#garen crownguard x reader
fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part Four - Finale)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Reader
Warnings: Violence
Summary: Meeting Sylas is not something Y/N ever expected, but the world throws the most unexpected things at you. What will happen when she is taken by him to bargain with Demacia?
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“Y/N, Y/N, Y/N.” Sylas taunted me, circling me with a smirk covering his lips, “Whatever are you doing here?” His finger raised to trace my jaw, “Demacia not good enough? Garen not good enough?”
How did he know...?
“Leave him out of this.” I spat, grabbing his hand and forcing it away from my face, only for him to chuckle.
“I’ll give you two choices, Y/N. You either join me, or-“
“No. Never, even if my life depended on it.” I interrupted him, not wanting to hear his other offer.
“Well, it just might.” He smirked again, binding my wrists together with some sort of magic, covering my mouth to prevent me from screaming as I thrashed around in his grip before eventually falling unconscious.
I awoke god knows how long later in the arms of Sylas.
All I could hear was marching, no talking at all. The wind blew through me, making me shiver. My eyes failed to open, being too drowsy to force them open.
My head hurts…
“Demacia!” Sylas yelled, finally halting. “I have a proposition for you.” His voice boomed, worsening the pain in my head.
I finally managed to force open my eyes.
The first thing I saw was Garen holding Lux back, surrounded by the entire of Demacia.
“You leave me and my army alone, in return for this mage.” He said, dropping me onto the ground which earned a grunt from me. However, my body felt too weak to actually move.
“Y/N!” Lux yelled, doing her best to push past Garen who firmly held her back, eyes not looking at me but instead glaring at Sylas.
“And if we don’t?” Prince Jarvan asked him.
“Then,” Sylas said, applying pressure onto my ribs as I quickly lost my breath, “she dies. Right here, in front of all of you: her best friend, and her boyfriend.” He finished, chuckling at Garen’s eyes widening.
“Garen,” I heard Lux’s voice throughout the entire commotion, “we have to do something!”
“I know.”
“So, what shall it be?” Sylas yelled, finally removing his foot from my ribs as he began to cough.
“We refuse your offer. One mages life is meaningless to us.” Jarvan spat.
My eyes never left Lux and Garen, watching their bodies go rigid and faces fall in panic.
“Very well.” Sylas grinned, grabbing me by the neck and lifting me off my feet. “See here ladies and gentlemen!” He yelled, each second it grew harder and harder to breathe. “Watch before your eyes as this young ladies life drains from her eyes.”
I can’t… breathe.
Just as I was about to lose consciousness, I felt my body fall to the ground, quickly followed by a groan from Sylas.
“Not on my watch.”
I did my best to turn around, and there stood Tryndamere and the entire of the Freljord army, all of them looking ready to fight. Within seconds, they were running at Sylas, managing to pin him to the ground, Demacia’s army running forward to help them.
I felt myself being picked up into a pair of strong arms just as I finally lost consciousness.
“She’s a good girl, Garen.” Was the first thing I heard as I began to wake up.
I know that voice…
“I hope you look after her.” The same voice continued.
“I will, thank you for your assistance.”
It was then I was able to open my eyes, seeing Garen and Tryndamere talking to each other, Lux sat in the corner.
“Y/N!” Lux’s voice caught all our attention and she rushed towards me, pulling me into a tight hug.
I felt wetness fall onto my back, concluding that Lux was crying.
I gladly wrapped my arms around her, having been missing my best friend, “Don’t cry, Lux. I’m okay.” I managed to croak out, throat slightly hurting.
“I-I thought you wouldn’t make it.” She sniffed, pulling away to place her hand on my cheek as though she was checking I was here.
“I’m okay, Lux. Don’t worry.” I smiled, “Are you guys okay?” I asked the three of them, Lux now pulled back so I could see them all.
“You just woke up for the first time in a week and you’re asking us if we’re alright?” Trynd chuckled, patting me on the shoulder in amusement.
“We’re fine.” Garen said quietly, eyes gazing into my own.
We all sat in silence for a moment, only to be broken by Lux.
“Well, I think that’s our cue to leave.” Lux cleared her throat, signalling towards the door while facing Tryndamere who nodded, quickly leaving the room.
“Thank you.” Was the first thing to leave my mouth as the door slammed shut. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.” I admitted, my gaze falling onto the ground as I nervously played with the sheets of the hospital bed.
Garen pulled his chair closer towards me, gently taking a hold of my hand as he ran his thumb across it.
“We don’t know what would have happened had it not been for the Freljord.” Garen smiled slightly, “They were the main reason we were able to detain Sylas.”
“You detained him?” I asked in shock, surprised they had managed to do such a thing.
Garen simply nodded, patting me on the hair.
“Yes, we were.”
I simply nodded, pulling him into a hug.
“So, what happens now?” I asked him as he began to explain what would happen to Sylas, only to be cut off by yours truly. “I mean to me. Surely they won’t accept me for being a mage. Everyone knows, Garen.”
Garen nodded, “That they do.” He sighed, thumb still running across the back of my hand, “But, you’re under our protection and you’re a Crownguard.”
“A Crownguard?” I asked him.
“If you want to be.”
In Garen’s hand was a velvet box, which he opened to reveal the most beautiful ring I had ever seen in my lifetime.
“Happily, Garen.” I smiled brightly which he returned, pulling me into a tight hug.
“I love you, Garen.”
“I love you too, Y/N. I always will.”
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May I please have Yasuo and Darius relationship headcanons for a female s/o?
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Yasuo is a traditional man who’s rather shy and awkward about anything relationship-related, especially now that he’s deemed a fugitive and a criminal.
He’s incredibly grateful that you don’t believe him a criminal, but you believe his story and that he was framed - It helped him trust you.
When/If Yasuo trust someone, he trusts them for life, and now, you hold his heart in your hands entirely.
He would like to take things slow and steady, since he’s not very experienced and has to make things right and proper, and hope you won’t get bored and leave him.
He truly treasures you and wants to learn how to make you happy because you deserve it and he’s in complete bliss every time he sees you because he’s finally found that one person who actually loves him for who he is.
Yasuo would cherish every single day when he can spend time with you, walk through the forest, stay at ease, enjoy a nice picnic and play the flute for you.
Please, for the love of everything right in this world, take off his hair tie and play with his hair - He will fall asleep in peace for the first time in ages.
Please read to him books you love, he’d enjoy it so much you have no idea - So much that he’d read the book himself and then quote it to you every time he’s given the chance, just to see your reaction and/or if you catch on
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He’s very hard on everyone, especially himself, but that’s because of everything that he had to go through.
Everyone knows he has a soft spot for his brother, despite his annoying and narcissistic self, but it’s always been them together, and there was nothing separating them.
If he opens up to you about his past, then you clearly mean the world to him, since nobody else except Draven knows everything.
His heart is very tender and fragile, deep down, protected by titanium walls, so please hold it carefully next to your own and show him that love isn’t a weakness or a disadvantage as he claims it to be, but it can be a very powerful fuel for strength.
Draven would be incredibly proud of Darius and would love to hang around both of you, or even only with you, seeing that he doesn’t really have proper friends, and this is his chance to brag about how cute Darius was when he was young, without fearing that it would embarrass his brother (too much) or anything of the sort.
He would pretend to be annoyed by his brother hanging around with you, knowing full well that he’s going to talk too much and whatever, but when he knew you both weren’t watching, he’d have a soft smile on his face, happy that his brother and his lover are getting along so well, and making him feel like he finally has a family again.
With everything that’s been going in his life, he’d be extremely protective of you (of course, Draven too, but he’d make more of a bravado, letting Darius handle everything) and would try to keep you safe and around him or a safe place as much as possible.
He won’t admit it ever, but he loves cuddling with you, holding you close to his chest and you holding him in your arms, kissing his face and smiling sweetly at him every night you go to sleep, or every day you wake up with each other.
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leagueimagine · 5 years
if requests are open, may i request headcanons for garen and a s/o who's a mage? feel free to skip it if u find it challenging;;
You and Garen have been childhood sweethearts since you know each other, Lux would always tease you and him with that with little songs and kissing gestures. 
But when you reached teen years, your magic powers start to show up, you’re scared but excited about it, you had no idea that it could bring so much problem for you or your family. Still, you went to show Garen, he’d be admired, you thought, but that doesn’t happen. 
You haven’t seen him on years, every little gift he gave you on those good times have been kept, you still love him so much... Sylas know that. The other mage wants you to help him, and maybe taken by the anger you accept help him, Demacia took everything always from you for nothing but fear of your magic. 
Meeting Garen again was not... expected, sure always told you he’d be a general someday but you two just freeze, staring at each other miles apart unsure of what to do, but the battle doesn’t wait to explode in front of your eyes.
While casting spells around, you feel yourself begin pulled asides, Garen holds you against his body with an angry expression but eyes full of worry. “You’re alive.” He mumbled, you two stood there for a second before he tugs you on a tight hug, maybe it’s not just you that still loves him... 
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nightmarerosely · 4 years
Hey! How are you? Could i get a fluffy Garen x f!reader? :)) Maybe he’s on a conquest and just finds the reader just buying things at an outdoor market and they just kinda click? Maybe go on a little date?
Sorry that it take me so long to answer but I got ill, I like Garen so it was fun to write more about him. I hope you like it. ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧
Garen x female
soft and fluffy
Garen is on his way to conquer a Noxian village close to the border. They keep everything relatively neutral, and Noxian soliders are rarely there. So Garen hopes to get the territory without a bloodbath and see the woman who he was looking for.
You walk to the market to buy supplies for your mother she catched a cold and you want to cook for her later, luckily she lives close to you. You enter the bakery and look around ”Hello Mylee. I take the usall and... some sweet bread.“ Mylee is smiling into your direction ”Sure!“. After a few minutes you leave the store and walk to the village center to breath the fresh air, you sit down on the fountain rim. Closing your eyes for a second and just breathing in.
Then you hear people whispering in shock, immediately you open your eyes. You see Damacian soliders with their commander they ride in your direction. You stand up right away and try to focus, shocked you go fast away but try not to run. There are Crownguards, and you totally don't want to mess with one. They want something from your mother for sure and she is not in the constitution for it. Headshakeing you walk to your mother's house she is the village mayor, there aren't kings in Noxus. ”Mita? I'm visiting!“ you hear coughing from a room ”Urgh how did you get ill in the worst moments? Don't hesitate but Crownguards are here, I hope they just pass but when I have to I deal with them I will.“ your mother is sitting up ”Oh I don't know how I manage to, and do you know what they-“ then you hear knocking. „I have a bad feeling.“
You put your hair up and then go to the door.
„May I help soliders?“ you step outside and close the door behind you. „We are here to safe this village from Noxus.“ a blond girl with a stick and blue eyes is talking to you. ”Actully we are safe.“ she looks at you and she kinda lost her words. A quite tall guy pushes her carefully away ”We are here to claim the village for it's own and the kingdoms sake.“ Now you lost your words.
In the village hall you tried to talk about it without standing outside. ”Listen, we're not here to shed blood.“ you sigh ”You don't even know anything about this village!“ The Crownguard men stands up ”Then show me.“ you're suprised and perplexed. ”S-sure. Why not.“ he is good-looking so you feel humble doing something with him. You stand up and walk around the table to him. He is going outside and you follow him ”Whatever is going to happen, can I visit you again?“ you blush ”I-I don't even know your name.“ he smiles ”That's easy to solve, I'm Garen Crownguard. I already know your name, I came prepared. Or am I wrong y/n?“ you shake your head. ”Why ask me out?.“ you can see Garen think ”Thats not how you can conquer this are-“ ”Beacuse I think that you're cute.“ your suprised again. You see that Garens face got some color too.
”y/n?“ you jump up by Garens voice, you didn't heard anything from him in a week because of a war. ”Oh by the gods you're alive!“ Garen sits down and puts his helmet on the table. ”You thought they could kill me?“ he laughed and is joking around again. ”Surely not my mighty knight, I was just scared you've been hurt!“ you play with him.
”Should we go on a date? We didn't for at least a week.“ you smile and brush through his hair with your hand. ”You seem to agree. So then this evening under the tree close to the river. I have to still do some work... So I will leave until then.“ Garen stands up and does leave. What is he up to?, you think.
You grab a long thinn dress fitting for a warm summer evening. The river is kinda the border between Damacia and your village, but the tree is on their side. You go grab your horse from the stable and ride to the tree ”Garen?“ you jump from the horse and work closer to the tree, there you can see something like a picnic with a lots of food. ”Wow that's awesome I didn't expect so much!“ you sit down next to Garen and he cuddles you softly and gives you a kiss on your forehead. Then surprisingly Garen neels in front of you, and grabs a small box from his pocket. Is he proposing?! ”y/n, we know each other so long, do you want to be my wife.“ your eyes are tearing up ”Yes!“ you just say lost for words, Garen softly kisses you again.
Until you two get seperated and further.
Requests Open
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
Garen, what will happen when you eventually tire of the front lines? When your bones ache and your armor becomes too heavy? Will you have found someone to take care of you? A heir to take up the obligation of the Crownguard?
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I’m not sure yet but I will retire when the time comes. As for someone to take care of me, I feel doubtful.
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part Three)
Part One, Part Two, (Part Three), Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Reader
Warnings: Kissing(?)
Summary: After fleeing to the Freljorg, Y/N becomes friends with an unlikely person. As the weeks progress they grow closer, will Y/N return his feelings or will she flee out of fear?
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It was night-time once I finally reached the sewers. It had been a long walk, having to take an extremely treacherous walk to avoid being captured again. But, seeing Lux and Garen in the sewers made it all worth it.
“Y/N/N!” Lux’s voice broke me from my thoughts, gasping as she ran into me to pull me into a tight hug.
“Hi, Lux.” I smiled, gladly returning her hug.
“Y/N.” Garen greeted me.
“Garen.” I smiled at him also, Lux looking between the two of us, slightly confused.
“We found a way for you to leave Demacia.” Lux began to explain, “The sewers are an easy way out, nobody really knows this. You’ll be able to leave unseen, without anyone knowing.”
I nodded slightly, “Thank you.” I whispered, pulling Lux into another hug.
“Come on,” She said, grabbing my hand to lead me towards the makeshift door. “Good luck,” Lux gave me one final smile before turning to leave, only stopping to wait for Garen.
“Be safe, I love you.” Garen nodded towards me, capturing Lux’s attention as she went wide eyed but didn’t stop to say anything.
“I love you too.” Were my final words before I began my journey through the sewers.
By the time I was out of Demacia it was noon the following day. I had no idea where I was, but I knew I was safe here. I could feel it, perks of being a mage I guess. I wandered throughout trees and bushes for a long time, before finally reaching a new place: the Freljord.
I knew that this was where Sylas and his army were hiding out; I could feel it. But, I also knew that I didn’t have any other choice but to venture into the unknown territory. It was that or go back to Demacia and be captured again. I took a deep breath before walking through the gates, virtually unseen.
“Who are you?” A voice asked me, making me turn around.
There stood a tall man, covered in armour which was not covering him arms?
“I’m Y/N,” I stated, “who are you?”
“Tryndamere. Where are you from?” His voice was slightly less intimidating now, having assumed I am not a threat.
He could take me down easily.
“Then why are you here?” He questioned, an interested look on his face, “Let me guess, a mage?”
My eyes widened at the accusation, if it could even be called that. It is true after all.
I simply nodded.
“Well, luckily for you we aren’t like Demacia.” He nodded, walking away but not before signalling me to follow him which I gladly did so. “We simply need strong, brave warriors to fight for us. You seem the type.”
My eyes widened at this: a warrior? I could never be such a thing.
“I don’t know, sir.” My head sunk slightly at this, blushing as he turned to face me.
He placed his hands on my shoulders, moving one to tilt my face towards him.
“I believe in you.”
And that was the start of an unsuspected friendship.
Over the following weeks Tryndamere, or Trynd as I now called him, became fast friends. He taught me how to be a warrior, not asking for anything except my dedication in return which I gladly gave him.
He had been helping me after all.
It had been about a month with no contact from Lux nor Garen, but this was to be expected. They didn’t exactly know where I was, nor would they be able to contact me without arousing suspicion if they did.
“Are you ready for our sparring session?” Trynd’s voice broke me from my thoughts as I glanced up at him from the ground I was sat on.
I gave him a firm nod, taking his hand as he offered me it, pulling me onto my feet.
We soon began fighting, him swinging his fists at me which I easily blocked, jumping back to put space between us. I dashed towards him, hoping to catch him off guard but I didn’t. He simply grabbed me, flipping me over to get me onto the ground but I decided I wasn’t going down alone. I grabbed him around the neck, both of us tumbling to the ground, him on top of me, eyes wide.
“I win too.” I grinned at him, watching his cheeks turn red as he made no effort to get off of me. I simply assumed he was shocked. “Are you proud?” I asked him, hoping for pride from my master.
“I’m impressed, Y/N/N. Didn’t know you could do that.” He winked, chuckling slightly as he helped me up once again.
“Thanks, Trynd.” I smiled softly, blushing in embarrassment as he brought a hand to my face to move a strand of hair. However, he didn’t move his hand from there, instead it moved down to cup my cheek.
“Y/N…” He whispered, eyes glancing down to my lips before pressing them against my own.
My eyes widened in shock, quickly stepping backwards.
“I-I’m sorry, I can’t.” I rushed, quickly running away, ignoring his pleas for me to stay.
I had lost track of how long I had been walking by now. I just knew I had to get away. I didn’t want to, but I felt immense guilt in my gut. I knew it hadn’t been my fault, but all I could think about was Garen.
What would he say?
I decided to take a break, leaning against a nearby tree to gather my thoughts. Only I couldn’t, a voice stating my name stopped me, causing me to turn around to see him.
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Galio from LoL Headcannons!
Do you have any relationship headcannons for Galio (league of legends)? If you don't feel comfortable writeing this feel free to ignore :>
Hope you don’t mind, but both requests were so similar that I brought them together
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He is a statue created by Demacians to defend their country against evil forces that wish to only destroy and conquer what they have built thus far.
He’s been living for so long, only awakened a few times by his people, and as soon as Victory was achieved, the very same magic he was created with made him dormant once again, yet aware of everything around him, having to watch humanity and how ephemeral it is.
Galio realised after a while that he must protect his people for they cannot be fixed, like he can, and so, his whole statue life has been dedicated to protecting...
...And hoping that somehow, despite the decreasing of magic, there would be someone who could save him from this dormant lifestyle he has to endure.
Which is how he met you, the person he cherishes the most in his life, the person who offered him freedom and ability to have a proper lifestyle.
He would treasure and worship the ground you walk on, not knowing how to properly thank you for the blessing you’ve bested upon him.
He is still very innocent and naive about humans, life and the living, so you’d have to be patient and teach him everything, from the basic to the more complex, but never forget that he is eternally grateful and would do his best to show you that every second.
Since he’s so big, he’d create a place only for you, plant lots of fruit trees in a place, and flower trees in another and would take care of this orchard religiously, wanting to surprise you and show you that he’s capable of living a normal lifestyle.
Despite loving to save his countrymen, he hates having to fight and kill, so he’d go to war with a heavy heart every time, still rather skeptical and frightened that the spell would break and he’d have to revert back to his dormant life.
Very often you’d have to reassure him that you still care about him, that you’re not going to get mad and break the spell and so on, but he’s very caring and loves you with every little pebble in his core.
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Can I get some Taric relationship and/or him falling in love in some really simple and plain? I'd love to see anything Taric related :D
((I’m so sorry I was an idiot and hit “Answer privately” without even editing or writing it properly xD Also, hope we can get to play LoL some day :D 
For those who don’t know, I play on EUNE ^^ ))
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Taric has always been a lover and a protector of life, love and beauty, which is exactly why his demise was brought by Demacia and its rulers, who were ever so strict and stuck up in the old ways. 
Once he made his way on Mount Targon, he was finally allowed to be himself and bathe in the wonders of the world, and more, be able to protect, as the Shield of Valoran. 
He’d fall for your beauty, your etherealness, your kindness, the way you move yourself, your grace, your interactions with other creatures…
He’d admire every little thing about you. 
Even if you find something ugly or unsightly about yourself, he’d point out how uniquely gorgeous that detail is. 
He’d literally shower you with affection and love. 
And if you can’t love yourself, Taric would love you double anyways, and would try his best to help you on the journey of finding self-love and acceptance. 
I can see him falling in love step by step…
But it was descending harder and harder and he succumbed to his heart’s desired without even realising. 
But he was happy. 
He was no longer tied to the Demacian’s authoritarian rule, so he could be himself. 
 He could love you and have no regret or restrictions.  
And even more, he could protect you from all the possible harms that could befall you, no matter of what kind. 
 He’s tell you stories of the world and everything he admires in the world, but would be sort of reluctant to be reminded of his time in Demacia and a guard, a hero…
A hero who failed to save his men and let them be killed in their sleep by the Void. 
Taric would appreciate you understanding him and his occasional struggles, and just being there by his side would make him the happiest man alive. 
He would gift you all sorts of gems as gifts and tell you what each of them does to benefit you and what they could protect you of.
And if you keep them and keep taking care of them, he’d be so thrilled and hyped that he can have a part of him shielding you from the evil even when he’s not around physically.
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Little Light
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Sylas X Mage!Crownguard!Reader
Warnings: Violence
Summary: After bargaining with Sylas, Y/N begins to visit him every day to protect her sister, Luxanna. But as the two slowly grow closer, will this affect her status in Demacia?
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The day Lux was born was the day my life seemed to have purpose. That purpose being to protect Lux.
Garen also had this feeling, of course, but not as deep as I did. Lux was my sister, my best friend and the main focus of my life.
It wasn’t until she began to grow older when I realised the reason for this.
She’s a mage…
That was when it all made sense; the reason I had to protect her was in fact because she is just like me. Our type being frowned upon and hidden away in the very place that we call home.
“Y/N!” It was Lux, “I’m heading out, are you going to be okay on your own?”
I smiled gently, giving her a nod, “I’ll be fine, Lux. Go have fun.” I winked, hopefully making her think I assumed that she was going to see a boy.
I know she isn’t.
“I will.” She giggled, and with that she left.
I watched her small frame leave our home, dread filling my body.
I knew that she had been visiting the infamous Sylas for the past few days, and I knew that I had to put a stop to it.
“How?” You may ask, but the answer is simple.
I’ll use myself to protect her.
It was the early hours of the morning when I heard Lux return, the door shutting as quietly as possible followed by soft footsteps climbing up the steps towards her room.
I knew I had to act now.
I waited for around twenty minutes, knowing how long it would take for Lux to fall asleep before making my way out of the window, fully clothed and ready to go speak to Sylas.
The walk itself was quiet, nobody being around Demacia at this time of night, just the occasional guards who greeted me with a plain nod.
It wasn’t until I reached where Sylas was being held that I was finally spoken to.
“And who might you be?” One of the main guards here spoke to me with a firm voice, glaring down at me.
“Y/N Crownguard,” his eyes widened, “I’ve come to pick up something that Luxanna left earlier.”
The man nodded quickly, “There you go, Miss Crownguard.” He said, letting me past immediately, giving me a final nod as the door closed behind me.
It wasn’t long until I found where they kept him. He was behind a giant door, where he had been for a long time now. I took a deep breath before opening the door.
“Well then, what do we have here?” The man, who could only be Sylas, asked me, a sinister tone lacing his voice.
“You’ve been seeing my sister,” I replied the second the door shut behind me, “it needs to stop.”
I looked up from the ground, seeing Sylas chained up behind the door.
“Another mage, huh?” He chuckled as my eyes widened, “Why would I stop seeing your sister? She is quite a joy to be around. What exactly can you give me in return?”
“Anything you want.”
Sylas hesitated for a moment, seemingly taken aback by my willingness to obey to him.
And that was the start of my contact with Sylas.
He brushed Lux off, telling her never to visit again and instead, he began by asking me to visit him daily, just as Lux had been doing.
Each day I brought him something else, anything he wanted, and we somehow became friends.
“I brought you some food, Sylas.” My voice echoed throughout the room once the door closed.
Sylas glanced up from the book he was reading, smiling slightly at the sight of me carrying a tray filled with food.
Dead rats can’t be nice.
“Thank you, little light.” He nodded, placing the book beside him as I walked towards him, a slight blush dusting my cheeks at the name he had given me.
“It’s okay.” I mumbled, handing him the food before taking a seat on the ground outside where he was kept as he did the same, only inside the prison he was trapped in.
We sat in silence for a few moments before I broke it.
“I wish you weren’t trapped in there, Sylas.” I whispered, catching his attention as he gave me a confused look, “I think we would have been good friends.”
“As do I.” He nodded, reaching out towards me, gently grasping my hand, something I never would have expected from him when I first learned of his and Lux’s meetings.
Glancing up at the clock, I realised that I’d had to leave.
I stood up, immediately dropping Sylas’s hand as I did so, a confused look covering his face once again.
“I need to leave. I have a ball to attend.” I whispered, turning to face him one final time.
“A ball?” He asked, “Who exactly are you, little light?”
“Y/N. Y/N Crownguard.” I stated, leaving as I did so, not wishing to hear his response knowing what he thought of the Crownguards.
“C-Crownguard…?” Was the final thing I heard from him as the door slammed shut.
Never had I expected the next time I would be meeting Sylas would be at his execution. Nor would that be the first time I would see Sylas and Lux together.
“You can’t kill him!” I heard Lux yell as I pushed through the crowd to see what was going on.
There stood Lux, defending Sylas who was about to be executed.
The two spotted me, now at the front of the crowd as both their eyes widened.
“She’s a mage lover!” One man yelled.
“Get her!” Someone screamed, pointing at Lux as a group of men ran towards them.
“Lux!” I called, running in front of the group who were doing their best to reach my sister.
“Let us passed, Miss Crownguard.” The group demanded, “Or we might just have to take you with us.”
“Never.” I spat, holding my hand out to cast the men back into the crowd, getting them away from both Lux and Sylas.
I ignored the screams of terror coming from the crowd as I ran towards Sylas, kneeling down to be at his height as I gently stroked his hair, feeling guilty despite there having been nothing I could have done.
“I’m sorry, Sylas.” I whispered to him.
“As am I, little light.”
A loud crash cut me off as Sylas jumped to his feet, pushing both me and Lux behind him to shield us from the broken pieces of what had been holding him just moments ago.
“Y-Y/N?” Lux whispered, desperately gripping onto my hand.
“It’s okay, Lux.” I replied blankly, doing my best to avoid her gaze as I watched Sylas yell at the crowd in front of him.
“Lux! Y/N!” I heard Garen yell towards us, running at full speed towards Sylas, sword in hand.
“Garen, you can’t!” I yelled back, immediately dropping Lux’s hand to jump in front of Sylas, using all my power to push back Garen.
“Y/N, your compassion is usually welcome. But not over him.” Garen glared at Sylas who simply glared back before he rested a hand on my shoulder.
“It’s okay, little light.” He whispered, smirking as he noticed Garen grow angrier at the contact. “He can’t do anything to me.”
“Please, don’t hurt each other.” I begged, tears welling up in my eyes as I pleaded with Garen. “If you’re going to hurt each other, then you have to hurt me first.”
Both their eyes widened at this, seemingly in shock at my demand.
“I never thought I’d see you siding with a murderer, Y/N.” Garen stated, raising his sword.
But I knew he wouldn’t strike.
“Y/N!” Sylas yelled, shoving me behind him, obviously afraid.
Garen simply shook his head.
“You’re a monster.” Garen spat, pointing his sword towards Sylas.
“A monster? That is what you call the man that loves your sister?”
“You love her?” Garen yelled in horror.
“That I do.” Sylas grinned, enjoying the horror on his face.
“I won’t let this happen!” Garen roared, once again raising his sword.
“Garen, please. I love him too!” I begged, the tears now having fallen, racing down my cheeks to see who could touch the ground first.
Both Garen and Sylas looked towards me, their faces softening.
“Do not cry, Light.” Sylas whispered, reaching his hand out towards me.
“What we do is wrong, Garen. Nobody asked to be a mage, they were born that way. I was born that way.”
A ball of light emitted from my hand as I raised it high into the air, Garen’s eyes ablaze.
“Fine.” He stated, grasping Lux to tug her towards him, “You two leave this place. The mageseekers and army are coming now, leave and don’t return.”
“Thank you, Garen.” I thanked him, earning a simple nod as he and Lux darted away.
“Come, little light. We have a long journey ahead of us.”
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fandom-imagines · 5 years
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Lux X Gender Neutral Reader (I know how frustrating it is to have fanfiction for the opposite gender as a girl with a huge crush on Lux haha)
Warnings: Kissing, second-hand embarrassment for Garen(?)
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Luxanna Crownguard, more commonly known as Lux.
Of course I knew the name, she is my best friend after all. Not to mention my crush of three years, but we don’t talk about that. I never do nor have I ever told anybody.
Never plan to.
It’s not that I’m embarrassed about my crush. She is perfect after all. Her long blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and adorable personality.
She is the definition of beautiful, inside and out.
But, we’re just friends. That’s all we’ve ever been and all we ever will be.
Despite how much time we spend together, she’ll only ever see me as a friend; that’s all I’ll ever be to her.
“Y/N?” Lux’s silky voice broke me from my thoughts, “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Luxxy.” I smiled, appreciating her genuine concern.
She cares so much.
“Are you sure?” She asks, tilting her head like a cute puppy would when confused.
I lifted my hand, gently patting her hair to comfort her.
“I’m okay, just thinking.” I smiled, watching her blush upon my touch which warmed my heart and gave me some false hope.
“About what?”
I gave her a small shrug, obviously not wanting to go into it. I mean, she is the person on my mind after all.
I decided to take a look at her. Her hair was slightly messy due to the fact that the two of us had just woken up after we fell asleep during our weekly movie night. Her ocean eyes were still slightly drowsy. My eyes darted downwards to her slightly parted lips that I had dreamed of kissing on more than one occasion. They were pink and plump and everything I had ever dreamed of in a girl. She is everything I have ever dreamed of in general.
Suddenly, the door burst open and a tall man came inside Lux’s bedroom.
“Garen! What are you doing here?” Lux asked, eyes wide at her brothers sudden, and dare I say dramatic, entrance.
“Mom said breakfast is ready in five.” Garen stated, standing tall as he turned and left.
The second the door slammed shut, Lux burst into giggles leaving me confused.
“He totally has a crush on you!” She giggled, making me laugh along.
She’s so cute.
“Garen? Nah. Too good for me.” I smiled.
“You’re too good for him, Y/N. You’re too good for anyone!” She grinned, patting my hair as I had done to her moments ago which lead to me blushing this time.
Does she really think that…?
“Nope, you’re too good for everybody. Too precious for this world.” I winked, trying to play it off casually.
I walked as her cheeks lit up a bright pink, gaze darting to the cream carpet then the pink walls in an embarrassed manner. My eyes darted towards the huge white bunny that I had won her a few years ago. She had kept it in the corner of her room where she could see it no matter what. She once told me that anytime she is down, she looks at it and it lifts her spirits.
That made me happy.
“You mean it?” Lux’s soft voice squeaked, her eyes still looking everywhere but me.
“I do, Lux. I really do.” I nodded, despite knowing that she couldn’t see it.
“Even you?”
This confused me.
What did she mean?
“You’re definitely too good for me, Luxxy.”
Lux shook her head in disagreement, eyes finally meeting mine.
“I disagree, Y/N/N.” She whispered, “You’re too good for me. That’s why I haven’t told you how I feel.” She continued, eyes widening as she realised what she had just said. “Uhm, forget I said that!” She chuckled nervously, eyes looking away from me again.
“Lux…” I mumbled, catching her attention, “What do you mean?”
“I-well I uhm…” She stuttered, “I like you, okay? Like, as more than a friend or best friend. As a partner.” She rushed out, fiddling with her fingers in a nervous manner.
I must have startled Lux when I suddenly pressed my lips against her pink ones, my hand raising to gently caress her cheek. I felt her kiss back, small hands gripping the ends of my t-shirt, bunching them up into fists.
We were interrupted by the door, once again, swinging open and I sharp gasp from behind us.
“A-am I interrupting something?” Garen asked, blushing slightly in embarrassment of walking in on his sister and potential crush kissing.
Lux and I giggled, her hands still grabbing my shirt while my hand fell, lightly holding her hand.
“M-Mom said come downstairs.” He said, forcing a smile before darting out of the room and downstairs.
Lux and I made eye contact, smiling at each other in a comfortable silence.
“I love you, Lux.” I grinned, happy to finally get that off my chest after three years of suffering in silence.
“I love you, Y/N.”
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part One)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Mage!Reader
Warnings: Violence. Probably a few errors as I haven’t had time to proofread this. 
Summary: Lux’s longtime friend and Garen’s girlfriend is a mage. Only thing is, she hasn’t told anybody. When she’s faced with a problem, will she use her powers to save Demacia or let everybody fall to save herself?
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Ever since I was a child I had been best friends with Luxanna Crownguard. I was also close to her brother, Garen but not as close as I was with Lux. There was a reason for this, that reason being that both Lux and I had something to hide.
Our magic.
Lux hadn’t been as successful as I had, but, as she was royalty, this didn’t matter too much. However, if I was to ever be exposed, I would surely be sentenced on the spot.
I could have fled Demacia without a second thought had it not been for the Crownguard family. Lux was, and always will be, my best friend; and Garen? Well… I guess you could say he was my whole world considering we had been together for around four years now.
The crush I had on him began when Lux and I were young. There was only three years between Garen and I which made our friendship grow. We would talk late into the night when I was at their house and Lux had fallen asleep. In fact, that exact scenario was how our relationship blossomed.
Garen and I sat on the lower floor of the Crownguard home. Lux had long since fallen asleep in her bedroom upstairs and I had managed to silently sneak out to my other friends room who I knew would be awake. Garen and I both crept downstairs, communicating which each other through only eye contact before we reached the empty ground floor.
“Hey, Y/N.” The brown-haired man I had become so infatuated with over the years spoke.
“Yeah?” I asked him, my eyes filled to the brim with curiosity.
“Do you think I’d be a good solider?”
It was Garen’s destiny to become a soldier, but this didn’t mean that he didn’t have doubts about himself being one.
I smiled, “Of course, Garen. You’d be a wonderful one. You’re strong, brave and so many more amazing things.”
Garen returned my smile, eyes gazing into my own catching me off guard with the conflicted look dancing around in them.
“Garen? What’s wrong?”
It was then that his lips pressed gently against my own, hand reaching up to cup my cheek. A deep red blush ran up my cheeks, my own hand reaching up to grasp the back of his neck to pull both of us closer.
“Y/N/N, you there?” Lux’s high-pitched voice asked me as we searched around her room.
I had lost my staff a few days ago and it still hadn’t shown up. I was panicking at the thought of somebody else finding it.
“Yeah, sorry.” I mumbled, but loud enough for Lux to hear it.
“We’ll find it eventually; don’t worry.” The blonde-haired girl did her best to comfort me.
I nodded, before checking the time.
Garen was away on a mission to hunt down Sylas and I was praying he would be okay. Sylas was an extremely dangerous man, that much I knew having met him a few times.
It was safe to say I despise him.
“The army will be arriving back soon,” My voice broke the silence we had fallen into, “do you want to go see them?”
Eagerly, Lux nodded. Both of us wanted to check on Garen and the others.
We both jumped onto our feet, before exiting the Crownguard home.
Lux and I stood among the masses of people awaiting the arrival of the army. Most were excited, some nervous and others showing no emotion whatsoever. Me? Well I was filled with anxiety. That feeling didn’t fade one bit as I saw the army, including Garen, running towards the gate.
Running? That can’t be good.
As they got closer, I could see something chasing after them.
I watched in horror as, just when the gates were shutting, something burst through, knocking us all to the ground as people screamed in terror. It wasn’t until I managed to peel myself from the ground, I saw exactly what had gotten in:
Lux and I shared a terrified look as we both noticed him, followed by his army charging inside of Demacia.
I wasn’t even given time to gather my thoughts when one of Sylas’s warriors charged towards me, sword raised ready to kill me.
I jumped back, doing my best to dodge his blows that would more certainly kill me until I fell. It wasn’t long before I heard rushed footsteps from behind me and the man was shoved away from me. I spotted Garen, the running man, dashing towards Sylas, preparing to strike. However, he didn’t hit him. Sylas used his chains to block the blow, catching Garen’s wrist and ankle with the chains that once bound him before knocking him to the ground.
I watched in horror just as I had done moments ago as my boyfriend lay on the ground. That was until I spotted my staff, the one that had gone missing not long ago, fly onto the ground just metres in front of me.
As I looked up to see who had dropped it when I saw Sylas walking towards Garen, Garen’s own sword in hand ready to use it on him.
And that’s when I knew,..
I had to expose myself and risk death in order to save my boyfriend. And so I did with no hesitation.
I quickly jumped onto my feet, holding out my hand to summon the staff towards me, all while I felt Garens gaze on me, watching each movement with his eyes wide in shock.
Once I felt the cold metal in my hand, I quickly used a spell I had memorised, holding it high in the air as a blinding beam flew into the air, distracting everyone. Within seconds, Galio crashed onto the ground, giving us all a few seconds to get onto our feet and behind his shielding wings.
Once they opened, everyone was face to face with Sylas’s army. They were heavily outnumbered; they knew this. And so they fled as quickly as possible. Nobody dared to move a muscle until they were all gone. And once they were, I felt metal clasp around my wrists, followed by a loud clicking as my hands were handcuffed behind my back and I was dragged away, my final view being Lux’s panicked face and Garen’s shocked one.
Part Two
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fandom-imagines · 4 years
Save Demacia (Part Two)
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four
Fandom: League of Legends
Pairing: Garen X Reader
Warnings: Nothing really
Summary: After being captured by the Demacian mageseekers and take to a cell, Y/N loses hope. But when someone comes to her rescue, will she make it out alive?
A/N: There’s probably going to be two more parts to this. I really love this story.
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“You’re with him, aren’t you?” One of the guards spat at me, looking at me through the metal bars of my cell.
I had been here a few days by now, each day I lost hope. Neither Lux nor Garen had been to visit me. I knew that Lux wouldn’t be allowed, locked in her room once again as she had been due to the Sylas incident. But, Garen? I thought maybe he would come. Thinking about it, he probably hates me by now. I had kept a huge secret from his after all.
“I’m not with anyone.” I whispered, tightly closing my eyes to prevent any tears from falling.
“Yes you are!” Another guard yelled, banging against the bars making me flinch in fright.
“Enough,” a strong voice spoke from behind the guards, “I’ll take it from here.”
I didn’t dare open my eyes as I panicked.
Was this it?
“M-Mr Crownguard-“
Those two words made my eyes shoot open where I saw Garen stood in his armour, staring directly at me.
“Leave us.”
After the three guards did as commanded, Garen and I were stood in silence. It felt awkward, extremely awkward to be honest. Neither of us broke eye contact, until Garen spoke.
“You should have told me.”
Guilt filled my body as I looked away, ashamed of being in this cell.
“I know…” I sighed, “But, I couldn’t. I didn’t want to lose you.” I admitted, glancing up for a second to see Garen’s blushed cheeks.
“You wouldn’t have.”
I swallowed harshly, each moment making me feel sick with guilt.
“I’m sorry.” My voice came out as a quiet whisper.
“It’s okay.”
I saw Garen reach his hand between the bars, waiting for my to take it with hopeful eyes. I gladly did so, feeling his give me a gentle squeeze before he let go to walk away.
I expected him to leave, but he simply stood in front of the door, as though he was searching for something. He was, I knew this when I saw him pick up a key. My eyes, once again, widened as I realised what he was doing.
“Garen! You can’t.” I said, shocked that he would even consider this.
“Come on,” he rushed, quickly unlocking the gate to let me leave, “There’s a window, go to the sewers, me and Lux will meet you there.”
I nodded panicked as I headed towards the window.
“And, Y/N…”
“Be safe.” Were his final words before boosting me up to allow me to climb up.
It was as I was leaving when I heard Garen’s panicked voice:
“She’s escaped.”
I ran.
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runeterrankhaleesi · 3 years
So if Demacia is anti magic why does Garen get a pass when he summons a massive sword from the sky to just crash into his enemies. “Lol that’s not magic he’s just harnessing the night of Demacia”
As you said, he’s harnessing the might of Demacia, of course he gets a free pass.
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