#league of legends jarvan 4
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elementroar · 2 months ago
Swain x LeBlanc becoming in-your-face canon after 15 years is so important to me
Look, I'm old. Over 35+ on Tumblr is ancient. I played League of Legends back on its shitty original client but had to be through the Garena client on top of that. Back when there was no ARAM, and Dominion was the only alternative mode and you better like it. Back when the actual League of Legends was an in-universe thing, the United Nations of Runeterra except it could actually enforce its edicts.
Swain and LeBlanc were basically created together at the same time. Swain was released first, and LeBlanc followed a month later. World-building back then was primarily through each champion's League Judgements which were basically providing their backstory, and the interrogations by the League to determine the champions' motivations. It's very telling then that Swain featured very prominently in LeBlanc's Judgement.
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This was the first hint of the personal relationship between Swain and LeBlanc, and particularly LeBlanc's personal affection for Swain. These two would have a steady story progression from then on through events reported in the in-universe tabloid the Journal of Justice; with LeBlanc helping to pave the way for Swain to become Grand General. She has been his date, play-acted as Jarvan IV to 'duel' him to start a war, and even body-doubled for him in his final duel to become Grand General.
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I can recall every single instance where LeBlanc and Swain were involved together in some event or major conflict, but it's irrelevant now. Cos all this? Non-canon since 2014. But I bring this up to show you that Swain and LeBlanc's relationship was a very real on-going mainstay of both their characters' arcs for 4-5 years.
But this relationship was actually taken into consideration by Riot when Swain underwent his visual graphic update and lore rework in 2018. See after the cut for the rest of my musing, developer and writer comments, and even some sneaky internal design notes that I happened to listen to.
So when Swain was being remade in his visual graphic update, it included his lore as well, including the major updates to what Noxus would be now.
And despite only LoL fans who read the lore that knew how connected Swain and LeBlanc actually are, their relationship was actually given a lot of special attention by Riot and Swain's then lead narrative writer, Riot Interlocutioner.
The major difference is in Swain's attitude to LeBlanc. In the old lore, it's heavily implied that the reason LeBlanc was doing so much for Swain because she had a deep personal affection for him. Swain on his part, was actually quite indifferent to her after her League Judgement, with their last interaction before the major retcons having her complain how he's been giving her the cold shoulder since he became Grand General (with her assistance), and him simply stating she "has (his) favor, and that is enough".
In current lore. Well. Let's just say Swain now clearly reciprocates LeBlanc's attention. If not hungry for it:
Players who knew their lore were able to ask Interlocutioner directly about how Swain and LeBlanc interact or regard each other now, and well:
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I will say as someone who prefers some aspects of Swain's old design, I do appreciate how the new lore decouples LeBlanc from being entirely focused on Swain, gives her a higher overarching purpose in her own story, and also made her actually the older of the pair despite appearances.
Also, this was her man Swain back in the day. Yup, she was into this. Respect, actually. LeBlanc was all about appearances being deceiving, and her being into Swain despite his appearance was prolly part of the point.
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That said, part of the lore update that was well-received was the exploration and additional depth given to Swain and LeBlanc's relationship, in whatever manner. They now have a clearer shared history - LeBlanc manipulated young Swain into thinking he killed her and the Black Rose, and got him sent on a suicide mission which she expected him to die in. But he returned and ended up stealing the demon she was aiming for to boot. Swain for his part was intrigued that she survived him killing her too. And both have 'intrigued' each other since then.
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May be counter-intuitive to WANT your OTP to become 'enemies' and no longer openly cooperating with each other; but this is the infinitely spicier 'enemies and also lovers' upgrade.
You could say it's already canon that Swain and LeBlanc are a pairing, but a lot of things, like before, are implied and hinted. Heck the funny thing is in current lore, while Swain's affection for LeBlanc is obvious, we're not entirely sure how LeBlanc regards Swain, even though their writer confirms they are both enemies and lovers.
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That's why with LeBlanc's VGU, and Fortiche's involvement and likely portraying Noxus in the next season in Arcane S3, I'm cautiously optimistic of seeing how they could be portrayed. There's a very sexually charged element between them. And obviously we see Fortiche is not prudish about portraying that element in relationships.
I've waited 15 years for my OTP to fuck. On-screen. In-canon. In glorious HD. I'm only upset that Swain doesn't have a true raven form anymore cos LeBlanc was totally a monsterfucker back in the day when Swain could transform into this.
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Oh, and I have another little thing in my pocket. 8 years ago when Swain was getting his VGU, lore reworked etc. There was an official Riot dev podcast by their China team on Weibo. After airing, it was immediately pulled for saying too much ahead of the release. And it wasn't just the standard things, like revealing too much of his new abilities, or lines.
See I listened to that podcast and understand both English and Chinese. And I in fact still have that podcast downloaded. In that podcast the devs started talking about the internal design docket they were given to provide context and backstory as they translated lines that Swain would say to them and in what tone etc.
Naturally, I zeroed in on their section talking about his lines to LeBlanc. I needed to know post-VGU, what did LeBlanc mean to him.
Well, in a word, LeBlanc is his 对象. Meaning his girlfriend/significant other/intended, all the way up to romantic partner. While not as definite as 情人 and 爱人 , it does imply that Swain sees her as his romantic goal. This was further emphasized by them confirming the overall tone of Swain's interactions with LeBlanc is 'romantic'.
Original versions or post-VGU, Swain and LeBlanc are always conceived together as a character pair. I really just hope I get a satisfying payoff after 15 years of shipteasing.
I don't get involved much in League, game or lore, anymore. But this. This is important to me.
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popawritter12 · 11 months ago
Amo tus escritos! Estaba buscando algo así desde hace mucho.
Quería preguntarte- ¿A qué yanderes les importaría tu consentimiento y a quienes no?
Si te hace sentir incómodx escribir algo así, puedes ignorarme.
Author's note: Anon, ¿puedo decirte que te amo?
/english: Anon, can I tell you that I love you?
Also, thank you so much for your very original request <3<3<3!!!
So, with your amazing idea, let me open a new series of posts that I have long needed to do.
It will be called
“In each situation, how would this Yandere react?”
In this case, let's start with 5 archetypes: -Is not interested in your consent. -It's important, but in an extreme case may not need it. -Thinks it is important only in sex. -Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick. -Does not understand what consent is
And, since you didn't specify which fandom, I'm going to list some of the ones I'm in! <3
Let's start with the soft.
Without your consent doesn't even touch you with a stick.
League of Legends
Alistar, Bardo, Blitzcrank, Braum, Ivern, Kalista, Kassadin, Maokai, Nautilus, Rakan, Shen, Soraka, Taric, Wukong, Yone, Karma.
Kengan Ashura
Yoshinari Karo, Haruo Kono, Jun Sekibayashi (<3<3), Mikazuchi Rei, Mokichi Robinson, Suekichi Kaneda, Agito Kanoh.
Stardew Valley
Krobus, Willy, Linus.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Erina, Jonathan Joestar, Speedwagon, William Zeppelin.
Part 2: Smokey, Wamu.
Part 3: Joseph Joestar
Part 4: Tonio, Reimi Sugimoto, Koichi,
Part 5: Doppio.
Part 6: Foo Fighters
Part 7:Lucy Steel.
Demon Slayer
Ozaki, Genya, Nezuko, Mitsuri, Tanjiro, Gyutaro, Gyomei, Tamayo and Yushiro
Mikey (<3) April.
Mortal Kombat 1
Liu Kang, Geras, Smoke, Baraka, Asharh,
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Thinks it is important only in sex
League of Legends
Akshan, Aphelios, Camille, Ekko, Ezreal, Darius, Hwei, Illaoi, K'sante, Leona, Nilah, Pantheon, Pyke, Riven, Ryze, Yoeick, Yasuo, Xhin Zhao, Sarah Fortune, Taliyah, Ornn, Tryndamere, Nami, Janna, Kai'sa, Kindred (sheep), Senna, Udyr, Varus, Garen, Lee Sin, Master Yi.
Kengan Ashura
Kaolan Wongsawat, Saw Paing Yoroizuka, Gensai Kuroki, Ryo Inaba, Seishu Akoya, Takeru Kiohzan, Jerry Tyson, Niko Tokita, Adam Dudley, Ren Nikaido, Takeshi Wakatsuki, Ryo Himuro, Marvelous Seki, and Ichiro Nakata.
Stardew Valley
Maru, Emily, Marnie, Sandy, Caroline, Harvey, Robin, Marlon, Rasmodius, Clint.
Team Fortress 2
Heavy, Scout, Soldier and Spy.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Lisa Lisa, Joseph Joestar,
Part 3: Kakyoin, Avdol, N'doul, Mariah, Hol Horse.
Part 4: Shigechi, Jotaro, Okuyasu.
Part 5: Bucciarati, Giorno, Fugo, Risotto Nero, Pesci, Trish Una, Squalo, Tiziano
Part 6: Hermes, Weather Report.
Part 7. Gyro, Hot Pants, Funny Valentine, Pocoloco.
Demon Slayer
Giyu, Yorichi, Kyojuro, Urokodaki, Kanae, Kagaya Ubayashiki, Kanao, Muichiro, Obanai, Akaza, Sabito, Murata.
Leonardo and Donatello.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kung Lao, Raiden, Syzoth, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Sindel, Li Mei,
Metal Gear Rising
Armstrong, Boris, Sam, Raiden, Courtney, Kevin.
It is important, but in an extreme case could “forget” about it
League of Legends
Ahri, Akali, Azir, Caitlyn, Fiora, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Jayce, Kayle, Kayn, Morgana, Quinn, Rell, Sett, Shyvana, Sona, Swain, Sylas, Twisted Fate, Luxana, Vayne, Victor, Xayah, Zeri, Alune, Olaf, Seraphine, Ashe, Diana, Lucian, Nasus, Sivir, Talon.
Kengan Ashura
Cosmo Imai, Tokita Ohma, Muteba Gizenga, Sen Hatsumi, Naoya Ohkubo, Keizaro Sawada, Julius Reinhold, Sen Hatsumi,
Stardew Valley
Abigail, Alex, Elliot, Gunther, Haley, Leah, Kent, Jody, Penny, Sebastian, Sam and Shane.
Team Fortress 2
Demoman and Sniper.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Straizo.
Part 2: Stroheim, Esidisi. Caesar Zeppelin
Part 3: Polnareff, Jotaro, Vanilla Ice.
Part 4: Josuke, Yuya Fungami, Rohan,
Part 5: Mista, Ghiaccio, Narancia, Abaccio, Prosciutto.
Part 6: Anasui, Jolyne, Pucci.
Part 7: Dio, Jhonny Joestar.
Demon Slayer
Zenitsu, Kokushibo, Sanemi, Uzui, Daki, Shinjuro.
Mortal Kombat 1
Kitana, Mileena, Kuai Liang and Rain.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Sundower, Moonson.
Is not interested in your consent
League of Legends
Aatrox, Bel'veth, Brand, Cassiopeia, Draven, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Graves, Jhin, Katarina, KKhartus, Le Blanc, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Nidalee, Quiyana, Renata Glasc, Renekton, Sejuani, Singed, Syndra, Thresh, Urgot, Vi, Virgo, Vladimir, Xerath, Zyra, Tham Kench, Malzahar.
Kengan Ashura
Karla Kure, Raian Kure, Setsuna Kiryu, Hajime Hanafusa and Yohei Bando.
Stardew Valley
Mr. Qi and Morris.
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 1: Dio .
Part 2: Kars.
Part 3: Dio, Mariah, D'Arby,
Part 4: Yoshikage Kira, Yukako, Akira Otoishi,
Part 5: Cioccolata, Melone, Formaggio, Illuso.
Demon Slayer
Douma, Enmu, Muzan, Shinobu, Gyokko, Hantengu, Sekido, Karaku, Urogi, Zobakuten, Uzami, Nakime and Kaigaku,
Mortal Kombat 1
Bi Han, Shao Kang, Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, Nitara, Reiko and Havik.
Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
Don't know the concept of consent
League of Legends
Briar, Dr.Mundo, Galio, Gwen, Hecarim, Jinx, Lillia, Neeko, Orianna, Rek'sai, Rengar, Shaco, Sion, Skarner, Trundle, Vel'koz, Volibear, Warwick, Zac, Aurelion Sol.
Kengan Ashura
Stardew Valley
Team Fortress 2
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Part 2: Santana.
Part 4: Mikitaka.
Part 5:Secco.
Demon Slayer
Mortal Kombat 1
Fue hermoso, espero que les haya gustado leer esta pequeña lista salida d mi creatividad y del pedido de este anon ;)
/ english
It was beautiful, I hope you liked reading this little list from my creativity and this anon's request ;)
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smashorpassgilf · 2 months ago
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Roles under cut
Accel World - Additional Voices.
Attack on Titan - Mitabi Jarnach.
Baki the Grappler - Hanayama, Vladimir.
Bleach - Sōsuke Aizen, Ganju Shiba, Metastacia.
Blood Lad - Dek.
Blue Dragon - Gilliam, Legolas.
Blue Exorcist - Ryuji "Bon" Suguro.
Blue Gender - Sgt. Robert Bradley, Seno Miyagi.
Buso Renkin - Sekima Hiwatari, Kinjou.
Case Closed - Vodka.
D.Gray-man - Georg.
Darker than Black - Reiji Kikuchi.
Digimon Data Squad - Belphemon.
Digimon Fusion - Dorulumon, Ballistamon, Greymon, Piddomon.
Dragon Ball series - Son Gohan (Adult/Future/Gt. Saiyaman), Pikkon, Narrator, Announcer, Various.
Durarara!! - Horada, Taro Tanaka (screen name of Mikado Ryugamine), Setton (screen name of Celty Sturluson), and Kanra (screen name of Izaya Orihara).
Ergo Proxy - MCQ.
Eureka Seven - Ken-Goh (Ep. 29).
Fate/zero - Berserker.
Freedom Project - Gosche.
Fruits Basket - Makoto Takei.
Fullmetal Alchemist series - Vato Falman.
Ghost Slayers Ayashi- Hozaburo Ogasawara.
Gunslinger Girl - Mario Bossi.
Gurren Langann - Kamina.
Hell Girl - Yoshiyuki Kusuno.
Honey and Clover - Ippei Matsumoto.
Initial D: First Stage - Keiichi Tsuchiya.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders - Noriaki Kakyoin.
Kenichi: The Mightiest Disciple - Tsukuba.
MAR - Peta.
Marvel Anime: Iron Man - Ho Yinsen.
Mega Man Star Force - Omega-Xis.
Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn - Yonem Kirks, Watts Stepney.
Monster - Fritz Vardemann.
Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit - Jiguro Musa.
Naruto series - Kiba Inuzuka, Mozuku, Inoichi Yamanaka, Ebizo, Akatsuchi, Okisuke, Kiji (Shippuden Ep. 224), Mozuku (Shippuden Ep. 231).
One Piece - Nefertari Cobra.
Ouran High School Host Club - Kazukiyo Soga.
Persona 4: The Animation - Mitsuo Kubo.
Pokémon Origins - Professor Oak.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - Tomohisa Kaname.
Rumbling Hearts - Hiro.
Sailor Moon - Priest/Boxy (Ep. 26, Viz Dub)
Samurai 7 - Mosuke.
Shigurui: Death Frenzy - Naotsugu Andou.
Soul Eater - Masamune Nakatsukasa.
Space Dandy - Ferdinand (Ep. 21).
Strain: Strategic Armored Infantry - Mechanic.
Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind - Ryu.
Sword Art Online - Kains (Eps. 5-6, 25), Godfrey (Ep. 10), Patrick (Ep. 16).
Tenkai Knights - Beag, Eurus.
Tiger & Bunny - Mr. Legend, Eric Lyle.
Higurashi: When They Cry - Jirō Tomitake.
YuYu Hakusho - Karasu.
Zatch Bell! - John Owen.
Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher - Cain.
Bleach: Memories of Nobody - Bau.
Blue Exorcist: The Movie - Ryuji "Bon" Suguro.
Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods - Gohan, Ox-King, Narrator.
Fairy Tail the Movie: Phoenix Priestess - Cannon.
Lupin III: The Columbus Files - Burton.
Lupin III: Dead or Alive - General Headhunter.
Lupin III: The Pursuit of Harimao's Treasure - Goering.
Lupin III: The Spirit of Twilight Gemini - Butrakari.
(IMDb)Magnum Farce - Blivit, the sniper - Gov. Arnold Schwartzenhertzen-Geldengrubber.
Manborg - #1 Man (voice).
Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow -Mizore Fuyukuma.
Naruto the Movie: Legend of the Stone of Gelel - Kahiko.
Naruto Shippuden 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire - Kiba Inuzuka.
One Piece the Movie: The Desert Princess and the Pirates' Adventures in Alabasta - Nefertari Cobra.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: The Movie - Tomohisa Kaname.
Tekken: Blood Vengeance - Kazuya Mishima.
Wreck-It Ralph - Ryu.
Video Games
Street Fighter 4, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Street Fighter X Tekken - Ryu.
League of Legends - Ezreal, Jarvan, Graves.
Resident Evil 6 - submarine computer, BSAA soldier, BSAA agent, Umbrella Juavo, refugee.
Guild Wars 2 - Hamar, Great Ginz, Ogron.
Xmen Arcade - all male voices for PS3/XBOX/mobile versions.
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King - Algalon the Observer.
World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade - Blood Elf
Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of a New World - Richter Abend, Dirk the Dwarf.
Sonic: Colors (DS) - Big the Cat
Dynasty Warriors 6, 7, Strike Force, Next - Sima Yi.
Soul Calibur V - Cold Assassin (custom voice).
Devil May Cry 4 - Bael/Dagon.
Persona 4 (PS2) - Mitsuo.
Lollipop Chainsaw - Basketballer, Geek Zombie.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope - Arumat, Crow.
Star Ocean: Second Evolution - Dias Flac, Jophiel.
Fire Emblem Awakening - Frederick, Validar.
Dragonball Z - Narrator, Teen/Adult Gohan, Ox King, Pikkon, General White.
Naruto - Kiba, Inoichi, Akatsuchi, Manda, Ebizo, Shinga.
Bleach - Sosuke Aizen, Ganju Shiba, Kaein Shiba.
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny - Gerard, Goblin Captain, Belzagor.
Saints Row the Third - Tough Guy White Male, White Bum.
Marvel Pinball “Vengeance and Virtue table - Odin, Juggernaut.
Marvel Pinball “Avengers Chronicles” table - Iron Man, Silver Surfer, Odin.
James Cameron’s Avatar - Rai’Uk.
Hyperdimension Neptunia MK2: Clan of Champions -Narrator, various.
Resident Evil 5 - Majini.
Resident Evil 6 - Submarine computer, BSAA soldier, Umbrella Juavo, Refugee, BSAA agent.
Mugen Souls - Soul.
Ar Tonelico Qoga - Hikari Gojo.
Gods Eater Burst - Lindow.
Desperate Housewives - Carlos Solis.
Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland - Guid.
Devil Survivor: Overclocked - Naoya.
Time Crisis: Razing Storm - O’Neal.
Zettai Hero Project PSP - Pirohiko.
Comic Jumper - Benny, security guards, villagers.
Wolfenstein - Hans Grosse, PA Voice (Xbox/PS3).
Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight - Xaviax.
Mad World - Big Bull Crocker, Scissors Man, Ninja.
Wild Arms 5 - Volsung.
Baroque - Archangel.
Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles - Narrator, Nose Demon.
Riviera: The Promised Land - Ledah.
Armored Core: The Answer: Otsdara/Thermidor
Tenchu - Kurogawa, Ninja.
Final Fantasy XIII, XIII-2 - Cocoon inhabitants, various.
Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor - various.
Skylanders: Giants - various stadium attendees.
Soldier of Fortune: Payback - Thomas Mason.
Red Alert 3 - Imperial Nanocore, Allied Mobile Construction, Allief IFV.
Chocobo’s Dungeon - Marris the Fishmonger.
Guilty Gear 2 - Blade, Roller.
The Last Remnant - Zuido.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Dark Tournament - Karasu, M2.
Everquest II - Voidman, Stone Golem, Skeleton, Ogre, Werewolf.
Growlanser: Heritage of War - Zeikwalt.
Dawn of Mana - Masked Guru.
Infinite Undiscovery - Sigmond, Held.
Watchmen: The End is Nigh - thugs.
Golden Axe: Beastrider - beasts.
Bloodrayne 2 - demons.
Enchanted Arms - various.
Baten Kaitos: Origins - Juwar.
Summon Night: Twin Age - various.
Rondo of Swords - various.
.hack GU Part 2-3 - Krewhaha, Skumumu.
Magna Carta 2 - various.
Wordchums - zombie, cat, pig, alien.
Battle High 2 - Jiro.
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asaarii · 1 year ago
the caffeine hasn’t stopped kicking in yet so here’s some random shit abt me ! !
i dont even like master yi like that
he’s just my pfp bc i asked one of my best friends to pick a color and they said green
my REAL league mains include sett, varus, lillia, karma, nami, and nilah
sett is autocorrected to settrigh on my phone bc its funny
a running joke in my friend group is calling champs by their full governments or some dumb nickname
luxanna cockhard (don’t ask)
temu (teemo)
seeon (sion)
jahrvan (jarvan lightshield the fourth)
and if they dont have a last name we add our own suffix (its literally just league of legends)
jinx league of legends
settrigh league of legends
pyke league of legends
currently trying to 100% persona 4 golden
if you couldn’t tell by my writing i ramble a lot ig
used to play ow and mained lucio but stopped bc i couldn’t aim
same logic applies to val
i draw but you’ll never catch me posting in here bc
i adore my friend group snd would do anything for them
im bi 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
my favorite movies are:
everything, everywhere all at once
legend of deification
princess and the frog
i used to be a genshin player but quit mid inazuma bc i simply did not give a fuck anymore
my favorite manga is Sakamoto Days!!
rion my love
hmmmm ive played both fear and hunger games
favorite characters include:
i used to play the piano??
im finally starting to feel tired
but im privy to dc
you see, i an quite the fan of koriand’r, jason peter todd, richard john “dick” grayson, timothy jackson drake, damian wayne, cassandra cain, and stephanie brown
that’s all i got!! feel free to ask abt me and if im comfortable sharing, i will.
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heckinhacker · 5 years ago
I'd like to say that after the lux comics, I'm in love with jarvan IV and garen... so can i have some headcanon with them (x S/O)? (Sfw/nsfw)! and wow, i'm also in love with your writing ❤️❤️❤️
Garen and JarvanIV x S/O - SFW and NSFW headcanons.
A/N: Thaaank youuuuu so much! And Sorry it took me that long :( Them headcanons can be ooc but they’re from my perspective!! 
Jarvan IV
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It was really hard to get through his metal armor and golden crown to meet his real personality.
What I meant is - Jarvan is really distrustful with people wanting to get close to him.
“They mostly want money or fame. Or both.” he once said to Garen, who laughed slightly, patting his back.
He really hoped to find one true love. No matter where are you from or how rich you are, he just wants your heart to be rich with kindness and love. 
Every girl who got close to him was always pushed away, since he noticed his admirers were after throne. 
He almost started dating one of them, but he heard rumours that she used to date one of rich politics, but she ditched him to get into Jarvan’s heart. 
It hurt him, but he managed to do what he had to do. 
When you got to befriend him, he fell for you first. That was sudden. 
He waited for you to confess at first, but you never did.
So he nervously approached you, asking you what do you think of him. 
“Honestly, [Y/N].” 
“What do I think of you…You’re our king, great friend, amazing fighter, kind person and you reeeeaaaally stink when you overwork yourself.”
“ [Y-Y/N!]”
“You wanted me to be honest!!” 
You both laughed, but he sighed, skratching back of his neck.
“I asked because I…I hold great feelings for you. They’re deep and hot, almost stinging, I fell for you and I have no clue what to do with it because I feel like you don’t quite return them. Can you give me answer to that?”
You were shooketh.
But you told him you loved the hell out of him and more! You were just afraid to step into his sensitive spot!
Aaand you started dating. 
Many nobility disagreed with your relationship but they always disagree with Jarvan’s decisions, so he didn’t really cared. 
Shyvana keept close eye on you. You always felt being watched when she was in the room. She was checking if you were worthy Jarvan’s feelings, she’s his friend too, after all. 
He’d love to take you to casual dates, but he’s afraid of being recognised.
So YOU take him to casual dates. Some people recognised him, some didn’t, and even though they did, they didn’t bother you both too much! 
You showed him a lot of new perspectived, made him a better human being. 
He was really thankfull for that. 
He’s a really passionate lover!
Can get his pace speed up, but is not rough. The change of pace is there to spice things up. 
He talks a lot, about how lucky he is to have you, how much he apreciates you, how soon you’ll become second crowned head, etc. 
He leaves hickeys on your thights and chest, but never on visible places. His reputation forces him to keep things clean and discreet. 
Aaand I’m quite out of ideas! Sorry! ^^” 
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Garen is as resistant to flirt as his armor is to any damage.
Like, HOLY SHIT! It was so hard to acknowledge him about your feelings!
At first you tried to be gentle, telling him things indirectly. No progres.
Then you went full flirty, he just thought you were friendly. 
When you directly said, with defeat, “Garen, I think I love you.” with normal tone, he answered with happy tune in his voice “I love you too, [Y/N], you’re like a family to me!”
You groaned with defeat. 
You didn’t had a clue that he just WANTED it not to be true, since he felt great emotions for you too, but he was scared of commitment. 
He was scared that relationship would discract him from his duties, but Jarvan pushed him to just try, talk with you about it. 
And he finnaly did. He confessed to you, telling you his fears and doubts about everything.
“I’m a warrior, [Y/N], I am in army, anytime I can just- HMPF-!”
You kissed him to shut him up. When you both stopped kissing, you grinned at your big now-boyfriend. 
“I don’t mind. I won’t leave you before you leave me. Please love me as much as I love you.”
And sure damn he did. 
He was the softest!!
He’s so big in general, tall, muscular, strong, but he was so shy!!!
Garen is a traditional man, he pretty often was giving you bouquet of the prettiest flowers you could ever imagine. (does not matter what gender you have, trust me) 
He’s literally too embarrassed to hold your hand without him asking you. 
When he does that for the first time in full quietness filling room you almost shouted with excitement. 
He’s getting closer to you, trusting you!! 
He’s very, very traditional. 
He’d ask a lot of questions like “are you alright?” “does it hurt?” “want me to stop??” “how do you feel?”
Sometimes it feels lovely, sometimes it’s annoying. 
Your first time was full of blushing Garen and you giggling about his shyness! 
You thought he was adorable, you sometimes had to tell him not to treat you like a porcelain doll, you’re not made of glass! 
Even though it had it’s own difficulties, it was pleasant time for you both. 
Next times were more normal, but still he tried to entertain you and show you how much he loves you. 
He treated sex not like “Something we must do in relationship”, he’s more of a “It’s okay that we have it if we both want it, but I don’t need it everyday”, it’s healthier for your relationship. 
He’s really kissy, he kisses your forehead, lips and neck a lot. 
A lot.
He’s not afraid to leave hickeys on your neck. He’s really overptorective and jellaous, so he’s glad to leave marks suggesting you were his and only his all over you. 
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tinypurplewizardfan · 3 years ago
RE: the diegetic music post-
So we know pop, rock, and alternative indie come from Piltover/Zaun, but they can't be the only place with modern music, right? Even if they're the originator of such genres, that doesn't mean music can't spread and change over time.
So where does metal come from? It's fair to say Zaun- after all, metal is a progression from rock, and it's commonly inspired by big, industrial sounds. But metal is such a varied genre, with the subgenres being so distinct from each other, that it's fair to say that other regions could have shaped the metal sound.
What I'm saying boils down to this: Power metal comes from Demacia.
You absolutely cannot change my mind on this.
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metalichotchoco · 2 years ago
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I really like the armor design I came up for this princling but the drawing I made to showcase it was lacking in my opinion. Maybe I’ll do a retake someday
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notoriouslydevious · 5 years ago
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League Playing Cards (Spades Cont.) by Pt Crow
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definitelynotscott · 4 years ago
December Recs - Day 4
While Jarvan and Katarina are usually sidelined by my all-consuming interest in Lux, they do have their own special places in my heart. Unsuited for Captivity, co-written by @watchmebitch and @keishid, is a beautiful example of what happens when characters are written by people who love them. You’ll be hard pressed to find better depictions. Fair warning, it’s still in progress, so if you object to pining for the next update with the rest of us shlubs, you might want to hold off until it’s complete.
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whereshadowsthrive · 5 years ago
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Monster Madness commission for @baronnashor! 
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axe-me-darius · 6 years ago
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Sylas , jarvan iv , and darius
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ikleyvey · 6 years ago
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One page comic with J4 and Shyvana!
(@watchbot-locker​ is my main league fanart blog)
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popawritter12 · 6 months ago
that post of yours about how every yandere in league of legends is consenting made me think about how they are when it comes to jealousy I just love your posts
Author's notes: I know, im very young in this plataform, but things in my "love life" make me change a LOT of things in my life, so... I guess that i'm coming back bcs i "come back" to normal.
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Also I had this thought for a long time so... Let me explain it first.
Of course that i will divide it in a total of four categories:
1- Just in a extreme jeolusy feeling, it gonna "take measures".
2- Tries to hide the jealous, but in one point just gets carried away they emotions.
3- Meticulous search of that person, and subsequent kill.
4- Violent reaccion in view of the jealousy.
5- A REAL violent reaccion in view of the jealousy.
So, let's start
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1- Just in a extreme jeolusy feeling, they gonna "take measures".
Alistar, Anivia, Bardo, Blitzcrank, Braum, Galio, Ivern, Janna, Jax, Kai'sa, Karma, Kassadin, Lee Sin, Leona, Lillia, Malphite, Maokai, Master Yi, Morgana, Nami, Neeko, Orianna, Pantheon, Rakan, Riven, Ryze, Shen, Skarner, Soraka, Taliyah, Taric, Wukong, Yasuo, Yone, Yorick, Zac and Zilean.
2- Tries to hide the jealous, but in one point just gets carried away they emotions.
Ahri, Akshan, Aphelios, Caitlyn, Camille, Ekko, Garen, Gragas, Gwen, Hwei Illao, Irelia, Jarvan IV, Kalistam Kayle, Nautilus, Nilah, Olaf, Ornn, Quinn, Rell, Samira, Senna, Sona, Tryndamere, Varus, Volibear, Xin Zhao and Zeri.
3- Meticulous search of that person, and subsequent kill.
Akali, Ashe, Azir, Darius, Diana, Draven, Fiora, Jayce, Jhin, Katarina, Kayn, K'sante, Lucian, Lux, Miss Fortune, Nasus, Nidalee, Pyke, Qiyana, Renata Glasc, Renekton, Rengar, Sejuani, Seraphine, Sett, Shivana, Sivir, Swain, Sylas, Talon, Twisted Fate, Vayne, Viktor, Xayah and Zed.
4- Violent reaccion in view of the jealousy.
Cassiopeia, Dr.Mundo, Elise, Evelynn, Gangplank, Malzahar, Nocturne, Shaco, Singed, Thresh, Udyr, Vi, Xerath and Zyra.
5- A REAL violent reaccion in view of the jealousy.
Aatrox, Aurelion Sol, Brand, Bel' veth, Briar, Hecarim, Jinx, Karthus, Le Blanc, Lissandra, Mordekaiser, Sion, Syndra, Trundle, Tham Kench, Urgot, Vel' Koz, Viego, Vladimir and Warwick.
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And, there are two exception of all of this categories; Ezreal and Graves. Why? Well, First i thought that both of them would really be the 3rd categorie, but then i realiced that... The two of them would TRY to kill the cause of they jealousy, but... They literally kill the "cause" by accident ---or directly didn't even get it---, so... that is my explication.
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Im gonna say it, it was so funny to do this, and I really say that I must be thankfull to all of the Anon's that try activelly to "revive" this side of mine of hiperfilaxion with Yanderism and my favorite games.
Also, I learned to crochet and do pixel art so im guess that im gonna put some of that from time to time in this account. I wish to all of you the best! <3
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theseneschalxin · 6 years ago
J4: Xin Zhao is one of my familys’ most trusted allies! He wouldn’t hurt a fly despite his past! Xin: *stands silently, unflinching* Sylas: 
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Xin Zhao:
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oomoj · 7 years ago
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League Of Faces 2
Bunch of faces I drew from League Of Legends (I randomly generated champs lol)
Good to draw some League again haha
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heckinhacker · 5 years ago
Can I get a hc or scenario for Jarvan IV and his s/o first meeting each other at their political arranged wedding? And she's quiet and shy towards him bc she doesn't know what he's like or if he is interested in his wife at all? But definitely has a fluffy ending for sure!
I like that one! Short scene coming! 
I’ll be adding this to my every next post, but if you like my work you might consider buying me ko-fi! ^^”
Jarvan IV x Fem!Reader -  For Demacia. 
Jarvan had trouble with trusting people - especially “people” who he’s supposed to marry. 
He just hated being a king, but that’s his legacy, his father would want him to take his place after this Mage Rebellion. But now he has other troubles to bare with.
[Y/N] [L/N]. 
Daughter of family which was befriended with Jarvan’s one for decades. (beside Crownguard of course). There was never request like that before to connect those families, but after Rebellion things got heated up in Demacia and it was best option to take, so Jarvan took it. 
[Y/N] since ceremony wasn’t very talkable or even didn’t seemed happy to be with him. He understood why, but still it made him insecure about their situation. Maybe he wasn’t too happy about forced marriage, but he never said he hates HER personally. 
Wedding night was very awkward. They just sat beside each other and none of them wanted to take uncomfortable clothes off. Why would they? 
Jarvan offered her normal Pijamas, so she doesn’t have to sleep in wedding gown. They were in his room, so naturally he lended her his own comfortable clothing. Surprising that a king owns normal clothing, not very expensive silks or similiar to that kinds of materials. 
- Well, being a king is a duty, not wealth. If I could, I’d give everything to those in need. I don’t need silks or expensive coffee beans from Ionia. I need very simple things to wear or eat.
-… really? Your armor looks very…
- Armor is Armor. You wear well made one, or you don’t wear any, but clothing is other kind of thing. 
- Is it…?
- It is. Now, change into those Pijamas, and I’ll take a walk in the hall. Call for me when you’re done. 
Well, maybe he’s not that bad. 
That one dialogue was a start of a future good relationship. Maybe this wedding had origin of politics, but now their marriage is based on love and love only. 
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