bottom of his stomach. 
Why was it always like this? This anger? It was like a tide that he couldn’t escape. Like clockwork it would just rush over him and pull him under in seconds and there was nothing he felt like he could do about it. It was an exposed wire in his veins just ticking and twitching with so much heat and sharpness that he felt his skin would burn away and leave him exposed and vulnerable. 
 “Have you given her a choice?” Ti’Hal’s voice cut through the raging quiet like a whip, but her voice still remained calm. He tried to focus on that—that there was calm to be achieved and he could reach it. He could reach the shore if he just stayed calm. He was panting, losing his breath every moment he kept himself solid and here. 
“I thought I did…but I wasn’t given one either,” he thought back to the moment the imprint had happened. Seeing her there across the fire. It was like an instant salve to a long forgotten pain. And then in the next moment, he was all resistance and rage again. Nothing felt like a choice when it came to the imprint. “We…we didn’t have time to make that choice,” Paul tried to slow his breathing. Calm, in and out, just like the waves. Not sinking but drifting.
“Some see the imprint as a gift, but that’s also just a choice wrapped up in a nice bow, in my opinion. It is a choice, Paul Lahote. You’ve made plenty in your very short life so far, but it is one that you give to her and wait until she makes it. It’s a question, and not a command and it can take many forms. You’re part is making sure you ask her the right one,” she watched his body language shift ever so slightly. “Miss Sunriviere was told that you were her imprint, told that there was to be in a relationship, and then told what her life would most likely be, in so many words.” Paul opened his mouth to retort but she continued anyway, “You are her choice. So ask the question and be patient for once. And most importantly, be vulnerable to her answer,” Ti’Hal took a moment to sip her tea. Paul tried to let those words sink in. 
He was vulnerable with her. Her absence had nearly destroyed him, was that not vulnerable enough? 
“No, not that,” Ti’Hal responded as if she could hear his thoughts. Paul’s eyes widened. 
“What’s the question, then? The one I should ask?” Paul said desperately, his voice rasping as he realized he had been holding his body tensely throughout Ti’Hal’s speech. 
“Start with the answer you want and work your way back from there,” she gave a cryptic smile and stood, disappearing behind her kitchen door and singing softly to herself, unceremoniously excusing him. 
Paul stood there for a while longer, rapidly breathing, and listening to Ti’Hal singing the songs of his childhood in her kitchen, muffled and sweet.  ------------------------------------------
The door to her Jeep shut with a sharp click as Maya shrugged on her cropped puffy jacket. Much as she had suspected, the keys to Maya’s Jeep were in the sun visor, as if waiting for her. The whole drive to Sam and Emily’s felt…calm. As if she were driving toward something rather than into something. There was no sweeping dread, no overwhelming nervousness—she just felt ready. She chocked that up to just time. The time away had made her ready for home, refreshed her.
Sam and Emily’s looked the same as it always did—warm and inviting with a steady stream of smoke coming from the chimney. It was familiar and as she took in a deep breath, the cold November air spiced with pine and fallen leaves, with a hint of the salty Pacific sent a pleasant reassuring thrum through her body. 
Maya stood by her Jeep for a moment just taking it in, before the potential chaos—whether it would be angry or joyful—would be wrought on her. Just the quiet creak of the forest, a distant river rushing toward the sea, and muffled laughter booming from within the home. 
Maya took a deep breath and took a couple of steps forward, her feet crunching on the wet gravel. She hadn’t made it more than a few steps when the screen door opened and Paul walked out slowly onto the porch, hands in the pockets of his dark jeans. Maya halted, her breath caught in her throat as her eyes met his. 
She braced herself for whatever awaited her, but still that pulsing calm spread through her. It all felt…alright. And she hadn’t felt that way in so long. She watched in for just a moment as he stood on the top step of the porch, his face neutral before it broke into an earth shattering smile. 
Maya could have sobbed at the sight of it. He sauntered down the steps toward and it took all of her self control not to break into a full on sprint to quickly close the distance between them. Somehow she managed a quick walk and nearly crashed into his body, but he held her fast, one arm coming out to wrap around her waist as his other hand cupped her jaw. He peered down at her, that warm smile still spilling sunshine in every direction and she stared up at him, eyes glittering with unshed tears. 
He shook his head lightly and smiled, as his thumb reached up to gently brush across her lower lip, parting them softly. 
“You came home,” he said gently, the emotion clearly wavering in his deep voice. Maya nearly crumbled at his touch. She was home. 
“Yes,” she said simply, her voice barely above a whisper. “I thought it was…time,” she paused when he raised his eyebrows at her, a hint of humor and warmth in his eyes then quickly clarified: “For a visit.”
But this didn’t seem to faze him. He just nodded gently, humming in acceptance with that warm, pleased look on his face as he took her all in. There was a palpable vibration happening between them, what Maya could only assume was a physical manifestation of the imprint’s tension. 
The last time she had seen him on the rez  was over a year ago. And yet, time washed away and parted to let them stand there together again as if nothing had passed, as if this was any other day. Comfortable. 
Maya’s hands shook she gripped the sides of his abdomen. She’d come all this way to say….to say what exactly? Her mouth parted softly but nothing came out. She needed to say something, anything. The silence stretched between them and Maya just couldn’t let it hang there any longer. How could she? After he had left her in that hotel room, and how it had felt coming home again—she needed to tell him everything. 
He was tall, god so tall, he towered over her really, and yet she felt like his matching pair. 
“Welcome home,” he said gently, his nose nuzzling hers gently. 
Maya looked up at him curiously, her eyes slightly narrowed as she took him in. His dark beard was closely trimmed to his face, and his hair was a bit shorter than the last time she saw it. He looked good. Well, he always looked good, but this was different. 
His eyes seemed bright, not clouded with the anger or jealousy she had seen back in the spring. No, this Paul felt solid, for once. The light was shining on his face, his color back to its warm russet, flush with heat and health. Everything felt simpler. 
And with the confusion and despair that had once clung to that hollowness in her stomach from the imprint’s ache clearing completely, she felt like she could see clearly for the first time in awhile. She was worried momentarily that maybe it was just the trick of the imprint, beckoning her in—a salve to her burning anxiety. 
But staring up at Paul, there was an openness there that hadn’t been there before. Something that she wanted to discover and ask him about. For now though, as his hand slowly threaded into her hair and pulled her close, this was all that she needed. 
Finally, after watching her with such intensity, such heat, as if trying to rememorize every part of her face he lowered his head toward hers and crashed their lips together. It was like coming up for air after swimming beneath a current for too long. His kiss pressed new life into her and she arched her body fully into his, her curve slotting into the shape of his body just so as he held her against him. 
Paul moved his mouth over hers, slow and wanting, washing the ache of their absence away. There was no succumbing this time, just an equal measure of elation at being together again, and Maya felt that familiar sensation of something clicking into place and she saw it for what it was: being in the right place at the right time. 
She sighed into his mouth and heard him give a soft groan of pleasure before the air rang with the hoots and howls of his brothers. He pulled back gently, his eyes hooded and soft as he looked at her. Paul glanced over his shoulder at his pack crowded onto the porch and gave a gentle laugh before looking back, his eyes shining with something new as he said gruffly, “I guess they missed you too.” 
Maya swallowed thickly and laughed, not willing to let go of him first. But he took her cue and said, “Come inside, I’m sure they all have a million questions.” Paul kissed her forehead before turning and slotting her neatly into his side as they walked the short distance to the porch. 
“Hey, hey Ivy League!” Jared crooned. 
“Welcome back, My,” Seth said softly. 
“We needed a little more brains around here,” Colin laughed as Brady shoved him lightly. 
“Maya?!” a soft, female voice floated out from the front door as Maya and Paul climbed the porch steps. Becks pushed her way through the pack crowded on the porch and started sobbing instantly upon seeing her. She was heavily pregnant, and Jacob wasn’t far behind her as she nearly dropped into Maya’s arms in a hug, squeezing her so tightly she thought she cracked a rib. 
“Oh my god!” she cried into her shoulder. Maya chuckled and rubbed soft circles on her back as she looked over her shoulder at Jacob who shrugged and looked lovingly at his hormonally devastated wife. Becks pulled back to look at Maya, her face puffy and tear stricken, “You absolute JERK!” Maya barked a laugh at that and tried to wipe some tears away from Becks’ cheeks. “Don’t ever disappear on me like that again. I thought— I thought—,” 
“I know. I’m sorry,” Maya said, pulling her best friend back into a hug. “I should have texted.” Becks hiccuped a sound of disapproval, “Or called.” Maya corrected. When she pulled back, Becks nodded, seemingly trying to get herself calm as Jacob settled a hand on her lower back. Maya’s eyes widened as she took in just how pregnant she was. 
“Yeah, I know,” Becks said disappointed, “He’s like a week late.” She truly looked exhausted and the size of her belly stretched to almost painful extent. Jacob rubbed her back and leaned down to kiss her temple. 
“He’ll come soon, babe,” he promised. “Plus, Maya’s here. That’s literally all the good luck we need to induce your labor. Like last time.” 
Maya laughed again and shrugged, “Just no vampire delivery this time, right?” she quipped. Jacob rolled his eyes. 
“Jesus, I hope it doesn’t come to that. But, Carlisle is on standby if the water birth stalls or we need quick intervention,” Jacob said nonchalantly. 
“What the fuck is a water birth?” Brady whispered to no one in particular. 
“Come inside, come inside,” Becks waved a hand and with Paul’s hand on her waist gently, Maya let the warm, comforting Uley home swallow her up. 
They stayed at Sam and Emily’s until late in the evening, laughing and swapping stories. Paul stayed next to her, his presence relaxed and content, which was so unlike the tense and overwhelmingly protectiveness he had always exhibited before she left. 
She glanced over at him a couple times, and each time, he caught her eye and gave her a smile. One that promised nothing but exactly what he was in that moment. And it made her…happy. 
When she started to yawn, Paul took that as an opportunity to lean over and whisper softly against her ear, “Let’s go home.” 
Maya nodded immediately and they said their quick goodbyes to those remaining there, promising to come back tomorrow for lunch and babywatch. 
When they pulled up to the house in Maya’s Jeep, she couldn’t stifle her laughter quickly enough before Paul looked toward her amused and said:
“You don’t like it?” he asked, not even a little offended. If she didn’t know any better, there might be a slight teasing tone to his voice.
“No, no! It’s beautiful, I—,” she shut her eyes tightly to quell the rising emotion in her stomach from burning behind her eyes for too long. “It’s beautiful, Paul. You’ve clearly been busy, but I’m not sure why you did all this work.” Liar, the voice inside her quipped. 
The corner of Paul’s mouth pulled up in a smug grin beneath his closely trimmed beard, “Bullshit,” he replied, maybe to that voice in her head. Maya blushed and shook her head at the soft teasing tone. 
They hopped out of the car and came around the front into each other’s sides, arms weaving effortlessly over each other’s waists like magnets pulled them together, as they walked toward the house.
“Well, why else would you feel the need to renovate our entire house? It’s not like we needed to. The house was…fine, before,” she swallowed a gasp on the last two words as Paul confidently reached for her hip and tugged her closer, pulling her body flush with his. He stopped her, his other hand came up to rest on the side of her neck and threaded through her hair at the  nape of her neck.
He chuckled and Maya felt the warm rumbling vibration of it stumble through her body and land in her belly. “Shut up,” he said with a gentle smile. Maya couldn’t help her returning grin before she quickly wiped it from her face. 
“Seriously, if this is what happens every time I leave, I’m going to have to have someone confiscate your power tools,” his warm breath fanned across her face as he sighed, his eyes dancing around taking her all in in this light. How did he do that? Look at her like he was seeing the most incredible thing he’d ever laid eyes upon for the first time, and yet, the familiarity of his gaze said he’d known her forever, lifetimes before even. She let her hands rest on his chest now as she looked up at him. 
“I forgot how much of a little shit you are,” he teased.
“Me?! Really, you're a menace to homes everywhere—” Maya was cut off as she shrieked with delight as Paul growled, squeezing her hip and biting her neck, his rough stubble tickling beneath her chin as he backed her over the threshold of the house and kicked the door shut behind him. 
Once inside, he grabbed her under her thighs and carried her effortlessly up the stairs toward their bedroom, his mouth never leaving hers. Maya wrapped her arms around his neck, letting herself sink deeper into the kiss. Nothing was hurried—for once. 
When he lowered her gently onto the bed, his hands coasted across her thighs and unbuttoned her jeans. He peeled them off her slowly, kissing down her body and pausing to press an open mouthed kiss to delicate V between her thighs. Maya watched him, her eyes hooded with desire as he took his time kissing back up her bare legs once her jeans were discarded, pulling her shirt up now and peppering the expanse of her belly with warm pecks. 
Maya sighed, a small moan escaping as made his way up between her breasts, swiftly pulling her shirt up over her head and burying his face in her neck, the stubble scraping against the soft skin and making goosebumps rise across her breasts. 
Paul was slow and methodical in how he worshiped her, his hands touching every part of her, pausing to measure just how well she fit in his hands. Maya felt it too and an overwhelming sense of contentment rushed through her. The imprint bond that normally rang so clear through her during a time like this was completely silent. She didn’t pay it much mind though as Paul quickly unsnapped her bra and pulled back the delicate lace before encasing her nipple in his mouth. Maya’s back arched off the bed and Paul’s hand traced the shape of it. 
His thigh nestled neatly between her legs and Maya couldn’t help but seek friction desperately there, grinding down on him and rolling her hips as he tugged gently at her nipple with his teeth, biting softly across the swell of her chest to her other breast. 
Maya was panting with desire, rolling her hips as her eyes flutter shut to simply exist in this moment with him. She heard the soft swish of his t-shirt coming off and the familiar hum of his zipper. When she opened her eyes, he was standing and discarding his clothes, fully naked at the end of the bed and he simply looked—gorgeous. Maya’s breath caught in her throat as she leaned up to look at him. His throat bobbed in equal adoration as he leaned over her, his fingers ghosting across her hips and slowly slipping her panties down her thighs. He kissed her bent knee as he slipped the lacy garment over it and when she was fully naked beneath him, he let out a well deserved sigh. His eyes raked in every inch of her as if drinking her in. Maya was propped up on her elbows, her eyes softened as she slowly let her knees drop to either side, baring herself to him. 
She was already dripping—she knew that. Paul licked his lips and kneeled between her, not wasting anymore time as he bit gently on her thigh before leaning in to devour her. His tongue, flat and warm, seemed to touch every part between her thighs and Maya threw her head back, letting out a sharp moan. He let her settle on his tongue, tasting her, relishing her scent, as he held her there, his hands anchored firmly on her hips. His mouth sucked and pulled at her clit, his tongue darting into her opening, as a groan rumbled from his throat and through her body. 
Maya was cresting, light bursting behind her eyes as she whimpered through her release. She twitched against his tongue and only then did he lean up, his eyes glazed with lust and love so intertwined that she thought she’d melt into the mattress. 
Paul ran his hands over her body again, reverently, as if to prove something to himself and Maya shivered. The ache growing inside of her was present, persistent, but he leaned down slowly, taking her mouth over his and she sighed into it. Their breath mingled, mixing, and Maya felt like she was coming home all over again. 
He wrapped his arm down around her back and shifted her up the bed, but before she could settle onto the pillows, he whipped her over him and Maya straddled his abdomen. Her eyes sparkled, and she couldn’t help but smile. Paul almost always preferred to have her beneath him when he claimed her, but in this moment, his eyes shone with a desire to see her claim every part of him. 
Maya let her hands run down his chest, memorizing the hard expanse, the ripples and lines that made him strong and immovable. His chest rose and fell in quick breaths as if her fingertips were tracing some new pattern of love into his skin. Maya slowly traced over each dip and line of muscle, her eyes trained to each small freckle or scar, taking him all in. 
His hands gripped her hips tightly, kneading the soft flesh that creased between her hip and thigh and she smiled. “You are torturing me,” he rasped, his eyes dark and desperate. Maya glanced up at his face and just smiled softly. 
“I’m just remembering,” she replied barely above a whisper. Paul pressed his thumbs into that delicate crease where her hips met each of her thighs and pressed. A shot of lightning struck between her legs and a soft gasp fell from her lips. 
“Remembering what?” he asked, so soft, so gentle. A sweet juxtaposition to the hard bodied, giant man that lay wanting and ready beneath her. Maya’s fingers paused over where his heart lay thumping wildly in his chest. 
“What it feels like to come home,” she replied, as she lifted her hips and pressed him against her center. She slid down onto him slowly, feeling the warm stretch of him. A feral groan ripped from Paul as she sank onto his hilt, her hips neatly connected to his. She feel his hands flex as they gripped and loosened on her thighs. Maya braced herself on his stomach, taking in deep, stuttering breaths as she tried to get used to the sheer size of him again. As he twitched inside of her, she let out a soft “Ah!” as she clenched around him. She was so sensitive. Being fully in control had set her body alight and Paul waited for her to move, groaning each time she inadvertently squeezed him inside of her. 
When she lifted slightly, Paul braced her between his hands, helping to raise her hips. His eyes were glued to where they connected as the sheen of her slick coated every exposed inch of him. Maya raised herself halfway up his shaft before slowly settling back down onto him working herself into a slow and languid pace. 
Maya watched his eyes, sharp and dark as they took in every bit of movement. He was in absolute awe, completely taken by the shape of her and Maya felt completely in control. 
Her mouth hung open in unadulterated want as she quickened her pace on top of him. Rolling and sliding her hips against him. Paul’s hands tightened and loosened of their own accord as if he had to remind himself to let go a little so he wouldn’t bruise her. 
With each roll of her hips, that ache was replaced with warm relief and she felt a whole body shiver rush through her as Paul started chanting her name. She needed him closer, as she felt her tits swell and ache from her impending release. As if he heard her, Paul leaned up, connecting their bodies. His chest pressed flush against hers, but Maya didn’t stop bucking her hips against his. Paul wrapped his arms around her body, nipping along her collarbone, his moans echoing across the room as Maya threw her head back, panting and cursing. 
She felt him release first, and it took her over the edge. Paul’s eyes were closed tightly as he shuddered through his release and Maya curved in on herself as she let go, her body clenching to him tightly with wave after wave of pleasure as if she was trying to rinse herself through. 
Finally, she collapsed on top of him, breathing heavily into the crook of his neck. He placed a hand behind her head and stroked gently, kissing her temple as he tried to slow his breathing. 
Still, the imprint was silent. Maya wasn’t complaining, it was just…strange. 
“Welcome home,” he breathed. Maya chuckled and buried her head in his neck as she let sleep overtake her in one fell swoop
The next morning, Maya awoke slowly. She was keenly aware of Paul’s body behind hers, his arms wrapped lightly around her waist. Rain pattered gently on the windows and she had to admit that she hadn’t felt this content waking up in a long while. 
Paul stirred gently behind her, kissing her shoulder as Maya rubbed her hand over his forearm. They stretched into one another, Paul groaning sleepily as she turned in his arms. 
“Good morning,” he said gently, his eyes barely open. Maya bit her lower lip and smiled. 
“Do you have plans today?” he asked nonchalantly. Maya quirked an eyebrow and stifled a laugh. 
“No, I don’t think so. These are my plans, what about you?” she said in only a slightly teasing tone. 
“Yeah, I want to show you something,” he opened his eyes fully now, looking down at her and Maya looked at him carefully. Not a bit of hesitation in those eyes, she noticed. “Will you come?” 
“Sure,” Maya breathed. She didn’t know why but her stomach erupted with butterflies. He gave her a warm smile and closed his eyes again pulling her closer as he settled back into sleep. 
Later that afternoon, once the rain had stopped and Maya was bundled in her heavy winter coat and rain weathered hiking boots. Paul was dressed simply in jeans and a black t-shirt, his hair neatly coiffed to the side as if he had tried to tidy it up just a little bit. 
Paul drove them into the woods and parked in a clearing. He led her through the forest and they walked for nearly an hour along sloping pathways and fern covered earth. Paul carried her over fallen trees and helped her down rain slicked slopes until the pathways went decidedly up and up. 
“Where are we going?” Maya laughed as she breathed in the briney air, her cheeks flushed red with heat and exertion. Paul looked back at her over his shoulder and squeezed her hand. 
“Almost there,” he reassured her. 
Once they broke through the treeline, Maya knew where they were headed and her heart began to race. 
It was the cliff from her dream all those years ago. Where the wolf had beckoned her forward. 
“Paul what are we—” she began as they started up the slope of the cliff. 
“When you were gone, I went and saw the elders,” he began not looking at her. Maya stopped and her hand fell from his. 
“Oh?” she couldn’t say that that filled her with the reassurance she was hoping for. The elders had been incredibly intrusive throughout their relationship. “What for?” she probed. 
Paul took a few more steps forward toward the jutting edge of the cliff that pulled out over the water. “I was looking for advice and they didn’t really offer me much…until I saw Ti’Hal,” Maya’s eyes widened at that and she followed him a couple steps onto the cliff. 
“Ti’Hal?” She was shivering, not from the cold but from something else. Nerves? She couldn’t place it. No one ever went to Ti’Hal. She was the tribe’s oldest advisor, never came to council meetings anymore, and was a recluse for lack of a better term. Still, she was revered within her community and if you did seek her out, there needed to be a very good reason. She didn’t give away her time easily. 
Paul looked out over the cliffs, the wind whipping around him as he put a hand in his pocket. “I was trying to figure out what to do about us.” Maya’s stomach dropped at that. Paul still didn’t look at her and she felt like she was waiting for other shoe to drop, “I was miserable without you Maya, I think you know that.” 
“Paul—” Maya tried again. 
“No. Let me get this out,” he breathed harshly, turning to look at her finally, his eyes were burning. “Let me, please.” He nearly begged. Maya swallowed hard and nodded. He looked out again for a couple of heartbeats before he continued, turning to look back at her but staying close to the cliffs edge. 
“I was miserable without you. I had no idea what to do about the imprint, how to get you back. It was driving me insane. Actually insane. I didn’t phase back for a few months because I couldn’t handle being without you and lending myself to that animal side was simpler. But that started to make everything worse….I felt like..I was dying without you. And that terrified me.” 
Indeed his eyes were pained and dark and Maya thought the pain of it would reach out and shatter her. That the imprint would begin to tug her closer. But it didn’t. It was odd. 
“I just wanted it all to stop. If you wanted to stay away, be without me, I wanted you to have that and for me not to feel this way anymore. So, I tried to figure out the bond the imprint made. At one point I even asked…I even considered…trying to break it,” his voice was so defeated and Maya couldn’t help a soft sob from escaping her throat at the thought of it. “I was in so much pain, I just…” 
Maya took another small step forward and he continued, determined. “Still, the elders had no advice. The imprint would pull you back to me. There would be no other option but that. And then I saw Ti’Hal. I realized after talking with her that I got the imprint all wrong. I got us all wrong,” his eyes were hard now as they looked past her, through her. 
Was this some sort of sick joke? Fear shot through Maya as she thought the absolute worst. 
“Paul, wait,” Maya said, holding her hand out. 
“No, My,” he shook his head, “Let me finish.” 
“I don’t want you to,” she nearly had to yell over the wind, “Please, let’s just go home.” 
Paul shook his head, a smile now bursting over his face and Maya had to swallow her tears to keep from letting the panic sink in. 
“You have no idea how much I love you,” he said gently. Maya’s eyes widened and she took a step forward. Please don’t let it be bad. “I realized that because of the imprint and because of what everyone thought it meant, you were never given a choice in all this. I was never given a choice in all this.” Maya started to shake her head to stop him, to make him listen, he couldn’t leave her like this. It wasn’t fair. 
“Please,” she choked. 
“I decided I wanted to make a choice in all this. And you deserve one too,” his eyes on her were hard. And he took one step forward but then, he shrank from her eyeline getting onto both of his knees. He was actually kneeling before her, his hand now out of his pocket holding something. “I want you to choose me because it’s what you want. I want a life with you and I want us to create that together. Not because of the imprint or because of what is expected. But because you love me and I love you. I want…I want so bad to marry you, My. Will you marry me?” 
The shiny glimmer of tears caught in the corners of his eyes as he stared up at her. Maya took the last few steps toward him slowly, her mouth open in shock as tears flowed freely over her cheeks now. The ring glittered in his hands, a large oval shaped diamond set in a delicate gold band. Maya was crying completely now, the tears beginning to blur her vision and she couldn't quite catch her breath.
“Will you—” he tried again but Maya cut him off quickly. 
“Yes, yes I will! Yes, Paul. Yes,!” she sank to her knees before him and he tugged her forward, kissing her through her tears as the waves crashed and roiled below them. 
Next > >
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fatiguing-thoughts · 2 years
"Always Bella V"
Read here: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part IV / Part V
Despite the anxious picking of my cuticles and the numbing feeling of my own heart beating within my chest, sitting next to Quil in the car brought me some sort of peace. The drive was only about 15 minutes, though it felt like a lifetime. A lifetime of blankly staring out the window, hoping to feel anything other than this deep sorrow.
I felt the heat radiate off of Quil's body from the driver's seat. Despite of how unsure I was of how it was possible for him to be so incredibly warm, I appreciated the warmth.
The screeching of my brakes let me know that we arrived to our little spot.
A spot we would hang out since we were kids. I looked out my window and gazed towards the shore, reminiscing of the times we had here together. The memories with Jacob, too.
The feeling of my soul ripped out was one that didn't leave for months. It was as if Jacob left with a piece of me that I couldn't get back.
...But then there was Quil.
It was as if Quil would never leave my side. And to be truthful, I never wanted him to. He was the only person who seemed to almost fill the void that ached throughout my chest every single day.
"Alright, let's go." He murmurs, snapping me out of my thoughts as he nods his head to the woods.
I swallow the breath stuck in the back of my throat and prepare myself for whatever this would be. Whatever this could be.
Quil walks over into the edge of the woods, nodding his head to encourage me out of the car to follow him.
The feeling of nausea came over me as it really hit me.
Why was everything so serious? So secretive? Nothing was ever this serious.
I sigh, unbuckle my seatbelt and make my way over to him. My legs shaking with every step I take.
He reached out his hand, motioning for me to take it.
I grab it, greedily embracing the heat his palm brings to my own.
The walk deeper into the woods was silent, aside from the crunching of leaves and small twigs on the ground.
His warmth radiated from his own hand onto my own, spreading up my wrist. His torso close to my left side as I walked only a mere inches from him, The absence of his warmth was violently apparent throughout the rest of my body.
Quil abruptly stopped and sat us down on a fallen tree, surrounded by countless others towering over us. Normally, I find our spot to be a place of solace, but today it was filled with an overwhelming sense of dread.
His brown soft brown eyes met mine as tears began to brim the surface. He quickly pursed his lips and looked down at his feet.
"You need to me tell you first, right?" He mutters.
"Yes." I choke out, voice barely above a whisper, slightly nodding my head.
"Alright." He breathes. "Well, Sam gave me the okay.
"So this is about Sam." I spit.
"No, it isn't. Please, (Y/N)... Just hear me out."
I look at him skeptically as I felt a slight sense of anger blossom within my chest. I became aware of my eyebrows slightly furrowing, displeased at the thought of Sam's name.
Quil began speaking. His words turned into this high pitched ringing. It was as if everything he said pierced my eardrums.
He finally stopped talking and
"So, basically-- the legends are real, right? That's what you're telling me?" I ask, raising my brow, with a snarky tone. "And so then not only do you guys turn into massive wolves that kill vampires? Because vampires are responsible for the missing people? They've been killing people? And the Cullens are vampires, but vegetarian?"
"When you say it like that, it sounds ridiculous." He chuckles.
"Because it is ridiculous! And you're telling me that there is this soul-bonding experience? Imprinting? Quil-- you absolutely need to tell me the truth!" I begin to angrily laugh.
"I am! (Y/N), I promise."
His eyes were pleading with mine, begging me to just believe him.
"Alright, so let's just say this is real. So, Jacob imprinted on me-- and rejected it? He doesn't want me?" My voice broke just saying it out loud.
He looked at my sympathetically, "It's a little more complicated than that, but yes. More or less." His lips pursed as he started at me with sad eyes.
"Is it... is it because of her?"
"Not necessarily. But, it she is definitely a reason." He sighs. "For one, yes he is in love with her. I know that he loves you, though. I know that..." He pauses, looking at the ground with disappointment.
My heart skipped a beat, hearing him tell me that Jake did love me. But then the realization hit me.
"But he loves her more." I croak.
His gaze meets back to mine before giving me a small nod.
And there it was, the knife right through my chest.
"But, truly don't think of it like that. He truly was devastated about the fact that his life has been paved for him-- he didn't want a life where he had no choice." His warm hand reached out to mine. "He can't stop feeling like some monster. He didn't choose to become a shifter and now his entire destiny has been chosen, he didn't want the same for you, either. He wanted you to have a say. He doesn't want you in this world of danger, nor did he want you to feel trapped with him."
"Oh my god, Quil!" I hiss. "Stop pretending the wolf thing is real! Stop messing with me."
"No, (Y/N). I promise. I can show you." He promises, looking me in the eye.
"So do it."
He stands up silently, letting go of my hand before removing his shirt. I notice how much buffer Quil had gotten in the last few months.
"My eyes are up here." He teases with a low laugh.
I blush as I realize I had been caught.
He double checks for something behind a bush about 15 feet from me before looking back into my eyes.
"Don't freak out." He looks at me. "Don't go anywhere, and remember I won't hurt you."
I nod, staring at him with doubt.
But Quil's body began to steam? I couldn't believe how it looked.
He began to almost convulse as he was seemingly ready to burst out of his own skin.
But then he did. He burst out of his own skin and turned into an enormous brown wolf.
"Qu-Quil?" I stutter, my eyes practically bulging out of my skull.
His enormous head nods, whimpering and looking directly into my eyes.
He slowly strode over to me, plopping his head down into my lap for me to feel his fur.
"What the fuck..." I mutter as he lets out a huff.
He pulls his head back, before turning and walking behind the bushes from earlier.
I heard shuffling and within a moment or two, shirtless Quil appears again and walks over to where he dropped his shirt before. He picks it up, putting it on before sitting right next to me.
"Alright." I breathe.
"Yeah. So, there's that." He sighs, looking at me.
"I see."
"Well, now you know it all."
"I guess I do."
I don't know how I was supposed to feel.
But I know I felt so confused. I felt some relief in knowing that Jacob did love me... that what I was feeling had a valid reason. It was abnormally painful because it wasn't normal-- it was supernatural.
But in the end, it didn't make me feel better. It didn't make anything hurt less.
I felt tears prick my eyes before I put my head into my hands. I don't think it was possible to cope with this any differently.
Quil quickly put his arm around me, pulling me into his side and kissing the top of my head.
A wave of comfort washed over to me.
"It's okay. I'm here for you, always." He whispers into my hair, lightly scratching my back. "Always."
Quil always knew how to make me feel better.
In-fact, he was the only person these days who could make me feel better.
"By the way, I don't want to read his letter."
"Thank you." I murmur as I bury my head further into his chest.
"Let's get you out of here. It's not safe." He urges, helping me up after a moment.
"Not safe?" I question.
"Well, the red-head has been coming around. We don't know what she wants but she's looking for something."
"Vampire. I gotta catch you up." He chuckles.
"Ah, got it." I say nervously, looking around.
"Don't worry. We chased her back to the Canadian boarder the other night. We probably won't see her for a few days. But the others are on patrol now."
I shake my head in disbelief as everything coming out of his mouth seems utterly ridiculous.
It felt unreal.
The car ride back to my house didn't take long, but even after our conversation I felt just as hollow as before.
He must've sensed my sadness, as he reached out a hand for me to grab.
I looked over, studying the way his knuckles lay on the center console.
I lightly grabbed his hand before leaning onto his arm, pulling it into my own and laying my head on his bicep as he drove.
His feverish skin felt heavenly on my seemingly ice-cold body, Quil was the only source of warmth for me anymore. I was suddenly realizing just how much I needed him.
"Thank you." I whisper, closing my eyes in comfort as I absorbed all of his warmth.
"Always." His hoarse voice barely audible.
The drive back to my house wasn't long, but with my eyes closed the entirety of it, it was as if I had lost all sense of time.
I was exhausted from everything I had learned today... from everything I saw.
We made our way over to the couch, yet again.
The letter fell out of my jacket pocket as I took it off, causing the pain in my chest to heighten. It felt as if the wind was knocked out of my as I saw a glimpse of the handwriting as it fell to the floor.
Quil's face turned into one of understanding as he realized where my focus had turned to.
I pick up the letter with tears in my eyes, clutching it to my chest and sitting on the couch.
Quil quickly followed, sitting next to me.
"Why am I not enough?" I sobbed.
"You are more than enough. You are everything, (Y/N)." He coos, taking the note from my hands and placing it on the coffee table in front of us. He pulled me into his chest before holding me close. One hand on my back and the other on the base of my neck, pulling my sobbing frame into his chest. "Don't you ever say that, you are enough."
"But why is it always Bella?" I choke.
"Believe me, it is not."
"But it is, it's always her! It's always Bella."
"(Y/N), you are everything. Jacob doesn't even understand what he's doing. Please, please do not let this destroy you." He pleads, his voice breaking as I feel tears of his own falling onto the top of my head. "I know it's hard with this bond, but you are so much stronger than you think. You are so much more than you think."
Quil leaned back and I followed suit, crying into his chest as he covered me with a blanket.
"Thank you." I sob, tears soaking his shirt.
"I will always be here for you. I will always be here to tell you how much you are loved, whenever you need it." He promises. "I'll always be here."
I nod, silently thanking him as I wrap my arms around him and accept the darkness of my closed eyes.
His fingers lightly ran up and down my back as he shushed my sobs, trying to soothe me further.
I felt myself drifting to sleep, accepting the comfort of Quil while mourning the loss of a life with Jacob in it.
Read here: Part One / Part Two / Part Three / Part IV / Part V
TAGLIST:@stardustcalli@ayyitsxme@xxxqueenlaufeysonxxxxo@mychemicalimagines@cookiecakeslive@xxrandommexx@queen-of-embracing-uncertainty@nowimapotterheat@adaydreamaway08@moonie-flower101@sillyfreakfanparty@rosefreckles06@robin-witch @amara-75@thebitchwhosalone@justalostgirl@blightwulf@infp-t-rhi@beautyandthemermaid-blog@chieflawyerpastatoad@0i-am-none0@whore-of-many-hot-men@fuzzy-panda@un-poetryy@the-fractured-eye@anne-oop@ilikefruitgummies@decaffeinated–fangirl@mrsjaxtellerfan@avoirlecoupe-defoudre@monkeyluver4546@lucypevensie11@peachykeen3502@le–petit–croissant@thatfictionalwh0re@jesscarreonn@believinghurts@totallylostinfeelings@smileykiddie08@jacobblacksbitch
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@itscheybaby@blstr8u @yoongitoo@somekidinacoma@vaness20
@avadakadabra93 @a-corner-of-the-heath @aquanova99
If I missed anyone, I am sorry! PM me and let me know!
Thank you for being patient and for reading! I will update as soon as I can! I anticipate a couple more chapters!
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pascaloverx · 3 months
Summary: You and Edward Cullen used to have a romantic relationship. But fate seemed not to believe in the possibility of a vampire and a potential she-wolf being together. Years after your separation, you return to Forks. Edward is committed to Bella Swan, and Jacob Black has his own pack. What happens when, upon your return, you begin to transform into a she-wolf and both Edward and Jacob seem eager to revisit the past with you?
Author's Note: The characters in this fanfic do not belong to me but to Stephenie Meyer and the Twilight universe. The story blends events that happened in the Twilight saga movies with invented ones. Enjoy reading. This story will contain inappropriate language, a possible love triangle, scenes of violence, and romance.
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The guilt of kissing Edward was eating away at you inside. You didn't know if you were feeling worse because of the kiss or because you enjoyed kissing him so much. The worst part was that you were starting to want to kiss him again. But that couldn't happen again. Not while he's dating someone else and you're staying at the house of his biggest enemy.
"You know your thoughts almost scream because they're so loud, right?" Billy Black comments as he walks through the door of his room. Well, his guest room. You realize you've been sitting on the bed, replaying every moment from last night. What could you have done to avoid feeling so burdened with guilt?
"Mr. Black, may I ask you a question?" You inquire as you snap back to reality. Billy Black was your father's best friend, which is why you grew up close to Jacob.
"No need for all that formality, Y/N. But go ahead and ask your question." Mr. Black enters the room, wheeling his wheelchair close to where you're sitting. You look at him, feeling a bit embarrassed about asking such a question.
"If you had made a mistake and your mind was punishing you with the heaviest burden of guilt, what would you do?" You ask, sounding quite dramatic, which makes him chuckle a bit.
"There are two ways to relieve the burden of guilt. The first, more complicated and less chosen: be honest and admit the mistake to everyone it may affect. Or you can take the other way: experience the guilt and let it go. Your father used to tell me that some mistakes are meant to live only in the deepest corners of our being. I hope I've helped." Mr. Black speaks calmly, as you find yourself thinking that perhaps this is a mistake you'd like to keep hidden in some corner of your being.
"You did help. I think I need to get some fresh air. If Jacob asks for me, tell him I'll be at the cliff." You say as you get up from the bed, and Mr. Black nods understandingly, acknowledging that you needed that time. The cliff was the place where all of you used to meet when you were younger. Jumping off it was your big adventure together. When you reach the top of the cliff, you feel the wind hitting your face strongly. It's liberating. You close your eyes, and for a moment, you feel nothing at all.
"Do you remember the last time we were here?" Edward appears behind you. You really didn't miss those surprise appearances of his.
"I remember a situation like this before. You showing up out of the blue and me trying to figure out what I've done to deserve the honor of having my private time invaded by Edward Cullen. But tell me, what do you want?" You speak almost harshly, clearly on the defensive, fearing a difficult conversation with Cullen. You don't even turn to look at Edward.
"If only back then I had left you alone. Maybe we wouldn't have broken up, and now we might be experiencing a different reality." Edward speaks as he approaches, and you can feel his presence getting closer to you.
"Stop with this talk. After what we did, reminiscing about the past is the last thing we should be doing. You should thank me for breaking up with you. You're in love with someone else. And you shouldn't even be here. There's more than one pack of wolves who jump off this cliff ready to take out any vampire." Looking into Edward's eyes as you say this makes everything more personal. Unfortunately, you can't help but worry about Cullen. Unfortunately, the kiss you shared proves that there are feelings between you.
"I want to talk about the kiss. You basically locked yourself in the Black house. I had to come here." Edward speaks as he approaches you, and you take a step back. Too much proximity might lead to repeating the mistake.
"I'll make it easy for you. The kiss meant nothing. We were foolish and let ourselves get carried away by silly sentimentality. We're not meant for each other. You're literally living your happily ever after. Overthinking that damn kiss will only hurt us. And hurt those around us." You say, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. Damn it, this conversation has barely begun and you already feel deeply affected by lying to Edward, especially because it's not true.
"It would be easier for me to move on if you told me why you broke up with me. Why you want to bury your feelings for me so deep in your heart that I hardly recognize the woman I fell in love with," Edward says, somewhat angrily, moving closer to you.
"My father found out about us the day before I broke up with you. I wanted to tell you, but he said he would kill every member of your family, that a war between the Cullens and the Quileutes would be on my hands. I feared for us. And for my tribe." As you explain to Edward something that remained unresolved between you, you feel like you're reopening a very painful wound by reliving the past.
"And you chose to be a coward and abandon me. Seems fair, a war doesn't seem fair when you can just end everything with the person you say you love and walk away," Edward responds, clearly hurt. As if he could judge you.
"First, I will not accept being called a coward for doing the right thing. Sure, I could have told you the truth years ago, but lying was the safest way to prevent you from doing something reckless. And I didn't just say I loved you, I actually loved you. I loved you so much that I can't let anyone find out we were together because any member of Sam's or Jacob's pack might believe you killed my parents. And I've done a very good job defending that none of you, Cullens, would ever do something like that." The words come out of your mouth more harshly than you intended. Edward looks perplexed, perhaps never realizing that if they found out about us, they would think he killed my parents to be with me. You know he didn't do it. But the others, they don't know him well enough.
"We could have faced this complicated situation together. Do you think I wouldn't have faced the accusations and the wolves' fury to have you by my side?" Edward's words, along with his closeness, almost made you wish you had never left.
"You're impulsive sometimes. We wouldn't have survived long together if we were responsible for the pain of the people we love. Not to mention that when you and I dated, I wasn't transforming. Maybe that's why I never felt it was wrong for us to be together, but now it's different." Your conversation has taken a deeply melancholic turn, something you didn't want. A relationship discussion is the last thing you planned when you came back to Forks.
"Whether you turn into a wolf or not wouldn't change how I feel about you. It never could. I thought you knew that." Your gaze meets Edward's. You always thought he would see you differently if you transformed into a wolf. Hearing him say otherwise makes you feel things you shouldn't. Feelings you should have abandoned a long time ago.
The rain starts to pour down on you both with force, as if the heavens are watching your argument from a front-row seat. You stare at Edward, trying to understand where discussing the past will lead you. Then, suddenly, your lips and Edward's meet. You don't notice who made the first move, who stepped towards the other first. You only feel the cold sensation of his lips on yours as you deepen the kiss. Your fingers grip Edward's hair tightly while his hands gently hold your waist. Then suddenly, Edward is pulled away from you. Jacob, in his wolf form, charges at him with all his strength. Edward's body falls near the edge of the cliff, which puts you on high alert. Seeing that Jacob is about to attack him again, you know what you have to do. Your body transforms into the wolf version as you run towards Jacob. Even though Edward was taken by surprise, he is recovering when you finish transforming fully into a wolf and attack Jacob. You don't want to hurt Jacob so you decide that instead of biting him or attacking him, you would push him to fall off the cliff with you. And that's what you do. You don't feel anything for a few seconds until the feeling of falling off the cliff is too sudden for you. You start to worry about Jacob when you can't find him. Still in your wolf form, you try to swim to see if you can identify Jacob. You smell him close to where he is and see that he is unconscious. You use your mouth to hold his wolf body until there is no more water.
"Jacob if you're listening to me, I'm sorry." You speak using telepathy. You don't even know if you're apologizing for pushing him off the cliff or for this part right now. You transform into a human again and like an instinct, Jacob's body seems to have realized that for you to provide first aid, it would be better for him to be in the human version as well. You give him mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while trying to get him to stay awake. A few minutes later, Jacob wakes up, releasing some water from his mouth. He looks at you, for a few seconds seeming grateful for your help. Until we both notice that we are inappropriate. In the next second, the two transform into wolves again.
"I can explain." You speak telepathically, while Jacob remains silent. You've been following him to his house since you got out of the water. He must be too angry to speak to you, which is killing you inside. You never wanted to hurt him.
"At home." That's all Jacob responds telepathically. He must be really mad. Damn Edward for showing up then. You arrive at the Black house a few minutes later. Jacob heads straight for the shower while you look for something to wear. You shower right after him, both of you in complete silence.
"When were you planning on filling me in about your little affair with Edward Cullen?" Jacob's first words to you once you both finish getting dressed. You try to suppress the part of you that wants to lash out at Jacob for speaking so coldly to you, as if you're Edward's lover.
"To be honest, never. Though I understand why you're angry with me, I'd like to remind you that I'm a single woman. I admit my mistake in kissing a vampire committed to someone else, but none of this has anything to do with you." You speak, trying to be as cold as Jacob.
"Your father would die again if he knew you'd become the kind of person who gets involved with a vampire," Jacob says, looking into your eyes with a seriousness that honestly upsets you. He's aiming to hurt you, perhaps for what you did with him at the cliff.
"Is that what you want to talk about? Not the fact that I threw both of us off a cliff to stop you from hurting Edward? Or that I seem to favor him over you?" You also know how to hurt feelings, or at least that's what you want to demonstrate. But the truth is, you hate hurting Jacob.
"Do you love him?" Jacob asks after several minutes of silence. You move closer to him, sitting beside him. Gently, you place your hand on his face.
"I don't love him like I love you. What I had with Edward is in the past. What you saw was just two people confusing what's already gone with their current moment. Trust me," you say, leaning closer to Jacob. Part of you believes your words, but another part wonders if you're being completely honest.
"Next time you use your wolf form to attack me, I won't go easy on you. Just so you know," Jacob says playfully. You lean in, planting a soft, brief kiss on his lips.
"I'll be eagerly anticipating that moment. And know that I won't go easy on you either," you say, and Jacob smiles, kissing you in response. After the kiss, you hug him tightly, hoping that the concern about how Edward is doing after the cliff incident leaves your mind.
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madamemystery90 · 2 months
When the Night Runs Cold- Twilight Fanfiction. Witch OC x Jacob Black Imprint. Introduction
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"With Darkness comes the shadows of nightmares"
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So this obviously is my first post, but a few things to be aware of are trigger warnings, mentions of violence, and possessiveness.
As the night thickens with smog, Catherine stands with heels planted like roots into the ground. A buff of air is released into the darkness as she ignites a cigar, her scarlet-tinted lips staining the cigar as she rests it between her lips, inhaling, before releasing it around her. Standing on the cliffs of Forks, she watches with darkened eyes as her crow rests on branches around a particular human. There she watched through their eyes as Bella lay heartbroken in a forest of Forks; her beloved Vampire had just broken her mind and bond as she fell with a weak cry, curling up into a tight ball; Catherine scoffed with humour and disgust as she witnessed through her crow's eyes.
"How beautifully pathetic..." she smirked with sinful intent.
Would it be perfect for flying her crows around to start digging their perfect talons so deep into her beautiful, pale, and alive skin, tearing her limb from limb until that rich scent of hers filled forks, her blood running through the soil like many before her?
That sweet, thick, fresh blood of hers, Catherine ground her teeth with impatience. She needed that blood more than ever. She knew there was a pesky little redhead flying about her, though she knew she would be of great use to her; however, they both had different intentions.
Whilst Victoria wanted her dead, Catherine needed her alive, breathing and suffering as she tortured that poor girl lying so helpless in the wet and cold forest. Her dark magic flowed deep within her chest, aching and clawing at her heart, making her hiss angrily. The cigar was no longer working on her pesky curse; she had to thank her deceitful sisters for that. Trust was a very fragile thing for Catherine; her coven betrayed her with that; she didn't choose to have these gifts... she didn't choose blood magic to flow so deep within her veins, but boy, did it feel good when her pathetic humans were drained every last drop leaving them like a husk to join her army of undead. She would've succeeded if her coven hadn't fought her every step of the way; it was a shame she didn't get to kill all of them. However, this human may just be the cure for that.
She sighed as a crow came to rest upon her arm, and she hushed its crocking beak.
"Now, now, my beautiful, not yet, you will smell them soon", she spoke as she nibbled on her bottom lip, dropping the cigar down onto the soil beneath her heels and putting out the ash. The only thing that concerned her the most now that those disgusting vampires left these lands was to make way for something even more threatening to her.
Werewolves, or more to say, the Quileute tribe of LA Push.
She ground her teeth as her cloak flowed behind her with gloom. She didn't have an issue with this tribe; however, her sisters had made very good bonds with them, sharing ways to control their inner beast unannounced to her. She never tried to control her inner hunger for magic and dark wielding, and many wolves went crazed after how short-tempered they were. She decided to watch for now as one of the tribe members picked up the helpless human, making her crow chip.
She tilted her head with curiosity as the face of this particular wolf was shadowed. How peculiar it was that her crows would usually notice the faces of many...though again, she stiffened slightly as she caught the energy of something rather large behind her, stalking with territorial rage. Ah...she had forgotten, this is exactly what she misstepped though what fun is hiding in plain sight. She smirked as she turned around, her hood covering her face as a silver-haired wolf stalked towards her, growling with two more behind it.
"How magnificent..." she spoke with a deep tone, her voice laced with light humour; the crow flew from her arm as she smiled with sickened poison. With one step, she fell backwards off the cliff into the rippling waves below her. Paul and the others trod towards the cliff's edge, huffing with confusion. The smell of her scent made their noses flare and itch. She wasn't ordinary and surely wasn't human; her scent confused them and filled them with so much death that their chests tightened.
"Fill Sam in on everything, tighten security around our territory in Forks... we have another problem, " Paul said within their mind link. They were supposed to be looking for the red-headed vampire but instead found an unsuspecting invader upon their lands.
Neither of them knew just what chaos she was about to bring to Forks, all for one particular human.
Isabella swan.
Hello everyone, I am Mystery! I hope this first introduction to my story was eventful as written; this piece takes place during the New Moon and Eclipse to transform the narrative of danger for Bella, help with Jacobs's toxicity towards Bella and also create a greater sense of danger with Victoria as I felt Victoria wasn't as dangerous in Eclipse as she was made out to be, though I have very exciting plans made for her "Insert evil laughter here"
I will be predominantly sticking towards the films for it to be an easier flow; however, I shall create more of a twilight universe in which there are still many weaknesses for our supervillain Catherine Blackwall.
Also, to help out with the strange imprinting situation with Renesme
Anyway! Please let me know if you'd like to be tagged for the next part, and I'll keep you informed.
Note: I can take requests, but they will be limited.
Thank you again! Mystery Signing Off.
Face Picture:
Catherine Mcquoid = Katie McGrath
Jacob Black = Taylor Lautner
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vhygoxo · 2 months
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Leah Clearwater | Moodboard
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 1 year
Darkest Days And Brightest Nights
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Sunshine!Reader x The Cullen Clan ,, The Uley Pack {4.5K+}
Requested? Unknown
A/N: Y/n - your name ,, L/n - Last name ,, F/c - Favourite colour ,, E/c - Eye Colour ,, H/c - Hair colour ,,
Summary: Reader moves to Fork's a little while after the battle with Riley and Victoria, unaware of the two supernatural groups pining after her.
Forks, Washington - June 27th 2006
Y/n L/n had just moved to Forks, Washington. She was what you could call a happy-go-lucky type of person, she was unfazed by all the negative things that would go on around her. All she wanted to do was live like there was no tomorrow, to live in the moment. Her sunshine like attitude caught the attention of a certain group of pale students at the back of the cafeteria, she had noticed them on her first day; there were six of them around the circular table but only five of them truly stood out. Their eyes were the colour of topaz, as if they were crafted out of the finest crystal. The group had their eyes trained on Y/n, she felt exposed under their intense stares but she didn't let it bother her. Instead she had left her group of newly found friends and walked over to the group of students at the far end of the cafeteria.
Edward was the first to notice Y/n, her thoughts louder than the rest of the students yet they were so calming. She was different from anyone he had ever met. When she had finally made her way over to the group, all their heads snapped in her direction. Alice knew this was going to happen, the pixie like Vampire was ecstatic to finally have another friend that would like all the same things as her. Alice was the first to speak up "Hello! I'm Alice and this is my family. This is Jasper and over there is Edward and Bella, and this big man-baby is Emmett and Rosalie is right beside him. It's so nice to finally meet you, Y/n." The h/c girl had a small smile on her face as she spoke to the Cullen's, she was practically bouncing off the walls when Emmett had asked if she wanted to join them.
Jasper was trying his best to control himself but it was hard, the thick scent of iron filled his senses. Edward was about to drag him out the cafeteria and away from everyone but Y/n had interrupted him from doing so. "Jasper? Are you okay? You don't look too good." She placed her hand on his shoulder, the Cullen's were now on edge; what if Jasper lashed out and exposed them all? Instead, he turned to look at the girl beside him and smiled at her. He could feel all of her emotions radiating off of her and it helped ease him just a little bit, she was like a walking shot of espresso; jolting his body awake by just one look.
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Cullen House - July 20th 2006
Y/n had known the Cullens for about a month, she was at the Cullen home when she had first met the Pack. Y/n knew what the Cullens were, her reaction surprised the vampire family.
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Edward had asked Y/n to come over one weekend, telling her Alice needed help packing for their trip to New York next week. Y/n being a good friend, had rushed over as soon as possible to help the vampire. When she had arrived, Edward was sat on the steps of the porch, his eye's were a little darker than the last time she saw him. Y/n made her way over to him, all Edward could hear was her thoughts running a mile a minute. Did I take a shower today? Wait I didn't leave to stove on did I? Shit what if I did? Edward loved her thoughts, they were amusing to say the least. Y/n had sat down beside him, her arm brushed against his own, the feeling of warmth eased the forever coldness he felt. Is he cold? Should I hug him? Before Edward could tell her he was okay, Y/n had draped her arm over his shoulder, pulling the taller boy into her side. If he were human he knew for sure his heart would be hammering against his chest right now. The duo stayed like that until the rest of the Cullen family had came outside, finally prepared to tell Y/n everything.
The vampire family had brought Y/n to a field full of daisies, it was beautiful. The young girl was so distracted with the flowers, she had missed the way the Cullen's skin had started to sparkle. Rainbow like flex making small spots of light to fall upon her skin. When Y/n had turned around, she was stunned. The sight in front of her was undeniably beautiful. Edward had the smuggest grin playing on his lips as he read her thoughts. Holy shit. They look like fairies. Wow. Do you think they would let me touch their skin? Wait no that would be weird. Carlisle was the one to break the silence, his voice was mellow - cautious. Carlisle went on to explain how him and his family were vampires, they had lived all over the world and had only recently settled down in Forks. Y/n listened carefully to each word Carlisle spoke, she was intrigued and fascinated by them. The Cullens all stood waiting for Y/n to freak out like Bella had done but she never did, a grin stretched on her face as she rambled on about if they had special abilities or if they had any secret talents. "That's so freaking cool ! Wait, so are you guys allergic to garlic? And can you see yourselves in the mirror?" Edward had laughed at what Y/n said, never has anyone actually asked them those questions but he knew they had all wanted to know.
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Edward smiled at the memory, Y/n was unlike anyone he’s ever met; she was so carefree and such a delight to be around. A knock at the Cullen door broke Edward out of his thoughts, Alice had gone to open it letting whoever it was, inside. Jacob Black had emerged from the outside, the stench of campfire and damp logs filled the vampires senses. As much as they had grown to tolerate the shapeshifters, they wouldn’t ever be able to handle the smell of them. The rest of the pack had filtered into the house and spread around the living room. Leah was pushed into the furthest corner of the room talking to Embry, she was the only shifter that still hadn't grown used to the Cullens; she still hated them. The sound of laughter pulled the attention of everyone in the room, Y/n and Emmett walked through the door in a fit of giggles. Y/n had leaves and twigs in her hair while Emmett had torn the side of his shirt. From the looks of them, you wouldn't believe Emmett had fallen out off a tree along side Y/n.
Carlisle looked at the pair of teenagers, his brows furrowed as he questioned what had happened. Y/n, with a big smile of her now flushed face, had went on to explain everything. "So, me and Emmett were outside and I saw the most angelic Songbird and I wanted to get closer to it. Emmett suggested climbing the tree it was sat in and we did but apparently Emmett over here." She said, pointing at the muscular vampire beside her "forgot to tell me some of the branches are prone to breaking, so we fell out the tree." The pair burst out laughing again, clutching on to their stomachs. "We landed on the rose bush outside, Esme I'm so sorry for ruining your roses. I will help you plant some more." Esme waved the girl off, telling her it was no trouble and as long as she was safe and sound, that's all that mattered to her. Y/n had gone to clean up when Jacob questioned the Cullens about who she was and why they had another human around them. Sam was the first to point out how ridiculous it was and how if the Volturi found out about Y/n, she would be killed or worse - turned.
When the young girl had come back into the living room, she was met with a young boy, maybe a little younger than herself, holding back a girl who seemed to be his sister. Y/n tried to defuse the situation by getting in front of the older woman and asking her what was wrong, trying her best to calm the woman down. Instead, Leah had turned and bolted out the house; her body violently shaking. The crisp air outside made the heat coming off her body extremely visible. Y/n, being the caring person she was, had followed after Leah; a bottle of water in hand, in case the shifter needed it. What she didn't expect was Leah transforming into a large grey wolf, the sight had startled Y/n. The rest of the pack and the Cullen's had rushed out the house, Jacob stood in front of Y/n trying to calm the situation. Leah started to snarl at everyone, her fur fluffed out as she backed away. Y/n put her hands up to show Leah she didn't mean any harm as she stepped closer. Leah felt cornered, as if she were trapped. The grey wolf lunged at Y/n in an attempt to escape and go back to the reservation, deep cuts now littered Y/n's bicep; blood seeping into her shirt. Edward had snarled at Leah, ready to attack her but Y/n stepped in front of him, her hands pressed firmly against his chest. "Get Jasper away from here, I.. I don't want him to be close to my blood." Edward shook his head, refusing to leave her. Y/n gave a look to Emmett, he grabbed his brother and brought him back inside - keeping both Edward and Jasper away from Y/n.
Leah kept as much distance away from Y/n and her pack, her ears were pinned flat against her head as she whimpered. Y/n slowly walked over to the wolf, a blanket now in hand as she draped it over Leah's form. "Hey.. It's okay. You're just scared and that is completely normal. Can you please change back and we can talk about this properly?" Y/n had tried to be as careful as possible with the words she chose, scared Leah would lash out again; instead the wolf had listened to the girl beside her and shifted back, the blanket now hugged tightly around her form. Y/n had lead Leah back into the house, asking Alice if she had a change of clothes she could have. Once Leah had calmed down and changed into something more comfortable, she left the bathroom and walked back over to her pack, her head down as she tucked herself behind Sam. Y/n had Carlisle check out the cuts, they needed stitches but it wasn't life threatening. When the young girl had come back to the living room, the pack were shouting at Leah, telling her how irresponsible she was. Y/n shoved her way through the group, draping her undamaged arm over Leah's shoulders. Jacob tried to pull her away from the older girl but Y/n shook him off, telling them all to back off.
"Leave her alone. She was scared, you're all acting like you've never accidentally hurt someone before and don't lie either. Besides, I'm gonna have the coolest scar." Y/n bumped Leah's shoulder as she said it, a grin tugging on her lips. Leah looked at the girl beside her, confused why she was being so chill about it. "I don't think I ever actually introduced myself, I'm Y/n but you can call me your new best friend." Leah had laughed at that, this girl was definitely going to change their lives forever.
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The Birthday Party - September 14th 2006
Y/n had known the Cullens and the pack for the last few months, she had grown quite close to both Leah and Emmett, hanging out with the pair every chance she got. Leah had become protective of Y/n, always tagging along with her no matter where Y/n had to go, even if it was just to the Cullen's house; Leah would be there.
Y/n's birthday had come around, she wasn't the biggest fan of celebrating her birthdays. She thought if you wanted to celebrate the day someone was born, then it could be any day of the year not just the exact day they came into this world. The pack and the Cullen's had planned a surprise party for their favourite human, setting everything up at Sam's house. Emily and Esme had cooked food for everyone while Alice, Bella and Rosalie planned on baking the cake - it took multiple attempts to actually get the cake right without burning it or messing the frosting up. Jasper, Emmett, Paul and Jacob were in charge of setting up the decorations with the occasional help from Leah, her telling the boys they were doing it all wrong and then proceeding to move the decorations over an inch and saying that's perfect. Sam, Carlisle and Edward set up lights in the small field behind Sam's house, declaring it was needed for extra light when they had the bonfire before opening presents. Speaking of presents, Embry, Jared, Seth and Quil were in charge of hiding them until it was time for them to be given to Y/n. But I have a feeling you would've already guessed, leaving such a big responsibility to the youngsters of the pack would turn terribly wrong. They had the bright idea of leaving them outside by the bonfire, now you're probably guessing the presents were caught on fire - no.
Instead, like every other day in Forks, it had begun to rain. The wrapped presents now soaked with rain water. Y/n had made it to Sam's house as the pack were panicking over what to do. When she entered the house, she was met with string lights hung up and a banner with "HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N" hung on the ceiling beam beside the kitchen. Jacob greeted Y/n, bringing her into a hug, whispering a happy birthday. Y/n had a smile on her face, she went round hugging everyone, telling them how much she was happy. Sam broke the news about the presents, he fiddled with his fingers as Y/n picked up on of the soaked boxes. She put it back down before grabbing a towel from the bathroom and placing it in front of her. Everyone stood around watching her pick up one present after the other, unwrapping them as carefully as possible. Edward and Bella's gift were first, they had gotten Y/n the CD of her favourite album; Edward knew how much she loved that specific album. Jasper was next, he was stuck on what to get her at first but then had settled on a f/c crystal pendant; Y/n had always said she loved crystals. Emmett had caught her the Songbird they had both tried to catch a couple months ago, it was blue with a brown mane and white stomach. When Y/n had seen it, a squeal erupted from her. She had jumped on the muscular vampire, wrapping her arms around his neck, repeating thank you over and over again.
Alice, being the more smarter one out her family, had gifted the girl a pack of pads, chocolate and a new blanket. Telling the girl she was going to need them in the next couple days, Y/n had thanked her and gave her a hug, telling Alice she was grateful to have someone that could see the future. Rosalie and Esme had collaborated on a gift for Y/n, they had gotten her a new sketchbook after being told how much she needed a new one after completing her old one; it was black with flowers etched on the front and back cover. Y/n had clutched the sketchbook close to her heart, expressing how much she loved it to the two female vampires. Carlise was the last of the Cullen family to give his gift to Y/n, the older vampire had wrapped the gift so neatly - a small f/c bow placed on top. Inside the box was another box, though it was much smaller and it was made of velvet. Inside the box was the most prettiest bracelet Y/n had ever laid her eyes on. It was made of a silver chain with small diamonds incrusted around a medallion, on the backside of the silver circle was the Cullen Crest; a small lion with its teeth bared, three clubs sat below it. Y/n had handed it back to Carlisle, asking if he could help them put it on. She had stared at her wrist for a couple second, her e/c twinkling with delight.
Once Y/n had gotten round to the presents off the Pack, Paul had taken his back; telling her he wanted his to be the last one to be opened. She nodded her head and moved on to Seth's gift. The young wolf had made Y/n a card alongside a photo album he must've been making; Y/n now understood why Seth was so adamant on taking pictures of her and the pack every chance he got. She flipped through the book, landing on one of the pictures that brought her the most joy; the memories started flooding back from the day at La Push Beach.
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La Push Beach - July 26th 2006
Y/n and the pack had gone to La Push Beach on one of the rare sunny day in Forks, the group of wolves wanted to show Y/n what cliff diving was like. They had chilled on the beach for a little while, running around and chasing after one another - then they descended to the cliff. Sam was the first to jump off the cliff, the rest of the pack followed behind; whooping as they dropped to the icy water below. Jacob stayed behind with Y/n in case she had gotten scared and wanted to back out but instead she stepped back a couple steps, allowing herself a runway before sprinting and jumping off the edge. She let out her best howl before being engulfed by the water. Jacob had followed shortly behind, already seeing the girl splashing Embry and Quil before swimming as fast as she could behind Sam. Giggles and shouts travelled around the beach as the group played around. Seth had excused himself, telling his pack he needed some water. Paul had coaxed Y/n into playing chicken fight with them, she gave in knowing it would be fun. Y/n had gotten on Paul's shoulders as Jared held Leah up on his. Then it was on. The two girls pushed and shoved each other, trying to make the other fall and in truth, Leah had almost won but Paul had a good firm grip on Y/n's thighs before she could fall back and take them both down with her. Y/n shoved Leah back with all her might, making the older woman fall into the water, alongside Jared.
Y/n raised her arms into the air and started cheering, the rest of the pack swarmed both her and Paul, applauding the pair for winning. What they didn't know though, was Seth had taken pictures. He had captured the moment forever on his camera.
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Y/n turned to Seth with tears in her eyes, she pulled the young wolf into a hug almost crushing him. She sniffled as she pulled away "Thank you Seth, this is so lovely." Seth had given her a shy smile before telling her it was no problem at all. Leah was next, she practically shoved the gift at Y/n, the h/c girl gladly took the gift from her and opened it. Inside was one of Leah's shirts, Y/n remembered it as the one she usually took when she would stay over at Sam's. Y/n had looked up at Leah before rushing to the bathroom to put it on, she loved this shirt so much; it was a deep brown colour and slightly loose. When Y/n had come back she was now wearing Leah's shirt, it smelled of her; bringing Y/n some comfort. Quil and Embry were next to give their gift, there were seashells in a glass jar. The same ones Sam refused to let Y/n take back from the beach, his excuse being "you have too many." Y/n wiped the tears away as she picked out a couple of the seashells and giving them to the two boys "I want you both to have one, so then we will never be apart from each other." The two wolves accepted instantly, Embry tucked his away in the breast pocked of his shirt, while Quil shoved his into the front pocket of his shorts.
Jared was next, he chucked the present at Y/n telling her to be quick to open it or he would take it back. Jared was the last to warm up to Y/n, not that he didn't like her - more like he was scared she'd do what Bella did, ditch them for the leeches. Y/n opened Jared's present, a small note sat at the bottom. Y/n had looked up at him confused, she didn't care about the gift being a note but what could it be that it was so hard for him to just talk to her about? She had opened the folded paper up and read it aloud.
"The treasure hunt has begun, now to find your present pretty girl." Y/n had the biggest grin on her face, she got up from the spot on the floor and walked over to Jared. "What's the rules, pretty boy?" She made sure to emphasise the words 'pretty boy', he wasn't going to get away with calling her pretty girl that easily - no, she was going to make sure to tease him every chance she got. Jared smirked before telling her the rules of the game. "The rules are this, you will walk around the house and I'll tell you if you're getting hot or cold." Y/n was all for it. She walked around the living room first, all she was met with was cold, colder, freezing. She then made her way to the bathroom but before she could enter, Jared stopped her. "Deathly cold, baby doll." She only grinned as she made her way over to Sam to ask for permission to look around his room, the older male gave her the all clear. Y/n made her way around Sam's room, she was once again met with cold, colder, freezing until she went passed the dresser and Jared called out from behind her "You're on fire."
She rooted through the dresser, at the back of the second drawer her fingers swiped against a small box, she grabbed it and pulled it out, showing it to Jared to which he smiled and walked back to the rest of the group. Y/n made her way back to her friends before sitting back down in her spot on the floor and opening the box, inside was one of Jared's only possessions from his mom. He never knew her really, she died when he was little and knowing he had gifted something so dear to him to Y/n had made her cry. Two hairpins sat side by side in the box, they had two crystal white pearls stuck to them. Y/n had slid the hairpins into her h/c locks, thanking Jared for the thoughtful gift before giving his cheek a kiss.
Sam and Emily had joined together to get Y/n a gift. Emily was known for being really into painting and Sam knew Y/n better than he knew himself so he told his imprint what Y/n would love and Emily had took it upon herself to paint it on a big canvas. The image in front of Y/n made her heart swell, it was Y/n and the pack on one of the day's they were free from patrol. She didn't know who took the picture for the inspiration but she loved them for it. The painting had Seth and Leah messing around as siblings do, Embry jumping on Quil while Jared had a muffin stuffed in his mouth beside them. Jacob and Paul were playing around with each other, looking like they were about to ram into the other like raging bulls in a china shop. Y/n was sat on the floor with a bunch of flowers she had picked, weaving the stems into the other to make a flower crown. Y/n got up and walked over to Emily and Sam, bring the pair into a hug telling them how much she loved the gift and how she was going to hang it in her room when she got home.
Jacob and Paul were the only ones left to give their present to Y/n, Jacob had handed over a small neatly wrapped box to her. Y/n had opened it and inside was a golden anklet with the pack crest on it along side a wolf howling. Y/n immediately put it on, adjusting it every now and then so it didn't get caught on her shoe. Paul was the last of the pack to hand his gift to Y/n, it wasn't wrapped like the others. She held the small black velvet box in her hands, an envelope was taped to the side. Y/n plucked it off the box and opened it, reading it to herself.
"I don't know how I'm meant to say this but I love you, I have ever since I first met you and before you say I'm rushing into things, I'm not. I'll try to explain this as best and as fast as I can. You are my Imprint, I don't think I've ever told you what it is so I will now. Imprinting on someone isn't like love at first sight, it's more like.. gravity moves suddenly. The centre of the earth no longer holds you, it's her.. it's you, Y/n. I don't need to be your lover, I can be anything you want me to be.. A friend or a protector. Every time I look at you, I see our future together. You look happy, we even start our own family but that's not for a good few years. You are my world and everything more, I would die for you if that's what needed to be done, I'd live for you if that's all you wanted. Now open the box, my love."
Y/n had opened the velvet box, a small silver ring sat in between the two cushions. It had two stones in the middle, one a dark silver and the other, f/c. Y/n had pieced the meaning behind the colours together. The dark silver was for Paul, or at least his wolf, and the f/c was her favourite colour. Y/n looked up at Paul, her eye's glazed over. She had put the ring on her ring finger before getting up and walking over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him down to kiss her. Cheering could be heard from around them, Emmett had the biggest grin on his face as he shouted "It's about damn time." The pair pulled away after a minute or so, their faces displayed such an intense amount of love for the other. The rest of the night was spent eating Esme's and Emily's food and chilling around the campfire after the rain had cleared up, Y/n tucked into Paul's side as both supernatural groups shared stories about their ancestors and their lives before being turned.
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andreafmn · 4 months
Collision | Chapter 24
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Word Count: 3.2K Warnings: death
Story Description: (Y/N) Uley is back home after being away for four years. Her life is at its first standstill and she is taking this time to find out who she is without school. But she never thought that coming back to the reservation would turn her whole life around. In the midst of secrets and mystery, a man crashes into (Y/N)’s and her life will never be the same.
A/N: slowly but surely finishing up some WIP chapters for every story and a couple of oneshots and requests 😊
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The last place (Y/N) wanted to be in was a funeral. Especially when guilt clung to her like a dark cloud. It didn’t matter how many people told her it wasn’t her fault or that there was nothing more she could have done. She couldn’t help it.
Harry’s heart had taken its last beat under her hands, it had stopped while she was the one caring for him. And even if it had flatlined, she felt like there was more she could have done. Maybe if she had kept going, he would have magically come back. Stranger things than that had happened. To her, it didn’t matter if he’d had heart problems or that the pressure on the organ had been too much for recovery. She simply felt there was something else she could do. Anything else.
Clad in a dark dress, (Y/N) made her way to the Clearwater house. But once there, she could not make it past the first step. Tears flooded her eyes as she stared at the front door, the murmurs from the inside rushing to her ears. How could she face them? How could she face all the people who loved Harry and tell them there may have been more to do?
“(Y/N)?” a voice broke her out of her trance. The girl turned to find a worried Paul walking toward her, and fight or not, she found herself crashing into his arms. They fell to the ground as he cradled her in his arms, allowing her to crumble. “Hey, you’re okay. You’re okay.”
“It’s my fault, Paul,” she cried. “It’s my fault he’s gone.”
“It is absolutely not your fault, (Y/N),” he whispered. “You did all you could. Sam told us how hard you fought to keep him alive. There was nothing else you could do, (Y/N). It was just his time.”
“No. I could have saved him,” she continued. “I should have saved him.”
“He was a man with pre-existing heart conditions that had the scare of a lifetime, (Y/N). There was no way he would have survived this. There was nothing more to do,” he said. “Unburden yourself of his death because it was not, and never will be your fault.”
With teary eyes, (Y/N) finally allowed herself to look up at her friend, feeling her chest lighten at his words. Even if the knot was still there, she could feel herself growing used to the feeling, and others started to come to the surface. “I thought you were mad at me,” she sniffled, sitting on the ground as her breathing steadied. “Why are you here comforting me?”
“Just because I’m mad at you doesn’t mean I’d walk past you when you’re crying,” he said, sitting next to her. “You’re still my best friend, (Y/N).”
“So, does that mean you’re still mad at me?”
“Not as much as before,” he teasingly shrugged, shoving her softly. “I will admit, in the time that we’ve been apart, I’ve had a chance to think about my actions, and I have to say I may have overreacted a little bit. I knew you didn’t feel the same way I did, but I still let myself think that we’d one day be more. Then I got mad at you when you didn’t act the way I thought you should. I got my feelings hurt and I took it out on you. I’m sorry for that, (Y/N).”
“Well, if we’re airing out our grievances, I should apologize for using you like I did,” she admitted. “I knew how you felt about me, and I still asked you to do something almost impossible. I should never have asked you to get involved with my moving on in the way I did. You didn’t deserve that, and I’m sorry.”
“I’m the one that said yes, (Y/N). I knew what I was getting into, and I still said yes,” he refuted. “I had every chance to say no, but I chose to stay. So, I’m sorry.”
“No, Paul. If I hadn’t…”
“Look, we’re not gonna spend the rest of the morning saying sorry back and forth, (Y/N),” he chuckled. “Let’s just agree we both fucked up and go back to being friends. I’ve missed you for far too long.”
“I’ve missed you too, Paul,” she sniffled once more. “I have so much to tell you.”
“Let’s get through this first, okay? Then we have all the time in the world to catch up.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
With Paul by her side, the funeral was easier to bear. Though the pitiful stares and the sorrys were getting to her, having her best friend helped appease her guilt and her sadness. She was able to face the heartbroken Clearwater family and offer them condolences, embracing a terrified Seth and a heartbroken and detached Leah. There were no words she could tell them that could make the moment better. No amount of condolences or blessings would assuage the pain of losing their father in such a tragic way.   And telling them she felt guilty about his passing would never compare to the guilt she was sure his daughter already felt.
Leah’s face was stoic, plastered with anger and despair. But (Y/N) knew what she was hiding. She could sense the girl’s self-reproach; it was the same she was feeling. To her, it was unmistakable. That hidden darkness in her eyes, the staggering in her breath, the closed-off posture. The Uley girl knew the signs all too well. They had been etched into her skin like an infected tattoo for years, making her skin itch and swell, but nevertheless remaining, staining. A mark that she would carry for the rest of her life. And now, so would poor Leah.
(Y/N) wanted to show her support in any way she could, but she knew her words did not mean anything yet. The last thing the girl needed was to hear from the sister of the guy who had broken her heart. No. What she needed for the moment was space—time to grieve and process the trauma she had just gone through.
So, instead of badgering the girl with empty words and sentiments like most people were doing, she let her be.
“Hey, (Y/N),” Seth startled her as he sat down beside her on the front porch. “Sorry. I just wanted to thank you for what you did for my dad. Mom told us how hard you tried to save him.”
“You don’t have to thank me, Seth,” she smiled sadly. “I was simply doing my job.”
“I know it was more than that,” he chuckled softly. “He cared about you, you know? He always knew you’d be going far, and he was right. A doctor at only 19? I’d say that’s pretty far. I mean, I’m only fifteen and the most impressive thing I’ve done is become a wolf, and I didn’t even do it on purpose.”
“Well, I’m still a student,” she said, but noting his annoyance, she chuckled. “But I get what you’re saying. I cared about him a lot too. I just wish I hadn’t been so busy these few months and got to spend more time with him. He always treated Sam and me with so much love and kindness, I can’t help but regret not giving as much as I received from him.”
“Nah, he knew how much you loved him,” Seth shrugged. “Honestly, we almost made you a forbidden name in our house because of how much he talked about you. When Leah got angry and would bring up that you hadn’t been in the rez for years, he always shut her down and told us you were putting us on the map. The more time you spent away, the prouder he was. I’m sure he knows how hard you fought for him and how much you loved him.”
“You’re too smart, kid,” (Y/N) hid a sniffle with a chuckle as she messed with his hair. “But don’t worry about me. How are you?”
“Honestly, I think I’m still in shock,” he sighed. “I woke up today hoping to find him on his chair, reading the newspaper, just waiting to talk to us about being wolves. Instead, I woke up to people rearranging the living room to fit his casket for the showing. It’s weird and confusing, and I think it hasn’t hit me quite yet. But, honestly, it’s Leah that I’m most worried about. She’s taking it really hard.”
“That’s to be expected, unfortunately. It was no easy thing what she went through—what you both went through,” the girl said. “It’s gonna take some time for her to feel normal again. At least a new version of normal. She’s gonna need us all, even if she thinks she wants to push us away.”
“I just wish she knew it wasn’t her fault. That no one blames her for what happened.”
“It’s gonna take some time, kid,” (Y/N) said as she hugged his side. “But we’ll be here. Every step of the way.”
Three hours felt like an eternity as the veil of grief draped itself over the Clearwater house. Even as they celebrated the life of Harry, the sadness was inevitable in the moment. It clung to the walls, to the floor, the very air they breathed. It was everywhere they went, even if no one had invited it in.  Three hours was far too long for (Y/N). Three hours had been enough for her.
With a final walk around of condolences and sad smiles, (Y/N) decided she had reached her grief limit. As much as she wanted to spend more time with the family, she needed to be able to breathe. If she stayed any longer in that house, she was afraid she’d never be okay again.
But her day did not end once she left the funeral. She had promised Bella she would see her right after, and a part of her regretted agreeing to go all the way to Forks. There was nothing she could think of that could warrant Bella’s insistence that she visit her. (Y/N) knew it couldn’t be about Victoria because Jacob wouldn’t have left the girl’s side for a second. It couldn’t have been about Harry since she hadn’t gone to the funeral. The only thing that she could imagine was impossible and downright infuriating.
And yet, as she rounded the corner to Bella’s street, a car made her breath hitch in her throat. The black Mercedes was unmistakable, and just the sight of it made the girl’s heart hammer against her chest. Not only was it surprising that it was there, but that it was the first time she had heard about it.
Mixed feelings rushed through (Y/N)’s body as she got closer to the house. Just the idea of seeing him unnerved her. But she couldn’t quiet the part of her that hoped it was him behind the door, waiting, expecting her. She couldn’t stop the thought that he had come back for her, to tell her that he had made the biggest mistake of his life by letting her go. Still, that wasn’t the part that was winning in her mind.
Anger quickly surged to the top as she made her way to the front door. Words of ire and disappointment rapidly formed on her tongue, ready to be spat the second she saw golden eyes staring back at her. Because he shouldn’t have been there. He had no right.
“Bells?” (Y/N) called out, finding the door unlocked. “I’m here.” 
Suddenly, a face she had seen one too many times appeared, worry splattered across her face like a stain. It wasn’t the one she was expecting, but it was a surprise, nonetheless.
Before she could say anything, Alice Cullen had her arms around (Y/N) as though no time had passed. It was borderline the softest touch and a bone-crushing hug all at the same time. There was only love and happiness coming from the vampire. But it was something (Y/N) couldn’t reciprocate.
“Alice,” she found herself whispering. Her voice came out in a hush, a tone so low only the supernatural would be able to hear it. “W-what’s going on? Why are you here?”
“Well, I thought Bella had died,” she said. “I had this vision that after the whole cliff diving fiasco, she didn’t make it out of the water. It wasn’t until I got here that I found out a wolf had saved her.”
“And you couldn’t have called?” (Y/N) asked, sounding colder than she intended. “One phone call could have cleared everything up.”
“I wasn’t really thinking,” Alice continued. “And then Rose told Edward what happened before I could confirm anything, and now he’s about to commit the dumbest mistake of his life.”  
“Again, a phone call would work.”
“Oh, you know Edward won’t believe me until he sets eyes on her,” the girl dismissed, pa omg as her head raced with thought, oblivious to (Y/N)’s coldness. “Regardless, he’s not picking up his phone. Goodness, first, Carlisle goes missing as soon as we’re out of Forks, and now Edward wants to get killed. What is happening to this family?”
(Y/N) couldn’t hear anything after the mention of Carlisle’s name. I’m her head, he was thriving in life being a big shot head doctor at some other hospital, he was with his family being the mysterious Cullens somewhere else. But Alice had said he had disappeared. Over half a year had passed, and none of them had heard from their father figure. Not even Alice’s visions had seemed to help the situation.
“W-what do you mean Carlisle is missing?” (Y/N)’s voice broke Alice’s incessant rambling. “I thought he was with you.” 
“Oh, no, (Y/N),” she brought her hands to her mouth. “I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t…”
“How could he just disappear, Alice? Where could he have gone to that none of you know where he is?”
“I don’t…”
“Oh, (Y/N)!” Bella called out as she rushed down her stairs, a backpack hanging from her shoulder. “I’m sorry, but we have to cut this visit short. I don’t know if Alice told you…”
“No,” she spat. “Alice hasn’t said much of anything. At least not anything of much importance.”
“What do you mean?” 
“Well, not only do I come here to find Alice after over six months of radio silence, but now I find out that no one in the family knows where Carlisle has gone.” His name rolling out of her tongue felt bittersweet. It made her heart flutter with the intensity of the bat of a million butterfly wings, but it made her stomach churn as though she’d been stuck at sea for too much time. It was refuge and terror all wrapped up in a beautiful word. “But I guess what interests you more is the fact that Edward thinks you’re dead.”
“I didn’t…,” Bella stammered before turning to the vampire. “You didn’t say Carlisle was missing. All you said was that it wasn’t him on the phone. Carlisle’s missing?”
“Look, I’m sorry. But he’s the least of my worries right now,” Alice exhaled. “Esme has been looking for him and has some good leads. Right now, I care about the fact that Edward is going to get himself killed by the Volturi in Italy. I wish this could have been a beautiful reunion, but it is what it is.”
“Bella, you know you don’t have to do this, right?” (Y/N) blurted. “You are not under the obligation of saving him after what he did to you.” 
“I know,” the girl sighed. “But I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t at least try to help him live. As much as he hurt me, the love I have for him is far greater than our past. Wouldn’t you do the same for Carlisle?”
It should have been an easy answer. Yes. If it meant that Carlisle was alive and well, of course, she would have jumped on a plane and traveled around the world to save him. Yes. Three letters. One confirmation. That should have been easy to say.
But a voice inside her yelled no. As much as she loved and yearned for him, (Y/N) couldn’t say yes. Not when he had ripped her heart to shreds purposefully. Not when he had said things he’d never be able to take back. She should have said no. Just no.
“I don’t know,” she said instead. “Maybe I’m not as strong as you.”
“No,” Bella smiled softly, taking (Y/N)’s hands in hers. “You’re stronger.”
“Just be careful out there, Bells. Even if they don’t return, come home.”
“I promise,” she said. “And I’m sure Carlisle is okay. Esme will find him soon enough.”
“He can take care of himself. I’m more worried about you,” (Y/N) said, squeezing Bella’s hands comfortingly before turning to Alice. “You better make sure nothing happens to her. Leaving us is one thing. But if anything else happens to Bella under your watch, that’s gonna be unforgivable.”
“She’ll be safe, I promise,” the vampire peeped, a shake in her voice that almost sounded like she was terrified. “I won’t let anything happen to her.”
Turning back around, (Y/N) continued. “Be safe, Bella,” she said as she took the girl in for a tight hug. “And I’ll make sure your dad is safe and doesn’t get too angry about your impromptu trip.”
“Thank you, (Y/N),” she chuckled softly. “Whatever happens, we’ll always have the Cullen Discard Club.”
“Best club to be in,” (Y/N) laughed. “Now, go. And be safe.”
(Y/N) wanted to stop Bella. Shake the girl until she finally saw reason. But she couldn’t lie, she understood. As she watched the black car disappear down the road, she couldn’t help the worry that overtook her body as she thought back to Carlisle. She couldn’t help but wonder where he had gone to hide, if he was safe, if he had fed.
It took everything in her to close the Swan door behind her and go back to her home. There was nothing she could do for him anymore, that much she knew. But there was an itch inside her that begged to find him, that called on her to make sure he was okay. It was the same voice she shared with Bella. The love you could only have for someone that had infected your soul.
When she got back, her house was quiet, and it was just what she needed—silence. It allowed her to just be, to just feel—no judgment or anger—just silence. It was so quiet that as she removed her coat, a piece of paper fell from the pocket and clattered softly against the ground.
With genuine interest, (Y/N) picked it up and wondered how it had gotten there until she read it.
This is Esme’s number. Just in case you wanted it.
I truly am sorry for everything.
(Y/N) didn’t know when the vampire had written the letter—not that, with her speed, she would have ever noticed—but a small part of her was grateful for it.
That night, she went to bed staring at the piece of paper, wondering what she would do with it. She could have picked it up and called Esme, gathered as much information as she could to help in her search, joined her in New York, and turned it upside down until they could find him. Then again, she could have done absolutely nothing at all.
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